The Barker Hypothesis: March 2018
The Barker Hypothesis: March 2018
The Barker Hypothesis: March 2018
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1 author:
Matthew Edwards
Western Sydney University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Matthew Edwards on 19 March 2020.
Key Words
Barker hypothesis, thrifty phenotype, genotype, fetal programming, intrauterine
malnutrition, epigenetic inheritance, somatic mutation, microbiota, gastrointestinal
microorganisms, developmental origins of health and disease
The Barker Hypothesis
The Barker hypothesis proposed that the obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and type 2
diabetes, combinations of which have been called the metabolic syndrome (Hales and
Barker 1992) was associated with malnutrition or some other cause of growth restriction
during early development, if there was later exposure to a high-energy diet. The deleterious
effects of rapid “catch-up” gain in weight during early childhood were observed later. More
complex multifactorial contributors to the syndrome could include the relationship between
nutrition during pregnancy, maternal metabolic status, and the socioeconomic and even
psychosocial status of the mother and child (Barker 2002). There was an inverse correlation
between birth weight and the severity of several measures of the metabolic syndrome.
Barker based his hypothesis on epidemiological research by his unit and elsewhere. Some
areas of Norway had a high prevalence of poverty in the past, associated then with a
relatively high child mortality rate and poor nutrition (Forsdahl 1977). Although these areas
became as prosperous as the rest of the country and their child mortality dropped to the
national level by the 1970s, adults exposed to the poverty in early childhood had an
increased incidence of heart disease compared to those living in areas that had always been
Based on epidemiological studies correlating birth weight with components of the metabolic
syndrome that developed in adulthood, Hales and Barker proposed that fetuses survived
malnutrition by irreversible adoption of a thrifty phenotype, which they called the fetal
programming or thrifty phenotype hypothesis (Hales and Barker 1992) and later broadened
to Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (Gillman 2005). Studies of adults who were
subjected to a variety of causes of intrauterine growth retardation or restriction confirmed a
relationship between reduced birth weight and adult metabolic syndrome (Varga, Harangi
et al. 2010). By limiting the growth or function of some organs such as the kidneys, liver
and pancreas that were inessential to immediate survival, and adopting a state of insulin
resistance, crucial glucose or other limited energy supplies would be diverted to the heart
and brain which were crucial for survival, so the fetus survived the period of malnutrition.
The irreversible reduction of hepatic, pancreatic and renal size and/or function was
assumed to be chosen by the fetus as a protective mechanism in response to malnutrition.
This would improve the survival of fetuses or older children programmed this way as long as
they were exposed to malnutrition (Stanner and Yudkin 2001, Victora, Adair et al. 2008). On
the other hand, it would mean they would be poorly suited to any subsequent period of
high energy consumption as the permanent reduction of hepatic, renal and pancreatic
capacity, and peripheral insulin resistance would result in the metabolic syndrome. A
number of refinements have been made, but most of the experimental and epidemiological
evidence since has enabled its reinforcement and refinement.
The Dutch hunger winter of 1944-5 presented a “natural” experiment comparing the adult
health of people exposed to famine at different intrauterine ages to controls born
elsewhere or before or after the famine. Effects of intrauterine malnutrition at different
stages of gestation were found on rates of congenital abnormalities (Stein 1975), obesity
(Ravelli, Stein et al. 1976), permutations of the components of the metabolic syndrome
(Roseboom, de Rooij et al. 2006), disorders of brain growth, schizophrenia (Hulshoff Pol,
Hoek et al. 2000) and abnormal cognitive test results (de Rooij, Wouters et al. 2010). Similar
effects on incidence of schizophrenia were seen in Chinese adults exposed to famine in
utero during the Great Leap Forward (Hulshoff Pol, Hoek et al. 2000, St Clair, Xu et al. 2005).
Other epidemiological evidence supporting the Barker hypothesis came from the
appearance of metabolic syndrome in the Pima of Arizona and Nauruan Islanders after the
adoption of a high energy western diet. (Dowse, Zimmet et al. 1991, Diamond 2003, Stoger
2008, Khambalia, Phongsavan et al. 2011).
