Geospatial 1
Geospatial 1
Geospatial 1
Shashi Kumar
Scientist ‘SD’
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Measurement from a
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Remote Sensing is the science of acquiring, processing
and interpreting images that record the interaction
between electromagnetic energy and matter. (Sabins,
B Application
Station Analysis
Target C
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Remote Sensing
Geospatial data acquisition (GDA):
Collection, processing and analysis of data
for various purposes:
Water management
Land management
Resource management, etc.
Remote sensing
Satellite-based Airplane-based
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Spatial resolution
Spectral resolution
Radiometric resolution
Temporal resolution
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
3. Repeatability 4. Cost
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Electromagnetic Waves
EM waves are produced by motion of electric charge
components and consists of
Electrical Field (E) which varies in magnitude in a
direction perpendicular to the direction in which the
radiation is traveling, and a
Magnetic Field (M) oriented at right angles to the
electrical field. Both these fields travel at the speed of
light (c). E
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
where, λ = wavelength
c = speed of light
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Electromagnetic Spectrum
The electromagnetic spectrum ranges from the shorter
wavelengths (including gamma and x-rays) to the longer
wavelengths (including microwaves and broadcast radio
Visible range
► Vegetation discrimination
► Urban Infrastructure
► Less affected by atmospheric scattering
► Chlorophyll Concentration
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Panchromatic Bands
(0.50-0.90 Micrometers)
Infrared range
Infrared region covers the
wavelength range from
approximately 0.7 m to 100
m –
The infrared region can be
divided into two categories
based on their radiation
properties - the reflected IR,
and the emitted or thermal IR.
The reflected IR covers
wavelengths from approximately
0.7 m to 3.0 m.
The thermal IR covers
wavelengths from approximately
3.0 m to 100 m.
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Longer wavelength
microwave radiation can
penetrate though cloud, fog,
haze etc as the longer
wavelengths are not
susceptible to atmospheric
scattering which affects
shorter optical wavelengths
Green :- Volume
scattering from forest
due to multiple reflection
RISAT-1, Hybrid-
Pol Data of
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Planck’s law
It describes the amount of electromagnetic energy with a
certain wavelength radiated by a black body in thermal
equilibrium (i.e. the spectral radiance of a black body).
M = total radiant exitance from the surface of a
material (W m-2 ) = 5.67 x 10-8 W/m2 (oK)4 (Stefan
Boltzman Constant) T = Absolute Temperature (K) of a
radiating body
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Criterion of Roughness
Rayleigh criterion considers a surface to be smooth if
h < / 8 sin
where, h = height of surface irregularities
= wavelength
= incident angle
and defines the rough surface if
h > / 8 sin
Peake and Oliver's modified Rayleigh criterion defines
the smooth, rough as well as intermediate surfaces
h < / 25 sin - smooth
h > / 4.4 sin - rough
/ 4.4 sin < h > / 25 Sin -intermediate surfaces
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Spectral Reflectance
Spectral reflectance, (()), is the ratio of reflected energy
to incident energy as a function of wavelength.
The reflectance characteristics of the earth’s surface
features are expressed by spectral reflectance, which is
given by:
() = ( R() / I() ) x 100
Atmospheric Scattering
This occurs when the particles of gaseous molecules
present in the atmosphere cause the EM waves to be
redirected from the original path
Atmospheric Windows
Gases absorb electromagnetic energy in very specific
regions of the spectrum
Those areas of the spectrum which are not severely
influenced by atmospheric absorption and thus, are useful
to remote sensors, are called atmospheric windows
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Atmospheric Windows
Name Wavelength Range
Ultraviolet–Visible 0.30 – 0.75 m
Near-IR 0.77 – 0.90 m
Short-wave-IR 1.00 – 1.12, 1.19 – 1.34, 1.55 –
1.75,2.05 – 2.40 m
2.06 – 2.22, 7.50 – 11. 50 and
> 20.00 mm
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Tel- 0135-252-4119
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Earth Observation
Sensors and Platforms
Vinay Kumar
Scientist, PRSD
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Ground receiving &
Processing Station Analysis
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Ground based
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Orbit of
Inclination angle Satellite
Repeat Cycle
Swath Equatorial
Ascending pass & Plane
Descending pass Earth
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
• Altitude ~700-800 km
• Altitude ~ 36,000 km,
• Orbit inclination ~ 98.7º
• Orbit inclination ~ 0°
• Orbital period ~90 minutes
• Period of orbit = 24 hours
• Sun-synchronous, near-polar, near-
• Global coverage requires several
geostationary satellite in orbits at
• Satellite orbit is fixed in space (basically
different latitudes
north-south ): Earth rotates beneath it
• Good for repetitive observations,
poor for spatially detailed data
• Cross the equator (N-S) at ~10.30am
• Large distortions at high latitudes
local time
• W-E satellite orbiting Earth
• Satellite Orbital plane is near polar and
• Mainly used for communication and
the altitude is such that the satellite
meteorological applications – GOES,
passes each place at same local sun-time.
• Cover entire globe – LANDSAT, SPOT,
NOAA, IRS etc.
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Passive Active
Ability of the system to render the information at the
smallest discretely separable quantity in terms of
distance (spatial), wavelength band of EMR (spectral),
time (temporal) and radiation (radiometric)
Spectral Resolution
•Spectral resolution describes
the ability of a sensor to define
fine wavelength intervals.
Spatial Resolution
The physical dimension on earth is
Pixel = detector size
It refers to the amount of detail that can
CCD Linear Array
be detected by a sensor.
Detailed mapping of land use practices
requires a much greater spatial Lens
Field of view IFOV
Instantaneous Field of View (IFOV)
It is defined the solid angle through which a
detector is sensitive to radiation.
ground pixel
IFOV = D/F radian
Military Surveillance 1m
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Radiometric Resolution
• It describes the actual information content in an image.
Radiometric Resolution
2 (number of bits) = number of grey levels
Temporal Resolution
Represents the frequency with which a satellite can
re-visit an area of interest and acquire a new image.
Application demand
Meteorological hourly need to monitor clouds
Oceanographic 2-3 days of repetivity
Stereo viewing 0-1 days of repetivity
Vegetation monitoring 5 days of repetivity
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
SPOT IMAGING Miscellaneous Imagesat SI-EOSAT, Earthwatch, RADARSAT NRSC-EOSAT Jaxa
Orbimage, USGS
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Equator Adjacent Repeat
Platform Launched Altitude Sensors
Crossing Orbits Coverage
Landsat 8
2013 705 km 10:00 a.m 7 days 16 days OLI & TIRS
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Landsat sensors
Swath Width Sensor
Sensor Spectral Bands (µm)
Spatial (m) (km) Channels
SPOT Satellites
Equator Adjacent Repeat
Platform Launched Altitude Sensors
Crossing Orbits Coverage
SPOT 1 1986 822 km 10:30 a.m. 1-5 days 26 days HRV
SPOT 2 1990
SPOT 3 1993
SPOT 4 1998 822 km 10:30 a.m. 1-5 days 26 days HRVIR
SPOT 5 2002 822 km 10:30 a.m. 1-5 days 26 days HRG
Sensor Sensor
Satellite Launched Spatial Width Spectral Bands (µm)
Radiometric Channels
(m) (km)
SPOT Sensors
Swath Sensor
Sensor Spatial (m) Spectral Bands (µm)
Width (km) Channels
SPOT Sensors
Resolution Sensor
Sensor Width Spectral Bands (µm)
Spatial (m) Channels
2003 817 km 10:30 a.m. 5-24 days LISS-III
2005 ~618 km 10.30 a.m. 126 days PAN
IRS P8 2008 4 days PAN
(CartoSat-2A) 635 km 10:30 a.m
RISAT-2 550 km - - SAR-X
12 noon ± 10
Oceansat 2 2009 720 km 2 days SCAT
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
IRS Sensors
Sensor Spatial Width Spectral Bands (µm)
Radiometric Channels
(m) (km)
IRS Sensors ….
Resolution Swath
Sensor Width Spectral Bands (µm)
Spatial(m) Radiometric Channels
Linear 5.8 7 bit 24-70 LISS IV- 2 0.52-0.59 (green)
Imaging Self-
Scanning LISS IV- 3 0.62-0.68 (red)
System IV
LISS IV- 4 0.77-0.86 (near IR)
KOMPSAT-2 2006
MSC 4 450-520 nm, blue
(Multispec 520-600 nm, green
tral 630-690 nm, red
Camera 760-900 nm, NIR
PAN 0.7 450-900 nm 15 km 685 km
Meteorological Satellites
Designed specifically for weather prediction and monitoring
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Contact :
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Photogrammetry &Remote Sensing
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Analysis of remote sensing imagery involves the
identification of various targets in an image.
Spectral Signature
Identity is whatever makes an entity recognizable.
A signature is that which gives an object or piece of
information its identity.
Spectral Signature
Reflectance (%)
s o rg h u m
c o tto n
0 .5 1 .0 1 .5 2 .0 2 .5
W a v e le n g th ( m )
Mature plant
Immature plant
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Healthy plants
Reflectance (%)
20 (24)
Infected plants
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Wavelength (m)
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Soil Moisture:
A wet soil generally appears darker
Increasing soil moisture content lowers reflectance but
did not change shape of the curve
Water absorption
Hydroxyl absorption
Dry soil
Percent Reflectance
Wet soil
Wavelength in nanometer
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Organic content:
A soil with 5% or more organic
matter usually appears black in
Wavelength in micrometer
1.3 m) medium iron content; (d) High organic content, moderately
coarse texture and (e) High iron content, fine texture.
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Soil structure
A clay soil tends to have a strong structure, which
leads to a rough surface on ploughing; clay soils also
tend to have high moisture content and as a result
have a fairly low diffuse reflectance.
Sandy soils also tend to have a low moisture content
and a result have fairly high and often specular
reflectance properties.
Contaminations (soot, particles, etc.) Reduce snow
reflection in the visible region.
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Band (.45 to .515m) Band (.525 to .605 m) Band (.63 to .690 m)
Band (.75 to .90 m) Band (1.55 to 1.75 m) Band (2.09 to 2.35m)
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
True Color
Composite (3,2,1)
False Color
Composite (4,3,2)
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Types of interpretation
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Training, Experience
Nature of object or phenomenon
Quality of photographs
Equipment and method of interpretation
Interpretation keys, guides, manuals and other aids
Prior knowledge of the area.
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Convergence of evidence
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Recognizing targets is the key to interpretation and
information extraction.
Observing the differences between targets and their
backgrounds involves comparing different targets
based on any, or all, of the visual elements of tone,
shape, size, pattern, texture, shadow, and association.
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Tone refers to the
relative brightness or
colour of objects in an
Generally, tone is the
fundamental element
for distinguishing
between different
targets or features.
Variations in tone also
allows the elements of
shape, texture, and
pattern of objects to be
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Shape refers to the
general form, structure,
or outline of individual
Shape can be a very
distinctive clue for
Straight edge shapes
typically represent urban or
agricultural (field) targets,
while natural features, such
as forest edges, are
generally more irregular in
shape, except where man
has created a road or clear
Farm or crop land irrigated by rotating sprinkler systems
would appear as circular shapes
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Size of objects in an image is a
function of scale.
It is important to assess the size
of a target relative to other
objects in a scene, as well as the
absolute size, to aid in the
interpretation of that target.
A quick approximation of target
size can direct interpretation to
an appropriate result more
For example, if an interpreter had to distinguish
zones of land use, and had identified an area with a
number of buildings in it, large buildings such as
factories or warehouses would suggest commercial
property, whereas small buildings would indicate
residential use.
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Pattern refers to the spatial
arrangement of visibly
discernible objects.
Texture refers to the
arrangement and frequency of
tonal variation in particular
areas of an image.
Shadow may provide an idea of
the profile and relative height of a
target or targets which could make
identification easier.
Association takes into account
the relationship between other
recognizable objects or features
in proximity to the target of
The identification of features that
one would expect to associate
with other features may provide
information to facilitate
Commercial properties may be associated with proximity to
major transportation routes, whereas residential areas
would be associated with schools, playgrounds, and sports
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Stereoscopic ability
Individual Band Interpretation
Temporal data
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Landsat image
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
The circular
features indicate
sprinkler irrigation
Red color
indicates crop &
dark color fallow
Part of Oman
Sensor : IRS1D WiFS
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Dhaka , Bangladesh
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Rome , Italy
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Roads, rivers,
water bodies,
topography and
urban areas can
all be
Manual vs Digital
Manual interpretation and Digital processing and analysis is
analysis dates back to the early more recent with the advent of
beginnings of remote sensing digital recording of remote
for air photo interpretation. sensing data and the
Manual interpretation requires development of computers.
little, if any, specialized Digital analysis requires
equipment. specialized, and often
Manual interpretation is often expensive, equipment.
limited to analyzing only a single The computer environment is
channel of data or a single more amenable to handling
image at a time.. complex images of several or
Manual interpretation is a many channels or from several
subjective process, meaning dates.
that the results will vary with Digital analysis is based on the
different interpreters. manipulation of digital numbers
in a computer and is thus more
objective, generally resulting in
more consistent results.
However, determining the validity and accuracy of the results from
digital processing can be difficult.
I N D I A N I N S T I T U T E O F R E M O T E S E N S I N G, D E H R A D U N
Remote sensing means acquiring information about a phenomenon object or
surface while at a distance from it. This name is attributed to recent technology in
which satellites and spacecraft are used for collecting information about the
earth's surface. This was an outcome of developments in various technological
fields from 1960 onward.
