Quantum Mechanics 2018-19
Quantum Mechanics 2018-19
Quantum Mechanics 2018-19
Scattering atom
Scattered X-ray, ‟
P‟ = h /‟
Incident X-ray,
P = h /
Recoiling electron,
P = P‟ + Pe pe
Compton assumed that X-ray photons have certain momentum and he treated the scattering of X-
rays as due to the inelastic collision between two particles – an X-ray photon and a scattering
The photon energy of a photon of frequency is E = h ………….. (1)
According to Einstein‟s mass-energy relation, E = mc2 ………….(2)
where m is assumed to be the “rest mass” of the photon and c is the velocity of light.
From (1) and (2), we have, h = mc2 = mc.c ……… (3)
Treating mc as the “momentum” p of the photon, ie., mc = p, we have
h p.c ……….. (4)
c c h
Using , in eqn. (4), we get h p.c . Or p …..(5). (on cancelling c )
Thus, a photon of wavelength has an associated momentum p equal to h/ . When the
incident X-ray photon „collides‟ with an atom in the scattering target, it transfers some
momentum to an electron of the target atom. The electron recoils with momentum. pe. This
results in a decrease of momentum p of the X-ray photon on scattering. According to eqn.(5),
is inversely proportional to p. So, there is an increase of the wavelength of scattered x-ray
De Broglie’s matter wave hypothesis
Considering the dual nature of radiation, de Broglie proposed that material particles may
also have a dual character similar to radiation. In other words, in addition to the discrete particle
behaviour, matter can have some wave-like character also. Such waves associated with moving
particles are called as “Matter Waves” or “de broglie waves”.
In support of his hypothesis, de broglie argued that
i) Nature loves symmetry.
ii) Matter and Radiation are the two great entities of the Universe. Radiation
possesses a dual character. Similarly the material particles may also have some wave
character in addition to their particle behaviour.
iii) By comparing the motion of a particle and the propagation of a wave, he stressed
that their behaviour is analogous to each other. De Broglie argued that Principle of least
action in mechanics and Fermat‟s principle of least transit time in optics are analogous to
each other.
Consider a particle moving from one point to another. According to Principle of least action, a
moving particle chooses a path in which the mechanical action is minimum‟
Consider a light ray moving from one point to another. According to principleof least transit
time, a light ray chooses a path for which the transit time is minimum‟
Electron x
radiation photons. When the electron moves directly under the microscope, it will scatter some
of the photons. The scattered photons which enter into the microscope anywhere between OA
and OB in the figure will form the image of the electron and thus the position of the electron is
found using the microscope. At the same instant the x-component of momentum of the electron
is measured using another device.
The microscope should have a very high resolving power so that the image of the „tiny‟
electron is formed in the microscope. The smallest separation d between two objects at which
their images are just resolved in the microscope is known as its „Limit of Resolution‟. Resolving
power (RP) of the microscope is the reciprocal of Limit of Resolution. RP . If is the
semi-vertical angle subtended by the object at the objective of the microscope and is the
wavelength of radiation used to illuminate the object, then
d = ……………(1). Resolving power (RP) of the microscope is
2 sin
1 2sin
RP ………… (2). This implies that, in order to have a very high
Resolving power, one has to use radiation of very short wavelength (such as gamma-rays) for
illuminating the electron moving under the microscope.
The position of the electron can be determined with accuracy limited by the limit of
resolution of the microscope . i.e., Error (Uncertainty) in measuring the position can not be less
than the limit of resolution of the microscope.
Minimum uncertainty (i.e., the smallest error) in finding the position of the electron is,
x d ……….(3)
But the incident gamma-ray photon undergoes Compton scattering on „collision‟ with the
moving electron. This results in a momentum transfer between the electron and the colliding -
photon. Therefore, the electron suffers a change in its momentum, px. But the magnitude of the
change is not a constant and it depends on the direction in which the –photon is scattered into
the microscope (between OA and OB).
The x-component of momentum of the electron will range from
h h
px sin to px sin depending on the direction of gamma photon entering
into the microscope.
Uncertainty in the x component of momentum of the electron,
h h h
Δpx = sin sin = 2 sin
The total uncertainty in measuring both position and momentum of an electron
simultaneously is, [using eqns. (3) & (4)],
x . px = (/2sin) . [ 2(h/)sin] = h
But h > h/4
x px > h/4.
This proves the Heisenberg‟s uncertainty principle
P = Px Py = p.sin
P = Px + Py
Y Px = p.cos
C Px = P ; Py= 0
px = p
Py = - p.sin
AB = b Px = p.cos
Suppose the electrons pass through a very narrow, vertical slit AB of width b. If the slit width b
is very small, the electrons suffer diffraction. The central, undiffracted maximum is observed at
C in the line of incidence. Let the first order minima due to the electron diffraction occur (at C1
and C2) on either side of the central maximum at an angle of diffraction with the incident
direction. The condition for observing first order diffraction minimum at P1 is given by b sin =
. b = /sin. The electrons entering anywhere within the width b of the slit causes the
diffraction effect. Hence the uncertainty in the y-component of position of the electron is y =
b =/sin …… (1)
Before diffraction, the momentum of electron is px along x-direction and the y
Component of momentum py is zero. But after diffraction the electrons have Y-component of
momentum also as they form first order secondary minima at C1 and C2..
The y component of momentum of the Electron moving along C1 is psin and that
for the electron moving along OC2 is -psin. As an electron causing the diffraction pattern
may be diffracted in any direction between OC1 and OC2, the uncertainty
in the y component of momentum is
py = psin - ( -psin) =2psin = 2hsin/ ………………(2) [as p =h/]
The total uncertainty in position and momentum along y direction is
y.py = (/sin).(2hsin/) = 2h. As 2h > ħ , this implies that
y.py > ħ
Significance of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle: Heisenberg‟s uncertainty principle is a
consequence of dual nature of matter and vice versa.
