2015 Malfoozat of Maulana 2015
2015 Malfoozat of Maulana 2015
2015 Malfoozat of Maulana 2015
Dedicated to my Murshid
"Al Faatiha"
Table of Contents
I. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 11
II. PREFACE ................................................................................................. 12
III. FOREWORD........................................................................................ 14
IV. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................... 17
2. A PROPHET WAS SENT TO EVERY NATION ............................................. 20
3. 20,000 PEOPE HAVE BECOME MUSLIM IN AFRICA ................................ 21
4. USE THE TONGUE FOR GOOD ................................................................ 25
5. MAY IT BE A CONQUEST ........................................................................ 27
6. HADITH LESSONS ................................................................................... 30
7. WHO IS THE BANKRUPT PERSON? ......................................................... 36
8. HADITH LESSONS ................................................................................... 41
10. ONLY BE WITH ALLAH ........................................................................ 49
11. THE MIRACLES OF MAWLID ............................................................... 54
12. RESPECT FOR THE PROPHET .............................................................. 61
13. HADITH LESSONS ............................................................................... 64
14. THE SECRET OF SUCCESS ................................................................... 70
15. THE IMPORTANCE OF FRIDAY ............................................................ 72
16. HUMBLENESS..................................................................................... 74
17. RESPECT THE VIRTUOUS ONES .......................................................... 76
19. BECAREFUL WHAT YOU EAT .............................................................. 80
20. THE END HAS STARTED ...................................................................... 82
21. WATER SLEEPS BUT THE ENEMY NEVER SLEEPS................................ 84
His words are words of wisdom and light for all of us on this path.
Please feel free to forward this book to as many people as you wish, in
its full form (without changing anything) as it does not have any
copyright on it. We intend to keep these books free of cost always. May
Allah SWT make it easy. Aameen.
It’s my humble advice that please share this book, free of cost with as
many people as you would like to and if you would like to translate it
to another language, please seek Maulana Shaykh Muhammad’s
permission. Please do not translate the same without his permission. If
you are unable to reach him directly, you may write to me and in sha
Allah I shall seek permission for you.
We are living in the times of fitna, shamelessness and hatered. It’s like
living in haraam times. The Prophet Muhammad Sall Allāhu ʿalay-hi
wa-sallam said: "There will come a time when holding on to your Iman
(belief) will be like holding on to hot coals". (Tirmizi Shareef)
The Prophet Muhammad Sall Allāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam said: "a time
will come when the killer will not know why he killed and the person
who was killed will not know why he was killed. So a person is going
out and killing and he doesn’t know why he is killing and the person
who was killed doesn’t know why he lost his life." (Muslim Shareef)
On the other hand, many people within tariqa are creating damage by
going against the teachings of the Shaykh. Today we see many who are
misguiding people on the name of tariqa and pretending to be
spiritually high and giving themselves titles. At every level of their
knowledge they feel they know more than others in the tariqa and are
the best. People have become like balloons, full of their ego and this
balloon gets larger and larger every day. Many who receive
In midst of all this chaos, we see that there are some who are serious
ones and dedicated ones. Ones who are really striving to be on tariqa,
searching for the light, some are even following the tariqa in the right
way and are trying to attain qalbun saleem. They are not worried about
titles or glamour. They are the ones who seek servanthood. This is what
Maulana Shaykh Nazim QS wanted his murids to be. To be Abd-Allah
and not abdul-hawa, abdun-nafs or abdul-shaitaan. This is what he has
mentioned in one of his lectures in the early 90s.
Honestly, the one who is a true seeker will find a way to learn.
Wa minallahi tawfeeq
Al faatiha
It is said that“ In every Era, Allah appoints One Perfect Soul who is the
Khalifatullah and Representative of Allah Subhaanahu Ta’ala and The
Beloved Prophet Sallallaahu Aleihi Wa Sallam, who is Authorized to
guide His creation ”.
It’s an established fact, that travelling for the sake of Allah to visit the
Friends of Allah is a sign of Awliya-as-Sawliheen. He [Moulana Sheikh
Mehmet] has been travelling to the UK, France, Germany, Austria,
Russia, Egypt, UAE, India and many other places to spread the the
Message of Divine Truth and Love to people.
He will always ensure that he prays the Namaz/Salaah in its time with
all the Sunnat and Nafil Namaz along with the Awraad as prescribed in
the Naqshbandi Book of Awraads for the Salaah/Namaz.
Also I have noticed and marked that He follows the Sunnah Strictly at
the time of having Food, while Sleeping, in dealing with People,
avoiding useless talks, and so many things to mention.
I have never seen him directly looking into the eyes of women/ladies
while to talking to them. He has got that Hayaa in him which is from
Strong Emaan. [Hadees: Al Hayaoo Minal Emaan] Alhamdulillah Was
Shukrulillah a Million times that Moulana Sheikh Nazim Qaddas
Allahu Sirruhul Azeez has kept us under the Guidance of a Perfect
Guide who gives daily Sohbets [ Lectures/Bayaans] in Turkish &
English languages in the Morning after Fajr, who gives Dars[lessons] of
the Hadees on daily basis, who runs a free Madrasa for Students of
May Allah give Him the Best of Health and Long live so that through
Him people will be guided towards the Divine Presence.
Al Faatiha
Shaikh Muhammad Ishtiyaque Shah Qadri, Chishty, Naqshbandi.
[Baba Ishtiyaq Naqshbandi]
Dubai – U.A.E.
Special thanks to Sister Mariam Van Rhodie, from Fish Hoek, South
Africa who has supported me in arranging for the transcript of the
malfoozaat compiled in this book. May Allah accept this service and
reward her endlessly.
Also thank you Shaykh Ishtiyaque for writing the foreword for this
book. May Allah raise your stations higher and higher.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
much torment just so it can give three to five fruits. Whereas in its own
place, it will give ten folds or twenty folds more fruit without causing
torment. It does not make sense to suffer torment when there is an
easier way. If you are going to keep it for looks, that is different. If you
do this work to make money, it does not make sense. You can grow
apples and pears in cold regions. Apricot will do and cherries will do.
They brought cherries to Cyprus. It leafed out for a year and dried out
the second year. Cherries require cold places. We are giving this event
as an example that everything has its place. Everything is not for
everybody at the same time. Allah Azza wa Jalla Hazretleri directed
animals, insects, and even trees while giving them a duty according to
A person should direct himself and his children to what they are
inclined to and what they are capable of. Do not be sad if your children
do not go to university. There is no need to be sad in a world that is a
few days long anyway. It is important to gain the consent of Allah. It is
enough for us to pay attention to this. Sharifs and Sohbas are to
comfort people and give inner peace. The hereafter is what is
important in this few days long world. You will be comfortable if you
think about the hereafter and ask for the hereafter. There is no need for
anything else either. The world is a place that is a few days long. Go
where Allah has directed you. Do not forget Allah. This is what is
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
The Holy Koran says, “A prophet was sent to every nation.” To you too
was sent the Ural Prophet. Allah sent him long ago and did not make
people forget him. His blessings reached here and all the Turkish
People. It is very important to visit this maqam. These are Allah’s
prophets. It is very virtuous and rewarding to visit a normal person or
awliya, meaning visiting their graves. This visit is even more rewarding
and virtuous. Allah sent 124,000 prophets. He sent books to 313
prophets. At the end, the Koran came to our Holy Prophet. Every
prophet that came, wanted to be a part of our Holy Prophet’s Nation.
Our Holy Prophet is the most beneficial, the most virtuous, and the last
prophet. Allah brought down books to 313 prophets who are called
Naby Mursal. In the past, a couple of prophets could be sent at the
same time. The rest of the prophets would follow whomever had the
message, whomever Allah sent the book. They would follow him,
attesting to his sayings and orders, and deliver it to the people. There
was a prophet with two companions. Two people believed in a great
prophet. Prophets are those in the highest station amongst people. They
are in the highest stations. They are sinless and innocent. Allah does
not make them sin at all. The most beautiful nature and disposition are
given to them. Even so, they are the ones that suffer the most torment.
A lot of prophets were sent to the Bani Israil. The most prophets were
sent to them. There were times when they killed a thousand prophets at
the same time. Meaning prophets suffered a lot. Allah knows where
most are and where most remained. However, this holy one’s place is
evident here. He was both sent and he saw respect around here. People
believed in him. As their grandchildren, may his blessings also reach
you Inshallah. What joy! You will be together in Paradise too Inshallah.
You came all the way here to visit a prophet of Allah. Whatever wishes
you may have, may good be realized for the wishers Inshallah. Baraka
came as well. (Starts raining)
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
It was October when we went, exactly 14 years ago. It was night time.
Sheykh Effendi Hazretleri went there one time. They call it Capetown.
Those places are sacred. There are many saints (awliya) there.
Europeans: English and Dutch, sent the saints there to exile. It is the
other end of the world. A person is unable to come back from there. We
went somewhere. It dated from long ago. They say people came here
from Ceylon or Indonesia 300 years ago, or in the 1700s. But it is not
entirely clear. They brought these people from there. They brought
Sheikh Yusuf Hazretleri along with 49 of his disciples (mureeds) and
placed them there. That holy one built the first mosque. They were so
enthusiastic that they struggled in the way of Allah and fought for the
sake of Allah in the Islamic world. We only know Muslims where we
are. Yet unbelief (kufr) exists in every part of the world. They struggled
(made jihad) everywhere always for the sake of Truth (Haq), for the
the way east, they struggled against unbelief over there. The English
built something like a monument for those sacred ones. When we say
monument, they placed an old cannon that projected cannonballs. And
under it they wrote this sacred one’s name, hero. Hero means brave. He
fought against them, and they tricked and captured this sacred one.
Along with himself, they captured his mureeds and sent them there.
There is goodness in everything. This means that it was for the benefit
of Islam for that person to go there. It was beneficial for Muslims there
as well. He was of a Tariqa. He is from the Khalwati Tariqa. I was also
surprised: did the Khalwati Tariqa exist over there? So there was
continuous communication with that place during Ottoman times. The
Ottomans were reaching everywhere. They were not saying, “Leave
them be,” but helping them for sure when something happened to
them. The Ottomans were both educating the nation in religion and
helping much in war aid. These sacred ones went there, and built
mosques and tombs (maqams). There are more places further down.
There are maqams everywhere, stating the names of the awliya. You
see that they descended upon villages and brought those people as
slaves during those times. Those people were brought and sold as
workers and slaves. This tyranny injustice lasted for 300 years.
Regardless, look at the wisdom (hikma) of Allah: none of the people
they brought as slaves changed their religion in the face of tyranny, and
they all stayed Muslim. There are awliya over there, in these towns.
There are guides (murshids), there are madrasas, and there are
mashayikh (sheykhs). They do not reject the awliya like now. They do
not reject the Prophet. They protected their children’s religion with
their supplications (duas). Because they were mujahids. They struggled
in the way of Allah. Their duas were accepted. They prayed, “We went
through much difficulty. Inshallah our lineage will stay Muslim until
Judgment Day.” And their duas were really accepted.
When Sheykh Effendi Hazretleri was there, he guided them with the
power of awliya exactly 14 years ago. He said, “Make these local
people, the black people, Muslim. Help them reach guidance.” He said
these words 14 years ago. They said, “Yes, yes,” and the days passed.
They remembered these words 3-4 years ago. They decided to follow
his order. So they remembered it at that time. They did not do much for
11 years. Yet now, they have started to do things. The blacks live in
tinplate homes. Lots of poverty. Dirt, disease and every kind of evil
exists there too. Mashallah they started this work for service (khidma).
Mashallah. Almost 20,000 blacks have become Muslim only in this
province (there are 5-6 regions) in the past three years. We were afraid
to go to these areas in the past. We went there now. Mashallah. They
built a mosque and have a black Imam, glowing, he has light in his face.
There are students 10-15 years old. We prayed the noon prayer (Dhuhr)
together in that area. They recited beautiful qasidas. They showed us a
boy, he had just become Muslim and his grandmother had brought
him. His grandmother is Christian. She is very happy that her
grandchild has become Muslim. There is such beauty in Islam. The
others both made men slaves and changed their religion. Their love is
empty talk. There is no sign of humanity. The works they do are just
baloney. There is no mercy in any religion other than being Muslim.
Because all [other] religions have been altered fraudulently. They have
distorted them according to their own heads. There is no true religion
other than Islam. This is why in the world, there is being Muslim and
religions that are against it. There is no third religion. What do they call
it? Antagonist to religion. Their religious and non-religious are the
same. A Muslim brings cleanliness to where he is, he brings beauty and
he brings abundance (Baraka). There is no Baraka when there is no
Muslim and when there is oppression. The place these people inhabit is
the richest land in the world. But poverty is widespread and misery is
widespread. Men are in poverty in the middle of riches. Why? There is
no Baraka. They are stealing and taking away. Yet there is no Baraka
where they are taking it either. No matter how poor a Muslim country
might be, there are no people dying of starvation. There were famines
in Europe in the past. They cannot understand the reason (sirr) behind
this. This secret does not exist in any other religion. Baraka is in being
Muslim. Ask for Baraka.
gives tenfold that and does not blink an eye. And that is a matter of
faith (iman). The man who thinks it will finish when giving cannot
give. He cannot give even if the whole world were his. We had told you
the story of the Priest earlier. Let us tell it again. There was a priest at
the time of Jesus (Isa) aleyhis selam. Isa (a.s.) sees that this man is living
in a cave and asks, “What are you doing?” He answers, “Allah gives
me two pomegranates a day so I can manage with them. Isa (a.s.) enters
the man’s cave and [finds] it is full of pomegranates. Rotting
pomegranates. He asks, “What have you done here?” The Priest
answers, “I eat one and save the other.” When asked, “Well, what do
you save it for?” the Priest answered, “What if it does not come the
second day.” Allah is already giving you two. He provides from
nothing. So there is no faith. This is what we mean with the matter of
iman. That is why this man is not an accepted one. Allah Azza wa Jalla
Hazretleri is showing Isa (a.s.) that this man is of no benefit. It means
that he has no iman. Two pomegranates come from nowhere, that man
follows his nafs, gets scared, shows stinginess, does not eat and places
it there. Nothing would happen even if he shares with someone, but he
saves for himself. People think, “Let me gather, let me gather, what if it
does not come later.” You gathered so much. What you gathered is
enough for you even for 500 years. Nothing will happen if you give.
May Allah not make us follow our evil nafs. Sheykh Effendi
Hazretleri’s advise is: give! He says this money is paper after all, do not
look after it. When he saw paper money, he used to say, “This is
rubbish, give, give. When it comes give.” This is how trade is. Real
trade is the trade of the hereafter (akhira). The number of morsels we
are to eat in the world is known. One cannot eat the share of ten. Even
the most gutsy amongst us can only eat that of three people. Eating is
not an expensive thing either. What is expensive is the forbidden
(haram). There is no harm if the person eats lawful (halal) morsels. The
halal morsel is very important. Continue to take halal morsels to your
family, your children. There is Baraka in halal morsels. There is
protection on the children. Halal morsels are important for you to
protect from all evil. With the permission of Allah, nobody can do
anything [harm] after eating halal morsels. These people have worked
here and there under oppression for 300 years. None of the children,
Mashallah, have any complaints. They are all observing their prayers
(namaz) and supplications (niyaz). They went to Umra and Hajj. There
are many mosques. They are building the mosques in black areas. They
have good deeds (hasanat). They are a great model, an example, for us.