Principle of Remote Sensing
Detection and discrimination of objects or surface features means detecting and
recording of radiant energy reflected or emitted by objects or surface material.
Different objects return different amount and kind of energy in different bands of
the electromagnetic spectrum, incident upon it. This unique property depends on
the property of material (structural, chemical, and physical), surface roughness,
angle of incidence, intensity, and wavelength of radiant energy.
The Remote Sensing is basically a multi-disciplinary science which includes a
combination of various disciplines such as optics, spectroscopy, photography,
computer, electronics and telecommunication, satellite launching etc. All these
technologies are integrated to act as one complete system in itself, known as
Remote Sensing System. There are a number of stages in a Remote System,
working as links in a complete, and each of them is important for successful
Stages in Remote Sensing
1. Emission of electromagnetic radiation, or EMR (sun/self- emission)
2. Transmission of energy from the source to the surface of the earth, as well
as absorption and scattering
3. Interaction of EMR with the earth's surface: reflection and emission
4. Transmission of energy from the surface to the remote sensor
5. Sensor data output
6. Data transmission, processing and analysis
Figure 1: Remote Sensing process
What We See
At temperature above absolute zero, all objects radiate electromagnetic energy by
virtue of their atomic and molecular oscillations. The total amount of emitted
radiation increases with the body's absolute temperature and peaks at
progressively shorter wavelengths. The sun, being a major source of energy,
radiation and illumination, having a sharp power peak around 0.5 m, allows
capturing reflected light with conventional (and some not-so-conventional)
cameras and films.
The basic strategy for sensing electromagnetic radiation is clear. Everything in
nature has its own unique distribution of reflected, emitted and absorbed
radiation. These spectral characteristics, if ingeniously exploited, can be used to
distinguish one thing from another or to obtain information about shape, size and
other physical and chemical properties. In so far as we know the spectral
characteristics, we can pick an appropriate detector to make the desired
measurement, remembering that for a given collector's diameter we get our
greatest spatial resolution where wavelengths are shortest and energies greatest,
and that these energies decrease at longer wavelengths and distances.
Modern Remote Sensing Technology versus Conventional Aerial Photography
The use of different and extended portions of the electromagnetic spectrum,
development in sensor technology, different platforms for remote sensing
(spacecraft, in addition to aircraft), emphasis on the use of spectral information as
compared to spatial information, advancement in image processing and
enhancement techniques, and automated image analysis in addition to manual
interpretation are points for comparison of conventional aerial photography with
modern remote sensing system.
During early half of twentieth century, aerial photos were used in military surveys
and topographical mapping. Main advantage of aerial photos has been the high
spatial resolution with fine details and therefore they are still used for mapping at
large scale such as in route surveys, town planning, construction project surveying,
cadastral mapping etc. Modern remote sensing system provide satellite images
suitable for medium scale mapping used in natural resources surveys and
monitoring such as forestry, geology, watershed management etc. However the
future generation satellites are going to provide much high-resolution images for
more versatile applications.
Remote Sensing in India
Indian remote sensing programme was started in late seventies with Indian built
Bhaskara-I and Bhaskara-II satellites launched from Soviet Union in June 1978 and
November 1981 respectively. Indigenous launch capability has also been
developed to launch 1000 Kg. Remote Sensing Satellite into polar orbit. The
Department of Space (DOS)/ Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has been
actively engaged in development of state of art remote sensing capabilities along
with other related activities. ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), Bangalore is responsible
for design, development and management of remote sensing satellites. Space
Application Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad is engaged in development of sensors
(cameras & scanners) & data processing software, analysis of remote sensing data,
and related research. National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA), Hyderabad is
responsible for acquisition, processing and dissemination of remote sensing data,
analysis of data for different applications and training of users. The National
Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS) is responsible for execution of
application projects through the establishment of a no. of Regional Remote
Sensing Service Centre (RRSSC) throughout the country. Many user agencies, Govt.
Departments, State Governments, and academic institutes have also established
remote sensing infrastructure for various applications.
Electromagnetic energy radiates in accordance with the basic wave theory. This
theory describes the EM energy as traveling in a harmonic sinusoidal fashion at
the velocity of light. Although many characteristics of EM energy are easily
described by wave theory another theory known as particle theory offers insight
into how electromagnetic energy interacts with matter. It suggests that EMR is
composed of many discrete units called photons/quanta. The energy of quantum
Q = hc / = h c
Figure 3 : Electro Magnetic Spectrum
Wavelength Description
Gamma rays Gamma rays
X-rays X-rays
Ultraviolet (UV) This region is beyond the violet portion of the
region visible wavelength, and hence its name. Some
0.30m - .38 m earth's surface material primarily rocks and
(1m = 10-6m) minerals emit visible UV radiation. However UV
radiation is largely scattered by earth's
atmosphere and hence not used in field of
remote sensing.
Visible Spectrum This is the light, which our eyes can detect. This
0.4 m - 0.7 m is the only portion of the spectrum that can be
associated with the concept of colour. Blue
Violet 0.4 m -0 .446 Green and Red are the three primary colours of
m the visible spectrum. They are defined as such
Blue 0.446 m -0 .5 because no single primary colour can be created
m from the other two, but all other colours
Green 0.5 m - 0.578 can be formed by combining the three in
m various proportions. The colour of an object is
Yellow 0.578 m - defined by the colour of the light it reflects.
0.599 m
Orange 0.592 m -
0.62 m
Red 0.62 m -0 .7 m
Infrared (IR) Spectrum Wavelengths longer than the red portion of the
0.7 m – 100 m visible spectrum ore designated as the infrared
spectrum. British Astronomer William Herschel
discovered this in 1800. The infrared region can
be divided into two categories based on their
radiation properties.
Radiant Flux () (Phi) is the time rate of flow of radiant energy. Unit of Radiant
flux is Joule/second or watt (W).
Irradiance (E): Radiant flux intercepted by a plane surface per unit area of the
surface. The direction of the flux is not specified. It arrives at the surface from all
directions within a hemisphere over the surface. Unit of Irradiance E is W/m2 or
Wm-2 (Watt per square meter).
Radiant Intensity (I): of a point source in a given direction is the radiant flux per
unit solid angle leaving the source in that direction. Unit of Radiant Intensity is
Radiance (L): is defined as the radiant flux per unit solid angle leaving an extended
source in a given direction per unit projected area of the source in that direction.
The concept of radiance is intended to correspond to the concept of brightness.
The projected area in a direction which makes an angle (Theta) with the normal
to the surface of area A is A cos
The relationship between radiant intensity and radiance is
Figure 7. Concept of Radiance
Lambertian Surface: The plane source or surface for which the radiance L does
not change as a function of angle of view is called Lambertian (perfectly diffused).
For a Lambertian surface:
a) The irradiance in the retinal image does not change with viewing
angle for a lambertian panel.
b) For a Lambertian surface, the existence and radiance are related by
Existence M = * radiance L (where = 3.1415927)
Thermal Emission of Radiation
All objects at all temperatures emit electromagnetic radiation at all wavelengths.
The thermal emission of radiation is due to the conversion of heat energy, which is
the kinetic energy of the random motion of the particles of the matter, into
electromagnetic energy.
Thermal emission of radiation depends upon two parameters, as follows.
Absolute Temperature (T)
Emissivity ()
The total thermal radiation from a body increases with fourth power of T. The
absolute temperature is given by T = 273 + temperature in degrees centigrade in
units of degrees Kelvin (oK).
The emissivity factor () is the characteristics of the material, a measure of its
capability to emit radiation due to thermal energy conversion. The emissivity of a
substance is related to its absorptive ability. Good absorbers are good radiators,
whereas poor absorbers are poor radiators. For an ideal thermal emitter, called a
blackbody, = 1.
Radiation Laws
Planck's Law
The spectral exitance for a blackbody is given by Planck's Law.
M (blackbody) = T4
The wavelength for which the spectral exitance has its maximum value is
given by m in microns = 2,898/T.
The three radiation laws mentioned above hold good for blackbody
radiation only. All other substances are characterized by their spectral emissivity
( ), defined as the ratio of spectral exitance of the material to the spectral
exitance of a blackbody at the same temperature.
Kirchoff's law states that the spectral emissivity of a material is equal to its
spectral absorptivity, i.e ( ) = ( ). This implies that if a body is capable of
emitting certain radiation, it will absorb that radiation when exposed to it.
Characteristics of Solar Radiant Energy
The sun is the strongest and most important source of radiant energy for remote
sensing. The solar spectrum extends approximately from 0.3 m to 3.0 m. The
maximum irradiance occurs at 0.47 m. The visible band from 0.40 m to 0.76
m receives about 46 per cent of the total solar energy.
The rate at which the total solar radiant energy flows across a unit area normal to
the direction of propagation located at a mean distance of the earth from the sun
is called the solar constant. The value of this constant is 1,353 w/m2 with an error
of + 21 watts/m2. The solar constant can be calculated from the blackbody
temperature of the sun (T = 5,800oK) and the mean angular radius of the sun from
the earth (4.6 x 10-3 radians).
Interaction of EMR with the Earth's Surface
Radiation from the sun, when incident upon the earth's surface, is either reflected
by the surface, transmitted into the surface or absorbed and emitted by the
surface. The EMR, on interaction, experiences a number of changes in magnitude,
direction, wavelength, polarization and phase. These changes are detected by the
remote sensor and enable the interpreter to obtain useful information about the
object of interest. The remotely sensed data contain both spatial information
(size, shape and orientation) and spectral information (tone, color and spectral
From the viewpoint of interaction mechanisms, the object (visible and infrared)
wavelengths from 0.3 m to 16 m can be divided into three regions. The
spectral band from 0.3 m to 3 m is known as the reflective region. In this band,
the radiation sensed by the sensor is that due to the sun, reflected by the earth's
surface. The band corresponding to the atmospheric window between 8 m and
14 m is known as the thermal infrared band. The energy available in this band
for remote sensing is due to thermal emission from the earth's surface. Both
reflection and self-emission are important in the intermediate band from 3 m to
5.5 m.
In the microwave region of the spectrum, the sensor is radar, which is an active
sensor, as it provides its own source of EMR. The EMR produced by the radar is
transmitted to the earth's surface and the EMR reflected (back scattered) from
the surface is recorded and analyzed. The microwave region can also be
monitored with passive sensors, called microwave radiometers, which record the
radiation emitted by the terrain in the microwave region.
Of all the interactions in the reflective region, surface reflections are the most
useful and revealing in remote sensing applications. Reflection occurs when a ray
of light is redirected as it strikes a non-transparent surface. The reflection
intensity depends on the surface refractive index, absorption coefficient and the
angles of incidence and reflection.
Figure 8. Different types of scattering surfaces (a) Perfect specular reflector (b)
Near perfect specular reflector (c) Lambertain (d) Quasi Lambertian (e)
Transmission of radiation occurs when radiation passes through a substance
without significant attenuation. For a given thickness, or depth of a substance, the
ability of a medium to transmit energy is measured as transmittance ().
= Transmitted radiation
Incident radiation
Figure.9 Interaction of Energy with the earth’s surface.
Spectral Signature
Spectral reflectance, (()), is the ratio of reflected energy to incident energy as a
function of wavelength. Various materials of the earth's surface have different
spectral reflectance characteristics. Spectral reflectance is responsible for the
color or tone in a photographic image of an object. Trees appear green because
they reflect more of the green wavelength. The values of the spectral reflectance
of objects averaged over different, well-defined wavelength intervals comprise
the spectral signature of the objects or features by which they can be
distinguished. To obtain the necessary ground truth for the interpretation of
multispectral imagery, the spectral characteristics of various natural objects have
been extensively measured and recorded.
The spectral reflectance is dependent on wavelength, it has different values at
different wavelengths for a given terrain feature. The reflectance characteristics
of the earth’s surface features are expressed by spectral reflectance, which is
given by:
() = Spectral reflectance (reflectivity) at a particular wave length.
ER() = Energy of wavelength reflected from object
EI() = Energy of wavelength incident upon the object
The plot between () and is called a spectral reflectance curve. This
varies with the variation in the chemical composition and physical conditions of
the feature, which results in a range of values. The spectral response patterns are
averaged to get a generalized form, which is called generalized spectral response
pattern for the object concerned. Spectral signature is a term used for unique
spectral response pattern, which is characteristic of a terrain feature. Figure 10
shows a typical reflectance curves for three basic types of earth surface features,
healthy vegetation, dry bare soil (gray-brown and loamy) and clear lake water.
Figure 10. Typical Spectral reflectance curves for vegetation, soil and
The spectral characteristics of the three main earth surface features are discussed
Majority of the radiation incident upon water is not reflected but is either
absorbed or transmitted. Longer visible wavelengths and near infrared radiation
is absorbed more by water than by the visible wavelengths. Thus water looks blue
or blue green due to stronger reflectance at these shorter wavelengths and darker
if viewed at red or near infrared wavelengths. The factors that affect the
variability in reflectance of a water body are depth of water, materials within
water and surface roughness of water.
Interactions with the Atmosphere
The sun is the source of radiation, and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from the
sun that is reflected by the earth and detected by the satellite or aircraft-borne
sensor must pass through the atmosphere twice, once on its journey from the sun
to the earth and once after being reflected by the surface of the earth back to the
sensor. Interactions of the direct solar radiation and reflected radiation from the
target with the atmospheric constituents interfere with the process of remote
sensing and are called as “Atmospheric Effects".
