Discussion Paper On Machine Learning For IRB Models

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11 NOVEMBER 2021

Abbreviations 3
Responding to this Discussion Paper 4
Submission of responses 4
Publication of responses 4
Data protection 4
Disclaimer 4
Executive summary 5
1. Introduction 7
2. Machine learning: definition, learning paradigms and current use in credit risk modelling 9
2.1 Definition 9
2.2 Learning paradigms 10
2.3 Current use of ML for IRB models 10
3. Challenges and potential benefits of ML models 13
3.1 Challenges posed by ML models 14
3.2 Potential benefits from the use of ML models 20
4. How to ensure a possible prudent use of ML models going forward 22
4.1 Concerns about the use of ML 22
4.2 Expectations for a possible and prudent use of ML techniques in the context of the IRB
framework 23
Annex – Summary of questions 27


Capital Requirements Regulation – Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 as amended by Regulation
(EU) 2019/876

CCF Credit Conversion Factor

CRCU Credit Risk Control Unit

CWA Creditworthiness Assessment

EAD Exposure At Default

ELBE Expected Loss Based Estimate

ICAAP Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment process

IRB Internal Rating-Based approach

LGD Loss Given Default

ML Machine Learning

PIT Point-in-Time

PD Probability of Default

TtC Through-the-Cycle

BD&AA Big Data and Advanced Analytics


Responding to this Discussion Paper

The EBA invites comments on all proposals put forward in this paper and in particular on the specific
questions stated in the boxes below (and in the Annex of this paper).

Comments are most helpful if they:

▪ respond to the question stated;
▪ indicate the specific point to which a comment relates;
▪ contain a clear rationale;
▪ provide evidence to support the view expressed;
▪ provide where possible data for a cost and benefit analysis.

Submission of responses

To submit your comments, click on the ‘send your comments’ button on the consultation page
by 11.02.2022. Please note that comments submitted after this deadline, or submitted via other
means may not be processed.

Publication of responses

Please clearly indicate in the consultation form if you wish your comments to be disclosed or to be
treated as confidential. A confidential response may be requested from us in accordance with the
EBA’s rules on public access to documents. We may consult you if we receive such a request. Any
decision we make not to disclose the response is reviewable by the EBA’s Board of Appeal and the
European Ombudsman.

Data protection

The protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the EBA is based on
Regulation (EU) 1725/2018 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018.
Further information on data protection can be found under the Legal notice section of the EBA


The views expressed in this discussion paper are preliminary and will not bind in any way the EBA
in the future development of any potential guidance.


Executive summary
The aim of this discussion paper is to understand the challenges and opportunities coming from the
world of machine learning (ML) should they be applied in the context of internal ratings-based (IRB)
models to calculate regulatory capital for credit risk.

The exponential increase in data availability and storing capacity coupled with the improvements
in computing power of recent years provides an opportunity to use ML models to make sense and
sort massive and unstructured data sources. Whereas standard regression models may not be able
to keep track with the emergence of the so called ‘Big Data’, in fact, data is the fuel that powers ML
models by providing the information necessary for training the model and detecting patterns and
dependencies. This does not come without costs; indeed, ML models are more complex than
traditional techniques such as regression analysis or simple decision trees, and often less
‘transparent’. The discussion paper focuses on the more complex models, which are also the most
difficult to understand and challenging should they be possibly used for regulatory capital purposes.

In the context of credit risk, ML models might be useful to improve predictive power and are not
new to internal models used for credit approval processes, but they have not been incorporated
into institutions’ IRB models as rapidly as in other areas. The main pivotal challenge comes from
their complexity which leads, at least for the more complex ones, to challenges i) in interpreting
their results, ii) ensuring their adequate understanding by the management functions and iii)
justifying their results to supervisors. This discussion paper is therefore a first step to engage the
industry and the supervisory community to investigate the possible use of ML as IRB models and to
build up a common understanding of the general aspects of ML and the related challenges in
complying with the regulatory requirements.

The discussion paper ultimately aims at discussing the relevance of possible obstacles to the
implementation of ML models in the IRB model space based on some practical issues. Practical
issues on the use of data, explainability and other challenges are generally not new to IRB models,
but may be exacerbated when using ML models and, therefore, may lead to specific challenges.
These are explored in the discussion paper with the aim of seeking the industry view on those

It is clear that ML models can provide added value, but to comply with CRR requirements it should
also be possible to interpret them and that the relevant stakeholders have a level of knowledge of
the model’s functioning that is at least proportionate to their involvement and responsibility for
meeting legal requirements. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing ‘black box’ models. It is
therefore key that institutions and all their levels of management functions and bodies have an
adequate level of understanding of their IRB models, as this will be essential in order to allow ML
models to be used for regulatory purposes.


Acknowledging that ML might play an important part in the way financial services will be designed
and delivered in the future, the EBA is considering to provide a set of principle-based
recommendations which should ensure an appropriate use of such techniques by institutions in the
context of IRB models. This should ultimately ensure: i) a consistent and clear understanding of the
prudential provisions, ii) how new sophisticated ML models can coexist and adhere with these
requirements and so iii) that the outcome – in terms of setting capital requirements in a prudent
manner – continues to be harmonised across Europe.


1. Introduction
Internal ratings-based (IRB) models currently used by institutions to calculate regulatory capital
requirements for credit risk do not differ materially from the approaches used 15 to 20 years ago
when the first Basel Accord was put in place. Since then, the focus of regulators and supervisors
has been, in fact, more on making the estimates produced by different models comparable by
improving the definition of basic concepts (as for example the definition of default), rather than on
understanding the challenges coming from the world of advanced technology, i.e. machine learning
(ML) and artificial intelligence (AI).

On 13 January 2020, the EBA published a report on the recent trends of big data and advanced
analytics (hereinafter “Report on BD&AA”),1 including ML, in the banking sector and on the key
considerations in the development, implementation and adoption of BD&AA. The report identifies
recent trends and suggests key safeguards in an effort to support ongoing technological neutrality
across regulatory and supervisory approaches.

