Tarlac State University
Tarlac State University
Tarlac State University
VISION Tarlac State University is envisioned to be a premier university in the Asia – Pacific region.
Tarlac State University commits to promote and sustain the offering of quality and relevant programs in higher and advanced education ensuring
equitable access to education for people empowerment, professional development, and global competitiveness.
E – xcellence
Q - uality
U - nity
CORE VALUES I - ntegrity
T - rust in God, Transparency & True Commitment
Y - earning for Global Competitiveness
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OBTL Plan Course Number and Description
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OBTL Plan Course Number and Description
1. Describe what Ethics is and its importance to today’s 1. Flexible Learning Activities 1. The Flexible Learning (FL) is a pedagogical approach allowing for flexibility of
society. time, place, and audience, including but not solely focused on the use of
technologies (Cassidy, A. 2016). Flexible Learning Activities (FLA) are alternative
2. Explain what a moral experience is, the important methods of facilitating teaching learning process aside from face-to-face
concepts related to such moral experience as the instruction. In these required tasks, students are usually expected to examine,
experience happens in different levels of human review and analyse scholarly written articles and other literatures pertaining to
existence. different trends and issues in ethics in both national and international contexts.
These written output should identify the major claims or findings of each work,
3. Demonstrate knowledge on the influence of culture summarize the essential points, and offer an insightful critique. Also, the list of
specifically Filipino culture on the way human agent suggested reading materials for these tasks will be provided for the students.
looks at moral experience, on the agent’s development
of moral behavior and on the agent’s solution to moral Moreover, field observations and interviews will be conducted also as part of FLA.
dilemmas/problems The purpose of FLA is to provide opportunities for the students to facilitate their
4. Show capability to discuss the concept of human act in learning through authentic learning experiences. The FLA will be submitted to
morality and the important concepts related to the human course instructor and will be returned with brief comments. All outputs will be
act in morality. graded
2. Independent Study for Students using a rubric. Lastly, zero tolerance for plagiarism and intellectual dishonesty
5. Display knowledge of the ethical frameworks or (Term Paper/Concept paper/
principles behind the human person’s moral disposition, Reaction Paper) 2. In this task, students are expected to do an empirical output on a specific ethical
and make sound ethical judgments based on principles, issues and problems specially seen in Applied Ethics and those happening
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facts and the stakeholders affected. around in the society and in their communities. The students will address the
identified problem and issues by developing a Term Paper, a Concept Paper or a
6. Exhibit understanding and internalization of the principles Reaction Paper. This includes background, presentation, analysis and
of ethical behavior in modern society at the level of the interpretation of data and conclusion. This will allow the students to demonstrate
person, society and in interaction with the environment critical and creative thinking, and/or other higher-order thinking skills in in
and other shared resources. designing and completing an empirical project of their choice Furthermore,
students will be divided into groups to provide them an opportunity to work
3. Mid-term and Final collaboratively. All outputs will be graded using a rubric.
3. These written tasks are given to evaluate the students’ knowledge and
understanding on the major concepts and principles of Ethics. These will be
administered to validate the results of their practical activities, and to ensure
understanding on the course contents discussed.) In addition, items on these
examinations will be based and anchored on the Table of Specifications (TOS).
The TOS shows the topics covered by the midterm and final examinations and
the relative weights of these topics. This serves as the blueprint of the
examinations and also gives an idea for the students on what to focus on when
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1.2. Appraise requirements and give information directly but instead Online
the requirements Expectations of the Course asks students series of questions. Reading
and expectations of 2. Its goal is to help students process Materials
the course. information and engage in deeper
understanding of MS Teams
topics Accounts
Round Robin:
1. Each student in turn shares
something with his or her
teammates regarding the topic.
2. This works well for expressing ideas
and opinions
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human beings can be Manila: Educational experiences where they need to and decisions are ethical and why accounts
Ethical Publishing House, Inc. decide between two things which have
two contrasting vegetative result. EDMODO
Montemayor, F. M.(1994) accounts
Ethics: The Philosophy of Lecture:
Life. Manila, Philippines: a) What ate moral dilemmas?
National Book Store Examples of moral dilemmas
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OBTL Plan Course Number and Description
act in morality. 2. Essential Attribute of Human Educators, 2ns ed. Class discussion: Personal experience Role play three cases, highlighting PPT Week
Act: Act as Knowingly Done- Manila: National and feeling attached to these in one case an emotional Presentation 5
Reason and Impartiality as Bookstore, Inc. experiences responses and in the other rational and/or any
Minimum Requirement for response software
Morality De Guzman J.M et al. Lecture: applications
2.1 The Modifier of Knowledge is (2017). Ethics: Principles a) Feelings- importance, origin and The class critiques the behaviors
Ignorance of Ethical Behavior in disadvantages and responses of agents in three Online
2.2 Reason and Impartiality Defined Modern Society. b) Reason and Impartiality cases Reading
2.3 The 7 Step Moral Reasoning Malabon City: Mutya Materials
Model Publishing House, inc. Student Activity: Group discussion: Group Case Analysis using the 7-
stories from news clips highlighting step model on the business ethics MSTeams
Dela Torre, J. (1993) emotional and rational responses. case called the Star employee Accounts
Ethics: The man’s Tool
for the Development of Lecture: The 7 step model Evaluation: Reason and Impartiality Gmail
Sound Professional and as Minimum Requirement in accounts
Civil Life. Manila: Student Activity: Class discussion using Morality
Educational Publishing the model to solve a case EDMODO
House, Inc. accounts
3. Essential Attribute of Human Act: Recall a new report that students have Students are tasked to give Laptop Week
Act as Willfully Done Done-Feelings Montemayor, F. M. seen recently and illustrate their comments and critique on the 6
and Moral Decision Making (1994) Ethics: The feelings as instinctive response to the responses in the role-playing LED Projector
