Bahrain Design Guides
Bahrain Design Guides
Bahrain Design Guides
PART 1 Subtitle
Copy Right Statement here Design Standard: General Chilled Water Pipework Distribution Hyder Consulting Middle
East Ltd (31444) cannot accept any responsibility for any use of or reliance on the contents of this report by any third
1 Summary......................................................................................................................1
Appendix 4 : Standard Detail No.002 Fan Coil Unit Valve Arrangement DetailError! Bookmark not
Appendix 5 : Standard Detail No. 010 Air Handling Unit Valve Arrangement DetailError! Bookmark
not defined.
1 Introduction
This Design Guide is intended to provide design guidelines and reference
information for the design of the Air conditioning and Ventilation systems for
projects in Bahrain.
This guide addresses the specific design criteria and issues that need
attention, at the various design stages, to ensure that the Client’s, Local
Authorities, Service Providers and internal technical requirements are
addressed and incorporated in the designs.
The guide is in two parts. Part A contains the technical write up and Part B
contains the Standard Details Drawings.
Hyder To utilize any of the three “Carrier E-20 / HAP, Elite software
programme for preliminary cooling load calculations and analysis. The
detailed cooling load calculations are to be carried out by the Manila Office
using the same software approved by the client or his representatives
When carrying out cooling load calculations, full account should be made of
building zoning and occupancy profiles to determine the peak coincidental
load. For example, in the case of a mixed use retail, offices and residential
development, the occupancy profile for the three types of building will be
quite different. The retail and residential peak occupancy will occur at
evenings whilst the offices peak occupancy will be through the day.
Occupancy densities and times of occupation should be agreed with the
Client by the Lead Office and included in the calculations. This may
significantly reduce the required central cooling plant capacities.
110 5.0 5
2. Slab to slab height on typical floors –to ensure ductwork, pipe work,
electrical cabling and lights all can be accommodated in the ceiling void.
4. Clear heights in plant rooms and particular HV, substations, LV, and
Electrical rooms.
Typical Example
On floor riser and space requirements for a medium sized (i.e. below 25
storey) with low and high level plant room
Fire hose reel + fire pipe riser 1000 x 650
Domestic cold water meter room + water riser 1800 x 600
FA/TE/KE per apartment 1600 x 900
Staircase pressurization 1.2 m²
Chilled water riser 1000 x 600
Garbage chute vestibule extract riser 600 x 500
IDF room 2000 x 2000
EE room 2500 x 2000
Essential power riser 2000 x 750
3 Systems
The Concept Designer is responsible for considering various systems and
recommending one or two that will perform as desired. It is imperative that the designer
and the owner collaborate on identifying and rating the goals of the design. Some of the
criteria that may be considered are:
1. Performance requirements
2. Capacity requirements
3. Spatial requirements
4. First cost
5. Operating cost
6. Reliability
7. Flexibility
8. Maintainability
9. Standardization
Because these factors are interrelated, the owner and building designer must consider
how each factor affects the others. The relative importance of the first five factors differs
with different owners and often changes from one project to another for the same owner.
In these systems constant volume fresh air AHUs provide treated fresh air for
ventilation and FCUs are used for individual space cooling. Usually a 100% fresh
air AHU is used for this purpose with means of energy recovery, by taking back
clean exhaust air from the served zone to the AHU for that purpose. Usually a
double-deck AHU is used with the lower section (deck) being the supply part, and
the above section being the return/exhaust part. Energy recovery is achieved by
enthalpy wheels, plate heat exchangers, or run-around coils.
Due to its flexibility, this type of systems is used in most applications such as
residential buildings, office buildings, hotels, hospitals, retail shops, etc.
This type of systems is usually used in large spaces with uniform load conditions,
such as atriums, theaters, cinemas, sport stadiums & natatoriums, hypermarkets
and open mall areas, exhibition halls, museums, open office areas, etc.
2. VAV All-Air systems:
In these systems ventilation and space cooling are handled by variable air flow
AHUs, while terminal VAV boxes are used for individual space temperature
control by varying the amount of supply air to each zone. These systems are
mostly used in office areas, where individual office controls are required, and the
disadvantages of FCUs are avoided (such as fan noise, chw piping and valves
requiring frequent servicing, drainage piping from FCU drain pans, periodic filters
cleaning, etc.).
NB. In the above systems, chilled water is either supplied by district cooling or by
local chillers plant.
The return ducting to AHUs may serve a double function by using it as smoke
extract ducting during a fire.
DX systems are limited in capacity and have less EER than chw systems, which
makes them less efficient and less flexible than their chw counterparts, but have
lower initial cost.
Split units are mostly used in private villas and residential buildings, where
tenants can pay easily for their A/C power consumption; an option that is not as
easy in chw systems. Package units are mostly used in small to medium
buildings and in small industrial facilities.
In cheaper buildings, window air conditioners are usually used for cooling and
ventilation, by installing them in each externally exposed room.
The first step in selecting a system is to determine and document constraints dictated by
performance, capacity, available space, and any other factors important to the project.
Few projects allow detailed quantitative evaluation of all alternatives. Common sense
and subjective experience can be used to narrow choices to one or two potential
Establishing the cooling load often narrows the choice to systems that will fit within the
available space and are compatible with the building architecture. By establishing the
capacity requirement, the equipment size can be estimated. Then, the choice may be
narrowed to those systems that work well on projects within a size range. Zoning Requirements
Loads vary over time due to changes in the weather, occupancy, activities, and solar
exposure. Each space with a different exposure requires a different control zone to
maintain constant temperature. Some areas with special requirements may need
individual control or individual systems, independent of the rest of the building. Variations
in indoor conditions, which are acceptable in one space, may be unacceptable in other
areas of the same building. The extent of zoning, the degree of control required in each
zone, and the space required for individual zones also narrow the system choices.
ASHRAE Standard 62 specifies the minimum acceptable fresh air rates to maintain
proper IAQ inside building premises. The following table summarizes some of these
Common rates of air extract from residential bathrooms and kitchens are listed below.
Bathroom 35 38
Kitchen 50 55
NB. The designer should always try to minimize amounts of fresh air introduced to any
space by reducing the combined extracted air from that space. For example, in a
residential building, by using individual exhaust fans for each bathroom and connecting
their exhaust ducts to the building’s central exhaust system, intermittent exhaust is
achieved which requires less F.A. than continuous exhaust. For example, in a 5
bathroom apartment, it can be assumed that 2 bathroom fans and the kitchen fan are
working simultaneously, thus reducing the total F.A. needed to be supplied to the
apartment. If central exhaust system is used without individual fans, then the summation
of all bathrooms and kitchen exhaust rates must be compensated by fresh air.