The halal morsel is a very important subject. May Allah not feed us
haram. (Amin) May He keep as away from haram. (Amin) May He
correct those who eat haram Inshallah. There is unease everywhere in
For Qiyama to occur, Mahdi (a.s.) has to come. Inshallah he will come
and remove this disorder. He will fill the surrounding with justice and
tranquility Inshallah. May it happen soon Inshallah. May we see the
beautiful days of those times all together Inshallah. May Allah protect
us all and make us the object of His favors.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
The word is inside of you and you can hold it. It is free when it gets out
of the tongue, out of the mouth. You cannot hold it once it leaves. That
is why you should calculate before speaking. Talking without
calculating not only leads to upsetting people, sometimes it takes
people to unbelief. You need to always order the good, that is when it is
The tongue and word can be a means to useful and good works. The
tongue can also bring lots of trouble to humankind. These troubles
range from the small to the large. Many wars erupted because people
did not act properly in the past.
Whereas, many things could have been solved through talking and
reaching an agreement. They could not control their own egos and
destroyed themselves and so many people were wasted for nothing.
These fine words are the words of our Holy Prophet, they are his
Sharifs. They are the loftiest words mankind has uttered after the
The Koran is the word of Allah anyway. Let us obey him. Let us go in
“Inna Fatahna laqa fathan mobina” A beautiful verse for the opening.
May we have a beautiful conquest, may it be a beautiful opening
inshallah. “ummati rijal taqalan jibalu sah” Man’s effort can move the
mountains aside. Effort, diligence. Allah azza wa jalla did not create us
for sleeping and waking up. He created us for service. We all shall
serve as much as we can inshallah. On the way of Allah, on the way of
Islam we shall crush our ego and serve. While we are serving we
should first serve our children who are the closest to us. Whatever
rights our children have, we shall maintain them inshallah. Our
Prophet (s.w.s) also started giving advices first to the close family.
Show the way of Allah, order the good, forbid the bad. Shukr to Allah
that our followers, our brothers are broadcasting on the internet, as
a new service. We have not so much concern on that subject. Internet is
today satans device. It has too much mischief at these times. Our
brothers are trying to turn this mischief to goodness. Inshallah may
many people be guided to the truth by means of their service. We
are trying to go to many places. But we can’t come together with all of
our followers. Every day, people are like together with us through this
service . This is also beautiful. If some misdeed occurs, it is a nice trait
to turn it to goodness. Like Men are removing mountains, we shall
remove misdeeds and instead goodness should come inshallah.
Sheikh effendi’s sohbat’s will also be broadcasted. Mashallah whenever
we listen to Honorary Sheikh effendi’s sohbat’s we become
enlightened. One becomes like sitting with him in his sohbat. People
were reading books before but nowadays they don’t read so much.
As the people can see Sheikh effendi and the places he went, following
his speeches and listening to his sohbats, it is beneficial for everyone
inshallah. We have some complaints that our followers are not giving
back the borrowed original copies of sohbats. They are taking them and
after losing them and they are not giving them back when they are told
to. That for don’t give anybody the originals. Keep
the originals and if they ask for them, give them a copy. This recordings
are valuable. There are friends who ran after Sheikh effendi for years
with Camcorders and tape recorders. They are precious memories for
them. That for, don’t give the originals to someone else and get sad
afterwards. You may make a copy of each of them and give that one.
When somebody does this, so that others also may benefit from it, he
also gains enough more good deeds for this. It is not good to keep it for
himself and hide it. Because our holy
Prophet (s.w.s.) says “if a scholar has knowledge and he hides it from
the people, then this scholar will be a sinner” That has responsibility.
And of course if somebody is not a scholar but he has something with
him, he should share this with others that they may benefit from
it. Also good deeds are written on him for that. This way is a beautiful
and beneficial way.
It is beneficial for the endless life. Don’t give away your hereafter for
this cheap world. We went to the United States years before. Sheikh
effendi said “this is totally satans place” for the states. Really it is satans
place. They took us to Walt Disney studios. As Sheikh effendi had been
there and saw this place we also went there to see it. The entry fee was
very expensive. As we already arrived, we said let’s wait. There was a
short line and we thought it would take fifteen to twenty minutes. And
then it turned to another corner, ok let’s wait some more. And after
another and then we arrived to another corner and it took two hours to
enter the place. And how long was the show? It was like not even one
minute. We waited for two hours. We went to another place and in six
hours we had a program for three minutes. That’s the Jewish and
satans show. They make so much difficulty for the people and after
they give nothing. You will just be a fool for nothing. It was beneficial
that we have been there. Because we saw how tricky they are. This
world is not worthy that you suffer for it. It is a wisdom of Allah, one
should see everything, learn everything. People are even taking the risk
to die for going to Europe. Many of them die on the way. The others
who can’t go are dying of the craving. America is a state of heaven,
there is no such thing. If somebody would stay in place he would be
more comfortable. May Allah protect the people from being misleaded.
When the people are misleaded, they do not know what to do. There
are thousands of stories like this one. While somebody is in peace and
comfort in his place, he leaves this place and works with so much effort
for years, spends all of his belongings for that. Finally even if he goes
there, he lives a poor life. May Allah grant us all a good mind and
understanding inshallah. May Allah protect the people from being
misleaded. The mind is important. Who is a mindful human? A
mindful human is not someone who has graduated from university,
has a diploma, is a doctor or professor. A mindful human is someone
who knows Allah, who believes in Allah. That one is clever. The world,
this and that, that’s all lies. All is like a dream. There are some dreams.
Dreams you had before. You are thinking of them that they may have
happened or they maybe just dreams. Life is also like that. The
important part is to know Allah, to recognize Allah, to type Allah for
reaching the real life. Don’t be objected in the hereafter like people are
objected in this world. May Allah be pleased with all of you. Inshallah
as we said, may this service be helpful for the people. We shall make a
Al Fatiha
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Assalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Sayyidul Awwalin Walakhirin
Madad Ya Rasulullah, Madad Ya Ashab-e Rasulullah
Madad Ya Mashayikihina. Dastur.
Our Holy Prophet is saying, “I met Ibrahim (a.s.) on the night of Isra
(Miraj).” Our Holy Prophet met with all the prophets when he
ascended to the heavens. “(Hazret) Ibrahim said to me, ‘O Muhammad
(s.a.w.)! Send my salams to your nation. Inform them of this: the soil of
Paradise is beautiful, its water is sweet, and it is a flat place. Its trees
recite: Subhanallahi Walhamdulillahi Wala’ilaha Ilallahu Wallahu
Akbar.” Meaning he is giving glad tidings to people who say this, to
the Ummat Muhammad (Nation of Muhammad). Ibrahim (a.s.) is
telling this to keep the faith of the Nation strong. “On that day
(Judgment Day) everyone will have a concern that will keep them busy.
Men will not look at women, and women will not look at men (when
they rise from their graves). Everybody will be busy with their concern.
Nobody will be able to see other because of the severity of the Day.”
Meaning it does not matter how beautiful others might be, people will
only look at themselves there. Some people will rise from the grave
without anything. Some will rise with a shroud and some without a
own ways. They are an exception. This is the progress of religion. “The
regression of religion is, with the exception of one or two religious
scholars, for the whole tribe not to understand that religion. It is for
what those two say not to be taken into consideration (by their tribe),
and they are looked upon as despicable. It is for them not being able to
find a helper in their beliefs or goals.”
And this is the regression of religion. Meaning with the exception of
one or two, now they have all strayed off the path. These two people
are not held in esteem either. They are neither in demand nor are they
respected. “Everything has an ornament, and the ornament of the
Koran is the beautiful voice.” Meaning Qaris (Reciters) with beautiful
voices are preferred. That is why the Nation of Muhammad is
continuing on this sunna until now. There are Qaris with very beautiful
voices. Those who recite the Koran beautifully are held in esteem. It is
not bidat or the sort.
he knows that he does not have fault in what befalls him, but it is
written fate; that what does not befall him because of his fault is also
written fate.” This is the source of haqiqa. Our Holy Prophet is telling
us reality so that everybody may understand this well. When
something unpleasant happens to people, most people misgive as, ‘I
wonder if it happened because of my fault.’ No, do not misgive. This
was to happen and it was predestined. ‘Allah had fated me.’ Not, ‘If
only I had come 2 minutes earlier or been 2 minutes late.’ You were to
be here and it was going to befall you. Those who understand this
Sharif very well and believe it find comfort. Whatever comes, came
from Allah. The one who believes this does not eat one's heart out. He
does not feel guilty thinking, ‘Maybe I should have done it, or I should
have done it this way or that way.’ No, you keep the right path. If
something befell you say, ‘It is from Allah,’ and do not ever feel sad.
Say, ‘This was to happen and it happened.’ There is nothing else. If
something good befalls you, that is the same way. It is all from Allah.
“Everything has a zakat (a charity). As for the zakat (charity) of the
body, it is fasting.” If you do not fast, you will not have paid the zakat
of your body. That time you will have also sinned for not fasting.
Moreover, illness occurs.
“Everything has a source. The source of taqwa (fear of Allah) are the
hearts of arifs.” Arifs are Allah’s awliya and Allah’s beloved servants.
That taqwa springs out from that mine and that source and disperses
to people. That is the source. “Everything has a key. The key of the
heavens is the statement ‘La Ilaha Illallah.’ “Everything has an essence.
The essence of iman is namaz (sala).” Do not say, ‘I have faith, my heart
is clean, and I do all the supplications (duas),’ when there is no namaz.
When asked, ‘Well, do you pray namaz?’ they say, ‘No, I just don’t
pray, and I do all the duas.’ Well then, it has no use. The essence of
religion, the pillar of religion, and its everything is namaz. It does not
work without namaz. “And the essence of namaz is the opening
takbir.” The takbir we all know: Allah Akbar. That is also the essence of
namaz. “Every heart has anxiety.” Meaning everybody has anxiety.
Some people come and tell me they have anxieties. We tell them
everybody has it. There is no person who does not. Our Holy Prophet
says that everybody has anxieties. If the anxiety tears the veil of the
heart and the tongue speaks it, then the person is held responsible.”
Meaning if the anxiety leaves the heart, transfers to the tongue and is
spoken out, then sin is written according to what you say. It has a
punishment after that. “If it does not tear the veil of the heart and stays
in the heart, then of course the tongue does not speak it and the person
does not sin.”
When anxieties occur, whatever it is, do not tell anybody about your
anxieties being such and such. Because even if it is not a sin, it grows
when spoken. That is why it is our Holy Prophet’s advice that whatever
anxieties there are should stay in the heart. Everybody has anxieties. So
it is not just with you. Do not forget: everybody has it.
Anxieties are from Shaytan. He wants you to bring it out and either sin
or make your life a mess. “You will get (in return for spending a camel
in the way of Allah) 700 haltered camels on the Day of Resurrection.”
A man came to our Holy Prophet and told him he was giving a camel
for the sake of Allah. So our holy Prophet told him he would be given
700 each like that camel. Of course, its reward will be given. “You will
get as much rewards on the Day of Resurrection as you spend on them.
So spend on them (he means her husband and children).“ A rich
Sahabe lady asks our Holy Prophet about spending on her children. So
our Holy Prophet said, ‘Spend on them. You will be rewarded because
of it.’ “The imam and muazzin will be rewarded as much as those who
pray namaz with them.” Meaning according to how large the jamaat
(congregation) is, the imam and muazzin will get as much more
rewards. They also get a reward for every person that comes to the
mosque. “The begger, even if coming on horseback, has a right.” There
are many beggars now anyway. For this reason give a couple, however
much you want. But some are shameless and are not pleased. Now for
them, give whatever you want. Meaning there is no such thing as
having to give the whole rizq (share) of your family and children to
them. Give something little and that is enough. The man who trades
and the one who sells bread makes ten and is grateful for it. When you
give these ten, they throw it [back] at your head. People are like this
now. That is why, let his right leave you, and they can do whatever
they want.
Assalamu Alaykum
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah, Madad Ya
Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al
Haqqani. Dastur.
Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah gave a chance and wrote everybody’s daily bread (rizq). “You
will eat this much, and you will drink this much.” Do that. Distribute
the rest to people for the sake of Allah. Give the rights of people. Now,
people do not give the essential zakat, let alone charity (sadaqa). What
happens when they do not give zakat? It becomes forbidden (haram).
All his belongings and estates become mixed in haram. Those who do
not give zakat will raise the banner of bankruptcy and go the Presence
like that at Resurrection. This is for here (bunya) and not for hereafter.
There were no microphones in the past, but the voice of the people for
the duty would not fail to fill the shoes of a microphone. When a crier
came out, the people would also listen carefully, because it did not
happen every day. They would know what happened. A man who
would be fooled by him from now on could not come and complain. It
would be his fault and his shortcoming. He paid the price himself. He
would pay the price of his foolishness himself. [Suppose] this man ran
away from here and went somewhere else. It was not like this in the
past. People would know where you came from and where you left.
They would know who you were and what you were about. It was not
like it is now, like a roadside inn. There were no roadside inns either.
There were caravansarays and inns in the past. People would come
from travels at night. It was like a fort. Padishahs (kings) would
construct them for the sake of Allah and host people as guests. The
sultan would pay the expenses. The deputy or emir (chief) of the place
would pay them. The person who entered it would enter at night. They
would all do and then the doors would be shut. Great hospitality and
excellent entertainment existed Mashallah. They were all honored as
They see a lot of oppression. Who do they get oppressed by? A kaafir
(infidel) is a kaafir. There is no sin after unbelief. What they are upset
about more than unbelievers is the deception of Muslims. This is the
deception of people and their unknowingly going from Allah’s way to
Shaytan’s way. What is Allah’s way? Allah Azza wa Jalla states in the
Kuran, “You are a nation in the middle. Do not go extreme.” Do not go
too much to neither the left side nor the right side. Thank Allah we are
the Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat. The one who is on the right path and not
on the perverted path is the Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat. Being Muslim is
spread everywhere. There are Muslims all over the world, but because
it is Akhir Zaman (End Times) Shaytan is using this against Muslims
too. He is fighting Muslim with Muslim. No matter how much he tries
though, Allah’s beloved servants and Allah’s awliya are strong and will
not let him. At the end, just as it has always been, Truth shall prevail
and Falsehood shall go away crushed. This is for sure. Waqul ja’al
haqqu wazahaqal baatil (Isra:81) “Truth came and falsehood
disappeared.” This is Allah’s word. It is not that of Salafis nor the
others, the people who do not like the Sahabis. It is Allah’s utterance.
Thank Allah, the way of the Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat continues for 1400
years. The others have a high voice but their numbers are little. They
will not increase either. May Allah guide those who go there. Because it
is going to be too late when they are sorry. Being sorry is not of use
either. Inshallah they get their head together before it is too late.
Inshallah may the people here also be protected.
The benefits of loving (muhabbat) Allah, the Prophet, and the Awliya
are many. What we are doing is not useless. It is useful. It will make
you wealthy in the hereafter. You will be wealthy when other people
will be bankrupt. You are wealthy in the hereafter even if you are poor
in this world. This, as we say, cannot be done with your own deeds.
The most important thing here is the love of the Prophet, love of Allah,
and love of Allah’s beloved servants, the Awliya. We will be with them
with their support Inshallah. May Allah grant guidance to everybody.
Children are also exposed a lot. Things are going bad in the country.
May those children also be protected Inshallah. They are ruining
thousands of youth just to make a little money. Just as those children
are eating that white poison, Allah will burn the insides of those people
who do that business. Let him not think that he is benefiting. How are
you ruining families and children? You are leaving no morals, no
chastity, no honor and no humanity. How dare you do that o ill-bred
people?! It will become zaqqum (poisonous tree of Hell) for you. Poison
will destroy every part of those people who do that business. May
Allah give us intelligence and thought. Let them repent, as the door of
repentance is still open. We have neared Resurrection Day, but the door
of repentance is still open. It is open until the sun rises from the west,
one of the big signs. “If he sins as much as mountains, said our Holy
Prophet, “they are all turned to good deeds after repentance.”
That is why, those who do this business should stop for the sake of
Allah. Let them save their hereafter. Let them not get fooled by this
world. This world does not last. Do not say, “I am rich and I am that.”
