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1) 21!05!2011narasimham Committee Report I

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The Narasimham Committee was set up in order to study the problems of the Indian financial system
and to suggest some recommendations for improvement in the efficiency and productivity of the
financial institution.
The committee has given the following major recommendations:-
     The committee recommended the reduction of the higher
proportion of the Statutory Liquidity Ratio 'SLR' and the Cash Reserve Ratio 'CRR'. Both of these
ratios were very high at that time. The SLR then was 38.5% and CRR was 15%. This high amount
of SLR and CRR meant locking the bank resources for government uses. It was hindrance in the
productivity of the bank thus the committee recommended their gradual reduction. SLR was
recommended to reduce from 38.5% to 25% and CRR from 15% to 3 to 5%.

!"   !  In India, since nationalization, directed credit
programme were adopted by the government. The committee recommended phasing out of
this programme. This programme compelled banks to earmark then financial resources for the
needy and poor sectors at confessional rates of interest. It was reducing the profitability of
banks and thus the committee recommended the stopping of this programme.
 "    The committee felt that the interest rates in India are
regulated and controlled by the authorities. The determination of the interest rate should be on
the grounds of market forces such as the demand for and the supply of fund. Hence the
committee recommended eliminating government controls on interest rate and phasing out
the concessional interest rates for the priority sector.
$ !  %  
 & ' !
 The committee recommended that the
actual numbers of public sector banks need to be reduced. Three to four big banks including SBI
should be developed as international banks. Eight to Ten Banks having nationwide presence
should concentrate on the national and universal banking services. Local banks should
concentrate on region specific banking. Regarding the RRBs (Regional Rural Banks), it
recommended that they should focus on agriculture and rural financing. They recommended
that the government should assure that henceforth there won't be any nationalization and
private and foreign banks should be allowed liberal entry in India.
 *+, )  The proportion of bad debts and Non-performing asset (NPA) of
the public sector Banks and Development Financial Institute was very alarming in those days. The
committee recommended the establishment of an Asset Reconstruction Fund (ARF). This fund will take
over the proportion of the bad and doubtful debts from the banks and financial institutes. It would help
banks to get rid of bad debts.
- . "  Those days banks were under the dual control of the Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) and the Banking Division of the Ministry of Finance (Government of India). The committee
recommended the stepping of this system. It considered and recommended that the RBI should be the
only main agency to regulate banking in India.
 : The committee recommended that the public sector banks should be free and
autonomous. In order to pursue competitiveness and efficiency, banks must enjoy autonomy so that they
can reform the work culture and banking technology up gradation will thus be easy.
ïome of these recommendations were later accepted by the Government of India and became
banking reforms.

In 1998 the government appointed yet another committee under the chairmanship of Mr.
Narasimham. It is better known as the Banking ïector Committee. It was told to review the
banking reform progress and design a programme for further strengthening the financial system
of India. The committee focused on various areas such as capital adequacy, bank mergers, bank
legislation, etc.

It submitted its report to the Government in April 1998 with the following recommendations.


: The committee considered the stronger banking system in
the context of the Current Account Convertibility 'CAC'. It thought that Indian banks must be
capable of handling problems regarding domestic liquidity and exchange rate management in the
light of CAC. Thus, it recommended the merger of strong banks which will have 'multiplier
effect' on the industry.

  : Those days many public sector banks were facing a problem of the Non-
performing assets (NPAs). ïome of them had NPAs were as high as 20 percent of their assets.
Thus for successful rehabilitation of these banks it recommended 'Narrow Banking
Concept'ühere weak banks will be allowed to place their funds only in short term and risk free assets.

#1   *2   : In order to improve the inherent strength of the Indian banking system the
committee recommended that the Government should raise the prescribed capital adequacy norms.
This will further improve their absorption capacity also. Currently the capital adequacy ratio for Indian
banks is at 9 percent.

$1& '3
: As it had earlier mentioned the freedom for banks in its working and bank
autonomy, it felt that the government control over the banks in the form of management and
ownership and bank autonomy does not go hand in hand and thus it recommended a review of
functions of boards and enabled them to adopt professional corporate strategy.

(1. 3) ' ! 3

: The committee considered that there was an urgent need for reviewing and
amending main laws governing Indian Banking Industry like RBI Act, Banking Regulation Act, State Bank
of India Act, Bank Nationalization Act, etc. This up gradation will bring them in line with the present
needs of the banking sector in India.

Apart from these major recommendations, the committee has also recommended faster
computerization, technology up gradation, training of staff, depoliticizing of banks,
professionalism in banking, reviewing bank recruitment, etc.



The Committee was first set up in 1991 under the chairmanship of Mr. M. Narasimham who was
13th governor of RBI. Only a few of its recommendations became banking reforms of India and
others were not at all considered. Because of this a second committee was again set up in 1998.

As far as recommendations regarding bank restructuring, management freedom, strengthening

the regulation are concerned, the RBI has to play a major role. If the major recommendations of
this committee are accepted, it will prove to be fruitful in making Indian banks more profitable
and efficient.



v  : The committee objected to the system of maintaining
high liquid assets by commercial banks in the form of cash, gold and unencumbered government
securities. It is also known as the statutory liquidity Ratio (ï R). In those days, in India, the ï R
was as high as 38.5 percent. According to the M. Narasimham's Committee it was one of the
reasons for the poor profitability of banks. ïimilarly, the Cash Reserve Ratio- (CRR) was as high
as 15 percent. Taken together, banks needed to maintain 53.5 percent of their resources idle with
the RBI.


v  : ïince nationalization the government has encouraged the
lending to agriculture and small-scale industries at a confessional rate of interest. It is known as
the directed credit programme. The committee opined that these sectors have matured and thus
do not need such financial support. This directed credit programme was successful from the
government's point of view but it affected commercial banks in a bad manner. Basically it
deteriorated the quality of loan, resulted in a shift from the security oriented loan to purpose
oriented. Banks were given a huge target of priority sector lending, etc. ultimately leading to
profit erosion of banks.


: The committee found that the interest rate structure and rate of
interest in India are highly regulated and controlled by the government. They also found that
government used bank funds at a cheap rate under the ï R. At the same time the government
advocated the philosophy of subsidized lending to certain sectors. The committee felt that there
was no need for interest subsidy. It made banks handicapped in terms of building main strength
and expanding credit supply.

 : Committee also suggested that the determination of interest rate
should be on grounds of market forces. It further suggested minimizing the slabs of interest.
Along with these major problem areas M. Narasimham's Committee also found various
inconsistencies regarding the banking system in India. In order to remove them and make it more
vibrant and efficient, it has given the following recommendations.




1. The Committee suggests that pending the Banks are now required to assign capital for
emergence of markets in India where market market risk. A risk weight of 2.5% for market
risks can be covered, it would be desirable that risk has been introduced on investments in
capital adequacy requirements take into account Govt. and other approved securities with effect
market risks in addition to the credit risks. from the year ending 31st March, 2000. For
(Chapter III Para 3.10) investments in securities outside ï R, a risk
weight of 2.5% for market risk has been
introduced with effect from the year ending
31st March, 2001.

(Circulars DBOD.No.BP.BC.103 /21.01.002

/98 dated 31.10.98 and 121/21.04.124/99-2000
dated 3.11.99).
2. In the next three years, the entire portfolio of The percentage of banks¶ portfolio of Govt. and
Government securities should be marked to approved securities which is required to be
market and this schedule of adjustment should marked to market has progressively been
be announced at the earliest. It would be increased. For the year ending 31st March,
appropriate that there should be a 5% weight for 2000, banks were required to mark to market
market risk for Govt. and approved securities. 75% of their investments. In order to align the
(Chapter III para 3.11) Indian accounting standards with the
international best practices and taking into
consideration the evolving international
developments, the norms for classification and
valuation of investments have been modified
with effect from ïeptember 30, 2000. The
entire investment portfolio of banks is required
to be classified under three categories, viz.,
Held to Maturity, Available for ïale and Held
for Trading. While the securities µHeld for
Trading¶ and µAvailable for ïale¶ should be
marked to market periodically, the securities
µHeld to Maturity¶, which should not exceed
25% of total investments are carried at
acquisition cost unless it is more than the face
value, in which case, the premium should be
amortised over a period of time. (Circular
DBOD. No BP.BC.32/21.04.048/2000-2001
dated 16.10.2000. )

3. The risk weight for a Government guaranteed In cases of Govt. guaranteed advances, where
advance should be the same as for other the guarantee has been invoked and the
advances. To ensure that banks do not suddenly concerned ïtate Govt. has remained in default
face difficulties in meeting the capital adequacy as on March 31, 2000, a risk weight of 20% on
requirement, the new prescription on risk such advances, has been introduced. ïtate
weight for Government guaranteed advances Govts. who continue to be in default in respect
should be made prospective from the time the of such invoked guarantees even after March
new prescription is put in place. (Chapter III 31, 2001, a risk weight of 100% is being
para 3.12) assigned.
(Circular DBOD.NO. BP.BC.103/21.01.002/98
dated 31.10.98)

4. There is an additional capital requirement of Risk weight of 100% has been introduced for
5% of the foreign exchange open position limit. foreign exchange open position limits with
ïuch risks should be integrated into the effect from March 31, 1999. (Circular
calculation of risk weighted assets. The DBOD.No.BP. BC.103/21.01.002/98
Committee recommends that the foreign dt.31.10.98)
exchange open position limits should carry a
100% risk weight. (Chapter III para 3.13)
5. The Committee believes that it would be The minimum capital to risk asset ratio (CRAR)
appropriate to go beyond the earlier norms and for banks has been enhanced to 9% with effect
set new and higher norms for capital adequacy. from the year ending March 31,2000.
The Committee accordingly recommends that
the minimum capital to risk assets ratio be (Circular DBOD.No.BP.BC.103/21.01.002/98
increased to 10% from its present level of 8%. dated 31.10.98).
It would be appropriate to phase the increase as
was done on the previous occasion.
Accordingly, the Committee recommends that
an intermediate minimum target of 9% be
achieved by the year 2000 and the ratio of 10%
by 2002. The RBI should also have the
authority to raise this further in respect of
individual banks if in its judgement the
situation with respect to their risk profile
warrants such an increase. The issue of
individual banks' shortfalls in the CRAR needs
to be addressed in much the same way that the
discipline of reserve requirements is now
applied, viz., of uniformity across weak and
strong banks. (Chapter III, para 3.15 ± 3.16)
6. In respect of PïBs, the additional capital Banks are permitted to access the capital
requirement will have to come from either the market. Till today, 12 banks have already
Govt. or the market. With the many demands on accessed capital market.
the budget and the continuing imperative need
for fiscal consolidation, subscription to bank
capital funds cannot be regarded as a priority
claim on budgetary resources. Those banks
which are in a position to access the capital
market at home or abroad should, therefore, be
encouraged to do so. (Chapter III, para 3.17)

Asset quality, NPAs and Directed Credit: Banks have been advised that an asset will be
classified as ͚doubtful͛ if it has remained in the
7. The Committee recommends that an asset be substandard category for 18 months instead of 24
classified as doubtful if it is in the substandard months as at present, by March 31, 2001. Banks
category for 18 months in the first instance and have been permitted to achieve these norms for
eventually for 12 months and loss if it has been additional provisioning in phases, as under :
so identified but not written off. These norms, As on 31.3.2001
which should be regarded as the minimum, may Provisioning of not less than 50% on the assets
be brought into force in a phased which have become doubtful on account of the
manner.(Chapter III, para 3.18) new norm.
As on 31.3.2002
Balance of the provisions not made during the
previous year, in addition to the provisions needed
as on 31.3.2002.
(Circular DBOD.No.BP.BC.103/21.01.002/98

