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Advt. No. 383/SE-FTE/HR/ES/2021-22 Date: 06.12.


Engineering Services Division of Bharat Electronics Ltd., a Navaratna Company

and India’s premier Professional Electronics Company requires the following
personnel on short term basis for a period of Three years for execution of
various prestigious projects.

No. of Min.
Posts Post Upper age Pay Scale
Post Qualification Qual. limit as on Reservation
work 01.12.2021

(Fixed BE / B.Tech UR – 01
03 4 yrs
OBC (NCL)- 01 50,000-3%-1,60,000
tenure (Civil) 32 yrs
SC- 01
basis for
03 years)

*Place of posting:
i) Port Blair – Andaman & Nicobar Islands
ii) Awantipur, J&K
iii) Leh, Ladak

*However, Candidates will be required to travel across India, as and

when project requirement arises.


Sl. Age
No. Relaxation
1 Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer) 3 years
2 Scheduled Caste 5 years
Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) having
3 10 years
minimum 40% disability

(PwBD relaxation is in addition to the relaxation provided for

The cut-off date for deciding the maximum permissible age shall be

 Full time BE/B.Tech in Civil with First Class for General, EWS &
OBC (NCL) candidates. Pass Class for SC/PwBD Candidates.

 Candidates must possess all years/semesters mark sheets and

Degree certificate. (In case of CGPA grading, Conversion certificate
to substantiate the claim shall be attached with the application
form. Applications without the conversion certificate will be


Selection will be through a Written Test, followed by an Interview only for those
candidates who qualify in the written test.

4. Pay & Allowances

In addition to Basic Pay, other allowances like Dearness allowance, House Rent
Allowance, 35% of the Annual Basic Pay as perquisites, Performance Related
Pay (PRP), Group Life Insurance, Medical reimbursement, Provident Fund &
Pension, as per the Company's rules, will be part of the remuneration package.



 The Candidate should have experience in civil infrastructure project

management of large, multidisciplinary industrial and building
infrastructure projects preferably involving internal and external electrical
works, AC, IBMS, networking communication, workstations, fire fighting
systems, interiors etc.
 Candidate shall possess project management skills, Infrastructure Contract
management, good knowledge and exposure to CPWD/MES/PWD/Gov.
contract methods, procedures, specifications, works manuals and shall be
conversant with the applicable statutory requirements, rules in force etc.
 Candidate is required to relocate on multiple works across India at the
discretion of the company

Only relevant Industrial experience will be considered. The decision of

the selection committee, with respect to relevance of experience will be final.
Work experience indicated without supporting documents and detailed write
up will not be considered.

Candidates must possess minimum 4 (four) years industrial experience (Post
Qualification Experience). The cut-off date for deciding the experience shall be
01.12.2021. In order to compute post qualification work experience, the period
of work experience starting from the month immediately succeeding the month
of final examination in which candidate acquired the essential educational
qualification shall be considered. Experience certificates/Documents issued by
the employer clearly indicating period of employment should be enclosed.
Candidates are also required to enclose a separate write up describing the
relevant post qualification experience gained/held by them. Teaching
experience or/and training courses acquired /research work will not be
considered as relevant experience. Candidates possessing Industrial
experience as specified only need to apply.


a) Candidates who meet the above requirement may apply in the

format available on the BEL website:
b) The post (Sr. Engineer- Civil) applied for should be super scribed on
the envelope.
c) Applications should be accompanied by the following documents
(Photocopies only in the following chronological order)

i. SSLC marks card as proof of date of birth

ii. Semester wise marks cards of BE / B Tech. (Candidates who
have completed bachelor’s degree after Diploma have to
enclose all the semester copies of diploma certificates also
along with copies of all semester degree marks cards)
iii. BE / B Tech Degree Certificate.
iv. Caste/Disability certificate in case of OBC
(NCL)/EWS/SC/ST/PwBD (if applicable, strictly in the
prescribed formats, which are available on the BEL website: Certificates for 2019-2020 & 2020-
2021& OBC (NCL) Certificates dated not earlier than
01.12.2021. (ST & PwBD certificates required for verifying
exemption claim)
v. Proof of Experience
vi. A separate write up mentioning the details of the post
qualification experience.
vii. No Objection Certificate (if applicable) for Candidates working
in PSUs/Government/Quasi Government organizations
should submit the application through proper channel or
produce No Objection Certificate at the time of the interview.
Such candidates, who are unable to produce NOC at the time
of interview, will not be interviewed.

Applications complete in all respects, may be sent to “Manager
(HR/ES&SW), Bharat Electronics Limited, Jalahalli Post,
Bengaluru – 560013” on or before 26.12.2021 through ordinary or
speed post.

SB Collect:
General/ OBC(NCL)/EWS candidates applying for the post Sr. Engineer (Fixed
Tenure) are required to remit an amount of Rs.500/- towards application fee
through SB Collect (through online mode or through SBI Branch)
Candidates need to select SBI branch in the payment option and download &
print the challan generated through SBI Collect and deposit the application fee
plus applicable bank charges in any SBI Branch. The candidate should ensure
to obtain the seal and signature of the bank official. General /OBC/EWS
candidates have to mention the “SBI Collect reference No.” generated after
payment, in the Application Form. Payment receipt should be mandatorily
attached along with other enclosures. Candidates may go through all
instructions and eligibility criteria carefully before remitting Application Fee
and sending the application. Fee once paid will not be refunded.


a) Only Indian nationals need to apply.

b) Request for change of category once declared in the application will
not be entertained.
c) Mere fulfilling the minimum requirement of qualification and
experience will not vest any right on the candidates to be called for
the written test/interview. BEL reserves the right to shortlist the
candidates based on the nature of past relevant experience
acquired post prescribed qualification.
d) Applications received after the last date for submission will not be
e) In the event any applicant has litigated with his/her employer in
the past, the same should be clearly mentioned in brief.
f) Applications that are incomplete, not in the prescribed format,
without the required enclosures, will be summarily rejected without
assigning any reasons and no correspondence in this regard will be
g) The Caste / Disability Certificate should be strictly in the format
available on the BEL website failing which, candidate’s application
will be considered rejected.
h) Candidates are required to possess at least one valid e-mail id and
mobile number, which is to be entered in the application form.
Information pertaining to the written test / interview will be sent by

e-mail to the email Id furnished by the candidate. BEL will not be
responsible for bouncing of any e-mail sent to the candidates.
i) The number of posts indicated above may vary based on the actual
requirement at the time of selection.
j) Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification. BEL reserves
the right to debar / disqualify any candidate at any stage of the
selection process for any reason whatsoever.

Clarifications if any, can be sought on 080-22195330,

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