5 PHS Year2 Semester1
5 PHS Year2 Semester1
5 PHS Year2 Semester1
Ra Uru Hu
Cover/Mau Cattaneo
Transcribed/Patricia Balentine
Proofed/Eileen Smith (Oct. 2009)
Layout/Becky Markley
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The IHDS PHS Practitioner Certification Program: Year 2 Semester 1 ................ viii
Lesson Two...................................................................................... 15
First Color Chain: Line 1............................................................................... 15
Introduction ............................................................................................ 15
Using the 46th Gate as an Archetype ........................................................... 15
The Tone 1, Color 1, Line1 ........................................................................ 17
The 1st Line ............................................................................................. 17
Digestion and Investigation ....................................................................... 18
The 46.1 ................................................................................................. 19
The Root of the Chain: 1st Tone ................................................................. 20
The T2, C1, L1 ......................................................................................... 21
The T3, C1, L1 ......................................................................................... 23
The T4, C1, L1 ......................................................................................... 24
The T5, C1, L1 ......................................................................................... 24
Theme of Being Discovered: Active/Passive ................................................. 26
The T6, C1, L1 ......................................................................................... 26
Seeing the Nuances in a Line ..................................................................... 27
Think about Your Design Chain .................................................................. 28
The Primary Health System (PHS) is a revolutionary approach to well being. PHS
was first introduced by Ra Uru Hu in April 2003. As empowering as Human Design is
for the Personality Passenger, PHS is the awakening key for the Design Vehicle.
PHS is the result of years of ground laying work in the sub-structure of the Line. The
PHS Practitioner Program Year Two focuses on the 216 Chains that define our possi-
ble paths of differentiation and well-being.
The PHS Primary Health System Practitioner program is open to any student who has
completed the ABC and Rave Cartography Levels I and II. The IHDS is the official
Human Design and Global Incarnation Index certifying and licensing authority. The
IHDS offers programs leading to official certification in both teaching and practice.
The PHS Primary Health System Practitioner is such a credit program. To complete
this program for certification, students are required to complete the entire three-year
program. This book is a transcript of the year one, third semester originally taught
in Fall of 2006.
It‟s nice to have you all back; it‟s nice to continue our adventure. I have been think-
ing a lot about the by-product of our first year‟s work. It certainly is extremely ex-
citing. And the feedback while we had our break, I‟ve been continuing to receive
feedback on the impact of PHS strategy on people‟s lives. It continues to be quite
remarkable, the effectiveness of this process.
My only real concern is a time concern. It continues to be something that I‟m very
aware of at this level, how important it is to have accurate birth time. Again, to real-
ly make sure in your work that whenever you encounter somebody who is pregnant
it really is so important to remind them, regardless of what they “believe in,” but re-
ally to remind them that it‟s their child‟s right that in their life if they want to have
information based on accurate birth time it‟s important that it‟s given to them and
it‟s honored.
It is a subject of the future. It is something that I have been repeating from the
very beginning of my career in Human Design that this knowledge is for the children
and it‟s for the future. I think most people assume that I was simply talking about
the fact that it would take time, obviously, to initiate the knowledge in the world in
that it needed to be transferred. But it really was much deeper than that.
From the moment of my encounter I have been aware of this ticking time bomb of
our movement towards the end of this cycle of the Cross of Planning and what that‟s
going to bring to the world and what that‟s going to bring into our lives. And the im-
portance of being able to maintain the integrity of one‟s vehicle when one no longer
has communal support. I think that is something essential to grasp.
So much of the death that takes place on this planet is death that takes place be-
cause there is no communal support to prevent it. I think it‟s 40,000 babies, or
something in that neighborhood, that die every day from diarrhea, something that
can be cured with about 25 cents worth of medicine. But there is not the political
will, the distribution system, the infrastructure wherever you want to look to make
that feasible so that these infants, these helpless creatures don‟t have a chance to
live out their lives.
It‟s something to recognize that what has transpired since the beginning of the Cross
of Planning which was in 1610, so we‟re talking about the beginning of the 17 th cen-
tury, is that everything we understand about the way in which our civilization has
developed so it seems that our political structures have a responsibility to all of us,
that this is the bedrock of the 40/37 of the Cross of Planning.
And it‟s important to recognize that so many of the things that we count on for our
survival, whether that is the hospitals and their infrastructure, the pharmaceutical
companies and their structures, the police to be able to protect our communities,
and so forth and so on—it goes on and on and on because it is all an entangled sup-
port field—one has to recognize that this is a by-product of the era that is coming to
an end.
When you look at Human Design, something that we discussed last year is that when
we look at the level that we look at we see that we‟re dealing with the basic binary,
that basic binary between the physical vehicle itself and the way in which the self-
reflected consciousness operates.
One of the things that PHS can provide is what the Strategy and Authority ultimately
can provide for the personality, in the sense that if the personality truly is able to
secure a reliable authority in their life, they are going to be less vulnerable to the
shattering that takes place when the era changes. In other words, they will be less
dependent on the authoritative infrastructure that the tribe has given us that will no
longer be able to serve us. It‟s not like there‟s somebody you‟re going to be able to
lean on. It‟s not like there‟s that telephone call you can make where you‟re going to
get an answer at the other end.
It‟s like what happened to all of us when suddenly the answering of a phone by a
business became an automated electronic voice jigsaw puzzle. It‟s the beginning of
that breakdown of communication, the breakdown within the structure to be able to
provide for the needs of the community. We see that all the time.
The greatest accent that we have in the world today, this accent we have in terms of
the violence that has emerged out of fundamental Islamic movements is that what
has emerged is the future. It‟s ironic that it‟s the dark side of the future, but it is.
It‟s the future in the sense that we no longer go to war with nations, we go to war
with individuals. One person with a bomb strapped to their body is not somebody
that is easily discernable. Who is that person, where are they? The tragedies that
we‟ve experience in various cities on this planet are a by-product of this kind of ac-
tivity. The fact is, no matter how sophisticated our security systems are, in the end
it‟s impossible to stop the individual. It is something for us to grasp.
All of this is an indication of what‟s happening as we close out this era. Human De-
sign came into the world with a purpose. It really did. It came in with a true pur-
pose. And it‟s not simply to provide awareness. Its purpose is to be able to secure
our future, to allow us to be viable in the future. It‟s about well-being. It has been a
really long time since I‟ve been ill. And I have school-aged children and I have every
bacteria and virus in the world going through my house every year.
Something to recognize about the potential of the vehicle is that when the vehicle is
correct, when the vehicle differentiates, that is when the vehicle can maintain its
well-being. The lack of health is the imperfection of the way in which the vehicle op-
erates; dysfunction in the vehicle. The homogenized vehicle is opened to all kinds of
problems. Then of course, you end up with invasive procedures of all kinds in order
to try to compensate for what, in fact, you can do nothing about. There are no ho-
mogenized cures. Truly, there are not.
As we enter into the future, the personality is only going to be able to function suc-
cessfully—remember that we enter into an era of the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix,
this era of the Sleeping Phoenix. And this era of the Sleeping Phoenix is all about
individuality. It is about uniqueness. It is about the potential in every single human
being to be able to be their own authority and as a by-product of their own authority
be able to survive.
We are no longer going to be able to count on the other to provide for our survival.
And that‟s not just simply a matter of personality decision making. It is about really
grasping something, that there are two forms of armor for the future, one for the
vehicle and one for the personality. The vehicle part is a lot easier to accomplish
than the personality part. The personality part is really a process and it is a deep
learning process for the personality, what I am in the process of doing in Rave Psy-
But in terms of our physical well-being, if we are going to be able to survive the di-
lemmas of being a bio-form without the communal support, then we‟re going to need
to have very healthy vehicles. And this is what this knowledge is all about.
PHS strategy, this personal health strategy, is aligning your vehicle to the perfection
of its differentiation. We have talked about how this differentiation leads to many
things. It leads to the proper differentiating of the brain itself, which opens up a dif-
ferent, perhaps transcendent perception in the self-reflected consciousness that the
personality crystal and the passenger can experience.
But for the vehicle, it is aligning the vehicle to what is its personal health standard,
my PHS games, because it is. It‟s a personal standard. And in maintaining that
standard, the vehicle is going to operate correctly. Everything about what we‟re
talking about in terms of what you learned as a PHS analyst is that all of that has to
do with digestion.
And you can see in this a kind of joke, is that food is a homogenized product. The
food that we eat is a by-product of this whole homogenized not-self process. The
fact is that when you and I eat the same thing, if we have a different PHS, despite
appearances of the same thing going into our system, what we are taking from it is
different. This is really something extraordinary to think about, because this is what
differentiation brings. That even in the very chemistry that you‟re taking into your
vehicle that when you‟re operating correctly according to your standard, that what
you‟re going to take from that substance is only specifically chemically what is cor-
rect for you, nothing more.
This is the perfect communication, this perfect communication between the vehicle
and its inner mechanism, only taking what is absolutely correct to take. If you‟re not
operating correctly and you put that homogenized thing into your body, you take it
as a homogenized process and you struggle in trying to digest it. You try to make
something out of the chemistry that in fact does not belong to what you need or
what is intended for you as a vehicle.
Eat Alone
It‟s why the strategy has such impact. Our bodies have never been aligned. I have
a confession to make. Confessions are always good. I know my PHS, obviously, I
know the PHS of my children and my partner, obviously. None of us really fit to-
gether at the dinner table. It‟s very difficult as a family not to eat together. And I
notice that as I‟ve told you I take two meals a day—my PHS is for calm—so I need
that condition. I take those two meals every day alone, my morning meal and my
break at lunch, but it‟s very difficult to do that in the family context. I notice how I
have minor disturbances from that. Sometimes it works for me because sometimes
it‟s very calm.
But the fact is what I begin to see more and more about PHS and the family is that
this calls for a whole different way of living that is so revolutionary. I don‟t know
how easy it‟s going to be in that sense to socially implement that. When you see
that all the forces are pointed towards individuality, moving us towards in so many
ways eating alone, my corollary to sleeping in your own bed, sleeping in your own
aura, I actually think that eating alone all the time is a more difficult discipline than
sleeping alone all the time.
It is simply one of those things to look at in our process because everything is point-
ing towards this individual process. It‟s interesting to be clear about why this works;
the magic of actually having a key, and then understanding what gets in the way.
Wow, it‟s so powerful every time that I look at it, every time that I think about it,
how I look at the perfection of the way things operate in mechanics.
You look at it and underneath here we have our tonal architecture. This tonal archi-
tecture carries in it as the triangle shows you as a symbol carries in it the whole po-
tential of the being. This is the architecture, this is the place. When you go to the
other side, you can see implementation. In other words, you can see the realization
of the underlying mechanics, here is the realization. This is what we call “active,”
this is, what is a component that we can analyze in the holistic vehicle, the body, the
whole being, the combination brought together by the monopole.
But here, in the center, in the middle, and it‟s truly in the middle, because when you
think about it, tone and color have this incredible relationship to each other. After
all, wasn‟t that the most stunning thing that we looked at, how tone fixes the color,
how very, very specific it is in fix-
ing the way we are intended to
digest, fixing the way in which we
are intended to be sensory supe-
rior. And recognizing that the ar-
chitecture of tone is only about
cognition, to understand the very
nature of being, the very nature
of life is cognition. This is what
the architecture states.
But there is no such thing as a direct relationship between the architecture and the
surface. It‟s just not there. There is no way that the architecture can bypass the
color and directly influence the line. In a sense, I guess you could look at that as a
kind of perfection. But the gods, they like to make it tough—let‟s get tough on them,
let‟s make it difficult; let‟s give them color. Color your day with being screwed up;
it‟s all about color.
Color is the most incredible thing. This is both the reason and the dilemma. It‟s the
very reason we exist. It is the design color and the personality color that the mono-
pole attaches to; it‟s what holds us together in this illusion of our separateness. It‟s
all because of color. Yet, at the same time, the very fact that color provides that fa-
cility for the monopole also makes color unstable, and we call it transference.
You can see that there is this enormous dilemma, this dilemma of the transference
getting in the way so that the architecture literally has no place to go. And that
there is no way that when you get to this surface over here that you‟re going to be
able to take into your vehicle what is correct for you because you won‟t, because you
won‟t be interested. And that you will not digest correctly. It doesn‟t matter wheth-
er you believe that you are following your PHS strategy, if you‟re not operating ac-
cording to what is your holistic strategy, your design and authority, you‟re going to
be in transference. And in being in that transference there is no way that architec-
ture is influencing the line. Only the transference is influencing the line.
There is an interesting thing to ponder. You can see the way there‟s a line down the
center. This represents the left and the right; left/right tones and then you have up-
per colors and lower colors. And of course, you have upper hexagrams and lower
hexagrams. When you‟re looking at the architecture—and I say that there is no way
it can go directly to the line—does not mean that through its relationship to the color
and ultimately from the color to the line that it does not have an influence beyond
what we‟re discussing.
When you think about lines, lines are basically dualities. If we think about this 6 th
line over here, chances are we‟re going to have an exaltation and we‟re going to
have a detriment—the basic division that‟s there in all lines. In fact, if you wanted to
think about those basic divisions of exalted and detriment, you could think about
them the same way that you think about tone in the sense that they are a kind of—
and boy, am I being very careful when I say kind of—they are a kind of left/right.
That is, they‟re the by-product of tonal influence in the structure.
If you look at a comparison between the traditional I‟Ching and the Rave I‟Ching, de-
spite the fact that the values are similar from gate to gate and line to line, the Rave
I‟Ching is a binary I‟Ching. That every single one of those lines, except for rare oc-
casions of singularities, which by the way are simply another kind of binary. You‟ll
notice that whenever there is a singularity there‟s also a line that says, “And there is
no detriment.” Of course, the moment you say that is the moment there is no singu-
larity. But anyway, I don‟t want to get into any metaphysical games.
I just want you to recognize that the tone has influenced the structure of line; it‟s
just not a direct influence. It is there in the underlying structure of the line. But the
way in which the line is going to manifest in the world is going to be directly related
to the way in which the color impacts it. Obviously, the tonal value, the architecture
itself, is something that is only going to be truly able to influence the line when it is
operating correctly through what is a color that is operating according to overall
Again, it‟s one of the things to remind you as you continue your work as PHS ana-
lysts, how important it is to reaffirm over and over and over again that the story is
here and the story can only be dealt with by operating correctly as oneself, regard-
less of the addition of the PHS strategy and the health standard that is necessary.
We are obviously going to enter into quite an adventure. And that adventure is that
we are going to go through the chains. These are not complete chains, by the way,
because obviously you can see there is no base involved. I wanted to be able to de-
velop a practical chain system that will really be helpful in terms of our ability to un-
derstand very, very clearly what is as a unique a value of somebody‟s differentiation
that we can discern as possible.
It‟s interesting with chains. I think there are a couple of you here in the class—I
know Andrea was there, I think Alok was there as well, and maybe Cathy—I think it
was October 2003, and that was the first time that I introduced chains. That is, the
chain from tone to line. It‟s taken years now to be able to get to this point to finally
begin to really open them up and look at them, and to be able to look at them with
the knowledge necessary.
I can remember in that class, I remember being asked about being able to do an
analysis with this. I can remember the shutter inside of me thinking about how long
that would take me. It was before the gestation of the whole virtual IHDS environ-
ment. Of course, this environment has allowed me to teach more than I‟ve ever
taught before in Human Design. So much has been covered that we can actually en-
ter into these chains now with the real foundation in PHS knowledge. I think one of
the most exciting things for me is to watch this movement as a teacher that you in-
troduce something years and years before, and you go through this process of build-
ing up the knowledge base so that you can finally really deal with it and lay it out.
We‟re going to spend the first two semesters of this year looking at these chains.
They‟re already, in many ways, revealing things that are extraordinary. And I will
share that with you as we go along. But I want to take this opportunity today to
realign ourselves to what this is about and what we‟re really looking at. You can see,
by the way, that I‟ve changed the symbol of the hexagram to the circle that is used
in the way in which I‟ve combined these various shapes, the circle representing all of
the lines, the 384 lines that are there in the wheel itself.
Let‟s look at this for a moment and think about it. First of all, there‟s a joke and I
hope you get the joke. It‟s one of my favorites. It‟s the beast joke; I do a lot of
beasts‟ jokes. Here is another one of those wonderful 666‟s—6 tones, 6 colors, 6
lines—it‟s like carbon with its 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons. It is a real 666
joke. But anyway, aside from that, let‟s continue with the very nature of the tone
and think about this again.
We spent most of our time in really looking at tone and understanding how tone in-
fluences color so that we could see the way the fixings operate. I think one of the
things to really grasp about tone, I like to refer to it as the architecture and I think
that is important for the way in which we
imagine it. But I also think it‟s something
to see about what tone points us to. I
think what it points us to ultimately gives
us an idea of where there needs to be spe-
cial capacity in the differentiated vehicle.
It‟s interesting to think about it. For example, my 4 th color, which is obviously Ajna
related and related to vision, outer vision, I find something very curious about all
that. At my Kiron return I was living in Taos, New Mexico. My youngest son had
just been born premature and my partner and my son were locked away in the hos-
pital and I would have to take these drives up and down this Grand Canyon moun-
tain like road from Taos down to Albuquerque. One evening I realized that I was all
alone on this huge highway. I had my brights on. I suddenly realized that I was los-
ing my distance vision. Since then I wear glasses when I drive or watch television.
Yet, at the same time, what is cute about all that for me is that my outer vision ex-
panded exponentially in the sense that the mastery of my work, after all I‟ve had to
learn and master Human Design like the rest of you, and my capacity to be able to
see in the patterns far beyond anything that I had been able to see before. It‟s so
obvious to me when I think about it in terms of my tone and the instrument of cogni-
tion that it‟s something to understand about brain differentiation. It obviously isn‟t
about my physical vision. In other words, it didn‟t necessarily turn me into super-
man that I had x-ray vision, I could look through to the next room. But in terms of
the way my brain was differentiating it opened up other capacities.
Tonal Sense
In other words, you need to look at the sensory impact with metaphors in mind. For
example, let‟s say that your tonal sense is your nose. Let‟s say it‟s all about nose for
you. But it doesn‟t necessarily mean that it is specifically about smell. As a parallel
example to my own, you may have been smoking for 40 years and suddenly, even
though you‟re tonally a nose person, you may have a much diminished sense of
smell. However, if you have been operating correctly and your vehicle has been dif-
ferentiating, then what will happen is that you will smell things that you don‟t smell—
smell a rat, smell success, smell money, smell trouble, whatever you want to call it.
Obviously, it‟s deeply related to the immune system in the Spleen.
So, I want you to begin to focus that not only are we looking at the architecture from
the point that we followed all of last year, which is its direct influence on fixing the
color and therefore our ability to be able to see what the PHS is, but I also want you
to see what it means on the surface as a way of moving. Think of this in terms of
children rather than old dudes like me. If we‟re thinking about children and we un-
derstand what is intended to be their primary sensory system, and if we are educat-
ing them correctly in terms of how to operate as themselves, the feeding of, the nur-
turing of that sensory system, that specific sensory system is something that is
going to be very important and very valuable not only to the child, but for the parent
to be able to grasp. In other words, to understand where their gift is; we all have
these gifts.
And it‟s important to see that the whole theme of cognition, if we are going to be
correct in our differentiation that is going to be the highlight. It is that specific
sense. Again, to understand that sense as a metaphor for the physical and the po-
tential in terms of the way in which it can operate in the self-reflected consciousness.
In other words, what brain differentiation can bring as a by-product.
So, a bad nose, and yet you can smell a rat; aging eyes, but you see further than
you‟ve ever seen. In other words, these are themes that I want you to keep in mind
about the nature of what tone is actually showing us. It also says that those very
attributes on the surface can also be indicators of problems, indicators that if there
isn‟t that sense of smell or the metaphoric values of it—the smelling the rat—then
you know that there may be really a problem. The other thing is that I have a sense
that this may be where the obvious problems show up. We‟ll get to that as we move
through the chains.
So, it‟s important for you to think about tone in terms of the senses, to really look at
that within yourself, look at that in terms of people that are in your life, so that you
begin to have a feeling for how they best take in cognition, because that‟s what it‟s
about, how the whole cognitive process works best for them, through what medium.
Color: A Communicator
Then we have color. This is what was originally labeled in that 2003 lecture as a
cognition-response-activation chain. This is what it is. So, this is what we‟re going
to be dealing with. It‟s interesting about this term “response.” Again, Human De-
sign has very, very specific language. And obviously that word “response” is deeply
connected to Generators. We can‟t think about the word “response” in Human De-
sign without thinking about Generators. And color has a very, very deep connection
to Generators. Because, you see, Generators make the world. Generators are the
life force. It isn‟t to say that this word doesn‟t have value at the color level if you‟re
a Projector, Reflector, or Manifestor. But the very way in which Reflectors, Projec-
tors and Manifestors even connect to the Generator world is a by-product of their
Color prepares us for life. It‟s really something to think about. It‟s color that pre-
pares us for life. I try to do that kind of illustration where you have this theme of
the crystal and you have a neutrino stream that is headed towards your crystal, and
this place here, that is, the boundary where the neutrino first meets the crystal itself,
this is the base. It‟s simply a frequency. It is the vibration that takes place as the
neutrino hits—remember, it‟s got mass—as it hits the crystal. The moment that the
penetration takes place this in here is all the realm of tone. This is why this is where
the architecture is, all the information in terms of how the crystal is translating the
neutrino stream, that all of that is worked out here. But it has to be transmitted; it
has to be sent to the surface. It has to be pumped into the environment for the mo-
nopole to grab it.
This point of exit, and it‟s a point of exit as the neutrino exits the crystal, at this
point here there is a frequency. This frequency, if we could see it, we would see a
spiraling frequency coming out of it, this frequency is color. It‟s why color can be so
easily influenced as a frequency. It is this very frequency, as it emerges, that this is
what the monopole is going to latch into, the parallel frequency on the personality
side being held together by the monopole in the G center pulling it together and you
have the unity that‟s life; our lives, our illusion.
So, when you‟re thinking about color, think about color as a communicator. It‟s a
great thing to keep in mind about color. The biggest job that color has is to commu-
nicate the information of tone to the surface. Now, we know it does, in the sense
that we know the way that tone fixes color, in fact that color does take specifically
influence from the architecture and moves it forward. But of course, we know that
the color, this frequency, can be influenced. It can be influenced by what we call
Again, the moment that we have transference we are no longer being correct. It‟s
lost. And you‟re literally cutting off the information pool. What you‟re getting in-
Oh, color, it‟s quite something. And what‟s a line? The interesting thing is that when
you think about color is this frequency. But you have to imagine is that if you were
really looking at it in another way, let‟s say the frequency looked like that, that it has
just peaks and valleys, and there‟s that frequency and the monopole pulls the fre-
quency—now, the monopole is a magnetic force. And I think the word “magnetism”
doesn‟t actually represent the way it pulls. But I think we understand that word in
that way so let‟s use it. But I want you to understand the impact of that.
When they do studies of a black hole, what they notice about a black hole is that any
object that approaches it gets pulled into its orbital field, and gets pulled in tighter
and tighter and tighter and tighter until finally it simply is compressed, that it stops
being; for example, light can become solid, not that you can see it. What I want you
to think about is that there is a compression that takes place when this frequency
that we call color is pulled by the monopole, and what you get is this very, very
compact concretizing frequency that becomes dense enough to be aligned.
Now, these are metaphors for you to help you understand. In other words, I‟m try-
ing to give you a way of seeing how the illusion of that line, how that line is created
out of that frequency, the compression of this. Then it emerges as what we call line.
Remember, what we call a line only in the sense of as you can see it written: activa-
tion. After all, the only way we can see any tonal or color information is that we see
that information only in those aspects in our design that are active. You have to
have activation in order to have all this stuff underneath. It‟s the stuff underneath
that‟s the point anyway.
Line is an Actor
So, it‟s something to really see clearly about line, what line is. Line is an actor. It‟s
why it‟s—it‟s so beautiful sometimes that I just smile and forget to teach—the line is
a performance, what I call the movie. The line is a performance that has no script.
You know it‟s not its own; it doesn‟t make it up. It‟s all there underneath and comes
to the surface in whatever that line is and that‟s the aspect of the role that you play
in the movie. It‟s all about performance.
And everything about the preparation for the performance is back here. Here is the
script. And here is the drama teacher. Oh, I do love color. This is the force that
drives it. It gives it its determination, gives it its determination to be correct ulti-
mately. And then it‟s played out on the surface in the helplessness of the illusion.
The deeper you go, the closer you come to the hand of God. You just get to see the
joke. It‟s all a movie. There are all these deep mechanisms underneath, and then
it‟s played out and it‟s beautiful. If we could only just trust in the movie of our ve-
hicles, how much easier everything would be, because that‟s the magic. And that
when you see that what line represents, which means all the activations that you
have, that the sum total of all those activations is a performance, a role in the mov-
Of course, what transference does is that you‟re never allowed to be a star. Transfe-
rence robs you of your opportunity of having your place in the sun, it just does. It
puts you into the mob scene—no voice, nobody sees you, you‟re lost. You‟re just
that pool of humanity that we click off in statistics all the time.
It‟s why it‟s so important the work that we do at every level of Human Design to
bring authority to the design consciousness. After all of these millennia of screwing
around with personality consciousness look at what it brought us. The opportunity to
turn over authority to the vehicle‟s consciousness and the chance to do this right, to
move this information across, to finally be able to interpret the perfection of that
script, being determined
in one‟s uniqueness and
differentiation to live out
this role to perfection.
And hopefully there is a
passenger that will go
along with it and enjoy
the ride, but that‟s anoth-
er story. But this perfec-
tion, this is what PHS
brings to the vehicle. It
is its beauty, that it
makes this possible, that
the script can be perfectly
expressed on the surface.
Vehicle Archetypes
It begins to tell you something. Every single one of these chains is a role in a very,
very specific archetype. It‟s too bad that Carl Gustaf Jung couldn‟t have been a stu-
dent of mine, because I think he would have been deeply, deeply moved and enligh-
tened by understanding this. These archetypes are very, very specific. They‟re very
specific and they‟re vehicle archetypes; they‟re not personality archetypes. What we
get to see in Rave Psychology chains, in the personality, is that there are different
ways in which the mind is mapped. But remember, on the personality side, tone
does not influence color in the same way, doesn‟t have the same power. It‟s very
There is such magic in being able to align the vehicle to what is correct; such magic,
so that the perfection of the vehicle‟s role can be realized. Of course, all of this is
deeply related in the surface, in the illusion, in the quantum holistic being, to what
we call profile, the fulfillment of purpose. I‟ve talked about how profile is a costume
that you have to fit into. I used it as a metaphor because at the time I could not talk
to people about PHS because it was too premature.
But to really understand what that means, the costume is here, this is the costume.
This is the whole mechanism of the character. This is the vehicle for the movie. And
it is only here that the foundation of purpose can be established because it‟s only
here that you get to live what is your true role.
And for us to see that we have these hundreds of variations; we finally get to see the
cast of characters because it‟s a cast of characters. One day, I‟m in no hurry, so it
doesn‟t matter, one day whether I‟m here or not, somebody will catalog those 216
characters and align them to traditional archetypes from every culture. And we will
begin to see that this is how it works. There are these very, very specific roles for
fulfillment of purpose as a vehicle. Yes, there are nuances, obviously. Many great
actors have played Hamlet and each one is unique, yet, it‟s Hamlet. We all get to
live out our uniqueness, but there are archetypes, classic archetypes.
So, this process of looking at chains, I want to move away from just being technical
because we‟ll be technical enough, obviously. We‟re going to look at all of them, and
we‟re going to look at them from the pure mechanics. But at the same time, as we
go through this process I‟m also going to spend time showing you where this leads to
in the drama of the life so that we can begin to see that as attributes of clients.
So that the moment we look at their chain we understand what their role is. And we
will begin to see that these roles have certain kinds of bodies, have certain kinds of
vision, and have certain kinds of hearing. In other words, we‟re going to begin to
see what the basic character is all about. And in that, our ability to be able to help
people align themselves to their differentiated nuance of this perfection.
Chains are extraordinary. There‟s nothing more exciting for me than the idea that
I‟m going to talk about all of them, and that you‟re actually here to listen, because I
can‟t imagine anything more exciting than seeing all of these qualities, these arche-
types, these roles, this drama, see the potential of all of these different kinds of rea-
lization and how we can use that effectively as knowledge that‟s beneficial to others,
to be of service to others.
I already talked to you about the way in which this process operates; this influencing
on either side. And to see that whatever we do, whatever we see in the magic of
what is revealed in chains, is that we always have to remember that we need to pay
deep attention to the nature of color and to make sure that anyone that we work
with clearly understand that we cannot truly benefit them, that we cannot transform
their role in this life, that we cannot bring them the fulfillment of their determined
differentiation and all of its benefits if they do not operate correctly according to their
Strategy and Authority, because as long as they are in transference, and we will talk
about the special case of the 4, it is not possible for them to realize their role.
Well, I‟ve come to an end and I just wanted to tell you it‟s a real treat and I look
forward to our time together this year.
We have a great deal to cover so let‟s begin our journey. Obviously, we are going to
enter into this chain process. I‟m going to do a bit of a preamble today. We might
go slightly over in time. But for the rest of the chain classes I‟m just going to basi-
cally jump right into wherever it is that we happened to leave off. But I want to be
able to establish the various premises that are here, the way in which we‟re going to
The first thing you‟ll notice is that the central theme of the way in which I look at
chains is that I look at chains that the dominant theme is always color. So, color is
going to be my guide in the sense that we‟re going to through 1 st color chains, then
2nd color chains and so forth. By the way, that will take a long time before we man-
age to leave 1st color and get to 2nd color chains; but nonetheless.
First of all, the 46th gate really is an extraordinary gate and in many ways we could
say it is a role gate for the body, in a sense. We know through genetic continuity
you can take the line up of any particular gate and you can see the resonance as
that resonance operates in relationship to all lines of the same number.
The 46th gate is very special. That is, it is the gate of the body. More than simply
being the gate of the body, if you look at the 46 th gate in the wheel, you will notice
that the 46th gate is the lead hexagram of what is, in fact, all the splenic hexagrams.
In other words, what follows the 46th gate are seven gates in a row and they are all
splenic gates and they are all part of the same house. In other words, they are
deeply related to each other. And the 46th gate is this gate of the potential of the
love of the body and a deep theme here of the body. So, as we move along in our
chains, and not with every chain, by the way, but in order to be able to see the rela-
tionship as it moves to the surface, so we can begin to understand what happens on
that journey to the surface, the 46 is going to represent our surface for us.
The other thing is that you‟re going to see that by going through these lines in a de-
constructed way, looking at these lines relative to what we are interested in, we‟re
also going to see that we‟re going to be able to give ourselves a kind of profile of the
way in which the energy of the lines
operates regardless of what hexagram
we‟re going to be looking at on the sur-
It has been a very interesting process for me to create the chains themselves. It‟s
great fun, actually, to run through them. And of course, as we go through you‟re
going to receive your PowerPoint. One of the things that is really fun with the Po-
werPoint is just to go flying through, like these kid‟s animation booklets where you
just flip the pages as fast as you can. It‟s fascinating to just get a sense of this
movement and the variety of this movement.
To begin with, let‟s look at the 1st line. This is our surface; this is where it comes
out. We all well know from our profiling the nature of this surface. We know that
the 1st line is the investigator. And you can see here that it is keynoted with person-
al destiny and being right angle. In other words, the 1st line is absorbed; mostly
self-absorbed. As a right angle it has a particular geometry in its life. This geometry
of personal destiny which means it has to make the difference in its life.
In other words, however the cognition system is going to work, and remember in the
end what we‟re looking for in this chain is how cognition gets to the surface, that no
matter how this is going to operate the cognition is going to ultimately involve the
investigator looking inward and the investigator needing to be able to figure out for
itself what it needs to know.
This is so important to understand about the nature of the 1st line, is that the 1st line
does not like to learn from someone necessarily. They will do so if that‟s the only
possibility. They will do so, obviously, when they‟re conditioned by the way in which
they‟re raised, going to school and all of these things. But the fact is they love to be
able to investigate themselves, teach themselves, and look at things themselves.
Ideally it is the 1st line that has the potential to change its own life, rather than hav-
ing its life changed. Again, the opportunity has to be there in the sense of what is
available to investigate. Of course, this is one of the tragedies of our world. If we
think about all of the 1st line beings on this planet, it is clear that the vast majority of
1st line beings on this planet probably do not have the potential of any kind of rea-
sonable education; in other words, the parameters necessary for the success of a
true investigation.
If we look in the center, and this is our most dynamic theme, we are looking here at
appetite. Remember something about the investigator in the 46.1, because again
we‟re looking at an archetypal body theme. It is really about discovering your body.
It‟s really about investigating your form. It‟s about recognizing that when you un-
derstand the demands of your form you can fulfill it, truly fulfill it. We know that
when we‟re dealing with the 1 that we are dealing with a lower color. In dealing with
a lower color we know that we are dealing with a primitive digestive system, and of
course, this is what we‟re looking at. We‟re looking at the digestive system that this
is what is behind the investigation.
Think about that. Think about this relationship because it‟s an extraordinary rela-
tionship. In other words, how you digest is going to influence the quality of your in-
vestigation. You can have a stable IQ, you can have a stable capacity to read, and
yet at the same time, if you‟re not digesting properly then your capacity to actually
succeed in your investigation gets limited. Remember that the investigation for a 1 st
line is that it needs to come to its own truth. So, appetite, this primitive digestive
system, deeply influences the quality of the 1st line.
Now, the 1st line has a reputation of the caveman. Not simply the caveman in the 1 st
color diet, but the caveman of the 1st line. You can see that in the 59.1. As a matter
of fact, it‟s not written there, but it is the name that I have always given to that par-
ticular foundation of the imperative to mate with the other, and in that imperative,
the 59.1, the caveman/cavewoman.
In other words, there is a very basic foundation reality here. Obviously, when you
have color being in resonance with its line, they deeply influence each other. This is
a deep influence. So it‟s something to think about. Whenever you see somebody
with a 1st line, 1st color you know that the level of their intellectual performance—
something to think about, it‟s interesting—is going to be determined by whether or
not they‟re digesting correctly.
The other thing is that the 1st line is about fear. Of course, that fear is something
that is rooted in ignorance. In other words, the investigator, the finding out what
the foundation is, is not about the potential and the success that could come from
that, it‟s about eliminating fear. You eliminate ignorance and you become more se-
cure in your ability to live on this plane.
This fear is fed by poor digestion, because poor digestion clouds the investigation.
