Investigation of Physico-Chemical and Biological C
Investigation of Physico-Chemical and Biological C
Investigation of Physico-Chemical and Biological C
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Research and Development Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 641 046, Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Chemistry, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology,
Coimbatore-641 008,Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Mathematics, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology,
Coimbatore-641 008,Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Chemistry, Kalasalingam Univesity, Krishnankoil - 626126, Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Chemistry, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology,
Coimbatore-641 032,Tamil Nadu, India.
*Corresponding author E-mail:
Lake water quality degradation has been apparent for decades, especially in those lakes
situated in the vicinity of cities which have anthropogenic activities. The present investigation was
carried out for determining the various physico-chemical and biological characteristics of surface
water quality of various lakes at Coimbatore, India. The sampling points were selected on the basis
of their importance. Six sampling locations namely at Perur Lake (L1), Selvachinthamani Lake (L2),
Ukkadam Lake (L3), Kurichi Lake (L4), Valankulam Lake (L5), and Singanallur Lake (L6) were selected
and water samples were collected mostly from open wells in and around Coimbatore district. The
physico-chemical parameters like Dissolved oxygen, Faecal coliforms, pH, Electrical conductivity,
Biochemical oxygen demand, Chemical oxygen demand, Turbidity, Total dissolved solids, Sulphate,
Nitrate, Phosphate, Chlorides and Alkalinity were analyzed. The results suggested that, the lake
water samples collected from various sites in and around Coimbatore citywere above the limits of
WHO standards.
access the safe drinking water1.With the current trend alongside the city. These wetlands serve as storage
of water demand, water shortage would become and percolation tanks and are major recharge
even more intense and approximately, half of the sites for groundwater. Regardless of the ecological
world’s population would suffer from major water services offered by these lakes, many of them face
scarcity by the year 20302. Surface water quality is destruction due to infilling and encroachment. The
an essential component of the natural environment present study has been carried out to assess the
and a matter of serious concern today. The variations pollution status of lakes in and around Coimbatore
of water quality are essentially the combination of and to examine the changes in water quality that
both anthropogenic and natural contributions. In have happened during the last decade.
general, the anthropogenic discharges constitute a
constant source of pollution, whereas surface runoff Study Area
is a seasonal phenomenon which is affected by Coimbatore (Manchester of South India)
climate within the water catchment basin3. Due to the is the second largest city in the Indian state of
intensive human activities, the anthropogenic inputs Tamil Nadu. It is located at 11°1' 6'' N, 76° 58'
from a variety of sources are commonly the primary 21'' E. Industrialisation and urbanisation exhibit major
factors affecting the water quality of most rivers, impact on surface water environment in Coimbatore
lakes, estuaries, and seas, especially for those close district, Tamil Nadu, India. Due to the developmental
to highly urbanised regions. Many investigations have activities both surface and subsurface water sources
been conducted on anthropogenic contaminants of are getting polluted. Numerous textile, automobiles,
ecosystems4-6. home appliances and small scale industries are
located in Coimbatore. The effluents from these
The quality of water is identified in terms industries greatly disturb the quality of surface water.
of its physical, chemical and biological parameters. Hence, the Coimbatore district was selected in this
Polluted surface waters cannot achieve a balanced study to analysis physicochemical and biological
ecosystem. A balanced ecosystem is one in which characteristics of different lake water.
living things andthe environment interacts beneficially
with one another. Water quality obviously plays a Perur Lake (L1)is situated in the village
critical role in this relationship7 as it is the key to the Perur. This Lakespreads across 264.8 acres, with
maintenance of a well-balanced environment. the catchment area of 2.227 of free and 2.586 of combined area. The full tank level is14.8
Lakes, rivers and tanks have important m. Encroachment in this wetland is nearly1.5 acres
multi-usage components, such as sources of drinking and comprising 100 huts in the foreshore and 50 on
water, irrigation, fishery and energy production. the bunds. The wetland is surrounded by agricultural
These considerably depend onthe water quality lands, villages and roads.Selvachinthamani Lake(L2)
and thus water quality should be kept at a certain is located within the city on the north ofPerur road
level. Agricultural, industrial and urban activities are and east of Selvapuram. It has catchment of 1600
considered to be major sources of the addition of hectares with the current lakebed area of 10.522
chemicals and nutrients to aquatic ecosystems8.The hectares and a water storage capacity of 3mc.ft. It
quality of surface water in an inland water bodyhas receives surplus water from the Kumaraswamy Lake
a profound effect on the ground water table and in addition to a major sewage inlet. It is a smaller lake
ground water quality of the nearby aquifers due to compared to other lakes in the city. It is surrounded
theexistence of direct interaction between surface by lots of houses and the bunds are covered with
and ground water9. debris.Coimbatore big Lake (L 3)also known as
“Ukkadam pond” is situated close to Ukkadam bus-
Lakes situated in the Coimbatore city stand Coimbatore. The Capacity of the tank is 69.95
undergo rapid degradation due to the various factors mc.ft and depth is 19.10 feet and the tankis located to
related with city development: waste dumping, the north of the river Noyyal. During the rainy season
industries and large-scale reclamation for other uses. adequate quantity of water is flooded in to the tank
There are around 28 lakes in and around the city from river Noyyal and thereby helping the fisherman
limits which are largely fed by the river Noyyal, flowing societies in carrying out fishing10.