In recent years, the exponential increase in data availability/storing capacity coupled with the
improvements in computing power has led to the emergence of ‘Big Data’2 and has offered a
tremendous possibility to use new data sources in order to detect patterns and dependencies. This
causes challenges when using standard regression models that may not be able to keep track with
the emergence of ‘Big Data’. On the contrary, data is the fuel that powers ML models by providing
the information necessary for developing and improving features and pattern recognition
capabilities. Without large quantities of high-quality data it is not possible to put in place the
algorithms that make ML a possible game-changing technology. Moreover, ML models might help
to make sense and sort unstructured data sources. Therefore, to analyse Big Data institutions are
increasingly using advanced analytics that, as clarified in the Report on BD&AA, include ‘predictive
and prescriptive analytical techniques, often using AI and ML in particular, and are used to
understand and recommend actions based on the analysis of high volumes of data from multiple
sources, internal or external to the institution’.

In the context of credit risk, ML models might be useful and are not new to internal models used
for credit approval process, but they have not been incorporated into banks’ internal models for
regulatory capital requirements calculation as rapidly as in other areas. According to the Institute
of International Finance (IIF) 2019 report on Machine Learning in Credit Risk (IIF 2019 Report)3 one
of the main challenges mentioned by institutions for the incorporation of ML models in credit risk

There are many definitions of Big Data but, using the ESAs’ tentative definition used in the EBA Report on BD&AA, Big
Data refers to large volumes of different types of data, produced at high speed from many and varied sources (e.g. the
internet of things, sensors, social media and financial market data collection), which are processed, often in real time, by
IT tools (powerful processors, software and algorithms).


modelling was the ‘lack of understanding’ from supervisors and the uncertainty with respect to the
approval of such new types of models. This is perhaps not surprising as ML models might indeed be
difficult to explain and justify and difficult to understand at various level of management functions
and bodies. For some types of models it could at least be challenging to demonstrate to the
supervisors that the underlying economic rationale is conveyed. This discussion paper is therefore
a first step to engage the industry and the supervisory community to discuss the possible use of ML
for IRB models and to build up a common understanding of the general aspects of ML and the
related challenges to comply with the regulatory requirements.

Acknowledging that ML might play an important part in the way financial services will be designed
and delivered in the future, the EBA aims i) to identify the main challenges and possible benefits of
these new models should they be possibly used in the context of IRB models as well as ii) to provide
a set of principle-based recommendations which should ensure proper future use by banks for
prudential purposes. This will help to provide a consistent and clear understanding of the prudential
provisions, and how new sophisticated ML models might coexist with these requirements and,
therefore, should ultimately ensure that the outcome - in terms of setting capital requirements in
a prudent manner – continues to be harmonized across Europe.

This paper also complements the recently published report of the EBA analysing RegTech in the
European (EU) financial services sector4. The EBA report assesses the overall benefits and
challenges faced by financial institutions and RegTech providers in the use of RegTech across the
EU and identifies potential risks that supervisors will need to address. The EBA Report looks at the
application of technology-enabled innovation for regulatory, compliance and reporting
requirements and provides a deep-dive analysis into the five most frequently used RegTech
segments, including creditworthiness assessment (CWA). The chapter on CWA focuses on loan
origination only and therefore does not cover prudential risk management (IRB/SA).

The discussion paper is organised as follows:

• Section 2 provides a general definition of ML models for the purpose of this discussion
paper, discusses the main learning paradigms used to train ML models and, finally,
discusses the current limited use of ML models in the context of IRB models;
• Section 3 analyses the challenges and the benefits related institutions may face in using ML
to develop compliant IRB models;
• Finally, Section 4 provides a set of principle-based recommendations that aim at ensuring
ML models adhere to the regulatory requirements set out in the CRR, should they be used
in the context of the IRB framework.



2. Machine learning: definition,

learning paradigms and current use in
credit risk modelling

2.1 Definition
The EBA has in previous communication (i.e. the report on BD&AA) used the definition of ML
presented in the standard on IT governance ISO/IEC 38505-1:20175 which defines ML as a ‘process
using algorithms rather than procedural coding that enables learning from existing data in order to
predict future outcomes. Broadly speaking, it is a field within computer science that deals with the
development of models whose parameters are estimated automatically from data with limited or
no human intervention.

ML covers a wide range of models with different levels of complexity. An example of simple ML
models are linear regressions, which are intuitive models with a limited number of parameters, and
whose study dates back to the XIX century. On the opposite end of the complexity spectrum, an
example could be deep neural networks, which have been developed in the last two decades. In
these models the number of parameters can rise to the millions, and their understanding and
implementation represents a significant challenge.

However, the term ML, which dates from 1959, is often used by practitioners to refer only to the
more complex models. This has been the case in the financial sector, where linear and logistic
regressions have long been used, but the term ML is reserved for the more pioneering models. It
must be noted, however, that there is no clear-cut distinction between simple and advanced
models. See, for example, how a linear regression grows progressively in complexity as higher order
terms are included, leading to more sophisticated, and less tractable, relations between the

Some of the characteristics that are useful for evaluating the complexity of a model are:

• The number of parameters.

• The capacity to reflect highly non-linear relations between the variables accurately.

• The amount of data required to estimate the model soundly.

• The amount of data from which the model is able to extract useful information.

• Its applicability to unstructured data (reports, images, social media interactions, etc.).



The current discussion paper is focused on the more complex models, which are also the most
difficult to understand and challenging to use for regulatory capital purposes. Therefore, for the
purposes of this discussion paper, the term ML should refer to models that are characterised by a
high number of parameters and, therefore, require a large volume of (potentially unstructured)
data for their estimation that are able to reflect non-linear relations between the variables.

Beyond this general definition, several learning paradigms may be used to train the ML models, and
one possible categorisation is described in the following subsection as well as in Section 1.3 of the
Report on BD&AA.

2.2 Learning paradigms

There exists a range of learning paradigms that can be used to train ML models depending on the
goal of the model and the type of data required. Currently the three most popular learning
paradigms are:

• Supervised learning (or learning with labels): the algorithm learns rules for building the
model from a labelled dataset (i.e. where the output variable such as default/non-default
is known) and use these rules to predict labels on new input data.

