Phytoplankton Assessment in Guadalupe Ri

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Republic of the Philippines

Cebu Normal University

Cebu City, 6000 Philippines



This undergraduate thesis entitled “PHYTOPLANKTON ASSESSMENT IN GUADALUPE

and ERIC VILLAMEJOR, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject
UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH, is hereby recommended for approval


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Adviser/Department Chair



Presented to the Faculty of the

Cebu Normal University

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Subject

Ahrianne Faith B. Canoy

Jonah Christi S. Miñoza
Eric A. Villamejor
March 2014

The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude and appreciation to
the following people who have unconditionally contributed purposely to the success of
this paper.

MRS. LUZVIMINDA BATO, Chemistry laboratory analyst BFAR 7, for her

pieces of advice and suggestions and for allowing us to use laboratory equipments. The
time and effort she spent anytime we need an advice was really unconditional. The
motherly passion and patience she shared in guiding our study provided us motivations
and courage in dealing with the study. Most of all, she inspires us not to give up and
always give our best in everything that we do.

DR. DANILO LARGO, Director, Office of the Research USC, for teaching us the
techniques in dealing the taxonomic identification of phytoplankters and for letting us
borrow the book by Peerapornisal about Freshwater Algae in Northern Thailand. The
pieces of useful information that he shared to us was very essential for the
accomplishment of our study.

MR. JAY P. PICARDAL, for sharing his time in criticizing exemplarily the paper
which enables us to grow into better researchers. Most of all, for the valuable knowledge
he shared to us, insightful advice and untiring support that inspires us.


JOYCE CALUMBA - the panel members, for the valuable knowledge they shared to us.
The general and specific comments enabled us to appreciate our weaknesses and develop
further our strengths in our research paper.

MR. DEXTER S. ONTOY, MSES, MEMD, for the intellectual comments and
suggestions to improve the study.

MR. MARIO MARABABOL, Administrator of Ocean Care Advocates Inc., for

the knowledge he imparted to us that encourage us to pursue this study and for allowing
us to borrow his GPS which is needed in our study.
EDWARD LAURENCE OPENA, Research Adviser, for the insightful advice that
encourage us to pursue this study.

HON. MICHAEL GACASAN, Guadalupe Brgy. Captain and MRS. JOANN

ROSARIO, OIC (MENRO - Asturias), for accommodating us, for giving us the data
about the rivers and for sending persons that would guide us in the area.

MR. JOENARD ALGONES, Laboratory Custodian, for allowing us to use the

laboratory equipment in the CNU Biology Laboratory.

To our FRIENDS and CLASSMATES, for the help, support and intellectual
criticisms which makes us more determined in enhancing our work.

To our FAMILY, for the overwhelming support especially the financial and
emotional assistance.

Above all the ALMIGHTY GOD, for giving us the knowledge and patience in
doing this paper. His guidance and enlightenment enables us to be successful in this









Theoretical Background 4

Conceptual Framework 6

Statement of the Problem 7

Significance of the Study 8

Scope and Limitations 9

Definition of Terms 10




Study Site 16

Research Instruments 19

Research Design 20

Research Procedure 20

Data Analysis 22








Figure 1 Conceptual Framework of the Study 6

Figure 2 Location Map of Guadalupe River 17

Figure 3 Location Map of Guinabasan River 18

Figure 4 Abundance of Phytoplankters in Guadalupe River 23

Figure 5 Species Richness in the Different Streams of 25

Guadalupe River

Figure 6 Abundance of Phytoplankters in Guinabasan River 28

Figure 7 Species Richness in the Different Streams of 28

Guinabasan River

Figure 8 Comparison of Species Composition in Guadaulpe 30

and Guinabasan River


Table 1 Physico-chemical Properties of Guadalupe River 31

and Standard Limits Set by DENR-EMB

Table 2 Physico-chemical Properties of Guinabasane River 35

and Standard Limits Set by DENR-EMB


Appendix A Raw Data 47

Appendix B Statistical Data 57

Appendix C Timeline of Activities 63

Appendix D Budgetary Requirement 65

Appendix E Photo Documentations 68

Appendix F Attachment Letters and Permit 73

Appendix G Curriculum Vitae 79



The phytoplankters in polluted river - Guadalupe River and unpolluted

river – Guinabasan River were assessed in terms of taxonomic identification,

physicochemical properties and indices of diversity. Sampling stations were established

for the collection of phytoplankters and water samples. Assessment revealed that in

Guadalupe River, there were 26 species belonging to 16 genera (H= 2.13), where the

most abundant species was Spirogyra sp. 1 with a total of 19 cells/mL. In Guinabasan

River, there were only 3 species of planktonic microalgae and 3 genera present in

Guinabasan River (H=1.03). The most abundant species was Oedogonium sp. with a

total of 6 cells/mL. The species dominance (c) in Guadalupe and Guinabasan River were

just equal which is 0.34. In terms of species evenness, Guinabasan River (E = 0.94) had a

more even distribution of individuals of species. These can be explained by the physico-

chemical properties of the studied rivers which enhanced the growth of the

phytoplankters like the pH, temperature, Biological Oxygen Demmand (BOD), Dissolved

Oxygen (DO) and organic or inorganic nutrient present (Flores and Zafaralla, 2012).

Physicochemical parameters measured implied that Guadalupe River is still on the brink

of pollution while Guinabasan River maintained its status as one of the cleanest rivers in


Keywords: Guadalupe River, Guinabasan River, Phytoplankters, Physichochemical

properties, indices of diversity,



Phytoplankters are important aquatic producers in the river. They are suspended

in the top few feet of water of a pond, lake and river where light is bright enough for

them to produce food by photosynthesis .While some planktonic microalgae is healthy

for freshwater, as it is essential for the health of aquatic life, other species can be also

toxic to animals and impart an odor or taste to the water (Oilgae, 2013). According to

Relox and Bajarias(2003) harmful algal blooms have been recognized as a catastrophic

phenomenon that has affected the Philippines both in the public health and economy.

Many species of phytoplankters are involved in algal blooms and these species

change over time (Oilgae, 2013) due to the synergetic mechanisms of optimal physical

and chemical conditions (Pearl, 1988) and might also be influenced by the community

organization and the strategies of individual species (Maestrini and Graneli, 1991). These

blooms make the water more turbid, more unattractive to swimmers and less suitable to

certain kinds of aquatic organisms (Stiling, 1998).

An abundance of algae is indicative of nutrient pollution. They are used for

assessing the degree of pollution or as indicator of water pollution of different water

bodies. These are very suitable organisms for the determination of the impact of toxic

substances on the aquatic environment because any effect on the lower level of the

food chain will also have consequence on the higher level of the environment (Lata Dora

et al, 2010).

The need for a thorough study is necessary for such a big role that this minute

species have contributed to the environment. In the Philippines, researches on


phytoplankters in polluted and unpolluted freshwater systems are constantly growing

such as those of Velasquez (1952 and 1989) and Zafaralla (1988). In Cebu, where there

are many water systems present like rivers and lakes, the need for a substantial data on

phytoplankton assessment on polluted and unpolluted river is very much important. It is

with this regard that the researchers wish to identify and compare the species of

freshwater planktonic microalgae present in the studied polluted river- Guadalupe River

and unpolluted river- Guinabasan River.

As identified by the Environmental Management Board (EMB-7, 2012),

Guadalupe River is one of the most polluted rivers in Cebu. It borders along densely

populated areas in Cebu City. It is a highly contaminated water body with domestic

wastewater and households lack adequate septic tanks and uncentralized wastewater

treatment facilities for domestic wastes. Because of these factors, in the early 1990's, the

river was declared a biologically dead river (Cebu Daily News, 2011). However, many

years ago, only few people lived on the side of Guadalupe River and the streams of the

river were still clean. It used to be the destination of local tourists who sought relaxation

through communing with nature. Today as population increased, there are lots of

environmental changes in the place. To mention a few: the soil in the banks in the river is

contaminated; there are many drainage outlets along the river bank; there are threats of

drainage outfalls; there is a continuous destruction of river banks due to sand and gravel

local business; and the river is contaminated caused by improper disposal of garbage (De

Catalina, 2013). These are the major reasons why phytoplankters and water quality

monitoring is a must to come up with a good management and rehabilitation plan for this

polluted river.