JEYARAJ et al., Orient. J. Chem., Vol. 32(4), 2087-2094 (2016) 2089
The KuruchiLake (L4) has a water spread collects rain water during monsoon season. It has a
area of 343.96 acres and holds the least water capacity of 52.27 mc.ft with a depth of 13.95 feet11.
storage capacity because of its shallowness. In the The major cause of pollution is due to the drainages
tank, 9.50 acres is encroached by about 200 huts on from Sanganur, industrial effluents, sewage and
the bund and 274 abutting the channels. This wetland municipal solid wastes.
receives municipal sewage and is a site for dumping
garbage from inhabitations around its vicinity. Materials and Methods
Valankulam Lake (L5)is located between Sungam in
the east to Ukkadam in the west.It has catchment Collection of Samples
area of 480 hectareswith the current lakebed area The sample locations were in both rural
of 38.85 hectares and a water storage capacity of and urban area Surface water samples were
16.7 mc.ft. It receives supply from the Coimbatore collected from sixLakes in and around Coimbatore
anicut channel through the Coimbatore big lake district viz,PerurLake (L1),SelvachinthamaniLake
and the surplus flows into a stream, which joins the (L2), Coimbatore big Lake (L3), KuruchiLake (L4),
Singanallur Lake. The present length of the water Valankulam Lake (S5) and SinganallurLake (L6) during
passage is 6.0 m at the Sungam junction in the city. the monsoon season in the year -2015. Sampling
As per the PWD records, there are about 1500 huts locations are illustrated in figure.1. Samples were
located in the lake occupying about 6.070 hectares. collected in plasticbottle for physicochemical purpose
SinganallurLake (L6) is situated at the right side of and in sterilized glass bottle for bacteriological quality
the Coimbatore. The bund on the Lake is over 3 km to avoid unpredictable changes in the characteristics.
long and the catchment area is 11.776 sq. miles; The collected samples were analyzed for important
water spread area 1.153 withmaximum flood physicochemical and biological parameters such
discharge of 100.95 cu.sec. The catchment area as dissolved oxygen,Faecal coliforms, pH, Electrical
conductivity, Biochemical oxygen demand,Chemical digital turbidity meter, 863D ‘Bio-Chem make. The
oxygen demand, Phosphate, Nitrate,Sulphate, evaporation method is used for determining the total
Chloride, Alkalinity,Turbidity and Total dissolved solids by using standard procedures and Nitrate ion
solids.The instruments were used precisely and was determined using Brucine method. To determine
accurately. AR grade chemicals were also used. the total phosphorusstannous chloride method is
used by following the established procedure12.