And in clouding the investigation the possibility of the serendipity that can come; it‟s
all gone. So here when we‟re looking at the lower color it‟s something to grasp that
we are bringing a very primitive digestive system. And of course, as we well know,
because we live in a society and civilization in which the homogenized cuisine is what
is the rule, and that at least half of humanity have to deal with specific conditions in
which they need to follow specific dietary rules in order to function correctly, and yet
at the same time, the conditioning of the cuisine of the environment around them is
obviously something that is constantly pulling them away from what is correct for
It means that the moment that you‟re seeing, in this example and again we will see
that when we look at 2nd color, is that when you‟re looking at the 1 st color you‟re
seeing right away that unless there is care taken to be specifically oriented to the
correct condition, then the determination of the investigator is just limited. And it‟s
not going to be effective.
When we talk about the transformation that takes place in PHS, we have been look-
ing at PHS from the point of view, as we went through our process of looking at
bases, of looking at the tone/color chain. But the fact is that we need to understand
the power of the phrase “determination.” This is so important to grasp. It is this
force that drives this process. And whether that investigator is truly going to be de-
termined so that in their differentiated perfection they‟re actually going to get to the
foundation of things, that that determination is going to be specifically connected to
whether or not they‟re following the right diet.
The 46.1
Then we see that the way we look at lines, because of course the way we look at
lines is that you have a line and it says, blah, blah, blah, so let‟s go back and look at
that blah, blah, blah line for a moment. If we go back to the 46.1 and we have this
line of being discovered: dedication in obscurity. So let‟s just think about the dedica-
tion and obscurity, nothing more, nothing less.
Dedication in obscurity; so what is going to happen? You have somebody that has
the 1st color underneath that 1st line, that dedication. Ok, if they are not operating
correctly in terms of what is their PHS then we know that that dedication isn‟t going
to have a viable determination driving it. And we know that that particular investiga-
tor isn‟t going to be as dedicated as another investigator may be. And that what we
do know is that if this being is operating according to what is their 1 st color in this
case because it‟s going to be a left tone fixing, if they are operating through a con-
secutive diet then it has the immediate impact of giving their dedication the determi-
nation that can bring about the best results on the surface.
So we have to begin to see that what we‟re looking at is a whole new level of analy-
sis. And this is a whole new level analysis that works both on this side of the line—
PHS—and it works on the other side of the line—Rave Psychology. In other words,
we‟re being brought to a new level of nuance so you can have clients with the 46.1,1
and the 46.1,2 and you already have a different understanding. In other words,
there are the nuances not simply of color, that obviously the nuances that are
brought through the whole process, that are brought through the whole chain.
I will keep on going back to this; but, we have a way to go, to really understand that
what we‟re looking at is an impacting on the line itself. And as we go along we will
deconstruct the line bit-by-bit to see how that impact operates in such a specific
way. And of course, it begins to tell you so much about the importance of being able
to have your vehicle digest correctly, that it‟s not just about feeling better, or not
having gas, it‟s much more than that. It is something that has its impact directly on
the surface.
What you begin to see is that when you align the whole vehicle to its correct PHS it‟s
not simply a matter of what‟s happening at the color level in terms of the sun or the
Earth or the nodes, but every single activation that is there is going to operate with
its optimum determination in the way in which it‟s going to influence the line on the
So let‟s go to the root of the chain, where we go from now on. When we go to the
root of the chain we‟re starting at the beginning and of course we‟re starting with the
number 1 tone. And the first thing to recognize is that we are dealing with left tone,
which means that this is all about being active as a vehicle. This is an active vehicle.
It also means something very specific. In other words, cognition is dependent on the
vehicle being active.
Think about that; cognition is dependent on the vehicle being active. Now there are
all sorts of levels of active. But what it‟s saying is that this need, if I could put it that
way, or the design of this to be active leads to fixing this particular appetite to the
consecutive. In other words, this movement fixing to the consecutive leads to the
investigator and ultimately when this gets to the surface what you have is you have
an investigator who is very active in their investigation.
When we come back here, because we‟re coming back to a splenic binary, we‟re
coming to the immune system; we‟re coming to the root of fear. And of course, we
are coming to what is the cognitive quality here which is smell. Whenever we‟re
going through the chains it‟s very important to note always that the real difference
that the tone brings, aside from the obvious that we‟re going to have three left and
three right, is it brings a different sense. This sense is what is making this chain—1,
1, 1—unique.
So what we have here is that the influence is when this tone fixes the color and the
color responds and operates correctly and influences the investigator—and remem-
ber tone cannot directly influence line—is that what you get here is an investigator
that has a nose for things. And it‟s their nose that keeps them dedicated and deter-
mined. They can smell something that is missing in the detail; that kind of smelling
that can be transcendent.
So no matter what we look at in terms of the tone and the cognition architecture,
and no matter what we look at, at the line at the other end, everything comes back
to whether or not the color frequency is going to be correct. Everything comes back
to that. Is the frequency going to be correct? And if the frequency is not going to be
correct, then there is not going to be the determination that is necessary to fulfill
that potential. And there is not going to be the heightened cognition that can
emerge on the surface. So everything is caught in the bridge of color. When we‟re
moving through the chain, over and over and over again you need to come back to
this thing, this color phenomenon. And to grasp that in this color phenomenon it is
always going to be what makes things right or not.
Now, we have a movement. We have the 2, the 1 and the 1—2nd tone, 1st color, 1st
line—and we can see here that the
moment we move to the 2nd tone, that
we move to a different cognition. This
is taste. This is somebody who could
end up having a very determined taste
for the investigation. This is the cogni-
tive quality that comes to the surface, a
deep capacity for judgment, being able
to look at any binary and to see it for
what it is.
When you‟re looking at the 1st tone it‟s this deep need simply to be secure, identify,
keep the memory, and protect yourself. But the 2nd tone, there is almost an adven-
turism that is there; a quality of openness that is there that brings ultimately an un-
derstanding for us in the 2nd line, the surface of a 2 about what it is to wait for that
call, whatever that call may be. So here in the 2nd tone we have a different way in
which we get to the same dilemma. In other words, is the color going to operate
correctly? And what we get to see is that when there is correctness, the basic quali-
ty that‟s there in the tone gets transferred to the line itself, and this is what it‟s all
When we‟re looking at the way in which a human being can excel, the way they can
excel in their physical body, the way they can excel in their consciousness is when
the architecture gets to the surface. Again, we see that getting to the surface here,
we have to deal with the dilemma that‟s there, we have to deal with color and we
have to be able to have the correct determination.
Remember the moment that this 2nd tone, and again let‟s think about—there was a
lovely example earlier from Kumud, she was talking about twins that she was dealing
with and that the only difference between the twins was that one was a 4 th tone and
one was 5th tone. It is quite common, by the way, with twins. It‟s really something
to think about how different these beings are, even though they appear to be twins.
It‟s like when you meet somebody who is a 46.1,1 and a 46.1,2, if you‟re just doing
a very superficial analysis; basically you‟re doing the same person, if you know what
I mean. It‟s basically the same thing. And yet, it really isn‟t, because there is a real
difference between smell and taste.
There is a huge difference in terms of how that operates on the surface. They‟re dif-
ferent beings. They connect to things in different ways. The cognitive of the smell
will bring the investigator to a certain place. Whereas, taste will bring the 2 investi-
gator to a different place; it‟s a subtlety, but it makes a difference by the time it gets
to the surface. It simply does.
What‟s really important for us is that when we can have clients who operate correctly
here in the color then we know that for the first time that the cognitive potential that
is there in the tone can actually begin to get to the surface. Of course, all of this is
about opening up the possibility of what self-reflected consciousness can achieve
when it has a vehicle that operates correctly. And how important it‟s going to be for
this being, after all, we‟re talking about their design sun, for this being what that
taste really means for them. It becomes 70% of their form principle, how the ve-
hicle is going to behave, this 46.1,1 that we have. And it‟s going to be rooted in
this. This is what‟s going to matter; taste is what‟s going to matter.
What‟s so interesting about it is when you think about the nature of the diet, when
you think about the way in which all of that works, so you have the same diet that‟s
there for the 1, 1 and the 1, 2. They‟re both consecutive, influenced by the left fix-
ing. But what they‟re going to take in consecutively is going to be very different.
The 1 is going to take it in according to its aroma, how it smells. And the 2 is going
to take it in terms of how it tastes, they‟re very different. All of that is going to be
expressed more and more and more on the surface. If you had these two beings,
the 1, 1, 1 and the 1, 1, 2 and you had them together and they were both correct,
you‟d begin to notice it because they‟re different and they‟re picking up on different
things, and they‟re going to investigate in different ways.
So, we‟re beginning to see the deep nuances, the subtleties that are there, but al-
ways remembering that it‟s up to the color. Of course, when we‟re looking at the
personality we can give the responsibility to the passenger. It‟s what we do in Rave
Psychology with color transference, because the passenger has to take responsibility.
If the passenger doesn‟t take responsibility, well, the hell with them. They can have
a good body, but they‟re never going to have a great mind.
But when it comes to the vehicle, we cannot turn this over to the design conscious-
ness specifically. All we can do is honor the mechanics specifically. And that means
that we have to be able to hone the frequency of our color so that it is correct. And
everything in that is a question of digestion; all of it. The digestion is the key of
whether or not the cognition is going to reach the surface. And then we can look at
the nuances of how it impacts the surface. But the basic thing to recognize is that
without the correct determination it is not possible for the line to operate at its full
potential no matter what that line happens to be. It will simply be a nuance of that.
But it will not be what its potential can be.
Left tone and we move out of the splenic binary and we come to outer vision. What
we know is, of course, this means that the potential of the investigator is to be
honed to their visual capacity. The investigator that is the investigator that looks at
things, that it is the looking at things
that opens up possibilities for them.
It‟s this outer searching that is going to
make the difference in their life.
They‟re going to be a different investi-
gator than the nose investigator or the
taste investigator—the smell investiga-
tor and the taste investigator.
The only way it‟s going to get there is if the determination is correct and determina-
tion is only going to be correct if it‟s consecutive and I can guarantee you that the
way in which they appreciate their consecutive is totally different from the others.
We‟re not dealing with immune system, we‟re not dealing with security questions,
we‟re dealing with a different theme entirely and that for these consecutive beings it
is the visual of what they‟re taking in that is going to be so important for them, the
look of their consecutive diet.
Once that consecutive is correct, the determination is there and then the investigator
gains enhanced visual possibilities in the way in which they investigate. Oh, isn‟t it
beautiful to see the way it flows to the surface. And how important it is for us to un-
derstand that if we don‟t build the physical framework how can we expect our pas-
sengers to transcend. We are not giving them the potential of the cognition and its
correctness on the surface.
Now we have a shift; here we have our shift. We move over to the right and we
move over to the passive. So we move over to a very different way in which ulti-
mately this gets to the surface. We
have seen the active in the influencing
of the left tones. But of course, here in
the passive we‟re going to have a very
different result in the way in which
there is going to be the physical ex-
pression of this investigator. That
physical expression ultimately is in-
tended to be much more passive in or-
der for the cognitive potential, inner vi-
sion, to emerge.
We end up with two kinds of analyses. We end up with a basic color analysis that
says if you‟re not operating correctly, then this capacity is diminished. And if you‟re
operating correctly, I can tell you how this capacity is transformed, because that‟s
the moment that this is integrated. Of course, the PHS analyst work of simply point-
ing them towards what their personal health strategy actually is.
We were talking about this tone earlier because we enter into what is the Solar Plex-
us binary and I think that in all reality, in all honesty, it‟s very, very difficult for us to
understand what the architecture of the 5 and the 6 actually are any more. It‟s
hard; it‟s difficult. We have a Solar Plexus system that is clearly in mutation. We
have a very unusual process that that mutation is transforming the way in which the
cognitive field is going to operate.
Basically, when you think about the emotions of the human being, the cognitive po-
tential in that is always experiential. In other words, even if it‟s simply operating out
of the Solar Plexus motor, that the Solar Plexus motor drives what is the life expe-
rience and that experience leads to some kind of recognition awareness. But feeling
is something much more profound than that. That is, it is not simply the by-product
of the existential involvement in an experience and then some cognitive relationship
to it. It is a very deep capacity to be in the experience and aware of the experience
in it, which is something, as we know, with the emotional system since there is no
truth in the now, is simply not possible for a human being.
So in dealing with the 5th tone we‟re dealing with something very unusual. Obvious-
ly, this is a right tonal fixing. Of course, as a right tonal fixing and something that I
didn‟t point out previously, but you can see it here that we‟ve changed the internal
theme, that is, we have moved from
consecutive to alternating. So, ob-
viously we have a different digestive
process for the right tone than we do
for the left tone. Again, these condi-
tions need to be met in order for that
determination to be correct, in order for
that influence that is there in the cogni-
tion to reach the investigator.
So, one of the things about these investigators is that they‟re basically going to op-
erate two ways. That is, we‟re going to see the way in which the strategic left
oriented, our feeling system, in other words, the human emotional feeling so that we
can end up with investigators that are, in a sense, flooded constantly with emotion.
And we‟re also going to see very cool examples, cool examples in which the motor
function is being ignored by the architecture underneath.
These are different beings. The first thing to recognize about the difference between
the left tone and right tone investigator is that the left tone investigator is an ob-
vious one. They‟re an obvious one. This is an active principle. And you can really
see them investigating, sniffing around, tasting things, checking out the view, what-
ever the case may be. The moment you move over to the right tone, to the inner
vision and the feeling and the touch, you‟re dealing with a totally different way in
which these investigators are going to operate. It‟s much more difficult for them, in
a sense, to be able to complete their investigations. In other words, it is much
cloudier. And remember that as humans we‟re not fully equipped to be able to take
advantage of the potential that is there in terms of the 5th tone.
What we‟re looking at in terms of our analytical movement is that we‟re beginning to
see that no matter what the line is, that truly we need to be able to recognize that
we can read the nuance of that line and also begin to see what its deep potential is.
If you go back to this line, being discovered, and if we just look now at that theme of
being discovered, think about the active. Think about that active principle, that in-
vestigator that is here to be discovered. You have all this active stuff that is there
when you‟re dealing with the left. It has a natural relationship to the ultimate stra-
tegic value. It‟s really there; it‟s really involved in that, get the discovery, and be
discovered. And here you have a totally different thing because the right is passive.
There is something we need to understand about the passive and the receptive, that
they need to be drawn out. And you‟re going to see that this is a 1 st line investigator
that needs to be drawn into investigation. That they won‟t just naturally begin to
investigate, and that‟s a very profound nuance to understand about the line. Some-
thing has to pull them in, that sudden inner vision, that feeling, the touch of some-
thing, whatever the case may be; they need to be pulled in to investigate. And
that‟s not the case for the left tone at all.
So, here this being, when they‟re correct, when they‟re following their alternating
and the determination is correct, that what we‟re going to get is an investigator with
a deep capacity to feel things out. But what they‟re going to investigate has to be
drawn out of them. And only then can they be discovered. It‟s a very different kind
of investigator.
I‟m not even talking about that; I‟m talking about trying to imagine a step beyond
that. In other words, a capacity to be able to take in tremendous amount of infor-
mation and not necessarily in the Reiki sense of the word, not necessarily needing to
actually make physical contact for this kind of touch to actually work. So, we‟re
dealing with a sense, remember. And we‟re dealing with a passive sense that is in
mutation. So there is a tremendous amount of information that is a potential here.
But my thing, and of course it‟s going to take a great deal of investigation because
we need to look into this, is that we need to see what happens to our species, a hu-
man, when they are operating correctly, that is, in order to stabilize their color fre-
quency, when they‟re operating correctly, what does this actually bring out on the
surface, what does it actually bring out now? If I was to hypothetically look at this
and there was no such thing as the rave, if we were still seven-centered beings, it
would be very straightforward. But it isn‟t. This is no longer touch that is similar to
what it was in 1781. In other words, this is constantly upgrading as a potential
awareness, moving along towards its mutation point.
So it‟s going to be very interesting to see what the qualities are that come out.
4Again, remember we‟re looking at the nuances of a single line, of a single line
through exactly the same color. That‟s the thing that‟s so incredible is to begin to
understand, I‟ve been talking forever about the fact that we are unique and we are
different. When you begin to see analytical capacity at this level of differentiation,
what you took for granted—most people are happy just with understanding what the
generic of what the 46th gate is—“Oh, yeah, you have the 46th gate; right; serendipi-
ty; good luck. And oh, yeah, it‟s 46.1, being discovered.” But how is that lived out
in the body?
We see that it‟s lived out so differently. And these investigators are very, very dif-
ferent beings. These 46.1‟s are all really different. You would notice the difference;
that is, if they‟re correct. I once cracked this joke about writing an I‟Ching for cor-
rect beings and everybody took me seriously. I pretended I was serious. Of course,
the I‟Ching is homogenized. I hope you get the joke. If you look at the Rave I‟Ching
what you‟re looking at is the homogenized surface of a line. If we go to the 46.1 we
have a homogenized surface. Not everybody lives it out the same way. If every-
body lived it out the same way, boy, that would be really spooky. They don‟t. It‟s a
generic, that 46, that 46.1 is a generic.
We‟re at a point now in the development of the knowledge that we can truly begin to
do this kind of analysis at a much more profound level where you do see the nuance.
Obviously, being able to see the nuance in the vehicle is so important for us, because
how is that touch going to emerge in the vehicle? Remember, we‟re not looking at
personality here. We‟re looking at design.
It says something else. There are things here for all of you to truly ponder. It says
that if this being is not going to be correct, then there is going to be something
wrong in the way in which this investigator operates relative to the potential of what
touch could be. In other words, we‟re going to see that senses on the surface, when
the vehicle isn‟t operating correctly, that these senses that are the cognitive keys,
that there is going to be problems with these senses on the surface, because it‟s
going to be as a physical manifestation.
These chains are really something. As I was going through and I was putting to-
gether the illustrations and I was beginning to roll through them, I had this incredi-
ble sense of how extraordinarily different one point can be when you see, really see,
and how significant it can be as markers. You begin to operate correctly according to
your PHS, you begin to align what is your architecture to the surface. You know
what the sensory potential is. You know what the line is. There‟s something to
watch, to see how this manifests in the form, how our uniqueness, how our potential
for differentiation, how this actually comes out in the body.
And when we see it emerge in the body we have this clarity that comes when recog-
nizing the transition and our resonance to what is us. We‟re here to be these
nuances. I‟m a 1st line. I know the 1st line business. I‟m a 5/1; I have a design 1st
line. I understand that there are all kinds of investigators. And to see the nuance is
really a gift. It‟s quite something.
Obviously, I built in the potential for this so I‟m glad that I did. I‟m not going to be
able to go through the 12 chains today. But in many ways I‟m actually quite pleased
with that because it‟s really given me a chance to lay out some parameter informa-
tion for you so that you have a better grip of this as we move through. I will give
you all the illustrations so that you have the illustrations. I will add on the rest of
the material.
I want you all, though, and that‟s really my close for today, is I want you to think
about your design chain and to look at it carefully and to begin to see what that po-
tential means for you in terms of your line. What‟s very important for us as practi-
tioners is that we need to get beyond what the PHS analyst is capable of doing,
which is to set the platform for correctness. In that platform being set for correct-
ness lies the opportunity to be able to lay out all the differentiated forms.
These are different bodies, by the way. It‟s something that we need to see. What is
the 1, 1, 1 body compared to the 1, 1, 2 body; are they different? How different is
the correct active body from the passive body? The kind of statistical things like
muscle to bone ratios and these kinds of things, in order to begin to grasp something
that in laying out all the chains that all the chains represent these very, very impor-
tant archetypal forms that the vehicle takes.
Once all of these forms are clear, we can begin to then see in dysfunction where the
problems emerge and how they emerge on the surface. But there‟s only one heal-
ing. My whole process with PHS has been one of surprise, I guess. I‟m surprised at
the way it works. I‟m not surprised that it does work. But I‟m surprised at the way
it works. I‟m surprised at what seems to be very weird concepts—indirect light, di-
rect light, circumstance for food, the different conditions—that the impact is quite
something. My mailbox is full. And it‟s full of progress reports that are very special.
Not all of them are hugely dramatic; they vary, like all things.
Yet, they all have an impact. The longer that anyone operates correctly according to
their determination, the more streamlined the efficiency of the cognitive potential to
get to the surface, and obviously the healthier the vehicle itself. So here we are at
the beginning of chains. I think we‟ll have a lot of fun. Nice you were all here. Until
next week, I‟ll get all my drawings ready, we‟re going to have a nice collection at the
We‟re going to enter into the domain of the 2 nd line. Let‟s think about the 2nd line
and think about it in the context that it is a hermit. Let‟s think about that not from
the point of view of how we think about that psychologically, but let‟s think about
that in terms of the body. What do we know about the hermit body? What we know
is that it has barriers. The barriers become obvious when you look at something like
the 59.2 where you see the fact that barriers can be established that can stop fertili-
ty and that barriers can be put up in relationships. When you think about the genet-
ic continuity inherent in all 2nd lines, understand that wherever you look at a 2nd line
there is a barrier that can be set up.
In other words, that there is a refining process that takes place. One of the most
extraordinary things about the hermit and one of the most interesting things about
the hermit is that the barriers that they establish are not universal. In other words,
when you think about the 59.2, as an example, you think about somebody who is
generally establishing a barrier that is going to put up a block to the consummation
of an intimacy, the barrier is always there. For most human beings that are going to
meet that aura they‟re going to meet that barrier. But there‟s one human being in
which that barrier, quite literally isn‟t going to exist. This is the whole thing about
the hermit being open to the call.
One of the things to think about in terms of this is that when we‟re thinking about
the 2nd line as it relates to the body that it‟s very important to realize that that
means there is a vulnerability in the body. In other words, there is a place where
the barrier is not complete. There is a place where the barrier can be penetrated.
As a matter of fact, at the physical level you could look at the 2 nd line as the god of
the 2nd line is Achilles with his funny little tendon. He was dipped into the water in
order to be given immortality except he was held by his so-called Achilles tendon.
And that obviously was a place where he wasn‟t protected.
Something to understand is that from the personality point of view it‟s very impor-
tant that there is this hole, because otherwise there would be a complete cutoff from
the possibility of integrating with the life around one. But understand that from the
physical point of view it always means there‟s a place of potential weakness, and
something physically for us to pay attention to. Obviously, if the architecture is not
operating correctly as it moves its way up to that 2nd line, then there is always the
presence of that Achilles‟ tendon, that one thing that can get you.
It reminds me of the Loki story about the murder of Baldur. Baldur was one of the
Nordic Gods, Teutonic Gods and he was immortal. But he had one thing that was
dangerous for him which was mistletoe. Loki, the trickster, managed to get a blind
god to throw the mistletoe at Baldur and kill him. We have these traditions that ex-
ist in our mythology of these unique places where we are vulnerable.
So, in understanding the 2nd line in terms of the way in which it‟s going to operate in
the vehicle, and so you know what you‟re looking at, as an example the 5/2 or the
6/2 where you‟re going to have the 2 nd line unconscious in the profile, you‟re going
to be dealing with the fact that somewhere that being has a vulnerability. And that
vulnerability becomes a flashpoint, obviously, if they‟re not going to operate correct-
So we have our beginning chain—1, 1, 2—we have our 1st tone. And the 1st tone,
obviously we‟re dealing with the immune system splenic binary, we‟re dealing with
smell. And again, understanding something that if this is the sense that only the
smell is going to be able to protect that ultimate 2 nd line from its vulnerability, only
the smell. In other words, this sense, it is the acuteness of the sense that is going
to provide for the hermit, it is going to
provide for the vulnerability that is in-
herent in that 2nd line. It‟s not about
the sense being there to enhance the
barrier. It isn‟t at all. Of course, what
happens when these beings are not op-
erating correctly is the barrier becomes
everything for them, and the risks of
being called become enormous. So,
underneath at the tonal level we have
this smell.
We‟re like children in kindergarten here. We‟re stuck with the Sun/Earth for the
moment; will be for quite awhile. We‟ll get to the nodes. But think about all the
planets, think about all the information that‟s there. Think about all the diversity
that‟s there. It‟s absolutely extraordinary.
So I want you to have a new perception of the way in which we look at these lines
from the unconscious. And looking at this 2 nd line and understanding there is that
Achilles tendon, there is that vulnerability and that vulnerability is only going to be
protected, they‟re only going to be viable if they‟re going to be able to operate cor-
rectly in terms of their architecture reaching the surface. And what gets in the way,
what always gets in the way, what is always our story is color.
Now, again remember, if you‟re operating according to Strategy and Authority, there
is no question that you‟re going to be able to align your color and it‟s fine. Remem-
ber that when we‟re dealing with design color there is less of a tendency to transfe-
rence, other than the 4th color, and we‟ll get there. It‟s very different from the per-
sonality that is always, if I can use the word tempted, always being pulled, swayed
by the potential of transference even if they‟re operating according to their Strategy
and Authority because it‟s operating at the psychological level.
So, here we have to see the importance of Strategy and Authority, because if we
don‟t have that we‟re not going to be able to move through, we‟re not going to be
able to bring the essential importance of this sense to this being. And again, re-
member, whenever we‟re dealing with a 2nd line on the design side we‟re dealing
with—Achilles tendon is the only way I can describe it to you. It‟s very specific.
These are beings where if you took them in for a medical examination, everything
would seem to be all right, but there‟s one thing, there‟s one thing that is an inhe-
rent weakness in them. It‟s that very weakness that allows the right forces to come
through the barrier on the personality level. On the personality level we don‟t call it
a weakness at all. We call it an openness to the right call.
But at the physical level, this represents the one place where the immune system,
where the vehicle, where the life can be threatened. It‟s why we have when we get
to anyone who carries hermit qualities we see that they internalize their lives. They
lessen the amount of contact with the germ field, the whatever, the Howard Hughes
syndrome. I don‟t mean to overstate it, but nonetheless. It‟s something to grasp
about this 2nd line, that when we see beings that have 6/2‟s, 5/2‟s, when we‟re look-
ing at that configuration understand that there is an inherent vulnerability that is
there and they need to be protected. Of course, that is something that is only going
to be able to operate through the diet. This is the key.
Of course, one of the things we see is that when we‟re dealing with the lower colors
we are dealing with a level of primitiveness in the digestive system. In order for this
being to be protected is if they take the right nutrition into their system. There is no
other way. Of course, we have the consecutive here. And basically when we‟re
looking at the primitive diet in many ways, unless diet and these concerns have been
the main theme in your life, in many ways when we‟re dealing with the 1 st tone with
2nd line beings we‟re going to see that diet has never really been their question. In
other words, you‟re looking at something that is hidden, the hermit is hidden away.
The weakness in this being is invisible, like Achilles tendon, nobody knew, he seemed
So, it‟s really something to grasp that for us working from the physical point of view
to understand the vulnerability that the 2nd line brings at the unconscious level. And
to recognize that only correctness is going to ameliorate that and in this case, it
means taking somebody who may not have dietary concerns and bringing them to
what is, in fact, a very primitive diet. Of course, that isn‟t necessarily easy at a psy-
chological level.
What‟s going to happen is we‟re going to see that when we‟re going to meet these
beings is when their Achilles tendon shows itself. In other words, it is where sudden-
ly that one thing that is there that can harm them, that it has the opportunity to do
so. So, we‟re dealing with a very interesting configuration here and looking through
unconscious 2nd lines, and we‟re going to see that as we progress through all the
chains that we‟re dealing with a real vulnerability here and it‟s something very inter-
esting to look at.
We‟re still in the splenic binary, but we have shifted in the tone. Again, understand
how different that is, how different it is when it emerges on the surface. After all,
the one thing about the hermit body is that it needs to recognize before it happens
the unknown thing that can damage it,
that can destroy it. It needs to know;
Achilles never knew. This is the whole
thing, this is the whole secret.
was the 1st tone that it is in the smell that they meet the enemy, it is in the smell
that they meet the unknowable that can get to their weak spot.
And here it‟s in the taste. In other words, this is a deep need to be very, very con-
cerned about this being. Being very clear about not taking anything into its system
that it does not like the taste for, to trust in its capacity to taste. Obviously, it can-
not do that if it‟s in transference. The thing is that the not-self is always in transfe-
rence. So, what happens is that this Achilles tendon, this weak spot has no access
to the cognition—this is a concentrated cognition field—it has no access to the cogni-
tion that could warn it and protect it.
When we get to the surface—again, we‟re not looking at the 46th gate and we‟re not
looking at the 2nd line in the interpretation of that 2nd line as we see it within the con-
text of the unconscious and the way in which the vehicle operates on the surface.
But what we see is the genetic continuity of the archetype. And we can see the arc-
hetype shifting as the tone shifts. It‟s just a movement in which you‟re clicking into
different aspects on the surface. It isn‟t going to do this being with the 2nd tone any
good that it thinks it smells something that is going to be successful for it. That is
not the way the cognition system is intended to operate.
We move to the 3. It‟s always interesting when we move to the 3 because we move
out of this basic foundation of what the left is and what the strategic is. When we
move away from the root of this which is the splenic binary and we move into the
Ajna binary, we move into what is more a communication or propaganda facility in
the end; in other words, architecture for
different kinds of minds. Of course,
here you see the root architecture of
what we call the strategic mind, what is
essentially the human mind. It comes
out of this 3rd tone.
Here is an example where the external environment is going to be very, very impor-
tant for this particular hermit. In other words, because the outer vision is going to
be a key to being able to protect itself from its vulnerability, that to be in the right
place so it can look upon the right things, this is something that is going to be very
important for it.
So, we bring in another attribute when we bring in this particular tone, we bring in a
different way to see in which that‟s going to work. The other thing is that because
it‟s visual, the diet—and again, we‟re still with the consistency of our primitive diet—
so one of the things that is important for this being is its visual relationship to the
food. We have already seen that we have a primitive diet that‟s rooted in smell and
this is the most primitive of all. We have a primitive diet that is rooted in taste. We
have a primitive diet now that‟s rooted in vision.
It remains this left fixing of this 1st color. But the vision is something that is differ-
ent. It‟s another sense and it‟s another process. So again, you can see the way in
which the information moves to the surface. This is an outer vision hermit, as op-
posed to a taste hermit, as opposed to a smell hermit. All of that only being effec-
tive when there is consistency in the way in which the diet operates.
As long as we are going to be dealing with the 1st color, as long we‟re going to be
dealing with the 1st and 2nd color, quite frankly, we are always going to have to deal
with in terms of dealing with a 2nd line, we‟re going to have to deal with psychologi-
cal problems for this being to accept this kind of diet. In other words, they‟re not
going to come with weight problems, their digestive system is not necessarily some-
thing that they notice. In other words, this is one of the things to keep in mind
about the nature of this unconscious 2.
Now we take a giant leap, and it‟s always a giant leap. It‟s a leap into both the
present and the future as we have discussed. And we‟re obviously here on the right
side now, so everything is changing.
We‟re moving away from the active body
to the passive body so we have a very
different kind of passive vehicle.
the result of just homogenized conditioning, and particularly the conditioning on the
right to be left.
By the way, there‟s something to understand about this left/right story is that again
it is much more accentuated at the personality level in the self-reflected conscious-
ness than it is in the vehicle. In the vehicle what we see is the difference between
active and passive vehicles. And of course, one of the ways we‟re going to notice
certain things, certain transformations that take place in clients, is that we‟ll see, for
example, that those that are designed to be active actually get to a point where the
active vehicle begins to operate in a healthy way, just as the passive vehicle free of
the tension of being active can begin to gain the benefits of how important it is for it
to be passive.
It is not an accident that in developed countries, something like 30% of the popula-
tion are on downers of one kind or another, either legal or illegal, people who are on
anti-depressants, people who are on mood conditioners, people who smoke canna-
bis, all kinds of people who bring this passivity chemically into their lives. Of course,
it is built into us that in fact we have this basic duality between the active and the
passive body. So, instead of an active body and its pursuit of a strategy to be able
to overcome its Achilles weakness—think about that—we have a passive body that
can only operate correctly when its passivity is pure. In other words, when it‟s tak-
ing in only what is correct for it and never having to succumb to its weakness.
Again, this is the whole thing about understanding the difference between the active
and the passive. The active body is necessary in order to churn out a great deal of
energy to come up with strategic solutions. The passive body does something else
entirely, it simply absorbs. And it takes energy to absorb. That is, one has to coor-
dinate what one is absorbing. But there is not enough energy as well to then devel-
op strategic ways of dealing with it.
So we have a very different body. We have this passive body. We have a passive
body and again we‟re still in what is our primitive diet, we have just shifted over
from the consecutive to the alternating, but again we‟re still dealing with a very, very
basic diet, one thing at a time, very simple. The caveman illustration is a good one
for this.
Remember that whenever we‟re looking at color, color is the dietary solution. The
dietary solution—I should call it really a digestive solution that‟s going to allow the
proper cognition to be able to ultimately move its way to the surface. Here, of
course, we have inner vision, which is an archetype of the profundity of the right and
the passive. In other words, this is all about absorption, it‟s all about taking in.
One of the things to be clear about in terms of the right is that this is not a blind ab-
sorption. This is something that‟s so interesting, particularly when we think about
the right mind. It isn‟t blind. What it is doing is that it absorbs through filters in the
same way that you clean water, as an example. It absorbs through filters and ulti-
mately it stores what it needs to store. This is its genius. And yet, none of that is
accessible, none of that is basically understandable. Other than those programming
engineers in IT who deal with the dilemmas of storage and how brilliant you have to
be to figure out how to store things so that they can be accessed.
The thing to recognize about the passive body is that the passive body can only pro-
tect itself when it‟s allowed to be passive. In other words, in the myth about “physi-
cian heal thyself,” if you‟re left, don‟t trust that, because if you‟re a left you want a
strategy, you want to know how to heal yourself. But in fact, if you‟re right, there is,
in essence, no need to heal yourself because you‟re always healing yourself by al-
ways being open to taking in precisely what you need. Obviously, if you‟re not oper-
ating correctly through the diet, then what you get to take in, because you‟re blind
to the process, is that you end up taking in precisely what is incorrect for you.
Again, we‟re talking about a 2nd line theme on the surface. Of course, here is some-
body who if you could see them at the dinner table what you would see is somebody
who is eating very simply, you would see somebody eating consecutively and you
would see somebody basically with their eyes closed deep, deep in a meditative
process, lost, and in this way digesting exactly the way they should, and taking in
the sensations of the vehicle exactly the way they should. Taking in all the informa-
tion exactly the way they should.
It‟s not about access. This is the problem of left/right. Everything for the left has to
be usable for a focus. But this is not the case for the right. And the right vehicle
does not operate that way. It is a passive vehicle. And as a passive vehicle it is de-
signed through its cognition to take in precisely what is correct for it.
So we have a different kind of hermit here. We have a hermit that is in their inner
vision. And it does not mean they cannot be called. It does not mean that their ve-
hicle cannot be accessed. It doesn‟t mean that at all. But it means that there is no
strategy and there is no pursuit of the call itself.
