Tutorial 2
Tutorial 2
Tutorial 2
1. Show that the fugacity coefficient for a gas obeying the RK equation of state is given by
b a a V b V b V a
ln ln
V b RT V b bRT V
V ln V b RT (V b) ; where, V = molar
2. Estimate the fugacity of ammonia vapor at 1.95 MPa and 321.55 K assuming that it obeys the
RK equation of state. [1.7316MPa]
3. The Berthelot EOS is given by: P V b RT ; Show that the fugacity coefficient is:
b 2a V b V a
ln 2
ln ln 2
V b RT V V V b RT V
4. It is desired to store 100 kmol mixture of 30 mole percent propane and 70 mole percent n-
pentane at 500K and 50 bar. Determine the size of the tank using the pseudocritical properties.
[ ~ 50m3]
5. Calculate the fugacities of ethylene and propylene in a mixture of 70 mole percent ethylene and
30 mole percent propylene at 600 K and 60 bar. Assume that the mixture follows the Redlich-
Kwong equation of state. [41bar; 16.6bar]
6. A vapour mixture contains 20mol% methane, 30mol% ethane, and rest propane, at 300C.
Determine the dew composition. [x1 = 0.0247, x2 = 0.1648]
7. The overhead product of from a distillation column (at 8bar) is to have the following mole
fraction composition {zi}: propane (0.23), isobutane (0.67), and n-butane (0.10). Calculate the
temperature at which the overhead condenser must operate in order to completely condense the
overhead product; (ii) if the overhead product is in equilibrium with the liquid on the top plate of
the column, calculate the temperature of the overhead vapours and the composition of the top
plate liquid at 8 bar; (iii) If the vapour product is taken to a partial condenser at 8 bar and 320K,
what faction of vapour condenses and the corresponding composition of the two phases? [317K;
324.8K; L/F=0.75; x1 = 0.1829, x2 = 0.7053; y1 = 0.3713, y2 = 0.5642].
8. A liquid mixture of 50mol% pentane and 50mol% heptane initially at low temperature is heated
at a constant pressure of 1 atm until 50mol% of the liquid is vapourized. Calculate the relevant
compositions and the temperature.[ x1= 0.274, y1= 0.726, T = 341.70K]
9. A vapor mixture of 40 mole percent ethylene and 60 mole percent propylene at 40C and 500 kPa
is isothermally compressed. Determine the pressure at which condensation begins and the
composition of the first drop of liquid that forms. [2.65MPa]
10. A liquid mixture of 25 mole percent ethylene and 75 mole percent propylene at -40C is kept in a
piston-cylinder assembly. The piston exerts a constant pressure of 1 MPa. Compute the bubble
temperature and composition. [ – 8.50C]
11. A system contains methane(1)/ethane(2)/propane(3) at 10C and 13.8bar. Find the vapour and
liquid phase compositions if the overall composition is z1 = 0.1, z2 = 0.2, z3 = 0.7. [x1 = 0.029, x2
= 0.166; y1 = 0.289, y2 = 0.292; V=0.273]
12. The stream from a gas well consists of 50 mole% methane, 10 mol % ethane, 20 mol % propane, 20 mol
% n-butane. This stream is fed into a partial condenser maintained at a pressure of 17 atm, where its
temperature is brought to 27oC. Determine the mole fraction of the gas that condenses. [L = 0.833]
13. Using PR-EOS: Compute the dew pressure for methane (1) / butane (2) system at 310K with
y1 =0.80 [Dew P=23.6 bar, x1=0.1094]
14. An EOS is used to estimate the fugacity coefficients were calculated at 180C for each
component in the vapour phase and in the liquid phase; for the ethane(1) / benzene(2) binary
mixture. These are expressed in the form: ˆ P, z x , y C C P C z , where P is in atm.
i i i i 0 1 2 i
Compute the relative volatility, α12, at 180C for a liquid composition x1 = 0.263. The constants
for each component in each phase are:
VAPOUR C0 C1104 C2
Ethane 1.2545 -2.4580 -0.40910
Benzene 0.74265 -70.069 0.50456
LIQUID C0 C1102 C2
Ethane 5.3538 -3.1730 -3.443
Benzene 0.26926 -0.25430 0.08750
You can use the following initial guess values: P = 59.5 atm, y1 = 0.715. Assume the
following conditions for obtaining convergence: Pnew Pold 1.5 atm . and yi 1 0.05 .
Use Pnew Pold K i xi [Ans: 12 = 7.0]
15. Calculate the fugacity of steam at 300oC and 10 bar. [9.76bar]
16. The fugacity of component ‘1’ in a binary solution at some T & P is given by:
fˆ1 (bar ) x1 4 x12 3x13 ; find (i) fugacity of the pure component ‘1’, (ii) actual
component ‘1’ fugacity in an equimolar mixture, (iii) component ‘1’ fugacity
considering that it is an ideal solution. [2bar, 1.125bar, 1bar]
17. A concentrated binary solution containing mostly species 2 (but x2 1) is in equilibrium with a
vapor phase containing both species 1 and 2. The pressure of this two-phase system is 1 bar; the
temperature is 298.15 K (25oC). Determine from the following data good estimates of x1 and y1.
H1 = 200 bar; P2sat = 0.10 bar. [x1 = 0.0045, y1 =0.9].
18. A system formed of methane (1) and a light oil (2) at 200 K and 30 bar consists of a vapour
phase containing 95 mol-% methane and a liquid phase containing oil and dissolved methane.
The fugacity of the methane is given by Henry's law, and at the temperature of interest Henry's
constant is H1 = 200 bar. Assuming ideal solution in gas phase estimate the equilibrium mole
fraction of methane in the liquid phase. Use virial EOS for gas phase. For pure methane at the
given T & P, the second virial coefficient is B = –105cm3/mol. [0.118]
19. The solubility of methane in n-heptane at 1050C and a partial pressure of 1atm is 2.83x10-4.
Making reasonable assumptions compute the solubility at 5 atm. [1.415x10-3]
20. For a sparingly soluble gaseous solute `1' in a solvent `2' show that the following relations hold
good: (P = equilibrium pressure, H1,2 = Henry's Law constant for solubility of `1' in `2'.)
a. 1 y1Pˆ1 1 / x1H 1,2
x1 ( 1 / 2 ) H1,2 x2 2 P2s
b. P
ˆ1 2