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A Dissertation
Presented to
The Faculty of the Graduate School
Dumaguete City


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Major in Technology Management



December 2021
Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School


Rationale of the study

In the recent years, sustainability concept has become the common interest of

numerous disciplines. The reason for this popularity is to perform the sustainable

development. The concept of green architecture, also known as “sustainable architecture”

or “green building” is the theory, where science and style of building designed and

constructed in accordance with the environmentally friendly principles. Green

architecture strives to minimize the number of resources consumed in the building’s

construction, use and operation, as well as curtailing the harm done to the environment

through the emission, pollution and waste of its components.

To design, construct, operate and maintain buildings energy, water and new

materials are utilized as well as the amounts of waste causing the negative effects to

health and environment is generated. In order to limit these effects and design

environmentally sound and resources efficient buildings, “green building system” must

be introduced, clarified, understood and practice. This study aims to highlighting these

difficult and complex issues of sustainability which encompass the scope of almost every

aspect of human life.

Asia–Pacific region started to adopt measures that promote resources

management efficiency and site sustainability while minimizing the effects of buildings

on human health and environment by practicing Green Building.

It’s about time for the Philippines to promote the implementation or greener

measures to address climate change. The Philippines Green Building Code, a referral

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
code to the National Building Code of the Philippines, rallies to lessen the impacts of

building to health and environment through resource management efficiency.

A set of minimum standards aimed to reduce greenhouse emission and introduce

electricity and cost savings for buildings is imposed to applicable building performance

falling under certain gross floor area to deliver improved energy efficiency, water

efficiency, material sustainability, solid waste management, site sustainability and indoor

environmental quality.

Here in the City of Dumaguete, major infrastructures are concentrated in the city.

With the city’s developments, more and more infrastructure, educational, commercial,

and residential buildings are being built in the urban part of the city. As part of the

process, it has been practiced that one of the requirements to be able to start the

construction of buildings is to determine whether or not the building is following the

performance standards of the National Building Code of the Philippines.

In this context, the researcher want to determine the level of awareness and the

level of implementation of the Philippine Green Building Code in Dumaguete City as

perceived by the respondents of the educational, commercial and residential buildings to

ensure the quality and sustainable buildings..

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine the level of awareness and the

implementation of Philippine Green Building Code in Dumaguete City. A referral code

of the National Building Code (P.D. 1096).

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Types of establishment they are occupying;

1.2 Position/Designation; and

1.3 Educational Qualification?

2. What are the implementations of Green Building Code in Dumaguete City in

terms of:

2.1 Energy Efficiency;

2.2 Water Efficiency;

2.3 Material Sustainability;

2.4 Solid Waste Management;

2.5 Site Sustainability; and

2.6 Indoor Environmental Quality?

3. What is the level of awareness of the Green Building Code in Dumaguete City?

4. What is the level of implementation of the Green Building Code in Dumaguete


5. Is there a significant relationship between the level of awareness and the level of

implementation of the Green Building Code?

6. Is there a significant relationship between demographics and the level of

awareness of the Green Building Code?

7. Is there a significant relationship between demographics and the level of

implementation of the Green Building Code?

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
Significance of the Study

This study aims to determine the level of awareness and the implementation of

green building code in Dumaguete City in accordance with the Philippine Green Building

Code, a referral code of the National Building Code (P.D. 1096) in terms of the following

performance standards namely: energy efficiency, water efficiency, material

sustainability, solid waste management, site sustainability, and indoor environmental


Once completed, this study is expected to bring benefits to the following:

Building Occupants. This study will ensure the occupants to lessen the impacts

of building to health and environment through resource management efficiency.

Dumaguete City. The results of the study will measure the effectiveness of the

office of the building officials in the City of Dumaguete in reviewing the building permit

application for Green Building as prepared by the design professionals in compliance

with the requirements of the Green Building Code and monitoring the building

performance implementation so that proper action will be taken and problems can be


Researchers. This study is significant to the researchers in the sense that

whether Dumaguete City is aware or not in the implementation of the green building code

from the different types of building involved in the study.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study determines the different educational, commercial and residential

buildings in Dumaguete City. The building and its assessment are limited only in terms of

its level of awareness and implementation of the Philippine Green Building Code

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
according to the following performance standards such as: energy efficiency, water

efficiency, material sustainability, solid waste management, site sustainability and indoor

environmental quality as perceived by the respondents who are occupying the

establishments to ensure the quality and sustainable buildings.

Definition of Terms

In order to have a common understanding on the words used in this particular

research, the following terms are defined as follows:

Commercial Buildings. According to Wikipedia, these are the buildings that are

used for commercial purposes, and that includes office buildings, warehouses, retail

buildings, convenience stores, and shopping malls.

In this study, these are the different commercial buildings that are being used as

the respondents in gathering the data.

Educational Buildings. According to Wikipedia, an educational institution is a

place where people of different ages gain an education. Such institutions are preschools,

primary schools, secondary schools, and higher education. The institution can be public,

private or unconventional.

In this study, these are the different educational buildings that are being used as

the respondents in gathering the data.

Energy Efficiency. According to Green Building Code handbook, one of the

most important performance standards of green building requirements is the energy

efficiency. It requires the adoption of efficient practices, designs, methods and

technologies that reduces energy consumption resulting in cost savings.

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
In this study, reducing consumption improves the energy efficiency of your home

thus saves money and helps the environment. It has a huge impact towards your bills and

your financial worries.

Green Building. According to Green Building Code handbook, the practice of

adapting measures that promotes resource management efficiency and site sustainability

while minimizing the negative impact of buildings on human health and environment.

In this study, this practice compliments the conventional building designs

concerns of economy, durability, service ability and comfort.

Indoor Environmental Quality. According to Green Building Code handbook,

indoor environmental quality requires the adoption of efficient design and operation

practices that take into consideration to the building environment to improve occupant’s

health, productivity and safety.

In this study, it is the most simply described as the conditions inside the building.

