High Capacity Up To 10 A PC Board Terminal Type: Relays
High Capacity Up To 10 A PC Board Terminal Type: Relays
High Capacity Up To 10 A PC Board Terminal Type: Relays
High capacity up to 10 A PC board terminal type
● 1
0 A high capacity realized for PC board
terminal ( when using heat sink )
● V
ertical types with SIL terminal arrangement
● B
uilt-in snubber circuit prevents malfunction
due to noise.
● Safety standards
• C-UL ( UL508 ) certified
• VDE ( EN62368-1 ) reinforced insulation certified
● Printing machines
● Terminal equipment of data processing
● NC machines
● Packing machines
● Automatic ticket punchers
ORDERING INFORMATION ( PART NO. : Ordering part number for Japanese market)
AQ 1
ORDERING INFORMATION ( TYPE NO. : Ordering part number for non Japanese market)
" Type No. " is ordering part number for non Japanese market. " Part No. " is ordering part number for Japanese market.
Input impedance −
Input current, max. 20 mA
Drop-out voltage Min. 1.0 V
Max. load current 3A 10 A*5
Load voltage 75 to 250 Vrms
Load side
Frequency 45 to 65 Hz
Non-repetitive surge current*3 100 A AC: In one cycle at 60 Hz
"OFF-state" leakage current Max. 5 mA AC: at 200 V, 60 Hz
"ON-state" voltage drop Max. 1.6 V At Max. carrying current
Min. load current*4 50 mA
*1: Refer to REFERENCE DATA "3. Input current vs. input voltage characteristics".
*2: Refer to REFERENCE DATA "1. Load current vs. ambient temperature characteristics".
*3: Refer to REFERENCE DATA "2. Non-repetitive surge current vs. carrying time".
*4: When load current is below the rating, refer to "Cautions for Use of Solid State Relays".
*5: When heat sink ( AQ1802 ) is installed. The max. load current is 5 A when heat sink is not installed.
1-1. L
oad current vs. ambient 1-2. L
oad current vs. ambient temperature
temperature characteristics characteristics
( 3A Type ) ( 10A Type )
Part No.: AQ1298 Part No.: AQ1208
Allowable ambient temperature: –30 to +80°C Tested condition:
When attached to a heat sink, use a heat conductive compound.
5 (Ex. Momentive Performance Materials Inc. YG6111 or TSK5303) of 10
similar coating to improve cooling.
When not using a heat sink
4 8
Load current, A
Load current, A
3 6
When using a standard heat sink AQ1802
2 4
1 2
0 0
-30 0 20 40 60 80 100 -30 0 20 40 60 80 100
Ambient temperature, °C Ambient temperature, °C
2. N
on-repetitive surge current vs. 3. Input current vs. input voltage
carrying time* ( 3A and 10A Types ) characteristics ( 3 A and 10 A types )
Part No.: AQ1298 and AQ1208 Part No.: AQ1298 and AQ1208
Ambient temperature: 20°C
125 25
Non-repetitive surge current, A
100 20
Input current, mA
75 15
50 10
25 5
0 0
1 10 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
No. of cycles at 60 Hz Input voltage, V
* The above chart shows non-repetitive maximum rating. If a surge current is applied repeatedly,
please keep it approximately 50% or less than the values shown in the above graph.
4-1. L
oad current vs. ambient temperature 4-2. Load current vs. ambient temperature
characteristics for adjacent mounting characteristics for adjacent mounting
( 3 A vertical type ) ( 10 A type )
Part No.: AQ1298 Part No.: AQ1208 (without heat sink)
5 6
L = 20.32 mm
Load current, A
Load current, A
L = 15.24 mm
2 L L
L: Adjacent mounting pitch
L: Adjacent mounting pitch
0 0
-30 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 -30 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Ambient temperature, °C Ambient temperature, °C
DIMENSIONS CAD The CAD data of the products with a "CAD" mark can be downloaded from our Website. Unit: mm
■ 3A Type: Vertical
CAD External dimensions Mounting hole location
33 ( Copper-side view )
4-1.2 dia.
