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See W.

Preger, Gleschichte der deutschen Mystik im

of the piebald pattern. But the author of this article has

grassy highland lying mainly to the east of the chain of great

one of these in his Natural History of Staffordshire

Iron Pills . . . 16 .. ..

composition, the fuze could be made to burn approximately

but ascribe the renascence there to an influx of new blood

a bullet of the same principle, adopted into the British

Tuscaloosa; a penitentiary, established in 1839, at Wetumpka;

preliminary to this conjugation; otherwise the process is the

trough is covered with mercury. The sodium as it is formed

now this uncompromising spirit was moving, at the instance of

city of Calgary (1752). The North-West Company of Montreal

religion. In 1091 the Almoravides stormed Seville. El

recent development in methods of travelling and the growing custom

importance as an emporium for west central Anatolia. It is

on the vigour of the individual, the richness of the soil

to sell the product at 3s. 9d. per oz. This enterprise

Borja, was assumed by him on the elevation of his maternal

fallen. He says--``Lines do not always begin with a loud

mineral. On exposure to heat, amethyst generally becomes

spreading through the Turkomans as far east as Manchuria.

where the stream makes a vertical leap of 70 ft. Another

coast the monsoons of the Indian Ocean are regularly felt,

state of anarachy into which Morocco fell during the latter

positive lens and the second a negative lens; the powers,

chloride. When this takes place in an aqueous solution, the

mathematical and astronomical subjects. Ibn Ezra died on the

and has not been uniform throughout. In the Eastern Alps

were superseded by another--a process which had been originally

ears the distinction between the sounds was very small. To

Animals from the Channel Islands may be landed at Southampton.

into five districts, the chief towns of which are: Omsk (pop.

photophobia, and is characterized by the albinotic facies.

a diversion in favour of the operations of Cornwallis in the

Histoire de l'A.irique septentrionale sous la domination

The fatal disease known as anthrax did not form the

origin, and which in some cases belong to the common stock

such systems: ``corrected for the angle of aperture u*

nell' Antichita 1891); W. Brockedon, Illustrations of the

Alghero on his way to Africa in 1541. The coral and fishing

useless. The specific output can be made as high as 10 or

the Historia de proeliis,1 printed at Strassburg in 1486,

immediate vicinity of La Calle. In the high plateaus are

Indian Mutiny he served on the staff in a similar capacity.

Anglo-Italian-Abyssinian treaty signed at Adis Ababa on the

university, and a memorial (1905) over the grave of Colonel

von Francois) made several voyages in the steamer ``Peace,''

only to local accuracy for a particular district. In some

in Aristotle's day for a special breed of fowls. Even at

ARG. Argentum.

devot and finally obtained the dismissal of the minister

new. In Crete, at least, the excavations show that the

and was granted by Henry VIII. to Sir John Russell, ancestor

covered the early necropolis of Alba Longa, and occasionally

delineation of the details of costume, &c., is minute and

on the river Lenne, 38 m. S.S.E. from Dortmund. Pop. (1900)

siecle (1892)---was of its nature ephemeral. So were

of a physical geology, and criticized the theories of the

The Bangiales are a relatively small group of Red Algae,

and east of Amman is distinguished by its fertility; and

construction policy in detail. The general construction policy

Archaeological research, stimulated by the reports of Thomas

chief. The United States was, at this time, drawn into the

J. N. Monmerque and F. Michelin Theatre fr. au moyen

Gross Spannort . . . . . . . . 10,516 Napf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,629

motion can ever arise in it through any kind of disturbance;

Aesthetics''---with a theory of art (Kunstwissenschaft). The

was not a comprehensive act superseding the previous acts,

AMARAR, a tribe of African ``Arabs'' inhabiting the

unit time, here gives no definite result. The establishment

Junius. His last work was an edition of Wilkes's correspondence,

Museum. Aertszen was a member of the Academy of St Luke,

the senate, probably on the ground of some technical flaw.

A is a cooler (C) consisting of pipes through which cold

his lien by landing the goods and retaining them in his own

were continually quarrelling, invaded their country and

and for its essential impartiality. Adams also published:

Royal Agricultural Society of England and other agricultural

made the impoverishment of the town, due to ill-government,

amounting to 21,000 men, assembled in Upper Sind and advanced

constantly. Thus an Adam house is a unique product of English

189; Mathes v. Bilabruck, ``Gedenkrede auf Weiland Sr. K.

the uncompromising opposition of Great Britain; and the main

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