It includes air quality, but also access to daylight and views, pleasant acoustic conditions,

and occupant control over lighting and thermal comfort.

Material Sustainability. According to Green Building Code handbook, material

sustainability governs all matters related to resource efficiency and material selection and

used with the least impact on the environment.

In this study, sustainable products are becomingly the accepted norm in the world

today and attract more interest than ever before. It is any material that can be put to

effective use by latter generations, which in turns refers to practices that benefit and

replenish the well-being of human and the general environment.

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
Presidential Decree 1096. According to the Philippine Green Building Code, a

referral code of the National Building Code of the Philippines (P.D 1096). It is a uniform

building code in the Philippines.

In this study, it embodies up-to-date and modern technical knowledge on building

designs, construction, use, occupancy and maintenance.

Referral Codes. According to Green Building Code handbook, the applicable

provisions of the various agency and technical professional codes.

In this study, it is a supplementary to the National Building Code and Green

Building Code of the Philippines.

Residential Buildings. According to Wikipedia, a building for human habitation,

especially that is lived in by a family or small group of people. A building in which

people lived for a particular place of residence.

In this study, these are the different residential buildings that are being used as the

respondents in gathering the data.

Solid Waste Management. According to Green Building Code handbook,

efficient waste management requires the adoption of efficient waste management

practices and used of eco-friendly materials.

In this study, the collecting, treating and disposing a solid material that is discarded

because it has served its purpose. It must be managed systematically to ensure

environmental best practices. It is a critical aspect of environmental hygiene and needs to

be incorporated into environmental planning.

Site Sustainability. According to Green Building Code handbook, site

sustainability requires the adoption of planning, design, construction and operation

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
practices that minimize the adverse impact of buildings and ecosystems and water


In this study, it is the capacity to endure people, earth and money. It is the

avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance

and living in harmony with a natural environment.

Water Efficiency. According to Green Building Code handbook, water efficiency

requires the adoption of efficient practices, plan, design, materials, fixtures, equipment,

and methods that reduce water consumption resulting in cost savings.

In this study, the role of water efficiency is the diversification of water in terms of

green building practices, portable water, gray water, black water, and processed water.

All of which provides different utilities in green building water efficiency processes.


Sustainability is comprehensive therefore a complex subject. It is a vital

importance to all because it deals with the survival of human species and almost every

living creature on the planet. Sustainable and eco-friendly architecture is one of the main

aims that human for creating a better life have made as the ultimate model for all their

activities. For this reason, moving toward a greener architecture is well-thought-out the

main goal of the present architecture of our time. (Mohammadjavad, 2014)

This complex subject has no straight forward solution, especially considering that

sustainability is a goal for all to reach as they continually strive to reach toward it. Green

architecture produces environmental, social and economic benefits. Environmentally,

green architecture helps to reduce pollution, conserve the natural resources and prevent

environmental degration. Economically, it reduces the amount of money that the building

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
operations have to spend on water and energy and improves the productivity of those

using the facility. (Thomas, 2009) And socially, green buildings are meant to be beautiful

and cause only minimal strain on the local infrastructure.

The buildings in which we live, work, and play protects us from nature’s

extremes, yet they also affect our health and environment in countless ways. As the

environmental impact of building becomes more apparent, a new field called “green

building” is gaining momentum. Green or sustainable building is the practice of creating

and using healthier and more resource – efficient models of construction, renovation,

operation, maintenance and demolition. (Madhumita, 2008)

Green architectures are green design, is an approach to building that minimizes

harmful effects on human health and the environment. The “green” architect or designer

attempts to safeguard air, water, and earth by choosing eco-friendly building materials

and construction practices. (Madhumita, 2008)


This study focuses to determine the level awareness and the implementation of the

green building code in Dumaguete City. Based on the six parameters such as: energy

efficiency, water efficiency, material sustainability, solid waste management, site

sustainability and indoor environmental quality as provided in the Philippine Green

Building Code, a referral code of the National Building Code (P.D. 1096). The result of

this study will serve as basis for the implementation of the green building action plan in

Dumaguete City.

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School

Level of
Green Building Code

 Energy Efficiency Educational,

 Water Efficiency Commercial,
Profile of the Development
 Material Sustainability and
Respondents of Action Plan
 Solid waste
 Site Sustainability
 Indoor Environmental
Level of Quality

Figure 1: Diagram of the Conceptual Framework of the Study

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School

Review of Related Literature

Section 2 on Policy of the Philippines Green Building Code, states that “The state

shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balance and healthy economy in

accordance with the rhythm and harmony of nature against harmful effect of climate

change. It shall safeguard the environment, property, public health, in the interest of the

common good and general welfare consistent with the principles of sound environmental

management and control; and for this purpose, prescribes acceptable set of standard and

requirement for relevant building to regulate their location, site, planning, design, quality

of materials, construction, use, occupancy, operation and maintenance.”

Also in Section 3 on Objectives, states that “The Green Building Code seeks to

improve the efficiency of building performance through a framework of acceptable set of

standards that will enhance sound environmental and resources management that will

counter the harmful gases responsible for the advance effect of climate change,

throughout the building’s life-cycle including efficient use of resource, site selection ,

planning ,design, construction, use , occupancy, operation and maintenance, without

significant increase in cost. This Green Building Code is set of regulation settings

minimum standards for compliance and not intended to rate building.”

On the other hand, the Philippine Green Building Code, Section 4 (4.1) on

Principles, states that “The technical professionals, developers, contractors, property

managers and building owners involved in the planning, design, construction and

management of buildings have the opportunity and responsibility to help government

address the adverse effect of the climate change by ensuring that buildings are planned,

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
designed, constructed, operated and maintained to the required efficiency level”. In

Section 4 (4.2): “Resources must be used efficiently to equitably meet the developmental

and environmental needs of the present and future generation”. Also, in Section 4 (4.3):

“Occupants of green buildings will benefit from improved indoor environmental quality,

which promotes higher productivity and better comfort”.

