SAP HANA Interactive Education SHINE en
SAP HANA Interactive Education SHINE en
SAP HANA Interactive Education SHINE en
Target Audience
■ Developers
■ Administrators
■ Others
Document version 1.0 – 2015/11/25
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1 SHINE – SAP HANA Interactive Education ......................................... 8
1.1 Exploring the Demo Application ..................................................................... 8
1.2 Support ............................................................................................................. 8
2 Getting Started - Importing the Demo Application ................................ 9
2.1 Locating the DU in SAP Support..................................................................... 9
2.2 Import DU (.tgz ) File ........................................................................................ 9
3 Prerequisites ...................................................................................... 12
3.1 Assigning Roles ............................................................................................. 12
3.2 Generate Time Data & Synonym Creation.................................................... 12
4 Explore the Demo Code ..................................................................... 14
5 SHINE Data Generator – Generating Demo Data ............................. 20
6 SHINE UI - Viewing the SHINE Demo Application ............................. 23
7 Navigation Help Features in SHINE ................................................... 25
8 SAP HANA Features Covered in SHINE............................................ 26
9 SAP HANA Artifacts Used in SHINE .................................................. 27
10 Scenarios.......................................................................................... 34
10.1 Outbound XSJS............................................................................................ 34
10.2 Job Scheduling ............................................................................................ 36
10.3 Stored Procedures and SQL Statements ................................................... 41
10.4 Rules on SAP HANA .................................................................................... 41
10.5 Core Data Services (CDS) / HDBDD ............................................................ 42
10.6 Tax Calculation Using Rules ....................................................................... 48
10.7 Fuzzy Search ................................................................................................ 51
10.8 OData Batch Requests ................................................................................ 53
10.9 Custom Exits for OData Write Requests .................................................... 55
10.10 SAP HANA UI Integration Services Fiori Launch Pad Site ...................... 57
10.11 Spatial ......................................................................................................... 59
10.12 HDB Association ........................................................................................ 62
10.13 ZIP API Function ........................................................................................ 63
10.14 Series Data ................................................................................................. 64
10.15 Series Data in Core Data Services (CDS) ................................................. 65
10.16 Unit Test on SAP HANA ............................................................................. 67
10.17 Full Text Search with SAPUI5, OData, and CDS....................................... 71
10.18 SAP HANA Extended Services (XS) Data Services (XSDS)..................... 74
10.19 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Mail Service ................................ 76
10.20 ETags and Null values in XSOData ........................................................... 79
10.21 Multiple File Support for CDS.................................................................... 81
10.22 Unmanaged Associations in CDS ............................................................. 83
10.23 Global Temporary Column Tables in Core Data Services ....................... 84
10.24 GlS Types and Function: ST_DISTANCE ................................................. 87
10.25 Hierarchy in Core Data Services (CDS) .................................................... 91
10.26 Repository Translation Tool ...................................................................... 96
10.27 Foreign Keys of Managed Associations in CDS .................................... 100
11 Tutorials .......................................................................................... 101
11.1 Tutorial: Creating an SQLScript Procedure that Uses Imperative Logic 101
11.2 Tutorial: Create a Table User-Defined Function ...................................... 105
11.3 Tutorial: Creating a Scalar User-Defined Function .................................. 109
11.4 Tutorial: Create a Hello-World SAP UI5 Application ................................ 113
11.5 Tutorial: Create and Translate Text Bundles for SAPUI5 Applications .. 116
11.6 Tutorial: Consume an XSJS Service from SAPUI5 .................................. 121
11.7 Tutorial: Consume an OData Service from SAPUI5 ................................. 127
11.8 Tutorial: Consume an OData Service with the CREATE Option ............. 134
12 Important Disclaimer for Features in SAP HANA Options ............. 143
13 Important Disclaimers on Legal Aspects ........................................ 144
1 SHINE – SAP HANA Interactive Education
SAP HANA Interactive Education, or SHINE, is a demo application that makes it easy to learn how to build
native SAP HANA applications. The demo application, delivered with SAP HANA in a special delivery unit
(DU), comes complete with sample data and design-time developer objects for the application's database
tables, data views, stored procedures, OData, and user interface.
The delivery unit defines the following applications:
• Enterprise Procurement Model Admin Console
This application lets you generate large quantities of data for testing, as well as create synonyms for use
in currency conversions.
• Enterprise Procurement Model Sample Application
This is a sample Sales Order Dashboard and Purchase Order Worklist to show how you could construct
similar native SAP HANA applications.
The delivery unit creates the schema SAP_HANA_DEMO and includes definitions for the following database
• Schema (.hdbschema)
• Tables (.hdbdd)
• Sequences (.hdbsequence)
• SQL views (.hdbview)
• Attribute, analytical, and calculation views (calculationview)
• Analytical Privileges (.analyticalprivilege)
• Procedures (.hdbprocedure)
• Decision Table (.hdbruldec)
• Job Scheduling (.xsjob)
Most of the database objects, including the tables, are created in the SAP_HANA_DEMO schema. The
views and procedures are created in the _SYS_BIC schema.
The delivery unit also comes with design-time objects for building the applications based on those database
objects, and are located in the sap.hana.democontent.epm package. These objects include:
• OData definitions (.xsodata)
• Server-side JavaScript code (.xsjs)
• SAPUI5 code (various file types in the ui packages)
• Security definitions, including:
• Role definitions (.hdbrole)
• Application privileges (.xsprivileges)
• Access rights and HTTP endpoint settings for the SAP HANA XS objects (.xsaccess)
1.2 Support
If you need support with SAP HANA Interactive Education, you can open a support ticket using the HAN-AS-
XSA-SHN component.
2 Getting Started - Importing the Demo
The SAP HANA Interactive Education (SHINE) delivery unit (DU) is available for download on the SAP
Software Download Center.
If you have installed a previous version of SHINE, remove it before installing the latest
version as follows.
1. Open SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management using the following URL.
2. Choose the PRODUCTS tab.
3. Choose the DELIVERY UNITS tab.
4. Select the SAP HANA Content Delivery Unit and then choose Delete.
5. Close the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management.
Finally, write and run an SQL script to remove (drop) the SAP_HANA_DEMO or
SAP_HANA_EPM_DEMO(SP06 SHINE) schema. (Use the SAP HANA studio or the SAP
HANA Web Workbench to do this.) An example of the SQL script follows.
Drop schema SAP_HANA_DEMO cascade
There are two methods for importing the DU file, depending on the development environment you are using.
Perform the steps for the tool you use.
d. Choose Finish.
If you receive errors in activation, reimport the DU.
If an error occurs, it can be because there is no activation sequence maintained in the DU,
even though all the artifacts are contained in it. When you reimport the DU, the tables are
activated first and then the views are activated.
After importing the demo application, you need to assign a role.
Ensure that your user has the sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator role assigned.
1. Open the SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management with the following URL.
Be sure to replace the WebServerHost and the SAPHANAInstance with the appropriate information for
your SAP HANA system.
2. On the Home screen, choose the Delivery Units tile.
3. Choose Import.
4. In the Import Delivery Unit popup, choose Browse, locate and select the .tgz file that you downloaded
in the previous task (chapter 2.1) and then choose Import.
At the bottom of the screen, the Import has been started message appears.
After importing the demo application, you need to assign a role.
3 Prerequisites
3.1 Assigning Roles
The demo application includes definitions for two new roles that are required to generate or reload demo
data or to view the demo application.
You need to grant only one of the roles. The Admin role includes all the privileges of the
User role.
4. In Session Client, enter 001.
This is required to enable currency conversions when executing analytic views.
5. Save your changes.
You should see the following in the SAP HANA Systems view for your system:
• Under Catalog, the SAP_HANA_DEMO schema
• Under Content, the sap.hana.democontent.epm package
In addition, an initial set of data is loaded into the demo application tables.
3. Click Generate Time data and Create Synonyms to run the prerequisite applications.
A red “X” appears, if this is not done.
4 Explore the Demo Code
To better understand how the demo application is put together, you can import the application project and
view the design-time files.
You must have the sap.hana.democontent.epm.roles::Admin role assigned to your user.
Use the developer guide for the development tool you want to use with the SHINE database
for more information about how to complete the tasks.
1. In the SAP HANA Systems view, add the system ID for your SAP HANA system.
2. In the SAP HANA Repositories view, create a repository workspace for the new system.
3. In the new workspace, click saphanademocontent with the alternate mouse button and select Checkout
and Import Projects.
This adds the SHINE project to the Project Explorer view, where you can explore the files that make up
the application.
The following image depicts some of the key parts of the design-time objects that make up the application;
these objects are available in the Project Explorer view of the SAP HANA studio. Each UI view has a
corresponding controller file that contains logic for interactions with that view.
When the application's development unit is deployed, initial data is created. The data is specified by the
following design-time object types in the data folder for each table:
• .hdbdd: Table definition
• .csv: Data file
• .hdbsequence: Definition for the ID sequence number for this table
For example, MD.hdbdd generates the master data tables, such as Business Partners, Addresses,
Products, Employees, and so on, as shown in the following image.
There is also an .hdbti file that maps each .csv file to the correct target table. For example, the
following image shows some of the .hdbti and .csv files in the loads folder:
The following image shows the PO Worklist application along with the design-time object that enables
each part of the UI:
The next image presents the Sales Dashboard application displayed using the Blue Crystal theme:
An example for Rules on HANA using DT_CUSTOMER_DISCOUNT_CALCULATION.hdbruledec follows.
The Decision Table is a matrix of rules that shows the discount for the companies across a region based on
the Amount of Sales, Sales Ranking, Amount of Orders, and Order Ranking. Based on the rules being
applied for the input data, the appropriate actions are concluded. The output of the rules determines the
This can be viewed as a graph in the dashboard.
5 SHINE Data Generator – Generating Demo Data
The demo application defines a set of tables, along with a basic set of initial data that comes in a set of
.csv files. For example, the sales orders table contains 1,000 records at the start. Furthermore, the demo
application comes with a tool for generating additional sales and purchase order records, as well as
reloading the master data tables.
You can use the initial data, but you must run the data generation tool to create synonyms.
You must have the sap.hana.democontent.epm.roles::admin role assigned to your user.
1. Open the Data Generator using the following URL:
http://<myServer>:<XS Port>/sap/hana/democontent/epm/admin/admin.html
Make sure to replace <myServer> and <XS Port> with the host name and port for your SAP HANA
XS installation. Generally, the port is 80 plus the 2-digit instance number; if the instance is 00, then
the port is 8000.
Option Definition
Reload Master Data Deletes all data and reloads the initial records that came with
the demo data for the following tables:
• addresses
• businessPartner
• constants
• employees
• messages
• products
• texts
Option Definition
Reload Transaction Deletes all data and reloads the initial records that came with
Data the demo data for the following tables:
• PO.Header
• PO.Item
• SO.Header
• SO.Item
Create Synonyms Creates synonyms for the following tables, to enable currency
• T006
• T006A
Reset Sequences Resets the sequences for the following types of records:
• address
• partner
• employee
• purchaseOrder
• salesOrder
• texts
• session
3. Choose Execute.
After the data has been generated, the Progress Log and the Model Data Volume screen sections
provide the result of the operation in text and chart format respectively.
6 SHINE UI - Viewing the SHINE Demo Application
You can work with and explore the demo EPM application, using purchase order data and sales orders, and
then view the code behind it to learn how it works. Use the following table to locate each scenario.
Scenario Description URL
XS Data XS Data Services (XSDS) are a native JavaScript http://<myServer>:<XS_Port>/
Services CDS client and query builder for the XS engine to sap/hana/democontent/epm/xsd
(XSDS) consume HANA-based records as native JavaScript s/ui/index.html
objects. This UI illustrates how a sales order with
multiple items can be created using XSDS query
builder. In future versions of SHINE all XSJS scripts
will be modified to use XSDS.
Unit Test XSUnit enables automated testing of HANA XS http://<myServer>:<XS_Port>/
Application content as well as database content in a sap/hana/testtools/unit/jasm
convenient and isolated way.The XSUnit test inexs/TestRunner.xsjs?packag
framework is a custom version of the JavaScript e=sap.hana.democontent.epm.t
Test framework Jasmine adapted to the XS Engine est
Full-text This example demonstrates how to define a search http://<myServer>:<XS_Port>/
Search with model with Core Data Services (CDS) and how to sap/hana/democontent/epm/ui5
SAPUI5, use SAPUI5 to build a search UI, leveraging the search/ui/index.html
ODATA, OData interface. In order to run full-text search
and CDS queries, full-text indexes are defined on tables
containing product related data, using CDS
Runtime This example demonstrates how to use the XS Job http://<myServer>:<XS_Port>/
Job Scheduling API's to schedule XS Jobs at runtime. sap/hana/democontent/epm/job
Scheduling You cannot however create new XS Jobs currently scheduling/ui/index.html
with XS Job API. However you can configure
existing XS Jobs via the XS Job API
ETags and This example demonstrates how to use ETags in http://<myServer>:<XS_Port>/
Null values XSOData and Null values for Entity properties in sap/hana/democontent/epm/eta
in XSOData XSOData gsxsodata/ui/index.html
OutBoundX Use server-side JavaScript to use the Outbound http://<myServer>:<XS_Port>/
SJS Connectivity API to request and obtain data via sap/hana/democontent/epm/ser
HTTP from service running on a remote host. vices/outboundTest.xsjs?cmd=
Hello World A Simple Hello World HANA XS application http://<myServer>:<XS_Port>/
Odata Basic Simple Application to Show Odata Operation on http://<myServer>:<XS_Port>/
Business Partner Table sap/hana/democontent/epm/ui/
Odata Meta Simple Application to Show Odata Operation on http://<myServer>:<XS_Port>/
Business Partner Table using metadata information sap/hana/democontent/epm/ui/
from the table odataMeta/index.html
xsjs Multiply Simple XSJS Service to multiply 2 numbers http://<myServer>:<XS_Port>/
Make sure that you replace <myServer> and <XS_Port> with the host name and port and instance
number (combined) for your SAP HANA XS installation. For example, if the port is 80 and the instance is
00, then the port is 8000.
