Current Trends in Community Nursing
Current Trends in Community Nursing
Current Trends in Community Nursing
Forces affecting health care in the future will also affect the role of the nurse.
One can onlyspeculate about what that future will be.some broad changes can also certainly
be predicted.theseinclude emphasis on cost containmentresultingfrom market- driven
economic policy, advancement in technology, knowledge explosion,expanded uses of
alternative and complimentary therapies, demographic shift.
The nursing shortage is latest demographic trend that will impact community
-based care in the future. of. one national survey of RNs indicated that 82% nurses reported a
shortage in their hospital or community. These nurse did not have positive expectations of the
impact of shortage on work conditions , believing that some tasks currently assigned to
nurses will shift to other staff. They anticipate the shortage will result in nurses leaving
nursing for non- nursing jobs, thus intensifying the shortage. These changes could result in
lower quality of care provided.
Because community based nursing practice will be central to the care of a
population of ageing and chronically ill peoples, nurses will be confronted will many
challenges. In the future, regardless of the nurses own ethnic background, the nurse must be
proficient at transcultural nursing to be effective caregiver. Nurses will play a major role in
promoting self-careand addressing health promotion and disease prevention issues for elderly
Focusing on prevention will be particularly changing as tge percentage of the
population ages and living with chronic conditions. Growing trends in alternative health
therapies allow more culturally sensitive option in priventive care. There are different ways
that nurses can operationalize the concept of health promotion and disease prevention in
community – based nursing. The nurses can position themselves as the first link between
clients and the hospitals, thus developing long- term relationships. This involves developing
systems and models of care that require periodically contacting client with chronic problems.
The hospital may known as health care organization or an integrated health care
system. These system already exist in many part of the country. More community based care
programs will comes from these integrated system. Another them uses in seamless care, in
which all level of care are available in an integrated form .continuity allows quality care to be
preserved in a changing health care delivery system.
“Always a Nurse”:
Anonymity is not easy for the rural community health nurse, who is always“on duty”.
A trip to the grocery shop may include interaction with rural clients and their families
about their pressing health concerns. Rural community health nurse may have
confidentiality and personal / professional boundary issues that need to be addressed.
Rural community health nurses are often respected, known and trusted by the
population they serve.
Disharmony and lack of team work is an emerging challenge in the health care sector.
Harmonious relationship amongst health care workers is a essential requirement for the
health care system
In almost all health care settings, nurses undertake roles which are not of their forte,
hence they are left with minimal time to carry out their actual roles and
responsibilities. They are spending more time than necessary doing non-nursing-
related work for eg:-Record keep
ing, inventory, diet etc.
In the rapidly growing world were 8% of tge current population are elderly
healthy ageing, has become a vital need in the country.
The country will face a heavy Double burden of infectious and non
communicable disease with existing lack in significant resources including
comprehensive ageing policies to cope.
Domicilary nursing
Mental health nursing : Nurse is act as a counselor and care taker
in mental heath centres
School health nursing : school health nurse will conduct periodic
physical examinations and health education at school for
MCH and Family planning : Under MCH &Family planning the
nurse will assist labour, maternal and neonatal care, family
planning counsiling.
Nursing Care
Home care: providing nursing care to community through home
Geriatric care:caring elderly peoples in geriatric homes.
Rehabilitaioncenter:Nurse will act as a recreationalist for
chronically illedones
Kamalam S ,Essentials in community health nursing practice,2ndedition,
New delhi Jaypee brothers medical publishers, 2012 page number :340-341
K park preventive social medicine, 24 th edition, jabalpur2017
Page number: 493-494
http:// www.National sample survey ofRegisteredNurses. Com //