Introduction of the norm of 90 days for income In the Monetary and Credit Policy announced in
recognition in a phased manner. April 2001, the banks have been advised to
chalk out an appropriate tranisition path for
smoothly moving over to 90 days norm. As a
facilitating measure, banks should move over to
charging of interest at monthly rests by April 1,
2002. Banks should commence making
additional provisions for such loans , starting
from the year ending March 31, 2002, which
would strengthen their balance sheets and
ensure smooth transition to the 90 days norm by
March 31, 2004.
8. The Committee has noted that NPA figures Prudential norms in respect of advances
do not include advances covered by guaranteed by ïtate Governments where
Government guarantees which have turned guarantee has been invoked and has remained
sticky and which in the absence of such in default for more than two quarters has been
guarantees would have been classified as NPAs. introduced in respect of advances sanctioned
The Committee is of the view that for the against ïtate Government guarantee with effect
purposes of evaluating the quality of asset from April 1, 2000. Banks have been advised to
portfolio such advances should be treated as make provisions for advances guaranteed by
NPAs. If , however, for reason of the sovereign ïtate Governments which stood invoked as on
guarantee argument such advances are excluded March 31, 2000, in phases, during the financial
from computation, the Committee would years ending March 31, 2000 to March 31, 2003
recommend that Government guaranteed with a minimum of 25% each year.
advances which otherwise would have been
classified as NPAs should be separately shown ( Circular DBOD. No. BP.BC.103/21.01.002/98
as an aspect of fuller disclosure and greater dt.31.10.98).
transparency of operations. (Chapter III, para
9. Banks and financial institutions should avoid The RBI has reiterated that banks and financial
the practice of "evergreening" by making fresh institutions should adhere to the prudential
advances to their troubled constituents only norms on asset classification, provisioning, etc.
with a view to settling interest dues and and avoid the practice of 'evergreening'.
avoiding classification of the loans in question
as NPAs. The Committee notes that the (Cir.DBOD. No.BP. BC.103/21.01.002/98
regulatory and supervisory authorities are dt.31.10.98)
paying particular attention to such breaches in
the adherence to the spirit of the NPA
definitions and are taking appropriate corrective
action. At the same time, it is necessary to resist
the suggestions made from time to time for a
relaxation of the definition of NPAs and the
norms in this regard (Chapter III, para 3.22)
10. The Committee believes that the objective This is the long-term objective which RBI
should be to reduce the average level of net wants to pursue. Towards this direction, a
NPAs for all banks to below 5% by the year number of measures have been taken to arrest
2000 and to 3% by 2002. For those banks with the growth of NPAs: banks have been advised
an international presence the minimum to tone up their credit risk management
objective should be to reduce gross NPAs to 5% systems; put in place a loan review mechanism
and 3% by the year 2000 and 2002, to ensure that advances, particularly large
respectively, and net NPAs to 3% and 0% by advances are monitored on an on-going basis so
these dates. These targets cannot be achieved in that signals of weaknesses are detected and
the absence of measures to tackle the problem corrective action taken early ; enhance credit
of backlog of NPAs on a one time basis and the appraisal skills of their staff, etc. In order to
implementation of strict prudential norms and ensure recovery of the stock of NPAs,
management efficiency to prevent the guidelines for one-time settlement have been
recurrence of this problem. (Chapter III, para issued in July,2000.
11. The Committee is of the firm view that in Banks have been advised to take effective steps
any effort at financial restructuring in the form for reduction of NPAs and also put in place risk
of hiving off the NPA portfolio from the books management systems and practices to prevent
of the banks or measures to mitigate the impact re-emergence of fresh NPAs. (Cir. DBOD. No.
of a high level of NPAs must go hand in hand BP. BC. 103 /21.01.002/98 dated 31.10.1998)
with operational restructuring. Cleaning up the
balance sheets of banks would thus make sence
only if simultaneously steps were taken to
prevent or limit the re-emergence of new NPAs
which could only come about through a strict
application of prudential norms and managerial
improvement.(Chapter III, para 3.27)
12. For banks with a high NPA portfolio, the The proposal to set up an Asset Reconstruction
Committee suggests consideration of two Company (ARC) on a pilot basis to take over
alternative approaches to the problem as an the NPAs of the three weak public sector banks,
alternative to the ARF proposal made by the has been announced in the Union Budget for
earlier CFï. In the first approach, all loan assets 1999 ± 2000. The modalities for setting up the
in the doubtful and loss categories - which in ARC are being examined.
any case represent bulk of the hard core NPAs
in most banks should be identified and their
realisable value determined. These assets could
be transferred to an Asset Reconstruction
Company (ARC) which would issue to the
banks NPA ïwap Bonds representing the
realisable value of the assets transferred,
provided the stamp duties are not excessive.
The ARC could be set up by one bank or a set
of banks or even in the private sector. In case
the banks themselves decide to set up an ARC,
it would need to be ensured that the staff
required by the ARC is made available to it by
the banks concerned either on transfer or on
deputation basis, so that staff with institutional
memory on NPAs is available to ARC and there
is also some rationalisation of staff in the banks
whose assets are sought to be transferred to the
ARC. Funding of such an ARC could be
facilitated by treating it on par with venture
capital for purpose of tax incentives. ïome
other banks may be willing to fund such assets
in effect by securitising them. This approach
would be worthwhile and workable if stamp
duty rates are minimal and tax incentives are
provided to the banks.(Chapter III, para 3.28)
13. An alternative approach could be to enable Banks are permitted to issue bonds for
the banks in difficulty to issue bonds which augmenting their Tier II capital. Guarantee of
could form part of Tier II capital. This will help the Govt. for these bonds is not considered
the banks to bolster capital adequacy which has necessary.
been eroded because of the provisioning
requirements for NPAs. As the banks in
difficulty may find it difficult to attract
subscribers to bonds. Government will need to
guarantee these instruments which would then
make them eligible for ï R investments by
banks and approve instruments by IC, GIC
and Provident Funds (Chapter III, para 3.29 )
14. Directed credit has a proportionately higher The loans to agricultural and ïïI sectors are
share in NPA portfolio of banks and has been now generally being granted on commercial
one of the factors in erosion in the quality of considerations and on the basis of
bank assets. There is continuing need for banks creditworthiness of the borrower. Further, the
to extend credit to agriculture and small scale concessionality on interest rates for advances
sector which are important segments of the has been done away with, except for advances
national economy, on commercial under the DRI ïcheme. While advances upto
considerations and on the basis of Rs.2 lakh should carry interest rate not
creditworthiness. In this process, there is scope exceeding P R, interest rates on advances of
for correcting the distortions arising out of over Rs.2 lakh have been freed.
directed credit and its impact on banks¶ assets
quality. (Chapter III, para 3.31)
15. The Committee has noted the reasons why As per the present stipulation, banks are
the Government could not accept the required to lend 10% of net bank credit (NBC)
recommendation for reducing the scope of for weaker sections which includes all small
directed credit under priority sector from 40% and marginal farmers, all IRDP and DRI
to 10%. The Committee recognises that the borrowers, borrowers under ïUME etc. The
small and marginal farmers and the tiny sector Committee has recommended that the present
of industry and small businesses have problems stipulation may continue.
with regard to obtaining credit and some
earmarking may be necessary for this sector. As recommended by the Committee, some
Under the present dispensation, within the activities like food processing, related service
priority sector 10% of net bank credit is activities in agriculture, fisheries, poultry,
earmarked for lending to weaker sections. A dairying have been brought under priority
major portion of this lending is on account of sector. (circular RPCD. NO. Plan. BC.
Government sponsored poverty alleviation and 60/04.09.01/ 98-99 dt.28-1-99).
employment generation schemes. The
Committee recommends that given the special Under the existing dispensation, Units in
needs of this sector, the current practice may sectors like food processing, etc., satisfying
continue. The Branch Managers of banks either the definition of ïïI [ the ceiling of
should, however, be fully responsible for the investment in plant and machinery (original
identification of beneficiaries under the cost) for a unit being classified under this
Government sponsored credit linked schemes. category has since been enhanced to Rs. 3 crore
The Committee proposes that given the from Rs.60 lakhs / Rs.75 laks for ancillaries and
importance and needs of employment oriented export oriented units] or small business are
sectors like food processing and related service already covered under priority sector. No
activities in agriculture, fisheries, poultry and further changes are considered necessary, as
dairying, these sectors should also be covered larger units need not be given any advantage by
under the scope of priority sector lending. The enlarging the scope of definition of priority
Committee recommends that the interest sector advances.
subsidy element in credit for the priority sector
should be totally eliminated and even interest As a first step towards deregulation of interest
rates on loans under Rs.2 lakh should be rates on credit limits up to R.2 lakh and
deregulated for scheduled commercial banks as eliminating interest subsidy element in credit
has been done in the case of Regional Rural for priority sector, in the Monetary and Credit
Banks and co-operative credit institutions. The Policy announced in April, 1998, it has been
Committee believes that it is the timely and stipulated that interest rates on loans up to Rs.2
adequate availability of credit rather than its lakh should not exceed P R as against the
cost which is material for the intended earlier stipulation of µnot exceeding 13.5%¶, for
beneficiaries. The reduction of the pre-empted credit limits of Rs.25,000--Rs.2 lakh and 12%
portion of banks' resources through the ï R for credit limit up to Rs.25,000. Banks are free
and CRR would, in any case, enlarge the ability to decide their P R subject to their obtaining
of banks to dispense credit to these sectors. the prior approval of their Boards therefor. As
(Chapter III, para 3.32) the P R differs from bank to bank, depending
on their cost of funds and competitive
strategies, the measure is a step towards
deregulation of interest rates. Thus the
recommendation of the Committee has been
implemented in spirit. It may be stated that
except for loans under DRI there is no
subsidisation of interest.

