25 Elephant Populations - Limiting Factors

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Name:Justin Yang Period: 1

Assessing Elephant Populations: Using population census numbers

Tsavo is a region in Kenya that includes the Tsavo River. Below are three of the areas surveyed in which elephants live. Complete the table and, using the totals
provided, complete a line graph to show the population trend over time. Be sure that increments on the X- and Y-axis are equal and each has a label. Also add a
title on the line provided.

Table 1. Elephants counted in the Tsavo ecosystem from 1962 to 2011.

1962 1965 1969 1970 1972 1973 1978 1988 1989 1991 1994 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011
TsavoEN 4073 8056 6619 6545 6435 9011 220 770 134 450 399 1337 4089 2499 4118 2094
TsavoES 1358 4744 5709 6008 6633 3955 2469 2283 3020 3436 2733 3221 2087 3896 3731 4120
TsavoW 1394 2238 8134 6592 4328 9208 1938 1274 2106 1233 3132 2119 2168 2626 2161 2142
6825 15038 20462 19145 17396 22174 4627 4327 5260 5119 6264 6677 8344 9021 10010 8356
(Source - Leuthold 1973; Olindo et al. 1988; Douglas-Hamilton et al. 1994; Kahumbu et al. 1999; Omondi
et al. 2008)
Using the graph you created, answer the following questions.

1) Describe the overall elephant population trend over time. It started to increase from 1962, however it greatly decreased from 1973 to 1978 and
it once starts to increase slowly.

2) When was the elephant population in Tsavo the highest? What was the highest point that the population reached? 1973

3) When was the elephant population in Tsavo the lowest? What was the lowest point that the population reached? 1988

4) List possible factors that could have resulted in a decrease in elephants. Then provide a description for each.

Limiting factor:Limited water resources Description:If water resources are being limited, elephants will be thirsty and they will be hard to
Limiting factor:Large population of elephant’s predator. Description: If there is a large population of elephant’s predator, elephants should run
away and they will be easily exhausted.

Limiting factor:Used for experimentsDescription: Elephants might be used for scientific experiments which can cause them to die.

Limiting factor:Less carbohydrateDescription: If their main food resources decrease, they should starve.

Use the graph below to answer the questions at the right. 5) How does this graph compare to the graph you created? Be specific!
Compared to my line graph, this graph is linear because it constantly increases
as year changes

6) This graph is lacking a title. How is this graph different from the one you
This graph starts from after 1985, and it only increases. However, my graph
has both decreased and increased in population.

7) What could this graph mean based on your answers to questions 5 and 6?
It is a wrong graph based on the information of the population from 1962 to
Name: Period:

Assessing Elephant Populations: Using geographic data

At the right, you see two maps of the Tsavo region in Kenya. The top includes dots that show
where different elephant herds live and the bottom shows the geography without those
populations represented. Answer the following questions regarding this new data.

1) On the top map, circle where elephants are most densely populated.

2) Based on the geographic features on the map below, why do you think the population

density is higher in most of the area you circled?

3) Is the feature you described a biotic or an abiotic feature?

4) Based on the data in the maps, what patterns do you notice when observing the hot spots

for the Tsavo elephant herds?

5) Previously you listed limiting factors that affect elephant populations. List them here
and label each as biotic or abiotic.

Limiting factor: Type:

Limiting factor: Type:

Limiting factor: Type:

Limiting factor: Type:

Limiting factor: Type:
Using the data table at the right, answer the following questions.

1) What is the average population size of all the herbivores in 2010? And in 2016?

2) Explain how you calculated the answers to question 1 using the data provided.

3) What is the average population size of all the carnivores in 2010? And in 2016?

4) How does the population of herbivores compare to the population of carnivores


5) How does the difference in the general size of the populations relate to the

trophic level in which these organisms are found?

6) What was the overall trend in the size of the herbivore populations between

2010 and 2016?

7) What was the overall trend in the size of the carnivore populations between

2010 and 2016?

8) Would the energy pyramid for this ecosystem be stable?

Provide evidence from the data that supports your answer.

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