Software Pylon 40brochure
Software Pylon 40brochure
Software Pylon 40brochure
Basler pylon 4 Camera Software Suite The tree structure of the viewer’s graphical user
interface lets you easily find the best camera
The pylon Camera Software Suite is a collection of parameter setup, adjust image quality, and control
drivers and tools for operating any Basler camera with advanced camera features.
a Windows or Linux PC. As it is based on GenICam
technology, it offers barrier-free access to the newest
camera models and the latest features. Changes to
an existing camera device in your application
essentially becomes a plug-and-play process.
For example, you can easily configure the IP settings The pylon USB3 Vision Driver fully supports the USB3
of a GigE Vision camera, fix driver or bandwidth Vision standard. It allows Basler USB 3.0 cameras to
problems for USB cameras, or configure baud rates use the full speed and bandwidth of USB 3.0 for
for Camera Link cameras. image transmission, while reducing resource load
and using off-the-shelf hardware components.
The pylon Viewer provides a versatile application
for testing and evaluating Basler cameras. The pylon GigE Vision Performance Driver quickly
separates incoming packets carrying image data from
other traffic on the network, and makes the data
available for use by your vision application while
requiring the lowest CPU resources. This driver can
only be used with network cards that include
specific Intel chipsets. The pylon GigE Vision Filter
Driver supports all kinds of hardware, common GigE
network cards, and GigE ports on your motherboard
as well.
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The pylon Camera Software Suite operates with all Basler line scan and area scan cameras – no matter
what interface they use. It offers stable, reliable and flexible data exchange between Basler cameras
and PCs, at a very low CPU load.
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