The interaction of EMR with the atmosphere is important to remote sensing for
two main reasons. First, information carried by EMR reflected/emitted by the
earth's surface is modified while traversing through the atmosphere. Second, the
interaction of EMR with the atmosphere can be used to obtain useful information
about the atmosphere itself.
The atmospheric constituents scatter and absorb the radiation modulating the
radiation reflected from the target by attenuating it, changing its spatial
distribution and introducing into field of view radiation from sunlight scattered in
the atmosphere and some of the energy reflected from nearby ground area. Both
scattering and absorption vary in their effect from one part of the spectrum to the
The solar energy is subjected to modification by several physical processes as it
passes the atmosphere viz.
1. Scattering
2. Absorption
3. Refraction
Atmospheric Scattering.
Scattering is the redirection of EMR by particles suspended in the atmosphere or
by large molecules of atmospheric gases. Scattering not only reduces the image
contrast but also changes the spectral signature of ground objects as seen by the
sensor. The amount of scattering depends upon the size of the particles, their
abundance, the wavelength of radiation, depth of the atmosphere through which
the energy is traveling and the concentration of the particles. The concentration of
particulate matter varies both in time and over season. Thus the effects of
scattering will be uneven spatially and will vary from time to time.
Theoretically scattering can be divided into three categories depending upon the
wavelength of radiation being scattered and the size of the particles causing the
scattering. The three different types of scattering from particles of different sizes
are summarized below:
Rayleigh Scattering
Mie Scattering
Mie scattering occurs when the wavelength of the incoming radiation is similar in
size to the atmospheric particles. These are caused by aerosols: a mixture of
gases, water vapour and dust. It is generally restricted to the lower atmosphere
where the larger particles are abundant and dominates under overcast cloud
conditions. It influences the entire spectral region from ultra violet to near
infrared regions.
Non-selective Scattering
This type of scattering occurs when the particle size is much larger than the
wavelength of the incoming radiation. Particles responsible for this effect are
water droplets and larger dust particles. The scattering is independent of the
wavelength, all the wavelength are scattered equally. The most common example
of non-selective scattering is the appearance of clouds as white. As cloud consist
of water droplet particles and the wavelength are scattered in equal amount, the
cloud appears as white.
Atmospheric Absorption
The gas molecules present in the atmosphere strongly absorb the EMR passing
through the atmosphere in certain spectral bands. Mainly three gases are
responsible for most of absorption of solar radiation viz. ozone, carbon dioxide
and water vapor. Ozone absorbs the high energy, short wavelength portions of
the ultraviolet spectrum ( < 0.24m) thereby preventing the transmission of this
radiation to the lower atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is important in remote sensing
as it effectively absorbs the radiation in mid and far infrared regions of the
spectrum. It strongly absorbs in the region from about 13- 17.5 m, whereas two
most important regions of water vapour absorption are in bands 5.5 - 7.0 m and
above 27 m. Absorption relatively reduces the amount of light that reaches our
eye making the scene look relatively duller.
Atmospheric Windows
The general atmospheric transmittance across the whole spectrum of wavelengths
is shown in figure 13. The atmosphere selectively transmits energy of certain
wavelengths. The spectral bands for which the atmosphere is relatively
transparent are known as atmospheric windows. Atmospheric windows are
present in the visible part (.4 m - .76 m) and the infrared regions of the EM
spectrum. In the visible part transmission is mainly effected by ozone absorption
and by molecular scattering. The atmosphere is transparent again beyond about
= 1mm, the region used for microwave remote sensing.
0.3 0.6 1.0 5.0 10 50 100 200 m 1mm 1cm 1m 10m
The phenomenon of refraction that is bending of light at the contact between two
media also occurs in the atmosphere as the light passes through the atmospheric
layers of varied clarity, humidity and temperature. These variations influence the
density of atmospheric layers, which in turn causes the bending of light rays as
they pass from one layer to another. The most common phenomena are the
mirage like apparitions sometimes visible in the distance on hot summer days.
Remote Sensing Systems
The common remote sensing systems are of two types, Imaging (Image forming)
and Non Imaging (non image forming).
Image forming systems are again of two types - framing type and scanning type. In
the framing type, entire frame of image is acquired instantaneously in the basic
image unit e.g. in a frame camera used in photography. In scanning type, the
information is acquired sequentially from the surface in bits of picture elements or
pixels, point by point and line by line, which may be arranged after acquisition into
a frame format.
Non imaging type of sensors, are used to record a spectral quantity or a
parameter as a function of time or distance (such as Gamma radiation, magnetic
field, temperature measurement etc.) They are mostly used for ground
observation and in study of atmosphere and meteorology. These sensors do not
form image and as such, are not used in operational remote sensing but give
detailed information on spectral characteristics of the target.
For a remote sensing system, it needs the radiant energy to be reflected or
emitted by the object or target, which must reach the sensor /detector of
recording system. The response of the detector to the incident energy is recorded
as data or image, which is analyzed to derive the information about object.
Remote sensing can be either passive or active. ACTIVE systems have their own
source of energy (such as RADAR) whereas the PASSIVE systems depend upon
external source of illumination (such as SUN) or self emission for remote sensing.
The most important component of a remote sensing system is the sensor
/detector which, records the variation of radiant energy reflected or emitted by
objects or surface material. Different types of sensors are available, which are
sensitive to different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. These sensors fall in
two broad categories - image forming and non image forming type of sensors.
The function of recording system is to convert the energy detected by sensor into
a form, which can be perceived. For example in photography, measurement or
detection is done by camera lens and recording by the film. Since, the
photographic system uses the visible part of spectrum the recording can be easily
perceived. But in case of mechanical optical scanner, which can collect energy
beyond the visible part of spectrum, there is need to convert the measured energy
into a form, which can be perceived. This is done by dividing the incoming energy
by beam splitters and filters into different wavelength bands and then converting
energy in each wavelength band into electrical signal. The electrical signal is
processed to give radiometric data for each band, which is recorded on magnetic
Regions of electromagnetic spectrum, which are of primary concern in remote
sensing, are
1. Optical wavelength (Visible, Near IR, Middle IR) - .3 m - 16 m.
Sensors, which operate in this region, are:
Aerial cameras : 0.38 m to 0.9 m
Thermal scanners : 3 m to 5 m
: 8 m to 16 m
Multispectral scanner : 0.3 m to 1.1 m
Vidicon / R.B.V. : 0.3 m to 1.1 m
Remote sensing is defined as the science which deals with obtaining information about
objects on earth surface by analysis of data, received from a remote platform.
In the present context, information flows from an object to a receiver (sensor) in the
form of radiation transmitted through the atmosphere. The interaction between the
radiation and the object of interest conveys information required on the nature of the
object. In order for a sensor to collect and record energy reflected or emitted from a
target or surface, it must reside on a stable platform away from the target or surface
being observed.
Platform is a stage to mount the camera or sensor to acquire the information about a
target under investigation. Based on its altitude above earth surface, platforms may be
classified as
(1) Ground borne
(2) Air borne
(3) Space borne
Ground-based platforms
The ground based remote sensing system for earth resources studies are mainly used
for collecting the ground truth or for laboratory simulation studies.
Air-borne platforms
Aircraft’s are generally used to acquire aerial photographs for photo-interpretation and
photogrammetric purposes. Scanners are tested against their utility and performance
from these platforms before these are flown onboard satellite missions.
Space-borne platforms
Platforms in space are not affected by the earth's atmosphere. The closed path of a
satellite around the earth is called its orbit. These platforms are freely moving in their
orbits around the earth, and entire earth or any part of the earth can be covered at
specified intervals. The coverage mainly depends on the orbit of the satellite. It is
through these space borne platforms, we get the enormous amount of remote sensing
Types of Satellite orbits
Satellite orbits are designed according to the capability and objective of the sensors they
carry. Depending on their altitude, orientation and rotation relative to the earth
satellites can be categorized as:
(1) Geostationary (2) Polar orbiting and Sun-synchronous
Geostationary satellites
An equatorial west to east satellite orbiting the earth at an altitude of 35000 km, the
altitude at which it makes one revolution in 24 hours, synchronous with the earth's
rotation. These platforms are covering the same place and give continuous near
hemispheric coverage over the same area day and night. These satellites are put in
equatorial plane orbiting from west to east. Its coverage is limited to 70 oN to 70oS
latitudes and one satellite can view one-third globe (Fig 1). These are mainly used for
communication and meteorological applications viz. GOES METEOSAT, INTELSAT, and
INSAT satellites.
Sun-synchronous satellites
An earth satellite orbit in which the orbital plane is near polar and the altitude is such
that the satellite passes over all places on earth having the same latitude twice in each
orbit at the same local sun-time. Fig 2. This ensures similar illumination conditions when
acquiring images over a particular area over a series of days.
Fig 2. Sun synchronous orbit (source CCRS Website)
As the satellite orbits the Earth from pole to pole, its east-west position would not
change if the Earth did not rotate. However, as seen from the Earth, it seems that the
satellite is shifting westward because the Earth is rotating (from west to east) beneath
it. This apparent movement allows the satellite swath to cover a new area with each
pass (Fig. 3). The satellite's orbit and the rotation of the Earth work together to allow
complete coverage of the Earth's surface, after it has completed one complete cycle of
orbits (Fig. 4). Through these satellites the entire globe is covered on regular basis and
gives repetitive coverage on periodic basis. All the remote sensing resource satellites
may be grouped in this category. Few of these satellites are LANDSAT series, SPOT
Fig 4 Complete Coverage of Earth Surface by Sun Synchronous Satellites (source CCRS
Ascending pass and Descending pass: The near polar satellites travel northward on one
side of the earth (ascending pass) and towards South Pole on the second half of the
orbit (descending pass). The ascending pass is on the shadowed side while the
descending pass is on the sunlit side. Optical sensors image the surface on a descending
pass, while active sensors and emitted thermal and microwave radiation can also image
the surface on ascending pass.
Perigee: It is the point in the orbit where an earth satellite is closest to the earth.
Apogee: It is the point in the orbit where an earth satellite is farthest from the earth.
Remote Sensing Sensors
Sensor is a device that gathers energy (EMR or other), converts it into a signal and
presents it in a form suitable for obtaining information about the target under
investigation. These may be active or passive depending on the source of energy.
Sensors used for remote sensing can be broadly classified as those operating in Optical
Infrared (OIR) region and those operating in the microwave region. OIR and microwave
sensors can further be subdivided into passive and active.
Active sensors use their own source of energy. Earth surface is illuminated through
energy emitted by its own source; a part of it is reflected by the surface in the direction
of the sensor, which is received to gather the information. Passive sensors receive solar
electromagnetic energy reflected from the surface or energy emitted by the surface
itself. These sensors do not have their own source of energy and cannot be used at
nighttime, except thermal sensors. Again, sensors (active or passive) could either be
imaging, like camera or sensor, which acquire images of the area and non-imaging types
like non-scanning radiometer or atmospheric sounders.
Instantaneous field of view (IFOV)
It is defined the solid angle through which a detector is sensitive to radiation (units is
mrad). It is defined as angular subtence at a given instant of the limiting detector
aperture at the second principal point of the system. IFOV is both a linear and angular
IFOV = D/F radian
GRE = (D/F) x H meter
D=detector dimension, F=focal length, and H=flying height
= angular
aperture (mrad)
Fig. 5 IFOV
Resolution is defined as the ability of the system to render the information at the
smallest discretely separable quantity in terms of distance (spatial), wavelength band of
EMR (spectral), time (temporal) and/or radiation quantity (radiometric).
Spatial Resolution
Spatial resolution is the projection of a detector element or a slit onto the ground. In
other words, scanner's spatial resolution is the ground segment sensed at any instant. It
is also called ground resolution element (GRE).
Ground Resolution = H x IFOV
The spatial resolution at which data are acquired has two effects –the ability to identify
various features and quantify their extent. The former one relates to the classification
accuracy and the later to the ability to accurately make mensuration. One important
aspect in classification accuracy is the contribution of boundary pixels. As the resolution
improves, pure center pixels of a feature increase in comparison to boundary pixels.
Thus the boundary error gets reduced with improved resolution.
The accuracy of measurement of an area will depend upon the accuracy of locating the
boundary. Since it is not possible to locate with accuracy better than a fraction of a
pixel, the larger the pixel size, the more error will be the error in the area estimation.
Images where only large features are visible are said to have coarse or low resolution. In
fine resolution images, small objects can be detected.
Spectral Resolution
Spectral emissivity curves, which characterize the reflectance and/or emittance of a
feature or target, over a variety of wavelengths. Different classes of features and details
in an image can be distinguished by comparing their responses over distinct wavelength
ranges. Broad classes such as water and vegetation can be separated using broad
wavelength ranges (VIS, NIR), whereas specific classes like rock types would require a
comparison of fine wavelength ranges to separate them. Hence spectral resolution
describes the ability of the sensor to define fine wavelength intervals i.e. sampling the
spatially segmented image in different spectral intervals, thereby allowing the spectral
irradiance of the image to be determined.
The selection of spectral band location primarily depends on the feature characteristics
and atmospheric absorption.
Radiometric Resolution
This is a measure of the sensor to differentiate the smallest change in the spectral
reflectance/emittance between various targets. It is normally defined as the noise
equivalent reflectance change NE or noise equivalent temperature NET.
