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Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION: 1.1 General

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1.1 General

It is actually a precision automatic watering system for the plant which automatically waters
the plant without your engagement with the system. This is made up of Arduino which can easily
make by nontechnical persons also so it is the Arduino irrigation system this system is used in
gardens and farms widely.
So many of the students searching for this project over the internet as a final year project for
the smart irrigation system is not using only the garden and farms it is implemented into the crops
and smart greenhouse also.

Irrigation is the artificial application of water for the success of crop production in the field.
Irrigation has been a central feature of agriculture for over 5,000 (five thousand) years worldwide
(Shanan, 1987). In the field of irrigation has reached a rapid development of mechanization. In
modern times, irrigation efficiency has become important because of groundwater depletion
(Haider et al., 2015). Therefore, adequate planning for irrigation is required. In Bangladesh, the
flood irrigation method was selected mainly for its simplicity (Sarker, 2016b). But in this method,
water is wasted about 50% to 60% in evapotranspiration, infiltration, infiltration and percolation
(S & P), dead storage, additional water consumption of weeds (Ali et al., 2015). To improve
irrigation efficiency, an intelligent irrigation system has been introduced (Gutiérrez et al., 2013).

In recent days, smart irrigation is the subject of popular discussion for researchers (Reche et
al, 2015; Keswani et al, 2018. Jiang, 2018; Dobbs, et al,2014 Ososanya, 2015 Kinjal et al., 2018).
The irrigation system is the smart climate monitoring system, soil conditions, evaporation, using
plant water and automatic irrigation program (Kinjal et al., 2018). Intelligent irrigation systems
beautify watering schedules and automatically running times to meet the specific needs of the
landscape (Caetano et al, 2015; Houstis et al, 2017). The controllers significantly improve the
efficiency of outdoor water use (Sarker et al., 2017). There are several options for smart irrigation
controllers, such as climate-based soil moisture sensors (ETs) and on the site. The right solution
depends on the geographical solution and the landscape environment (Prodhan et al., 2017).


Time Based controllers also known as evapotranspiration (ET) controllers, using local
meteorological data to regulate irrigation schedules (Sarker, 2017). Evapotranspiration is the
combination of soil surface evaporation and the transpiration of plant materials (Sarker& Sultana,
2017; Islam et al., 2018; Sarker et al, 2015; Sarker, 2016a; Islam et al., 2015). These drivers collect
local weather information (Sarker et al, 2018. Sarker et al., 2018. Sarker&Jie, 2017. Sarker et al,
2019) and make irrigation water adjustments to the landscape receive the right amount of water
(Islam et al. 2015; Sarker et al, 2016; Islam et al., 2018; Sarker et al., 2007; Sarker, 2016c).

Forecast evaporation data use four meteorological parameters such as temperature, wind, solar
radiation and humidity. It is the most accurate way to calculate the climatic needs of the landscape.
There are three basic forms of these ET drivers based on time. The user's signal-based controller
uses weather data from an available audience. The source and value of ET are calculated for a
grassy area at the site. The ET data is sent to the controller via a wireless connection. Historical
ET controllers use a pre-programmed water usage curve based on historical water usage in
different regions. The curve can be adjusted for temperature and solar radiation. Those responsible
for on-site climate measurement use the climatic data collected on the site to calculate the
continuous measurements of ET and water accordingly (Sahu and Behera, 2015).

When buried in the root area of the lawn, trees or shrubs, the sensor accurately determines the
level of moisture in the ground and transmits this reading to the controller. Two different systems
are available based on soil moisture sensors: suspended cycle irrigation systems configured as
traditional timers, with irrigation programs, start time and duration. The difference is that the
system will interrupt the next irrigation program when there is enough moisture in the ground. The
water system on request does not require the scheduling of the irrigation duration.

