Zixi Receiver - Aws Mediaconnect User Guide: Software Version 12.4 Document Version Doc26-450-0002 All Rights Reserved

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Zixi Receiver – AWS MediaConnect

User Guide
Software Version 12.4
Document Version DOC26-450-0002
Copyright © Zixi 2020
All Rights Reserved
Legal Notice
Supported Protocols

Legal Notice
This document contains proprietary and confidential material of Zixi LLC. Any unauthorized
reproduction, use, or disclosure of this material, or any part thereof, is strictly prohibited. This
document is solely for the use of Zixi employees and authorized Zixi customers.
The material furnished in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no
responsibility is assumed by Zixi LLC. for the use of this document or any material included
herein. Zixi LLC. reserves the right to make changes to this document or any material included
herein at any time and without notice.

For more information visit: www.Zixi.com.

Copyright © Zixi 2020 Waltham, MA U.S.A.
All Rights Reserved.

* See back for additional licensing information

DOC26-450-0002 User Guide | 2

Legal Notice
Supported Protocols

Table of Contents
Legal Notice..................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver .................................................................................. 5
Supported Protocols ................................................................................................................... 5
Zixi Technology............................................................................................................................ 5
Latency Considerations ............................................................................................................... 6
Recording Options ...................................................................................................................... 7
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................... 8
Firewall Settings .......................................................................................................................... 8
Bandwidth Availability ................................................................................................................ 8
Source/Destination Devices Compatibility ................................................................................. 8
Remote Connection .................................................................................................................... 8
Logging in to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver ...................................................................................... 9
Activating Your Zixi MediaConnect Receiver License ................................................................... 10
Activating Your Zixi Receiver License – Online Activation ........................................................ 10
Loading MediaConnect Receiver License File - Offline Activation ........................................... 10
Reloading the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver License ................................................................. 11
Viewing Current Zixi MediaConnect Receiver License Information ......................................... 11
Viewing Status in Zixi MediaConnect Receiver ............................................................................. 12
Adding Input Streams to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver ................................................................. 14
Adding a Push Stream to MediaConnect Receiver ................................................................... 14
Input Stream Parameters Table ............................................................................................ 15
Adding a Pull Stream to MediaConnect Receiver ..................................................................... 17
Input Stream Parameters Table ............................................................................................ 18
Searching for Input Streams in MediaConnect Receiver .......................................................... 20
Viewing Existing Input Streams in MediaConnect Receiver ..................................................... 20
Performing Actions on Input Streams in MediaConnect Receiver ............................................... 22
Stopping/Starting Incoming Streams in MediaConnect Receiver ............................................ 22
Editing Input Settings in MediaConnect Receiver .................................................................... 22
Deleting Input Streams from MediaConnect Receiver ............................................................. 22
Duplicating an Input Stream in MediaConnect Receiver .......................................................... 23

3 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

Legal Notice
Supported Protocols

Adding Analysis to an Input Stream .......................................................................................... 23

Adding Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver.............................................................................. 24
Adding an Output .................................................................................................................. 24
Creating Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver ............................................................................... 25
Creating a UDP Output ............................................................................................................. 25
Output Parameters Table ..................................................................................................... 26
Creating a TCP Output .............................................................................................................. 27
Output Stream Parameters Table ......................................................................................... 28
Searching for Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver ................................................................... 30
Viewing Existing Outputs in Zixi MediaConnect Receiver ........................................................ 30
Viewing Output Statistics in Zixi MediaConnect Receiver ........................................................ 31
Performing Actions on Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver ......................................................... 33
Stopping/Starting Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver ............................................................ 33
Editing Output Settings in MediaConnect Receiver ................................................................. 33
Deleting Outputs from MediaConnect Receiver ...................................................................... 33
Duplicating Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver....................................................................... 33
Switching Inputs in MediaConnect Receiver ............................................................................ 34
MediaConnect Receiver Settings .................................................................................................. 35
MediaConnect Receiver General Settings ................................................................................ 35
MediaConnect Receiver SSH Connections Settings .................................................................. 38
MediaConnect Receiver Logging Settings ................................................................................. 39
MediaConnect Receiver ASI Settings ........................................................................................ 40
Viewing MediaConnect Receiver Events Log ................................................................................ 41

DOC26-450-0002 User Guide | 4

Introduction to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver
Supported Protocols

Introduction to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver

Zixi protocol is a content and network-aware protocol that dynamically adjusts to varying
network conditions and employs error correction techniques for error-free video streaming
over IP. The Zixi protocol is suitable for most applications, especially use cases that involve
longer distances and challenging network conditions. AWS Elemental MediaConnect combines
Zixi's reliable video transport with its highly secure stream sharing and real-time network traffic
and video monitoring that allows users to focus on content, not transport infrastructure.