Of course, the moment we are dealing with the fact that the vast majority of human-
ity is in transference, forget that. What you have is a deep vulnerability and you
have somebody that‟s going to totally ignore this diet because the 2 nd line uncons-
cious has this tendency to ignore this kind of a diet because it just doesn‟t seem to
make sense because it doesn‟t seem to be their problem. Then, of course, they‟re
always open to that one thing. That line you say about, “Gee, they look so healthy,”
yeah, right, good, ok.
Let‟s take a look at mystery land. Mystery land is when we get down to the Solar
Plexus binary. And of course, getting down to the Solar Plexus binary we‟re getting
into the heart of the mutative process; this theme, this is a feeling body. It‟s very
hard to give language to that. I have been here before and we‟ve shared my dilem-
ma with that. It‟s not that I don‟t have the language of feeling as we understand it.
I have that understanding quite well. It is about the fact that we have a Solar Plexus
mutation at work and there are levels of feeling. That is, the feeling and whatever
its limitation will be for human and feeling and whatever its potential will be for rave.
It‟s very different.
So, when we‟re dealing with this in terms of looking at the beings we‟re going to be
dealing with that there‟s no question that this is a kind of experiential recognition.
It‟s what feeling really is. And feeling
arises in the experience. This is essen-
tially an abstract process, as we under-
stand the abstract process.
But what is essential for this being is that they‟re not going to recognize their poten-
tial for this feeling, because I don‟t think they would naturally, quite frankly. I think
the only way that they‟re going to gain access to it is through the diet. When I say
that, obviously Strategy and Authority always comes first.
But if you take the 5 and the 6 as we‟re going to look at next, you have to see they
have to discover their sense, because we can only give a parameter to it, because
it‟s more than what it is and it‟s changing every day. So, the theme here is that if
we have somebody in their Strategy and Authority, if they enter into what is correct
for them in terms of their digestive system, that ultimately what is going to happen
is their experiential recognition of what this feeling is.
Again, this is one of the things Cathy was discussing before class, the difference in
the way in which she experiences certain things now. This is something that is very
common in the comments that I receive from people who are experimenting with
their PHS. Invariably what they‟re describing, it‟s almost funny, is heightened cogni-
tion. And of course, this is what it‟s all about. It‟s about heightened cognition.
When we‟re dealing with the 5 and the 6, because we don‟t really know what they
are, I can tell you what they used to be, but what they are at this moment, what
they‟re going to be tomorrow, what they will be in 2027, this is an evolving mutating
process that the ones that are going to know are the ones who are it. And the only
way they‟re going to gain access to that sensory quality is that they‟re going to have
to do that through the diet, that‟s the only way that‟s going to work.
Again, as I mentioned earlier, because we‟re dealing with a 2 nd line vehicle and be-
cause we‟re dealing with this singular vulnerability that their environments are very
important for them and any kind of real diagnosis for them is going to have to in-
clude the external in order to be able to optimize the environment that they‟re in,
because if the environment is correct, what they‟re going to come into physical con-
tact with, because this is through touch, it is going to be the correct forces that are
intended to be there in their life for them to make tactile contact with. At the end of
our 3 year process you‟re going to be able to give extraordinary diagnoses, because
we‟re going to be able to see all of the parameters.
So, here with the touch again to understand, that because of the dilemmas of being
a hermit, because of the dilemmas of this vulnerability, because it doesn‟t show up
necessarily in the digestion that this is a
psychological step to enter into the ex-
periment, but through this the goad,
the prize has to be their understanding
that what‟s going to emerge is a quality
of touch, at least touch as we can use it
as a foundation, that is going to truly
provide them with the protection that
they need in order for them to obtain
not simply their well-being, but again,
to bring out the cognitive potential that
is there.
Ok, let‟s move on. We have the 3rd line unconscious—6/3‟s, 5/3‟s—and we have to
begin to think about it in terms of the vehicle. If we think in terms of the vehicle,
what is interesting about the 3rd line, it‟s something I always talk about. It‟s called
“bumping into things.” One of the things we‟re going to see about the 3 rd line body
is that it has very different nuances in the way in which its bone structure works.
After all, the thing to be clear about the 3 rd line being is that they‟re designed to take
a beating and survive it. They‟re designed to be knocked down and rise up again.
They‟re designed to be hit and still keep going. After all, think about the body. The
1/3—think about the body. What you have to see that these are bodies that in es-
sence are designed for physical stress. And what is so interesting about these bodies
that are designed for physical stress is that this is the only way that the physical
body can be an instrument of discovery—one of the real deep keynotes of the martyr
of the 3rd line.
Because we have a body that is going to have this kind of karma and movement in
its life, we know that if this body is not properly protected then all this banging into
things is going to be deeply damaging. And that these are going to end up being
suffering martyr bodies, bodies that get beaten up, bodies that slowly lose their abili-
ty to be able to recover.
So, when we‟re looking at this 3rd line body we have to see this is a different kind of
body, and we have to be very concerned about this body‟s potential to be able to
protect itself. Again, we go back to the basics. That is, the only way in which this
body is going to be properly prepared to be able to deal with the bumps and the
banging and everything else is if they‟re operating correctly in terms of their diet be-
cause the diet is going to bring the cognitive quality that they need. Of course, the
diet is aligning their vehicle. It‟s aligning their vehicle to being resilient, to being
able to have stamina, all of these things that are so essential to the 3 rd line body
process—unconscious 3rd line.
However, this is a body that needs to have recovery methods. And of course, the
not-self 3rd line unconscious, its recovery methods are really its dilemma. In other
words, it begins to wear down because it doesn‟t have the proper cognition and as it
begins to wear down it tries all kinds of things to revise its vitality.
Of course, everything again goes back to the diet. Everything goes back to the fact
that this is a very primitive digestive system. This is the primitive martyr digestive
system. If they don‟t follow a primitive diet they‟re going to suffer because they are
the martyr. When that food bumps into their stomach, if they‟re not properly pre-
pared they‟re going to deal with all the consequences that go with that. You could
eliminate the profits of all of the companies that provide remedies for human gas if
you could just heal all of the 3rd line unconscious. As a matter of fact, you‟d take an
enormous amount of sulfur out of the atmosphere, but I don‟t want to get silly at
this point.
So this 1, 1, 3, in looking at this, you can see what happens to this being, this being
gets to smell what they need to smell. This is the acuity that comes for them in the
sensory sense. In other words, they can smell what danger is for them. They can
smell when they‟re not ready to be able to handle a situation because they don‟t
have the resilience, they can smell it. Remember this is smell that goes far beyond,
because we‟re talking about what the impact is in terms of the way in which your
brain provides your neo-cortex with aroma information and how that aroma informa-
tion is translated.
That aroma information is translated both into what we call smells, but also into con-
cepts—smell a rat, smell success, whatever the case may be. In other words, the
by-product of the brain and the way in which smell operates physically changes the
way the self-reflected consciousness is going to experience the phenomena. And all
of this leads to the capacity of the martyr to be able to triumph, to be able to find its
discovery, but most of all, to protect these bodies.
Of course, this is something to think about when we‟re dealing with any 3 rd line un-
conscious child, to understand the vulnerabilities of their vehicle. Their vehicle is
vulnerable. And it‟s not vulnerable in the classic sense because they look stronger
than anybody else. It‟s not about that. They have to be stronger because they have
to put up with the bumps and the bruises and the ride along. But the thing is that
you can forget and not really notice and suddenly all of that wonderful capacity just
dissipates because they suddenly get quite ill. This is something that is a concern
and again, it goes back to the basics.
Let‟s shift. When we look at, again staying in the splenic binary, but the 2 is so in-
teresting because the 2 is the immune system at its bravest. It‟s sort of the immune
system sampling out there what could be dangerous and trying to figure out how it
could handle it if it ever met it. Again, we‟re dealing with the strategic side.
So this is an active body. But there is a curiosity also that is there in this active
body. This curiosity is something; again, remember that we‟re dealing with the po-
tential of discovery. But the potential of discovery that can only take place if there is
sufficient vitality, the vitality to be able to maintain the process of the inherent
struggle of what it is to be a 3 body. Again, there is nowhere to go unless we‟re
dealing with the caveman diet; nowhere to go unless we‟re dealing with the simplest
diet because this digestive system cannot handle anything else.
Everything that we‟ve been looking at—think about that—we‟ve only been looking at
one color. We‟ve been going through all these variations now and these are just
about primitive variations. We‟re going
to see the different color variations rela-
tive to the different lines. We‟ll have
different stories. But here we‟re dealing
with this true primitiveness, and how
many human beings that this is going to
be the answer for them.
Again, stepping upstairs, going into the Ajna binary, going into cognition that be-
comes totally visual, which of course—when you think about it because the 4 is inner
vision, inner vision isn‟t about seeing at all. That is, it‟s not seeing with the eyes.
The 3rd tone is all about seeing with the eyes. This is the visual zone; this is the
neo-cortex at its very best. This is
where all of strategic humanity and its
evolution has been focused. It‟s all
Again, color, this is the medium. It is the whole point. And stressing of the fact that
this can only be done through Strategy and Authority, the alignment to the diet and
then the outer vision is going to be there. And they‟ll see it coming and they‟ll get
the hell out of the way.
We move over to the right. We leave behind the strategic body, we move over to
the passive body. Again, this is a totally different process; a totally different kind of
a martyr. You can think of the left martyr as something that bangs into you. And
you can think of the right martyr as somebody you bang into. Of course, it all de-
pends on how you look at that, but each takes its punishment in its unique way—the
active banging into things and the pas-
sive just taking it. Of course, you still
need the strength. You need the capac-
ity, the resiliency to be able to take it.
As a matter of fact, the theme of the
martyr directly comes from the right—
the passive “I‟ll take it.” Left martyrs
don‟t feel like that at all. They feel like
they‟re going smash you if you get in
their way.
It‟s only this inside vision and the way in which this inner vision emerges when one is
correct that ultimately you get to see the influence that‟s going to be there on the
way in which that 3rd line is going to operate, what it will allow to bump into it. And
what it will be able to avoid. And what it will discover by just allowing what is cor-
rect to meet it, and so forth and so on.
Again, the story is in the middle, always in the middle, always the key. It‟s why eve-
rything we do to awaken in those that are following their Strategy and Authority, to
awaken their understanding of transference, how important it is for them to be rigid
in their experiment in order to gain the benefits because that‟s the point. Strategy
and Authority, in and of itself, if you don‟t follow your diet, Strategy and Authority as
we well know looks after you. After all, it takes an enormous burden away from life,
it gives you an inner authority that you can trust, but it doesn‟t mean that it is per-
fecting your process. It is what this is all about.
And not simply perfecting your process, transcending the limitation by transforming
the way in which your physical brain operates and opening up a different level of
acuity from the sensory domain that has been alien to most human beings through-
out their lives. Most human beings never have access to that architecture at all.
They are simply lost in being banged into or banging into things.
The Solar Plexus binary: feeling, alternating diet, banging bodies. I love how each of
these martyrs—as I go through these triplicities I have a sense of these people. I
can sort of feel it. It‟s so extraordinary
the way the nuances work. I‟m like a
kid at a candy store, I still have a great
deal of awe in my observing all of this,
and how different these martyrs are.
And we‟re still not talking about the
gate. We‟re not talking about the cross.
We are truly unique beings, this magic
of differentiation, and the magic of this
revelation, to truly be able to see this
differentiation and to see how different
these bodies are.
We are unique. The great gift of the work that we do is that we can frame and pin-
point uniqueness to an extraordinary level. And all of that leads back to an under-
standing that we have a key to be able to provide the vehicle with its perfection.
That‟s an absolute statement, and nothing else truly deserves that. It‟s incredible.
Of course, there is a reward in all of this. The reward is what happens to us when
there are those of us who have a right body, and it has touch and they‟re operating
correctly and they‟re following their Strategy and Authority and this emerges on the
surface and they get something that‟s really special. This transformation, this open-
ing up of a whole new way to be aware, to be cognizant, the heightening of one‟s
senses, the elimination of those things that in this case bring deterioration to the vi-
tality of this 3rd line body. This 3rd line body needs its diet. It needs its correctness
in order to maintain the power of this vitality. Not that it‟s something that starts off
fresh and you just beat it to death until it finally breaks down, that can simply take
the punishment for three, four or five decades and then collapses.
No, this is something else. This is an eternal vitality, a perfected vitality rooted in
the correctness of digestion. And we know that as we move through the colors we‟re
going to see that these martyrs, there are different digestive martyrs who emerge in
the evolutionary chain at different times. After all, carrying a 1st color in your design
simply is your inheritance from a long genetic line of 1 st color history, our first diges-
tive process. And we have had a progression of different kinds of dietary martyrs to
perfect their process, to release the cognition in a unique way through all of those
potential variations. Chains—there‟s nothing like them.
We enter into a new domain. We enter into the domain of the upper trigram. The
moment that we enter into the domain of the upper trigram we have to think about
the difference of the body. Let‟s think about these bodies for a moment, and just
bodies. Let‟s think of lower trigram bodies and upper trigram bodies. If you think
about lower trigram bodies you‟re dealing about the strength of the body tends to be
on the outside. And the strength of the vehicle of the upper trigram is strength of
the body tends to be on the inside.
Now, it‟s something to grasp. When I say “surface” I‟m talking about the dynamics
of how the body operates, there is a quality to the lower trigram that has to have its
surface protection. After all, we‟re dealing with what is ultimately to be a vehicle
that‟s self-absorbed that needs to be able to hold off the outside as it goes through
its process on the inside. When we‟re looking at an upper trigram body we‟re looking
at something totally different. That is, we‟re looking at the mirror. In other words,
we‟re looking at a vehicle that is intended to connect to other bodies. It is prepared
and open to connect to other bodies and where its strength is, is on the inside.
It says something interesting because every time that we‟re looking at lines, every
time that we‟re looking at colors, in a way we‟re looking at history. We‟re looking at
an evolutionary pattern—what we have seen in the difference between lower color
and upper color, that in lower color we have this primitive dimension of diet. As a
matter of fact, the 3rd color which represents the completion of that lower color
process is only at the point where we are able to control both heat and cold.
But it‟s something to grasp about the upper is that in the upper color being, every-
thing is about circumstance, it is environmental concerns, it is the concerns of one‟s
relationship with others, that is the communal environment of eating as an example,
how that environment is going to operate and how that environment can be effec-
tive. The upper color is already very different in that its digestive system is some-
thing that is dependent on the external, not the internal. Whereas, when you‟re
looking at the lower color, everything about the digestive system is about their inter-
So, when we‟re looking at the upper trigram we have to begin to see that this is a
different kind of body, and this lower and upper indicates certain basic things for us.
In other words, if you have lower color then the depth of your immune system is im-
portant for you in order to maintain what is an internal vulnerability. It‟s interesting
to speculate that lower trigram beings, in fact, when you really see illness in them it
appears on the surface. In other words, when the surface barrier is broken down,
this is when they are already at a point where the internal has already been infecting
them, or whatever the case may be, for a long time.
So, when we‟re looking at the upper it also says something else. It says that the ex-
ternal dimension, that is, problems of the external, aren‟t necessarily as concerning
as would be the problems that would exist on the internal since they are designed to
have the stronger internal.
So we‟re dealing with a different kind of body. Not only are we dealing with this dif-
ferent kind of body, but we‟re dealing with the 4 th line. The relationship between the
4th line and the 4th color, obviously we‟re dealing with a very deep resonance. We
know that the 4th color is a color that is deeply dynamic in its lack of stability. That
is, what we call transference, this constant shifting of frequency.
Everything about the 3-4, the bridge of the 3-4, always brings instability. But we
know at the line level that the 4 is very complex, because not only does it represent
the closure of what we would call the right angle process, but it also opens up the
transitional bridge, that is the juxtaposition that is going to be part of the 4 dimen-
sion. So we have an inherent duality in the way in which the 4 operates.
The other thing is that everything about the 4 as we understand it is that we under-
stand the opportunist; in other words, that basic keynote that we give to it. But let‟s
think about something about the opportunist and think about the model that I have
had for years about the opportunist—never leave a lover until you have another lov-
er, never leave a job until you have another job—one of the things to grasp—that‟s a
good word—about the 4 body is that it is a holding-on body. In other words, it is a
body that really pulls things in. Of course, in pulling them in you can see why there
is this surface openness in order to be the beginning of what is this transpersonal
process. It is the holding of them in that brings all of the possibility of what kind of
success they‟re going to have as a vehicle.
It also says something else. It says something that I‟ve talked about for a very long
time. When you‟re looking at the 4th line you‟re looking at a line of infection. That
is, you‟re looking at a capacity of a vehicle to influence. You can see why. It takes
things in easily at the surface. And in taking things in easily at the surface it be-
comes a fundamental transmitter. So, these are vehicles that are real transmitter
vehicles and in a way they are the bridge between what is in fact the closed-off body
of the lower trigram to ultimately what is the very open body, but having its own dif-
ferent equipment, as you‟ll see when we get to the 5th line, of the 5 and the 6.
So the 4 is really a transition in this process. It‟s a transitional body and as such it is
vulnerable. It‟s very important for 4th line bodies, and of course, we‟re talking about
the 2/4 and the 1/4, that 4th line bodies need to be particularly careful about the na-
ture of what is going to be their diet. But most of all what is going to be very inter-
esting in any work that we do with the upper trigram is our understanding of what
the external is and what is going to be important for them in terms of the right envi-
ronments for them to be in.
So we begin this chain with a 1, 1, 4. And in beginning this chain, here we are in our
splenic binary, we‟re left tone, and everything about this left tone is rooted in the
deep concentrated dynamic of the immune system. It‟s very, very concentrated,
very important that it is able to build up
the capacities it needs to protect itself.
Think about it. If we were dealing with
the lower trigram we would be dealing
with building up these external capaci-
And of course, in order for this quality, in order for this foundation for well-being to
get to the surface, we go through what is our fundamental dilemma of color. And of
course, we are still dealing with the 1st color—this is a real journey—and we are deal-
ing with the fundamental themes of the 1st color. And as we know we are dealing
with the most primitive digestive system. In other words, only the most primitive
digestive system is going to allow this body to be able to have the infrastructure, the
inner quality, the inner strength that it needs.
And that if it‟s not following this rigid diet, and of course, in this case we‟re dealing
with the consecutive because we are being left fixed, if it doesn‟t go along with this
very, very simple diet then there are going to be problems and the problems are
going to emerge on the inside, internal problems that may go unnoticed for a long
time until they finally reach the surface. Something to grasp about everything hav-
ing to do with the upper trigram is the weakness of the outer body and the strength
of the deep inner body. And any dilemmas are going to be dilemmas of the inner
body. This is what‟s going to dominate. Diet, in this case, is going to be very impor-
It‟s not so much about the well-being of the 4. I want to put that into perspective.
It‟s about the well-being of everybody else. It‟s something to grasp about the power
of this body to be a transmitter of dysfunctional stuff. If this is not-self, if this being
is not operating correctly, there is no way that we‟re going to be able to eliminate
this whole problem of the internal.
One of the most interesting things about the nine-centered being is that internal
medicine is enormous medicine. It‟s something to grasp about the dysfunction that
exists at the internal level. Of course, here this is a case where rigidly it has to be
seen, that this is a diet question, as it always is, it is a digestion question. Once this
being is operating correctly, the selective environment becomes so important to
Remember, we‟re talking about the difference between the Sun/Earth which is the
thematic of the internal, and the north node/south node which is the thematic for the
external. For these upper trigram beings, their external becomes very, very impor-
tant for them, much less so for the lower trigram, other than in specific situations.
We talked about a couple of those cases last week. It‟s just something to keep in
mind about looking at the upper trigram and understanding well-being for the upper
trigram, so much of it is going to be part of being very careful about the environment
that one is functioning in.
So, we have our shift and we have the beginning of our nuance journey through
these various kinds of holding-on bodies, these various kinds of vulnerable enough
bodies that they can take the connection. Yet, at the same time the potential weak-
ness that is inherent inside. Here we
come to the 2nd tone and we come to
taste. Again, when I look at anybody‟s
PHS, as a matter of fact, I have a PHS
overview after this class, when I look at
somebody‟s PHS at the surface I‟m
looking at the way in which the key-
notes can be married in the way that is
successful and simple enough to grasp.
mach and its chemistry goes to work that the stomach is already informed what is
coming because the smell has brought that information and it is prepared for what it
is going to digest.
Here we have an immediate shift; we have a shift to the taste. It‟s just the obvious.
In other words, when I look at this client who is a 2, 1 I say you need to taste your
food and you need not only to taste it but select your food according to your taste.
So there is a difference between eating these kinds of nuts and those kinds of nuts,
and these kinds of berries and those kinds of berries. And it‟s not about just eating a
berry. It is about discovering for yourself that taste that is just right for you. It is in
that taste, and having the right taste, that the moment that it enters into the mouth,
the moment it is picked up and that whole thing is carried through as information,
the digestive system is prepared.
So, whenever you‟re looking at the surface—PHS overviews—to see very carefully
this is a basic marriage between the keynotes. You string them together and you
bring the obvious, and the obvious is where you start. So, here we can see that in
order for this being, this selectivity, this consecutiveness that taste is everything.
We can see that taste is going to be different in the way in which we can describe it
relative to whether we‟re talking about the internal and we‟re talking about the dif-
ferent kinds of nuts—“I don‟t like Macadamias,” for example—the different kinds of
nuts that you finally settle on the taste that is right for you.
But when we‟re looking at the selective we‟re dealing with environment. And the
taste essentially is a taste that we use as a metaphor—a taste for certain kinds of
environments. “I do not have a taste for antiquated environments. I don‟t have a
taste for this or that,” whatever the case may be. In other words, understanding
that because it is rooted in the cognition system, that the way in which you can
translate the keynote is very important because it gives depth to what is the basic,
which is what the regimen has to be in order for the digestion to be correct. And
again, the dilemma, and always the dilemma, always back to Strategy and Authority.
That is, the dilemma of whether or not the color, this lovely illustration (next page)
that I just showed you, is the color that is being drawn from the design actually the
right color.
It‟s one of the spookiest thoughts to think about what the not-self is. We know that
the monopole uses what is the exit frequency, the color frequency and that‟s what it
latches onto to hold together the illusion of separateness. Which means the illusion
of separateness is based on what the monopole gets not from the base or the tone,
but from what the monopole gets from the color. If the being is in transference, it is
the transference that is bringing all of the information to the monopole and you bet
your sweet life that the not-self is a powerful thing as a result, because it is legiti-
mate, if you understand. It can‟t be anything else. It can only be not-self because
what the monopole is taking is the not-self frequency.
That‟s why it‟s so important to be correct. That‟s why it‟s so important to operate
according to your Strategy and Authority, because the monopole just grabs color and
you don‟t want it grabbing the wrong color because if it grabs the wrong color, what-
ever the vulnerabilities are going to be here, they‟re going to be exposed. Sooner or
later they are going to be exposed.
There‟s something else to grasp. That it is very important for the 4 th line to have a
treatment, to have a therapy that is quite rigid in the way in which it is structured.
In other words, it‟s very important for them to have something that they can stay
with because this is something that is healthy for their body.
We take the shift and we go into the Ajna binary. Remember, when we go into the
Ajna binary we‟re talking about lower trigram and lower trigram is the active body.
These are active bodies. Again, to see that because they are active bodies if you
don‟t provide them with nutrition the outside is not what‟s going to wear down, it is
the inside that is going to deteriorate. In other words, for the active body nutrition
is something that is so important for it. Of course, here we see that we‟re dealing
with the Ajna binary and we are dealing with outer vision. That is, we are dealing
with the effectiveness of the eyes. When I‟m talking to somebody who has this tone
in reference to what their PHS regimen is, I talk to them about watching the food
into their mouths.
Again, to truly understand how profound this is as information for their digestive sys-
tem, this is a digestive system that gets its information from the visual cortex. This
is where it all comes in. And it is the visual cortex that prepares the digestive sys-
tem for what is going to arrive. The smell wouldn‟t do them any good; the taste
wouldn‟t do them any good. It‟s something to grasp how different they are. And it
means that when you get to the sur-
face, you have a vehicle that is oriented
towards aroma, one that‟s oriented to-
wards taste, one that‟s oriented to-
wards the visual. You have very differ-
ent kinds of opportunists.
So here in looking at the outer vision as a theme, again you‟ll see that what we‟re
going to notice about, for example, the environment and the nature of the selective
environment is how important that‟s going to be visually. You can see that with the
2nd tone there is almost a quality of projection—it runs through all 2‟s—there is this
quality of projection about taste of an environment, which isn‟t necessarily what you
see. It is often just what you want to see or what you don‟t want to see.
When you‟re talking about smell, the environment for the selective, the smell is
going to be everything. If the environment doesn‟t have the right aroma field it is
not going to be correct. And this is something that the body has to get. And the
body is only going to get that if all the information is moving to the surface, if the
being is operating through their Strategy and Authority. But you can see here with
the 3rd tone that the external environment that the visual is going to be so impor-
tant. Seeing that environment and being very clear about that is visually the right
environment to be in.
Again, remember, I‟m only talking about environment now and the external because
we have entered into the upper trigram. And it‟s very important to just simply keep
that as a recognition, that there is this difference in nuance of analysis in the value
of the external to the lower trigram as opposed to the importance of the external for
the upper trigram.
We take our shift over to the right and over to the passive body. In the passive
body we‟re dealing with inner vision. When I talk to a client that has inner vision I
talk to them about eating with their eyes closed. That is, in essence creating a me-
ditative environment. Eating with their eyes closed, cutting off visual stimulus. Cut-
ting off visual stimulus is very important. Again, we‟re still dealing with the primi-
tive, but we now have the right fixing and we‟ve shifted over to the alternating and
the blending. But of course, as we‟re going to see it remains the same process. In
other words, if we are looking at the 4
and we are looking at the way in which
the passive body needs to take in in-
formation you can see that this is the
passive way in which it takes it in, but
the system is the alternating—to go
from one thing to another; again, sim-
ple, one thing at a time, but the ability
to be able to alternate them.
It also means that when we think about the internal that one of the dimensions of
this is the potential of having problems with the way in which the eyes work physi-
cally. In other words, mechanical problems with the ways in which the eye works.
There‟s something interesting as well just speaking about vision is that if you‟re a 4 th
tone, I wouldn‟t go outside in the daylight without sunglasses of one kind or another.
But I think it‟s something very, very important in terms of the potential negative im-
pact of very strong light to these particular beings.
Again, what we‟re seeing is that we‟re going to have a very different kind of vehicle.
It‟s one thing to be active and open on the surface, it‟s another thing to be passive
and open on the surface. In other words, there is a capacity here to really be able to
take the other in. In essence this is a real theme for being open to contagion, being
very open to taking things into your body. Of course, the care that‟s necessary. It‟s
one of the things that I stress about all 4 th line beings is that it is not how many
people that are in their network, it is the quality of the people that are in their net-
work that actually matters.
When I speak of quality I‟m just speaking of the correctness of the decision to invest
this openness and the potential of its risks in that other and being forced as a 4 th line
body to hold on to that other unless ultimately there is another that is better, what-
ever that may mean. It‟s all rather relative. But again, when we‟re looking at this
we‟re seeing the optimal. We see the optimal as if it is a natural flow for this infor-
mation to move through and we well know that it is not.
We can end up with a lot of dilemmas. Understand something about 4th line beings,
they are very influential. Unconscious 4th line beings are often extremely influential,
particularly the 2/4. The 2/4 always has the potential to be that incredibly magnetic
missionary force that can literally influence a generation. Once you set this thing on
a track it is a very powerful contagious force.
There is a certain innocence to meeting the 4 at the unconscious level. It‟s some-
thing to recognize that given the not-self of the planet there is a tremendous amount
of negative influencing that is going directly into the vehicle, into the body that can
be so unhealthy for the body. This is something that I would be very suspicious of in
any kind of presenter of cures of this or that, or other miracle cures. This is a real
risk area.
Again, when we enter into the Solar Plexus binary, we‟re entering into a transitional
field; we‟re entering into a deeply mutative environment. We can only, in essence,
speculate about the passive qualities of what feeling can actually be. But again, one
of my sidebars today is to give you
these hints about the overview and
bringing these keynotes together.
It is this feeling, whatever the cognitive quality is, that‟s derived from the recognition
of the impact of anything moving through the body, there is an enormous potential
to understand precisely information—positive/negative—measured information about
what one is taking in. Again, this leads to one into all kinds of speculation about the
ultimate potential of this kind of feeling to take in cognizant information at a very
deep level by taking the other in, taking the other into the aura, as an example.
So it‟s a very powerful force. So, I‟m very straightforward in that sense, feel it out.
It‟s about recognizing that you‟re allowed to make an experiential mistake. In other
words, it doesn‟t mean you have to be correct at the beginning in the sense that you
don‟t know until you have felt it, you don‟t know until you go through what is the es-
sence of the Solar Plexus binary, the experiential phenomena of it. So, this expe-
riential phenomenon of both what the basic regimen is and what the external is, is
something that has to be felt.
You can tell, for example, with blending, in the ability to be able to go undetected
into an environment—this is what blending means—the healthiest external environ-
ments are environments where you are alone in the crowd. And yet, every crowd is
different. And you cannot know what the crowd is until you have felt it, taken it in,
and digested it once. This is the great thing to understand about the experiential
way on the surface in the BodyGraph, the perfection of doing things once, and the
horror of doing it again. Of course, here lies that potential perfection.
because they should be touching the food after it comes through their system.
If you‟re sick in India and you go to some local whatever, they just want your feces.
The Indian mother housewife who every morning goes out in the backyard and pokes
around in the feces to make sure that everything is ok. I don‟t mean to get anal
with all of this; it‟s just simply a part of this and needs to be understood.
There is a quality to this touch and a lot of it has to do with the skin. So, to get
away from advising people to learn how to judge the effect of digestion in that way,
that the best way for them is to learn how to watch what happens to their skin after
they eat. This is something that is very much part of what it is to be 6 th tone on the
design side, the importance of the skin, and particularly the skin as a signal, if you
One of the things that‟s very important for the 6 to watch is their healing dynamic.
That is, what we all get in day-to-day life, you get a scratch, you get a cut, whatever
the case may be. Some people the skin heals very quickly, other people it can take
a very long time. They can end up with problems with it; they can end up with in-
fections. One of the things to watch in anyone who is a 6 is to really pay attention to
the by-product of their diet and their environment, and that by-product after diges-
tion and their skin after digestion.
The real key, it‟s always the key, it‟s always the same story, is the need to avoid
transference. Everything about correctness here will align this 4th line to the correct-
ness of its personal destiny. And this will be a body that will differentiate and pro-
vide for the facilities that are inherent here in order to be able to offer the best poss-
ible self-reflected consciousness environment.
But without this correctness you‟re almost guaranteed that you‟re dealing with trans-
ference and therefore you‟re going to deal with dysfunction and you‟re going to deal
with problems that are going to be internal problems, you‟re going to deal with prob-
lems that show a lot on the surface. You‟re going to deal with a being that is going
to have physical problems and the kinds of physical problems that are not simply iso-
lated to themselves, but physical problems in the sense of disease, colds, flu‟s,
whatever, that can be moved and transmitted to the other.
When we are dealing with the 5th line we are dealing with the true transpersonal.
Though the upper trigram always has to deal with the questions of the strengths of
its internal, not all of the upper trigram has to be concerned about its external. In
other words, the surface; the transpersonal karma is a protection field. It is a very
strong protection field. As a matter of fact, the protection field on the 5 th line is so
strong that it always creates a positive projection, the positive projection that we
talk about in terms of looking at 5th lines. We look at 5th lines and we see that they
have all of these hopefully valuable names—saints, saviors, generals, therapists—all
of these various things that are there in the 5th line.
What I want you to grasp about the 5th line body is that it gives off an assumption of
well-being. There is an assumption of well-being; there is a projected field of well-
being. It doesn‟t necessarily mean that they are well. As a matter of fact, nobody
can be sicker and fool you easier than a 5th line being. Think about that. Most of the
people that simply drop dead—“He was never in the hospital”—are 5th line beings.
And we‟re talking about the 5th line bodies; we have to see that in its context. I‟m
talking about the 2/5 and I‟m talking about the 3/5. These are 5 th line bodies.
These 5th line bodies give off this—“We are in great form. The body has its strength
and its vitality.” It‟s one of the things that create the keynote that we call heretic,
because it‟s weird. In other words, it doesn‟t quite fit in. There‟s something differ-
ent about it. And in many ways it seems attractive. “I‟d like to get that projection,
too,” says the other kind of body. It seems attractive.
Of course, one of the things that we know about the 5th line is that it hides behind
whatever it can. So this is a body that hides. The price of hiding is that you can of-
ten burn at the stake. In other words, it can kill you. So, something to understand
about these 5 bodies is that they particularly need to be reminded of some of the
basics of taking regular checkups and things like this because this is not a body that
puts that off; otherwise, they would never have the power to be able to create uni-
versal influence.
So, let‟s begin our journey. We‟re dealing with a 1, 1, 5 to begin with. Dealing with
a 1, 1, 5, first of all we go back to the basics, we go back to the fact that we are
dealing with an active body and in dealing with an active body, again remember that
the nutrition for an active body, that if we were to look at quantities, the active body
theoretically should take in more than the passive body. Theoretically, the active
body should have a clearly distinguished better appetite, if we could use this lan-
guage for a moment, than the passive body.
In other words, it‟s very important to see that there is going to be a difference in vo-
lume. I think one of the real dilemmas
is for the passive bodies, that through
strategic conditioning, that these pas-
sive bodies end up trying to be active
bodies eating much more than they
were ever designed to take in, in terms
of volume and not being able obviously
to metabolize it and ending up with all
kinds of weight problems.
By the way, when I say active body and passive body, you can actually see these
two beings sitting beside each other and they could both be quite still or they both
could be quite chaotic, because this has to do with correctness. The active body can
be very active and still. That is, the activity can be the kind of activity that is high
level brain function activity that demands an enormous amount of energy. There are
all kinds of physical activity. And I mean strictly from the physical plane what kinds
of energy demands are necessary within the vehicle.
When you‟re dealing with, as an example on the personality side, the strategic mind
it actually processes much more information than a receptive mind. So it requires
much more energy from the physical body in order to be able to support that, or at
least it requires efficient energy from the body to be able to support that.
Again, we‟re going to see that there are different volumes involved and the transfe-
rence becomes a horror story. The transference becomes something, and particular-
ly the transference of the conditioning of the right to the left, this is probably where
95% of obesity lies in the human population.