7 Navigation Help Features in SHINE
When you log in to the Launchpad, a welcome screen, which is a navigation help feature built into SHINE,
appears. The welcome screen provides an overview of SHINE and the features that are available in it. Here
you can also learn which prerequisites are necessary to view the SHINE applications.
SHINE includes similar navigation help for each of the tiles/application that is available in the Launchpad.
For example, when you choose the Purchase Order worklist tile, you see an overview of the scenario and
the major artifacts used. In the UI Folder path section, choose the link to open the UI folder directly in the
development environment.
Additionally, you can see a question mark (?) beside the feature. Click on the question mark to see details
about the specific SAP HANA features/artifacts that are used in the scenario. To open the artifacts, click on
the links. This opens the development environment and from there you can open the artifacts.
8 SAP HANA Features Covered in SHINE
Available Since
HANA Feature Covered in SHINE Scenario SHINE Version
CDS - Global temporary column tables Data Generator SHINE 103
CDS - GIS Types and Function: Spatial
CDS – Series PO Worklist SHINE 103
CDS - Hierarchy SO Dashboard SHINE 103
HANA XS Admin Tool: Translation User CRUD SHINE 103
Foreign Keys of Managed Associations in CDS
Other Associations SHINE 103
ETags and Null values in XSOData ETags and Null values SHINE 10
Multiple file support for CDS Data SHINE 10
Unmanaged Associations in CDS Data SHINE 10
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Mail
Service Sales Order Worklist SHINE 09
SAP HANA Extended Services (XS) Data
Services (XSDS) XS Data Services (XSDS) SHINE 09
Full Text Search with SAPUI5, OData, and Full Text Search with SAPUI5, OData,
Unit Test on SAP HANA Test SHINE 09
Series Data Series Data SHINE 09
ZIP API Function PO Worklist SHINE 09
HDB Association EPM Hdbdd SHINE 08
Spatial Spatial SHINE 08
SAP HANA UI Integration Services Fiori
Launch Pad Site Fiori Launch Pad SHINE 73
OData Batch Requests USER CRUD SHINE 73
Fuzzy Search Sales Order Worklist SHINE 73
Tax Calculation Using Rules Sales Order Worklist SHINE 72
Core Data Services (CDS) / HDBDD Data SHINE 70
Rules on SAP HANA Sales Order Dashboard SHINE 70
Stored Procedures and SQL Statements Procedures SHINE 70
Job Scheduling + Job Scheduling via jobs SHINE 70 +
API Job Scheduling SHINE 93
Outbound XSJS Services Outbound XSJS SHINE 70
9 SAP HANA Artifacts Used in SHINE
The following table contains the list of artifacts used in SHINE and the names and location of each.
Artifact SAP HANA Artifact Name and Location
Schema SAP_HANA_DEMO.hdbschema
Security Definitions - Roles
Security Definitions –
Application Privileges .xsprivileges
Artifact SAP HANA Artifact Name and Location
Transactional Data Tables
contained in the CDS View "SAP_HANA_DEMO".""
CDS View Name /sap/hana/democontent/epm/data/Procedures.hdbdd
Table Types contained in the _product_detail"
CDS View – Procedures.hdbdd "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."
CDS View Name /sap/hana/democontent/epm/data/Util.hdbdd
Artifact SAP HANA Artifact Name and Location
Tables contained in the CDS TCURN"
View Conversions.hdbdd "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."
CDS View Name /sap/hana/democontent/epm/data/EPM.hdbdd
Tables contained in the CDS "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."
View EPM.hdbdd s"
Table Types contained in the "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."
CDS View – EPM.hdbdd "
CDS View Name /sap/hana/democontent/epm/data/JobsDemo.hdbdd
Tables contained in the CDS "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."
View JobsDemo.hdbdd ntimeSchedules"
Sequences rSeqId"
Artifact SAP HANA Artifact Name and Location
Views (Calculation Views) SIS"
Analytical Privilege AP_PURCHASE_ORDER_PROD_CAT.analyticalprivilege
Artifact SAP HANA Artifact Name and Location
Decision Tables ALCULATION/RV"
Artifact SAP HANA Artifact Name and Location
OData Definitions
Server Side Java Scripts
xshttpdest ""
xssecurestore ""
Artifact SAP HANA Artifact Name and Location
xssqlcc ""
Hello World - /sap/hana/democontent/epm/ui/HelloWorld
Launchpad - /sap/hana/democontent/epm/ui/launchpad
ODataBasic - /sap/hana/democontent/epm/ui/odataBasic
ODataMeta - /sap/hana/democontent/epm/ui/odataMeta
XSJS Multiply - /sap/hana/democontent/epm/ui/xsjsMultiply
Data Generator - /sap/hana/democontent/epm/admin
Purchase Order Worklist - /sap/hana/democontent/epm/ui/poworklist/
Sales Dashboard - /sap/hana/democontent/epm/ui/salesDashboard/
Sales Worklist - /sap/hana/democontent/epm/ui/salesDashboard/
10 Scenarios
10.1 Outbound XSJS
Use server-side JavaScript to use the Outbound Connectivity API to request and obtain data using the
HTTP address from service running on a remote host.
• The HTTPDestViewer SAP HANA user role is assigned for your user. (This role is included in the
• Your user must have the role sap.hana.xs.lm.roles.Developer assigned to edit the
images.xshttpdest file.
1. Locate the details of the HTTP destination in the images.xshttpdest configuration file as shown in
the following graphic.
Edit the proxyHost and proxyPort parameters to match your proxy details.
2. Open the SAP HANA XS Administration tool using the following URL:
http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/sap/hana/xs/admin/ to view the activated
HTTP destination.
Make sure that you replace <WebServerHost> and <SAPHANAInstance> with the host name and
port and instance number (combined) for your SAP HANA XS installation.
3. The outboundTest.xsjs contains the implementation for using the Outbound Connectivity API.
The request contains 2 parameters, cmd=Images(category) and search=HANA.
4. Use the following URL to view the output from running this API.
SAP HANA Extended Application Services include a server-side JavaScript API (Outbound API) that
enables access to a defined HTTP destination.
The HTTP destination provides services that an application can use, for example, to read live data.
For an HTTPS connection, a certificate needs to be maintained in the Trust store.
The HTTP destination file uses key value pairs and must be activated for the destination to be visible in the
SAP HANA XS Administration tool.
The configuration file containing the details of the HTTP destination must have the file extension
In SHINE, the outboundTest.xsjs file reads the images.xshttpdest destination file and accesses the
specified URL mentioned in the destination file.
Scheduled jobs are created by .xsjob files and can be used to define recurring jobs that run in the
You can do this using one of two methods, either execute an XS JavaScript function or call a SQLScript
• The JobAdministrator and HTTPDestAdministrator roles are assigned to your user. (These
roles are included in the Admin.hdbrole.)
• Enable the job-scheduling feature in SAP HANA XS.
Open the jobs configuration in xs admin using the URL
http://<myServer>:<XS_Port>/sap/hana/xs/admin/jobs. In the XS Job Dashbaord, enable
the scheduler.
1. The following image provides an example of the definition of an XS JavaScript function for job
2. The following image shows an example of defining a SQLScript procedure for job scheduling.
3. The XS JavaScript Job Scheduling API is used to allow the user to create new job schedules, delete
schedules, activate jobs, deactivate jobs, and so on from within the application. The code for this is
contained in the jobScheduler.xsjs file.
4. You can configure jobs in the Configure Jobs tab in jobscheduling component. Select a job and
enter the job configuration details, and then choose Save. You can access this using the following
5. You can schedule jobs at runtime. The can be done using the Schedule Jobs tab in the
jobscheduling component.
6. You can monitor job execution in the Monitor Jobs tab in the jobscheduling component.
10.3 Stored Procedures and SQL Statements
Many stored procedures have been added in this release.
The DU also contains the SQL statements for examples of using Triggers, Scalar UDFs, and Table UDFS:
application developers can now update or select the data from the database tables with a basic
understanding of SQL.
A decision table is a way to formulate rules of business, company or corporation in a table structure within
the business rules realm. It has been a powerful style to represent business rules, which otherwise would
have spanned over multiple rows, pages, and screens. Business rules articulated in form of a decision table
are easy to understand, clean, crisp, readable, and most importantly compressed.
As a result, when you want to write business rules that aid in better decision making with big data and
performing analytics over the results, then Business Rules powered by SAP HANA provides you that
All tables and structures are created using the following CDS views:
The Master Data CDS view, MD.hdbdd:
The catalog objects (Tables) created using the various CDS views can be found in
The catalog objects (Views) created using the various CDS views can be found in
The catalog objects (Table Types) created using the various CDS views can be found in
SAP_HANA_DEMO → Procedures → Table Types:
The following table provides information about which objects are created in a specific CDS view and where
the subsequent artifacts can be found.
CDS View Object SAP HANA Artifact Name and Location
MD.hdbdd "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."
Master Data Tables ner"
Master Data Views
MD.hdbdd "SAP_HANA_DEMO".""
Master Data Table Types "SAP_HANA_DEMO".""
PO.hdbdd "SAP_HANA_DEMO".""
Purchase Order
Transactional Data Tables "SAP_HANA_DEMO".""
Purchase Order
Transactional Data Views "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."
Sales Order Transactional "SAP_HANA_DEMO".""
Data Tables
Procedures.hdbdd "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."
Table Types duct_detail"
CDS View Object SAP HANA Artifact Name and Location
Util.hdbdd "SAP_HANA_DEMO".""
Utilities Tables "SAP_HANA_DEMO".""
Utilities Views "SAP_HANA_DEMO".""
User Tables "SAP_HANA_DEMO".""
Conversion.hdbdd RN"
Conversion Tables "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."
Enterprise Procurement
Model Tables "SAP_HANA_DEMO".""
Enterprise Procurement
Model Table Types "SAP_HANA_DEMO".""
JobsDemo.hdbdd "
Jobs Demo tables "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."
10.6 Tax Calculation Using Rules
The Rules for Tax Calculation are used to determine the tax code based on the Company Name (Business
Partner ID) and Product ID. This tax code helps to determine the tax amount for the Sales Order created
using the specific Business Partner ID and Product ID.
Decision Table: DT_TAX_CALCULATION.hdbruledec
The DT_TAX_CALCULATION Decision Table is a matrix of rules that shows the tax rate based on the
Company Name (the Business Partner ID) and the Product ID.
Based on the rules that are applied for the input data, the appropriate actions are made. The output of the
rules determines the tax rates.
Whenever a new Sales Order is created based on the company (the Business Partner ID) and the Product
ID, the Tax Amount is calculated based on the tax rates determined from the Decision Table.
Technical Details:
A new decision table (DT) DT_TAX_CALCULATION, is modeled that shows the tax rate based on the
Company Namde (the Business Partner ID) and the Product ID.
Upon activation, the decision table generates the
"_SYS_BIC"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.models/DT_TAX_CALCULATION" procedure.
This procedure is consumed in the soCreateMultiple.xsjs file. When the procedure is called passing
the input parameters as the Business Partner ID (the company) and the Product ID, it returns the tax factor
as the output that is used in the Tax Amount calculation.
This .xsjs file is bound to the Sales Order UI for creation of new sales orders.
Ensure that your Internet browser language setting is English. For more information, see SAP Note
1. Choose New on the Sales Order screen to create a new sales order.
2. In the Create a Sales Order dialog, enter the Business Partner, Products and their respective quantities,
and then choose Create.
When the sales order is generated, the tax amount is calculated and displayed in the UI.
10.7 Fuzzy Search
Be aware that you need additional licenses for SAP HANA optional components, for more
information see chapter 13 Important Disclaimer for Features in SAP HANA Options.
Fuzzy search is a fast and fault-tolerant search feature that can be used in SAP HANA. A fuzzy search
returns records even if the search term contains additional or missing characters or other types of spelling
Fuzzy search can be used in various applications, for example:
• Fault-tolerant search in text columns (for example, html or pdf)
• Fault-tolerant search in structured database content
• Fault-tolerant check for duplicate records
Fuzzy Score
The fuzzy search algorithm calculates a fuzzy score for each string comparison. The higher the score, the
more similar the strings are. A score of 1.0 means the strings are identical. A score of 0.0 means the strings
have nothing in common.
