QMS Assignment 2
QMS Assignment 2
QMS Assignment 2
10. List and briefly explain the eight principles of quality management.
Customer Focus
Researching and understanding customer needs and expectations.
Ensuring a balanced approach between satisfying customers and other
interested parties (such as owners, employees, suppliers, financiers, local
communities and society as a whole).
Inspiring, encouraging, and recognizing people’s contributions.
Establishing a clear vision of the organization’s future.
Involvement of People
People actively seeking opportunities to enhance their competence,
knowledge, and experience.
People freely sharing knowledge and experience.
People openly discussing problems and issues.
Process Approach
Analyzing and measuring of the capability of key activities.
Identifying the interfaces of key activities within and between the functions
of the organization.
Continual Improvement
Making continual improvement of products, processes, and systems an
objective for every individual in the organization.
11. What is statistical thinking? Why is it important to managers and workers at all levels
of an organization? is a philosophy of learning based on principles of understanding that
all work occurs in a system of interconnected processes, variation exists in all
processes, and variation must be understood and reduced. It helps executives
understand the business system and its core processes, use data
from the entire organization to assess performance, develop useful measurement
systems, and encourage employees to
experiment to improve their work.