Ok, so we go through our train, our 1, 1, 5. Again, we can see that we‟re back to
the primitive diet; we‟re back to the recommendation of how important it is to smell
the food. The other thing is the consideration of the fact that we are dealing with a
transpersonal being. In dealing with a transpersonal being we‟re going to see that
for them lower color is much more uncomfortable than upper color. In other words,
upper color suits their transpersonal dynamic, and lower color is a burden for them.
So it‟s something to grasp. That is, it is a much more difficult regimen for the upper
trigram to deal with.
So here we‟re dealing with the smell and the importance of the specific of the diet
itself, how important it is to pass the information on to the digestive system. But the
real question is, is this being going to be able to operate correctly. Again, I cannot
stress to you how important it is to understand that Strategy and Authority is the
only way that you begin to align the vehicle and the only way that you begin to get
this magic of getting the cognition to the surface, allowing this vehicle to be able to
maintain its heretical power, the power to stand at the physical level, the power to
be alone at the physical level, the power to deal with the physical resistance and
problems that can exist on the surface to a body like this, because think about what
happens. If the 5th line doesn‟t produce it gets punished. You have a vehicle that is
very aware of the consequences of itself. It‟s very aware of the projection.
Of course, its perfection is this movement of the taste to the color. This different
kind of heretic, this heretical vehicle that is so different in where its taste leads it.
Again, remember that until we get to a
point that we have 5th line bodies oper-
ating correctly according to their PHS
the value of this cannot be realized un-
iversally. Think about that. These are
the universalizers.
Ajna binary, outer vision, again you can see that—think about the image of the he-
retic. The heretic is that being that‟s on the 2nd floor of the building and they have
the lights turned off and it‟s night time and they‟re peeking out the window and look-
ing at the world around them. Now, the earlier versions were sniffing it out, tasting
it out. But here you have the visual of it, and how important the cognition is for the
heretic, because if the heretic doesn‟t have the cognition, it doesn‟t know when to
say no. It doesn‟t know when to back away from a projection. It doesn‟t know when
not to get suckered in. That‟s the moment it becomes its most vulnerable internally.
So the visual becomes a key. Not simply that look at your food, make sure that you
look at the environment you‟re in very carefully because environment is so important
to you as an upper trigram being. But
also, look at what‟s coming at you. You
have to see who‟s coming at you. And
only when you see what‟s coming at
you will your body recognize whether
they should avoid them or not, whether
you pull the blinds up, turn on the light
and wave or not.
Passive bodies are very different. It can almost be said that to be a 5 and to have a
passive body is almost a non sequitur, almost. We don‟t think of heretics as passive,
we think of them as active forces, active universalizing forces. But this is not. And
think about the beauty of what is the right, is that the right welcomes being used.
And I don‟t mean that in a bad way at all. In other words, it welcomes those access-
ing its resources. It does not deal with the resources itself. It‟s like thinking about
the beauty of the right mind when the right mind allows its mind to be accessed by
others—“What do you think?”—and out comes the wonder.
Here we are dealing with this passive heretic. It‟s a different kind of body. This in-
ner vision that is here, what we looked
at in terms of close your eyes when you
eat, take the experience in deeply.
This is about the heretic that is lost
within. The heresy may never come to
the surface unless someone draws it
out. And you know the story, but I love
to tell it, the 2/5, the Buddha that re-
fuses to come out of the cave that they
eventually drag out and kill. This is the
passive Buddha, this is the passive un-
iversalizer who will not offer you their
hand when you are falling on down
from the cliff unless you call them. And
don‟t be a moralist and don‟t blame
This inner vision leads to a different kind of heretic. We do not know this heretic,
truly we do not. The vast majority of humanity, it‟s a number too big to even calcu-
late, is incorrect. It‟s not like this is an easy process, you know that, it‟s not easy to
be your Strategy and Authority. Your Strategy and Authority doesn‟t necessarily
lead you to perfect the whole physical process through your PHS. It is only in the
perfection of this process that the full potential of what the inner vision heretic is all
about can come out.
Then we will see a vehicle that has an extraordinary attractive force. A vehicle that
pulls the other to it in the true transpersonal sense of karma, and only when the
other asks. It‟s like these cute cartoons of gurus sitting on the top of a hill and some
poor creature has managed to crawl all the way up to the feet of the guru and the
guru says nothing. This one has to call out. “I‟ve come to find the way.” And the
guru says, “Yes, you have.”
So this is a heretic that is at great risk. It is one of my comments that I have made
often now in trying to help you understand the problem of the right, is that what it is
to be human is left. That is, we are a strategic species. That means that what it is
to be right does not have the equipment that we have to survive. In other words,
the strategic equipment, rooted in the immune system that allows us to survive,
which means that the right is so vulnerable. It is why the depth of the conditioning
on the right, that it moves to the left because it is drawn to the very equation of sur-
Those of you that have been following my 2027 conversations I have often talked
about the vulnerability of the coming rave, the vulnerability of what essentially will
be a right oriented species. And as a right oriented species, until it gets to a point in
which it can organize the dynamics of what its communal existence is going to be,
the deep vulnerability of these children as they emerge, as they emerge in isolation
because in isolation without the support mechanism of what the strategic thinks that
it should have it would not be able to survive—feed itself, nurture itself—all these
various things.
After all, one of the things we know about the coming phenomena of the penta is
that it can only develop its capacity to survive once it enters into the penta formation
because then the dynamic of the penta and its material cognition allows the penta to
be able to supply them. So we have to see the vulnerability of these particular he-
retics now and their physical vulnerability, because it is essential for them to go
through the experience. And only then can they qualify it or quantify what is that
experience and whether that is of value, whether that is a universalizing potential.
Again, to take it back to the physical body, recognize again the vulnerability of the
internal here and the risks the internal takes, which is why it‟s so important that
things are done once. This is an internal that can take that. It‟s strong internally.
Remember, the strength is there in the internal. It just means that if the internal
becomes a problem the problem is very, very serious.
So, the vehicle is able to take these kinds of experiments as long as it‟s only taking
them once, but the cognitive quality has to be there in order to recognize what is re-
ally correct. Again, this boundary, this boundary of transference, this lower color
that is going to transfer to an upper color, that it‟s going to transfer to a totally dif-
ferent kind of process that has nothing to do with what this configuration is going to
need for its survival, its well-being, its health in this life.
Ok, off and running on cusp day. We are beginning our day with the 6 th line. We
need to think about the 6th line as a body. Something really to grasp about the 6th
line is that the moment we‟re doing that, we‟re obviously talking about a very un-
usual and very mutative line in the way in which it operates. We are looking at all of
this as if we are looking through the design sun, we‟re looking at the profile and ob-
viously if you‟re going to have a 6th line in the design then you‟re going to have this
mutation deep within the form itself.
The mutation leads to three different processes in the life. This tripartite way in
which the 6 divides the life into the Saturn cycle of approximately 29 years, the in-
terregnum to Kiron until 50, 51, so approximately another 20 years in between, and
then the post Kironian phase. All of this related to the transition as a nine-centered
form into the Uranian time cycle; that is, the 84-year cycle. In essence when we
look at in terms of the Kironian phase, what I describe as the potential of flowering,
that is, an actual point in which awareness and form are at their optimum. That is,
given all kinds of criteria, obviously, the correctness and so forth and so on.
What is it about this body? When you think about the body you have to think about
it in terms of the classic language of the role model, the classic language that we
meet in the 6th color. That is, the language of observer/observed. What we know
about the first part of the 6‟s cycle—I have a favorite 6th line, that‟s the fool on the
hill, the 19.6. It‟s interesting for me in many, many ways, particularly with its rela-
tionship with the 49; it‟s all kinds of things.
But the fool on the hill is the roof stage of the 6 th line process. That‟s what the fool
represents. That is, if you‟re looking at the Saturnian stage you have to be down
there in the village caught up in life, blinded by the forces of life, jostled about in the
dynamics of what life brings in a relative 3 rd line process. Then, from that point
where one is theoretically observed, one moves up to the roof and one becomes the
observer. In other words, one leaves the turmoil that is there from the Saturnian
phase; one literally dies, in a sense, and is reborn on the roof and is reborn into a
new process.
It really is a metamorphosis and it‟s not a metamorphosis that runs on a clock. It‟s a
metamorphosis that depending on the development of the being, is a metamorphosis
that‟s either going to be faster or slower. There are many 6 th line beings that are
well into their roof stage who have yet to lose their pessimism. And I‟m not speak-
ing specifically of the 6/3‟s and the 3/6‟s because obviously there is no pessimism to
be lost. But, particularly in terms of the 6/2 and the 4/6 that this is something that
can be held onto for a long time.
So, we need to see that we have these two phases and these two phases have been
traditionally the normal phases of the 6, if we could look at it that way. That is, the
movement from the madness of being observed to the false serenity of the observer.
And then what we have now, which is this leaping off, jumping off, being dragged off
the roof phase literally, supposedly leading one into a running movement into the
flowering of one‟s life. And of course, most people just crash. That‟s another story
What I want to get to is what kind of a body is this? The observer body is one thing.
The observer body is very different from the observed body. If you could take mo-
tion film of somebody throughout their first Saturn cycle and then motion film during
the roof cycle and you could sort of compress that down into wavelengths you‟d see
this jump, jump, jump, jump that would be associated with the beginning of that
process and you would see a much smoother panning out in this stage. In other
words, there‟s a change that takes place in the dynamic of the body.
One of my favorite descriptions for the 6th line, or a way of understanding it is that
they are not born until they get to their roof stage. That is something really to un-
derstand. That is, I compare them to the kangaroo and the bizarre process of a way
a kangaroo comes into the world. That is, what crawls out of the womb, and literally
it crawls out of the womb, is a tiny, tiny, tiny little creature. It‟s just tiny. That,
technically speaking, is a birth. Yet, that tiny little creature finds its way all the way
up and gets into the pouch and it‟s in the pouch that it goes through a metamorpho-
sis and it becomes a joey, it becomes a baby kangaroo, its essential birth. And then
it goes out into the world.
If you think about the 6th line being, the 6th line being is this little thing crawling
around that bangs into everything in the first part of its process, and then has the
shelter of the roof, the nice pouch that the joey can sit in, and then finally its emer-
gence into the world, its emergence as itself. When you think about a 6 th line being,
think about them as a metamorphic creature, truly a metamorphic creature. That
means that somehow that this is also something that is recognized in the vehicle.
For example, it is very common; I know so many 6 th line beings that have come off
the roof who have damaged bones, as an example. There is a difference that takes
place in the body. And the difference that takes place in the body is the quantum
between being observer and observed.
The thing to recognize about the vehicle is that the more acute its capacity to be
able to observe, the more perfected its function in the world. Everything about the
nature of the role model is that the role model vehicle is here to literally capture its
horizon, the spectrum that is around it, and at the same time to be able to function
in the world. In other words, if you think about the fool on the hill, the fool on the
hill can afford to just stare; there is nothing else that gets in its way.
It‟s like these people who go to the East and they sit at the foot of some kind of
teacher and they‟re in a very peaceful, meditative, wonderful environment and there
is a transition that takes place, mostly through conditioning, about the way in which
they feel. And then of course they go back into their lives and it‟s practically imposs-
ible to maintain that state. As a matter of fact, all they can think about is escaping
and going back to whatever that place was.
Of course, this is not what it‟s about. What it‟s about is to be the observer in the
functioning form. And this observer in the functioning form is the potential perfec-
tion of the 6 body, this combination. And what it does is it both penetrates and at-
tracts different kinds of attention. But the attention that it gets, because there is
this inherent quantum of the correctness of both the observation and the function
that they are literally trusted on sight. This is the great power of the role model.
The great power of the role model is to be the natural leader, what the ancient
I‟Ching called the righteous leader, the perfect leader. That is, the perfect leader not
in the sense that it is saintly or godly, but that it is absolutely correct in its observa-
tion and in its function.
So, that‟s what the goal is, the goal of getting to this place of this role model, this
left angle with its vehicle open to the other, this transpersonal karma so that there is
an alignment to geometry. Again, remember that when you‟re dealing with the up-
per trigram that there is always consideration that has to be made to the external
configuration of the color because their world is so much the stage upon which they
encounter their transpersonal karma.
So, we begin, as always, with our tonal infrastructure, our architecture, the architec-
ture of cognition. Remember that this is the story of life. Life is to be cognizant.
We want to have cognizant role models of the thousands of role models. Here we‟re
dealing with 4/6‟s and 3/6‟s only, we‟re dealing with the 6 at the design level, that all
of those 4/6‟s and 3/6‟s there are thousands of variations of the nuance of that kind
of expression of what the role model can be.
As we well know here is a case in which transference can be deadly, and I mean
deadly. There is nothing more fragile than the post-Kironian vehicle is if it‟s not op-
erating correctly. It is fragile. And to cut it off from its correct cognition, to cut it off
from the determination, the diet that is truly going to give it the vitality and nutrition
that it needs is begging for the opportunity to display its full potential fragility and
Of course, here because we are dealing with the 1 st color we are dealing with the de-
termination of the consecutive. And in dealing with the consecutive we are dealing
with a caveman, cavewoman very, very
simple basic diet one thing at a time.
To understand how primitive this diges-
tive system is, which means in a way to
understand how old this model is of a
role model, this is a very fundamental
and basic infrastructure of the role
model, influence of the role model.
Diet is everything. And in order for this cognition, for this role model from the sen-
sory level that in what it is taking in and needs to take in correctly that it takes it in
inspired by the cognitive capacity of smell, of its olfactory potential. The way in
which the role model observes, that is, the system upon which it observes, and
again, this is not the way the self-reflected consciousness is going to deal with it, this
is the way the housing is being constructed which means that the nose, the olfactory
system is going to be taking in determined information, that is, information that
brings about the correct differentiation of the function of that olfactory system in the
flesh. And out of that through the role model the capacity to take in, in a very deep
way all that information without being confused by the world around it. The fool on
the hill, but the hill moves. It‟s the pope in the pope mobile, sort of. I‟m kidding.
I‟m a 2nd tone fan; I don‟t know why. I do, but I don‟t. I just think it‟s very inspiring
that we‟re designed at the deepest level in terms of cognition to look beyond even
when we do not know if there‟s anything to see. I find that an extraordinary trait.
I‟m glad that it‟s part of the way in which cognition operates. And obviously again
remember that we are dealing with an active body. This is a left tone body so we
have a very active body; we have a very active concentrated body.
Remember that because we are dealing with active bodies and we‟re dealing with the
limitation of what it is to be 1st color, that is, we‟re dealing with the limitation of the
primitive, there is a lot of pressure on finding the right balance between what is tak-
It is one of those things that is well known about dieting as a whole that solving the
problem of appetite is not what is dealt with, it‟s never really dealt with. Of course,
the whole thing about what it means to live out what is your correct PHS alignment
is to align yourself to what is the determined differentiation of what your level of ap-
petite is going to be. I assume that
there is a full spectrum of cave people,
the ones with a pouchful of nuts and
the ones that it‟s just intermittent in the
way in which they‟re not very far away
from their original dietary timing sys-
tem. It will vary.
The moment that somebody is operating correctly through their strategy and they‟re
aligning themselves to what is correct for them in terms of their color then the bene-
fits of that are something that are going to be taken in. Obviously, this is a cognition
system, because it‟s based on taste that it‟s going to operate very differently in the
way in which this being is going to observe and the way in which, as a counterpoint,
they‟re going to function in the world around them. It‟s going to be derived from
what is a uniquely different sense.
The other thing is that when both of these beings are correct, the 1 st and 2nd tone
variation, we know that the way in which their social dynamic is going to operate is
going to be different. One of the things to see about our primitive digestive history
is that we functioned in very, very small groupings and more than likely nothing
more than pentas. And that only under certain situations would relatively neighborly
pentas have anything to do with each other usually for mating purposes.
We move to the Ajna binary. In moving to the Ajna binary we have this active body
with its focus on the visual cortex and its emphasis on the physical capacity of the
eye. For the strategic being, for ultimately what is human, this visual capacity is
something that is really extraordinary. After all, here we are dealing with the only
tone that is related to our outer visual sense. The outer visual sense is really some-
thing. If you look at nature, if you look at other creatures, this particular binocular
vision of ours is something that is really extraordinary. That is, it gives us this ability
to have three dimensional depth vision.
It gives us the ability through the op-
posable thumb that we happened to
have evolved for us, that we have this
ability to be able to see things in three
dimensional contact and therefore we
become the ultimate toolmakers.
And of course, what it leads to is the classic example of my illustration of the role
model, that this is the visual role model. In other words, this is the role model that
has the acuity to look out at the world around it visually and at the same time be
able to navigate the world that it is in. Of course, what that means is its capacity to
see not only where it is, but where it could go because it can see beyond and still be
within, the natural, the natural leader in that sense, the natural force to be trusted.
And a force without an agenda because it is not by its nature concerned about a fol-
lowing. It is simply living out the fulfillment of its purpose.
Again, all of this is eliminated the moment you‟re not operating correctly and that‟s
the vast majority of humanity. And for everyone who is operating according to their
Strategy and Authority, think about what that means for you to have this working for
you, because it means that your form principle, regardless how long it takes your
personality, that your form principle is establishing the stage upon which your trans-
formation can take place at a self-conscious level.
Ok, we shift over to the right; we shift over to the passive body. Here we deal with
something entirely different. We really move away when we move from outer vision
and the way in which this is determined, the way in which we operate in this life, in
this form, on this plane in the maia and you get to inner vision we‟re dealing with
something new. And we can see that
the emergence of inner vision themati-
cally historically in mythology is some-
thing that comes slowly. It‟s not some-
thing that‟s there right away, those
thoughtful beings, those beings that are
respected for their thoughtfulness; eve-
rything is about action and survival and
action and survival. Then all of a sud-
den we have this passive side.
The inner vision—obviously a role model that is looking inward, while at the same
time being able to function in the world. That‟s quite something, this capacity. And
of course, we see that we have a different determination, and yet again we remain
deeply cave oriented, we remain very simple in terms of the nature of one thing after
a time. Whether one alternates or one is consecutive, it is so basic the 1 st color that
in the end there is barely a difference; it is one thing at a time.
It‟s only when this role model cannot simply follow Strategy and Authority, but eve-
ryone who comes from the upper tone they have all been so deeply conditioned by
the left. And it is something to really grasp that we do not know what these role
models are really about, what this magic can be, that one can be within one‟s deep
inner vision and still be correct in functioning in the world. Obviously, that begins
with the correctness of the form and the correctness of the way in which the form is
going to operate in the world, the strategy, the authority.
We get to the Solar Plexus binary and we get to the place of transition and ultimately
magic. I am still in awe to participate in evolutionary awareness. The 5, 1, 6—
feeling; everything is different when we take it out of the Solar Plexus center and the
Solar Plexus center under mutation. The way in which this role model is going to ex-
perience the world is frequency. They‟re going to be deeply attuned to frequency.
I imagine that the acoustic, because the acoustic is universal as a cognition transmit-
ter that the acoustic will very, very important to this role model. That they will take
in the frequency of the world around
them, the vibration of the world around
them—good vibe, bad vibe, whatever
the vibe may be—they will take in the
But I‟m talking about something different here. I‟m talking about the potential of the
cognition of touch. I‟m talking about taking in information in a way from the form
that we don‟t understand, information that has dynamic and depth to it. Let‟s say
that you wanted to have a data bank of somebody‟s immune system. Somebody
who is correct through touch, and I assume only as a rave, but who knows, we‟ll be
able to touch someone and take in all of that information.
But like my comment about the idiot savant, it‟s not that they are without reason,
they are without reason to communicate, without reason to tell. This is what makes
them so interesting. This is what makes all right beings interesting to understand.
They have no natural reason to tell, none. That‟s their perfection, no agenda. But
what they could tell is more than anybody else could tell, because they take in more
because there is no agenda than anyone else. So that touch becomes something
else. It becomes a conduit of exploration, it takes in chemistry and biology and wa-
velengths and frequencies, it takes it all in; a very different kind of role model.
Again, there is the basic dilemma, the consistent dilemma, the only dilemma—
transference. For the body, Strategy and Authority is to be applauded. I embrace,
literally, with great pleasure, anyone who is experimenting with their Strategy and
Authority. But our bodies have been conditioned a long time and they‟ve never got-
ten it right, and our brains have never been allowed to fulfill their potential. Our bo-
dies have it, our hearts, our lungs, the basic organs and chemistries, the glands, all
of it; none of it has ever had the opportunity to operate correctly, none of it.
Strategy and Authority aligns our vehicle to its consciousness. And it begins the
whole process of healing that vehicle. But the PHS is a way to speed up that whole
process. I‟m not saying speed it up in the sense of days. Everybody knows who en-
ters into it you feel it right away anyway. It‟s not about that. It‟s about this long
process to gain the deep benefits. My assumption is that it‟s a matter of a few years
to actually get to the point where the vehicle is beginning to display all of the by-
products of what the PHS can bring. And obviously the seven-year cycle, for it to
really be fulfilled, in other words, for the completion of that process.
So we cannot forget that any of us that are interested in the potential of our perso-
nalities to be awake that we have to recognize that the perfection of our vehicle is
our primary responsibility. And in perfecting the vehicle, perfecting the way in which
all of this extraordinary potential is released in the way in which that aspect of your
profile operates.
And now we jump and oh do we jump. It‟s another world now. We‟re in 2nd color
world. The 2nd color world is a different determination. It is perhaps the most—I
guess it‟s the source of our deepest, deepest judgmentation. There is a determina-
tion in the 2nd color to eliminate absolutely everything but exactly what it has a taste
for. It‟s something to think about. It‟s so rigid.
If we‟re looking at the history of the way in which our digestive system has evolved
you can see that the hunter phase, this very, very basic where-is-the-food phase
takes on another level when you get to the 2nd color. This is the beginning of recog-
nition of food supply—where is the food supply. And the beginning of what is the
nomadic process to follow the food supply.
This movement creates a new level of consciousness. Think about the root of the 2 nd
color in its resonance to the 2nd tone. And the nature of the 2nd tone to look beyond
not knowing if anything is there. This is something that is in the continuity of the
way in which the 2nd color operates. In fact, it is in many ways the ultimate perfec-
tionist determined to have only precisely exactly what is correct for it and to repeat
that perfectly for the rest of its life. It‟s quite something.
If we naturally would look at all of the 2nd color children, if we could watch them,
eliminate their conditioning and just watch them we would see there are only two
kinds of 2nd color babies. The ones that are open to anything; they‟ll eat a fork if
you give them a chance. And the ones that are closed to just about everything from
the start, the ones that are so finicky that you wonder if they‟ll ever be able to sur-
This is opened and closed, and they both have exactly the same goal; the elimination
of all variation and the establishment of permanency. Now think about this in the
evolutionary sense. It‟s not one thing at a time because that‟s all you have. This is
about knowing that resources are going to be there. And aligning yourself only to
those resources at certain times in the Spring, that meadow, those berries. And you
eliminate everything else. So if you start off open it‟s to find out what you don‟t
want, what is not to your taste—“Don‟t like that” boom. Think about all those 2 nd
color children who do that and get it stuffed in their face anyway.
And the closed is simply closed. There will be these miracles. Every once in awhile
they‟ll try something different, everybody looks like they‟re mad, and it becomes
something that they add to their diet. There‟s something that tells them, their cog-
nition, the smell in this case. And the smell through this open determination leads to
an investigator that really has a nose for things. And it has a nose that follows a re-
ally rigid line. You don‟t want this person hunting you down. They will eliminate
everything; get everything out of the way until they get to that, that kind of vehicle,
that kind of determination. But the diet is what brings the potential deep transfor-
mation in form and mind, the way the brain will work.
Taste for taste—I think it was you Elfriede who asked me what that means. It
means you have taste on top of taste—I‟m being cute. We have our active concen-
trated body. We know that in this particular case what we‟re dealing with literally is
the sense of taste. I want you to rec-
ognize that when I talk about judgmen-
tation and I talk about the theme that‟s
here in the 2, that this is one of the
values of taste, the stream of taste in
the BodyGraph, the stream of judgmen-
tation, what it really is.
Ok, let‟s get to the visual cortex and the eyes and the culmination of the active prin-
ciple. Obviously, we‟re dealing with something here that because of the nature of
this particular determination that you‟re looking at a visual that is going to operate in
a certain way once it gets here and you can smell it, can‟t you. The open is looking
at everything and no longer looking at what you don‟t want to see. Looking at eve-
rything and then only looking at what you want to see.
The right, the passive body, the 4, 2, 1—how different is this now. We have this in-
ner vision. Let‟s think about it in the context of being determined closed. We‟ve
moved over to the other fixing. We‟ve moved over to the stubborn refusal to expand
one‟s diet. This is where we have a lot
of dysfunction. It is right side to begin
with so it has all kinds of left condition-
ing. In other words, it‟s conditioned to
be open when in fact it‟s not. It‟s in the
whole strategic realm where it really
gets messed up.
Obviously, Strategy and Authority certainly are going to help. There is no question
about it. But again, the technique by which they can therapeutically restart their
process because ideally, if we‟re dealing with the right and we‟re dealing with a 2nd
color, ideally we need to get to the babies and allow the babies to develop their di-
gestive process unconditioned by the ignorance of their parents. But that‟s a lot to
wish for.
So the inner vision; we know in the same way that the inner vision itself is going to
be very closed off. In other words, it‟s not going to have a taste for a lot of things.
it is going to be an investigator that has a taste for what we might consider a very
narrow field of investigation, but after all, that‟s where they get their sense of securi-
ty at the line level, this is where they get to fulfill their destiny and they get to fulfill
their destiny by having this taste for this narrow plane of inner vision; somebody
who has the kind of brain that can absorb a problem and stay with it and stay with it
and stay with it and crack it.
The Solar Plexus binary and this frequency domain of feeling; but again, closed. I
have my suspicions that the connection between the right and the 2nd color are all
kinds of variations that the rave will be able to tune into as frequency correspon-
dence and, like in this case, investigation. That is, when we think about this cogni-
tion, this ability to be able to feel, and when I say feel I don‟t mean it in the sense of
just simply a brute awareness, but literally a cognition out of frequency to take in
information from frequency and that this is going to be closed. So it‟s going to be
limited to a certain frequency range.
Of course, what we‟re going to see is that the frequency of investigation is going to
be limited. So for example, my illustration before about somebody that can tune in-
to the frequency of your body, it is
probably much more nuanced. Maybe
this is somebody that can investigate
the frequency of your thyroid gland, as
an example. In other words, there are
all kinds of possibility in terms of what
that frequency interpretation can be.
But it is a passive body. Passive bodies use their energy differently. So much of
their energy is brain energy for storage, just storage, access. I assume that being a
5/1 and having a 1 body that my unusual memory, because I do, I have an unusual
memory, is one of the benefits of having an investigator body that operates well.
The whole business of touch, the tactile, it says something else. It seems to me
there is a way to touch the other in which you become the other. At least I assume
that that is one of the attributes of rave physical contact, is to reinforce what is their
auric bond. The power of this contact is there in this theme of the 6 th tone and its
touch and cognition.
This ability to really be aware, not just aware—there‟s no word in the English lan-
guage for what I want to say. There‟s no word in any language that I know. Think
about it in terms of a plant and somebody with the perfection of this tone. In the
contact with the plant, the person becomes actively cognizant of what it is to be the
plant to the point that it can experience the photosynthesis, it can experience the
shifting of structure in the wind. I‟m talking about touch in a way that it‟s hard to
understand what that is.
And touch can only exist that way in that it has no agenda. That is, this is not mani-
pulation. Nor is it the capacity to manipulate. It is the potential to take in. We do
not know this kind of taking in, you and
I, regardless of the level of intimacy
that we can achieve with another, we
do not know what this is. We do not
share an internal perspective with each
other. It is not our ken, we cannot.
So the capacities of this touch, in the quirkiest sense, the investigator that can lay its
hands on something and know what that is. That‟s very basic, but to really grasp
that this is a totally different kind of capacity to investigate. In essence, everything
of the right is a different capacity to investigate that has yet to be fulfilled. The per-
fection of that, based on the right, being so deeply conditioned, is that Strategy and
Authority is not enough for them. It isn‟t, it can‟t be. They won‟t get to experience
what is the full potential of their cognition. They need to have the correct PHS. And
of course, in this case, they need to find a way of achieving this drama. This is a
When you think about your diets in terms of the drama of its evolution, when you
think about how important it is for this being to simply have the secure resource,
once they establish the resource, they want the resource to be secure. They want to
know that they‟re going to have that resource that it‟s going to be there when
they‟re ready for it and they‟re going to be able to consume it.
My recommendations to 2nd color beings is not only the same diet, but exactly the
same product made by exactly the same manufacture, prepared in exactly the same
way; in other words, a sublime rigidity. Obviously, there are spectrums in this.
There will be those that obsess to the edge; there will be those who don‟t. But the
fact is that this closed, rigid repetitive diet is the only way in which these transcen-
dent qualities that we see in the 4, 5 and the 6 can reach the surface and bring
about a new level of investigator, a new quality of investigation, a new foundation
that can be established for the common good. All of that is a possibility when there
is correctness in the nature of the form.
Our chains, each one brings something unique. And each one brings something
unique to the myriad possibilities of the generic on the surface; how many investiga-
tors there are like me; so many investigators with so many different potentials to
investigate. This is the magic that I wait for, the magic of the fulfillment of cognition
on the surface the way it was intended to be fulfilled. It goes back to just the story:
Strategy and Authority, no transference, follow your PHS and fulfill the potential of
your vehicle to offer you the very, very best platform for your self-reflected con-
sciousness and your experience of existence.
Remember that we are in our new environment, we are in a new determination and
that we‟re looking at 2nd color taste determination. One of the things that we under-
stand about taste determination, that is, in terms of the digestive process and the
internal, is that we recognize that this is a very, very selective process. This is a
highly selective determination. Not only is it highly selective, it is profoundly repeti-
tive. The repetition is something that is really very important. It is repetition that
can get to a point of obsession. One of my very basic things in dealing with the 2 nd
color is looking at how important it is not simply to fix the diet, which is basically
what it is about, being selective to the point that you fix the diet. Remember, ac-
cording to taste, not according to natural philosophies, not according to calories or
carbohydrates, or whatever, this is according to taste, the selectivity according to
Once that has been reduced to what is a fixed diet, a fixed regimen based on howev-
er the frequency is that that being enjoys during the day, let‟s say an average of
three times a day, that there is a fixed regimen that in fact, what benefits these be-
ings the most is that not only is it a fixed regimen, it is a fixed timing and not only is
the food the same, that is, the overall whatever, the title you would give to whatever
it is that they are eating, but one of the things that‟s so incredibly important is the
consistency of the substances or the products that the food is made from.
Remember that when we‟re dealing with lower color we are dealing with a primitive
digestive system and we‟re dealing with an evolutionary process as we move from
the 1, the caveman/cavewoman, the most primitive and restrictive of the diets, and
when we move to the 2 one of the things to recognize about the 2 is that it is really
a part of understanding, for example, agriculture. It came along with the agricultural
development. Basically, what it represented was a stock of things that were grown
during the growing season and they were stored for the rest of the year and they
were eaten on a regular basis. Of course, because there were limitations as to the
spectrum of what was available, there was not a huge selection, but there was the
ability of being able to constantly have the resources necessary to satisfy the need
for food. And this consistency of the food itself is the thing that the digestive system
relies on. In other words, it really needs this consistency.
Remember something about this determination, that the moment that the determi-
nation is correct and there is this very, very extremely differentiated process of how,
when and what is being taken in, that‟s when the gift of this determination is open.
In other words, this fixed line for the 2nd color brings security which means that they
can then be ready for something else, ready for what is beyond whatever it is that
they deal with, that they understand, that they recognize, that they live, whatever
the case may be. But they need to get to that place where they have the consisten-
cy and then they can transcend that.
So, let‟s get into our chains. We begin with the 1, 2, 2, and again remember we are
dealing with the 2nd line so we are dealing with the hermit body, we are dealing with
the closed off body, we are dealing with the body that, in essence, is ready even to
hide. That is, to close itself off. This is
the kind of body that‟s ready to go into
a fetal position in times of crisis. So
this is the closed off body.
And remember that we are always working upwards towards the line, and whether
there is going to be the cognition necessary for this hermit to recognize the call is
going to be determined by whether or not this being is operating correctly according
to their Strategy and Authority, because otherwise we have transference, otherwise
we have this removal of this determination. The other thing is we immediately have
eating problems. After all, just about all human beings, with the exception of those
societies that still represent early aspects of color evolution, that is, we still have
very primitive societies, we still have deeply poverty stricken third world societies
where there is limited food resources, we have the resemblances still of 1st and 2nd
color diet at work in the world, and these are areas where you have remarkable
rates of survival in horrendous environments. If you‟re born with the right configu-
ration in that kind of environment you can deal with the poverty and limitations
where others could possibly not.
This whole thing is about recognizing that everything about our vehicles is that our
vehicles are designed to be attuned to be cognitive. That they, themselves, are not
simply here to be well, but we‟re here to support what is ultimately the cognitive
process, the ability of our vehicles to take in sensory information. Remember that
the sensory information of the hermit can always be closed off, particularly if it is in
transference. And obviously, most of them are. Human beings do not easily come
to lower color diets on their own. There are cultural and sociological problems asso-
ciated with eating in a way that appears to be peculiar. There are a lot of social ta-
boos that are placed on unusual eating habits that people have and it isn‟t necessari-
ly conducive to great relationships. So there are psychological barriers that often
stand in the way.
Since we started when we had the 1, 1, 1, here is our first opportunity to see this
pure harmonic as it moves all the way through. We begin with the taste of the 2 nd
tone. And I‟ve mentioned, I find this a remarkable aspect of the way in which we‟re
designed. To me it‟s the key in under-
standing why human beings are in fact
so intelligent. That is, why the active
body, and of course we‟re dealing with
the left so we‟re dealing with the active
body, that this concentrated active
body‟s power is to be able to go beyond
what is secure and be ready for any-
Remember that that taste is going to operate in a number of ways. That is, it is
going to literally be a determinant in terms of the way information can be taken in.
This being with a 2nd color, the double taste, you have somebody who really has to
be deeply involved with being the taster of their food, and understanding how impor-
tant their judgmental potential is rooted in the acuteness of their taste and their rea-
diness to reject. And the readiness to reject at a level that is almost complete.
pared to be secure and to be open. This is a body that has incredible receptors to it.
It has incredible receptivity. My hunch would be that it‟s very much connected, that
is, the 2nd tone to the lymphatic system, and that there is an alertness in this body
that is able to be alert in those places that are just the right places to be alert, to get
the call, whatever that call may be; the beauty of the harmony.
We have a dilemma though, let‟s face it. And the dilemma is that, and I‟ve been
saying this from the very first day that I introduced color that there is always a prob-
lem with the 2. There is a problem with the 2 because the 2 truly demands that this
is something that you nurture in the childhood of someone and quite frankly I think it
takes a therapeutic exercise of some kind to be able to initiate someone as an adult
into this process.