On the other hand, Guinabasan River is located in municipality of Asturias

situated at the western portion of the island of Cebu. It is one of the cleanest rivers in the

whole province of Cebu as identified by the DENR-EMB 7. This clean river serves as a

reference for comparison of the different species of phytoplankters present in the polluted

river. This study can help a lot to this river in monitoring alterations of the current

condition of this water body.

In addition, the researchers also wanted to assess the abundance and diversity of

freshwater planktonic microalgae in relation to the physicochemical parameters of the 2

river systems. The physicochemical parameters used in the study includes the color, pH

level, temperature, biological oxygen demand (BOD) and dissolved oxygen (DO).

Furthermore, this research study can help the people living along the Guadalupe and

Guinabasan River to be aware on the possible effects of their activities to the diversity

and growth of the freshwater planktonic microalgae, the basic producer in the food web

and the current water quality status of their respective river systems.


This study is primarily anchored behind theories related to species distribution -

species diversity, species dominance and species evenness and species tolerance on the

different water condition.

Species-Area Theory

This idea is based on the notion that larger areas support more species. A species-

area relationship deals on the relationship between the area of a habitat or part of a habitat

and the number of species within the area. Thus, larger areas of climatic similarity will

tend to have greater species diversity and empirically, the relative numbers seem to

follow systematic mathematical relationship (Stiling, 1998).

Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography

This theory aims to explain the diversity and relative abundance of species in

ecological communities. It assumes the differences between members of an ecological

community. It makes predictions that have profound implications for the management of

biodiversity, especially the management of rare species. The theory predicts the existence

of a fundamental biodiversity constant that appears to govern species richness on a wide

variety of spatial and temporal scales (Hubbel, 2001).


Shelford‘s Law of Tolerance

Shelford‘s Law of Tolerance which is based upon the principle that the

distribution of a species will be limited by its range of tolerance for local environmental

factorss. The survival and distribution of a species is limited by its ability to adapt to the

biotic and abiotic parameters of its immediate environment (Day & Saive, 2007). This

simply means that the existence, abundance and the distribution of every species is

dependent on the tolerance of each species on a definite range of environmental


Identification of the different planktonic microalgae can be of great help in

determining what species are adaptable enough to grow on the particular environment

whether in the polluted or unpolluted surroundings. This should be done since particular

species of planktonic microalgae present in an area can be related to the environment

where it thrives in, specifically whether polluted or not. It was even noted by Bellinger &

Sigee (2010), who observed that biota in polluted waters were different from those in

non-polluted situations.

Together with the result of the physico-chemical parameters of the river system,

the researchers can then be able to identify on what species of planktonic microalgae are

tolerant on a particular environmental condition. By monitoring organisms in addition to

physical/chemical attributes a temporal aspect is inherently introduced since organisms

incorporate past, as well as present, conditions (Rosenburg & Resh, 1996).




Polluted River Unpolluted River


Species Identification Physico-chemical analysis Species Composition

Taxonomic ANaming of Temperature (˚C) Cell density
Planktonic Microalgae

pH Level Species diversity


Dissolved Oxygen Species dominance


Biological Oxygen Species evenness

Demmand A

Color A
Policy Recommendation

Figure 1. A flow chart on the assessment of phytoplankters in polluted river –
Guadalupe River and unpolluted river – Guinabasan River in terms of
species identification, physico-chemical parameters and species


The study aims to determine the present status of planktonic microalgae present in

polluted river- Guadalupe River and unpolluted river- Guinabasan River. Furthermore, it

specifically aims to:

I. Identify the species of planktonic microalgae present in the two river


II. Assess the physico-chemical properties of the two mentioned rivers such


a. Temperature

b. pH Level

c. Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

d. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)

e. Color

III. Determine and compare the planktonic microalgae composition found in

the two river systems in terms of:

a. Cell density

b. Species diversity

c. Species dominance

d. Species evenness


This research study will provide a great impact to the following:

Government Agencies. This study can guide the government assigned agencies so

that they can monitor and manage the effects of the different planktonic microalgae and

also the condition of the studied rivers to the constituents.

Residences. This study can help them to be aware on the effects of these different

planktonic microalgae to the river as well as to their health. Through this, they will be

responsible on the possible effects of their actions in the river.

Students. The study will serve as their reference or guide in their future studies

that is relevant to this conducted study. It will also help the students to have a

comprehensive and advance knowledge about the related topic being discussed.

Teachers. The study can help teachers to have a deeper understanding on the

different freshwater planktonic microalgae in the polluted and unpolluted rivers. By this

study they will come up with easier and comprehensive reference that is academic.

Future Researchers. The study can benefit and help the future researcher as their

guide. The study can also open other development which is related with this study.


The study is conducted to determine the species of planktonic microalgae found in

the polluted river – Guadalupe River in Guadalupe, Cebu City and in unpolluted river –

Guinabasan River in Asturias, Cebu. The period of the research study started last June

2013 and will end on February 2014. However, the field study started only in the month

of November, 2013.

Because of the time constraint, the collections of the water and algae samples

were collected only on the month of January. There was also one river selected in

unpolluted and in polluted river. In each sampling area, at least three sampling sites in the

upstream, midstream and downstream were chosen for the collection of planktonic

microalgae. For the water samples, the collection was done in every stream of the rivers.

The physicochemical parameters used in the study includes only the pH level,

temperature , biological oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved oxygen (DO) and color in

order to assess the water quality in the studied rivers.



Abiotic - a nonliving physical and chemical attribute of a system

Abundance - is an ecological concept referring to the relative representation of a

species in a particular ecosystem. It is usually measured as the large

number of individuals found per sample.

Biota - the total collection of organisms of a geographic region or a time period,

from local geographic scales and instantaneous temporal scales all the

way up to whole-planet and whole-timescale.

Biotic - is any living component that affects another organism.

Diversity –The number and variety of species present in an area and

their spatial distribution.

Habitat – the natural home or environment of the organism

Tolerance –the capacity of an organism to endure the effects of other substance



Freshwater environment such as lakes and rivers are habitat of most algae where

they are typically present as micro-organisms – visible only with the aid of a light

microscope. Despite of their size, they have a major importance in the freshwater

environment, both in terms of fundamental ecology and in relation to human use of

natural resources (Belinger & Sigee, 2010). Alga is not strictly a taxonomic term but is

used as an inclusive label for a number of different phyla that fit the broad description.

These organisms include both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

The potential for freshwater organisms to reflect changes in environmental

conditions was first noted by Kolenati (1848) and Cohn (1853), who observed that biota

in polluted waters were different from those in non-polluted situations (quoted in

Liebmann, (1962). Since that time much detailed information has accumulated about the

restrictions of different organisms to particular types of aquatic environment, and their

potential to act as environmental monitors or bioindicators (Belinger and Sigee, 2010).

In the Philippines, the identification of freshwater algae had been growing.

Velasquez‘s report in 1984 showed 644 species, 162 genera, 61 varieties and 7 forms of

freshwater algae found all over the country. These include not only benthic but also

planktonic algae. The major Velasquez (1989) indicates more than 100 species of algae

that are pollution indicator in his book. Zafaralla (1988) also reported several species of

algae that thrive in polluted river specifically in Pasig River.

Ecological controlling factors

A variety of ecological factors influence and control the seasonal distribution and

composition of algal communities. According to Trainor (1984), clean water would

support a great diversity of organisms, whereas polluted water would yield just a few

organisms, with one or few dominant forms. Algal population is influenced by various

factors such as pH, temperature, biological oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen and other

pollutants that are added by anthropogenic activities in the river (Lata Dora et al, 2010).