The score can be requested in the SELECT statement by using the SCORE() function. It is possible to sort
the result of a query descending by score to get the best records first (the best record is the record that is
most similar to the user input). When a fuzzy search on multiple columns is used in a SELECT statement,
the score is returned as an average of the scores of all columns used.
Datetime Types
Fuzzy Search Options
There are many options available when using fuzzy search.
• Inter-Script Matching
Fuzzy search supports all characters that are defined in the Unicode standard. When calculating a
score, the characters of the search term and a database entry are compared. Each differing character is
a spelling error that leads to a reduced score value. (Of course, this is a very simplified description of
the fuzzy search algorithm.)
Often users cannot enter data using the characters of any alphabet other than Latin. As a result, the
user transliterates the words. For example, a German user, who wants to create a new Chinese
business partner, types in the city name as 'Shanghai' instead of using the Chinese characters. Later, a
Chinese user who searches for the business partner with the Chinese characters does not find the data.
The reason is because the search terms, which are written in two different alphabets, do not have any
characters in common. In this situation, you can use Inter-Script Matching to support the search
• SpellCheckFactor
There are two use cases for the 'spellCheckFactor' option.
First, the option allows you to set the score for terms that are not fully equal but that would be a 100%
match because of the internal character standardization used by fuzzy search.
For example, the terms 'Café' and 'cafe' give a score of 1.0 although the terms are not equal. For some
users it may be necessary to distinguish between both terms.
The decision if two terms are equal is based on the term representation stored in the column dictionary.
Therefore the spellCheckFactor option works differently on string and text columns, as described in the
following sections.
Second, the fuzzy search can return a 100% match for terms that are not identical but can't be
differentiated by the fuzzy-string-compare algorithm.
For example, fuzzy search cannot differentiate between terms 'abaca' and 'acaba', for example. In this
case, the spellCheckFactor can be used to avoid a score of 1.0.
When the first and second use cases are not needed by an application, the spellCheckFactor can be set
to 1.0 to disable the feature.
• SimilarCalculationMode
The similarCalculationMode option controls how the similarity of two strings (or, for TEXT attributes,
terms) is calculated.
Score calculation modes
Basically, the similarity of two strings is defined by the number of common characters, wrong characters,
additional characters in the search string and additional characters in the reference string.
Currently, the available calculation modes are:
The search is implemented in the soWorklistQuery.xsjs. The search term, entered by the user in the
soWorklist details view, is passed on this server-side JavaScript to search for the companyname and city
from sap.hana.democontent.epm.models::BUYER as shown in the following code snippet.
COMPANYNAME FROM "sap.hana.democontent.epm.models::BUYER" ' + ' WHERE
\'similarCalculationMode=symmetricsearch\')) ORDER BY score DESC';
You create a custom exit for the OData Write Request and register the exit for the event
before (see the userBefore.xsjslib service folder file). This exit determines the next
sequence of the employee ID.
This exit is called from the userBeforeExit.xsodata OData service, which is bound to
the CRUD UI user.
SAP HANA XS supports the OData $batch feature out-of-the-box; there is nothing to configure in SAP
HANA XS to use $batch to perform operations in SAP HANA using an OData service. To understand how
the $batch feature works, you need to look at the Batch Request and Batch Response phases of the
A batch request is split into two parts: the request header and the request body. The body of a batch request
consists of a list of operations in a specific order, for which each operation either retrieves data (for example,
using the HTTP GET command) or requests a change. A change request involves one or more insert,
update, or delete operations using the POST, PUT, or DELETE commands.
10.9 Custom Exits for OData Write Requests
SAP HANA XS enables you to execute custom code at defined points of an OData write request.
If you provide a custom exit for an OData write request, the code must be provided in the form of an
SQLScript procedure with signatures that follow specific conventions. The following types of write exits are
supported for OData write requests in SAP HANA XS:
Validation Exits
These exits are for validation of input data and data consistency checks. They can be registered for create,
update, and delete events and executed before or after the change operation, or before or after the commit.
You can specify a maximum of four validation exits per change operation; the exit is registered for the
corresponding event with the respective keyword: before, after, precommit or postcommit.
Modification Exits
You can define custom logic to create, update, or delete an entry in an entity set. If a modification exit is
specified, it is executed in place of the generic actions provided by the OData infrastructure. You use the
keyword to register the exit.
You can use server-side JavaScript to write a script that you register as a modification exit for an OData
operation for an entity.
An example of what the XS JavaScript jsexit.xsjslib function might look like follows:
Bind the XS JavaScript function to the entity specified in the OData service definition.
To bind the XS JavaScript function to a specified entity, use the syntax:
<Package.Path>:<file>.<suffix>::<XSJS_FunctionName> as illustrated in the following example:
service namespace "sap.hana.democontent.epm" {
"" as "Users"
create events(before
The following screen shots depict the scenario in which users are created using a batch request and the
personnel number is set using the employee ID sequence file. This is done by triggering a modification exit
on the User OData service.
10.10 SAP HANA UI Integration Services Fiori Launch Pad Site
SAP HANA UI Integration Services Fiori Launchpad Site is the entry point to Fiori apps on mobile or desktop
devices. The Launchpad displays various tiles that provide access to applications. Tiles that appear on a
user’s entry page depend on the user’s role. Depending on your role, you can choose from a variety of
ready-to-use tiles from the tile catalog to personalize your Launchpad.
Creation of a Tile Catalog - A catalog can contain tiles for both site types; however, while designing a site
you can use only the tiles that are appropriate for the current site type.
You can find example of Tile Catalog in the following folder path.
You can check our existing Catalog for creating Static and Dynamic Tiles. Choose + (plus) to add new tiles.
If you want to delete a tile, click on it and drag it to the Delete icon that appears when you select the tile.
Catalog Privileges – You have an option to create privileges for a particular catalog.
When you select the generate privileges option, an .xsprivileges file generates automatically with the
following information.
You can assign the Catalog to Roles/User, so that the users can access the widgets.
If you want to provide access to all the Catalogs, then you can assign
Now you can create your Application Site using Fiori Launch Pad. Here you can create your own group,
search for a Catalog, and add any tile to which you have access. You can delete the Group, if it is not
required, by using drag-and-drop from the group to delete icon.
You can add as many tiles to a group as you wish by choosing + (plus). If you want to remove any tile from
the Group, you can use drag-and-drop method from the tile to delete icon that appears when you select the
After this is done, you can assign the site privilege to Roles/User so that they can access the site.
If you want to provide access to all sites, you can assign sap.hana.uis.privileges::AppSiteAccess:All.
10.11 Spatial
OPTION, or derived licenses thereof) can use the voluntary map content and base map
services (spatial map client, geo-content, spatial content viewer) provided by Nokia/HERE.
These additional services and content are voluntarily provided by SAP and can be
withdrawn, postponed, or suspended at any time. Customers who have licensed SAP HANA
EDITION with the SAP HANA SPATIAL OPTION, or derived licenses thereof) can use this
voluntary map content and base map services at no additional fee or license cost. For more
information, see also SAP Note 2091935 - SAP HANA Spatial
Spatial data is data that describes the position, shape, and orientation of objects in a defined space. Spatial
data is represented as 2-Dimensional (2D) geometries in the form of points, line strings, and polygons.
Two common operations performed on spatial data are calculating the distance between geometries, and
determining the union or intersection of multiple objects. These calculations are performed using predicates
such as intersects, contains, and crosses.The spatial data documentation assumes you already have some
familiarity with spatial reference systems and with the spatial data you intend to work with.The software
provides storage and data management features for spatial data, allowing you to store information such as
geographic locations, routing information, and shape data.These pieces of information are stored as points
and various forms of polygons and lines in columns defined with a corresponding spatial data type (such as
ST_Point and ST_Polygon). You use methods and constructors to access and manipulate the spatial
data. The software also provides a set of SQL spatial functions designed for compatibility with other
Spatial data support allows you to associate spatial information with your data. For example, a table
representing companies could store the location of the company as a point, or it could store the delivery
area for the company as a polygon. This could be represented in SQL as:
SELECT * FROM Locations WHERE DeliveryArea.ST_Contains( new ST_POINT(1,1) ) = 1
Spatial Demo
Obtain Your Authorization Key from Nokia
Use Nokia HERE maps as a showcase for this demo scenario. Nokia HERE maps APIs require some
authorization that you can obtain after you register from their Web site. You need to obtain the App_Id and
App_Code for an Evaluation Key to perform the tasks in this scenario successfully.
1. Use the following URL to obtain the Evaluation Key.
2. Look for “Free Trial” or select a specific plan suiting your requirements.
3. Follow the instructions on the Web page.
4. Make a note of the App_Id and App_Code for later use.
Implementation in SHINE
You can find the implementation code in the sap.hana.democontent.epm.spatial folder. It contains 3
subfolders containing the models, xsjs services, and the UI.
Sales Analysis Scenario
Use the Geo information to perform simple analysis over a particular region.
In this scenario you can use the boundaries provided by the Nokia map that you select or you can mark the
points that you want to see and create a polygon on that map. Using these boundaries, you can calculate
the business partners that lie within this area with a select statement, for example:
ST_Polygon('Polygon((0.0 0.0,90.0 0.0, 90.0 90.0, 0.0 90.0, 0.0 0.0))')) AS
Subsequently, use the REGION_SALES_BP analytical model to find the sales data for this region.
Additionally, you can query the top five customers in this region. The results appear as shown in the
following screen shot.
HeatMap Scenario
In this scenario, you plot the sales of the products around the world with the weight of their quantities sold.
This allows you to plot a heatmap and see the areas where a particular product is sold more. The analysis is
done through the PRODUCT_SALES analytic view, which links Addresses, Sales Order Header and Sales
Order Items table with the Products table. By doing this, you can map the location for a Sales Order Item
and the quantity sold. The following image provides an example of this.
10.12 HDB Association
SAP HANA Extended Application Services (XS) enables you to use the core data services (CDS) syntax to
create associations between entities. The associations are defined as part of the entity definition, which are
design-time files in the repository.
Associations are specified by adding an element to a source entity with an association type that points to a
target entity, complemented by optional information defining cardinality and which keys to use.
Only managed associations are supported for CDS associations. You can use associations
in CDS entities or in CDS views. When you define an association between entities or views,
use the following syntax:
Association [ <cardinality> ] to <targetEntity> [ <forwardLink> ]
When defining an association, bear in mind the following points:
• <cardinality>
The relationship between the source and target in the association, for example, one-to-one, one-to-
many, many-to-one
• <targetEntity>
The target entity for the association
• <forwardLink>
The foreign keys to use, for example, element names in the target entity
The syntax for simple associations in a CDS document is illustrated in the following screen shot:
10.13 ZIP API Function
SAP HANA provides the $.util.Zip API, to download a ZIP file, which is an archive file format, to support
data compression without data loss.
The following code sample depicts how to call the $.util.Zip API. It includes the information in a
Microsoft Excel file in the file it returns.
You can see the Zip API function in SHINE on the Purchase Order Worklist screen.
You can start the function using this SQL statement:
select * from
The following screen shot provides an example of results.
Series Data hdbprocedure fetches the Currency Conversion factor at 1-hour intervals with source currency
as Euro and target currency as US Dollars. Subsequently, the Currency Conversion factor is sent to the
Series Data table at 1-hour intervals.
In the Purchase Order Worklist screen, choose the Load Currency Conversion button.
The procedure runs and loads the series data table with the currency conversion factors. (This step is a
prerequisite for the Localization scenario.)
Run Localization
When the series data table contains the conversion factors, choose the Localization link on the upper right-
hand side of the Purchase Order Worklist screen.
The Localization dialog box appears that allows end-user to convert currency from Euro to U.S. dollars for
the Purchase Orders displayed in the worklist.
Select USD from the Select Currency dropdown box and wait for the currency conversion factor to appear.
This action fetches the Conversion Currency Factor from the series data table based on the current
timestamp; that figure appears beside the dropdown box.
Choose OK, and choose OK in the subsequent dialog box.
• The HANA_TEST_TOOLS delivery unit must be imported.
The DU can be downloaded from From the web page, choose
EDIT. 1.0 → Entry by component → HANA XS TestTools Content.
• The sap.hana.testtools.common::TestExecute and Admin.hdbrole role must be assigned
to you.
Setup Procedure
1. Add the SAP Assertion Ticket to your user.
4. Select an Existing Package or Create a New Package and provide an Extension Name, then choose
Create Extension.
5. When the extended destination is created, choose Edit and update the Host and the Authentication
6. Choose Save.
Be aware that you need additional licenses for SAP HANA optional components, for more
information see chapter 13 Important Disclaimer for Features in SAP HANA Options.
With SAP HANA SPS 09, CDS annotations for search and related functions are available. These include:
• Full-text indexes that can be defined in CDS entities (tables) using annotations
• Search specific annotations in CDS views
• Search APIs in OData
With these features, you can develop a search UI using SAPUI5 consuming the OData Search APIs.
Implementation in SHINE
In SHINE, CDS annotations are used to develop a simple “products search” UI, which can be used to search
for products based on the product text.
