Understanding Team - What Is A Team ?: Whatisateam?

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Understanding Team - What is a Team ?

An individual cannot perform all tasks on his own. He needs the support as well as guidance of others
to be excellent in whatever he does.Complex goals can easily be accomplished if individuals work together
as a team.

What is a team ?
A team is a group of individuals, all working together for a common purpose. The individuals
comprising a team ideally should have common goals, common objectives and more or less think
on the same lines. Individuals who are not compatible with each other can never form a team. They should
have similar if not the same interests, thought processes, attitude, perception and likings.

Difference between Group and Team

A group is not necessarily a team. A group can have individuals with varied interests, attitude as well
as thought processes. It is not necessary that the group members would have a common objective or a
common goal to achieve.

What happens in a political rally ? The political leader appeals to the individuals to cast the votes in his
favour only. Do you think all of them would cast the votes in favour of the leader ? There would always be
some individuals who would support his opponent. This is example of a group. All individuals gathered on a
common platform but had dissimilar interests and likings. Some were in favour of the leader while some

A team must have individuals with a common objective to achieve. They should all work together and
strive towards the achievement of a common goal.

What happens in a cricket team ?

All the players have a common focus and a common objective. Everyone, the captain, the wicketkeeper,
the bowlers, the fielders all work together to achieve a common target i.e. win the game. No one ever thinks
of losing the game.

It is not only the individuals who form a team; even animals can constitute a team. Go to any hill station and
one can spot many horses all working for a common goal i.e. Carry people to the hill top and bring them

Team members
The team members must complement each other. All team members should help each other and work in
unison. Personal interests must take a back seat and all of them must deliver their level best to achieve the
team objective. Team members must not argue among themselves or underestimate the other member.

Organizations have a sales team, administration team, human resources team operation team and so on. All
the members of the sales team would work together to achieve the sales target and generate revenues for
the organization.

Team Size
The team size depends on the complexity of the task to be accomplished. Ideally a team should consist of
7-10 members. Too many members also lead to confusions and misunderstandings.

It is not always that we require a team. Teams should be formed when the task is a little complicated. A
single brain can sometimes not take all critical decisions alone, thus a team is formed where the team
members contribute equally making the task easy. A team can actually create wonders if all the team
members work in unison.
Team Development - Meaning, Stages and
Forming an Effective Team

Teams are becoming a key tool for organizing work in today’s corporate world. Teams
have the potential to immediately amass, organize, relocate, and disperse. But, teams are
an effective tool of employee motivation. It is essential to consider the fact that teams
develop and get mature over a period of time. Team development creates a captivating
atmosphere by encouraging co-operation, teamwork, interdependence and by building
trust among team members.
The four stages of team development are:

Stage 1: Forming
During this stage, group members may be anxious and adopt wait-and-see attitude. They will be formal
towards each other. There would be no clear idea of goals or expectations. Besides, they may not be sure
why they are there.

This is the stage where the team needs to write its own charter or mission statement as well as clarify goals.
The most important thing here is that goals must have a personal buy-in.

By doing this the team will be able to establish boundaries as well as determine what is expected. Team
members will get to know each other doing non-conflict laden task. This builds the commitment towards one
larger goal.

Thus, during the forming stage, the team members are in process of knowing each other and getting at ease
with them.

Stage 2: Storming
During this stage, team members are eager to get going. Conflict can arise as people tend to bring different
ideas of how to accomplish goals. At this time, they notice differences rather than similarities. This leads to
some members dropping out mentally or physically.

At this stage, communication is important. Tensions will increase. So recognizing and publicly
acknowledging accomplishments also become important. It becomes important to participate in meetings
and diversity needs to be valued.

Thus, during the storming stage, the team members begin showing their actual styles. They start getting
impatient. They try to probe into each other’s area, leading to irritation and frustration. Control becomes the
key concern during this stage.

Stage 3: Norming
This stage is when people begin to recognize ways in which they are alike. They realize that they are in this
together. Hence, they tend to get more social and may forget their focus in favour of having a good time.
This is the time to help with training if applicable. It becomes important to encourage them in order to feel
comfortable with each other and with systems. Also, the group needs to stay focused on goal.

Thus, during the norming stage, there is conflict resolution. There is greater involvement of team members.
There is a greater “we” feeling rather than “I” feeling.

Stage 4: Performing
This stage is when team members are trained, competent, as well as able to do their own problem-solving.
At this time, ways need to be looked at in order to challenge them as well as develop them. The team is
mature now. The members understand their roles and responsibilities. They would require more input in
processes. The members would be self-motivated as well as self-trained. Thus, their efforts need to be
recognised. Growth has to be encouraged. This is done by giving new challenges to the team.

Thus, teams at the stage of performing are self-controlling, practical, loyal as well as productive. Focus is
there on both performance as well as production.

Forming an Effective Team

This is the general approach to forming a successful work team. But not all will take the same steps as
discussed above. Success is usually hinged on taking all of the steps just discussed. We have a tendency to
want to surround ourselves with people who are just like us. In case you get to choose a team, instead of
organizing a pre-formed team, then you’ll look for a team of people with a variety of strengths. In case of a
team that is already in place, organizing can be more subtle. Like, all the workgroups can be called together
in order to discuss what goals you want to accomplish and how everybody can help.

You will also find that imposing goals on people doesn’t work nearly as well as having them tell you as to
what goals they will strive for. But setting goals is not easy work. Too often they end up in being too
unrealistic, too vague, impossible to measure, or just stretching into eternity without any deadline.