It is one of the physical factors that influences species distribution on earth. It

affects the oxygen content of the water, the rate of plant growth and metabolic rates of

aquatic organisms.It varies with geographic location and anthropogenic effects (Flores

and Zafaralla, 2012). The overall temperature range required for the survival of

freshwater algal is -40 to 75ºC. Optimum temperature ranges for several major freshwater

algal taxa are 15 to 25ºC for diatoms, 25 to 35ºC for green algae and 30 to 40ºC for blue -

green algae (Hawkes, 1969). Blue green algae are more generally more heat tolerant than

other species. Patrick et al., (1969) reported a reduction in diatoms when the water

temperatures was between 35 and 40ºC ( Dora et al, 2012).



The effect of aquatic plants on pH is dependent upon the buffering capacity of the

water and plants productivity. Changes in the plants community composition have been

reported on numerous occasions in streams recently acidified and having pH values less

than 6. However, community biomass is not always reduced because of the increase in

the acid tolerant species. (Stokes et al, 1989). When the pH decreases below 5.0 in

streams, an increase in algal biomass and primary productivity often has been observed.

These changes have been attributable to reduced grazing pressure by macroinvertebrates,

reduced microbial decomposition, increased micronutrient availability and the low pH

preference of some natural periphyton (Elwood and Mulholland, 1989). Green algae

often comprise a greater portion of the algal community in acid streams. The relative

abundance of diatoms and blue-green species decreases as the pH decreases (Stokes et al,

1989). These algal species are more sensitive to pH changes than dinoflagellates. An

increase in green filamentous form is often observed for Lake Periphyton in low pH


Dissolved Oxygen

DO levels indicate the capacity of a natural body of water in for maintaining

aquatic life. Flowing waters can dissolve more oxygen than still waters. It fluctuates

seasonally and within 24-hour period. The amount of DO varies with water temperature

and altitude (Flores and Zafaralla, 2012). The presence of aquatic plants in a stream also

affects the dissolved oxygen concentration. DO levels less than 3 mg/L are stressful to

most aquatic organisms. Water with low DO from 2 – 0.5 mg/L are considered hypoxic;

waters with less than 0.5 mg/L are anoxic. (Murdoch et al, 1991).


The Biological Oxygen Demand, or BOD, is the amount of oxygen consumed by

bacteria in the decomposition of organic material. It also includes the oxygen required for

the oxidation of various chemical in the water, such as sulfides, ferrous iron and

ammonia. While a dissolved oxygen test tells you how much oxygen is available, a BOD

test tells you how much oxygen is being consumed. Unpolluted, natural waters should

have a BOD of 5 mg/L or less. Raw sewage may have BOD levels ranging from 150 –

300 mg/L (Dora et al, 2012). Oxygen depletion is faster when the BOD is greater so that

oxygen available to aquatic life becomes lesser. Since the effect of high BOD are the

same as those with low DO, aquatic organisms become stress and less tolerant species

could suffocate and die. This test is the most important detection of organic polution

(Flores and Zafaralla, 2012)

Algae and Water Pollution

Algae are the main the primary producers in all kinds of water bodies and they are

involved in water pollution in a number of significant ways. Firstly, enrichments of the

algal nutrients in water through organic effluents may selectively stimulate the growth of

algal species producing massive surface growths or ‗blooms‘ that in turn reduce the water

quality and affect its use. However, certain algae flourished in water polluted with

organic wastes play an important part in ―self-purification of water bodies‖. Some

pollution algae may frequently toxic to fish and also mankind and animals using polluted

water. In fact, algae can play significant part of food chain of aquatic life, thus whatever

alters the number and kinds of algae strongly affects all organisms in the chain including

fish. Algae are also known to be causes of tastes and odors in water. In fact, a large

number of algae are associated with tastes and odors that vary in type. Certain diatoms,

blue-green algae and colored flagellates (particularly Chrysophyta and Euglenophyta) are

the best known algae to pose such problems in water supplies, but green algae may also

be involved. Some algae produce an aromatic odor resembling to that of particular

flowers or vegetables. In addition, a spicy, a fishy odor and a grassy odor can also be

produced by odor algae (Tahir Alp et al, 2013).

Algae are involved in water pollution in a number of important ways. Enrichment

of inorganic phosphorous and nitrogen is responsible for the growth of algae in water

bodies. Research in the freshwater ecology of algae related to water pollution is sparse,

and it is necessary of detailed study for searching indicator species (Tahir Alp et al,

2013). According to Sonneman et al.(2001) algal communities correlate with water

pollution. Algae are one of the most rapid bioindicator of water quality changes due to

their short life spans, quick response to pollutants and easy to determine their numbers

(Plafkin et al.,1989).


Study Site

This research focuses on Guadalupe River in Barangay Guadalupe, Cebu City

which serves as the one of the major rivers being the big sewers and dumping sites in the

metro Cebu (CUSWF, 2011). It is located in the northeastern part of Cebu City (De

Catalina, 2013). Guadalupe River is a 12-kilometer water body which originates in the

mountain area of Cebu City in Brgy. Sapangdaku and Barangay Kalunasan until

Barangay Ermita and Pasil Rivers and eventually discharges into Mactan Channel.

Approximately 8-kilometer length of the river is crossing Cebu City urban area, most

significantly the heavily densely populated areas of Cebu City.

The study also includes Guinabasan River which is identified as one of the

cleanest river in Cebu according to the annual monitoring of the EMB- 7. Guinabasan

River is about 85 km Northwest of Cebu City which is situated at the Western portion of

the Island Province of Cebu (Lanuza, 2009). The upstream area of Ginabasan River is

classified as Class AA river by the DENR which means that it is intended primarily for

waters having watersheds which are protected and the downstream area is classified also

as a Class A River. This means that it can be a source of water supply that will require

complete treatment (coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection) in order to

meet the NSDW (DAO No.34).


Station 1 Station 3 Station 5 Station 7 Station 9

Legend: Station 8
Station 2 Station 4 Station 6

Figure 2. Location Map of Guadalupe River


Station 8

Station 9

Station 7 Station 6

Station 5

Station 4

Station 3
Station 2

Station 1

Figure 3. Location Map of Guinabasan River


Research Instruments

The study used Global Positioning System (GPS) to locate the exact coordinates

of the sampling stations, laboratory thermometer to measure the temperature and pH

meter to measure the pH level of the rivers. The color of the water from the different

streams was based from the observations of the researchers. A 500 ml glass bottles were

used to collect algae samples from the different stations of the studied rivers. The sieve

was used in the filtration of algae samples. Each glass bottle was added with Logul‘s

solution for the preservation of planktonic microalgae. For the collection of water

samples, 1.5 covered plastic bottles were used. The water samples were brought to the

Techno Lab Inc for the analysis of the BOD and DO concentration.

For the identification of planktonic microalgae, the following instruments were

used: Sedgewick-rafter, dropper, and compound electric microscope. A Sedgewick-rafter

counting chamberis a device commonly used for counting planktonic freshwater

microalgae and other phytoplankters. It is 50 mm long and 20 mm wide by 1 mm deep.

The Sony Xperia camera with 8 megapixels was used to capture images of the planktonic

microalgae which were viewed under the compound microscope. For the identification of

algae, the researchers used the books entitled Freshwater Algae: Identification and Use as

Bioindicators by Bellinger and Sigee (2010) and Freshwater Algae in Northern Thailand

by Peerapornisal (2005) as systematic guide.


Research Design

The study used a Completely Randomized Design because it consist of one

independent variable or factor that have two or more levels where subjects are completely

randomly selected or the various levels of independent variables is assigned. In this

study, sampling stations in the river were randomly established in the three areas of the

rivers- upstream, midstream and downstream. By using the Global Positioning System,

the coordinates at each sampling area of the river was taken. Sample collection followed

the method of Welrek and Walz (1998), where phytoplankter were collected in the

middle of the river to achieve successive sampling of the same water parcel as it travelled


Research Procedure

Planktonic freshwater microalgae and water samples were collected from the 3

sampling stations in the upstream, midstream and downstream area of the studied rivers.

There were three replicates in the collection of planktonic freshwater microalgae in every

sampling station and one water samples in every streams.

