Amara Endgame Builds
Amara Endgame Builds
Amara Endgame Builds
Any questions related to the builds can be directed to the members listed
under the build itself. Happy hunting!
Any build submissions are required to, at minimum, solo MH10 Maliwan
True Takedown and MH10 Scaled Guardian Takedown.
Overview: A good, strong, all round build that’s easy to play and build for, while also
having a very high peak clear rate for the character.
Skill Spec Differences: The main spec offers the best clear times in the majority of content,
and is the best at using off meta weapons. The vigor spec sacrifices some clear rate to gain
a nice combat movement speed boost, which is fun to play. And the 3 tree spec is for non
purple tree owners.
Action Skill: Ties that bind is recommended for mobbing. Phasecast with 250% gun
damage works too but is slower. We can also use Reverberation for killing targets outside of
True GTD when using the main, or 3 tree spec.
For bossing, Phasecast 250 or Slam 300 wins. If the boss has an open crit spot, activate
twice to maximize damage by stacking transcend (crit damage) twice.
Soul sap, the only available augment that doesn't hurt the action skill. Reverb is ok as it can
give you a burst heal on TTB activation.
This build is very versatile. Use any of the primary strong meta weapons or half decent guns
with Consecutive hits, 125 splash if applicable and 100% ele next 2 mags as the top anoints.
And 100ASE or 50% airborne if need be.
NoPewPew, Monarch, Butcher, Crit, Radical, Lightshow, Hellwalker, Harold, Plasma Coil,
Tizzy, Trevonator, OPQ, Flipper, Hellshock, Anarchy, Sandhawk, Kaos, Reflux, Kaoson, Star
Helix, Maggie, anything half decent with a damage anoint.
Class Mod:
Obviously the Phasezerker. Good passives take priority over skills.
Good passives: AS cooldown, weapon damage, specific weapon damage, crit, splash
Skills: As much Clarity/conflux as you can get. Avoid Anima if possible.
Grenade mod:
It's Piss or literally any grenade with a 50% elemental damage anoint.
Pearl for best damage, or a very well rolled Company man, Snowdrift Victory rush if you wish
to keep the fast slide or do not Own DLC 2.
Prefix: Snowdrift
Good Passives: AS Cooldown, mag size, specific weapon damage, specific element
damage, AoE.
Revolter is the meta pick here, 200% bonus element and 50% fire rate boost with 100%
uptime. Otherwise Old god, plus ultra, all in, transformer, or any defensive option you like.
Anoint: Action skill start for revolter, or 50% elemental damage for any other shield.
The element on the anoint doesn't matter too much, just make an attempt to match the
weakness of the enemies you're fighting.
Stay mobile and keep putting out damage when you can. Your only healing is soul sap and
sustainment, which both require you to be shooting your targets. Soul sap will work even
when you've grasped a boss so this healing alone can keep you alive most of the time, and
sustainment is a bonus on top. And while this is a 'Ties that bind' build. Nothing is stopping
you from using cast and slam for those powerful anoints. The build will still work fine.
Double Anarchy Phasecast
By: SSpyR & LazyData
Overview: A throwback and simple build for Amara that has a barebones core idea but
can get more and more advanced and rewarding depending upon how much the user
wants to put it. This version focuses more on certain weapons but can be utilized with
really any meta weapons as long as the anoints are correct. It is a little less versatile
than Hellzerker and isn't far behind in Weapon Damage while also having very strong
Action Skill Damage.
Action Skill:
Basic: Tandava, for general use this should be the go-to Phasecast Action Skill for anyone
wanting to start out using this build, high damage and splash, can't go wrong here.
Advanced: Reverberation, now when we want to optimize our playstyle more and lean a bit
more into Phasecast as a damage source for our gameplay loop when played correctly,
Reverberation can bring a lot of pain and the key lies in being able to line up your
Phasecasts to pass-through multiple enemies getting more and more powerful (I will refer to
these further as "Phase-Chains")
Augment: The only real good choice here is Soul Sap, great healing during reload downtime
and doesn't hurt the damage of your AS, no brainer here to me.