To enable Zixi protocol protection across the entire delivery path, you need to use the Zixi
protocol as part of the contribution segment to AWS Elemental MediaConnect and as part of
the distribution segments from AWS Elemental MediaConnect. Zixi is integrated in a wide
variety of devices for both encoding and decoding video content. However, if your encoder
does not include an embedded Zixi component (i.e. cannot output a Zixi-protected stream), you
can use the Zixi MediaConnect Feeder software. And in the distribution end, if your decoder
(IRD) does not include Zixi, you can use the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver. Both Zixi
MediaConnect Feeder and Zixi MediaConnect Receiver can be installed on-premise and on the

Supported Protocols
Zixi MediaConnect Receiver resides at the point of distribution. The following protocols are


• Push – the stream is pushed from AWS MediaConnect to the AWS MediaConnect
• Pull – the stream is pulled by the AWS MediaConnect Receiver from AWS MediaConnect



Zixi Technology
Zixi’s transport stream protocol is a content and network-aware protocol that dynamically
adjusts to varying network conditions and employs error correction techniques for error-free
video streaming over IP. With minimum overhead to physical bandwidth, this dynamic
mechanism provides low end-to-end latency, removes jitter, recovers and re-orders packets,
smooths video delivery and regenerates video to its original form, all in real-time.

5 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

Introduction to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver
Latency Considerations

Zixi delivers outstanding performance (at low predictable latency), superior reliability (no
packet loss) and broadcast-grade video quality (SD, HD, and UHD) with no tradeoffs to delay,
resolution or stutter.
Streaming from one Zixi-enabled device/server to another Zixi-enabled device/server protects
the stream from quality degradations along the path. It enables the streaming of high-quality
video over any distance, while overcoming the varying network conditions of the public
Internet, where the amount of network errors, packet loss, jitter and out-of-order packets
fluctuate "every second".
The Zixi transport stream protocol can also be deployed on part of the path. For example, from
a Zixi Feeder to a Zixi Broadcaster (Zixi protected path) and on to the end user through UDP or
RTMP. In this case, the path that has challenging conditions (e.g. long distance or unstable
wireless conditions) will be protected by Zixi and then delivered on to the end-user on a
standard UDP or RTMP protocol.
Zixi’s transport stream technology includes the following features for ultimate quality and
• Network sensing
• Dynamic de-jitter
• MPEG specific optimizations
• Z-ARQ error recovery
• Z-FEC - Dynamic content aware forward error correction
• Active multi-path error recovery
• Adaptive bitrate over UDP, unicast or multicast
• Rate control and congestion avoidance
• 256-bit AES transport encryption

Latency Considerations
Latency defines the delay in which the video stream will be delivered to the end-point. This
delay is essentially a buffer that is used for additional processing, thereby improving the quality
of video stream. The latency should be considered based on the importance of immediacy. For
example, if the video requires interaction (e.g. between a reporter in the field and an anchor in
the studio), the latency should be set to a minimum so that the interaction does not suffer from
any delay.
Latency can vary from tens of milliseconds to several seconds.
Zixi protocol can provide a delay of a single frame (30ms), while increasing the latency to
provide more robustness for the error-recovery.
In low latency (below 1500ms) the error recovery is based on a hybrid approach of FEC and
ARQ. FEC will add overhead of up to 30% (adaptive–without congesting the network).

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Introduction to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver
Recording Options

To allow sufficient error-recovery it is recommended to set the Latency at least 3 times larger
than the RTT (i.e Latency >= 3* RTT)
Latency can be set to any value; we recommend two common modes:
1. Interactive mode - 500ms
2. Non-interactive mode – 4000ms
Latency below 1500ms will add an FEC overhead of up to 30%.

Recording Options
Live stream inputs can be stored as MPEG-TS files to a local disk drive or to a mounted drive.

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Firewall Settings

Before you begin using Zixi MediaConnect Receiver, make sure you prepare your deployment
by following the instructions below.

Firewall Settings
• Make sure UDP traffic coming to and from the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver is not
• External firewall should allow communication on UDP port 2088 (inbound & outbound).
• Remote web management should allow TCP port 4444.
• Make sure outgoing TCP 80 to license.zixi.com and UDP 53 to your DNS server.

Bandwidth Availability
Verify that both the uplink and downlink internet bandwidth are sufficient to carry the feeds.

Source/Destination Devices Compatibility

Verify that the MPEG-TS coming from your source device (Encoder/Mux/IRD/Playout, etc.) is
compatible with the destination device (IRD/Playout/etc.).

Remote Connection
Allow SSH or TeamViewer Ver.10 remote connection details for support issues.

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Logging in to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver
Remote Connection

Logging in to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver

 To log in to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver:
1. From your web browser, navigate to: http://localhost:4444
A user authentication window opens.
2. In the User Name field, type admin and in the Password field, type '1234'.
3. Click OK.

9 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

Activating Your Zixi MediaConnect Receiver License
Activating Your Zixi Receiver License – Online Activation

Activating Your Zixi MediaConnect Receiver

In order to start using Zixi MediaConnect Receiver, you must first activate your license.

Activating Your Zixi Receiver License – Online Activation

When logging in for the first time to a Zixi MediaConnect Receiver, you must activate the
 To Activate the License using a License Key:
1. In the Status page of the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver, click Options in the menu bar.
The drop-down menu is displayed.

2. Click Activate License.

The Activate License window appears.

3. Enter your Activation Key and click Activate.

Once entered, The Zixi MediaConnect Receiver is enabled.

Loading MediaConnect Receiver License File - Offline

If you want to activate your license without an internet connection, you can upload a license
file. To obtain a license file, please contact Zixi support.
 To Load the License File:
1. In the Status page of the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver, click Options in the menu bar.
2. Click Load License. The directory of the local drive opens.

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Activating Your Zixi MediaConnect Receiver License
Reloading the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver License

3. Select the license file and click Open.

4. A prompt window instructs you to Reload the license to activate the license. See
Reloading the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver License.