You are going whether you live for ten years, for fifty years or for a
hundred years. To eternal life, you will eternally either go to Paradise
or to Hellfire. May Allah give consideration for others and intelligence
to everybody.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
● “He is forgiven in the first drop of his blood.”: Meaning his sins are
forgiven. He becomes purified with forgiveness.
● “He is worn on his head a dignity crown, made of ruby that is more
beautiful than anything in the world.”: Every piece of ruby in this
crown is better than this world and everything in it.
“The one who eats and is thankful has a similar reward as the one who
fasts patiently.”: Meaning the one who eats and thanks Allah has a
similar reward as the one who fasts and is patient. It is due to his
thankfulness to Allah. Being thankful is a great deed. Allah granted this
to man so they may accordingly gain rewards, and so their stations
might increase. “A Mumin will have in Paradise a tent made from an
empty pearl 60 miles in length. In it he will have wives who will not see
each other. He will visit them time to time.“: Allah’s dominion is as
large as He wishes. The weakest Mumin’s place in Paradise is as big as
the world. Now think of other things. Of things that are in higher
stations. “The one who goes to Hajj on foot has the reward of 70 Hajjs.
And the one who goes to Hajj riding gets the reward of one Hajj.”: They
would go to Hajj on camels or on foot in the past. There is for the one
who only travels walking the reward of 70 Hajjs. “The woman has two
veils: the grave and the husband.”: meaning that which covers them.
When asked, “Which of those are better?” our Holy Prophet replied,
“the grave.”: she suffers from the husband. The grave completely veils
a Mumin lady. “The one who prays namaz (sala) has three traits.”:
prayer is the pillar of religion. Prayer is the most important thing. It
does not matter what you do if you do not pray namaz. You cannot
reach the reward of one prayer even if you give the world. Being open
handed is beautiful, everything is beautiful, but the benefit is little if
one does not pray namaz.
● “Goodness and abundance scatter from the middle of the sky to the
middle of his head.”: that is why the one who prays finds tranquility,
finds Baraka, and his work goes well.
● “Angels surround him starting from his feet all the way to the middle
of the sky.”
● “And he is called upon, ‘if the one who prays knew whom he was
reciting to, he would never have separated from prayer.’”
“A slave has three rights upon his master.”: Islam is the religion of
rights. Everybody has rights. Humans have rights, the lady has rights,
the man, children, and everybody has rights. Even animals have rights.
The slave has rights too. What are his rights then?
● “He does not hurry him in prayer.”: when the slave attends prayer,
you cannot say, ‘Come on hurry, you have work to do, you stayed for
an hour in prayer.’ If he wants, he can stay in prayer for ten hours and
you cannot say anything.
● “He is not to be called upon when eating.”: you cannot get him up
saying, ‘Get up. You have work to do,’ when he is eating.
● “He is to sell him when he says, ‘sell me.’”: this too is a mercy that
Allah has granted to everybody. And He granted these rights to the
“The son of Adam has not come across anything since the day Allah
has created him that is more painful than death.”: meaning the thing
that he is most worthy of and the most real is death. Yet it is Allah’s
wisdom that no matter how old, the son of Adam just cannot come to
terms with his own death. Allah gave him such a thing that people live
as if they will never die. That is the most real thing. Everything is like a
dream. Everybody will see reality when death arrives. “Then death is
lighter compared to the things that he will face after death.”: meaning
death will be like nothing compared to the intensity of Resurrection
Day, its pain, and Hellfire pain that will occur later. That is why Allah
continuously warns people through the tongue of our Holy Prophet in
the Koran against these things that will occur. Do not be evil! Let death
be the worst so you may rest afterwards. The state of some people is
worse after death, as our Holy Prophet has stated. Those who did not
care here, those who infringed upon the rights of others, those who
were rebellious to Allah, people who gather up and think much of
themselves will be worse off after death. The same goes
for those who think nobody can do anything to them in the world.
Allah is not afraid of anybody. All of their accounts will be written one
by one in the Hereafter, and each of them will be questioned one by
one. There is no such thing as we die and that is it. “No rain is sent to a
nation that does not pay its zakat. If it were not for animals,
rain would never have been sent to those who do not pay their zakat.”:
That is why when the rain supplication is recited, we should make dua
as, ‘These people are sinful. Send rain for the sake of animals.’ Most
people do not give zakat, and when they do not give it does not rain
and there is famine. Even if it rains, it rains like flood and ruins the
surroundings. “You have not been given anything after the Ikhlas
(refining) words, ‘La Ilaha Illallah’, like health.”: meaning health and
appetite. For this reason, ask Allah to be safe from worldly and
hereafter troubles, and for healthy appetite, ‘Allahumma inni asalukal
afwa wal afiya.’ Meaning forgive us and give us healthy appetite. Make
dua so that we always, always have healthy appetite. The greatest deed
after iman is healthy appetite. “A human increases in power if he
comes across hilf, an oath to a friend.”: People make oaths to each
other, and if they give baya, the one who stands on it increases in
power. It does not increase for the one who says he changed his mind
and turns back on his promise. “Yet this hilf does not exist in Islam.”:
Allahu a’lam “When Allah created Paradise, he said to Gabriel (Jibreel),
‘Go and have a look at it.’ He went, he saw and he returned saying, ‘O
my Lord! For the sake of Your Glory, anybody who hears of it will
want to enter it.’”: meaning nobody who hears of its beauties would
not want to enter it, and everybody will want to enter such a beautiful
place. “Allah adorned it with hardships.”: it is not easy to enter
Paradise. You have to overcome some hardships and withstand
hardship. “Now go and have a look at it.”: He went, saw and came
back saying, ‘O my Lord! For the sake of Your Glory, I am worried that
nobody would want to enter it.’”: He said this after seeing the
hardships. “When He created Hellfire, He said to Jibreel, ‘Go and have
a look at it.’ Gabriel went, he saw and he returned saying, ‘For the sake
of Your Glory, nobody who hears of it would ever enter it.’”: meaning
the human who hears of Hellfire would not enter it. Perhaps Jibreel
Aleyhisselam thought He just created it for nothing. “He adorned it
with desire.”: Whatever the number of things that exist, dirty things,
that the ego (nafs) wants , He adorned it with desires and things that
take a human’s mind away. “Then He ordered, ‘Go and have a look
again.’ He went, saw, returned and said, ‘For the sake of Your Glory, I
am worried that there will not be anybody who is not going to enter
it.’”: meaning forbidden (haraam) desires are so attractive. Allah
created both Paradise and Hellfire in this manner. Those who will enter
Paradise need to stay away from desires and evils, and as such this is
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Assalamu Alaykum
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah, Madad Ya
Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-
Haqqani. Dastur.
Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Tariqa stand with discourse and the congregation. It is almost the same
with all tariqas. Discourses are important in our Naqshibandi Tariqa
though. Tekkes and zawiyas were removed after the Ottoman period.
They realized that these things were around even though the Ottoman
state was gone. It is dangerous if these stay. That is why shaytan is
cunning, it did not fit him, and he did not want it. He left the people
both ignorant and wanted to keep them away from the manners of
Islam. That is why he removed these zawiyas and tekkes. However,
they were useful for the state, for the Islamic state. Ever since the
Ottoman state disappeared, instead of people becoming better, they are
becoming more and more wild. Even if they shut the dargahs in
Anatolia, on the other hand thank Allah, the alims (scholars) stayed
and the salihs (virtuous) stayed. They are people of will. They gave the
people enlightenment, they gave guidance, and they gave sohbas
where they were located. When pressure is lifted, Mashallah the
country is full like before. We see that nothing was shut in other places,
but a huge discord appeared there. However much people have
distanced themselves from the Ottomans, that much more they have
become brutal. So it was this tariqa and this dargah that was teaching
them adab (manners). The most important thing is Islam is adab. Allah
gave the best adab to our Holy Prophet. There was no yelling and
screaming in the time of our Master. There was no such thing as going
out in the streets, yelling and screaming. It did not even happen during
war time. A sahabi (companion) was acting like a tough guy. Our Holy
Prophet said, “Allah does not like these actions, but you can do it
against infidels.” There is no permission against Muslims, but there is
permission against unbelievers. Why was the Ottoman such a sacred
state? Because it was an Islamic state. They were doing everything
according to Islam. They were acting according to Islam. There was not
the last part of those 700 years, but when the truth is researched it is
understood that we cannot reach them for hundreds of years. Last
night they were showing something interesting so we decided to have a
look. It was about slavery in the Ottomans. Allah Allah, what a strange
thing is this? I do not know who the man is, he was explaining buying
and selling slaves. It has procedures and rules of conduct. He explained
how it was done. They would first become prisoners of war, then they
would become slaves. You cannot decide to smuggle a person and
make him a slave, otherwise he will fight you. He explained that one by
one too. He showed it all: how they came, how they went, and how
they were bought. It was not like the Europeans, descending on a
village, and taking away the poor and impoverished people as a family
without a war. They all had records, where they came from and where
they went, whether it was according to procedure or not. He explained
it to the slightest detail. So it was such, there was no oppression. There
was no such thing as injustice. That is why it was such a holy state.
War, during Ottoman times, was waged with the non-Muslims. What
are meant by non-Muslims though, are not the non-Muslims within our
own country. They enjoyed the same rights, as they also belonged to
the Ottomans. There were viziers and there were grand viziers from all
of them. As he was explaining, there was a grand vizier slave. He spoke
about him. Sultan Suleyman’s slave became the Grand Vizier. So it can
happen. Look at the justice of the Ottomans. There were rights and
laws. It also came with an incentive to free them. If a person held on to
a slave for about ten years, they would find it shameful. There was a
good habit amongst people thinking the slave stayed for so long, and
needs to be set free because it is shameful. This habit would encourage
people to set slaves free. And after setting them free, they would help
them so they could continue making a living and making ends meet.
Sometimes it would happen and the slave dies. They would write, “I
freed this slave,” on his grave so he would not become a slave on the
Day of Judgment. They would laugh much at the one who did it since
he freed a dead slave. That is why most people wanted to set free as
soon as possible. These things were done because of ayats shown in the
Koran as well. Good things were encouraged and done. There, these
things were taught in dargahs and learnt from mashayikh (shaykhs).
The ikhwan (brothers) and tariqa masters would all get along. Nobody
would infringe upon the rights of others. Thank Allah, with the
blessings of the Ottomans, many more services will be done in our
country Inshallah. With the appearance of Mahdi Aleyhis Salam, he
will take hold of the trusts here Inshallah. The inhabitants here will be
with the Ottomans now. The Ottomans are the Khalifa. How did the
Abbasi Khalifa hand over the khilafa to the Ottoman Sultan Salim with
his own will? Nothing was done by force. The end is near, it will come.
When Mahdi Aleyhis Salam also arrives, the Ottoman Sultan, the
person here, whoever is the rightful owner, he will deliver it to Mahdi
Aleyihs Salam and will be his helper. We are always and still in the title
deed of the Ottomans Inshallah. May Allah not separate us from this
way. We are honored by the Ottomans. The Ottomans and the Ottoman
Sultans put themselves and their lives on the way of Islam. They waved
swords in the service of Islam. They gave everything in the way of
Islam. How happy they are, thank Allah. How happy is the one who
says, “I am Muslim,” thank Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Assalamu Alaykum
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah
Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim
al-Haqqani. Dastur. Abu Ayyub al-Ansar. Madad.
Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Our tariqa stand with sohba (association) and the good is in jamaat
(congregation) Inshallah. Even if the sohba mentions things we know,
people forget. There is no harm even if one hears the same things over.
It has benefit but no harm. A person understands better when hearing
over and over. Our way, as you know, is the Naqshbandi way. It is the
way of saliheen (virtuous) and the way of awliya (saints). Everything
they say is beautiful and everything they mention is pleasant. Even if
what they say sometimes is not fully understood, none of them say
anything contrary to Sharia or people. They order what Allah says and
nothing else. Sometimes they tell stories of some meshayikh (shaykhs)
and it sounds a little awkward but essentially there is nothing
awkward. There is no slipping away even the slightest or going
contrary to the way Allah has shown with them. The one who
understand it as such has seen himself there. There are many fake
shaykhs and fake alims (scholars) now. Many claim to be murshids
(guides) but the true are few. There is absolutely nothing wrong with
the shaykh, the true murshid. The one who says there is sees his own
shortcoming and attributes it to the shaykh. Both Shaytan has
explained what his shaykh said incorrectly to him, and he sees it like
that due to his own sin and shortcoming. All along, since the time of
our Holy Prophet, there is not a fault with shaykhs and true murshids.
“No, that one said so, this one said such,” they tell about them not
knowing. Or they read their words and because of their inverted
meaning, they make it seem faulty. Whereas they are kaamil people
(spiritually mature). To tell stories is Allah’s order. “Faqsus al-qasas,”
says in the Koran. Meaning tell the stories so people may take lesson.
Our holy Prophet has said, “Stories and anecdotes are Allah’s soldiers.”
They also show the right way. Once upon a time, a man who “did not
know himself” was close to the khalifa. He complained about a couple
very virtuous time, but you need to be on the right way, in the way of
Allah. You need to not defy Allah and the Prophet. You need to not
conform to your pleasure and your wild nafs’ desires. You
need to accept the Truth. We see everywhere that people are not
allowing anything to be said to their egos and are not accepting the
truth. When the slightest thing is said to them,
they are ready to burn, not only the house or the country, but the whole
world. People have such an ego. They may burn without reluctance.
We see how people in the past burnt and destroyed. There is the
infamous guy, Nero. The man burnt all of Rome for his own ego. It is
nothing compared to these times. Rome was a little place. It was 2000
years ago. It cannot compare to Beykoz (the district where Shaykh
Effendi lives). It was a smaller place. If people could, they would burn
the whole world for their ego. Shaykh Effendi said one time, “If a
person had the opportunities that pharaoh had, everybody would
become pharaoh.” Our Holy Prophet came from the midst of the worst
and most dreadful people. The line of our Holy Prophet is the cleanest
line from amongst Arabs. He came from a line that spotlessly extends
to Adam Aleyhis Salam. But those around caused a lot of pain.
Our Holy Prophet said, “No prophet went through as much trouble as I
did.” Let us again tell a story of our Holy Prophet’s karamat and
miracles. Abdullah ibni Masud Hazretleri was a hafiz (memorized the
Koran). He was one of the best reciters of the Koran and his memory
was strong. When Sura Rahman was revealed, our Holy
Prophet searched for a brave man asking, “Who will go and recite this
Sura amongst the mushriks (idolators)?” Nobody stepped forth.
Abdullah ibni Masud came out. And he was tiny, little, short, and was
not that strong. Our Holy Prophet asked a second time and
nobody stepped forth. Abdullah ibni Masud Hazretleri came out. Our
Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Aleyhi Wasallam) asked a third time. When
nobody stepped forth again, “Go and recite it there,” he told him. He
saw that the cruelest of Quraysh had gathered there.
He recited without fear. Abu Jahil both pulled his ear and beat him. He
had ripped his ear too. He came to our Holy Prophet in that situation,
crying of course. Our Holy Prophet was very sad. He saw Jabrayil
Aleyhis Salam laughing and said, “O Jabrayil, you are
laughing and this man is in this situation. Is it something to laugh at?”