It has a user-defined lower and upper threshold, which initiates irrigation when soil moisture
level does not reach those levels (Reche et al., 2015; Keswani et al., 2018). From today, in the age
of advanced electronic technology, the life of the human being should be simpler and more
convenientMany automated systems are needed that can replace or reduce human effort in their
daily activities. The automatic system of irrigation of plants or intelligent irrigation systems is one
of the best examples of electronic technology in the field of agriculture that makes the best use of
water in plants (Dobbs et al., 2014). In Bangladesh, agricultural land decreases day by day due to

population growth. Almost 0.2 million people are added to the total population each year, while
the estimated annual reduction of agricultural land is about 0.08 million hectares (Ziauddin & Zia,
2014). That's why we need to increase food production every year, but our amount of land is not
enough for this purpose. Smart technology is the best solution for this problem.

By using intelligent technology, it is possible to increase the efficiency of each irrigation site
and save the economy. Now days, roof gardening and greenhouse plants are the most popular for
growing exotic fruits, flowers and vegetables, which are a very mild climate in Bangladesh. In
these cases, the system based on control is very efficient. In irrigation systems, most of the
important things that are taken into account is the drainage system, but like this system of drainage
of small plants, the waste of the arable land and water make the system of irrigation intelligent /
systems Automatic irrigation systems save both, and this technology gains popularity all over the
world. The automation of the large-scale water system structure refers to the operation of the
structure with fewer manual intercessions (Kadam et al., 2017)A picture of the entire controlled
water system is one that simplifies the single distribution to improve the cost-benefit ratio.

The mechanization of the structure of the small-scale water system includes an understanding
of the planning of the water system. The automated plant irrigation systems estimate and measure
the existing plant and therefore provide the desired amount of water from the plant. Minimizes the
excessive use of water and keeps the plants healthy. The economy is mainly based on agriculture
and the climatic conditions are isotropic and the full use of agricultural resources. The main reason
is the lack of rain and the scarcity of water from the terrestrial tank. It is very essential to use
resources appropriately. Therefore, a system is required to manage this activity automatically
(Senpinar,2018).This document is based on the project which is an integrated system consisting of
Arduino UNO and a system of soil moisture sensors. Arduino UNO is processing and controlling
the units of this system that receives and processes sensor data.

The sensor will be placed on the ground to measure the degree of dryness of the soil. If the
drying speed is equal to or higher than the indicated value, the engine will start and irrigation will
start. When it reaches a saturated condition, the motor will stop automatically. Intelligent irrigation
or irrigation automation is also the most important for the hydrophone system. Where all the works
are controlled by different sensors and the plants grow in water. The current reality is one in which

everything can be controlled and worked in a natural way. However, there are still a couple of vital
segments in our nation where computerization has not been received or has not been used for
unquestionable use and may be due to some of the reasons why one of these reasons is being spent.
One of these fields is agriculture. Agriculture has been one of the essential occupations of men
after just-in-time development. In addition to this development, irrigation plays an important role.
The objective of this study is to design and implement an automatic irrigation system with
microcontroller to increase irrigation efficiency, saving time and energy for farmers.

1.2 Aims and Objectives

A. To study Arduino controller.

B. To study various sensors.

C. To learn programming and interfacing of components.

D. To automate the irrigation system for better crop result.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 General

2.1.1 In Sensor based Automated Irrigation System with IOT mentioned about using sensor based
irrigation in which the irrigation will take place whenever there is a change in temperature and
humidity of the surroundings. The flow of water is managed by solenoid valve. The opening and
closing of valve is done when a signal is send through microcontroller. The water to the root of
plant is done drop by drop using rain gun and when the moisture level again become normal then


sensor senses it and send a signal to microcontroller and the value is then closed. The two mobile
are connected using GSM. The GSM and microcontroller are connected using MAX232. When
moisture of the soil become low moisture sensor sense it and send signal to microcontroller, then
the microcontroller gives the signal to mobile and it activate the buzzer. This buzzer indicates that
valve needs to be opened by pressing the button in the called function signals are sent back to
microcontroller. Microcontroller used can increase System Life and lower the power
Consumption. There system is just limited to the automation of irrigation system and lacks in extra
ordinary features.

