428,571.43 Is The Cost of Medicine For August
428,571.43 Is The Cost of Medicine For August
428,571.43 Is The Cost of Medicine For August
Accommodation Expense = 1650 x 285.71 per unit or (400,000/1400) X 1650 units
Utilities = 300,000
**NOTE – Outlier is the month of March and July Why? It does not follow the trend; it does not
represent the costs if you include them
= 1,200,000 – 800,000
1,650 - 1,200
= 400,000
VC= 888.89
High Low Cost = (Variable Cost x Unit of Activity) + Fixed Cost
Cost Function
Y = a + bx
Fixed Cost is
1,200,000 = 1,650,000 + FC
Total Cost = 888.89X + Fixed Cost
But this will yield negative Fixed Cost???, to properly determine you can plot the data x and y
axis, x as the number of activity and y as the costs.
Or you can do trial and error until you will have a yield of positive Fixed Cost.
Use the next highest activity level until you yield a positive fixed cost.
= 850,000 – 800,000
1,300 - 1,200
= 50,000
VC= 500
TC = 500X + Fixed Cost
850,000 = (500 X 1,300) + Fixed Cost
Fixed Cost = 200,000
TC = 500X + 200,000 Cost Function for Major Hospital Cost