03 Cash and Cash Equivalents (Student)
03 Cash and Cash Equivalents (Student)
03 Cash and Cash Equivalents (Student)
1. What is cash?
2. What is the meaning of "unrestricted cash"?
3. What is the meaning of "cash equivalents"?
4. Explain the valuation of cash in the statement of financial position.
5. Explain the financial statement presentation and classification of cash and cash
6. Explain the classification of investments in time deposit, money market instrument,
and treasury bills.
7. Explain the treatment of foreign currency.
8. Explain the classification of a cash fund set aside for a certain purpose.
9. Explain the treatment of a bank overdraft.
10. What is a compensating balance? Explain the classification in the statement of
financial position.
11. Explain fully the treatment of compensating balance.
12. What is the meaning of undelivered check? Postdated check? Stale check?
13. Explain window dressing, lapping and kiting.
14. Explain the imprest system.
15. What are the two systems of handling petty cash fund? Explain briefly.
16. What is a bank reconciliation?
17. What are credit memos and debit memos?
18. Explain deposits in transit.
19. Explain outstanding checks.
20. What are the three forms of bank reconciliation?
21. What is a "proof of cash"?
Financial Accounting & Reporting
A sheet of paper with names of several employees together with contribution for a
birthday gift of a co-employee. Attached to the sheet of paper is a currency of 5,000
The petty cash general ledger account has an imprest balance of P50,000.
What is the amount of petty cash fund that should be reported in the statement of
financial position?
A. 22,000 C. 37,000
B. 27,000 D. 42,000
2. At year-end, Myra Company reported cash and cash equivalents which comprised
the following:
Cash and Cash Equivalents
3. Dove Company reported checkbook balance on December 31, 2020 at P4,000,000.
Data about certain cash items follow:
A check of P43,000 was drawn on December 31, 2020 payable to Petty Cash.
What total amount should be reported as "cash" on December 31, 2020?
A. 3,748,000 C. 4,205,000
B. 4,200,000 D. 4,248,000
Unrestricted cash
4. Islander Company provided the following information with respect to the cash and
cash equivalents on December 31, 2020:
What total amount should be reported as cash and cash equivalents at the current
A. 5,400,000 C. 6,900,000
B. 6,400,000 D. 7,900,000
6. On December 31, 2020, Roel Company reported cash accounts with the following
On December 31, 2020, what total amount should be reported as "cash and cash
A. 810,000 C. 2,770,000
B. 2,660,000 D. 2,810,000
7. Campbell Company had the following account balances on December 31, 2020:
The petty cash fund included unreplenished December 2020 petty cash expense
vouchers of P10,000 and employee IOU of P5,000. The cash on hand included a
P100,000 check payable to Campbell dated January 15,2021. In exchange for a
guaranteed line of credit, the entity has agreed to maintain a minimum balance of
P200,000 in its unrestricted current bank account. The sinking fund is set aside to
settle a bond payable that is due on June 30, 2021. What total amount should be
reported as "cash and cash equivalents" on December 31, 2020?
A. 4,435,000 C. 5,535,000
B. 5,435,000 D. 7,435,000
The petty cash fund included unreplenished December 2020 petty cash expense
vouchers for P15,000 and an employee check for P5,000 dated January 31,2021.
A check for P100,000 was drawn against First Bank current account dated and
Financial Accounting & Reporting
recorded December 29,2020 but delivered to payee on January 15,2021.
The Fourth Bank time deposit is set aside for land acquisition in early January
What total amount should be reported as "cash and cash equivalents" on December
31, 2020?
A. 4,130,000 C. 5,130,000
B. 4,880,000 D. 5,150,000
The cash on hand included a customer postdated check of P 100,000 and postal
money order of P40,000.
A check for P200,000 was drawn against Security Bank account, dated January
15, 2021, delivered to the payee and recorded December 31, 2020.
The BPI time deposit is set aside for acquisition of equipment.
What total amount of cash and cash equivalents should be reported on December
31, 2020?