Bet hedging
The previous theories were based on the concept that selection favoured genes for obesity
during famine (genetic thrift) or that selection against genes for obesity was relaxed after
agriculture developed (genetic drift). Bet hedging referred to the evolutionary advantage of
flexibility in reproductive capacity and performance in different environmental conditions
(Schaffer 1974). The term refers here in a genetic sense to the preservation within the
population, of different DNA sequences having different, opposite or even mutually
exclusive effects. Passage of one DNA sequence to the next generation would be more
likely if the prevailing environmental conditions at the time favoured it. If environmental
conditions were changeable, as in agricultural cultures with excess food production
interspersed with famines, a population could benefit from retaining both DNA sequences
(Wells 2009). A thrifty genotype that promotes a positive energy balance with reduced
metabolic rate and/or activity, increased consumption of food, avid assimilation of scarce
nutrients, and the storage of fat during adequate nutrition might be advantageous to the
population. It could ensure the passage of a repertoire of gene activities to the next
generation after famines or other causes of fetal malnutrition. The population has multiple
sequences at the same or other loci that have opposing effects on thrift. In addition to
these, other sequences could be associated with a higher metabolic cost but come into play
during periods of surplus nutrition. They could confer evolutionary advantages because
their limitation of appetite or early growth rate during periods of plenty delay maturation
and reduce demands on a lactating mother, they result in slower but continued growth with
delayed cessation at puberty, later age of reproduction, larger eventual lean mass and size
of the adult brain, and longer life span. When environmental conditions for mothers and/or
fetuses enable adequate or excessive energy supply, a denser population and increased
competition for mates and territory would favour larger, stronger experienced adults whose
parents and grandparents have survived to pass on genetic, social or behavioural
investments to the population. Gene sequences that influence susceptibility to the
metabolic syndrome and are inherited within populations could be sought by whole
genome sequencing in adults with metabolic syndrome associated with early malnutrition,
and compared to parents and unaffected siblings to establish a database of sequences that
could be compared in different populations.
Epigenetic inheritance
The X chromosome contains XIST, an X-inactivating gene whose product diffuses along the
same chromosome to initiate the inactivation of that copy of the X in each cell. The
inactivation of the X chromosome is an early example of epigenetic modification by
methylation of DNA and histones and deacetylation of histones, associated with
heterochromatic changes in the structure of the inactive chromosome. In female embryos
one of the two X chromosomes is randomly inactivated (Lyonisation) and all mitotic
descendants of that cell form a clone inheriting the inactivation of the same X chromosome.
Females therefore consist of two clones of cells with respect to their X chromosomes: one
with their paternal X chromosome inactivated, another clone has the maternal X
inactivated. X inactivation occurs at the time the epiblast is formed in the gastrulating
mammalian embryo, while the paternal X is non-randomly inactivated in the extra
embryonic tissues, possibly reflecting an evolutionary benefit in the activity just of the
maternal copies of X chromosome genes at the maternal interface.
Epigenetic imprinting mechanisms inactivate some autosomal genes or chromosomal
segments inherited from a parent of one sex, but not those inherited from the parent of the
other sex. Sex-specific imprinting evolved independently in placental mammals and
flowering plants and is thought, in the case of mammals, to enable a compromise between
the competing evolutionary benefits of paternal gene sequences and maternal gene
sequences. Specific paternal sequences promote fetal, placental and childhood growth and
might seem in the context of this chapter to be tailored to adverse environments. In
contrast, specific maternal sequences favour smaller babies with smaller heads which
present less liability for both mother and child before, during and after the birth to equip
both the mother and baby better for long term survival and further reproduction. As the
alleles segregate independently in formation of germ cells, sex specific imprinting needs to
be reset in the embryo so that, for example, the mother’s chromosome 15 imprinting
pattern can be reversed from a paternal to a maternal imprint when her ovum contains the
copy she inherited from her father (Lewis, Brant et al. 2015). Some genes are only
imprinted in specific tissues or organs, resulting in a basic phenotype if a mutation in the
gene is inherited from either parent, plus additional manifestations if the mutation is on a
parental allele that is normally active in the affected tissue and the other parental allele
with the normal sequence is inactivated by imprinting (Weksberg, Shuman et al. 2010).
Disorders of imprinting appear to be more frequent in identical twins (Fahrner and
Bjornsson 2014), but studies of metabolic syndrome in twin pairs have not uniformly shown
effects on some diseases associated metabolic syndrome (Bo, Cavallo-Perin et al. 2000,
Iliadou, Cnattingius et al. 2004, Wannamethee, Lawlor et al. 2004, Petersen, Nielsen et al.