“I see what is coming forth and will laugh again then,” said Jabrayil
Aleyhis Salam. Afterwards, when the Battle of Badr occurred, there
were the dead and the wounded. Our Holy Prophet told
Abdullah ibni Masud Hazretleri, “You go too.” He gave him a strange
little bayonet and said, “Kill the one you find. You will have been
written jihad as well.” It is the wisdom of Allah that he found Abu Jahl
lying on the ground in his last breaths. Abdullah ibni Masud Hazretleri
stared from a distance, afraid at the same time. Because a man like a
dragon , Abu Jahl was a very strong guy. He stuck the bayonet in his
nose. It is also in the Koran. When Abu Jahl saw him, “Is that you? Tell
that friend of yours, there is nobody I hate
more than him,” he said. He said this even at the time of death. When
our Holy Prophet heard this he said, “My pharaoh is worse than the
pharoah of my brother Musa. Pharaoh said, ‘Amantu,’ he has said, ‘I
believe,’ when dying.” There, our Holy Prophet was in the midst of this
kind of a group. Allah Azza wa Jalla does the best of everything. The
curse of the oppressed will take effect. Only be with Allah. Everything
you do is for nothing, they are of no use, if
you are not with Allah. You will have harmed both yourself and
others. The oppressed dies in this world and leaves, but you will suffer
in the hereafter too. It is very important to respect the sahabis
(companions) and awliya. Both their dead and alive. There are many
Hadiths about this subject. You need to respect a dead Muslim as much
as the alive one. When a grave is dug, one is placed on the side and
covered out of adab (manners). To take into one’s head and do those
evil and obscene things to graves is not from Islam but
from Shaytan. Here, we need to differentiate being a real Muslim. And
that is the Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamaat thank Allah. Our Holy Prophet
said, “There will be 73 parties. Except for one, 72 go to Hellfire. And
that one party is the majority.” Thank Allah the majority is
with the good ones. Try and be with them. There are those you call
“great scholars” these days. Even they are going astray.
Allah Azza wa Jalla says to our Holy Prophet, “Envy is ten parts. I gave
nine to the scholars. They are also trying to get the tenth.” We need to
find a real scholar. Envious scholars are only scholars of interest. The
scholar who shows the right way is the true
scholar. The scholar who sacrifices his hereafter for benefit is a bad
scholar. Again there is a-e Sharif that: “Such people will emerge in the
Akhir Zaman (End Times) that they will dress beautifully, honey will
flow from their mouths when they talk, but because they will be talking
out of interest, their place is Hellfire.” Good scholars exist Allah (God)
willing. As we say, it is Akhir Zaman. We are living the best times for
the trade of the hereafter. Most people wanted to become the Nation of
the End Times. Thank Allah, He created us in these times. We need to
be thankful in every situation. Complaint is no good. The person who
gets used to complaining complains all the time. What if he complains?
Allah created you in these times, and He will not take you to the time
of our Holy Prophet. He created you in these times, and you will live in
these times and endure. So be content. Know the value of these times.
Trust in Allah and there is no need for anything else. This is the easy
way. Do not rebel, do not complain, do not cry and make a racket. It
will pass easily once there is consent. What is it anyway?
Temporary. “Kullu aatin qareeb” meaning everything coming is
near. Three or four months ago from today, we were talking about
going somewhere and we went there. We were going to go to the other
place, and we went
there and came back too. What is coming is near. Whether a year later,
ten years later, forty or fifty years later, they are all near. Let us thank
Allah for granting us these ways. Thanks be [to Allah]. Hamds be [to
Allah] (praise the Lord). We could have also been like
other people, both tormenting ourselves and others. Thank Allah He
did not let us do those. May Allah not make us torment anybody. May
He not make us reach for the property, chastity, honor, life and blood of
others Inshallah. May Allah keep us away from
all evils. May we always live in kindness, safety and security Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Friday, January 2, 2015.
People in the past knew different types of knowledge than the people
of today. Don't think that people in the past were living without
knowing anything. They were smarter than you and me. They knew.
That's why they were following and keeping track. They understood
from the stars and the sun. There were astronomers who studied what
events will happen, occur. By Allah's wisdom, they were given that
'ilm/knowledge. Since our Prophet was the greatest and the most
valuable, the Jews were looking/waiting (for him). Before our Prophet
was born, it was known that a Prophet will come, that Muhammad will
come. No one used the name, Ahmad. But several people used the
name Muhammad. A Prophet called Muhammad will come. At that
time, many people used the name Muhammad, so that the Prophet
would be from them.
So it was known, but when our Prophet came, they were stubborn.
Most didn't become Muslim. But after, whether by force or voluntarily,
they couldn't deny it any more, and when everyone else became
Muslim, they also became Muslim. They didn't accept it because it was
new/different. Satan made them to not accept. People nowadays are
the same.
We are declaring that we are from his nation, and we are happy and
proud. Those who deny being from his nation, it is their choice. If you
don't acknowledge him, then Allah doesn't acknowledge you. Allah
protects our Prophet. Allah doesn't let anyone say anything bad about
the one He loves. Those who do say (bad things) will suffer in the
any problems, mention the name of our Prophet, recite salawat. That
will give you comfort. It is a shifa'/cure for everything. It is strength.
Don't take it for granted. That is why Sulayman Chalabi is saying that
this night is like Laylatu l-Qadr. And it is really like that. So we have
reached a great, important night. May Allah wake up the believers. 2
nights ago, they celebrated a made-up celebration. I don't know if it
was just me, but we didn't even notice that the new year came. Allah
knows best, but because of our Prophet's Mawlid, Allah made this new
year to pass by unnoticed, because it happened very close (to mawlid).
Shukr to Allah, we hope it will be more insignificant every passing
year. May Allah guide these people to the right way, so they see
haqqiyah/truth. This is real, the other one is false. But they celebrate it
every year. If you are 30 years old, that means you have been
celebrating for at least 20, 25 years. If you are 50, then you have been
celebrating for 40 years. You are getting older. If you reach 90 years old,
then there is nothing left to celebrate. But our Prophet's mawlid - the
more you live, the more you celebrate, the more fa'iz and baraka you
will receive.
But as we said, Allah ('Azza wa Jalla) has shown us the right way.
Follow the Prophet. Do what he (sas) did. His (sas) manners, his
habits/temperament, and the things he did, that is the best. "uswatun
hasana" - that means the best is with our Prophet. The greatest miracle
of our Prophet, after the miracle of the Qur'an, was that he was
illiterate. That means our Prophet could not read or write. But our
Prophet made such a system that - He taught people from the finest
details to the most difficult matters in only 23 years. He taught Muslims
- actually he taught all of mankind so that they learn and will become
Muslim. Forget about 23 years, but for 1,400 years, scholars are still
finding new knowledge from the teachings of our Prophet from those
23 years and it is still not finished. If he (sas) could read and write, they
might say - he(sas) read & learned this from somewhere else and that is
These are the salafi and wahhabi people. Even if their name isn't
'wahhabi/salafi', anyone who thinks like this is considered to be from
them. Because this way of thinking belongs to them. Because all
Muslims, up until the Ottomans, all accepted shafa'ah/ intercession.
They never lost their respect, reverence for the Prophet. But these new
people, may Allah grant them good understanding. What can we say.
They claim they are not wahhabi or salafi - No, you are both salafi and
wahhabi. And another important thing, I will say it here again - There
is someone called Sayyid Qutb. He is not a scholar, he is a psychologist.
He wrote a Qur'an tafsir, called Fi Dhilali l-Qur'an,(In the Shade of
Quran) and all our Islamic Studies teachers consider him with high
regard. The content of that book is against the Sunnah and Shari'ah. It is
very common but real scholars know what it really is. And people of
tariqah know. But those who are not following tariqah guides, like
those studying Islamic Studies, do not know. 90 percent of them use
this book. They revere him. And he is the chief salafi. Be careful about
You can read the books of Imam Ghazali or Imam Rabbani. Do not give
value to the new books that were written after the Ottoman period,
because very rarely will you find a good, true person. Most of them are
For the sake of this holy day, may Allah give them a correct way of
understanding. They should think well, because our Prophet said - 1
hour of thought is better than 100 years worship. They should consider
well and then go to address people. Alhamdulillah, today we reached
to feast together, Juma day and the birth of Prophet (sas), Sayyidina
Muhammad (sas). Allah sent him (sas) as a mercy for all of us, for all of
the universe. And the whole universe, Allah created for him (sas), for
his sake. And we are thankful for Allah, to be in his Nation, of Prophet
(sas). It is big honor and it is big favor for us. In our tariqah, we must
pray every day, 2 rak'at shukr for all these favors that Allah gives us
and especially to be in His most Beloved Prophet's, Sayyidina
Muhammad's (sas) Nation. Alhamdulillah, hundred times, thousand
times, million times, we are following him, and we love him (sas).
Because he said - "If you love Allah, follow me, and Allah will love
you."(3:31) Allah loves who follows Prophet (sas), who follows his
orders, and (who) accepts Prophet (sas). Prophet (sas), he is most
precious for Allah. We are nothing. Only Prophet (sas), he is
everything. And his birth, it was a miracle also. Prophet (sas) and all
Prophets have miracles. But Prophet Muhammad (sas), he has more
and more, thousand, more than thousand, or more than thousands.
Especially, even when he was born, many things happened.
Especially in Iran, this fire they were worshiping - all the Iranian people
they were worshiping fire, and it is holy fire for them. For thousand
years not turning off. But when Prophet (sas) born, it was turned off.
And some of his palaces breaking. There were many things it was
(happening) that night. And especially when he was born, he was
them. He's the most merciful for ummah. But many people, new type of
Muslims, they are not accepting shafa'ah(his intercession) They said -
no need (for) this. And especially, these people, they are wahhabi and
salafi, they say for themselves. They call themselves salafi, but salaf
salih - they are saying, "we are imitating salaf salih." What meaning
salaf salih? After sahaba, those who are following Islam. And they said
- these people, they were doing like us. No, they weren't doing this.
They were accepting shafa'a and accepting Prophet (sas). But there was
another kind of people, they are also, they were worshiping more than
sahaba, praying, fasting more than sahaba, but they are out of Islam,
Prophet (sas) said. Because they were fighting Muslims, making fitna,
like these days. Exactly, this is what they're following, not salaf salih.
Salaf salih were respecting and accepting and there were many of
awliya'ullah in that time.
And especially, I said for, in Turkey or in our country, there's not much
from this kind of people. But there is a kind, they're cheating, beginning
to cheat who are studying Islamic Studies. And they are looking for a
new thing. And maybe 90 percent of these people, they like this man
who is called, Sayyid Qutb. Sayyid Qutb, he is the most Wahhabi one.
He writes tafsir, Fi Dhilali l-Qur'an, it is against Shari'a even. It is not
acceptable for tariqa or for shari'a. But these people, they are following,
they are happy to read this. But it is not good. The good thing, you can
read Imam Ghazali, or you can read Imam Rabbani. If you are
intelligent, or you like to read something, or you're studying Islamic
Studies, you can read this. But not for who is making your belief to
make it wrong and teaching people wrong.
Most imams, they are from this school, and when you speak to them,
you feel something wrong. And they like to do something good, but
they are doing wrong. This is fitna of satan. So we are happy, we must
be happy for Mawlid of Prophet (sas). We must celebrate everywhere.
Even in all this (entire) month, we must celebrate, we must be happy.
To be happy with this, it is worship. Because Allah ('Azza wa Jalla), He
ordered us to praise Prophet (sas) every time. He not saying this time
also (in particular) but when you praise in these occasions, you'll be
more happy. More... Allah gives more power in your iman/faith. To
follow and to love Prophet (sas), this is real iman. And in the ayah that
we read in the khutbah - "laqad kana lakum fi rasuli Llahi uswatun
hasana" (33:21) Allah give Prophet every good thing (quality), who
must people to follow him. You must follow him, exactly what he's
doing. What he teach you, it is right. Also, biggest miracle from Prophet
(sas) - to be not writing (and reading). Not reading or writing. No
schools at that time- illiterate. And for 23 years he built the system that
it is the most complete, the top, and the most perfect system in the
world, since Adam (as) until now. So, until now, scholars and 'alims,
they are still, they couldn't finish this knowledge from Prophet (sas).
Still doing, still looking. How in 23 years he (sas) make everything.
(An) illiterate person. It must be a miracle. There's thousands of
miracles, but even (especially) for this miracle, all world must become
Muslim and accept Islam. And it is impossible to do this - for one man,
only by himself, in the desert. Even he was in desert, because if he was
in city, in big cities, they might say that someone helped him. But there
was nothing. All around there were enemies for him.
So, it is the biggest miracle. And we are happy to accept him. And we
like everyone to accept him. The real celebration is tonight, not what
people were celebrating before 2 days. It is nothing, before 2 days - One
year coming, one year going, you got anything? You feel more better,
you feel more stronger when one year coming and going? No, just,
nothing to be happy, but people are following ego and ego taking them
wrong. Allah created us and showing us who to follow. "laqad kana
lakum fi rasuli Llahi 'uswatun hasana" (33:21) Allah orders - you must
follow Prophet (sas), everything he do is good. And good for you, here
and hereafter. Even in dunya also, you be with the baraka of the
Prophet (sas). Everything you can get from his baraka. All barakah
Allah gave him (sas).
(May) Allah make these people, who are not respecting or knowing
Prophet, to know him, to respect him, to accept him. We are not jealous
- only to make for us - we are happy when people becoming more and
more, we are happy more and more. This is teaching of Prophet (sas) -
to not have envy, to be happy with new people coming to Islam. Every
person, bringing to Islam, to right way, Allah give you also, reward you
for him. Alhamdulillah, this is endless generosity from Allah.
After this, his prayers won't be valid. If you listen to it and pray
afterwards, you should pray again. But if they say so and you pray
The rest go by their minds. They pretend not too see, or they obey their
shaitans and egos, and deny everything else. They give fatwa according
to their minds. And Ahl as-Sunnah wa lJamaa, people of tariqa, respect
our Prophet, respect Ahl al-Bayt and respect all sahabas. These are the 3
important things. Respecting Ahl al-Bayt is also important. Who
respects Ahl al-Bayt not only does not go out of madhhab, but also
carries out the order of our Prophet. The same for those who respect
and love sahabas. Our Prophet said "Don't swear at my sahabas. May
those who swear at my sahabas be cursed by Allah." This came out of
the holy mouth of our Prophet. It's not an easy thing. A curse from our
Prophet's mouth is not good for those people. That's why, this way is
the way to be careful.
Everyone should know the truth. And now we explained what tariqa is,
what its benefit is. Some insane people have given tariqa a bad image
by claiming they are sheikhs of tariqa, but they are fake sheikhs. And
the base of tariqa is this. All tariqas have kept Islam alive everywhere
for the honor of our Prophet. There was communism in Russia for 70-80
years. Communism finished, Muslims came out from everywhere. All
of them are people of tariqa. They still stood with tariqa. Slaves were
taken to the south of Africa. People of tariqa built mosques and made
jamaats there. They led people to become Muslim. Wherever tariqa
reaches, it revives and gives beauty. And wherever the other people go,
they make fitna and corruption. They are confusing people and
misleading some of them from the right way. Because, as we said, they
have the big trump card that they understand the language of Qur'an.
But really they don't understand it at all.
Our hojja who can't speak Arabic explains it 1000 times better than they
do. We witnessed this often. We went to Hajj with hojjas. Hojja says he
knows Arabic but can't speak with anyone. And if he makes tafsir of
Qur'an, he does it very well. As we said, he does it much better than the
other man. The important thing is sincerity. Don't be deceived by those
who try to deceive with language. They can't improve after this
anyway. Wherever they go, they come across disappointment.
Whatever they do, they ruin both people and themselves. We can see it
everywhere. If they walked on the right path, Allah would help. But
when you don't walk in the right direction and act as you want, Allah
won't help. They ruin themselves and everyone around them.
That's why, the more you keep those people away, the better it is. No
need even to talk to them, no need to approach them. Pay attention to
this. Keep it as an advice. We are talking here and we don't expect any
reward. Our reward is from Allah. Our payment is from Allah.