A. 1,970,000 C. 4,970,000
B. 4,770,000 D. 6,970,000
10. On December 31, 2020, Erika Company reported "cash account" balance per ledger
of P3,600,000 which included the following:
11. Celine Company provided the following information on December 31, 2020:
Cash on hand included customer check of P30,000 dated January 10, 2021 received
on December 23, 2020.
Included among the checks drawn by Celine against the Philippine Bank current
account and recorded in December 2020 are:
* Check written and dated December 23, 2020 and delivered to payee on January
3, 2021, P25,000.
* Check written December 26, 2020, dated January 30, 2021, delivered to payee
on December 28, 2020, P45,000.
What total amount should be reported as cash and cash equivalents on December
31, 2020?
A. 11,160,000 C. 11,330,000
B. 11,260,000 D. 11,510,000
Financial Accounting & Reporting
Cash - current assets
12. Tawiran Company reported cash account which consisted of the following:
13. ABC Company provided the following information on December 31, 2020:
What total amount of cash should be reported as current asset on December 31,
A. 6,779,000 C. 8,769,000
B. 7,769,000 D. 9,309,000
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Cash and Cash Equivalents
Bank reconciliation
Adjusted cash balance
14. Esteem Company provided the month-end bank statement which showed a balance
of P3,600,000. Outstanding checks amounted to P1,200,000, a deposit of P400,000
was in transit at month-end, and a check for P50,000 was erroneously charged by
the bank against the account. What amount should be reported as cash in bank at
A. 2,050,000 C. 2,850,000
B. 2,750,000 D. 4,350,000
15. In an audit of Mindanao Company on December 31, 2020, the following data are
16. Core Company provided the following data for the purpose of reconciling the cash
balance per book with the balance per bank statement on December 31, 2020:
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Financial Accounting & Reporting
What amount should be reported as cash in bank on December 31, 2020?
A. 1,400,000 C. 1,500,000
B. 1,450,000 D. 1,800,000
17. Aries Company kept all cash in a checking account. An examination of the
accounting records and bank statement for the month ended June 30, 2020 revealed
the following information:
18. Ron Company provided the following data for the month of January of the current
19. In reconciling the cash balance on December 31, 2020 with that shown in the bank
statement, Sam Company provided the following information:
20. Susan Company showed the following information on August 31, 2020.
21. Mcbride Company provided the following data pertaining to the cash transactions
and bank account for May of the current year:
22. Carefree Company prepared the following bank reconciliation on March 31:
Check No. 175 was made for the proper amount of P249,000 in payment of account.
However it was entered in the cash payments journal as P294,000. The entity
authorized the bank to automatically pay its water bills as submitted directly to the
bank. What is the adjusted cash in bank on March 31 ?
A. 2,880,000 C. 3,630,000
B. 3,600,000 D. 3,660,000
The bank erroneously credited Bougainvilla Company for P21,000 on June 22.
During the month, the bank charged back NSF checks amounting to P23,000 of
which P8,000 had been redeposited by June 25.
Collection for June 30 totaling PI03,000 was deposited the following month.
Checks outstanding on June 30 amounted to P302,000.
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Financial Accounting & Reporting
Note collected by the bank for Bougainvilla Company was P80,000 and the
corresponding bank charge was P5,000.
What is the unadjusted cash in bank per ledger on June 30, 2020?
A. 3,455,000 C. 3,557,000
B. 3,515,000 D. 3,497,000
Deposit in transit
25. Kate Company shows a cash account balance per ledger of P1,652,000 at December
31. The bank statement, however, shows a balance of P2,090,000 at the same date.
The only reconciling items consist of a bank service charge of P2,000, a large
number of outstanding checks totaling P590,000 and a deposit in transit. What is the
deposit in transit in the December 31 bank reconciliation?
A. 150,000 C. 440,000
B. 154,000 D. 592,000
Outstanding checks
26. Grass Company provided the following information:
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Cash and Cash Equivalents
Balance per bank statement July 31 1,240,000
Balance per ledger, July 31 750,000
Deposit of July 30 not recorded by bank 280,000
Debit memo - service charges 10,000
Credit memo - collection of note by bank for Grass 300,000
Outstanding checks ?
