Text Analysis and NLP in AI

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ABSTRACT linguistics which is being put for fulfilling the gap

in existence in between human communication and

understanding of computer. Artificial intelligence
In today’s technological Eire, text analysis and
text analysis is simply defined as the process for
natural language processing are very much
extracting the information from inside a larger
important aspects in artificial intelligence and
amount of textual data which is present. If we talk
many other types of technology. The
specifically about businesses, natural language
technological advancement is having
processing is the prospect which can particularly
responsibility for helping people towards getting
help in automating the complete process pertaining
advantageous benefits with usage of this. In this
the understanding of comments exerted by
paper, text analysis and natural language
customers on a larger scale. It will be helping them
processing in artificial intelligence is being
for making decisions on the basis of data towards
convicted. Natural language is that particular
improving the business.
language which helps the machine for reading
the text with the help of stimulating the ability of
The importance of natural language
human for understanding a natural language
processing can be defined in such a way that it
like English or any other type. Content analysis
helps the computers for communicating with the
method was taken into consideration during the
humans in their own languages and scale other
time of research i.e., the literature and study
types of task in relation to the languages. If we
which is already in existence was taken into
take example, natural language processing is
consideration to be more profound about the
defined to make it possible for all the computers to
topic. The conclusion of the study has been
words reading the text, hearing the speech,
convicting that importance of text analysis and
interpreting it, measurement of the sentiment and
natural language processing in artificial
also determining the parts which are important to
intelligence is essential to a greater extent.
be taken care of. Human languages are very much
complex and diverse in nature. We have been
KEYWORDS: artificial intelligence, Natural
expressing ourselves in so many types of ways and
Language Processing, Text analysis, etc.
both verbally and in writing also. Natural language
processing is very much important in artificial
I. INTRODUCTION intelligence as it helps for resolving the ambiguity
Natural language processing is basically being in the language and adding a much more useful
defined as the branch of artificial intelligence structure numerically for the data to words many
which provides help to the computers for types of downstream applications like as speech
understanding, manipulating, and interpreting the recognition or text analytics.
human language. Natural language processing
draws so many types of disciplines, with an
inclusion of computer science and computational
II. NLP AND TEXT breaking down the ideas and structure of the text
so that it can be clearly understood by the human
operating that.
Natural language processing is defined to be going
Natural Language Processing
hand-in-hand with text analysis which specifically
Natural Language Processing (NLP) allows
will be counting, grouping and categorizing words
computers to comprehend the language of humans.
for extracting the structure including meaningful
NLP examines the characteristics and the
content from larger amount of content. The text
significance of the phrases behind the scenes and
analysis is being used for exploring the textual
then utilizes algorithms to extract meanings and
content and deriving new type of variables from
provide results. In other words, the human
raw data which might be visualized, Filtered and
language makes sense to do various jobs
further being used in the form of your inputs for
predicting the models and other types of statistical
methods. Natural language processing and text
analysis are being used altogether in so many types
of applications such as:
 Investigation discovery: identification of
the patterns including the clues residing in
the emails or reports which has been
written for helping in the detection and
solving process of crimes happened.
 Subject matter expertise: classification of
the content to words the topic which is
meaningful so that people will be having
ability for acting and discovering the Natural Language Processing (NLP) examines the
trends. understanding of human language by computers
 Social media analytics: tracking awareness and translations. With NLP computers can
including the sentiment pertaining specific understand the written or spoken language and
types of topics and identification of key execute tasks like translation, extraction of
influencers. keywords, categorization of the subjects, and more.
Analyzing the text is very much important skill for NLP Techniques
the readers who are successful. Analysis of a text is In order to assist computers, comprehend text
being involved of breaking down the ideas and Natural Language Processing (NLP) uses two
structure for understanding it in a better way and techniques: syntactic analytics and semantic
thinking critically about it and drawing the analysis.
conclusion. Text analysis in artificial intelligence Syntactic Analysis
is clearly working in this particular direction of
Syntactic analysis - or parsing - examines text Translation technologies allow companies to
using fundamental grammatical principles to detect interact in various languages, enhance their
a sentence structure, arrange words and how they worldwide communication or open up new
connect. markets.
Some of its principal subtasks are:  Extraction of text
 Tokenization involves dividing a text up Text extraction allows you to extract predefined
into smaller pieces called tokens (which text content. This application helps you identify
may be phrases or words) to simplify and extract keywords and important characteristics
handling of material. (such as product codes, colors and specifications)
 Part of the speech tag labels tokens like and named entities when dealing with huge
verb, adverb, adjective, substance, etc. This quantities of data.
helps determine the meaning of words (for  Chatbots
example, the term "book" refers to several Chatbots are AI systems intended for text or voice
objects whether employed as a verb or a interactions with people.
substantive). Chatbots are being increasingly used for customer
 Lemmatization & stemming consists in services since they are able to provide help 24/7
reducing inflected phrases to their basic (speed up response times) concurrently manage
form to facilitate analysis. numerous inquiries and relieve human workers
