POS Based Public Distribution System: Request For Proposal (RFP)

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POS based Public

Distribution System

Selection of Agency for implementing ePDS with PoS devices for Department
of Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Government of Goa.

12 December 2013

Ground Floor, “Shrama Shakti Bhavan”, Patto Plaza, EDC Complex, Panaji-Goa 403 001
Tel:2437220, 2437248. Fax: 2437220. Website: www.goaelectronics.co.in
© 2013 Goa Electronics Limited

Sr. No Title Page No


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RFP for the purchase of Point Of Sale (POS) Terminal are hereby invited from the
vendors by Goa Electronics Limited through the e-tendering process using the website
www.etender.goa.gov.in. The RFP documents can be downloaded from GEL Website:
www.goaelectronics.co.in or www.etender.goa.gov.in.

The RFP document containing “Technical bid” and “financial bid”, complete in all
respect should be uploaded on www.etender.goa.gov.in on or before 30 Dec 2013 upto 2.30 PM
which will be opened on the same day in the presence of the vendors or their representatives who
may like to be present at that time. The sale of RFP document will commence on the next date of
publication of this RFP notice and will close on the date specified on the RFP document.

The vendors are required to get registered with www.tenderwizard.com/GOA. The

vendor must have valid digital signature to submit the bid. The interested vendors fulfilling the
terms & conditions should quote their minimum rates along with earnest money deposit(EMD)
as mentioned in the RFP document.

All the vendors should also give a brief resume about their firm/company. Their
turnover and firms/ offices to which they are supplying quoted items, should also be mentioned.

Goa Electronics Limited (GEL) reserves the right to reject all or any of the RFP without
assigning any reason thereof. The RFP which is conditional/ incomplete/ belated/ without earnest
money, processing fees, RFP fees; will not be entertained.

Chief Executive Officer

Goa Electronics Limited

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1. No. GEL/PDS/POS-04 Date: 12/12/2013

2. Name and Address of the party

3. RFP Document for Purchase of Point Of Sale Terminals

4. Earnest money Deposit Rs. 150000 /-
5. Cost of RFP document Rs.12500 /-
6. Cost of RFP processing fee Rs.1500 /-
7. Last date of sale of RFP 30/12/2013 upto 2.00 PM.
8. Last date for submission of RFP. 30/12/2013 upto 2.30 PM.
9. To be opened on 30/12/2013 at 3.00 PM.
10. Last date for submission of written
Queries for clarifications 23/12/2013
11. Contact Person for queries Mr. Sagar Jaiwar (Sr. Software Developer)
Goa Electronics Limited
Mobile No: 8411004910
12. Addressee and Address at which Chief Executive Officer
RFP to be submitted Goa Electronics Limited,
Mezzanine floor, Block ‘B’,
EDC House, Dr.Dada Vaidya Road,
Panaji, Goa- 403001

All the Pre Bid Queries would be accepted in written form (and a copy through mail also)
only at below address:

Chief Executive Officer,

Goa Electronics Limited,
Mezzanine floor, Block ‘B’,
EDC House, Dr. Dada Vaidya Road,
Panaji, Goa-403001

Mail: revati@goaelectronics.co.in & sagar@goaelectronics.co.in

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India’s social commitment for providing food security for the poor and needy is
answered through the strong network of more than 4.5 Lac FPS across the
country. Our Planning Commission estimates that more than 150 million
families purchase commodities at ration shops every year. The Public
Distribution system in India is however plagued with several malpractices
which prevent the benefits from reaching the intended beneficiaries and also
result in revenue loss for the Government. There is leakage and pilferage of
food grains at each point of the supply chain - from procurement until
distribution. It has also been seen that issuance of multiple ration cards to a
single person prohibits the proper allocation of food grains to deserved
beneficiary. The manual maintenance of records for issuance of food grains at
the Fair Price Shops helps in creating a supportive environment for the FPS
owners to divulge in malpractice. Keeping in mind the above areas, it is crucial
to strengthen the PDS to ensure adequate supplies, reasonable subsidies and
efficient delivery of subsidized food.


The Government of Goa views the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS)
as an important constituent of a strategy for ensuring food security of the
targeted population by ensuring availability of monthly quota of food grains to
them as per entitlement through Fair Price shops. The Government is
committed to implement the TPDS to the best advantage of the beneficiaries
with full transparency, and efficiency of operations and accountability of
authorities implementing it.

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The primary project objective is that the DCSCA, GoG envisages with the
implementation of the Smart Card based Ration Cards are:
(i) Timely and need based allocation.
(ii) Prevention of diversion of essential commodities.
(iii) Containment of arbitrary decision making at all levels.
(iv) Induction of transparency and accountability in operations.
(v) Reduction of redundant workload of department employees.
(vi) Electronic security and control of confidential data.
(vii) Fast disposal of stakeholder grievances.
(viii) Dissemination of information as per public requirements.
(ix) Leveraging the benefit of Goa State Wide Area Network (SWAN) for
easy flow of information among one and all stakeholders.
(x) MIS for monitoring and quick decision making.
(xi) Protecting the interest of all the stakeholders.
(xii) To improve service delivery and create transparency
(xiii) To empower beneficiary
(xiv) To weed out bad FPS and bogus Ration Cards.