Reloading the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver License

In the event that your license expires, you must re-enter a new Zixi license key.
 To Reload the License:
1. In the Status page of the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver, click Options in the menu bar.
The drop-down options menu is displayed.
2. Click Reload.
The license is reloaded.

Viewing Current Zixi MediaConnect Receiver License

You can view the current license information on the Status page in the License Information
section. See Viewing Status in Zixi MediaConnect .

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Viewing Status in Zixi MediaConnect Receiver
Viewing Current Zixi MediaConnect Receiver License Information

Viewing Status in Zixi MediaConnect Receiver

The Status page shows information about the current status of your Zixi MediaConnect
Receiver and includes the following sections:
• General - the General section shows basic machine information and aggregated
statistics for all input and output streams.
• License Information - the License Information section shows the current status of your
• Network Status - the Network Status section displays network utilization statistics for
inputs and outputs over time.

The Information shown on the Status page is described in the following table:

Field Description


ID The Zixi MediaConnect Receiver ID number.

Host ID Displays the ID of Zixi MediaConnect Receiver host.

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Viewing Status in Zixi MediaConnect Receiver
Viewing Current Zixi MediaConnect Receiver License Information

Displays the time that the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver began to actively
Start Time
stream content.

Uptime The duration of time that the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver is running.

Inputs The number of current active inputs.

Outputs The number of current active outputs.

Remote In [kbps] The cumulative traffic received (in Kbps) from remote sources

The cumulative traffic received (in Kbps) from local sources (e.g. streamed
Local In [kbps]
from a local file)

Remote Out [kbps] The cumulative traffic transmitted (in Kbps) from remote sources

The cumulative traffic transmitted (in Kbps) from local sources (e.g. streamed
Local Out [kbps]
from a local file)

kBytes Received The cumulative traffic received (in Kbps).

kBytes Sent The cumulative traffic transmitted (in Kbps).

Active – the RTMP server has been enabled (Settings > RTMP Server)
RTMP Server
Off – the RTMP server has been disabled (Settings > RTMP Server)

License Info

Product The product name.

Status OK – the license is active

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Adding Input Streams to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver
Adding a Push Stream to MediaConnect Receiver

Adding Input Streams to Zixi MediaConnect

You can add input streams to the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver from one of the following
• Push - the stream is pushed from AWS MediaConnect to the AWS MediaConnect
• Pull - the stream is pulled by the AWS MediaConnect Receiver from AWS

Adding a Push Stream to MediaConnect Receiver

This enables the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver to receive a Push stream from AWS
 To Add a Push Stream:
1. In the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver Inputs page, click the + New Input button in the
Menu bar.
The Add Input window is displayed:

2. Enter the unique Stream ID (an internal name) for the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver.
3. Select Push for the Input Source.
4. If the stream is password protected, enter the stream's Password (must be identical to
the string configured on AWS MediaConnect).
5. Specify the maximal latency in milliseconds that will override the latency that was
defined in AWS MediaConnect. Default: Remote configuration (i.e. use the latency was
set in AWS MediaConnect).
6. Specify the Stream Parameters (see Input Stream Parameters Table).

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Adding Input Streams to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver
Adding a Push Stream to MediaConnect Receiver

7. Click OK.
The “Input added” message appears on the top of the screen.
The Push Stream is added to the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver and now appears in the list
of Input streams available.

Input Stream Parameters Table

Parameter Description

Stream ID Specify the internal name for the input stream.


If the stream is password protected, enter a password string to use for

Password authentication (must be identical to the string configured on the AWS

Specify the maximal latency in milliseconds that will override the latency
Latency that was defined in AWS MediaConnect. Default: Remote configuration
(i.e. use the latency was set in AWS MediaConnect).

If the stream has been encrypted, select this checkbox to decrypt the
Decrypt Stream

Decryption type
(for Decrypt Specify the type of encryption that is being used in the stream.
stream enabled)

Decryption key
(for Decrypt Specify the key for decryption.
stream enabled)

Select this checkbox to enable recording of the stream

Max recorded file

Specify the maximum time allotted for recording a video stream. Default: 2

Keep recorded
files for Specify the maximum time for storing the recording. Default: 0 hours

Optionally specify a storage location for the recorded files that is relative
Custom Path to the root folder. This location bypasses the location specified as the root
folder in the Settings > General screen.

15 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

Adding Input Streams to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver
Adding a Push Stream to MediaConnect Receiver

Specify the file name pattern that Zixi will use to generate when saving the
recorded content. A separate file will be generated for each recording up
to the time specified in the Max recorded file duration parameter (see
above). After this duration a new file will be generated.
The file name pattern can include any string and up to five variables listed
below. Only the %T=HH.MM.SS creation time is mandatory. You can
change the order of these variables and add text as long as you maintain
File Name the legitimate structure of the file in Linux and Windows:
Template • %S=stream id - optional.
• %Y=year - optional
• %M=month - optional
• %D=day - optional
• %T=HH.MM.SS creation time - mandatory
For example, the following pattern %Y_recording%T.ts will generate the
following file name 2017_recording15:32:35.ts.