Other factors that limit the selection of a system include (1) acceptable noise levels, (2)
the space available to house equipment and its location relative to the occupied space,
(3) the space available for distribution pipes and ducts, and (4) the acceptability of
components obtruding into the occupied space, both physically and visually.
For more information on space requirements and planning, refer to “Space & Volume
Planning” section of the Design Guide.
Air conditioning systems are broadly categorized into four major groups, which are:
1) All-Air Systems
2) Air and Water Systems
3) All-Water Systems
4) Unitary Refrigerant-Based Systems
These system categories are based on the cooling medium (air, water, air and water, or
refrigerant) that enters the served zone for cooling / heating purposes. In the following
sections, the main systems with common use in Bahrain and the Gulf countries today will
be described and their processes represented on psychrometric charts.
All-air systems may be adapted to many applications for comfort or process work. They
are used in buildings that require individual control of multiple zones, such as office
buildings; schools and universities; laboratories; hospitals; stores; hotels; and even
ships. All-air systems are also used virtually exclusively in special applications for close
control of temperature and humidity, including clean rooms, computer rooms, hospital
operating rooms, research and development facilities, as well as many
industrial/manufacturing facilities. Advantages & Disadvantages
• The location of the central mechanical room for major equipment allows operation and
maintenance to be performed in unoccupied areas. In addition, it allows the maximum
range of choices of filtration equipment, vibration and noise control, and the selection of
high quality and durable equipment.
• Keeping piping, electrical equipment, wiring, filters, and vibration and noise-producing
equipment away from the conditioned area minimizes service needs and reduces
potential harm to occupants, furnishings, and processes.
• A wide choice of zoning, flexibility, and humidity control under all operating conditions
is possible, with the availability of simultaneous heating and cooling even during off-
season periods.
• They permit good design flexibility for optimum air distribution, draft control, and
adaptability to varying local requirements.
• The systems are well suited to applications requiring unusual exhaust or makeup air
quantities (negative or positive pressurization, etc.).
• By increasing the air change rate and using high-quality controls, it is possible for these
systems to maintain the closest operating condition of ±0.25°F (0.14°C) dry bulb and
±0.5% RH. Today some systems can maintain essentially constant space conditions.
• They require additional duct clearance, which reduces usable floor space and
increases the height of the building.
• Depending on layout, larger floor plans are necessary to allow enough space for the
vertical shafts required for air distribution.
While maintaining constant airflow, single-duct constant volume systems change the
supply air temperature in response to the space load. The simplest all-air system is a
supply unit serving a single-temperature control zone. The unit can be installed either
within or remote from the space it serves and may operate with or without distribution
ductwork. Ideally, this system responds completely to the space needs, and well-
designed control systems maintain temperature and humidity closely and efficiently.
Single-zone systems can be shut down when not required without affecting the operation
of adjacent areas.
A return or relief fan may be needed, depending on the capacity of the system and
whether 100% outdoor air is used at some time during the year. Relief fans can be
eliminated if provisions are made to relieve over-pressurization by other means, such as
gravity dampers.
Variable air volume systems can be applied to interior or perimeter zones, with common
or separate fans, with common or separate air temperature control, and with or without
auxiliary heating devices. The greatest energy saving associated with VAV occurs at the
perimeter zones, where variations in solar load and outside temperature allow the supply
air quantity to be reduced.
VAV units are classified into two main types, which are:
Pressure-dependent unit: Has no inlet velocity sensor and is dependent on the duct
system pressure to control flows purely on the basis of damper response to a thermostat
signal. (i.e. inlet air pressure affects the flow and VAV box doesn’t necessarily supply the
amount of air needed by the thermostat).
Due to its limitations, very few VAV systems today employ pressure-dependent
In addition to the above, VAV terminal devices are available in many configurations,
including the following:
This simple VAV system integrates heating at the terminal unit. It is applied to systems
requiring full heating and cooling flexibility in interior and exterior zones. The terminal
units are set to maintain a predetermined minimum throttling ratio, which is established
as the lowest air quantity necessary to (1) offset the heating load, (2) limit the maximum
humidity, (3) provide reasonable air movement within the space, and (4) provide required
ventilation air.
Variable air volume with reheat permits airflow to be reduced as the first step in control;
heat is then initiated as the second step. Compared to constant volume reheat, this
procedure reduces operating cost appreciably because the amount of primary air to be
cooled and secondary air to be heated is reduced.
A feature can be provided to isolate the availability of reheat during the summer, except
in situations where low airflow should be avoided or where an increase in humidity
causes discomfort (e.g., in conference rooms when the lights are turned off).
The VAV induction system uses a terminal unit to reduce cooling capacity by
simultaneously reducing primary air and inducing room or ceiling air (replaces the reheat
coil) to maintain a relatively constant room supply volume. This operation is the reverse
of the bypass box described earlier. The primary air quantity decreases with load,
retaining the savings of VAV, while the air supplied to the space is kept relatively
constant to avoid the effect of stagnant air or low air movement.
The terminal device is usually located in the ceiling cavity to recover heat from lights.
This allows the induction box to be used without reheat coils in internal spaces.
Provisions must be made for morning warm-up and night heating. Also, interior spaces
with a roof load must have heat supplied either separately in the ceiling or at the
Fan-Powered VAV Units:
Fan-powered systems are available in either parallel or series airflow. In parallel flow
units, the fan is located outside the primary air stream to allow intermittent fan operation.
In series units, the fan is located within the primary air stream and runs continuously
when the zone is occupied. Fan-powered systems, both series and parallel, are often
selected because they maintain higher air circulation through a room at low loads while
still retaining the advantages of VAV systems.
As the cold primary air valve modulates from maximum to minimum (or closed), the unit
recirculates more plenum air. In a perimeter zone, a hot water heating coil, electric
heater, baseboard heater, or remote radiant heater can be sequenced with the cooling to
offset external heat losses. Between heating and cooling operations, a dead band in
which the fan recirculates ceiling air only is provided. This operation permits heat from
lights to be used for space heating for maximum energy saving. During unoccupied
periods, the main supply air-handling unit remains off and individual fan-powered heating
zone terminals are cycled to maintain required space temperature, thereby reducing
operating cost.