The radiometric resolution depends on the saturation radiance and the number of
quantisation levels. Thus, a sensor whose saturation is set at 100 reflectance with an
8 bit resolution will have a poor radiometric sensitivity compared to a sensor whose
saturation radiance is set at 20 reflectance and 7 bit digitization.
Temporal Resolution
Obtaining spatial and spectral data at certain time intervals. Temporal resolution is also
called as the repetivity of the satellite; it is the capability of the satellite to image the
exact same area at the same viewing angle at different periods of time. The temporal
resolution of a sensor depends on a variety of factors, including the satellite/sensor
capabilities, the swath overlap and latitude. It is an important aspect in remote sensing
persistent cloud offers limited clear views of the earth’s surface
short lived phenomenon need to be imaged (flood, oil slicks etc.)
multi temporal comparisons are required (agriculture application)
the changing appearance of a feature over time can be used to distinguish it
from near similar features (wheat/maize)
Cameras and their use for aerial photography are the simplest and oldest of sensors
used for remote sensing of the Earth's surface. Cameras are framing systems (figure 7a),
which acquire a near-instantaneous "snapshot" of an area of the Earth’s surface.
Camera systems are passive optical sensors that use a lens (or system of lenses
collectively referred to as the optics) to form an image at the focal plane, the “aerial
image plane” at which an image is sharply defined.
Many electronic (as opposed to photographic) remote sensors acquire data using
scanning systems, which employ a sensor with a narrow field of view that sweeps over
the terrain to build up and produce a two-dimensional image of the surface. Scanning
systems can be used on both aircraft and satellite platforms and have essentially the
same operating principles. A scanning system used to collect data over a variety of
different wavelength ranges is called a multispectral scanner (MSS), and is the most
commonly used scanning system. There are two main modes or methods of scanning
employed to acquire multispectral image data - across-track scanning, and along-track
Analogue Recording
(a) analogue recording Digital
(b) digital Recording
recording Digital
(c) digital Recording
(aerial photography) Whiskbroom scanner Pushbroom scanner
Camera Whiskbroom Scanner Pushbroom Scanner
(Aerial Photography)
is measured independently. Each detector is designed to have its peak spectral
sensitivity in a specific wavelength band.
The electrical signals generated by each of the detectors of the MSS are amplified by the
system electronics and recorded by a multi-channel tape recorder. Usually, on board
signal conversion is used to record the data digitally for subsequent computer
processing on the ground. Subsets of the data can also be viewed in-flight on a monitor
to verify flight line coverage and to provide a real time interpretation capability of the
scene being recorded.
Along-Track Multispectral Scanning
As with across-track systems, along track or push broom scanners record multispectral
image data along a swath beneath an aircraft. Also similar is the use of the forward
motion of the aircraft to build up a two-dimensional image by recording successive scan
lines that are oriented at right angles to the flight direction. However, there is a distinct
difference between along-track and across-track systems in the manner in which each
scan line is recorded. In an along-track system there is no scanning mirror. Instead, a
linear array of detectors is used to "scan" in the direction parallel to the flight line
(Figure 7c). Linear arrays normally consist of numerous charge-coupled devices (CCDs)
positioned end to end. As illustrated in Figure 7c each detector element is dedicated to
sensing the energy in a single ground resolution cell along any given scan line. The data
for each scan line are electronically compiled by sampling each element along the array
(eliminating the need for a scanning mirror).
The size of the detectors comprising a linear array determines the size of each ground
resolution cell. Hence, CCDs are designed to be very small and a single array may
contain over 10,000 individual detectors. Each spectral band, or channel, of sensing
requires its own linear array. Normally, the arrays are located in the focal plane of the
scanner such that all scan lines are viewed by all arrays simultaneously.
Linear array systems afford a number of advantages over mirror scanning systems. First,
linear arrays provide the opportunity for each detector to have a longer dwell time, or
residence time, to measure the energy from each ground resolution cell. This enables a
much stronger signal to be recorded and a greater range in the levels of signal that can
be sensed. This leads to better spatial and radiometric resolution. In addition, the
geometric integrity of linear array systems is greater because of the fixed relationship
among detector elements recording each scan line. The geometry along each scan line
is similar to that characterizing an aerial mapping camera. Because CCDs are solid-state
microelectronics devices, they are generally smaller in size and weight and require less
power for their operation. Having no moving parts, a linear array system has higher
reliability and longer life expectancy. (Due to such advantages, CCDs are used
extensively in satellite remote sensing systems.)
One disadvantage to push broom systems is the need to calibrate many more detectors.
Another current limitation to commercially available CCDs is their relatively limited
range of spectral sensitivity. Charge-coupled detectors are not really available that are
sensitive to wavelengths longer than the near-IR. However, detectors capable of
operating at longer wavelengths are under development.
Optical Sensors
Data products obtained by various scanner/detector/recorder combinations in analogue
or digital form fall in this class. Scanner systems working beyond the visible and near
infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum, in thermal and microwave region
(RADAR) are all non-photographic systems. Such data is collected by sensor system in
satellite and transmitted to earth, where it is received and recorded at Ground Station.
Thermal Scanners
Many multispectral (MSS) systems sense radiation in the thermal infrared as well as the
visible and reflected infrared portions of the spectrum. However, remote sensing of
different from the sensing of reflected energy. Thermal sensors use photo detectors
sensitive to the direct contact of photons on their surface, to detect emitted thermal
radiation. The detectors are cooled to temperatures close to absolute zero in order to
limit their own thermal emissions. Thermal sensors essentially measure the surface
temperature and thermal properties of targets.
Thermal imagers are typically across-track scanners that detect emitted radiation in only
the thermal portion of the spectrum. Thermal sensors employ one or more internal
temperature references for comparison with the detected radiation, so they can be
related to absolute radiant temperature. The data are generally recorded on film and/or
magnetic tape and the temperature resolution of current sensors can reach 0.1 °C. For
analysis, an image of relative radiant temperatures is depicted in grey levels, with
warmer temperatures shown in light tones, and cooler temperatures in dark tones.
In a thermal image, the tone of an object is a function of its surface temperature and its
emissivity. Of these parameters, the surface temperature is the dominant factor for
producing tonal variations in the scene. All objects emit infrared radiation and the
amount of emitted radiation is a function of surface temperature. Hot bodies appear in
lighter tone in a thermal image and cooler bodies appear darker. The emitted radiation
are collected by thermal scanner, which works on the principle of Optical Mechanical
Scanner, and cryogenically cooled detectors are employed to sense the radiation in the
wavelength of 8 to 14 µm wavelength. Temperature variations of upto one degree
centigrade can be estimated from the thermal imagery.
Table 1 Thermal sensors
Operational period 1978-1980 1982 to present
Orbital altitude 620 Km 705 Km
Image coverage 700 by 700 Km 185 by 170 Km
Acquisition time, day 1:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m.
Acquisition time, night 2:30 a.m. 9:30 p.m.
Visible and reflected IR detectors
Number of bands 1 6
spectral range 0.5 0 - 1.1µm 0.4 - 2.35 µm
Ground resolution cell 500 by 500 m 30 by 30 m
Thermal IR detector
Spectral range 10.5 - 12.5 µm 10.5 - 12.5µm
Ground resolution cell 600 by 600 m 120 by 120m
Table 2: Microwave Sensors
Satellite Missions
Today more than ten E.O. satellites provide imagery that can be used in various
applications. The list also includes some failed as well as future missions. Agencies
responsible for the distribution and trading of data internationally are also listed.
Table-3 Operational Earth Observation Satellites
France ESA Israel USA Canada India Japan
S 10m 30m
T 10m 92/00
E radar
I 93/96 radar 1m 95 6m
E 10m 2001 15m 1m 6m
S Radar
00 2m 0.6m 1m 5.8m
3m+HRS10 02 1m 1m 03 1& 2 03
2.5m/80cm 2.5m
SPOT Miscellaneo Imagesat SI-EOSAT, Earthwatch, RADARSAT NRSA- Jaxa
After more than two decades of success, the Landsat program realised its first
unsuccessful mission with the launch failure of Landsat-6 on October 5, 1993. The
sensor included on-board was the Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM). To provide
continuity with Landsat -4 and -5 the ETM incorporated the same seven spectral bands
and the same spatial resolutions as the TM. The ETM's major improvement over the TM
was addition of an eighth panchromatic band operating in 0.50 to 0.90-µm range and
spatial resolution of 15m. Landsat-7 includes two sensors: the Enhanced Thematic
Mapper plus (ETM+) and the High Resolution Multispectral Stereo Imager (HRMSI).
Table-4 Characteristics of Landsat-1 to -7 Missions
Satellite Launc Decommissione RBV bands MSS bands TM bands
hed d
Landsat-1 July Jan. 6, 1978 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7 -
23, (simultaneous
1972 images)
Landsat-2 Jan. Feb. 25, 1982 1, 2, 3 4,5,6,7 -
22, (simultaneous
1975 images)
Landsat-3 March Mar. 31, 1983 A,B,C,D (One band 4,5,6,7,8* -
5, side by side
1978 images)
Landsat-4 July - 1,2,3,4,5,6,
16, 7
Landsat-5 March Same as LANDSAT – 4
Landsat-6 Oct. 5, LAUNCH FAILURE
Landsat-7 April - - 1,2,3,4,5,6,
15, 7,8
Landsat-8 Februa OLI Bands
ry 11,
Table-5 Orbital characteristics of Landsat series satellites
(i) Multispectral Scanner (MSS) used in Landsat series satellites
Multispectral scanner (Optical Mechanical Scanner) onboard Landsat series of satellites
of U.S.A. (L1, L2, L3, L4 & L5) gives line scan type imagery using an oscillating mirror to
continuously scan the earth surface perpendicular to the spacecraft velocity. Six lines
are scanned simultaneously in each of the four spectral bands for each mirror sweep.
Spacecraft motion provides the along-track progression of the scan lines. Radiation is
sensed simultaneously by an array of six detectors each of four spectral bands from 0.5
to 1.1 µm. The detectors’ outputs are sampled, encoded and formatted into continuous
digital data stream.
(ii) Return Beam Vidicon (RBV) used in Landsat series satellites
Return Beam Vidicon onboard Landsat 1, 2 & 3 is a camera system, which operates by
shuttering 3 independent cameras (2 in case of L3) simultaneously, each sensing a
different spectral band in the range of 0.48 to 0.83 µm. The ground scene viewed (185
km x 185 km) is stored on the photosensitive surface of the camera tube and after
shuttering; the image is scanned by an electron beam to produce a video signal output.
In order to produce overlapping images along the direction of spacecraft motion, the
cameras are re-shuttered after every 25 seconds.
(iii) Thematic Mapper (TM) used in Landsat series satellites
Landsat 4 & 5 have onboard a new payload called “Thematic Mapper" with 7 spectral
bands & ground resolution of 30 meters. This is in addition to the MSS payload, which is
identical to those carried onboard Landsat 1 & 2 and replaces RBV payload. TM is also
an Optical Mechanical Scanner, similar to MSS; however, being a 2nd generation line
scanning sensor, it ensures better performance characteristics in terms of (i) improved
pointing accuracy and stability, (ii) high resolution, (iii) new and more number of
spectral bands, (iv) 16 days repetitive coverage (v) high scanning efficiency using bi-
directional scanning and (vi) increased quantization levels. For achieving the bi-
directional scanning, a scan line corrector (SLC) is introduced between the telescope and
focal plane. The SLC ensures parallel lines of scanning in the forward and reverse
Table-6 Sensor characteristics of Landsat series satellites
Landsat 8
Spectral Band Wavelength Resolution
Band 1 - Coastal / Aerosol 0.433 - 0.453 µm 30 m
Band 2 - Blue 0.450 - 0.515 µm 30 m
Band 3 - Green 0.525 - 0.600 µm 30 m
Band 4 - Red 0.630 - 0.680 µm 30 m
Band 5 - Near Infrared 0.845 - 0.885 µm 30 m
Band 6 - Short Wavelength Infrared 1.560 - 1.660 µm 30 m
Band 7 - Short Wavelength Infrared 2.100 - 2.300 µm 30 m
Band 8 - Panchromatic 0.500 - 0.680 µm 15 m
Band 9 - Cirrus 1.360 - 1.390 µm 30 m
to 0.73 µm) with red band from these systems (0.61 to 0.68 µm). This band will be used
to produce both 10m black and white images and 20m multispectral data. Another
change in SPOT-4 is the addition of a separate wide-field-of-view, sensor called the
Vegetation Monitoring Instrument (VMI).
