Ge 1: Understanding The Self

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 This episode tackles the concept self in the view of the field of
sociology and how the self is connected to its society.

 Sociology
 Pioneers in the Study of Sociology
 Describe the sociological  Sociology in the Philippines
perspective and explain its  The self as a Product of Modern Society
importance in the
understanding of oneself. READINGS/VIDEO CLIPS
 Recognize the scholars
and pioneers in sociology REFERENCES (Refer to the syllabus for detailed information.)
who contributed to  A, C, O, R, T, V, Z, D.D, H.H, I.I, J.J, K.K
understand the causes of
social phenomena.  Magalona, et al., Understanding the Self: Developing Life
 Acknowledge the birth Skill, in: Mindahpers Co., Inc., Recoletos cor., Cabildo Streets,
and development of Intramuros, Manila (pg 45)
sociology in the  Dellomos, et al., Understanding the Self, in: Dr. Bernadette
Philippines. Bobis-Enriquez (ed) Jimczyville Publications, #16 Concha St.,
Tinajeros, Malabon City (pgs. 47-50)
 Cuevo, et al (2018) Understanding the Self in: St, Andrew
Publishing House., Plaridel, Bulacan (pgs. 21-23)
 Tamban et al (2019) Understanding the Self in: St. Andrew
“Being mannered and
Publishing House., Plaridel, Bulacan (pgs. 37-46)
civilized involves being
aware of the effect of
one’s strength on VIDEO CLIPS
others” 
-Anonymous 

ACTIVITY 6 6.1 DIRECTION: Write down all the things that

you think you’ve shown to others.
2. 7.
3. 8. Charles Cooley
4. 9. Socialization shapes our self-
5. 10. image.
6. 2 DIRECTION: Write down the things that Our views of ourselves comes
most people say about you. not only from direct
1. 6. contemplation of our personal
2. 7. qualities, but also from our perception about
how we are being perceived by others.
3. 8.
4. 9. Looking glass self: It answers the following
5. 10.
1. How do I appear to others?
2. What must others think of me? (Evaluation
of others)

What is Sociology? 3. Revise how we think about ourselves?

Sociology came from the Latin word “Socious”

which means Companion or Society and George Herbert Mead
“Logos” which means study. Sociology is the
Theory of the Social Self
study of society.
The self emerge from social
A social science that studies human societies,
interactions such as; observing
their interactions, and the processes that preserve
and interacting, responding with
and change them.
others and internalizing external
It does this by examining the dynamics of opinions and internal feelings about oneself.
constituent parts of societies such as institutions,
The self is not from birth but it is developed over
communities, populations, and gender, racial, or
time from social interactions and experiences.
age groups.
Infants don’t care about what others think about
Sociology also studies social status or
them (similar to Piaget’s egocentrism)
stratification, social movements, and social
change, as well as societal disorder in the form As we grow up, our beliefs about how other
of crime, deviance, and revolution. people perceived us start to become more
Every individual had a specific experiences in
the society that results for having a particular Stages of Development of the Self
goals, values, aspirations, and even self- 1. Preparatory Stage (Imitation) - Interact
conception. (Mills 1995) through imitation. Communication with
This sociological perspective emphasizes the life other (through symbols most of the time)
in society in its broader context; 2. Play (Pretend Play) - Becomes more aware
 Social Location of People of the importance of social relationships.
Role playing/taking. Child is able to respond.
 Relationship of one group to another
Not just able of mimicking social interaction
 The external influences but they are capable of creating them.
3. Game - The understanding of the generalized Introduce new way of thinking that played
other. Understanding that an individual can important part of bringing about modern world.
take multiple roles. Grasp the concept of
significant other.
Karl Marx (1818 – 1883)
At the last stage, an individual comes to a
realization that others must have opinions about Theory of Evolution or Class
them. And others’ perception is affected by how Conflict theory
an individual act or say. In response, the People should take active steps
individual becomes influenced by others’ to change society.
perception and start to be concerned to the
The bourgeoisie (capitalist) are
reaction of others on what they do.
locked in the inevitable
I SELF VS ME SELF conflict with the masses (working classes)

 Response to the  Social Self

Me Self  Our belief on how Herbert Spencer (1820 - 1903)
 Individual the generalized
Identity other sees us Parallelism
 Personal  Learn through
Darwin’s Theory: Evolution of
responses on interaction
society’s views Species
Proposed that the living
Aguste Comte (1798 – 1857) organisms evolve over time in
“Founder of Sociology” order to survive the conditions
of the environment
Positivism - generally, any
system that confines itself to the “The most intelligent and capable members of
data of experience and excludes society survive, while less capable die out.”
a priori or metaphysical “Society is in a never ending competition and
speculations. the name of the game is to win.”
States that the knowledge can be derived only
from sensory experience, meta-physical
Emile Durkheim (1858 – 1917)
speculations and intuitive insights.
Suicide: applied in all cases of death resulting
directly or indirectly from positive or negative
Harriet Martineau (1802 – act of the victim himself, which he knows will
1876) produce this result.
Wrote the book “Society in 3 types of Suicide;
 Egoistic Suicide – Resulted from too little
Examines religion, politics, social integration
child rearing and immigration
 Altruistic Suicide – Too much integration
in the young nation.
Gives special attention to status distinctions  Anomic Suicide – Involve an imbalance of
(gender and race) means and needs