Both parallel and series systems use the heat from lights in the ceiling plenum, and both
may be provided with filters. The constant (series) fan VAV terminal can accommodate
minimum (down to zero) flow at the primary air inlet while maintaining constant airflow to
the space.
Variable Diffuser
The discharge aperture of this diffuser is reduced to keep the discharge velocity
relatively constant while reducing the conditioned supply airflow. Under these conditions,
the induction effect of the diffuser is kept high, and cold air mixes in the space. These
devices are of two basic types—one has a flexible bladder that expands to reduce the
aperture, and the other has a diffuser plate that physically moves. Both devices are
pressure-dependent, which must be considered in the design of the duct distribution
system. They are either powered by the system or pneumatically or electrically driven
Figure (7) below shows an example of a 100% fresh air AHU with a combination of
enthalpy wheel and heat pipe run-around coils, for maximum energy recovery and to
supply treated F.A. at room conditions to the individual zone FCUs.
Fig. (7) Example of Constant Volume AHU with Enthalpy Wheel & Run-Around Coils
FAHU-1 2242 46.0 30.0 2135 35.1 27.6 2135 27.7 20.5
All-Water systems for cooling and heating use either chilled or hot water for space
conditioning, with the air in the space heated or cooled by conduction, convection, or
radiation. The following are the principal types of all-water systems:
• Baseboard radiation
MULTIPLE-packaged unit systems are applied to almost all classes of buildings. They
are especially suitable where less demanding performance requirements, low initial cost,
and simplified installation are important. These systems have been applied to office
buildings, shopping centers, manufacturing plants, hotels, motels, schools, medical
facilities, nursing homes, and other multiple occupancy dwellings. They are also suited to
air conditioning existing buildings with limited life or income potential. Applications also
include specialized facilities requiring high performance levels, such as computer rooms
and research laboratories.
• Heating and cooling capability can be provided at all times, independent of the mode
of operation of other spaces in the building.
• Only one unit conditioner and one zone of temperature control are affected if
equipment malfunctions.
• Less mechanical and electrical room space is required than with central systems.
• Limited performance options are available because airflow, cooling coil size, and
condenser size are fixed.
• Not generally suited for close humidity control, except when using special purpose
equipment such as packaged units for computer rooms.
• Energy use may be greater than for central systems, if efficiency of the unitary
equipment is less than that of the combined central system components.
• Maintenance may be difficult because of the many pieces of equipment and their
In the UAE region, district cooling (DC) has become the norm for providing piped chilled
water for the various developments and buildings for air conditioning. This is especially
so in Bahrain.
District cooling eliminates the need for water chillers in each building and also the
associated electrical power required for these chillers and pumps. It has proven to have
contributed to the reduction in Greenhouses Gases.
Design Conditions
The temperature for the chilled water supplied by the DCP (reffered to as the Cold Side)
The Hot Side (Building Side) shall be designed for the following:
The pressure drop across the DCP Heat Exchanger shall not exceed 0.5 Bar (kPa)
Space and Structural Load Planning
The number of Plate Heat Exchangers (PHEs) is to be determined very early and
straight after the building cooling load has been calculated.
The planning and allocation of space for the Energy Transfer Station (ETS) Room has to
be done very early in conjunction with the Architect and the Structural Engineer. The
structural engineer needs to design the floor slab and roof slab to take the loads of the
Heat Exchangers, Pumps (floor slab) and Pipe supports (roof slab).
Caution: Different DCPs have different requirements and scope. For example, for
Tabreed projects, the PHEs are not provided by them. They are to be provided by the
Client/Building owner. In case of Empower, they provide the PHEs including all valves
and controls on the Cold Side.
Access and Routes Adequate width corridors Work out the routes
to bring the Plate Heat
Exchangers in to the
Incoming CHW Pipes Allow for puddle GI HD Allow for insulated pipe
sleeves for penetrations OD.
at Basement Level of the
appropriate size
Design NOC
The design NOC has to be lodged with the DCP once the building/s cooling loads have
been finalized.
1.) Carrier
2.) Hitachi
3.) Lennox
4.) Trane
5.) York
The following are the design operating conditions for water-cooled chillers
The following are the design operating conditions for air-cooled chillers
Water-Cooled Condensers:
Entering Condenser Water Temperature: 18.3 to 40.6oC in increments of 3
C or less
Air-Cooled Condensers:
Evaporatively-Cooled Condensers:
The IPLV or NPLV rating requires that the unit efficiency be determined at
100%, 75%, 50% and 25% at the conditions specified in table 4.1. If the unit,
due its capacity control logic cannot be operated at 75%, 50% or 25% capacity
then the unit shall be operated at other load points and the 75%, 50% and
25% capacity efficiencies shall be determined by plotting the efficiency versus
the % load using straight line segments to connect the actual performance
Table Chiller Part-Load Conditions for Rating
3.1.3 Cooling Towers
A cooling tower is a heat rejection device that extracts waste heat to the
atmosphere by cooling a stream of hot water in the tower. This type of heat
rejection is termed ‘evaporative’ because it allows a small portion of the
water being cooled to evaporate into a moving air stream and thereby
provides significant cooling to the rest of the water stream. The heat that is
transferred from the water stream to the air stream raises the air’s
temperature and its relative humidity (near saturation) and this air is
discharged to the atmosphere.
Ignoring any negligible amount of sensible heat exchange that may occur
through the walls (casing) of the tower, the heat gained by the air must equal
the heat lost by the water.
Cooling towers may be broadly classified into two main categories:
a. Open-Circuit
b. Closed-Circuit
Forced Draft: Type of mechanical draft cooling tower in which one or more
fans are located at the air inlet to force air into the cooling tower.
Induced Draft: Type of mechanical draft cooling tower in which one or more
fans are located in the air outlet to induce air flow through the air inlets.
Counter flow: In a counter flow cooling tower, the air enters at the base of the
tower, flows upward and interfaces counter currently with the falling hot water.
Cross flow: In a cross flow cooling tower, air flows horizontally through the
cooling tower and interfaces perpendicularly with the falling hot water.
a. Cooling range
b. Approach to Outdoor air wet bulb temperature
c. Mass flow rate of water
d. Wet Bulb Temperature
e. Air Velocity through tower or individual tower cell
f. Tower height
Other design parameters to consider are fan kW, pump kW, make-up water
source, fogging abatement and drift eliminators.