Collection and Preservation

The location of the sampling station was first determined. The temperature, pH

level and depth of the different sampling stations were also measured. After that, 500 mL

of water from the sampling stations were collected and filtered using the sieve. The upper

side of the sieve was reversed and the 100 mL of the filtered water was used in order to

wash-down the planktonic microalgae that were stuck in the sieve. The purpose of this

method is to assure greater concentration of the planktonic microalgae collected in the

different stations. It was also added with 3 mL of Logul‘s solution. Finally, 1.5 L of water

sample was also collected in every stream of the rivers for the analysis of the Biological

Oxygen Demmand (BOD) and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) that were conducted in the

Techno Lab Inc.

Counting and Identification of Algae

The Sedgewick Rafter was filled with 1 mL mixed sample. Slowly, the chamber

was agitated to make the organisms equally distributed and allowed to settle at the

bottom. Once the organisms settle, it was ready for counting. The counting started from

the lower left hand cover (as viewed against the grid) until at the right edge. The

researchers focused up one square, and then back over that row to the right edge again,

until the entire field had covered.

The samples were observed and the number of species per square were counted

and recorded. Ten x and forty x objective lenses were alternately used while identifying

and counting the species of planktonic microalgae. For the identification of the

planktonic microalgae, the taxonomic keys of Belinger and Seigee (2010) and

Peerapornisal (2005) were used.


Data Analysis

The species diversity, dominance and evenness indices were determined using

Shannon- Weaver (H) formula for species Diversity, Dominance Index (c) and Evenness

Index (E). The researchers would like also to find out whether there is a significant

difference and compare the species composition of planktonic microalgae present in the

two studied river system.

After determining the physico-chemical characteristics of water samples, the

mean values were computed and compared with the standards set by Department of

Environmental and Natural Resources – Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-

EMB) for each particular river. Interpretation for each parameter was given thereafter.


In Guadalupe River there were 9 sampling stations in the three areas, namely:

upstream (Brgy. Sapangdaku, Brgy. Kalunasan and Brgy. Guadalupe) midstream ( Brgy.

Sambag II, Brgy. Calamba and Brgy. Sambag I) and downstream (Brgy.Pahina San

Nicolas, Brgy. Pasil and Brgy.Ermita).

Figure 4. Abundance of Phytoplankters in Guadalupe River


There were 26 species of planktonic microalgae and 16 genera present in

Guadalupe River (see Fig. 4). The most abundant species was Spirogyra sp. 1 with a

total of 19 cells/mL, followed by Oscillatoria sp. 1 with a total of 15 cells/mL;

Microcyctis sp. had a total of 11 cells/mL, Botryococcus sp. 2 and Gomphonema sp.

with a total of 10 cells/mL and Nostoc sp. (9 cells/mL).

Figure 5. Species Richness in the Different Streams of Guadalupe River

In the upstream area particularly in Brgy.Sapangdaku and Kalunasan, the

researchers observed that water was still clear and fast flowing. The residents along the

river still used the water in washing clothes and taking a bath. There were plants and trees

that grow near the river such as papaya, banana, mango, coconut, bread fruit and bamboo.

On the other hand, the water in Barangay Guadalupe was already turbid and has a

moderate flow due to a lot of garbage thrown into the river and the color of water was

light brown.

There were 25 species of phytoplankters found in the upstream area (see

Appendix A) and the dominant species found was Spirogyra sp. 1 (14 cells/mL).

Spirogyra has cylindrical cells that are joined end to end to form an unbranched filament.

Its cell walls are firm and have a thin film of mucilage on the outside, giving them a

slimy feel. Chloroplasts have a helical shape and there can be up to 15per cell (Bellinger

& Sigee, 2010).The genus Spirogyra was commonly found in mesotrophic freshwaters of

northern Thailand (Peerapornpisal, 2005).This alga was indicated in the studies of

Zafaralla (1981) and Velasquez (1984 &1952) as a pollution indicator in rivers and

freshwater systems. According to Bellinger and Sigee (2010), Spirogyra occurs in a wide

range of habitats, where it is typically attached to stable substratum (as periphyton) but

also occurs as free floating mats – derived either by detachment of from periphyton

(vegetative propagation) or from benthic zygotes (sexual derivation). Sheath and Cole

(1992) detected Spirogyra in streams from a wide range of biomes – including desert

chaparral, temperate and tropical rainforests and tundra. This implies that Spirogyra can

tolerate broad range of conditions and habitat.

The foul odor of the river, human waste, group of flies seen everywhere and the

scattered garbage that were disposed in the place was very observable in the midstream

area. There were 11 species of phytoplankters found in this area. Most of the species

found in the area were the most tolerant species in organically polluted waters such as the

genera Oscillatoria, Navicula, Nitzschia (Palmer, 1969); Anabaena and Pandorina

(Pearsall, 1932). Microcystis sp.(9 cells/mL) was the most abundant species in this area.

Large colonies of cyanobacteria species such as Microcystis are associated with poor

water quality (Dodson, 2005). Microcystis is a flagrant cyanobacterial genus forming


heavy blooms in aquatic environments and often cause serious problems in the

management of water quality (Imai et al, 2009). Some Microcystis species produce toxins

(Park et al, 1998), which have harmful effects not only on domestic animals but also on

human (Carmichael, 1992). Various physico-chemical and biological factors may be

responsible for the existence of a dominant Microcystis species in an environment

(Takamura, 1988).

While in the downstream area, the river becomes more polluted because of the

changes of color of the water from gray to black, smelly and sluggish. Houses were very

evident in the side of the river. There were also many establishments, abandoned

commercial buildings, piggeries and poultries along the side of the river in which they

discharge their waste directly into the river. Only 4 genera of phytoplankters were found

in this area namely: Spirogyra, Oscillatoria, Nostoc and Gomphonema. Nostoc sp.(9

cells/mL) was the most dominant species. It is a filamentous algae forming heterocysts

and akinetes, but no true branching (Bellinger & Sigee, 2010). It can form macroscopic

or microscopic colonies and is common in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Its

genetics is worth studying because of the genus' unique adaptations which allow them to

survive and even thrive in extreme environments. These species can also lead to

unpleasant odors in drinking water (Dodds et al, 2008) and can produce toxins in

freshwaters (Chorus and Bartrum, 1999).


In Guinabasan River, there were also 9 sampling stations in the three streams

which include: upstream area (Brgy. Baye ,Brgy. Banban and Brgy.Agbanga), midstream

area (Brgy.Agtugop, Brgy. Sta. Rita and Brgy.New Bago) and downstream

area(Brgy.Old Bago and Bgry. Sta. Lucia ).

Figure 6. Abundance of Phytoplankters in Guinabasan River

There were only 3 species of planktonic microalgae and 3 genera present in the

three streams of Guinabasan River (see Fig. 5). The most abundant species were

Oedogonium sp. with a total of 6 cells/mL, followed by Cryptomonas sp. with a total of

4 cells/mL and Rhizosolenia sp. with a total of 1 cell/mL.


Figure 7. Species Richness in the Different Streams of Guinabasan River

In the upstream, midstream and downstream area of Guinabasan River, there were

three species of phytoplankters found in the three areas of the river. It was also still in its

natural appearance. There were grasses and trees that grew beside the river. The

researchers observed that water of the river was still very clear. There were no

establishment constructed and only few houses were built due to the clay type of soil

beside the river. The researchers also observed that it was very clean since there was no

garbage being thrown into the river. The river was also very wide and remained unaltered

in which the water was fast-flowing. The river was used for washing clothes, taking a

bath and for household consumption by the residents. It was also safe for aquatic

organisms since no pollutants being deposited in the river.