As can be found in Section 6 on Green Building Concepts, states that “Green

building is the practice of adopting measures that promote resource management

efficiency and site sustainability while minimizing the negative impact of the buildings

on human health and the environment. This practice complements the conventional

building design concerns the economy, durability, serviceability and comfort”.

In Section 9 on Performance Standards, states that “The Green Building Code

shall be subject to the following performance standards namely: Energy Efficiency,

Water Efficiency, Material Sustainability, Solid Waste Management, Site Sustainability

and Indoor Environmental Quality. Also, in Section 19 on Green Building Permit

Process, states that “The Office of the Building Official shall review the building permit

application for Green Building as prepared by the design professionals in compliance

with the requirements of the Green Building Code and the various referral codes in

accordance with Rule 3 of the National Building Code.”

Energy Efficiency

The Energy efficiency in Europe study is part of the Odyssee project. It aims to

monitor energy efficiency progress and CO2- reduction for the EU-28 countries and

Norway, understand the energy demand trends to for European countries, compare the

countries in their relative energy efficiency performance, as well as to benchmark values,

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
measuring the contribution of innovative energy efficiency and renewable technologies to

the Lisbon targets to make Europe more competitive and analyze and evaluate the

performance of energy efficiency policies in the different EU Member States and EU

level. (

Water Efficiency

London Metropolitan University has campuses in central and north London. The

university has made a commitment in reducing its environmental impact and its

Environmental Sustainability Team has established projects to address key areas- energy,

water, waste and travel as well as staff and student awareness.

The university joined the Rippleffect to identify opportunities to reduce its water

use. The majority of its water consumption stems from washrooms (toilets, urinals and

hand washing). A Rippleffect site visits identified opportunities where some simple and

low cost measures could be implemented. As a direct result, the installation of passive

infrared (PIR) flush controls and adjusting the operating time of all percussion taps are

now being considered as part of a planned program of improvements.


Material Sustainability

A sustainable product is one which protects the environment during its entire life.

That is, from the moment the raw materials are extracted from the source to the time the

final product is disposed of, there must be no permanent damage caused to the


A sustainable material or a sustainable resource is something was product is

supported is something whose product is supported indefinitely by nature, which means,

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
a resource is used up at the same speed that it is renewed. Wood is a sustainable resource

when the trees are harvested at the same rate as new trees are planted, the key is to use

this resource wisely. Selecting wood from responsibly managed forests, substituting

engineered wood and alternative materials where appropriate, reusing salvaged wood,

and minimizing waste, so the process is slowed down and gives the trees time to mature.


Solid Waste Management

Improper disposal of municipal solid waste can create unsanitary conditions, and

these conditions in turn can lead to pollution of the environment and to outbreaks of

vector-borne disease that is, diseases spread by rodents and insects. The task of solid

waste management present complex technical challenges. They also pose a wide variety

of administrative, economic and social problems that must be managed and solved.

( -waste-management)

Site Sustainability

For people, sustainability is the potential for long term maintenance of well-being,

which has ecological, economic, political and cultural dimensions. In ecology, the word

describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. Sustainability

in economics involves ecological economics where social aspects including cultural,

health-related and monetary/financial aspects are integrated.


Indoor Environmental Quality

Conditions inside the building that includes air quality, access to daylight and

views, pleasant acoustic conditions and occupants control over lighting and thermal

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
comfort. A green building should really take a whole building approach when designing

and implementing technologies and techniques. It is not enough to be environmentally

sustainable, comfortable and healthy occupants are equally important components of

sustainable living. A building that uses low emitting materials, increases ventilation, has

air monitoring, efficient systems are better poised to achieved better indoor air quality

and access to day light views. In order to achieve these goals, green building

professionals will consider green cleaning, indoor air quality testing, interior design,

carpeting, flooring, furniture, daylighting systems, lighting controls, low emitting paints

and sealants and wall paper. (


Types of Building Construction

A commercial building is a building that is used for commercial use. Types are

include office buildings, warehouses, or rentals (examples are convenience stores,

shopping malls, etc.). Local authorities commonly maintain strict regulations on

commercial zoning, and have the authority to designate any zoned area as such.

Examples of commercial buildings are as follows: banks, bars, pub, coffee house,

convention center, forum, gas station, hotel, market house, night club, shops, shopping

malls, supermarket, and warehouse. Examples of residential buildings are apartment

blocks, asylum, condominium, duplex, house, nursing home, townhouse and villa.

Examples of educational buildings are college classroom building, gymnasium, student’s

union, school, library, museum, gallery, amphitheater, concert hall, cinema, and open

house. Examples of government buildings are capitol, city hall, consulate, court house,

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
embassy, fire station, meeting house, moot hall, palace, parliament, police station, post

office, and prison.


Review of Related Studies

In the study of D.M. Aquino et al. (2012) on the relative importance of green

building attributes in Philippine urban setting using analytical hierarchy process. In this

present study, the researcher also relates the importance of green building by energy and

atmosphere, water efficiency and sustainable sites where the most important green

building attributes to our country.

The study of H. Gervasio et al. (2014) they focused on the evaluation of life cycle

impacts of building in the early stages of design on the reason that early stages of design

have the higher influence on the life cycle performance of the building. This study is

related to the present study as the latter likewise looks into the early stages of design as

factor that affects the long term quality of the building.

Ayininuola and Olalusi (2005) revealed that all parties in the building industry:

Clientes, Architects, Designers, Engineer, Local Authority (City Planners) and

constractors are contributing immensely to building failures in various dimensions.

Proper assurance of competent professionals and strict enforcement of ethical standards

would reduce the problem identified to the minimum. This study is related to the present

study as the latter likewise looks into the causes of building failures and revealed the

same results. Observance of Building Codes with the help of professional associations

and stakeholders to conserve the call for a sustainable building regulation.

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
Cao et al. (2015) investigated 106 projects involving the use of building

information modeling (BIM), this proper examines the current BIM practices in China,

and assesses how various practices alter their effectiveness. In this present study, the

researcher investigated different private and government construction in Dumaguete City

for building performance.

