Introduction To The Finite Element Method (FEM)

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Introduction to the Finite Element

Method (FEM)

Finite Element Method Defined

• Many problems in engineering and applied science

are governed by differential or integral equations.
• The solutions to these equations would provide an
exact, closed-form solution to the particular problem
being studied.
• However, complexities in the geometry, properties
and in the boundary conditions that are seen in most
real-world problems usually means that an exact
solution cannot be obtained or obtained in a
reasonable amount of time.
• Current product design cycle times imply that
engineers must obtain design solutions in a ‘short’
amount of time.
• They are content to obtain approximate solutions
that can be readily obtained in a reasonable time
frame, and with reasonable effort. The FEM is one
such approximate solution technique.
The FEM is a numerical procedure for obtaining
approximate solutions to many of the
problems encountered in engineering analysis
• In the FEM, a complex region defining a continuum is
discretized into simple geometric shapes called
• The properties and the governing relationships are
assumed over these elements and expressed
mathematically in terms of unknown values at
specific points in the elements called nodes.
• An assembly process is used to link the individual
elements to the given system. When the effects of
loads and boundary conditions are considered, a set
of linear or nonlinear algebraic equations is usually
• Solution of these equations gives the approximate
behavior of the continuum or system.
• The continuum has an infinite number of degrees-of-
freedom (DOF), while the discretized model has a
finite number of DOF. This is the origin of the name,
finite element method.
• The number of equations is usually rather large for
most real-world applications of the FEM, and requires
the computational power of the digital computer. The
FEM has little practical value if the digital computer
were not available.
• Advances in and ready availability of computers and
software has brought the FEM within reach of
engineers working in small industries, and even

Origins of the Finite Element Method

The term finite element was first coined by Clough in

1960. In the early 1960s, engineers used the method
for approximate solution of problems in stress
analysis, fluid flow, heat transfer, and other areas.
• The first book on the FEM by Zienkiewicz and Chung
was published in 1967.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the FEM was applied
to a wide variety of engineering problems

• The 1970s marked advances in mathematical

treatments, including the development of new
elements, and convergence studies.
• Most commercial FEM software packages originated
and 1980s (FENRIS, LARSTRAN ‘80, SESAM ‘80.)
• The FEM is one of the most important developments
in computational methods to occur in the 20th
century. In just a few decades, the method has
evolved from one with applications in structural
engineering to a widely utilized and richly varied
computational approach for many scientific and
technological areas.

How can the FEM Help the Design


• The FEM offers many important advantages to the

design engineer:
• Easily applied to complex, irregular-shaped
objects composed of several different materials
and having complex boundary conditions.
• Applicable to steady-state, time dependent and
eigenvalue problems.
• Applicable to linear and nonlinear problems.
• One method can solve a wide variety of
problems, including problems in solid mechanics,
fluid mechanics, chemical reactions,
electromagnetics, biomechanics, heat transfer
and acoustics, to name a few.
• General-purpose FEM software
packages are available at reasonable cost, and
can be readily executed on microcomputers,
including workstations and PCs.
• The FEM can be coupled to CAD programs to
facilitate solid modeling and mesh generation.
• Many FEM software packages feature GUI
interfaces, auto-meshers, and sophisticated
postprocessors and graphics to speed the
analysis and make pre and post-processing more

Theoretical Basis: Formulating

Element Equations
Several approaches can be used to transform the
physical formulation of a problem to its finite element
discrete analogue.
• If the physical formulation of the problem is
described as a differential equation, then the most
popular solution method is the Method of Weighted
• If the physical problem can be formulated as the
minimization of a functional, then the Variational
Formulation is usually used.
Theoretical Basis: MWR

• One family of methods used to numerically solve

differential equations are called the methods of
weighted residuals (MWR).
• In the MWR, an approximate solution is substituted
into the differential equation. Since the approximate
solution does not identically satisfy the equation, a
residual, or error term, results.
Consider a differential equation
Dy’’(x) + Q = 0 (1)
Suppose that y = h(x) is an approximate solution to (1).
Substitution then gives Dh’’(x) + Q = R, where R is a
nonzero residual. The MWR then requires that
ò Wi(x)R(x) = 0 (2)
where Wi(x) are the weighting functions. The number of
weighting functions equals the number of unknown
coefficients in the approximate solution.

Theoretical Basis: Galerkin’s

• There are several choices for the weighting
functions, Wi.
• In the Galerkin’s method, the weighting functions
are the same functions that were used in the
approximating equation.
• The Galerkin’s method yields the same results as
the variational method when applied to differential
equations that are self-adjoint.
• The MWR is therefore an integral solution method.
• Many readers may find it unusual to see a numerical
solution that is based on an integral formulation.

Theoretical Basis: Variational


• The variational method involves the integral of a

function that produces a number. Each new function
produces a new number.
• The function that produces the lowest number has
the additional property of satisfying a specific
differential equation.
• Consider the integral
p = ò [D/2 y’’(x) - Qy]dx = 0. (1)
The numerical value of p can be calculated given a
specific equation y = f(x). Variational calculus shows that
the particular equation y = g(x) which yields the lowest
numerical value for p is the solution to the differential
Dy’’(x) + Q = 0. (2)

Advantages of the Finite Element

• Can readily handle complex geometry:
» The heart and power of the FEM.
• Can handle complex analysis types:
» Vibration
» Transients
» Nonlinear
» Heat transfer
» Fluids
• Can handle complex loading:
» Node-based loading (point loads).
» Element-based loading (pressure, thermal,
inertial forces).
» Time or frequency dependent loading.
• Can handle complex restraints:
» Indeterminate structures can be analyzed.
• Can handle bodies comprised of nonhomogeneous
» Every element in the model could be
assigned a different set of material
• Can handle bodies comprised of nonisotropic
» Orthotropic
» Anisotropic
• Special material effects are handled:
» Temperature dependent properties.
» Plasticity
» Creep
» Swelling
• Special geometric effects can be modeled:
» Large displacements.
» Large rotations.
» Contact (gap) condition.

Disadvantages of the Finite

Element Method
• A specific numerical result is obtained for a specific
problem. A general closed-form solution, which
would permit one to examine system response to
changes in various parameters, is not produced.
• The FEM is applied to an approximation of the
mathematical model of a system (the source of so-
called inherited errors.)
• Experience and judgment are needed in order to
construct a good finite element model.
• A powerful computer and reliable FEM software are
• Input and output data may be large and tedious to
prepare and interpret.
• Numerical problems:
» Computers only carry a finite number of
significant digits.
» Round off and error accumulation.
» Can help the situation by not attaching stiff
(small) elements to flexible (large)
• Susceptible to user-introduced modeling errors:
» Poor choice of element types.
» Distorted elements.
» Geometry not adequately modeled.
• Certain effects not automatically included:
» Buckling
» Large deflections and rotations.
» Material nonlinearities .
» Other nonlinearities.

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