(Cir. MPD.BC.175/07.01.279/97-98 dated


16. With regard to income recognition, in India, The recommendation of the Committee that
income stops accruing when interest or we should move towards international
installment of principal is not paid within 180 practices in regard to income recognition is
days. The Committee believes that we should accepted in principle. However, tightening of
move towards international practices in this the prudential norms should be made keeping
regard and recommends the introduction of the in view the existing legal framework,
norm of 90 days in a phased manner by the year production and payment cycles, business
2002.(Chapter III, Para 3.35)
practices, the predominant share of agriculture
in the country͛s economy, etc. The production
and repayment cycles in the industry in the
country generally involve a period of not less
than from 4 to 6 months. A large number of
SSIs also have difficulties in timely realization
of their bills drawn on the suppliers. These
have to be taken into account while
contemplating any change in the norm.
Implementation of the recommendation would
have serious implications on the asset portfolio
of banks and even good quality borrowers and
find it difficult to comply with the norms
recommended. There have been
representations from banks and financial
institutions seeking relaxations in the above
instructions by increasing the period to 3-4
quarters. Keeping in view the current industrial
scenario, implementation of the
recommendation would have serious
implications even to healthy borrowers.
Furthermore, interest on advances is
calculated by banks at quarterly rests. Keeping
in view the large number and volume of
accounts, if we have to implement the
recommendation, a few preconditions should
be met : -

[a] Banks should introduce calculation of

interest at monthly rests;
[b] There should be 100% computerization of
banks͛ operations. Unless 100%
computerization is made, it may not be feasible
to implement the recommendation ;
[c] It is also necessary to tone up the legal
machinery for speedy disposal of the collateral
taken as security for the advance.
However, considering the need to bring our
norms in line with the best international
practices, the recommendations made by the
Committee would be our long term objective.
As the level of gross NPAs of banks come down
because of better management practices, the
recommendation to introduce the norm of 90
days will be examined.
17. At present, there is no requirement in India To start with, a general provision on standard
for a general provision on standard assets. In assets of a minimum of 0.25% from the year
the Committee¶s view a general provision, say, ended March 31, 2000 introduced.
of 1% would be appropriate and RBI should (Cir.DBOD. No.BP.BC.103/21.01.002/98
consider its introduction in a phased manner. dt.31.10.98)
(Chapter III, para 3.36)
18. The Committee believes that in the case of
future loans, the income recognition and asset
classification and provisioning norms should Please see comments in respect of item No.8
apply even to Government guaranteed advances above.
in the same manner as for any other advance.
For existing Government guaranteed advances,
RBI, Government and banks may work out a
mechanism for a phased rectification of the
irregularities in these accounts. (Chapter III,
para 3.37)
19. There is a need for disclosure, in a phased Banks have been advised to disclose the
manner, of the maturity pattern of assets and following information, in addition to the
liabilities, foreign currency assets and existing disclosures, in the ͚Notes on Accounts͛
liabilities, movements in provision account and to the balance sheet from the accounting year
NPAs. The RBI should direct banks to publish, ended March 31, 2000.
in addition to financial statements of
independent entities, a consolidated balance 1. Maturity pattern of loans and advances,
sheet to reveal the strength of the group. Full
2. Maturity pattern of investment securities,
disclosure would also be required of connected
3. Foreign currency assets and liabilities
lending and lending to sensitive sectors.
Furthermore, it should also ask banks to 4. Movement in NPAs,
disclose loans given to related companies in the 5. Maturity pattern of deposits
bank's balance sheets. Full disclosure of 6. Maturity pattern of borrowings
information should not be only a regulatory 7. Lending to sensitive sectors as defined
requirement. It would be necessary to enable a from time to time
bank¶s creditors, investors and rating agencies
to get a true picture of its functioning ± an
important requirement in a market driven (Cir.DBOD.No.BP.BC.9/21.04.018/99
financial sector. (Chapter III, para 3.38) dt.10.2.99)
20. Banks should also pay greater attention to Detailed guidelines issued to banks on asset ʹ
asset liability management to avoid mismatches liability management. Implementation of these
and to cover, among others, liquidity and guidelines would enable banks to avoid
interest rate risks. (Chapter III, para 3.41). liquidity mismatches as also to cover, among
others, liquidity and interest rate risks.
(Circular. DBOD.No.BP.BC.8/21.04.098/99
dated 10th February, 1999).
21. Banks should be encouraged to adopt Comprehensive guidelines have been issued to
statistical risk management techniques like enable banks to put in place appropriate risk
Value-at-Risk in respect of balance sheet items management systems. Banks have also been
which are susceptible to market price advised to adopt statistical risk management
fluctuations, forex rate volatility and interest techniques like Value-at-Risk ( which is a
rate changes. While the Reserve Bank may statistical method of assessing the potential
initially, prescribe certain normative models for maximum loss from a credit or investment
market risk management, the ultimate objective
exposure, over a definite holding period at a
should be that of banks building up their own
given confidence level) or other models
models and RBI backtesting them for their
validity on a periodical basis.(Chapter III, para appropriate to their level of business
3.41 ± 3.42) operation. (Circular. DBOD. No. BP.BC
98/21.04.103/99 dated 7.10.99)

ïystems and Methods in Banks :

22. Banks should bring out revised Operational Banks have been advised to bring out revised
Manuals and update them regularly, keeping in Operative Manuals and update them regularly.
view the emerging needs and ensure adherence Banks have confirmed having brought out
to the instructions so that these operations are
revised Manuals. (Circular. DBOD.
conducted in the best interest of a bank and
No.BP.BC.29/21.01.023/98-99 dt.16.4.99 )
with a view to promoting good customer
service. These should form the basic objective
of internal control systems, the major
components of which are : (I) Internal
Inspection and Audit, including concurrent
audit, (2) ïubmission of Control Returns by
branches/controlling offices to higher level
offices (3) Visits by controlling officials to the
field level offices (4) Risk management systems
(5) ïimplification of documentation, procedure
and of inter office communication
channels.(Chapter IV, para 4.3)

23. An area requiring close scrutiny in the Banks have been advised to set up EDP Audit
coming years would be computer audit, in view Cell, as part of their Inspection Department. (
of large scale usage and reliance on information circular DBS. No. CO PP.BC.55/11.01.005/
technology (Chapter IV, para 4.7)
98-99 dated 19.6.99).

24. There is enough international experience to RBI had in 1992 emphasised to banks the
show the dangers to an institution arising out of importance of an effective management
inadequate reporting to and checking by the reporting system, segregation of the trading
and back office functions, etc. The efficacy of
back offices of trading transactions and the systems put in place by banks is being
positions taken. Banks should pay special constantly reviewed by the RBI through
attention to this aspect (Chapter IV, para 4.8). periodical inspections.
( Circular DBOD. No. FSC. BC. 143A/
24.48.001/91-92 dt.20.6.92)

25. There is need to institute an independent

loan review mechanism especially for large Banks have been advised to put in place an
borrowal accounts and systems to identify independent Loan Review Mechanism, as
potential NPAs. It would be desirable that recommended by the Committee. (Cir.
banks evolve a filtering mechanism by DBOD.No.BP.BC.103/21.01.002/98 dated
stipulating in-house prudential limits beyond 31.10.98).
which exposures on single/group borrowers are
taken keeping in view their risk profile as
revealed through credit rating and other relevant
factors. Further, in-house limits could be
thought of to limit the concentration of large
exposures and industry/sector/geographical
exposures within the Board approved exposure
limits and proper overseeing of these by the
senior management/ boards. (Chapter IV, para
4.12 ± 4.16)

26. The Committee feels that the present

practice of RBI selection of statutory auditors The recommendation was put up before the
for banks with Board of Directors having no Audit Sub-Committee of the Board for Financial
role in the appointment process, is not Supervision which was of the view that the
conducive to sound corporate governance. We existing practice should continue.
would recommend that the RBI may review the
existing practice in this regard. It may also
reassess the role and function of the ïtanding
Advisory Committee on Bank Audit in the light
of the setting up of the Audit Committee under
the aegis of the Board for Financial
ïupervision.(Chapter IV, para 4.19)

27. The Committee notes that public sector

banks and financial institutions have yet to The public sector banks have been permitted to
introduce a system of recruiting skilled recruit from the open market or by way of
manpower from the open market. The campus recruitment, skilled personnel in areas
Committee believes that this delay has had an like information technology, risk management,
impact on the competency levels of public
sector banks in some areas and they have treasury operations, etc.
consequently lost some ground to foreign banks
and the newly set up private sector banks. The
Committee urges that this aspect be given
urgent consideration and in case there are any As regards the recommendation in regard to
extant policy driven impediments to introducing discontinuing the practice of recruitment of
this system, appropriate steps be taken by the officers through Banking ïervices Recruitment
authorities towards the needed deregulation. Boards, Govt. may furnish comments.
Banks have to tone up their skills base by
resorting, on an ongoing basis, to lateral
induction of experienced and skilled personnel,
particularly for quick entry into new
activity/areas. The Committee notes that there
has been considerable decline in the scale of
merit-based recruitment even at the entry level
in many banks. The concept of direct
recruitment itself has been considerably diluted
by many PïBs including the ïtate Bank of
India by counting internal promotions to the
trainee officers' cadre as direct recruitment. The
Committee would strongly urge the
managements of public sector banks to take
steps to reverse this trend. The CFï had
recommended that there was no need for
continuing with the Banking ïervice
Recruitment Boards insofar as recruitment of
officers was concerned. This Committee, upon
examination of the issue, reaffirms that
recommendation. As for recruitment in the
clerical cadre, the Committee recommends that
a beginning be made in this regard by
permitting three or four large. well-performing
banks, including ïtate Bank of India, to set up
their own recruitment machinery for recruiting
clerical staff. If the experience under this new
arrangement proves satisfactory, it could then
pave the way for eventually doing away
completely with the Banking ïervice
Recruitment Boards.(Chapter IV, para 4.21 ±

28. It seems apparent that there are varying

levels of overmanning in public sector banks. ühile some of the public sector banks have
The managements of individual banks must introduced VRS after consultations with
initiate steps to measure what adjustments in Employees͛ Unions, others are in the process of
the size of their work force is necessary for the introducing such schemes.
banks to remain efficient, competitive and
viable. ïurplus staff, where identified, would
need to be redeployed on new business and
activities, where necessary after suitable
retraining. It is possible that even after this
some of the excess staff may not be suitable for
redeployment on grounds of aptitude and
mobility. It will, therefore, be necessary to
introduce an appropriate Voluntary Retirement
ïcheme with incentives. The managements of
banks would need to initiate dialogue in this
area with representatives of labour. (Chapter
IV, para 4.5 & 4.24).

29. The Committee would urge the

managements of Indian banks to review the Banks have been advised to review the training
changing training needs in individual banks needs and give more focus to emerging areas
keeping in mind their own business like Credit Management, Treasury
environment and to address these urgently. Management, Risk Management, Information
(Chapter IV, para 4.32) Technology, etc.
(Circular DBOD.No.BP.BC.103/21.01.002/98
dated 31.10.1998).

30. Globally, banking and financial systems

have undergone fundamental changes because
A üorking Group was set up with
of the ongoing revolution in information and
representation from public sector banks,
communications technology. Information
technology experts, to operationalise and
technology and electronic funds transfer
systems have emerged as the twin pillars of implement the programme of computerisation
modern banking development. This for banks within a definite time frame. All the
phenomenon has largely bypassed the Indian recommendations of Group have been
banking system although most technologies that accepted for implementation.
could be considered suitable for India have In pursuance of the recommendations of the
been introduced in some diluted form. The üorking Group, the Indian Financial
Committee feels that requisite success in this Network(INFINET), a wide area Satellite based
area has not been achieved because of the network using VSAT technology has been
following reasons: commissioned on 24th June, 1999 at IDRBT,
Hyderabad which will connect bank branches
* Inadequate bank automation. and RBI Offices in a phased manner.

* Not so strong commercially oriented inter- The development of the Payment System
bank platform. Generic Architecture Model for both domestic
and cross-border payments has been
* ack of a planned, standardised, electronic
payment systems backbone.
A consultant has been appointed to assist in
the implementation of the RTGS.
* Inadequate telecom infrastructure. Progress is also being made towards
developing standards for newer payment
* Inadequate marketing effort. instruments such as Smart Cards.

* ack of clarity and certainty on legal issues Three standing Committees to review security
and policies, message formats, software, to
examine legal issues on electronic banking and
* ack of data warehousing network.
to monitor progress of computerization of
branches of banks handling Govt. transactions
have been formed. Public Sector Banks have
The Committee has tried to list out series of been advised to report technology progress on
implementation steps for achieving rapid 20 short-listed action points.
induction of information technology in the
banking system. Further, information and
control systems need to be developed in several
areas like

* Better tracking of spreads, costs and NPAs

for higher profitability.

* Accurate and timely information for

strategic decisions to identify and promote
profitable products and customers.