Methods of analysis
pH and Electrical conductivity was measured Result and Discussion
using digital pH meter and digital conductivity metre
equipped with the respective electrodes. The multiple- pH, Dissolved oxygen and Faecal Coliform
tube fermentation method was used to determine the The pH value of drinking water is an
presence of bacteria. The confirmed and complete important index of acidity or alkalinity. A number of
test was carried out for the samples by using the minerals and organic matter interact with one another
nutrient froth. The Winkler’s titrimetric method was to give the resultant pH value of the sample. The rise in
used for the determination of dissolved oxygen. the pH indicates the increased level of pollution in the
BOD5 was measured by incubating the samples for lakes. In the present study the pH of water samples
5 days at 20oC. COD was estimated by oxidizing varied from 7.60 to 8.72. The highest level of pH
the organic matter in the sample by digesting it with recorded in Ukkadam Lake was 8.72 which exceed
potassium dichromate in the presence of strong the permissible limits (6.5-8.5).The pH levels in the
acid. The unreduced potassium dichromate was then water in Ukkadam Lake were mostly higher than the
estimated by titrating with ferrous sulphate solution previous reports13.Dissolved oxygen levels in lakes
using ferroin as indicator. Sulphate concentration was vary according to their trophic levels, and depletion
determined following the turbid-metric method and of DO in water probably is the most frequent result
detected spectrophotometrically at wavelength 420 of water pollution14. It fluctuates seasonally and also
nm. Chloride was determined following Argentometric daily with variations in water temperatures mainly
titration method.Alkalinity was determined by titrating due to consumption of DO owing to respiration by
the sample with standard solution of mineral acid aquatic animals, decomposition of organic matter,
using pH indicators viz. phenolphthalein and methyl and various chemical reactions15-16. In the present
orange. The turbidity was measured by using study the DO of water samples varied from 4.10mg/l
to 6.0mg/l. The low DO was recorded in Kurichi composed mainly of carbonates, bicarbonates,
Lake as this lake is surrounded by many domestic chloride, sulphate, calcium, magnesium, phosphate,
waste pumps. The sewage from the vicinity flows nitrate, sodium, potassium and iron25-26. TDS values
down, and would have led to low DO content.The in the water ranged from 198mg/l to 952 mg/l. The
existence of faecal coliform bacteria in drinking water highest value of TDS recorded in the Ukkadam Lake
indicates the presence of pathogens responsible for was 952mg/l and lowest value of TDS recorded in
the communication of water borne diseases17-18. In PerurLakewas 198mg/l. The high TDS in Ukkadam
the present study, the faecal coliform presents in Lake might be attributed to effluents from industrial
the water samples varied from 80 MPN/100ml to units such as dyeing industries adjoining the Lake.
155 MPN/100ml and it was the highest in the water Chloride is one of the most important parameteris
of ValankulamLake. Thefeacal coliform value above assessing the water quality.The COD increases with
the range of 10MPN/100ml demonstrates the poor increasing concentration ofchlorides in lake water
water quality. Higher FC values indicate free flow of from different sources like disposal ofsewage and
sewage in to the lake. industrial waste27.Higher concentration of chlorides
indicates higher degree of organic pollutant28-29.
ElectricalConductivity, BOD and COD The samples of Kurichi Lake were found to have
Electrical conductivity of water is a direct the lowest concentration of chloride compared
function of its total dissolved salts19 and is used as an to other lakes. High chloride content in waters of
index to represent the total concentration of soluble Ukkadam, Singanallur and Selvachinthamani Lake
salts in water20-21. Excess electrical conductivity lead might be due to domestic and other effluents joining
to scaling in boilers, corrosion and quality degradation them.Total Alkalinity in water is due to the salts
of the product.In the present study the electrical ofweak acids and bicarbonates of highly alkaline
conductivity of water samples ranged between 280 water30. Large amount of alkalinity imparts a bitter
to 1456 µs/cm. The conductivity of water was highest taste, harmful for irrigation as it damages soil and
in Ukkadam Lake and lowest in the Perur Lake. hence reduces crop yields31. Total alkalinity showed
Biochemical oxygen demanddepends on aquatic the lowest values of 120mg/l at Perur Lake and
life;variation in BOD indicates dynamismin aquatic the highest value of 562mg/l at UkkadamLake.
life present in the lake. BOD refers to the oxygenused Throughout the study, alkalinity values of Ukkadam,
by the microorganism in the aerobic oxidation of Valankulam, Singanallur and Kurichi Lakes were
organic matter. Therefore with the increase in the higher than those of Perur and ChinthamaniLake.
amount of organicmatter in the water level, the
BOD increases.In the present study the BOD of Nitrate, Phosphate and Sulphate
water samples varied from 3.60 to 6.10 mg/l and Nitrate ion is the most important nutrient in
it was the highest in the water of Kurichi Lake. The an ecosystem. Generally water bodies polluted by
BOD value above the range of 5mg/l demonstrates organic matter exhibit higher values of nitrate. The
the poor water quality. Higher BOD values indicate high concentration of nitrate in drinking wateris toxic
organic contamination22and highnutrient loading and causes blue baby syndrome, methamoglobinemia
decomposition andmineralisation of organic matter inchildren and gastric carcinomas32. In the present
reduces the oxygen content in the water 23.The study, the nitrate concentration ranged from
COD values in the Lakes were in the range of 242 3.20mg/l to 4.90mg/l at Kurichi and Ukkadam Lake
mg/l to 470mg/l, the lowest being in the Perur Lake respectively. The high value of nitrate was observed
and highest in the UkkadamLake. This could be in Ukkadam Lake, which may be attributed to
associated with higher levels of inorganic wastes domestic waste and sewage discharges.