Water Make-up
As the finely dispersed droplets cascade over the fill, the warmer water
molecules evaporate and go off to the atmosphere leaving behind a cooled
liquid that collects in the coldwell from which it can be recycled to cool the
process again. Fresh water is added only to make up for the evaporation
and system losses. Typically, make-up requirements are only a few percent
of the flow rate and the water may reside in the system for several hours.
a. The water that leaves as evaporation is pure water. The solids remain
behind and the water in the system will become more and more
concentrated as evaporation continues. To compensate for this
concentrating effect, a small controlled bleedoff must be established to
drain some of the solids-laden water from the system. Fresh make-up
must be brought in to replace the water lost through bleedoff.
c. Drift or windage is droplets of treated water carried by the wind and lost
from the system. The quantity lost is dependent upon wind conditions and
tower design. Some typical values are shown below.
%E = (0.85 * ΔT)/5.55
%M = %E + %B + %W
When two or more towers are operated in parallel, an equaliser line between
the tower sumps handles imbalances in the piping to and from the units and
changing flow rates that arise from such obstructions as clogged orifices and
strainers. All heat exchangers and as much tower piping should be installed
below the operating water level in the cooling tower to ensure satisfactory
pump operation during start-up. Tower basins must carry the proper amount
of water during operation to prevent air entrainment into the water suction
Galvanized steel towers enjoy an inherent cost advantage because they lend
themselves to the manufacture of factory-assembled units. Towers with
fibreglass structure are more expensive than galvanized steel, while
stainless steel is even more expensive. Wood is a practical material, but field
labour can be expensive. Hardware selections are usually consistent with
structural material selections. Coated carbon steel is least expensive and
suitable for most conditions, assuming that the coating has been properly
chosen and applied. Series 300 and series 400 stainless steel offer higher
corrosion resistance albeit at a higher price. 316 stainless steel offers even
greater resistance at a still higher price. Fibreglass structures can withstand
all but the most corrosive conditions but may fail to meet certain fire codes.
Heat transfer in most modern HVAC cooling towers takes place on film-type
fill surfaces which induce the falling water to form a thin film, providing
maximum heat transfer surface area. Properly formulated PVC provides
excellent manufacturability, outstanding erosion resistance, and stable
material properties over a wide range of chemical environments. For most
applications, even those involving very corrosive water, PVC is the material
of choice. If the circulating water contains solids that are fibrous, greasy,
fatty, or tarry, then film-type fills should completely avoided. These types of
foreign substances tend to clog the narrow passages between film fill
sheets, preventing the proper mixing of air and water on the fill sheet
For all situations, follow the guidelines specified below and select a cooling
tower accordingly which provides long corrosion-resistant service at a
reasonable price:
It is bad practice to put a strainer on the suction side of the condenser water
pump(s). The purpose of the strainer is to collect dirt and debris. As time
passes, the pressure drop across a strainer increases. This increase in
pressure drop across the strainer will result in a low pressure at the pump
suction. The pressure gets too low, that for a particular water temperature,
the water within the pump starts to boil. This is termed as cavitation and the
performance of the pump diminishes significantly and eventually the impeller
of the pump is destroyed. The purpose of the strainer is to protect the tubes
of the condenser and the strainer must always be installed on the discharge
side of the pump. The screen in the pond of the tower protects the pump.
To ensure that cavitation does not occur the pump should be located so that
it is sufficiently below the static water level in the tank. The pump
manufacturer will quote the value of the net positive suction head (NPSH)
required, but the available NPSH should always be in excess of the required
3.1.4 Piping Systems and Pumps
3.2 General
Chilled water systems are to be supplied by a decoupled primary and
secondary chilled water distribution system. The primary distribution relates
to the chiller or district cooling plate heat exchanger pipework distribution.
The secondary pipework distribution relates to the chilled water pipework
distribution from the primary circuit to the terminal cooling devices. The
primary and secondary circuits are connected to each other by a low loss
decoupling header.
Manila has capability of CHW system flow analysis using “Pipeflo” a software
calculation programme to determine pipe sizes or system pressure drops.
Manual calculation spreadsheets are to be prepared as a preliminary
assessment of flow. Standard pipe and pump sizing calculation sheets shall
be completed for each project, copies attached. These should be submitted
to the Lead Office Project Design Manager before the document issue date
for review and comment.
Where the building layout lends itself to a reverse return layout without
significant increases in pipework the principle should be adopted. A simple
example of this is illustrated on the enclosed sketch drawing 92000-RPT-M-
0003. This will result in a distribution system which is a mixture of radial and
reverse return. This is perfectly acceptable and will provide improved control
and operating conditions compared to a purely radial distribution network. An
example of where this mixed system can be applied in the types of buildings
we design is a regular floor plate tower block where each floor may be able
to be piped up in reverse return with radial riser distribution.
The motorised two port control valves shall be selected to give a suitable
valve authority. In theory this would be 100% of the secondary system
pressure drop. In practice the pressure drop through the fully open valve
shall be equally to between 30% and 50% of the total secondary system
index circuit pressure drop, inclusive of terminal cooler coil pressure drop.
This is a significant pressure drop and should be taken at the 50% value in
preliminary pump selections. Final pump selections will be determined after
control valve selection by the contractor and recalculation of pump
requirements by the same.
3.6 Secondary Chilled Water Pipe and Pump Sizing
All secondary chilled water pipework distribution systems shall be sized
using the limiting pressure drops or velocities as given in the enclosed ‘Hyder
Consulting Pipework System’ schedule.
Large chilled water pipework systems shall be sized using the proportional
method of calculation. Typically 2 to 3% of a systems’ cooling capacity is lost
through the pipework insulation and pump generated heat gains. For
example to get 100kW cooling at a terminal AHU requires some 103kW to be
generated at the chillers. This additional flow must be included within the
pipework calculations. A 3% additional flow is unlikely to make any difference
in the preliminary pipe sizes selected but will be more significant in the
system pressure drop and therefore the pump selection. A 3% increase in
flow will result in a 6% increase in system pressure drop. The percentage
figures stated are typical and will be determined on the individual project pipe
lengths and system components.
Secondary chilled water pump head duties should include the following
Pipe and fitting losses as determined using the CIBSE method of pipe
sizing and component pressure loss factors. Flow rates and associated
pressure drops to be based on the proportional method described
All materials and equipment shall be suitable for the working pressure.
Small projects (total cooling less than 2.0MW) 6°C flow, 12°C return, 6°C
delta ‘T’.
Tall buildings first stage intermediate level plate heat exchanger circuit 6°C
flow, 14°C return, 8°C delta ‘T’.