The steps to develop a simple “products search” from the CDS annotations and to develop the UI follow.
1. Create a Fulltext index for columns of tables.
a. The CDS annotation is used to create a Fulltext index on the Category column for the
MD.Products Table.
b. The same CDS annotation is used to create a Fulltext index on the Text column for the
UTIL.Texts Table.
2. Define CDS Views Texts and productTexts which are searchable by CDS annotations.
a. Define a CDS View “Texts” in MD.hdbdd and make it searchable using the CDS annotation,
@Search.searchable: true.
b. Define a CDS View productTexts in MD.hdbdd and make it searchable using the CDS
1. Define the Category and Text columns to be searchable using the
@Search.defaultSearchElement : true annotation.
2. Specify that the highlight is done for the Texts column using the
@EnterpriseSearch.highlighted : {enabled : true} annotation.
3. Specify the facets using the @EnterpriseSearch.usageMode: [ #AUTO_FACET ]
annotation for the Category column.
The user is provided a Search field to find products based on the product text. He or she can also refine the
search by selecting the facets that are provided in the Facets column.
var bpdetails = bp.$get({ PARTNERID: lv_bp_id });
proddetails = prod.$get({ PRODUCTID: lv_productid });
You can then create a Sales Order Header, and subsequently link each sales order item to the header as
var newSO = new soHeader({
SALESORDERID:'0'+ overAllId,
Once the sales order is created, its ID is sent back to the UI. The newly created sales order is also reflected
in the sales order list.
Use the following procedure to create a new sales order in the back-end system.
1. In the Sales Orders worklist screen, choose + New.
The Create a New Sales Order dialog appears.
2. Select the appropriate information in the respective fields and choose Submit.
When the sales order is created, the Sales Order ID is visible the UI. The newly created sales order is
also reflected in the Sales Order list as follows.
• Other settings
To access the SMTP Configuration tools that enable you to set up an SMTP server for SAP HANA XS
applications, you must have the following roles assigned:
• sap.hana.xs.admin.roles::RuntimeConfAdministrator
• sap.hana.xs.admin.roles::SMTPDestAdministrator
To create an SMTP configuration for an SAP HANA XS application, perform the following steps:
1. Start the SAP HANA XS administration tool with the URL:
2. Start the SMTP Configurations tool.
a. In the list of XS Administrations tools, choose SMTP Configurations.
The SMTP screen appears. You can manage the configuration of the SMTP server used by SAP
HANA XS applications.
3. Specify details of the system hosting the SMTP server that the SAP HANA XS applications must use.
a. Provide the name of the system hosting the SMTP server.
b. Provide the port number required to open a connection.
The default host is local host and the port number is 25.
4. Specify the authentication settings required for access to the SMTP host.
a. Choose an authentication method from the Authentication Type drop-down list, for example, auto,
logon, or none.
b. If necessary, provide the user credentials required to log on to the SMTP server.
5. Specify the security settings for the transport-channel.
The transport channel is used for the communication between the SAP HANA XS application and the
SMTP server.
a. If you choose either the STARTTLS or the SSL/TLS option, use the Trust Store drop-down list to
specify the trust store where the certificates and keys for the SMTP sever are located.
6. Define the timeout setting for connections to the specified SMTP server.
You can specify the maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that SAP HANA XS must wait for a
response from the SMTP server with which it is trying to establish a connection; the default value is
60000 milliseconds (1 minute).
7. Define the socket proxy settings.
If your system uses a proxy service for Socket Secure (SOCKS) routing, you need to enable support
using the SOCKS Proxy field (ON) and, in addition, provide connection details for the system where the
proxy service is running. For example, the host name, the port number to use for connections, and the
user credentials required to log on.
8. Save the changes you have made to the SMTP configuration.
Once the SMTP Configuration is established, you can trigger the mail from the application using the
$.net.Mail() API. In SHINE, explore the sendMail.xsjs code under the services package to learn
how you can trigger the mail from the application.
Code example:
SMTP is configured.
1. In the Sales Order Dashboard, select a Sales Order and then choose Send Mail.
2. In the Send Email popup, type your e-mail address and choose Send to receive sales order details in an
10.20 ETags and Null values in XSOData
ETags in XSOData
OData specification specifies uses ETags for optimistic concurrency control. Now you can configure
XSOData to provide ETags for concurrency control.
Implementation in SHINE
The ETags and null values in XSOdata implementation can be found in the etagsxsodata package
The UserCRUD.xsodata statement contains the required parameters to enable ETags and null values in
The presence of the concurrencytoken artifact specifes the enablement of ETags in XSOData.
For null values, you must define settings to indicate that null values are supported.
The UserCRUD.xsodata file is defined as follows.
1. Access the ETags and Null valued in XSOData using the following URL:
2. For the ETags demo, try to update a user record that has been updated already by another user in a
different session.
An error appears indicating that the user record is not up-to-date and you need to refresh the page to
fetch the updated information before you can edit it.
3. For the null values demo, enter a user record so that there is a null value for the last name.
4. Choose Filter Null valued Rows button.
This filters and displays only null valued records of the user information.
The keyword used in multifile support is using. It is highlighted in the following image.
10.22 Unmanaged Associations in CDS
This feature allows you to define an unmanaged association element inside an entity that forms part of your
HDBDD file.
In the context of SHINE, the SO.hdbdd file contains an element called ITEMS in Entity Header and the
HEADER element in Entity Item that make this unmanaged association possible.
The syntax for each is more or less the same, except for the cardinality, which depends on the entity that
you want to connect.
In the following image, the highlighted sections provide more information on what needs to be done with
respect to unmanaged association.
10.23 Global Temporary Column Tables in Core Data Services
A temporary column table definition is available globally while data is visible only in the current session. The
table is truncated at the end of the session.
Metadata in a global temporary column table is stored until the table is dropped and metadata is shared
across sessions. Data in a global temporary column table is session-specific, meaning only the owner
session of the global temporary column table is allowed to insert/read/truncate the data. The data from the
global temporary column table exists for the duration of the session and is dropped automatically when the
session is terminated. A global temporary column table can be dropped only when the table contains no
The following operations are supported on global temporary column tables:
• Create without a primary key
• Truncate
• Drop
• Create or Drop view on top of global temporary column table
• Create synonym
• Select
• Select into or Insert
In the Data Generator you can use a global temporary column table to calculate the amount of time required
for generating sales orders and purchase orders.
The syntax for this table is defined in the util.hdbdd file, as follows:
As you can see in this example, there are 2 fields used in the temporary column table. One field is the start
time and the other is the end time. You need to write a script to insert the start and end time of Data
Generation and have the system provide the total-time required as its result. To do this, you need to create
3 functions. The first two functions insertStartTime and insertEndTime are used to insert the start-
time and the end-time respectively and the last function, getTransactionTime, is used to calculate the
total time required. The following image provides a sample of the code.
After you have written the code, open the DataGenerator application and choose the Generate-Data button.
Select the number of purchase orders and sales orders in thousands (‘000) and choose Execute.
In the Progress Log you can see the time required per thousand records for both purchase orders and sales
This example is depicted in the following image:
The following image shows the code that is used to call the starttime, endtime, and
totalTransactionTime for purchase orders. This code is located in the dghelper.xsjslib file.
Since these global temporary columns are session-specific, you need to pass the hdbconn objects as well.
If you do not do this and you initiate a new hdbconnection, the session will be lost. The following image
contains the code for sales orders.
10.24 GlS Types and Function: ST_DISTANCE
ST_DISTANCE is a spatial function that calculates the distance between 2 points. The points are provided
as coordinates (latitude and longitude).
You can use this function in the code as shown in the follolwing code snippet from
To see the application of this function, from the SHINE Tile dialog, choose the SpatialDemo tile. Use your
current location and select a business partner to obtain the coordinates for that location.
Pass these 2 sets of coordinates from this function to the back end from the UI. The system calculates the
distance and displays the result in the UI. The process is depicted in the following sequence of images.
The following code from bpDetails.controller.js is used to obtain your current location:
After you share your location, select a business partner. This action provides the business partner details
and you have the two sets of coordinates required.
Next you use a GET request from bpDetails.controller.js, as shown in the following image.
After running this successfully, the system adds the distance item in the UI along with the other business
partner details.
To add this new distance item in the UI, you have to make the following changes in the code:
In the bpDetails.view.js file, use the following image to see how to change the code.
In the bpDetails.controller.js file, use the following image to change the code so that after the GET
request finishes successfully, the system adds the distance item in the UI.
10.25 Hierarchy in Core Data Services (CDS)
Use a hierarchy to aggregate data into a number of levels to enhance the data analysis capabilities of the
calculation views. Hierarchies can contain one or more levels of aggregation. For example, a time dimension
can have a hierarchy that represents data at the month, quarter, and year levels.
Attributes roll up to the next higher level in a many-to-one relationship. Subsequently, all members at this
higher level roll up into the next higher level, and so on, until they reach the highest level. A hierarchy
typically comprises several levels, and you can include a single level in more than one hierarchy. As a
hierarchy remains static, you can access the root and child node only in a defined order.
The Sales Dashboard contains a pie chart showing the total sales for all regions and an adjacent bar graph
showing total sales by country. You relate these two forms of representation using Level Hierarchy.
When you define Region and Country as the two levels in the Level Hierarchy and then choose a particular
region in the pie chart, the information shown in the bar graph changes to display the total sales by country
for that region only. You also want to add a Refresh button so that the user can reload the original chart.
Perform the following steps to program this behavior.
1. Create the level hierarchy in the SALESORDER_DYNAMIC_JOIN calculation view.
a. Open the semantics node.
b. In the Hierarchies panel, choose Create, and enter a name and description for the hierarchy. For
example, use REGION_COUNTRY_LEVEL as the name.
c. In the Hierarchy Type dropdown list, select Level Hierarchy.
d. In the Nodes section, define the levels for the hierarchy.
Define REGION and COUNTRY as the two levels, as shown in the following image.
e. In the Properties section, select the Aggregate All Nodes and Multiple Parents fields.
f. Save the hierarchy.
2. Write a script using XS JavaScript (xsjs) to query this aggregation.
The following code provides a sample of the script.
/* for implementing level hierarchy*/
$.import("", "messages");
var MESSAGES = $;
$.import("", "session");
function createTotalEntry(rs) {
return {
function getHierarchyDATA()
var conn = $.hdb.getConnection();
var region = $.request.parameters.get('region');
var rs;
catch (e)
$.response.status = $.net.http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRROR;
body = JSON.stringify(SalesByCountry:list});
$.response.contentType = 'application/json';
$.response.status = $.net.http.OK;
$.response.status = $.net.http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
$.response.setBody(MESSAGES.getMessage('SEPM_ADMIN', '002', aCmd));
This script returns the list of country:totalsales pairs for a particular region as a JSON object.
3. Create an event in the xsjs script and attach it to the pie chart, indicating the action that occurs when the
user chooses a particular region.
a. In the overview.view.xml file, add the following code.
<sap.viz.ui5:Pie id="salesRegionPie" width="100%" height="320px"
Now you use this event as a function.
b. Use the following code sample to define the behavior of this function to identify the countries in the
selected region.
4. Create the function to fetch the sales data for the countries in this region using the getPieData
function, which calls levelHierarchy.xsjs through a GET request that passes the region as the
parameter. After retrieving the data, the system changes the model in the adjacent bar graph to reflect
the new data. Use the following code sample to do this.
The sample code dynamically changes the title of the header panel so that it explicitly shows the region
for which the system displays the sales by country.
Now, each time a user clicks on a region, the system shows the sales by country for that particular region. If
the user wants to reset the bar graph to its original state, showing all the countries, then you can create a
refresh button.
Use the following codes sample to create a Refresh button.
Use the following code sample to attach an onChartRefresh event that loads the initial chart.
In the UI, the initial screen is depicted in the following image.
When a user chooses the green region (in this case it represents “AMER” (for America)), then the Sales by
Country for AMER region appears in the bar graph.
10.26 Repository Translation Tool
The Repository Translation Tool (RTT) is a Java-based command line tool shipped with the SAP HANA
client that enables you to transport language files in a standard format between the SAP HANA repository
and a file system or between the SAP HANA repository and a dedicated SAP translation system.
Ensure that you have the sap.hana.xs.translationTool.roles::translator role assigned to
your user.
1. For implementing this translation feature in SHINE, you need to prepare an XLF file with source
language, target language, and a translation unit with English and German equivalents of the application
The following graphic provides an example of the XLF file.
2. Using the following code example, add this text to the messagebundle.hdbtextbundle file.
helloworld=Hello World
3. Use the following sample code to add this text in index.html in the application:
var sLocale =
var oBundle ={url : "./i18n/messagebundle.hdbtextbundle",
locale: sLocale=});
4. Use the following code sample to add the hdbtextbundle reference in the view.js in the
5. Open the userCRUD application using the following URL, replacing the <server> and <port>
placeholders with the appropriate information:
6. Choose the Home button on the top, left-hand side of the screen.
A side-panel appears.
7. Choose German from the list.
A dialog box appears to connect to the Online Translation tool.