The project will be executed in two phases:

Phase I: Pilot Rollout
This phase will involve rollout of the project across 78 FPSs of the Bardez
taluka. Time period for the Phase I will be 2 months.
Phase II: Remaining Talukas Rollout
This phase will involve rollout across 423 FPSs throughout the state. This phase
will be taken up only after successful implementation of phase I.

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 Strategy to be adopted
In e-PDS, FPSs will be equipped with a POS with GPRS connectivity. Food
grains will be given manually at FPS but authentication and record of
transaction on server is done through this POS. Each Beneficiary is
provided with a Smart Ration Card (SRC).Each FPS owner with a FPS
incharge Card (FPSIC) and each Godown Incharge with a Godown
incharge card (GIC)
Basic infrastructure proposed at (a) Godowns: POS and GIC, (b) FPS: POS
and FPSIC.
1. Issuance of the commodities by Godowns to FPS Incharge
1.1 Online mode

1.1.1 Godown Incharge will insert the FPSIC and the GIC into the

1.1.2 The POS will read the card details and will fetch the
entitlements for the FPS.
1.1.3 The Godown Incharge will issue the entitled quantity to the
FPS Incharge. The transaction will be updated on the server,
1.2 Offline mode
1.2.1 Godown Incharge will insert the FPSIC and the GIC into the POS.
1.2.2 The POS will read the card details and will fetch the
entitlements for the FPS from the GIC.
1.2.3 The Godown Incharge will issue the entitled quantity to the FPS
Incharge and update the FPSIC and GIC. Whenever the connectivity is
available, all the transactions flagged as “offline” will be updated on
the server, FPSIC and GIC.
2. Issuance of the commodities by FPS to the Beneficiaries
2.1 Online mode
2.1.1 FPS sales person inserts FPSIC in POS Device
2.1.2 POS reads the details of the FPS current stock allocation
and stock status.

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2.1.3 FPS sales person inserts the SRC of the beneficiary in POS
2.1.4 POS reads the ration card number and sends it to the
server through GPRS to get beneficiary’s entitlement
 In case the member’s biometric has not been
authenticated yet

STEP I: The Finger print template (FPT) is

captured and sent to UIDAI for authentication

STEP II: If the authentication succeeds, the

captured FPT is stored on the SRC and the

STEP III: If the authentication fails, go to STEP I

with second FPT and repeat

STEP IV: Atleast 4 fingers to be stored per

person and best match to be recorded

 In case the member‘s biometric has been already

authenticated with UIDAI i.e The FPT is already
stored on the SRC

STEP I: The Finger print template (FPT) of the

member is matched with the FPT stored on the

STEP II: If the authentication fails, go to STEP I

with second FP and repeat.

2.1.2 FPS sales person enters the quantities to be issued to

beneficiary and submits to the server.
2.1.3 Server updates the transaction and gives the success
report. Detailed transactions are updated on the FPS IC
and the SRC

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2.1.4 A receipt is printed and the commodities are issued to
2.1.5 For the next transaction the beneficiary can choose to go
to another FPS as his/her food account balances are
maintained on the server and on her smart card.
2.2 Offline mode*
2.2.1 FPS sales person inserts his FPSIC in POS Device
2.2.2 POS reads the details of the FPS current stock
allocation and stock status.
2.2.3 FPS sales person inserts the SRC of the beneficiary in
POS device.
2.2.4 POS reads the ration card number and gets
beneficiary’s entitlement balances from the FPS card
 In case the biometric is stored on the SRC

STEP I: The FPT is matched with the FPT on the

SRC against the member

STEP II: If the authentication fails, go to STEP I

with second FPT and repeat.

 In case the biometric is not stored on the card, issuance

will be done and the transactions will be recorded
[‘N’**attempts to be allowed]

2.2.5 FPS sales person enters the quantities to be issued to

beneficiary and stores the transactions on the FPSIC and
2.2.6 A receipt is printed and the commodities are issued
to beneficiaries.
2.2.7 Whenever the connectivity is available, inserting
either FPSIC/SRC into the POS, all the offline
transactions stored on the cards shall be updated on
the server.

* The POS application will have facility to restrict issuance if biometrics of member
collecting the commodity is not stored on the SRC on ‘Nth’** attempt.

**N – To be decided by DCSCA.

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I) Geographical Scope of project:
The project roll-out will be across the state at the following locations:
Location No. of Locations
FCS Godowns 10
FPS 501
Total 511

II) Development of Software for POS terminals.

 Development and Testing of POS application
The selected vendor will depute two programmers at NIC Delhi for
development of the POS software application in close coordination with NIC
Delhi team. The software will have to be certified by NIC Delhi before
operationalizing the same.
 Licensed product and Services
The selected vendor would be required to obtain license/authorization for any
software or hardware or services to fulfill its performance obligations under
this contract. In case of any infringement on this by vendor, GEL will not be
responsible for the same.
 Functional Scope of the Software for POS
The Software for POS should handle the following functionalities.
1. Issuance of the commodities by Godowns to FPS Incharge
1.1 Online mode
1.1.1 Once the Godown Incharge inserts the FPS incharge Card (FPSIC)
into the POS, POS Application will read the card details and will fetch
the entitlements for the FPS from NIC server.

1.1.2 On issuance of commodities to the FPS Incharge, POS

application will update the transaction to the server data as well as
the FPSIC and Godown Incharge Card (GIC).