We have the left open and the right closed. But it‟s the same thing; it‟s the same
thing in the sense of what the goal is. The goal is to hone everything down to a
very, very specific diet. By the way, the spectrum of the diet or the volume is not
the point. It‟s just that it‟s fixed and it‟s specific. Nothing is coming in, nothing is
going out, everything is repeated. And that‟s the goal.
Of course, the open is that you start off being very adventurous. This is the side
that is ready to challenge what it hasn‟t met yet. But it‟s only on one side so you
don‟t have the thematic. Of course, in that openness what is intended to emerge,
that is if there is no transference, is the tonal cognition underneath to guide it, in this
case, taste. The taste has to guide it. So if the baby sticks out its tongue because it
can‟t stand the taste that‟s put on its tongue, don‟t give it to it anymore ever again;
over, done. Don‟t try to force feed it just because you think it‟s good for the baby.
This is something that has to be learned in childhood, has to be respected, and has
to be nurtured.
The child is open, after all. It will not limit itself. If there is truly something that it‟s
connected to that it wants in its diet, it will reach out for it. But of course, the im-
portant thing is to respect what it rejects because that‟s its cognition. Everything
about the 2 is setting up a perfect barrier. Understand that 2‟s are all about barriers
wherever you look. It is setting up this perfect digestive defense mechanism. Then
it‟s ready for anything.
The closed is the other side. And you have to recognize it and not force it—the child
that immediately goes, “no,” the child that frightens you because it‟s limited to one
variation of pasta. So you can see the dilemma of the adult. We are conditioned on
the homogenized plane to the way in which cuisine and eating has been thrown upon
us since the beginning of the seven-centered being. It‟s just a movie out there.
These are beings that in transference have moved away from conditions to circums-
tance and end up doing all the things that are wrong for themselves in terms of their
digestive system, and the great dilemma is not that it makes them particularly ill or
gives them any more gas than anybody else, what makes it so tragic is that it is a
homogenizing agent for their whole physical system moving them away from the po-
tential of differentiating, and the potential of differentiating not only their unique ca-
pacity to be alive in this life, but their unique brain function.
So, we face a dilemma with the 2. We need to really look at a therapeutic process.
I mentioned last week to take somebody, for example, who is open and tell them to
just empty their house of food, just do it. And take a couple days off somewhere
away from your home and then come back and start all over again. Start with only
putting into your house what is to your taste, and then create your diet and stay with
it; some kind of way in which this necessary process that is intended to be one that
comes with coming into the world, the way in which we need to work with it.
Maybe some of these regression therapies would be very helpful. I have no idea.
None of that is my trip. But anything that can bring the 2 nd color back to its begin-
nings in order to give it a new start, because of course that new start is so impor-
tant. And for the beings that are closed, the only advice that I can give them is get
rid of those things that sit there in your house that you don‟t eat. See what it is
that‟s left. These are the kinds of people that have things in their pantry that they
never touch. They may have once, or whatever. It‟s so important for them to get to
a place where they can live this out. It‟s not something that is easy for them be-
cause of the nature of the conditioning.
We move to the 3, 2, 2 and we are completing the end of the active body. This is
very important because it has to do with the visual cortex, it has to do with the eyes,
it has to do with the way in which this
vehicle looks at the world and that it is
its capacity to look at the world. I‟m
not talking about its inner ability to in-
terpret what it sees.
Obviously, this is a correct diet in which all we‟re talking about is to determine the
specific diet and then to repeat it and to make sure that the diet remains as consis-
tent as possible. One of the advantages of PHS is that it works quickly, so to engage
in something like this, at least you‟re going to begin to see results so you can begin
to see that in fact it may be worth the effort.
What I want you to grasp is that if the hermit body is going to be a successful body—
after all, we‟re only talking about 6/2‟s and 5/2‟s, everybody else is out of the game,
this is the design Sun/Earth. So we‟re looking at this hermit body. And in order for
this hermit body to be perfect, its perfection, whatever that unique differentiation is,
it has to have an incredibly terrific barrier with ways in which it can both look out
and ways in which it can still be accessed. That‟s what the hermit is all about.
And what guides this particular hermit is the visual. It‟s different from the other
ones. They‟re all different from each other; so many different kinds of hermits. And
yet, what we get on this plane is that we don‟t get that because what we get is
transference and none of these hermits are endowed with or imbued with cognitive
potential. It‟s all cut off, forget it, it‟s gone so it‟s not guiding them. Remember that
the advantage is that when you‟re dealing with the vehicle, the Strategy and Authori-
ty immediately will align your vehicle, so the first step is the obvious one.
Here we move to the passive body. Of course, when you bring the passive body to-
gether with the hermit, the passive hermit body is different from the active hermit
body. The active hermit body you can see them moving around inside of the house.
You can see them in their activity shell. But when you‟re dealing with the passive
hermit body you‟re dealing with some-
thing else, you‟re dealing with what is
in fact a passive vehicle.
So here in this particular case it has to be driven by what is the inner vision. And
this inner vision, if you think about it because again we‟re talking about the camera,
and we‟re not talking about the cameraman is that what we‟re talking about here is
the way in which what the camera sees is stored and coded—inner vision. Inner vi-
sion is not inner meditation, that‟s a personality trait. Inner vision is the ability to
see where things have to go on the inside. So there is an information pool. It is
part of the nature of the right. Again, the capacity of this inner vision is of no value
to this hermit and therefore the hermit cannot fulfill its purpose unless the determi-
nation is correct, and that‟s a matter of diet.
But it‟s very important to grasp that if this hermit is going to live out its true poten-
tial, it can only live that potential out through this openness, this frequency openness
to the other and it‟s only going to be aware of those frequencies if it is properly de-
termined. And if it is properly determined then the sensitivity necessary is going to
begin to emerge. In other words, it is going to open up not more receptors but
another level at which receptors operate.
Remember that it is very much, and for me at this point it is theoretical but I think
it‟s important that I say this, it is obvious to me that everything I understand about
neurological development, everything that I understand about the way in which the
human brain operates, it is clear to me that the impacts of conditioning and homo-
genization and basically the most powerful conditioning agent is food, that the deep
conditioning of the true food from the moment that human beings come into the
world, that the direct result of that is the shutting down of neural growth and neural
development in the vast majority of human beings when they‟re 3 years old, and in
the cases of very high IQ‟s some time when they‟re 5 years old when they succumb
to the power of the conditioning. Nobody continues neural development beyond 7
years of age. Nobody, as an example, has ever been measured as continuing neural
growth until 7 years of age.
As far as I‟m concerned, my assumption is that not only is the full seven-year cycle
something that I believe is natural for humans, I assume that it goes beyond that. It
is clear to me that when we are dealing with the theme of determination, particularly
in this context of the internal, and we‟re looking at the Sun/Earth, that we are deal-
ing with the brain infrastructure. That it is really essential to grasp that the align-
ment through proper determination is going to bring what I believe will be a revitali-
zation of what is dormant neural activity, dormant neural potential in the brain. That
neural potential isn‟t going to be general; it‟s going to be specific.
In other words, you can see here in terms of touch as a theme that the tactile recep-
tors of what is ultimately going to be this being‟s body that those tactile receptors
are receptors, let‟s call them receptors, these receptors have been conditioned and
they are operating based on a program that was established when they were three
years of age. Beyond the barrier there
are all kinds of possibilities of neural
tracks or directions that can be taken.
The point that I am talking about is
that in dealing with correct determina-
tion what you‟re dealing with is some-
thing that is going to bring an end to
what is this dormancy barrier that is
caused by and was caused by the con-
ditioning field, and it‟s going to be spe-
I don‟t know, because I‟ve had so many responses to people doing their PHS and
there are common themes, and there obviously is certainly in the very beginning,
there is evidence of sensory acuity that wasn‟t there before. Some last longer in
some people than in others, I don‟t know what all the reasons are. Again, we‟re in
the very early stages of this process.
This is the thing that I find most revolutionary. It‟s obvious, at least from my pers-
pective, that we have a tool that ultimately is going to allow us to heal a lot of bo-
dies, and I think that‟s great. But I think that we need to understand that it‟s far
more than that. That is, everything that we dream about at the personality level,
what consciousness dreams of, the Ring-Pass-Not that consciousness can‟t penetrate
is a Ring-Pass-Not established by the limitation of the hardware. There are a lot of
aware beings that have lived on this plane and you can only go so far because we‟re
limited by the hardware. The hardware itself, because we are in a mutative event,
because we are going through a process in which we are in an interregnum form and
there is a new emergence with a different level of consciousness that is coming to
this planet, that we have this opportunity now in essence to re-engineer our neural
development program, and to be able to do that solely through correct determina-
We have a challenge with the 2nd color, and it‟s one we need to remember because
it‟s our job to help them. For all of you, and those of you who have interest, maybe
2nd color yourself, to really think about the therapeutic dynamic, the way in which we
can make this effective for them so that they can legitimately begin this process of
reaching the place of selective and being able to enhance their physical determina-
We shift now and we move to the 3rd line. When we move to the 3rd line body we
have this tough, tough body. It‟s just something to remember about what the 3 rd
line is all about. We know what the 3 rd line brings, and remember we‟re dealing here
with the 3rd line at the unconscious level. We‟re dealing with the 6/3 and the 1/3.
We‟re dealing with hard knocks all around. We‟re dealing with bodies that have to
bang into things.
One of the things to recognize is that the strength of these bodies is a key because
the more powerful the body is, the more resilient it is in terms of its physical vitality,
the more successful it‟s going to be in its life. This is again one of those things to
understand about the people who have always looked for the fountain of youth, the
people who have always looked for the great healing panacea that‟s going to be able
to do everything. In a sense you can find it here in the 3 rd line, the perfection of
that, the perfection of being able if you‟re operating correctly through whatever your
alignment that the chain happens to be, this perfected capacity to be resilient and
the vitality that comes with it.
It is the resiliency of these bodies that bring success. Trial and error ultimately, if
one is dedicated in the process, brings success. This is a body that is a discovering
body. It is a probing vehicle. It is a body that can stand up to physical hard knocks
if it‟s operating with the correct cognition because with the correct cognition it knows
precisely how to handle the phenomena of being a 3rd line body.
And here, of course, we begin with smell. We are back to the active body; we‟re
back to the concentrated process. In other words, this is about being on guard 24/7.
This is about keeping your nose to the wind and never taking it out of the wind. This
is the way to always be informed. It‟s a
deep, deep level of information being
taken in, in order to be able to create a
secure environment.
If you have a brain that doesn‟t pay attention to security your mind isn‟t. If you
have a brain that‟s dedicated to security and it‟s all hooked up and ready to be tuned
in to the whole olfactory system you have a brain that is on alert that‟s really going
to know where the danger is, where the discovery is, will have the resiliency to stand
up. But the determination has to be there. And the determination is about a rigid
diet; it‟s rigid, it‟s primitive. It means throwing away restaurants. You can‟t turn
over your diet to a restaurant that is going to change its supplies that this week you
get eggs from one farm, the next week you get eggs from the next farm; they may
have two eggs mixed from two different farms in the same omelet, and on and on.
There is social dislocation that is very much an aspect of particularly lower color, but
in fact it affects all color. This is one of the things about revolution. It is clear to me
that I‟ve finally reached by binary in my life as a revolutionary. That is, the revolu-
tion of sleeping in your own bed and the revolution of eating in your own aura, be-
cause in the end they‟re both essential to well-being. And there are very, very spe-
cific situations where literally eating with others is not necessarily detrimental, but is
never truly positive.
This is revolutionary and it‟s not like everybody is ready for that. That‟s clear. In
the same way that not everybody was ready to hear from me that they should sleep
in their own aura because it makes such a difference in their waking life. The same
thing is true for food. You can see that in this case. What is this person going to do
in terms of the eating and the social dynamic that eating takes as a place in our
lives. For this being it‟s very, very important for them.
Again, please understand something. This is not about being able to frighten them
in the sense of saying if you don‟t eat correctly you‟re going to die. They are anyway
and they won‟t die of gas. They‟re just not going to have as healthy a body as they
could have. And if there is any basic weakness in their body then that weakness is
going to dominate them. It really is beyond that. It‟s about seeing that this is part
of a holistic journey in the knowledge of Human Design to transform the complete
being, to transform the complete being is no longer a question that it is the personal-
ity. It is understood now that we cannot even begin to work with the personality un-
til we transform, first of all, the hardware, that we upgrade the hardware so that the
potential of personality consciousness is given a much broader, denser, deeper envi-
ronment out of which to function.
This martyr, it‟s potential to discover, all of that is lost in transference. There is no
access to the cognition so the very thing that can protect it doesn‟t. So, the very
thing it could smell it doesn‟t smell and it ends up being hurt, it ends up being pu-
nished, it ends up being a martyr, it ends up getting back up on its feet until ulti-
mately at some point in its life its vitality is drained from never getting it right, be-
cause the hardware wasn‟t right. It wasn‟t truly equipped to live out its life of pur-
pose. It was dealing with a conditioned model.
We move to the 2, 2, 3, splenic binary; obviously we‟re dealing with cognition that
comes from or is at the source of what is the primary awareness system in what it is
to be human. It is the bedrock of the
building of the strategic mind. And eve-
rything about the activity of the 1, 2, 3
tonally is about, at least at the
Sun/Earth level, building the strategic
mind and building up the potential of the
strategic mind.
is why we end up with the strategies of matricide, patricide, infanticide, suicide, and
on and on and on.
So when you‟re looking at these bodies understand that from the point of view of the
internal, the goal is to build a very specific kind of mind, a brain that has a gift in a
certain direction. And if you ignore that, that direction never gets built. The poten-
tial is always there, but it doesn‟t get built. We do know that the body responds
quickly so that there is hope. It doesn‟t mean it is atrophied and lost, it doesn‟t
mean those barriers that were established at 3 or 5 years of age are barriers that
cannot be penetrated. They cannot be knocked down, they cannot be taken away,
the conditioning is too deep.
But in fact, the very areas where what is intended to achieve cognitive differentia-
tion, those areas will open up. And it goes back to the basics. Everything I talk
about in terms of color no matter what level, no matter what side of the BodyGraph
I‟m looking at—left side or right side, design side or personality side—the case is al-
ways about color. It‟s about the color, because it‟s the monopole that takes whatev-
er it picks up in the frequency. And the not-self conditions the way in which the mo-
nopole takes things in.
If you‟re not operating correctly you‟re guaranteed transference. So, we don‟t have
these beings operating correctly which means we don‟t have this cognition, which
means we have martyrs who are martyrs. If all martyrs operated correctly according
to their chain and their determination we wouldn‟t have to call them martyrs any
more. We could get rid of that keynote.
The 3, 2, 3—resonance but no resonance: the 3 to the 3, because there is this place.
Everything is up to the color because the color is the exit frequency from the crystal.
So no matter where we go we have to
come here. I repeat it over and over
again, but I want you to see that. I
want you to grasp. After all, it is our
job, beginning with being a PHS analyst
and being able to recommend to some-
body what their basic PHS strategy is
according to their chain, what is their
digestive determination and strategy.
We have to see how important it is for
them to follow that.
through such a process, particularly when you‟re dealing with primitive conditions
that are going to bring about problems in the social dynamic and whatever. This
revolution of how you eat is one that will take encouragement, and that encourage-
ment of the best kind, the real potential that lies in this beyond the well-being.
Dealing with the end of the active and again, remember that in that sense that the
active and the active brain is going to lead to the potential for different kinds of sti-
mulation in the way in which the self-reflected consciousness will ultimately operate
out of it. Again remember this is the visual cortex and it‟s very much about the see-
ing capacity. Again, this is a martyr that needs to be able to see.
Everything about discovery for them, everything about what trial and error, and eve-
rything about their resiliency is about not taking a meaningless beating. That is
what their resiliency is dependent on and this is based on their outer vision. I‟m cer-
tain that we will find that beings that have the 3rd tone that have it at the design lev-
el, that we‟re going to see that there is ultimately going to have to be some kind of
consistency in a dysfunction of the physical eye, and a consistency in that, in the
dysfunction of the physical eye. And whether that dysfunction is relative to quality
of vision or whether it has to do with the way in which the rods are aligned, or what-
ever the case may be, this is certainly something that ultimately research is going to
Again, we come up with the same dilemma. In order for the martyr to abandon the
martyr it literally has to be able to have its outer vision. It doesn‟t know what bond
to make or break, it doesn‟t know what to put its shoulder to, and it doesn‟t know
what to fight for on the material plane. Of course, this is a very material body. Re-
member, that if the body is not resilient then slowly there‟s going to be deterioration
and eventually there‟s going to be problems, mostly energy related problems in
terms of the capacity to be able to initiate or jump into things or really get involved
in things. Slowly there is going to be this body that deteriorates. That the spirit is
willing, but the body is weak; one of those situations where the body is just dragging
its ass because it just can‟t handle it anymore—dysfunction, dysfunction out of trans-
ference, and then a body with heightened sensory capacity.
Vision that isn‟t necessarily qualitatively better; I‟m not talking about perfect vision,
I‟m talking about what one can see. It could be somebody with glasses on. It‟s
about what they see. You line up 10 people, you do something in front of them, you
wait a half an hour and ask them what they saw. What human beings don‟t see is
extraordinary. This vehicle is intended to really be able to see. To see what it needs
to see in order to discover.
I remember sitting in an old ruin with a friend of mine and we were staring at this
beautiful stone wall. All of a sudden he just jumped up, rushed over to this wall,
pulled out two stones and found a hidden treasure. He saw it. Hundreds and hun-
dreds of people over at least 20 years, because it was an old thing, had sat there be-
cause it was a well-known place to just sit and ponder and nobody had seen it.
We move over to the right side and we move over to the passive body. Again, think-
ing about everything having to do with the passive, everything having to do with the
right side that the focus is no longer on any kind of strategic application. In other
words, it‟s not about building a brain that can solve problems; it‟s about building a
brain that can store problems or answers. But that‟s a very different thing.
Where the energy in the neural development in the left side is about opening up
these very, very specific tracks and giving them all kinds of dimensional tentacles in
order to really be able to grasp that track, the right side, the passive side is simply
interested in storage methodology, taking things in. So, the moment you get over to
the right side you also have to see that physically these are bodies when they are
correct have a certain level of sensitivity in terms of the fact that they have very,
very highly developed receptor potential.
This is not about, as I mentioned before, this is not about the eyes looking out, but it
is about storing the vision. It‟s still about the eyes. It‟s still about the physical ve-
hicle but it‟s about not what you can do with what the eye sees, but just what the
eye sees. Of course, this means that the passive vehicle is enlivened by interaction
with life. In other words, this is the way in which whatever is stored within the ve-
hicle can emerge. But it also means that this is a body that can take in, if it is incor-
rect, things that are unhealthy for it;
can be open to things that are unheal-
thy to it because it simply has this high
level of receptivity to take in information
without reasoning it out. This is some-
thing where you‟re not dealing with the
barriers that are inherent in the immune
system requirements.
So, here is a very different kind of 3 rd line vehicle, and a 3rd line vehicle that is really
ready to take the action against the body, it needs the experience, it needs the in-
formation, it needs what it‟s seeing and yet it does not know where the discovery is,
it does not know it is in a discovery mode, it is simply there to live out its process
according to whatever that Strategy and Authority is and the determination has to be
Of course, we‟ve moved to the right so we have moved to the closed and again to
this specific rigidity. It would be fascinating to see children raised this way who are
naturally closed, who are naturally aligned to that, what the limitation of their diet
would actually become. How often would they add things to their diet over the
years, and these kinds of things, kinds of things we just don‟t know.
The Solar Plexus binary; again, here‟s the nature of feeling and frequency. Again,
understand that when we‟re dealing with the 5th and 6th tone we‟re really dealing
with all of the potential that is looming for the rave and the way in which that‟s going
to operate in terms of their cognition
system. When we‟re dealing with the
right side we‟re dealing with a different
kind of potential. We‟re dealing with
the Sun/Earth configuration of the de-
sign. So again we‟re talking about the
development of the brain.
It isn‟t the capacity that as you‟re taking it in you‟re saying, aha, I have this one,
and I‟ll save it for Wednesday, because it doesn‟t work that way. Here we‟re talking
about the body so we‟re just talking about the way the brain is working that it is
opening up these specific areas that are going to bring a heightened cognition rooted
in the frequency, the vibration of the environment around this being. If, the classic
if, if the determination is correct. If the determination isn‟t correct you‟ve just got
yourself another martyr, somebody else to take punishment; the world is full of it.
Again, when you think about what we‟re looking at we‟re actually looking at that as-
pect of the brain that is responsible for the way in which we experience tactile. And
the way we experience the tactile for most human beings was cut off from further
development when we were 3 years old. It‟s really something to get. We stopped
growing in terms of our ability to understand and communicate and take in through
touch, we stopped that growing process when we were 3 years old. It got stunted.
It just stunted because we weren‟t getting the right diet. You see that in the physi-
cal sense with beings, You see, for example, societies that have gone from being
second world to first world in a couple of generations how much bigger their children
are than the parents because they have a more balanced diet, there is more milk in
their diet, and so forth and so on.
It‟s something to understand that we have in each of these sensory areas untapped
potential. And everything about getting this potential of having a brain that is acute-
ly sensitive to the tactile with the po-
tential of offering the ultimate self-
reflected consciousness, all of the tools
it needs for interpretation, we‟re talking
about the potential of a martyr that is
not a martyr, it‟s a very special being in
what they can discover. Because if they
can touch and discover then they can
touch you and they can discover so
much. There is so much potential that
is there at this level.
Here we are with our continuation of our thematic through the 2 nd color and through
the 2nd color of taste, this theme of determination that is rooted in either being ex-
tremely restrictive over time, or extremely restrictive from the start in terms of the
way in which one takes nutrition into one‟s life. So, this is a basic 2nd color theme.
We have been moving along and now we come to the upper trigram of this configu-
ration. And in coming to the upper trigram we are dealing with the 4 th line; remem-
ber that we are dealing with the design personality in Earth line and as such we are
dealing with 1/4's and 2/4‟s if we were thinking about this as a profile. So, we‟re
dealing with a 4th line, we‟re dealing with the opportunist and we are dealing with
personal destiny. Obviously, there is no fixed fate in this in terms of what it is be-
cause it‟s at the design side so we‟re dealing with the right angle aspect, the 1/4, 2/4
right angle aspect of personal destiny.
Remember something about the nature of the 4th line body, is that it needs to invest
in the other. We understand that as what turns out to be in the holistic view, the
whole networking capacity of the 4th line and its ability to be able to function. It‟s
ability to be able to pursue opportunism, and to be able to source that.
When we see it at the design side we‟re actually seeing the physical capacity. Re-
member that the 4th line is the theme of brotherhood/sisterhood. What is it about
that 1/4 or that 2/4 that disarms one enough to be open to their friendship? And the
fact is that it is a physical thing in the 1/4 or the 2/4, whereas it‟s a personality thing
when we‟re dealing with the 4/6 or the 4/1. In other words, what‟s disarming us
here is the vehicle. As a matter of fact, we may have dilemmas with the authorita-
rianism of the 1st line personality or not gaining access to the 2 nd line hermit perso-
But there is this attractiveness inherent in this vehicle. So, it‟s a body that is very
much a body that is open to the aura of the other, it is open to them. This is the
way it connects. This is the way it invests. It is a body that pays attention to other
bodies. We always think we only pay attention with our mind, our eyes, and our
ears. But we feel presences. Our body pays attention in many different ways. The
pheromones that are being picked up in the air, all kinds of information, the various
frequencies that a body gives off, all of this information is information that the 4
body takes in. It‟s why it‟s a body that I have traditionally always talked about how
the 4 can infect you. How it can be the person in the room in the wintertime, the
one person with the sniffle, and they‟re the one that‟s going to give it to everybody.
But they took it from somebody, this is their capacity. Their capacity is to network
with their vehicle, so they take in a lot of information, they hook into the other.
Let‟s think about the way in which this body is intended to operate. It‟s intended to
be the body of an opportunist which means that because in its openness it is going
to be taking in all of this different stuff, that it has to be careful about what it takes
in, what I talk about in terms of how 4‟s need to pay attention to the investment
they make in their network. If you keep on investing in a relationship and get noth-
ing in return it is pointless to keep on investing, as an example.
But you also have to see that the 4‟s hold on. They are stubborn in that way, they
are fixed in that way, there is that aspect of them that is at work. And in order for
them to hold onto and invest in the network that is correct for them, in order to fulfill
their personal destiny they have to have the right cognition and they need to be de-
termined by the right diet. Obviously, it all begins with Strategy and Authority.
So, let‟s take our journey—1, 2, 4. We are on the left side; we are on the active
side. We have an active body. Please understand, because I was talking about this
earlier and it‟s important to note this, don‟t take this at just the superficial, because
if you take it at the superficial you are going to miss the point. It‟s not like you can
tell the difference between active and passive bodies anyway. They‟re all not-self
and they‟re all going to display whatev-
er conditioning is. But even if you
could get them to all be absolutely cor-
rect, it‟s not like the active and the
passive body are necessarily—for ex-
ample, if they both have the same de-
sign, the same basic holistic surface of
definition and type, they‟re not going to
appear to be particularly different from
each other. It‟s something to under-
And it doesn‟t mean that the passive brain is less intelligent than the active brain,
they‟re both homogenized. If the active brain and the passive brain are working cor-
rectly they are unique and are non-comparable; they have different functions. They
have different purpose. They have different inherent qualities. So when I speak
about the active body or the passive body you can see much more of that in color
and ultimately line than anything else. Fours are inherently active; they must be in
order to maintain their network. It is an advantage for them, though as we will see,
to be a passive opportunist is also an advantage, it just depends on your skills. And
ultimately it depends on the most important thing, which is your cognition.
Here it‟s smell, this concentrated immune system directive. This is the basic primary
cognition. We need to protect ourselves. We need to protect ourselves; we make
sure we are well protected. We arm our soldiers well. We build our defenses and all
of this is done through smell, if it gets to the surface. And in between is the deter-
mination, and as I said, transference is not something that is common at the design
level. That is, as long as somebody is operating correctly. But the perfection of the
process, that‟s another story.
There is so much conditioning that comes through diet because the conditioning also
comes with the accompanying human conditioning that comes with the way we have
been conditioned to eat together. And this determination is perfected through this
open regimen, and open only in the sense that one has to be open to discover what
one does not want. Only what is precisely right to fulfill the imperative of protection.
Think about it. If the 2nd color is operating correctly, they have a limited diet, it is a
repetitive diet, and then the benefit from what they derive from that is the cognition
that leads to the security that they need. And then this cognition is something that
is passed to this 4th line opportunist body that is not going to waste its physical
energy investing in relationships that are non-productive. Cognition—we better than
anybody else are here to recognize the inherent intelligence, genius if you will, of the
design crystal consciousness body, the body‟s consciousness. And here is the per-
fection of the ability to fulfill that consciousness. Follow the strategy, the correct de-
termination, the cognition is there.
We stay in the splenic binary, we stay with the active concentrated principle, but we
have this movement. Remember, this is a very important step in our evolution cog-
nitively. The primary cognition, tone number 1 says we must develop a secure de-
fense system. But the evolution to the 2 nd tone, to the 2nd cognition is to a cognition
that says, “I take it for granted that we
are secure now. I am going to look for
anything that we‟re not prepared for.”
This is taste. And taste in the sense of
the way a snake sticks its tongue into
the air and whistles it around picking up
whatever is out there, filtering, check-
ing it out.
Of course, this could be an opportunist that operates out of this nuance of cognition,
but again we have a question of determination. We have the question of whether
there is Strategy and Authority. And only then is this personal destiny something
that can be fulfilled because of its deep cognitive capacity. That this is an opportun-
ist that always has a door open to the possibility of opportunities that are unimagin-
able, because they‟re not ones you can think of. This is a very different kind of pos-
sibility. But again, the barrier is always there. Think about humanity, wow.
Cognition moving; this has really been the heart and soul of cognition for probably
the last 90,000 years. That is, this is outer vision, this is the movement to the Ajna
binary and it is in the Ajna binary that
we have the basic mutative divide be-
tween what is left and what is right,
between what is active and what is
passive, what is strategic and what is
receptive. This is the completion of the
active brain system. This completion is
experienced through the potential ca-
pacity of outer vision.
literally going to be able to see. Not the interpretive value, that‟s the personality‟s
business, but the capacity of the eye or the eyes. It is here in the 3rd tone that our
particular configuration, the way in which our binocular vision is structured, through
the way in which our eyes are set in our skull, all of this is an evolutionary advan-
tage, an evolutionary advantage that is ultimately fulfilled through the visual cortex,
the neo-cortex, the heart and soul of the modern brain system.
This is the 3rd tone. And in order for this opportunist to be able to gain the advan-
tages of this cognition we know what‟s required. That this opportunist will see visual
opportunities, literally see it visually. Whether or not its mind will properly interpret
what it is capable of seeing, human beings are homogenized all the way through.
But I want you to understand what we are dealing with, what we are dealing with is
that through the direct determination that the vehicle receives a nutrition that is cor-
rect for it, that is correct for it in terms of the very, very specific differentiated input
it needs in order to build the infrastructure for the potential of this line, and then
perhaps personality will gain its advantage from the enhancement of its hardware,
because that‟s what this is.
We move to the right and we move to the passive. And again, please do not misun-
derstand this. This is not to be misunderstood. I grew up in North America and one
of the things that boys do with their dads is they throw a ball back and forth. It is
one thing to throw a ball and it‟s anoth-
er thing to catch it. In fact, both of
them are relatively easy or difficult de-
pending on your motor skills. But one
is not superior to the other.
But it‟s not just catching, because everything that is caught is retained. It‟s not just
thrown back. As a matter of fact, there is absolutely no throwing. There is simply
the perfection of catching. And that means that there is a level of assemblage, or-
ganization. I honestly, in so many cases in dealing with the right, simply do not
have the appropriate language because it doesn‟t exist yet. I can intuit it. It is as
best I can get to it, this level of cognitive storage, how powerful that is in its spec-
trum of potential.
And of course, here we‟re dealing with a different kind of opportunist. Again, we‟re
dealing with a 4, 2, 4, these false resonances because there is no direct connection
between them. This often leads to problems, and obviously in the not-self. But it‟s
something to think about. For me, I‟ve mentioned it before, I‟ll mention it a lot, and
my assumption is that these false resonances lead to problems in the body. In other
words, perhaps more vulnerability to this kind or that kind of illness. But again, it‟s
speculative at this point. But it‟s something that is very clear to me that there is a
tension in this.
Here is this potential of this 4 as inner vision. This is very different. This is not the
visual cortex, this is not the eye itself, and this is not the rods of the eye itself. It is
the way in which the information that goes into the eye, the way in which this infor-
mation is going to be taken in. That tells you everything. When you‟re looking out
you only see what you see, but you don‟t see everything that your eye sees.
Have you ever seen a retinal reflection? In a retinal reflection you see the 180 de-
gree pan that the eye is actually taking in. But we‟re not paying attention to that.
As a matter of fact, we would find it enormously distracting to have a 180 degree
peripheral vision. No, we are lost because of the way our mind works; we‟re lost in
focus points. Our vision is always being directed because it‟s binocular vision, it‟s
always being directed to a set point. And because of that we lose the potential of
the vast amounts of information that the eye is actually taking in at any given mo-
Like most higher mammals, what triggers our eye is either our brain stimulating
movement or physical movement on the outside that attracts the movement of our
focus point. Inner vision is this capacity to take in this enormous amount of visual
information and store it. If you had to choose a witness between a 3 and a 4, take
the 4; don‟t listen to the 3, because the 4 has all the visual information that was
possible for it to see.
It is out of all that possible information that is there for it to see that through the de-
termination, through this closed very rigid diet, rigid repetitive diet comes this in-
credible potential of an opportunist that we do not know, and opportunist that we
have yet to see. The opportunist that we all know are opportunist and opportunism
is as deeply strategic a term as anything one can image. It simply is.
And it‟s not like we‟re about to change the terminology. We have to understand the
mutation. And understand what is possible in differentiation for human beings to
experience as opportunist. It is not for them to reach out to the network. They will
see what‟s there and take what comes. In order to really understand the value of
this opportunist it is going to have to be drawn from them. And because opportun-
ism carries a strategic quality, opportunist born in a conditioned homogenized stra-
tegic planet are constantly putting out their web, trying to create their network in-
stead of what is correct to allow the network to create around them. But only if they
are operating correctly and because of the nature of transference you can bet your
bottom dollar that these are 4‟s that are just pushing outward trying to see, as it
We get to the Solar Plexus binary and of course we get to the most revolutionary as-
pect of all of this. Again, we‟re dealing with the passive, dealing with the Solar Plex-
us, dealing with the cyclical nature of this. And remember that feeling is something
that is much more than the language
provides. That is, we‟re talking about
sensitivity to frequency. And everything
about the passive side is what you‟re
really seeing in the 4, and the 5 and the
6 is that you‟re seeing higher and high-
er frequencies of sensory potential.
We‟ve already seen the inner sensory
potential of being able to store all visual
information. Here we have a physical
frequency potential. And that is a phys-
ical frequency potential that in essence
is able to take in the auric aroma olfac-
tory, whatever it is, whatever you want
to call it, the electro-magnetic field, the
frequency field, all of that is something, you can call it a vibration, you can call it
taking in somebody‟s essence, whatever you want to say, this is a very, very power-
ful instrument for taking in.
Think about the dilemma of the human being that is born with the right vehicle. And
I mean that only strictly here in the sense of the internal, that the right internal is
trying to engineer a brain that is capable of taking in sensory information at a very
high level of frequency. That‟s what it‟s trying to do. But on the surface in the ho-
mogenization that cognition, that capacity for the higher sensory cognition is being
cut off. It is being cut off because the general population is homogenized and in
transference. It is then being cut off because it is very difficult for these 4‟s to stop
being strategic and allow strategy to be something that comes to them, that they
become the instrument of what is the strategy of “itness,” in that sense. I don‟t
want to wax too mystical.
The 6, 2, 4 and closing the door—I‟m going to make all these nursery rhymes. Right
tone, touch—oh, do not misunderstand this. Even at the human level those that are
right and operate correctly are going to be able to transmit information with their
touch and be able to take in information with their touch in a way that is the kind of
things you try to achieve through traditions like Reiki and other kinds of techniques,
that is a deep sensory potential that is there in the touch.
But if we think about it in the full potential of what this cognition is about, it is some-
thing that is much more dramatic. That is, it is multi-dimensional sensory touch.
That is, literally the ability to take in
dimensional information with one‟s con-
tact with the other. It‟s hard even to
understand how that even works, if you
know what I mean. But again, we have
to see something that our brains were
never intended to be rave brains. And
the mutation that‟s taking place is
opening up functions that we are not
capable of fulfilling.