Also the study of Ahn and Pearce (2007) on the green luxury: a case study of two

green hotels. This study adopted a case study approach to identify and analyze green

design and construction practice that create a green and luxurious environment without

damaging the hotels financial position or strength. In this present study, the researcher

consideration throughout the design, construction, operation, the end of life cycle

processes that make up a buildings life, the built environment, its resources, the people

that live on it, and their communities.

Another study of Kurolve et al. (2018) on the design for green lean building

module production. This case study with a start-up company producing building modules

while aiming for lean and sustainable production. In this present study, the researcher

practice of adopting measures that promote resource management efficiency and site

sustainability while minimizing the negative impact of buildings to human and the


Green building research – current status and future agenda: A review (Zue et al.

2013) this paper reports a critical review of the existing body of knowledge of researchers

related to green building. In this study, the researchers identified the effects of climate

conditions on the effectiveness of green building assessment, performance of green

building and future proofing.

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
Green jobs mapping study in the Philippines: An overview based on initial desk

research/ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. (Bangkok: ILO, 2014). This desk

research has started the preliminary basis for further mapping research on green jobs in

the Philippines. After establishing terms of linkage between environment and economy,

economic sectors and industries have been proposed for further characterization on green

jobs, and the conduct of establishment surveys. In this present study, the researcher

through green building, different construction industries can indicate the possible range

of green jobs within the selected building sector of industry.

In Green Building 101, (The Philippines Star, 2014) the Green Building

movement originated from the energy crises in the United State in the 1970s. Green

building today considers environmental impacts and recognizes the environmental,

economic, and social aspects of building. This is according to the United State Office of

the Federal Environmental Executive. In this present study, the researchers abide by the

green building regulations, in order to succeed in having a more eco-friendly


Green principle for residential design (Sustainable Building Industry Council,

2016) states that it is not sufficient to create a home that is simply green. Beyond Green,

the tagline adopted by the SBIC, helps convey the commitment to designing and building

high performance homes. In this present study, the researcher as the latter likewise looks

into a true green home that acknowledges the importance of all building element, from

designing an air-tight, well-insulated wall system to choosing high-quality windows.

In the study of Ding et al. (2018) on green building evaluation system

implementation. The aim of this study is to identify the barrier preventing the

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
certification of green building in their operational stages. Initially, commonly used

international green building rating tools were identified and analyzed on the evaluation

criteria. In this present study, the researcher used the Green Building Code for the

requirement for certification of buildings for operational stage.

A review of studies on green building assessment methods by comparative

analysis by Chen et al. (2017) states a systematic review of the existing literature on

green building assessment method through comparative analysis is carried out in this

paper. In this present study, the GB code was used by the researcher as a useful reference

for industry practitioners and academics who are interested in the development of green

building assessment methods.

Another study of Dwaikat et al. (2018) on the economic benefits of green

building- evidence from Malaysia. This research evaluates the actual economic

performance of a green building in use in term of energy consumption and examines how

different scenarios for energy price inflation would affect the cost of saving associated

with reduced energy consumption in the building throughout its whole life cycle. In this

present study, the researcher used GB Code for the following performance standards

namely: energy efficiency, water efficiency, material sustainability, solid waste

management, site sustainability and indoor environmental quality to ensure quality and

sustainable buildings.

The study of Abdullah et al. (2019) on indoor air quality assessment for a multi-

story university of building in Malaysia. This study aims to assess the IAQ in a university

office building. The level of contaminated indoor air is examined, the significant causes

and contributing factors of contaminated indoor air are determined and a

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
recommendation to improve the existing condition has been proposed. In this present

study, the researcher relates that the indoor air quality (IAQ) in office buildings should be

assessed for public health concerns as it relates to work performance and productivity.

Also another study of Aigbavboa et al. (2019) on performance of green building’s

indoor environmental quality on building occupants in South Africa. This research sets

out to address, through questionnaire survey in South Africa, what constitutes the

determinants of green building occupant’s satisfaction with the indoor environmental

quality (IEQ) on the building occupants. In this present study, the researcher as the latter

likewise looks that (IEQ) is important to the health, comfort, and well-being of building

occupants. However, green building investors (owners) are not only concerned about

reducing the negative impact of their buildings on the environment, but also about the

potentially negative impact of green building can have on their employee’s productivity.

Akom et al. (2018) on the indoor environmental quality performance of green-low

income single-family housing. This study used a mixed-method approach to evaluate the

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) performance of 17 green-low income single

attached family houses in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. The findings of this study could

help governments implement green shadowing for public-housing and also renovate

existing houses using the same principles. In this present study, the researcher relates that

there is empirical evidence in the literature about the indoor environmental quality

performance of residential buildings in general and of social housing in particular.

The study of Anderson (2019) on energy use excellence and the building

envelope. This study will explore various components of the building envelope and

discuss ways to achieve optimal energy use. Recently we have realized the importance of

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
the building envelope in this endeavor by increasing the performance of the heating,

cooling, lighting, and ventilation systems we used. In this present study, the researcher

relates that the spaces within a building are created to support the purpose and programs

of that building. It is the envelope made up of the walls, windows, doors, roofs, skylights,

and the floor that protect and shelter those program and purposes.

Also the study of Anghel et al. (2019) on environmental tendencies in modular

green installations. This paper aims to analyze the methods of combining the two

directions in a functional, ecological, yet aesthetically pleasing composition. A green

installation concept made out of interactive modular system unites all the knowledge into

a new, living, dynamic, interactive structures whose inspiration is taken from nature

while using biomimicry as main principle for its development. In this present study, the

researcher relates the multidisciplinary is a key element in developing this project,

involving architecture, art, interior and landscape design, botany, geometry, mechanical,

and electrical engineering, leading towards new research directions and innovative

approaches in greenery and interior environment connections.