Spoke out in favor of the rights of women,  Fatalistic Suicide – Future is pitiless blocked
emancipation of slaves, and religion tolerance. and whose passion are violently checked.
Max Weber (1864 – 1920) 1952
Catholicism vs. Protestantism Filipino pioneers in Sociology organized the
Philippine Sociological Society
It was religion that encourage
social change 1957
The CDRC (Community Development Research
Council) was created to conduct and support
social science researchers.
1960 – Fr. Frank Lynch, SJ
Founded the Institute of the Philippine Culture at
the Ateneo De Manila University.
Serafin N. Macaraig
First Filipino to acquire a doctorate degree in
Philippine Social Science Council was formed to
sociology and published a book entitled An
consolidate resources with the following
Introduction to Sociology 1938
objectives: (1) promote quality and relevant
Fr. Valentin Marin social science researchers; (2) improve teaching
Introduced Sociology in the Philippines, Opened skills in social science; (3) finance researches;
a program of Criminology at UST in 1950’s and (4) encourage social science publications.

1950 – A.W Salt and Murray Bartlett 1972

Offered Sociology course in UP. Clyde Hetlin at Xavier University was given credit as the first
Siliman University in Dumaguete and 2 Filipino school, which opens a program in Ph.D. in
Social Scientist, Conrado Benitez and Luis Sociology. UP was the first school offered a
Rivera were among the first teachers of Bachelor degree in Sociology.
Sociology in the Philippines


7.1 DIRECTION: Answer the following question/s briefly and comprehensively.

1. Discuss your own social location. Describe it and how your location influenced your life. State
specific influences.
2. Select a particular social problem and indicate how you would address this kind of issues as part of
the society.

7.2 DIRECTION: Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. Amira thinks that her teacher and classmates see her as intelligent. She takes on this view and reacts to
them. Which self is this according to Mead?
a. “I”
b. “Me”
c. “Generalized Others”
d. “Myself”
2. Jaden has very low self-esteem, she always sees herself as incapable of doing things on her own and
always relies on others. Which self is this according to Mead?
a. “I”
b. “Me”
c. “Generalized Others”
d. “Myself”
3. In which of Mead’s stages of the self do children merely imitate the people around them?
a. Play Stage
b. Game Stage
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
4. George Herbert Mead’s “I” refers to:
a. The “what do I want”
b. How others interpret our actions
c. Individuals cultural origins
d. The symbol that other give us
5. George Herbert Mead’s “I” refers to:
a. The “what do I want” sense of self
b. How others might interpret our actions
How “my” internalized view gas been created
How my personal beliefs affect others

7.3 DIRECTION: Write “True” if the statement is correct, or write the “Name of your Crush” if
_______1. Between “I” and “Me”, I is more creative.
_______2. “Me” is the socialized version of self.
_______3. “I” takes on the views and opinion of others about him/herself.
_______4. Generalized other includes the attitude of the people whom you consider important to you.
_______5. According to Mead, “Me” is already there from birth.


Direction: Write something about the kind of society that you live in. It could be within the
context of your family, community, or nation.

(for Activity 7.1)
Criterion Description Point
Required Components Response includes all components and meets or exceeds all
requirements indicated in the instructions. Each question or part
of the assignment is addressed thoroughly. All attachments
and/or additional documents are included, as required.
Response includes all components and meets all requirements
indicated in the instructions. Each question or part of the
assignment is addressed. All attachments and/or additional
documents are included, as required.
Response is missing some components and/or does not fully
meet the requirements indicated in the instructions. Some
questions or parts of the assignment are not addressed. Some 2
attachments and additional documents, if required, are missing
or unsuitable for the purpose of the assignment.
Response excludes essential components and/or does not
address the requirements indicated in the instructions. Many
parts of the assignment are addressed minimally, inadequately,
and/or not at all.
Required Components – Possible Total Points 4
Structure Writing is clear, concise, and well organized with excellent
sentence/paragraph construction. Thoughts are expressed in a
coherent and logical manner. There are no more than three
spelling, grammar, or syntax errors per page of writing.
Writing is mostly clear, concise, and well organized with good
sentence/paragraph construction. Thoughts are expressed in a
coherent and logical manner. There are no more than five
spelling, grammar, or syntax errors per page of writing.
Writing is unclear and/or disorganized. Thoughts are not
expressed in a logical manner. There are more than five 2
spelling, grammar, or syntax errors per page of writing.
Writing is unclear and disorganized. Thoughts ramble and make
little sense. There are numerous spelling, grammar, or syntax 1
errors throughout the response.
Structure – Possible Total Points 4
Content Response demonstrates an in-depth reflection on, and
personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies
presented in the course. Viewpoints and interpretations are 6-7
insightful and well supported. Clear, detailed examples are
provided, as applicable.
Response demonstrates a general reflection on, and
personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies
presented in the course. Viewpoints and interpretations are
supported. Appropriate examples are provided, as applicable.
Response demonstrates a minimal reflection on, and
personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies
presented in the course. Viewpoints and interpretations are
unsupported or supported with flawed arguments. Examples,
when applicable, are not provided or are irrelevant to the
Response demonstrates a lack of reflection on, or
personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies
presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and 0-1
interpretations are missing, inappropriate, and/or unsupported.
Examples, when applicable, are not provided.
Content – Possible Total Points 7
Overall Points