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1.2 Offline mode(Mandatory that after issuance all the transactions
on the FPSIC has to be updated on the server)
1.2.1 Once the Godown Incharge inserts the FPS incharge Card
(FPSIC) into the POS, POS Application will read the card
details and will fetch the entitlements for the FPS from NIC
1.2.2 On issuance of commodities to the FPS Incharge, the POS
application will display a success message and save the
transactions on the FPSIC and GIC, flagged as ‘offline’.
1.2.3 Whenever the connectivity is available, all the transactions
flagged as “offline” will be updated on the server, FPSIC and GIC.
2. Issuance of the commodities by FPS to the Beneficiaries
2.1. Online mode
2.1.1 Once the FPS incharge inserts FPSIC in POS Device, the application
will check if any transactions in the FPSIC are flagged as ‘Offline’ and if
so update them onto the server. Incase there are any transactions
onto the server which are not updated on the SRC, the POS application
should write those transactions onto the SRC. Then the POS
application will fetch the details of the FPS current stock allocation and
stock status from the server.
2.1.2 Next, on inserting the SRC of the beneficiary in POS device, the POS
application will read the ration card number and send it to the server
through GPRS to get beneficiary’s entitlement balances.
2.1.3 Biometric authentication of the beneficiary will be facilitated by the
 In case the member’s biometric has not been authenticated yet

STEP I: The application will capture the Finger Print Template (FPT)
and send to UIDAI for authentication.

STEP II: If the authentication succeeds, the application will save the
captured FPT on the SRC and the Server.

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STEP III: If the authentication fails, the application will display a
message about the failure and an option for authentication of FPT
with second finger. (Repeat form Step I)

STEP IV: The application will store atleast 4 FPT and the best match
will be recorded.

 In case the member‘s biometric has been already authenticated with

UIDAI i.e The FPT is already stored on the SRC

STEP I: The POS application will match the FPT with the FPT stored on
the SRC against the member.

STEP II: If the authentication fails, the application will display a

message about the failure and an option for authentication of FPT
with second finger. (Repeat from Step I)

2.1.4 In case last transaction of issuance to the beneficiary was offline

STEP I: The application will update all the transactions from the SRC
which are flagged ‘offline’ onto the server.

2.1.5 Then the POS application will display a screen to select the
commodities and enter the quantities to be issued. Once entered,
the application will submit all the details to the server.

2.1.6 POS application will update the transaction and gives the success
report and will also update the FPSIC and SRC after every
successful transaction.
2.1.7 Next, the application will print a receipt about the transaction
carried out and the FPS incharge will issue the commodities to the
beneficiary with the receipt.
2.1.8 Since the POS application updates the food account balances on
the server, SRC and the FPSIC; for the next transaction, the
beneficiary can choose to go to another FPS.

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2.2 Offline mode *

2.2.1 Once the FPS sales person inserts his FPSIC in POS Device, the POS
application should read the details of the FPS’s current stock
allocation and stock status from the FPSIC.

2.2.2 Next, the FPS incharge inserts the SRC of the beneficiary in POS

2.2.3 POS application will read the ration card number and get
beneficiary’s entitlement balances from the FPSIC.

 In case the biometric is stored on the SRC

STEP I: The POS application will match the FPT with the FPT
stored on the SRC against the member.
STEP II: If the authentication fails, the application will display a
message about the failure and an option for authentication of
FPT with second finger. (Repeat from Step I)
 In case the biometric is not stored on the card, issuance will be
done and the transactions will be recorded with a flag that
”goods are issued without authentication” [‘N’**attempts to be

2.2.4 Then the POS application will display a screen to select the
commodities and enter the quantities to be issued. Once
issued, the POS application will display a success message and
save the transactions on the FPSIC and SRC, flagged as ‘offline’.
2.2.5 Next, the application will print a receipt about the transaction
carried out and the FPS incharge issues the commodities to the
2.2.6 Whenever the connectivity is available, inserting either FPSIC
and SRC into the POS, all the offline transactions stored on the
FPSIC and the SRC will be updated on the server by the POS

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* The POS application will have facility to restrict issuance if biometrics of member
collecting the commodity is not stored on the SRC on ‘Nth’** attempt.

* Synchronization of all the transactions on the server, FPSIC and GIC has to be
accurately handled on connectivity by the POS application i.e. POS application will
synchronize the transactions pertaining to the beneficiary SRC onto the server, FPSIC
and the SRC as needed. In case the SRC holds the latest transactions, the server and
the FPSIC will be updated. If the server holds the latest transactions, the SRC and the
FPSIC will be updated.

**N – To be decided by DCSCA.

Use Cases of POS Application (Refer Annexure E)

 General Requirements and scope of Software

The Bidder shall ensure the following requirements in respect of the Software for
 Assist in defining the processes required to support the operation of the
 Manage high volume batches of data input easily.
 Provide a comprehensive, modular, streamlined, flexible and scalable solution.
 Provide a configurable batch data export facility.
 Enforce data entity workflow rules (e.g. a person is not “registered” until they
have been “verified”).
 Create and/or capture a unique identifier that should be able to cross
reference any physical material (e.g. paper forms, photographs) relating to a
 Ensure provision for acting on data in "mass" for functions such as organization
updates, approval/denial, category assignment, privilege maintenance and
 Provide access to reporting via NIC’s FEAST Application.
 Satisfy the functional requirements generally identified in this Scope of Works.
 Focus on error reduction, and making cost savings through process
 Develop and document to allow other suitably knowledgeable people to
support or further develop it.
 Ensure the solution and supporting technology has scalable capacity and
processing power necessary to exceed anticipated demands.
 Ensure accuracy so that all information is maintained correctly and is real time.
 Provide failover capabilities to a redundant service.