3.1 The Modifier of Philosophy of Life. news activities.
Freedom: Passion Manila, Philippines: PPT
and Habit National Book Store Role play the following cases: Evaluation: Feelings and Moral- Presentation
3.2 Feelings as a). From medical ethics: an end-of-life Decision Making and/or any
Instinctive case involving a dying parent software
Response to Moral (euthanasia) applications
Dilemmas b) from business ethics: payment of
3.3 Feelings as facilitation fee to accustoms officer by a Online
Obstacles to finance employee Reading
Making Right c) from ethics in government: the sue of Materials
Decisions an official car to bring one’s daughter to
2.3 Feelings Can Help In school everyday MSTeams
Making Right Decisions Accounts
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OBTL Plan Course Number and Description
3 Essential Attribute of Human Act: Video Presentation: View a video clip Class Recitation-Students are Laptop Week
Act as Freely Done demonstrating unlimited freedom or the tasked to cite reactions and insight 7
–Freedom as Foundation of absence of freedom on the video clip zeroing on why LED Projector
Morality freedom is crucial to the ethical
3.1 The Modifier of Freedom: Fear Lecture; Reason and Will experience PPT
3.2 Moral Courage Presentation
3.3 The Importance of Will and Moral Student Activity: Case discussion Individual reflection session on a and/or any
Courage highlighting that a good rational moral most recent personal dilemma: software
3.4 Developing Will and Moral decision is not always executed and “How did I decide and what did I applications
Courage then analyze why actually do during my most
important moral experience in the Online
past year. Write a reflection paper Reading
about it. Materials
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3. Applied Ethics Lecture on the principles of the applied Students are tasked to research on Week
3.1 Bioethics ethics the ethical issues, problems and 13-14
3.2 Environmental Ethics concerns relative to the applied
3.3 Business/Work Ethics Present to class the ethical issues, ethics and present them to the
3.4 Sexual Ethics/Gender concerns, problems through debates, class through debates, role playing,
and Sexuality role playing, video clips, talk shows and video clips, talk shows and other
other means. means.
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3. Role of Religion in Ethics Ethics: The Philosophy of Make a three-paragraph argumentative Class recitation Week
3.1 Religion and Ethics Life. Manila, Philippines: essay entitled, “My reply to Euthyphro 17
3.2 Religion’s in Ethics National Book Store Dilemma”
3.3 Theistic Ethics Evaluation: Role of Religion in
Suggested Readings and - Agapay, R. B.(1995, 2008) Ethics and the Filipino: A Manual on Morals for Students and Educators, 2ns ed. Manila: National Bookstore, Inc..
References - Ardales, V. B.(1987) Introductory Text to Philosophy. Quezon City: Great Books Trading, Inc.
- Babor, E. R. (1999) Ethics: The Philosophical Discipline of Action, 1st ed. Manila, Philippines, Rex Book Store.
- Cruz, C. C. (1995) Contemporary Ethics. Manila: National Bookstore, Inc.
- De Guzman J.M et al. (2017). Ethics: Principles of Ethical Behavior in Modern Society. Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, inc.
- Dela Torre, J. (1993) Ethics: The man’s Tool for the Development of Sound Professional and Civil Life. Manila: Educational Publishing House, Inc. `
- Dy Jr., M B. (1986) Philosophy of Man: Selected Readings. Manila: Goodwill Trading Co. Inc.
- ____________. (1994) Contemporary Social Philosophy. Manila: Goodwill Trading Co.Inc.
- Javines, R. R.(2009) Philosophy of the Human Person. Manila: Educational Publishing House, Inc..
- Mabaloc, C. R. B (2009) . Philosophy of Man: The existential Drama. Manila Rex Book Store.
- Montemayor, F. M.(1994) Ethics: The Philosophy of Life. Manila, Philippines: National Book Store
- ________________.(1995) Introduction to Philosophy Through the Philosophy of Man. 2nd ed. Manila: National Book Store, Inc.
- Rivas, V. A. (2008) Philosophy: A History of Man. Manila: Unlad Publishing Company
- Robles, G. S. (1994) Everyday Ethics. Manila: Educational Publishing House, Inc.
Grading System
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OBTL Plan Course Number and Description
1. Microsoft Teams will be used as the primary platform in every class; thus, all students are advised to download and install the aforementioned application. Just go to
office.com. and login using your @student.tsu.edu.ph account, choose Teams from the list of applications, from there your enrolled subjects will appear;
2. To uphold delivery of quality instruction, the class may also use added online platforms and applications like Zoom Cloud Meeting, FB Messenger, Viber, WhatsApp
and the like.
3. No Special Examination will be administered unless an excuse letter from parent/ guardian or medical certificate noted by the guidance counsellor and class adviser is
4. Attendance will be checked every meeting. A student must complete 85% of the session in order for him/her be given credit for attendance.
5. Assignments are to be submitted on time. Failure to submit assignments is equivalent to a grade of 5.0.
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OBTL Plan Course Number and Description
Recommending Approval:
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