Application of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
1. Applying the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, show that a free electron does not exists
inside an atomic nucleus
The radius of an atomic nucleus is of the order of 10 –14m. If a free electron were assumed
to be present inside the nucleus, it may be present any where within this linear dimension of the
atomic nucleus.
Uncertainty in the position of the electron in the nucleus, x = 10 –14m
According to the Uncertainty principle, x . p ħ, where p is the uncertainty in
momentum. Assuming that the total uncertainty x . p ħ,
Uncertainty in the momentum of the electron p = ħ / x = 1.05x10 –34 / 10 –14
i.e., p = 1.05x10 –20 Kg.m.s-1
Since this uncertainty in momentum is very large, the actual momentum of the electron, p,
cannot be less than p. momentum of the electron , p 1.05x10 –20 Kg.m.s-1
An electron moving with such a high momentum would have a very high velocity (i.e., relativistic
velocity) comparable to the velocity of light. C = 3x108 ms-1.
The energy of a relativistic electron is given by E =[ ( moC2 )2+ p2C2 ]
As ( moC2 )2 = (9.1x10-31)2x.(3x108)4 << p2C2 = (1.05x10 –20)2.(3x108)2, it is neglected.
E pC = (1.05x10 –20) x.(3x108) / 1.6x10-19 = 1.97x107 eV 20 MeV
This is a very high energy since it is observed that particles emitted during radioactive decay of
some nuclides have energies of the order of 4MeV only. This implies that electrons are not
present inside the nucleus.
[Note: The observed decay in radioactive elements is actually due to the transformation of a
neutron into a proton plus an electron ( particle) plus a neutrino.
Therefore an electron is not present inside the nucleus in its own form but it is created at the
time of radioactive decay only]
2. Determine the radius of Hydrogen atom in its ground state by applying Heisenberg’s
uncertainty principle.
Let r0 be the radius of hydrogen atom in its ground state and it is the minimum distance between
the electron and the hydrogen nucleus.
For any distance r from the nucleus, the uncertainty in the position of the electron in the
hydrogen atom is, x = r.
Applying Heisenberg‟s uncertainty principle, i.e., x.p ħ, we have,
Uncertainty in momentum of the electron is p = ħ/x = ħ/r ….. (1)
As p is very large, the momentum p of the electron cannot be less than p and hence it can be
assumed that p p = ħ/r ….. (2)
the kinetic energy of the electron is given by T where m is the mass of electron
p2 ħ2
using eqn. (2), we have, T …………. (3)
2m 2mr 2
1 e2
The potential energy of the electron is V . ……(4) [-e = charge on electron]
4 0 r
ħ2 1 e2
Total energy of electron is E = T + V = . …… (5)
2mr 2 4 0 r
ħ2 1 e2 ħ2 1 e2
. 0 . . Rearranging we get,
mr03 4 0 r0 2 mr03 4 0 r0 2
ħ2 4 e0
r0 2 . Substituting the values of ħ, 0 , m and e, we get r0 = 0. 53 AU
m e
h 2 h
K . p.
Thus, linear momentum of the particle, p = ħK …… (4) (or) K ……….. (c)
The total energy of the particle is E = Kinetic energy + Potential energy = T+V
Also, the total energy E is related to a frequency , by E = h [Einstein‟s eqn]
Consider ħ . Substituting for ħ and , we have, .2 h E
Total energy of the particle, E = ħ …..…. (5) (or) ……..(d)
Substituting eqns.(c) and (d) in eqn (3), The wave function (x,t) representing matter waves
associated with a moving particle is ( x, t ) A.exp px Et
…………….. (6)
The total energy of the particle E is the sum of kinetic and potential energies. E = T + V.
The potential energy V may be (i) a function of both position x and time t. i.e, V V (x,t)
or (ii) it may simply be a function of position only i.e, V V (x).
In the first case, as V is a function of time, E also varies as a function of time. This is leads to a Time
Dependent Wave Equation.
In the second case, When V is independent of time, (i.e, V V (x) only), the total energy E is also
independent of time. This leads to the Time Independent Wave Equation.
Time Dependent Wave Equation
Differentiating in eqn (6) partially w.r.t. time t, we have,
i i
A exp px Et . . E
i.e., . ……….. (7) { using eqn. (6)}
Multiplying both sides by ( i ħ ), we get i E ……………… (8)
Eqn (8) is the Schroedinger’s Time dependent wave equation .
i i ip i
A exp px Et . . p . A exp px Et
Differentiating this again partially w.r.t. x, we have,
2 ip ip i p2 i
. . A exp px Et . A exp px Et
x 2
2 p2
i.e., . ………………… (9) { using eqn. (6)}
x 2 2
2 p2
Multiplying both sides of eqn. (9) by , we have, . . …….. (10) But
2m 2m x 2 2m
the kinetic energy of the moving particle, T . As E = T+V, T = (E –V).
p2 2
So, replacing in eqn. (9) by (E-V), we have . 2 E V . . On
2m 2m x
rearranging this, we get, . 2 V E ……………(11).
2m x
We know that when the potential energy V is V V (x,t), the total energy E also varies as a
function of time. In this case eqn. (11) is Time Dependent Wave Equation. When it is only V V (x),
then E is also independent of time. In this case eqn. (11) represents the Time Independent Wave
First, considering V V (x,t), and comparing eqn (11) with eqn.(8), we have,
. 2 V E i ………… (12)
2 m x t
Equation (12) is the general form of Schroedinger‟s time dependent wave equation.
When V is a function of only position independent of time i.e., V = V(x), the eqn. (11) becomes,
. 2 x, t V ( x). x, t E x, t
2m x
Multiplying by 2 on both sides and rearranging
2 2m
x, t 2 E V ( x). x, t 0 ………………….. (13)
x 2
Here, the total energy of the particle E is independent of time as V = V(x) only.
(x,t) in eqn. (13) may be written as (x,t) = (x).f(t) …….(A)
where (x) is a function of only x while f(t) is only a function of time t.