An analysis of the canceled checks returned with the bank statement reveals the
Check for purchase of supplies was drawn for P60,000 but was recorded as
The manager wrote a check for traveling expenses of P100,000 while out of
town. The check was not recorded.
What is the amount of outstanding checks on July 31 ?
A. 270,000 C. 610,000
B. 550,000 D. 970,000
Proof of Cash
27. Oro Company had the following bank reconciliation on March 31 of the current year:
All reconciliation items on March 31 cleared through the bank in April. Outstanding
checks on April 30 totaled P750,000 and deposits in transit amounted to P1,500,000.
What is the amount of cash receipts per book in April?
A. 5,000,000 C. 6,500,000
B. 5,500,000 D. 7,500,000
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Financial Accounting & Reporting
Balance per bank 9,800,000
Deposits in transit 400,000
Outstanding checks (1,400,000)
Balance per book 8,800,000
There were total deposits of P6,500,000 and charges for disbursements of P9,000,000 for
July per bank statement. All reconciliation items on June 30 cleared the bank on July 31.
Checks outstanding amounted to P1,000,000 and deposits in transit totaled P1,200,000 on
July 31.
The bank statement for the month of July showed the following:
Deposits (including P200,000 note collected for Lazer) 9,000,000
Disbursements (including P 140,000 NSF check and
P10,000 service charge) 7,000,000
All reconciling items on June 30 cleared through the bank in July. The outstanding checks
totaled P600,000 and the deposit in transit amounted to P1,000,000 on July31.
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Cash and Cash Equivalents
31. What is the amount of cash receipts per book in July?
A. 8,600,000 C. 9,600,000
B. 9,400,000 D. 9,800,000
1. Which of the following is usually considered cash?
A. Certificate of deposit C. Money market saving certificate
B. Checking account D. Postdated check
2. Which of the following shall not be considered cash for financial reporting
A. Coin and currency C. Money orders
B. IOUs D. Petty cash fund
6. At the end of the current year, an entity had various checks and papers in the safe.
Which of the following should not be included in "cash" in the current year-end
statement of financial position?
A. US $20,000 cash.
B. Past due promissory note issued in favor of the entity by the President.
C. The entity's undelivered check payable to a supplier dated December 31 of the
current year.
D. Another entity's P150,000 check payable to the entity dated December 15 of the
current year.
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Financial Accounting & Reporting
Cash equivalent
7. A cash equivalent is a short-term, highly liquid investment that is readily convertible
into known amount of cash and
A. Is acceptable as a means to pay current liabilities.
B. Has a current market value that is greater than the original cost.
C. Is so near maturity that it presents insignificant risk of change in interest rate.
D. Bears an interest rate that is at least equal to the prime interest rate at the date of
10. Which of the following should be excluded from cash and cash equivalents?
A. Time deposit which matures in one year.
B. A customer's check denominated in a foreign currency.
C. The minimum cash balance in the current account which is maintained to avoid
service charge.
D. A check issued by the entity on December 27 of the current year but dated
January 15 of next year.
11. All of the following can be classified as cash and cash equivalents, except?
A. A bank overdraft
B. Equity investments
C. Commercial papers held and due for repayment in 90 days
D. Redeemable preference shares acquired and due in 60 days
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Cash and Cash Equivalents
12. Which is false concerning measurement of cash and cash equivalents?
A. Cash is measured at face value.
B. Cash in foreign currency is measured at the current exchange rate.
C. Cash equivalents should be measured at maturity value, meaning face value plus
D. If a bank or financial institution holding the funds of the entity is in bankruptcy
or financial difficulty, cash should be written down to estimated realizable
26. If material, deposits in foreign bank which are subject to foreign exchange
restriction shall be classified
A. Be written off as loss.
B. As part of cash and cash equivalents.
C. Separately as current asset, with appropriate disclosure.
D. Separately as noncurrent asset with appropriate disclosure.
27. Under which classification is cash restricted for plant expansion reported?
A. Current assets C. Equity
B. Current liabilities D. Noncurrent assets
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Financial Accounting & Reporting
30. Deposits held as compensating balance
A. Usually do not earn interest.
B. If legally restricted and held against short-term credit may be included as cash.
C. If legally restricted and held against long-term credit may be included among
current assets.