• Unsupervised learning (or learning without labels): the algorithm learns from an input
training dataset which has no labels, and the goal is to understand the distribution of the
data and/or to find a more efficient representation of it.

• Reinforcement learning (or learning by feedback): the algorithm learns from interacting
with the environment, rather than from a training dataset. Moreover, contrary to
supervised learning, reinforcement learning does not require labelled input/output pairs.
The algorithm learns to perform a specific task by trial and error.
It should be noted that there are plenty of other categorisations possible and sub-categories
between the one mentioned above. For example, in the context of supervised learning, one could
differentiate further between regression and classification, whether the output of the model is
respectively numerical (continuous) or categorical (or discrete).

2.3 Current use of ML for IRB models

According to the IIF 2019 report, the most common use of ML within credit risk is the area of credit
decisions/pricing followed by credit monitoring and collections, restructuring and recovery. In
contrast, the use of ML is avoided for regulatory areas such as capital requirements for credit risk,
stress testing and provisioning. In this regard, regulatory requirements are perceived as a challenge
for the application of ML models, as these are more complex to interpret and explain.

For IRB models the use of ML models has been more limited where these models are used only as
a complement to the standard model used for capital requirement calculation. Examples where ML
techniques are currently used in the context of IRB models in compliance with CRR requirements:


▪ Model validation: ML models are used to develop model challengers to serve as a

benchmark to the standard model used for capital requirements calculation.
▪ Data improvements: ML techniques can be used to improve data quality to be used for
estimation, both in terms of more efficient data preparation and data exploration where ML
can be used in the context of big data to analyse rich datasets.

▪ Variable selection: ML could be used to detect explanatory variables and combinations of

them with useful predictive capacities within a large dataset.

▪ Risk differentiation: ML models can be used as a module for the purposes of risk
differentiation of the probability of default (PD) model, where the module may allow, for
example, upgrades/downgrades to the PD grade previously assigned by the ‘traditional’ PD
model through text mining.

However, ML models might possibly be used as primary IRB models for prediction (e.g., for risk
differentiation) under some challenges described in the following sections.

Comparing the 2019 IIF report with the 2018 IIF report, a clearly observed trend is that institutions
have made the strategic decision to move away from using ML in regulatory areas, shifting their
focus to other areas such as credit monitoring or collections and recovery. This seems to have
happened in avoidance of the conflict of regulatory requirements requesting regulatory models to
be intuitive, plausible and based on economic theory on the one hand, and the complex nature of
ML models, on the other.

Whereas ML might help in estimating risk parameters more precisely, in fact, the increase in
predictive power comes at the cost of more complexity where the relationship between input and
output variables is more difficult to assess and understand. This trade-off between predictive power
and interpretability – which is core to the institution’s decision on whether to use ML models for
prudential purposes – might have shaped the use of ML models as of today (i.e. where more
complex ML models were typically used outside the regulatory remit based on the expectations
that supervisors may not accept them). Given this trend, it might be important to clarify supervisors’
expectations around the possible use of ML in the context of the IRB framework underlining the
potential added value of ML models, provided that a safe and prudent use of ML models can be
ensured. The next section clarifies the characteristics of ML models that (i) may make more
challenging to fulfil the current regulatory requirements; and, in return (ii) may facilitate fulfilling
some of the requirements.



1: Do you currently use or plan to use ML models in the context of IRB in your institution? If yes,
please specify and answer questions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3. 1.4; if no, are there specific reasons not to use
ML models? Please specify (e.g. too costly, interpretability concerns, certain regulatory
requirements, etc.)

1.1: For the estimation of which parameters does your institution currently use or plan to use ML
models, i.e. PD, LGD, ELBE, EAD, CCF?

1.2: Can you specify for which specific purposes these ML models are used or planned to be used?
Please specify at which stage of the estimation process they are used, i.e. data preparation, risk
differentiation, risk quantification, validation.

1.3: Please also specify the type of ML models and algorithms (e.g. random forest, k-nearest
neighbours, etc.) you currently use or plan to use in the IRB context?

1.4: Are you using or planning to use unstructured data for these ML models? If yes, please specify
what kind of data or type of data sources you use or are planning to use. How do you ensure an
adequate data quality?

2: Have you outsourced or are you planning to outsource the development and implementation of
the ML models and, if yes, for which modelling phase? What are the main challenges you face in
this regard?


3. Challenges and potential benefits of

ML models
A consistent and clear understanding of the prudential provisions, and how new sophisticated ML
models might possibly coexist with these requirements, is the first crucial step to have clear and
appropriate principle-based recommendations should ML be possibly used in the context of IRB

The aim of this section is therefore to elaborate on the regulatory requirements for IRB models to
identify those characteristics of ML which might (i) make it more challenging to comply with certain
CRR requirements; and those which (ii) instead might help institutions to meet some of them.

ML models may pose challenges or provide solutions that are specific to the context in which they
are used. Therefore, the next two sections analyse respectively the challenges and the possible
benefits related to the use of ML in the context of IRB models based on the area of use. The
identified main areas of use are:

• Risk differentiation.

• Risk quantification.

• Model validation, where ML models can be used, for example, as model challengers or for

• Other areas, such as, for example data preparation or use of ML models for credit risk
mitigation purposes such as, for example, the valuation of collateral.

Less focus is required, when ML models are used at a lower or sub-level to improve the quantitative
and qualitative part of the more traditional IRB models (e.g. where ML is used for data preparation
only or where the IRB models are based on risk drivers which are the result of ML models).
Therefore, as for any standard model, the regulatory requirements should be applied
proportionally, considering whether ML is used as a supporting tool for predicting the parameters
(e.g. in data-cleansing or variable selection) or does the prediction in full.

Finally, the possible decision of going forward with ML in credit risk models should not be based
exclusively on prudential terms, but also on other relevant aspects such as ethical and legal aspects
as well as consumer and data protection. However, to keep this paper focused, we concentrate on
the CRR requirements solely.