(for Activity 6.1, 6.2)
Criterion Description Point
Completion The entire assignment was completed. 5
3/4 of the assignment was completed. 4
At least 1/2 of the assignment was completed. 2-3
Less than 1/2 of the assignment was completed. 0-1
Required Components – Possible Total Points 5
Accuracy The entire assignment (or almost all) of the assignment was
done correctly.
3/4 of the assignment was done correctly. 4
At least 1/2 of the assignment was done correctly. 2-3
Less than 1/2 of the assignment was done correctly. 0-1
Structure – Possible Total Points 5
Directions The assignment was done showing lots of work neatly and
easily followed.
The assignment was done showing most of the work. 4
The assignment was done showing some work. 2-3
The assignment was answers only. 0-1
Content – Possible Total Points 5

Overall Points 15


Criterion Description Point

Time Management The module was turned in before or on time. 5
(Submitted the module on The module was turned in one day late. 4
time.) The module was turned in two days late. 3
The module was turned in three days late. 2
The module was turned in more than three days late 0-1
Content – Possible Total Points 5

Overall Points 5



Content Reflection demonstrates a high degree of critical thinking in
Reflection applying, analyzing, and evaluating key course concepts and
theories from readings, lectures, media, discussions
activities, and/or assignments. Insightful and relevant
connections made through contextual explanations,
inferences, and examples.
Reflection demonstrates some degree of critical thinking in 3
applying, analyzing, and/or evaluating key course concepts
and theories from readings, lectures, media, discussions
activities, and/or assignments. Connections made through
explanations, inferences, and/or examples.
Reflection demonstrates limited critical thinking in applying,
analyzing, and/or evaluating key course concepts and
theories from readings, lectures, media, discussions, 2
activities, and/or assignments Minimal connections made
through explanations, inferences, and/or examples.
Reflection lacks critical thinking. Superficial connections are
made with key course concepts and course materials, 1
activities, and/or assignments
Evidence of Critical Thinking – Possible Total Point 4
Personal Growth Conveys strong evidence of reflection on own work with a
personal response to the self-assessment questions posed.
Demonstrates significant personal growth and awareness of
deeper meaning through inferences made, examples, well 6-7
developed insights, and substantial depth in perceptions and
challenges. Synthesizes current experience into future
Conveys evidence of reflection on own work with a personal
response to the self-assessment questions posed.
Demonstrates satisfactory personal growth and awareness
through some inferences made, examples, insights, and
challenges. Some thought of the future implications of
current experience.
Conveys limited evidence of reflection on own work in
response to the self-assessment questions posed.
Demonstrates less than adequate personal growth and
awareness through few or simplistic inferences made, 2-3
examples, insights, and/or challenges that are not well
developed. Minimal thought of the future implications of
current experience.
Conveys inadequate evidence of reflection on own work in
response to the self-assessment questions posed. Personal
growth and awareness are not evident and/or demonstrates
a neutral experience with negligible personal impact. Lacks
enough inferences, examples, personal insights and
challenges, and/or future implications are overlooked.
Personal Growth – Possible Total Score 7
Structure Writing is clear, concise, and well organized with excellent
sentence/paragraph construction. Thoughts are expressed in
a coherent and logical manner. There are no more than
three spelling, grammar, or syntax errors per page of writing.
Writing is mostly clear, concise, and well organized with
good sentence/paragraph construction. Thoughts are
expressed in a coherent and logical manner. There are no 3
more than five spelling, grammar, or syntax errors per page
of writing.
Writing is unclear and/or disorganized. Thoughts are not
expressed in a logical manner. There are more than five 2
spelling, grammar, or syntax errors per page of writing.
Writing is unclear and disorganized. Thoughts ramble and
make little sense. There are numerous spelling, grammar, or 1
syntax errors throughout the response.
Structure – Possible Total Score 4

Overall Score 15

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