TATA Nano Owners Manual-4

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Normal Heating : (Only on HVAC) cooling (Blue) position (For HVAC

(For vehicles fitted with HVAC) only). At maximum cooling, AC trips
off automatically when the desired
Knob 'A' - At suitable position as per
temperature is achieved.
• In case you find reduction in air
Knob 'B' - Suitable blower speed
flow or foul smell in the
Knob 'C' - Suitable temperature passenger compartment clean
position the evaporator and air filter.
AC - OFF If your car is left in the sun with
Air Circulation - Fresh mode. windows closed, inside temperature
Quick Heating : increases. To achieve quick cooling
effect open the windows slightly
All settings as explained before while you operate the AC.
except air circulation switch to
Once temperature inside the car has
come down sufficiently, close the
Once vehicle is heated, switch back windows and change air circulation
to fresh mode. suitably to fresh or recirculation
Never rev-up the engine in cold mode.
weather to achieve faster heating.
Demisting : (Only on HVAC)
Normal Cooling :
In rainy season or in areas of high
Knob ‘A’ - Towards face humidity, mist formation inside
Knob ‘B’ - Desired blower speed windshield glass may be observed.
position To clear mist, dehumidified air is
passed on the windshield glass.
Knob ‘C’ - Towards blue dot as
required. (Not for AC version) First start the engine and accelerate
to warm up.
Knob ‘D’ - AC ON
Knob 'A' - Towards windshield
Switch ‘E’ - suitably as explained
(Not for AC version) Knob 'B' - Suitable speed
Quick Cooling : Knob 'C' -At suitable temperature
Knob ‘D’ - AC ON
Switch ‘ON’ the AC and keep the
blower at maximum speed. Keep air Switch 'E' - Suitable mode.
direction in face mode. All vents Once the windscreen has become
should be opened completely. Keep clear, change to suitable setting.
the air circulation knob in the
recirculation mode and temperature
control switch in the maximum


NOTICE Ventilator :
When mist gets cleared switch
the knob "A” position to Face
In high humidity areas, if cold air
continues to flow over
windshield, it may cause sudden
fogging on outside surface of
windshield. Front Ventilators

Defrosting : (Only on HVAC)

In low temperature areas, to clear
frost formation outside the
windshield glass, following settings
are used.
First start the engine and accelerate
to warm up.
Side Ventilators
Knob 'A' - Towards windshield
The air flow can be adjusted
Knob 'B' - Maximum blower speed continuously with the rotary control
Knob 'C' - Maximum hot position knob at the vents on the dash board.
The air vents can be adjusted upward
Switch 'E' - Fresh mode.
and downward.
Once the windscreen has become
clear, change to suitable setting.
Refrigerant charged in the air
NOTICE conditioning circuit has been
If AC is not giving cooling effect identified on the label over front
even when blower is ON and AC body member. Use only
request switch is pressed, get the refrigerant as given in the label
vehicle to the nearest authorised for topping up or recharge, i.e. do
service outlet. not charge the vehicle with some
other refrigerant than the existing
High throttle demand or rapid refrigerant. Always use R134a
acceleration causes the (Non CFC) refrigerant.
compressor cut off for few
Fresh air is taken from the grill
opening provided on the fire wall
under the front hood at base of
windshield glass outside the
vehicle. Keep these openings
clear and free.


Head Lamp: Tail Lamp:

3 1

1 2
2 3

1 High / Low Beam The tail lamp assembly incorporates

2 Position / Parking Lamp the following :
3 Front Direction Indicator 1 Tail / Brake Lamp
Head lamps are clear lens type having 2 Turn Signal Indicator
multi focal reflector and are provided 3 Reverse Lamp
with halogen bulb with double fitment 4 Reflex Reflector
for providing straight ahead
Side Repeater Indicator Lamp
illumination of the road for the long
distance or deep beam which
illuminates the road immediately
ahead for short distance visibility. It
also has side indicator lamp and a
parking lamp.

Front Fog Lamp: (As Applicable)

High Mounted Stop Lamp : Interior Lamp :

High mounted stop lamp is provided Interior lamp is provided on the roof,
on the rear side of vehicle. It will glow near the inner rear view mirror. Its
along with stop lamps whenever switch has three positions.
service brake is applied. ON - The lamp will come ‘ON’ as long
Rear Fog Lamp & Registration as switch is in this position.
Plate Lamp : DOOR (As applicable) In this position
the lamp comes on when front doors
are opened. When the door is closed,
1 the lamp will go ‘OFF’.
OFF - In this position the lamp will
be always ‘OFF’.