(For non purple tree owners, spec arms deal for tandava, helping hands for reverberation)
While this build specifically focuses on using a couple of weapons due to how well they
perform, most meta weapons at any given time will perform well with this build. The main
anoint you are looking for is the 250% Weapon Damage on a cast of Phasecast. The
alternatives to this would be: 200% Splash ASE (sometimes better than 250% Phasecast),
Consecutive Hits, and 100% Bonus Ele Next 2 Mags ASE. As for the main weapons for this
specific build those would be:
Light Show (Kinetic, or whatever element that isn't filled by your other ASEs/what your Old
God buffs, I use Shock and Kinetic)
Monarch (Kinetic, or whatever element that isn't filled by your other ASEs/what your Old God
buffs, I use Shock and Kinetic)
Class Mod:
Basic: Phasezerker, for general use and effectiveness Phasezerker will always be a great
choice for Amara and the same applies here, skills don't matter too much here just focus on
Passive Stats like AS Cooldown, Weapon Damage, Weapon Type Damage (AR/Pistol
Damage), Splash Damage, Action Skill Damage. If you are want to focus on skills as well
then go for as much Clarity as possible
Advanced: Golden Rule, this is where the Phase-Chains start to matter and this Class Mod
lets us focus more on Phasecast as an actual great source of damage to our build especially
with Reverb. Unlike Phasezerker skills are the top priority here, you want as much Laid Bare
as possible, go for that +3 any Passive Stats you get are just a bonus and the same ones
listed above apply here
Grenade Mod:
Basic: It's Piss or any Grenade with the 50% Bonus Ele Anoint (I default to Bonus Cryo),
pretty standard here
Advanced: Firestorm with a Singularity Roll, A Purple Singularity Grenade, Quasar. These
Grenades will help a lot when setting up our Phase-Chains, in terms of which one is best,
from personal use I found Firestorm with Singularity to be the one that actually consistently
controls the enemy somewhere instead of tossing them about but I listed the others in case
others find uses for the other Grenades. Same Anointment suggestion as above.
Pearl, its Pearl
Passives to Look For: Mag Size, Fire Rate
Defensive: Transformer, Stop Gap, Re-Charger
Go for 50% Bonus Element on any of these (I default to Bonus Radiation) and for Old God I
recommend Absorb parts and bonus Shock Damage by default
Basic: Pretty simple gameplay loop, cast Phasecast to proc Anoints and heal from Soul Sap,
then shoot to keep healing from Sustainment and killing everything, just remember to always
be doing one of these two things so that you stay alive because that is your sustain.
Advanced: This is where you can get really fun with things, mainly setting up great Laid Bare
debuffs and Phase-Chains. When running our whole advanced kit you want to focus on
dragging enemies in with your singularities or finding good lineups and using Reverberation
on as many targets in a path as possible (Quick Tip: Laser Fare Lasers work for this! They
are the only Mayhem Modifier that does, use this to your advantage!), once you cast you can
keep enemies bunched up with your nades while you shoot and the Phasecast Anoint + Laid
Bare (+ Its Piss, if you are running that instead) + your Bonus Elements makes for great
damage output, even on bosses provided they have trash mobs with them, if they don't just
use an Its Piss instead. Golden Rule helps with Cooldown Reduction similar to Phasezerker
but makes us play way more offensively as we want to be tanking things to keep lowering
our Cooldown more (Laser Fare Lasers help here too!) so don't be afraid to be taking some
damage, Sustainment and Soul Sap will keep you up just fine most of the time.
Melee Amara
(A.K.A. Assclap)
By: Byte
Overview: A high damage melee build focused on using your action skill as much as
Action Skill:
150/90 and ASE melee Psychostabber(your main weapon)
Class Mod:
+3 Illuminated Fist +2 Laid Bare
Good passives: Melee damage, AS Damage, AS cooldown
+1 Find Your Center, +4 Jab Cross
Good passives: Melee damage, AS Damage, AS cooldown
However the Muse No longer drops with +3 illuminated fist. The new best in slot is +1
illuminated fist and +3 in laid bare. This still beats out other class mods but ofc is weaker
overall compared to the older +3 illuminated fist coms.
Grenade Mod:
The anointments don't matter as much for this build, but it never hurts to have ase elements
Unleash the Dragon: Extremely high damage but sacrificing survivability.