2011, Frost, Petersen et al. 2012). Imprinting disorders appear more frequent in babies
conceived by certain types of in vitro fertilisation (Ventura-Junca, Irarrazaval et al. 2015),
and so does monozygotic twinning. Whether the twinning process predisposes to later
metabolic syndrome, or both twinning and metabolic syndrome are both secondary to some
other cause (Hall 1996) is unknown. Parent-specific imprinting is intimately associated with
fetal and childhood growth and metabolism (Hattersley, Beards et al. 1998, Constancia,
Hemberger et al. 2002), development and behaviour, so the epigenetic mechanisms
involved could be relevant to the Barker hypothesis.
A similar process of methylation at the CpG islands of genes, associated with changes in
chromatin structure, selects which genes are inactivated in different tissues during
developmental differentiation, so that in each tissue only the necessary genes are active.
This process does not necessarily or entirely depend on the sex of the parent contributing
the allele, but is replicated at each mitosis so that all cells of the tissue usually have the
same transcription signature. Genes that are not inactivated long term by epigenetic
mechanisms can interact with transcription factors or other modifiers of activity to respond
to short term changes in demand on the tissue. For that to happen the transcription
machinery requires access to the gene, and the epigenetic patterns of methylation and
histone changes prevent this by changing the coiling and shape of the DNA. Once
established, the epigenetic profile of a clone of cells is copied in all daughter cells at mitosis
to direct the growth and specific functions of an organ. The body might retain stem cells
with different epigenetic patterns that enable growth and repair of tissues with more than
one cell type if needed, but the epigenetic pattern of terminally differentiated cells that
undergo mitosis remains stable for the life of the individual. Regional alteration of
epigenetic pattern within the body with age and environmental exposure could contribute
to autoimmunity (Issa 2003), neoplasia (Jones and Laird 1999) and degenerative disease
(Brunet and Berger 2014). Which genes are methylated in the orderly process of
differentiation appears to depend on the interplay between the temporal and spatial effects
of specific genes, and the levels of diffusible growth factors or morphogens.
Environmental changes are thought to influence the epigenetic status of cells by direct
effects on methylation. Some drugs can directly influence methylation and indirect
mechanisms include local deficiency or excess of folic acid, which is a cofactor in
methylation reactions, or alteration of the activity of enzymes involved in DNA methylation,
or histone methylation or acetylation. Exposure of agouti mice to promoters of methylation
such as folate or phytoestrogens (Dolinoy, Weidman et al. 2006) or bisphenol A that reduces
methylation (Dolinoy, Huang et al. 2007) modifies the development of metabolic syndrome
in offspring. Expression of the agouti gene is determined by methylation of a transposon
that acts as an ectopic promoter. Transposons comprise 45% of the human genome and
retrotransposons comprise 3% and many varieties of non-coding RNA molecules are
responsible for their regulation or inactivation, commonly by methylation. Polymorphisms
in imprinted genes, including the peroxisome proliferator activated receptors, appear to be
involved in diverse processes that could explain the mechanism behind the Barker
hypothesis including lipid and carbohydrate metabolism (Ahmadian, Suh et al. 2013),
inflammation and immune function, atherogenesis, neuronal plasticity, memory (Roy, Jana
et al. 2013) , thermogenesis, healing and myelination. Interaction between the common
P12A polymorphism in the PPARg protein and birth weight influences susceptibility to
insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia in adults (Roy, Jana et al. 2013). Genes associated
with lipogenesis and appetite have a similar spectrum of actions relevant to metabolic
syndrome (Ellis, Morris et al. 2014).
Retrospective epidemiological studies in the UK (Pembrey, Saffery et al. 2014) and
Scandinavia (Kaati, Bygren et al. 2002, Pembrey, Bygren et al. 2006) have revealed
associations between various measures of malnutrition affecting prenatal or postnatal
growth and outcome variables relevant to metabolic syndrome in grandchildren. These
identified sex-specific effects on grandchildren removed at least one generation from the
exposure factors and exposures as late as preadolescence. Environmental changes can
alter the levels of small RNAs, or small double stranded RNAs can be acquired from the
environment. Elaborate mechanisms that regulate the transmission and subsequent
replication of small interfering RNA (siRNA) for multiple generations in C. elegans have been
reviewed (Houri-Zeevi and Rechavi 2017). These not only regulate translation, but also
transcription by selectively altering chromatin in the vicinity of specific genomic loci.