8. Choose the link to start the Translation Tool and close the Enable Translation Hub dialog box.
9. In the Online Translation Tool, select the HCO_DEMOCONTENT delivery unit and the
sap.hana.democontent.epm.ui.userCRUD.i18n package.
10. Import the XLF file you created already.
The Import Successful message appears.
Use the following code sample to create a query to check if the translations are updated in the
The query returns the German translated texts as shown in the following image.
If you want to view the German version of the application, change your browser’s language setting or
preference to German.
Check to ensure that the German language appears in your browser by opening a search engine page, for
example Google, and see if the texts appear in German.
Start the userCRUD application using the following URL, replacing the <server> and <port> placeholders
with the appropriate information:
The application appears with German texts, as shown in the following image.
10.27 Foreign Keys of Managed Associations in CDS
In releases prior to SPS 09, the appearance of “circular” associations caused an error.
Now, the compiler recognizes that the referenced field is actually part of the base entity and therefore can
be obtained without following the association in these types of relationships. The following code samples
depict this implementation in the PO.hdbb file.
11 Tutorials
The demonstration application SAP HANA Interactive Education (SHINE) includes tutorials to help you learn
how to build native SAP HANA applications.
The tutorials provided here show you how to create your own simple applications or functions that make use
of the sample data and design-time developer objects provided by SHINE, for example: database tables,
data views, server-side JavaScript (XSJS) and OData services, and user-interface elements.
• Hello world
Build a simple “Hello World” application using SAPUI5 tools; the exercise shows how the
development process works and which components are required.
• Text bundles
Create a simple text-bundle file for translation purposes and re-import the translated text into SAP
HANA for use with a specific language locale. Textbundles containing text strings that define
elements of the user-interface (for example, buttons and menu options).
• Server-side JavaScript and SAPUI5
Configure an SAPUI5 application to call an XSJS service in response to user interaction with the user
interface; the XSJS service performs an action and returns a response
• OData and SAPUI5
Configure an SAPUI5 application to call an OData service in response to user interaction with the user
• Bind a UI element in an SAPUI5 application to the data specified in an OData service. For example,
you can populate the contents of a table column displayed in an SAPUI5 application by using the
data stored in a database table defined in an OData service.
• Build an SAPUI5 view that provides input fields, which you can use to create a new record or update
an existing record in a database table, for example, using the OData create, update, and delete
(CRUD) features.
For more information, see
To complete this exercise successfully, bear in mind the following prerequisites:
• You have the user credentials required to log on to SAP HANA
• You have installed the SAP HANA studio
• You have a shared SAP HANA project available (preferably of type XS Project).
• The shared project contains a folder called Procedures.
• You have installed the SAP HANA Interactive Education (SHINE) HCODEMOCONTENT delivery unit (DU);
this DU contains the tables and views that you want to consume with the procedure you build in this
• You have generated data to populate the tables and views provided by the SHINE delivery unit and used
in this tutorial. You can generate the data with tools included in the SHINE delivery unit.
You might have to adjust the paths in the code examples provided to suit the package
hierarchy in your SAP HANA repository, for example, to point to the underlying content
(demonstration tables and services) referenced in the tutorial.
The stored procedure you create in this tutorial uses standard SQL statements (for example, SELECT
statements) and some imperative logic constructs to determine the sale price of a product based on the
product category.
1. Open the SAP HANA studio.
Switch to the SAP HANA Development perspective, open the Project Explorer view, and navigate to the
shared project in which you want to create the new stored procedure.
2. Create the file that will contain the stored procedure.
If not already available, create a new folder (package) called procedures in the selected project.
a. Start the Create New Procedure wizard.
In the Project Explorer view, right-click the proceduresfolder and choose New → Other from the
context-sensitive pop-up menu. In the Select a wizard dialog, choose SAP HANA → Database
Development → Stored Procedure.
The file-creation wizard adds the suffix (.hdbprocedure) automatically.
Write your procedure logic
declare lv_category nvarchar(40) := null;
declare lv_discount decimal(15,2) := 0;
lt_product = select PRODUCTID, CATEGORY, PRICE
from ""
where PRODUCTID = :productid;
select CATEGORY into lv_category from :lt_product;
if :lv_category = 'Notebooks' then
lv_discount := .20;
elseif :lv_category = 'Handhelds' then
lv_discount := .25;
elseif :lv_category = 'Flat screens' then
lv_discount := .30;
elseif :lv_category like '%printers%' then
lv_discount := .30;
lv_discount := .000; -- No discount
end if;
product_sale_price =
PRICE - cast((PRICE * :lv_discount) as decimal(15,2))
as "SALEPRICE" from :lt_product;
b. Save the changes you have made to the new stored procedure.
c. Activate the new stored procedure in the SAP HANA Repository.
In the Project Explorer view, right-click the new get_product_sales_price procedure and
choose Team → Activate from the context-sensitive menu.
4. Test the new stored procedure using SAP HANA studio's embedded SQL console.
a. Start the SQL Console.
In the Project Explorer view, right-click the SAP HANA System Library node and choose Open SQL
Console from the context-sensitive menu.
b. Call the new stored procedure.
Enter the following SQL statement (adjusting the path the new procedure if necessary)
and choose Execute.
( productid => 'HT-1000', product_sale_price => ? );
11.2 Tutorial: Create a Table User-Defined Function
In SQL, a user-defined function (UDF) enables you to build complex logic into a single database object that
you can call from a SELECT statement. You can use a table user-defined function (UDF) to create a
parameterized, fixed view of the data in the underlying tables.
To complete this exercise successfully, bear in mind the following prerequisites:
• You have the user credentials required to log on to SAP HANA
• You have installed the SAP HANA studio
• You have a shared SAP HANA project available (preferably of type XS Project)
• The shared project contains a folder called functions
• You have installed the SHINE (democontent) delivery unit (DU); this DU contains the tables and views
that you want to consume with the procedure you build in this tutorial.
• You have generated data to populate the tables and views provided by the SHINE delivery unit and used
in this tutorial. You can generate the data with tools included in the SHINE delivery unit.
You might have to adjust the paths in the code examples provided to suit the package
hierarchy in your SAP HANA repository, for example, to point to the underlying content
(demonstration tables and services) referenced in the tutorial.
A table UDF has a list of input parameters and must return a table of the type specified in RETURNS
<return- type> . The table UDF named get_employees_by_name_filter that you create in this
tutorial performs the following actions:
• Executes a SELECT(INNER JOIN) statement against the employee and address tables
• Filters the results by performing a fuzzy search on the last name
To create a table user-defined function called get_employees_by_name_filter, perform the following
1. Open the SAP HANA studio.
Start the SAP HANA Development perspective, open the Project Explorer view, and navigate to the
shared project in which you want to create the new table UDF.
2. Create the file that will contain the table UDF.
If not already available, create a new folder (package) called functions in the selected project.
a. Start the Create New UDF wizard.
In the Project Explorer view, choose New → Other → SAP HANA → Database Development →
Table Function and choose Next.
b. Type the name of the new table UDF.
Type get_employees_by_name_filterin the File name box.
If the file-creation wizard does not automatically add the suffix (.hdbtablefunction),
select the parent folder where you want to create the new function.
c. Choose Finish to create the table UDF and open it in SAP HANA studio's embedded SQL editor.
3. Define details of the user-defined function.
The user-defined function you create in this step first executes a SELECT(INNER JOIN) statement
against the employee and address tables and then filters the results by performing a fuzzy search on
the last name.
a. In the SQL Editor, type the code that defines the new user-defined function.
You can use the following code example, but make sure the paths point to the correct locations in
your environment, for example, the schema name, the package location for the new UDF, and the
location of the demo tables referenced in the code.
(lastNameFilter nvarchar(40))
from ""
as a
inner join
as b
where contains("NAME.LAST", :lastNameFilter, FUZZY(0.9));
b. Save the changes you have made to the new table UDF.
c. Activate the new table UDF in the SAP HANA Repository.
In the Project Explorer view, right-click the new get_employees_by_name_filter UDF artifact and
choose Team → Activate in the context-sensitive menu.
d. Check the catalog to ensure the new UDF was successfully created in the correct location.
11.3 Tutorial: Creating a Scalar User-Defined Function
In SQL, a user-defined function (UDF) enables you to build complex logic into a single database object. A
scalar UDF is a custom function that can be called in the SELECT and WHERE clauses of an SQL
To complete this exercise successfully, you must bear in mind the following prerequisites:
• You have the user credentials required to log on to SAP HANA
• You have installed the SAP HANA studio
• You have a shared SAP HANA project available (preferably of type XS Project)
• The shared project contains a folder called functions
• You have installed the SAP HANA Interactive Eduction (SHINE) HCODEMOCONTENT delivery unit (DU);
this DU contains the demonstration content (tables and views) that you want to consume with the
procedure you build in this tutorial.
• You have generated data to populate the tables and views provided by the SHINE delivery unit and used
in this tutorial. You can generate the data with tools included in the SHINE delivery unit.
You might have to adjust the paths in the code examples provided to suit the /package
hierarchy in your SAP HANA repository, for example, to point to the underlying content
(demonstration tables and services) referenced in the tutorial.
A scalar user-defined function has a list of input parameters and returns the scalar values specified in the
RETURNS <return parameter list> option defined in the SQL function, for example,
decimal(15,2). The scalar UDF named apply_discount that you create in this tutorial performs the
following actions:
• Applies a discount to the stored product price
• Calculates the sale price of a product including the suggested discount
To create the scalar UDF apply_discount, perform the following steps:
1. Open the SAP HANA studio.
Start the SAP HANA Development perspective, open the Project Explorer view, and navigate to the
shared project in which you want to create the new scalar UDF.
2. Create the file that will contain the scalar UDF.
If not already available, create a new folder (package) called functions in the selected project.
a. Start the Create New UDF wizard.
In the Project Explorer view, choose New → Other → SAP HANA → Database Development →
Scalar Function and choose Next.
b. Type the name of the new scalar UDF.
Type apply_discountin the File name box.
c. Choose Finish to create the scalar UDF and open it in SAP HANA studio's embedded SQL editor.
3. Create the user-defined function.
The user-defined function (UDF) you create in this step applies a discount to the stored product price
and calculates the sale price of a product including the suggested discount.
a. In the SQL Editor, type the code that defines the new user-defined function.
You can use the following code example, but make sure the paths point to the correct locations in
your environment, for example, the schema name, the package location for the new UDF, and the
location of the demo tables referenced in the code.
"SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.functions::apply_discount" (im_price
im_discount decimal(15,2) )
RETURNS result decimal(15,2)
result := :im_price - ( :im_price * :im_discount );
b. Save the changes you have made to the new scalar UDF.
c. Activate the new scalar UDF in the SAP HANA Repository.
In the Project Explorer view, right-click the new apply_discount.hdbscalarfunctionUDF
artifact and choose Team → Activate in the context-sensitive menu.
d. Check the catalog to ensure the new UDF was successfully created in the correct location.
11.4 Tutorial: Create a Hello-World SAP UI5 Application
SAPUI5 provides a client-side HTML5 rendering library with a comprehensive set of standard controls and
extensions that you can use to build a UI quickly and easily.
To complete this tutorial successfully, bear in mind the following requirements:
• You have installed the SAP HANA studio.
• You have installed the SAPUI5 tools included in the delivery unit (DU) SAPUI5_1.
For more information, see
SAPUI5 application development tools provide wizards to help you to create application projects and views
according to the model-controller-view concept. The development tools include features such as editors with
JavaScript code-completion, templates and code snippets, and application previews.
To create a simple “Hello World” application in SAPUI5, perform the following steps:
1. Create a base structure for your application packages and files.
Your application files must be placed in a package structure in the SAP HANA Repository, for example
2. Create the application-descriptor files that enable client access to the services and data exposed by the
new application.
Each SAP HANA XS application requires two mandatory application descriptor files, which are located
in the root package of the application they apply to.
Application descriptors have a file extension, but no file name, for example, .xsapp or
a. In the SAP HANA studio's Project Explorer view, right-click the application package where you want
to create the new application descriptors and, and in the popup menu, choose, New → Other...
b. Create the XS application descriptor file (.xsapp).
In the Select a Wizard dialog, choose SAP HANA → Application Development → XS Application
Access File.
The application descriptor has no content; its job is to mark the root package of the
resources exposed to client requests by the application.
c. Create the XS application-access file (.xsaccess).
In the Select a Wizard dialog, choose SAP HANA → Application Development→> XS Application
Access File.
The .xsaccess file controls who has access to the application (and how) and what data or
services the application can expose.
d. Select a template to use for the application-access file (for example, Basic).
A basic .xsaccess file looks like the following example, which exposes your application data, requires
logon credentials for authentication, and helps to prevent cross-site request-forgery (XSRF) attacks:
"exposed" : true,
"authentication" : { "method" : "Form"},
"prevent_xsrf" : true
e. Select the sap.ui.commons library and choose Finish.
f. Activate the XS application descriptor files in the SAP HANA Repository.
Right-click the package containing the application descriptor files you have created and, in the
context-sensitive menu, choose Team → Activate.
You now have a basic package structure to hold your application files. The root package for your new
application also contains the required application descriptors, which control access to the services
and data exposed by the new application.
