Mock EXAM English MAJ
Mock EXAM English MAJ
Mock EXAM English MAJ
CPT G31 149
CAVEAT: This is an example only. You don’t expect the real exam to be exactly like this. You cannot claim that the
real exam has to follow the model / style / issues raised in this Example
‐ Only simple non‐programmable calculators allowed. Do not share calculators
‐ No mobile phones allowed (even as calculators).
‐ No documents allowed
The exam is composed of 3 independent exercises. It is graded over 20 marks
Estimated time: Exercise 1 : Nectar: 50 minutes
‐ Exercise 2: Fairprice: 30 minutes
‐ Exercise 3 Telamarket 40 minutes
Exercise 1: Nectar
Pierre Martin was hired as deputy managing director of the LemonFizz division of the Nectar Corporation, on
July 1st. 2016. This was done to prepare for the succession of the managing director of the division, scheduled
to retire on January 1st. 2018. In order to prepare for his future responsibilities, Pierre Martin has been
charged with supervising business operations in 2017 and 2018 and actively monitoring results with respect
to the budget. As planned, Pierre Martin is appointed managing director of the LemonFizz division on January
1st. 2018. He is in charge of preparing the budget for the year 2019.
The Nectar Corporation produces and sells different types of soft drink (fruit juices, fizzy drinks, etc.). The
company is very decentralized and the budgeting procedure is done bottom‐up. The divisions submit their
objectives and their action plans to the corporate head office, which generally approves them with little
modification. Head office does not get involved in the operational management of the divisions, but actively
participates in decisions concerning the expansion or modernization of facilities that may require significant
investments. The general management of each division is in charge of monitoring and complying with the
capital expenditure budget. ROI is the indicator used to measure the performance of each division manager.
It is calculated this way: Contribution/Total Assets
Here are the results for 2016, 2017, 2018 for the LemonFizz division and its budgets for 2018 and 2019:
Actual Budget
2016 2017 2018 2018 2019
Domestic 800 1 200 1 400 1 550 1 800
Export 200 300 400 450 600
Total Sales 1 000 1 500 1 800 2 000 2 400
Variable Costs
Raw materials and labour ‐ 250 ‐375 ‐450 ‐500 ‐600
Repairs ‐50 ‐75 ‐50 ‐100 ‐120
Spare parts ‐20 ‐30 ‐36 ‐40 ‐48
Total variable costs ‐320 ‐480 ‐536 ‐640 ‐768
Gross Margin 680 1 020 1 264 1 360 1 632
Training ‐30 ‐35 ‐25 ‐40 ‐45
Maintenance ‐50 ‐55 ‐40 ‐60 ‐70
Rent ‐80 ‐100 ‐100 ‐140 ‐140
Depreciations ‐120 ‐160 ‐160 ‐200 ‐200
Total fixed costs ‐280 ‐350 ‐325 ‐440 ‐455
Contribution 400 670 939 920 1 177
Fixed Assets 1 590 2 565 2 700 3 380 4 000
Inventories 200 300 250 400 480
Receivables 100 150 180 200 240
Cash and cash equivalents 150 225 150 300 360
Total Assets 2 040 3 240 3 280 4 280 5 080
1. Calculate the ROI for each year:
Actual Budget
2016 2017 2018 2018 2019
2. Which type of Responsibility Center is the LemonFizz division? Substantiate your answer with 2 or
3 reasons maximum.
3. Which are the advantages of this organization for Nectar corporation (please mention 3
4. Which are the disadvantages of this organization for Nectar corporation (please mention 3
5. From the figures presented before, please analyse the results for the LemonFizz division for 2018
(10 lines max.).
6. Do you think that Pierre Martin has respected the budget?
7. Is the ROI enough for measuring the division manager performance? In the light of the
performance of Pierre Martin in 2018, which are the limits of the ROI as an indicator?
8. Which other indicator(s) could be used for this kind of organisation and this type of responsibility
delegation? Present the indicator(s) you chose, the reasons for your choice(s) and calculate the
performance of Pierre Martin by using the indicator(s) that you propose.
A Balanced Scorecard for Fairprice (08 marks)
Fairprice is a chain of food stores now owned by Special, a large French distribution group. The brand began
in the late 50s, with convenience stores of less than 500 m2. The brand first developed in the city centers,
mainly in Paris and Ile‐de‐France. Following its acquisition by the Special Group, Fairprice is now going on a
growth strategy by opening new stores in other cities in France. The brand concept is also renewed: while
Fairprice still offers first price products, it also offers high‐end organic products and eco‐responsible food.