2.1.2 In Automated Irrigation System Using a Wireless Sensor Network and GPRS Module
mentioned about using automatic irrigation system in which irrigation will take place by wireless
sensor units (WSUs) and a wireless information unit (WIU), linked by radio transceivers that
allowed the transfer of soil moisture and temperature data, implementing a WSN that uses ZigBee
technology. It takes a measure of temperature and moisture using sensor and controlled by
microcontroller. The WIU has also a GPRS module to transmit the data to a web server via the
public mobile network. The information can be remotely monitored online through a graphical
application through Internet access devices. This irrigation system allows cultivation in places with
water scarcity thereby improving sustainability and it is feasible system. But due to Zigbee
protocol this system becomes more costly.

2.1.3 In Wireless Sensor Network based Remote Irrigation Control System and Automation using
DTMF code mentioned about using automated irrigation system for proper yield and handled
remotely for farmer safety. Wireless sensor network and Embedded based technique of DTMF
(Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) signaling to control water flow for sectored, sprinkler or drip
section irrigation. Circuit switching instead of packet switching used by SMS controlled devices
available currently in the market. The farmer can use his cell phone or landline phone for the
purpose of starting and controlling the irrigation and the pesticide spraying, just by dialing and
sending the DTMF commands over the GSM network. This system will be very economical in
terms of the hardware cost, power consumption and call charges. Farmers have to control (on/off)
the valves time to time (even at night) which increases the running cost because every time we
have to make a call to on or off the valves and it is also very inconvenient. Farmers are unable to
know the status of power supply at the field.


2.1.4 In Wireless Sensor Network Based Automated Irrigation and Crop Field Monitoring System
mentioned about using wireless sensor network based automated irrigation system for optimize
water use for agricultural purpose. The system consists of distributed wireless sensor network of
soil moisture, and temperature sensors placed in the crop field. To handle the sensor information
Zig bee protocol used and control the water quantity programming using an algorithm with
threshold values of the sensors to a microcontroller for irrigation system. The system continuously
displays the abnormal condition of the land (soil moisture, temperature level). Using a GSM
modem with GPRS facility feature provides the information to fanners and interface with PIC
18F77 A microcontroller. The Irrigation system is automatic and manual mode. This system
increase the crop fields, improve the crop quality, increase the energy and reduce the non-point
source pollution.Due to PIC microcontroller the length of the program will be big because of using
RISC (35 instructions).

2.1.5 In Smart drip irrigation system for sustainable agriculture mentioned about using fully
automated drip irrigation system which is controlled and monitored by using ARM9 processor.PH
content and the nitrogen content of the soil are frequently monitored. For the purpose of monitoring
and controlling, GSM module is implemented. The system is used to turn the valves ON or OFF
automatically as per the water requirement of the plants. The system informs user about any
abnormal conditions like less moisture content and temperature rise, even concentration of CO2
via SMS through the GSM module. The moisture sensor output will help to determine whether to
irrigate the land or not depending upon the moisture content. Along with moisture sensor the
temperature sensor output can also be taken into consideration while irrigating the land. If the
moisture content of soil is very low and the temperature is very high then there is need of irrigation
for plants, but the time for which irrigation will be provided is different for different temperature
range. Small amount of water is lost through deep percolation if the proper amount is applied.ARM
processor is that it is not binary compatible with x86. This means you not going to be running
windows any time soon. There are several Unixoperating systems that can run on ARM however,
such as Linux and BSD.

2.2 Classification of Literature Review

2.2.1. Farm Field Monitoring and Irrigation Automation Using IoT


In this paper it mainly focuses on the irrigation purpose. By working under the mentioned sensors,
the irrigation management can be performed perfectly .The collected value from the sensor and
the irrigation controller are coordinate with Wi-Fi network. With the help of that specified
application, the person can able to know the present situation of the land .Based on the current
valuation, the water can be irrigated. As reported by weather forecasting, the water supply can be
done to the farm field either periodically or continuously .Here naive Bayes algorithm is used to
get the accurate result, the user can get the proper value like how much level of water needs to
irrigate. With the guidance of that application, the farmer can built the decision at which condition
they want to supply water [2].