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Adding Input Streams to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver
Adding a Pull Stream to MediaConnect Receiver

Adding a Pull Stream to MediaConnect Receiver

This creates a Pull Input stream so the stream will be pulled by the AWS MediaConnect
Receiver from AWS MediaConnect.
 To Add a Pull Stream:
1. In the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver Inputs page, click the + New Input button in the
Menu bar.
The Add Input window is displayed:

2. Enter the unique Stream ID (an internal name).

3. Select Pull for the Input Source.
4. Specify the Stream Parameters (see Input Stream Parameter Table).
5. You can decrypt an encrypted stream as it enters the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver. To
decrypt a stream, select the Decrypt Stream checkbox and fill in the parameters as
described in the Input Stream Parameter Table below.
6. If you want to configure the Recording Parameters, specify them in the respective fields
(see Input Stream Parameter Table).
7. Click OK.
The “Input added” message appears on the top of the screen.
The Pull Input is added and now appears in the list of streams available in the inputs

17 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

Adding Input Streams to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver
Adding a Pull Stream to MediaConnect Receiver

Input Stream Parameters Table

Parameter Description

Enter the IP Address of the remote AWS MediaConnect server. Note

Host that additional (failover) destinations can be added by clicking the
adjacent “+” button

Enter the port through which the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver receives
the stream from AWS MediaConnect server. Default: 2088
Port The default input port is UDP port 2088. This port must be open on any
firewalls between and Zixi MediaConnect Receiver other devices it is
communicating with.

Stream Enter the unique stream ID from the source AWS MediaConnect server.

If the stream is password protected, enter a password string to use for

authentication (must be identical to the string configured on the AWS

Specify the maximal latency in milliseconds that will override the

Latency latency that was defined in AWS MediaConnect. Default: Remote
configuration (i.e. use the latency was set in AWS MediaConnect).

Ignore TLS When this option is selected, Zixi MediaConnect Receiver will ignore the
certificate TLS certificate errors and transmit the stream to its destination.

Select from the drop-down list the local IP address to be used for this
Bind to IP
Input, OR select Any to enable any IP to be used.

If the stream has been encrypted, select this checkbox to decrypt the
Decrypt Stream

Decryption type
(for Decrypt Specify the type of encryption that is being used in the stream.
stream enabled)

Decryption key (for

Decrypt stream Specify the key for decryption.

Select this checkbox to enable recording of the stream

Max recorded file

Specify the maximum time allotted for recording a video stream.
duration [HH:MM]:
Default: 2 hours

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Adding Input Streams to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver
Adding a Pull Stream to MediaConnect Receiver

Keep recorded files

Specify the maximum time for storing the recording. Default: 0 hours
for [HH:MM]:

Optionally specify a storage location for the recorded files that is

Custom Path relative to the root folder. This location bypasses the location specified
as the root folder in the Settings > General screen.

Specify the file name pattern that Zixi will use to generate when saving
the recorded content. A separate file will be generated for each
recording up to the time specified in the Max recorded file duration
parameter (see above). After this duration a new file will be generated.
The file name pattern can include any string and up to five variables
listed below. Only the %T=HH.MM.SS creation time is mandatory. You
can change the order of these variables and add text as long as you
File Name maintain the legitimate structure of the file in Linux and Windows:
Template • %S=stream id - optional.
• %Y=year - optional
• %M=month - optional
• %D=day - optional
• %T=HH.MM.SS creation time - mandatory
For example, the following pattern %Y_recording%T.ts will generate the
following file name 2017_recording15:32:35.ts.

19 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

Adding Input Streams to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver
Searching for Input Streams in MediaConnect Receiver

Searching for Input Streams in MediaConnect Receiver

 To Search for an Input Stream:
• In the Inputs page of Zixi MediaConnect Receiver, type in the specific input stream
name in the search text box on the left- hand top of the screen and click .
The Input screen displays the requested output stream(s).

Viewing Existing Input Streams in MediaConnect Receiver

The Inputs page displays all the input streams that have been created.

Any of the columns in the following table can be sorted in ascending/descending order by
clicking on its heading.
The Search text box in the upper left-hand side of the screen can be used to search for a
specific input stream by entering the desired Stream ID.

Field Description

Status Displays the status of the input stream. The following colored indicators
are displayed:
• Green = Connected
• Yellow = Connecting
• Red = Disconnected with an error condition
• Blue = Offline with no connection attempts
• Grey = Offline and stopped

ID Displays the unique ID of the Input stream as defined in Zixi MediaConnect


Source Displays the source host and port number or file name.

Bitrate [kbps] Displays bitrate of the connected input stream.

Up time Displays the amount of time that the stream is live.

DOC26-450-0002 User Guide | 20

Adding Input Streams to Zixi MediaConnect Receiver
Viewing Existing Input Streams in MediaConnect Receiver

TR 101 290 Displays if the TR 101 290 Analyzer is active and the P1 and P2 status.

Error P1 and P2 are error priorities.

Outputs Displays the number of outputs related to the input.

21 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

Performing Actions on Input Streams in MediaConnect Receiver
Stopping/Starting Incoming Streams in MediaConnect Receiver

Performing Actions on Input Streams in

MediaConnect Receiver
From the Inputs screen you have centralized control on the input streams and can do the

Stopping/Starting Incoming Streams in MediaConnect

 To Stop/Start an Input Streams:
1. In the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver Inputs page, click the menu button for the
incoming stream that you want to start or stop.
2. In the drop-down menu, click Start/Stop (depending on the activity of the stream). The
Input stream in that row is either started or stopped.
To continue the stream, click again.

