Bec Unit 2
Bec Unit 2
Bec Unit 2
Online communication
Getting started
1 Read the following questions and note down your
answers. Weekly use of computer
1 How much time do you spend on the computer for 5%
work or study? Is this amount of time increasing? 15%
Why/Why not?
2 Do you think you spend less or more time on the 20%
computer than your colleagues or friends?
3 Think what you have done on the computer over
the past seven days. Draw a pie chart to show 5%
approximately what percentage of time you spent
on the following activities: 5% 40%
• creating documents
• reading and answering emails
• inding information on the Internet
• visiting social networking sites like Facebook creating documents playing games
• playing games reading and answering emails watching films/TV
finding information on the Internet programmes
• watching ilms or TV programmes other
visiting social networking sites
• other
Compare your answers with a partner. How similar is your use of time on the computer?
2 Match the computer icons (1–7) with the correct verb from the box.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7
14 Online communication
browse crash download drag log on post
restart upload
1 With a partner, discuss what you think word of
1 If you browse the Internet, you look around for mouth means in advertising.
information online.
2 The title of the article below changes the phrase
2 If you something, you move it from the
to word of mouse. What do you think this means?
Internet to your computer.
Discuss with a partner, then skim the article quickly
3 If you , you start using a computer
to see if you are right.
system, perhaps by typing in a password.
4 If you the computer, you switch 3 Scan the article for each of the names in the box.
everything off and start it again. Then match each name with the correct sentence
5 If computer systems , they suddenly stop (1–5) below. There is one name you do not need.
Adam Brimo Dave Carroll Hugh Bainbridge
6 If you click and a document, you move
the Nielsen Company Paul Patterson United Airlines
it to somewhere else on the system with the
1 The Nielsen Company did research into different
7 If you a message online, you put it on
forms of marketing.
the Internet so other people can see it.
2 possibly caused a company’s share price
8 If you something, you move it from
to fall.
your computer to the Internet or a network.
3 believes that the rules for dealing with
4 Choose three things you did on the computer unhappy customers have not changed.
recently and tell a partner about them using three 4 made a chief executive aware of his
of the verbs in Exercise 3. grievances by writing about them on a website.
5 suffered an unexpected crisis because
of an online video.
Online communication 15
16 Online communication
Emails can be written in a formal or an informal style. phrases with the same meaning in the table in the
Usually they are shorter and more like spoken English order they appear in the email.
than letters.
to discuss the schedule for training day
1 Match the verbs (1–10) with the more formal verb Looking forward to your reply
(a–j) with the same meaning. Hi Andy
1 talk about a assist but I could manage the week after
2 ask b contact someone Can we get together sometime
3 ask for c enquire Susan Jackson
4 help d meet to talk about the schedule for training day
5 think about e purchase but perhaps you could suggest a suitable time for the
6 get f request week after
7 buy g inform someone let me know
8 get together h receive Dear Mr Morris,
9 let someone know i discuss I’m pretty booked up next week
10 get in touch with someone j consider Sue
I would like to arrange a meeting
2 Look at the following ways to begin and end emails.
My diary is very full for next week
Number each list in order of how formal you think
the beginnings and endings are. (1 = most formal;
5 = least formal). Formal Informal
Online communication 17