Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology Assignment Cover Sheet

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Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology

School of Computing

Assignment Cover Sheet

Course Code: Course Title:

Assignment Title: Due Date:

Date Submitted: Lecturer Name:

To be completed if this is an individual assignment

I declare that this assignment is my individual work. I have not worked collaboratively nor have I copied from any
other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor
has any part been written for me by another person.

Student name: Student ID:

To be completed if this is a group assignment
We declare that this is a group assignment and that no part of this submission has been copied from any other
student's work or from any other source except where due acknowledgment is made explicitly in the text, nor has
any part been written for us by another person.
Student Name Signature
Student ID

Lecturer's comments:

Total Marks: Lecturer's Signature:

Feedback to Student:
I/We acknowledged receiving feedback from the lecturer on this assignment.

Student’s Signature: ____________ _____________ _____________ ___________


Warning: Cheating

Cheating, in any form, is a very serious offence which could lead to severe disciplinary action. Cheating

- using unauthorised materials in tests and examinations;

- letting another person take tests or examinations on one’s behalf OR taking tests or
examinations on another person’s behalf;
- working jointly, copying or sharing another student’s work and presenting it as one’s own
piece of work;
- inventing, copying or altering data, quotations or references;
- plagiarising, i.e. taking or using another person’s work without attributing the source and thus,
giving the impression that it is one’s own work.

Penalties for Cheating in Tests or Examination

Any student caught and found guilty in the disciplinary hearing will be deemed to have FAILED
in the subject and will be required to REPEAT the said subject. Any repeated offence may result



As students, you will benefit by attending classes regularly. Full attendance is required and the University
has the right to bar any student from taking the final examinations for poor class attendance (below 75%).
If you are barred, you will not be allowed to take the examination and will have to repeat the level in the
subsequent semester.

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