1 2 Copper foil 3 4
2.54 × 5
2.54 × 3 2.54 × 2
Tolerance: ± 0.1
1 2 + 3 4 −
7.62 12.7 5.08
4-0.8 dia.
General tolerance: ± 0.5
20 20 9.1
2 2
8.89 10.16
58 ± 2
27 ± 2
40 9
Screw depth:
min. 10 mm
30 ± 2
Note: W
hen using heat sink, please
refer to "Thermal design" of
Knurl surface 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Schematic Load Wiring diagram
+ Vertical type
3 1
1 2 3 4
Input circuit
1 Form A AC
4 ZC 2 Load
Zero-cross circuit Load power Operation
supply power
■ For cautions for use, please read "CAUTION FOR USE OF SOLID STATE RELAYS".
Printed circuit board
4-M3 screws
(provided with AQ1802)
o not use the product under conditions that exceed the range of
D Check the connection diagrams in the catalog and be sure to
its specifications. It may cause overheating, smoke, or fire. connect the terminals correctly. If the device is energized with
Do not touch the recharging unit while the power is on. There is a short circuit or any wrong connection, it may cause unexpected
danger of electrical shock. malfunction, abnormal heat or fire.
Be sure to turn off the power when performing mounting,
maintenance, or repair operations on the relay (including
connecting parts such as the terminal board and socket).
Therefore, the circuit should be designed in such a way that the load
never exceed the absolute maximum ratings, even momentarily.
Phototriac coupler 4
The phototriac coupler is designed solely to drive a triac. As a
condition, the triac must be powered beforehand. ecommended input current of Phototriac coupler and
Unused terminals AQ-H
1) Phototriac coupler Design in accordance with the recommended operating conditions
The No. 3 terminal is used with the circuit inside the device. for each product.
Therefore, do not connect it to the external circuitry. (6 pins) Since these conditions are affected by the operating environment,
2) AQ-H ensure conformance with all relevant specifications.
The No. 5 terminal is connected to the gate. Ripple in the input power supply
Do not directly connect No. 5 and 6 terminals. If ripple is present in the input power supply, observe the following:
Short across terminals 1) Current-sensitive type (Phototriac Coupler, AQ-H)
Do not short circuit between terminals when device is energized, (1) For LED forward current at Emin, please maintain the value
since there is possibility of breaking of the internal IC. mentioned at “Recommended input current.”
When used for the load less than rated (2) Please make sure the LED forward current for Emax. is no
An SSR may malfunction if it is used below the specified load. In higher than 50 mA.
such an event, use a dummy resistor in parallel with the load. 2) Voltage-sensitive type (AQ-G, AQ1, AQ8, AQ-J, AQ-A)
Ro (dummy resistor) (1) The Emin. should exceed the minimum rated control voltage
(2) The Emax. should not exceed the maximum rated control
Load power
Emin. Emax.
Load Specifications
hen the input terminals are connected with reverse
Type Load current polarity
AQ-G All models 20 mA Product name If the polarity of the input control voltage is reversed
AQ1 All models 50 mA Reversing the polarity will not cause damage to the
AQ1, AQ-J,
AQ8 All models 50 mA device, due to the presence of a protection diode, but
AQ-J All models 50 mA the device will not operate.
AQ-A (AC output type) 100 mA AQ-H, AQ-G, Reversing the polarity may cause permanent damage to
AQ8, AQ-A the device. Take special care to avoid polarity reversal or
(DC) use a protection diode in the input circuit.
Load temperature.
Load Load
Tractor feed holes 80 ±1dia.
0.3±0.05 1.55±0.05dia. 7.2±0.1
250 ±2dia.
80 ±1 dia.
SO package Device mounted on tape
4-pin type 2.8±0.3 4±0.1 1.55±0.1dia.
12±0.1 2±0.1
80 ±1dia.
Direction of picking
Tractor feed holes ±0.1
0.3±0.05 1.5+0.1
ー0 dia.
4 10.2±0.1 2±0.5
300 ±2 dia.
80 ±1dia.