Tall buildings second stage intermediate level plate heat exchanger circuit
6.5°C flow, 13.5°C return, 7°C delta ‘T’.
Associated plant and equipment shall be selected based on the above chilled
water temperatures.
Provide line size flushing by-pass leg and isolation valve to all AHUs.
Provide decoupling flexible connections with handed male/female
connections to all fan coil units. See standard detail 002.
50mm diameter for systems with water content of 10,000 litre and
40mm diameter for systems with water content of 2,000 litre to 10,000
25mm diameter for systems with water content less than 2,000.
3.10 Miscellaneous
3.10.1 Glycol
Glycol antifreeze additive will not be required in the vast majority of middle
east projects. It will be required for any non trace heated, external chilled
water pipework, in certain geographical locations such as areas of Lebanon
and Jordan. Here the external design temperature may be 4°C or below.
Glycol has a significant effect on the performance of cooling plant and a
separate study of the consequences will be required outside the remit of this
Grouped fan coil unit circuits or floors served. The number of fan coil units
served from a single DRV shall be assessed on a project by project basis.
Flow from each chiller and or plate heat exchanger and cooling tower or
alternative heat rejection appliance.
Variable orifice, fixed flow rate regulating valves shall not be used on variable
flow systems.
Condenser water pumps shall be constant speed, each pump matched to the
duty of a single chiller. Where practical, subject to plantroom space and
layout, the condenser water pumps should be coupled together with the
number of pumps equal to the number of chillers plus one common standby
The evaporated water and associated blow down must be made up from the
mains water municipality supply in Bahrain. Cooling tower water storage
should be agreed with the client to minimise the risk of interruption of service.
This will be advised by the Lead Office and is a function of the reliability of
municipality water supply. Typically Bahrain has a low level of interruption of
water service, here one days peak storage is common practice. In less
reliable areas such as parts of Jordan they may require one weeks storage,
which can be a significant volume of water and therefore tank storage
The nature of an open cooling tower system means that even with blow
down the water is still prone to contamination. Filters shall be provided on the
condenser water inlet to each chiller. System de-aerators shall be installed
within the condenser water system.
The environmental conditions within Bahrain are suitable for the propagation
of legionella bacteria within the cooling tower water system. Whilst the
treatment of the water is within the facility maintenance remit, fresh air
intakes to air handling plant should be located away from any cooling towers
including those of any adjacent buildings.
1. Design Considerations
3.1 General
This volume of the Design Guide covers the following:
Which methods of cleaning are most appropriate for the type of system.
Whether chemical cleaning is important to the successful operation of the
What design features need to be incorporated to facilitate the cleaning process.
The design will benefit from the involvement of a cleaning specialist at the design stage.
This person should be a suitably qualified and experienced person with a proven track
record in system flushing and chemical cleaning. If the relevant pre-requisites for the
required level of water treatment are addressed at the design stage, this makes the pre-
commissioning cleaning stage of the project run smoothly and negates the often
common delay and stutter to the commissioning programme. It is therefore prudent to
follow the advice suggested in this guide to enable the site team to manage the water
treatment by a specialist subcontractor of any chilled water or condensed water systems
in a timely manner.
3.2 - Standards
The minimum acceptable standard applicable to the pre-commission cleaning and
associated water treatment of chilled water and condensed water systems is detailed in
the following document and represents one of the minimum standards applicable to
pipework design.
It is essential important that the flushing and chemical cleaning procedures are planned
so that the whole operation is carried out as a continuous process, i.e. there are no
delays during the flushing stages, or between the flushing and chemical cleaning stages.
This guide aims to provide the necessary information to the designer to ensure that this
In some instances the system pumps can be utilised to facilitate the raw water flush and
maximisation of the water flushing velocity in the pipework system. However it is not
always possible or practical to utilise system pumps. The reasons for this can be that
there is no power available to system pumps or maybe that due to the chemical cleaning
agents required, the system pumps cannot be used to protect their seals or the
manufacturers warranty.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned the designer should always implement the facility in
the system pipework to allow the cleaning of the pipework to be carried out to the
required standard, as stipulated in this design guide.
To provide an insight into the factors that determine the type of clean that will be
required, the following factors should be considered:
1. The size of the system – what is the amount of debris which could potentially be
released into a system? This increases with the size of the system.
2. Whether the system is open or closed. Closed systems will be less prone to,
(although not immune from) the build-up of corrosion products.
3. System materials – systems using stainless steel, copper or plastic are less likely
to contain corrosion debris. However the common material utilised in Bahrain for
chilled water and condensed water systems is mild steel; therefore this type of
system will require chemically cleaning to ensure cleanliness of the system water
and the promotion of the commissioning processes.
4. Complexity of the system and sensitivity of the plant items – equipment such as
chillers, small-bore control and regulating valves, low water content heat
exchangers, and flow rate monitoring equipment, will be prone to blockage if dirt
is allowed to accumulate in the system. Systems which use glycol-based anti-
freeze are particularly sensitive. These types of systems are not common in
Bahrain, although they do exist in some specialist pipework applications.
5. The length of the construction period – if the system is to be left exposed and
damp for a prolonged period during the installation process, then this will
increase the time for corrosion or biofilms to develop and will therefore increase
the need for chemical cleaning.
< 2000 25
2000 - 10000 40
>10000 50
Air left trapped or circulating in pipe systems may causes problems with commissioning
and can lead to elevated iron levels, increased rate of corrosion and deterioration of the
system water.
The system design should therefore incorporate features to facilitate the removal of air.
In general, air vents should be provided on flow and return pipework at the end of
horizontal runs, and at the tops of each self-draining section. By implementing the
appropriate design pipework configurations i.e. staggered flow and return legs, this can
help to minimise trapped air pockets in terminal units, and other raised sections.
The rate at which water will enter a pipework system and drain away from it is also
influenced by the venting provision. Air vents should be suitably sized and installed at
the tops of large flow risers to ensure that the system will fill or drain in reasonable time.
3.5.7 – De-aerators
Water in closed-circuit systems may contain significant amounts of dissolved air. This
can be a major contributing factor to on-going system corrosion, and may also
encourage biological growth.
De-aerators remove dissolved gases when they temporarily come out of solution due to
temperature or pressure variations. The higher the temperature of the water, or the
lower the pressure, the less dissolved gas it can support.
Temperature differential-based de-aerators are, therefore, typically located at the hottest
parts of the system, i.e. the inlets to chillers
Pressure differential de-aerators are more versatile and can be positioned at any point in
the system.