Editing Input Settings in MediaConnect Receiver

You can edit an input stream which has been previously configured.
 To Edit Input Settings:
1. In the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver Inputs page, click the menu button for the
incoming stream that you want to edit.
2. In the drop-down menu, click Edit. The stream details window of the input selected is
3. Make the necessary modifications and click OK.
The newly modified input takes effect.

Deleting Input Streams from MediaConnect Receiver

 To Delete Input Streams from Zixi MediaConnect Receiver:
1. In the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver Inputs page, click the menu button for the
incoming stream that you want to delete.
2. In the drop-down menu, click Delete.
3. The input stream in that row is deleted.

DOC26-450-0002 User Guide | 22

Performing Actions on Input Streams in MediaConnect Receiver
Duplicating an Input Stream in MediaConnect Receiver

Duplicating an Input Stream in MediaConnect Receiver

In the event that there are similar channels coming from the same source, you can duplicate
the configuration and make minor modifications.
 To Duplicate the Configuration of an Input Stream:
1. In the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver Inputs page, click the menu button for the
incoming stream that you want to duplicate.
2. In the drop-down menu, click Duplicate.
The Stream details windows opens with similar parameters to the original stream.
3. Type the new Input ID and make any additional modifications that you want.
4. Click OK.
The duplicate input stream with its new settings is created.

Adding Analysis to an Input Stream

A TR 101 290 analysis can be added to the input stream for monitoring the TS while in
operation. The analysis can be used to check the integrity of the TS and the most important
elements of the stream. The analysis includes priority 1 and 2.
 To Start Analysis of the Input Stream:
1. In the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver Inputs page, click the menu button for the
incoming stream that you want to analyze.
2. In the drop-down menu, click Analyze. The statuses of a P1 (priority-1 errors) and P2
(priority-2 errors) are indicated by an adjacent green or red button displayed in the
Analyzer column. A green notification temporarily appears on the top of the screen.
You can view the detailed analysis by clicking on the adjacent stethoscope icon. The
Stream Analysis screen is displayed:

The following actions can be done on the Stream Analysis screen:

23 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

Performing Actions on Input Streams in MediaConnect Receiver
Adding Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver

• Refresh – refreshes the data that is displayed.

• Reset – resets all the field’s values to zero.
Clicking Stop Analysis in the drop-down menu discontinues the analysis.

Adding Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver

This section describes how to add an output to a specific input stream as an alternative method
(shortcut) as opposed to configuring it through the Outputs screen.
The available types of outputs are:
• UDP – Target is a UDP stream.
• TCP - The TCP output can push the stream directly to a TCP socket or to an HTTP server.

Adding an Output
 To Add an Output:
1. In the Navigation menu, click the Inputs tab.
2. Click the Actions button , and then click New Output. The New Output window with
the settings of the selected output stream is displayed
3. In the drop-down menu, click New Output. The New Output window with the settings
of the selected output stream is displayed.

4. Follow the specific instructions of each output type from one of the following sections:
• Creating a UDP Output
• Creating a TCP Output
5. Click OK.
The New Output with its new settings takes effect.

DOC26-450-0002 User Guide | 24

Creating Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver
Creating a UDP Output

Creating Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver

Zixi MediaConnect Receiver supports the following output types:
• UDP – Target is a UDP or RTP stream, over unicast or multicast.
• TCP - The TCP output can push the stream directly to a TCP socket or to an HTTP server.

Creating a UDP Output

This enables the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver to send a UDP stream. The UDP stream is not
protected by the Zixi protocol. The UDP streams can be one of the following types:
• UDP – plain UDP
• RTP – Real-Time Transport Protocol
• RTP + SMPTE 2022 FEC - SMPTE 2022 standard with Forward Error Correction
 To Create a UDP Output:
1. In the Outputs page of Zixi MediaConnect Receiver, click the + New Output button in
the menu bar.
The New Output window is displayed:

2. Enter the unique Output Name that you want to configure on the MediaConnect
3. Select the Input Stream from the drop-down list.

The drop-down list consists of all previously configured inputs in the

MediaConnect Receiver.

25 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

Creating Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver
Creating a UDP Output

4. Specify the Output parameters (see Output Stream Parameters Table)

5. Specify additional parameters as necessary (see Output Stream Parameters Table).
6. If you want to remux the stream to CBR (used for professional IRDs) in order to avoid
bandwidth waste, select Remuxing and configure the respective parameters (see
Output Stream Parameters Table)
7. Select the Enable decryption checkbox to decrypt the Output stream (see Output
Stream Parameters Table).
8. Click OK.
The New Output with its new settings takes effect.

Output Parameters Table

Parameter Description

Output Name Specify the unique name of the stream.

Input Stream Select the Input which has been previously configured as Input. You can
assign an input stream later, by selecting None, assign later.

Output Parameters

Host The destination IP address or URL.

Port Specify the target UDP port.

TTL Specify the time-to-live (TTL). Used mainly to limit the range (or
“scope”) of a multicast transmission. Leaving it as blank uses the
default value specified by the operating system.

Smoothing Enables transmission of the output at the correct rate. Required when
the receiving device is sensitive and can’t lock on to the stream (in such
a case, the recommended latency is 100 - 1000 ms).

RTP Enables use of the Real-time Transport Protocol.