3.1 Challenges posed by ML models

Depending on the context of their use, the complexity and interpretability of some ML models
might pose additional challenges for the institutions to develop compliant IRB models.
Nevertheless, this might not necessarily rule out the use of these models.

Among the specific challenges of using ML models for the purpose of risk differentiation there are
those related to the following CRR requirements:

• The definition and assignment criteria to grades or pools (Article 171(1)(a) and (b) of the
CRR6) may be difficult to analyse should sophisticated ML models be used as the main
models for risk differentiation. This may constrain the use of models where you do not have
a clear economic link between the input and the output variables. This does not mean that
ML techniques are not compatible with this requirement, but rather that finding the
required clear economic theory and assumptions behind the model may be a challenge. In
order to avoid these issues, institutions should look for suitable tools to interpret these
complex ML models.

• Complementing human judgement requires understanding of the model and this aspect
could hinder the use of difficult to interpret ML models. When an institution uses statistical
models for the assignment process to grades or pools, this should be complemented by
human judgement. In particular, the complexity of ML may create specific challenges
related to human judgement which depend on whether this is applied in the model
development and/or in the application of the estimates. Concerning human judgement
applied in the model development, the complexity of ML models may make the assessment
of the modelling assumptions and whether the selected risk drivers contribute to the risk
assessment in line with their economic meaning (as required by Article 174(e) of the CRR7)
more challenging. Expert judgment may also be used when setting the hyperparameters (as
also explained in the technical box on hyperparameters) that are required by specific ML
models. Concerning human judgement in the application of the estimates, the complexity
of ML models may make it more difficult to take into account aspects which are not, but
should be, embedded in the specific predictions (Article 172(3) of the CRR).8

• In terms of documentation requirements, Articles 175(1), 175(2) and 175(4)(a) of the CRR9
require that if the institution uses a statistical model in the rating assignment process it
should document the modelling assumptions and theory behind the model. However, and
not limited to the IRB approach, the complexity of some ML models can make it challenging
to provide a clear outline of the theory, assumptions and mathematical basis of the final

Article. 24(1) of the RTS on the specification of the assessment methodology for competent authorities regarding
compliance of an institution with the requirements to use the IRB Approach (RTS on AM).
Article 42(a)(b) of the RTS on AM and paragraphs 35(a)(b)(c) and 58 of the Guidelines on PD estimation, LGD estimation
and the treatment of defaulted exposures (GL on PD and LGD).
Article 24(2) and 42(c) of the RTS on AM and Section 8.2 of the GL on PD and LGD.
Articles 3(3) and 32(5)(b), 32(6) of the RTS on AM.


assignment of estimates to grades, individual obligors, exposures or pools. This is in

particular true where ML models are used for risk differentiation. Also, the documentation
of the model’s weaknesses10 requires that the institution’s relevant staff fully understands
the model’s capabilities and limitations.
Among the specific challenges of using the ML model for the purpose of risk quantification there
are those related to the following CRR requirements:

• Concerning the estimation process, the plausibility and intuitiveness of the estimates is also
required in Article 179(1)(a) of the CRR, but ML models can result in non-intuitive estimates,
particularly when the structure of the model is not easily interpretable. Additionally, it can
be difficult to correctly make judgmental considerations, as requested by Article 180(1)(d)
of the CRR, when combining results of techniques and when making adjustments for
different kinds of limitations.

• Article 180(1)(a) in combination with Article 180(1)(h) CRR and Article 180(2)(a) in
combination with Article 180(2)(e) CRR requires institutions to estimate PDs by obligor
grades or pools from long-run averages of one-year default rates and, in particular, that the
length of the underlying historical observation period used shall be at least five years for at
least one data source. Similarly, according to Articles 181(1)(j) and 181(2) the estimates of
LGD shall be based on data over a minimum of five years. This might be a problem for the
use of big data or unstructured data, which might not be available for a sufficiently long-
time horizon. Moreover, data retention rules related to the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR)11 may create further challenges in meeting the minimum five years
length of the underlying historical observation in case of natural persons.


3: Do you see or expect any challenges regarding the internal user acceptance of ML models (e.g.
by credit officers responsible for credit approval)? What are the measures taken to ensure good
knowledge of the ML models by their users (e.g. staff training, adapting required documentation to
these new models)?

4: If you use or plan to use ML models in the context of IRB, can you please describe if and where
(i.e. in which phase of the estimation process, e.g. development, application or both) human
intervention is allowed and how it depends on the specific use of the ML model?

5. Do you see any issues in the interaction between data retention requirements of GDPR and the
CRR requirements on the length of the historical observation period?

Due to the nature of ML, some specific challenges may arise in performing the validation of ML
models. These challenges are of two types:

Article 41(d) of the RTS AM.


1) Difficulties in interpreting/resolving the findings of the validation.

2) Difficulties related to the validation tasks themselves.

Some of the features of ML lead to both potential challenges, for example, a more complex model
may lead to a more complex documentation, which in turn will make its validation harder for the
validation function.

In the first category, ML models may make the resolution of identified deficiencies more complex:
it may, for example, not be straightforward to understand a decrease in the core model
performance (as required by Article 174(d) of the CRR) if the link between input data and risk
parameters is not properly understood. Also, the validation of internal estimates may be harder
and, in particular as required by Article 185(b) of the CRR, institutions may find it challenging to
explain any material difference between the realised default rates and the expected range of
variability of the PD estimates for each grade. The comparison between the predictions of the
models and the observed default rates can in fact be more challenging due to difficulties in
assessing the effect of the economic cycle on the logic of the model.

In the second category, specific challenges related to the validation of the core model performance
are related to the following CRR requirements:

• With respect to the assessment of the inputs to the models, where all relevant information
is considered when assigning obligors and facilities to grades or pools in accordance with
Article 172(1) CRR, it may be more difficult to assess the representativeness and to fulfil
the more operational data requirements (e.g. data quality or data storage and
maintenance). Moreover, extra care should be taken in evaluating the quality of the data
input to avoid cases where the score obtained by a ML model is used as an explanatory
variable for another model which could lead to feedback loops.