* Risk and Asset- iability management; and

* Efficient Treasury management.

(Chapter IV, para 4.66 & 4.70)


31. The Committee has taken note of the twin

phenomena of consolidation and convergence
which the financial system is now experiencing
globally. In India also banks and DFIs are Based on the recommendations of the Khan
moving closer to each other in the scope of their üorking Group on Harmonisation of the Role
activities. The Committee is of the view that and Operations of banks and DFIs, RBI had
with such convergence of activities between released a Discussion Paper in January, 1999
banks and DFIs, the DFIs should, over a period
for wider public debate. The feedback on the
of time, convert themselves to banks. There
discussion paper indicated that while universal
would then be only two forms of intermediaries, banking is desirable from the point of view of
viz. banking companies and non-banking efficiency of resource use, there is need for
finance companies. If a DFI does not acquire a caution in moving towards such a system by
banking licence within a stipulated time it banks and DFIs. Major areas requiring
would be categorised as a non-banking finance attention are the status of financial sector
company. A DFI which converts to a bank can reforms, the state of preparedness of
be given some time to phase in reserve concerned institutions, the evolution of
requirements in respect of its liabilities to bring
regulatory-regime and above all a viable
it on par with the requirements relating to
transition path for institutions which are
commercial banks. ïimilarly, as long as a
system of directed credit is in vogue a formula desirous of moving in the direction of universal
should be worked out to extend this to DFIs banking. The Monetary and Credit Policy for
which have become banks (Chapter V, para 5.6) the year 2000 ʹ2001 proposed to adopt the
. following broad approach for considering
proposals in this area :

1. The principle of 'Universal Banking' is a

desirable goal and some progress has already
been made by permitting banks to diversify
into investments and long-term financing and
the DFIs to lend for working capital, etc.
However, banks have certain special
characteristics and as such any dilution of RBI͛s
prudential and supervisory norms for conduct
of banking business would be inadvisable.
Further, any conglomerate, in which a bank is
present, should be subject to a consolidated
approach to supervision and regulation.
2. Any DFI, which wishes to do so, should
have the option to transform into bank (which
it can exercise), provided the prudential norms
as applicable to banks are fully satisfied. To this
end, a DFI would need to prepare a transition
path in order to fully comply with the
regulatory requirement of a bank. The DFI
concerned may consult RBI for such transition
arrangements. Reserve Bank will consider such
requests on a case by case basis.

(Circular MPD.BC.196/07.01.279/99-2000 dt.

32. Mergers between banks and between banks
and DFIs and NBFCs need to be based on
synergies and locational and business specific
The recommendation has been noted. A non-
complimentarities of the concerned institutions banking finance company has since been
and must obviously make sound commercial permitted to merge with a bank. Two banks in
sense. Mergers of public sector banks should the private sector have also merged based on
emanate from management of banks with Govt. synergies and business specific
as the common shareholder playing a complementarities.
supportive role. ïuch mergers, however, can be
worthwhile if they lead to rationalisation of
workforce and branch network; otherwise the
mergers of public sector banks would tie down
the managements with operational issues and
distract attention from the real issue. It would
be necessary to evolve policies aimed at
"rightsizing" and redeployment of the surplus
staff either by way of retraining them and
giving them appropriate alternate employment
or by introducing a VRï with appropriate
incentives. This would necessitate the co-
operation and understanding of the employees
and towards this direction, managements should
initiate discussions with the representatives of
staff and would need to convince their
employees about the intrinsic soundness of the
idea, the competitive benefits that would accrue
and the scope and potential for employees' own
professional advancement in a larger institution.
Mergers should not be seen as a means of
bailing out weak banks. Mergers between
strong banks/FIs would make for greater
economic and commercial sense and would be a
case where the whole is greater than the sum of
its parts and have a "force multiplier
effect".(Chapter V, para 5.13 ± 5.15)

33. A µweak bank¶ should be one whose

accumulated losses and net NPAs exceed its net
worth or one whose operating profits less its
income on recapitalisation bonds is negative for In addition to the two definitions for
three consecutive years. A case by case identifying ͚weak͛ banks recommended by the
examination of the weak banks should be Committee, RBI monitors banks to identify
undertaken to identify those which are ͚potential weakness͛ on the basis of five more
potentially revivable with a programme of parameters (related to solvency, profitability
financial and operational restructuring. ïuch
and earnings) as recommended by the üorking
banks could be nurtured into healthy units by
Group on Restructuring of üeak Public Sector
slowing down on expansion, eschewing high
cost funds/borrowings, judicious manpower Banks (Chairman : ShriM.S.Verma ).
deployment, recovery initiatives, containment
In respect of weak banks, a bank-specific
of expenditure etc. The future set up of such restructuring programme aimed at turning
banks should also be given due consideration. around the bank by reducing their cost of
Merger could be a solution to the problem of operation, and improving income levels, has
weak banks but only after cleaning up their been put in place.
balance sheets. If there is no voluntary response
to a takeover of these banks, it may be desirable The recommendation for setting up of a
to think in terms of a Restructuring Restructuring Commission has not been
Commission for such public sector banks for
considered. However, the Union Budget for
considering other options including
2000 ʹ 2001 has proposed setting up of a
restructuring, merger amalgamation or failing
these closure. ïuch a Commission could have Financial Restructuring Authority for a weak or
terms of reference which, inter alia, should potentially weak bank.
include suggestion of measures to safeguard the
interest of depositors and employees and to deal
with possible negative externalities. Weak
banks which on a careful examination are not
capable of revival over a period of three years,
should be referred to the Commission. (Chapter
V, para 5.16 ± 5.18)

34. The policy of licensing new private banks

(other than local area banks) may continue. The
start up capital requirements of Rs.100 crore
were set in 1993 and these may be reviewed. The policy of licensing new banks in the private
The Committee would recommend that there
sector has been reviewed by an in-house
should be well defined criteria and a transparent
üorking Group set up by RBI. Based on the
mechanism for deciding the ability of promoters
to professionally manage the banks and no recommendations of the üorking Group, the
category should be excluded on a priori licensing policy is being revised.
grounds. The question of a minimum threshold
capital for old private banks also deserves
attention and mergers could be one of the
options available for reaching the required
capital thresholds. The Committee would also,
in this connection, suggest that as long as it is
laid down (as now) that any particular promoter
group cannot hold more than 40% of the equity
of a bank, any further restriction of voting
rights by limiting it to 10% may be done away
with.(Chapter V, para 5.20)

35. The Committee is of the view that foreign

banks may be allowed to set up subsidiaries or
joint ventures in India. ïuch subsidiaries or
The recommendation has been examined. It
joint ventures should be treated on par with
other private banks and subject to the same has been felt that branch presence by foreign
banks would be better for the reason that the
conditions with regard to branches and directed parent bank would stand ready to support the
credit as these banks (Chapter V, para 5.21) . branch in times of distress. Since subsidiaries
would be set up as a joint stock companies
with limited liability, the parent bank͛s liability
to its subsidiary would be limited to its
shareholding. In the case of branches, the
parent bank has responsibility both towards
capital and management whereas in the case
of subsidiaries, the parent bank͛s responsibility
36. All NBFCs are statutorily required to have a
towards capital is limited.
minimum net worth of Rs.25 lakhs if they are to
be registered. The Committee is of the view that
this minimum figure should be progressively In respect of new NBFCs, which seek
enhanced to Rs.2 crores which is permissible registration with the RBI and commence the
now under the statute and that in the first business on or after April 20,1999 the criteria
instance it should be raised to Rs.50 lakhs. in regard to minimum net worth has been
(Chapter V, para 5.36) increased to Rs.2 crore, vide the Monetary and
Credit Policy for the year 1999-2000.
37. Deposit insurance for NBFCs could blur the (Circular MPD.BC.185/07.01.279/98-99 dated
distinction between banks, which are much 20th April, 1999).
more closely regulated, and the non banks as far
as safety of deposit is concerned and The recommendation on not providing
consequently lead to a serious moral hazard insurance cover for deposits with NBFCs has
problem and adverse portfolio selection. The been noted.
Committee would advise against any insurance
of deposits with NBFCs.(Chapter V, para 5.38)

38. RBI should undertake a review of the

current entry norms for urban cooperative banks
and prescribe revised prudent minimum capital
norms for these banks. Though cooperation is a The norms with regard to minimum capital
state subject, since UCBs are primarily credit requirements for urban cooperative
institutions meant to be run on commercial banks(UCBs) have been revised with effect
lines, the Committee recommends that this from 1st April, 1998. Implementation of this
duality in control should be dispensed with. It recommendation on doing away with duality of
should be primarily the task of the Board of control over UCBs would involve amendments
Financial ïupervision to set up regulatory to State Cooperative Societies Acts. The
standards for Urban Cooperative Banks and Government therefore, has to consider.
ensure compliance with these standards through
the instrumentality of supervision. (Chapter V,
para 5.39)

39. The Committee is of the view that there is

need for a reform of the deposit insurance
scheme. In India, deposits are insured upto Rs.1
lakh. There is no need to increase the amount
This has been accepted for implementation.
further. There is, however, need to shift away The üorking Group on Deposit Insurance
from the 'flat' rate premiums to 'risk based' or appointed by RBI has recommended the
'variable rate' premiums. Under risk based modalities for switching over to ͚risk based͛
premium system all banks would not be premium for deposit insurance and the
charged a uniform premium. While there can be recommendations are under examination.
a minimum flat rate which will have to be paid
by all banks on all their customer deposits,
institutions which have riskier porfolios or
which have lower ratings should pay higher
premium. There would thus be a graded
premium. As the Reserve Bank is now
awarding CAME ï ratings to banks, these
ratings could form the basis for charging
deposit insurance premium. (Chapter V, para

40. The Committee is of the view that the inter-

bank call and notice money market and inter-
bank term money market should be strictly
restricted to banks. The only exception should The phasing out of non-bank participants from
be the primary dealers who, in a sense, perform inter-bank Call/Notice Money market will be
a key function of equilibrating the call money synchronized with the development of repo
market and are formally treated as banks for the market. Keeping in view this objective, RBI has
purpose of their inter-bank transactions. All thewidened the scope of repo market to include
other present non-bank participants in the inter-
all entities having SGL Account and Current
bank call money market should not be provided
Account in Mumbai, thus increasing the
access to the inter-bank call money market.
These institutions could be provided access to number of eligible non-bank entities to 64.
the money market through different Further, the permission given to non-bank
segments.(Chapter V, Annexure para A7) entities to lend in the call/notice money
market by routing their operations through PDs
has been extended upto June, 2001. RBI aims
to move towards a pure inter-bank(including
PDs) call/notice money market. üith a view to
further deepening the money market and
enable banks, PDs and AIFIs to hedge interest
rate risk, these entities are allowed to
undertake FRA/IRSs as a product for their own
balance sheet management and for market
making purposes. Mutual Funds, in addition to
corporates are also permitted to undertake
FRAs/IRSs with these players. This measure is,
inter alia, expected to help development of a
41. There must be clearly defined prudent limits
term money market.
beyond which banks should not be allowed to
rely on the call money market. This would
RBI has advised banks to put in place
reduce the problem of vulnerability of chronic comprehensive ALM System with effect from
borrowers. Access to the call market should be 1.4.1999. ALM would effectively put a cap on
essentially for meeting unforeseen swings and reliance on call money market. Detailed Risk
not as a regular means of financing banks¶ Management Guidelines have also been issued
lending operations (Chapter V, Annexure, para vide circular DBOD No. BP.BC.98/21.04.103/99
A8). dated 7th Oct. 1999.
42. The RBI support to the market should be
through a iquidity Adjustment Facility under
which the RBI would periodically, if necessary
daily, reset its Repo and Reverse Repo rates The ILAF (Interim Liquidity Adjustment Facility)
which would in a sense provide a reasonable introduced earlier has served its purpose as a
corridor for market play. While there is much transitional measure for providing reasonable
merit in an inter-bank reference rate like a access to liquid funds at set rates of interest. In
IBOR, such a reference rate would emerge as view of the experience gained in operating the
banks implement sound liquidity management interim scheme last year, an Internal Group
facilities and the other suggestions made above was set up by RBI to consider further steps to
are implemented. ïuch a rate cannot be be taken. Following the recommendation of
anointed, as it has to earn its position in the the Internal Group, it was announced in the
market by being a fairly stable rate which Monetary and Credit Policy Measures in April,
signals small discrete interest rate changes to 2000 to proceed with the implementation of a
the rest of the system.(Chapter V, Annexure full-fledged LAF. The new scheme will be
para A8). introduced progressively in convenient stages
in order to ensure smooth transition.