Whoever comes to the right way, Allah writes the same reward for us
as well. It's for Allah. We don't expect any financial reward but rather
the spiritual gifts of Allah. May Allah not separate us from the right
way. May our gatherings be lasting and increase. May guidance come
to this country, to Turkey, to all the Islamic world, and to the
neighboring countries. If they correct themselves, Allah will help them
too. He will save them from this bad condition. They (the misguided)
came out like mushrooms everywhere. It is shaitan's work, nothing
else. May Allah protect us from their harm.
“People will not be ruined until they become wild by themselves.”
Allah gave this life to everybody to go in the beautiful and right way.
However, people go wild by complying with their egos and shaytan.
When this happens, they harm both themselves and others. And that
time they get ruined. No trouble would come to people if they did not
go wild.
cannot run from it. But you can make dua (pray) for the future. It says
Allah accepts dua and dua is of benefit. True words come out of our
Holy Prophet’s mouth. The matter of destiny (qadar) is something in
the knowledge of Allah. Our Holy Prophet is showing a way so it is of
benefit. Dua is of benefit against destiny. “That is why, O Allah’s
servants, do not stop dua.” Meaning do not get tired of dua, do not get
bored, and make dua continuously so that Allah may protect you. Stay
in continuous prayer so Allah may protect us, our children, and all
“The people who make a woman their head are incorrigible.” Ruling,
sultanate, presidency like matters are difficult tasks. These are not fit
for ladies. Allah gave a different duty for women. If they are content
with that duty, both they will be in comfort and others will be in
comfort. If they deny and insist to become your chief, your commander,
your sultan, or your president, it will neither benefit herself nor others.
“You will not be considered fully faithful until you love one another.
Pay attention, I am informing you of the thing that will make you love
one another.” Our Holy Prophet says to love one another, and shows
you how to love one another. “Spread greetings (salam) amongst
you.” When a person sees someone in front of oneself and immediately
gives a greeting, the other person says, “Wa alaykum assalam,” and
softens. The person is pleased of being greeted. Affection increases
then. “I swear by Allah Whose omnipotence holds my ego, you cannot
enter Paradise unless you are merciful to one another.” Meaning you
need to be merciful to each other and not cause pain. “O Prophet of
Allah, we are all merciful,” they said. The companions (sahabis) said
they loved each other and they were merciful to one another. No, said
our Holy Prophet. The sahaba would sometimes, by the wisdom of
Allah, ask such questions to learn and be a lesson for the Ummah. And
Our Holy Prophet said, “Being merciful is not by being merciful to
certain people.” Meaning being merciuful to and loving a certain group
“Earth will not be free from forty men like Khalilur Rahman (merciful
to servants).” Khalil ur-Rahman is Ibrahim Alayhis Salam. Ibrahim
Alayhis Salam was a very merciful and very tenderhearted prophet. He
was one of the Ulul Azm prophets. The mentioned ones in the Hadith
are the Forty. There are some foolish people. They do not accept awliya
(saints) and the Forty. Here is the Hadith if they ask, “Who are the
Forty?” “Through them you are sent rain, and through them you are
led to victory. As soon as one of them dies, Allah immediately assigns
another one instead of him.” It certainly must be forty. Earth is not
deficient of them. Shaykh Mawlana always used to say, “When one
passes away, a new one is immediately assigned.” It will be like this
until the Day of Judgement. None of this rain nor anything else would
be if it were not for them.
“The Khilafa will remain with the proginy of my unlce Abbas untill it is
delivered to the Dajjal (Anti-Christ).” Meaning the Caliphate.
“This religion will remain powerful, upright, and victorious over its
rival as long as the twelve who are all from Quraysh have authority.”
What he refers to as Quraysh are those from the lineage of our Holy
Prophet. It is the wisdom of Allah, all caliphs (khalifas) and the
Ottomans come from the lineage of our Holy Prophet, from the
Quraysh. Allah created each human and each group for a goal. They
have a specialty and duties. He created these [Quraysh] to be the head
of the Umma (Nation) then so it may be a blessing (baraka). Wherever
they are, there is baraka there.
“Surely, people will run to the mountains from the Dajjal (Anti-
Christ).” There are many dajjals (deceivers) but the true Dajjal has not
appeared yet. There are little dajjals now. Many of them have
“If the semen that the child is to be formed from is spilled on a rock,
Allah Jalla Jalalahu can create a child from it, and there is no doubt that
Allah Jalla Jalalahu creates the life He means to create.” People who do
not have a child try a lot saying they did this and that. When Allah
does not want to, it does not happen.
“The weeping of Davud Aleyhis Salam and the whole people of Earth,”
Davud Aleyhis Salam also weeped a lot so Allah would forgive him.
All humans on earth weeped too. “Does not equal to Adam Alayhis
Salam’s weeping.” Because Adam Aleyhis Salam came down from
Paradise. He weeped more for disobeying Allah’s command than
descending from Paradise, and he repented. Adam Aleyhis Salam’s
weeping was more than all of them.
“If the whole people of Sky and Earth were to join to intentionally spill
the blood of a Believer (Mumin),” if all people joined together to kill a
Believer, “Allah would certainly throw them all facedown in hell.”
Meaning a Mumin is that precious. Those who do this today do not
even value the life of a Believer as much as a fly. It is so precious for
Allah Azza wa Jalla that if all the people gathered together to kill a
Mumin, Allah would throw them all in hell.
“If a houri were to show one of her fingers, every owner of a soul
would smell it.” Meaning Allah Azza wa Jalla created the houris so
beautifully. People run after useless things in this world. This world is
transient. That will be there eternally.
“If a woman from the ladies of paradise were to look on Earth, the
whole of Earth would fill with the smell of musk, and the light of the
sun and the moon would not remain .” It would really fade out.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq
Thursday, January 8, 2015
At the time Sheikh effendi was in cyprus, 25-30 years ago there was a
student from Damascus, he was studying. He asked “That one earns
like this, the other one earns like that. What should I do? What is the
secret of success?” Sheikh effendi described this with one word:
“Steadiness, persistence”
Allah created you for the hereafter. Also there are some things for this
world and this is up to Allah if he gives or if he doesn’t, he knows.
There are provisions for everyone. Allah has written the provisions, so
you don’t need to worry for it but as we said, you can’t sit lazily and do
nothing. You necessarily should do something persistently. Even if it is
not always the same occupation, carry on your effort so that Allah
grants you another good occupation. As we said for the hereafter; do
how much you can, even if it is little.
Don’t shoulder too much or something you can’t do. Allah did not give
you too much responsibility. There are certain prayers, everyone can do
it easily. Many people are saying that they can’t do it. Ten times more
they run to here and there, loose weight, do sports but when it comes to
prayer’s, they can’t do it.
This should come from the deep down of the people. Slowly slowly,
little by little, bit by bit the people can do more. Even if they can’t do
Friday, January 9, 2015
Today is Friday. Today is a blessed day. It is eid for the Muslims. And
it is the most honored day in the presence of Allah. Allah (s.w.t)
granted this holy day as a present to our Prophet (s.w.s). At this blessed
day, there is an hour when prayers are accepted. If your prayer
coincides with this hour, it will be accepted for sure. That for, the more
prayers you do on Friday, the more you will benefit. On Friday, there is
also the Friday’s Prayer. To miss it would be the loss of so much
blessing. Not joining this without an excuse, makes you sinful. But at
these times, sometimes there are excuses because working places might
not allow people. If somebody has an excuse like that and he can’t go,
then the burden is on the one who did not allow him to. Normally if
somebody does not join the Friday’s prayer on Friday, he will have
commited a big sin.
There are also other things of Sunnah. One of them is the whole body
ablution for Friday. Of course for somebody who can do it. To have the
intention and do the whole body ablution on Friday is sunnah and also
a great good deed. They would have performed the sunnah of our holy
Prophet and also be rewarded a lot for it. There is so much to do on
Friday. It is nice to wear new clothes. If you buy new stuff or clothes. It
is much blessings if you wait and wear them on Friday. Like that, you
would have honored Friday and have followed the Sunnah. This is
Allah’s grant for the Muslim’s, for the nation of Muhammad (s.w.s).
That day, If you do everything for Allah, so much will Allah reward
you. Also in heaven Allah will appear on Friday’s. Every Friday Allah
(s.w.t) can be seen by the people of Heaven. When Allah appears, all
other blessings in heaven become like nothing in front of the people’s
eyes. The people will be in such a good condition that they will wait for
the coming Friday. This means that there are days in heaven also. And
that the most honored day is Friday will be understood when the
Al Fatiha.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Sohbat is advising. That’s Sheikh effendi’s order and the order of our
faith. Faith is giving advices. “ad dini nasiha.” Advicing means to show
people goodness, to warn them that they should not do evilness and to
hinder them from doing cruelty. Even if it is only
two words, it can be an advice. Some people talk for hours but through
Allah’s wisdom, nobody turns to them, nobody listens. It is better if just
two words stay in your mind. A Human is beautiful with Humbleness.
Our great holy prophet (s.w.s) is the world’s; not only the world’s. He
has the highest rank of the whole universe. Even he has this rank, there
is nobody humble like him. At the time of our Prophet, there were
some worthless people who had too much arrogance. It was normal to
be arrogant in their culture. It is nothing if someone considers himself
as worthy.
The worth Allah gives you is important. Allah (s.w.t) gave worth to his
Prophet and our Prophet (s.w.s) is ordered to be humble. He, followed
this good morale. That for, there is not any principle so as how much
knowing you are, the more you should get arrogant. The more humble
you are, the more people will like you and the more you will be liked at
the presence of Allah. The more arrogant you get and the more
opposing you are and the more you see just yourself, then the more
people will get away from you. That is what our beautiful Prophet
teaches us. There are so many Hadith, narrations and books. Which
ever you read, you won’t find anybody more humble than him (s.w.s).
Our Master did everything himself. When his companions were
standing up for him, he told them to take a seat. He never allowed
them, to do his job. There are thousands of examples, teachings of him.
That for, if someone pretends to be Alim, he first should perform his
(s.w.s) doings. Humbleness is not something difficult but it is difficult
for the ego of someone who is arrogant. That’s why the unbelievers of
Quraish did not accept Islam.They did not accept because of their
arrogance and that caused their destruction and they went to hell. But
Sunday, January 11, 2015
We are making a short sohbat after morning prayers so that the day
starts with blessings. We are talking about one, two things. That we
and the ones here may benefit from it. Inshallah May Allah, the
limitless teach us the most beautiful. Allah Jalla wa ala says in his holy
verse that you should respect virtuous people. At first of course our
Prophet then the sahaba (companions), the awlia (saints) and also of
course it is important to respect mother and father. People should
respect eachother. Depending on the age, the knowledge; it is good,
beneficial to show respect. It’s not nice to say you are you, I am I. Shuqr
(Thanks) to Allah that we have respect inbetween our
culture. We did not see this somewhere else. In other countries they
say, brother. The just say brother, there is no word for elder brother.
Even though our turkish vocabulary has lessened, there is elder
brother, elder sister, they don’t have these in other languages. That’s
because this respecting came from our ancestors. That is also beautiful.
Sometimes they say in government offices: “Don’t say elder brother,
elder sister, uncle or aunt; you should say mister” That is satans advice
for them. Good advice is to respect. To respect the elder one for his age.
This is also from Adab (good manners). Coming and saying: “don’t say
elder brother, elder sister, aunt, uncle.” I don’t understand why they
are saying this. It is nice to say uncle, aunt, elder brother, elder sister.
No you shouldn’t say that, you are an official, you must say mister,
madam. Say what ever you want but don’t say those, that you do not
get too sincere. On the contrary, being sincere is something beautiful. It
is nice that people are respecting eachother with softness and love. This
comes from Islam’s beautiful morals. There is nothing against
respecting. On the contrary, if you respect; there are good deeds for it.
In the states after the Ottoman’s, they removed ottoman tradition. You
can’t say gentleman, pasha (general) and not even sir. You must say
Sayyidi. No you can’t say that to everyone normally, They mixed this
Monday, January 12, 2015
As Salamu Alaikum
Audzu billahi mina’sh-shaitani’r-rajim. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
Assalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Mohammadun Sayyidal awwalin
wal ahirin. Madad Ya Rasulullah
Madad ya Mashaihina, Sheykh Abdullah Dagıstani, Sheykh Nazım al
Haqqani, dastur.
Tarikatun es sohbet vel hayru fi cemiyya.
A verse from the holy Quran. “Don’t trust the ones who are not in your
Faith” They won’t take you to a better place. They are out of the true
way. If you trust and rely on them, they will ruin you for sure. This is
Allah’s wisdom that at the time of the Prophet (s.w.s), they were not
handing over all of their business to them, they were thoughtful. At the
time of the prophet, there were some tribes who were in agreement like
“you will protect me and I will protect you”. They were tied to it but
they did not leave everything to them. Most of the time they did not
keep their promises. Anyway they are not muslims. It is the same at
this time. We gave them a lot from our concern. They spread disorder
inside the ottoman’s. We left all of our concern to them. They ruined
the ottoman’s. Allying with eachother, they destroyed the ottoman’s.
Not our Sultan’s; the traitors who have overthrown the sultan’s. The
Young Turqs placed a German chief commander for the Ottoman royal
army. And he did as he liked; came one one side, left from the other.
Destroyed the Ottoman’s Islamic Khalifat.
Certainly the unbelievers are one nation, all one. There is a wisdom that
the europeans are all the time trying to ravage Islam. Where does this
come from? This comes from jealosy. They are doing this with satans
instruction. They don’t want that we advance. What ever they say its all
lies. At the time of the ottoman’s all the christian’s, the jew’s and all
others were living in such comfort on ottoman land. They could build
their churches how the like and do their prayers. But not even one
muslim could go there. Mainly it was diffucult for a muslim to go and
Tuesday, January13, 2015
Assalamu Alaykum
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah
Madad YaMashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim
al-Haqqani. Dastur.
Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
his blessings, and we should fill ourselves while feeling its taste and
beauties. The other way, he swallows whatever comes to his mouth
without chewing or after chewing little. Thank Allah, the religion of
Islam shows how a person should live beautifully to the finest
detail.That is why we should pay attention to this matter. Sheykh
Efendi used to say such, “When you eat out, at a restaurant or
somewhere, do not sit next to the road. If hungry or poor people pass
by and see the morsel you take to your mouth, it becomes poison for
you.” That is why when you go to the restaurant, if you make show like
that and get proud and happy that you can eat and others cannot, or if
you go to show off, then it is harmful for you anyway. Sit away from
the side of the street. It is not good to eat in front of people, and the
poor and such. As we say, everything has manners. Islam shows to the
finest details. May Allah make us live an Islamic lifestyle. A person
then both lives in the most beautiful way in the world and wins his
Wa Minallah At-Tawfeeq.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Assalamu Alaykum
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya Ashab-e Rasulallah, Madad Ya
Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-
Haqqani. Dastur.
Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Islam is the religion of light (nur) and the religion of cleanliness. What
we call light is illumination. Bats are not fond of daylight and hang
around in dark places. They come out at night. No matter how much
bats do not like illumination and daylight, does this have any effect on
daylight? No. Illumination harms itself, whatever the wisdom behind it
is, it is Allah’s wisdom. And the ones that are against Islam are that
kind, bat-kind. Islam is the religion of cleanliness. They are not clean
either. Externally and internally, these people are not clean both on the
outside nor in the inside. Essentially, the external dirt is nothing
compared to their internal filth. The people who attack Islam and who
attack our Holy Prophet eat and drink impurities. What is impurity? It
means the thing in the toilet and it means filth. There is no difference.
There is no difference whether you drink alcohol or you drink the thing
in the toilet. It is the same with the dirty animal they eat. There is no
difference whether you eat that or the thing in the toilet. When they eat
that impurity, combined with the filth in their bodies, it becomes
exactly as satan wants. Afterwards, they keep attacking this and that.