The system should be designed to enable the isolation and bypassing of all sensitive
plant and equipment such as chillers, cooling coils, terminal units, control valves, low-
flow and regulating valves, during the course of the flushing and chemical cleaning
It is vital that fixed, full bore bypasses are provided as close as possible to the plant
items they are protecting. Bypasses should incorporate isolating valves to prevent short
circuiting during subsequent normal plant operation.
3.5.9 – Pumps
The pipework immediately upstream of the pumps should be easily removable so that
the inlet and impeller can be inspected prior to pump start-up. The actual pump
connections should be via flanges or mechanical couplings.
It is common for the water treatment specialist to require suitable sized valved
connections on the intake and discharge side of the pumps to facilitate flushing and
chemical cleaning. Strainers should also be incorporated into the design to protect the
pumps from any large particles in the system because water containing high quantities of
fine particulate matter can sometimes cause the erosion of the pump seals and the
subsequent failure of the pumps.
3.5.10 – Drainage
The Manila design engineer should ensure that there are adequate foul drains within
close proximity to the flushing connections on the system. These drains must be
suitable for the discharge of the effluent produced during the water treatment processes.
Standard 100 mm drains are suitable up to pipework of less than 200 mm. Above 200
mm the drains need to be larger.
If the plantroom is located below the main drainage system the discharge effluent will
need to be pumped. The volume of water will be the flushing supply water volume
imposed by the flushing supply rate.
The Manila design engineer should take into consideration the requirement to inject a
relatively large quantity of chemicals into the system. This is typically 1% of the system
volume for each stage of the water treatment process, i.e. biocide wash (if required),
chemical clean and final dosing. Therefore for a typical size chilled or condensed water
system in Bahrain, this would be approximately 1500 litres of chemical each time.
In most cases it will be necessary to introduce chemicals, via a temporary tank on the
suction side of the circulating pumps. If a side stream filtration system is incorporated, it
may be possible to introduce chemicals from this unit.
The incorporation of dirt pockets along the length of flow headers to act as a trap
for dirt and debris.
Dosing systems
In order to maintain the cleaned system in the same condition after handover to the
client, an on-going programme of water treatment will be essential. The introduction of
water treatment chemicals such as corrosion inhibitors and biocide will be required to
protect the system pipework from corrosion and also mitigate the proliferation of harmful
bacteria, such as pseudomonas. The introduction of chemicals into a system is
undertaken via one of the following methods:
Automatic chemical dosing systems are commonly utilised in Bahrain. They act
to pump chemicals into the system when the equipment sense a chemical
deficiency in the water, or as a proportion of the make-up water.
4 Ductwork Design
4.1 Standards
For all Hyder Bahrain projects, HVCA-DW 144, 1998 shall be used. Ductwork systems
for ventilation and air conditioning applications are divided into low, medium and high
pressure systems. Table 3.2.1 below sets out the classification of ductwork systems
adopted using the static pressure of the system, or part of the system. The classification
follows that used in the following document and represents one of the minimum
standards applicable to ductwork ventilation design.
HVCA - DW 144, 1998 – The Specification for Sheet Metal Ductwork – Low, medium
and high pressure / velocity air systems.
System Classification Design Static Pressure / Max Air Velocity in Air Leakage limit (per m2 of
Pa m/s duct surface area) / litre per
Max + Max
Table 3.2.1 – Maximum positive and negative pressures and velocities for low,
medium and high pressure ductwork.
The other pertinent minimum standard applicable to ductwork design is detailed in the
following document.
USA – SMACNA – HVAC Systems, 2006 - Duct Design.
The table below details recommended velocities for particular applications. These are
only a general guide and assume reasonable distance betweens between the fittings
(e.g. four times the duct hydraulic diameter). Higher velocities may be used if additional
acoustic attenuation is employed.
Velocity in m/s
Table 3.3.1 – Recommended maximum duct velocities for low pressure ductwork
systems where noise generation is the controlling factor.
The recommended maximum duct velocities for medium and high pressure ductwork
systems are detailed in the table below.
Velocity in m / s
Table 3.3.2 – Recommended maximum duct velocities for medium and high
pressure systems.
The recommended maximum guide for duct velocities in risers and ceilings are detailed
in the table below.
Table 3.3.4 – Maximum velocity for supply and return air openings (grilles and
The relevant design pressures ratings are detailed in the table below:
Information concerning fire protection systems and the fire rating of ductwork are
detailed in the following documents which contain the relevant applicable design
In simplistic terms there are three methods of fire protection related to ductwork
systems. The methods are detailed below.
Protection using fire dampers.
Protection using fire resistant enclosures.
Protection using fire resistant ductwork.
The main areas of the building where ductwork should be fire protected are detailed
moke extract systems.
Escape routes covering stairways, lobbies and corridors.
Non domestic kitchen extract systems. For further information with
respect to kitchen extract systems refer to HVCA publication DW/171 –
Specification for Kitchen Ventilation Systems.
Enclosed car parks which are mechanically ventilated.
Basements. Ductwork for basements must be fire rated.
Pressurisation systems.
Hazardous areas.
Before commencing duct sizing, a schematic of the air distribution system must be
prepared. This should indicate the airflow directions and contain the following
System identification for each section.
Air volume flow rates in each section.
The length of all the straight sections.
A description of the fittings, dampers, plant items and terminals.
The first two items above are not specifically needed for sizing purposes, although they
are needed to determine the system pressure loss and hence allow the fan duty to be
There are two simple design methods utilised to size ductwork:
Constant Pressure Drop Method
Static Regain Method
The basis for this method is to select a constant pressure loss per unit length for the duct
runs and then to size the ducts at this rate, using the Figure in Appendix 1.1. This
method is used for the sizing of very simple low pressure supply and extract systems,
some medium pressure systems and also variable air volume (VAV) systems.
For low pressure systems, typical values used for the constant pressure loss rate are in
the range of 0.8–1.2 Pa / m with duct velocities not exceeding 10 m / s. At large volume
rates in low pressure systems the 10 m / s duct velocity limit should override the
constant pressure loss rate chosen, leading to somewhat lower pressure loss rates in
the large ducts.
The sizing process involves the following steps:
(a) The selection and use of a vertical constant pressure loss line on the Figure in
Appendix 1.1, appropriate to the design requirement.
(b) Reading-off the circular duct diameter for the actual volume flow rate.