2.2.2 Wireless Sensor Network and Internet of Things (IoT) Solution in Agriculture

This paper illustrates the automatic irrigation to improve the water conservation. Here RFID and
WSN are used along with the ZigBee protocol. In this paper it replaces the function of human to
human and human to machine to the Machine to Machine process. If the soil is dry then the RFID
based on ZigBee Platform is used to send ID to the reader, then it recognize the node. After that,
it sends the exact value of data for irrigation processes without human intervention. The farmer
can get the information through system or mobile. Here the water can be supplied throughout the
land by sprinkle method. In the automatic irrigation method 50% of the water can be reduced when
compared to the manual irrigation. By applying this procedure, the yield of the crop is heightened

2.2.3 Smart Drip Irrigation System using Raspberry pi and Arduino

This paper holds the concept about drip irrigation by applying both the raspberry pi kit, Arduino.
Python language is written on both the kit. If less amount of water is identified by the sensor then
a signal will be forward to pi, through the microcontroller. As soon as the report can be send to the
e-mail, to turn ON the motor for X minutes. Then the water is supplied only for X minutes, after
that the motor become idle state .This setup having the water tank, in which it contain the ultra
sound distance sensor to measure the water level in the water tank. By using this it contain the
threshold value where the water tank does not leads to empty and also does not leads to overflow
of the water. The cost for building this automatic irrigation method is cheap and easy to use [3].

2.2.4 A Decision Support System For Managing Irrigation In Agriculture


Here it examined the SIDSS. Depends upon the moisture level in soil and environmental condition,
the water is supplied on weekly bases. This paper is focused only on the citrus cultivation.
Traditionally the decision can be taken by the experienced farmers for better irrigation, but now
decision support system, is used for better irrigation. two machine learning techniques PLSR and
ANFIS are used under DSS. By using this method a person who does not have any idea about the
agriculture can also able to irrigate the correct amount of water to the farm field [4].

2.2.5 IoT Based Auto Irrigation System Using Soil Moisture Sensor

In this paper the automatic irrigation is constructed with the support of pump motor. The motor
will turn ON or OFF automatically. The signal received from the microcontroller and the soil
moisture is used to turn ON the water pump. While begin the process, the power is supplied to the
microcontroller. The level of the moisture and the humidity is noted. According to the moisture
content, the water is supplied. If the sensed value is less than fixed value, the irrigation motor will
turn ON. This can be controlled over the app or system using the internet connectivity. It is used
to overcome the unnecessary water flow [5]. Santhi P et. al. have proposed the DGLCM for green
Bio- Technology to increase the rate of agriculture [8].

Chapter 3 Working Principle

3.1 Block Diagram





Fig.1 Block diagram of smart irrigation system using Arduino.

3.2 Description of Block Diagram

1) Solar plate

A solar panel is used for generating electricity. It uses Solar Photovoltaic (PV)
technology using semiconductors to convert sunlight into electricity. Using these panels for
domestic or commercial purposes can prove an excellent alternative for coal-based
electricity. By using them, you can aid in the preservation of non-renewable resources. The
solar collector can help create clean and green energy to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide
generated because of burning coal. You can select a poly-crystalline solar panel that has blue-
hued PV cells with straight edges. You can also go for a mono-crystalline solar cell made of
single crystals of silicon or a hybrid model made from the combination of PV and thermal
technology. All black solar collectors have the highest power conversion efficiency making

it a lucrative choice.

2) Battary:

An electric battery is a source of electric power consisting of one or

more electrochemical cells with external connections for powering electrical devices. When
a battery is supplying electric power, its positive terminal is the cathode and its negative
terminal is the anode. The terminal marked negative is the source of electrons that will flow
through an external electric circuit to the positive terminal. When a battery is connected to an
external electric load, a redox reaction converts high-energy reactants to lower-energy
products, and the free-energy difference is delivered to the external circuit as electrical

3) LCD display:

A liquid-crystal display (LCD) is a flat-panel display or other

electronically modulated optical device that uses the light-modulating
properties of liquid crystals combined with polarizers. Liquid crystals do not
emit light directly, instead using a backlight or reflector to produce images in
color or monochrome.

4) Arduino:

Arduino refers to an open-source electronics platform or board and the

software used to program it. Arduino is designed to make electronics more
accessible to artists, designers, hobbyists and ay one interested in creating
interactive objects or environments.