3. Create an SAPUI5 project.
a. Start the New Application Project wizard.
In the SAP HANA studio's Project Explorer view, choose New → Other...
b. Select the application project.
SAP HANA studio provides dedicated wizards to help you set up an application project; here you
choose the project SAPUI5 Application Development →Application Project in the New Project wizard.
c. Define details of the new project.
• Enter a name for the new SAPUI5 application project, for example, HelloWorldX.
• Check the Use default location option.
d. Define details of the new SAPUI5 application view and choose Finish.
• Check the folder for the project; it should be WebContent/helloworldx.
• Provide a name for the base HTML page that the SAPUI5 application uses, for example,
• Choose JavaScript as the Development Paradigm.
4. Share the new SAPUI5 project with the SAP HANA Repository.
a. Choose the appropriate repository type, for example, SAP HANA Repository.
b. Specify the location in the SAP HANA repository where the new SAP UI5 application project should
In the Share Project wizard, choose Browse to select the package in which you want to store the new
SAPUI5 application artifacts.
c. Check the settings you made for the new SAPUI5 application project.
d. Activate the new SAPUI5 application project.
Activate at the project level to ensure that all project artifacts are created and stored in the
SAP HANA repository.
5. Modify the default settings for the SAPUI5 bootstrap location in the base index.html.
The SAPUI5 project wizard inserts a default bootstrap location to the index.html file which is incorrect
for SAP HANA. You must manually change the bootstrap location in the SAPUI5 application's
index.html file by adding /sap/ui5/1 to the start of the default location resources/sap-ui-
core.js, as illustrated in the following example:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<script src="/sap/ui5/1/resources/sap-ui-core.js" id="sap-ui-bootstrap"
6. Add UI elements to the SAPUI5 application interface.
You define UI elements in the createContent function section of the HelloWorld.view.js file. In
this example, you instantiate the Button UI element class as myButton and then return it at the end of
the createContent function. The SAPUI5 application renders any UI element (or element group)
returned from the createContent function function.
sap.ui.jsview("helloworldx.HelloWorld", {
/** Specifies the Controller belonging to this View.
* In the case that it is not implemented, or that "null" is returned, this View
does not have a Controller.
* @memberOf helloworldx.HelloWorld
getControllerName : function() {
return "helloworldx.HelloWorld";
/** Is initially called once after the Controller has been instantiated. It is
the place where the UI is constructed.
* Since the Controller is given to this method, its event handlers can be
attached right away.
* @memberOf helloworldx.HelloWorld
createContent : function(oController) {
var myButton = new sap.ui.commons.Button("btn");
return myButton;
7. Save and activate all changes to all SAPUI5 application artifacts.
Activate at the project level to ensure that the changes made to all project artifacts are
updated in the SAP HANA repository.
8. Test your “Hello World” SAPUI5 application in a Web browser.
The URL for the SAPUI5 application is: http://<WebServerHost>:80<SAPHANAinstance>/workshop/
The content of the URL is case sensitive. Log on using your SAP HANA user name and
You should see the Hello World button shown in the following example:
To complete this tutorial successfully, bear in mind the following requirements:
• You have installed the SAP HANA studio.
• You have installed the SAPUI5 tools included in the delivery unit (DU) SAPUI5_1.
• You have installed the democontent delivery unit; this DU contains the tables and OData services that
you want to consume with the SAPUI5 application you build in this tutorial.
• You have generated data to populate the tables and views provided by the democontent delivery unit
and used in this tutorial. You can generate the data with tools included in the democontent delivery unit.
You might have to adjust the paths in the code examples provided to suit the folder/package
hierarchy in your SAP HANA repository, for example, to point to the underlying content
(demonstration services and tables) referenced in this tutorial.
For applications running in production environments, you need to maintain text strings independently so the
strings can easily be translated. For UI5 development in SAP HANA you create a so-called “text bundle”
named <FileName>.hdbtextbundle which contains the text strings. If you need to provide text strings in
an alternative language, you can use the Repository Translation Tool (rtt) to export the hdbtextbundle
to a translation system. The translated text can then be imported back into the system for use in language-
specific application sessions.
In the SAP HANA repository, there is only a single hdbtextbundle file. However, if
available, multiple language versions of the strings are stored in the SAP HANA database,
and the appropriate string is selected and used automatically depending on the languages
settings in the application.
1. In an existing SAPUI5 application folder structure, create a dedicated folder for the internationalization
elements, for example, the text bundles.
Name the new folder i18n.
For Translation purposes you must specify the Translation Domain and the Text collection in
the Translation section of the package creation dialog.
2. Create a container for the text bundle.
The file containing the text bundle must have the file extension .hdbtextbundle, for example,
Create a file with the name messagebundle.hdbtextbundle.
3. Add content to the message bundle.
Add the text in the following code example to the messagebundle.hdbtextbundle file:
helloworld=Hello World
4. Save the messagebundle.hdbtextbundle file and activate it in the SAP HANA repository.
5. Add a reference to the hdbtextbundle in the core HTML file for the SAP UI5 “Hello World” application
you are developing.
Open the file <...>/WebContent/index.html in the SAP UI5 “Hello World” project and add the
following text (in bold font type in the example) to the Language Resource Loader section:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<script src="/sap/ui5/1/resources/sap-ui-core.js"
<!-- add sap.ui.table,sap.ui.ux3 and/or other libraries to 'data-
sap-ui-libs' if required -->
/*************** Language Resource Loader *************/"");
var sLocale =
var oBundle ={url : "./i18n/messagebundle.hdbtextbundle",
locale: sLocale});
var view = sap.ui.view({id:"idHelloWorld1",
viewName:"helloworldx.HelloWorld", type:sap.ui.core.mvc.ViewType.JS});
<body class="sapUiBody" role="application">
<div id="content"></div>
6. Save the index.html file and activate it in the Repository.
7. Add a reference to the hdbtextbundle in the core JavaScript file for the SAP UI5 “Hello World”
application you are developing.
In this step, you tell the setText property of the Hello World button in the UI to use the information in
the specified text bundle to display the required text.
Open the file <...>/ui/HelloWorldX/helloworldx/HelloWorld.view.js in the SAP UI5
“Hello World” project and add the following text
myButton.setText(oBundle.getText("helloworld")); to the createContent section.
createContent : function(oController) {
var myButton = new sap.ui.commons.Button("btn");
return myButton;
8. Save the HelloWorld.view.js file and activate the file in the SAP HANA repository.
9. Test the changes in a Web Sbrowser.
The URL path and resource names are case sensitive. If prompted, enter your SAP HANA
user name and password.
The text string “Hello World” should appear in the Web browser.
10. Export the text bundle for translation.
You use the repository translation tool (rtt) included with the SAP HANA client to produce an XML
document with the XLIFF format required for upload to an SAP translation system.
One XML document is used for each language pair in the translation process, for example,
English to German.
Open a command shell on the machine running the SAP HANA studio/client, and type the following
rtt -export -p <package containing hdbtextbundle>
The XML document generated by the export process specifies the source language (English) and the
source text to translate.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" version="1.2">
<file datatype="plaintext" original="bla.test.hdbtextbundle" source-
<sxmd:metadata xmlns:sxmd="urn:x-sap:mlt:xliff12:metadata:1.0"
<group resname="c.test.hdbtextbundle" restype="x-objectContentTexts">
<trans-unit xmlns:sap="urn:x-sap:sls-mlt" id="TEST" maxwidth="20"
sap:sc="XTIT" size-unit="char">
<source>hello world</source>
11. Add the translated version of the text string to the XLF document.
Typically, the XML document containing the translated text strings is generated by a translation system.
However, for the purposes of this tutorial, you can manually add the required information to the
hdbtextbundle.xlf file:
• Language information
The translated language is defined in the XML metadata using the target-language="de-DE" option,
for example, <file [...] target-language="de-DE">tag.
• The translated text:
The translated text is specified in the body of the XML document using the <target>tag, as illustrated
in the following example.
• The hdbtextbundle file name
The name of the XLIFF hdbtextbundle file with language-specific content must include the following
characters in the file suffix: a dash (“-”), the appropriate ISO 639 language key (for example, “de”), an
underscore (“_”), and an ISO 3166 country code (for example, “DE”).
The XML document you use to import translated version of text strings specifies both the original source
language (English) and the target (translated) text, which in this example is German (DE).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" version="1.2">
<file datatype="plaintext" date="2013-09-05T13:57:13Z"
original="bla.test.hdbtextbundle" source-language="en" target-language="de-DE">
<sxmd:metadata xmlns:sxmd="urn:x-sap:mlt:xliff12:metadata:1.0"
<group resname="c.test.hdbtextbundle" restype="x-objectContentTexts">
<trans-unit xmlns:sap="urn:x-sap:sls-mlt" id="TEST" maxwidth="20"
sap:sc="XTIT" size-unit="char">
<source>hello world</source>
<target>Hallo Welt</target>
12. Import the XLF file containing the text strings for the source and target languages into the SAP HANA
You use the repository translation tool (rtt) included with the SAP HANA client to import the .XLF file.
Open a command shell on the machine running the SAP HANA studio/client, and type the following
rtt -import -p <package containing hdbtextbundle>
13. Activate the package containing the XLF file with the translated text strings.
The import operation inserts the translated strings into the appropriate table in the SAP HANA database.
You can check which language versions of which text strings are stored in the SAP HANA repository by
looking in the table _SYS.REPO.ACTIVE_CONTENT_TEXT_CONTENT, for example, with the following
SQL command:
WHERE PACKAGE_ID ='<path>.ui.HelloWorld.i18n'
To complete this tutorial successfully, bear in mind the following requirements:
• You have installed the SAP HANA studio.
• You have installed the SAPUI5 tools included in the delivery unit (DU) SAPUI5_1.
• You have installed the SHINE (democontent) delivery unit; this DU contains the XSJS service you want to
consume with the SAPUI5 application you build in this tutorial.
• You have generated data to populate the tables and views provided by the SHINE delivery unit and used
in this tutorial. You can generate the data with tools included in the SHINE delivery unit.
You might have to adjust the paths in the code examples provided to suit the folder/package
hierarchy in your SAP HANA repository, for example, to point to the underlying content
(demonstration tables and services) referenced in the tutorial.
You can configure an SAPUI5 application to call an XSJS service in response to user interaction with the UI;
the XSJS service performs an action and returns a response. This tutorial demonstrates how to trigger an
XSJS service which performs a mathematical multiplication when numbers are typed in text boxes displayed
in an SAPUI5 application.
1. Create an SAPUI5 project.
a. Start the New Application Project wizard.
In the SAP HANA studio's Project Explorer view, choose New → Other.
b. Select the application project.
SAP HANA studio provides dedicated wizards to help you set up an application project; here you
choose the project SAPUI5 Application Development → Application Project in the New Project
c. Define details of the new project.
• Enter a name for the new SAPUI5 application project, for example, xsjsMultiply.
• Check the Use default location option.
d. Define details of the new SAPUI5 application view and choose Finish.
• Provide a name for the base HTML page that the SAPUI5 application uses, for example,
• Choose JavaScript as the Development Paradigm.
Application descriptors have a file extension, but no file name, for example, .xsapp or
a. In the SAP HANA studio's Project Explorer view, right-click the application package where you want
to create the new application descriptors and, and in the popup menu, choose New → Other…
b. Create the XS application descriptor file (.xsapp).
In the Select a Wizard dialog, choose SAP HANA → Application Development → XS Application
Access File.
The application descriptor has no content; its job is to mark the root package of the
resources exposed to client requests by the application.
c. Create the XS application access file (.xsaccess).
In the Select a Wizard dialog, choose SAP HANA → Application Development → XS Application
Access File.
The .xsaccess file controls who has access to the application (and how) and what data or
services the application can expose.
d. Select a template to use for the application-access file (for example, Basic) and choose Finish.
A basic .xsaccess file looks like the following example, which exposes your application data, requires
logon credentials for authentication, and helps to prevent cross-site request-forgery (XSRF) attacks:
"exposed" : true,
"authentication" : { "method" : "Form"},
"prevent_xsrf" : true
e. Activate the XS application descriptor files in the SAP HANA Repository.
Right-click the package containing the application descriptor files you have created and, in the
context-sensitive menu, choose Team → Activate.
You now have a basic package structure to hold your application files. The root package for your new
application also contains the required application descriptors, which control access to the services
and data exposed by the new application.
3. Share the new SAPUI5 project with the SAP HANA Repository.
In the SAP HANA studio's Project Explorer view, right-click the new SAPUI5 application project, and
choose Team → Share Project.
a. Choose the appropriate repository type, for example, SAP HANA Repository.
b. Specify the package location in the SAP HANA repository where the new SAP UI5 application project
should reside.
In the Share Project wizard, choose Browse... to select the package in which you want to store the
new SAPUI5 application artifacts. Select the uipackage in the SAPUI5 folder hierarchy.
c. Check the settings you made for the new SAPUI5 application project.
d. Activate the new SAPUI5 application project.
In the SAP HANA studio's Project Explorer view, right-click the new SAPUI5 application project, and
choose Team → Activate.
Remember to activate at the project level to ensure that all project artifacts are created and
stored in the SAP HANA repository.