Heritable RNA interference was only transmitted past meiosis for 3-5 generations, and there
is a very short generation time and a limited number of cells in these animals. It is not
certain if this will be found in larger animals in which development of the germ line involves
a greater number of mitotic rounds of cell division and there is a much longer time span
between generations. This type of inheritance could last long enough to equip several
generations of a plant or animal like C. elegans, with limited migratory capacity, to deal with
forecast prevailing environmental conditions. This process and the epidemiological studies
that appear to support its existence in humans might be relevant to the Barker hypothesis
and modifications that consider the “weather forecast” model as predicted in 2001 (Bateson
2001), maternal fitness (Wells 2003) and short term, versus long term changes in
environmental conditions (Kuzawa 2008). It is now possible to study the epigenetic
signature of cells by analysis of methylation at multiple gene promoter sites, to identify how
transgenerational effects can be mediated, although studies on identical twins related to
metabolic syndrome have been negative (Tan, Frost et al. 2014).
There is evidence for a “Darwinian” process of selection of cells that have particular
epigenetic patterns. In the female rabbit embryo there is stochastic inactivation of the X
chromosome so that equal quantities of cells are formed with inactivation of neither X,
inactivation of both X chromosomes, inactivation of the paternal X, and inactivation of the
maternal X. The cells that have both or neither X active then die, leaving only those with an
inactivation pattern favourable for survival and division to form a clone that populates the
embryo (Okamoto, Patrat et al. 2011). The pattern of organ growth seen after fetal
malnutrition could just be a reflection of the differing susceptibilities of those organs to
irreversible damage due to cell death followed by reduced growth rather than anything
more programmed and coordinated and the metabolic changes seen in this situation might
just be “making the best of a bad job” (Bateson 2001, Jones 2005).
The epigenetic effects of environmental influences such as malnutrition, psychological stress
and behaviour, drugs, toxins and xenobiotics are the subject of much recent research
(Thomson, Moggs et al. 2014, Jimenez-Chillaron, Nijland et al. 2015). Epigenetic effects
include alteration of DNA structure (eg histone acetylation or deacetylation) insulator
proteins, methylation of CpG dinucleotides and the quantity and activity of regulatory
molecules such as non-coding RNAs. Drugs, xenobiotics, or psychological stresses alter
methylation of different genes or chromosome segments, resulting in a specific phenotype
such as metabolic syndrome. Fetuses with resulting nonspecific epigenetic changes that
reduce the activity of genes essential for survival to reproductive age would be lost from the
population so that the survivors appear to have made a logical choice. In fact the ones that
have survived might have done so because the timing specific or region of exposure in their
case meant that some cells or organs were exposed to more severe environmental
conditions or were at a more vulnerable stage of development than others, and cells with
changes favourable to survival in those prevailing conditions populated the embryo, not
directly because of their genomic sequences but because of their epigenetic patterns. A
plausible mechanism has yet to be explained for a xenobiotic, behavioural or other non-
genetic or environmental agent to aim specifically at a particular metabolic programme that
perpetuates the pharmacological, psychological, physicochemical or endocrine effects of the
environmental agent in subsequent generations. In biological systems the most
parsimonious explanation for the appearance of a specific phenotype is its random
appearance in a proportion, but not the whole population, followed by environmental
selection for cells or organisms with favourable traits and against those with traits that do
not suit the current environment. A plausible mechanism that is known to cause the
random appearance of a phenotype is either somatic or germ line genomic mutation.
Random non-genetic variations in epigenetic pattern might occur because the actions of
agents that affect the epigenetic pattern are not uniform in time or space. Their persistence
in a population would suggest they confer no competitive disadvantage under the prevailing
environmental conditions.
A number of causes, plus or minus mechanisms, for epigenetic change causing thrift have
been postulated. The fetus was proposed to makes a predictive adaptive response, a
protective “decision” to adopt an epigenetic programme that resulted in a thrifty phenotype
predicted by current circumstances to be beneficial when the animal was old enough to
reproduce (Gluckman and Hanson 2004, Ellis, Morris et al. 2014). The thrifty phenotype did
not reduce reproductive fitness so it could be transmitted to subsequent generations if it
was somehow not erased in embryonic stem cells. If it escaped erasure it might not
influence fetal survival in times of adequate intake, improved survival in fetuses that had
retained it and were in turn exposed to malnutrition and only caused problems if energy
consumption became plentiful.