• In the assessment of the model outcomes, special attention must be placed on the use of
out-of-sample and out-of-time samples (as already requested in Article 175(4)(b) CRR) due
to the high risk of overfitting.

• In addition, the validation function is expected to analyse and challenge the model design,
assumptions and methodology (Article 185 CRR).12 As such, a more complex model will be
harder to challenge efficiently. For instance, the validation of the hyperparameters (more
details on hyperparameters are given in the following technical box) may require additional
statistical knowledge, and therefore institutions should ensure that the staff in the
validation function is appropriately trained.

Article 11(2)(a) of the RTS on AM.


Technical box: Hyperparameters

In order to estimate the parameters of a ML model from data, it is often required to specify a
set of hyperparameters, which are used to describe the structure of the model and to
customise the learning algorithm. For example, in generalised regression models, the highest
order terms used is a hyperparameter that determines the structure of the model, and the
loss function to minimise is a hyperparameter that characterises the learning process.

Some examples of parameters and hyperparameters that determine the structure of a ML

model are given in the following table:

Tree Neural network Boosting
Polynomial Number of weak
Depth of the Number of
order of the prediction
tree. nodes.
terms. models.
Min. Transformations Hyperparameters
observations on the of the weak
per leaf. variables. models.

Variable and The parameters

Weight of each Weight of each
Parameter threshold in of the weak
term. connection.
each split. models.

It is important to note that the structure and capacities of a model are greatly determined by
the values of the hyperparameters. For example, a binary tree with depth two is a very simple
model that can predict at most four different values and can use the information of only three
different variables, but if the depth is set to ten the complexity of the model becomes
significant, as the number of different possible predictions climbs to 1024 and the number of
variables used to 1023. Further, in linear regressions the relationship between an explanatory
variable and the objective variable is always monotonic and proportional, but if higher order
terms are included in a regression, the relationship can become arbitrarily involved.
Hyperparameters can be set by expert judgement (using default values or values which have
been proven adequate in a similar problem) and, in the context of supervised learning, can
also be obtained by minimising the error of the predictions. This error minimisation cannot
be performed on the dataset used to determine the parameters as, in many cases, it would
lead to an overly complex model prone to overfitting. Therefore, three different samples are
needed to develop a model if hyperparameters are determined from the data:

• Training sample: used to determine the values of the parameters.

• Validation sample: used to determine the values of the hyperparameters.
• Test sample: used to measure the performance of the model.



6: Do you have any experience in ML models used for estimating credit risk (if possible, please
differentiate between models where ML is used only for risk differentiation, only for risk
quantification or used for both)? If so, what are the main challenges you face especially in the areas

a) Methodology (e.g. which tests to use/validation activities to perform).

b) Traceability (e.g. how to identify the root cause for an identified issue).

c) Knowledge needed by the validation function (e.g. specialised training sessions on ML

techniques by an independent party).

d) Resources needed to perform the validation (e.g. more time needed for validation)?

7: Can you please elaborate on your strategy to overcome the overfitting issues related to ML
models (e.g. cross-validation, regularisation)?

Other challenges related to the use of a ML models are:

• Corporate Governance is also a requirement related to interpretability. The institution’s

management body remains responsible for meeting legal requirements. The use of ML
models makes this more challenging but does not alleviate these parties from their
responsibilities. As required by Article 189 of the CRR, all material aspects of the rating and
estimation processes shall be approved by the institution’s management body or a
designated committee thereof and senior management. These parties shall possess a
general understanding of the rating systems of the institution and detailed comprehension
of its associated management reports.

• The soundness and integrity of the implementation process (Article 144 of the CRR) can be
jeopardised by the complex specifications of ML models. Additionally, requirements from
Article 171 of the CRR also affect the processes of the rating system, among which
implementation processes are included. In particular, the complexity of ML models may
make it more difficult to verify the correct implementation of internal ratings and risk
parameters in IT systems.13

• Categorisation of model changes (as required by Article 143(3) of the CRR14) may be
challenging for models updated at a high frequency with time-varying weights associated
to variables (sometimes with change in the sign of the effect). These kinds of models might
moreover be difficult to be validated as different ‘interim model versions’ might exist for
one approved model and, therefore, it may be more challenging for biases to be detected

Article 11(2)(b) of the RTS AM. Another challenge is the setup of a robust and safe infrastructure (i.e. protected from
cyberattacks) as required by Article 78 of the RTS on AM.
Article 2 of the RTS for assessing the materiality of extensions and changes of the Internal Ratings-Based Approach and
the Advanced Measurement Approach (Regulation (EU) No 529/2014).


(e.g. due to permanent overfitting). A recalibration is generally required, where there is a

break in the economic conditions, institutions’ processes or in the underlying data. If a
potential model change only has a minor impact, the question to be analysed is whether an
adaption of the model in the course of retraining is in fact needed.

• The use of big and unstructured data may pose challenges to institutions related to:

o Putting in place a process for vetting data inputs into the model which ensures the
accuracy, completeness and appropriateness of the data as required by Article 174(b)

o Ensuring that the data used to build the model is representative of the application
portfolio as requested by Articles 174(c) and 179(1)(d) CRR.


8: What are the specific challenges you see regarding the development, maintenance and control
of ML models in the IRB context, e.g., when verifying the correct implementation of internal rating
and risk parameters in IT systems, when monitoring the correct functioning of the models or when
integrating control models for identifying possible incidences?

9: How often do you plan to update your ML models (e.g., by re estimating parameters of the model
and/or its hyperparameters) Please explain any related challenges with particular reference to
those related to ensuring compliance with Regulation (EU) No 529/2014 (i.e. materiality
assessment of IRB model changes).