* In the first stage, with effect from June 5,

2000, the Additional CLF and level II support to
PDs will be replaced by variable rate repo
auctions with same day settlement.
* In the second stage, the effective date for
which will be decided in consultation with
banks and PDs, CLF and level I liquidity support
will also be replaced by variable rate repo
auctions. Some minimum liquidity support to
PDs will be continued but at interest rate
linked to variable rate in the daily repos
auctions as determined by RBI from time to
* üith full computerisation of Public Debt
Office (PDO) and introduction of RTGS
expected to be in place by the end of the
current year, in the third stage, repo
operations through electronic transfers will be
introduced. In the final stage, it will be possible
to operate LAF at different timings of the same

(Cir. MPD.BC. 196/07.01.279/99-2000 dated


43. The minimum period of FD be reduced to

15 days and all money market instruments
The minimum maturity of CDs has been
should likewise have a similar reduced
minimum duration.(Chapter V, Annexure para reduced to 15 days, vide circular DBOD.No.
A9) BP.BC. 169/21.01.002/2000 dated 3.5.2000

44. Foreign institutional investors should be

given access to the Treasury Bill market.
Broadening the market by increasing the
participants would provide depth to the market FIIs have been permitted to invest in Treasury
(Chapter V, Annexure para A 10) Bills, vide Monetary and Credit Policy
announced in April 1998.

(Cir. MPD.BC. 175/07.01.279/97-98 dated

45. With the progressive expansion of the 29.4.98).
forward exchange market, there should be an
endeavor to integrate the forward exchange
market with the spot forex market by allowing
all participants in the spot forex market to With effect from June 11, 1998 Foreign
participate in the forward market up to their Institutional investors were permitted to take
exposures. Furthermore, the forex market, the forward cover from Authorised Dealers to the
money market and the securities should be extent of 15 per cent of their existing
allowed to integrate and the forward premia investment as on that date. Any incremental
should reflect the interest rate differential. As investment over the level prevailing on June 11,
instruments move in tandem in these markets 1998 was also made eligible for forward cover.
the desiderative of a seamless and vibrant The Monetary and Credit Policy for 1999-2000
financial market would hopefully emerge has further simplified the procedure by linking
(Chapter V, Annexure para A 11). the above mentioned limits to FIIs¶ outstanding
investments as on March 31, 1999. In other
words, 15 per cent of outstanding investment on
March 31, 1999 as well as the entire amount ±
100 per cent - of any additional investment
made after this date will be eligible for forward
cover. Further, any FII which has exhausted the
limits mentioned above can apply to RBI for
additional forward cover for a further 15 per
cent of their outstanding investments in India at
the end of March 1999.



46. The Committee also recommends that a

distinction be made between NPAs arising out
of client specific and institution specific reasons
and general (agro-climatic and environmental
issues) factors. While there should be no In the event of adverse agro-climatic and
concession in treatment of NPAs arising from environmental factors, covering all natural
client specific reasons, any decision to declare a calamities, outstanding loans are
particular crop or product or a particular region converted/rescheduled/rephrased suitably.
to be distress hit should be taken purely on Agricultural advances so rescheduled are
techno-economic consideration by a technical provided relief for NPA classification. The
body like NABARD.(Chapter VI, para 6.6) decision to declare a particular crop or product
or a particular region as distress hit is at present
vested in the concerned District Administration
Authority and the desirability of consulting
47. As a measure of improving the efficiency NABARD which is the technical body, before
and imparting a measure of flexibility the taking the decision, would be examined.
committee recommends consideration of the
debt securitization concept within the priority
sector. This could enable banks, which are not The recommendation of the Committee, which
able to reach the priority sector target to basically aims at ensuring that the target for
purchase the debt from the institutions, which priority sector lending is achieved by each of
are able to lend beyond their mandated the banks, has been re-examined.
percentage.(Chapter VI, para 6.8) As of March 2000, all public sector banks with
the exception of UCO Bank have achieved the
priority sector lending target individually and
the public sector banks as a Group has
exceeded the target at the macro-level. The
UCO Bank is short of achievement only
Furthermore, every year the Govt. has been
setting up a Rural Infrastructure Development
Fund(RIDF) in which all banks which do not
achieve the priority sector target contribute
the amount of shortfall. Thus all banks, directly
or indirectly are able to fulfill the priority sector
lending targets. Though the concept of debt
securitisation is a novel idea, it will not have
any practical application since it will not help in
augmenting the flow of credit to the priority
sector nor will it help in addressing the
question of regional imbalances.
48. Banking policy should facilitate the It has, therefore, been decided that the
evolution and growth of micro credit
recommendation need not be considered for
institutions including ABs which focus on
the present.
agriculture, tiny and small scale industries
promoted by NGOs for meeting the banking
needs of the poor. Third-tier banks should be In principle approval has been granted for
promoted and strengthened to be autonomous, setting up of 10 Local Area Banks (LABs). Out of
vibrant, effective and competitive in their these, on account of non-compliance with the
operations.(Chapter VI, para 6.16) terms and conditions, the ͚in principle͛
approvals given to 4 banks were withdrawn. Of
49. Banks should devise appropriate criteria the remaining, 4 LABs have already started
suited to the small industrial sector and be functioning after obtaining licences under
responsive to its genuine credit needs but this Section 22 of Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
should not be by sacrificing cannons of sound
banking. Borrowers also need to accept credit
discipline. There is also need to review the 48 recommendations of the S.L. Kapur
present institutional set up of state level Committee conveyed to banks for
financial/industrial development implementation. As a further impetus to the
institutions.(Chapter VI, para 6.19). flow of credit, banks have been advised that
the credit requirement of SSIs having credit
limits upto Rs.5 crore, instead of Rs.4 crore,
Regulation and ïupervision : may be assessed on the basis of 20% of the
projected annual turnover.

50. The Committee recommends that to

improve the soundness and stability of the
Indian banking system, the regulatory
authorities should make it obligatory for banks
to take into account risk weights for market
risks. The movement towards greater market Banks are now required to assign capital for
discipline in a sense would transform the market risk. Please see comments against item
relationship between banks and the regulator. 1 above.
By requiring greater internal controls, As indicated against item 19 above, the
transparency and market discipline, the disclosure requirements of banks have been
supervisory burden itself would be relatively strengthened.
lighter.(Chapter VII, para 7.13)

51. There is a need for all market participants to

take note of the core principles and to formally
announce full accession to these principles and
their full and effective implementation.(Chapter
VII, para 7.14) üe have endorsed the ͚Core Principles for
Effective Banking Supervision͛ and complied
with almost all of them. Our compliance with
the Core Principles has been rated as
52. Proprietorial concerns in the case of public
satisfactory by IMF Mission.
sector banks impact on the regulatory function
leading to a situation of µregulatory capture¶
affecting the quality of regulation.(Chapter VII,
para 7.16)
The prudential / regulatory norms stipulated by
53. The Committee recommends that the RBI are applicable to public sector banks,
regulatory and supervisory authorities should private sector banks and foreign banks
take note of the developments taking place uniformly.
elsewhere in the area of devising effective
regulatory norms and to apply them in India
taking into account the special characteristics
but not in any way diluting the rigour of the The Regulatory / Supervisory norms have been
norms so that the prescriptions match the best formulated taking into account the best
practices abroad. It is equally important to international practices. RBI has not waived
recognize that pleas for regulatory forbearance adherence to the regulatory norms by any
such as waiving adherence to the regulations to individual bank or category of banks.
enable some (weak) banks more time to
overcome their deficiencies could only
compound their problems for the future and
further emasculate their balance sheets.(Chapter
VII, para 7.17)

54. An important aspect of regulatory concern

should be ensuring transparency and credibility
particularly as we move into a more market
driven system where the market should be
enabled to form its judgment about the
soundness of an institution. There should be
punitive penalties both for the inaccurate üe are moving towards greater transparency
reporting to the supervisor or inaccurate and Statutory Auditors of banks are now under
disclosures to the public and transgressions in the obligation to report on the deviations from
spirit of the regulations.(Chapter VII, para adherence to the prudential norms prescribed
7.19). by RBI in their ͚Notes to Accounts͛. These
observations are followed up by the RBI with
the concerned banks. In terms of the
provisions of Section 47A of the B.R. Act, 1949,
as amended in 1994, the RBI can impose a
penalty not exceeding Rs. 5 lakh or twice the
amount involved in such contravention or
default where such amount is quantifiable
whichever is more and where such
contravention or default is a continuing one, a
further penalty which may extent to Rs. 25,000
for every day after the first day when the
55. The Committee is of the view that banks contravention or default continues.
should be required to publish half yearly
disclosure requirements in two parts. The first
should be a general disclosure, providing a
summary of performance over a period of time,
say 3 years, including the overall performance, - dbsʹ
capital adequacy, information on the bank¶s risk
management systems, the credit rating and any
action by the regulator/supervisor. The
disclosure statement should be subject to full
external audit and any falsification should invite
criminal procedures. The second disclosure,
which would be a brief summary aimed at the
ordinary depositor/ investor should provide
brief information on matters such as capital
adequacy ratio, non-performing assets and
profitability, vis-à-vis, the adherence to the
stipulated norms and a comparison with the
industry average. This summary should be in a
language intelligible to the depositor and be
approved by the supervisors before being made
fully public when soliciting deposits. ïuch
disclosure, the Committee believes, will help
the strong banks to grow faster than the weaker
banks and thus lead to systematic
improvement.(Chapter VII, para 7.20)

56. The Committee recommends that an

integrated system of regulation and supervision
be put in place to regulate and supervise the
activities of banks, financial institutions and
non-banking finance companies (NBFCs). The
functions of regulation and supervision are
organically linked and we propose that this
agency be renamed as the Board for Financial BFS needs to be strengthened before
Regulation and ïupervision (BFRï) to make regulatory functions are vested with it. It was,
this combination of functions explicit. An
therefore, felt that while the Committee͛s
independent regulatory supervisory system
recommendations to set up an agency named
which provides for a closely coordinated
monetary policy and banking supervision would Board for Financial Regulation and Supervision
(BFRS) to provide an integrated system of
be the ideal to work towards.(Chapter VII, para regulation and supervision over banks, FIs and
7.24). NBFCs could be a long term objective. For the
time being, BFS may continue with its present

