PET Test 1 Reading and Writing

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Test 1 Paper pour 20min) Reading Part 1 eet COMPUTER ROOMS eter ts hat nt shown, om Te wen ee STUDENTS WITHOUT [MEAL TICKETS FOR, ‘TODAY MUSTPAY FOR | ALLFOOD, SNACKS 'AND DRINKS Oo pe hoes Seomanncen ee syste youre ne jos woe ‘ee io ese yg at tee ins, Gad wats tector sow Reading Part 2 rion 10 ‘etna ware sands er cag nb ‘rik pte ue ae nro oat son as og pee, haynes sm np ase one no se ne chong pee Frans stove He (A= A) on or ene in a two i a aig ming te Ty Sits Sena yeaa arm as Sete dee spree! She wa om ‘Simm a mer say oy fon Pan oe er nig ely og ae sn wa, ‘Seon emacs reo ware meee Snligentme wih toapes Sour ear & e £2 patie wterpereeteea ae! eA ‘Sse rs hidy ena ene oar ‘Senden con ne er ee a ooo Pp ene —_—_____— oo) sion ‘haste copie oe mare macecoyem ‘gentoo sn oes a —— (issue enemas 2 ete sa ateepee Watay comp meorommoaste Satie Peta gent ayaa cram Eros ote {fh ona otra gare este {ine torse wa aan stone ‘enon 13 HEURES aga jose ea etc conc rear 4 Sane af te fan cut yd ee sot 13 ‘Tesh peome sto earape mers pale th 16 seat ss he hey eet 09, 17 Testes ae ey tne a 18. Wrote woud pj ens pple Tet 20, Tests eng rma coskrg ep, Fish farming forthe future by Almswel, 14, Toba ern ed Te Soest ‘ising onesies a or Sepals Seneeop retin fer Trot orpecrsene a dno water ota ornate Scene Tt geese er hag ant Seppe terme coe Sieetercenea Reading Part 4 qeotore as Feros quan, nse Crete Ca Bon or ret ‘The Hockey Dad ~ one to watch? Reranch nent? Sit ctarkmen‘enes i Semet rem ee mre tt perma Vyas ae ieteaemiece, Bice te eomeitencr Setar eee hy ey nae athe tar rg ote? 1 cree Hr rome wh mer cr {© gremosnon ut ary wh itn te gre anoanen na The ay at ‘Tet sags tins ma Gener € smazatanery gis ay gu oan. nye ter meron arc an Ae san are aso ‘Geyer ne he es 390 2 na cad rns aed yet cha 4? 8 he ket peers in fsey (¢ teatasect me tarpon tas maape Detergent Seman recon “enn me emg in Reading Part 5 ‘eertone 26-35 ‘tos aon sae crate AB Cer BD Yr io hae eames me ama osu: [O[SEES ‘ec ow vy pp wth menage ay are Gasper ana mp sping yoo ce Sit youtan oars Mowe ete renee ht wore a made nave) eae ris noren Ba) thy ah wera chon The ‘nether wer Hye ark an ye rg ‘hoc nang ons soe hw) yovcan a apy veh i SES Sek cr bemtreceten ott re beset eames va. Secs ssc nah ate ea Be Sear? pooner [0 SS 2 Ale ot tnt ca omer 4 Mend dm ay or ane Rai My end ald wai Aor tents, 5 He rmonnanl sin ot Wess fey the soup oe sy. ‘Writing Part 2 pete ee 2 aie ‘eeton Late yar Ec nd to He era, Yo amid ru Ey ese it We aaa you onl yous + spss ntti te deta 1+ on nyu cata so yar + eet bg to tn Writing Part 3 Greonroue mg ot paaonins = ‘eesion 7 + TM pater eve oman rs pre { ee enn i prin ia in ee! a hte i bt Iai? Vat ee do oc a? + Now wie ee you potion rowan eaten ‘uesion 8 + You Es eaters say mt ay rat vey exctig yn my oy. +t yu sary 0 om

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