Our foolish Muslims also think one or two men are doing this. They are
doing this all together, all of them. There, it has started. This means the
great war has started. The end of this work will finally reach Mahdi
Aleyhisselam. Allah knows how many years it will last. These subjects
are in the hands of Allah. Sometimes you see that it happens suddenly,
and sometimes it lasts twenty or thirty years. It can last ten years too.
Like the issue in Syria. At first they thought it would end in two
months and three years have passed so far. Allah knows how much
longer before it is over. The intention of these guys: they declared war
on Islam and on our Prophet. To insult the most precious person to
people, the one people love more than themselves, whom they are
sacrificing their lives for, is to directly and altogether declare war on
Islam. The time our Holy Prophet spoke about has arrived now. Allah
will be with the good ones, and the good ones will be with the ones
who are with our Holy Prophet. As we mentioned earlier, this matter is
not a matter that will occur overnight. It is slowly heading that way
now. There is no turning back.
Even a child looks and understands what was done is a theatrical. They
did it themselves. They saw that if Muslims stayed longer in Europe, all
would become Muslim. That is why they declared total war. Allah
disgraced them and He will disgrace them further. They are scandalous
and will further be disgraceful and vulgar. No other religion will be left
when finally Mahdi Aleyhisselam appears. They used to pay the jizya,
the tax, and remain in their religion in the past. It is the time of Mahdi
Aleyhisselam. It shows to Muslims in this time that “it can only go this
far”. Resurrection is near. The whole world will become Muslim, then
people will become corrupt again. Corruption is in man’s mud. He will
be corrupt again. Doomsday will break out on them. Inshalah it has
started. Mahdi Aleyhisselam’s time has started. Let us see how long it
lasts? Inshallah it does not last much. We will reach those beautiful
days all together Inshallah. For the sake of Friday. This is the good
tidings, Inshallah, of Friday. There is goodness in everything. At least,
let people wake up and let it be shown for what it is. When you said
“European” to people in the past, they would think of people who were
much better than themselves. Intellectual, I do not know what,
scholarly, this and that... Now, in the last twenty to thirty years,
everything is opened, and the world is globalised and became like a
village. It is all the same. Wherever you pass, that fellow is like you and
you are like him. He has no superiority. Not in smarts nor in works, he
has no superiority in anything. It is clear now. Nobody should desire to
imitate Europe or some other country. There are some fools: they try to
sell their belongings and estates, and become disgraced trying to get
there by ships and the sort. The ones over there do not have jobs and do
not know what to do. Europeans talk about humanity and sink the
ships. Nobody is aware thousands of men die in great seas. The
European is shooting: “so it does not reach us”. Thousands of men die.
Besides they claim humanity. Do not admire them, stay where you are
and be thankful. The Sustainer is Allah. He will feed you in Europe or
feed you where you are residing. Can He not reach there? This is also
an important subject. Let people be content and work where they are.
What will you do by going to Europe after all? May Allah protect from
their wickedness. May Allah make Islam evident in the whole world
Assalamu Alaykum
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah, Madad Ya
Mashayikhina,Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-
Haqqani. Dastur.
Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
People are now asking about the events in Europe. Allah Azza wa Jalla
says, “Do not believe them.” A Turkish proverb says, “Water sleeps but
the enemy never sleeps.” They are enemies, enemies of Islam. People
who are an enemy of Islam think about every
kind of trick and evil. Do not think these people like you. There is not a
single minute when they are not thinking about how to get rid of these
Muslims. But they have earned the highest degree in political science.
What is politics? It is the science of Shaytan. They are learning
hypocrisy from Shaytan. They smile to your face and stab you from
behind. You can get angry as much as you want afterwards and he
does not do anything. These are the kind that think it is
raining if you spit on their face. They control themselves. It is easy for
them to control their ego (nafs). Ego, Shaytan and wickedness is with
these people. Now this our people need to understand. What will we
do after understanding? So we are not going to beat them and curse at
them. You copy them in everything, at least copy them in this. You stay
calm too. Do not believe what they say either. Search everythings they
say and definately you will find evil underneath it. Because they started
way back in the time of our Holy Prophet. Shaytan, of course, knows
what will happen. He started trying to finish then, but
could not finish. He cannot finish either by the will of Allah.
These people did dirty things before as well. Our Holy Prophet was
insulted. They did it before and the people became like they wanted.
The people got excited and went out to the streets, but they did not go
out in Europe. They went out in Muslim countries. They burnt and
destroyed their own countries. So many people died too, but nothing
happened in Europe. It did not happen so this time. This time they
went out in the streets themselves. Of course what happened cannot be
approved. It is also clear that it is orchestrated. How is it clear? This
anyway. The biggest sin is being an infidel (kaafir). After that, one can
eat the swine, drink the pee, eat the filth and do anything. For them
there is no understanding as, “this is halal (lawful) and this is haram
(unlawful)” afterall. They already commited the biggest sin, the biggest
haram. He has denied Allah. That is why, when no walks, burning and
destroying occurred in Muslim countries, this time they put on a play.
They killed useless and about to retire men and finish. Hell broke out,
and they blamed it on Muslims again. Like we said though, we are not
going to fall in that trap. Allah is giving them what they deserve. They
are infidels, but it is not easy insulting Allah’s Beloved, most beloved
servant. You look and see from the beginning anyway, the thing they
worship most is material for them. They have no religion and no faith,
they have nothing. Those guys have no honor and virtue. The thing
they worship most is material, it is economy. And Allah hits them
where it hurts most. Their economies are hitting bottom and they are
finished and ruined. Every time the stock market falls, they melt and
are finished. These men are like this. The thing we are to do is to
transfer the insult they did to Allah. May Allah give them what they
deserve. May Allah punishm them. Of course we can never accept what
was done to our Holy Prophet. We will not do anything because these
are their play. We are transferring it to Allah. May Allah punish them.
May Allah make it worse for them, and worse still for those who are
with them. May the Ahl-e Islam there be on the right path as well. Most
of the ones in Europe have strayed too. If they are with them, if they are
like the infidels, they will also be punished. There is no fear for the
person who is on the way of Allah. Allah protects.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Assalamu Alaykum
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah
Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim
al-Haqqani. Dastur.
Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
It is the wisdom of Allah that we have been concerned with the matter
of “Do not trust those who do not belong to your religion” for some
days. This is continuous. It is not only for the time of our Holy Prophet,
but for all times. You can do business with them, and you can make an
agreement with them, but do not trust them a hundred percent
thinking, “These people like us, and they want our benefit.” Be smart
and take caution. It is a good thing to take lesson from history. In
history, we see that they have worked against us ninety five percent of
the time. And five percent they were with us because they had to. It is
due to necessity. The French king asked for help from Sultan Suleyman
against the Germans once upon a time. And really, he was helped.
Afterwards, you see how they are. Sheykh Efendi would start
immediately when people said, “I am French.” He would not speak
against those who came but would speak about this Grand Revolution.
Shaytan’s absolute reign spread everywhere after the French
Revolution. All confusion (fitna) and rotten things came out of that. The
same thing continues till now. Until Mahdi Aleyhissalam come out and
cleans it. This thing is Dajjal’s confusion. Dajjal will come out later.
These are making preparations. They are making [people] believe black
is white. They are making people drink filth as medicine. Whatever evil
things there are, they are showing it as good. And they are showing the
good as bad, useless, and no good for humanity. The people get fooled
too. It is not important if they get deceived, but it is not good for those
in our Islamic World to be deceived. As Sheykh Efendi said, democracy
started at that time, during their time.
The people’s revolt and I do not know what, they are all Shaytan’s
soldiers. It is something done with the instruction of Shaytan. Shaytan
has made such an organization. There are the Masons and I do not
know what faction. Shaytan has made and formed so many
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Assalamu Alaykum
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah
Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim
al-Haqqani. Dastur.
Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
“My enemy is your enemy. Do not befriend them,” says Allah Azza wa
Jalla in the Ayat-e Karima, “Do not befriend them nor nurture love.”
Allah knows both the manifest and the hidden. Even if they (the
Western World and Europe) appear as friends to you,
they will find a suitable opportunity and attack you both with their
tongues and their weapons. Pay attention to this. There are a thousand
reasons for people of the world to get up and attack each other. But you
cannot declare war and attack anybody as you wish. It has its own rules
of conduct. Everything has its procedures. People can get along with
them now, but do not trust them, always be careful of them, and do not
nurture affection towards them. Because to love Allah’s enemy is to
defy Allah. We are cautioning the nation. We are warning the people.
Some people think of them as much superior. They have no
superirority. What you see is not the truth either. Neither is their
country a place to live nor are they the way they seem. It is nothing but
a paintover. The one who goes there, like a creature that has fallen into
a trap, cannot leave it anymore. Because they tie them up, they tie them
up from every side. In the past, our people used to go to Europe for
money. They used to say, “There are no jobs here. Let us go there, make
lots of money and come back.” They got stuck there. There is no money
left in Europe either. Eventhough this is the case, they cannot come
back, they cannot return. They cannot get used to it here and stay there
out of necessity. May Allah help them. It is hard for them there.
Because an unbeliever (kafir) has no mercy. Only the one who is
Muslim has mercy. Being a Muslim has existed for hundreds of years.
Worshippers have all the possibilities in Muslim countries. However,
you could not find or see a mosque there. Lately, thank Allah many
mosques have been built. That too has happened with the effort and
help of Muslims there. They have showed their teeth yet again. They do
not allow mosques anymore. There are some places where building a
mosque was never allowed. Shaykh Efendi says, “Do not look at them
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Assalamu Alaykum
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah, Madad Ya
Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-
Haqqani. Dastur.
Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Our Holy Prophet states in their Hadith-e Sharif, “Whoever does not
love me more than himself, his mother, his father, and all the people in
the world, cannot be of true faith.” Our Holy Prophet’s love is an
obligation (farz) on Muslims. Let not the one who does not love our
Holy Prophet say he is Muslim. The faith of the one who has no
respect is doubtful. This month was the month of Mawlid. Only a few
days are left and it will be over. Shaytans, especially, do not do
anything for no reason. They are working and doing their
best to curse the Prophet and Allah in this month, the most sacred
month. They did so many immoral and ill-mannered things in the
month of Mawlid. They cannot gain anything. They cannot defy the
one whomever Allah is with. If they will declare battle and
war on Allah, let them. They already did, but do not even have as much
sway as an ant. These events are happening so the eyes of people who
claim to be Muslim open. For that and so that the lines are determined
now. Doomsday has approached now. Mahdi Aleyhis Salam’s time has
approached. A lot of movement will occur before he appears. The
world will divide in two. This has happened this instant: the one who is
Islam, and besides those who are outside of it. All of those who are
outside of Islam are enemies. They are attacking from all sides. They
are oppressing them, wherever there are Muslims all over the world. If
it were up to them, they would not leave a single Muslim. With the will
of Allah, they cannot do anything even if Muslims were not so many
million and billion but a handful. Those whom Allah is with are the
victorious. They have also made Muslims a thousand pieces.
Regardless, it is Allah’s wisdom that the Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamaat are in
the majority.
There are so many wicked parties. Those men pray namaz, read Koran,
Allah would not forgive. Allah does not consent to insulting His
beloved servant, most beloved, the one He placed in the highest station
and created. They have much to suffer. Inshallah we will be patient
(just wait) and see.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Thursday. January 22, 2015
Assalamu Alaykum
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya Ashab-e Rasulallah, Madad Ya
Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-
Haqqani. Dastur.
Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla has divided the day to 24 hours. Eight hours for
rest, eight hours for work, and eight hours are for worship. If done for
the sake of Allah, if you continuously hold Allah in your mind and do
not forget, then everything becomes for Allah. It is all counted as
worship through the grace and generosity of Allah. Even the
eight hours of rest when done for the sake of Allah, it is also worship.
Allah Azaa wa Jalla gives its reward. Allah also made the day part
daytime and part night. Allah could have made it all
daytime or all night if He wanted. How can it be? It can be. Allah is
capable of everything. Sometimes we hear of some planets having two
sons, and it is never nighttime. Some have nothing, it stays sheer black
and dark. It is also mentioned in the Koran, “If Allah (Azza wa Jalla)
wants, He can provide light until Doomsday and you cannot rest. If he
wants, he can make it dark and you cannot do anything.” It is not
necessarily related to the sun. If Allah wants, He can give life with the
sun or without the sun. But for rest, Allah made the best. You will both
lie down and rest, and get up and do work. The night is for rest and
daytime is for work. In the past, because there was no electricity,
people used to pray Isha and go to bed. Well, sometimes they used to
stay up a little longer. However late they may stay up, they did not
pass nine or ten o’clock. They could not stay up much with those dim
lamps. Now there is light. In the past, the television would be open till
a certain time and they would go to sleep afterwards. Now it is open 24
hours. Other worse things have come out. These computers and
internets are like a disease. Once immersed, he sits till dawn. Again, it
is the wisdom of Allah, he goes to sleep when the time is three or four
o’clock. Why? Because that is the time for worship, and Sabah (Fajr)
prayer approaches. Shaytan does not keep him for that, and
immediately makes him go to sleep in that time. But ofcourse he is up
all night. Allah made the most beautiful of everything. Believing and
even non-believing doctors are saying, “The best time for sleep and for
the body [to rest] is between eleven and three o’clock.” If a human lies
in that time, the body gets what it needs in rest and comfort. His
immunity strengthens, he falls ill less, and he is healthier in terms of the
mind. Yet who sleeps during that time? Many times very few people go
to bed before twelve or one o’clock. The night is also divided to three.
When it is past two or three o’clock, the last third is called the
Thuluthul-Akhir. That is the time of Sahar and the time for Tahajjud. It
is very important to get up and worship in that time. It is the most
blessed time of the night and of the day. The time for getting the most
rewards is that time. Of course, getting up for that time is hard for most
people. They sit until that time and do somethings, and when that time
comes, it is the wisdom of Allah, they are laying. It is the same
everywhere. All night clubs, casinos, whatever there is work until that
time, and then pass out sleeping. That is the essential time to get up
and worship. Even studying is more beneficial in that time, and stays
better in the minds of children. So where [are they], who will rise in
that hour? May Allah make us rise in those hours. It is the dua of our
Holy Prophet, “O my Lord, wake us in the hours that are sweetest for
You.” The hours that Allah loves most are those hours: the hours we
call Thuluthul-Akhir. May Allah grant us all awakening. May we apply
what Allah says. May we abide by Him. That is the most beneficial for
Friday, January 23, 2015
Assalamu Alaykum
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya Ashab-e Rasulallah,
Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim
al-Haqqani. Dastur.
Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
People are confused; they have no idea why they are here in this world.
Or they are searching - Why are we here, what is our job? They are
seeing that Allah created every creature, each one knows its duty. No
creature is asking - Why did I come here? Allah has given them such an
inspiration - "Allah created us, so we will make dhikr/ remembrance
and praise, and take whatever is our share and go." All creatures,
whether they are 4-legged or have wings, they are satisfied with their
sheikhs are called mureed. And after our Prophet, there were no more
prophets, only sheikhs. So in this manner, Prophets were sent to guide
people to the right path. 124,000 Prophets came and left. Allah says - I
sent Prophets for everyone in the world. A Prophet was sent to every
people. Tho in se China, Japan, those people here and there, all of them
were sent a Prophet because that is what Allah (awj) said in the Quran.
But some people didn't like them, they didn't follow them. They
followed satan more. Even so, after Prophets, Allah sent awliya/saints.
There are awliya having the rank of prophets.