There are other aspects (not necessarily challenges) related to the use of ML models for the
purposes of own funds requirements that are also relevant to discuss:

• Use test: Article 144(1)(b) CRR prescribes that internal ratings and default and loss
estimates used in the calculation of own funds requirements play an essential role for
internal purposes like risk management, credit approval and decision-making processes.
The rationale for the use test is to avoid banks using internal models only to reduce on
capital requirements, but rather that they believe in them and use them also for internal
purposes. This ‘use test’ requirement may hamper the introduction of the ML models for
internal purposes due to the challenges ML may encounter in complying with strict CRR
requirements. In this context, this discussion paper seeks to discuss the supervisory
expectations around the use of ML in the context of IRB models, in order to clarify a possible
proper future use of such techniques.

• The EU-wide legislative proposal on artificial intelligence (AI act)15 includes among the high-
risk use cases the use of AI for evaluating the creditworthiness of natural persons or for
establishing their credit scores. Whereas the focus of the AI legislative proposal is on credit



granting, considering that the decision-making process is covered by the use-test criteria,
the requirements of AI should be taken into consideration, where relevant, also in the
context of IRB models.


10: Are you using or planning to use ML for credit risk apart from regulatory capital purposes?
Please specify (i.e. loan origination, loan acquisition, provisioning, ICAAP).

11. Do you see any challenges in using ML in the context of IRB models stemming from the AI act?

12. Do you see any additional challenge or issue that is relevant for discussion related to the use of
ML models in the IRB context?

3.2 Potential benefits from the use of ML models

Having analysed in detail the challenges that institutions might encounter when using ML models
for prudential purposes, it is fair to say that ML models might prove to be useful in improving IRB
models, even helping them to meet some prudential requirements.

In particular, the following are areas where the use of ML models might be beneficial:

• Improving risk differentiation, both by improving the model discriminatory power (Article
170(1)(f) and (3)(c) of the CRR)16 and by providing useful tools for the identification of all
the relevant risk drivers or even relations among them (Articles 170(3)(a) and (4) and 171(2)
of the CRR).17 ML models might be used to optimise the portfolio segmentation, to build
robust models across geographical and industry sectors/products and take data-driven
decisions that balance data availability against the required model granularity. Moreover,
ML models might help to confirm data features selected by expert judgement used for
‘traditional’ model development giving a data-driven perspective to the feature selection
process (Articles 172(3) and 174(e) of the CRR).

• Improving risk quantification, by improving the model predictive ability and detecting
material biases (Article 174(a) of the CRR)18 and also by providing useful tools for the
identification of recovery patterns in LGD models.19 ML models might also help in the
calculation of the necessary appropriate adjustments (Article 180(1)(d) and 181(1)(b) of the

And Articles 36(1)(a) and 37(1)(c) of the RTS on AM.
Articles 35(2) and 45(1)(a) of the RTS on AM and paragraphs 21, 25, 121 of the GL on PD and LGD.
Articles 36(1)(a) and 37(1)(c) of the RTS on AM.
Paragraph 159 of the GL on PD and LGD.
Section 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 of the GL on PD and LGD.


• Improving data collection and preparation processes including, for example, cleaning of
input data or by providing a tool for data treatment and data quality checks (as requested
by Article 174(b) of the CRR).21 ML models might be useful tools for assessing
representativeness (e.g. through unsupervised learning techniques) as requested by Article
174(c). Moreover, ML models might be used for performing outlier detection and for error
correction. ML models might allow institutions to use unstructured data (e.g. qualitative
data such as business reports), which would expand the data sets that can be used for
parameter estimation.

• Improving credit risk mitigation techniques where ML models might be used for collateral
valuation (e.g. through haircut models).

• Providing robust systems for validation and monitoring of the models. ML models might be
used to generate model challengers or as a supporting analysis for alternative assumptions
or approaches (Article 190(2) of the CRR).22

• Performing stress testing, by assessing the effect of certain specific conditions on the total
capital requirements for credit risk and by identifying adverse scenarios (Article 177(1) and
(2) of the CRR).


13: Are you using or planning to use ML for collateral valuation? Please specify.

14. Do you see any other area where the use of ML models might be beneficial?

Articles 32(3)(b),76(1) and (2)(a)(g) of the RTS on AM and paragraph 72 of the GL on PD and LGD.
Article 41(b) of the RTS on AM and paragraph 220(b) of the GL on PD and LGD.


4. How to ensure a possible prudent

use of ML models going forward
All internal models used for capital purposes require supervisory approval and will need to comply
with the requirements set out in the CRR. It may nonetheless be helpful to stress the economic
principles underlying requirements for IRB models in the CRR. The use of principles allows the focus
to be on the economic and supervisory elements, which banks should consider when seeking
approval to apply ML models for regulatory purposes. This section follows this approach and seeks
to provide useful guidance to institutions in the context of assessing whether ML models can be
ultimately approved by supervisors.

4.1 Concerns about the use of ML

ML models are more complex than traditional techniques such as regression analysis or simple
decision trees, and sometimes less ‘transparent’, therefore the existing risk management
approaches and governance framework used for traditional model types may require further

The main concerns stemming from the analysis of the CRR requirements relate to the complexity
and reliability of the ML models where the main pivotal challenges seem to be the interpretability
of the results, the governance with a special reference to increased needs of training for staff and
the difficulty in evaluating the generalisation capacity of a model (i.e. avoiding overfitting). To
understand the underlying relations between the variables exploited by the model, several
interpretability techniques have been developed by practitioners. As highlighted in more detail in
the technical box below, the choice of which of these techniques to use can pose a challenge by
itself, while these techniques often only allow a limited understanding of the logic of the model.

These concerns form the basis for the principle-based guidance on the minimum expectations from
ML used in the context of the IRB framework provided in the following section.

Technical box: Interpretability techniques

When dealing with complex ML models, one of the most significant challenges is to explain why a
model produces some given outcomes. To address this difficulty, a number of techniques have been
developed that allow some insight into the internal logic of a model to be obtained. Some of the
most widely used techniques are:
1. Graphical tools showing the effect of an explanatory variable on the model. Partial
dependence plots analyse the effect on the average prediction, while individual conditional
expectations show the effect on a specific prediction.
2. Feature importance measures reveal the relevance of each explanatory variable in the overall


3. Shapley values quantify the impact of each explanatory variable on a specific prediction of the
4. Local explanations, such as LIME and anchors, provide simple approximations of the model on
a vicinity of an observation.
5. Counterfactual explanations indicate how a specific prediction of the model could be modified
by altering the values of the explanatory variables as little as possible.