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 Security Requirement of the Software:
 Provide data security via user log-on profiles.
 Implement a robust security model to ensure access control to the system and
 Maintain audit trails of data changes and related user IDs.
 Manage user groups and security, including creating new users and resetting


1. Installation of software on all POS devices

The developed application module shall be pre-installed in all the POS devices by
the vendor before their delivery.
2. Project planning and management
This project is a geographically spread initiative involving multiple stakeholders.
Its implementation is complex and though its ultimate success depends on all the
stakeholders; the role of bidder is key and hence bidder is required to design and
implement a comprehensive and effective project management methodology
together with efficient & reliable tools. To have an effective project management
system in place, it is necessary for the bidder to use a Project Management
Information System (PMIS). The bidder has to ensure that the supply and roll-out
is completed as per the timelines.
The bidder shall address at the minimum the following:
 Create an organized set of activities for the project
 Establish and measure resource assignments and responsibilities
 Construct a project plan schedule including milestones
 Measure project deadlines and performance objectives
 Communicate the project plan to stakeholders with meaningful reports
 Provide facility for detecting problems and inconsistencies in the plan
During the project implementation the bidder shall report to GEL, on following
 Results accomplished during the period
 Cumulative deviations to date from schedule of progress on milestones as
specified in this RFP read with the agreed and finalized Project Plan

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 Corrective actions to be taken to return to planned schedule of progress
 Proposed revision to planned schedule provided such revision is
necessitated by reasons beyond the control of the bidder
 Other issues and outstanding problems, and actions proposed to be taken
 Progress reports on a weekly/fortnightly/monthly basis
 Interventions which the bidder expects to be made by GEL and/or actions
to be taken by GEL before the next reporting period;
 Project quality assurance reports
As part of the project management activities, the bidder shall also undertake:
 Issue Management to identify and track the issues that need attention and
resolution from GEL.
 Scope Management to manage the scope and changes through a formal
management and approval process
 Risk Management to identify and manage the risks that can hinder the
project progress

3. Requirements traceability matrix

The bidder would ensure that developed software is fully compliant with the
requirements and specifications provided in the RFP such as functional, non-
functional and technical requirements. For ensuring this, the bidder shall prepare
a Requirements Traceability Matrix on the basis of Functional Requirements
Specifications (FRS), Non Functional Requirements Specification, and Technical
Requirements provided by GEL (updated, expanded and fine-tuned by the bidder
as necessary) and the System Requirements Specifications (SRS) prepared by the
bidder This matrix would keep track of the requirements and trace their
compliance through different stages of the project including software design,
coding, unit testing and acceptance testing. The Requirements Traceability Matrix
would be a live document throughout the project, with the bidder team updating
the matrix at every stage to reflect the meeting of each specification at every
stage. Through the duration of the project, GEL will periodically review the
Traceability Matrix. GEL would provide the final approval once they are satisfied
that all requirements are met.

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4. Project documentation
The bidder shall create and maintain all project documents that would be passed
on to GEL as deliverables as per the agreed project timelines. The documents
created by the bidder will be reviewed and approved by GEL. GEL would also
approve any changes required to these documents during the course of the
project. Project documents include but are not limited to the following:
 Detailed Project Plan
 Updated/vetted FRS
 SRS document
 Technical specifications of POS devices.
 Any third party tools/software needed by the bidder
 All Test Plans
 Test Specifications (Functional / Performance / Stress / Load test cases)
 Reports summarizing the Functional /Performance/Load Test Reports
carried in Lab environment.
 Requirements Traceability Matrix
 Change Management and Capacity Building Plans
 SLA and Performance Monitoring Plan
 Call Log/Emails/Resolution Reports for Help Desk
 Performance Monitoring Reports for Operations and Support
 Technical, Operation, Administration and Maintenance Manuals, Standard
Operation Procedures (Manuals covering installation,
configuration/setting up of POS device, Standard Operating Procedures
and Maintenance procedures.)
 Updated System Design Document, Source Code, Manuals, Change Logs
 Project Status Report
 Issue Logs
The bidder shall submit a list of deliverables that they would submit based on the
methodology they propose. The bidder shall prepare the formats/templates for
each of the deliverables front based upon industry standards and the same will be
approved by GEL prior to its use for deliverables. All project documents are to be

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kept up-to-date during the course of the project. The Bidder shall maintain a log
of the internal review of all the deliverables submitted. The logs shall be
submitted to GEL on request. All project documentation shall conform to the
highest standards of software engineering documentation.