Altitude 832
Orbital period (min.) 101
Inclination (degrees) 98.7
Equatorial crossing time 10.30 AM (local sun time)
Sensors HRV
Temporal resolution 26 days
Stereo viewing capability 5 days
Swath (km) 60
Resolution 20m MLA, 10m PLA
600 x
VMI Multispectral 4 0.68(red) 1000 1
NIR) 1.58-
0.61-0.68 10
(red) 10
Multispectral 4 60
0.79-0.89 10
SPOT -5 May 2002
(NIR) 20
5 m, 26
combined to
Pan 1 0.61-0.68 generate a 60
10 m
Pan 1 0.61-0.68 60
at every 5m
along track)
Same as
VMI Multispectral 4 I000
March 24,
SPOT-4 (red) 26
1998 Multispectral 4 20 60
HRV 0.79-0.89
Pan 1 0.61-0.68 10 60
1990 &
SPOT-2 Multispectral 3 0.61-0.68 20 60
March HRV 26
&3 0.79-0.89
Pan 1 0.51-0.73 10 60
Same as Spot
Multispectral 3 20 -do-
SPOT-1 1986 HRV 2 26
Pan 1 -do- 10 -do-
Table-9 Orbital characteristics of IRS series satellites
Satellite No. of Resolution Revisit
Launch Sensors Types Width
Name Bands (meters) Time
5 November
Mangalyaan ( Mars
2013 / 24
Orbiter Mission)
September 2014
SARAL 25 February 013 Altimeters
RISAT - 1 26 April 2012 SAR Active – Radar 1-50 m 25 days
Megatropiques 12 October 2011 SAPHIR
IRS – P6
17 Oct, 2003 4 23 142
(Resourcesat 1) LISS-III Multispectral 24 days
23.9 MX
LISS-IV Multispectral 3 5.8 24 days
70 PAN
OCM Multispectral 8 360 m 1420 km
IRS-P4 (Oceansat) 26 May, 1999 120, 80, 40 2 days
MSMR RADAR 4 1360 km
and 40 kms
1 70 148
PAN PAN 1 6 70
(i) Linear Imaging Self Scanning (LISS) Camera used in IRS-1A & B
Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS-1A) fully designed and fabricated by the Indian
Space Research Organization (ISRO) was launched on 17th March 1988 by Russian
launcher. It has four spectral bands in the range of 0.45 to 0.86 m (0.45 to 0.53 m to
0.59 m, 0.62 to 0.68 m and 0.77 to 0.86 m) in the visible and near infrared range
with two different spatial resolution of 72.5 m. and 36.25 m. from one no. of open LISS-
1 and two nos. of LISS-2 cameras respectively. It provides repetitive coverage after
every 22 days. Like all other LANDSAT/SPOT missions which are designed for global
coverage IRS is also in sun synchronous, polar orbit at about 900 km altitude and cover a
width of 148 km. on ground. It uses linear array detectors (CCD) like SPOT.
(ii) Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 Camera (LISS-3)
This camera is configured to provide imageries in three visible bands as well as in
shortwave infrared band. The resolution and swath for visible bands are 23.5 m and 142
km, respectively. The detector has a 6000-element CCD based linear array with a pixel
dimension of 10µm by 7 µm. The detector is placed at the focus of a refractive type
optical system consisting of eight lens elements, which provides a focal length of 360
The processing of the analogue output video signal is similar to that of PAN. For this
camera, a 7-bit digitization is used which gives an intensity variation of 128 levels.
Table - 12 Characteristics of LISS-3
Band 2 0.52-0.59 µm
Band 3 0.62-0.68 µm
Band 4 0.77-0.86 µm
Band 5 1.55-1.70 µm
Geometric resolution 23.5 m for bands 2,3,5
70.5 m for band 5
Equivalent focal length (bands2, 3,4/band 5) 347.5 mm/301.2 mm
Swath 141 km for bands 2,3,4
148 km for band 5
Radiometric resolution 7 bits
10 bits in Resourcesat 2
Band-to-band registration ±0.25 pixel
The PAN payload with its capability to tilt ±26o, can view (revisit) any particular scene
once in 5 days, if required. Additionally this provision can be used for getting stereo
pairs or imageries. The tilting capability is achieved by steering the camera as a whole
by the required angle using a steering mechanism to which PAN camera lugs are fixed.
Table - 13 Characteristics of PAN camera
±0.3o (along track)
Spectral band 0.5-0.75 µm
Band 3 0.62-0.68 µm
Band 4 0.77-0.86 µm
Resolution 188.3 m
Swath 810 km
Radiometric resolution 7 bits
Band-to-band registration ±0.25 pixel
LISS-IV sensor onboard IRS – P6 operates in three spectral bands in the visible and near-
infrared (VNIR) or PAN mode with 5.8 meter spatial resolution.
The LISS-IV sensor can be operated in either of two modes ( In IRSP6):
In multi-spectral mode (Mx), LISS-IV covers a swath of 23 km (selectable out of
70 km total swath) in all three bands.
In mono mode (Mono), the full swath of 70 km will be covered in any one single
band selectable by ground command (nominally in B3, red band).
IGFOV 5.8 m at nadir
Spectral B2: 0.52-0.59
Bands B3: 0.62-0.68
B4: 0.77-0.86
Swath 23.9 km (multispectral mode in P6 and 70 Km in Resourcesat2)
Integration 0.877714 msec
Quantization 10 bits
No. of gains Single gain (Dynamic range obtained by sliding 7 bits out f of 10 bits)
MSMR, which operates in four microwave frequencies both in vertical and horizontal
polarisation is used to collect data on sea surface temperature, wind speed, cloud water
content and water vapor content in the atmosphere above the ocean.
Radiometric Resolution: Data is collected as 11 bits per pixel (2048 gray tones).
Timings of collecting / receiving IKONOS data and satellite orbit characteristics vary
considerably depending on accuracy of product, extent and area. The applications for
this data are boundless: in particular, it will be used for large scale mapping, creating
precise height models for e.g. micro-cellular radio, and for every application requiring
the utmost detail from areas which are inaccessible for aerial photography.
Meteorological Satellites
Designed specifically to assist in weather prediction and monitoring, meteorological
satellites, or meteosats, generally incorporate sensors that have very coarse spatial
resolution compared to land oriented systems. On the other hand, meteosats afford the
advantages of global coverage at very high temporal resolution. Accordingly, meteosat
data have been shown to be useful in natural resource applications where frequent,
large area mapping is required and fine detail is not. Apart from the advantage of
depicting large areas at high temporal resolution, the coarse spatial resolution of
meteosats also greatly reduces the volume of data to be processed for a particular
Numerous countries have launched various types of meteosats with a range of orbit and
sensing system designs e.g. NOAA series (operated by U.S. named after the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). These have near-polar, sun-synchronous
orbits. In contrast GOES and INSAT series satellites are in geo-stationary orbits. India has
launched INSAT series satellites, which are telecommunication, and meteorological
INSAT Series
INSAT satellites are basically communication satellites used for telecommunication and
broadcasting, which carried meteorological sensor for weather monitoring. These
satellites are used in day-to-day weather forecasting, cyclone monitoring etc. The
sensor is Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR). Among this series, the most
powerful satellite is INSAT-1C, launched from French Guyana on December 1995
weighing 2070 kg in a geo-stationary orbit. This satellite has heralded a new era in
telecommunication by introducing mobile phones. The details are given below.
Table-19 Orbital characteristics of INSAT series satellites
Altitude 36000 km
Nature Geostationary
Repetitive coverage 3 hr.
Sensor VHRR
Resolution 2.75 km
Spectral bands 0.55 - 0.75 µm
10.5 - 12.5 µm.
ISRO and French National Space Centre (CNES) signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) in 2004-05 for the development and implementation of Megha-Tropiques
(Megha meaning cloud in Sanskrit and Tropiques meaning tropics in French). The launch
of Megha-Tropiques is planned during the fourth quarter of 2010.
Megha-Tropiques is aimed at understanding the life cycle of convective systems and to
their role in the associated energy and moisture budget of the atmosphere in the
tropical regions. The satellite will carry an Imaging Radiometer Microwave Analysis and
Detection of Rain and Atmospheric Structures (MADRAS), a six channel Humidity
Sounder (SAPHIR), a four channel Scanner for Radiation Budget Measurement (SCARAB)
and GPS Radio Occultation System (GPS-ROS).
The Satellite for ARGOS and ALTIKA (SARAL) is a joint ISRO-CNES mission and planned to
be launched during 2011. The Ka band altimeter, ALTIKA, provided by CNES payload
consists of a Ka-band radar altimeter, operating at 35.75 GHz. A dual frequency total
power type microwave radiometer (23.8 and 37 GHz) is embedded in the altimeter to
correct tropospheric effects on the altimeter measurement. Doppler Orbitography and
Radio-positioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS) on board enables precise
determination of the orbit. A Laser Retroreflector Array (LRA) helps to calibrate the
precise orbit determination system and the altimeter system several times throughout
the mission.
ASTROSAT is a first dedicated Indian Astronomy satellite mission, which will enable
multi-wavelength observations of the celestial bodies and cosmic sources in X-ray and
UV spectral bands simultaneously. The scientific payloads cover the Visible (3500-6000
Å), UV (1300-3000 Å), soft and hard X-ray regimes (0.5-8 keV; 3-80 keV). The uniqueness
of ASTROSAT lies in its wide spectral coverage extending over visible, UV, soft and hard
X-ray regions.
The GRS products can either be standard or value added/special products. Standard
products are generated after applying radiometric and Geometric corrections.
Special/value added products are generated after further processing the standard
products by mosaicing/merging/extracting/enhancement of data.
The raw data recorded at the earth station is corrected to various levels of processing at
the Data processing systems
Level 1 Radio metrically corrected and Geometrically corrected only for
earth rotation (Browse product)
Level 2 Both radio metrically corrected and Geometrically corrected
(Standard product)
Level 3 Special processing like merging, enhancement etc. after level 2
corrections (Special product)
Precision Product
Value added product e.g. vegetation index map. Digital terrain model
Radiometric distortions
Non Uniform Response of the Detectors
Specific Detector element Failure
Data loss during data communication or Archival/Retrieval
Narrow dynamic range
Image to Image Variations
Geometric distortions
Scene related
Sensor related
Space Craft related
Multi Image Mosaicing
Map Projection
Geocoded Correction – True North Rotation
Data dissemination
The data are recorded on Digital Linear Tapes (DLTs) or CD-ROMs, DVDs depending on
the mission and archived for providing data products to users as and when orders are
Satellite data products are available on photographic and digital media. Photographic
products can be supplied as films or prints. Digital products can be supplied in form of
CD-ROMs, DVD or it can be downloaded through FTP services also.
Generally, single band data is provided in B/W such as PAN data or one band data from
multi-spectral sensors. Similarly, photographic, color products called as False Color
Composites (FCC) can be provided for multi-spectral data. The output scale for prints
can vary from 1:1 M to 1:5000.
GeoTIFF- Gray Scale (from IRS-1C onwards except NOAA, AQUA and TERRA)
GeoTIFF - RGB single band FCC or NCC(from IRS-1C onwards except NOAA, AQUA
and TERRA)
The digital data format document is provided along with the digital data.
An orbit is the course of motion taken by the satellite in space and the ground trace of
the orbit is called a 'Path'.
e.g. IRS IC (source NRSC)
In a 24 day cycle, the satellite completes 341 orbits with an orbital period of 101.35
minutes. This way, the satellite completes approximately 14 orbits per day. Though the
number of orbits and paths are the same, the designated path number in the
referencing scheme and the orbit number are not the same.
On day one (D1), the satellite covers orbit numbers 1 to 14, which as per the referencing
scheme will be path numbers 1, 318, 294, 270, 246, 222, 198, 174, 150, 126, 102, 78, 54
and 30, assuming that the cycle starts with path 1.
So orbit 1 corresponds to path 1, orbit 2 to path 318, orbit 3 to path 294 etc. Path
number one is assigned to the track which is at 29.7 deg West longitude. The gap
between successive path is 1.055 deg. All subsequent orbits fall westward. Due to the
limitation of antenna drive speed it is difficult to track the satellite around zenith
because above 86 deg elevation, if a pass occurs, the data may be lost for a few
seconds. To reduce it to minimum, path 1 is positioned in such a manner that the data
reception station is exactly between two nominal paths, namely 99 and 100.
The lines joining the corresponding scene centers of different paths are parallel to the
equator and are called ‘Rows’.
Along a path, the continuous stream of data is segmented into a number of scenes
which are framed in such a manner that its centre lies on the equator which is taken as
the reference line for segmentation.
e.g. LISS-III (source NRSC)
LISS III scene, consisting of 6000 lines, is framed such that the centre of the scene lies on
the equator. The next scene is defined such that its centre lies exactly 5,703 lines from
the equator. The center of next scene is then defined 5,703 lines northwards and so on.
This is continued upto 81 deg North latitude. The uniformly separated scene centers are
such that same rows of different paths fall at the same latitude. The row number 1 falls
around 81 deg North latitude, row number 41 will be near 40 deg North and row
number of the scene lying on the equator is 75. The Indian region is covered by row
numbers 30 to 90 and path numbers 65 to 130.
Scene Definition
The camera scans the ground track line by line continuously. The satellite motion along
the track provides continuous imaging of the ground. This continuous stream of data is
segmented to convenient sizes. These segments are called scenes.
1. Campbell John B. 1996 : Introduction to Remote Sensing. Taylor & Francis
2. Curran P.J., 1985. Principles of Remote Sensing. Longman Group Limited,
London. 282 pp.
3. Elachi C., 1987. Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing.
Wiley Series in Remote Sensing, New York, 412 pp.
4. Floyd F. Sabins : Remote Sensing and Principles and Image Interpretation
5. George Joseph : Imaging Sensors, 1996 Remote Sensing Reviews
6. Lillesand Thomas M. & Kiefer Ralph 1993 : Remote Sensing and Image
Interpretation Third Edition John Villey
7. Manual of Remote Sensing IIIrd Edition : American Society of Photogrammtery
and Remote Sensing
Image Interpretation
First - It represents a larger area of the earth from a perspective view and provides a
format that facilitates the study of objects and their relationships.
