creature lives
there.” So it means that the sea was so abundant of fishes way back then and that his family could still
get enough support for their livelihood, but not until those large ships came wherein overfishing is
greatly seen and that there seems to be no more left for them. Though there might still be left but then
again it is not enough for them unlike what those large ships had caught.
He mentioned earlier the sea monster which tries to harm them. We all know that when we say
“Monster”, it is really big and can possibly harm us. It is just like from the film that what he is pertaining
to the monster is those large ships that are full of fishes and that could harm them because their
livelihood got affected by that because of overfishing. If overfishing is still ongoing, the livelihood of
Nonoy’s family will continuously be affected as well because that is where the support of their family
came from and it is from the fishes.
When he said that “It may not be seen, but it can be felt”, what he is pertaining to is the “Danger”. It is
true that we can’t see the danger but we can really feel it. It is the danger not only of Nonoy’s livelihood,
but it is also the danger that someday, if overfishing will continue, there will be also no left for the sea
I am greatly proud of Nonoy because at a young age, his eyes were already open in the reality. He wants
to fight back from those he pertains as sea monster not only for the sake of their family but for the sake
as well of future generation if overfishing will still continue. He said, “I will find the monster, I will defeat
it, Stop it vicious monster, I will chase you away, wherever you are, I will track you down, I am not afraid
of you.” See? He is shouting with range and I could feel it from what he wants to fight back as if he’s a
knight and shining armour of their island. No matter how big it is and how greedy or evil it is, he will
surely fight for it because it is their home and their life which he will not allow to be in danger.
Overfishing threatens the livelihoods of 800 million people. It is just like the situation of Nonoy’s family
where almost none is left for his dad which is also a sustainable fisherman. Fishes are their hope which
provides them food and income for their entire family.
According to the Fish Forward, “Europe is the world’s biggest market and importer of seafood. More
than 50 percent of EU fish imports come from developing countries. In order to meet our demand for
fish, we heavily rely on fish caught or farmed in the global south. At the same time, people and nature in
developing countries rely on our sustainable buying decision. Only healthy seas provide food and
income for 800 million people who depend on fish. Most of them live in developing countries. So do 98
percent of global fisheries workers.”
Therefore I conclude that overfishing, illegal fishing and climate change mostly affect people living in
developing countries, where most of the fish we eat is coming from. We have to choose wisely and
support sustainable seafood or fishing because it will surely benefit both the people and nature around
the globe. Since we already realized many things from the film, let’s support and promote a sustainable
fishing because it is surely the key not only from this present time but to our future generation as well.