Team Management - Meaning and Concept

There are some tasks which can’t be done alone. Individuals need to come together, discuss things among themselves and work together
towards the realization of a common goal. The individuals forming a team should ideally think more or less on the same lines and should
have similar interests and objective. People with absolutely different tastes can’t form a team. Their goals have to be the same. Every team is
formed to achieve a predefined goal and it is the responsibility of each and every member to contribute his level best and accomplish the
assigned task within the stipulated time frame. The team members must complement each other and come to each other’s help whenever
required. Individual performances do not matter much in a team and every individual should strive hard and work in unison.

The team members don’t start performing from the very beginning, they need time. It is not always that all the members would perform equally.
Some of them might not get along well with their team mates or have other issues with each other. Individuals sometimes find it difficult to adjust
with each other and as a result their performance suffers. Any individual fails to perform; the complete team is at loss. Team management
activities ensure that all the team members work together on a common platform for a common goal.

What is Team Management ?

Team management refers to the various activities which bind a team together by bringing the team
members closer to achieve the set targets. For the team members, their team must be their priority and
everything else should take a back seat. They should be very focused on their goals.

Let us understand Team Management with the help of a real life situation.

Maria was representing the training and development vertical of a leading firm. Joe, Kathy, Sandra and Tim
were reporting to Maria and helped her in designing the various training programs. Maria left no stone
unturned to ensure that all her team members were satisfied with their job responsibilities. The workload
was shared equally among four of them. Ideas were discussed on an open forum and each of them
contributed to his level best .They went out for movies and stayed in touch even after work.

Maria being the team leader was actually responsible for bringing her team members closer so that none of
them feels left out and all are motivated to deliver their level best. With the help of the team management
activities, she managed to create a positive ambience at the workplace and promoted healthy competition in
her team.

Effective Team Management Skills

Management is essential in every walk of life. Even what we eat should be managed. You just can’t put
anything in your mouth. One needs to be cautious. In the same way, a team must be managed effectively to
expect the best from the team members. The team leader plays an essential role in managing his team well.

 For effective team management, it is important that the team leader is more of a mentor to
his team members rather than just being a strict boss. Understand your team members well.
Gone are the days when people used to fear their bosses. Now a days employees share a healthy
relation with their superiors and the comfort level has increased to a large extent. Don’t impose
things on them.
 Ensure that each and every team member willingly participates in team discussions.
Debates are important, but make sure you don’t end up fighting with each other. Suggestions must
be invited from all and do not discuss issues separately with individuals. Call every one on an open
forum and formulate strategies keeping in mind every body’s inputs.Poilcies should be made best
suited to all. The objective of the team must be clearly set and circulated among all the team
members. Everyone should be aware of his roles and responsibilities in the team.
 Communication among the team members must be clear and transparent for an effective team
management. Every team member should get the same information and should have an easy
access to the superiors in case of any query.
 The team members must not pass on any information to anyone outside the team. Learn to
keep things to yourself. It is unethical to share your professional secrets with others. Don’t leak
information or any confidential data.
 The team members must be motivated on a regular basis. Appreciation is a must. If any team
member has performed extraordinarily, do give him a pat on his back. Performance appraisals,
perks, incentives, trophies, prizes are all instrumental in motivating the team members to perform
even better the next time. Avoid criticizing any of your team members.
 Loose talks, blame games, dirty politics should find no place in the team. They spoil the
environment and people lose interest in their work and organization. If you come to know anything
about someone, it’s better to discuss with him face to face, else ignore.
 It is easy to create a team but it is actually difficult to bind the team members together and even
make them work. Team management techniques help in strengthening the bond among the
employees and creating an environment where they can trust each other. People actually become
friends and start working together as a result of team management activities.

Success in the workplace depends on your ability to build a team, as well as to interact with others on that
team. Together, people are able to accomplish what one person alone can not. This is known as synergy.

Following are the characteristics of a Good/Effective team:

 A clear, elevating goal: This is a goal which has been communicated to all.
 A results-driven structure: The goal has been jointly decided by all the team members. They are
fully committed towards achieving it.
 Competent members: Each team member has the required skill set in order to achieve the team
 Unified commitment: There is nothing happening in silos. With the total commitment from team
members, achieving organizational goals becomes easier.
 A collaborative climate: Commitment from team members and a good leadership leads to a
collaborative team with a productive work environment.
 Standards of excellence: Quality orientation is vital to the success of any organization.
 External support and recognition: Appreciation as well as appraisal is required to keep the
morale of the team high.
 Principled leadership: Leadership defines a team. An able-bodied leadership can chart the team’s
path to success.
 Each team member participates actively and positively in meetings as well as projects. This shows
a person’s commitment as well as understanding towards a project.
 Team goals are clearly understood by all: Communication is vital for achieving successful
completion of any project.
 Individual members have thought about creative solutions to the team’s problem. Thinking out of
the box is vital in today’s economic scenario.
 Members are listened to carefully as well as given a thoughtful feedback. Listening is an important
skill for any team. Each team member is important. The thoughts and ideas of each team member
have to be listened to, with respect, no matter how silly they may sound at first.
 Everyone takes the initiative in order to get things done. There is no concept of passing the buck.
This is an indication of clear communication leading to understanding of individual responsibilities.
 Each team member trusts the judgment of others: Mutual trust and respect is highly important
for the team. This is the only way to achieve the organization goals.
 The team has to be willing to take risks: Risk taking is an attitude which comes with confidence.
Confidence on yourself as well as on the team, besides the ability to face all consequences.
 Everyone has to be supportive of the project as well as of others. A team is one unit. Unless these
cohesive forces are there, the team will never be able to work efficiently enough.
 There is ample communication between the team members.
 Team decisions are made by using organized as well as logical methods.
 Dissenting opinions are never ignored: In fact, they are always recorded in order to be revisited
in case the future situations dictate so.
 Teams are given realistic deadlines: External support as well as aid is vital to the success of any

An efficient team needs support from both inside and outside. It needs to meet the individual needs of its
members in order to achieve the organization’s goals.