5. System study, customization, deployment and integration

The bidder is required to study the Supply Chain Management in detail in

association with GEL and come out with System requirement Document for the
software to be developed/customized for POS devices, for the approval of the
Customization, deployment and integration (if any) in the application should be
done bug free.
6. Creating test cases
Once the SRS is approved and design is started, the bidder would prepare all
necessary Test Plans (including test cases), i.e., plans for Unit Testing, Integration
and System Testing and User Acceptance Testing. Test cases for UAT would be
developed in collaboration with domain experts identified by GEL. The Test Plans
also include planning for the testing any integration with 3rd party software. The
Test Plans should also specify any assistance required from GEL. The bidder
should have the Test Plans reviewed and approved by GEL.
7. Handholding support
Bidder has to provide requisite Technical Support Engineers to meet turnaround
time at clause 28 in the Terms and Conditions of the RFP.
8. Requirements to adherence to standards
Software for POS must be designed following open standards, to the extent
feasible and in line with overall system requirements set out in this RFP, in order
to provide for good inter-operability with multiple platforms and avoid any
technology or technology provider lock-in.
9. Industry standard compliance
In addition to above, the POS Software has to be based on and compliant with
industry standards (their latest versions as on date) wherever applicable. This will
apply to all the aspects of solution including but not limited to design,

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customization, deployment, security, installation, and testing. There are many
standards that are indicated throughout this volume as well as summarized
below. However the list below is just for reference and is not to be treated as
exhaustive. Particulars Required Standards to be adhered to

Application development W3C specifications

Information access/transfer protocols SOAP, HTTP/HTTPS

Interoperability Web Services, Open standards

Photograph JPEG (minimum resolution of 640 x
480 pixels)
Scanned documents TIFF (Resolution of 600 X 600 dpi)
Biometric framework As per UIDAI standards

Finger print scanning As per UIDAI standards

Digital signature As per UIDAI signing Technique
Document encryption As per UIDAI communication


 The vendor will provide 3 years onsite comprehensive warranty for POS
Terminals and the Software
 The vendor shall maintain minimum 5% of the devices with his authorized
office for maintenance located in Goa for replacement of faulty devices
without losing any data and time.
 The faulty device is required to be repaired or replaced as per the penalty
clause 28 in the Terms and Conditions in the RFP
 The scope of hardware support services will include preventive and corrective
comprehensive maintenance and cover installation, on-site diagnosis and
resolution of hardware faults in response to the reported problems. Vendor
will also resolve all the hardware problems detected during routine operational
support activities and will ensure that the problems are resolved by repair or
appropriate replacement as and when required.

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V) Training and Capacity Building
Office No of Offices Approx No of Trainees Total*
Phase -I] Pilot Rollout for Bardez
DCSCA 24 4 96
GEL 1 50 50
FPS 78 2 156
Phase-II] Remaining Talukas Rollout
FPS 423 2 846

The Bidder would conduct a detail training program for all the FPS Incharges,
DCSCA & GEL Staff members.
The bidder shall organize refresher trainings as and when required by GEL.
*Mentioned figures are estimated and the actual number may vary.

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1 The vendors are required to get registered with www.tenderwizard.com/GOA. The vendor must have valid
digital signature to submit the bid.
2 RFP documents should be downloaded from website www.goaelectronics.co.in or
http://www.etender.goa.gov.in as per the dates mentioned in the RFP.
3 The vendor should use the electronic mode of tendering using the website www.etender.goa.gov.in to
submit his best possible quotes for the items given therein.

4 Late submission will not be entertained and will not be permitted by the e-Tendering System.
5 Last minute submission should be avoided. As such GEL will not be responsible for any failures in
submission of bids.
6 Incomplete or conditional bids will be summarily rejected.
7 The vendor shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Proposal and GEL
will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
proposal process.
8 Tender shall be uploaded separately through the e-Tendering System under Two Bid System viz
Technical bid & Financial bid, as per the prescribed formats only. Failure to comply with these
requirements may result in the bid being rejected.
9 The tender fees shall not be refunded even if the bid is not submitted.
10 The Technical Bid and the Financial bid as per Annexure –“A” and Annexure-“B” to be strictly uploaded
to the e-tendering website mentioned. Additionally, a hard copy of the Technical Bid along with the
Three DD’s mentioned in the Technical Bid Format (Annexure-“A”) needs to be submitted to the address
of the CEO - Goa Electronics Limited, as mentioned in the RFP. The hardcopy of the technical bid along
with the DD’s shall be placed in single envelope superscripted as “Technical Bid and DD’s towards
Tender No GEL/PDS/POS -04 for Purchase of Point of Sale terminals” and the due date of opening of
the bid mentioned to be deposited at the O/o Goa Electronics Limited, Panjim on or before the tender
submission date. Hard copy of the Financial Bid is not to be submitted. Financial bid to be only
uploaded to the website mentioned.
11 If any vendor does not qualify in technical evaluation as per Annexure –“A”, the Commercial Proposal
shall not be opened.
12 The price should not be mentioned in the Technical bid in any form or manner. In case the prices are
mentioned in the technical bid, the offer will be liable for rejection.
13 The technical bid and financial bid will be opened on two different dates. The technical bid will be
opened on due date as mentioned in the RFP document.
14 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Proposal, GEL may amend the RFP documents by
issuing suitable corrigendum. Any corrigendum issued in this regard shall be uploaded on websites
www.goaelectronics.co.in or www.etender.goa.gov.in and will be communicated through email to those
companies who have already purchased the RFP document.