Second - Certain types of imagery and aerial photograph can provide a 3-D view.
Third - Characteristics of objects not visible to the human eye can be transformed
into images
Fourth - It provides the observer with a permanent record/representation of
objects at any moment of time. In addition, data is real-time,
repetitive and, when in digital form, is computer compatible for quick
An image taken from the air or space is a pictorial presentation of the pattern of a
The pattern is composed of indicators of objects and events that relate to the physical,
biological and cultural components of the landscape.
Similar conditions, in similar circumstances and surroundings, reflect similar patterns,
and unlike conditions reflect unlike patterns.
The type and amount of information that can be extracted is proportional to the
knowledge, skill and experience of the analyst, the methods used for interpretation
and the analyst's awareness of any limitations.
Visibility of Objects
The objects on aerial photographs or imagery are represented in the form of photo
images in tones of grey in B/W photography and in colour/false colour photography in
different colours/hues. This visibility of objects in the images varies due to -
Inherent Characteristics of Objects
In any photographic image forming process, the negative is composed of tiny silver
deposits formed by the action of light on photosensitive film during exposure. The amount
of light received by the various sections of the film depends on the reflection of
electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from various objects. This light, after passing through the
optical system, gives rise to different tones and textures.
Photographic tone contrast is the difference in brightness between an image and its
background. Similarly, in colour photography colour contrast is the result of all hue values
and chroma differences between the image and its background. The tonal contrast can be
sufficiently increased with proper filters.
Sharpness is the abruptness with which tone or colour contrasts appear on the
photograph or imagery. Both tone and sharpness enable an interpreter to distinguish one
object from another. To a large extent, image sharpness is dependent on the focussing
ability of the optical system. Image sharpness is closely related to the resolution of the
optical system.
Stereoscopic Parallax Characteristics
Numerous components of the environment can be identified with reasonable
certainty merely by their shape. This is true of both natural features and man-made
In many cases, the length, breadth, height, area and/or volume of an object can be
significant, whether these are surface features (e.g. different tree species) or atmospheric
phenomena (e.g. cumulus versus cumulonimbus clouds). The approximate size of many
objects can be judged by comparisons with familiar features(e.g. roads) in the same scene.
We have seen how different objects emit or reflect different wavelengths and
intensities of radiant energy. Such differences may be recorded as variations of picture
tone, colour or density. which enable discrimination of many spatial variables, for
example, on land different crop types or at sea water bodies of contrasting depths or
temperatures. The terms 'light', 'medium' or 'dark' are used to describe variations in tone.
Hidden profiles may be revealed in silhouette (e.g. the shapes of buildings or the
forms of field boundaries). Shadows are especially useful in geomorphological studies
where micro relief features may be easier to detect under conditions of low-angle solar
illumination than when the sun is high in the sky. Unfortunately, deep shadows in areas of
complex detail may obscure significant features, e.g. the volume and distribution of traffic
on a city street.
Repetitive patterns of both natural and cultural features are quite common, which
is fortunate because much image interpretation is aimed at the mapping and analysis of
relatively complex features rather than the more basic units of which they may be
composed. Such features include agricultural complexes (e.g. farms and orchards) and
terrain features (e.g. alluvial river valleys and coastal plains).
the only criterion of identification or correlation employed in interpretation. More often it
is invoked as the basis for a subdivision of categories already established using more
fundamental criteria. For example, two rock units may have the same tone but different
Stereo-scopic Appearance
When the same feature is photographed from two different positions with overlap
between successive images, an apparently solid model of the feature can be seen under a
stereoscope. Such a model is termed a stereomodel and the three-dimentional view it
provides can aid interpretation. This valuable information cannot be obtained from a single
Image interpretation may be very general in its approach and objective, such as in
the case of terrain evaluation or land classification. On other occasions it is highly specific,
related to clear-cut goals in such fields as geology, forestry, transport studies and soil
erosion mapping. In no instance should the interpreter fail to take into account features
other than those for which he or she is specifically searching. Failure to give adequate
consideration to all aspects of a terrain is, perhaps, the commonest source of
interpretation error.
Image interpretation comprises at least three mental acts that may or may not be
performed simultaneously:
In visual interpretation, the methodology of interpretation for each separate
discipline will depend on :
From the scrutiny of the above list, it is evident that no stereotyped approach can
be prescribed for the techniques or the methodology of photo-interpretation. An
interpreter must work out the plan of operations and the techniques depending on the
project's special requirements.
In carrying out this task, an interpreter may use many more types of data than
those recorded on the images he is to interpret. Many sources, such as literature,
laboratory measurements, analysis, field work and ground and aerial photographs (or
imagery) make up this collateral material.
Activities of Image-interpretation
The reference material in the form of identification keys is a useful aid in image
interpretation. Many types of image interpretation keys are available or may be
constructed depending on the abilities of the interpreter and the purpose to be served by
the interpretation.
There are two basic methods that may be used to study aerial imagery:
"Fishing expedition" - an examination of each and every object so as not to miss anything,
Sequence of Activities
Detection means selectively picking out an object or element of importance for the
particular kind of interpretation in hand. It is often coupled with recognition, in which case
the object is not only seen but also recognized.
Idealization refers to the process of drawing or standardized representations of
what is actually seen in the photo image. This process is helpful for the subsequent use of
photograph/imagery during field investigations and in the preparation of base maps.
Convergence of evidence:
As stated earlier, characteristics not visible to the human eye can also be recorded
and displayed by using proper sensor types. Digital data can also be transferred onto any
type of film, depending on the type of study to be carried out. Normally, the four types of
films are used for visual data display as follows.
a) Black-and-white panchromatic,
b) Black-and-white infrared
c) Colour,
d) Colour infrared/false colour
All of the above types are available in different grades and sensitivities that can be
preselected for a particular use. An interpreter must know the characteristics of each of
these before starting an interpretation job. The same is true for the digital data display for
multispectral, thermal and radar imagery.
Interpretation Instruments
Monocular instruments: magnifiers
Stereoscopic instruments: mirror and pocket stereoscope
zoom stereoscope
scanning mirror
development of image-interpretation and for widening the scope of application of its
The majority of the flux incident on a soil surface is reflected or absorbed and little
is transmitted. The reflectance properties of the majority of soils are similar, with a
positive relationship between reflectance and wavelengths, as can be seen in Fig.1. The
five characteristics of a soil that determine its reflectance properties are, in order of
importance: its moisture content, organic content, texture, structure and iron oxide
content. These factors are all interrelated, for example the texture (the proportion of
sand, silt and clay particles) is related to both the structure (the arrangement of sand, silt
and clay particles into aggregates) and the ability of the soil to hold moisture.
The relationship between texture, structure and soil moisture can best be described
with reference to two contrasting soil types. A clay soil tends to have a strong structure,
which leads to a rough surface on ploughing; clay soils also tend to have high moisture
content and as a result have a fairly low diffuse reflectance. In contrast, a sandy soil tends
to have a weak structure, which leads to a fairly smooth surface on ploughing; sandy soils
also tend to have a low moisture content and a result have fairly high and often specular
reflectance properties. In visible wavelengths the presence of soil moisture considerably
reduces the surface reflectance of soil. This occurs until the soil is saturated; at which
point further additions of moisture has no effect of reflectance.
The surface roughness (determined by the texture and structure) and the moisture
content of soil also affect the way in which the reflected visible and near infrared radiation
is polarized. This is because when polarized sunlight is specularly reflected from a smooth
wet surface it becomes weakly polarized to a degree that is positively related to the
smoothness and the wetness of that surface. This effect has been used to estimate soil
surface moisture from aircraft-borne sensors at altitudes of up to 300 meters.
Organic matter
Soil organic matter is dark and its presence decreases the reflectance from the soil
up to an organic matter content of around 4-5 percent. When the organic matter content
of the soil is greater than 5 percent, the soil is black and any further increases in organic
matter will have little effect on reflectance.
Iron Oxide
Iron oxide gives many soils their 'rusty' red coloration by coating or stating
individual soil particles. Iron oxide selectively reflects red light (0.6-0.7 m). This effect is
so marked that workers have been able to use a ratio of red to green bi-directional
reflectance to locate iron ore deposits from satellite altitudes.
The majority of radiant flux incident upon water is either not reflected but is either
absorbed or transmitted. In visible wavelengths of EMR, little light is absorbed, a small
amount, usually below 5% is reflected and the rest is transmitted. Water absorbs NIR and
MIR strongly, (Fig.3) leaving little radiation to be either reflected or transmitted. This
results in sharp contrast between any water and land boundaries.
The factors, which govern the variability in reflectance of a water body, are the
depth of the water, suspended material within the water and surface roughness of the
In shallow water some of the radiation is reflected not by the water itself but from
the bottom of the water body. Therefore, in shallow pools and streams it is often the
underlying material that determines the water body's reflectance properties and colour in
the FCC.
Among the suspended materials the most common materials are non-organic
sediments, tannin and chlorophyll. The effect of non-organic silts and clays increase the
scatter and the reflectance, in visible wavelengths.
Water bodies that contain chlorophyll have reflectance properties that resemble, at
least in part, those of vegetation with increased green and decreased blue and decreased
red reflectance. However, chlorophyll content must be very high enough to detect these
The roughness of water surface can also affect its reflectance properties. If the
surface is smooth then light is reflected specularly from surface, giving very high or very
low reflectance, dependent upon the location of the sensor. If the surface is very rough
then there will be increased scattering at the surface, which in turn will increase the
1. Pigmentation
2. Physiological structure
3. Leaf moisture content
The discontinuities in the refractive indices within a leaf determine its near
reflectance. These discontinuities occur between membranes and cytoplasm within the
upper half of the leaf and more importantly between individual cells and air spaces of the
spongy mesophyll within the lower half of the leaf.
The combined effects of leaf pigments and physiological structure give all healthy
green leaves their characteristic reflectance properties: low reflectance of red and blue
light, medium reflectance of green light and high reflectance of near infrared radiation (Fig
4). The major difference in leaf reflectance between species, are dependent upon leaf
thickness, which affects both pigment content and physiological structure. For example, a
thick wheat flat leaf will tend to transmit little and absorb much radiation whereas a flimsy
lettuce leaf will transmit much and absorb little radiation (Fig 5).
Vegetation senesces due to aging and the crop begins to ripen, the near infrared
reflectance of the leaf does not significantly decrease. However, the breakdown of the
plant pigments, result in a rise in the reflectance of blue and red wavelengths. As a result
there is a positive relationship between bi-directional reflectance, at each wavelength, and
the LAI of senescent vegetation.
The geometry of a vegetation canopy will determine the amount of shadow seen by
the sensor and will therefore influence the sensitivity of bi-directional reflectance
measurements to angular variation in sun and sensor. For example, the reflectance of a
rough tree canopy unlike a smoother grassland canopy is greatly dependent upon the solar
The effect of phenology
Figure 2: Effect of Soil Moisture on Soil Spectral Reflectance.
Figure 4 : Spectral reflectance of leaf (top)
Figure 6 Effect of Leaf moisture on spectral reflectance
The application of MSS image interpretation has been demonstrated in many fields,
such as agriculture, botany, cartography, civil engineering, environmental monitoring,
forestry, geography, geophysics, land resource analysis, land use planning, oceanography,
and water resource analysis.
As shown in Table 1, the image scale and area covered per frame are very different
for Landsat images than for conventional aerial photographs. For example, more than 1600
aerial photographs at a scale of 1:20,000 with no overlap are required to cover the area of
a single Landsat MSS image! Because of scale and resolution differences, Landsat images
should be considered as a complementary interpretive tool instead of a replacement for
low altitude aerial photographs. For example, the existence and/or significance of certain
geologic features trending of tens or hundreds of kilometers, and clearly evident on a
Landsat image, might escape notice on low altitude aerial photographs. On the other
hand, housing quality studies from aerial imagery would certainly be more effective using
low altitude aerial photographs rather than Landsat images, since individual houses cannot
be resolved on Landsat MSS images. In addition, most Landsat MSS images can only be
studies in two dimensions, whereas most aerial photographs are acquired in stereo.
The effective resolution (in terms of the smallest adjacent ground features that can
be distinguished from each other) of Landsat MSS images is about 79 m (about 30 m on
Landsat-3 RBV images). However, linear features as narrow as a few meters, having a
reflectance that contrasts sharply with that of their surroundings, can often be seen on
Landsat images (for example, two-land roads, concrete bridges crossing water bodies, etc.).
On the other hand, objects much larger than 79 m across may not be apparent if they have
a very low reflectance contrast with their surroundings, and features detected in one band
may not be detected in another.
Stereoscopic ability
As a line scanning system, the Landsat MSS produces images having one
dimensional relief displacement. Because there is displacement only in the scan direction
and not in the flight track direction, Landsat images can be viewed in stereo only in areas of
side lap on adjacent orbit passes. This side lap varies from about 85 percent near the poles
to about 14 percent at the equator. Consequently, only a limited area of the globe may be
viewed in stereo. Also, the vertical exaggeration when viewing MSS images in stereo in
quite small compared to conventional air photos. This systems from the extreme platform
altitude (900 km) of the satellite compared to the base distance between images. Whereas
stereo airphotos may have a 4X vertical exaggeration, stereo Landsat vertical exaggeration
ranges from about 1.3X at the equator to less than 0.4X at latitudes above about 70o.