2 2 2
Hence, x, t x . f t f t . x …….(B)
x 2 x 2 x 2
2 2m
Using eqns. (A) and (B) in (13), we get f (t ). 2 x 2 E V ( x). x .f (t ) 0 .
2 x 2m
Canceling f(t) we get, 2 E V ( x) . x 0
x 2
Now, the entire equation involves only a single variable (namely, x), and hence partial
derivatives are irrelevant. Hence the above eqn. is written as
d 2 2m
2 E V 0 (14) with ( x) and V V ( x).
dx 2
This is the Schroedinger‟s time independent wave equation in one dimension.
The Schroedinger’s time independent wave equation for a particle moving in three dimensions
is obtained by extending the one dimensional wave eqn to three dimensions. Here, we have to
consider the wave function as (r ) = (x.y,z) and the potential energy function as V
V( r ) = V(x,y,z) where r r(x,y,z). Further motion along one direction is not influenced by that
in other directions. Hence we have to consider partial derivatives once again. Thus
Schroedinger’s time independent wave equation in three dimensions is
2 2 2
x y z
2 2
r 2 E V r . r
i.e., 2 r
E V r . r 0
2 2 2
where 2 2 2 is known as the Laplacian operator.
x y z
How to use the Schroedinger‟s wave equations for physical problems?
is the solution of the wave equation. Exactness of the solution depends on the correct
choice of the potential energy function V(x). In simple cases, it may simply be chosen from
similar physical problems already treated by classical mechanics.
For ex., in the case of one dimensional SHO, it is V = V(x) = ½ kx2.
In complicated problems, one has to choose them intuitively or by approximations or by a
combination of both. When the choice of V is proper, the solution and the possible values of
energy E will be exact.
Example for Time independent states of a system : Consider an electron moving in orbit in an
atom. As long as it moves in the same orbit it remains in the same state. This means that physical
variables such as total energy, angular momentum etc remain constant independent of time. Such
states are called stationary states. Stationary states are represented by different time independent
eigen functions and eigen values.
Example for Time Dependent states of a system: Consider a free electron moving in free space.
Its potential energy is zero. But, when it passes through regions of force fields (such as
electrostatic fields), it has a time dependent potential energy. The time dependence is due to the
variation of distance between the moving electron and source of the field. As V is time
dependent, the total energy E = T + V is also time dependent.
Physical significance of the wave function and its interpretation:
The wave function is an abstract mathematical quantity. It is the solution of the
Schroedinger‟s wave equation. It gives a complete description of a moving particle.
It represents the amplitude of the matter waves associated with a moving particle.
Physical meaning of Wavefunction, : It can be shown that speed vph (= /K) of matter
waves of a specific wave vector K (i.e., a monochromatic plane wave) is greater than the
velocity of light, c. This is physically unacceptable in any frame of reference. So, the wave
functions cannot be real and they could be complex or imaginary functions. Complex quantities
cannot be measured directly by any physical experiment. Therefore no real physical meaning is
attached to the wave function .
Physical interpretation (or)significance of wave function:
No real physical meaning is attached to the wave function as it may be complex.
However, the absolute square of the wave function is always real.
i.e, 2 = *. is real, where * is the complex conjugate of (x)
As 2 is real, Max Born interpreted it as the probability of locating the moving particle
at a given point in space. 2 is known as position probability density.
In other words, if (x, t) is the wave function in one dimension, then, 2 represents
the probability of finding the particle per unit distance about the given point x.
In three dimensions, 2 represents the probability of finding the particle per unit
volume around the given point x.
This interpretation is analogous to the intensity of a wave; If (x) is the instantaneous amplitude
of a wave at a point x, then the intensity „ I ‟ of the wave at x is I(x) = 2 = (x)*. (x) .
This integral is called normalization integral. Wave functions of a moving particle which satisfy
this integral condition are said to be „normalized wave functions‟.
. .d 1 .
2) The wave function must be single valued, finite and continuous in space.
3) It obeys all the standard boundary conditions.
4) Similarly, the first derivative of the wave function /x etc must also be single valued,
finite and continuous and obey the standard boundary conditions.
5) The wave function representing a particle which is really existing cannot be zero
identically everywhere. [i.e., (x) cannot be zero at each and every point x in space.]
One dimensional space along x extends from - ∞ to +∞. For a truly existing particle (moving along
x), its wavefunction,(x) = 0 for each and every point x in space (between -∞ and +∞ ) is not
allowed; if allowed, it would make the probability density (x)2 = 0 everywhere. This refers to
the non-existence of the particle in space anywhere from - ∞ to +∞. So the wavefunction cannot be
zero everywhere in space. It has nonzero values at some points.
6) probability density (x)2 of locating the particle somewhere at x in space is nonzero.
Therefore is a convergent function in space. This means that (x) 0 as x ∞. This condition is
imposed because a true moving particle occupies only definite positions in space. So 2 = 0 at x
= ∞, always.
EigenFunctions and EigenValues
The probability interpretation of the wave function imposes several conditions on the
wave function. A wave function which obeys all these conditions represents one of the
characteristic states of the moving particle and it is known as an ‘eigen function’.
The physical variables such as energy E etc will also be characteristic of that state and
hence they are known as „eigenvalues’.
The set of all eigenfunctions represents the different allowed states of the particle. The solutions
of Schroedinger‟s eqn., which are not eigen functions are physically unacceptable to represent the
particle and so they are discarded. Thus any physical system will have only a finite number of allowed
Consider a free particle of mass m moving in a region along the x-axis between x = 0
and x = L. The free particle has no potential energy in this region. V(x) = 0 between x=0 and x =
L. However, suppose there exist insurmountable potential barriers at x = 0 and x = L. So the
potential energy of the particle is infinite at these points., V(x) = ∞ at x=0 and x = L. The region
between x = 0 and x= L is termed as a „Potential box‟ with rigid walls at x=0 and x =L.