5) DH11 temperature and humidity sensor

The DHT11 is a commonly used Temperature and humidity sensor that comes with a
dedicated NTC to measure temperature and an 8-bit microcontroller to output the values of
temperature and humidity as serial data.



4.1 Arduino


Pin Category Pin Name Details


Power Vin: Input voltage to Arduino when using an external power source.

5V: Regulated power supply used to power microcontroller and other

Vin, 3.3V, 5V, components on the
GND board.
3.3V: 3.3V supply generated by on-board voltage regulator.
Maximum current draw is 50mA.

GND: ground pins.

Reset Resets the microcontroller.


Analog Pins A0 – A5 Used to provide analog input in the range of 0- 5V

Digital Pins 0 -
Input/Output Pins Can be used as input or output pins.

0(Rx), 1(Tx)
Serial Used to receive and transmit TTL serial data.

External To trigger an interrupt.


2, 3

PWM Provides 8-bit PWM output.

3, 5, 6, 9, 11


SPI Used for SPI communication.

10 (SS),
(MOSI), 12
(MISO) and 13
Inbuilt LED To turn on the inbuilt LED.

TWI A4 (SDA), A5 Used for TWI communication.


AREF To provide reference voltage for input voltage.

Arduino Uno Technical Specifications (Table 2)

Microcontroller ATmega328P – 8 bit AVR family microcontroller

Operating Voltage 5V

Recommended Input Voltage 7-12V

Input Voltage Limits 6-20V


Analog Input Pins 6 (A0 – A5)

Digital I/O Pins 14 (Out of which 6 provide PWM output)

DC Current on I/O Pins 40 mA

DC Current on 3.3V Pin 50 mA

Flash Memory 32 KB (0.5 KB is used for Boot loader)



Frequency (Clock Speed) 16 MHz

4.2 16x2 LCD

LCD modules are very commonly used in most embedded projects, the reason
being its cheap price, availability and programmer friendly. Most of us would have
come across these displays in our day to-day life, either at PCO's or calculators. The
appearance and the pin outs have already been visualized above now let us get a bit
technical. A liquid crystal display or LCD draws its definition from its name itself. It is

combination of two states of matter, the solid and the liquid. LCD uses a liquid crystal
to produce a visible image.
Liquid crystal displays are super-thin technology display screen that are generally
used in laptop computer screen, TVs, cell phones and portable video games. LCD's
technologies allow displays to be much thinner when compared to cathode ray tube
(CRT) technology' L6x2 LCD consists of 16 Columns and 2 Rows. There are a lot of
combinations available like, xt,8x2, L1xz,16x1 in market. t6x2 LCD is the most popular
among them. lt can accumulate maximum (16x2=32J). 32 characters in total and each
character will be made of 5x8 Pixel Dots


Features of 16×2 LCD module

• Operating Voltage is 4.7V to 5.3V

Pin No: Pin Name: Description

1 Vss (Ground) Ground pin connected to system ground
2 Vdd (+5 Volt) Powers the LCD with +5V (4.7V – 5.3V)
3 VE (Contrast Decides the contrast level of display. Grounded to get maximum contrast
4 Register Select Connected to Microcontroller to shift between command/data register

5 Read/Write Used to read or write data. Normally grounded to write data to LCD

6 Enable Connected to Microcontroller Pin and toggled between 1 and 0 for data
7 Data Pin Data pins 0 to 7 forms a 8-bit data line. They can be connected to
Microcontroller to send 8-bit data.
These LCD’s can also operate on 4-bit mode in such case Data pin 4,5,6 and 7 will be left free.

8 Data Pin 1
9 Data Pin 2
10 Data Pin 3
11 Data Pin 4
12 Data Pin 5
13 Data Pin 6
14 Data Pin 7
15 LED Positive Backlight LED pin positive terminal
16 LED Negative Backlight LED pin negative terminal


• Current consumption is 1mA without backlight

• Alphanumeric LCD display module, meaning can display

alphabets and numbers Consists of two rows and each row can print 16

• Each character is build by a 5×8 pixel box

• Can work on both 8-bit and 4-bit mode

• It can also display any custom generated characters

4.3 Soil moisture sensor

Soil moisture sensors measure the volumetric water content in soil. Since the
direct gravimetric measurement of free soil moisture requires removing, drying, and
weighing of a sample, soil moisture sensors measure the volumetric water content indirectly
by using some other property of the soil, such as electrical resistance, dielectric constant, or
interaction with neutrons, as a proxy for the moisture content.