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15 Performance Bank Guarantee(PBG)
Phase –I: Pilot Rollout for Bardez
The vendor shall submit performance bank guarantee equal to 10% of the total cost of Phase I/Pilot
On successful completion of Phase I:
Phase-II: Remaining Talukas Rollout
The vendor shall submit performance bank guarantee equal to 10% of the total cost of Phase II.
GEL shall be at liberty to enforce such bank guarantee in case the vendor fails to provide the warranty
of supplied devices and the services as per the scope mentioned in RFP.
16 The EMD of successful vendor will be converted into security till the complete supply is made and all
the services are provided as per the scope mentioned in RFP and will be refunded without any interest.
The EMD of unsuccessful vendors will be returned after completion of tender process.
17 The vendors are expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and other information in the RFP.
Failure to furnish all information required as mentioned in the RFP or submission of a proposal not
substantially responsive to the RFP in every respect will be at the vendor’s risk and may result in
rejection of the proposal and forfeiture of the bid.
18 If the tenders opening day happens to be holiday, the same will be accepted and opened on the next
working day.
19 The person signing the tender form (or any other document forming part of the contract) on behalf of
another, shall be deemed to warranty that he has the authority to sign such documents and if, on
inquiry it appears that the person so signing had no authority to do so, GEL, may without prejudice to
other civil and criminal remedies against the contract, hold the signatory liable for all costs and damages
and forfeiture of the earnest money.
20 The attempt on the part of the vendor, to negotiate directly or indirectly, with the
authority to whom the tender is being submitted or with the tender accepting authority, before the
finalization of tenders, will make vendor liable for exclusion from the consideration of his/her
21 GEL reserves the right to reject all or any tender without assigning any reason. GEL also reserves the
right to cancel the bid process at any time prior to signing the contract and GEL will have no liability for
above mentioned actions.
22 The approximate quantity to be purchased along with specifications required have been mentioned
at Annexure “C” and Annexure “D” respectively. However, GEL reserves the right to modify the
quantity as per requirements.
23 The Bids shall be valid for a period of minimum “ONE YEAR” from the date of submission of the bid. On
completion of the validity period (1 Year), in case required, GEL, may solicit the vendor’s consent to an
extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing by
post or email.
24 The successful vendor on submission of PBG will be issued an order towards Phase I-Rollout in Bardez
Taluka.Only on successful completion of pilot talukathe order of Phase II- Rollout in remaining Taluka
will be placed with the vendor.
25 The proposal submitted by the Bidder shall comprise the following documents:
1) All documents as per the Technical Bid Format (Annexure “A”) of RFP and along with all
attachments/schedules duly completed and duly signed by the authorized signatory of the
2) The bidders Financial proposal as per the Financial Bid Format(Annexure “B”)of the RFP duly signed
by the authorized signatory of the bidder/consortium.
All sections in the bid should be adequately flagged and numbered.
Page 22 of 31
26 In the event of the bidder engaging in any corrupt or fraudulent practices during the bidding process, by
the judgment of GEL the bid will be rejected. For the purpose of this clause:
“Corrupt Practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the
action of a GEL official in the selection process. It also includes bringing undue influence through any
quarter or interfering directly or indirectly in the selection process to affect its outcome. “Fraudulent
Practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence selection process to the detriment of
27 The vendor shall not perform any kind of promotion, publicity or advertising etc. at DCSCA, its field
offices and FPSs through any kinds of hoardings, banners or any other media.
28 Penalty.
Delay in Implementation:
A penalty of 5% of the relevant phase shall be levied on the contractor for every delay of one week in
execution of the project.
Uptime in Implementation
An uptime of 99.99% is expected from the bidder.
User may make a complaint about the POS devices and other peripherals / accessory and software
/service through letter, fax, email, phone, SMS or any other means as the user thinks fit or convenient
to the service center of vendor. Vendor shall provide contact numbers/ e-mail IDs clearly on stickers to
be displayed on the POS Devices.
On receiving complaint about the non functionality of the POS due to software or hardware problems
the Vendor shall respond/ repair/ resolve or provide required services within the period as stated
Location Response Resolution Penalty for Downtime
Period period
Anywhere 30 mins 1hr @0.25% of the relevant
in Goa phase for delay of every 2 hrs
subsequent to the permitted
Resolution period
Penalty shall be applicable if the call is not responded within 30 mins. If any parts need to be replaced,
then the same shall be done within 1 hour including data transfer and completion of complaints in
29 Iftotality.
the successful bidder fails to execute the project as per the schedule (Annexure “C”) and Terms &
Conditions of the agreement executed, a penalty at the rate of maximum 10% of total contract value shall
be levied on the contractor, which shall be recovered from the security deposit or from the payment to
be made to the contractor and the contract may be terminated at the risk and cost of the contractor.
However, the decision regarding the quantum of penalty shall vest with GEL.
30 The bidder has to ensure that all workforce provided is insured as per the company’s rules/guidelines. It is
the responsibility of the bidder to ensure all safety precautions are taken for their staff during the
installations. In no case GEL will be responsible for any mishappenings.
31 The POS Software will have to be certified by NIC Delhi before operationalizing the same.

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The following are the requirements for a Consortium:
• The number of members in a consortium shall not be more than three (3) .However, the prime
bidder shall individually qualify the Pre-qualification criteria and be solely responsible for all
implementation of the entire scope of the project;
• The bid should contain details of all the members of the consortium including their legal status and
specify their roles and responsibilities in the project;
• In case of a consortium, applicant consortia shall have a valid Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU)/ agreement among all the members signed by the Chief Executives/ Authorised Signatories
of the companies dated prior to the submission of the bid. The MoU/ agreement shall clearly specify
the stake of each member and outline the roles and responsibilities of each member. The MoU/
agreement shall be exclusively for this project and shall be responsible in case of failure by any
 All Consortium partner(s) should be registered in India and must have company registration
certificate, registration under Labour Laws Contract Act, valid sales tax registration certificate and
valid service tax registration certificate
 Consortium partners participating in the bid along with one prime bidder should not be a
consortium partner to any other prime bidder or should not participate as a prime bidder against
this RFP. If found so, all bids of these bidders will be liable to be rejected
 The consortium shall be evaluated based on the lead bidder’s strength as defined in this bid
document. Once short listed in pre-qualification, change of consortium shall not be allowed. MSA
will be signed with lead bidder only, in case of consortium
33 Period of Project
The selected Agency will make available all the POS devices in working condition along with the required
software after installation/commissioning and testing at the respective locations 2 days prior to the date
of commencement of the Project as per the schedule at Annexure –“C” for necessary trial runs. Total
period of the project will be 3 Years.
34 Payment Schedule: The Bidder shall raise bills of Supply at the end of every month. Payment would be