57. The Board for Financial Regulation and

ïupervision (BFRï) should be given statutory
powers and be reconstituted in such a way as to
be composed of professionals. At present, the
professional inputs are largely available in an
advisory board which acts as a distinct entity
supporting the BFï. ïtatutory amendment
which would give the necessary powers to the
BFRï should develop its own autonomous Please see comments against item 56 above.
professional character. The Committee, taking
note of the formation of BFï, recommends that
the process of separating it from the Reserve
Bank qua central bank should begin and the
Board should be invested with requisite
autonomy and armed with necessary powers so
as to allow it to develop experience and
professional expertise and to function
effectively. However, with a view to retain an
organic linkage with RBI, the Governor, RBI
should be head of the BFRï. The Committee
has also set out specific measures to ensure an
effective regulatory/supervisory system which
are detailed in para 7.27 (Chapter VII, para

egal and egislative Framework :

58. With the advent of computerization there is

need for clarity in the law regarding the
evidentiary value of computer generated
documents. The ïhere Committee had made
some recommendations in this regard and the
Committee notes that the Government is having
consultations with public sector banks in this
matter. With electronic funds transfer several The Group set up by the RBI has submitted its
issues regarding authentication of payment Report and the recommendations are in
instruments, etc. require to be clarified. The
various stages of implementation.
Committee recommends that a group be
constituted by the Reserve Bank to work out the
detailed proposals in this regard and implement
them in a time bound manner. (Chapter VIII,
para. 8.15 8.16)

59. Although there is a provision in our

legislation effectively prohibiting loans by
banks to companies in which their directors are
interested as directors or employees of the latter
with liberalization and the emergence of more
banks on the scene and with the induction of
private capital through public issue in some of
the nationalized banks there is a possibility that
the phenomenon of connected lending might As the Committee has noted, Section 20 of the
reappear even while adhering to the letter of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 prohibits banks
law. It is necessary to have prudential norms from entering into any commitment for
which are addressed to this problem by granting of any loan or advance to or on behalf
stipulating concentration ratios in terms of of any of its directors, any firm in which any of
which no bank can have more than a specified its directors is interested as partner, manager,
proportion of its net worth by way of lending to employee or guarantor or any company of
any single industrial concern and a higher which any of the directors of the banking
percentage in respect of lending to an industrial company is a director, managing agent,
group. At present, lending to any single concern manager, employee, or guarantor or in which
is limited to 25% of a bank¶s capital and free he holds substantial interest or, any individual
reserves. This would seem to be appropriate in respect of whom any of its directors is a
along with the existing enhanced figure of 50% partner or guarantor.
for group exposure except in the case of
specified infrastructure projects. ïimilarly,
The RBI has, as noted by the Committee, laid
concentration ratios would need to be indicated,
even if not specifically prescribed, in respect of down prudential ceilings on exposures to single
any bank¶s exposure to any particular industrial / group of borrowers.
sector so that in the event of cyclical or other
changes in the industrial situation, banks have Banks on their own, have also prescribed
an element of protection from over exposure in exposure ceilings on single borrower and group
that sector. Prudential norms would also need to of borrowers.
be set by way of prescription of exposure limits
to sectors particularly sensitive to asset price As regards the recommendation that
fluctuations such as stock markets and real prudential norms be set by way of prescription
estate. As it happens, Indian banks do not have of exposure limits to sensitive sectors, i.e.
much exposure to the real estate sector in the those sectors where asset prices are subject to
form of lending for property development as fluctuations, RBI has already put in place a cap
distinct from making housing loans. The on a bank͛s exposure to share market. The
example of banks in East and ïouth East Asia banks on their own have limited their exposure
which had over extended themselves to these
to real estate business. Banks are expected to
two sectors has only confirmed the need for
set norms for lending to any particular
circumspection in this regard. We would leave
the precise stipulation of these limits and, if industrial sector in their lending policy. Banks
necessary, loan to collateral value ratios to the have been advised to disclose in ͚Notes on
Account͛ to their balance sheets, lending to
authorities concerned. The implementation of sensitive sectors, (i.e., advances to sectors such
these exposure limits would need to be as, capital market, real estate, etc.) and such
carefully monitored to see that they are other sectors to be defined as ͚sensitive͛ by RBI
effectively implemented and not circumvented, from time to time with effect from the year
as has sometimes happened abroad, in a variety ended March 31, 2000.
of ways. Another salutary prescription would be
to require full disclosure of connected lending (Cir. DBOD.No.BP.BC.9/21.04.018/99 dt.10
and lending to sensitive sectors. (Chapter III,
February, 1999).
para. 3.40)

60. The Committee recommends that to

improve the soundness and stability of the
Indian banking system, the regulatory
authorities should make it obligatory for banks
to take into account risk weights for market
risks. The movement towards greater market
discipline in a sense would transform the
relationship between banks and the regulator.
By requiring greater internal controls, Please see comments against item 1 above.
transparency and market discipline, the
supervisory burden itself would be relatively
lighter.(Chapter VII, para. 7.13 )

61. The Committee recommends that the RBI

should totally withdraw from the primary
market in 91 days Treasury Bills; the RBI
could, of course, have a presence in the
secondary market for 91 days Treasury Bills. If
the 91 days Treasury Bill rate reflects money
market conditions, the money and securities
market would develop an integral link. «.The
Committee also recommends that foreign The withdrawal of RBI from the primary market
institutional investors should be given access to in 91 day Treasury Bills is the long term
the Treasury Bill market. (Chapter V, objective. The pace of implementation of the
Annexure, para. A-10 ) recommendation should depend upon the
development and depth of the Govt. securities
market. One of the objectives of evolving the
system of Primary Dealers is to improve the
underwriting and market making capabilities in
Government securities market so that RBI
could eventually withdraw from primary
subscriptions. This will be possible only when
d) Recommendations on which a view has to be Primary Dealers are capable of taking
taken by Govt.
devolvement, if any, to the full extent.
(i) ïo far, a sum of Rs.20, 000crore has been
As regards giving access to FIIs to the Treasury
expended for recapitalization and to the extent Bill market it has been implemented. ((Cir.
to which recapitalization has enabled banks to MPD.BC. 175/07.01.279/97-98 dated 29.4.98).
write off losses, this is the cost which the
Exchequer has had to bear for the bad debts of
the banks. Recapitalization is a costly and, in
the long run, not a sustainable option.
Recapitalization involves budgetary
commitments and could lead to a large measure
Govt. to reply
of monetization. The Committee urges that no
further recapitalization of banks be undertaken
from the Government budget. As the authorities
have already proceeded on the recapitalization
route it is perhaps not necessary to consider de
novo the institution of an ARF of the type
envisaged by the earlier CFï Report. The
situation would perhaps have been different if
the recapitalization exercise had not been
undertaken in the manner in which it has been.

(Chapter III, para. 3.24 ± 3.25)

(ii) As an incentive to banks to make specific

provisions, the Committee recommends that
consideration be given to making such
provisions tax deductible. (Chapter III, para.

(iii) It would be appropriate if the management

committees are reconstituted to have only
whole time functionaries in it, somewhat on the -do-
pattern of Central Office Credit Committee
constituted in the ïtate Bank of India. All
decisions taken by these committees could be
put up to the Board of Directors for
information.(Chapter IV, para. 4.12 ± 4.16)

(iv) It would be appropriate to induct an -do-

additional whole time director on the Board of
the banks with an enabling provision for more
whole time directors for bigger banks. (Chapter
IV, para.4.17)

(v) There are opportunities of outsourcing in

other activities like building maintenance,
cleaning, security, dispatch of mail and more
importantly, in computer related areas. The -do-
Committee has been informed that in some
areas banks are unable to subcontract work
because of a notification issued by the abor
Ministry under Contract abor (Regulation and
Abolition) Act, 1970. The Committee would -do-
urge that this be looked into by the authorities
so that banks are enabled to effect efficiency
and productivity improvements. The global
trend in the banking and financial sector also
reflects an increasing reliance on outsourced
services. In an increasingly competitive
environment, statutory provisions should not
lead to banks having to carry on internally
functions and tasks which can be performed
more efficiently by outside service provides.
(Chapter IV, para. 4.18).

(vi) The Committee feels that the issue of

remuneration structure at managerial levels
prevailing in public sector banks and financial
institutions needs to be addressed. There is an
urgent need to ensure that public sector banks
are given flexibility to determine managerial
remuneration levels taking into account market
trends. The Committee recommends that the
The recent wage settlement of bank staff with
necessary authority in this regard be given to
Unions has broadly kept this in view and
the Boards of the banks initially in the case of
profit making public sector banks which have leaving the decision on other perquisites to the
gone public, for they would, in any case, be potential of individual banks concerned.
required to operate with accountability to the Govt. to reply.
market. The forthcoming wage negotiations
provide an opportunity to review the existing
pattern of industry-wise negotiations and move
over to bank-wise negotiations.(Chapter IV,
para. 4.26 )

(vii) This Committee is of the view that in

today's increasingly challenging business
environment, a large institution can only be led
effectively by a Chief Executive who has a
reasonable length of tenure, which the
Committee believes should not be less than five
years. ïince, however, moving over to this
tenure may be difficult, we suggest that in the
The recommendation pertaining to reasonable
first instance, the minimum tenure should be
three years. The Committee feels that there is length of tenure for the Chief Executive has
been implemented while appointing the new
now a need to delink the pay scales of the Chief Chairmen of PSBs. As regards the
Executives of public sector banks and financial recommendation regarding delinking of pay
institutions from the Civil ïervice pay scales scales of Chief Executives of public sector
and that this should be left to be decided by the banks from that of the Civil Service, this will
individual banks, not excluding the possibility have to be considered by the Government.
of performance based remuneration. The
Committee would like to add that these
observations and recommendations also apply
to the whole time Directors on the Boards of
banks and financial institutions appointed by
the Government.

(Chapter IV, para.4.29 ± 4.30 )

(viii) There may be need to redefine the scope

of external vigilance and investigative agencies
with regard to banking business. External
agencies should have the requisite skill and
expertise to take into account the commercial
environment in which decisions are taken. The
vigilance manual now being used has been
designed mainly for use by Government
Departments and public sector undertakings. It A separate chapter capturing special features
may be necessary that a separate vigilance of banking transactions has been incorporated
manual which captures the special features of
in the Vigilance Manual.
banking should be prepared for exercising
vigilance supervision over banks. The
Committee feels that this is an extremely
critical area and arrangements similar to the
Advisory Board for Bank Frauds be made for
various levels of staff of banks.(Chapter IV,
para. 4.35 ± 4.37)

(ix) The Committee attaches the greatest

importance to the issue of functional autonomy
with accountability within the framework of
purposive, rule bound, non-discretionary
prudential regulation and supervision.
Autonomy is a prerequisite for operational
flexibility and for critical decision making
whether in terms of strategy or day to day
operations. There is also the question whether Banks have been given further autonomy in
full autonomy with accountability is consistent
matters relating to their business operations.
and compatible with public ownership. Given
These relate to greater autonomy to open
the dynamic context in which the banks are
operating and considering the situational branches, freedom to charge interest on
advances as also on deposits, recruitment of
experience further capital enhancement would specialist officers and other matters of
be necessary for the larger Indian banks. corporate strategy.
Against the background of the need for fiscal
consolidation and given the many demands on Public sector banks are encouraged to go to
the budget for investment funds in areas like the market raise capital to enhance their
infrastructure and social services, it cannot be capital. Eleven public sector banks have since
argued that subscription to the equity of public accessed the capital market for raising
sector banks to meet their enhanced needs for
additional capital.
capital should command priority. Public sector
banks should be encouraged, therefore, to go to
the market to raise capital to enhance their The recommendation has been accepted. The
capital. At present, the laws stipulate that not Bill to bring down the shareholding of the Govt.
less than 51% of the share capital of public of India in nationalized banks has been
sector banks should be vested with the introduced in Parliament.
Government and similarly not less than 55% of
the share capital of the ïtate Bank of India
should be held by the Reserve Bank of India.