Team Models - Different types of teams

Teams are the principal building blocks of the strategy of successful organizations. The focus of your organization may be on servic
cost, value, speed, efficiency, performance, or any other similar goals, but teams remain the central methodology of most organizat
private, non-profit, as well as government sectors.

The fact remains that when a team becomes more aligned, a commonality of direction emerges, and the individual energies harmo
there is a shared vision as well as an understanding of how to complement each others’ efforts.

Once you know the type of team you are in, it will help you choose how to plan your work and what you can expect as outcomes. T
various types of teams. In this article we are going to discuss the five most common ones.

1. The Traditional Model

This is a group of people with a traditional boss. The boss also shares some of his/her
responsibility as well as authority. How much is being shared by the boss is usually dependent on
the issues under consideration. This traditional boss is in charge. Bust still, on certain issues, this
person may allow his other team members to take on the leadership role.

The Team Spirit Model

This is a group of people who are working for one boss. The team members are very happy and
everything seems to be going well. There is team spirit in people. The fact remains that in reality
this is not really a team. This is because there is one person who calls all the shots. Besides, there
is no sharing of authority or responsibility.

The Cutting Edge Model

This is a group of people who are managing themselves. There is no single person in this group
who has the authority to make any such decisions about the events which will impact the whole
group. This is also known as a self-directed work team. This is because each one has the authority
as well as responsibility for all the decisions that they need to make.

The Task Force Model

This refers to a group that comes together for a specific time only. This is because it has to work on
a special project or a task. Such a group has traditionally been called a task force or a committee.
This may also include quality circles as are used in TQM efforts.

The Cyber Team

In such a team model, members see one another rarely or even, not at all. These are also known
as “cyber” or “virtual” teams. What makes these teams different is that the team has to work
together in order to accomplish goals, but they may be meeting only at the beginning of their
project. Post that, they may be interacting through e-mail, telephone or through video conferencing

It is important to know which kind of model your team fits in. Next step is to analyze why you feel that way.
Now understand which is the model your team should follow in order to accomplish the given task. This is
very important in order to achieve the organizations’ goals.

Types of Teams

When individuals with a common interest, goal, attitude, need and perception come together, a team is
formed. Individuals need to come and work together to form a team for the accomplishment of complicated
tasks. In a team, all team members contribute equally and strive hard to achieve the team’s objective which
should be predefined.

In any organization, no one works alone. Every employee is a part of a team and works in close coordination
with the team members to perform his level best and in turn benefit the organization. The team members
should complement each other and come to each other’s need whenever required.

Teams can be formed anywhere, anytime whenever the task is little difficult and complicated. Let us
understand the various types of teams in detail.

1. Permanent teams- These teams perform on a permanent basis and are not dissolved once the
task is accomplished. Let us understand the concept with an example.

Mike, Peter, Joe and Ana had a strong inclination towards branding as well as promotions and
hence were a part of the branding team with a leading organization. They were primarily
responsible for promoting their brand and designing marketing strategies to generate maximum
revenue for their organization. They worked extremely hard and always managed to achieve their
targets well in advance, but their team was always in place and never dissolved. Their organization
never asked them to leave or ever dissolved their team. Such teams are called permanent teams.

Work or no work, the human resources team, operation team, administration team always function
effectively through out the year and hence are permanent teams.

2. Temporary teams - Unlike permanent teams, temporary teams loose their importance, once the
task is accomplished. Such teams are usually formed for a shorter duration either to assist the
permanent team or work when the members of the permanent team are busy in some other project.
When organizations have excess of work, they generally form temporary teams which work in
association with the members of the permanent team for the accomplishment of the task within the
stipulated time.

3. Task Force - Such teams are formed for a special purpose of working on any specific project or
finding a solution to a very critical problem.

The government generally appoints special teams to investigate critical issues like bomb blasts,
terrorist attacks and so on. The task force explores all the possible reasons which led to a severe
problem and tries to resolve it within a given deadline.

4. Committee - Committees are generally formed to work on a particular assignment either

permanently or on a temporary basis. Individuals with common interests, more or less from the
same background, attitude come together on a common platform to form a committee and work on
any matter.

To organize any cultural event, organizations generally make committees to raise funds, invite
celebrities and all the major tasks involved to successfully organize any event. The committee
members work together, design strategies to successfully accomplish the task.

In educational institutes, various committees are formed where students with a common interest
join hands to organize cultural events and various other activities required for the all round
development of students.

5. Organization/Work Force - Such groups are formed in organizations where team members work
together under the expert guidance of leader. A leader or a supervisor is generally appointed
among the members itself and he along with his team works hard to achieve a common goal. The
leader all through must stand by his team and extract the best out of each team member. He must
not underestimate any of his team members and take his team along to avoid conflicts.

Samuel was working with a leading advertising firm with two members reporting to him. Samuel
always believed in his team members and worked together with his team and no doubts his team
always did wonders and was way ahead of others.