 Stop-word removal often eliminates words from replying to repeated questions. Chatbots learn
that don't contribute semitone value, such I, active from every contact and improve user intent
they, have, etc. so that you can depend on them to do repeated and
Semantic analysis easy jobs.
Semantic analysis relies on text capture. First, it
examines the significance of each term (lexical Text analytics
semantics). Then, the arrangement of words and Text analysis is the automated text analysis.
also what they signify is examined in context. The Although used interchangeably occasionally, there
primary tasks of semantical analysis are as follows: is a distinction between text analysis and text
Word meaning disambiguation attempts to mining. In the meanwhile, text analysis offers you
determine the meaning in which a word is used in a with more in-depth quantitative information to
particular context. make educated choices. If applied to unstructured
Uses of NLP input (also called as open-ended input), text
Some of the major uses of NLP are as follows: analysis offers insight into trends, patterns and
 Translation of Language consumer feelings to discover and prioritize
In recent years, machine translation technology has methods to improve customer experience.
advanced greatly, with the translations of
Facebook reaching superhuman performance in
processed text, and to evaluate whether the
categories used to categorize these text pieces
should be improved according to the patterns
 Deep learning (DL)
A controlled, specialized subset of artificial
intelligence that encompasses the capacity of a
computer system to analyze data and make
judgments on other data. In Text Analytics, deep
learning may be used to better grasp the context in
unstructured feedback and to enhance the accuracy
The benefit of unstructured feedback is that it is of automatic text analysis.
consistent with the words of your consumers and  Sentiment Analysis
gives the greatest insight into the thinking of your By use of NLP and text analysis to process and
customers. In this response there are many evaluate automatically texts for a positive, negative
methods you may digest much more value as or neutral attitude of the text. Sentiment Analysis
possible. is an excellent beginning point for you to start
Text analytics techniques evaluating your unorganized feedback and rapidly
Here are just a few of the major technologies discover significant and developing problems,
involved: improvement opportunities from your
 Artificial Intelligence (AI) interviewees.
The computer system's capacity to execute  Classification of text based on rules
activities that usually require human intelligence. By use of a word dictionary or a lexicon to teach a
These tasks include voice recognition and computer system how to classify fresh materials. In
decision-making but are not restricted to these. Text Analytics, rule-based text categorization is
This is why Text Analytics processes huge used to assign feelings or subjects to any text it
amounts of text and categorizes it automatically to analyzes automatically.
ease the examination of your unstructured
 Machine Learning (ML)
(Kongthon,2009) indicated the implementation of
Machine learning is an AI component, but it is
online tax system with the usage of natural
distinct. ML focuses on the capacity of a computer
language processing in artificial intelligence. This
algorithms to effectively learn from experience and
particular implementation was shown up for
automatically adapt to enhance performance
convicting the idea of usage of natural language
without human programming. Text Analytics
processing and text analysis in artificial
utilizes machine learning to identify how fresh text
intelligence so that future can be secured. Majority
pieces should be classified based on previously
of the high-level natural language processing IV. METHODLOGY
applications be involved of aspects which has been
Objectives of the study
emulating the intelligent behavior including the
Some of the major goals considered throughout the
apparent comprehension of the natural languages.
research were:
Following the review of methods in this subject
 To study about Text Analytics and its
(Jean, 2014) offer a strategy based on the sampling
techniques used in Artificial Intelligence.
of significance, which enables us to utilize a large-
 To study about NLP in Artificial
scale vocabulary without raising the training
Intelligence and its various techniques.
complexity of the NMT model, to solve machine
Research Methodology
translation. Then they propose an approximation
Content analyses method regarded for performing
training method based on (biased) sampling that
the analysis of the literature which is already in
will enable you to train an NMT model with a
existence and having a detailed knowledge Text
considerably wider target wording, using a single
Analytics and NLP in Artificial Intelligence.
neural network tuned to optimize translation
Various research paper and previous analysis have
been considered and literature that before now in
The process of refining or creating, or
existence have been extracted with the help of
approaching, a practical method to natural
keywords. Extraction of the information from
language processing (NLP) may become fairly
those literatures have been done and post to the
difficult. (Collobert, 2011) feel that their
extraction, verification of the information has been
contribution to this area of research is a significant
done through the appropriate sources for its
milestone in addressing linear training algorithms
accuracy and reliability. After the testing of
that best benefit from the enormous advancements
accuracy, details were contained in paper and
in computer hardware. In this instance, these
irrelevant information have been removed. After
authors are based on huge, unlabeled data sets
the inclusion of the relevant information in the
utilizing the NLP tagger, and the training algorithm
paper, subsequent analysis has been achieved
discovers internal depictions that are helpful for all
about this particular topic.
(Vinyals, 2015) fittingly conduct extremely
concentrated research into foreign language
grammar by utilizing a Recurrent Neural Network The importance of natural language processing can

with an attention 4 strategy for producing phrase be defined in such a way that it helps the

parse trees. Syntactic constituency parsing is a computers for communicating with the humans in

basic issue with a broad variety of applications in their own languages and scale other types of tasks

linguistics and natural language processing. For in relation to the languages. Natural Language

decades, this issue has been the focus of intensive Processing (NLP) allows computers to

study and thus extremely precise domain-specific comprehend the language of humans. NLP

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