Study of Basu et al. (2019) on the performance indicators for energy efficiency

retrofitting in multifamily residential buildings. The goal of this research is to support the

implementation of multifamily residential building energy retrofits through expert

knowledge concensus energy efficiency retrofit planning. This research substantiates the

performance assessment process through the identification of Energy Performance

Indicators (EnPIs). In this present study, the researcher relates the energy performance of

an existing building and the amount of energy consumed to meet various needs

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
associated with the standardized use of a building and is reflected in one or more

indicators of building energy performance.

Chen et al. (2015) on energy performance of campus LEED buildings:

implications for green building and energy policy. This paper presents a study that

compares the energy model predictions with actual energy performance of three LEED

buildings on a university campus. Further investigation reveals a variety of contributing

factors for these issues and provides insights to impress green building policy and

practices. In this study, the researcher relates that many university campuses are working

toward their sustainable goals by adopting energy or green building policies, which

requires Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification for new

construction and major renovation projects.

Another study of Dotson (2015) on green furniture: an assessment of furniture

society member work. It’s mission to advance the art of furniture making by inspiring

creativity, promoting excellence and fostering an understanding of this art and its place in

society. By sponsoring a variety of programs that contribute to the education and

enrichment of members and the public. The Furniture Society champions excellence,

refinement, responsibility, and craftsmanship in furniture. In this study, the researcher

relates that when it comes to woodworking and working with our hands, we are

inherently more connected to nature than many other occupations.

Also another study of Eksi et al. (2019) on effect of substrate depth and type on

plant growth for extensive green roofs in a Mediterranean climate. Although numerous

examples of green roofs can be found in Turkey, limited research has been conducted on

plant material and substrate type in this climate. They both likely would require

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
supplemental irrigation to be acceptable for green roofs in Istanbul or locations with a

similar climate. Information gained can be utilized by green roof professionals in the

Istanbul region and in other parts of the world with a similar climate. In this present

study, the researchers relates that both plants and substrate are very important

components in green roof design, and it is essential to determine the proper substrates and

plants in green roof systems for domestic green roof design.

In the study of Fakourian et al. (2019) on environmentally responsive kinetic

façade for educational buildings. This paper proposes a curtain wall system for

educational buildings. The transformation mechanism and the details of the wall’s

components, along with the construction plans and materials used are presented. It is

argued that the proposed design can respond properly to architectural principles of

educational buildings in terms of form and function, while also respecting the varying

needs of users and environmental sustainability. In this present study, the researcher

relates the sustainable development of educational buildings has become an increasingly

important goal for university campuses.

Based on the study of Gargolells et al. (2009) on a methodology for predicting the

severity of environmental impacts related to the construction process of residential

buildings. A proposed methodology that served as assessment tool for construction

projects and to measure the environmental performance of their construction activities. In

this present study, the researcher will also consider their angle of building assessment as

it helps the city in its campaign for environmental protection.

Also the study of Gorgolewski (2006) on learning how buildings work is crucial

to better green design. This paper reviews some of the recent initiatives to establish better

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
feedback mechanisms. Building designers need for better feedback on how well their

buildings work. Existing buildings offer a wealth of opportunities for designers to learn,

and to improve future designs. A more comprehensive understanding of how existing

buildings develop and change overtime, and user expectations offers designers the

opportunity to learn from existing buildings. In this present study, the researcher also

relates that there is a particular need to understand whether claimed “green buildings”

really do meet the needs of occupants and reduce their environmental impacts.

Grosskopf et al. (2006) on developing market-based incentives for green building

alternatives. Research at the University of Florida shows the benefit-cost of several water

saving alternatives and the corresponding “willingness-to-pay” for several consumer

markets. The region reveals that water suppliers are providing conservation incentives to

consumers as a cost-effective alternative to expanding infrastructure capacity to meet the

demands of population and economic growth. In this present study, the researcher also

relates a methodology wherein the water supplies can create “optimal” market-based

incentives for consumer investment in water saving measures that maximize water use

reductions and minimize conservation program costs.

In the study of Habibi (2019) on design concepts for the integration of bamboo in

contemporary vernacular architecture. This paper aims to discuss the role of bamboo in

investigations of structural and sustainability benefits and to highlight the key research

ideas that are important for industrialized production and cultural systems. Also to

demonstrate approaches for using bamboo as a structural materials for low-income and

affordable housing. Bamboo housing can improve the financial stability and economic

sustainability of low-income families. In this present study, the researcher relates review

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
of examples of vernacular architecture and building elements and then highlights the

design of bamboo-structure residential houses based on bio-climatic design strategies.

The study of Haselbach et al. (2006) on the construction and the environment:

research foci for a sustainable future. A research from both the construction and the

environmental fields to outline initial recommendations regarding the interaction of the

built environment with the natural environment to develop research foci for a sustainable

future. In this present study, the researcher should embrace substantial collaboration

efforts between the social, physical and applied sciences and engineering communities, as

well as the construction industry, government and private agencies and regulatory

communities to develop methods that reduce negative interactions and promote positive


Another study of Horman (2006) on delivering green buildings: process

improvements for sustainable construction. This paper defines an emerging research and

education programs called the Lean and Green Initiative. Focused on understanding all

aspects of delivery of high performance projects, by established process-based theories

and structured around a systematic methodology designed to minimize waste, minimize

value, and reduce cost. In this present study, the researcher also relates the demand of

high performance “green” or “sustainable” buildings is rapidly becoming the most

significant trend in the building industry. An increased emphasis must be placed on the

processes and competencies required to defines high performance buildings.