But there is this extraordinary potential of what this opportunist can do in laying on,
and you‟ll pardon my religious joke, but anyway, putting on its hands and the way in
which through its physical communication that it is able to create the potentials for,
the networks for the opportunities, the power of this vehicle to be a vehicle that feels
influential to others, carries an influential frequency to others. Again, the perfection
of that, the transformation of this brain into something that is truly new, in a sense;
Strategy and Authority, correct determination, anything is possible.
And we take a jump and we go to the heretic body, so we‟re looking at the 2/5‟s and
the 3/5‟s. Of course, we have transpersonal karma which means we‟re dealing with
bodies that are ready to meet other bodies. As a matter of fact, they‟re not fulfilled
without their connection to other vehicles. So this is a vehicle that needs to meet
certain other vehicles, this is a vehicle that recognizes other vehicles and recognizes
other vehicles without paying attention to the personalities, and it‟s very funny be-
cause I know I‟m one of them, of those other vehicles. They‟re simply connected to
a relationship to that particular design. It‟s rather an interesting thing to under-
This is a seductive body. It is a seductive body, so in fact it is a body that calls you.
Remember, if you‟re thinking about somebody doing some kind of hip swiveling, or
whatever, forget that, remember that we‟re talking about the brain, so, let‟s try to
keep that in context. This is a seductive brain. Now, that‟s an interesting concept.
This is a brain that is capable of being seductive. It is capable of bringing seduction
out, if it‟s fulfilled through the heretic, this body, this physical body. To be a left an-
gle is always to be aware, somewhere deep inside that there is a trajectory of inte-
raction with the other. It‟s always there.
Oh, it is not a left angle; you‟re absolutely correct. It is a right angle. I love people
who make corrections. Thank you very much. It‟s a right angle because it‟s going to
be a 3/5, so thank you very much. Scratch all that; let‟s start that all over again.
So, let‟s take our journey, the 1, 2, 5. We go back to the first tone, we go back to
smell, we go back to the active brain, we go back to this concentrated active brain
which means it really needs to have correct nutrition. And obviously, for this heretic
and the way in which this heretic body is going to operate, the way in which it is
going to be seductive, guess what. It‟s
going to give off great pheromones.
When you think about the seductive
body, one would like to think about lus-
ciousness, hunkiness; it depends on
what gender you are, however that
works out. But so much of what we
find attractive has nothing to do with
what we see; it doesn‟t, it‟s one of the
illusions. It is all these things that are
Smell, though it may be primary, is not the defense mechanism and the ability to
have a truly sophisticated defense mechanism is something that is an enormous ad-
vantage in terms of our vehicle, in terms of the way our brain works. It also means
that the brain is honed into the potential as hardware to be able to provide avenues
for investigating defensive systems. Ultimately, this is a heretic that has the poten-
tial of so many skills. And again, we know what happens to the 5 th line when it is at
the unconscious level, that it is always getting that projection that the being them-
selves do not grasp, putting them in that situation that if they don‟t fulfill their po-
tential that they‟re going to suffer the consequences and be punished.
Of course, these are heretics that are going to be punished, heretic bodies that are
going to be punished over and over again as long as they are not correct. And when
they are correct and that the determination along with that is correct then the way in
which they‟re going to operate is going to change. This is a body that is physically
cautious, after all. It is the heretic body. It is a body that can have its paranoid
qualities, physically. It is a body that has a natural tendency to be cautious in the
way in which it looks at experience coming its way. It‟s a great advantage to have
this cognitive potential and to have a brain system that is going to open it up.
The other thing is heretics bring us heresy and heresy is always a challenge. Here-
sies can be false or heresies can be true. Almost all heresies are false simply be-
cause 5‟s are not correct. But it‟s something to grasp that there are so many poten-
tial true heresies. What this heretic can bring, its gate, its cross, its design, what it
is here to fulfill as a purpose, what this life is intended to be in its perfection to offer
the personality its opportunity for transcendence. That‟s the whole magical story;
it‟s where correctness goes.
there through the tone, only get there through the color. Color is always the story.
It is the bridge.
Think about something. There‟s nothing wrong with the frequency when it leaves
the color. Not when it leaves the color, but if you have a crystal and a neutrino
going through, the frequency on leaving is the color frequency. It‟s perfect. But
then it is taken in by the magnetic monopole frequency. And the magnetic monopole
frequency is determined by what the magnetic monopole creates, which is the holis-
tic being. If the holistic being is incorrect, which is for most of humanity, and then
the frequency of reception is incorrect. And it is here that we have the distortion
that we call transference.
There‟s nothing wrong with what‟s leaving the color. There‟s something terribly
wrong with the frequency of the being. It‟s why the insistence on Strategy and Au-
thority so that you can transform the receiving frequency so that when the color
reaches it, the information goes through, you have correct determination.
We have spent a lot of time underneath the line. We were a year underneath the
line. But the line is the holistic illusion. It‟s the way the illusion plays out. When we
look at this diagram, this diagram along with the base is the information, the pure
separate dualistic, binary, polarized piece of information of a crystal. But once that
frequency is received it is not received by a singular relationship. It is received by
the holistic. It‟s received by an ongoing process. It‟s received by the ongoing fre-
quency of that process. That‟s why we have to change the frequency. It is why you
align the vehicle so that the purity of the information can be received correctly.
There‟s nothing wrong with our transmitters; there‟s a problem with our receivers.
It‟s bad tuning and it‟s literally what you get—distortion in the way in which the fre-
quency is received. And basically you can look at the distortion that it either com-
presses or expands the wave. So it goes from what should be a 3 to a 6. It‟s the
reception. It‟s why it‟s so important that at every level of this knowledge you remind
people over and over and over and over again that it‟s Strategy and Authority that
sets the platform for transformation.
In our 3, 2, 5 again we get into this area where we‟re into the Ajna binary, we‟re in
the periodic. Again, this is a highly active brain, but it‟s active periodically. In other
words, it‟s not like the 1, 2 where you have this deep concentrated focus. This is pe-
riodic in the way the activity works. And of course, it‟s rooted in the outer visual
stimulation. So much of this periodic by the way, funny enough, and it would be an
interesting topic all on its own, is sleep. This is a brain that is designed to be stimu-
lated by what it can see. It‟s deeply oriented. So sleep is something that can be a
very deep rest in this kind of a body, as opposed, perhaps, to others.
So, we have this outer vision, we have the eyes in that sense. The way in which the
eyes are going to physically function, how they will focus, all of these basic things
that are very much a part of the way the physical eye is going to work and the way
it‟s connected to the brain system, and the way it‟s built out of, on the other side as
a corollary, of the brain system.
Again, this is something that in terms of the heretic, this is the visual heretic and the
visual heretic that their heresy is rooted in the cognition of what they can see. What
they can see, not what they smell, not what they taste, what they see; different
cognitions that lead to different heresies. They lead to different levels of perception.
And through the perfection of that level of perception being able in this case to be
able to see through that cognition what
others do not see and thus the heresy.
This is rooted in determination of being
open, of going through this deep discip-
linary process of rooting out all those
things that are not for you in your diet,
that you need to set a fixed regimen, a
repetitive regimen in order to allow
your digestive system to help perfect
this cognitive hardware structure in or-
der for you on the surface to benefit,
for the frequency reception to be cor-
We switch to the right, to the passive. Of course, again, we‟re dealing with a visual
capacity, a 180 degree visual intake program. You need to reach out to the right.
And if you‟re right, you need to be open
to being reached. Because of course,
the beauty of the right can only be ex-
perienced when you draw it from them.
No one can know the depth of this 4th
tone inner vision. It depends on the
world you see. If you have a very li-
mited experiential process then the
depth of your inner vision and how
much is stored, obviously, is limited.
of times more information. And yet, it needs to be pulled out, it needs to be drawn
from you. Here lies in the relationship of the passive in this case to this specific line.
And again, we‟re going to have these different kinds of special relationships as we
move through. It is for the heretic to be, in fact, called upon by the projection of
others. Called upon—please, master, tell me what you see—called upon. I‟ll tell you
what I see.
It‟s something interesting about the right and its association, the right body. And
again we‟re building in this case we‟re building the brain, the way in which that inner
vision is going to open up possibilities through its storage and the determination,
that this is a heretic that if it does not get called out will never come to the surface.
And yet, we know in the perfection of being correct, it will get called out.
But after all, they‟re all homogenized; they‟re all in transference, higher frequencies
of cognition in more complex levels of storage, entering into the Solar Plexus. I
would imagine that for the rave that this tone as the 2 nd tone is for the human in the
strategic, that this tone is the foundation of what it is to be passive and receptive.
This is the very heart and soul of it. And it is the capacity and something that is log-
ical in its relationship to the rave and the potential conscious penta, its capacity is to
take in frequency information, and frequency information that does not require phys-
ical contact, and frequency information that is deeply penetrated in the level of its—
and penetrating in the sense of the quality of information that it can take in.
Again, this is an area in which we have the potential to see the emergence of a new
kind of heretic, a kind of heretic that in fact not simply sees what you do not see, but
feels what you cannot feel and can articulate that because it feels you, and it feels
you in a way that carries an enormous amount of information. It feels it, in a way,
that carries an enormous amount of information but it doesn‟t come out unless you
call it out—the projection field for the 5.
You can see how risky it is to come into the world as a 5, 2, 5 and you‟re trans-
ferred. You‟re being called out and
you‟re failing all the time and it‟s burn-
ing you, truly burning you. Again, we
see the situation of the 5 to the 5 and
the dilemma of this resonance that is
not a resonance, despite what are the
two harmonies that bridge it.
But the potential for the rave is extraordinary, because you can see out of this, this
is the bedrock of the way in which they will frequency tune into each other, the way
in which they will search for each other, because I am convinced when the Solar
Plexus system finally reveals its full power that the reach of this feeling is something
that will far, far, far extend what is the normal human aura. I don‟t mean the exten-
sion of the aura that far, but aspects of the aura.
We close with the 6, 2, 5 and again this is something very different. As I said, the
5th tone sets the foundation for the right. So, that foundation is cognition that is
based on having an acute capacity for sensory perception, sensory perception of fre-
quencies. And that sensory perception for frequencies leads to, provides cognitive
capacity. In other words, it will provide, ultimately, a personality with information
that it could, or might, be able to process information that is a new source.
But this is different, this is tactile. It‟s tactile in a way in which we do not truly un-
derstand. We do, in a sense that we know that you can feel energy from hands. We
know that, we‟ve experienced that in
different circumstances. We know that
touch is something that is very pro-
found, that touch that we feel in the
bonding with others and the physical
contact of bodies, all of these things.
The incredible feeling of touching your
own child, there‟s all kinds of things
about touch.
So, this is something that gets to unfold, because remember we have homogenized
brains that stopped neural expansion at the age of 3. I‟m convinced that that is not
permanent. I‟m convinced that it is possible to get that process moving again. Not
all of it, some of it. That the more you are differentiated, the purer your differentia-
tion, the potential to be able to open up the neural capacity and the Solar Plexus ca-
pacity to be able to receive the benefits of the potential of this cognition relative to
what it is if you‟re human, relative to what it is if you‟re a rave. But the density of
the information, this is the thing.
So, here we are with this potential. If the strategy is correct, then the magnetic mo-
nopole reception frequency is correct. And that means it‟s going to be able to take in
this information, be correctly determined as a vehicle, be guided by the potential of
its sensory perception through contact. And all of that, to be lived out in that 3/5
through the circumstances that encounter brings them. We don‟t know heretics like
this. And these are people that are always running away from their reputation falling
apart, because they don‟t operate correctly.
It‟s one of these deep things to understand about Strategy and Authority, why it is
the bedrock of the knowledge. When you understand that this is perfect it‟s not like
we can affect that; it‟s perfect. But how we receive it, that‟s everything, and that‟s
why Strategy and Authority is the point.
We‟re coming to the close of our look at the 2 nd color chains. Here we are, because
we‟re dealing with the 6th line so we‟re dealing with the close of this particular chain,
this particular chain system. Again, it really comes back to the understanding that
we‟re still dealing with a very restrictive digestive system. It‟s the thing that we‟ve
come to understand throughout our long journey now—this is our eighth week in this
journey—our long journey of looking at the 1st and 2nd colors and seeing the way in
which they operate. Obviously, seeing the fact that the more primitive the digestive
system, the more restrictive the requirements. Obviously, the requirements here in
terms of the 2nd color are not as restrictive as the 1st color. But it is the rigidity of
the 2nd color that really is where the by-product of its primitiveness is revealed. And
it is this rigidity of repetitiveness that is so important.
This is about taste. I‟ve talked about that for the open, as an example, they refine
their diet. They refine their diet down to what they have, let‟s say three times a day,
their breakfast, lunch and their dinner. These are very specific things. But they
cannot remain generic. In other words, they cannot say, “I have toast and eggs and
coffee in the morning,” because the fact of the matter is that it has to be a certain
kind of egg. And it has to be a certain kind of bread, toasted at a certain tempera-
ture for a certain amount of time. It has to be coffee that‟s exactly brewed specifi-
cally the same way.
I know that sounds incredibly anal. It has the qualities of rigidity that are really
quite mind blowing. And yet, this is the key, in that sense. It may be the extreme.
I‟m not suggesting that—though I do tell them, by the way, in my own PHS readings,
I do tell the 2nd color the importance of maintaining at least the same products, the
same brands that you use so that you don‟t change the brand of coffee that you use,
or the brand of bread that you use, whatever the case may be.
But it‟s something to understand about how sophisticated this determination can be-
come; that is, the by-product of this determination. What‟s interesting for me about
the opened and the closed is that most people put the emphasis on the limitation. In
other words, this is where the dilemma is. It‟s not where the dilemma is. It‟s not
difficult for these people to recognize what they like and don‟t like. What is difficult
is staying with what they like, just staying with it, and locking it in. And it is only in
locking it in, because they have the digestive system that basically only really is able
to digest smoothly over long periods of consistency and regularity. Of course, that
can only be achieved by making sure that it‟s not simply that it is the same generic
for each of those meals, but that it is refined and that it is repetitive and that that is
its perfection.
Let‟s go over here to the start of our story. We are 1, 2, 6, and obviously we are up
here in the role model. Remember what we‟re looking at. That is, we‟re looking at
4/6‟s, we are looking at the 6 as the design Sun/Earth. So, we are looking at the 6
in terms of the kind of body that it is.
One of the things that‟s interesting to think about in terms of the 6 body is that it
really does go through stages. In other words, it‟s clear to me, for example, that the
6 body is vulnerable in the first Saturn
cycle. That is, it is vulnerable be-
cause it is not yet fully mature. It
finds its strength in the roof phase.
That is, it learns how to distinguish
what is not good for it, shall we say.
And then finally it gets to that point,
that body, where it has to confront
fragility again. It needs to be a resi-
lient body.
When you‟re looking at a 3/6 or a 4/6 in essence you‟re looking at the first Uranian
bodies; these are the first ones. These are the bodies that are designed to mature
like good wine over an 84-year cycle, not a 29-year cycle. So, these are different
kinds of bodies.
I like to compare the 6 body to the life trajectory of the kangaroo. If you are a 3/6
or a 4/6 I do apologize if you don‟t like the illusion. However, for me it is one that
really expresses the essence of the 6 body. The kangaroo story, it starts off—
marsupials are very strange creatures—as a kind of, it is sort of a tiny little thing. It
looks like about the third of the size of a tiny puppy when it‟s just born. It‟s a tiny,
tiny little thing, wormy like. This is the first stage.
So, for me when I look at the 6 body, the first 29 years are basically this stage. It‟s
the struggle and it‟s an incredible struggle. I don‟t know if you‟ve ever seen docu-
mentaries of this birth cycle, but it‟s amazing, the struggle of this little thing to crawl
up the flesh of its mother, through the fur. It‟s not like it makes this journey quickly.
This is an arduous journey and if it doesn‟t get there it doesn‟t make it. It‟s not like
the mother—it‟s an interesting process—it‟s not like the mother pays much attention
to it. This is an incredible stage.
It‟s very much like what the 6 body is, in that sense. It‟s why we have such a vul-
nerable body, when you think about it. I‟ve always talked about how the 6 in its var-
ious stages, that is, in the first stage and in the third stage that it‟s part of the way
in which we talk about the 6th line in the profile is that we talk about the vulnerability
of the form.
In this overview where we talk about how the 6 bodies, a body that can be fragile in
the first and third stages, please understand it in the sense of this is the first Uranian
body. And as the first Uranian body you have to see that it is very vulnerable in the
first Saturn cycle, in the first 29 years. Of course, what we know about these be-
ings, the 3/6‟s and the 4/6‟s is that they‟re going to live out those so-called 3-3
phases. This is the little thing crawling up the body phase, the struggle, the trial and
error, the hard knocks, and the vulnerability to the form.
Then of course in the kangaroo story if it succeeds it gets to the pouch—on the roof.
And it gets into the pouch and it‟s nurtured and it‟s protected. As it grows it is able
to peek out into the world and look around it. It is the perfect opposite of this little
thing struggling out. And then, of course, finally it is able to flower as a full creature
and it finally gets to jump out of there and go bouncing around, right off the roof.
So, we‟re looking at a 6 body. And this is the role model body and it is the role
model body for exactly what I just described. Not for any concocted idea of the per-
sonality. This is the first Uranian body. So obviously, because it is a first and be-
cause it‟s mutative there‟s going to be a tendency to weaknesses in this body.
So, let‟s begin. We have a 1, 2, 6, and of course, we are starting on the left, we are
dealing with an active body, we are dealing with cognition, the development of cog-
nition through smell. And of course, this is the basic of the splenic binary and we
know that this is going to be very important when we‟re dealing with the 6 th line
eventual result in the chain. For example, are those beings that have a 1st or 2nd
tone in their relationship to a 6th line better equipped to deal with the mutation that
is inherent in that body and in the vulnerability particularly in the 1 st stage? Are they
better equipped, than for example, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th tone?
In other words, it‟s going to be very interesting to see that. My speculation is that if
you‟re operating according to your Strategy and Authority—not necessarily your
PHS—there is no question that you‟re going to be advantaged if you‟re a 6 th line body
and you have a 1st or 2nd tone. Now, in order for that to really work efficiently this is
all a matter of whether the determination is really going to lead to differentiation.
Everything about us is to be determined in the right direction, to be determined to-
wards that differentiation.
Here again we are dealing with the open. One of the most interesting courses I think
that I have ever come up with that I‟m going to be teaching in the late winter, early
spring, is a course on the first three years of life. I realize how profoundly important
it is that there is a guideline for those first three years of life and how important PHS
is in that equation. The ability to be able to work with babies is the ability to imme-
diately be able to have medically verifiable results. The fact is we know almost un-
iversally, except for extraordinarily high IQ‟s that the neural system shuts down at
three years of age. I am convinced that if a child is raised according to its design
and its PHS that the digestive process for this child will not permit that shutdown to
take place. And obviously, that is something that science works with, science can
measure, and therefore this for me appears to be one of the ideal scientific mea-
Determination here in this case is the open. This is an infant from the beginning that
is allowed, is encouraged to experiment to discern. “Do you like it?” “No.” Then
never give it to them again. “Do you like it?” “No.” And that “no” can be them
sticking out their tongue, making a face, whatever the case may be until the diet is
refined. And then the refinement of the diet leads to repetition.
In the case of an infant, obviously stages of food have to be introduced. That is,
stages of sophistication. But the process remains the same, open until it is closed.
That is, open until it shuts down. And opportunities given to it to try out things until
it really gets exactly what it enjoys. Only then is the advantage of the olfactory sys-
tem part of the equation. Then of course, we have a body that is a body that is
going to be quite a healthy vehicle. But again, all of this is about this movement and
the correctness of that movement.
When we come to the 2nd tone we come to this combination of the taste and the
taste. Again, one of the things that
we‟re looking at here in this particular
splenic binary, and again one of the
things that so interests me because I
find the 2nd tone one that is really fasci-
nating is that you never really know,
you can‟t possibly know, all the things
that you need to know to protect you.
And this is a way of building an infra-
structure that just about is ready for
anything. And it‟s ready for anything
based on the taste.
ren, a child or an infant. Not everything that tastes good is necessarily, at least by
most people‟s standards, necessarily good for you. And it‟s something interesting.
One of the things to see about taste is that it is truly about taste.
Obviously, a child can be guided in terms of what is being offered to them in what is
fundamentally a healthy direction, and yet, one has to understand the importance of
their taste as something that is guiding them, because only then are they going to
have the digestive system that is going to give them the body that they need, be-
cause if we‟re looking at this baby, we‟re looking at this little worm-like thing. It
must have a name; I don‟t know what it is. I know the thing in the pouch is called a
joey, I believe, but I don‟t know if there is a name for its metaphoric or its metamor-
phic precursor. But whatever that is, we have to see that this vehicle is going to
need all of the advantages it can have in those first 29 years.
It means that the 6 body has to mature in this immature cycle. In other words, the
building of the body itself, the growth of the body, the hormonal shifts in the body,
all of this taking place in this very vulnerable phase. So, again, how important it is
going to be for these bodies to particularly be looked after in terms of their determi-
nation. I think that it‟s an immediate sign that when you have a child that is a 3/6
or a 4/6 that they need particular observation. It‟s perhaps one of the most difficult
things to do as a parent because you see your child all the time. You often don‟t see
shifts until it‟s too late.
It‟s something to understand about the 6 body, particularly in its early years, the
first seven-year cycle where the Saturn framework is basically set in, to be very
aware of the fragility of their bodies. Again, this goes back to how important diet is.
I think obesity, for example, in children, the high rise of obesity in children, particu-
larly in Western industrialized countries is obviously some kind of backfiring of this
whole lower color system. It‟s clear to me that this is one of the consequences of
These are bodies that cannot handle the way in which we have been trained to eat.
They just cannot handle it; it‟s just not right for them. So, their vehicles are literally
exploding, in a sense, unable to handle, unable to digest, unable to process what
they are taking in. And it‟s not any more about volume, it isn‟t about volume. It‟s
about deep dysfunction in the way in which we eat and the way in which we digest
as a by-product.
We move now to the Ajna binary. Remember about the Ajna binary. We‟re really
talking about the eyes. We‟re talking about the physical seeing, the physical eye.
Again, if you‟re going to be looking for the weakness here, we‟re no longer looking at
the splenic binary weakness. In other words, immune system weaknesses in the 6
that would make them more vulnerable to polios and cancers and many, many other
things that are there.
This isn‟t about weakness in the potential of the immune system of the 6 body; this
is a potential problem with the physical brain, and in this case specifically with the
way in which seeing is organized. Remember, this is not about the interpretation of
seeing, it‟s a personality construct. I‟m talking about the physical system for the
ability to be able to see, the ability to
be able to move the seeing into sto-
rage, all of this about the nature of see-
ing itself. It‟s also about the physical
eye. It‟s also about the physical geo-
metry of the eyes in relationship to
them. It‟s also about whatever the li-
mitation or not is on the perception. In
other words, it is about the outer vision,
which is really this theme.
But the reality is that the moment we‟re dealing with a 6 body we have to see that
we‟re dealing with a mutative body that is particularly vulnerable in its first stage,
and to recognize that when we‟re looking at the tonal infrastructure that we‟re get-
ting to see, basically, where the potential of the dysfunction can be.
The other thing is that if it‟s correct, if we‟re dealing with correct Strategy and Au-
thority if we‟re dealing with somebody who is properly determined, then what we‟re
going to get is an enhanced capacity in this particular role model to really be able to
see and to see with clarity. Of course, in that sense, opening up the possibility for
what will be their opportunist personality to take advantage of the potential of that
kind of vision, the movement as it passes through.
When we move over to the right, to the passive body, again when we‟re talking
about passive body I want to be careful about not overstating that, because so much
of what we‟re talking about is the way in which the brain system and its formable
connections, the way in which that frequency is, that difference between active and
Here we‟re dealing with something else. We‟re not dealing with outer vision and the
way in which we are structured or built as a vehicle to look out, but inner vision, the
way in which we receive the information, how we receive the information, how we
store the information, but not necessarily anything other than that. Here is where
the cognitive potential of what we understand as the future of the right is possible.
It is the beginning of the ability to take in frequency. This ability to take in frequen-
cy, you can see when we‟re on the other side, when we‟re on the 3; this is the be-
ginning of the process. But this is the looking out process. This is the looking in.
This is very different. This is all about how looking is transformed on the inside into
organized accessibility of the frequency.
Everything about the right is about the
ability to be open to and to store vary-
ing levels of frequencies. Here we are
talking about the transformation of light
into data. Data that can be stored in
darkness and fired in moments of neur-
al requirement, data.
Here we have an example of a problem that can arise. This is a body that doesn‟t
necessarily notice what‟s going on around it. It‟s just taking everything in. And of
course, if it is correct, and you can see that we have made our shift that we have
moved over to the right, that we‟ve moved over to the closed, and remember if this
is the baby, you give it something once and if it doesn‟t like it, if it demonstrates it
doesn‟t like it, including mother‟s milk, don‟t give it any more. This is what closed is
all about.
Once they like something, it‟s repeated until you finally define what is acceptable for
them, what is a correct diet for them, what is correct for their digestive system, what
enhances their capacity for inner vision. And when this is all correct, this is not a
vulnerability any more. This is not a vehicle that is threatened.
Remember, the 6 living out the first part of its life, it lives out a 3rd line theme of
bumping into things and having things bump into it. It is all part of its dynamic. It
is part of the school of hard knocks that it takes at the beginning of its process.
This, when it is correct, is very different. It‟s not looking for that. It is no longer
what we would call strategic if we saw it as personality. It‟s not. It‟s deeply recep-
tive and passive.
Everything on the right changes things. We‟re coming to the end of our 2 nd color.
We‟ve been wandering through all the way from the beginning. We‟re getting to a
point of change, transition. And of course, here when we‟re dealing with the Solar
Plexus binary we are dealing with the deepest and most mutative aspect of what is a
mutative body. And we‟re dealing with very, very complex, and very sophisticated
This is being able to tap into the auric frequency, the magnetic field frequency, to be
able to tap into the pheromone frequency, the chemistry in the air frequency. And
not just to tap into it like somebody saying, “I get the vibe,” but tap into it in a way
it carries its own distinctive clear voca-
bulary. In other words, this is an ability
to discern through this kind of sensitivi-
ty, this sensitivity which is, in fact, the
root of Solar Plexus awareness.
It also means that as a 5, 2, 6, this is a body that is going to be very, very sensitive,
physically sensitive. And physically sensitive in a way that isn‟t often recognized,
feeling things that other people don‟t feel, because at best they feel a very core sur-
face of it and these beings are beginning to feel the nuance, if they are correct.
For me, the most exciting part of the mutation for humans is what‟s possible for
those, particularly with 5th and 6th tonal bodies. Through the 6 here‟s where you get
to see where the real mutative stuff really is. And of course, if these beings are op-
erating correctly, if they have Strategy and Authority, if they are following their de-
termination, then we‟re going to see the emergence of the sensitivity of these ve-
hicles. Now, the only thing that‟s left is how will the personality on the other side
deal with this opportunity of information. If it‟s not-self, what to do, but it could be
Here we get to the 6, 2, 6. Again I have been mentioning this all along. I have my
concerns. I think that these un-resonance resonances are problems. Remember
that there is no direct connection between the tonal level and the line level. So this
6 going through the 2 to the 6 and whether it is a 5, 2, 5 or a 4, 2, 5 or a 3, 2, 5 be-
cause we looked at the variations, there‟s something in here that is difficult. It
doesn‟t mean it‟s a negative, by the way. It‟s just different. It‟s clear to me that
there is something different about it.
The touch—this is a very different aspect of the potential of the awareness, but it‟s
much more concretized and it‟s much
more invasive. In other words, this is
the ability to pick up data information
through physical contact. For me,
what‟s fascinating about this is that I
don‟t think it matters whether the physi-
cal contact is with the animate or the
inanimate. And that, of course, leads to
all kinds of speculation as to the poten-
tial in the awareness of this concretizing
What it does mean for human beings who have this configuration is the possibility of
a vehicle that is particularly sensitive to touch. And sensitive to touch in ways that
are not simply passive in the sense that they are somehow vulnerable to physical
contact, as an example, but to really see the other side of their touch which is that it
is penetrating and invasive. In other words, that they can get information by touch-
ing things, not simply be affected by information because they have a susceptibility
or a sensitivity to the domain of the tactile. It works both ways.
In order for that to operate remember that of the seven billion people on the planet,
minus—we can count them in thousands—these are beings that are all not-self and
they‟re all in transference. So, we‟re not seeing the rise of this possibility, of this
extraordinary possibility. Again, what that takes to understand what it is to have a
child that comes into the world that is a 6th line body, and the care that needs to be
given to this particular child, and the recognition of how important it is that its diet is
correct so it doesn‟t end up suffering in those areas of its vulnerability. It begins
with Strategy and Authority.
Of course, we take our jump. We jump into another world entirely, totally different.
We‟re moving up the evolutionary ladder. We‟re moving into the domain of the 3rd
color. The 3rd color is going to carry us through to the end of our semester. So we
have a lot to talk about in terms of the 3rd color, this color of thirst and the determi-
Then we get to the 3 and we get to the beginning of the interference of the mind. In
other words, as we develop intellectually, we begin to manipulate our food source.
And we will see that the 3rd color and the 4th color are colors that are called manipul-
ative. Not in any negative sense; simply that they do or are the by-product of “arti-
ficially” changing things. And of course, everything about the 3 rd color is about the
basics of hot and cold.
When we come to the 3rd color we come to the beginnings of our experimentation in
the chemistry of eating, because that‟s what it is. And of course, all the invention
that has taken place over the last 85 or 90,000 years in the development of this so-
phisticated chemistry system—how you convert this into that. How you can put this
and this and this and this together and under the influence of heat you can transform
them into something else.
So, when we are dealing with the 3rd color we have moved in the evolutionary pro-
gram, but it also means we‟ve had a corresponding move in the body, that the
body‟s digestive system in mutating to its next evolutionary step, in a sense got
weaker. Isn‟t that interesting? I mean, the strongest digestive system of all is the
very first one. But anyway, the 3rd one got weaker. How did it get weaker? By the
very obvious of what is necessary in order to align their digestive system. That is,
they either produce too much heat, or too little heat.
In other words, this is a digestive system that can‟t control its own chemistry. So
the chemistry has to be controlled externally. All of this, by the way, is a long road
from the beginning of our particular variation of the species to rave. We‟re going
through this evolution. And you can see that when you get to the 3 something very
odd is happening. In other words, it is outside influences that condition whether the
digestion is going to be correct or not. It‟s very different.
So, here is the beginning of that. We have not reached circumstances, but this is
how we get there. We get there through conditions, these conditions. That is, if you
are hot, as in this case, that the only way you‟re going to get to heaven—did I say
that?—the only way you‟re going to be really cool is if you‟re hot and eat hot, stay
hot; hot food.
Let‟s take our journey. We‟ll talk enough about the 3 as we go along. The 1, 3, 1,
splenic binary, active body, smell, the olfactory system; how important it is at one
level for this being to really be able to smell their food. Again, this is all about bring-
ing information to the vehicle; but to really understand something about determina-
tion. If your determination is correct you enhance the capacity of the cognition to be
able to express itself finally in the be-
ing. We‟re dealing with a 1st line body,
we‟re dealing with an investigative
body, we‟re dealing with a body that is
very, very absorbed, a very focused
body. It‟s also a body that is potentially
very versatile—the chameleon—
potentially very versatile as a body, de-
pending on the situation.
This is not something that is easily socially acceptable unless you‟re already at a
stage where there are a great many problems that are already inherent. Again, it‟s
about a long process of reeducating human beings into the importance of bringing
nutrition into their vehicle, the way it was intended to be in order to be able to diffe-
rentiate for all of the advantages because there are so many advantages that diffe-
rentiation brings.
But the alignment, this ability to be able to align the vehicle, this ability to be able to
align the digestion, to be able to open up the potential of the cognition, to transform
the way that it is experienced in the flesh on the surface, this is something very spe-
Here we move up to the visual plane. And again, dealing with the brain system and
dealing with the visual cortex and dealing with the fact that we have an investigator
that is going to be deeply reliant on the way in which its visual capacity, the potential
of its visual capacity, is going to be limited by whether or not this determination is
going to be correct, whether or not this being is going to have its diet of the hot,
whether it‟s going to be able to stay with it, whether it‟s going to be able to follow
that authority. Only then are you really going to get the investigator that is meant
to be here.
It‟s here in these chains that you can begin to appreciate the great wall that is there,
the wall that transference brings and
what that wall of transference means.
It means we have homogenized 1st
lines. Out of seven billion people, I
assume we have 500 million, 600 mil-
lion 1st lines somewhere, personality,
design; it‟s there. There isn‟t that di-
versity of investigation on this planet,
it doesn‟t exist, it‟s all homogenized.
It‟s all homogenized into set discip-
We move over to the right, to the passive, to the inner vision. And again, seeing
that we enter into a new age and because of transference we don‟t get the advan-
tage of it. As a matter of fact, the
children of the right, particularly right
personality have a very hard time now.
They‟re the ones that are being so
deeply conditioned into the strategic
principles of what it is to be human.
The investigator, when it is influenced by the right is not so much investigator as—
well, investor, the one who has the potential to draw the investment in; the “gator”
comes later. Cute, I assume, wagging its tail. Never mind my humor. It‟s different
on the right, it has to be and we have to nurture it by moving this information out.
What it means for these beings, the possibilities that are there, the sensitivities that
are there in these bodies.
And of course, we have a shift here. This determination that is rooted in the cold, no
hot, no room temperature; it has to be cold. You can put a couple of room tempera-
ture things together with something that‟s cold and put it together into your mouth
at the same time, as long as it‟s cold, the net result is it has to be cold. It‟s much
more difficult, by the way, than hot.
And yet, at the same time cold is something, like hot, that in all of lower color you
have to see that there is this necessity for rigidity. The most difficult part is the ri-
gidity part to not vary from it. One of the things that one has to consider about PHS
is that my logic says to me that if you
begin experimenting with aligning your
vehicle to its correct PHS and then you
go off the track you may do a lot of
damage, you just may do a lot of dam-
age. You also may create a kind of
transference immunity. Something to
recognize about what we‟re engaged
with here is that there has never been a
specific formula for the way in which a
body should receive nutrition and this is
It is something to understand about the rigidity of the PHS—the more rigid you are
the more disciplined you are the more you can deal with the consequences of your
social dynamic. It‟s an important time in the life of my family, for example, when we
eat. It‟s again, because of the way in which society is structured and school times
are structured and all of these things, it literally is an opportunity to be together.