(c) If a rectangular or flat oval duct is required, the equivalent circular diameter must
be obtained from the tables in Appendix 1.2.
The constant pressure drop / equal friction method gives a reducing velocity from the fan
to the terminals but does not ensure that the branch flow rates are inherently balanced.
Provision for site regulation needs to be included in the design.
3.6.2 - Static Regain Method
When the velocity in a duct is reduced without excessive losses occurring, the static
pressure increases. In high pressure systems, this increase can be significant and is the
basis for the static regain method duct-sizing method. The principle is to size the ducts
between branch take-offs so that the recovery in static pressure after one branch take-
off due to the reduction in velocity is equal to the static pressure loss due to friction and
fittings in the subsequent duct run. The method seeks to equalise the static pressures at
the branch take-offs, and where these take-offs serve high pressure terminals an
inherently balanced system can be achieved.
The static regain method is used primarily for those parts of high pressure system where
the initial duct velocity pressure is sufficient to give static pressure regain without
unnecessarily low duct velocities at the end of the run. Practically, only the duct mains
serving multiple terminal branches are sized by this method, while the smaller branches
are conventionally sized using the Constant Pressure Drop Method, as detailed in 3.6.1.
The static regain method uses duct static pressure losses rather than total pressure
losses in the sizing procedure. For the application of the method it also needs these
static pressure losses to be expressed in terms of lengths of straight duct which have the
same loss.
The static regain is due to the drop in velocity pressure. However it must be emphasised
that there is still a drop in total pressure, ∆ P t, due to friction.
For the branch shown in Figure below, subscript ‘c’ denotes ‘combined’ flow,
subscript ‘b’ denotes ‘branch’ flow and subscript ‘c’ denotes ‘straight’ flow.
Pressure drop across the branch is given by:
∆ P t = P ts – P ts = β c – s ½ ρ C C 2
Figure – Formula for calculating the pressure drop across the branch.
P s - P c = ½ ρ (C C 2 – Cs 2)
The air velocities are given by:
CC = q c / A c
q c & q s are the flow rates on the upstream and downstream sides of the branches
in kg / s.
A c & A s are the cross-sectional areas of the inlet to and outlet (straight flow) from
branch in m2.
In general A c = A s, but the cross-sectional area could increase between inlet and outlet
if required.
It must be emphasised that the fan must produce a rise in total pressure equal to the
drop in total pressure of the ductwork system. The deliberate use of ‘static regain’ does
not directly influence this, except that the downstream duct sizes are larger than might
otherwise have been the case.
The value of air pressure in the duct (‘static pressure’, p) is only of consequence in duct
air leakage calculations, and for ensuring approximately equal pressures behind any air
outlets immediately on the duct itself. Sizing ductwork by the static regain method is
normally carried out using a computer programme.
Use of the static regain method on low and medium pressure systems is limited, and it’s
worth depends on the equivalent length of the index run; the shorter the index run, the
more favourable the case for the static regain method. This is because in a low pressure
system, the loss of velocity pressure is small and in large installation its recovery is not
significant in comparison with the friction loss in the system.
The constant pressure drop method is easier to use in design and results in smaller duct
sizes. Ducts sized using this method can cost up to 8% less than those sized by the
static regain method. However bear in mind, that the savings will be at least partly offset
by higher commissioning costs, especially where the index run is relatively short but with
numerous branches and outlets.
Similar considerations apply for high pressure systems but, because of the higher
potential loss of velocity pressure and the greater need to equalise static pressures at
terminals (to avoid the generation of noise at terminal dampers), there will be more
occasions when the static regain method is worthwhile. The additional cost of ductwork
will probably be less than 1%.
Provided care is taken in the design and construction of low pressure systems to avoid
significant noise generation in the ductwork, attenuation should only be needed to
absorb fan noise. Exceptions to this guideline are special installations, such as those for
broadcasting studios.
In high pressure systems, in addition to the attenuation of fan noise, it may be necessary
to provide attenuation control boxes sited at the ends of the high pressure runs. Special
attenuation should be paid to avoid noise outbreak from high pressure ductwork, control
boxes and flexible connections, as this could produce problems in adjacent areas.
Noise break-out can be limited by increasing the rigidity of the duct walls and their mass,
i.e. by fixing high density acoustic insulation to the duct. Sound barrier material is
effective for this purpose. Where acoustic insulation of the duct is not possible, a
separate perforated enclosure may be needed for the ductwork.
Because attenuators are an obstruction in the flow, they also generate turbulence noise.
This noise is dependant on the air velocity. The net sound attenuation, with air flowing
through, is referred to as the “dynamic insertion loss”. This is the performance criterion
which matters.
The location of a silencer should be between the major noise source and the occupied
space, preferably located between straight duct runs in order to give good flow
conditions at the entrance and exit to the silencer. Often the major noise source is the
plant room fan, but fan coil units, for example, introduce noise sources closer to the
occupied space. For a ceiling space fan coil unit, internal lining of the duct between the
unit and the duct termination may adequately reduce fan coil noise.
Car park ventilation is necessary to remove the hazard of carbon monoxide from vehicle
exhaust emissions and prevent the build up of vapours from any fuel leaks which may
We will use the guidance given in CIBSE Guide B clause as a basis for car park
ventilation design. ASHREA guidance is similar but their most recent study has lead to a
general reduction in the requirements. The lead office design manager will instruct if this
standard is to be followed instead of the following guidance should a project need to be
designed to a minimum for cost or other reasons.
Bahrain Municipality and Civil Defence in the case of car park smoke venting will accept
either of the two codes described in
DM specify a clear height within car parks of 2.4m. Services layouts shall accommodate
this requirement.
Where an above ground car park does not have access to this open free area it will be
mechanically ventilated as described below.
Ventilation of underground car parks will be derived from dedicated supply and extract
systems providing 6 air changes per hour normal ventilation and 10 AC/Hr for smoke /
CO clearance. Supply air will be delivered by either or both induced ingress via vehicle
entrance ramps and fan assisted supply shafts.
Where the basement or above ground car parking is within two levels above or below
ground, vehicle ramp ingress will be deemed suitable as the sole source of supply air.
Levels plus or minus three and above from the ground floor entrance/exits will require
fan assisted supply air. Air transferred through three levels of car parking is deemed too
contaminated to qualify as fresh air.
Extract air will be exhausted to the atmosphere, minimum 10.0m away from any air
The main extract points from the car park will extract 50% high level, 50% low level. This
may be achieved by a single full room height extract point or points.