Horsley et al. (2016) on three bays estuary (barnstable, cape cod) watershed

restoration plan: a green infrastructure approach. The paper focuses on the Three Bays

estuary on Cape Cod to illustrate the benefits and potential of green infrastructure

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
technologies. It is a representative example of implementation of the broader Cape Cod

Water Quality Management Plan Update- a nationally recognized watershed planning

project designed to provide a pathway for the fifteen towns of Cape Cod top achieve

compliance with Section 208 of the Clean Water Act. This assessment is supported by

more recent empirical water quality data collected within the embayment. In this present

study, the researcher as the latten likewise looks an approach described as “non-

traditional” for restoring water quality and ecosystem services that have been degraded as

a result of excess nitrogen. It focuses on emerging technologies often referred to as green


The study of Huo et al. (2017) on analytical review of green building

development studies. This research presents the current research trends in the discipline

by analyzing the publications in ten major international journals from 2007 to 2016.

Further definitions for research relating to green building are suggested for the areas

stakeholder management, policies and incentives, communication platform development

and retrofitting of existing buildings. In this present study, the researcher relates that

green building development will continue to be an important research area and more

comprehensive studies on green building management can help to promote further

progress in this field.

In the study of Ismael (2019) on industry perceptions of sustainable design and

construction practices in Kuwait. The research presented in this paper measures the

industry’s perceptions about the sustainable design and construction practices in Kuwait.

A synthesized list of sustainable design and construction principles were developed from

the six most common rating systems globally that are currently being used in the Arab

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
region. In this present study, the researcher as the latter likewise looks that this study

provides a benchmark, indicating a lack of shared viewpoints and illustrates the need for

more common objectives and the need for training among design and construction

professionals in the region.

The study of Kensek et al. (2016) on green building and biodiversity: facilitating

bird friendly design with building information models. They developed a software-

assisted approach to characterize whether a proposed building design would earn a point

for the LEED Pilot Credit 55: Avoiding Bird Collisions. The approach depends on

parameters that incorporate assessments of bird treat for facade materials, analyzes

building geometry relative to materials, and processes user input on building operation to

produce the assessment. In this present study, the researcher relates the green buildings

should respect nature and endeavor to mitigate harmful effects to the environment and

occupants. This is often interpreted as creating suitable sites, consuming less energy and

water, reusing materials, and providing excellent indoor environmental quality.

Also the study of Kim et al. (2017) on communication turns green construction

planning into reality. This paper presents the evaluation results on how sustainability

awareness of field supervision personnel impacts the successful completion of school

projects by providing that communicating sustainability goals with them is vital for

decision-making during the construction stage of the project. In this present study, the

researcher relates that successful implementation of sustainability goals not only provides

economic benefits from fully exploiting life-cycle costs but also holds the promise of

providing a healthier working environment.

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
The study of Lee et al. (2019) on the green standard for energy and environmental

design (g-seed) for multi-family housing rating system in Korea: a review of evaluating

practices and suggestions for improvement. This study focuses on the (G-SEED) system

in Korea by comparing and contrasting its environmental categories and evaluation

criteria with those of other major building environmental assessment systems. They

introduce and examine the G-SEED system by addressing the Korean context and local

needs to understand the forces between globalization and localization. In this present

study, the researcher also relates that sustainability is an important objectives for

architecture as building contribute significantly to the quality of the environment. For this

reason, various building environmental assessment systems have been developed and

applied around the world.

In the study of Lee et al. (2015) on passive design techniques applied to green

buildings as an aesthetic and spatial design concept. This study aims to elucidate the

essence of sustainability in green building design implementation. The concept of

sustainable development has been dealt with in earnest in the construction field since the

Declaration of Independence for a Sustainable Future in 1993. As part of green building

practices, countries around the world have been implementing various green building

certification standards, such as LEED, GBCC, CASBEE, and BREEAM. In this present

study, the researcher as the latter likewise looks the emergence of environmental

problems as major social issues throughout the word has prompted sustainable

development efforts in a wide range of areas, including industry, construction, and

transportation, followed by the execution of numerous studies and policies.

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
Another study of Liu et al. (2011) on structural performance assessment and

control of super tall buildings during construction. In this present study, the researcher

introduced Performance Based Structural Design (PBSD) methodology for the

performance assessment and control of different structural states in different construction


The study of Luca et al. (2017) on green building materials: a review of state of

the art studies of innovative materials. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the

latest international publications (2012 – 2017) regarding innovative and environmentally

sustainable materials that reduce the production of pollutants. It is recognized that the

world construction is responsible for substantial amounts of harmful emissions. In this

present study, the researcher as the latter likewise looks that the growing importance of

green building as a component of the whole construction market and provide a

benchmark against which to measure the future changes in the industry over time.

In the study of Mandel et al. (2016) on reference community: adapting native

plants to North American green roofs. The North American design community typically

regards green roofs as inhospitable environments for native plants due to the

infrastructure’s characteristics of thin soil, low organic matter, temperature fluctuations,

and wind exposure. Consequently, green roofs are often planted with an industry-

standard palette of non-native Sedum and Phedimus species that are adept at withstanding

stress, but lack biodiversity and visual interest and offer little food or shelter to native

birds and insects. In this present study, the researcher relates that regionally specific

reference of plant communities that thrive in similarly harsh growing conditions can

positively influence green roof design and consequently provide ecosystem services,

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
contribute to habitat conservation, and increase human exposure to the beauty and

benefits of native plants.

Also the study of Mao et al. (2015) on energy consumption, environmental

impacts and effective measures of green office buildings: a life cycle approach. This

research presents a green office building in Beijing, China, was analyzed by life cycle

assessment to quantify its energy use and evaluate the environmental impacts in each life

cycle stage. Sensitivity analysis shows that electricity conservation is more effective than

materials efficiency in terms of a reduction in environmental impacts. In this present

study, the researcher as the latter likewise looks that the last few decades have witnessed

a rapid development of green buildings in China especially this office sector. The Life

Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach has potential to weigh the benefits and costs

associated with green building developments.

Another study of Mao et al. (2018) on carbon emission-based measurement of

floor area ratio bonus for residential green building in China. In order to ensure the

feasibility of a reward quota, residential buildings that met the requirements for energy

efficiency during the official assessment in Ningbo in 2014 were selected as research

objects. In this present study, the researcher as the latter likewise looks that a carbon

emission-based method is proposed for measuring the reward quota associated with floor

area ratio and recommendations as given for development using green building.