The cause of metabolic syndrome is likely to be multifactorial, with many nuclear DNA and
cellular RNA sequences acting in concert with environmental influences. The Barker
hypothesis has enabled new approaches to the study and management of different types of
intrauterine malnutrition and metabolic syndrome. These will hopefully lead to control of
this major world-wide health problem. It has not been resolved whether the Barker
hypothesis affects subsequent generations, after one episode of growth retardation at one
stage of development. Epidemiological data in humans and experimental data suggest that
transgenerational epigenetic inheritance is possible. It remains to be seen whether this is
mediated by heritable RNA sequences analogous to transposons or RNA viruses that have
entered the germ line, or by acquired, possibly mosaic mutations in DNA coding for
regulatory RNAs. The association of enteric microbiota with human metabolism raises the
fascinating possibility of new treatment or even prevention.
Agouti: banded lighter and darker pattern of hair pigmentation in mammals caused by
pigmentary genes being turned on or off at stages of hair growth. These genes are normally
only expressed in hair follicles but a transposon can result in their expression in other
tissues, leading to metabolic syndrome.
Chromatin: the DNA of the chromosome is coated with RNA and proteins, especially
histones to form chromatin which coils to produce the typical structure of chromosomes
that are visible through the microscope just before the cells divides. Banding of the
chromosomes with a stain called giemsa (G-banding) produces a barcode appearance which
aids numbering and identification of deletions or duplications. The light bands were called
euchromatin and dark bands heterochromatin which largely contain active and inactive
genes respectively.
Clone: all cells descended in the body that have descended, by mitotic cell division, from
one ancestral cell.
Cenorhabditis elegans: C elegans is a tiny transparent worm which is valuable
experimentally because of its short developmental period, 3 day life cycle with rapid growth
to maturity resulting in a short generation time, and its fecundity, 300 offspring for each
worm. Its embryonic development was studied by Sulston and colleagues so the division
and migration of every embryonic precursor, and eventual predictable position could be
identified for every one of the 959 cells comprising the adult worm's body.
Epigenetic (adj, n epigenesis): the alteration of gene activity without alteration of DNA
sequence; by alteration of chromosome structure, relationship between DNA and histones,
histone methylation or acetylation, or DNA methylation. The nucleotides cytosine and
guanine, found together on the phosphate (p) backbone of DNA are called a CpG
dinucleotide, are very frequently found in the promoter of genes, and the cytosines in this
dinucleotide are methylated to inactivate the gene by preventing access of RNA polymerase
to the promoter. This prevents transcription, the synthesis of messenger RNA from the DNA
Expression: the transcription from a DNA sequence of RNA which has some metabolic or
epigenetic effect in the cell
Genome: the DNA sequence of an organism. This does not include the sequence of RNA
that might not be copied from genomic DNA but does include the sequence of ancestral
viral RNAs that have been copied in the reverse direction into genomic DNA. Whole
genome sequencing is the sequencing of all known chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA
sequences, now possible for a single cell. Whole exome sequencing just included the 1% of
DNA that coded for proteins, but that misses the huge majority of DNA that codes for
regulatory sequences within genes (intronic sequences) and outside genes.
Germ line: sperm, ova and their precursors.
Imprinting: inactivation of genes, not by altering their sequence (mutation) but by
methylation of DNA and histones, deacetylation of histones and structural changes to the
supercoiled chromosome to limit access to gene promoters by RNA transcription molecules.
Lamarckian: a form of inheritance proposed by Jean-Baptise Lamarck in the 1800s to occur
by transmission of acquired traits to offspring. Inheritance of epigenetic traits is an example
of a Lamarckian mechanism.
Mendelian: a form of inheritance proposed by Gregor Mendel in the 1800s but re-
discovered in the early 1900s. It suggested that genes were in pairs and that members of
gene pairs segregate independently. Mendelian inheritance is the inheritance of alleles now
known to be sequences in genomic DNA. Mendelian variation is based on the inheritance of
different alleles. Superimposed on this is genomic variation due to new mutation.