DIP Device mounted on tape 12
4-pin type
12±0.1 2±0.1 1.55±0.1dia.
Direction of picking
80 ±1dia.
300 dia.
9.2 ±0.1
Device mounted
6-pin type on tape
24.0 ±0.3
12.1 ±0.1
330±2 dia.
4.3 ±0.3
12.0 ±0.1 2.0±0.1 1.6 ±0.1 dia.
1.75 ±0.1
Tractor feed holes 80 ±1dia.
0.3 ±0.05 1.5 +0.1 4 ±0.1
- 0 dia.
7.5 ±0.1
10.2 ±0.1
8-pin SMD Device mounted
on tape
12 ±0.1 2 ±0.1 1.55 ±0.1dia.
4.5 ±0.3
3) Tube
Phototriac coupler and AQ-H SSR are packaged in a tube as pin
No. 1 is on the stopper B side. Observe correct orientation when
mounting them on PC boards.
<Phototriac coupler SOP type>
Snubber Circuit
Reduce dv/dt If there is no resistance R (the resistance R controls the discharge
An SSR used with an inductive load can accidentally fire due to a current from condenser C), at turn-on of the SSR, there will be a
high load voltage rise rate (dv/dt), even though the load voltage is sharp rise in dv/dt and the high peak value discharge current will
below the allowable level (inductive load firing). begin to flow.
Our SSRs contain a snubber circuit designed to reduce dv/dt (except This may cause damage to the internal elements of the SSR.
AQ-H). Therefore, it is always necessary to insert a resistance R. In
Selecting the snubber constants normal applications, for the 100 V line, have R = 10 to 100 Ω and
1) C selection for the 200 V line, have R = 20 to 100 Ω. (The allowable discharge
The charging coefficient tau for C of the SSR circuit is shown in current at turn on will differ depending on the internal elements of
formula ① the SSR.) The power loss from R, written as P, caused by the
τ=(RL+R) × C ------------① discharge current and charging current from C, is shown in
By setting formula ① so that it is below dv/dt value you have: formula ③ below. For the 100 V line, use a power of 1/2 W, and
C=0.632VA/[(dv/dt) (RL+R)] -----② for the 200 V line, use a power above 2 W.
By setting C = 0.1 to 0.2 μF, dv/dt can be controlled to between
nV/μs and n+V/μs or lower. For the condenser, use either an MP P= ………③
condenser metallized polyester film. For the 100 V line, use a
f=Power supply frequency
voltage between 250 and 400 V, and for the 200 V line, use a
voltage between 400 and 600 V. Also, at turn-off of the SSR, a ringing circuit is formed with the
2) R selection capacitor C and the circuit inductance L, and a spike voltage is
SSR generated at both terminals of the SSR. The resistance R serves
as a control resistance to prevent this ringing. Moreover, a good
Load power supply
Inductive load non-inductive resistance for R is required. Carbon film resistors or
VA metal film resistors are often used.
C For general applications, the recommended values are C = 0.1
μF and R = 20 to 100 Ω. There are cases of resonance in the
Snubber circuit
inductive load, so the appropriate care must be taken when
making your selections.
Thermal Design
SSRs used in high-reliability equipment require careful thermal design. Table 1 Dedicated on-board heat sinks
In particular, junction temperature control has a significant effect on Type Heat sink Load current
device function and life time. The rated load current for PC board- AQ10A2-ZT4/32VDC AQ1802 10A
mounting SSRs is defined as the maximum current allowable at an
AQ-J (10A) AQP813 10A
ambient temperature of 40 °C (30 °C) and under natural cooling. If the AQP812*
ambient temperature exceeds the SSRs derating temperature point [40 AQP810*
AQ-J (15A) AQP813 15A
°C (30 °C)], load current derating in accordance with the load current AQP812*
vs temperature diagram becomes necessary. If adjacent devices act AQP810*
as heat sources, the SSR should be located more than 10 mm away AQP813 20A
AQ-J (25A)
from those devices.
