Amicure - CG - 1400F - e TDS
Amicure - CG - 1400F - e TDS
Amicure - CG - 1400F - e TDS
Curing Agent
Amicure CG-1400F curing agent is a micronized grade of dicyandiamide containing 3,5% of an inert flow
control additive to inhibit clumping and improve handling. It is designed for use as a latent curing agent for
epoxy resins.
Finest particle size available in Amicure DICY product series for maximum reactivity
• Easily dispersed in liquid resins
• Shelf stability of up to 6 months at 25°C in properly formulated systems
• Activation temperature can be varied easily from 180°C to 95°C with appropriate accelerator selection
• One-component adhesives
• Recreational and industrial pre-preg composites
• Powder coatings
At least 24 months from the date of manufacture in the original sealed container at ambient temperature.
Store away from excessive heat and humidity in tightly closed containers.
Refer to the Safety Data Sheet for Amicure CG-1400F curing agent.
Ancamine 2014AS/2014FG
Amicure UR2T
Imidazoles (e.g. Imicure EMI-24)
Ancamine 2441
Ancamine 2337S
Property Value
Tg (o C)* 120
When accelerated with Ancamine 2014AS 115
* Measured using DSC with 10K/min ramp. Value will be higher when accelerated with an Imidazole
This information and all further technical advice are based on our present knowledge and experience. However, it implies no liability or other legal
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whether express or implied, or guarantee of product properties in the legal sense is intended or implied. We reserve the right to make any changes
according to technological progress or further developments. The customer is not released from the obligation to conduct careful inspection and
testing of incoming goods. Performance of the product described herein should be verified by testing, which should be carried out only by qualified
experts in the sole responsibility of a customer. Reference to trade names used by other companies is neither a recommendation, nor does it imply
that similar products could not be used.