Bahasa Inggris Liyani Kelas X Semua

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1. Introducing yourself is . . .
a. Silsilah keluarga
b. Memperkenalkan orang lain
c. Memperkenalkan teman
d. Memperkenalkan diri sendiri

2. Introducing other people is . . .

a. Silsilah keluarga
b. Memperkenalkan orang lain
c. Memperkenalkan teman
d. Kata ganti petunjuk

3. Which one of them is an expression of introducing yourself . . .

a. Hello, my name is Rio
b. This is Lisa, my friend
c. Nice to meet you
d. Nice to meet you to

4. Which one of them is an expression of introducing othe people . . .

a. Hello, my name is Rio
b. This is Lisa, my friend
c. Nice to meet you
d. Nice to meet you to

5. I . . . strawberry juice
a. Like
b. Likes
c. Liked
d. Liking

6. I . . . like strawberry juice

a. Do
b. Don’t
c. Does
d. Does not

7. . . . I like strawberry juice?

a. Do
b. Don’t
c. Does
d. Does not

8. She . . . strawberry juice

a. Like
b. Likes
c. Liked
d. Liking

9. She . . . like strawberry juice

a. Do
b. Don’t
c. Does
d. Does not

10. We . . . Indonesia
a. Are
b. Is
c. Am
d. Does

11. It . . . a bright day today

a. Are
b. Is
c. Am
d. Does

12. You . . . so happy today

a. Looks
b. Looking
c. Look
d. Looked

13. I . . . a teacher
a. Are
b. Is
c. Are
d. Does

14. He . . . not want to come to school

a. Do
b. Is
c. Does
d. Doesn’t

15. He . . . to come to school

a. Want
b. Wants
c. Wanted
d. Waiting
16. . . . he want to come to school?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Doesn’t
d. Does not

17. That . . . a pen

a. Is
b. Are
c. Am
d. It

18. Those . . . pens

a. Is
b. Are
c. Am
d. It

19. These . . . pens

a. Is
b. Are
c. Am
d. It

20. This . . . a pen

a. Is
b. Are
c. Am
d. It

1. What is introducing yourself, and make example…

2. What is introducing other people, and make example…

3. Please explain about simple present tense and make example…

4. What is family me, and make example…

5. Please explain about demontrative pronoun and make example about it…

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