The finite energy of the particle will not be sufficient to surmount the infinite
Potentia barriers at the rigid walls. So whenever the moving particle reaches a wall, it is
reflected back and it starts moving in the opposite direction.
Hence the particle will bounce back and forth
Potential Energy,V
between the walls of the potential box and it
cannot be found outside the box. The general V = V =
Schroedinger‟s time independent wave equation
for a particle of mass m moving in one dimension
along x-axis is given by
d 2 ( x) 2m
2 E V x 0 …….. (1)
dx 2
For the „particle in a box‟ problem, since
V(x) = ∞ at x=0 and x = L, the particle cannot be
found outside the box.
The wave function V=0
Further, the potential energy of the particle is zero within the box. Position, x
Let 2
= K 2 .............(3). Substituting this in eqn. (2), we have,
d 2
+ K 2 = 0 .................(4)
To be a satisfactory solution of the wave equation, the wave function obeys the following
conditions : is single valued, finite, continuous and normalised. Also it must obey the
standard boundary onditions. The two boundary conditions for the particle in a box problem are ,
( x) 0 at x = 0 .................(5.a) and
(x) = 0 at x = L ................. (5.b)
The general solution of the wave eqn. (4) is (x) = AsinKx + BcosKx ……….(6)
Here, A and B are unknown constants which can be determined by applying the boundary
conditions (5.a) and (5.b).
For applying the first boundary condition on (x), we replace x by 0 and write (x) = 0 in eqn
(6). Thus we have, (x) = 0 = Asin(0) + B. cos(0) = 0 + B.1 B = 0.
This implies that the second term (BcosKx) on the RHS of eqn.(6) is zero for all values of x
since the constant B =0.
The general solution in eqn. (6) is modified as
(x) = AsinKx …….…….(7) [using B = 0 in eqn. (6)]
The second boundary condition is (x) = 0 at x = L. Using this in the modified eqn. (7),
we get, AsinKL = 0 . This is true when KL = n
K= ………………… (8) where n = 1, 2, 3, …. etc.
n = 0 is not allowed. The allowed solutions of the wave equation are written as
n x ASin x ……… (9) with n = 1, 2, 3 …… etc.
n 2 2
.Squaring eqn. (8) we get, K 2 =
2mE n 2 2 2 2
Substituting this in eqn. (3), 2
= K2 = (or) E= .n 2
L2 2mL 2
2 2
Rewriting this as En = 2
.n 2 ………… (10) with n = 1,2,3, ….
2 2
i.e., E1 = .1 2
for n = 1 Ground state
2mL2 8mL2
2 2 2 h2
E2 = .2 .4 for n = 2 1st Excited state
2mL2 8mL2
2 2 2 h2
E3 = .3 .9 for n = 3 2nd Excitedstate etc.
2mL2 8mL2
These are the eigenvalues of energies of the free particle moving within a potential box. The
above eqns indicate that the energy eigenvalues are discreet.
[Note: n = 0 is not allowed since this makes K = (n/L) = 0 and hence
(x) = AsinKx = 0 for all values of x (i.e., the wavefunction is zero identically everywhere). This would
mean that the particle is non- existent inside th epotential box. n = 0 is not allowed]. This condition
also means that the ground state energy of the particle cannot be zero.
From eqn(9), the possible solutions to the wave equation are
n x ASin x where n = 1, 2, 3,….etc
To be satisfactory solutions of the wave eqn., the wave functions must be normalized. So,
n * n dx = 1.
As the particle exists only between x = 0 and L, we write this as n * n dx = 1
n n
0 A sin L x A sin
x dx = 1
1-cos .x
i.e., A2 sin 2 x dx = 1 A2 L dx = 1
0 L 0
1 2n .x
A2 L
i.e., A2 dx - A2 cos dx = 1 0 = 1
0 2 0
L 2
2 2
(or) A2 A
En n(x) n(x)2
3 32
E3= 9 (h2/8mL2)
n=3 n=3
E2=4 (h2/8mL2)
n=2 n=2
E1=1 (h2/8mL2)
n=1 n=1
x .dx
dimensional potential box of width L is given by n
1 / 2 L x
The total energy of a moving particle is E = T + V where T is the kinetic energy and V is the
potential energy. Consider a stream of identical particles each with energy E. Suppose they are
moving from the left (i.e, from region I) to the right. Let there be a potential barrier of height U
E < U
X=0 X=L
between x = 0 and x = L (region II). According to classical mechanics, the particles can cross the
potential barrier only when E > U. But when E < U, they cannot enter the potential region
between 0 - L. This is because, when E < U, the kinetic energy of the particle T ( = E – U )
would be negative in that region which is physically unacceptable. So, all the particles with E <
U, when incident on the potential barrier at x = 0, would be reflected back into the region I. So,
the particles can never pass through the barrier (region II) and be found in the Region III.
However when this problem is treated wave mechanically it can be shown that a very
small fraction of the incident particles pass through it without any change in their total energy E.
and can be found in the Region III. This penetration of a potential barrier by a free particle
whose energy is less than the barrier height is termed as Tunneling.
Wave mechanical theory of Tunneling
Consider a a stream of identical free particles of mass m moving along x-direction from
left side to right side with a velocity v. Also, consider a potential barrier of width L extending
from x = 0 to x = L. The height of the potential barrier is V = U. Assume that the total energy of
the particle, E, is less than the potential barrier; E < U.
The Potential energy of the particle V(x) = 0 in both Regions I and III and V(x) = U in Region
II. i.e., V(x) = 0 for - ∞ < x < 0 (Region I) and for L < x < + ∞ (Region III)
V(x) = U for 0 < x < L (Region II)
V=0 V=0
d 2 ( x) 2m
The general Schroedinger‟s wave equations is 2 E V x 0 ……(1)
dx 2
Let I, II and III be the wave functions in regions I, II and III respectively. The appropriate
Schroedinger‟s wave equations for the tunneling problem are obtained by substituting for and
V in the three regions.