The three species of phytoplankters found here were the Oedogonium sp.,

Cryptomonas sp. and Rhizosolenia sp. The cell of Oedogonium form is long, unbranched

filaments, broad, rectangular and long. Its chloroplast is parietal and netlike with several

pyrenoids (Bellinger & Sigee, 2010). This genus thrives in a wide range of freshwater

habitats (Reddy, 2008). Rhizosoleniacells may be solitary or they may form chains. They

are numerous small plate-like/disc-shaped chloroplasts and are typically found in

oligotrophic waters (Bellinger & Sigee, 2010). The cells of Cryptomonas are slipper to

bean-shaped with some dorsoventral flattening. In oligotrophic freshwaters,

Cryptomonads often form large populations about 15–20m deep within the lake, where

oxygenated surface waters interface with the anoxic lower part of the water column

(Bellinger & Sigee, 2010). Lata Dora et al. (2010) stated that an abundance of algae is an

indicative of nutrient pollution and since there are only three species of planktonic

microalgae found in Guinabasan River so this suggest that there is only very low

amount of nutrients present in this river.

Species Composition in Guadalupe and Guinabasan River

Figure 8. Comparison of Species Composition in Guadalupe River and

Guinabasan River

Based from the data, calculation of Shannon-Weiner Biodiversity Index (H‘)

value in Guadalupe River - a polluted river and Guinabasan River - a clean river were

2.14 and 1.03 respectively. Guadalupe River had a higher species diversity compared

with Guinabasan River. There were 26 species of phytoplankters present in Guadalupe

River as shown in Fig. 4. This implies that phytoplankters in this river was moderately

diverse. This proliferation or enhanced phytoplankton growth in the polluted river can be

explained by several factors. Algal blooms likely result from a combination of

environmental factors including: available nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) that

promote their growth and multiplication turning the water green, stable water conditions

with no or little flows and long retention times, and turbidity of the water which is caused

by the presence of suspended particles and organic matter (flocs) in the water column

(CEES, 2013). However, in Guinabasan River having lower species diversity implies

that the phytoplankters in this river were not diverse. This might be due to the limited

images of planktonic microalgae captured by the researchers after the collection and low

amount of organic and inorganic nutrients that can slowly affect their proliferation. In

addition, the water in this clean river was fast –flowing in which some of the microalgae

cannot multiply rapidly since they were easily carried by the flow of the river.

However, the two studied rivers contained an equal dominance index. The

dominant species reflected the ecosystem functions such as process rates via species

identity and indirectly alters the relationship between process rates and species richness

(Hillibrand et al, 2008). In Guadalupe River, the five most dominant species found were

Spirogyra sp.1 (c= 0.14), followed by Oscillatoria sp.1 ( c=0.11), Microcystis sp.

(c=0.08), Gomphonema sp. (c=0.07), Botrycoccus sp.2 (c=0.07) and Nostoc sp.

(c=0.067). These species of planktonic microalgae mostly thrived in poor quality water

and may cause serious problems on the river as well as on other aquatic organisms since

some of these planktonic microalgae produced toxins. On the other hand, there were only

three species of phytoplankters found in Guinabasan River namely: Oedogonium sp.

with a total of 6 cells/mL, followed by Cryptomonas sp. with a total of 25 cells/mL and

Rhizosolenia sp. with a total of 1 cell/mL. These species of planktonic microalgae were

typically found in wide range of freshwaters and in oligotrophic rivers in which there

were only lesser amount of organic and inorganic nutrients present.

In contrast to the Biodiversity Index, the Species Evenness of Guinabasan River

was higher compared with Gudalupe River. A higher Evenness Index indicates a more

even distribution of individuals of species in the river (Sidiyasa et al, 2006). With

Guadalupe River, despite having higher diversity, its Evenness Index was lower

indicating that the distribution of species of individuals was uneven and concentrated in

several locations of the river (Sidiyasa et al, 2006) compared with Guinabasan River.

This can be explained by several factors that can limit the growth of the phytoplankters in

the different areas of the river like the pH, temperature, Biological Oxygen Demmand

(BOD), Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and organic or inorganic nutrient present (Flores and

Zafaralla, 2012).

Physicochemical Characteristics and Phytoplankters

The physical and chemical characteristics of Guadalupe and Guinabasan River

were monitored and analyzed on first week of January. Table 5 and Table 6 shows the

total mean of physical and chemical characteristics of Guadalupe and Guinabasan River

respectively and compared to the standard set by the DENR–EMB. The parameters

included were the temperature, pH, color, BOD and DO.

Table 5. Results of the Physico- chemical Characteristics of Guadalupe River

and Standard Limits for Class D River as Set by DENR-EMB

Parameter Upstream Midstream Downstream Mean DENR-EMB Interpretation

(DAO 90-34)

Temperature 27.0 28.0 28.0 27.33 Increase over Within the

(°C rise) ambient standard
not more than

Ph 7.11 7.39 7.64 7.38 6.0-9.0 Within the


Dissolved 1.3 0 0 0.43 3.0(minimum) Below the

Oxygen 40(maximum) standard

Biological 7.3 28 95 43.43 1(minimum) Beyond the

Oxygen 15(maximum) standard

Color Clear to Dark Gray to black No abnormal Below the

light brown to discoloration standard
brown more from unnatural
intense causes
dark brown

The total mean of the temperature is 27.33°C in which it is still within the

standard for the surface water of DENR-EMB. The upstream area of Guadalupe River

has a temperature of 27°C while the midstream and downstream have 28°C. The pH level

of upstream, midstream and downstream area were slightly basic which are 7.11, 7.39

and 7.38 respectively. The average pH level of the river is 7.38 which is still within the

standard value of DENR-EMB limit (6.0-9.0). The Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) in

the upstream is 7.2 and largely increases in the midstream and downstream which are 28

and 95 respectively. The mean BOD of the river which is 43.43 does not conform to the

standard of the DENR-EMB (limit: 1-15). The Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in the upstream is

1.3. There is no more DO in the midstream and downstream area. The mean DO also

failed to conform to the standard of DENR-EMB (limit: 3-40). For the whole area of the

river, the color is not within the standard set by the DENR-EMB because an abnormal

discoloration occurred.

Based on the data, the study shows that the mean temperature of the river which is

27.33 ˚C is within the acceptable limit for the DENR-EMB Standard. As the

temeperature rises, there is no more DO in the water (as shown in the midstream and

downstream). It conforms to the study of Effler and Badder (1998) in which the

temperature of water influences the amount of dissolved oxygen present; less oxygen

dissolves in warm water than cold water.

Some organisms in the river are sensitive to changes in pH level and some of

them may not able to tolerate the changes. Decline in pH can cause toxicity to aquatic

organisms and may result to death. For example, a pH of 4 or less can‘t be tolerated by

these aquatic organisms in the river (Martinez et al, 2011). In the case of Guadalupe

River, an average pH of 7.38 is still within the standard set by the DENR-EMB where

there are still species of planktonic microalgae found among the three streams.

On the other hand, the mean BOD level of Guadalupe River was beyond the

acceptable limit of 1-15 mg/L set by DENR, indicating that there is greater degree of

organic pollution in the area. As more organic matter enters the river, more oxygen is

used up for aerobic oxidation resulting in the rise of BOD (US EPA, 1997). This could be

attributed to the organic materials coming from pigpen wastes, poultry wastes, drainages,

household wastes, hospital wastes and decaying solid wastes dumped in the area as

observed by the researchers. These wastes ended up in the river due to absence of proper

waste disposal system in the barangay surrounding the river. The researchers also

observed that that some households in the area did not have sanitary toilets and human

wastes find their way into the river. The breakdown of these organic wastes by

microorganisms requires oxygen thereby depleting the DO concentration (Martinez et al,

2011). The greater the BOD, the more oxygen is depleted (De Catalina, 2013). This

resulted in a low DO concentration which is below the required minimum level of 3.0

mg/L set by DENR-EMB standard.

The organic wastes coming from the domestic wastewater, discharges from the

establishments, kitchens and others directly affects the color of the water in Guadalupe

River. This does not confront to the DENR-EMB standard which states that no abnormal

discoloration from unnatural causes must be observed (DAO No.34, 1990). The increased

discoloration and turbidity of the water may affect the availability of sunlight which will

be utilized for photosynthesis of the phytoplankters. There are three different color

changes observed by the researchers such as: clear to light brown (upstream), dark brown

to more intense dark brown (midstream) and gray to black (downstream).