made within 30 days of raising the invoice. All payments would be made after deductions calculated
based on any penalties if applicable.

35 The make / brand of the quoted POS devices must be mentioned and must comply to the specifications
and standards mentioned in this RFP.
36 Any dispute, arising out of this contract will be under the jurisdiction of Goa Court.
37 Cost towards repairs of any damages to the equipment during transportation or installation by the bidder
will have to be borne by the bidder.
38 The bidder is fully responsible for handling of the equipments and making sure that all POS equipments
are kept safely. If any equipments get damaged that will be rectified by the bidder at his own cost.
39 A detailed contract will be signed with the successful bidder within 15 days of issue of work order.
40 GEL would in no way be responsible for any issues, litigations, or legal implications arising if at all due to
use of any pirated software by the vendor. The complete onus and responsibility of any such
consequences would be on the vendor.

Page 24 of 31
The Bidder/ Prime Bidder (in case of consortium) needs to fulfill all the prequalification criteria
mentioned below to technically qualify for the bid. The technical bid should contain the
following documents:-
Sr The Bidder / Prime Bidder (In case of consortium) shall Supporting Document Required
No satisfy all of the criteria below
1 Bidder/ Prime Bidder (in case of consortium), should a) A Demand draft of Rs. 150000/- (Rupees
submit the RFP payments in the form of Demand Draft One Lac Fifty Thousand only) drawn on any
from any Nationalized/scheduled bank, payable at Panaji, Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in favour of
which must be scanned and uploaded to the e-tendering Goa Electronics Limited payable at Panaji ,
website within the period of tender application submission Goa towards Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
b) A Demand Draft of Rs. 12500/- (Rupees
and the originals to be deposited in the office of Goa
Twelve thousand five hundred only)drawn
Electronics Limited, Panaji on or before the RFP submission on any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in
date. favour of Goa Electronics Limited payable at
Panaji , Goa towards Cost of RFP document.
c) A Demand Draft for Rs. 1500/- (Rupees
One Thousand Five Hundred only) drawn on
any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in favour
of Infotech Corporation of Goa Ltd. payable
at Panaji – Goa towards Cost of RFP
processing fee.

2 Bidder/ Prime Bidder (in case of consortium), should have Purchase Order and Certificate from the
executed atleast 1 similar Project** in PDS in India client specifying no. of POS, Period of
supplying minimum 500 POS terminals and should be successful implementation, Department
running successfully for the last 6 months. and State.
3 The Bidder / Prime Bidder (in case of consortium) should be Certificate of Incorporation/ Registration
a registered company with an office for operations. The and proof of Income Tax ,Sales Tax,
company should be operational for at least the last three Service Tax and VAT Registration
financial years as on 31st March 2013. The Bidder / Prime number(As applicable)
Bidder (in case of consortium) has to be a single legal
4 The Bidder / Prime Bidder (in case of consortium) must Undertaking to be provided /Agreement
have an office in Goa or should furnish an undertaking that /Electricity bill
the same would be established within two weeks of signing
the contract.
5 The Bidder / Prime Bidder (in case of consortium), must Audited/Certified Annual Financial
have an annual turnover of not less than Rs. 10 crores in Statements in the form of balance sheet
each of the last three financial years not before 2009-10. and P & L account. Annual Report for the
three financial years
6 Bidder/ Prime Bidder (in case of the consortium) and all of Affidavit Duly notarized to be submitted
the consortium partners, should not have any of their for the bidder and all the consortium
contracts terminated/blacklisted in the Last Three years by partners
any State or Central Government/PSU/BFSI/Private Sector.
**Similar Project: supply, installation including maintenance of POS Devices with required
software for POS

Page 25 of 31

Sr Item No of Rates per unit Amount

No POS inclusive of all taxes
1 Point Of Sale Terminals with 501
Software and manpower for
implementation and all
services as per the scope of
work mentioned in the RFP.
Total amount (Rs):

Total amount in words (Rs):___________________________________________________

Financial Bid Terms and Conditions:-

1. Rates mentioned should be inclusive of all taxes, insurance, packaging,

transportation to all locations, installation /un-installation and all charges towards
execution of all activities as per mentioned scope of work.

2. Rates mentioned should include cost of technical support, manpower resources and
any buffer POSs required for uptime.

3. The mentioned approximate quantity of POS Devices may vary. All payments would
be made only towards actual number of POS devices purchased.

4. The bidders must use only the format provided in the e-tender website (Annexure-B)
for submitting the financials. Any other formats/ forms will not be accepted and
such tenders will be rejected.

5. The bidder must provide the Commercial Proposal in e-tender mode only.
Hardcopies of the Commercial proposals are not entertained.