The use of these techniques can also pose a challenge by itself in relation to the mathematical
hypotheses on which they rely, the difficulty to implement them or due to the computational
capacities required. Also, it must be noted that each technique provides only some partial
understanding of a model, and that their usefulness can greatly vary depending on the case.


15: What does your institution do to ensure explainability of the ML models, i.e. the use of ex post
tools to describe the contribution of individual variables or the introduction of constraints in the
algorithm to reduce complexity?

16. Are you concerned about how to share the information gathered on the interpretability with
the different stakeholders (e.g. senior management)? What approaches do you think could be
useful to address these issues?

4.2 Expectations for a possible and prudent use of ML techniques

in the context of the IRB framework
The EBA has already identified the four pillars for the development, implementation and adoption
of BD&AA in its report on BD&AA – namely data management, technological infrastructure,
organisation and governance and analytics methodology, which are necessary to support the
rollout of advanced analytics, along with a set of trust elements that should be properly and
sufficiently addressed (namely, ethics, explainability and interpretability, traceability and
auditability, fairness and bias prevention/detection, data protection and quality, and consumer
protection aspects and security).

Along these lines, instead of concluding which specific ML model might be accepted for which
specific prudential function of IRB modelling, this section seeks to discuss a set of recommendations
in the form of a principle-based approach to which IRB models should adhere. These principles are
intended to make clearer how to adhere to the regulatory requirements set out in the CRR for IRB

ML models might add value, provided they ensure acceptable monitoring, validation and
explainability of the methodology and of the model outcomes. A good level of institutional
understanding about their IRB models is a key element, and with even more relevance when ML
models are used for regulatory purposes.


ML might be used for different purposes and at various levels: data preparation, risk differentiation,
risk quantification and internal validation purposes. All of the following recommendations apply
where ML models are used for risk differentiation23 and risk quantification purposes, except for
explicit divergent indications.

If institutions want to use ML models for regulatory capital purposes, all the relevant stakeholders
should have an appropriate level of knowledge of the model’s functioning. In particular, the EBA
recommends that institutions ensure that:

a. The staff working in the model development unit, credit risk control unit (CRCU) and
the validation unit is sufficiently skilled to develop and validate ML models and,
therefore, to assess the relevance and appropriateness of the risk drivers used, as well
as the soundness of the underlying economic rationale in the overall model. For these
purposes, appropriate actions are taken, such as, for example, on the organisation of
technical in-depth training sessions.
b. The management body and senior management are in the position to have a good
understanding of the model, by providing them with appropriate high-level
documentation. That documentation should at least clarify which indicators or
variables are the key drivers for the assignment of exposures to grade or pools, as well
as – if relevant – how ML models impact the risk quantification.

It is recommended that institutions find an appropriate balance between model performance and
explainability of the results. Indeed, a higher level of complexity may lead to better model
performances, but at the cost of lower explainability and comprehension of the model’s
functioning. Therefore, institutions are recommended to avoid unnecessary complexity in the
modelling approach if it is not justified by a significant improvement in the predictive capacities.
Institutions should avoid:

a. including an excessive number of explanatory drivers or drivers with no significant

predictive information;
b. using unstructured data if more conventional data is available that provides similar
predictive capacities; and
c. overly complex modelling choices if simpler approaches yielding similar results are

In addition, to ensuring that the model is correctly interpreted and understood, institutions are
recommended to:

a. Analyse in a statistical manner: i) the relationship of each single risk driver with the output
variable, ceteris paribus; ii) the overall weight of each risk driver in determining the output
variable, in order to detect which risk drivers influence model prediction the most. These

The ML model may be the main model used for risk differentiation purposes or may be used in modules or sub-modules
that are combined with other modules, potentially estimated with other simpler techniques. The recommendations are
valid for both situations and should be applied at a level consistent with the application of the techniques (for instance,
if ML is used only for one module in the PD model, the recommendation should be applied for that module).


analyses are particularly relevant where a close and punctual representation of the
relationship between model output and input variables is not determinable due to the
complexity of the model.
b. Assess the economic relationship of each risk driver with the output variable to ensure that
the model estimates are plausible and intuitive.
c. Provide a summary document in which the model is explained in an easy manner based on
the outcomes of the analyses described in point a. The document should at least describe:
i. The key drivers of the model.
ii. The main relationships between the risk drivers and the model predictions.
The addressees of the document are all the relevant stakeholders,
including the staff which uses the model for internal purposes.
d. Ensure that potential biases in the model (e.g. overfitting to the training sample) are

Where ML techniques are used, a good level of understanding of the model is required especially
where human judgment is applied, even though the exact concerns can be different depending on
where human judgement is applied. In particular, when human judgment is used in the
development of the model, staff in charge should be in the position to assess the modelling
assumptions and whether the selected risk drivers contribute to the risk assessment in line with
their economic meaning. If human judgment is used in the application, on the other hand, staff in
charge of performing overrides need to be able to consider the behaviour of the model on a specific
prediction, taking into account aspects which are not already embedded in it, or identify the cases
where the model’s logic could be misleading. Finally, institutions are recommended to grant the
performance of the override process of the automated model outputs, considering only those
aspects which are insufficiently embedded in the automatic rating.

Where ML models are frequently updated, the reason for such regular updates needs to be
analysed in detail and monitored by the institution. Generally, a break in the economic conditions
or in the institutions’ processes or in the underlying data might justify a model update. As credit
risk is, however, not supposed to change frequently (in contrast to e.g. the market risk), such
updates should, in general, not occur frequently. Therefore, the parameters of the model should
generally be stable. Moreover, institutions should always compare the changes to the last approved
model in order to make sure that many insignificant changes at a high frequency do not lead to an
unnoticed material change within a certain time period. Therefore, institutions need to weigh the
benefits against the potential risks of automatic and frequent updates of its IRB model.