Base on the data above, Spirogyra sp. 1 with species abundance of 19 cells/mL

and grows abundantly in all parts of the sampling areas can be noted to be able to thrive

from the less polluted area of the river in the upstream to the most polluted area of the

river in the downstream. Microcystis sp. can be regarded as specific phytoplankton that

can greatly proliferate from a less and moderate pollution area in the river but can hardly

thrive in a very polluted area of it hence this phytoplankton is the most abundant species

in the midstream (8 cells/mL) but least abundant in the upstream area( 3 cells/mL). On

the other hand, Nostoc sp. which is the most abundant species in the downstream area

(7cells/ml) can proliferate in the most polluted part of the river where there is no

Dissolved Oxygen and Biological Oxygen Demand is at its highest (95 mg/L).

Based on the overall results of the study, the Guadalupe River water can be

classified as Class D, Industrial Water Supply Class II. It has large amount of nutrient

content as indicated by the greater BOD, low DO, discoloration of the water and presence

of planktonic microalgae that inhabit in slow running water and has deposited nutrients.

The temperature of the water also affects the DO concentration of the water. In terms of

the pH level of the water it can be still inhabited by some aquatic organism since the

mean pH level is not below 4.

The two identified main reasons for the deterioration of the river water quality

are the large amount of discharged household wastewater and the compounding problems

on solid waste management at the barangay level. Guadalupe River is a highly

contaminated water body which is bordering along densely populated areas in Cebu City.

For residents directly exposed to the river water, health risks are coming from high

pollution levels with all kinds of organic compounds as observed in the BOD. In this

way, the poor water quality of Guadalupe River is depriving the residents from their

quality of life significantly (DENR-EMB, 2012).


Table 6. Results of Physico-chemical Characteristics of Guinabasan River and

Standard Limits for Class A as Set by DENR-EMB

Parameter Upstream Midstream Downstream Mean DENR-EMB Interpretation

(DAO 90-34)

Temperature 25.0 25.0 27.0 25.67 Increase over Within the

(°C rise) ambient standard
temperature not
more than 3C

pH 7.58 7.81 7.81 7.73 6.5-8.5 Within the


Dissolved 7.2 7.5 7.5 7.40 5.0(minimum) Within the

Oxygen 70(maximum) standard

Biological 0.3 0.7 0.4 0.47 5(maximum) Within the

Oxygen standard

Color Clear Clear Clear No abnormal Within the

discoloration standard
from unnatural

In Guinabasan River, the upstream and midstream area of Guinabasan River both

have a temperature of 25°C while the downstream has 27°C. The total mean of the

temperature is 25.67°C in which it is still within the standard for the surface water of

DENR-EMB. The pH level of the upstream, midstream and downstream area were

slightly basic which are 7.58, 7.81 and 7.81 respectively. The average pH level of the

river is 7.73 which is still within the standard value of DENR-EMB limit (6.5-8.5). The

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) in the upstream is 0.3, in the midstream is 0.7 and in

the downstream is 0.4. The mean BOD of the river which is 0.47 is below on the standard

of the DENR-EMB (limit: 1-5). The Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in the upstream is 7.2 and

both the midstream and downstream have 7.5. The mean DO of the river is 7.4 which

confronts on the standard of DENR-EMB (limit: 5-70). For the whole area of the river,

the color is within the standard set by the DENR-EMB.

Based on the data, the study shows that the mean temperature of the river which is

25.67 ˚C is within the acceptable limit for the DENR-EMB Standard. This implies that

the river is tolerable for the green algae since its optimum temperature ranges between

25- 35°C as stated by Hawkes (1969). Water temperature also affects the rate of many of

the river‘s biological and chemical processes. Based from the result of the study, as the

temperature increases, the dissolved oxygen also increases (as shown in the upstream and

downstream). This result was however, negated by Flores and Zafaralla (2012). Water

temperature affects the oxygen content of the water (cold water holds more oxygen), the

rate of plant growth and the metabolic rate of aquatic organisms.

The pH of water influences both physicochemical and biological processes such

as the availability and toxicity of nutrients, metals and other important compounds

(Flores and Zafaralla, 2012). The mean pH of Guinabasan River which is 7.73 is within

the standard of DENR-EMB which implies that the river is slightly basic and contains

small amount of nutrients and the water is still tolerable for some aquatic organisms.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels indicate the capacity of a natural body of water for

maintaining aquatic life (Singh et al., 2010; Ugwu and Wakawa, 2012). Decomposing

organic material in the water lowers the amount of oxygen available to aquatic life

(Flores and Zafaralla, 2012). The mean DO of the river which is within the standard of

DENR-EMB is 7.40. This shows that the river has more oxygen available to aquatic life.

The mean of the BOD level of Guinabasan River was within the acceptable limit

set by DENR-EMB (maximum 5). Biological Oxygen Demand is an indication of the

organic quality in water. In the study, the low BOD implies that the water of Guinabasan

River has low organic contents which cause only few phytoplankters inhabiting the area.

In the appearance of the water there is no abnormal discoloration from unnatural

causes. As observed by the researchers, the water is very clear. There is no garbage or

any human and industrial waste seen since there were no establishments and houses

constructed along the riverbanks.

Based on the overall results of the study, the Guinabasan River water can be

classified as Class A, Public Water Supply Class II. In general, the river can be still

beneficially used for sources of water supply that will require complete treatment in order

to meet the NSDW (DAO No.34). The moderate temperature, slightly basic pH level,

high DO, fast flowing and clear water, and only few species of planktonic microalgae

present indicates that Guinabasan River has only small amount of organic materials were

present. There were only three species of planktonic microalgae were present here and

identified by the researchers. In terms of the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)

concentration, it is only low which implies that only few aquatic organisms inhabited the

river. This shows the water of Guinabasan River is not contaminated with greater degree

of different inorganic and organic pollutants and it is still clean and safe water for

consumption as well as for aquatic animals.




A total of 26 species and 14 genera of planktonic microalgae were present in

Guadalupe River while only three species and genera were found in Guinabasan River.

The most abundant species in Guadalupe River was Spirogyra sp. 1 and Oedogonium

sp.4 in Guinabasan River. The species found in the two rivers were very different since

many of the phytoplankters in Gudalupe River were known to cause harmful algal bloom

like the Microcystis sp. and easily thrived in polluted or nutrient rich environment such as

Spirogya sp.1. In Gudalupe River, there was a higher species diversity compared with

Guinabsan River. This was supported with the Shannon Weiner Index where species

diversity (H) in Guadalupe River is 2.14 while it was 1.03 in Guinabsan River. This trend

could be attributed to higher mean BOD concentration and other physico-chemical

parameters which indicated that there was a high nutrient content in Guadalupe River that

causes the proliferation of many species of microalgae. The low species diversity and

richness of the Guinabsan River can be attributed to the equilibrium effect where

biodiversity stabilizes ecosystems and usually prevents the over-proliferation of a species

(SLRIES, 2009). The species dominance (c) in Guadalupe and Guinabasan River were

just equal which is 0.34. In terms of species evenness (E), the species of Guinabasan

River was higher compared with Guadalupe River. This indicates that Guinabasan River

had a more even distribution of individuals of species.


Anthropogenic activities along Guadalupe River were the most observable factors

that influenced the proliferation of phytoplankters as well as with the condition of the

rivers. In Guadalupe River where there were many organic effluents coming from

domestic wastes and household sewage, a greater species of phytoplankters existed. In

Guinabasan River where only few people resided near the river, a lesser number of

phytoplankters has been recorded.

The physico-chemical parameters measured in the study had a greater effect also

on the survival of planktonic algae in the river. The higher the temperature and BOD

concentration of the river, the more it contained organic and inorganic nutrients that

enhanced the multiplication of harmful algal bloom. On the other hand, the higher

Dissolved Oxygen, the lesser amount of organic and inorganic nutrients present in the

river. These physico-chemical parameters also reflected the current status of the two

rivers based from the DENR-EMB standard wherein Guadalupe River was still in its

current state as Class D River while Guinabasan River could be classified as Class A

River where it can be beneficially used as Water Supply Class II.


