Election Law 2

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Sec 74: petition to cancel certificate of candidacy

2010: automated election

Material data omnibus election code

Effect of disqualification
The disqualification must be final,
If not final:


1. The candidate already filed a COC

2. Campaign period already starts

2x3 poster
3x8 streamers
5 days before political rally can be posted but remove within 24 hrs after
Tabloids 1/2 page
RA 90006
Broadcast media 120 minutes tV
Radio- 180 minutes

Sec 84: must state the person paying the campaign material
No billboard
No template poster
No balloons
No pens
No lighter
No paypay

EPNs: tshirt,caps if part of campaign stop

Sec 94: prohibited contribution

For partisan
1. For partisan

Electoral sabotage- commmited by board of canvacers in conspiracy

Tampering of election return

3 classification of domicile
1. Domicile of origin- (can’t lose) except for abandonment
2. Domicile of choice
3. Domicile by operation of law

233-235-235: election returns preproclamation

Hret- jurisdiction check

Remedy 78 if candidate
Preproc: during canvacing
If proclaimed: election protest
Quo warranto

Demurer of evidence: no
Epns: if there

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