The only thing I may do is I may join them ultimately and not eat at the same time.
I don‟t know if that will work because it seems kind of weird. But these are dilem-
mas that we have to deal with. I‟m a long time in my process and this is a minor
thing for me in terms of—I may end up with gas that evening that I wouldn‟t normal-
ly have. But we‟re dealing with a lot of beings who are so deeply conditioned and
they‟ve really never had an opportunity to operate correctly. If they enter into this
kind of program of alignment they have to be aware that this is something that is not
to be played with. It really is something to be respected.
And finally we come to the 6, 3, 1 and the frequency of touch. Again, here is the po-
tential for the ability to investigate and probe through touch. And the gift of this in-
vestigator is to be able to probe through touch if the determination is correct; of
course, at a level that we have never yet seen. There‟s a tremendous potential in
that sense, these different investigators—the 6 investigator with its touch and the 5
investigator with its frequencies and the 4 investigator with its inner visual domain,
all of these frequencies and the interpretation of these frequencies and the potential
of the cognition that that can bring. All of it determined on two things: Strategy and
Authority, and the right determination. That‟s quite something.
After all, Strategy and Authority begins this process and begins it in a way that is
fundamentally healthy for the being. But to transform, truly, the life, to bring out
what this science offers, which is diffe-
rentiation, then this is the way to go.
It‟s like when I first introduced telling
people that they shouldn‟t sleep togeth-
er anymore, there are social conse-
quences to these kinds of steps in which
we begin to bring ourselves to a point
where we can truly operate correctly.
OK, on to our journey, 3rd color, 2nd and 3rd lines. Remember where we are, we‟re
dealing with a 3rd color internal, and in this case, obviously, we are beginning with
this movement that is going to start on the left side so we‟re going to start with an
internal of hot.
I was talking briefly about external before the class began and I really want to make
sure that everybody appreciates that. The nature of external is not something that
has been laid out for you in any way in its full dimension. That will be done in the
third semester. I want you to grasp that the external is about advantages for the
vehicle, not disadvantages. So, it‟s very important to understand that internal and
external operate very differently in terms of what the value is to the physical system.
The most important thing is the internal. That is, the internal in terms of being the
aspect that is in charge of the nature of what we are taking in, the nutrition we take
in, the way we‟re going to digest that nutrition and ultimately the way in which that
nutrition is going to be appropriated to the various areas of the vehicle in order for
them to be used as nutrition and of course enhance the potential because we‟re get-
ting differentiated information.
We are going to begin here and we are moving to the 2 nd line body. Obviously, in
dealing with the 2nd line body we are dealing with 5/2‟s and 6/2‟s as profiles. This is
the hermit body. Again, remember something about the hermit body. Everything
about this hermit body is that this is the Achilles body. It‟s the best way to remem-
ber it; or the Baldur body. If you don‟t know the Baldur story, this is one of these
gods that had one little place on their body where they could be vulnerable and
where they could die. Achilles was dipped into the waters for immortality and was
held by his goddess mother by his ankles and unfortunately for him, that became the
The thing to recognize about the design body of the 2nd line is that it has this inhe-
rent Achilles quality. It isn‟t necessarily that Achilles quality is a negative for this
body. In fact, it is its advantage. In other words, this is a body that is generally
closed off, but it has its weaknesses, it‟s a body that has its openness to certain
things. Again, fulfilling what we understand about the nature of the hermit. Again,
seeing this within the context of a profile if we‟re looking at a 6/2 or a 5/2 we‟re
going to talk about this hermit quality, this leave-me-alone quality. And yet, we
know that they‟re here to receive the call.
So, if they‟re entirely immortal, if they‟re not hung by their ankles, there‟s no possi-
bility for that call to come through. It is this area of vulnerability, which is where
they can be penetrated, where the call can come through, where it can make a dif-
ference. So we‟re dealing with a vehicle that needs to protect itself in many ways.
But there‟s always an aspect in it that bears its openness.
Let‟s begin our chain. In beginning our chain the first thing we‟re looking at is that
we are dealing with the splenic binary. And in dealing with the splenic binary we are
on the left side, we are dealing with an active body. Now remember, don‟t confuse
active body with necessarily seeing a
physically active body. It‟s possible, by
the way. As a matter of fact, it‟s prob-
ably part and parcel of what we will see
on the surface ultimately, but not en-
And tone, because it is architecture, we are dealing with basic architecture here. The
1st tone, the foundation, splenic binary, security is number one and it‟s rooted in
smell cognition. In other words, if we get all the way to the surface and we get to
this body that needs to protect itself, that we get to this body that has this vulnera-
bility that it is this sense of smell that can recognize what can actually come through
and be accepted as a call. And without that sense of smell that being doesn‟t know
what call to receive.
Nothing screws up a life of 5‟s and 2‟s, 6/2‟s and 5/2‟s, than not knowing which call
to take. They don‟t know. And they don‟t know because they are not-self. And as
not-self they are automatically in transference and that means that their body is not
getting the advantage of their cognition. Think about what it means when you‟re
operating according to your inner authority. When you‟re operating according to
your inner authority, on the design side it means that the vehicle‟s cognition is get-
ting to the surface. This is really something to grasp. This is what makes inner au-
thority intelligent. All inner authority, whether it‟s connected to an awareness center
or not is intelligent, because if you‟re operating according to your inner authority
you‟re always operating according to the true cognition of what your vehicle is. And
everything ultimately is being filtered through that.
This hermit has a far greater potential than what is available simply by the beginning
of the process because the very cognition system has been the subject of condition-
ing all of its life. This capacity to smell, the depth of which is possible when the de-
termination is correct because the determination—in this case, the hot; a diet in
which there is nothing taken into the body that is cold and the food is always to
some degree warmer than room temperature. And that‟s relative, if the room is
freezing cold, you know.
In other words, it is very, very important. This is a digestive system that requires
manipulation because this is a digestive system that does not produce the chemistry
necessary, it is not hot enough to break down food in a way that is advantageous.
So you help it. You help it with the hot. And you manipulate the chemistry in that
way. You give your digestive system the heat that it needs in order to bring about
the correct determination which leads to the enhancement of the potential cognition.
When we‟re looking at the design side, the moment that somebody is operating cor-
rectly as themselves, the moment somebody is following their experiment is the
moment that the cognition is getting through. But that cognition can be so much
more. And there is so much that can be done to help this long process, a cellular
process to renew the vehicle in its image, in its true image.
Here we have the 2, 3, 2. Remember what I‟ve been telling you about these false
resonances that there is always something funky in there. Again, time will tell what
that‟s all about. But here we have the 2nd tone and the 2nd tone is all about taste.
But it is a taste for the unknown, the
unknowable. This ultimately as the
hermit, if the vehicle is operating cor-
rectly, this is a hermit that isn‟t open to
just anything. As a matter of fact, it‟s
closed to just about everything that
everybody else is aware of. It is open
to what nobody else has been called to.
All hermits are born unique and die
There are two things to look at in terms of PHS. One is to understand its obvious
physical therapeutic potential for the vehicle. The evidence of that is mounting. But
the other side of that, the side that fascinates me profoundly is the long-term impact
of the transformation in the way in which our brains work. This is what can be so
magical about not simply being correct in Strategy and Authority, but entering into
this process of truly aligning oneself to one‟s uniqueness through determination.
Now that‟s quite something.
Outer vision—the thing to keep in mind about outer vision is that we‟re dealing with
the vehicle; we are dealing with the body. We are still in what is the active principle,
but here we‟re really dealing with the visual cortex, the visual infrastructure, the
eyes, the rods, the iris, the lens. We are talking about the way in which the body
takes in its visual information which is absolutely essential for what is the collective
consciousness brain. Everything about being a strategic human being is about the
visual; everything. Our maia is rooted in the visual. Everything about strategy is
rooted in the visual and the way in which we see. We are all intended to see unique-
ly. And there are many kinds of seeing.
But here, clearly, the cognitive emphasis is on outer vision. What can be seen; and
what can be seen could be anything. Is it a peripheral vision; is it a narrow focused
vision? Is it an inconsistent vision? What kind of vision is it? What is that physical
structure capable of actually taking in? What is it able to see? And it is this ability to
see that leads to, in brain function, this heightened ability to be attuned to the visu-
There are some people that look and see nothing. I have a son like that. He can
walk into the room and the whole room is different and he doesn‟t see it. People see
different things. We all have the same eyes, so it seems. But not all of us derive
our main cognition from the visual.
Outer vision, these are the visual ones.
So here we‟re dealing with the visual
hermit, the potential of the visual her-
mit if the Strategy and Authority is
there, this is a hermit that needs to see
the thing that‟s coming, needs to see
what it blocks off. It‟s visual. This is
the classic hermit that sits on the hill—
the 19.2, the fool—looking around.
Then we can get to see what the true potential is of these hermits. We‟ve never
seen any of them, well, maybe one or two; we haven‟t seen any of them out of the
billions. All homogenized, none of them operating through inner authority so none of
them gaining the intelligence and the advantages of the intelligence that is rooted
there in their cognitive system. Then we have those who are fortunate enough on
their fractal that they get to a place of experimentation, but they‟re still caught in the
same dilemma of the homogenization of the physical body when they were young
and they need to cleanse it. Here is the cleansing.
It‟s so interesting the difference between design and personality. If you‟re operating
correctly, you don‟t have to follow your PHS. You‟ll end up with the relative physical
problems that you‟ve known in your vehicle as a result of its homogenization. As a
matter of fact, the problems that you had before, or the problems you have are evi-
dence of the conditioning and you can explore where those various components of
your lack of well-being came from in the forces you grew up with, in the forces
around you.
It‟s not like the personality where if you don‟t deal with transference you‟re lost. But
you see, here is the great possibility that in entering into your PHS that you‟re enter-
ing into something that not only will alleviate those physical dilemmas but the poten-
tial of it. I don‟t think anything for me is more exciting than, because I had that
once before, oh I remember it so well. I remember telling my friend, Alok, that
when we were first together it would take seven years. I remember what it‟s like to
say to people seven years, and not really be able to tell them anything other than
you tell me when you get there. There are quite a few people in this room who have
been through this cellular process.
The thing to recognize with PHS is that my assumption is that the seven-year cycle
of correct PHS is as profound in many ways physically much more profound as a
transition than the very process of going through the first seven year process. It is
clear to me there are results waiting here that we cannot grasp yet. And it is clear
to me the results are the way in which our consciousness is going to work. It‟s an
enormously important experiment.
Let‟s move over to the right and we move over to the passive body. Again, under-
standing there is going to be a real vulnerability in this 2 vehicle. This 2 vehicle is
going to have a passive understructure. So, you‟re going to see that left tone design
2‟s are more likely to be comfortable
going out of their sheltered nest than
right oriented hermits that are going to
be more sensitive to the impact of the
outer environment because they have a
passive vehicle.
Here we‟re dealing with the visual. This is the last linkage, the commonality in this
shared interregnum vehicle, the nine-centered vehicle, here is the boundary line be-
tween what is human and what is potentially rave. Here is the meeting place in this
Ajna binary. So here, in essence, is the last similarity, what is an obvious parallel;
the outer vision, the inner vision.
We need to strip away the assumption, the strategic assumption that inner vision is
about seeing anything. It isn‟t. It is about the capturing of seeing. It is not about
the interpretation of the seeing, as an example. And we are dealing with the form
here. We‟re dealing with the brain itself. We are dealing with a brain that is special-
ly equipped to store visual information. And it is this storage of visual information
that leads this hermit to recognize the call after the fact.
We‟re dealing with a hermit, and we‟re dealing with the vulnerability of a passive ve-
hicle. We are dealing with the right side which means that nothing can truly be
grasped until it is experienced. In other words, there is no way for the hermit to
know until the vision has been taken in. The hermit sees somebody coming to make
the call. That hermit cannot make a decision until after they‟re gone. It may not
even let them in. It may only just watch and watch. And at some point there is
going to be the right stimulation that brings the correct openness, what to be open
to, what call to be open to from what has been stored.
It will come out in whatever the inner authority is of this vehicle. If it‟s a Generator
it would come out in the response. “Did you see something you liked?” “Uh-huh.”
It was there. And of course, a rave isn‟t going to be conditioned by humans in the
same way, and they will not be homogenized in the same way simply because of
their dietary limitations. We have human beings who have been born since 1781
who are right oriented vehicles and those right oriented vehicles are more vulnera-
ble. These are vehicles that are particularly dependent on transformation as a result
of strategic awareness, in other words, to follow Strategy and Authority.
We always hammer at people to follow their Strategy and Authority, but when we‟re
dealing with somebody who has a right body how important it is for them to under-
stand that following their Strategy and Authority is really giving them a new level of
intelligence that they haven‟t experienced before, because it is going to allow them
to be able to operate passively in a way that is successful for them.
But again, the enhancement dilemma; one thing to raise children this way—that
would be a miracle, I‟d love to see that. And I mean children from the point of them
emerging into the world. And the other thing to recognize the process that we can
enter into that is the deconditioning process, the cellular process, of entering into
correct determination and allowing that correct determination slowly but surely to
align the vehicle to its differentiation and out of that to be able to enhance the quali-
ties of cognition that are there and transfer those qualities of cognition to the sur-
Remember, everything is about how the surface is operating. The monopole has a
receptor frequency. And the receptor frequency is a result of the holistic frequency
of the whole. If the holistic being, the person, is not operating correctly, the recep-
tion frequency distorts everything. So cognition of the body is something that al-
most all human beings lack, vehicular cognition, the true awareness of the vehicle.
And of course, the moment that we are entering into what is correct, we‟re beginning
to gain—why do you think people are so impressed with their inner authority. Ho-
nestly, inner authority is really incredible. Anybody who follows it knows that. We
try to attach all kinds of things to it. Well, it‟s hooked to my Spleen so it‟s this
awareness. It knows what to respond to, whatever the case may be.
But it‟s to understand that for those of us who are operating correctly our bodies are
being guided by our cognitive system. Look at it, look at yours and see. This is the
cognition that‟s guiding you. And it means that it‟s important for you to pay atten-
tion to what that specific cognition is, to begin to understand that as you enter into,
if you do, your process with your PHS then you can begin to pay attention what‟s
happening in that area, and the way in which you notice it or not in your reflected
When we go into the Solar Plexus, obviously we are going deeper and deeper into
the mutative domain and the 5 is really the cornerstone of what the rave vehicle will
really be about. That is, it is a feeling vehicle and feeling in the sense that this is a
vehicle that is very, very sensitive to
auras, it‟s very sensitive to the envi-
ronment; in other words, the magnetic
field of the environment, the chemistry
that is in the environment that is a re-
sult of others. It is very sensitive to
these frequencies.
But the thing to be clear about are the relationships you have when you understand
tonal configurations and lines. It‟s a 2nd line body. We already know it‟s vulnerable;
this is the Achilles body. We know that it needs this area of openness; we know this
is a passive body. And yet, we also know that the only way in which this vehicle‟s
cognition can operate correctly is that if it enters into things correctly and only later
can the cognitive experience be quantified.
Everything about the right is experiential, which means that everything is to be ex-
perienced. And it does not mean that there is awareness in the experiencing. There
can be correctness because of Strategy and Authority. So, this, a deeply, deeply
feeling hermit, you bet your bottom dollar that this is the kind of hermit that‟s very
sheltered. And yet, at the same time they have to meet the frequencies. Of course,
there is a dilemma here between these two, because it‟s not comfortable in meeting
it because of its sensitivity. Yet, only through encounter can the depth of its feeling
begin to emerge.
Most human beings never get to experience this. We don‟t know hermits like this.
We‟re dealing with the nature of transference; we‟re dealing with the limitation when
one goes beyond it. We‟re dealing with a journey that means that there is so much
that needs to be done before the full potential of this kind of hermit can emerge.
And yet, all of it pales in comparison to what the potential is here, because this po-
tential is transcendent. What I mean by that is this is not limited to information that
can be derived by touching the animate. It is information that can be derived from
the animate and from the inanimate.
And it is information that carries data
that is far, far more sophisticated than
we experience in our own process.
We‟re talking about something else
here. Obviously, this is not something
that is common. And yet, this is an in-
herent gift that lies in any vehicle that
carries a design 6th tone, this potential
of being able to take in information.
We‟re looking at a hermit that can only be open to the call that in fact is touched.
It‟s the touch that opens up something for this hermit. And it can only come through
the touch. This is not the way in which this hermit is going to operate, this not-self
hermit, this hermit in transference. If it is fortunate enough and it is following its
Strategy and Authority then it can begin to be guided in its inner authority by what
its touch is teaching it all the time, what it‟s taking in and its mind knows nothing
about because this is not mind taking in information from the door handle, for God‟s
sake. Taking in all kinds of information, and it‟s available for the self-reflected con-
If there is Strategy and Authority and the determination—and obviously on the right
we have a different internal, the cold for the 4, the 5 and the 6—if there is this cor-
rect determination then ultimately the enhancement of this potential and it is an en-
hancement, that though it will never reach the potential of a rave, that there are
human beings that can come into this world and can put their hand on you and put
their hand on a computer and they can get information in a way that we would find
remarkable, rudimentary compared to the rave, but way beyond what we feel, what
we touch, what we take in visually. The enhancement program—if we enhance the
brain, I‟m convinced we will get a generation of awake people.
Ok, we move to the martyr and the martyr body—6/3‟s, 1/3‟s. Nobody takes more
punishment in this life; nobody takes more punishment in this life than 6/3‟s and
1/3‟s. These are bodies that get whacked. They‟re resilient bodies, the martyr body.
But there‟s something to understand about them, that if they‟re not operating
through the right cognition, the very resiliency of their body becomes their biggest
dilemma because it begins to fall apart. It falls apart not because their bodies aren‟t
strong, because they are. It falls apart because their bodies are being banged
against resistances that this kind of body is not built for.
It‟s like having a rough sport where you have certain players, certain athletes, the
biggest, the toughest, the strongest that take on certain responsibilities that you
would never let the smaller players do because they would get destroyed. And it‟s
not like the smaller players don‟t have strong bodies, they do, but it‟s relative.
The 3 body is designed to be able to deal with certain resistance in life—trial and er-
ror. But designed to deal with trial and error that is the right trial and error, the
right thing to enter into that goes wrong; ah, the miracle for the 3 rd body. It can
survive any of the right things that go wrong. It can be devastated by the wrong
things that go wrong. And it goes back to cognition. If this 3 rd body is not being
guided by its cognition, which means there is no inner authority, then the personality
is making the decisions and the personality has no idea what this body can handle or
not. No idea. So, these bodies can be really damaged.
We‟re dealing with the basics here. We have our 1, 3, 3. We‟re dealing with this ac-
tive, deeply concentrated concern for security. Let the body be secure. This body
wants to be secure, this body that has a destiny of smacking into things and having
things smack into it. It wants to be secure. And it can smell what not to go up
against. There‟s nothing dumber than a ram banging against the wall; sense of
It doesn‟t mean that this person, whoever this person is, is going to smell it. It
means if they‟re honoring their Strategy and Authority, that strategy is rooted in this
cognition and the result is a decision
that takes into consideration what is
smelt, so that this being can enter into
the right thing that can go right or
wrong. And that it maintains its resi-
lience and its power.
Taste, this taste for the unknown to recognize somehow—it‟s brilliant actually. I
keep gushing about the 2nd tones, both in PHS and Rave Psychology. I‟m a deeply
strategic person and I understand the whole history of humanity is found in the 2 nd
tone, as the future history of the rave
can be found in the 5th. And I look at
the 2nd tone and think it‟s amazing. We
were always driven to look beyond the
horizon. This is a 3 that can be guided
by this looking beyond the horizon and
challenging something that no one has
ever seen, no one has ever challenged.
It‟s magic that can be there.
your life is lived practically. It means that every time you make a decision as your-
self according to your inner authority it means you‟re being guided by that cognition.
It doesn‟t mean you have to be conscious of it at all. It means you‟re being guided
by it, every decision that you are making. But it is the determination that brings out
the enhancement of that process and what that potential can bring.
It‟s also interesting here to look at the relationship here that we have in this reson-
ance between the 3-3. And of course, this is a legitimate resonance. That is, there
is a connection between color and line that operates through resonance and harmo-
nies and dissonance. And the same can be true between color and tone; there just
isn‟t any between tone and line.
Of course, here we do have this resonance. So, there is this deep potential in this
martyr, this 3rd color martyr, the perfection of what is possible for it to be so deeply
3, in that sense, to be really fulfilled. We get the movie here, because here we have
this perfect drama. What is the arche-
type, the pure archetype of the martyr,
this true martyr, the 3, 3, 3? What‟s
the archetype?
How profound a discoverer this can be, how pure that is as a process. And if they
are correct and if they are operating through their PHS, their outer vision is becom-
ing more and more acute. What that means is that it‟s not about what the mind
thinks it saw, this is the body. This is the inner authority making a decision for you
based on what your outer vision took in. And the strategic process of that focus be-
low the level of your conscious mind, the way the body translates this information.
Here is the cognition at work.
This is the Solar Plexus, the cyclical, this frequency of feeling, picking up the envi-
ronmental field. I think this is a very
powerful capacity and I think that its
range is probably much further than
what we would call an auric range. And
the reason for that is the sensitivity to
chemistries, like a dog, cat or any other
creature that has strong olfactory ca-
pacity, is the ability to pick up things
that are moved on the wind that are in
the atmosphere. The amount of infor-
mation that can be taken in from this
frequency level, it‟s hard to imagine, it
is a lot of information.
will help it to know what not to bang into and yet it is so subtle and it is information
that is lost in transference that only in entering in correctly do you begin to tap into
what‟s there. But again, always remember, it is the enhancement that is the real
journey. The transformation of this into its potential in whatever configuration we
Harmony, resonance, it‟s a nice touch, touch, touch. The more I think about this
sense, because what are we talking about, we are talking about the senses and we
have a final discussion that will come at the end of the chains because we will see
this in its relationship to the overall synthetic field of the acoustic.
But this particular sense operates at a very primitive level in humans. I think that
that‟s an indication of how profound the transition is going to be in the way in which
humans can, and the way in which raves will experience this sense. Obviously, we
are not dealing, when we look at a martyr, a right-fixed 6th tone martyr, we don‟t
know any of these on the planet. What
we get are simple homogenized trial
and error people. Anything on the sur-
face you can say about the 3rd line is
basically what happens to them. All of
the negative sides of that—the relation-
ships, and this and that, and blah, blah,
blah, the pessimism and the „this‟ and
the „that‟—this is the homogenized 3.
That‟s what it is.
If you‟re a 6, 3, 3 everything you‟ve ever touched, the information has been stored
and you didn‟t know it. And the moment you‟re operating correctly your body, in its
inner authority display, is taking advantage of all of that, it‟s how it works. You‟re
taking advantage of all that built up potential. And you tap into it and you begin to
make decisions that are correct because they are intelligent, because they are rooted
in what is your correct cognition.
It‟s all hardware. I‟ve been at this such a long time now. It‟s almost been 20 years,
in about five weeks. I went from intellectuality and all that brings to a long, long,
long journey of surrendering to form, and the deepest, deepest recognition of the
vanity and the helplessness of the personality.
The vehicle is an amazing thing, but it‟s much more amazing than we know. The
program gave us a hint, because when we look at each other we see different faces.
And the different faces are just masks now covering homogenized forms. But we are
different. We are unique. Our bodies, these vehicles, are intended to be truly
unique, a unique expression of all of the vast combinations that are there that ex-
press this vehicle in this life on this plane in this illusion as this form.
And we can enhance what is our own cognitive potential, that we can correct millen-
nia of conditioning. That we, in fact, can complete, as we should, our own evolutio-
nary process as humans to take whatever we can as steps to allow ourselves to ex-
perience our unique perfection, that beauty of what it is to be absolutely correct in
your uniqueness, from your mind to the cells in your toes.
Well, it certainly is a nice thought, isn‟t it? Chains are an incredible thing. My mo-
ment-by-moment, week-by-week experience with this information has deepened my
wonder at what differentiation really is, how incredible it really is. It‟s not about all
the archetypes of all of these chains, or the chains to the base, or the double combi-
nation of the chains of the personality and the design, of the chains on both sides for
all of the aspects, for how all of that is integrated into a design. Wow, is all I can
say. It‟s just absolutely incredible how deep, deep, deep differentiation is. It‟s the
roadway to godhead. Each of us complete in our uniqueness. And all we lack is the
full potential of our cognition, the perfection of these vehicles. It‟s time to bow down
to the temple and raise the temple up.
We are into the 4th line and of course, we‟re dealing with the unconscious so we‟re
dealing with 1/4‟s and 2/4‟s, we‟re dealing with the 4 body, the opportunistic body.
Remember that the opportunistic body is a body that can be absolutely wasted.
Think about 4th lines and understand that exhaustion, burnout, there are all of these
things about the 4th line that can be devastating. So, it‟s really something to keep in
Everything we understand about the nature of the opportunist is that the way in
which the opportunist functions is that it‟s going to need to invest in its network. Of
course, when we‟re talking about a body and we‟re talking about investment, we‟re
talking about investment of energy. The profound exhaustion of the 4 th line is much
more evident on the physical side than the psychological side, that is, the personality
side. Personality exhaustion is because of the not-self, and is deeply confused with
sacral conditioning and frustration which is a very different thing.
But the exhaustion of the physical body, the misuse or the abuse of energy re-
sources is something the 4 can suffer from. Remember that in order for the 4 to be
able to gain its reward in its process, because it‟s always looking to the other, it is a
transpersonal line, it needs to work with the other, whether it is right or left angle, in
this case right angle, nonetheless it is transpersonal in its nature and needs to work
with the other in order to get what is correct for it in its personal destiny.
Of course, that means the physical investment. We don‟t think normally of our op-
portunist in terms of the physical investment of their networking, because we tend to
think of it personality wise. We tend to think of the way in which they can influence
the other from the personality level. But it‟s something to really grasp about how
profound the pull is on the physical resources of the 4 if it is not operating correctly
because it is giving up of its energy.
And because we know that it‟s dysfunctional, that is, we know that it‟s not-self, it‟s
not operating according to Strategy and Authority, it is cut off in transference from
what is its true cognition, so we know that everyone that comes into the world with a
1/4 or a 2/4 body, we know these are bodies that can burn out. That these are bo-
dies that can have depleted resources, that these are bodies that can be, for exam-
ple, anemic, that there can be all kinds of inherent problems that are there in this
kind of physical body because it gets tapped of its resources when it‟s not operating
with a correct network. In other words, where there is a feedback and there is a re-
turn on the physical energy that is going to be invested.
Here, of course, we are at the beginning of our story. We are at the tonal architec-
tural level we are on the left side and we are dealing with the active body principle.
In most cases this is a reference to the neural activity of the brain itself, as an ex-
ample. And we are looking at a cognition that is rooted in smell—the splenic binary,
the foundation of what is necessary; the
necessary security for the body. And
that for this particular body, this oppor-
tunistic body, that the only way that it‟s
going to be able to ascertain or discern
what are the correct forces for it to be
involved with, to network with, to give
of its body to, is that it‟s going to have
to sniff them out.
Remember that your Strategy and Authority is an exact expression of your cognition.
This is the miracle of Strategy and Authority; that‟s why it works. The moment you
are operating according to your Strategy and Authority there is no longer transfe-
rence at the design level. And because there is no longer transference at the design
level it means that if you‟re operating correctly that the surface, the line, is gaining
direct access, that is, access through what is in fact the color, it is gaining access to
the cognition that is guiding the very Strategy and Authority that is leading it to
make its decisions.
In other words, when you‟re operating according to your Strategy and Authority,
you‟re operating according to natural, individual, cognitive intelligence. It‟s yours,
it‟s unique and it‟s perfect for whatever your role happens to be on the surface.
Obviously, we‟re dealing with the 3rd color; we‟re closing out our journey. In looking
at the 3rd color again we come back to the question of are we going to be able to
transform what is the deeply homogenized and conditioned sensory capacity of this
physical body. In other words, yes, Strategy and Authority eliminates the transfe-
rence, goes directly to the architecture, the architecture can come to the surface.
But in fact, it‟s still coming to the surface out of the old body infrastructure. It takes
time to change your body. It is a cellular process.
One of the things that we understand about the cellular process of Strategy and Au-
thority is that this is a seven-year process. That is, the physical process of cellular
renewal for Strategy and Authority. But that is not about the perfection or en-
hancement of the potential of that cognitive infrastructure. When somebody is oper-
ating correctly this is the advantage of then fulfilling the full potential of what‟s there
by operating according to what is their correct determination.
When we‟re dealing with the left and we are dealing with the 3 rd color we are dealing
with hot. It‟s so simple, so direct and yet really something to grasp about its evolu-
tionary step. One of the most interesting things about—from my perspective of look-
ing at a human being and its evolutionary process—is that we had a fantastic diges-
tive system 85,000 years ago, rock solid, cavemen solid. And what is so interesting
about that self-contained digestive process—it was perfect, it was natural, it was
new—is that as we became more and more sophisticated, in fact, as the demands of
the brain became more and more profound, that the fact is that the inner capacity to
be able to regulate and successfully control digestion was passed to outside forces.
In other words, human beings in their very development were designed to be intelli-
gent enough as a potential to be able to recognize and compensate for their own
evolutionary movement. We don‟t have a primitive digestive system for a primitive
fauna and flora anymore. And you can see this first step in what is called manipula-
tive, this first step in the 3rd color and its completion in the 4th color, this movement
from lower to upper. Here we have the manipulation of the food source. We have
the manipulation of the food source in order to enhance the digestive potential.
Somebody who is on the left of the 3rd color have a fundamentally cool digestive sys-
tem. It does not produce enough chemical energy. It does not produce enough
chemical fire to be able to do the work necessary to break down what are the nu-
trients coming in and to be able to break them down in a way that the body correctly
accesses them. It needs heat. It‟s very simple. It obviously represents certain so-
cial dilemmas, as we‟ve discussed. It changes a lot of old habits.
There are many, many things involved with truly following the potential of what PHS
can bring. Again, on the design side your body is ok. That is, the deterioration
based on homogenization is ended when you‟re operating correctly; there is this slow
healing process that is taking place. But there is no expansion or enhancement.
This is the magic of what you get by following the determination. And in a sense,
determination is almost—I hate to say this—an elective. It‟s not compulsory. As a
matter of fact, I don‟t think that more than half of people who meet PHS correctly
after design will be able to fulfill the potential of their possibilities because I don‟t
think they will be able to carry it out through their lifetime.
It‟s clear to me that when I was given this knowledge I was given some very, very
special little things. This is one of them. Not the generalized way that I approach
PHS that you‟re familiar with, what you do as a PHS analyst, the surface of this, and
providing people with an insight into really how deteriorated and distorted their own
eating process and digestive-and all that stuff. I see something else here. And I‟ve
been talking to you about this. I see that this is the one place where the promise of
awakening can be realized. It is not ironic to me that it is in the vehicle. But it is
clear to me that someone who has been raised as a conditioned being is not going to
reach awakening without their PHS, because there are enhancements and improve-
ments that they naturally deserve.
Now, I want you to think about something. I experimented profoundly with drugs
almost all of my life. It certainly was the foundation of my shamanistic develop-
ment. The drugs like LSD, the impact on the brain was simply to run along neural
tracks in ways that the brain had never experienced before, thus the hallucination.
All those tracks are there. They‟re like old railway tracks that had been covered over
in grass. And here and there, there are sort of little bits of imperfection, whatever,
but no trains run on that track anymore.
That‟s what determination is about. Determination is that hard working crew that is
going to clean those tracks, take down the “no pass through” signs, and open up the
neural possibilities, not with any chemical that has a momentary phenomena or a
danger in the instability of the psychology of those who indulge in it. This is the ul-
timate natural trip. This is the ultimate natural opening up of your transcendent po-
tential. It‟s there, physically; that‟s the most incredible thing.
That‟s really what PHS is all about. The surface of its health attributes, yes, I know
it‟s very important, it‟s wonderful. But come on, this knowledge is not here simply to
make people feel better. I am satisfied with that. It is enough for me to know that
this knowledge helps people in many different ways. But I also know that this know-
ledge is here for a reason. It provides humanity with its only opportunity because
the game is nearly run. It provides humanity with the only opportunity it has ever
had to be correct, to be awake, and to be aware. It goes back to the very nature of
what this knowledge is. It is yin form knowledge. The secrets, the mysteries, the
wonder is here in the body.
We move to the 2. Of course, the 2 is the epitome of what it is to be left. This is the
active principle; this is the body that has a readiness for anything. And in a sense,
the potential of this opportunist is literally an opportunist that can have a network
that nobody else has, because this is the magic of the 2 nd tone. It‟s not interested in
what is known. It is interested in all the things that are threats and risks that are
unknown. It is a body that is on alert. And yes, taste is its theme. And it‟s on alert.
And that alertness, that capacity to be able to know through your inner authority
which person to network with, and not to think about how does the taste provide the
cognition. It‟s splenic, for god‟s sake.
I‟m an intelligent man. I don‟t know how the Spleen works. The Spleen is incredi-
ble. But it is also speed of light, in the moment, gone; incredible. It‟s just capable
at this deep profound level. And you
see if this being is operating correctly
according to Strategy and Authority,
they get the cognition. And it‟s not like
they get it when they act according to
their Strategy and Authority, in acting
according to their Strategy and Authori-
ty that‟s what‟s giving its intelligence.
They already have it; they‟ve just never
used it before.
I can remember seeing what I thought, in fact, were colors that I don‟t know. It‟s
hard even to think about that.
There is magic. These vehicles need to be tuned. I love being a mechanic. These
human vehicles, we tune them up. This is the great garage for tuning up humans.
We tune them up here. And you don‟t wait seven years for the benefits. They do
begin to work immediately. They don‟t reach full potential over night, obviously.
But this is the key to the transformation of the physical brain. We‟re completing our
evolution. It got slowed down, bogged down in homogenization. And not because
that‟s bad, simply because that‟s the way it had to be. And now, I know all these
mystical stories and tales and the veil—the dropping of the veil—we have these veils
that have been dropped over our potential that are hiding these neural opportunities.
We have unfinished structural work for our brains.
We go over to the right, over to the passive, over to this deep transition that is part
of our mutative transformation. Of course, the dilemma for us in having to deal with
the phenomena of humans who are going to be endowed with right oriented bodies
and minds who can never truly fulfill
the potential of those right oriented bo-
dies or minds because of the depen-
dency on the strategic and the impact
of its conditioning.
This is a system that has to be cooled down. And in cooling it down then obviously
it‟s going to operate correctly, but think about the relationship here. It‟s a perfect
one between this passive body and this cool demand. This is not an opportunist that
is looking for someone, some thing. Its opportunity lies in the fact that it doesn‟t
know that there is any agenda to what it sees. Opportunity will come according to
its design. We are all here to wait. It must be drawn from the well.
foundly influential force, this externalizing energy. It‟s externalizing the networks of
homogenized beings, homogenized cabals, homogenized gangs, clubs, armies, politi-
cal parties, mobs. The homogenized influencer, if they have a microbe everybody
else gets it, because everybody‟s homogenized.