Subtle as this stereo effect is, geologists in particular have found stereoviewing in Landsat
overlap areas quite valuable in studying topographic expression. However, most
interpretations of Landsat imagery are made monoscopically, either because sidelapping
imagery does not exist or because the relief displacement needed for stereoviewing is so
small. In fact, because of the high altitude and narrow field of view of the MSS, images
from the scanner contain little or no relief displacement in nonmountainous areas. When
such images are properly processed, they can be used as planimetric maps at scales as
large as 1:250,000. Recently all these difficulties has been overcome in Panchromatic of
SPOT and IRS-1C imagery.
In the comparative appearance of the four Landsat MSS band, the extent of the
urban areas is best seen in bands 4 and 5 (light toned). The major roads are best seen in
band 5 (light toned), clearly visible in band 4, undetectable in band 6, and slightly visible in
band 7 (dark toned). An airport concrete runway and taxiway are clearly visible. The
concrement pavement is clearly visible in bands 4 and 5 (light toned), very faint in band 6
(light toned),and undetectable in band 7. The asphalt pavements is very faint in bands 4
and 5 (light toned), reasonably clear in band 6 (dark toned), and best seen in band 7 (dark
toned). The major lakes and connecting river are best seen in bands 6 and 7 (dark toned).
These lakes have a natural green colour in mid-July resulting from the presence of algae in
the water. In the band 4 image, all lakes have a tone similar to the surrounding agricultural
land, which consists principally of green-leafed crops such as corn. The lakes mostly
surrounded by urban development, and therefore, their shorelines can be reasonably well
detected. The lakes principally surrounded by agricultural land and their shorelines are
often indistinct. The shorelines are more distinct in band 5, but still somewhat difficult to
delineate. The surface water of major lakes and the connecting river is clearly seen in both
bands 6 and 7 (dark toned). The agricultural use have a rectangular field pattern with
different tones representing different crops. This is best seen in bands 5, 6 and 7. For
purposes of crop identification and mapping from MSS images, the most effective
procedure is to view two or more bands simultaneously in an additive colour viewer or to
interpret color composite images. Small forested areas appear dark-toned in bands 4 and
5. In regions receiving a winter snowfall, forested areas can best be mapped using
wintertime images where the ground is snow covered. On such images, the forested and
shrub land areas will appear dark toned against a background of light-toned snow.
Temporal data
As each Landsat satellite passes over the same area on the earth's surface during
daylight hours about 20 times per year. The actual number of times per year a given
ground area is imaged depends on amount of cloud cover, sun angle, and whether or not
the satellite is in operation on any specific pass. This provides the opportunity for many
areas to have Landsat images available for several dates per year. Because the appearance
of the ground in many areas with climatic change is dramatically different in different
seasons, the image interpretation process is often improved by utilizing images from two
or more dates.
Band 5 imaged in September and December, in some areas the ground is snow
covered (about 200 mm deep) in the December image and all water bodies are frozen,
except for a small stretch of the river in northern hemisphere. The physiography of the
area can be better appreciated by viewing the December image, due in part to the low
solar elevation angle in winter that accentuates subtle relief. The snow-covered upland
areas and valley floors have a very light tone, whereas the steep, tree-covered valley sides
have a darker tone. The identification of urban, agricultural, and water areas can better be
accomplished using the September image. The identification of forested areas can be
more positively done using the December image.
Synoptic view
The synoptic view afforded by space platforms can be particularly useful for
observing short-lived phenomena. However, the use of Landsat images to capture such
ephemeral events as floods, forest fires, and volcanic activity is, to some degree, a hit-or-
miss proposition. If a satellite passes over such an event on a clear day when the imaging
system is in operation, excellent images of such events can be obtained. On the other
hand, such events can easily be missed if there are no images obtained within the duration
of the event or, as is often true during floods, extensive cloud cover obscures the earth's
surface. However, some of these events do leave lingering traces. For example, soil is
typically wet in a flooded area for at least several days after the flood waters have receded,
and this condition may be imaged even if the flood waters are not there. Also, the area
burned by a forest fire will have a dark image tone for a considerable period of time after
the actual fire has ceased.
In the red band image, the vast quantities of silt flowing from the river into the
delta can be clearly seen. However, it is difficult to delineate the boundary between land
water in the delta area. In the near-infrared band image, the silt-laden water cannot be
distinguished from the clear water because of the lack of water penetration of near-
infrared wavelengths. However, the delineation of the boundary between land and water
is much clearer than in red band.
The black tone of the burned area contrasts sharply with the lighter tones of the
surroundings unburned forest area.
Bands 4,5, and 7 are combined in this fashion to produce the color image . Spectral
characteristics and color signatures of Landsat MSS color images are comparable to those
of IR color aerial photographs. Typical signatures are as follows :
Urban areas has a grid pattern of major traffic arteries. Central commercial areas
have blue signatures caused by pavement, roofs, and an absence of vegetation. The
suburbs are pink to red, depending on density and condition of lawns, trees, and other
landscape vegetation. Small, bright red areas are parks, golf courses, cemeteries, and
other concentrations of vegetation.
Agriculture and vegetation has a rectangular bright red (growing crops) and blue-
grey (fallow fields) pattern. Red circles formed by alfalfa fields irrigated by centerpoint
irrigation sprinklers.
Rangeland has a red-brown signature in the fall season image. Forest and brush
cover mountainous terrain and the Transverse Ranges: lower elevation are covered by
chaparral and higher elevations by pine trees are also red-brown.
Water is represented by the ocean and scattered reservoirs. The dark blue color is
typical of the ocean much of the year, but during the winter rainy season, muddy water
from various rivers forms light-colored plumes that are carried.
The desert have a light yellow signature that is ;typical of arid land. Valley are
several light gray to very dark gray triangles, which are alluvial fans of gravel eroded from
the bedrock of the Transverse Ranges. Dry lakes have white signatures caused by silt and
clay deposit.
Major geologic features are also recognizable in the Landsat image. The fault,
which separates the valley from the Transverse Ranges, is expressed as linear scarps and
Return-beam vidicons (RBV) are framing systems that are essentially television
cameras. Landsat 1 and 2 carried three RBVs that recorded green, red and photographic IR
images of the same area on the ground. These images can be projected in blue, green, and
red to produce infrared color images comparable to MSS images. There were problems
with the color RBV system, and the images were inferior to MSS images; for these reasons,
only a few color RBV images were acquired. Landsat 3 deployed an extensively modified
version of RBV.
In typical RBV images the array of small crosses, called reseau marks, are used for
geometric control. The 1:10,00,000 scale is the same as that of the MSS image to which
these RBV frames may be compared. This comparison illustrates the advantages of the
higher spatial resolution of RBV. For example, in the urban area the grid of secondary
streets is recognizable on the RBV image but not on the MSS.
Landsat 3 collected RBV images of many areas around the world. Where RBV and
MSS images are available, it is useful to obtain both data sets in order to have the
advantages of higher spatial resolution (from RBV) plus IR color spectral information (from
Landsat TM images are useful for image interpretation for a much wider range of
applications than Landsat MSS images. This is because the TM has both an increase in the
number of spectral bands and an improvement in spatial resolution as compared with the
MSS. The MSS images are most useful for large area analyses, such as geologic mapping.
More specific mapping, such as detailed land cover mapping, is difficult on MSS images
because so many pixels of the original data are "mixed pixels," pixels containing more than
one cover type. With the decreased IFOV of the TM data, the area containing mixed pixels
is smaller and interpretation accuracies are increased. The TM's improved spectral and
radiometric resolution also aid image interpretation. In particular, the incorporation of the
mid-IR bands (bands 5 and 7) has greatly increased the vegetation discrimination of TM
The dramatic improvement in resolution from the MSS's ground resolution cell of
79 x 79 m to the TM's ground resolution cell of 30 x 30 m. Many indistinct light-toned
patches on the MSS image can be clearly seen as recent suburban development on the TM
image. Also, features such as agricultural field patterns that are indistinct on the MSS
image can be clearly seen on the TM image.
TM has more narrowly defined wavelength ranges for the three TM bands roughly
comparably to MSS bands 1 to 4 and has added bands in four wavelength ranges not
covered by the MSS bands.
Table 2 Thematic-mapper spectral bands
Sensing energy emitted form objects at ambient earth temperatures within the 8 to
14 um wavelength range. When objects are extremely hot, such as flowing lava, emitted
energy can be sensed in wavelengths shorter than thermal infrared wavelengths ( 3 to 14
æm). Forest fires are another example of an extremely hot phenomenon that can be
sensed in wavelengths shorter than thermal infrared.
Image Mapping
Thematic Mapper data have been used extensively to prepare image maps over a
range of mapping scales. Such maps have proven to be useful tools for resource
assessment in that they depict the terrain in actual detail, rather than in the line-and-
symbol format of conventional maps. Image maps are often used as map supplements to
augment conventional map coverage and to provide coverage of unmapped areas.
As we can see, there are several digital image processing procedures that may be
applied to the image mapping process. These include such things as large area digital
Mosaicing, image enhancement procedures, merging of image data with conventional
cartographic information, and streamlining the map production and printing process using
highly automated cartographic systems. Extensive research continues in the area of image
mapping with both Landsat, SPOT, and IRS data in which push broom scanners has been
deployed. The stereo/coverage with desired B/H ratio is also possible. Resolution has also
improved to 20m and 10m in SPOT while 23.2m and 5.8 in IRS-1C.
The use of SPOT data for various interpretive purposes is facilitated by the system's
combination of multispectral sensing with excellent spatial resolution, geometric fidelity,
and the provision for multidate and stereo imaging.
Merging Data
An increase in the apparent resolution of SPOT & IRS multispectral images can be
achieved through the merger of multispectral and panchromatic data. 20-m-resolution
multispectral image of an agricultural area and a 10-m-resolution merged multispectral and
panchromatic image in case of SPOT while 23.6m MSS and 5.8 m Pan of IRS-1C. The
merged image maintains the colors of the multispectral image but has a resolution
equivalent to that of the panchromatic image. Both the spatial and spectral resolution of
the merged image approach that seen in small scale, high altitude, color infrared aerial
Using the parallax resulting when SPOT & IRS-1C data are acquired from two
different orbit tracks, perspective views of a scene can be calculated and displayed.
Perspective views can also be produced by processing data from a single image with digital
elevation data of the same scene.
MSS images are interpreted in much the same manner as small-scale photographs
or images and photographs acquired from manned satellites. However, there are some
differences and potential advantages of MSS images. Linear features caused by
topography may be enhanced or suppressed on MSS images depending on orientation of
the features relative to sun azimuth. Linear features trending normal, or at a high angle, to
the sun azimuth are enhanced by shadows and highlights. Those trending parallel with the
azimuth are suppressed and difficult to recognize, as are linear features parallel with the
MSS scan lines.
Scratches and other film defects may be mistaken for natural features, but these
defects are identified by determining whether the questionable features appear on more
than a single band of imagery. Shadows of aircraft contrails may be mistaken for tonal
linear features but are recognized by checking for the parallel white image of the contrail.
Many questionable features are explained by examining several images acquired at
different dates. With experience, an interpreter learns to recognize linear features of
cultural origin, such as roads and field boundaries.
The repeated coverage of landsat enables interpreters to select images from the
optimum season for their purpose. Winter images provide minimum sun elevations and
maximum enhancement of suitably oriented topographic features are commonly enhanced
on images of snow-covered terrain because the snow eliminates or suppresses tonal
differences and minor terrain features, such as small lakes. Areas with wet and dry
seasonal climates should be interpreted from images acquired at the different seasons. In
cloud-free rainy-season images are best for most applications, but this selection may not
apply everywhere.
Significance of colors on Landsat IR color images was described earlier in the section on
MSS images. For special interpretation objectives, black-and-white images of individual
bands are useful. Table 2&4 gives some specific applications of TM & IRS bands.
Points to remember
1. Cloud-free MSS images are available for most of the world with no political or security
2. The low to intermediate sun angle enhances many subtle geologic features.
3. Long-term repetitive coverage provide images at different seasons and illumination
4. The images are low in cost.
5. IR color composites are available for many of the scenes. With suitable equipment,
color composites may be made for any image.
6. Synoptic coverage of each scene under uniform illumination aids recognition of major
features. Mosaics extend this coverage.
7. There is negligible image distortion.
8. Images are available in a digital format suitable for computer processing.
9. Limited stereo coverage is available except SPOT and IRS-1C.
10. TM provides images with improved spatial resolution, extended spectral range, and
additional spectral bands.
In addition to the applications shown in this chapter, Landsat images are valuable
for resource exploration, environmental monitoring, land-use analysis, and evaluating
natural hazards.
Another major contribution of Landsat is the impetus it has given to digital image
processing. The availability of low-cost multispectral image data in digital form has
encouraged the application and development of computer methods for image processing,
which are increasing the usefulness of the data for interpreters in many disciplines.
Since the first launch in 1972, Landsat has evolved from an experiment into an
operational system. There has been a steady improvements in the quality and utility of the
image data. Many users throughout the world now rely on Landsat, SPOT and IRS images
as routinely as they do on weather and communication satellites. It is essential that the all
remote sensing programs continue to provide images.
1. Campbell John B. 1996 : Introduction to Remote Sensing. Taylor & Francis
2. Curran P.J., 1985. Principles of Remote Sensing. Longman Group Limited, London.
282 pp.