For complex ML models with limited explainability or for frequently updated models, a reliable
validation is particularly important and might require increased depth and/or frequency. The
institutions are recommended to take care of:

i. Overfitting issues: ML models are very prone to suffer from overfitting, i.e. performance
optimisation of the development sample, which leads to very high performance of the
development sample that may not be confirmed on the current and foreseeable application
portfolio. Therefore, they should put particular attention on the comparison of the model


performances measured within the development sample with those obtained using out-of-
sample and out-of-time samples.
ii. Challenging the model design: the hyperparameters used to describe the structure of the
model and to customise the learning algorithm are often based on human judgement. The
validation unit should therefore place particular attention on verifying the rationale behind
the choice of these hyperparameters. This check may prove to be particularly challenging
for complex models considering that a deep knowledge of the methodology is required to
understand all implications of hyperparameters. If, on the contrary, hyperparameters are
selected by minimising the error of the model, it should be ensured that this process does
not introduce an undesired bias.
iii. Representativeness and data quality issues: If ML techniques used for risk differentiation
and risk quantification purposes are fed with a large amount of data, sufficient data quality
needs to be ensured. Where these data are external data, institutions are recommended to
place particular care on the assessment of the representativeness of the external data with
respect to the application portfolio. In particular, institutions are recommended to verify
whether a diminished representativeness leads to a reduction in the performance of the
model measured strictly on the internal customers. Institutions should also be particularly
careful when using unstructured data in ensuring accuracy, completeness and
appropriateness of the data.
iv. Analysis of the stability of the estimates, also in light of the institution’s rating philosophy.
It is useful to analyse both the stability:
- In the assignment process of each debtor/exposure to grades or pools.
Indeed, ML algorithms may introduce point-in-time (PiT) elements in the
models that may hamper the stability of the rating assignment process
compared to more through-the-cycle (TtC) models leading to potential rapid
changes in capital requirements;

- Of the relationship between the output variable and the drivers in

subsequent releases of the model based on ML techniques especially in light
of the model change policy, to provide an assessment of whether changes
between inputs and outputs require regulatory approval, ex ante or ex post

Where ML techniques are used for data preparation purposes, institutions are recommended to
ensure that there are clear rules and documentation. Institutions should ensure the
appropriateness of the methodology applied to data by means of the application of a proper set of
checks and controls.


17: Do you have any concern related to the principle-based recommendations?


Annex – Summary of questions

1: Do you currently use or plan to use ML models in the context of IRB in your institution? If yes,
please specify and answer questions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3. 1.4; if no, are there specific reasons not to use
ML models? Please specify (e.g. too costly, interpretability concerns, certain regulatory
requirements, etc.)

1.1: For the estimation of which parameters does your institution currently use or plan to use ML
models, i.e. PD, LGD, ELBE, EAD, CCF?

1.2: Can you specify for which specific purposes these ML models are used or planned to be used?
Please specify at which stage of the estimation process they are used, i.e. data preparation, risk
differentiation, risk quantification, validation.

1.3: Please also specify the type of ML models and algorithms (e.g. random forest, k-nearest
neighbours, etc.) you currently use or plan to use in the IRB context?

1.4: Are you using or planning to use unstructured data for these ML models? If yes, please specify
what kind of data or type of data sources you use or are planning to use. How do you ensure an
adequate data quality?

2: Have you outsourced or are you planning to outsource the development and implementation of
the ML models and, if yes, for which modelling phase? What are the main challenges you face in
this regard?

3: Do you see or expect any challenges regarding the internal user acceptance of ML models (e.g.
by credit officers responsible for credit approval)? What are the measures taken to ensure good
knowledge of the ML models by their users (e.g. staff training, adapting required documentation to
these new models)?

4: If you use or plan to use ML models in the context of IRB, can you please describe if and where
(i.e. in which phase of the estimation process, e.g. development, application or both) human
intervention is allowed and how it depends on the specific use of the ML model?

5. Do you see any issues in the interaction between data retention requirements of GDPR and the
CRR requirements on the length of the historical observation period?

6: Do you have any experience in ML models used for estimating credit risk (if possible, please
differentiate between models where ML is used only for risk differentiation, only for risk
quantification or used for both)? If so, what are the main challenges you face especially in the areas

a) Methodology (e.g. which tests to use/validation activities to perform).


b) Traceability (e.g. how to identify the root cause for an identified issue).

c) Knowledge needed by the validation function (e.g. specialised training sessions on ML

techniques by an independent party).

d) Resources needed to perform the validation (e.g. more time needed for validation)?

7: Can you please elaborate on your strategy to overcome the overfitting issues related to ML
models (e.g. cross-validation, regularisation)?

8: What are the specific challenges you see regarding the development, maintenance and control
of ML models in the IRB context, e.g., when verifying the correct implementation of internal rating
and risk parameters in IT systems, when monitoring the correct functioning of the models or when
integrating control models for identifying possible incidences?

9: How often do you plan to update your ML models (e.g., by re estimating parameters of the model
and/or its hyperparameters) Please explain any related challenges with particular reference to
those related to ensuring compliance with Regulation (EU) No 529/2014 (i.e. materiality
assessment of IRB model changes).

10: Are you using or planning to use ML for credit risk apart from regulatory capital purposes?
Please specify (i.e. loan origination, loan acquisition, provisioning, ICAAP).

11. Do you see any challenges in using ML in the context of IRB models stemming from the AI act?

12. Do you see any additional challenge or issue that is relevant for discussion related to the use of
ML models in the IRB context?

13: Are you using or planning to use ML for collateral valuation? Please specify.

14. Do you see any other area where the use of ML models might be beneficial?

15: What does your institution do to ensure explainability of the ML models, i.e. the use of ex post
tools to describe the contribution of individual variables or the introduction of constraints in the
algorithm to reduce complexity?

16. Are you concerned about how to share the information gathered on the interpretability with
the different stakeholders (e.g. senior management)? What approaches do you think could be
useful to address these issues?

17: Do you have any concern related to the principle-based recommendations?



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