Why are we here? There are all these thousands of sheikhs who came
and left, and all the prophets - all of them are examples, a nice example
in front of you. Follow them. They lived a good life. Their names, and
actions, and characters are a nice example, a nice lesson left for
mankind. That is what Allah ordered, what Allah wants for mankind.
believe in Allah despite all the favors & grants. To rebel against Him is
being ungrateful. And there is punishment for the person who does
that. Because nothing affects Allah (awj), even if the whole world is
ungrateful, it doesn't matter. That person will suffer the punishment in
dunya. He will suffer by himself before going to akhira. That is why
Allah showed the right path. We were ordered to do what He says and
follow the way He showed us. That is the meaning of our life. Today
we are saying for human being: many people, they are... Allah created
all creatures - human beings and other creatures. All creatures, they are
happy. They are not... You cannot find any creature complaining. You
cannot find any bird, any animal, saying "I am tired. Why I am here?
Why I am like this?" Even these poor creatures, they are suffering from
hunger or other things, they are not complaining like people. Just
maybe they're shouting if they want to eat or to drink, or just like this.
But people... And they are happy with their life and they know and
they are making tasbih also - these creatures. All creatures, they are
glorifying Allah and they are happy. Even they are suffering, they are
suffering, maybe they can feel pain or anything, they are not
complaining, just shouting from this suffering, not complaining.
But human being, Allah give them the best things, and He praised
them, make them higher degree from another all creatures and still
they are complaining. And the worst thing, they are not knowing for
what they are, "what we are doing in this world?" - they ask. "Why we
are here? Why we're created?" Not saying "created". Many people even
they don't believe in creation. But Allah Azza wa Jalla, He sent all
prophets, 124,000 prophets. He sent them to tell people why they are
created, what they must do, what this they have this good situation but
people, they are not listening even.
Because there is many prophets, Allah sent them to people and they
don't write any followers. And who follow nation? Normally, they for
Prophet. Who say followers, not saying 'follower' for Prophet, they're
saying 'nation'. Some of them, they don't have even one, no nation.
Some of them, they have one follower, he is their ummah, their nation,
only one nation for one prophet, maybe two, maybe five. Like this it
was. Whole it is Prophet meaning the highest station in between human
being. And now people, if any crazy one coming and saying "I'm
prophet", you can find 1,000 now behind them. But people that time not
listening, they are only looking for enjoy themselves and after they are
not feeling satisfied. Still trying, trying. And they are going without any
benefit. But Allah, He is merciful. He's still sending for every corner of
the world Prophet. In Qur'an, He said "We've sent for every nation a
Prophet." No place in the world, you can't say it was no prophet there.
So these people, they are not happy. Just complaining and not listening
for advice. Until Prophet (saw), also many people like this. After
Prophet (saw) - no prophet. So Allah sent, give some people
Awliyaullah and ulama to be light for ummah, for these people. And
Prophet (saw), he said "My ulama, my scholars, Awliyaullah, beloved
saints, they are like the prophets of Bani Israel." Same level. So it is
good luck for these people, for ummati Muhammad, Allah's still happy
with them to send them these people. These people, they are like power
station. They are giving light. They are giving power, spiritual power,
and giving light for the hearts of people.
From where coming this light and power? From these people they are
taking from love of Allah and Prophet (saw). They are like candles
coming for people to give light. And they are burning themselves but
they are happy to burn in love. This is what is the secret of them. And
people get benefit from them, not only dry light, no. They're giving
power with light, with nur. And they are standing up, not falling. Any
tired, any pain, any hunger - they are not feeling anything from this.
Even they don't have anything to eat or they are tired, they are not
feeling at all this. Only feeling love of Allah, and they're burning with
this love like candle. And candle, it was good thing because before they
were making by honey comb, or beeswax, or sometimes with olive oil.
And when they are finished, they are... until they are finished
completely, they're standing up. Maybe 100 years this light still on.
When they are changing world, this finished, another one coming. So
alhamdulillah, this is meaning of life for human being, not to fight for
dunya or to ask "Why I'm here?". By this Allah sent prophets and Allah
sent after them these saints and Awliyaullah to show you and to be
happy here and hereafter, this happiness. And who not following this,
he is not happy. Not here and not hereafter. Never he'll be happy. Allah
make us to follow and to make another people also to follow this way
inshaAllah. Allah give us light, whole our life inshaAllah and who are
following this road, way, inshaAllah with all family, all ancestors also.
This ayat karima is a sign for us Muslims on the right way to be under
the protection of Allah. People who are not on the right way of our
Prophet, or people who say "We are Muslim", but make an imitation of
Islam according to their minds, are doing what even the enemies of
Islam wouldn’t do. But Allah Azza wa Jalla looks with the eyes of
kindness and love at people who are pure Muslims, who love our
Prophet, follow his way and respect his Sahaba. They don't think bad
anyway. Al-mu’min yo’laf, a believer is gentle and perfect. Those
Muslims are ahl alsunnah wa l-jama'a.
We see now that the world is boiling. They want to and they are doing
evil all over the place by making traps, by thinking bad. They are
laying traps from up and down, from everywhere. They are doing bad
things and want to do bad. They are saying "Let us erase these people
from this world. Let's remove them". Why? Because these are friends of
Allah. And they are friends of shaitan. They don't want them, they
want to show Muslims bad from all sides. It has come to such a point
that they are making any trap, that even a simple-minded man can say
"it's not something a Muslim would do. It is their trap. It is their game".
Shaitan and his group started fitna after our Prophet, anyway. Of
course, they did it slowly. They couldn't handle it at the beginning but
also, they didn't give it up. They are always in a fight; in a fight against
Allah and the friends of Allah. They never stopped. We have a saying:
Water sleeps but the enemy never rests. What 'water sleeps' means is
that it has a possibility of stopping in a valley. But an enemy has no
possibility of giving up. They bear such grudge, such animosity that
should even one Muslim remain on earth, they would not relax.
However, Allah Azza wa Jalla has given good tidings. No matter how
many traps they lay, Allah is above them. He is the best, beneficent trap
maker. As we said, ahl al-sunnah wa l-jama'a has no badness. They
believe everyone and they look at everyone with love, even if the
biggest enemy comes. They are deceiving people with nice words. You
are deceiving these people and do you get anything from it, if Allah
doesn't want it? This is the biggest foolishness, the biggest
mindlessness. You can try as much as you want, you can plan as much
as you want, deceive, but unless Allah wants it, all you do turns to
nothing in a moment.
Shukr to Allah, our ahl al-sunnah wa l-jama'a are relaxed people. They
have trust in Allah. They say they can get along with everyone, so,
trouble falls on our heads. But ultimately, Allah turns back the trouble
on those who cause it. There is hadith sharif, if someone curses
someone, and he who is cursed doesn't deserve it, that curse will come
back to the one who curses. The same is happening to these people.
They are trying and trying. Allah is giving them that trouble, He is
giving the problems, all to them. Of course, we see now these things
being done all over the world. Very bad things are being done. Very
bad things are happening in order to find a reason to oppress
especially, Muslims, to kill them, to remove them. Of course, these
things are happening since the beginning. But now the end of times has
come. It happens more. Allah, Azza wa Jalla won't tolerate some things
no matter who it is. They say there is no sin beyond unbelief. Because
unbelief, not believing in Allah and making shirk is the worst; there is
no sin beyond it, whatever they do.
Despite this, Muslims are saying to get along with these people. And
when they attack more and more, we can't do anything. Allah is hitting
them afterwards. Because they want them to do something so that they
can blame all dirtiness on them. They say "We don't think anything but
goodness". We don't know what they are thinking, but certainly they
are thinking about big badness. It's not easy. They dare to insult the
most Beloved servant of Allah, our Prophet, who is worth sacrificing
the lives of Muslims.
So these people know that something will be done. And they certainly
have thought about something against it. We don't know what they
think but Allah will punish them. What they do will be punishment for
them, not for Muslims, with permission of Allah. We don't accept that
and leave it to Allah. Because what they want is for us to do something
and use it as a reason to attack the Muslim world, to try to destroy even
more Muslims. However, their traps will be kept for themselves. Allah
is the best trap maker. They are the most evil. Allah is the best.
Their time has come. The end of times has started. It has started insha
Allah. Time of Mahdi alaihi salam has started. He's come closer now
insha Allah. Whatever they do will come back on their heads. We will
never do anything for them because they want us to do something.
And we are waiting now for Allah to hit them. They have nothing after
all. They will be even worse, they will be much worse. Do they think
they have become better civilized by drawing two pictures, by making
two theatre plays? "We made two sculptures". This is their culture.
What is your culture? Allah Azza wa Jalla created the Universe. You
don't have the value of even an insect. Allah Azza wa Jalla is saying, if
the world was worth an insect, He wouldn't give even a drop of water
to you; if the whole world was worth a mosquito, not to mention these
dirty countries.
That's why, don't see yourselves as giants in a mirror. You're not even
as insects. Insects are giant next to you. There is Allah. Shukr to Allah,
we thank Allah for not being created like this. May Allah protect us.
Because after they insulted our Prophet, they can't ask for guidance.
Allah will punish them. We only say this because they are people who
cannot be guided anymore. They can shout as much as they want, they
can tear things apart, Allah is with us. And you are the enemies of
Allah. Be fearful. Don't fear us, fear Allah. Allah is The Frightener.
and, you must believe he is still alive. Who said he is dead and he goes,
his belief is not complete.
Ahl al-sunnah wa l-jama'a believe like this. And to love also ahlu l-bayt
and love Companions of Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Especially the best century, Prophet (sws) said, "My century and after
me 4 khalifa". Sayyidina Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, Ali (ra). This is
belief of ahl alsunnah wa l-jama'a. And these people, they have
Subhanallah, pure hearts. They are like a child, their hearts. They are
not harming anybody. Even when they are fighting, they are fighting
for Allah, for Prophet, and for keeping order of Prophet, to not harm
child, to not harm ladies, to not harm old people, to not burn trees, to
not burn people. Many things. It is the top of good manners, they have.
These people, since Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, they have been
attacked by shaitan and his followers. And they are peaceful people.
Other people, all the time are attacking them, but because they are with
Allah, Allah helps them all the time. Since Prophet salallahu alayhi wa
sallam until last Ottoman Empire, all like this. After Ottoman emperors
come these worse people, the tyrants. And this also, they bring from
enemy of Islam. They make this situation to destroy Islam. Especially
these people's kind of Islam.
They are trying hard to not leave even one person from these people.
They are trying hard, but Allah azza wa jalla said: wamakaroo
wamakara Allahu w'Allahu khayru almakireen. They make traps, they
make bad actions, they make deception and they are trying hard. You
see people since centuries, they are trying and they are continuing.
Establishing some institution and for centuries they are still continuing
but they are not succeeding. Why? Because Allah He knows them, and
He is the best one Who makes traps. "They make traps, their worst,"
Allah said, "I am the Best". Allah make them all the time down.
Now they are making very big action and who has even very small
mind, he knows that this is a show playing. They are trying to make
Muslim people to attack them and after, they will attack Muslim people
and they think they will finish them because we don't know what they
are thinking. Because all that we know, we are knowing the good
things. We cannot think like these people. Years, hundred years, still in
same thinking, just to make hatred, continuously. We cannot think like
this. Because Muslims, they are not negative, they are positive.
When other people, they are thinking, and they are trying hundred
years, but we don't know what they are thinking. But we seeing now,
they are trying to finish the Muslims. This is what we are thinking and
we are sure they are doing some very bad things. Because when they
are attacking the most precious person in this world, this universe, our
Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, they are knowing they are playing
with a very dangerous thing. They are attacking. We don't know why
this is, but when we are thinking, you know it is a playing (joke), to
make very bad thing. It is not culture. They are happy with their
culture. What is your culture? Culture must be for people to be happy,
to do good things. You are writing, playing (joking) you're making
picture, drawing something, and you are saying this is our high
culture, civilization. What is your civilization? You are not, comparing
to this universe, one fly even, you are not.
All this universe, and who are you to be against Allah and to be proud.
Allah azza wa jalla said: If this world is worth a mosquito wing, He will
never give you one drop of water. Even all this world is not worth
mosquito wing, and you are proud!? What is this? You must be crazy.
You lost your mind. The worst thing Allah and Prophet hate is
proudness. And they are now being proud. This is not culture, not
civilization, it is corruption, and it is dirty only. And they are trying to
make Muslim people, these people, to be something wrong for them
and to have some reason to finish all Muslims.
No, we don't have to do something with you. But we are not accepting
this, what you are doing. And now you are fighting Allah. Allah will
curse you and He will not let this to be what you want. Allah is with us.
Wamakaroo wamakara Allahu w'Allahu khayru almakireen. They are
thinking they are clever. They are proud, looking wt other people as
not good people. They were all the time making bad things for us
because we are peaceful people, we don't do anything, to think bad
things for people, Allah all the time with us. Now also, He is with us. It
is I think, time of end of the world. It must be like this to make Mahdi
alayhi salam, come. And it is a real beginning. Insha Allah, it will not
be so long for him to come. Because we don't know. Allah know the
time but it is beginning of the coming of Sayyidina Mahdi alayhi
salam.We don't know, maybe a month, maybe year, maybe years. But it
is beginning. And they will not be happy in akhira. Even in dunya,
also, they are not happy. Civilization is to make you happy. Not to
make you find, look for happiness in drugs. Even everything they try to
be happy, they try drugs, and they try very bad things to be happy.
yourself. It is very easy. You can think for this, but they are doing the
wrong thing. We cannot say for them, Allah make them to come to
right way, because they are not accepting. But Alhamdulillah, we are
thanking Allah to not make us like them.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Why begin talking about this topic? Because everyone, whoever they
are, no matter how rich they are, no matter how powerful they are, they
will all go to the same place. Last Friday, King Abdullah, the King of
Saudi Arabia passed away. Masha Allah, he was a good person as
Allah granted him to die on the best day. Because whoever dies on
Friday, or Friday night, they will be granted special favors. It is said
that they will not be questioned in the grave. They will go to Paradise.
That is why this person, may Allah have mercy on him, must have been
a good person. He must have been under the gaze of our Prophet. The
mercy of our Prophet must have been upon him, as he died like this. He
respected and honoured our Prophet. As you know, this family, they
didn't do good things for our Prophet. But if Allah wants, everything
can change. Finally, thanks to Allah, this person came, and he respected
and honoured our Prophet. Thanks to him, the bad treatment of Hajjis,
as used to happen before, improved. Because of him, it was much
better. Everyone was happy. Insha Allah, the new person who comes
will continue the same way. It will be good for him.
Like we said, life is temporary. And King Abdullah had brothers. They
are succeeding each other. As the angel said: be born for death. When
one dies, the other becomes king after him. Becomes king means, you
have reached the edge of the grave, because the one who dies, has died.
There is nothing after that. That is an important advice. Something
important to think about. You become king, but instead of being happy,
you should be sad that you reached the end of your life, you have come
close to death. If they think like that, they will do many more good
things, but if they think that they are king and can do anything, they
will lose everything.
May Allah make this a lesson for everyone to learn. Even the richest
person in this world, even the strongest person, when the life span that
Allah granted to them comes to an end, they will be put in a small hole
and closed up, as is the ritual of burial. That is also an important lesson
for mankind. This is an important lesson for everyone, the rich, the
poor, the strong, the weak, men, women. It is an important lesson for
all. Man can learn big lessons from this. Let's always do good,
beneficial things. Let's stay away from all bad things.
This man will be commemorated for good things, not like other people.
He will not be remembered as an oppressor, or someone who caused
troubles, or someone who led people to the wrong path. This person
spread his hands before our Prophet's holy grave and made dua.
Therefore the guards there were not able to mistreat the visitors. They
couldn't say, “turn here, turn there”. Because the king had done that,
they couldn't open their mouths. There is another important lesson
here. Those people don't fear Allah, they are afraid of people. But
whenever Allah wants, He can allow people to do good things. And
this man did many good things, may Allah have mercy on him.