6. Self Managed Teams - Self Managed Teams consist of individuals who work together again for a
common purpose but without the supervision of any leader. Here as the name suggests every
individual is accountable for his individual performance. The team members of self managed teams
must respect each other and should never loose focus on their target. No leader is appointed and
the team members have to take their own responsibility. Individuals take the initiative on their own
and are their own guides and mentors.
7. Cross Functional Team - Let us understand this with the help of an example.

Maria and Andy both were part of the branding team. They got an assignment from their superiors
to be completed within two days. Unfortunately Andy met with an accident and was advised
complete bed rest. To avoid delays, Peter from the operations team was shifted to the marketing
team to assist Maria for the time being and form a team. Such teams are called cross functional
teams. Ideally the employees should be more or less on the same level to avoid ego hassles.
Individuals from different areas come and work together for a common objective to form a cross
functional team. In such teams, people from different areas, interests and likings join hands to
come out with a unique idea to successfully complete a task.

8. Virtual Teams - Virtual teams consist of individuals who are separated by distances and connected
through computer.Here individuals communicate with each other online through internet. Sam at
Los Angeles can form a team with Mandy at Mexico and Sara at Denver all working for a common
objective but the communication is totally digital through internet. Such teams are helpful when
employees need to connect with each other and are located at different places. Individuals
supporting any community in social networking sites such as facebook or orkut also form a virtual
team as all the members are from different locations but support a common community. They all
have a common objective -to support and promote their community.

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Team Building Team Work - Meaning and Tips for

• better Team Work
• Understanding
• Team
A single brain sometimes is not capable of taking critical decisions alone. An individual needs the supp
Development -
an effective solution. When individuals come together on a common platform with a common objective
Ideally the team members should be from a common background and have a common goal to ensure m
• Team must complement each other and work in close coordination as a single unit to deliver their best.
• Team
As they say “There is no I in Team Work”, every individual must think of his team first and the persona
• Characteristics The success of any team is directly proportional to the relation among its team members and their colle
of a Good
Team What is Team Work ?
• Team Models The sum of the efforts undertaken by each team member for the achievement of the team’s objective is
• Types of work is the backbone of any team.
Teams Every member in a team has to perform and contribute in his best possible way
• Team Work to achieve a common predefined goal. Individual performances do not count in a
team and it is the collective performance of the team workers which matters the
• Importance of a
• Importance of
Team Building Let us go through a real life situation.
• Team
Contracts One cannot work alone in any organization and thus teams are formed where
• Building an individuals work together for a common objective. Peter, Michael, Jackson and
Effective Team Sandra represented the legal team in a leading organization. Peter and Michael
always took the initiative and performed their level best while Jackson and
• Clarity of Roles
Sandra had a laidback attitude towards work. Their team could never meet their
in a Team
targets inspite of Peter and Michael’s hard work.
• Role of
in Team Peter and Michael worked hard, then why do you think their team fell short of
• Role of
Motivation &
Attitude in In a team; everyone has to work equally for the maximum output.
• Role of a Team Team work is actually the collective effort of each and every team member to
Leader achieve their assigned goal. No member can afford to sit back and expect the
• Team Failures - other member to perform on his behalf. The team members must be committed
Why teams towards their team as well as their organization to avoid conflicts. Nothing
fail ? productive comes out of unnecessary conflict and in turn diverts the
• How to be a concentration and focus of the team members. Every member should adopt an
adjusting and a flexible attitude. One should consider his team members as a
Effective team
part of his extended family all working together towards a common goal. The
team members must be dependent on each other for the best to come out.
• Team Building -
• Team Building Tips for a better team work
Tips Let us go through some steps for a better team work
• Team Building
Games &  Think about your team first - Every individual should think of his team
• Team Building first and his personal interests should take a backseat. Do not mix your
Barriers personal issues with your professional life. Keep them separate.


 Never underestimate your team member - Do not neglect any of the

members, instead work together and also listen to them as well. Never
try to impose your ideas on any member. Avoid demotivating any team

 Discuss - Before implementing any new idea, it must be discussed with
each and every member on an open platform. Never ever discuss with
anyone separately as the other person feels left out and reluctant to
perform and contribute to the team.
 Avoid criticism - Stay away from criticism and making fun of your
team members. Help each other and be a good team player. Be the
first one to break the ice and always create a friendly ambience. If you
do not agree with any of your team member, make him understand his
mistakes but in a polite tone and do guide him. Avoid negativity within
the team.
 Transparency must be maintained and healthy interaction must be
promoted among the team members. The communication must be
effective, crystal clear and precise so that every team member gets a
common picture. Effective communication also nullifies
misunderstandings and confusions. Confusions lead to conflicts and
individuals waste their time and energy in fighting rather than working.
 The team leader must take the responsibility of encouraging the
team members to give their level best and should intervene
immediately in cases of conflicts. The personality of the leader should
be such that every team member should look up to him and take his
advice whenever required. He should not be partial to any member and
support each of them equally. It is the duty of the team leader to extract
the best out of his team members.


 For better team work, try to understand your team members well. Do
not just always talk business, it is okay if you go out with your team
members for lunch or catch a movie together. It improves the relations
and strengthens the bond among the team members. The team
members must trust each other for maximum output.</b

 Avoid conflicts in your team. Don’t fight over petty issues and find
faults in others. One should be a little adjusting with each other and try
to find an alternative best suited to all the team members.