In the study of McCoy et al. (2018) on comparison of green home energy

performed between simulation and observation: a case of Virginia, United States. The

objective of this research is to identify actual home energy performance as an effect of

green building technologies by comparing energy use from real-world observations and

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
energy modeling. In this present study, the researcher relates that home energy efficiency

is often measured by laboratory experiments and computational simulation.

Another study of Nellen (2017) on in the green classroom-tax policy of

environment tax rules and incentives new directions in teaching and research. This article

explains the principles of good tax policy, provides an example of their application and

makes several suggestion of how this type of analysis can be incorporated into any

classroom learning on green building topics. In this present study, the researcher as the

latter likewise looks that this exercise is not only for students with tax knowledge, but

also engineer, scientists, architects, environmentalists as well as everyone in our roles of

citizen and voter.

Also another study of Okita et al. (2018) on effect of green roof age on runoff

water quality in Portland, Oregon. This study evaluated the water quality of storm water

runoff from a regular (non-vegetated) roof, a green roof installed 6 months previously,

and a green roof installed 6 years ago in Portland, Oregon. As green roofs age, water

retention decreases and phosphorus leaching increases during the dry season. In this

present study, the researcher relates that green roofs have become a common method to

increase water retention on-site in urban areas. However, the long term water quality

runoff from green roofs is poorly understood.

In the study of Patenaude et al. (2015) on consideration of the use phase in

certification programs for residential green building. The purpose of this paper is to show

that consideration of the use phase is inconsistent with the impacts associated with it.

However, while these certification provide a useful framework for practices related to

buildings and their systems, a documentary analysis shows that they do not adequately

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
take into account the use phase of residential buildings. In this present study, the

researcher relates that the building industry is associated with general environmental

impacts. Considering the total building lifecycle, the use phase has a strong influence on

the level of impact.

The study of Perlmann et al. (2014) on hazard recognition and risk perception in

construction. This study asserted that a construction superintendent’s ability to recognize

hazards and to perceive and assess risk in an essential skills for maintaining safe

condition on their construction sites. In this present study, the researcher aims to develop

an action plan which relates with Perlmann’s study as both aim for the maintenance of

safety condition of the people involved during the building construction.

Also the study of Rokde et al. (2019) on the green status of fire stations in the

United States: an analysis of LEED - NC v3. This paper aims to analyze 95 certified fire

stations under the LEED-NC 2009 version (v3) that are located in the United States. A

scorecard analysis (credits and points) of public data available serve as the foundation to

describe the status of the green design and construction of these fire stations. The

significance of this study is to demonstrate the importance of both MR and ER categories

for the design and construction phases of green fire stations. In this present study, the

researcher relates that fire protection is an essential public service but also one of the

costliest ones. Considerable resources are devoted to fire protection including equipment,

staff, training, and the facilities to house them. To limit the cost of operating a fire

stations, municipalities have to look to more green building options. Green-rating

systems such as the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) system

have been used to assess green buildings.

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
Another study of Ryan (2018) on green infrastructure planning on campus: case

studies from University of Massachusetts-Amherst. In order to address this issue, faculty

have begun to engage students in sustainability challenges facing their own campuses.

The Journal of Green Building showcases these projects in the New Directions in

Teaching and Research section of the journal. This article will highlight a course at the

University of Massachusetts-Amherst in which students engage in green infrastructure

planning projects for the campus. In this present study, the researcher relates that college

campus provide themselves in leaders in promoting innovation in both technical and

theoretical aspects of all the fields of study, including sustainability.

The study of Santi et al. (2019) on vertical turf for green facades: a vertical

greenery modular system integrated to the building envelope. This paper provides an

analysis of a technique based on the installation of plant bearing modular panels with turf

on substructures also provided with a micro irrigation system, which allows the

construction of a modular coating, characterized by reduce thickness, that can also be

integrated with other materials, since the panel comes perfectly planted on site. In this

present study, the researcher distinguish the importance of architectural aesthetic

requirements from the building processes, to have an authentic vertical garden with

different kinds of plants where nature dictates the rules, and aims to achieve the

economic sustainability of vertical greenery systems.

In the study of Schwarzenbeck (2019) on adaptive building and skin: an

innovative computational workflow to design energy efficient buildings in different

climate zones. This research aims in developing and innovative methodology and the

related computational workflow to design energy efficient buildings equipped with

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
climate responsive building skins in able to respond dynamically to environmental

conditions changing over the time. This methodology called Adaptive Building and Skin

(AB&S) is applicable in different climate zones and consists of a computational form–

finding method, which supports the architects and engineers in the building’s design

processes resulting in buildings with optimized energy performance and a high level of

indoor and outdoor comfort under changing environmental conditions. In this present

study, the researcher relates the innovativeness of AB&S lies in the fact that it includes

the entire design process and considers several internal and external inputs to find the

best solutions at all scales of a project.

Another study of Taemthong et al. (2019) on an analysis of green building costs

using a minimum cost concept. This research presents a method for determining the

minimum project cost of green building developments. The actual degree of project costs

differences also depends on additional factors, material and equipment selection and

LEED consultant expertise. In this present study, the researcher relates that green

buildings are known for yielding a better indoor habitat, saving energy and protecting the

environment. However, they require greater investment than conventional buildings. The

classification chosen is likely to affect project costs.