The wave moving from region I and incident (at x = 0) on the potential barrier is
oscillatory (drawn as thick lines in figure). A part of this wave is transmitted into barrier region
(Region, II). However it is not oscillatory, rather, it is a wave decaying exponentially. This is
because E < V in this region. If the width of the potential barrier is sufficiently small, it does not
decay to zero as it reaches the other end of the barrier at x = L. If so, then it enters Region III
with a non-zero amplitude and once again it becomes oscillatory. However, the amplitude of
oscillation is very small. A non zero wave amplitude in Region III is an indication that there is a
small probability for the particle to tunnel through the potential barrier even though E <V.
Solving the wave equations for the three regions, it can be shown that
16E E -2 L
Transmission coefficient or Tunneling probability, T .1 .e …….. (2)
(or) T e -2 L
Where is defined by 2 2 U E …………….. (3)
The probability for tunneling T would be large when both β and L have small values.
As 2 2 U E ( eqn. 3), β will
be small when (U-E) is very small. Thus
tunneling is appreciable when the width 1.0
of the potential barrier L is small and
the energy of the particle E is only
slightly less than the potential barrier U
so that E/U <1 but ( E-U) is very small. (E/U)
A plot of T vs. (E/U) is shown in figure.
0 1 2 3
(E < U) (E > U)
Tunneling is a quantum mechanical effect. Suppose a free microscopic particle of energy
E (such as electron, alpha particle etc) is incident on a potential barrier whose height U is such
that U > E. According to wave mechanics, the particle has a very small but finite probability to
pass through that barrier without any change in its energy. This phenomenon is known as
„Quantum mechanical Tunneling‟. According to classical mechanics this can never happen.
The wavefunction which is the solution of the Schroedinger‟s equation is an
exponential function of position inside the barrier (Region II ) and it decays fast. For very
narrow potential barriers, the wavefunction does not decay quite to zero before the other
end of the barrier is reached. The wavefunction stops decaying
at the boundary between region II and III
V =U>E
and it becomes oscillatory again in Region III.
As the wave function is not zero in I
region III, 2> 0 and hence there is a finite
probability for the particle incident on one
side of the barrier to appear on the opposite side.
P Jn N P Jn N P Jn N
C-Band Tunneling of
EF (holes) EF (holes) electrons electrons
EF (holes)
electrons EF C-Band C-Band
Electrons electrons
Electrons V-Band
At a small forward bias potential, EF shifts in opposite directions in P and N regions (See
(B)). So, electrons in the conduction band on n-side tunnel to the hole states of same
energy in the valence band on p-side. This produces a forward bias tunneling current (as
shown in (D)). With a larger bias voltage, the density of free electrons in the n-region
and the density of the empty states (holes) in the valence band of p-region also increase.
So, the tunneling current increases with increasing forward bias. It reaches a maximum
Im when the densities are maximum. As the forward bias continues to increase, the
number of electrons in the n side that are directly opposite to the empty states (holes) of
same energy in the valence band decrease (See (C)). Therefore decrease in the tunneling
current will start (See (D)) and it falls off to very low values for further increase in
forward bias. Unlike other diodes, a tunnel diode has a Negative Differential Resistance
(NDR) in this range. [ Resistance decreases with increasing bias voltage in the NDR Region]
Tunneling R
Ordinary pn junction diode
With further voltage increase, the tunnel diode I-V characteristic is similar to that of a
regular p-n diode
Under Reverse Bias
In this case the, electrons in the valence band of the p side tunnel directly towards the
empty states present in the conduction band of the n side creating large tunneling current
which increases with the application of reverse voltage. The TD reverse I-V is similar to
the Zener diode with nearly zero Break-down voltage.
Typical Tunnel Diode (TD) I-V characteristic
has two distinct features:
(1) it is STRONGLY non-linear Symbol of a
(compared to the resistor I-V).Current - Voltage tunnel diode
relationships for TDs cannot be described
using the Ohm‟s law
(2) it has a negative differential resistance (NDR) region.
Alpha Decay
The phenomenon of tunneling explains the alpha-particle decay of heavy, radioactive
Inside the nucleus, an alpha particle may be present as a nuclear particle. It feels the
strong, short-range attractive nuclear force as well as the repulsive Coulomb force.
The nuclear force dominates inside the nuclear radius (rN) where the potential is
approximately a square well. The Coulomb force dominates outside the nuclear
radius. The potential barrier at nuclear radius rN is about 25MeV. But the energy of
alpha-particle Ea is only between 4-9MeV. According to classical physics such a low
energy particle cannot cross the high energy potential barrier.
not allowed V
+ve to escape) E <V for r < r‟
E= V at r = r‟ Alpha Decay by Quantum Mechanical
2. It is in constant motion inside the nucleus. When it reaches the nuclear distance rN,
it is reflected back ibside by the potential barrier most of the times.
3. However, when treated quantum mechanically, the alpha-particle has some finite
probability to tunnel through the potential barrier, inspite of the greater height of the
potential barrier.
4. The tunneling probability is found to reduce with increasing height and width of
the potential barrier.
A Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) allows for the imaging of the surfaces of
metals and semiconductors at the atomic level. It is developed by Gerd Binnig and
Heinrich Rohrer at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory in 1982. The two shared half of
the 1986 Nobel Prize in physics for developing STM.
PRINCIPLE OF working of STM : Quantum mechanics allows a small particle, such as
an electron, to overcome a potential barrier larger than its kinetic energy. This is called
The STM is an electron microscope that uses a single atom tip to attain atomic
resolution. An extremely fine conducting probe (with a sharp, single atom tip) is
mounted on a piezoelectric crystal tube. The tip is held above the sample at a
distance of an atomic diameter.
Electrons tunnel between an atom on the sample surface and the tip, producing an
electrical signal. This the tunneling current is used as as a feedback signal,
While it slowly scans across the surface (along X-Y), the tip is raised and
lowered by Z-movement in order to keep the tunneling current signal constant and
maintain the distance between the tip-to- sample surface separation.