4. Modify the default settings for the SAPUI5 bootstrap location in the base SAPUI5 index.html.
The SAPUI5 project wizard inserts a default bootstrap location into the index.html file which is
incorrect for SAP HANA. You must manually change the bootstrap location in the SAPUI5 application's
index.html file by adding /sap/ui5/1 to the beginning of the default path defined in the script
src= tag, for example, script src="/sap/ui5/1/resources/sap-ui-core.js as illustrated in
the following example:
You must also declare any additional libraries you want the SAPUI5 application to use to
render the data it consumes. For this tutorial, add sap.ui.table to the list of SAPUI5
libraries, as shown in the following example.
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<script src="/sap/ui5/1/resources/sap-ui-core.js" id="sap-ui-
data-sap-ui-libs="sap.ui.commons,sap.ui.table" data-sap-ui-
5. Set up the SAPUI5 view displayed in the application user interface.
The SAPUI5 view for this tutorial is specified in the file xsjsMultiply.view.js; it displays a simple
UI with two text boxes that you can use to specify the numbers to use for the multiplication action.
sap.ui.jsview("xsjsmultiply.xsjsMultiply", {
getControllerName : function() {
return "xsjsmultiply.xsjsMultiply";
createContent : function(oController) {
var multiplyPanel = new sap.ui.commons.Panel().setText("XS Service
Test - Multiplication");
var layoutNew = new
var oVal1 = new sap.ui.commons.TextField("val1",{tooltip: "Value
#1", editable:true});
var oVal2 = new sap.ui.commons.TextField("val2",{tooltip: "Value
#2", editable:true});
var oResult = new sap.ui.commons.TextView("result",{tooltip:
var oEqual = new sap.ui.commons.TextView("equal",{tooltip:
"Equals", text: " = "});
var oMult = new sap.ui.commons.TextView("mult",{tooltip: "Multiply
by", text: " * "});
return multiplyPanel;
6. Set up the SAPUI5 controller functions to handle the UI events.
The code described in this step must be added to the SAPUI5 view controller file
a. Add the code that creates an event handler named onLiveChange.
The onLiveChangefunction has two parameters: oEvent and oVal, which are used in the jQuery.Ajax
call to the XSJS service at the specified URL. This is the event which is triggered every time the
value is changed in either of the text boxes displayed in the application UI.
onLiveChange: function(oEvent,oVal) {
var aUrl =
'/sap/hana/democontent/epm/services/multiply.xsjs?cmd=multiply' + '&num1='
+ escape(oEvent.getParameters().liveValue)
+ '&num2=' + escape(oVal.getValue())
url: aUrl,
method: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
success: this.onCompleteMultiply,
error: this.onErrorCall
If the AJAX call is successful, call a controller event named onCompleteMultiply; if the AJAX call is
not successful, call a controller event named onErrorCall.
b. Add the code that creates an event handler named onCompleteMultiply.
The onCompleteMultiplyfunction accepts the response object as an input parameter called myTxt.
This text box will contain the result of the multiplication in clear text. Use the
sap.ui.core.format.NumberFormatto format the output as an integer and set the value back into the
oResult textView.
onCompleteMultiply: function(myTxt){
var oResult = sap.ui.getCore().byId("result");
if(myTxt==undefined){ oResult.setText(0); }
var oNumberFormat =
maxFractionDigits: 12,
minFractionDigits: 0,
groupingEnabled: true });
oResult.setText(oNumberFormat.format(myTxt)); }
c. Add the code that produces an error dialog if the event produces an error.
The onErrorCallfunction displays a message dialog ( in the
event of an error during the multiplication action provided by the XSJS service. The information
displayed in the error message is contained in jqXHR.responseText.
onErrorCall: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){,
"Service Call Error" );
The complete xsjsMultiply.controller.jsfile should look like the following example:
sap.ui.controller("xsjsmultiply.xsjsMultiply", {
onLiveChange: function(oEvent,oVal) {
var aUrl = '/sap/hana/democontent/epm/services/multiply.xsjs?cmd=multiply'
+ '&num1='
+ escape(oEvent.getParameters().liveValue)
+ '&num2=' + escape(oVal.getValue());
url: aUrl,
method: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
success: this.onCompleteMultiply,
error: this.onErrorCall });
onCompleteMultiply: function(myTxt) {
var oResult = this.byId("result");
if (myTxt == undefined){ oResult.setText(0); }
else {"sap.ui.core.format.NumberFormat");
var oNumberFormat =
maxFractionDigits: 12,
minFractionDigits: 0,
groupingEnabled: true });
oResult.setText(oNumberFormat.format(myTxt)); }
onErrorCall: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {,
"Service Call Error" );
7. Save and activate all changes to all SAPUI5 application artifacts.
Activate at the project level to ensure that the changes made to all project artifacts are
updated in the SAP HANA repository.
8. Test your “xsjsMultiply” SAPUI5 application in a Web browser.
The URL for the SAPUI5 application is:
The content of the URL is case sensitive. If prompted, log on using your SAP HANA user
name and password.
11.7 Tutorial: Consume an OData Service from SAPUI5
An OData service can be used to provide the data required for display in an SAPUI5 application.
To complete this tutorial successfully, bear in mind the following requirements:
• You have installed the SAP HANA studio.
• You have installed the SAPUI5 tools included in the delivery unit (DU) SAPUI5_1.
• You have installed the SHINE delivery unit (DU); this DU contains the views
(sap.hana.democontent.epm.models::SALES_OVERVIEW_WO_CURR_CONV and
sap.hana.democontent.epm.models::BUYER) specified in the OData service
(salesOrders.xsodata) that you want to consume with the SAPUI5 application you build in this
• You have generated data to populate the tables and views provided by the SHINE DU and used in this
tutorial. You can generate the data with tools included in the SHINE DU.
You might have to adjust the paths in the code examples provided to suit the folder/package
hierarchy in your SAP HANA repository, for example, to point to the underlying content
(demonstration tables and services) referenced in the tutorial.
You can bind a UI element in an SAPUI5 application to the data specified in an OData service. For example,
you can populate the contents of a table column displayed in an SAPUI5 application with the data stored in
a database table defined in an OData service.
1. Create an SAPUI5 project.
a. Start the New Application Project wizard.
In the SAP HANA studio's Project Explorer view, choose New → Other.
b. Select the application project.
SAP HANA studio provides dedicated wizards to help you set up an application project; here you
choose the project SAPUI5 Application Development → Application Project in the New Project
c. Define details of the new project.
• Enter a name for the new SAPUI5 application project, for example, odataBasic.
• Check the Use default location option.
d. Define details of the new SAPUI5 application view and choose Finish.
• Check the folder for the project; it should be WebContent/odatabasicx.
• Provide a name for the base HTML page that the SAPUI5 application uses, for example,
• Choose JavaScript as the Development Paradigm.
You now have an Eclipse project for the new SAPUI5 application. The SAPUI5 application project has a
bootstrap HTML page (index.html) in the WebContent folder and an odataBasic controller (and
view) in the sub-package odatabasicx as illustrated in the following example.
2. Create the application-descriptor files that enable client access to the services and data exposed by the
new application.
Each SAP HANA XS application requires two mandatory application descriptor files, which are located
in the root package of the application they apply to. If the application-descriptor files already exist (for
example, because they are created as part of the new-application Wizard), you can safely skip this step.
Application descriptors have a file extension, but no file name, for example, .xsapp or
a. In the SAP HANA studio's Project Explorer view, right-click the application package where you want
to create the new application descriptors and, and in the popup menu, choose New → Other…
b. Create the XS application descriptor file (.xsapp).
In the Select a Wizard dialog, choose SAP HANA → Application Development → XS Application
Access File.
The application descriptor has no content; its job is to mark the root package of the
resources exposed to client requests by the application.
c. Create the XS application access file (.xsaccess).
In the Select a Wizard dialog, choose SAP HANA → Application Development → XS Application
Access File.
The .xsaccess file controls who has access to the application (and how) and what data or
services the application can expose.
d. Select a template to use for the application-access file (for example, Basic) and choose Finish.
A basic .xsaccess file looks like the following example, which exposes your application data, requires
logon credentials for authentication, and helps to prevent cross-site request-forgery (XSRF) attacks:
"exposed" : true,
"authentication" : { "method" : "Form"},
"prevent_xsrf" : true
e. Activate the XS application descriptor files in the SAP HANA Repository.
Right-click the package containing the application descriptor files you have created and, in the
context-sensitive menu, choose Team → Activate.
You now have a basic package structure to hold your application files. The root package for your new
application also contains the required application descriptors, which control access to the services
and data exposed by the new application.
3. Share the new SAPUI5 project with the SAP HANA Repository.
In the SAP HANA studio's Project Explorer view, right-click the new SAPUI5 application project, and
choose Team → Share Project.
a. Choose the appropriate repository type, for example, SAP HANA Repository.
b. Specify the package location in the SAP HANA repository where the new SAP UI5 application project
should reside.
In the Share Project wizard, choose Browse... to select the package in which you want to store the
new SAPUI5 application artifacts. Select the uipackage in the SAPUI5 folder hierarchy.
c. Check the settings you made for the new SAPUI5 application project.
d. Activate the new SAPUI5 application project.
In the SAP HANA studio's Project Explorer view, right-click the new SAPUI5 application project, and
choose Team → Activate.
Remember to activate at the project level to ensure that all project artifacts are created and
stored in the SAP HANA repository.
4. Modify the default settings for the SAPUI5 bootstrap location in the base SAPUI5 index.html.
The SAPUI5 project wizard inserts a default bootstrap location into the index.html file which is
incorrect for SAP HANA. You must manually change the bootstrap location in the SAPUI5 application's
index.html file by adding /sap/ui5/1 to the beginning of the default path defined in the script
src= tag, for example, script src="/sap/ui5/1/resources/sap-ui-core.js as illustrated in
the following example:
You must also declare any additional libraries you want the SAPUI5 application to use to
render the data it consumes. For this tutorial, add sap.ui.table to the list of SAPUI5
libraries, as shown in the following example.
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<script src="/sap/ui5/1/resources/sap-ui-core.js" id="sap-ui-
data-sap-ui-libs="sap.ui.commons,sap.ui.table" data-sap-ui-
5. Connect the SAPUI5 table element to the OData service.
The code described in this step must be added to the SAPUI5 view controller file
a. Add the code to create an object named oModel of type sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel, as
illustrated in the following code example:
var oModel = new
sodata/", true);
b. Add the code to set the model named oModel to the UI table control named oTable.
The code you add creates a sorting mechanism (of type sap.ui.model.Sorter) which uses the column
SALESORDERID. Bind the table to the entity SalesOrderHeader in the OData service definition and
add the sorter object to the binding.
var sort1 = new sap.ui.model.Sorter("SALESORDERID", true);
path: "/SalesOrderHeader",
parameters: {expand: "Buyer",
sorter: sort1
These two steps connect the SAPUI5 view to the OData service salesOrders.xsodata. The table can
be created in the odataBasic.view.jsfile should look like the bold-type code illustrated in the following
sap.ui.jsview("odatabasic.odataBasic", {
/** Specifies the Controller belonging to this View.
* In the case that it is not implemented, or that "null" is returned,
this View does not have a Controller.
* @memberOf databasic.odataBasic
getControllerName : function() {
return "odatabasic.odataBasic";
/** Is initially called once after the Controller has been instantiated.
It is the place where the UI is constructed.
* Since the Controller is given to this method, its event handlers can be
attached right away.
* @memberOf databasic.odataBasic
createContent : function(oController) {
var oControl;
this.oSHTable = new sap.ui.table.Table("soTable",{
visibleRowCount: 10,
//Table Column Definitions
oControl = new
this.oSHTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({label:new
sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "SALES_ORDER_ID"}),
template: oControl, sortProperty: "SALESORDERID", filterProperty:
"SALESORDERID", filterOperator: sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.EQ, flexible: true
oControl = new
this.oSHTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({label:new
sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "PARTNER_ID"}),
template: oControl, sortProperty: "PARTNERID", filterProperty:
oControl = new
this.oSHTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({label:new
sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "COMPANY"}),
template: oControl, sortProperty: "Buyer/CompanyName",
filterProperty: "Buyer/CompanyName", filterOperator:
sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.Contains }));
oControl = new
this.oSHTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({label:new
sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "GROSS_AMOUNT"}),
template: oControl, sortProperty: "GROSSAMOUNT", filterProperty:
"GROSSAMOUNT", hAlign: sap.ui.commons.layout.HAlign.End}));
oControl = new
this.oSHTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({label:new
sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "CURRENCY"}),
template: oControl, sortProperty: "CURRENCY", filterProperty:
var sort1 = new sap.ui.model.Sorter("SALESORDERID", true);
path: "/SalesOrderHeader",
parameters: {expand: "Buyer",
sorter: sort1
this.oSHTable.setTitle("Sales Orders");
return oLayout;
6. Save and activate all changes to all SAPUI5 application artifacts.
Activate at the project level to ensure that the changes made to all project artifacts are
updated in the SAP HANA repository.