Knife Drain Static Charge: For Mobbing.
Knife Drain White Elephant: For bosses where life steal is needed and UTD doesn’t cut it.
For passives: same as com, Melee(can double roll), AS cooldown (AS Damage isn't
available on Artifacts)
Brawler ward, phaseslam melee (level doesn't matter for this, good for actual punching)
Stinger with ASS break/fill (Good if you just want a few more explosions)
Melee, with some explosions and Ball for more damage. Use FP for flying enemies or
enemies out of reach, but the goal of this build is to get the most out of true melee and
actually punching things.
Extra Notes:
If you want to run terror with this build, swap out ASE melee on your psycho stabber for
terror cryo, then have melee terror and terror damage and fire rate on your grenade / shield.
This spec has sustainment so you can run stone prefixes on artifacts. And we use
phaseslam for 200% melee after phaseslam anoint / 300 90.
This build does work without purple tree, but purple is a very large boon for true melee.
Driver Amara
By: Days and LazyData
Overview: A high paced build with lots of cooldown management to get more Damage
for Bossing and Plenty of movement speed to get around mobbing encounters.
Soul sap The only available option that doesn't hurt cooldown/damage since expedite
currently does not work.
Radical, butcher, harold, Crit, Lightshow, Hellwalker, Beacon, Plasma Coil, Flipper,
Hellshock, Anarchy, Sandhawk.
Preferred anoints are Slam or Phasecast Anoints, consecutive hits(200% gun damage fully
stacked), 200% Splash ASE. Other anoints that are serviceable would be Next two mags
100% bonus elemental damage ASE, 100% weapon damage ASE, or 200% ASA for only a
single gun in your loadout.
Class Mod:
Driver with 3 in mindfulness, the other points don't really matter to your survivability.
Grenade mod:
Anything with 50% bonus element on Action Skill End anoint. Fishslap or Its piss are
Elemental Projector prefix on an artifact with good passives, such as AOE(Splash) damage,
Mag size, Weapon Type Damage(SMG .ETC), or elemental type damage.
Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge can be used as a stand in till a good Elemental Projector is
Revolter, Plus Ultra, Transformer, the All-in shield from dlc1, Loop of Angel or Stop-Gap all
with 50% bonus element on Action Skill End anoint.
For cast you can throw one at your feet to get driver going immediately, and hold the Avatar
proc for when you are losing the driver stacks. Cast is the preferred option for most bossing
encounters as it can more often reach the boss to apply laid bare. Fracture is a bit harder to
use but its the best option to upkeep 300% slam anoints and apply laid bare.
Kensei Amara
By: CZ47
Overview: A build that revolves around utilizing the kensei buff as efficiently as
possible in an attempt to gain both high damage and minimal cooldown issues.
Augment: Soul sap, the only one that works and doesn’t penalise you for picking an
augment. Swap to Expedite when the augment is fixed.
Important to know is that Kensei damage is comparable to a bonus element and does not
benefit from splash or crit damage. You’ll still want to aim for crits if you’re able to as
Transcend gives Amara a nice amount of bonus Crit damage.
When it comes to anointments, avoid 125% splash and instead get as much weapon
damage as possible. Consecutive hits would be ideal, ASE 100% weapon damage can be
useful and 250% cast does well for bossing but isn’t necessary if you have a high fire
rate/decent mag size weapon with consec hits. 250% weapon damage after using
Phasecast can also be used for mobbing.
Guns that do well on this build: Lightshow, Plasma Coil, Free Radical,, Harold, Butcher,
Monarch, Beacon, Flipper, Soulrender, Blood-Starved Beast, Kaoson, Torrent, Rebound,
Reflux, Clairvoyance, Wagon wheel, Maggie, Hellwalker, Sandhawk and many more.
Class Mod:
Kensei with as many points into JoyFul Freedom as possible. Points into Unweave The
Rainbow (UTR) wouldn’t be bad, however less desirable as that bonus damage lowers the
chance of Kensei proccing Combo Breaker. If you end up using a Class Mod with more than
1 point into UTR, don’t spec into it to lessen its impact.
