VapR XR Dissolvable Frac Plug Operations Manual
VapR XR Dissolvable Frac Plug Operations Manual
VapR XR Dissolvable Frac Plug Operations Manual
VapRTM XR Dissolvable Frac Plug
Storage location: C:\Users\garciasa\Documents\NOV CT\MKT-Catalogs\Frac Plugs\VapR dissolvable plug\VapR XR Dissolvable Frac Plug Operations Manual.docx
Table Of Contents
1.0 PURPOSE..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
2.0 SCOPE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
3.0 ABBREVIATIONS & DEFINITIONS …………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
4.0 RESPONSIBILITY ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
5.0 REFERENCES AND DOCUMENTS ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
6.0 REQUIREMENTS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
7.0 DESCRIPTION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
8.0 SPECIFICATIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
9.0 DIMENSIONAL DATA …………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 7
10.0 E-LINE ADAPTER KIT …………………………..……………………………………………………………………………..… 8
11.0 OPERATIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
12.0 REVISION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…. 12
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The purpose of this document is to state all best practice procedures pertaining to preparation and installation of the VapR™
XR Dissolvabe Frac Plug in a monobore well.
The document will outline the procedures for installing VapR™ XR inside wellbore.
NOV Completion Tools personnel are responsible for:
Ensuring the equipment is operated in a safe and efficient manner at all times during operation with the support of rig
and customer personnel.
Completing all relevant field operational paperwork as per NOV Completion Tools and customer requirements.
All personnel working with this equipment should have appropriate safety training.
The VapRTM XR Dissolvable Frac Plug is an extended range, fully dissolvable
frac plug that provides a dependable method for temporary zonal isolation
during frac operations in both vertical and horizontal completions. The
slim O.D. design allows for the plug to be run through casing restrictions
such as casing patches and set in standard API casing. The VapR XR
eliminates milling and post-frac cleanout leaving no debris to remove from
the well, especially important with a reduced ID restriction in the casing.
• Fully dissolvable, eliminating need for miillout
• Anti-extrusion rings for secure setting
• Sets in standard API casing
• Reduced O.D. for running through casing restrictions
• No millout reduces risk and cost
• Allows plug to be run faster than conventional element designs
• Consistent dissolution
• Allows production prior to full dissolution
• Collapsed casing, casing patches
• Single or multi-zone applications
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Specification Guide
NOTE: Chart depicts a 1.625-in (41.28-mm) ball at 194° F (90° C) with standard material in 3% KCL.
Calculations to match specific well condition may be done by contacting NOV applications engineer.
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Storage location: C:\Users\garciasa\Documents\NOV CT\MKT-Catalogs\Frac Plugs\VapR dissolvable plug\VapR XR Dissolvable Frac Plug Operations Manual.docx
Dimensional Data
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10.3.1 Install setting sleeve (2) on pressure setting assembly.
10.3.2 Install setting adapter (4) onto plug. If the ball is to be run
in place, place frac ball in top of frac plug. Align shear screw
holes in setting adapter with counterbore holes in top of frac
10.3.3 Install setting shear screws (6) [furnished with frac plug] in
setting adapter (4). Bottom shear screws in counter-bore
holes in plug, then back out ¼ turn. Confirm shear screws
are below or even with O.D. of setting adapter.
10.3.4 Rotate lock spring (3) onto threads of setting adapter (4),
exposing 3-4 threads above lock spring.
10.3.5 Install setting adapter (4) with frac plug in pressure setting
assembly, making up until plug is close to setting sleeve (2).
10.3.6 Rotate setting sleeve (2) down to frac plug, then back of
approximately 1/8-in (3.175-mm) and install set screws (1).
11.1.1 Upon arrival at the wellsite, NOV personnel will proceed to meet the client representative in charge of the
operations (Company Representative) to discuss the preparation work that needs to be done prior running
and installing the Dissolvable Frac Plug downhole. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the following.
• Safety considerations for the specific location (H2S, emergency procedures, muster point(s), safe
area(s), etc.
• Assistance from the Wireline Crew when making up the Dissolvable Frac Plug to the Adapter Kit and
E/L Setting Tool
• Answer any questions or concerns from the Company Representative regarding NOV equipment.
• Verify with customer the equipment is the correct for size, weight, temperature and pressure
• Discuss requirements for running a gauge ring to verify the casing ID.
• Confirm E/L Charge as standard charges (~15-25 seconds) or fast burn charges. Slow burn charges
are not to be used.
11.1.2 Check each assembly for damage potentially caused by transportation.
• Host Casing/Liner
• Wireline Adapter Kit
• E/L Setting Tool
11.1.4 Caliper and record all dimensions, part numbers, model, and serial numbers on the “Dissolvable Frac Plug
Installation Sheet”.
11.1.5 Assemble WLAK to Dissolvable Frac Plug verifying number of shear screws and setting force needed is
compatible with setting tool.
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11.1.6 It is recommended the Dissolvable Frac Plug is not attached to the setting tool, until the perforating guns
and the setting tool are in the vertical position. If this is not possible, the plug can be attached with
equipment laying down. Make sure to leave the setting sleeve, up to one inch from contact of the plug.
After tools are picked up in the vertical position, the setting sleeve needs to be adjusted down, leaving
1/16” gap from contact with the plug.
• Make sure the plug is not dragged or pulled against, as the assembly is picked up to the lubricator.
11.1.7 Prior to pulling the Dissolvable Frac Plug into the lubricator, wireline operator should stop and allow line
tension to be applied manually as the Dissolvable Frac Plug is guided into the lubricator.
• This same process, applying manual tension on the wireline should be used when moving the
assembly inside the lubricator.
11.1.8 Do not use “Master Valve” or well bore pressure to equalize pressure to the lubricator. Attach an external
line and pressure source that will allow a steady, gradual increase in pressure to the lubricator.
11.2.2 Before reaching horizontal section, stop and record line weight.
Note: While approaching the Kick Off Point, decrease the run speed to 125 – 150 ft/min.
11.2.3 Begin pumping fluid at 1-2 bbl/min and as deviation increases, gradually increase the pump rate at no more
than 2 bbl per increment.
Note: Fluid should be a clean non-solid fluid, compatible with well bore fluids. Pump rate changes should
be gradual to prevent any surges in pressure that could result in damage to down hole equipment.
11.2.4 Calculate pump rate increases and line speed to reach and maintain a 100 – 150-ft/min running speed at
the time you reach the horizontal section.
11.2.5 At approximately 250 – 300-ft from desired setting depth, slow pump rate and run speed to 100-ft/min to
remove slack from the line.
11.2.6 If the target depth cannot be reached without exceeding limits above. It may be necessary to consider a
clean out trip, or check the BHA length, against a drilling survey to ensure safe passage is possible, through
deviations that may exist at the obstructed depth.
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• Note: The plug is configured as a Ball Drop Frac Plug, resting the bottom hole assembly or tagging the
plug may cause damage to the ball seat at the top of the plug.
11.3.2 Pull up to remove line slack, correlate from casing collars below setting point.
11.3.3 Record line tension, verify setting depth is correct and set plug. Record line weight and time it takes to
set plug. Immediately start moving up hole when plug has sheared off.
11.3.4 POOH as per Wireline Company procedure.
11.3.5 Prior to dropping the sealing ball, consult with company representative and wireline operator to make
sure perforations runs where completed.