The current requirement of minimum

Government of India/Reserve Bank of India
shareholding is likely to become a constraint for
raising additional capital from the market by The recommendation in regard to bringing
some of the better placed banks unless
down shareholding of the Govt. of India in
Government also decides to provide necessary
nationalized banks to 33% has been accepted.
budgetary resources to proportionately
subscribe to the additional equity, including the A Bill has been introduced in the Parliament for
necessary premium on the share price, so as to the purpose.
retain its minimum stipulated shareholding. The
Committee believes that these minimum
stipulations should be reviewed. It suggests that
the minimum shareholding by Government/RBI
in the equity of nationalized banks and ïBI
should be brought down to 33%.

The Reserve Bank as a regulator of the

monetary system should not be also the owner Govt. to reply.
of a bank in view of the potential for possible
conflict of interest. It would be necessary for
the Government/RBI to divest their stake in
these nationalized banks and in the ïtate Bank
of India. A reduction in their shares would
come about through additional subscription by
the market to their enhanced capital. A portion
of up to 5 or 10% of the equity of the bank
concerned may be reserved for employees of
the bank with a provision of some later date for
the introduction of stock options. The
appointment by the Government of Boards and
top executives of banks derives from its
majority holding and if, as suggested above, the
majority holding itself were to be given up, the
appointment of Chairmen and Managing
Directors should be left to the Boards of the
banks and the Boards themselves left to be
elected by shareholders.

Needless to say, with a significant stock holding Govt. to reply.

of not less than 33% Government would have a
say in the election of Boards and indirectly of
the chief executives without their being seen as
administrative appointments. The reduction in
the minimum holding of Government below
51% would in itself be a major and clear signal
about the restoration to banks and financial
institutions of autonomy in their functioning.
The Committee makes this recommendation in
the firm belief that this is essential for
enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of
the system and not on any other
consideration.(Chapter V, para 5.27 ± 5.33)

(x)To provide the much needed flexibility in its

operations, IDBI should be corporatized and
converted into a Joint ïtock Company under the
Companies Act on the lines of ICICI, IFCI and
IDBI. For providing focused attention to the
work of ïtate Financial Corporations, IDBI
shareholding in them should be transferred to
ïIDBI which is currently providing refinance
assistance to ïtate Financial Corporations. To
give it greater operational autonomy, ïIDBI Govt. to reply.
should also be delinked from IDBI (Chapter V,
para 5.34).
(xi) Though cooperation is a state subject, since
UCBs are primarily credit institutions meant to
be run on commercial lines, the Committee
recommends that this duality in control should
be dispensed with. It should be primarily the
task of the Board for Financial ïupervision to
set up regulatory standards for Urban
Cooperative banks and ensure compliance with
these standards through the instrumentality of Govt. to reply.
supervision. (Chapter V, para 5.39)

(xii) The Committee is of the view that the

banking system should be in a position to equip
itself to identify the eligible clients based on
prescribed norms in the Government sponsored
programmes so that the full responsibility for
all aspects of the credit decision remains with it.
This should also help improve the client bank
relationship instead of the present system of -do-
virtually imposed clientele and build a credit
culture and discipline. (Chapter VI, Para 6.3)

(xiii) The Committee strongly urges that there

should be no recourse to any scheme of debt
waiver in view of its serious and deleterious
impact on the culture of credit. (Chapter VI,
Para 6.7)

(xiv) Evolution of a risk management system

would provide the needed comfort to the
banking system to finance agriculture. At -do-
present, under the Income Tax Act, provision
for bad and doubtful debts not exceeding 5% of
income and 10% of the aggregate average
advances made by rural branches of a scheduled
or a non-scheduled bank are allowed as
deduction in computing the income chargeable -do-
to tax. Consideration could be given to
increasing this to 5% of income and 20% of
average aggregate advances of rural branches to
provide incentive to banks for lending to rural
sectors.(Chapter VI, Para 6.10)

(xv) The Committee recommends that the

RRBs and cooperative banks should reach a
minimum of 8% capital to risk weighted assets
over a period of five years. A review of the
capital structure of RRBs should be undertaken
with a view to enlarging public subscription and
This recommendation has been accepted in
give the sponsor banks greater ownership and
principle. Govt. of India is also contemplating
responsibility in the operation of RRBs. While
considering the issue of salaries of employees suitable amendments to RRB Act,1976 to
of RRBs the Committee strongly urges that facilitate further restructuring of RRBs
there should be no further dilution of the basic involving changes in capital structure,
feature of RRBs as low cost credit delivery ownership, etc. Pending amendments to RRB
Act, sponsor banks have been entrusted with
institutions. Cooperative credit institutions also
need to enhance their capital through greater powers to guide and monitor the
subscription by their members and not by operations of RRBs. As regards the salary
Government. There should be a delayering of structure of employees of RRBs, the S.L.
the cooperative credit institutions with a view to
Mahalik Committee appointed by Reserve Bank
reducing the intermediation cost and thus of India has made certain recommendations on
providing the benefit of cheaper NABARD restructuring of the pay scales of RRB
credit to the ultimate borrowers. (Chapter VI, employees and these have been forwarded to
Para 6.12 ) the Govt. for consideration. As regards
delayering of cooperative credit structure, the
(xvi) The supervisory function over rural
suggestion would be forwarded to NABARD for
financial institutions has been entrusted to
detailed examination. Govt. will have to
NABARD. While this arrangement may
continue for the present, over the longer term, consider amendment to the Cooperative
the Committee would suggest that all regulatory Societies Act.
and supervisory functions over rural credit
institutions should vest with the Board for
Financial Regulation and ïupervision.( Chapter Govt. to reply since implementation of the
VI Para 6.13 ) recommendation would require amendments
to relevant Acts.
(xvii) The present duality of control over the
cooperative credit institutions by ïtate
Government and RBI/NABARD should be
eliminated and all the cooperative banking
institutions should come under the discipline of
Banking Regulation Act, under the aegis of
RBI/NABARD/BFï. Thus would require Govt. to reply since implementation of the
amendments to the Banking Regulation Act. recommendation would require amendments
The control of the Registrar of cooperative
to relevant Acts.
sector over cooperatives would then be
somewhat on the lines of control that Registrar
of Companies has over the Banking Institutions,
registered under the Companies Act.(Chapter
VI, Para 6.14 )

(xviii) A legal framework that clearly defines

the rights and liabilities of parties to contracts
and provides for speedy resolution of disputes
is essential for financial intermediation. The
evolution of the legal framework has not kept
pace with the changing commercial practices
and with the financial sector reforms. The
Transfer of Property Act enacted in 1882 is a Govt. to reply.
case in point.(Chapter VIII, Para 8.1 )

(xix) Given the unsatisfactory state of the law

of mortgage, the response has been to vest
through special statute the power of sale in
certain institutions like and Development
Banks and ïtate Finance Corporations. This
approach could be extended to other financial
institutions and, if possible, to banks. The other
approach is to set up special tribunals for -do-
recovery of dues to banks and financial
institutions. These Tribunals need to have
powers of attachment before judgment, for
appointment of receivers and for ordering
preservation of property. For this purpose, an
amendment to the concerned legislation may be
necessary. The Committee would like to
emphasize the importance of having in place a
dedicated and effective machinery for debt
recovery for banks and financial
institutions.(Chapter VIII, Para 8.2 ± 8.4 )

(xx) ïecuritization of mortgages is also

critically dependent on the ease of enforcement
and the costs associated with transfer of
mortgages. The power of sale without judicial
intervention is not available to any class of
mortgages except where the mortgages is the
Government or the mortgage agreement so
provides and the mortgaged property is situated
Govt. to reply.
in Mumbai, Chennai and Calcutta and other
towns so notified. Even if the power of sale
without judicial intervention were available
there would need to be measure to put the buyer
in possession. (Chapter VIII, Para 8.5 ± 8.6 )

(xxi) The question of stamp duties and

registration fees also requires review. There is a
case for reducing stamp duties and registration
fees substantially.(Chapter VIII, Para 8.7 )

(xxii) In view of the recent amendments to

ïection 28 of Indian Contract Act, banks have -do-
expressed a fear that they can no longer limit
their liabilities under bank guarantees to a
specified period and that they would have to
carry such guarantee commitments for long
periods as outstanding obligations. Government
departments do not generally return the original -do-
guarantee papers even after the purpose is
served. This whole issue needs to be re-
examined and bank guarantees exempted from
the purview of the recent amendment to ïection
28 of the Indian Contract Act. The issue of
enforcing securities in the form of book debts
also calls for review. The Committee also
agrees with the proposal to amend the ïick
Industrial Companies Act, seeking to trigger off
the remedial mechanism on the sight of
incipient sickness.

(Chapter VIII, Para 8.9 ± 8.14)

(xxiii) Certain legislative requirements would

also be needed to implement some of the
Committee's recommendations regarding the
structure of the banking system and matters
pertaining to regulation and supervision. The
Banking Regulation Act is structured on the
premise that bank supervision is essentially a Govt. to reply
Government function and that the Reserve Bank
of India¶s position is somewhat on the lines of
an agent. The Act also provides appellate
powers to Government over the decisions of the
RBI in this regard. It also provides original
powers in certain instances. The Committee
feels that these provisions should be reviewed.
(Chapter VIII, Para8.17)

(xxiv) With respect to recommendations

regarding constitution of a Board for Financial
Regulation and ïupervision, it would be
necessary for amendments in the Banking
Regulation Act and Reserve Bank of India Act.
Amendments would also be needed in the Bank
Nationalization Acts to enable grant of greater
managerial autonomy to public sector banks for
lowering the minimum requirements of 51%
Government ownership and as regards the
constitution of Boards of Directors and of the
Management Committees. The provisions
relating to prior approval of Government for
regulations framed under the Act would also
need to be reviewed. In line with the above,
amendments would also be needed in the ïtate
Bank of India Act with regard to shareholding
of the RBI and constitution of its Central Board.
(Chapter VIII, Para 8.19 ± 8.23 )

(xxv) These suggestions are not exhaustive and

we would recommend that the legal
implications with reference to each of these
recommendations be examined and detailed
legislative steps identified by the Ministry of
Finance, Banking Division in consultation with
the Ministry of aw. In view or the wide-
ranging changes needed in the legal framework An Expert Legal Group under the chairmanship
the Committee recommends setting up of an of Shri. T. R. Andhyarujina, former Solicitor
expert Committee comprising among others, General, was set up. The Group͛s report is
representatives from the Ministry of aw, under examination of the Govt. of India.
Banking Division, Ministry of Finance, RBI
and some outside experts to formulate specific
legislative proposals to give effect to the
suggestions made above. (Chapter VII, Para
8.22 ± 8.23)

 & ' !