Bind to IP Select from the drop-down list the local IP address to be used for this
Output, OR select Any to enable any IP to be used.

Local Port Specify from which local port to source the stream, if desired (instead
of randomly chosen by the operating system).

ReMuxing Select this checkbox to enable remuxing from VBR MPEG-TS to MPEG-TS
CBR (used for professional IRDs).

Remux to bitrate
Specify the CBR bitrate to target for a remuxed stream.

DOC26-450-0002 User Guide | 26

Creating Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver
Creating a TCP Output

Parameter Description

Buffer Size [ms] Specify the size of the buffer that will be used for the remixing. A larger
buffer increases the quality, but also increases latency.

Enable Decryption Select this checkbox to decrypt an encrypted stream.

Decryption type If the stream has been encrypted, you can decrypt through the output
by selecting this checkbox and specifying the type of encryption that
was used.
Select Automatic to decrypt a stream that has been encrypted using
Automatic encryption.
Only if the stream has not been encrypted, select None (default).
Important Notice: if the stream has been encrypted you must decrypt it
in the output.

Decryption key If the decryption type includes a key, enter the key to decrypt the
stream during output.

Creating a TCP Output

TCP protocol provides reliable transmission guarantee for no loss of frame. Its bandwidth
probing and congestion control will attempt to use all of the available bandwidth between the
server and client, fetching content as quickly as possible while being friendly to other (TCP)
traffic on the same links. The TCP output can push the stream directly to a TCP socket or to an
HTTP server.
 To Create a TCP Output:
1. In the Outputs page of Zixi MediaConnect Receiver, click the + New Output button in
the menu bar.

27 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

Creating Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver
Creating a TCP Output

The New Output window is displayed:

2. Type in the unique identifier for this output in the Output Name.
3. Select an Input Stream to be made available on this output from the adjacent drop-
down list.
4. Select TCP.
5. Specify the Output parameters (see Output Stream Parameters Table).
6. If the target is an HTTP server, select the HTTP checkbox. In this case, HTTP headers will
be added to the stream.
7. Select the Enable decryption checkbox to decrypt the Output stream (see Output
Stream Parameters Table).
8. Click OK. The new TCP Output with its settings is created and now appears on the

Output Stream Parameters Table

Parameter Description

Host The destination host for the stream.

Port Specify the port to listen on.

If the target is an HTTP server, select the HTTP checkbox. In this case, HTTP headers will
be added to the stream.

Select this checkbox to enable decryption of an encrypted stream.

If the stream has been encrypted, you can decrypt through the output by selecting this
checkbox and specifying the type of encryption that was used.
Select Automatic to decrypt a stream that has been encrypted using Automatic

DOC26-450-0002 User Guide | 28

Creating Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver
Creating a TCP Output

Only if the stream has not been encrypted, select None (default).

Important Notice: if the stream has been encrypted you must decrypt it in the output.

Enter the decryption key to decrypt the encrypted stream.

29 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

Creating Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver
Searching for Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver

Searching for Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver

 To Search for an Output:
• In the Outputs page of Zixi MediaConnect Receiver, enter the specific output name in
the search text box in the menu bar and click the Search button.
The Output screen displays the requested output stream(s).

Viewing Existing Outputs in Zixi MediaConnect Receiver

The Outputs screen displays all the output streams that have been created. At the bottom of
the screen you can also view cumulative utilization statistics for the selected connected
streams. Hovering the cursor on the status indicator of a stream shows the stream
configuration information and basic utilization statistics, where applicable.

Any of the columns in the following table can be sorted in ascending/descending order by
clicking on its heading.

Field Description

Status Displays the status of the output stream. The following colored
indicators are displayed:
• Green = Connected
• Yellow = Connecting
• Red = Disconnected with an error condition
• Blue = Offline with no connection attempts
• Grey = Offline and stopped

Name Displays the name of the output stream.

Type The type of output.

DOC26-450-0002 User Guide | 30

Creating Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver
Viewing Output Statistics in Zixi MediaConnect Receiver

Destination The name of the destination host

Bitrate [kbps] Displays bitrate of the connected output stream.

Uptime Displays the amount of time the stream has been active.

Latency Displays the configured latency.

Input ID The ID of the related Input stream.

Actions Provides access to various actions to be performed on this output


Viewing Output Statistics in Zixi MediaConnect Receiver

You can view all of the cumulative statistics for a connected output in real-time. The Stats pane
on the bottom of the page shows data about the activity of the selected stream.
Click the icon next to a parameter to show the graph of historical data for the specified

 To View Output Statistics:

• In the Outputs page of Zixi MediaConnect Receiver, click the desired output for which
you want to view statistics.
The stream’s statistics are displayed on the bottom of the screen.

Field Description

Bitrate (kbps) Displays the current bitrate of the output stream.

Up Time Displays the amount of time the stream has been active.

Send Errors Displays the number of errors generated after sending the stream.

RTT (ms) Displays the Round Trip Time (RTT) from the source (in milliseconds)

Jitter (ms) Displays the current Jitter, measured in milliseconds.

Total Packets Displays the total number of packets that have been transmitted.

Packet Rate Displays the current number of packets per second.

Displays the packet loss rate (how many packets were lost out of the
Packet Loss %
total number of packets).

Displays the total number of packets that were dropped consecutively

Consecutive Drops
since the beginning of the stream.