Preferable passives: Action Skill (AS) cooldown, melee, weapon damage/splash damage
Grenade mod:
Any grenade with ASE 50% will do, Fish Slap or It’s Piss are preferred though.
Company Man with these preferred rolls: damage, fire rate, crit damage/mag size & AS
cooldown, melee/elemental bonus, AOE.
The Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge is a great alternative though it cannot roll with AS
Icebreaker VR with AS cooldown, melee/elemental bonus, AOE, magazine size.
Frozen heart, Stinger, Old God, Plus Ultra, All-in shield, Super Soldier, Band of Sitorak and
Big Boom Blaster (both of these are useful for Topped Off, thanks to David M and Prismatic
for the suggestion.)
Frozen heart is optimal and is a base game shield, highly recommended. Stinger is a good
alternative as it can instantly trigger Combo Breaker and thus resetting your AS.
Anointments: Action Skill Start for Frozen heart, Stinger and Super Soldier, ASE 50%
cooldown or ASE elements for the others.
First and foremost, matching Amara’s base element with the enemy is an important factor
and the difference in damage when not matching is considerable. During general gameplay,
setting the base element to cryo will most often be a good choice, however for tougher
content like the Takedown at the Guardian Breach it’s recommended setting it to shock when
fighting the guardians, and cryo vs nekrobugs for example. When bossing, match your base
element properly: fire base element vs a red health bar, corrosion vs armor etc.
1. TTB:
Optimal gear would be a Frozen heart and a Company Man (with cooldown) or Pearl.
Use TTB as often as you can when it’s off cooldown to trigger Kensei’s effect. “Fake
Grasping” also triggers it and allows you to benefit from the buff, but prevents you from
benefiting from any extra damage provided by your ASE elements and from any shield
effects that might trigger on Action Skil Start, such as a cryo nova from the Frozen Heart.
You can still do so if you don’t feel like wasting your Action Skill on a single target.
Otherwise gameplay is comparable to any Phasezerker build. Grasp a target somewhere in
the middle of many enemies, shoot one of the linked enemies. Shoot frozen targets once
your TTB is over since Kensei is still active for a short moment usually, giving you another
chance at triggering Combo Breaker. Once off cooldown, repeat the process.
You can use TTB for bossing too, especially if there are adds close by that you can link them
to. Shoot the weaker target to deal a greater amount of damage to the boss. If no adds
spawn, you can still grasp the boss to activate your ASE elements and shoot, with a
Monarch for example, to stack consecutive hits fast and do a ton of damage.
Alternatively swap to Phasecast and a weapon with 250% weapon damage anoint and use
that instead.
This may seem obvious, but during fights try not to get hit unnecessarily through puddles etc
to keep your shield at full. This way we get an increased cooldown rate from the guardian
perk “Topped Off”.
2. Phasecast (Reverberation/Tandava):
This version of the build is more reliant on proccing Combo Breaker and thus a Stinger with
the A.S.S. anoint is a must. Surround yourself with as many enemies as possible and cast to
kill enemies around you (Stinger nova) and have a decent chance at resetting your AS. Your
damage will increase by a great amount for a short while after which you activate your AS
again and repeat the process. So surround yourself with many enemies before casting in the
hopes of being able to cast over and over again. Using stronger pieces of gear like a
Lightshow, Free Radical or Plasma Coil is recommended so you’ll still be able to deal with
enemies when on cooldown.
Extra notes:
-If Avatar (blue capstone) has not been consumed yet, you will not benefit from Combo
Breaker unless you use your AS as soon as it triggers. Otherwise the extra AS charge will
disappear. If Combo Breaker does trigger after the 2nd AS usage, then it’ll work properly.
-Kensei, being melee damage, has a chance to activate Combo Breaker and Ebb and flow
(not specced into it, unnecessary). To optimize our chances at doing so, we will want Kensei
damage to be the finishing move when we kill enemies. Freezing enemies makes it so only
Kensei gets a 200% damage bonus and is thus more likely to proc Combo Breaker. We also
want to avoid 200% splash anointments and instead use weapon damage anointments
instead. Weapon Type passives and crit passives are also less useful compared to regular
weapon damage. Cooldown on both artifact and COM are highly recommended.