 Rewards and Recognition - Healthy competition must be encouraged

among the team members. The performance of every team member
must be evaluated timely and the best performer should be rewarded
suitably so that the other members also get motivated to perform.
Recognitions like “The Best Team Player” or the “The Best Performer”
go a long way in motivating the team members. Appreciate the member
who performs the best or does something unique.

Importance of Team and Team Work

Teams are formed when individuals with a common taste, preference, liking, and attitude come and work together for a common goa
a very important role in organizations as well as our personal lives.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success-Henry Ford”

The above proverb by Henry Ford can very well highlight the importance of working together in teams.

Every employee is dependent on his fellow employees to work together and contribute efficiently to the organization. No employee c
alone; he has to take the help of his colleagues to accomplish the tasks efficiently. It has been observed that the outcome comes ou
better when employees work in a team rather than individually as every individual can contribute in his best possible way. In organiz
individuals having a similar interest and specializations come together on a common platform and form a team.
A sales team has employees inclined towards branding and marketing activities to promote their brand. An
individual with a human resource specialization would be out of place in such a team. Research supports
that organizations with clearly defined teams are more successful as compared to those with a one man

Team work is essential in corporates for better output and a better bonding among employees.

 No organization runs for charity. Targets must be met and revenues have to be generated.
Tasks must not be kept pending for a long time and ought to be completed within the desired
timeframe. A single brain can’t always come with solutions or take decisions alone. He needs
someone with whom he can discuss his ideas. In a team, every team member has an equal
contribution and each team member comes out with a solution best suited to the problem. All the
alternatives can be explored to come out with the best possible solution. Thoughts can be
discussed among the team members and the pros and cons can be evaluated.
 Tasks are accomplished at a faster pace when it is done by a team rather than an
individual. An individual will definitely take more time to perform if he is single handedly
responsible for everything. When employees work together, they start helping each other and
responsibilities are shared and thus it reduces the work load and work pressure. Every team
member is assigned one or the other responsibility according to his specialization, level of interest
and thus the output is much more efficient and faster.
 Work never suffers or takes a backseat in a team. Mike was taking care of an important client
and was the only one coordinating with them. Mike took a long leave and there was no one else
who could handle the client in his absence. When he joined back after a long vacation, the
organization had already lost the client. Had Mike worked in a team, others could have taken the
charge when he was not there. In a team, the other team members can perform and manage the
work in the absence of any member and hence work is not affected much.
 There is always a healthy competition among the team members. Competition is always good
for the employee as well as the organization as every individual feels motivated to perform better
than his other team member and in a way contributing to his team and the organization.

Team work is also important to improve the relations among the employees. Individuals work
in close coordination with each other and thus come to know each other better.Team work also
reduces the chances of unnecessary conflicts among the employees and every individual tries his
level best to support his team member. The level of bonding increases as a result of team work.

 Team members can also gain from each other. Every individual is different and has some
qualities. One can always benefit something or the other from his team members which would help
him in the long run. Everyone is hungry for recognitions and praises. One feels motivated to work
hard in a team and to live up to the expectations of the other members. Each member is a critic of
the other and can correct him whenever the other person is wrong. One always has someone to fall
back on at the time of crisis.

Team and team work must be encouraged at workplace as it strengthens the bond among the employees
and the targets can be met at a faster pace. Workload is shared and individuals feel motivated to perform
better than his team members.
Importance of Team Building in Corporates

Employees are the assets of every organization and its success is directly proportional to the hard work every employee puts in. Ind
work in a little different and smarter way than the others and always feel motivated to give their best. Effort by a single team membe
unnoticed and every team member should contribute equally. Individuals must be aware what his fellow team members are working
he is supposed to do.

Team work and Team Building are essential in corporates to make the organization a better place to work.

One does not gain anything out of unnecessary conflicts. You can’t afford to fight with your colleague who sits next to you pro
hours, five days a week. We are not machines or battery operated devices, we are human beings and we need people to talk to an
various things. One cannot implement things on his own, he needs individuals who can work as critics and evaluate the pros and co
Team Building activities bring employees closer and one feels happy to go to work daily. Individuals start
enjoying their work and feel fresh the entire day.

Please go through two situations carefully:

Situation 1 - Michael worked with a leading organization and handled a team of five skilled team members.
Michael made sure that he interacted with his team members almost daily. He even enquired about their
family members and was always available to them. The team members had the liberty to come up with their
issues on an open forum or write to him freely. No wonders his team members always appreciated their
team leader and looked up to him. His team members never fought among themselves and willingly helped
each other.

Situation 2 - Samuel on the other hand also had four individuals directly reporting to him. He always
maintained a distance from them and never missed an opportunity to criticize or make fun of his team
members. No employee was allowed to enter Samuel’s cabin without prior appointment. His team members
hated their office like anything and preferred working from home just to avoid Samuel. No body was ready to
help each other and everyone worked individually. Their team could never achieve their targets within the
stipulated time and there was lots of negativity in their team.

Michael did nothing great. He just reassured his team members that he is always there for them and they
can fall back on him anytime. Samuel never encouraged any team building activity and thus his team always

Team Building activities improve the relations and strengthen the bond among the employees. Every
one strives hard to achieve a common goal.

Please refer to Michael’s example once again. His team members had the liberty to write to him anytime or
freely discuss issues with him. There was never a misunderstanding among the team members as everyone
knew what the other person was upto.

Team Building activities also reduce the chances of confusions, misunderstandings and in a way
making the communication effective. Individual is very clear about his goals and objectives and what
exactly is expected from him.