6. The rates should be quoted in figures as well as in words, on the form attached at
Annexure-‘B’ and duly signed and stamped by the authorized person.

7. The tender should be valid for a minimum period of one year.

8. All rates/amounts to be strictly mentioned in INR only.

9. Prices quoted must be firm and final and shall not be subject to any upward
modifications, on any account whatsoever.

Page 26 of 31

Block No of FPS No of POS Date of Date of

Commencement Completion
Phase –I: Pilot Rollout for Bardez
Bardez 78 78 T* T+2 months
Phase-II: Remaining Talukas Rollout
Remaining 423 423 T+2 months T+4 months
Total 501 501

* T is 30 days after the LOI is issued

Page 27 of 31
S. No Parameters Specification
1 Processor High Speed Arm Cortex A9 Processor with 600 Mhz or higher
2 Operating System Preferably Linux Operating system(Latest Stable
Kernel)/Android 4.0 or higher/Windows 8 Device operating
system should support HTML5 based web browser and CSS 3
3 Memory 256 MB RAM or Higher / 1GB flash memory
4 Expansion slot Micro SD slot, Supporting upto 8 GB
5 Communication GSM/ GPRS/Ethernet/PSTN
6 Interface RS -232, USB 2.0(full speed) Host and client
7 Display 3.5 inch color QVGA(320 X 240) 260 K Colors, TFT display,
Touch screen
8 Touch Panel Resistance
9 Key Pad QWERTY keypad
10 Battery Rechargeable 7.4V,2600mAH, Li-ion(8 hrs battery backup)
11 SIM and SAM Slot Single SIM, Dual SIM is optional, 2 SAM slots
12 Printer 3” thermal printer / 2” thermal printer (Supports all regional
language printing & bar code printing)
13 Audio Speaker, support of all regional language announcements
14 Camera 3 Mega pixel auto focus color camera
15 Finger Print STQC Certified scanner / Non STQC Certified scanner suitable
Scanner for Aadhar authentication
16 RFID Reader Integrated RFID, ISO1443 A/B(MIFAIR, SCOSTA)
17 Smart 2 Nos of smart card Reader & Writer (SCOSTA complaint)
18 Operating Temp 0 to 50 C
19 Storage Temp 0 to 70 C
20 Humidity 5 to 95% RH non condensing
21 Dimensions 242 m x108mm x 32/64 mm
22 Bluetooth(optional) Integrated Blue tooth Version 2

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23 Magnetic card Integrated MSR (Bi-directional, track 1,2,3, ISO 7810, ISO
Reader (Optional) 7811, ISO 7813)
24 Barcode Integrated 1D/2D reader or External 1D/2D Bar Code Reader
25 GPS (Optional) Integrated GPS
26 Status Indication Status indicators provides ease of use, indicators for
connectivity(Presence or absence), signal strength, battery
status etc.

Page 29 of 31
ANNEXURE “E” - Use Cases of POS Application

Use Case I – Entitlement Withdrawal by Beneficiary at FPS

The smart card of beneficiary Details (Ration Card no, Name) are displayed on the screen.
is inserted in the POS Member Names including name of the head are listed for selecting
one member name. The name shall be in Unicode Hindi.
User selects one name who is Ration Card Number, Member Name, Finger print template, Bio
taking the entitlements and authentication takes place. POS ID, FPS Smart card number, FPS ID
puts the finger on the finger shall be sent to the central server through GPRS. Ration card
print camera. Presses the number, Member Name, finger print template, date, POS ID, FPS ID
SUBMIT button are stored in a transaction table. Ration Card Number is searched in
the food account table and balance entitlements are read and
displayed on POS device screen. Text boxes are displayed against
each commodity to enter commodities to be withdrawn as shown
in the screen
User enters the commodities FPS ID, POS ID, Commodities to be withdrawn, Ration Card number,
to be Smart Card Number are sent to server through GPRS. FPS ID,
withdrawn and presses transaction ID. Ration Card number, Commodities withdrawn are
SUBMIT button saved in the transaction table. Food balances are reduced with the
quantities withdrawn. Success report is displayed on the POS
User prints the receipt.
Handovers the commodities
to the beneficiary,

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Case II – Offline issue when there is no connectivity
It is expected that there may be problems in the connectivity sometimes and online
authentication and check for balance PDS commodities is not possible. In those situations,
beneficiary should not be denied issuance of PDS commodities but should be issue offline.
User selects ‘Offline Issue Button’ System checks for GPRS connectivity and if
there is no connectivity instructs to insert
Beneficiary Card and FPS card.
Cards will be inserted. Card is read and name and member details
are displayed on the screen.
Member is selected and Member puts the Bio authentication will be done.
finger on the screen
A screen appears asking for entry of PDS
Commodities to be issued.
User enters the quantities to be issued and Receipt is generated after storing the
Presses enter. Quantity details with some flag in the
smart card of the beneficiary as well as on
the FPS card with some unique transaction
When beneficiary card flagged to indicate offline
issue, is inserted in any POS , the details are to be
updated on the central server, if the transaction has
not yet been updated from FPSIC. Beneficiary card
offline issue flag will be updated

When FPSIC flagged to indicate offline issue is

inserted in any POS with connectivity all the offline
transactions stored in the card will be updated in the
server. If any transaction has already been updated
from beneficiary card it will not again be updated.
Off line issue flag will be updated accordingly.

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