1. Registration Plate Lamps :

Two concealed lamps are
provided for illumination of the
rear registration number plate.
2. Rear Fog Lamp: (As Applicable)
It is provided on rear bumper.


Inner Rear View Mirror : WARNING

Inner rear view mirror is provided
Be careful when judging the size
inside the cab.
or distances of a vehicle or other
Normal mirror is applicable for object seen in the side convex
standard version. mirror. Be aware that objects looks
Antiglare mirror is provided on LX smaller and appear farther away
version. than when seen in flat mirror.
It has two positions and can be Sun visors :
selected by knob below mirror :
1. Normal position
2. Antiglare position
Use antiglare position only when
necessary, as it reduces rear view
View in antiglare position reduces
rear view clarity as compared to
normal position.
Outside Rear View Mirror : Two adjustable sun visors are
provided inside the cab above the
“Tip tap” type mirror is provided only
windshield to prevent sun glare.
on driver side (LX version) and “Non
Lower the sun visors to protect the
Tip Tap” mirror is provided on “Std
eyes from bright sunlight. The sun
and CX” versions. It is fitted on the
visors also move sideways towards
door from the outside.
the door.


NOTICE Roof Grab Handle :(If fitted)

When not in use keep the sun
visors in their original position
other wise they may lock the
driver’s vision.

These are provided for comfortable

positoning of passengers during

Utility pocket / box :

Utility pocket is provided to all the

doors to keep magazines / books
etc. (Only for LX versions.)



A) Power Socket or Cigarette Handle the lighter carefully to avoid
Lighter: (As applicable) personal injury.
Power Socket Fitment Provision: If lighter does not pop out, remove
it to avoid overheating.
Avoid smoking inside the vehicle;
it may spoil inside ambience,
interiors, upholstery etc.

B) Cup holder :

A power socket fitment provision is

given on the floor console near the
gear shifting lever.
This can be used for connecting loads
(upto 10A maximum) like the mobile
charger. To use this socket, remove
the cap first. Two cup holders are provided on the
NOTICE floor console near the gear shifting
lever for your convenience.
Always keep this socket covered
with the cap when not in use. (Applicable for LX version)

Cigarette Lighters: (If applicable)

A cigarette lighter is provided on floor
console at front.
Press the cigarette lighter in the
socket to heat up. When it reaches
the desired temperature, it will pop
up and can be used. These lighters
will operate only when Engine is ON
or Ignition key in ON position.

Power window switch (Front Where power windows are not
Doors) : if fitted provided, manually operated winder
handles are provided. Use winder
handle for lowering down or raising
up window glasses.
Parking Brake Lever :

Window glasses on front doors can

be operated by switches provided on
the main control panel located on the
floor console. They work only when
the key is in the “ACC” position. 1. Parking Brake Lever
Glasses are wound up by pulling the 2. Release Button
switch and are lowered by pressing
Mechanical parking brake acting
it down.
only on the rear wheel is provided
Manual window winding is provided on your vehicle. The parking brake
on rear doors. lever is located behind the gearshift
Manual window winding : lever. To apply the parking brake, pull
the lever up fully. The indicator light
on the instrument panel will become
‘ON’. To release it, pull the lever up
slightly, press the release button and
push the lever down. The parking
brake indicator on the instrument
panel will go ‘OFF’ when the parking
brake lever is fully released.


Gear Shift Lever : Rotate the fuel filler cap

anitclockwise and open to fill the
fuel. After filling the fuel close the cap
by rotating clockwise till you heard
clicking sound. Ensure that hood is
properly locked.
Fuel vapour is extremely
hazardous. Always stop the
engine before refueling and never
refuel near sparks or open flames.

Gearshift lever is mounted on the CAUTION

central console between the two front Remove the fuel filler cap slowly,
seats. The gearshift pattern is shown and wait for any hissing to stop,
on the gear shift lever knob. All then remove it.Do not bend on
forward gears being synchronized, fuel filler cap while opening. The
provide easy & effortless gear fuel may be under pressure and
shifting. Always remember to press may spray out, causing injury if
the clutch pedal fully while shifting the the cap is opened suddenly.
gears and also to release the clutch Always use only original
pedal gently. specification fuel cap or an
approved equivalent, available at
Refuelling :
Tata Authorised Dealers. The
wrong cap can result in a serious
malfunction of the fuel system
and the emission control system.

Fuel filling cap is located inside the

front hood. For refueling you need
to open the front hood.


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