The Soil Moisture Sensor Module determines the amount of soil moisture by


measuring the resistance between two metallic probes that is inserted into the soil to be
monitored. This can be used in an automatic plant watering system or to signal an alert of
some type when a plant needs watering.


• Analog output of moisture content

• Digital output of moisture content with adjustable set-point
• 3.3 or 5V operation. Low power so may be driven from digital pin on MCU

These sensors work by measuring the resistance between the two probes of the fork that is inserted
into the soil. That resistance will depend mostly on the moisture content of the soil. The resistance
affects a voltage divider and so an analog voltage output is available which can be read by an
analog input on a MCU that roughly corresponds to the moisture content of the soil.

The more moisture in the soil, the lower the resistance. A low resistance gives a low analog voltage
reading. As the soil dries out, the resistance increases. The higher the resistance (drier the soil),
the higher the voltage will be.

Besides the analog output, there is also a LM393 comparator IC that provides a HIGH output when
that analog voltage goes above a certain level. A potentiometer on the module allows the set-point
of this digital output to be adjusted. This output could be used to drive a relay to activate a small
water pump to water the plant without necessarily having a MCU in the loop. An LED lights when
this output goes HIGH.

Besides moisture, there are other factors that can affect the resistance including minerals that are
dissolved in the water which can come from fertilizers and other sources. The full length of the
forks should be inserted into the soil, but the upper part with the electrical connections should
remain dry to minimize corrosion. The depth that the forks are inserted will affect the readings
and therefore should be kept reasonably constant.


Module Connections

On the electronics module there are 2 header connectors.

1×4 Header Connector

• VCC = 5V or 3.3V. May be powered from a digital output pin on a MCU

• GND = Ground, must be common with the MCU
• D0 = Digital output of comparator circuit. May be connected to MCU or directly to a 5V
relay or similar device
• A0 = Analog output usually connected to an analog input on a MCU

1×2 Header Connector

• Connect both pins to the 2 pins on the fork shaped soil probe. Polarity does not matter.


It is not possible to directly define an actual percentage of moisture in the soil from the
measurements taken, but it is fairly straightforward to define basic ranges for what would be
considered ‘too dry’, ‘too wet’ and ‘just right’.

To do that, measure the soil under 3 basic conditions:

1. When dry enough so that the plant should be watered

2. When watered so it has the desired amount of moisture that would be ideal for the plant
3. When watered so the soil is too wet and not ideal for the plant.

From those 3 measurements, ranges for each of the 3 conditions can be initially determined and
then honed in on once the setup goes into operation.

On most MCUs like Arduino, the ADC is 10-bit, so the measurement has a range of 0-1023. When
the sensor is dry in open air, the ADC will read close to the upper limit of 1023. In my own test,
that reading was 985-1000. When the sensor was inserted into a cup of clean water, the reading


dropped to about 445. Adding a little salt to increase conductivity as you might have from minerals
dissolved in the water in the soil lowered the reading to about 300.

With our test plant, we got the following readings:

1. Dry enough that the plant should have already been watered was up around 850 – 950
2. Just right was in the 600 – 700 range
3. Too wet was down in the 200-400 range

Based on that data, the program below defines the following ranges:

1. < 500 is too wet

2. 500-750 is the target range
3. > 750 is dry enough that we should water the poor thing.

The program reports the digital output status as well as the analog but doesn’t do anything with
it. The trip point can be set with the pot and it could be used to trip a buzzer alarm or LED if the
soil gets too dry or something. I found it convenient to wire a red and green LED on the MCU I
was experimenting with. Green meant everything was fine and Red indicated the plant was either
too wet or too dry and needed attention.

The probes are made from a PCB board with plated copper traces and corrosion will take its toll
on the sensor probes over time.