31 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

Creating Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver
Viewing Output Statistics in Zixi MediaConnect Receiver

Displays the total number of packets that were dropped since the
Dropped Packets
beginning of the stream.

Displays the total number of dropped packets that have been

Recovered Packets
recovered since the beginning of the stream.
Not Recovered
Displays the number of non-recovered packets.
FEC Packets Displays the number of FEC packets transmitted.

FEC Recovered Displays the number of FEC packets recovered.

Displays the number of requests for transmission of dropped packets

ARQ Requests
made with ARQ.

ARQ Recovered Displays the number of dropped packets recovered via ARQ.

ARQ Duplicates Displays the number of duplicate recovery packets received via ARQ.

Displays the number of packets lost due to buffer overflow.

Note: overflow is usually the result of the Max Bitrate being too low.

DOC26-450-0002 User Guide | 32

Performing Actions on Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver
Stopping/Starting Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver

Performing Actions on Outputs in

MediaConnect Receiver
From the Outputs screen you have a centralized control on the output streams to perform the
following actions:

Stopping/Starting Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver

 To Stop/Start an Output:
1. In the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver Outputs page, click the Actions button for the
output that you want to start or stop.
2. In the drop-down menu, click Start/Stop (depending on the current status). The output
in that row is either started or stopped.
To continue the stream, click again.

Editing Output Settings in MediaConnect Receiver

You can edit an output which has been previously configured.
 To Edit Output Settings:
1. In the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver Outputs page, click the Actions button for the
output stream that you want to edit.
2. In the drop-down menu, click Edit.
The stream details window of the selected output is displayed.
3. Make the necessary modifications and click OK.
The newly modified output takes effect.

Deleting Outputs from MediaConnect Receiver

 To Delete Outputs from MediaConnect Receiver:
1. In the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver Outputs page, click the Actions button for the
output that you want to delete.
2. In the drop-down menu, click Delete.
The output in that row is deleted.

Duplicating Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver

In the event that you want to create outputs with similar configurations, you can duplicate the
configuration and make minor modifications.

33 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

Performing Actions on Outputs in MediaConnect Receiver
Switching Inputs in MediaConnect Receiver

 To Duplicate the Configuration of an Output:

1. In the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver Outputs page, click the menu button for the
output that you want to duplicate.
2. In the drop-down menu, click Duplicate.
3. The output details window opens with similar parameters to the original stream.
4. Type the new Output Name and make any additional modifications that you want.
5. Click OK.
The duplicate output stream with its new settings is created.

Switching Inputs in MediaConnect Receiver

 To change the input associated with the selected output:
1. In the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver Outputs page, click the menu button for the
output that you want to switch the input.
The Switch source window is displayed.

2. In the New Input drop-down, select the desired input, and click OK.
The newly designated input is now associated with the selected output.

DOC26-450-0002 User Guide | 34

MediaConnect Receiver Settings
MediaConnect Receiver General Settings

MediaConnect Receiver Settings

Zixi MediaConnect Receiver is pre-configured with default settings, so generally there is no
need to change the server settings. However, some users may want to change specific settings
to meet their specific needs. The server settings enable the configuration of settings that can be
used to implement various use cases or applications such as broadcast delivery, monitoring,
OTT delivery, enterprise distribution and more.

MediaConnect Receiver General Settings

The General Settings screen includes basic configuration parameters for the server including
the server’s ID, access ports, authorizations, security, and storage.

If you make changes to the settings, you must click Apply to save the changes
before navigating away from the page.

The Parameters shown in the General Settings are described in the table below:

Field Description

The unique (alphanumeric) name of the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver

server. Typically: host name.

35 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

MediaConnect Receiver Settings
MediaConnect Receiver General Settings

The port number of the web-based administration. You can configure

Web Server Port this parameter to any legal port number which is supported by your
Firewall. Default: 4200

The user name of the administrator. The administrator is authorized to

Admin User Name modify all parameters in the system as well as manage all the outputs
and inputs on the server.

Admin Password The password of the administrator.

Select this checkbox to enable an "Operator" user. This type of user can
Enable read / write user - read and write throughout all of the screens, except for the screens
except for settings under the Settings menu.
screen You can modify the user name (i.e. enter another name instead of
Operator) and password.

Select this checkbox to enable a "User" user. This type of user can read
Enable read-only user throughout all of the screens as well as the ability to switch between
+ability to switch existing streams.
streams You can modify the user name (i.e. enter another name instead of User)
and password.

Username The account Username.

Password The account password.

Select this checkbox to enable an "Observer" user. This type of user can
read throughout all of the screens.
Enable read only user
You can modify the user name (i.e. enter another name instead of
Observer) and password.

Enables secure HTTPS connection to the server for administration.

Enable HTTPS
Enabling HTTPS requires the relevant certificates and private keys. To
enable HTTPS, click on the checkbox and upload the required files.

HTTPS certificate
If no certificate has been uploaded, click Upload and navigate to the file
uploaded (for HTTPS

HTTPS private key

If no private key has been uploaded, click Upload and navigate to the
uploaded (for HTTPS
file location.

HTTPS private key

passphrase (for HTTPS Enter the Private key passphrase for your HTTPS account.

DOC26-450-0002 User Guide | 36

MediaConnect Receiver Settings

Displays the status of the SSL certificate upload process.