7. Test your “odataBasic” SAPUI5 application in a Web browser.
The URL for the SAPUI5 application is:
The content of the URL is case sensitive. Log on using your SAP HANA user name and
8. Optional: Use the metadata that OData exposes to build the table columns dynamically.
You do not have to hard code the column definitions in the *.view.js file. To use Odata metdata to
build the columns dynamically, remove the list of hard-coded table-column definitions in the
odataBasic.view.js with the code that builds the table columns dynamically, as illustrated in the
following example.
sap.ui.jsview("odatabasic.odataBasic", {
/** Specifies the Controller belonging to this View.
* In the case that it is not implemented, or that "null" is returned,
this View does not have a Controller.
* @memberOf databasic.odataBasic
getControllerName : function() {
return "odatabasic.odataBasic";
/** Is initially called once after the Controller has been instantiated.
It is the place where the UI is constructed.
* Since the Controller is given to this method, its event handlers can be
attached right away.
* @memberOf databasic.odataBasic
createContent : function(oController) {
var oControl;
this.oSHTable = new sap.ui.table.Table("soTable",{
visibleRowCount: 10,
oControl = new
oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({label:new
sap.ui.commons.Label({text:}), template: oControl, sortProperty:, filterProperty:, filterOperator:
sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.EQ, flexible: true, width: "125px" }));
var sort1 = new sap.ui.model.Sorter("SALESORDERID", true);
path: "/SalesOrderHeader",
parameters: {expand: "Buyer",
sorter: sort1
this.oSHTable.setTitle("Sales Orders");
return oLayout;
The code you insert performs the following actions:
• Uses the function getServiceMetadata() to connect to the OData metadata object
• Inspects the OData metadata and extracts the columns of the service defined in the property
• Loops over this collection of OData metadata and creates a column for each in the
service dynamically.
To complete this tutorial successfully, bear in mind the following requirements:
• You have installed the SAP HANA studio.
• You have installed the SAPUI5 tools included in the delivery unit (DU) SAPUI5_1.
• You have installed the SHINE delivery unit (DU); this DU contains the tables and OData services that you
want to consume with the SAPUI5 application you build in this tutorial.
• You have generated data to populate the tables and views provided by the SHINE delivery unit and used
in this tutorial. You can generate the data with tools included in the SHINE delivery unit.
You might have to adjust the paths in the code examples provided to suit the folder/package
hierarchy in your SAP HANA repository, for example, to point to the underlying content
(demonstration tables and services) referenced in the tutorial.
You can bind a UI element in an SAPUI5 application to the data specified in an OData service. For example,
you can populate the contents of table columns displayed in an SAPUI5 application with the data stored in a
database table defined in an OData service. In this tutorial, you learn how to build an SAPUI5 view that
provides input fields, which you can use to create a new record or update an existing record in a database
table, for example, using the OData create, update, and delete (CRUD) features.
1. Create an SAPUI5 project.
a. Start the New Application Project wizard.
In the SAP HANA studio's Project Explorer view, choose New → Other...
b. Select the application project.
SAP HANA studio provides dedicated wizards to help you set up an application project; choose the
project SAPUI5 Application Development → Application Project in the New Project wizard.
c. Define details of the new project.
• Enter a name for the new SAPUI5 application project, for example, userCRUD.
• Check the Use default location option.
d. Define details of the new SAPUI5 application view and choose Finish.
• Provide a name for the base HTML page that the SAPUI5 application uses, for example,
• Choose JavaScript as the Development Paradigm.
Application descriptors have a file extension, but no file name, for example, .xsapp or
a. In the SAP HANA studio's Project Explorer view, right-click the application package where you want
to create the new application descriptors and, and in the popup menu, choose New → Other…
b. Create the XS application descriptor file (.xsapp).
In the Select a Wizard dialog, choose SAP HANA → Application Development → XS Application
Access File.
The application descriptor has no content; its job is to mark the root package of the
resources exposed to client requests by the application.
c. Create the XS application access file (.xsaccess).
In the Select a Wizard dialog, choose SAP HANA → Application Development → XS Application
Access File.
The .xsaccess file controls who has access to the application (and how) and what data or
services the application can expose.
d. Select a template to use for the application-access file (for example, Basic) and choose Finish.
A basic .xsaccess file looks like the following example, which exposes your application data, requires
logon credentials for authentication, and helps to prevent cross-site request-forgery (XSRF) attacks:
"exposed" : true,
"authentication" : { "method" : "Form"},
"prevent_xsrf" : true
e. Activate the XS application descriptor files in the SAP HANA Repository.
Right-click the package containing the application descriptor files you have created and, in the
context-sensitive menu, choose Team → Activate.
You now have a basic package structure to hold your application files. The root package for your new
application also contains the required application descriptors, which control access to the services
and data exposed by the new application.
3. Share the new SAPUI5 project with the SAP HANA repository.
In the SAP HANA studio's Project Explorer view, right-click the new SAPUI5 application project, and
choose Team → Share Project...
a. Choose the appropriate repository type, for example, SAP HANA Repository.
b. Specify the package location in the SAP HANA repository where the new SAP UI5 application project
should reside.
In the Share Project wizard, choose Browse... to select the package in which you want to store the
new SAPUI5 application artifacts. Select the uipackage in the SAPUI5 folder hierarchy.
c. Check the settings you made for the new SAPUI5 application project.
d. Activate the new SAPUI5 application project.
In the SAP HANA studio's Project Explorer view, right-click the new SAPUI5 application project, and
choose Team → Activate.
Remember to activate at the project level to ensure that all project artifacts are created and
stored in the SAP HANA repository.
4. Modify the default settings for the SAPUI5 bootstrap location in the base SAPUI5 index.html.
The SAPUI5 project wizard inserts a default bootstrap location into the index.html file which is
incorrect for SAP HANA. You must manually change the bootstrap location in the SAPUI5 application's
index.html file by adding /sap/ui5/1 to the beginning of the default path defined in the script
src= tag, for example, script src="/sap/ui5/1/resources/sap-ui-core.js as illustrated in
the following example:
You must also declare any additional libraries you want the SAPUI5 application to use to
render the data it consumes. For this tutorial, add sap.ui.table to the list of SAPUI5
libraries, as shown in the following example.
<html><head><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<script src="/sap/ui5/1/resources/sap-ui-core.js"
data-sap-ui-libs="sap.ui.commons, sap.ui.table, sap.ui.ux3,
<!-- add sap.ui.table,sap.ui.ux3 and/or other libraries to 'data-
sap-ui-libs' if required -->
var version = sap.ui.version;
var versionMinor = version.substring(2,4);
var view = sap.ui.view({id:"iduserCRUD1",
viewName:"usercrud.userCRUD", type:sap.ui.core.mvc.ViewType.JS});
<body class="sapUiBody" role="application">
<div id="content"></div>
5. Set up the SAPUI5 user interface and bind it to an OData service.
The code you need to add to the userCRUD.view.js performs the following actions:
• Adds three text-entry boxes (sap.ui.commons.TextField) to the SAPUI5 application interface
(First Name, Last Name, and Email)
• Adds a Create Record button (sap.ui.commons.Button) to the SAPUI5 application interface
• Binds the SAPUI5 Table to the OData service user.xsodata
sap.ui.jsview("usercrud.userCRUD", {
getControllerName : function() {
return "usercrud.userCRUD";
createContent : function(oController) {
var layoutNew = new
var oVal1 = new sap.ui.commons.TextField("fName",{tooltip: "First
Name", width: "200px", editable:true});
var oVal2 = new sap.ui.commons.TextField("lName",{tooltip: "Last Name",
width: "200px", editable:true});
var oVal3 = new sap.ui.commons.TextField("email",{tooltip: "Email",
width: "200px", editable:true});
var oExcButton = new sap.ui.commons.Button({
text : "Create Record",
press : oController.callUserService });
layoutNew.createRow(new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "First Name: "}),
oVal1 ); //oExcButton );
layoutNew.createRow(new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Last Name:
"}), oVal2 ); //oExcButton );
layoutNew.createRow(new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Email: "}),
oVal3, oExcButton );
oTable.setTitle("Users" );
return oLayout;
The userCRUD.view.js file should display the UI view illustrated in the following example:
6. Set up the UI elements that the SAPUI5 application uses to handle create and update events.
The functions that handle the create and update events are defined in the SAPUI5 controller.js
a. Add a declaration for the oModel and set it to null.
This code ensures that the model instance is passed from the SAPUI5 view to the SAPUI5 controller.
sap.ui.controller("usercrud.userCRUD", {
oModel : null,
b. Add the event handlers required to create and update a database record with OData CRUD
The event handlers are empty at this point, but, when finished, ensure that the functions
callUserService (which creates new records in a table) and updateService (which updates records in
a table) are available.
callUserService : function() {
updateService: function(Event) {
this.oLocalUserModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel(oLocalUserData);
this.getView().setModel(this.oLocalUserModel, "user");
c. Set up the callUserService function to handle create events.
The code required for this implementation of the callUserServicefunction is illustrated in the following
callUserService : function() {
var oModel = sap.ui.getCore().byId("userTbl").getModel();
var oEntry = {};
oEntry.PERS_NO = "0000000000";
oEntry.FIRSTNAME = sap.ui.getCore().byId("fName").getValue();
oEntry.LASTNAME = sap.ui.getCore().byId("lName").getValue();
oEntry.E_MAIL = sap.ui.getCore().byId("email").getValue();
oModel.setHeaders({"content-type" : "application/json;charset=utf-
oModel.create('/Users', oEntry, null, function() {
alert("Create successful");
}, function() {
alert("Create failed");
In this example, the callUserServicefunction performs the following actions:
• Provides access to the model object by means of the controller with a call to var oModel =
• Creates a JSON object with the service fields: PERS_NO, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, and E_MAIL.
PERS_NO can have a fixed value 0000000000. The other fields should be read from the screen
with sap.ui.getCore().byId("<insert field id>").getValue();.
• Sets a custom header of “content-type” with the value
“application/json;charset=utf-8” in the model. This enables a call to the
oModel.create function for the entity /Users.
d. Set up the updateService function to handle update events.
The code required for this implementation of the updateServicefunction is illustrated in the following
updateService: function(Event) {
var oModel = sap.ui.getCore().byId("userTbl").getModel();
var index = Event.getSource().oParent.getIndex();
The updateServiceperforms the following actions:
• Accesses the model to read the index of the table for the changed record using
• Creates a JSON object with the service fields PERS_NO and whichever field was modified or
updated. You can access the fields in the table using the event parameter ID
“__field<index>-col<index>-row”+index, where index is the table index you read
earlier, for example, __field1-col1-row"+index.
• Sets a custom header of "content-type" with the value
"application/json;charset=utf-8" in the model. Then you can call the oModel.update
function for the entity /Users.
7. Save and activate all changes to all SAPUI5 application artifacts.
Activate at the project level to ensure that the changes made to all project artifacts are
updated in the SAP HANA repository.
8. Test your “userCRUD” SAPUI5 application in a Web browser.
The URL for the SAPUI5 application is:
democontent/epm/ui/userCRUD/index.html. You should test both the Create and the Update
a. Create a new record in the table referenced in the OData service.
12 Important Disclaimer for Features in SAP
HANA Options
SAP HANA server software and tools can be used for several SAP HANA platform and options scenarios,
based on the available SAP HANA licenses and the SAP HANA landscape. Which features and tools are
available depends on the type and version of the backend systems the SAP HANA administration and
development tools are connected to. For more information, see also SAP Note 2164095. There are several
types of licenses available for SAP HANA. Depending on the license type of your SAP HANA installation,
some of the features and tools that are described in the SAP HANA platform documentation may only be
available via the SAP HANA options, which may be released independently of an SAP HANA Platform
Support Package Stack (SPS). Although various features included in SAP HANA options are cited in the
SAP HANA platform documentation, customers who only purchased the license for the base edition of the
SAP HANA platform do not have the right to use features included in SAP HANA options, because these
features are not included in the license of the base edition of the SAP HANA platform. For customers to
whom these license restrictions apply, the use of features included in SAP HANA options in a production
system requires purchasing the corresponding software license(s) from SAP. The documentation for the
SAP HANA optional components is available in SAP Help Portal at For
more information, see also SAP Note 2091815 - SAP HANA Options. If you have additional questions about
what your particular license provides, or wish to discuss licensing features available in SAP HANA options,
please contact your SAP account team representative.
Coding Samples
Any software coding and/or code lines / strings ("Code") included in this documentation are only examples
and are not intended to be used in a productive system environment. The Code is only intended to better
explain and visualize the syntax and phrasing rules of certain coding. SAP does not warrant the correctness
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contractual obligations or commitments are formed either directly or indirectly by this document.
Gender-Neutral Language
As far as possible, SAP documentation is gender neutral. Depending on the context, the reader is
addressed directly with "you", or a gender-neutral noun (such as "sales person" or "working days") is used.
If when referring to members of both sexes, however, the third-person singular cannot be avoided or a
gender-neutral noun does not exist, SAP reserves the right to use the masculine form of the noun and
pronoun. This is to ensure that the documentation remains comprehensible.
Internet Hyperlinks
The SAP documentation may contain hyperlinks to the Internet. These hyperlinks are intended to serve as a
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