3. Floyd F. Sabins : Remote Sensing and Principles and Image Interpretation
4. Lillesand Thomas M. & Kiefer Ralph 1993 : Remote Sensing and Image
Interpretation Third Edition John Villey
5. Eugene & Avery Interpretation of Aerial Photographs
Scope of Remote Sensing:
A basic idea of using remote sensing is to extend
the human visibility to capture beyond reach
Remote sensing is one of a suite of tools available to
land managers that provides up-to-date, detailed
information about land condition.
In the Land Monitor project, satellite images are
being used to provide information on land condition
and the changes in that condition through time,
specifically salinity and the status of remnant
vegetation, to help farmers, environmental managers
and planners better manage the land.
Remote Sensing System:
Principally remote sensing is used for
inventorying, mapping and monitoring of the
Earth resources and the health of the environment.
•Data acquisition process involves the following:
•A source of energy
The first requirement for remote sensing is to have
an energy source which illuminates or provides
electromagnetic energy to the target of interest.
After the energy has been scattered by, or emitted
from the target, we require a sensor (remote: not
in contact with the target) to collect and record the
electromagnetic radiation - active or passive.
•Data processing and analysis involves:
Remote Sensing
Tailor Ravin M.
Assistant Prof, CED
• Overview of Remote Sensing
• Electromagnetic Energy, Photons, and the
• Visible Wavelengths
• Infrared Sensing
• We perceive our
surrounding world through
our five senses
• Sight and hearing do not
require close contact
between sensors and
• Thus, our eyes and ears
are remote sensors
• We perform remote
sensing essentially all of (Virtual Science Centre)
the time
Key Milestones in Remote Sensing
1826 – Joseph Niepce takes first photograph
1858 – Gaspard Tournachon takes first aerial photograph from
a balloon
1913 – First aerial photograph collected from an airplane
1935 – Radar invented
1942 – Kodak patents color infrared film
1950s – First airborne thermal scanner
1957 – First high resolution synthetic aperture radar
1962 – Corona satellite series (camera systems) initiated by the
Intelligence community
1962 – First airborne multispectral scanner
1972 – ERTS-1 Launched – First Landsat satellite
Nadir in his
Balloon Photo
of Boston 1836
Platform: Balloon
Data System: 12
Thaddeus Lowe,
circa 1861-1865
remote sensing for
military purposes.
Then, as now, newest
developments are
always in the military
sensing early
in the
airplane era
U-2 Spy Plane 1954-1960
Flew at 70,000’ over USSR air defenses
CIA’s Corona Program
1960-1972 >100 missions
Followed after U-2s…
Data System: Film
Spatial Resolution: early missions Started:
@ 13 m, later missions
August @
Spectral Resolution: visible and visible-near infrared (both
film) Coverage: 7.6 Bil
Ikonos 1 m panchromatic imagery
Remote Sensing Organizations
• ISPRS- International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote
• IGARSS- International Geosciences And Remote Sensing
• NASA -National Aeronautic and Space Administration (USA)
• ESA- European Space Agency (Europe)
• NASDA- National Space Development Agency (Japan)
• CNES- Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (France )
• DARA- German Space Agency
• CSA - Canadian Space Agency
• NRSA- National Remote Sensing Agency of India
Remote Sensing
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
Energy Interactions with Earth Surface Features
• Solar radiation is
energy reflected or
scattered from the
• Different materials
(water, soil, etc.)
reflect energy in
different ways
– Each material has its
own spectral
reflectance signature 27
(Virtual Science Centre)
Electromagnetic Energy
• Electromagnetic energy can be though of as either waves or
particles, known as photons.
• This energy is propagates through space in form of periodic or
sinusoidal disturbances of electric and magnetic fields
– In free space this is 299,792,458 meters/second (exact)
• The waves are characterized by frequency and wavelength, related
c = νλ
– c = speed of light
– ν = frequency
– λ = wavelength,
usually in μm (10-6 meters),
or in nm (10-9 meters)
(Wave Nature of Light)
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Multispectral Images
• One band at a time displayed as gray
scale image
• Combination of three bands for color
composite image.
• Requires knowledge of spectral
reflectance for composite image
Near-IR Green
(Virtual Science
Centre) 30
False Color Composite
Infrared Radio
Electromagnetic Energy
• A photon is quantized energy, or an energy packet
• Photons can have different discrete energy values
• The energy of a quantum is given by Planck's equation:
E = hν =
– E = energy of a quantum, in Joules, J
– h = Planck’ s constant, 6.626 • 10 - 34 J • sec
– ν = frequency, in Hertz, or cycles/sec
– λ = wavelength, in meters
Electromagnetic Energy
• Radio waves through gamma rays are all electromagnetic
(EM) waves
• These waves differ only in wavelength
• Visible light is only one form of electromagnetic energy
– Ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays are shorter
– Infrared, microwaves, television, and radio waves are longer.
• An object of a certain size can scatter EM wavelengths on
the order of this size or smaller, but not larger wavelengths.
– Thus long wavelengths will not identify a small object
• Long wavelength radiation can only measure distances and
objects on the order of the wavelength
– Infrared light of micrometer wavelength will resolve better than
decimeter wavelength radio waves
Visible Light Bands
• This narrow band of electromagnetic radiation
extends from about 400 nm (violet) to about 700 nm
• The various color components of the visible spectrum
fall roughly within the following wavelength regions:
– Red: 610 - 700 nm
– Orange: 590 - 610 nm
– Yellow: 570 - 590 nm
– Green: 500 - 570 nm
– Blue: 450 - 500 nm
– Indigo: 430 - 450 nm
– Violet: 400 - 430 nm
(Virtual Science Centre) 35
Infrared Bands
• Infrared ranges from 0.7 to 300 µm wavelength.
• This region is further divided into the following
– Near Infrared (NIR): 0.7 to 1.5 µm.
– Short Wavelength Infrared (SWIR): 1.5 to 3 µm.
– Mid Wavelength Infrared (MWIR): 3 to 8 µm.
– Long Wavelength Infrared (LWIR): 8 to 15 µm.
– Far Infrared (FIR): longer than 15 µm.
• The NIR and SWIR bands are also known as
reflected infrared, referring to the main infrared
component of the solar radiation reflected from the
earth's surface.
• The MWIR and LWIR are known as thermal infrared
EMR is a dynamic form of energy that propagates as wave
motion at a velocity of c = 3 x 1010 cm/sec. The parameters
that characterize a wave motion are wavelength (λ), frequency
(ν) and velocity (c) (Fig. below). The relationship between the
above is c = νλ.
Q = hc / λ = h ν
Q is the energy of quantum,
h is Planck’s constant
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Major regions of the electromagnetic spectrum
Region Name Wavelength Comments
Entirely absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere and not
Gamma Ray < 0.03 nanometers
available for remote sensing.
Entirely absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere and not
X-ray 0.03 to 30 nanometers
available for remote sensing.
Wavelengths from 0.03 to 0.3 micrometers absorbed
Ultraviolet 0.03 to 0.4 micrometers
by ozone in the Earth's atmosphere.
Available for remote sensing the Earth. Can be
Photographic Ultraviolet 0.3 to 0.4 micrometers
imaged with photographic film.
Available for remote sensing the Earth. Can be
Visible 0.4 to 0.7 micrometers
imaged with photographic film.
Available for remote sensing the Earth. Can be
Infrared 0.7 to 100 micrometers
imaged with photographic film.
Available for remote sensing the Earth. Near Infrared
Reflected Infrared 0.7 to 3.0 micrometers 0.7 to 0.9 micrometers. Can be imaged with
photographic film.
Available for remote sensing the Earth. This
wavelength cannot be captured with photographic
Thermal Infrared 3.0 to 14 micrometers
film. Instead, mechanical sensors are used to image
this wavelength band.
Longer wavelengths of this band can pass through
Microwave or Radar 0.1 to 100 centimeters clouds, fog, and rain. Images using this band can be
made with sensors that actively emit microwaves.
Radio > 100 centimeters Not normally used for remote sensing the Earth. 8
Passive vs. Active Sensing
c =
c = speed of light
ν = frequency
λ = wavelength,
usually in m (10-6 meters),
or in nm (10-9 meters)
kind of energy that radio stations emit into the air.
emitted by other things,such as stars and gases in space.
in space are used by astronomers to learn about the structure of
nearby galaxies, and our own Milky Way
cook your popcorn in just a few minutes!
Our skin emits infrared light, which is why we can be seen in the
dark by someone using night vision goggles
IR light maps the dust between stars.
this is the part that our eyes see
emitted by everything from fireflies to light bulbs to stars also by
fast-moving particles hitting other particles.
Stars and other "hot" objects in space emit UV radiation.
cause our skin to burn
Your doctor uses them to look at your bones and your
dentist to look at your teeth
Radioactive materials (some natural and others made by man in
things like nuclear power plants) can emit gamma-rays
Interactions with the Atmosphere
► Scattering, refraction, absorption
transmission (T) occurs
when radiation passes
through a target
Scattering occurs when particles or
large gas molecules present in the
atmosphere interact with and cause the
electromagnetic radiation to be
redirected from its original path. How
much scattering takes place depends
on several factors including the
wavelength of the radiation, the
abundance of particles or gases, and
the distance the radiation travels
through the atmosphere. There are
three (3) types of scattering which take
► The redirection of EM energy by particles
suspended in the atmosphere or large molecules
of atmospheric gases
► Rayleigh scattering
► Mie scattering
► Nonselective scattering
Rayleigh scattering occurs when particles are very small
compared to the wavelength of the radiation. These could be
particles such as small specks of dust or nitrogen and oxygen
molecules. Rayleigh scattering causes shorter wavelengths of
energy to be scattered much more than longer wavelengths.
Rayleigh scattering is the dominant scattering mechanism in the
upper atmosphere. The fact that the sky appears "blue" during
the day is because of this phenomenon. As sunlight passes
through the atmosphere, the shorter wavelengths (i.e. blue) of
the visible spectrum are scattered more than the other (longer)
visible wavelengths. At sunrise and sunset the light has to
travel farther through the atmosphere than at midday and the
scattering of the shorter wavelengths is more complete; this
leaves a greater proportion of the longer wavelengths to
penetrate the atmosphere.
Rayleigh Scattering
► It occurs when atmospheric particles' diameters
are much smaller than the wavelength of the
radiation d<<
► It is common high in the atmosphere
► Radiation with shorter wavelength is easier to be
► Black vs. blue vs. red skies
Mie scattering
This occurs when the particles are just about the same
size as the wavelength of the radiation. Dust, pollen,
smoke and water vapour are common causes of Mie
scattering which tends to affect longer wavelengths than
those affected by Rayleigh scattering. Mie scattering
occurs mostly in the lower portions of the atmosphere
where larger particles are more abundant, and dominates
when cloud conditions are overcast.
Mie Scattering
► Particles' diameters are equivalent to the
wavelength d ≈
► It is common in lower atmosphere
► It is wavelength dependent
Non Selective scattering
This occurs when the particles are much larger than
the wavelength of the radiation. Water droplets and
large dust particles can cause this type of scattering.
Nonselective scattering gets its name from the fact
that all wavelengths are scattered about equally. This
type of scattering causes fog and clouds to appear
white to our eyes because blue, green, and red light
are all scattered in approximately equal quantities
(blue + green + red light = white light).
Nonselective Scattering
► Particles are much larger than the wavelength
► All wavelength are scattered equally
Effects of scattering
► It causes haze in remotely sensed images
► It decreases the spatial detail on the images
► It also decreases the contrast of the images
► The bending of light rays at the contact between
two media that transmit light but with different
density; when light enters the denser medium, it is
refracted toward surface normal
► The atmosphere prevents, or strongly attenuates,
transmission of radiation through the atmosphere
► Three gases:
- Ozone (O3): absorbs ultraviolet radiation high in
- Carbon-dioxide (CO2): absorbs mid and far
infrared (13-17.5microm) in lower atmosphere
- Water vapor (H2O): absorbs mid-far infrared
(5.5-7.0, >27microm) in lower atmosphere
Atmospheric Windows
► Thosewavelengths that are relatively easily
transmitted through the atmosphere
Atmospheric Windows
Atmospheric Windows
► The windows:
UV & visible: 0.30-0.75m
Near infrared: 0.77-0.91m
Mid infrared: 1.55-1.75m, 2.05-2.4m
Far infrared: 3.50-4.10m, 8.00- 9.20m,
Microwave: 7.50-11.5mm, 20.0+mm
► Transmittance (t):
transmitted radiation
t = ---------------------------
incident radiation
absorbed radiation
t = ---------------------------
incident radiation
Spectral Characteristics of Features
Spectral Reflectance Curve
► Chlorophyll absorbs blue and red, reflects
► Vegetation has a high reflection and
transmission at NIR wavelength range
► Reflection or absorption at MIR range, the
water absorption bands
► The palisade cells absorb blue and red light and
reflect green light at a peak of 0.54mm
► The spongy mesophyll cells reflect near infrared
light that is related to vegetation biomass because
the intercellular air space of spongy mesophyll
layer is where photosynthesis and respiration
► Vegetation moisture content absorbs mid infrared
► Jensen, J. R. "Biophysical Remote Sensing." Annals, 73:(1),111-132.
Biophysical Sensitivity of Spectrums ..
Upper epidermis
Lower epidermis
► Soil moisture decreases reflectance
► Coarse soil (dry) has relatively high reflectance
► Surface roughness, organic matter, iron oxide
affect reflectance