being discharged into the lake. The COD levels in
the water in Ukkadam Lake were mostly higher than Major Sources of sulphur in fresh water
the previous reports13. are in the form of sewage andfertilizers33-35. High
sulphate values makes the water unfit fordomestic
TDS, Chloride and Total Alkalinity utilities 36. Phosphate enters the lakes through
Total dissolved solids may be organic or domestic wastewater, accounting for the accelerated
inorganic but precisely, the dissolved solids are eutrophication37and the augmented concentration
2092 JEYARAJ et al., Orient. J. Chem., Vol. 32(4), 2087-2094 (2016)
of PO4–and NO3–ions in lakes resulted in enhanced polluted with reference to almost all the water quality
phytoplankton productivity38.The values of phosphate parameters studied.Water remains in alkaline nature
and sulphate were in the range of 1.25mg/l to in all the lakes.Total concentration of TDS was above
2.20mg/l and 18.50 mg/l to 120mg/l, respectively. The the permissible limit in all the lakes except Perur and
high posphate and sulphates values were recorded Selvachinthamani Lake. Chloride ion concentration in
from UkkadamandSinganallur Lakes respectively. all the lake water samples except Perur, Kurichi and
Phosphate concentration in clean water should Valankulam Lakes has high value above permissible
be ranged from 0.01 to 0.1mg/l. In the present limits. Domestic and industrial discharges into the
study, shows high concentration of phosphates in lakes particularly Ukkadam, Kurichi, Valankulam
all the lakes except Valankulam Lake water. The and Singanallur Lakes are probably responsible for
phosphates are chiefly derived from decomposing the observed high concentration values of electrical
organic matter, leaching of phosphorous rich bed conductivity,COD, alkalinity, and turbidity.From the
rock and additionally from anthropogenic activities analyses, it has been observed that the deterioration
or wastes39. Sulphate concentration was very high of the lakes in our study area was mostly due to
in Ukkadam Lake 122mg/l and lowest in Perur lake industrial effluents like dyeing, jewellery making,
ie.18.50 mg/l. High concentration of sulphate in foundries, urban sewage and municipal solid waste
Ukkadam Lake is mainly due to the fact that the Lake dumping. The lakes boundaries are also used for
is located besides one of the biggest fish markets of dumping domestic garbage.Thus, surface water of
the city and several slaughter houses operate nearby lakes in our study area at Coimbatore region is not
the lake. suitable for domestic purpose as per drinking water
standards and WHO guidelines.
Drinking water turbidity is commonly Rapid industrialization and urbanization in
used as a proxy measure for the risk of microbial Coimbatore city may further aggravate the pollution
contamination and the effectiveness of the treatment level in future. At the same time Coimbatore city
of public drinking water 40. It can interfere with does not have underground drainage system. So it
disinfection process and provides an ideal medium is highly recommended that apartfrom continuous
for microbial growth and a few documented water collection of effluents for monitoring purposes,
borne disease outbreaks which were associated automated measuring and monitoring equipment
with increased turbidity levels41. The WHO maximum be installed to check discharge parameters against
permissible limit of turbidity is 5 NTU42. Turbidity stipulated standard for drinking water, aquatic life and
values in the water samples ranged from 7.2 NTU other purposes. This strategy may provide the useful
to 12.5 NTU. Turbidity values were also the highest planning to control the pollution and prevents the
in the Ukkadam Lake compared to other lakes. depletion of the quality of lake water in the future.
Conclusions Acknowledgement
Water quality from the above studied One of the authors M. Jeyaraj is greatly
lakes is unsafe for consumption of human use and thankful to Mrs. S. Malarvizhi, Chair Person and
therefore need serious attention. The present study Managing Trustee, Sri Krishna Group of Institutions,
revealed that water quality form the studied lakes is Coimbatore for irrecoverable support and providing
the research facilities.
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