AQP815 25A
SSRs with a 5 A rating or more must be used with the dedicated heat AQP813
AQ-A (15A) 15A
sinks listed in Table 1 or equivalents. To ensure adequate thermal AQP812*
conduction, apply thermal conductive compound (Ex. Momentive
AQ-A (25A) AQP813 25A
Performance Materials Inc. YG6111 or TSK5303) to the SSR’s AQP812*
mounting surface. For information on external heat sinks for our SSRs 30A
and their mounting method, refer to “Data and Cautions for Use for AQ-A (40A)
respective relay”. AQP815
AQP812* 8A
AQ-A DC (10A)
AQP815 10A
AQ-A DC (30A) AQP812* 30A
* It is possible to mounting on the DIN rail
Protection Circuit
High-reliability SSR circuits require an adequate protection circuit, as 2) Suppress transient spikes
well as careful study of the characteristics and maximum ratings of the Use a switching device in the secondary circuit of a transformer
device. or use a switch with a slow opening speed.
Over-Voltage Protection 3) Use a surge absorption circuit
The SSR load power supply requires adequate protection against Use a CR surge absorber or varistor across the load power
over-voltage errors from various causes. The methods of over- supply or SSR.
voltage protection include the following: Special care must be taken so power on/off surges or external
1) Use devices with a guaranteed reverse surge withstand surges do not exceed the device’s rated load voltage. If a surge
voltage voltage exceeding the device’s rated voltage is anticipated, use a
(controlled avalanche devices, etc.) surge absorption device and circuit (e.g. a ZNR from Panasonic
ERZV14D361 360 (324 to 396) 230 300 595 0.6 130 90 6,000 4,500 540
ERZV14D391 390 (351 to 429) 250 320 650 0.6 140 100 6,000 4,500 500
3 max
0.8 dia.
20 min
ERZV14D431 430 (387 to 473) 275 350 710 0.6 155 110 6,000 4,500 450
D : 17.5 dia. max.
ERZV14D471 470 (423 to 517) 300 385 775 0.6 175 125 6,000 4,500 400 T : 6.5 max.
ERZV14D621 620 (558 to 682) 385 505 1,025 0.6 190 136 5,000 4,500 330 H : 20.5 max.
W : 7.5 ±1
ERZV14D681 680 (612 to 748) 420 560 1,120 0.6 190 136 5,000 4,500 320 W L (Unit: mm)
Over-Current Protection
An SSR circuit operated without overcurrent protection may result in Example of executing fuse selection of over-current protection
damage to the device. Design the circuit so the device’s rated junction cooperation
temperature is not exceeded for a continuous overload current.
(e.g. Surge current into a motor or light bulb)
The surge-on current rating applies to over-current errors which occur
less than several tens of times during the service life of a
Fuse cut-off current
Surge ON current
(1) Incandescent Lamp Load (2) Mercury Lamp Load i/i0≒3 times (3) Fluorescent Lamp Load
i/i0≒5 to 10 times
Contacts L
i io C i io
i io
(4) Motor Load i/i0≒5 to 10 times (5) Solenoid Load (6) Electromagnetic (7) Capacitive Load
i/i0≒10 to 20 times Contact Load i/i0≒20 to 40 times
i/i0≒3 to 10 times
i io i i
io io
Load i io
0.2 to 0.5 second Starting state Braking 0.07 to 0.1 second 1 to 2 cycles
(1/60 to 1/30 seconds)
• Conditions become more harsh if plugging or Note that since inductance is great,
inching is performed since state transitions are the arc lasts longer when power is cut.
repeated. The contact may become easily worn.
• When using a relay to control a DC motor and
brake, the on time inrush current, steady-state 1/2 to 2 cycles
current and off time brake current differ depending (1/120 to 1/30 seconds)
on whether the load to the motor is free or locked.
In particular, with non-polarized relays, when
using from B contact of from contact for the DC
motor brake, mechanical life might be affected by
the brake current. Therefore, please verify current
at the actual load.
Load power
Load power
Load power
1 1 1
2 2 2
Load power
Load Load Load
1 Load power 1
2 2
+Vcc 3 + +Vcc 3 +
4 − 4 −
3 +
4 −
2 − 3 3 − 6