Everybody gets sick with the same stuff. It‟s like this rationalization for the common
cold. I am—pardon my French—sick and fucking tired of the rationalization of the
common cold. I have heard it rationalized in every possible way—this is the way in
which the human gene pool manages to develop and deal with new things that are
arising all the time and it builds up their immune system, and blah, blah, blah. It‟s
only because everybody is homogenized that everybody gets the same thing.
My suspicion is that you are probably due for maybe three colds in a lifetime for your
own personal adjustment to the environment. The most devastating example of
homogenization is flu. And bird flu will come. Pandemics come. And you have all
these human beings, all these homogenized immune systems that all work exactly
the same way that have all been denied their cognition for millennia. And they are
just going to be victims. By the tens of millions they‟ll just drop like flies, all killed
with the same stone.
I know this movie; I‟m watching it right now. Everybody around is sick, it‟s flu sea-
son. A third of the school is out, kids are sick, friends are sick, there are colds in my
family, and it‟s all around; but not me. I haven‟t had a cold in so long I can‟t re-
member. I don‟t get this stuff. This is the homogenized world. This is what it
means to be homogenized. That 10 or 20 million people a year get the same cancer.
Give me a break. What are you seeing? We‟re not here to be homogenized. You
and I and everybody else have different immune systems. We‟ve just never realized
them, we have never perfected them, enhanced them.
hausted, just taking in so much and being burnt out because they try to play stra-
tegic opportunist and they‟re not, they‟re not, they‟re not. They‟re transpersonal be-
ings. They are on the right. They are here to follow a Strategy and Authority that
will allow everything to operate as it should for them.
Imagine the sensitivity of this opportunist that you can put your hand on them and
they shudder because they take it in so deeply. We have no idea how profound this
touch can be, both in terms of the in-
formation, the fact that the information
can come from the animate and inani-
mate in terms of its full potential. The
sensitivity that is possible in this oppor-
tunist through its touch and only
through its touch can it know who to
invest in and who not to allow access to
it so it is not drained of its life force.
You don‟t get access to them unless you‟re operating correctly. You see that all the
time, particularly 3/5‟s. Obviously, that‟s the main group in terms of population.
Three-fives are disasters in life. They are; they have such a hard time. They mess
up, their reputations get ruined, people are always projecting on them they‟re going
to be great and they have their trial and error; they can have such a horrible time.
And it‟s absolutely essential for them that they are correct. Otherwise, they‟re going
to be punished. And it‟s the body that gets punished. It‟s the body that gets re-
jected. It‟s the body that has to live that out. Their immune system is designed to
protect them. They have this deep potential, this cognition that is possible for them.
Most 3/5‟s end up spending a whole lifetime running from things, running away from
their past, running away from those things that did not work. And it‟s because they
are cut off from their cognition. The image we have of 3/5‟s is not what they‟re
about. It‟s what the not-self 3/5 is, stripped of its cognition, stripped of its ability to
smell things out, and stripped of that potential. It does not know how to deal with
the projection. It doesn‟t, it can‟t. And the potential in this, the depth of olfactory
potential with a dog that smells tens of thousands times better than us, the potential
that‟s there in the determination, in manipulating this digestive system because it‟s
too cool and it needs to heat up.
When you see the world this way you really understand the limitation of our time,
our planet, our history. You understand that for every million people who live their
lives in poverty, dismay and disarray, that there may be one human being who can
ponder the nature of being. Such dysfunction is painful. And it‟s that line, that nas-
ty red line that separates function from intelligence. And we know that these beings
are not operating according to Strategy and Authority, they‟re operating according to
their not-self mind. They‟re not intelligent at all.
It‟s the thing that I‟ve come to recognize; they‟re not. All things are relative. If you
strip away the veil and you allow the true cognition to come to the surface you will
see the presence of intelligence. It means that being is operating correctly because
it is the intelligence that is guiding him. And the advantages that come into your life
because of the fact you‟re following your strategy, you owe to your body‟s cognition.
Get down on your knees to your design tone and say, “thank you,” because this is
what it is. It‟s not because you have a sacral or an emotional system or it‟s this or
that. Everybody has things like that. But do they operate based on intelligence? Do
they operate based on the unique cognitive potential of the intelligence in each of
us? That‟s how you become abnormal, that‟s how you get out of the homogenized
The 3, 3, 5: the vision, the left tone. So much visual activity, so much concentration
in the way in which the brain operates on the visual cortex, how important the visual
world is to this being, and how they use it. How different they are from the 4. This
is a brain that is going to be designed for easy strategic utilization. That‟s its possi-
bility. To be able to see in a way that is far beyond the capacity of others to see and
take advantage of that seeing. That‟s what‟s there.
This heretic will see. It will see what needs to be universalized. It will truly see it.
We don‟t have these heretics. It‟s such
a thing to think about. We do not have
them. When you think about all the
profiles, realize we do not have any of
them. It‟s all transference. It‟s all
without cognition. And those that are
in the process in the experiment, they
still need to re-open the potential in
themselves physically, to fulfill the
whole program, to complete the whole
prophet, you name it, it‟s what they‟ve looked for. How do you wake them up? We
know. It‟s right in front of us, in front of our noses; it‟s right there. It‟s color. And
that determination, the determination to be perfect. Uniqueness and perfection are
the same thing.
That mystery isn‟t a mystery any more. We know where the key to awakening is.
Now, it‟s the matter of the popularization of the work that we do to get to the point
that there are enough human beings who live long enough according to their deter-
mination to be able to verify in their life experience what I know we can verify medi-
cally in the first three years of life of a child. It is clear to me that if you follow your
determination from the moment you come into this life that you will have a neural
development for a full cellular cycle—seven years. We have been robbed of all of
that. And it‟s not lost, it‟s not irretrievable. It‟s right here.
This is a cooling down. And on the right it‟s perfect. And for this heretic, if they‟re
operating according to Strategy and Authority, it‟s perfect. They will have their op-
portunity to realize their cognitive potential. It will come to them. But again, partic-
ularly here on the right, we do not have any of these beings. Let alone that we have
a few—I say a few relative to the billions on the planet—that live according to Strat-
egy and Authority and are for the first time since ancient primitive beings, gaining
true access to their deepest cognitive potential, that there‟s still this work to do to
get the results on the other side.
The results here will be self-evident. Human Design is good for you. We already
know that. But the other side, the holy grail of the new age, enlightenment, awa-
kening, whatever you want to call these things, it‟s here. Here‟s a discipline to fol-
low. Here‟s a discipline that feeds naturally into the learning process of the perso-
nality to be prepared for and ready for the potential of transformation and transcen-
In dealing with the chains we‟re dealing with thousands—there‟s a lot of stuff. But it
will one day be a database that has historical value in that it will be the first health
reference base for humanity based on their chains and based on their designs. So, it
will be fascinating for us to deconstruct all that data we take in statistically and begin
to see the commonalities and aliments
according to chains and so forth and so
on; all kinds of things, fascinating
things that can develop once we estab-
lish the foundation of it.
As always when we get to the 5 we get to the core of what is right. And we get to
the intensity of feeling that this being is going to take in, that this heretic is going to
take in. The projection field is something that‟s going to be sensed in a very, very
deep way by this kind of heretic. They‟re going to feel it, and they‟re going to feel it
through aura chemistry, pheromones, you name it, they‟re going to feel it and
they‟re going to take it in very intensely.
And yet, in their determination to stay cool is the beauty of their correctness. It has
to come to them, after all. They‟re a 2/5 or a 3/5. They‟re a hermit heretic, it has
to be called. They‟re a trial and error heretic that has to go through trial and error to
find truth. They have processes. On the surface, in the holistic life, their Strategy
and Authority brings them to their correctness so that these feelings can lay a foun-
dation for the correctness of this heretic and what is universalized.
Finally we come to the 6 and we come to the touch and we come to the tactile, the
intensity. I‟m fascinated by this because it is the ultimate mutation. Whenever
we‟re dealing with 6‟s we know we‟re dealing with a mutative quality; and certainly
in this era the whole business of the 6 in a profile, how significant all of that is.
When I look at the 6th tone, because tone is architecture, the ultimate mutative leap
is here—the 6 always looking beyond. Of course, it is in this touch that I begin to
understand the profound potential of rave, not human, rave. I can remember as a
kid watching those cowboy movies. At
some point in any of these movies there
was the cliché of the cowboy getting off
his horse and bending down at a railway
track and putting his ear to the rail so
that he could hear, or know if a train
was coming.
This is the heretic that truly can touch you in a way you can‟t imagine, in a way that
suits the 5th line of savior and saint, the laying on of hands, so to speak. There are
so many possibilities. There are so many heretics. I look at it and just smile. I‟m a
heretic myself, a personality one, a heretic nonetheless. There are so many. And
they‟re so lost and so sad. There is so much that could be universalized; so much
that is not. It‟s cut off. The transference kills it.
We have a secret. It‟s our great seal; it is the source of our power and truth. And it
is determination. This is the secret. Aside from all the things it will do to benefit the
body and the life, what it can offer to the self-reflected consciousness is so incredible
it‟s hard to grasp. It‟s so incredible. And it‟s just the physical structure. Heal the
physical structure, fix it, and give it back its original potential, that possibility of what
it could be, atrophied by homogenization. Kick start it. Start the whole process run-
ning. And in the perfection of our form is the reward and glory for our minds and
our personalities. We‟ll see how many go down that road.
We come to the end of our lower color chains, and we‟ll talk about lower colors in a
moment, but our lower color chains. Here we are in the 6 th line at the end of the
process and we are dealing with a role model body. And in dealing with a 6 th line
body we know we‟re dealing with a body that is really is a body in metamorphosis, a
body that is inherently weaker when it is younger and weaker when it is much older
with a kind of interregnum in the middle where the body has an opportunity to sta-
bilize and to be able to gain strength. This is a reflection of the tripartite life
The trial and error that all design 6th line beings go through on the physical level,
bumping into things on the physical level, dealing with the impact of living out the
phenomena of the 3 that this is a body that can run into physical problems early in
its life. One of the things that I would talk about in lectures on the Kiron return was
the danger for that generation who is entering into their 50‟s, the danger of those 6 th
line beings in that they are suddenly entering into an age of vulnerability that they
thought that they had left behind. That is, the interregnum, the on-the-roof stage
between the Saturn cycle and the Kiron cycle that this is a time when the body stabi-
I saw that a lot in my own generation. That is, I was born in 1948, when I was
going to school in the early 1950‟s polio struck. I can remember classmates of mine
who literally disappeared and you didn‟t see them again. Of course there was an
enormous panic and fear that was running through all kinds of families until the Salk
vaccine. Then you have this phase, the interregnum in between the Saturn to the
Kiron and all of these people, despite the limitations, the smaller limb and the vari-
ous things that were a part of polio they managed to stabilize, they managed to find
a way to deal with the limitations of their handicap, and they were no longer directly
disturbed by the disease.
Then it was remarkable to watch my generation going to the Kiron and suddenly
magazines, particularly medical journals are filled with something that they were
calling the post-polio syndrome which was a return of certain variations of poliomye-
litis to people who already had it when they were young. This is a classic example of
the vulnerability of the 6th line body. And it‟s obviously something to keep in mind,
particularly if you have 4/6 or 3/6 children, how vulnerable their bodies can be if
they‟re not raised correctly. They‟re vulnerable in the sense that it can bring lasting
problems into their life.
And obviously, if they remain not-self the dilemma that arises that these are the
ones that die before they should. The ones who are dying in their 50‟s and early
60‟s when in fact the average lifespan today is so much more extended and the pos-
sibilities are extraordinary. Most human beings in the West and in successful Eastern
societies have a potential for the full Uranian cycle of 84 years. It‟s something to
keep in mind about the vulnerability of this body.
We‟re dealing with the 3rd color and we‟re at the end of the 3rd color process. Again,
realize something about the nature of what we‟re looking at when we‟re looking at
color on the design side is that we‟re not dealing with the same problems relative to
transference. In other words, as long as somebody is operating correctly according
to their Strategy and Authority, then there is not going to be any transference at the
vehicle level.
By the way, you‟ll see at the beginning of the next semester when we begin with the
4th color that there are variations to that within the 4, because the 4 in itself is never
truly stable. However, in terms of any general application of this knowledge relative
to the body, if you‟re operating according to your Strategy and Authority then you
are not going to be in transference in terms of the physical processes, which means
that the decision making process that you‟re making out of your Strategy and Au-
thority is directly derived from your cognition and what is intended to be your cogni-
What becomes important about color here and this is where the rule of PHS is. Let‟s
not forget that. It‟s something to understand. If you‟re operating correctly accord-
ing to Strategy and Authority you get access, and of course the access has to go
through color as a way, but you get access to the cognition. It‟s the cognition that‟s
leading that. So, it‟s not like the PHS is there to get you to the cognition. What the
PHS is for when we‟re dealing with the design side is the enhancement, the speeded
up transition of the vehicle.
Everyone who enters into Human Design and operates correctly over a seven-year
process there are changes that take place within the general wellbeing that is there
in the body. However, we have all been limited by the way in which we are raised,
particularly the combination of not being raised according to our nature, and at the
same time not being fed correctly. We can see that.
Homogenization is Anti-Mutative
When a child comes into the world that is lower color, we know that their whole life
is going to be based on conditions. And if the conditions aren‟t correct, they‟re going
to be not-self for the rest of their life. Think about that. This is deep physical condi-
tioning that takes place through food. And what that conditioning does is that it ho-
mogenizes the development. In a way, it‟s anti-mutative. And I think that‟s perhaps
one of the more interesting things about it. That is, homogenization by its very na-
ture is anti-mutative. This is about getting to the common ground.
One of the ways in which we get to see that, because it‟s one of our interests, be-
cause it has to do with the internal, is that it has to do with the way in which the
brain develops and the way in which the neural development of the brain operates.
Again, the understanding that most infants by the time they‟re three years of age
that this neural development is shut down and it is shut down by that combination of
not being treated according to their nature and being fed incorrectly.
Imagine the child that needs cold and they‟re suckling at their mother‟s breast. And
everybody says how wonderful, how natural, how beautiful, how marvelous for that
child that enjoys that intimacy with his mother, and so forth and so on. But boy is
that ever pure homogenization. And not very good for that child‟s digestive system,
which means they‟re going to try all kinds of things and the child is going to have
gas and it‟s going to scream a lot and they‟re going to be concerned and they‟re
going to think its colic. For me the term colic is simply the first sign of deep homo-
genization. That‟s what it is. Real difficulty in bodies that really didn‟t want to be
homogenized, and you get this enormous gas revolt out of all of that. And the
screaming children that leads to psychological problems with the parents; it goes on
and on and on—food.
This is what we‟re here to understand about PHS, if you take PHS into your life what
you‟re doing is that—I remember people telling me, I don‟t know much about it, but
these kinds of going back to birth, these kinds of therapies where they take you back
into the womb and stuff like that. In a sense, that‟s what this is, in a way. Doing
your PHS is getting back to the way you were intended to come into the world. It‟s a
rebirthing in a sense of your body.
It is about the possibility of—and I don‟t know if a human being that‟s been condi-
tioned for a very long time can eliminate all of the damage that‟s been done by ho-
mogenization. However, I‟m convinced that the cognitive track—for example, smell
in this case, the nose—may be something that can be truly enhanced. In other
words, the deeper potentials that lay beyond the neural shutdown can become avail-
The other thing is that all the aspects of the vehicle that determine the perfection of
the differentiation are being properly nourished. And of course, all of this will help
speed up the process of deconditioning the vehicle. You‟re still going to have to wait
for cellular renewal. Anything having to do with changing the body, you cannot ever
ignore the seven-year cycle. And like anything else it is a cellular process. And ul-
timately, this PHS and the way in which it‟s going to operate, particularly relative to
brain cells how important it is to see that the long term result is something we‟re
going to see after seven years.
Think about it in terms of children being raised correctly, having no neural shutdown
until they reach their first Saturn quarter, approximately seven years of age, and at
that point what the potential is for the development of their mind. These are the
kinds of brains that we don‟t have around. The children that happen to have neural
shutdown at around five are children with IQ‟s that are exceedingly high. So you
could imagine what the results would be, because even these children, their IQ‟s
would be much greater. Their particular anomalies are simply that they may have fit
in perfectly into the environment.
For example, let‟s say it was an upper color baby and that upper color baby had ex-
actly the right circumstance while it was being looked after in its first three years,
because remember with upper color it isn‟t about the specifics of the food, it is really
about the environments, and the circumstances within the environment. I guarantee
you in these studies that were done of these children of high IQ that if you look you‟ll
see that they had the serendipity of being able to fit into whatever the dietary pat-
tern of their family was.
But this is just the gods of good luck, not something that every child has a right to.
That‟s the wonder of things. This is a fantastic thing. But we have to see it within
its context. The real pitch about being healthy is Strategy and Authority. It really
is; it can never be anything else. But what PHS can do within the body is really re-
markable. But again, I think you already know that. You really have to be ready for
that. It‟s much more complex in one‟s life to be ready for PHS than it is to be ready
to follow your design; much more complex. It‟s a much deeper involvement in your
So, let‟s go through. We start with the active body. And again, when I say active
body I‟m not talking about the body, I‟m really talking about the brain, I‟m talking
about the way in which the brain is going to operate that here we have a very active
physical plant. It‟s very active particularly relative to what our olfactory aspects,
that is, anything having to do with smell.
If this person is operating correctly according to their Strategy and Authority, this is
the cognition that is guiding them. Rather than the illusion that you see on the sur-
face and you say, “They‟re a Generator; they‟re going “uh-huh” and “uh-uh.” And
the sacral is doing that.” But, please understand if they‟re operating correctly, be-
cause they‟re going “uh-huh” or “uh-uh,” that what‟s driving that is the deep cogni-
tive awareness that is derived from aroma. And without this being ever understand-
ing that or being in touch with it, because it‟s not the concretized smelling, it‟s at a
much higher level, that that‟s the information that the sacral is getting as intelligence
because that‟s really what the design tone is about. It‟s intelligence in the sense of,
like the CIA—that‟s not a great example because they mess up a lot—but nonethe-
less it‟s that kind of intelligence. It‟s inside data, it‟s inside information, it‟s sneaky
stuff, in a way. This is the gift of the cognition.
Now, obviously, all of that is going to be enhanced if this being is going to operate
correctly, and of course we‟re dealing with this manipulative way in which we adjust
the weakness of the digestive system.
So, on this side we have a digestive
system unable to establish enough
chemical energy for proper breakdown
in order to get out the nutrients that
are necessary so you have to bring in
the hot in order to assist the system.
It‟s just the basic.
Now, it‟s intelligent. It isn‟t to say it‟s bad. You‟re certainly a hell of a lot better off
than somebody who is not correct. But at the same time the potential is vastly
greater; that‟s what the PHS can do—enhance that potential, refine the digestive
system. Of course, the obvious by-product of PHS is that one of the things that „fol-
low your Strategy and Authority‟ will not do is save you from a lot of stomach prob-
lems, and things like that. And of course, that‟s something that automatically PHS is
going to be able to do for you, and then through the 6.
So, this role model, this example, is an example through its intelligence, the infor-
mation that it can gather and the perfection of that information that it can gather by
pursuing what is a regimen of hot, following their Strategy and Authority and then
you get that example. They‟re the ones that others are going to go to—the fool on
the hill.
When we get to the 2 we‟re still dealing with the active, we‟re still dealing with the
splenic system, but we‟re dealing with the splenic system that is very different in a
sense. The 1st tone, the intelligence is almost—I was going to say obsessive, I have
to be careful with my words here—absolutely driven to make sure that protection is
established. It needs the security, deeply.
The 2nd tone doesn‟t have that kind of, let‟s call it paranoia. It‟s looking for intelli-
gence where nobody else looks. It‟s like those silly people who have all those para-
bolic satellites pointed at the sky waiting for some alien to send them a message.
It‟s the thing to understand about this kind of cognition is that it‟s very special.
What it‟s doing is establishing the infrastructure for a cognition that can be very deep
and it‟s based on taste.
Now the taste is normally something that is physical in the sense that it‟s not a me-
taphor for good taste in art, where that can be so if you‟re looking at the stream of
taste in the BodyGraph. It‟s very much connected to taste, but it doesn‟t necessarily
mean that when your mouth is open
and you take in the world through your
mouth, you taste all kinds of things that
are floating around without understand-
ing that you are tasting them, but you
are. And there is a level to this taste
that is a mirror of what‟s possible on
the other side; in other words, tapping
into a frequency zone.
I‟ve already described that to you in a way that it should really concern you about
the nature of the way in which infants are fed. No matter what the orthodoxy in
terms of the way in which you look at the way in which things are supposed to be, is
that it shows you that through taste comes the deepest homogenization, and it does.
So it‟s something to be aware of.
Again, the nature of this role model is the example that can be there for others with-
out ever knowing it. After all, they‟re going to be right angle and they‟re going to be
4/6‟s. They‟re going to have to wait for life to point it out to them that they‟re an
example, that they will only see their example when their example is something that
is seen by others. It‟s the way it works if you‟re right angle and you‟re a 6.
This capacity to maintain this role, which is not easy to be an example for others,
that the only way this can be maintained is the Strategy and Authority, but under-
standing that the quality of this leader, this 6 th line leadership/trust, the quality of
their leadership, the potential of reaching out to the other, this transpersonal that is
there at the unconscious is going to be determined by how deep is this intelligence.
We have already learned that lesson in warfare, if you don‟t have good intelligence
you take a beating. If you have great intelligence it makes an enormous difference—
information. And it‟s something to understand about what you‟re getting to the sur-
face in the Strategy and Authority. You‟re getting the cognition that your parents
gave you, and limited. And now, with PHS, you can create your own. You can by-
pass at least part of the damage of homogenization and make a difference.
These are interesting numbers here—3, 3, 6; the eyes, the physical eyes. Think
about my description of the infant, and my description of the infant not being fed ac-
cording to its PHS. When you think that and you think about this 3 rd tone, the po-
tential of the eyes are being limited. We don‟t even know what the real potential of
human vision is. It‟s not about getting
into any science fiction. I‟m not talking
about x-ray eyes, comic book stuff.
I‟m talking about the kind of vision that
is perhaps 20% better than the best of
what we see in human beings. This is
one of the things to grasp about us is
that our physical bodies have been
It is the very quality of that vision that is going to be the basis of decision making
that‟s made in following Strategy and Authority. We‟ve already seen that we have
three different kinds of ways in which Strategy and Authority operate in this particu-
lar grouping—strategy that operates out of what the nose knows, strategy that oper-
ates out of what the tongue knows, and strategy that is based on what the eyes see.
Then you begin to understand how strategy works. You don‟t have to mess around
in the charts saying, aha, now I get it. The sacral is connected to the Spleen so it‟s
the splenic awareness that guides it. Right. But if you‟re not-self it doesn‟t mean
anything. And in fact, without intelligence guiding it, it doesn‟t act correctly. That‟s
the whole point. That‟s the beauty of Strategy and Authority, that‟s what it‟s all
about. It brings this intelligence, the necessary data, the necessary information to
be able to make the right decision. It provides the inside scoop; it has all the stuff.
Here you have the potential of the visionary leader, the visionary role model as a
We go over to the right and we go over to the passive body. And of course, we get
to something very different, we get to inner vision. This is no longer about the eyes
themselves and the rods and the lens. This isn‟t about the mechanism of interpret-
ing all of that into some kind of pattern
that can be negotiated and recognized.
This is about storing.
The 4 is only interested in taking in the full spectrum of the wave, whatever it is, the
full spectrum of the frequency of light, because it‟s only about that. It‟s only about
variations of light and darkness. But that‟s not the case for the 3, the 3 needs to in-
terpret the relationship between light and dark. It is the beginning of strategic
thought. But the right is not here to interpret. It is here simply to take in frequen-
cy, which means it takes in much more information through the same eyes; much
more. It‟s not trying to make a picture out of what it sees. It isn‟t; it doesn‟t have
to—the “all-seeing eye.”
And of course, that vision is so distorted by the way in which human beings are
raised, because they‟re raised to be strategic, that‟s the human way. And all of hu-
man history going back to the emergence of modern man, Cro-Magnon man, as long
as there was a seven-centered being until 1781 life was purely strategic for humani-
ty, nothing else. So in this interregnum we have the bizarre, because it is, of a
strain of humans who are going to live about 1300 years who are coming in with the
potential of the right; and of course, how difficult it is to integrate that.
The 3 says, “I saw a tree.” The 4 says nothing. Someone says to the 4, “Did you
see a tree?” “Yes.” And then they give you a description of that tree unlike anything
you could imagine; a description so precise that you would assume they were stand-
ing there and looking at it as they spoke. This is the way the right is intended to
work. It‟s their magic. We have to nurture that magic.
And therapeutically to understand that whenever you‟re dealing with anyone that has
right fixings on the personality or the design side that they need the encouragement
of understanding that they have a very, very limited grasp of how much they have
taken in. And that they need to stop measuring themselves against the left, because
the left can‟t measure up to them. And they need to be treated differently as hu-
mans, as children, as whatever.
Obviously, the cold here is going to make an important difference in that it‟s going to
expand the potential of the taking in. This is not a role model that we know. Hu-
manity is in transference. They‟re not gaining access to cognition. They don‟t have
the inside scoop, they don‟t have the intelligence. And so what we see are these
empty role models, because they are empty role models, dysfunctional, die young,
die late, let‟s go, out of the way; mutative fodder. Instead of really experiencing
them and recognizing where they can take us.
This being is waiting for that. They‟re waiting for it. They‟re waiting for those that
will come. They may not know that, but that‟s what they do. A role model can only
live; it can‟t do anything else. It is just life being lived. And everything else comes
Here we have the core of the right and this deep potential within the body to pick up
frequencies. Both the 5th and 6th tones in humans are probably the least developed
of the right—in humans. There is some development that is taking place in the 4 be-
cause it is part of the same Ajna binary and there is a relationship in that they share
the same structural zone. That is, the visual cortex in the eyes.
But the 5 and 6 are deeply underdeveloped. The 5 itself represents a capacity that is
so sensitive that we really don‟t know this other than in pseudo-mythological kinds of
stories. It‟s the ability of the body in the rave, ultimately, to be able to pick up the
auric frequencies of others; their electromagnetic field, to tap into their chemical re-
sources, to taste the environment, literally, to bring the environment through. I say
taste because as I mentioned before the parallel on the taste side, the concretized
very limited way in which taste is anything that touches the tongue from the outside
So, the 5 is deeply underdeveloped. And obviously, this is a cognitive capacity that
would benefit enormously from two things: one of them a correct psychological
orientation for this being to understand what it is to be them, what their Strategy
and Authority is, what it means to be right oriented, what it means to have that as a
process in one‟s life, and how important it is for them to free themselves immediate-
ly in their life from external conditioning and begin the process as quickly as possible
because for the right PHS is something
that is enormously important. Yes, it‟s
very valuable for the left, but for the
right it‟s actually a chance to tap into
what is the new frontier of cognitive po-
tential in a human being. And I assume
to experience it—I‟m not right oriented,
so I don‟t know—is going to be very ex-
And whether they‟re aware of it consciously or not it means their body is going to be
making decisions on a level of sensory connection that most human beings can never
even dream of having access to. That is in itself deeply exciting. And of course, if
you‟re somebody who is right and you‟re operating according to your Strategy and
Authority I want you to grasp that if you‟re 5th or 6th tone your tonal cognitive re-
sources are more deeply homogenized than anyone else‟s, which means that for
you—5th/6th tone—that the PHS is something that‟s, from my perspective, if you real-
ly want transformation in your life, is essential because you need to tap into those
resources and you need to expand those resources because it will change ultimately
the level of intelligence provided for the decision making process; and again, the ar-
rival after that of a new role.
This is profile, after all. The fulfillment of a new role, a new costume, a new kind of
leader, a new way of bringing trust, so forth and so on, all of the good things that we
could say about the possibility that‟s there.
Here we have again the false resonance—the 6, 3, 6—this leaping over. This is the
most complex, and in that sense, the most sophisticated, the most deeply mutative
and the most homogenized, and that is touch. You can see what happened to us.
Look at the bottom of your feet and realize with that level of callusing necessary to
be bi-pedal that one was giving up tactile recognition other than the most very, very
basic—a thorn—and then you realize it.
If you look at your hands, you notice that. I‟m a musician and you develop calluses
in certain places and they are no longer sensitive to the touch. We are a species
that in many ways limits our touch. Other than the intimacies we share with the few
the vast majority of human beings do everything in their power to avoid physical
contact with people they don‟t know. Witness nine people in a small elevator and it‟s
one of the great jokes of all time, how
everybody tries to figure out a way in
their body space to hold that space and
not touch the other.
Again, I‟m convinced that if you take somebody like this and we put them through a
seven-year process and in that seven-year process that they go through Strategy
and Authority, that they follow their PHS, it‟s clear to me that they will, at the deci-
sion making level, have this perfection of information. What will be interesting, ulti-
mately, is to see what the personality can do with it. Again, this is always the story
when we‟re dealing with only one side and we look at the design, we look at the de-
sign chain and we can see the potential and the perfection of this.
But of course, the lesson has to be always remembered that the personality is not
blessed the way the design is. Strategy and Authority, because it is about the fre-
quency between the monopole and the design crystal which have a natural relation-
ship to each other, Strategy and Authority immediately align the correct frequencies
so that what the color delivers as an exit frequency is correct and you gain access to
the cognition.
This is not the case when dealing with the personality. That is, you can be operating
according to your Strategy and Authority and still have a personality that is not cor-
rect and still have a mind that is deeply absorbed in the agenda of the life process.
Again, we have to see it is a holistic movie. But nonetheless, what we‟re looking at
here is the perfection of hardware, and then we hope like hell that the software is
Written question: Ra, the thirst in color 3, is it more intellectual such as thirst for
knowledge or discovery, or is it more physical thirst such as this person has to drink
very much or have liquid nurture/food.
Ra: I‟m just looking at this 3rd color question. Yes, your description there is very
close to the way in which we would describe the motivation of desire on the perso-
nality side. With the determination, for me it‟s clear that this thirst is something
else, it‟s almost transcendent. When we follow the evolution of color, the 1-2 is the
basic primitive construct, the moment you get to the 3 something has already hap-
pened. The 3 is the beginning of the manipulative. The 3 and the 4 belong togeth-
er; they‟re the same kind of thing.
This is a determination for something much greater than what one can find within
oneself—better life through better chemistry is the only joke that comes to my mind
in connection with this, because this is really what this thirst is for. It‟s this body
that is the root of discovering medicines and healing potions and all kinds of things.
It comes out of this body and this determination to change the body through chang-
ing the chemistry.
Of course, this is part of the hardware that established the intellectual potential ulti-
mately in human beings that led to what we understand as medicine and all kinds of
systems of healing. So, whenever we‟re looking at the form we have to be careful.
We‟re looking at the construct itself. So, this is a body that by demanding that it
needs outside correction, change the heat of the food or whatever, this is the body
demanding it. Whether the personality will go through with it or not is the point.
And if they don‟t, we get homogenization. And if we do we get the potential of
whatever the perfection can be.
I want to just make a last comment about lower colors. It‟s been quite a journey
and a fascinating one. And all of these chains that we‟ve looked at over the last 11
weeks are all lower color chains. And it says that there is a vast, vast diversity in
humanity whose lives are dependent on the conditions being correct. It‟s something
to think about. There are condition humans and there are circumstance humans,
and they‟re extraordinarily different from each other. And yet, in this vast homoge-
nization of a world that we live in, to go into a restaurant is to realize that they all go
to the trough the same way.
And here, I can talk blue in the face about various dogmas, propagandas that oper-
ate as homogenizing agents on the personality level. But they are nothing, they are
little nothings compared to the power of homogenization through food. This is the
destroyer; truly, this is the killer. It‟s a killer. It kills this incredible potential. If you
watch the way the program works, it controls mutation. It doesn‟t let it run wild. It
controls it. It allows these little avenues for mutation to come out. But everything is
driven towards those avenues. And everything else is shut down from it.
The homogenized pool—food; this is the great agent of evil. I like that. Food. And
this is a very, very profound deep revolution that‟s never going to be for many, I‟m
clear of that. It‟s quite a thing to take all of this into your life. And yet, where I
think that PHS is going to be a true revolution is in raising children this way. Every
parent, I know, I love my children, I‟d do anything for them, this is better than a
good education and all that stuff. It is extraordinary the possibilities that we can of-
fer to those coming into incarnation, the opportunity to be correct, the opportunity to
be raised correctly, the opportunity not to be homogenized, the opportunity to live
their lives as themselves according to their own authority and die correctly and re-
turn to source. It‟s the goal of this work.
And it‟s not for everyone. But it‟s certainly for a lot of people, more and more every
day. It was interesting to note, by the way, the PHS clinic, which has been open a
couple of weeks, we‟ve already had 700 visitors go through there, watch the PHS
film. It‟s the beginning of laying a foundation of awareness. But most of all, and
any of you that are interested in this subject, in the first six weeks of the new seme-
ster on Mondays at 5 GMT I‟m going to be doing the Night Forces, the design of the
dream or the dream rave. But following that is going to be a special course on rais-
ing children in their first three years, which is deeply PHS oriented, and will deal with
the difference between raising left infants and right infants.
This is something that I‟m really looking forward to putting out there and getting
people to understand what a difference this can make in a being‟s life. There is
nothing about PHS that can in any way harm an infant; otherwise, I would never
dare to suggest such a thing. That‟s the beauty of what we‟re dealing with. We‟re
dealing with conditions and circumstance, that‟s what we‟re dealing with. We‟re not
dealing with the substance that goes into the child. We‟re dealing with the correct-
ness of the conditions of circumstance. And this is something that‟s very special.
I‟ve mentioned to you that this is the goal I have in being able to prove the fact that
this is the way to prove that PHS actually works, is to get a whole collection of volun-
teers of babies that can be tracked, because this is the way to do it. These studies
are going on now and it‟s why I have all these results. And this is a classic way to
demonstrate it. It will take years to prove, but that‟s not the point anyway. A child
who goes through this process in their first seven years, raised correctly with the
proper internal—wow, I just want to know this kid, that‟s all.
PHS Chain 1
Pg. 5
PHS Chain 2
Pg. 8
PHS Chain 3
Pg. 12
PHS Chain 4
Pg. 13
Lesson 2
Gate 46
Pg. 15
Example Chart
Pg. 16
Lesson 4
Pg. 51-52