The voltage that is necessary to keep the tip at a constant separation is used to
produce a computer image of the surface.
This enables it to follow even the smallest details of the surface it is scanning.
Tungsten is commonly used as probe material because you can use Electro-
chemical etching techniques to create very sharp tips like the one above.
A STM does not measure nuclear position directly. Rather it measures the
density clouds on the surface of the sample. In some cases, the electron clouds
the atom locations pretty well, but not always.
Powerful imaging tool with unprecedented precision.
Semiconductor surface structure, Nanotechnology, Superconductors, etc.
In Nano Technology, STM tip is used as a tool for manipulating individual atoms
or molecules on substrate surface and directing them continuously to
predetermined positions
Study of Spectroscopy of single atoms
Limited biological applications: Atomic Force Microscopy
No damage to the sample; Vertical resolution superior to SEM;
Spectroscopy of individual atoms can be studied
Xenon on
Single atom lithography
Disadvantage of STM:
1. The STM can only scan conductive surfaces or thin nonconductive films and
small objects deposited on conductive substrates. It does not work with
nonconductive materials, such as glass, rock, etc.
2. The spatial resolution of STM is fantastic, but the temporal resolution is typically
on the order of seconds, which prevents STM from imaging fast kinetics of
electrochemical process.
3. Making atomically sharp tips remains something of a dark art!
4. External and internal vibrations from fans, pumps, machinery, building
movements, etc. are big problems.
5. Ultra High Vacuum -
STM is not easy to built
and handle.
Iron on Copper
Physical constants
Planck‟s constant h = 6.626x10-34 J.s = 4.136x10-15 eV.s
ħ = = 1.055x10-34J.s
Mass of electron me = 9.11x10-31 kg
Mass of proton mp = 1836 me = 1.6726x10-27 kg
Mass of neutron mn = 1.675x10-27 kg
Electronic charge e = 1.602x10-19 C
Energy conversion: 1 eV = 1.602x10-19 J
* De broglie wavelength (or) Wavelength of matter waves of a moving particle of mass
h h
m with linear momentum p = mv is =
p mv
For a particle moving with relativistic velocities (i.e., particle velocity v is comparable
to the velocity of light), relativistic mass m m0 1 2 should be used for
* De broglie wavelength of a free particle of energy E is
1 2 p2
(Note: Energy of a free particle E = mv p 2mE )
2 2m
n x 2 n x
P*dx = * dx 2
2 / L Sin
dx Sin
The probability of finding the particle over a range of x about the point x is
x x / 2
n x
2 / L Sin dx
x x / 2 L x
x-x/2 x x+x/2
1.Calculate the momentum of a photon of energy 1.77eV. [1eV=1.602x10-19J].
Photon energy E = h = 1.77eV = 1.77x1.602x10-19J
Momentum of a photon, p, is given by
h h
E 1.77 1.602 10
p 9.56 1027 kgms 1
c 2.998 108
(as h E and = c, the velocity of light in vacuum = 2.998x108 ms 1 )
p2 h h
E (or) p 2mE De Broglie waelength
2m p 2mE
h = 6.626x10-34Js m = 9.1x10-31kg
E = 200 eV = E = 200 x1.602x10-19 = 3.204x10-17 J
h 6.626 1034
2 9.1x1031 3.204 10
6. Find the de Broglie wavelength of an electron which has been accelerated from rest
through a potential difference of 100V. (PEC, May 2017)
7. A bullet weighing 50 g is fired from a gun and it moves with a speed of 6.6 ms-1.
Calculate its de Broglie wavelength abd comment on it. Assume plancks constant h =
Given :
Mass of bullet, m = 50g = 50x10-3kg = 0.05kg; speed of bullet = 6.6 ms-1
6.626 1034
x 1.925 103 m
4 9.1110 0.03
10. The speed of an electron is measured to within an uncertainty of 2x104 m/s. What is
the minimum space required by the electron to be confined in an atom? (PEC, Dec.
11. The lifetime of an excited state of an atom is about 10-8 s. Calculate the minimum
uncertainty in the determination of the energy of the excited state of the atom.
Heisenberg‟s uncertainty relation relating lifetime Δt of an excited state and the
uncertainty in the energy ΔE of the excited state is given by
h h
E t (or) E
4 4 t
Given, Life time of the excited state Δt = 10-8 s.
12. A base ball of mass 200g is moving with a velocity of 3000cmper second. If its
position is located with an uncertainty of 1 micrometer, what will be the uncertainty in
its velocity. Comment on it.
base ball mass, m = 200g= 0.2kg; velocity, v = 3000cmper second = 30ms-1
x =1 micrometer = 1x10-6m
h h
x.p or p m v or
4 4 x
h 6.626 1034
Uncertainty in velocity, v = 2.636x10-28ms-1
4 m x 4 0.2 1106
This uncertainty in velocity is too small.
13. An electron is confined in a circular orbit of radius 0.5AU. Calculate the minimum
uncertainty in the momentum along any direction. ( mass of electron = 9.1x10031kg , h
= 6.626x10-34J.s ) (PEC, May 2015)
h h 6.626 1034
x.p or p 1.055 1024 kg.m.s 1
4 4 x 12.566 0.5 10 10
14. Calculate the glancing angle at which electrons of energy 100 electron volts must
be incident on the lattice planes of a metal crystal in order to give a strong Bragg
reflection in the first order. Lattice spacing is given as 2.52AU.
Energy of the electron, E = 100 eV = 100 x 1.602 x 10-19 J.
h 6.626 1034
De Broglie wavelength,
2mE 2 9.111031 1.602 1019
= 1.24 x 10-10 m.
The condition for Bragg reflection is 2dsinθ = nλ.
