Lumber Rack Plans
Lumber Rack Plans
Lumber Rack Plans
Cut List:
Step 1: Attach long sides to short side using 2 ½” countersunk wood screws.
created by Jaime Costiglio 10/25/20
Step 2: Attach cross supports to long side using 2 ½” countersunk wood screws.
created by Jaime Costiglio 10/25/20
Step 4: Flip frame over and attach bottom shelf using 2” countersunk wood screws. Set aside.
created by Jaime Costiglio 10/25/20
Step 5: To make walls attach vertical studs to top and bottom plate using 2 ½’ countersunk wood screws.
Step 5 continued: Prior to assembling the interior wall predrill 1” diameter holes about 2” deep, beveled 10
created by Jaime Costiglio 10/25/20
Step 6: Attach exterior wall to base frame flush to edge using 2 ½” countersunk wood screws.
created by Jaime Costiglio 10/25/20
Step 7: Attach interior wall to base frame using 2 ½” countersunk wood screws.
created by Jaime Costiglio 10/25/20
Step 8: Attach top shelf to walls top plate using 2 ½” countersunk wood screws. If desired cut 2 diagonal
supports at 45 degree miter both ends not parallel and attach using 2” countersunk wood screws.
created by Jaime Costiglio 10/25/20
Step 9: Insert conduit pipes into predrilled holes. Cover exposed conduit end with rubber caps.