Team Building exercises also increase the trust factor among the employees. If you are sitting next to a
driver, whom you don’t trust, you will always feel uncomfortable and will never be able to enjoy the ride. If
you don’t trust your teacher, you can never learn anything from him. You need to trust people. Don’t always
assume that your fellow employee will speak ill about you in front of your superiors. Trust him, you will feel

The productivity increases when individuals work as a team. They tend to divide work among themselves
and hence the objectives are achieved at a much faster pace. People take less leaves and concentrate
more on their work and eventually the organization benefits.
Individuals feel more positive and confident at work. Stress disappears and it reflects on their work.
Chances of mistakes reduce and people stop cribbing and blaming others. There is positivity all around.
Allow team members to express themselves freely.

Being a “Hitler” at work will never give you extra points, instead you will find yourself in the bad books of
other employees. No one will come to you, when you actually need them. People will be hesitant to support
you and you can’t perform with enemies all around. Gone are the days when the word “boss” meant a terror
to the employees. Now a days the team leader is also a part of a single team, just with some additional
responsibilities. Learn to respect your colleagues.

Team Contracts to outline the ground rules of a


It is important for any team to make an assessment of their current strengths. This will provide the basis for
a plan in order to increase the effectiveness of the team in order to achieve the organizational goals.

Team contracts are meant to outline the ground rules for the team. It is important for the team leader to
state what he wants in his team and what he does not want in his team.

Team contracts are created as well as monitored by the team. Any team contract primarily has a Code of

This code of conduct may include:

 The way in which a team will operate. Whether a team will work in a proactive manner or not. A
team needs to anticipate potential problems. They need to work in such a way that the problems
are prevented before they can take place.
 Keeping the other team members informed. Communication is vital to the success of any team.
Communication leads to building up of trust between the team members. No one works in silos and
team success is achieved due to mutual cooperation and understanding.
 Focus on what is best for the team as a whole. The team has to be bigger than an individual team
player. The interests of the team have to come first. Besides, care has to be taken that the interests
of the team and the team players are in synergy and do not clash.

Any team contract needs to lay down the Ground Rules for Participation:

 Each team member needs to be honest as well as open. This is very important to ensure the
success of the team.
 Encourage a diversity of opinions on all topics. A team is made of people - different people with
different views and opinions. These opinions may clash with each other. But in a team, everybody’s
opinion matters. Hence each suggestion is taken and noted in order to be referred to later.
 Everyone given the opportunity for equal participation. It is the team members who make up a
team. Equal participation as well as equal inputs from all team members can lead a team to
achieve its goals.
 Be open to new approaches as well as listen to new ideas. The world is changing. The technology
is moving too fast. The economy is highly volatile. In such a situation, no organization can afford to
sit on its laurels any more.

Ground Rules have to be set for Communication also

 First understand, and then be understood to apply to all team members

 Be clear and concise. This will save time as well as promote better understanding among the team
 Keep each discussion on track.
 Use visual means like drawings, charts, as well as tables in order to facilitate discussion. It is very
important for each team member to be on the same page.

There are many more ground rules which are laid down in a team contract in order to allow for a smooth
functioning of the team. These will be discussed in another article.

Building an Effective Team

Having goals or a clear purpose is important to each of us. In fact, people who set goals are always more
successful than the others.

For leaders who are serious about setting goals, some things are to be kept in mind. These goals need to be
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and with Timelines. Besides, for any organization, goals should
also be expressed positively. And for a team, goals need to be personalized for each member of the team.
All these goals should be put in writing, where you as well as the team can see them often.

Once you sit down with your team and set some goals, it can be very useful to develop some kind of action
plan for accomplishing that goal.

Informality as well as Participation

In order to build an effective team, the climate has to be informal, comfortable, as well as relaxed.
There should be no tension or any signs of boredom. Teams enjoy getting together, they interact
easily. There should be lots of good-natured kidding and laughter. Have seating arrangements in
order to facilitate this. A circle is the best seating arrangement usually, while a typical classroom
arrangement is the worst.


A highly efficient team has team members who use effective listening techniques. These include
questioning, paraphrasing, as well as summarizing in order to get out ideas. Listening is the most
effective factor that distinguishes effective teams from ineffective teams. This is a highly important
subject which needs to be discussed in detail in another article.

The ability to really listen is a highly important skill. Each team member has to have it. Listening lets
you understand what the other person is saying. Besides, it shows the other person that you’re
interested in what he/she has to say. But all of us experience common listening problems.

We tend to let our attention wander. Our mind drifts away. We start thinking about the time, or other
tasks at hand. This way we lose our concentration.

We miss the real point of what is being said. We may end up focusing on the personality of the
speaker. Else we may let our judgment of the person based on past experiences come in the way.
Or, we may be trying hard to look for hidden messages and lose out on the crux of the

Our emotions interfere with our judgment. This takes away our focus from what is being said. Our
judgment of the person interferes with our understanding of what is being said.
We tend to interrupt and step on the statements of others. This way we don’t listen to what is being
said. Besides, there is a tendency to think ahead to what we want to say next and miss out on
what’s being said right now. It is important to use the steps of active listening in order to be a good

There are many facets of building an effective team. Having an informal atmosphere as well as listening
skills are some of the

Clarity of roles within a team

A major characteristic of effective teams is clear expectations about the roles played by each team member.
In such a team, action is taken and clear assignments are made. These roles are duly accepted as well as
carried out. Work needs to be distributed fairly among team members, as per each person’s skill and

The leader needs to have the ability to give clear assignments in each work area.