Lattice spacing, d = 2.52 x 10-10 m
n 11.24 1010
for n = 1, sin 0.246 θ =14.24
2d 2 2.52 1010
n2 h2
Eigenvalues of energy En where n = 1,2,3 …
n = 1 for ground state, n = 2 for 1st excited state, n=3 for 2nd excited state and so on
Given that,
Width, L = 1Å = 1 x 10-10m ; m = 9.11 x 10-31 kg h = 6.63 x 10-34 Js
n2 (6.63 1034 )2
En 31 10 2
6.03 1019 n2 J ………. (1)
8 9.1110 (110 )
n = 1 corresponds to the state of least energy (ground state energy).
n = 2, 3,…..etc correspond to the first, second……. excited state.
ground state energy, E1 = 6.03x10-19x12 = 6.03x10-19 J (Using n = 1 in eqn.(1))
Energy in the first excited state E2 = 6.03x10-19x22 = 6.03x10-19x4
2 n
Eigenfunction n .sin x with n = 1,2,3, …….
Assuming that x is in units of Å, substitute L = 1Å
2 1 x
Eigen function in the ground state (n=1) is 1 .sin 2 sin x .
16. In the above problem, calculate the energy of excitation for transition from first
excited state to second excited state.
En n2
If En is the energy of state n and Em for the state m, then
the excitation energy for transition from n m is Em En (m2 n 2 )
For 1st excited state, n=2 and for 2nd excited state n = 3
h2 h2
E2 2 2
and E 3 32
8mL2 8mL2
Energy of excitation for transition from I excited state to II excited state is
E3 E2 32 22
E3 E2 5 6.03 1019 5 3.015 1018 J
17. A 5g marble is moving in one dimension within a box 50cm across. Find the
permitted energy at n=1 and n= 2. Comment on it. (Given that h = 6.63x10-34 J.s)
Mass of marble m =5g = 5x10-3kg width of one dimensional box L = 50cm = 0.5m
6.63 1034
h2 h2
Energy of particle En n For n=1, E1
= 4.39x10-65J
8mL 2
8mL 8 5 10 0.5
2 3 2
6.63 1034
E2 n
4 17.56x10-65J
8 5 10 0.5
2 2
These energies are very small. The difference between successive levels is also very
small (of the order of 10-65J) which can be approximated as zero. This means that though
the levels are discrete as their separation is small (nearly 0), the energy levels may be
approximated as continuous.
18. A particle is bound in a one dimensional potential well of width 1AUbut of infinite
wall height. Edstimate the probability of find over a stretch of 0.1AU each at distances
x = a/4, a/3 and a/2 and a from one end of the wall where a is the width of wall.
Consider the zero point energy state for the estimation. ( mass of electron =.11x10-31 kg
, h = 6.626x10-34 J.s) )
(PEC, Dec, 2015)
The probability of finding the particle in a stretch of dx is
n x 2 n x
P = x dx
= 2 / a Sin a
dx Sin
a a
For n =1 (zero point energy state) , potential well of width a = 1AU and for a stretch of
dx = 0.1AU
2 n x 2 x
P = Sin2 dx Sin 2 0.1 (or) P 0.2Sin2 x
a a 1 1
For x = a/ 4 = ¼ AU, P 0.2 Sin 2 1/ 4 0.1
For x = a/ 3 = 1/3 AU, P 0.2 Sin 2 1/ 3 0.15
h2 h2
For n = 3, E3 n 2
8mL2 8mL2
The energy of transition from n = 1 to n = 3 state is,
h2 h2 hc
E3 E1 (9 1) 8 h (or)
8mL 2
8mL 2
hc hc mL2c [c = velocity of light]
E3 E1 h 2
mL2 c 9.1110 110 3 10
31 9 8 2
Wavelength, 4.124x10-7m
h 6.626 10 34
20. Calculate the first two energy levels of an electron cofined to a box 1AU wide.
(Given that h = 6.6253x10-34J.s and me = 9.1x10-31kg) (PEC, Dec 2015)
21. Explqain heisenberg uncertainty principle and find the minimum uncertainty of
position of an electron moving with a speed of 3x109m/s (PEC, May 2016)
h h
x.p or p m v or
4 4 x
Given speed of electron v = 3x109m/s . But this is greater than speed of light(3x108m/s )
and this is is physically not correct.. So uncertainty of speed of electron v can be assume
to be of the same order of v.
So assume v = 3x109m/s
h 6.626 1034
Uncertainty in position, x m
4 m v 4 9.11031 3 109
22. The width of an infinite potential well is 10AU. Calculate the first three energy
levels in terms of eVfor an electron. . (Given that h = 6.6253x10-34J.s and me = 9.1x10-
(PEC, May 2016)
Energy of particle of mass m in the state n is En 2
n2 . n = 1,2,3 ……
23. An electron is bound in an one dimensional potential well of width 1AU, but of
infinite wall height. Find its energy values in the ground state and also in the first two
excited states. (PEC, Dec. 2016)
24. Consider the following two free particles: i) An electron moving within a one
dimensional potential box of infinite height and width 10nm and ii) A marble of mass
10g rolling in a cylindrical tube of length 0.10m which is tightly closed at both the
ends. Treating them as quantum mechanical particles, calculate their energy and
velocity in their ground states. Compare the values and write your concluding
remarks. Given that Planck’s constant = 6.6x10-34j.S and mass of an electron = 9.1x10-
kg. (PEC, Dec. 2016)
25. An electron is confined to a one dimensional infinite potential well of width 0.2nm.
It is found that when the energy of the particle is 230eV, its eigen function has 5
antinodes. Find the mass of the particle. (PEC, May 2017)
h2 h2
En n 2
m n2
8mL2 8En L2
Given En =E5 = 230eV = 230x1.6x10-19 J with n= 5, L = 0.2nm = 2x10-10m
h = 6.626x10-34J.s Find m.
26. Consider a electron and a cricket ball Which of the two can undergo quantum
mechanical tunneling through a potential barrier. Why?