Having power applied to the probe electrodes speeds the rate of corrosion significantly, so to
minimize that issue the device can be powered off of a pin on the MCU so that it can be turned on
only when a measurement is being taken. Total power draw with both LEDs lit is about 8mA so
that is easily within the drive capability of a MCU Since soil doesn’t dry out very quickly, readings
can be spaced relatively far apart depending on your environment, perhaps just once or twice a

The program below powers the device off a digital pin on the microcontroller and takes a
measurement every second for test purposes. It takes the analog and digital measurement


separately mainly for illustrative purposes. These could be combined and only power the device
up once for both readings if both are required.

The program is using pin A0 for the analog reading but this can be any analog pin. Similarly pin
8 is doing the digital reading and pin 9 is being used to power the module, but these can be changed
to any 2 digital pins as needed.

4.4 Temperature sensor


This DHT11 Digital Relative Humidity & Temperature Sensor Module is pre-calibrated
with resistive sense technology coupled with NTC thermistor, for the precise reading of the relative
Humidity and surrounding temperature DHT 11 break-out board is a very popular, low-cost sensor
from Aosong, the breakout provides easy installation of the DHT11 sensor module.
The board is also equipped with high- performance 8-Bit microcontroller which is
connected to the DHT11 sensor module. The output of the DHT11 is in the form of a digital signal
on a single data pin. The sensing update frequency is to be measured at every 2sec (0.5Hz).
The complete arrangement makes the device an ideal sensing setup to be hooked up directly
to any kind of microcontroller boards like Arduino’s. The board is extra featured with onboard
LED, a bypass capacitor between Vcc and Gnd and a pull-up resistor across the data line and Vcc.
The DHT-11 Digital Temperature And Humidity Sensor is a basic, ultra low-cost digital
temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure
the surrounding air and spits out a digital signal on the data pin (no analog input pins needed).

Its fairly simple to use, but requires careful timing to grab data. The only real downside of
this sensor is you can only get new data from it once every 2 seconds, so in your code please use
sensor reading interval at 2 seconds or more. Compared to the DHT22, this sensor is less precise,
less accurate and works in a smaller range of temperature/humidity.
But despite its disadvantages over DHT22, it is a smaller and less expensive sensor for temperature
and humidity measurement.



Humidity Measuring Range(%) 20 to 90

Temperature Measuring Range(°C) 0 to +50

Humidity Measurement Accuracy(%) ±5.0

Temperature Measurement
Accuracy(°C) ±2.0

Response Time(s) <5

Input Supply Voltage (VDC) 5

Breadboard Size(mm) 19×17 (LxW)

Weight (gm) 0.6

Shipment Weight 0.095 kg

Shipment Dimensions 4 × 4 × 1 cm

4.5 Solar plate



A solar panel is actually a collection of solar (or photovoltaic) cells, which

can be used to generate electricity through photovoltaic effect. These cells are
arranged in a grid-like pattern on the surface of solar panels. Thus, it may also be
described as a set of photovoltaic modules, mounted on a structure supporting it. A
photovoltaic (PV) module is a packaged and connected assembly of 6×10 solar

When it comes to wear-and-tear, these panels are very hardy. Solar panels
wear out extremely slow. In a year, their effectiveness decreases only about one to
two per cent (at times, even lesser). Most solar panels are made up using
crystalline silicon solar cells.

Installation of solar panels in homes helps in combating the harmful

emissions of greenhouse gases and thus helps reduce global warming. Solar panels
do not lead to any form of pollution and are clean.

They also decrease our reliance on fossil fuels (which are limited) and
traditional power sources. These days, solar panels are used in wide-ranging
electronic equipments like calculators, which work as long as sunlight is available.
However, the only major drawback of solar panels is that they are quite costly.
Also, solar panels are installed outdoors as they need sunlight to get charged.

4.6 Battery


Product Specification

Battery Type 12 volt 7 Amp

Usage Home, toy car & bike

Capacity (Ah) 7000 Ah

4.7 12volt DC pump


This is 550 Diaphragm Pump 12V Water Pump for Water Spray Fish Tank Reflux Pump.
DC 12V 3.5L/Min Micro 550 Diaphragm Water Pump Watering Spray Aquarium Return Pump
For Home Garden.