D. None of these
32. At the end of the current year, an entity had cash accounts at three different banks.
One account is segregated solely for payment into a bond sinking fund. A second
account, used for branch operations, is overdrawn. The third account, used for
regular corporate operations, has a positive balance. How should these accounts be
A. The segregated and regular accounts should be reported as current assets net of
the overdraft
B. The segregated and regular accounts should be reported as current assets, and
the overdraft should be reported as a current Iiability
C. The segregated account should be reported as a noncurrent asset, and the regular
account should be reported as a current asset net of the overdraft
D. The segregated account should be reported as a noncurrent asset, the regular
account should be reported as a current asset, and the overdraft should be
reported as a current liability
Bank reconciliation
33. A bank reconciliation is
A. A merger of two banks that previously were competitors.
B. A statement sent by the bank to depositor on a monthly basis.
C. A formal financial statement that lists all of the bank account balances of an
D. A schedule that accounts for the differences between an entity's cash balance as
shown in the bank statement and the cash balance shown in the general ledger.
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Cash and Cash Equivalents
34. Bank statements provide information about all of the following, except
A. Bank charges for the period C. Errors made by the depositor
B. Checks cleared during the period D. NSF checks
35. Which of the following items must be added to the cash balance per ledger in
preparing a bank reconciliation which ends with adjusted cash balance?
A. Service charge
B. NSF customer check
C. Erroneous bank debit
D. Note receivable collected by bank in favor of the depositor and credited to the
account of the depositor
36. When preparing a bank reconciliation, bank credits are
A. Added to the balance per book.
B. Added to the bank statement balance.
C. Deducted from the balance per book.
D. Deducted from the bank statement balance.
37. In preparing a bank reconciliation, interest paid by the bank on the account is
A. Added to the bank balance C. Subtracted from the bank balance
B. Added to the book balance D. Subtracted from the book balance
38. In preparing a monthly bank reconciliation, which of the following would be added
to the balance per bank statement to arrive at the correct cash balance?
A. Deposits in transit
B. Outstanding checks
C. Bank service charge
D. A customer's note collected by the bank on behalf of the depositor
39. Which of the following must be deducted from the bank statement balance in
preparing a bank reconciliation which ends with adjusted cash balance?
A. Certified check
B. Deposit in transit
C. Outstanding check
D. Reduction of loan charged to the account of the depositor
40. If the balance shown on an entity's bank statement is less than the correct cash
balance and neither the entity nor the bank has made any errors, there must be
A. Deposits in transit
B. Outstanding checks
C. Bank charges not yet recorded by the entity
D. Deposits credited by the bank but not yet recorded by the entity
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Financial Accounting & Reporting
41. If the cash balance shown on entity's accounting records is less than the correct cash
balance and neither the entity nor the bank has made any errors, there must be
A. Deposits in transit
B. Outstanding checks
C. Bank charges not yet recorded by the entity
D. Deposits credited by the bank but not yet recorded by the entity
42. Which of the following would not require an adjusting entry on the depositor's
A. Bank service charge
B. NSF check from customer
C. Deposit of another entity is credited by the bank to the account of the depositor
D. Check in payment of account payable as recorded by the depositor is overstated
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Cash and Cash Equivalents
46. Which of the following statements is false?
A. A certified check is a liability of the bank certifying it.
B. A certified check is one drawn by a bank upon itself.
C. A certified check should not be included in the outstanding checks.
D. A certified check will be accepted by many persons who would not otherwise
accept a personal check.
Proof of cash
47. A proof of cash
A. Is a summary of cash receipts and cash payments.
B. Is a formal statement showing the total cash receipts during the year.
C. Is a physical count of currencies on hand at the end of reporting period.
D. Is a four-column bank reconciliation showing reconciliation of cash balances
per book and per bank at the beginning and end of the current month and
reconciliation of cash receipts and cash disbursements of the bank and the
depositor during the current month.
***end of handouts***
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