There were more abundant phytoplankters present in Guadalupe River compared

with Guinabasan River. It was also more diverse than Guinabasan River although

diversity index would suggest that this was only moderate. The two rivers had an equal

dominance level. The moderate abundance and diversity of the polluted river could be

attributed to high nutrient overload in it as indicated by the very high Biological Oxygen

Demand. On the other hand, low nutrient status of the Guinabasan River could prevent

rapid proliferation of different species of phytoplankters. Guinabasan River however had

the higher species equitability than Guadalupe River although in Guinabasan River only 3

species were present. Physicochemical parameters measured implied that Guadalupe

River is still on the brink of pollution while Guinabasan River maintained its status as

one of the cleanest rivers in Cebu.


Since some parts of Guadalupe River contained only low amount of organic and

inorganic nutrients and other physico-chemical parameters that were still within the

standard set by the DENR-EMB, particularly in the upstream area, there is still a big

reason that this river which is now in the ugly and unhealthy condition can be

rehabilitated. Thus, the researchers would particularly recommend collaboration between

the public and private sectors to play a significant role in working with a long time

rehabilitation plan of the Guadalupe River. The residents, themselves of the Guadalupe

River could also play an important role in eradicating household activities that could

worsen the current condition of the river.

In the case of Guinabasan River, its current condition must be preserved in order

to avoid contamination of the water supply which is one of the critical environmental

issues that threaten the future agricultural production and domestic and industrial uses of

water. Therefore, a sustainable management of the river systems is highly needed in order

to live up to the goal of having a brighter chance to enjoy water in the future.

The researchers would also recommend to have a longer period of study and

different climatic conditions on the polluted and unpolluted river to get a more justifiable

species diversity. The researchers also recommend to conduct an annual biomonitoring to

the studied rivers so that proper rehabilitation and management will be realized. For the

restoration of the river systems being destructed, it also entails the cooperation of all the

people especially the residents nearby the river.



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Table 3: Physico-chemical Characteristics of Guadalupe River

Parameter Upstream Midstream Downstream Mean

Temperature 27.0 28.0 28.0 27.33

(°C rise)
pH 7.11 7.39 7.64 7.38

Dissolved Oxygen 1.3 0 0 0.43


Biological Oxygen 7.3 28 95 43.43

Demmand (mg/L)

Color Clear to light Dark brown to Gray to black

brown more intense dark

Table 4: Physico-chemical Characteristics of Guinabasan River

Parameter Upstream Midstream Downstream Mean

Temperature 25.0 25.0 27.0 25.67

(°C rise)
pH 7.58 7.81 7.81 7.73

Dissolved Oxygen 7.2 7.5 7.5 7.40


Biological Oxygen 0.3 0.7 0.4 0.47

Demmand (mg/L)

Color Clear Clear Clear




Table 5: Cell Density of Phytoplankters in the Nine Sampling Sites of Guadalupe


Species Upstream Midstream Downstream Grand

(cells/mL) (cells/mL) (cells/mL) Total
St.1 St. 2 St. 3 Total St.4 St.5 St.6 Total St.7 St.8 St.9 Total (cells/mL)

1) Anabaena sp. 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 4
2) Aulocoseira sp. 1 0 4 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
3) Aulocoseira sp. 2 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
4) Botrycoccus sp. 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
5) Botrycoccus sp. 2 4 3 3 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
6) Botrycoccus sp. 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 2
7) Botrycoccus sp. 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
8) Cryptomonas sp. 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
9) Gomphonema sp. 0 1 0 1 3 1 3 7 1 0 1 2 10
10) Haematococcus sp. 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
11) Microcystis sp. 1 1 1 3 3 2 3 8 0 0 0 0 11
12) Navicula sp. 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 4
13) Nitzschia sp. 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 4 0 0 0 0 5
14) Nostoc sp. 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 3 3 1 7 9
15) Oedegonium sp. 1 0 4 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
16) Oedogonium sp. 2 3 1 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17) Oedogonium sp. 3 1 3 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
18) Oscillatoria sp. 1 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 7 3 2 1 6 15
19) Oscillatoria sp. 2 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 0 3 8
20) Pandorina sp. 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 4
21) Poryphyridium sp. 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
22) Spirogyra sp. 1 4 5 3 12 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 3 19
23) Spirogyra sp. 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
24) Spirogyra sp. 3 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
25) Spirulina sp. 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
26) Volvox sp. 3 1 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5

Table 6: Cell Density of Phytoplankters in the Nine Sampling Sites of Guinabasan


Species Upstream Midstream Downstream Grand

(cells/ mL) (cells/ mL) (cells/ mL) Total
St. 1 St. 2 St. 3 Total St.4 St. 5 St. 6 Total St. 7 St. 8 St. 9 Total

1) Cryptomonas 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 4

2) Oedogonium sp.4 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 3 6

3) Rhizosolenia sp. 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

GRAND TOTAL 2 0 0 2 2 2 0 4 1 2 2 5 11

Table 7: Species Distribution in Guadalupe River

Area Species Diversity Dominance Index Species Evenness

Index (H) (c) (e)

Upstream 2.67 0.52 0.83

Midstream 2.26 0.35 0.95

Downstream 1.48 0.14 0.92

MEAN 2.14 0.34 0.90


Table 8: Species Distribution in Guinabasan River

Area Species Diversity Dominance Index Species Evenness

Index (H) (c) (e)

Upstream 1.01 0.27 0.92

Midstream 1.02 0.29 0.93

Downstream 1.07 0.45 0.98

MEAN 1.03 0.34 0.94





Nov. 22, 2013 ( Friday)

Fare (Cebu to Asturias) – back and forth P 160 each x 3 = 480

Nov.23, 2013 (Saturday)

Fare (Asturias/Brgy. Bago - Brgy. P 150 each x 3 = 450

Agbanga) – back and forth (pakyaw)

Nov. 29, 2013 (Friday)

Fare ( to Guadalupe) - back and forth P 14 each x 3 = 42

Dec. 4, 21013 (Wednesday)

Fare ( to DENR 7) – back and forth P 20 each x 3 = 60

Dec. 11, 2013 ( Wednesday)


9 bottles per river ( 10 each) P 90 x 2 = P 180

Cheese cloth P 30

Tapeline P 40

Battery for pH meter P 90

70% alcohol P 25

Cotton P8

3 pairs of sterile gloves P 10 x 3 = 30

Mask P 5 x 3 = 15

Straw P 10

Ice bucket P 82

Dec. 13, 2013 ( Friday )

Fare (to Guadalupe  Brgy. P 34 x 3 = 102

Sapangdaku) – back and forth

Jan. 3, 2014 (Friday)

Fare (to Guadalupe)  P 7 x 3 = 21

Brgy. Sapangdaku  Brgy. Kalunasan – P 40 x 3 = 120

back and forth

 Brgy. Sambag 1  Brgy. San

P 21 x 3 = 63

 Labangon (Techno lab)


Jan. 4, 2014 (Saturday)

Fare  ( Cebu to Asturias/Brgy. Bago) P 80 x 3 = 240

P 150 x 3 = 450

 Brgy. Agbanga to Sta. Lucia

P 130 x 3 = 390

 back to Cebu  Labangon

Jan. 15, 2014 ( Wednesday)

Get the Result/ Payment P 1,600 each x 3 = 4800

TOTAL P 7,728



Guadalupe River


Station 1 Station 2 Station 3

(Brgy. Sapangdaku) (Brgy. Kalunasan) (Brgy. Guadalupe)


Station 4 Station 5 Station 6

(Brgy. Sambag II) (Brgy. Calamba) (Brgy. Sambag I)


Station 7 Station 8 Station 9

(Brgy. Pahina San Nicolas) (Brgy. Pasil) (Brgy. Ermita)

Guinabasan River


Station 1 Station 2 Station 3

(Brgy. Baye) (Brgy. Banban) (Brgy. Agbanga)


Station 4 Station 5 Station 6

(Brgy. Agtugop) (Brgy. Sta. Rita) (Brgy. New Bago)


Station 7 Station 8 Station 9

(Brgy. Old Bago) (Brgy. Sta. Lucia) (Brgy. Sta. Lucia)

Collection of Water Samples. Collection of Phytoplankton Samples

Transferring the samples collected Adding Logule‘s solution into the

into the bottle. phytoplankton samples collected to
preserve them.