SSL Setup Status Incomplete – the SSL setup process is incomplete.
OK – the SSL setup process is complete

Displays the configured root folder. You can modify the root folder by
modifying the broadcaster-info.xml, which is located in the
Root folder
MediaConnect installation folder

Monitoring options:
• None – no monitoring
TR101 analyzer mode

Limits Configuration of thresholds for generating an alarm.

The CPU utilization threshold. If this limit is exceeded, the CPU indicator
at the top of the screen will appear in red, and an alarm will be
CPU [%] generated in the event log.
Default: 90

The memory utilization threshold. If this limit is exceeded, the Memory

indicator at the top of the screen will appear in red, and an alarm will
Memory [%] be generated in the event log
Default: 90

The GPU utilization threshold.

GPU [%]
Default: 0

Bandwidth utilization threshold for input streams.

Input Bandwidth [kbps]
Default: Unlimited

Bandwidth utilization threshold for output streams.

Output Bandwidth [kbps]
Default: Unlimited.

37 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

MediaConnect Receiver Settings
MediaConnect Receiver SSH Connections Settings

MediaConnect Receiver SSH Connections Settings

SSH (Secure Shell) is a network protocol that allows a secure access over an encrypted
connection. Reverse SSH is a technique that can be used to access systems (that are behind a
firewall) from the outside world.
 To add a Reverse SSH Tunnel connection:
1. Fill in the details in the Server Connection section (see table below) to configure a
connection to the server.
2. Click Apply.
3. In the Reverse Tunnels section, click Add.
The Tunnel Details dialog appears:

4. Type the Remote Source Port that will be used to connect.

5. In the Local Destination IP field, type the IP address of the destination.
6. In the Local Destination Port, type the port number in the destination for the specific
reverse SSH tunnel.
7. Click OK.
The reverse SSH tunnel will be added to the list of reverse tunnels at the bottom.

DOC26-450-0002 User Guide | 38

MediaConnect Receiver Settings
MediaConnect Receiver Logging Settings

Field Description

Server connection

Specify the Host name or IP address of the remote server for the SSH

Specify the port for the SSH connection.

SSH Port

Specify the username required for SSH connection.

Username Default: the username on the remote computer is the same as that on the local

Indicates if a key file has been uploaded.

Key File
Click Upload Key to upload a key file to the server.

Reverse tunnels

Remote Source Port Displays the remote source port.

Local Destination IP Displays the IP address of the local destination.

Local Destination Port Displays the port number of the local destination.

Status Displays the status of the SSH tunnel.

MediaConnect Receiver Logging Settings

The Logging screen defines a log for debugging purposes.

Field Description


Specify the log file name and path where the collected event information
Logs Path
will be stored.

The Severity Level that will be collected in the log, from Info, Warning,
Log Level Error, to Fatal. The default setting is None, since Logging is resource-
intensive and only enabled when necessary.

Select this checkbox to automatically send an email to Zixi Support when

the MediaConnect Receiver crashes containing the call stack of the event.
Send Crash
This simplifies the support process and will eliminate the need to connect
remotely to the system or send out log reports. The report is anonymous
and does not include any sensitive data (e.g. configuration data, etc.).

39 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

MediaConnect Receiver Settings
MediaConnect Receiver ASI Settings

Events Select this checkbox to capture events in the log.

MediaConnect Receiver ASI Settings

If there is an ASI card in the machine, you can reverse the direction of the Input to Output and
vice versa.
 To Reverse the Direction of the Stream:
1. From the Settings page, click ASI on the left-hand side.
The various ASI settings are displayed.
2. Click the desired RESET button to the right of the stream that you want to reverse.
A confirmation window is displayed with the notification that the service must first be
restarted before the direction is reversed.

Field Description
Available ports
Name Specifies the port number used by the ASI protocol
Specifies the direction of the data being transmitted by the ASI
Data Direction

DOC26-450-0002 User Guide | 40

Viewing MediaConnect Receiver Events Log
MediaConnect Receiver ASI Settings

Viewing MediaConnect Receiver Events Log

The Event Log screen displays all the events (errors, connections, configuration changes,
analysis events etc.) that occurred in the Zixi MediaConnect Receiver. The logs can be exported
as a .csv file.
 To Clear the Log:
• In the Event Log page, click Clear in the menu bar.
The events on the log screen are deleted.
 To Save the Log as a File:
• In the Event Log page, click Save in the menu bar.
A .csv file is created and saved to the local destination.
 To Refresh the Screen:
• From the Event Log page, click Refresh in the menu bar.
The data on the screen is updated.

41 | Zixi MediaConnect Receiver DOC26-450-0002

Viewing MediaConnect Receiver Events Log
MediaConnect Receiver ASI Settings

- License for OpenSSL

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit



This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com). This product includes software written by

Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).

Copyright (c) 1998-2017 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.

- License for Libssh2

Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Sara Golemon <sarag@libssh2.org>

Copyright (c) 2005,2006 Mikhail Gusarov <dottedmag@dottedmag.net>

Copyright (c) 2006-2007 The Written Word, Inc.

Copyright (c) 2007 Eli Fant <elifantu@mail.ru>

Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Daniel Stenberg

Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Simon Josefsson

All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


- License for DekTec's Linux SDK. Version 1, August 2012

Copyright (C) 2000-2015 DekTec Digital Video B.V.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary format must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation.

DOC26-450-0002 User Guide | 42

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