Work Methods

Each team member needs to understand their leader’s expectations regarding required work
methods as well as procedures. This is with regards to each job or project.

Time Frames

It is vital to understand the due dates for the completion of projects. Determine when the dates
have slipped and which completion dates are final and nonnegotiable. This is because each task is
connected to another in a team. A delay in one task anywhere leads to a delay in the complete
project. This way no organization will be able to meet its deadlines leading to huge losses for the

Work Responsibilities

Each team member’s role is to be clearly understood when they are assigned to a given job or
responsibility. This is very important else too much time will be spent due to wrong communications
reaching team members.

Customer/Supplier Interface

Understand the leader’s expectations while dealing with all kinds of supplier problems. Similarly the
customer complaints or requests also need to be handled by each team member as per the
organization’s policies. After all, effective relationships have to be built with other work groups in
order to achieve the full potential of the team.

Work Priorities

Each person as well as each team will be loaded with a huge amount of work. It is important for
each team member to understanding which jobs take priority at that particular moment. Besides,
changes in work priorities also take place due to changing circumstances. It is important to be able
to clearly differentiate between hot jobs and other jobs.

Performance Expectations
Understand what the leader expects in the way of desired outcomes. At this point in time, open
communication is vital. Understand what it means to do a good job as per the leader’s
expectations. Then list down the degree of effort that is expected to be put into a job. At this point in
time, it is important to avoid overworking on low-priority jobs, as that will not help in realizing the
company’s objectives.


Each team always has limited resources. The aim is to achieve the maximum with the minimum
resources. Understand what resources have been allocated to perform a job. These resources may
include things such as facilities, support staff, equipment, software, as well as budget. Also
understand how much control the team has over resource decisions.

Once the leader is able to clarify each work area, he will be able to smoothen out the way for each of their
team members. This way it will be easier for the team to achieve its objectives by making use of allocated

Role of Communication in Team

A team is formed when individuals with a common goal come together on a common platform. The team
members must complement each other and avoid silly conflicts among themselves.

Communication plays a very important role in team building and extracting the best out of the team

A team member must clearly understand what his fellow team members are up to. He should be very clear
about his roles and responsibilities in the team. It is the duty of the team leader to delegate responsibilities
as per the interest and specializations of the team members without imposing things on them.Never confuse
any employee.

Verbal communication sometimes may create misunderstandings and confusions, thus it is always
better to rely on written communication for better clarity and transparency. Communication is effective
when the information is passed on through emails. Emails are more reliable. Do not send the mails to
individuals separately as they might assume that you want to hide something from them. This way they tend
to interfere in each other’s work, trying to find out what extra is written in their fellow member’s mail. The
mails should be sent with all the participants in loop. Also invite suggestions from them. It is not always that
you are correct; your team members might come out with a brilliant idea as well. Ask them to participate in
discussions, this way they feel motivated and indispensable for their team and as well as the organization.

Conference room, board room or a suitable place must be used for meetings and discussions. It is always
better that the issues are discussed on an open forum and the participants are allowed to speak
freely. Avoid a noisy place. The agenda of the meeting should be prepared well in advance and must be
circulated among the team members. Ask them to come prepared so that they do not sit blank in the
meeting. The speaker should take the help of white board, marker or a pen and paper so that he doesn’t
miss any point. One should not attend any meeting empty handed. Carry something to note down the
important points for future reference. Confusions and misunderstandings are nullified this way and people
start trusting each other.

The goal and the objective of the team should not be set only by the team leader itself. Every employee
should contribute equally and give his valuable inputs. The team members must not fight among themselves
and try to reach to a conclusion best suited to all. The goal must be very well communicated to all the team
members and they must be very clear from the beginning what they are supposed to do to avoid problems
later. The goal can never be achieved unless and until all of them work hard together and contribute their
level best.
Your idea however brilliant it is fails to work unless and until it is implemented in the correct way. The strategies, methods, concepts
communicated in the correct way can lead to severe confusions and have adverse effects. The decisions, thoughts, strategies must
communicated to one and all very clearly. One should not play with words or pass on only half the information. Teams must not be t
with a simple hierarchy where the subordinates have an easy access to their team leaders. Policies and strategies must be made ta
consideration each and everyone’s suggestions and should be communicated in an effective way.

Every individual should have the freedom to speak. Do not keep things within yourself and crib later. If you feel that your fellow c
going wrong somewhere and needs to be corrected, go ahead. Do not hesitate, after all his mistakes will also effect your work also.
or criticize him, but make him realize his mistakes in a polite but convincing way. If you feel that you need to go for a vacation, pleas
your superior. Don’t just assume that your boss will know things on his own and grant you holidays. You need to communicate to him
cribbing and spreading negativity.
Effective Communication reduces the chances of conflicts and fights among team members. No
body has ever gained anything from fights. Communication improves the relations among the team
members and they feel fresh and motivated the whole day at work

Role of Motivation and Attitude in Team

A team is formed when individuals with a similar interest come together to realize a common dream. The team members must think
first and all other personal interests should come later. Every individual must contribute equally as per his capability to achieve the p
targets successfully within the desired time frame.

Motivation and attitude go hand in hand in increasing the output of any team.

