Globalization Webquest
Globalization Webquest
Globalization Webquest
There are heated debates about globalization and its positive and negative effects.
While globalization is thought of by many as having the potential to make societies
richer through trade and to bring knowledge and information to people around the
world, there are many others who perceive globalization as contributing to the
exploitation of the poor by the rich, and as a threat to traditional cultures as the
process of modernization changes societies.
View the following images and answer the following questions in each cartoon:
What is it about? (e.g. trade, jobs, cultural identity, social justice, multinational
companies etc.)
Read the following statements about globalization and write your opinion, with
FACTS, of the main idea or purpose in each. What do you think the writer thinks
about globalization?
1. Jobs are leaving many of the developed nations and moving to developing
nations. The money earned helps those developing nations move forward –
more jobs, cheaper goods, more profits for research and development.
Everybody wins.
2. I interact with other people who live in different countries when I’m playing
computer games.
3. Recently we have seen the collapse of undemocratic regimes, improvements in
workers' rights, an increase in environmental awareness and responsibility, and
an increased awareness of fair trade as a result of advocacy campaigns using
social media.
4. Globalization has caused important changes in who makes decisions that affect
our lives as multinational companies have more power than national
5. Differences in local conditions require local solutions rather than an externally
imposed and globally uniform ‘one size fits all’ solution.