Cast Stab
By: Quag
Overview: An action skill centric build that maximizes their damage and uses Body and
Mind as filler during downtime for an unconventional caster playstyle.
Augment: Soul Sap, the only one that works and doesn’t penalise you for picking an
augment. Swap to Expedite when the augment is fixed.
Guardian Angel - Provides up to a 500% global v2 damage multiplier depending on distance
from the target (capping out at 23.8 meters), which is normally completely inaccessible for
Amara's action skills outside of Ice Breaker and OGT 25% anoint. You'll want to be holding
this whenever you activate your action skill for significantly more damage. Urad is ideal here,
as the bonus element provided is one of the few that properly mayhem scale when applied
to sources that have scaling (most notably action skills and their x31 scaling at Mayhem
Facepuncher - Triggers Body and Mind once for each projectile. This amount doubles if
Infusion has been specced, meaning a x14 Facepuncher will trigger Body and Mind 28 times
per shot. Stats and level of the item do not affect Body and Mind damage, meaning the 8
mag version wins out over the 6 mag. Urad is ideal, as Body and Mind receives the bonus
element and grants it the appropriate x31 scaling.
Bonus: A second Facepuncher with 25% chance to apply Terror on melee allows you
to select Terror damage/fire rate as your grenade anointment for a massive overall damage
increase. Shooting this Facepuncher will apply the Terror status and grant you the bonus, at
which point you're free to switch back to other weapons.
Crader's EMP5 - Utility, useful for movement when not using Snowdrift/Speed Demon.
Ember's Purge - Puddle does weird things that make things super dead. Second Wind
weapon for emergency situations where Body and Mind is not active.
Class Mod:
Phasezerker - Provides maximum cooldown while also giving easy access to the action skill
damage from Do Harm and the reload speed from Alacrity. If using Cryo, Violent Tapestry
access from Phasezerker greatly assists in freezing enemies. For the most part, skill rolls
don't matter (Clarity does nothing, Anima mostly detrimental, Conflux mildly beneficial)
Stone - Provides action skill damage through Do Harm and/or Awakening and mild
survivability via damage reduction. Worse than Phasezerker, but an alternate in case you
have a good one.
Ascetic (DLC5 nonlegendary class mod that drops in DLC6) - Can only get one passive, but
rolls with points in Body and Mind/Atman/Burn Both Ends
Grenade Mod:
It's Piss - Maximizes damage against high value targets. ASE 50% Cryo is best if you don't
have one with Terror damage/fire rate. The former allows access to Go With the Flow for
movement speed without the requirement of Cryo action skill element, the latter is much
greater overall damage.
Deathless - Enables urad without loss of the shield slot. Prefix options include:
Flesh Melter (maximum overall damage)
Ice Breaker (great if using Cryo element)
Snowdrift (movement)
Atom Balm (improved area clear on non-Tandava setups)
Berzerker (increased fire rate means more frequent Body and Mind)
Re-volter - Provides a 200% shock bonus element that properly applies to mayhem scaled
sources of damage (same as urad) meaning it will inherit the x31 scaling on action skills and
Body and Mind, and the x5.5 scaling on Remnant. Also gives 50% fire rate, meaning faster
Body and Mind application. ASS anoint.
Priority one is getting Body and Mind and Clear the Mind active and maintaining them. This
means that combat will generally open with your action skill from as close to maximum
Guardian Angel range as possible. Clear the Mind will allow you to ignore elemental
matchups as long as they are not outright immunities, greatly increasing the value of Flesh
Melter and ensuring your bonus elements are always dealing at least neutral damage.
Body and Mind is a flat instance of damage that triggers once per instance of melee damage
while it's active. This means that a x14 Facepuncher with the 1 point in Infusion we have
assigned will create 28 instances of Body and Mind assuming all projectiles land. Body and
Mind inherits your action skill element, gets x31 scaling, and receives the following bonuses:
Splash (Heavy Rain, Arms Deal)
Action Skill Damage (Do Harm, Atman)
Elemental Damage (Burn Both Ends, Flesh Melter)
Bonus Elements (urad, Re-volter)
Global bonuses (v1, v2, debuffs)
As such, while it's active it serves as your main filler in between action skill activations.