Also another study of Taemthong et al. (2019) on teaching how to use a repetitive

scheduling method when planning a green condominium building. This paper presents a

case study wherein a Critical Path Method (CPM) diagram in transformed into a

Repetitive Scheduling Method (RSM) schedule for use in the construction of a green

condominium. RSM is the most suitable tool for planning repetitive projects like

condominium buildings, apartment complexes, or real estate development projects. It

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
utilizes uninterrupted flow of resource concept in order to eliminate manpower-related

resource wastage. In this present study, the researcher relates the use of methodology in

construction planning named RSM. Students on a graduate level of construction

management program can learn on how to create an RSM schedule to be applied to a real


Another study of Wang et al. (2016) on tropical vertical greenery systems:

irrigation system, biophysical characteristics, and influential criteria. This research

developed a knowledge base for tropical vertical greenery systems, irrigation systems and

determined the suitability of different types of vertical greenery systems accordingly to

the biophysical characteristics of plants. The suitability for various plant characteristics

has been identified to help potential users while considering vertical greenery system

irrigation systems. In this present study, the researcher relates mainly focus on the

thermal performance, acoustic effects, energy savings and environmental sustainability.

The study of Wolff (2006) on beyond payback: a comparison of financial methods

for investments in green building. Purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast of four

methods of economic analysis to support green building decisions, and to identify the

strengths, weaknesses, data requirements, and research needs associated with each other.

The features are representative of the types of challenges building developers and

designers face. The more advanced financial calculations provide essential information

for overcoming financial obstacles such as split incentives or excessively high hurdle

rates for green investments. This study is related to the present study as the latter likewise

that green building movement is growing rapidly. Also economic analysis of financial,

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
other tangible, and intangible costs and benefits can help to sustain the movement


In the study of Wu et al. (2017) on how do green buildings communicate green

design to building users? a survey study of a LED – certified building. This study focuses

on the sustainable communication and education that a green building should provide.

Studies investigating the benefits of green buildings can be approached by the affordance

theory. The perceived properties of a thing that determine how it could possibly be used.

In this present study, the researcher relates that the communication of green design to

users with different spatial preferences remains a future research focus. Further studies on

the innovative use of green buildings design are effective communicators are needed to

promote sustainability education among the building users.

Another study of Zuo et al. (2016) on green building rating for office buildings-

lessons learned. This research focuses on the challenges and barriers in obtaining GBCA

ratings in Australian Office Buildings. There are an increasing number of stakeholders

adopting these tools to showcase their efforts in sustainable development. The findings

provide useful inputs to the development of the next generation of green building rating

tools. In this present study, the researcher as the latter likewise looks that office building

constitute a significant proportion of the non-residential building stock. In recent years,

various rating tools have been developed to foster green office building development.

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School

The research design, the research location, the choice of the respondents of the

study, the data gathering procedure, the research instrument, and the statistical tool used

to treat the data are presented in this part.

Research Design

The descriptive survey method was used with the questionnaires from the Green

Building Code as the main tool in gathering the important data and information. The

study determined the level of awareness and the level of implementation of Green

Building Code from the different educational, commercial and residential buildings in

Dumaguete City based on the six parameters as stated in the statement of the problem,

Research Location

This study was conducted in Dumaguete City, Province of Negros Oriental. And

boasts its distinction as a “City of Gentle People”. Dumaguete is the 3rd class city in the

province, and is referred to as a university city because of the presence of four

universities and a number of other colleges where students of the province converge to

enroll for tertiary education. The city is also a popular educational destination for

students of surrounding provinces and cities in Visayas and Mindanao.

Dumaguete attracts a considerable number of foreign tourists, particularly

Europeans, because of easy access from Cebu City in Central Visayas. Also Dumaguete

is listed 5th in Forbes Magazine’s “7 Best Places to Retire Around the World”. The

Philippine Retirement Authority a government agency under the Department of Tourism

has named the city as the “Best Place to Retire in the Philippine for 2018“


Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
Research Respondents

There were 165 buildings from the different establishments who were involved of

this study. This study determined the level of awareness and the implementation of Green

Building Code in Dumaguete City. The respondents were the educational, commercial

and residential buildings of Dumaguete City.

The educational buildings are the college classroom buildings, gymnasiums,

students’ unions, schools, libraries, museums, galleries, amphitheaters, concert halls,

cinemas, and open houses.

The commercial buildings are the banks, bars, pubs, coffee houses, convention

centers, forums, gas stations, hotels, market houses, night clubs, shops, shopping malls,

supermarkets, and warehouses.

The residential buildings are the apartment blocks, asylums, condominiums,

duplexes, houses, nursing homes, townhouses and villas.

Data Gathering Procedure

These were the procedures being observed in data gathering:

The occupants of the different buildings involved in the study were identified

through the telephone directory of Dumaguete City. Name of the buildings were

indicated with the corresponding proprietor or owner of the buildings involved in the

study. Verification was done through letters and actual visitation of the buildings. The

researcher also checked the addresses of the different buildings involved in the study.

The researcher personally went to the different buildings to administer the

questionnaires based from the performance standards of the Philippine Green Building

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School
Code as his references. Oral explanation about the questionnaires were included to

reinforce the written instructions on how to answer the different items found in the

questionnaire. From the above procedure, the researcher arrived at significant findings

and conclusions. Recommendations were also formulated wherein the researcher may

determine whether they adopt the level of awareness and implementation of the Green

Building Code in Dumaguete City.

Research Instrument

The data gathering instrument used in this study was a set of questionnaires

developed by the researcher in order to obtain the necessary information needed in the

study using the six parameters of the Philippine Green Building Code for the educational,

commercial and residential buildings of Dumaguete City. The following performance

standards namely: energy efficiency, water efficiency, material sustainability, solid waste

management, site sustainability and indoor environmental quality.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Weighted mean. This was employed to determine the level of awareness and the

level of implementation of green building code. Computation was performed by getting

the product of the weighted scale and the frequency of each scale divided by the total

number of respondents using the formula:

Weighed Mean = __________

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School

Σ = Summation

W = Weight of each scale

X = Frequency of each scale

N = Total number of respondents

In the computation of the weighted mean, the following numerical range of value

and the corresponding verbal description were used.

Range of Value Verbal Description

4.21-5.00 Very Much Aware (VMA)

3.41-4.20 Much Aware (MA)

2.61-3.40 Aware (A)

1.81-2.60 Less Aware (LA)

1.00-1.80 Not Aware (NA)

Negros Oriental State University – Graduate School

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