As we know that BGP have loop prevention mechanism for iBGP where route learned from an
iBGP neighbor must not be advertised to any other iBGP peer. that's the reason we have a
requirement where all iBGP peer should be connected in logical Full mesh topology to exchange
route information and this is not scalable solution in large networks.
➢ Route reflector is the way to reduce the number of ibgp peer connection.
➢ Minimize the prefix replication (send an update to the RR send update to its "" peer to
client ".
Route-reflector peer-
Lets grasp it with using sample topology – there any many way to break this rule but here we will see
only few things.
Getting started- Route-reflector configuration
What are the meaning of the command what I enabled on R1 router ( prefix –
In my scenario next-hop command will be enabled on R2 router because this R2 router is connected
different AS it means EBGP NBR router.
R2(config-router)#neighbor next-hop-self - this command says that whenever you share any
prefix to its iBGP neighbor that will make change the next hop ip address with that prefix.
One more thing we have to know here that if any router receive any prefix from its ibgp NBR then that
router will not advertise that prefix to next ibgp NBR .
In ibgp neighbors – by default all routers are route-reflector servers. And their NBR will be route-
reflector non client.
In the below router that is ibgp NBR, I have define which is route-reflector client, Route-reflector server
and Route-reflector non client a little tried to understand.
I’m going to tell to R3 router that your NBR is route-reflector client and as soon as I tell to R3
router because R3 router is a by default route reflector server it will share that prefix which is received
from R2 router will share to next nbr that is R4 router.
Now check the bgp table of R4 router after enabling above command on R3 router –
As you have seen that after enabling route-reflector-client, R4 router is receiving prefix
But this prefix is valid in bgp table not best then it will not install in routing table, so now I’m going to
change next hop ip address on router with the help of route-map.
Now I’m going to advertise prefix – in bgp and whole procedure will be same as we did
till now and at this we have to configure route-map on R2 router because we have one more prefix
advertise and loop prevention mechanism will work that’s the reason we need to break this rule also on
R2 router.
After enabling above command lets see bgp table of all routers.
BGP table -
Route map on R2 router to break loop prevention mechanism.
➢ R1#show ip route
➢ is subnetted, 1 subnets
➢ C is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/0
➢ C is directly connected, Loopback1
➢ B [20/0] via, 00:03:46
➢ R1#
Configuration –
Thank you –
Umesh Prajapati