The configuration of the bath is according to the saving configuration: 12V2A power
supply, bus connector, 4m 7 x 10 silicone tube, a 550 water pump, as for the shower nozzle, you
can find a plastic bag, a good quality plastic bag or big cola bottle, The water intake and the amount
of water can be equivalent.


1. Watering configuration: much the same, additional sprinklers and timers are required
2. 12V DC reflux diaphragm pump 550, the price is the price of a pump, without other
3. Voltage: 12V, current: at least 2A, measured 1A is not able to bring
4. Suction: 3 meters or so, preferably 2 meters (no problem if the vertical height is 1.5 meters).
5. Head: 4-5 meters (head is not shot)
6. Highest temperature resistance 55
7. Connect the mouth: the same as the outer diameter of the inlet and outlet, about 8.5mm,
then connect the inner diameter of 7mm silicone tube tightly




Circuit Diagram

In This Plant Watering System, Soil Moisture Sensor checks the moisture level in the soil and if moisture
level is low then Arduino switches On a water pump to provide water to the plant. Water pump gets
automatically off when system finds enough moisture in the soil.





#include <LiquidCrystal.h> //LCD Library

#define NOTE_C4 262

#define NOTE_D4 294

#define NOTE_E4 330

#define NOTE_F4 349

#define NOTE_G4 392

#define NOTE_A4 440

#define NOTE_B4 494

#define NOTE_C5 523

int temp;

int T_Sensor = A4;

int M_Sensor = A0;

int W_led = 7;

int P_led = 13;

int Speaker = 9;

int val;

int cel;


LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);

void setup()

lcd.begin(16, 2);





val = analogRead(T_Sensor); //Read Temperature sensor value

int mv = ( val/1024.0)*5000;

cel = mv/10;


lcd.print("Project By:");


lcd.print("The Technocrat");






lcd.print("Project By:");


lcd.print("Sandesh Hegde");


void loop()


int Moisture = analogRead(M_Sensor); //Read Moisture Sensor Value








if (Moisture> 700) // for dry soil





if (digitalRead(W_led)==1) //test the availability of water in storage

digitalWrite(13, HIGH);




digitalWrite(13, LOW);



tone(Speaker, NOTE_C4, 500);



tone(Speaker, NOTE_D4, 500);


tone(Speaker, NOTE_E4, 500);


tone(Speaker, NOTE_F4, 500);


tone(Speaker, NOTE_G4, 500);


if (Moisture>= 300 && Moisture<=700) //for Moist Soil









if (Moisture < 300) // For Soggy soil










In this study, an intelligent irrigation system based on a microcontroller was developed. The
microcontroller circuit has been made with few components and the circuit is highly reliable. This
circuit consisted of Arduino UNO, relay, soil moisture sensor, motor (12 v) and battery. We
guarantee the success of this project after checking the soil dryness data shown on the computer.
This system uses information from soil moisture sensors to irrigate the soil, which helps prevent
excessive irrigation and insufficient irrigation. This system works as a potential solution to the
problems faced in manual irrigation in the plant. This intelligent irrigation system was designed
for flood saturation and irrigation. Both operations were performed on clayey and sandy soil in a
pot. From the result, for the saturation, the total water required for0.045m2 was 7.67 ml / sec and
for the irrigation from full the water needed for the same area was 7.42 ml / sec and the time
required was 3.02 min. But every time the water applied manually in the same vessel with the same
total capacity of the engine was found in 8.12 ml / s and the time required was 3.23 minutes. Total
water losses were 0.70 ml / s and time losses were 23 seconds. This study revealed that the sensor-
based irrigation system required less water and less time than the manual irrigation system.
Increased irrigation efficiency. The sensor-based irrigation system is the most reliable system and
has worked automatically without help. It makes the system more efficient and convenient. The
main limitation of this study is that it is tested on a small scale; further studies are needed for
largescale agriculture


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Date: Prof. XYZ

Place: Panhala, Kolhapur Guide
SETI, Panhala.

Prof. P.P. Kulkarni Dr. Mohan B. Vanarotti


H.O.D Electrical Engineering Principal

SETI, Panhala. SETI, Panhala

(Internal Examiner) (External Examiner)


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