27. An electron is trapped in one-dimensional box of 0.1nm length. Calculate the
energy required to excite it from its ground state to the fifth excited state. (PEC, May
h2 h2
To find :( E6 – E1) E6 E1 (6 1 ) E6 E1
2 2
8mL2 8mL2
Additional Problems
1. A 1.00 g marble is constrained to roll inside a tube of length L = 1.00cm. The tube is
capped at both ends. Modelling this as a one-dimensional infinite potential box, determine
the value of the quantum number n if the marble is initially given an energy of 1.00 mJ.
Calculate the excitation energy required to promote the marble to the next available
energy state.
28 -32
Ans : n = 4:27 x 10 , En+! – En = 4.69x10 J
This example illustrates the large quantum numbers and small energy differences associated with
the behavior of macroscopic objects.
2. Calculate the wavelength in nm of electrons which have been accelerated from rest
through a potential difference of 54V.
4. Applying the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, show that a free electron does not
exist inside an atomic nucleus
7. A thermal neutron has a speed v at temperature T = 300K and kinetic energy 1/2mv2
= 3/2kT . Calculate its deBroglie wavelength. State whether a beam of these neutrons
could be diffracted by a crystal, and why?
8. Use Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle to estimate the kinetic energy (in MeV) of a
nucleon bound within a nucleus of radius 10−15 m.
Is it possible to measure the energy and the momentum of a particle simultaneously with arbitrary
7. What is a wavefunction?
The wave function is an abstract mathematical quantity. It is the solution of the
Schroedinger‟s wave equation. It gives a complete description of a moving particle.
It represents the amplitude of the matter waves associated with a moving particle.
8. What is the physical meaning of the wavefunction
It can be shown that speed v of matter waves of a specific wave vector K is greater than
the velocity of light, c. This is physically unacceptable in any frame of reference. So, the
wave functions cannot be real and they could be complex or imaginary functions.
Complex quantities cannot be measured directly by any physical experiment. Therefore
no real physical meaning is attached to the wave function .
9. What is the physical significance(or physical interpretation) of the wavefunction?
No real physical meaning is attached to the wave function as it may be complex.
However, the absolute square of the wave function is always real. i.e, 2 = *. is
real, where * is the complex conjugate of (x)
As 2 is real, Max Born interpreted it as the probability of locating the moving particle
at a given point in space. 2 is known as position probability density. In other words,
if (x, t) is the wave function in one dimension, then, 2 represents the probability of
finding the particle per unit distance around the given point x.
In three dimensions, 2 represents the probability of finding the particle per unit volume
around the given point x.
This interpretation is analogous to the intensity of a wave; If (x) is the instantaneous amplitude of a wave
at a point x, then the intensity „ I ‟ of the wave at x is I(x) = 2 = (x)*. (x) .
This integral is called normalization integral. Wave functions of a moving particle which
satisfy this integral condition are said to be „normalized wave functions‟.
. .d 1 .
integral equation
12. Write the Schroedinger’s time dependent and time indepencent wave equations.
The Schroedinger‟s time independent wave equation in one dimension is
d 2 2m
2 E V 0 with ( x) and V V ( x).
dx 2
The Schroedinger‟s Time dependent wave equation is i E with ( x, t ) .
13. What are eigenfunctions?
The probability interpretation of the wave function imposes several conditions
on the wave function. A wave function which obeys all these conditions represents one
of the characteristic states of the moving particle and it is known as an ‘eigen function’.
14. What is meant by eigenvalues?
The set of all eigenfunctions represents the different allowed states of the particle. The
solutions of Schroedinger‟s eqn., which are not eigen functions are physically unacceptable to
represent the particle and so they are discarded. Thus any physical system will have only a finite
number of allowed states. The physical variables such as energy E etc of these allowed
states will also be characteristic of that state and hence they are known as „eigenvalues’.
15. For a particle moving within a one dimensional potential box, the quantum number
n=0 is not allowed. Why? (or)
Ground state energy of a free particle moving in a potential box is not zero. Why?
For particle in a box problem, n = 0 is not allowed since this makes K = (n /L) = 0.
Hence (x) = AsinKx = 0 for all values of x (i.e., the wavefunction is zero identically
everywhere). This would mean that the particle is not existing inside the potential box. n = 0
is not allowed. This condition also means that the ground state energy of the particle cannot be
zero since En 2
n2 .
16. What is meant by tunneling?
Tunneling is a quantum mechanical effect. Suppose a free microscopic particle of energy
E (such as electron, alpha particle etc) is incident on a potential barrier whose height U is
such that U > E. According to wave mechanics, the particle has a very small but finite
probability to pass through that barrier without any change in its energy. This
phenomenon is known as „Quantum mechanical Tunneling‟. According to classical
mechanics this can never happen.
17. What are the conditions for a free particle to tunnel through a potential barrier?
The conditions for a free particle of energy E to tunnel through a potential barrier
of height U ( such that U > E) are
(i) width of the potential barrier L is sufficiently small and
(ii) U > E but the difference between E and U is not large.
18. What is a tunnel diode?
A tunnel diode is a pn junction in which the Symbol of a
tunnel diode
Forward bias current is due to carrier For small bias voltages, the Forward bias
injection only current is due to tunneling
Differential resistance is +ve alwaya Differential resistance is –ve in tunneling
current region for currents > Im
Does not operate under reverse bias There is tunneling current in the reverse
bias also
20. What are the applications of a tunnel diode?
Tunnel Diodes are used as low-noise microwave amplifier, local oscillators for UHF television
tuners, trigger circuits in oscilloscopes, high speed switches etc.
6. Discuss the problem of a free particle moving within a one dimensional potential box.
7. Write the appropriate Schroedinger‟s time indepencent wave equation for a free
particle of mass m moving in a one dimensional box between x = 0 and x= L. Solve it to
obtain the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of energy.
8. Tunneling is a quantum mechanical problem. It has no classical analogue. Why?
Discuss the quantum mechanical tunneling..
9. Write a short note on working of a tunnel diode. What are its uses?
10. What is meant by tunneling? Explain its practical applications.
11. Discuss the principle construction and working of a STM.
k2 2 2 2
E= .n
2m* 2mL2
kF 2
EF =
vF F*