Besides, Fairprice sells many products daily "made on the spot" (in each store), for instance: bread, roasted
chicken, pressed orange juice...
In 2017, the company redefined its strategy for 2018‐2022 and opted for a Balanced Scorecard approach
implemented by a specialized consulting firm. In a first meeting, Fairprice’s strategy was clarified and
validated by all the members of the management committee: "Pursue an active development policy in
France and in Europe by drawing on our know‐how, while ensuring good profitability to finance growth"
In order to achieve this strategy, Fairprice has to reach three strategic objectives:
‐ Increase sales, based on the acquisitions of competitors and store openings, renovation of stores,
capitalization of know‐how and development of new concepts;
‐ Ensure satisfactory profitability, particularly by controlling costs and controlling assets;
‐ Control the evolution of working capital needs
Accompanied by the consultants, the members of the management committee then selected the indicators
which seemed the most suitable for the overall objectives and strategy. As a first step, the BSC will be used
by the management committee, but it will be declined for store managers in 2019.
The BSC is as follows:
Development Number of stores with “Cooked Here” bakery corner
Perspective Number of stores with “Roaster” corner
Number of stores with Organic corner
% of employees who received training during the year
1) The Balanced ScoreCard…
a. … aims at improving operational decision‐making level, not the strategy process.
b. … aims at translating financial objectives into operational indicators.
c. … is based on a cause‐and‐effect analysis of strategic objectives
d. … focuses on value creation, not on the costs generated.
2) Which of the following assertions is most likely to be correct with respect to a balanced scorecard?
a. the BSC helps to translate short term financial performance objectives.
b. The BSC helps to translate commercial performance.
c. The BSC helps to reduce managers’ emphasis on short term financial performance.
d. The BSC helps to reduce strategic uncertainty
3) Of the following strategic objectives, only one is included in Fairprice’s BSC:
a. Capitalization on know‐how
b. Working capital needs
c. Asset control
d. Acquisition of competing stores
4) Among the classic issues in BSC, only one is developed in Fairprice’s:
a. Customer satisfaction
b. Innovation
c. Social responsibility of business
d. Human resources
5) Which indicator does not correspond to a strategic objective of the company?
b. Average stock in days of sales
c. Market share
d. % of employees who received training in the year
6) Which indicator is not in the correct perspective of the BSC?
a. Sales
b. Average stock in days of sales
c. % of products beyond expiration date
d. % of renovated stores
7) Among the indicators to assess customer loyalty, which would not be relevant here?
a. % customers with loyalty card
b. Average sales per customer
c. Average number of monthly visits by loyal customers
d. Average cost of loyal customer promotion
9) Which financial indicator could be potentially added in the future BSC implemented in stores?
a. ROI
b. Breakeven point
10) Which indicator could be potentially added in the commercial perspective in the future BSC
implemented in stores ?
a. Grading for Quality of Service (from mystery client survey)
b. Average Tenure of sales employees (in months)
c. Number of competing stores in the commercial area (from market survey)
d. Breakeven in sales
The company Telemarket manufactures servers and network equipment, and it is organized into
decentralized product lines defined as profit centers. The director of each line has been given full
authority for all decisions regarding the sale of products, either outside of the group or to other
Telemarket divisions.
The DataCenter division had always bought a particular processor from the Platinum division. When
the DataCenter division manager knew that the Platinum division was increasing its price to $ 150,
the DataCenter division director decided to buy outside.
The DataCenter division can buy the processor at a price of 135 € on the market. For its part, the
Platinum division explains that it has to increase its price because of the launch of a new production
line and its resulting depreciation. The DataCenter Division Director provides the following
information to senior management:
1. Assume that Platinum can only produce those processors, thus they cannot produce anything
eles. Will Telemark be better off by buying the processor from the open market at 135 €?
2. Now assume that if Platinum does not make the 1 000 processors for the DataCenter division, it
is still able to make other products for a total sales of € 18,000 per year. Should the DataCenter
division buy in the open market?
3- Assume again that Platinum can only produce the processors while external suppliers reduce
their price by € 20. Should the DataCenter division buy at the open market?
4 – Which is your recommendation to the CEO?