Methylation: the addition of CH3 (methyl) groups, often to cytosine where it is found paired
with guanine in genomic DNA
Peroxisome: a tiny cellular organelle bounded by a lipid membrane within body cells in
which, among other actions, very long chain fatty acids are oxidised to release energy,
components of cell membranes called plasmalogens and enzymes, such as catalase that
protects against free radicals, are synthesised.
Polymorphism: a DNA sequence found in more than 1% of healthy members of a
population. There might be one of more variants of the same sequence. Polymorphisms
are considered not to cause disease (as do mutations), but for various reasons they might
predispose to disease.
Postzygotic mutation: this occurs after conception so just affects the first cell to acquire it
and all its descendants which receive copies of its DNA. If the mutation occurred before the
differentiation of the germ line it could affect both germ cells and somatic cells, but if it
occurred after separation of the germ line it would only affect the germ line, or only somatic
cells but not both. As only some of the embryo cells have the mutation the embryo has
mosaicism, more than one population of cells, each with a different genome sequence.
RNA interference: RNAs introduced from the environment, or synthesised from endogenous
DNA or RNA sequences, bind to complementary nucleic acid sequences of other RNA or
DNA molecules and in association with proteins such as dicer or argonaute inactivate or
destroy the other nucleic acids (such as viruses, transposons or messenger RNAs), or are
transferred to the nucleus, possibly also in the germ line.
Somatic mutation: Mutation just affecting somatic cells which are body cells other than the
germ line. These mutations occur after conception and just affect a proportion of body
cells: the first cell to acquire the mutation and its descendants which receive copies of its
Transcription: the copying of a genomic DNA template in the synthesis of RNA
Translation: the copying of a messenger RNA sequence to synthesise a protein
Transposon: a DNA sequence that was introduced into the ancestral genome of an
organism. They can shift from one chromosomal location to another, resulting in new
activation or inactivation of genes, or new gene functions, but most commonly when this
happens it is deleterious causing disease. They are tolerated in the genome because most
are inactivated by various mechanisms including RNA by a process called RNA interference,
and because their changes in location (transposition) has contributed to genetic variation,
and thus evolution. Retrotransposons were originally part of an RNA viral genome,
incorporated into the host's DNA by a process called reverse transcription, compensate for
increased insulin levels without where the viral enzyme reverse transcriptase synthesises a
DNA copy of the viral RNA causing hypoglycemia. sequence.
Summary Points
• The Barker hypothesis linked early childhood malnutrition to adult onset diseases
comprising the metabolic syndrome. Synonyms include the thrifty phenotype
hypothesis, Developmental Origins of Health and Disease or the fetal programming
• Mechanisms postulated to explain this association included
o Refinements of the earlier thrifty gene hypothesis which claimed that early
malnutrition selected for genes for obesity. It was discarded because
metabolic syndrome appeared or disappeared to quickly from populations to
be caused by genetic selection based on mortality
§ The bet hedging hypothesis suggest that genes for obesity or genes
favouring leanness can both be retained in the population by
selection under different environments at different times.
§ Genes predisposing to the metabolic syndrome might appear by new
mutation somatically or by selection of inherited polymorphisms.
Their contribution could be assessed by comparing the whole gene
sequences of survivors of malnutrition in early life who now have
metabolic syndrome, and controls including parents and unexposed
o The drifty gene hypothesis means release from selection of genes for obesity
associated with civilisation, agriculture and freedom from predation.
o Maternal wellbeing, and fetal programmed adaptive response hypotheses
are modifications of the Barker hypothesis. The former involves fetal
programming based on the mother’s past and present health and nutritional
status, while the latter involves fetal programming that integrates
information from past and postulated future environmental conditions.
• Epigenetic gene inactivation programs have been implicated in fetal programming
and metabolic syndrome:
o These could be transmitted to subsequent generations and there is molecular
evidence for this in laboratory models of metabolic syndrome
o There is epidemiological evidence for inheritance of effects associated with
malnutrition in early life in humans for at least one generation
o RNA interference is a postulated mechanism for transgenerational passage of
epigenetic information
• Gut microbiota are passed from mother to child. There is evidence that diet and
other factors modify the population of gastrointestinal microorganisms, and in turn
these can modify the metabolic program of the human host.
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