You need a match stick for fire, you need ink for a pen to write, and similarly an individual needs motivation to perform. Every individ
some latent talent and needs a push for the talent to come out. Without motivation, the team members feel reluctant to work and als
spread negativity around. Human beings are hungry for praise and appreciation. It is the prime duty of the team leader to appreciate
members whenever they have done something great. This way they feel happy and motivated to perform even better the next time.
Set a deadline for the submission of work. All the employees submitting the work within the stipulated
time frame must be appreciated in public. Circulate a mail among all the employees appreciating your team
member’s efficiency. Any person coming out with a brilliant idea should be suitably rewarded. It is not always
you give cash to motivate your employees, but even small tokens of appreciation can make a difference.
Reward your team member with anything he likes. Appreciating one member does not mean you will neglect
or criticize the other members of the team who could not perform up to the mark this time. It is the duty of
the team leader to motivate them so that they perform well the next time. Ask them to “BUCK UP”.

A single member’s performance can hardly make a difference to the team’s performance; every member has
to contribute equally for the maximum output. Celebrate your team’s success inviting all your team
members. Take them out for a lunch to a nearby restaurant. They will feel happy and also come closer to
each other this way. Give a pat on their back to appreciate their hard work.

Titles such as “Best Employee of the month” and “Best Team Member” also go a long way in
motivating the team members. The names of the best performers must be displayed on the notice boards
for everyone to see.

Incentives and perks also motivate the employees to a large extent. If any team member does
something outstanding do not forget to appreciate him on an open forum and also ask the other members to
reach to his level as well.

Avoid making fun of your colleagues. It is considered highly unprofessional. Don’t spread negativity
around. Don’t depend on blame games or spread unnecessary rumours about your team members.

Motivation alone can’t create wonders; it needs to be coupled with positive attitude of the team members to
ensure high performance of the team. Adopt a positive attitude at work. Do not always find faults in others.
Listen to your team members as well. Don’t assume things or draw conclusions on your own. Be a little
more flexible and adjusting to avoid conflicts at work place. Sit and discuss issues with your team members
to reach to an alternative. Results can’t be achieved unless and until you believe in yourself. The will power
to do something is important. One should have the urge to perform.
Always try to look at life from a larger perspective. Things can not always be the way you like, its better to
accept things as it is sometimes. Remember after heavy rains, there is always a clear sky. Problems might
crop up anytime, but it is always better to grin and move on. Do not overreact on petty things.

Don’t be too adamant or rigid, instead be a little forgiving. It is absolutely okay if you take the initiative
and say “Sorry”. This magical word goes a long way in reducing conflicts to a large extent. Don’t
unnecessary create tensions for others and yourself as well.

Don’t be disheartened if some one comes to you and corrects you for your mistakes; do take it in a
positive and healthy way. Do not step in the office with a mind clouded with negative thoughts. Everything
seems wrong to you and you unnecessarily fight with people around.

Team members must adopt a positive attitude to avoid tensions and misunderstandings at work place.
Positive attitude with a little motivation can actually create wonders for the team.

The introduction of team working is a major step for an organisation to take. It is
important that management, trade unions and employees ensure they know how
teamworking will contribute to their business strategy and that it is likely to involve a
long-term transformation. Even when they are in place, teams will need constant
monitoring and development if they are not to stagnate.

The early challenge and excitement of establishing teams may fade and it is easy for
organisations to accept a level of performance which is short of the optimum.

Teamworking is not a finite project but a process of continuous improvement and

innovation. In order to achieve high performance, teams require regular changes and
challenges. These may include: changes to team personnel; new tasks; re-examining
the contribution the team makes to the overall business aims; and ensuring that the
team has regular dealings with other teams.

The concept of autonomous teams may be misleading as teams will always be

answerable to management and rely on the provision of resources and other
support. Nevertheless one of the best ways to ensure that teams continue to develop
is to move towards self-regulation - an important way of monitoring the progress of
teams is to assess the level of dependence on management. It is for management to
encourage progress by helping the teams develop greater independence.

Reorganising the workforce into teams is not easy but when successfully developed,
teamworking has been shown to be a way of improving competitiveness and at the
same time enhancing the quality of working life for employees.

In today's competitive market, organizations want more from their employees; they want
employees who can participate in teams to help them achieve greater success. Leaders know
that teams offer many advantages over the more traditional distribution of labor, and can provide
richer, more diverse solutions to problems. Consequently, today's engineer needs to understand
the importance of team skills and teamwork to be successful.

Successful teams can be characterized using the PRIDE acronym, which summarizes much of
what we have discussed in this module. PRIDE principles:

Purpose: have a common purpose and goal

Respect: act with mutual respect, trust and support

Individuals: recognize and respect the differences which enhance creativity and collective

Discussion: all teams need open, honest and frequent discussions

Excellence: team should strive for excellence

We have discussed different components and characteristics of teams and teamwork. Obviously,
every team is unique. Hopefully, you now have a basic understanding of the complexity of
teamwork so you can recognize the elements for and contribute to successful teams throughout
your career.

The researchers came to the conclusion that the participants' lack of trust in
the objectives of the project made them restrict the production of the group
members by preventing them from producing beyond a certain number of units.
Other reasons for decreasing the output were fear of unemployment, the aim
to protect slow workers, apprehension of management raising the standards,
and a complacent attitude of the management.
Many behavioral scientists believe that production increase in the relay room was
due to the fact that the participants received more attention and it was altogether
a new, experience for them. This was termed as the 'Hawthorne effect.' Though
there may be an unintentional bias, the Hawthorne Studies laid the foundation
for the Human Relations Movement and was responsible for the development
of various concepts like participatory management, team building etc.

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