Allowable Deductions Notes
Allowable Deductions Notes
Allowable Deductions Notes
Deductions are amounts allowed by the Tax Code to be Deductions (XXX) deducted
from Gross Income to arrive at the taxable income for Taxable Income XXX purposes
of computing the income tax liability under Sec. 24(A). 25(A), 26(A.c)
and 28 (a)(1) Tax Due/ liability XXX
*individuals and corporation engaged in the trade/business
*individuals in the exercise of profession
Concept of Deductions
Deductions are matter of legislative grace. A taxpayer can deduct an item or amount from gross income only if
there is a law authorizing such deductions. In the absence of a law, the expense of the taxpayer, whether business-
related, reasonable, or equitable, cannot, be deducted from gross income.
The taxpayer can deduct:
a. The full amount of the deduction allowed
b. The lesser amount
c. Not to claim any deduction at all
Kinds of deduction
1. Itemized Deductions
2. Optional Standard Deductions
General Rule in Claiming Deductions
1. It is legitimate, ordinary, actual and necessary. (LOAN)
2. The Matching Principle
3. The Related Party Rule
4. The Withholding Rule
“no withholding, no deduction”
-specific expenses and other items that are deductible from gross income. Under Sec. 34 of the Tax Code, it
consists of the following items:
A. Expenses
Other legal, ordinary, actual, and necessary expenses of business can be claimed by the taxpayers as long as these
are substantiated with official receipts or other pertinent records.
-paid and incurred w/in the taxable year
-Direct to the operation or development of the business
-not contrary to law, morals, GC, PP or PO.
-it must not constitute to a bribe, kickback or other similar payment
-have duly adequate proof
-the appropriate amount of withholding tax should have been withheld therefrom and paid to the BIR.
B. Interest Expenses
Requisites :
1. There must be valid indebtedness
2. The indebtedness must be that id the taxpayer
3. The indebtedness must be connected with the taxpayer’s trade, business or exercise of profession.
4. Interest expense must have been paid or incurred during the taxable year
5. Interest must have been stipulated in writing
6. Interest must be legally due
7. Interest payment must not be between related taxpayers.
8. Interest must not be incurred to finance petroleum operations.
9. In case of interest incurred in the acquisition of property, used in trade, business, or 0profession, the
same is not treated as a capital expense
10. The interest is not expressly disallowed by law to be deducted from gross income of the taxpayer.
MSME – can deduct the full amount of interest expense without deducting arbitrage limit.
C. Taxes
-amount of money usually a percentage of one’s income or of the value of property owned, that one must pay to
help support the government.
D. Losses
-implies an unintended destruction or deprivation of, or separation from property or something of valuenot in the
ordinary course of things
Kinds of Losses
1. Ordinary Losses
2. Capital Losses
3. Special Losses
4. Non-deductible Losses
Ordinary Loss
1. Loss incurred in trade, profession or business
2. Loss due to fire, storms, shipwreck, or other casualties of property connected with trade, business or
3. Loss due to robbery, theft, or embezzlement of property connected with a trade, business or profession
4. Net operating loss carry-over
E. Bad Debts
-debts resulting from the worthlessness or uncollectibility, in whole or in part, of amounts due the taxpayer by
others, arising from money lent or uncollectible amounts of income from goods sold or services rendered.