Listing of the data gathered in the area

The phytoplankton and water samples Viewing the samples using compound
collected in Guinabasan and Guadalupe microscope.

Capturing images of phytoplankters Identification of phytoplankters








Magsaysay Hills, Toledo City, Cebu
Phone: 09098886456 09236272594

To acquire a challenging position that allows me to utilize my current skills and
capabilities for career development.

 [2010 - 2014] Cebu Normal University Cebu City
Bachelor of Science in Biology

 [2006-2010] University of the Visayas –Toledo Campus Toledo City


 [2001-2006] South City Central School Toledo City



2010 – Present Member

Biological Society
Cebu Normal University

2010 – Present Member

Cebu Association of Biology
Cebu City

2010 – Present Member

Cebu of the Liberals of Arts
and Sciences Students
Cebu City


March 1, 2014 26th Annual Fr. Heinrich Schoenig

Biology Symposium
CAFA Theater
University of San Carlos

February 26, 2013 Greeneration Summit: A Gathering for

Youth Empowerment on Climate Change - Visayas
Oakridge Business Park
Mandaue City, Cebu

September 26, 2013 Capability Enhancement in Avian Genetics

Research in the Philippines
Tandang Sora Hall
Cebu Normal University

June 19, 2012 2012 University Research Congress

Cebu Normal University

September 22, 2011 Biotech Skills Seminar 2011

(Mushroom Production, Butterfly Mounting,
Vermi Composting, Takakura Composting,
Bonsai Making)
Eva Macapagal Memorial Hall
Cebu Normal University


 Good team member
 Communication skills
 Responsible and has initiative
 Willing to learn and to be trained
 Hardworking and can work independently
 Highly motivated and committed individual
 Knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, Power point, and Internet Explorer

Special Interests:

Computers, Music, Sports

Personal Information:

Age: 19 years of age

Birth date: January 26, 1994

Place of Birth: Masbate City

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Health: Excellent

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Height: 5‘

Weight: 40 kg.

Language: English, Tagalog, Bisaya


Character References:

Faculty, Biology Department
Cebu Normal University


Faculty, Biology Department
Cebu Normal University


Provincial Address: San Isidro, Calape, Bohol
Contact Number: 09075658437
E-mail Address:


To learn, lead and grow in whatever work I undertake to contribute my

best to the job for career development.


DATE OF BIRTH : June 12, 1993

AGE : 20

PLACE OF BIRTH : San Isidro, Calape, Bohol

GENDER : Female


RELIGION : Roman Catholic

HEIGHT : 5’.0

WEIGHT : 42 kg.



TERTIARY Bachelor of Science in Biology

Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City

SECONDARY Calape National High School

Sta. Cruz, Calape, Bohol

ELEMENTARY San Isidro Elementary School

San Isidro, Calape, Bohol


* Academic Excellence Award (Academic Year: 2010-2011 and 2011-2012)
*Good Leadership Award (Academic Year: 2013)


April 11-13, 2012 Science Research Assistant

“Impacts of Waste Disposal Practices of
Riverside Dwellers on the Biological
and Physicochemical Properties of
Buaton River, Mandaue City, Cebu

April 25 – May 6, 2012 On-the-Job-Trainee

Laboratory Analyst
Aquaculture Department
Marcela Farms Inc.
San Isidro, Calape, Bohol

April - May , 2013 On-the-Job-Trainee

Department of Agriculture
Cordova, Cebu


2010 – Present Member

Biological Society
Cebu Normal University

2010 – Present Member

Cebu Association of Biological Society
Cebu City

2010 – Present Member

College of the Liberals of Arts
and Sciences Students
Cebu Normal University


March 1, 2014 26th Annual Fr. Heinrich Schoenig

Biology Symposium
CAFA Theater
University of San Carlos

February 26, 2013 Greeneration Summit: A Gathering for

Youth Empowerment on Climate
Change - Visayas
Oakridge Business Park
Mandaue City, Cebu

September 26, 2013 Capability Enhancement in Avian

Research in the Philippines
Tandang Sora Hall
Cebu Normal University

June 19, 2012 2012 University Research Congress

Cebu Normal University

September 22, 2011 Biotech Skills Seminar 2011

(Mushroom Production, Butterfly
Mounting, Vermi Composting,
Takakura Composting,
Bonsai Making)
Eva Macapagal Memorial Hall
Cebu Normal University


*Knows English, Cebuano, Tagalog and Basic Spanish

*Good Communication Skills
*Good Leadership Skills
*Exposed in research and experiment oriented works
*Computer literate in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point
*Able to do various duties as assigned and as needed



Faculty, Biology Department
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City
Mobile Number: 09053259075
Office Telephone: (032) 253-7915


Faculty, Biology Department
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City
Office Telephone: (032) 253-7915

Head, Chemistry Laboratory
BFAR, Regional Office-7
Arellano Boulevard, Cebu City
Mobile Number: 09231143999
Office Telephone: (032) 256-2774

Eric A. Villamejor
Talo-ot, Argao, Cebu

 To apply for a job for further growth in your department that will utilize my skills
and capabilities for career development.

Personal Information:

 Date of Birth: January 18, 1993

 Place of Birth: Talo-ot, Argao, Cebu
 Sex: Male
 Civil status: Single
 Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Qualification:

Tertiary Education
Cebu Normal University
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City
March 2014

Secondary Education
Sibonga National High School
Poblacion, Sibonga, Cebu
April 2006

Elementary Education
Talo-ot Central Elementary School
Talo-ot, Argao, Cebu
March 2001

Work Experience:

 On- the -Job Training

CPHU (Water and Clinical Laboratory)
April 19 – May 10 , 2013

 On-the- Job Training

Provincial Environment and Natural Resources (PENRO)
April 15-19 , 2013

 On – the – Job Training

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR- 7) Laboratory
April – May 2012

 Student Research Assistant of the Research project entitled― Impact of Waste

Disposal Practices of Riverside Dwellers on the Biological and Physico-chemical
Properties of the Butuanon River, Mandaue City‖
April 13, 2012

Co- Curricular Activities

Biological Society
Cebu Normal University
S.Y. 2012-2013

 Podium Presenter of the Research Paper entitled " Sleeping Habits of the Person
at Night (lights off and lights on) Affects the Sleeping Experiences (having
difficulty in sleeping or not) and Occurrence of Diseases per year of a Person"
2013 University Research Congress
Cebu Normal University
September 30, 2013

Seminars Attended

26th Annual Fr. Heinrich Schoenig Biology Symposium

University of San Carlos
March 1, 2014

Capability Enhancement in Avian Genetic Research in the Philippines

Cebu Normal University
September 26, 2013

Biotechnical Skills Seminar

Cebu Normal University
September 11, 2013

Cebu City River Summit

Cebu International Convention Center
September 21, 2013

Cebu City River Summit

University of San Carlos
September 21, 2012
CNU SSG -7th Leaders Congress

Cebu Normal University

November 24, 2012

Greeneration Summit
Oakridge, Mandaue City

Biotechnical Skills Seminar

Cebu Normal University
September 22, 2011


 Considerable expertise in English Communication

 Substantial knowledge in doing research works
 Hardworking and can work independently
 Have leadership and skills

Character References:

 Mrs. Ma. Lilibeth Abaquita

Biology Instructor
Cebu Normal University

 Mrs. Joezen Corrales

Biology Instructor
Cebu Normal University

 Mrs. Luzviminda Bato

Head,Chemistry Laboratory

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