The finance ministry of government of India appointed Mr. M. Narasimham as chairman of one more
committee, this time it was called as the committee on banking sector reforms. The committee was
asked to ͞review the progress of banking sector reforms to the date and chart a programme on financial
sector reforms necessary to strengthen India͛s financial system and make it internationally competitive͟.
The narasimham committee on banking sector reforms submitted this report to the government in April
1998. This report covers the entire issues relating to capital adequacy, bank mergers, the condition of
global sized banks, recasting of banks boards etc. some important findings are as follows;

* Need For Stronger Banking System: The narasimham committee has made out a stronger banking
system in country, especially in the context of capital account convertibility (CAC) which would involve
large amount of inflow and outflow of capital and consequent complications for exchange rate
management and domestic liquidity. To handle this India would need a strong resilient banking and
financial system.
* Experiment with The Concept of Narrow Banking: The narasimham committee is seriously
concerned with the rehabilitation of weak public sector banks which have accumulated a high
percentage of non-paying assets (NPA), and in some cases, as high as 20% of their total assets. They
suggested the concept of narrow banking to rehabilitate such weak banks.
* Small Local Banks: The narasimham committee has argued that ͞ühile two or three banks with an
international orientation and 8 to 10 of larger banks should take care of their needs of the large and
medium corporate sector ad larger of the small enterprises, there will still be a need for a large number
of local banks.͟ The committee has suggested the setting up of small local banks which should be
confined to states or clusters of districts in order to serve local trade, small industry etc.
* Capital Adequacy Ratio: The narasimham committee has also suggested that the government should
consider raising the prescribed capital adequacy ratio to improve the inherent strength of banks and to
improve their risk taking ability.
* Public Ownership and Real Autonomy: The narasimham committee has argued that government
ownership and management of banks does not enhance autonomy and flexibility in working of public
sector banks. Accordingly, the committee has recommended a review of functions of banks boards with
a view to make them responsible for enhancing shareholder value through formulation of corporate
* Review And Updating Banking Laws: The narasimham committee has suggested the urgent need to
review and amended the provisions of RBI Act, Banking Regulation Act, State Bank of act etc. so as to
bring them on same line of current banking needs.

Really speaking there was no purpose of setting up the second narasimham committee on banking
sector reforms even before a decade has elapsed for the full implementation of the recommendations
of First committee. As one critics has commented: ͞ barring this is, a stray recommendation here or
there like the categorical rejection of the merger of weak with strong banks and the suggestion to try
out narrow banking, as far as all other issues are concerned͟











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During the decades of the 60s and the 70s, India nationalisated most of its banks. This
culminated with the balance of payments crisis of the Indian economy where India had to airlift
gold to International Monetary Fund (IMF) to loan money to meet its financial obligations. This
event called into question the previous banking policies of India and triggered the era of
economic liberalisation in India in 1991. Given that rigidities and weaknesses had made serious
inroads into the Indian banking system by the late 1980s, the Government of India (GOI), post-
crisis, took several steps to remodel the country's financial system. (ïome claim that these
reforms were influenced by the IMF and the World Bank as part of their loan conditionality to
India in 1991).[3] The banking sector, handling 80% of the flow of money in the economy,
needed serious reforms to make it internationally reputable, accelerate the pace of reforms and
develop it into a constructive usher of an efficient, vibrant and competitive economy by
adequately supporting the country's financial needs.[4] In the light of these requirements, two
expert Committees were set up in 1990s under the chairmanship of M. Narasimham (an ex-RBI
(Reserve Bank of India) governor) which are widely credited for spearheading the financial
sector reform in India.[3] The first Narasimhan Committee (á   
á ) was appointed by Manmohan ïingh as India's Finance Minister on 14 August 1991,[1][5]
and the second one (á    
  )[6] was appointed by
P.Chidambaram[7] as Finance Minister in December 1997.[8] ïubsequently, the first one widely
came to be known as the    á  and the second one as    
á .[9][10] This article is about the recommendations of the ïecond Narasimham
Committee, the á    

The purpose of the Narasimham-I Committee was to study all aspects relating to the structure,
organization, functions and procedures of the financial systems and to recommend improvements
in their efficiency and productivity. The Committee submitted its report to the Finance Minister
in November 1991 which was tabled in Parliament on 17 December 1991.[6]

The Narasimham-II Committee was tasked with the progress review of the implementation of the
banking reforms since 1992 with the aim of further strengthening the financial institutions of
India.[4] It focussed on issues like size of banks and capital adequacy ratio among other things.[9]
M. Narasimham, Chairman, submitted the report of the á    
á  to the Finance MinisterYashwantïinha in April 1998.[4][9]


The 1998 report of the Committee to the GOI made the following major recommendations:


Greater autonomy was proposed for the public sector banks in order for them to function with
equivalent professionalism as their international counterparts.[11] For this the panel recommended
that recruitment procedures, training and remuneration policies of public sector banks be brought
in line with the best-market-practices of professional bank management.[4][6] ïecondly, the
committee recommended GOI equity in nationalized banks be reduced to 33% for increased
autonomy.[4][12][13] It also recommended the RBI relinquish its seats on the board of directors of
these banks. The committee further added that given that the government nominees to the board
of banks are often members of parliament, politicians, bureaucrats, etc., they often interfere in
the day-to-day operations of the bank in the form of the ë .[4] As such the committee
recommended a review of functions of banks boards with a view to make them responsible for
enhancing shareholder value through formulation of corporate strategy and reduction of
government equity.[11]

To implement this, criteria for      was identified by March 1999 (among other
implementation measures) and 17 banks were considered eligible for autonomy.[14] But some
recommendations like reduction in Government's equity to 33%,[13][15] the issue of greater
professionalism and independence of the board of directors of public sector banks is still
awaiting Government follow-through and implementation.[16]

R     R

First, the committee recommended that the RBI withdraw from the 91-day treasury bills market
and that interbank call money and term money markets be restricted to banks and primary
dealers.[6][14] ïecond, the Committee proposed a segregation of the roles of RBI as a    of
banks and  of bank.[17] It observed that !"         
    ë   ë "  # ë 
  . As such, it
highlighted that RBI's role of effective supervision was not adequate and wanted it to divest its
holdings in banks and financial institutions.

Pursuant to the recommendations, the RBI introduced a iquidity Adjustment Facility ( AF)
operated through repo and reverse repos in order to set a corridor for money market interest
rates. To begin with, in April 1999, an Interim iquidity Adjustment Facility (I AF) was
introduced pending further upgradation in technology and legal/procedural changes to facilitate
electronic transfer.[18] As for the second recommendation, the RBI decided to transfer its
respective shareholdings of public banks like ïtate Bank of India (ïBI), National Housing Bank
(NHB) and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) to GOI.
ïubsequently, in 2007-08, GOI decided to acquire entire stake of RBI in ïBI, NHB and
NABARD. Of these, the terms of sale for ïBI were finalised in 2007-08 itself.[19]

The Committee recommended for merger of large Indian banks to make them strong enough for
supporting international trade.[11] It recommended a three tier banking structure in India through
establishment of three large banks with international presence, eight to ten national banks and a
ë .[4][9][11] This proposal had been severely criticized by
the RBI employees union.[20] The Committee recommended the use of mergers to build the size
and strength of operations for each bank.[12] However, it cautioned that large banks should merge
only with banks of equivalent size and not with weaker banks, which should be closed down if
unable to revitalize themselves.[6] Given the large percentage of non-performing assets for
weaker banks, some as high as 20% of their total assets, the concept of "narrow banking" was
proposed to assist in their rehabilitation.[11]

There were a string of mergers in banks of India during the late 90s and early 2000s, encouraged
strongly by the Government of India|GOI in line with the Committee's recommendations.[21]
However, the recommended degree of consolidation is still awaiting sufficient government


Non-performing assets had been the single largest cause of irritation of the banking sector of
India.[4] Earlier the Narasimham Committee-I had broadly concluded that the main reason for the
reduced profitability of the commercial banks in India was the priority sector lending. The
committee had highlighted that 'priority sector lending' was leading to the build up of non-
performing assets of the banks and thus it recommended it to be phased out.[10] ïubsequently, the
Narasimham Committee-II also highlighted the need for 'zero' non-performing assets for all
Indian banks with International presence.[10] The 1998 report further blamed poor credit
decisions, behest-lending and cyclical economic factors among other reasons for the build up of
the non-performing assets of these banks to uncomfortably high levels. The Committee
recommended creation of Asset Reconstruction Funds or Asset Reconstruction Companies to
take over the bad debts of banks, allowing them to start on a clean-slate.[4][22][23] The option of
recapitalization through budgetary provisions was ruled out. Overall the committee wanted a
proper system to identify and classify NPAs,[6] NPAs to be brought down to 3% by 2002[4] and
for an # "
 for improved management of loan portfolios.[6] The
committee's recommendations let to introduction of a new legislation which was subsequently
implemented as the ïecuritisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of
ïecurity Interest Act, 2002 and came into force with effect from 21 June 2002.[24][25][26]


In order to improve the inherent strength of the Indian banking system the committee
recommended that the Government should raise the prescribed capital adequacy norms.[9] This
would also improve their risk taking ability.[11] The committee targeted raising the capital
adequacy ratio to 9% by 2000 and 10% by 2002 and have penal provisions for banks that fail to
meet these requirements.[4][6] For asset classification, the Committee recommended a mandatory
1% in case of standard assets and for the accrual of interest income to be done every 90 days
instead of 180 days.[14]

To implement these recommendations, the RBI in Oct 1998, initiated the second phase of
financial sector reforms by raising the banks' capital adequacy ratio by 1% and tightening the
prudential norms for provisioning and asset classification in a phased manner on the lines of the
Narasimham Committee-II report.[27] The RBI targeted to bring the capital adequacy ratio to 9%
by March 2001.[28] The mid-term Review of the Monetary and Credit Policy of RBI announced
another series of reforms, in line with the recommendations with the Committee, in October

The committee suggested that the foreign banks seeking to set up business in India should have a
minimum start-up capital of $25 million as against the existing requirement of $10 million. It
said that foreign banks can be allowed to set up subsidiaries and joint ventures that should be
treated on a par with private banks.[4]


In 1998, RBI Governor BimalJalan informed the banks that the RBI had a three to four year
perspective on the implementation of the Committee's recommendations.[27] Based on the other
recommendations of the committee, the concept of a universal bank was discussed by the RBI
and finally ICICI bank became the first universal bank of India.[18][29][30] The RBI published an
"Actions Taken on the Recommendations" report on 31 October 2001 on its own website. Most
of the recommendations of the Committee have been acted upon (as discussed above) although
some major recommendations are still awaiting action from the Government of India.[31]

There were protests by employee unions of banks in India against the report. The Union of RBI
employees made a strong protest against the Narasimham II Report.[20] There were other plans by
the United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU), representing about 1.3 million bank employees in
India, to meet in Delhi and to work out a plan of action in the wake of the Narasimham
Committee report on banking reforms. The committee was also criticized in some quarters as
"anti-poor". According to some, the committees failed to recommend measures for faster
alleviation of poverty in India by generating new employment.[3] This caused some suffering to
small borrowers (both individuals and businesses in tiny, micro and small sectors).

Initially, the recommendations were well received in all quarters, including the Planning
Commission of India leading to successful implementation of most of its recommendations.[32]
Then it turned out that during the 2008 economic crisis of major economies worldwide,
performance of Indian banking sector was far better than their international counterparts. This
was also credited to the successful implementation of the recommendations of the Narasimham
Committee-II with particular reference to the capital adequacy norms and the recapitalization of
the public sector banks.[2] The impact of the two committees has been so significant that elite
politicians and financial sectors professionals have been discussing these reports for more than a
decade since their first submission applauding their positive contribution over the years.[1]

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