Japanese Educational System

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The Japanese school system primarily consists of

six-year elementary schools, three-year junior high
schools and three-year high schools, followed by a
two-or-three-year junior colleges or a four-year
colleges. Compulsory education lasts for 9 years
through elementary and junior high school.


exams—is its own world
Testing—specifically entrance
Yōchien (幼稚園, Nursery school) from 3 to 6 years old. in Japan. Students wishing to move up into junior high
Shōgakkō(小学, Elementary school) from 6 to 12. schools, high schools, or universities, must pass
Chūgakkō(中学, Middle School) from 12 to 15. grueling entrance exams. So grueling, in fact, that
Kōkō(高校, High school) from 15 to 18. they’re dubbed exam hell (shiken jigoku, 試験地獄).
Daigaku (大学, University) or Senmongakkō(専 門 学校, These tests take an endless number of sleepless nights
Vocational school) in general with a duration of 2 to 4 to study for, with students often sitting in cram schools
years. after regular classes in order to try and get a leg up on

the test.

University is just as difficult. Selection requirements are

often so difficult that only about 56% of students pass STUDENTS
it happen?"
on their first try. Those who fail become ronin (samurai School life is packed. Students attend classes
without a master, 浪人) and must study for an entire from Monday to Friday, with additional half days
year on their own in order to try for next year’s test. every two Saturdays. On top of that, many
Times, however, are changing. As foreign companies students attend juku (cram school/after school
enter Japan and bring in their own work cultures, the classes, 塾) to study for entrance exams or get a
strict test-results-only standard is slowly morphing. better handle on specific subjects like English.
Western culture looks more at skills, experience, and Those who don’t attend juku participate in after
personality on top of good schools. As these businesses school clubs and activities, such as baseball,
enter Japanese society, the Japanese education system volleyball, kendo, or any number of sports.


STUDENTS LIFE IN SCHOOL Then there are huge festivals! On top
of all this, kids prepare for sports
There are no janitors in Japanese schools. Students
divide into teams to tackle all manners of keeping their festivals, culture festivals, exhibitions,
school clean. Some mop the floors (or team up with plays, and song celebrations. All of
rags and run across the floor in lines), some wipe the these practice times are usually done
chalkboards, some sweep, and others weed the
gardens. It’s an amazing team-building activity, on the students’ own time after
having the kids keep each other accountable for their school, so you can see how this all
own school and all working together to get it done. comes together to make a packed
GAKUREKI SHAKAI Japan boasts a solid educational system but it can revolve too
narrowly around school and tests. This is known as gakureki
It’s no wonder that around the world the shakai (学歴社会). Competition between students to enter high
schools and universities is so high that kids sometimes spend a
Japanese education system is recognised as majority of their time studying in order to get on the right track
one of the best. In addition to academics, for the right school. Sometimes students break down, burn out
and drop out. Some face bullying for not getting into good
schools also seek to teach morals to the young schools. Some even withdraw from society, too taxed mentally
in an effort to raise well rounded, good human to face the hurdles of life and education. Nowadays, though,
beings. While working in the school system, I more is being done to create a school system that puts less
pressure on students.In any case, the system must 5 be doing
saw many things that I wished could be something right. Japanese society has strong educational values
implemented into the American school system that have created a very beautiful, intelligent society.


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