The car park ventilation system will be designed to limit horizontal ductwork distribution
by the use of impulse or induction jet fans to distribute air across the car park. The final
design of these systems will be carried out by the manufacturer and only an indicative
layout is required on our drawings. To this end shows these transfer fans at the following
maximum spacings;
CFD analysis of the impulse/induction system fan performance will be written into the
project specification by the Lead Design Office discipline engineer. This shall be carried
out by the successful manufacturer to guarantee the system performance and optimise
the fan layouts.
A smoke extraction protocol and control strategy will be devised by the impulse/induction
fan manufacture. This again will be written into the project specification by the Lead
Design Office discipline engineer. The 10 air changes described above will be achieved
by isolating the none fire floors supply and extract systems by means of motorised
dampers fitted to all floors main supply and extract points. Manila to confirm that the
main system car park exhaust fans can achieve 10 air changes per hour using the
normal main supply and extract fans when serving the fire floor only.
Car park extract fans and ductwork will be fire rated suitable for smoke extract to operate
for 2 hours at 300oC. Guaranteed electrical supply will be provided to the associated
fans. Fans will be hard wired with no inverter speed control.
It is a practice in Bahrain to sometimes use air conditioned waste exhaust air from, for
example an office or residential building, to provide an element of free cooling to the car
park. Even after coolth reclaim from the exhaust air, it can be a benefit to supply air to
the car park at the exhaust temperature of say 36 oC rather than the ambient condition of
46oC. It is unlikely all of the car park’s supply air requirement can be met by the building
exhaust air and the costs involved in extended duct routes may make this an
uneconomical solution. A decision will be taken by the Lead Office Project Manager as to
the merits of this option within a particular project and Manila will be instructed
Where multiple supply and exhaust fans are necessary in the case of large car parks,
they shall each be fitted with back draught dampers to prevent recirculation under single
fan failure.
Where the fans are to be used for smoke extract, consideration shall be given to
providing a standby unit, for example 5No fans each rated at 25% of the total system
duty. This decision will be taken by the Lead Office Project Manager.
Stair well pressurisation is not required where the well height to the point of
egress is 23.0m or less. This dimension is to the roof of the stair well.
The stair well will maintain a positive pressure of 12.5Pa under design
conditions relative to the smoke zone. Intermittent deviations of up to 50% of
the design pressure are considered acceptable in operation though this
should not be considered during the design stage. This minimum positive
pressure is well below the limits stipulated in NFPA 101 for maximum
allowable pressure differences across doors, nominally between 75Pa and
112.5Pa for a 800mm wide door. For other door widths refer to NFPA 92A
table 2.2.2.
Supply air intakes should be separate from all building exhausts independent
of the fact that all none life safety systems should be shut down during fire
mode. Minimum separation distance shall be 10.0m, or 6.0m when located
on a different aspect of the building. Intakes should be below any openings
to the building to prevent possible entrainment of smoke to the stair well
supply air.
6.5 Stack Effect
The stair well should be physically compartmented notionally at every 30
stories, based on a typical 4.0m floor to floor level to limit stack effect. The
associated building and architectural implications will be undertaken by the
Lead Design Office. Refer to sketch DR92000RPT002-M-0001 for a typical
example of how this can be achieved.
In-line axial or centrifugal supply fans shall be used, the selection of which
shall be determined to best suit the system requirements. For the normal
system pressures involved in-line axial fans will be most suitable.
The fans shall by supplied by an essential service electrical supply from the
generator back-up service or equivalent. Power and control cables shall be
fire rated to suit. All electrical installations shall meet the requirements of
NFPA 70.
The air flow through a closed door is a function of the number of closed doors, the gap
around the doors and differential air pressure.
The number of closed doors is easily established, namely total number of doors – open
doors described in
The gap around the doors is more difficult to determine accurately as it depends to a
degree on the construction and workmanship. In the absence of any direction from the
architect as to the specified quality of door to be provided, the following provision shall
be used as described in NFPA 92A, equation 9. An average air leakage of 4.5mm shall
be taken around the perimeter of the door. This appears high but includes for the
proportionately higher open area at the bottom of the door. For a single leaf 2.0m high x
0.8m wide door with the 12.5Pa pressure differential described in 2.3 above;
External building leakage area where applicable (m2) = (shaft wall + floor area) x 0.17 x
10-3 {equation 2.0}
Internal building leakage area (m2) = (shaft wall + floor area) x 0.11 x 10-3 {equation 3.0}
By calculating the leakage area for the stair well shaft by use of equations 2.0 or 3.0, or
a combination of both, the leakage area ‘A’ may be determined. This value shall be
substituted in equation 1.0 to determine the air leakage from this element of the shaft.
See ‘Appendix A’ for example calculation of supply air fan design air flow rate.
6.6.3 Supply Air Fan Design External Pressure Drop
The design supply air fan design external pressure drop shall be calculated in the
standard ASHRAE or CIBSE method using the design criteria described in 2.7 below.
The 12.5Pa stairwell static pressure shall be added to the ductwork system static
pressure loss. Each fan external static shall be ‘rounded up’ to the next 50Pa + 50Pa.
For example;
Calculated system static pressure loss = 213Pa. Schedule fan static
pressure 250 + 50 = 300Pa.
Calculated system static pressure loss = 294Pa. Schedule fan static
pressure 300 + 50 = 350Pa.
Each fan system pressure loss shall be calculated and copies of the calculation retained
on the calculation file.
The shaft cross sectional area shall be based on an air flow velocity of
7.5m/s at the point of maximum air flow.
Sand trap louvers selected at 1.0m/s gross face velocity shall be provided on
the system air intakes to limit the amount of sand entrained during periods of
testing. No other filtration or treatment of the incoming air shall be provided.
For district cooling applications, the chilled water entering and leaving
conditions shall be agreed with the relevant District Cooling Provider (DCP)
by the Design Manager.
Where chillers are located in the building, the chilled water entering and
leaving conditions shall be:.
Cooling Coils
All Fan coil units shall be pre-wired to provide 3 speed fan control (Low,
Medium and High).
Fan coil units shall always be selected at the medium speed for design
Coil face velocities shall not exceed 3.00 m/s. For design purposes use
velocities of not more than 2.5 m/s.
Fan shall be direct driven, forward curved centrifugal type with double width
and double inlet.
The motor shall be a TEFC type with IP54(???? Not needed IP20 is standard
offer ), Class F and thermally protected. The thermal overload protection
shall be UL listed.