May Allah make those coming after him to continue on the same way,
so that they will not let Muslims be mistreated there. May there be love
among Muslims brothers. Not to say, “you are mushrik, you are
Wahabi, you are this and that”. This is important. Islam is about
brotherhood and love. Muslims, ahli sunnah wal jama'a, treat everyone
who says, "la ilaha illa Allah" as a Muslim. They don't say to anyone
“you are mushrik, you are this or that”. But the others do say that. And
that causes enmity amongst their selves. We need for people like this to
stop enmity amongst people. If you are not doing it, then don't, but
don't interfere with others. There are 4 mazhabs. Each one can say
something different about a topic. Whichever one you are following,
you are on the right way. There is no rule that you should be Hanafi, or
you should be Shafi'i. That's why, if you don't like the other one, don't
interfere. He is also Muslim.
He also prays 5 times a day, he fasts, he gives zakat, does everything.
Then why are you calling him kafir or mushrik? Our Prophet said,
whoever calls a Muslim "kafir", he himself has done kufr. We are not
saying this, our Prophet is. May Allah put an end to this fitna, it is a big
fitna, spread everywhere like fire. Especially in non-Arab countries.
There is a saying: someone who acts like a king, more than the actual
king. People in those countries are like that. Even in Saudi Arabia there
aren't as many extreme Wahabis or Salafis as there are in those
countries. This is an important lesson. This man did a great service.
This is big proof against those people who don't respect or honour our
Prophet. The scholars there could have stood up and said that this is
wrong. But they didn't. That means it's not wrong, not shameful, not
against Islam. It is something in Islam. If it wasn't right, then all the
Wahabi scholars there would stand up and say
the king did wrong. Since they didn't, it means the way of ahli sunnah
wal jama'a is correct. The others, who don't glorify our Prophet, are on
the wrong way. May Allah give them correct thinking to come to the
right way and do service for their people, for their country. There is a
need for this. To help all Muslims to come to the right way will be a big
grant for them.
“don't make this, this is shirk, this is not good, this is haram”. But
alhamdulillah, he was coming and standing in front of Prophet (sws)
and making dua facing Prophet (sws). And nobody, after this could say
anything to the Hajjis. So even this one, it is enough for him. But he
make many things also for love of Prophet (sws). And he was happy
with end of his life. And it is very big example for people, because
people know they will die, but when you say to people, they say, "yes I
will die", but in their inside, they are not believing they will die.
So you musn't be happy, you must be sad. Or, no need to be sad, but
know that now it's your time to go. Not to be king, but your time to go.
So you must be doing something to be acceptable in presence of Allah
and Prophet (sws). You must do something to be happy after this life. I
don't know if kings are happy in this life also, but I don't think anybody
is in life. Everybody, Allah give them something to worry about, they're
not happy. Even this poor king he was suffering too much from illness
and other things. So it is favour from Allah. He give them ability and
power to do, anything they want they can do for their benefit. And this
king, he was doing this, and people, they were better. Even he liked to
make all Muslims to be happy together.
The bad things are happening in foreign countries that don't speak
Arabic. This fitna there is bigger than Saudi Arabia. Because this is like
someone acting like a king, more than an actual king. Saudi, they are
not saying anymore, "you are mushrik" because you are respecting
Prophet (sws). Respecting Prophet is order from Allah and we are
doing this. And they are accepting what their king did, not saying
anything. It's ok, we are all happy together.
It's like the mazhabs. You have 4 mazhabs. Every mazhab, maybe they
have different situation for people. So we're not saying "you're Shafi'i,
don't be, you must be Hanafi". No, we are accepting you, we are not
saying anything. So, you also same thing, you can manage. But now
these ignorant people, even when you say salawat for Prophet (sws),
we know many people, they say "you became mushrik". First I wasn't
believing this. I said maybe they are just saying this, but no, it was
really like this. But alhamdulillah, now another king also coming, insha
Allah he will be in same way as Abdullah. Allah make him also happy
in the end of his life. Insha Allah this fitna going out, especially for
these people who are not speaking Arabic, the Salafi and Wahabi
people, because they are ignorant and they are just doing what shaitan
ordering them. Even their ulama are not saying, "do this". Allah make
them come to hidaya because we need people to help Islam, to teach
people Islam and to right way, not way of shaitan. Way of Prophet
(sws), the right way. And Allah bless him and make us to be with him,
insha Allah.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015.
Tariqat teaches the religion of Islam. This means it is the heart of it.
Islam is a religion, which teaches all good things. You have to respect
everyone. You have to treat each other with good manners. You have to
pay the greatest respect to your parents. The rights of the mother and
father are very important. They have a very high rank in the presence
of Allah. If people respect and treat them with good manners, they will
have a big reward. Being rebellious to your parents is considered one of
the biggest sins. Disrespect, disobedient behaviour towards the parents,
have bad results. It is just like the other big sins, such as stealing,
killing. Mistreating the parents is a big sin. Islam teaches this. In Islam
you are responsible for respecting your parents, the awliya, beloved
servants of Allah, everyone with good manners. Respecting, praising,
appreciating, loving all the Prophets is the order of Islam. You cannot
say "this is good, this is bad" for any Prophet. The Prophets are
innocent. It means they are protected from sins. They are innocent. So
they do not commit sins. Allah does not let them commit sins. They
have that speciality. How come? Of course, all the Prophets have
miracles. When they become prophets, they reveal the miracles. There
aren't any prophets, who did not show miracles. For this reason do not
think that it is such a big thing that the prophets do not make mistakes.
Should Allah protect, then it is possible. It happens in the highest
stations. Both, Allah is protecting them, also, among the people they
have the highest ranks. All Prophets should be respected. We do not
show Isa or Musa, Shuayb, Uzayr, alaihimu s-salam, in a negative way.
We cannot show this anyway, it is the order of Islam. However, the
other corrupted religion, we will say corrupted, because all the
religions order the same thing, it is the same religion coming since
Adam alaihi s-salam. All of them say: respect your parents, respect
Why is that? Because of their corrupted religion. First they swear and
curse our mother, our first mother, I mean Mother Eve, secondly,
Adam alaihi salam. They say, "He also committed this sin. If he did not
we would live in Paradise happily."
They also say shameless things about him. They have no respect for
Him, also for Mother Eve. What is this? This is the biggest proof that
you are wrong. There is no such thing in the original Bible. The same
with the original Old Testament. There must not be any vicious words
about the Prophets. But they changed both according to their own
ideas. They say these words about the Prophets. This is a sign that this
religion has been corrupted. It is not original. Now, the real religion is
Islam. It orders all good things. It accepts all the Prophets, it accepts all
good behaviour. There is no other religion which teaches that. For this
reason, the religion sent by Allah, is Islam. There is no other. Shaitan
also does not like it. That's why he continuously pushes people to
attack the Prophets. He makes people attack their ancestors similarly.
Finally, they mistreated our Prophet, salallahu alihi wa sallam. Respect
holds the first place amongst the teachings of Islam. Respecting people,
respecting everyone. It says in the Qur'an not even to make fun of each
other. It may be, that person is better than you. Neither the women
should make fun of others, nor the men. You do not know but those
people might be better than you. They are better. For this reason what
they did is a sign that, shukur Allah, goodness is in Islam. People, who
follow Islam are good people. The others follow shaitan, they are with
shaitan. They can claim they are good, they can talk and explain as
much as they want, but they are all useless, of no value. The order, for
people who follow the religion of Islam, is good behaviour. And first to
respect people specially, your father and mother. They have big right
on you. So, must be the biggest respect for them. And who not respect
them he will be punished. Specially some people who are not
respecting and making bad things for them, it is big sin. Big sin, like
killing people or like thieving, drinking alcohol, all these big sins. And
between them this, to treat bad your father and mother. You must be
respectful for them. Respect for good people also. You must be
respectful for Prophets. This is order of Allah to Muslims. We are
respecting all Prophets since Adam alaihi salam, until Sayyidina
Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam. We accept all of them. We are
not refusing any one of them because they are innocent. They are not
doing any wrong thing. Even they want to do something wrong, Allah
not allow them. Why? Because they have miracles. This is miracle from
one of miracles of Prophets, to be without sin. Only they are doing
every good thing. Everything for them the best, in the highest situation
and their reward also, the highest reward for them. Why? Because
Allah make them the highest and they're His messengers. And He
wants people to respect them. When people they respect them, they're
respecting Creator, Allah Azza wa Jalla. And our teaching from
childhood until end of our life, like this. To respect all Prophets.
Sayyidina Isa, and Sayyidina Musa, Sayyidina Ibrahim, Sayyidina Nuh,
Shu'aib, Yusha, all we are accepting them and we are happy with them,
not refusing anyone. This is Jewish, this is Christian, no, all same.
Same religion coming since Adam alaihi salam, no change. But, who
changing it, not respecting Prophet. These, who are claiming they are
Christian or they are claiming they're Jewish, because they're changing
original teaching to be respectful for every Prophet alaihimu s-salam.
You cannot say “they done this, done that, make this wrong”, no! No
wrong in Prophets' life at all. And specially, I think Christians, I don't
know Jewish, but, they are angry with our Mother Eve, Hawwa and
father Adam alaihi salam. They are very angry for them. Every time,
they are not respecting them and they're saying bad thing about them.
This is showing they are in wrong way. And they were doing this
whole life, whole time, since hundred years. But now they are fed up of
this, they're attacking our Prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam. This also
is not respectful. Making bad thing, they are in wrong way. The right
way who teaching good behaviour and to respect every good people,
especially for Prophets in Islam. And you must say also to respect your
father, mother, brother, your relative, even your neighbour. You're
responsible for your neighbour even. If he is hungry you must give
him, until 40 neighbours, you must look for them. You be full and
they're hungry, sleeping hungry you are responsible to give them
something. This is teaching of Islam. Islam the best! And it is religion
calling everybody to be in the last complete religion. Islam it is
the last one, but it is complete. Finish. You cannot find anymore better
than this. Other, every time they can say, "O this, we don't have enough
people, so you can make theatre in church". So, after you can make
singing. This is not original in Christian or Jewish. You have no need to
make by yourself, you must follow order of Allah. All Prophets coming
same line from Adam alaihi salam until Prophet, salallahu alaihi wa
sallam. And it is open. Who likes to come he can come, he does not like,
never mind. Allah He is not in need for them. But they are in need to
be, to save themselves here and hereafter. Here also it is easy but there
is life after this life. This is the most important. And most of these
people they are not accepting this, but they will see and they'll be
regretting. So insha'Allah, Allah, make who deserve to be in this
religion to come here. Who not liking and he is making...he is free.
Alhamdulillah, we are happy we are in Islam, Islam meaning peace,
and we are in peace. Internally and outside also, Alhamdulillah.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Allah Azza wa Jalla has shown people every goodness. You cannot
finish counting His Blessings. wa in ta'uddu ni'mata Allahi la tuhsuha
And if you should count the favours of Allah, you could not enumerate
them (16:18) A holy verse. The blessings He gave us are endless. He
showed us what to do for every situation. If you do that, you will be at
ease. You will not complain after that. But if you do something from
your own head, then you won't be rid of complaints and problems.
Allah Azza wa Jalla gave the problem, but He gave its cure also. Those
who are patient will be rewarded. To complain is not a nice thing. Allah
does not like complaining. He says, "My servant is complaining about
Me". There is a solution for everything from Allah Azza wa Jalla. If
someone is ill, or even if they are not ill, if he recites verses from the
Qur'an, and says, "Shifa (cure) is from Allah", then they will be easily
cured without need for anything else. But you must have good belief,
true iman (faith). Your faith in Allah must be complete so that: wa idha
maridtu fahuwa yashfeen (26:80) When I am ill, it is Allah Who cures
me. At least you can recite 3 Ikhlas and 1 Fatiha and blow in water and
drink. That will also be shifa. If he takes medicine and says, "this
medicine will cure me", then there is doubt about his faith, ma'adh
Allah, but if you take the medicine and say, "everything is from Allah,
this medicine is only a means of cure, cure is not with the medicine,
cure is from Allah", this medicine will be beneficial. If you think only
that the medicine will cure you, there will be no benefit and your faith
will be damaged. We see that there are many illnesses. The doctor gives
a medicine, but it has no benefit. "Try another one". That one also gives
no benefit. "Do this, do that" and finally they say, "we must do surgery,
you will be better after surgery". Here also, in going for surgery, you
must put your trust in Allah because if you have surgery, the second
time has no benefit. May Allah help and give shifa. Even with simple
illnesses, make that intention and ask for shifa from Allah. Recite
Basmala, Fatiha or other verses of shifa from the Qur'an and take your
medicine. Those who recite for Allah, not for money, there are some
people who recite for the sake of Allah, they too are beneficial. You can
ask them to recite for you. They are reciting some things and blowing
and it is giving benefit, with Allah's permission. The biggest shifa is
from that. Sheikh Efendi never showed karamat (miracles) openly, but
shukr to Allah, all those he recited
and prayed for, found shifa. It was for the sake of Allah. To ask for
shifa from Allah for those people is much better than the strongest
medicines. That was from Sheikh Efendi's karamaat. It is the karamah
of awliya and holy ones that their breath is shifa. Because day and night
their tongue, lips, mouths are making dhikrullah (praising Allah), shifa
is with them. In the time of our Prophet, our Prophet would recite some
verses for shifa, called ruqyah. They were recited for people to find
shifa. This was since the time of our Prophet. It is sunnah, it is not
outside Islam. But some narrow-minded people nowadays say it is
bid'ah, it is not sunnah. They are confusing the people's minds. On the
contrary, it existed in our Prophet's time. There is an order from our
Prophet that you can do it, everyone should do it. May Allah give
everyone benefit from these things. They should remember that shifa is
in Qur'an, because shifa is from Allah. Even if you take medicine, by
saying "shifa is from Allah", not from you, Allah gives the means, so
with the intention of shifa, say Basmala and take the medicine. With
Allah's permission it will benefit you. But if you say the medicine cured
you, Allah forbid, your faith is ruined. Allah makes you feel better.
Allah Azza wa Jalla, He shows us the best way. He is Creator and His
favour, endless favour. In Qur'an He said: wa in ta'uddu ni'mata Allahi
la tuhsuha (14:34) If you count favours of Allah, you cannot count it, it
is endless. We are just speaking little bit. If all life we're speaking, very
little we can speak about Allah's favours. Allah give us everything to be
happy, to not be miserable. Happy here and hereafter. The first
happiness, to know who are you? For what you are here? When you
know this: you are for Allah, and you are here for Allah also, you'll be
happy, not worried for anything else. And He is showing us when
sometimes something happens, even you feel it's very bad, but it is also
good for you, for your eternal life. He reward you for this endless
favours. When He give you something, you are feeling bad or you are
ill, or something happened for you
and you be patient, you know this from Allah, it is a big favour from
Allah. He rewards you. And He's showing us what to do when you are
ill, or you are not good. He said to read ayat from Quran. Allah make
Quran and His Names a cure, shifa for illness. There is very strong
effect when somebody reads this ayat, even who is ill, he can read by
himself 3 Ikhlas and Fatiha, and drink this water. But there's word, if
there is man, he knows to read, it's better. But if not, also family, they
can read. Father for children, or mother. Even they, also they can read
and they're protected from bad eyes, from illness, from accident
through days. And especially, Mawlana, thousands of cases, he was
reading and thousands of people they have benefit, and they cure, and
they have health from his reading on them, blessing them. This is
from Prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam. From time of Prophet also, he
make also reading and telling people to read for their ill people, or for
bad eyes. And it is not bid'ah, not new thing. And it is effective. Why
effective? Because they are like Mawlana and Prophet salallahu alaihi
wa sallam, and people who are more worshipping, all coming, Name of
Allah, all time, day and night coming from their heart, from their
mouth. They speak good things all time. This effecting to be shifa for
people. It is miracle for Prophet salallahu alihi wa sallam. And karamah
for Mawlana Sheikh. Thousand and thousand people was nearly dying,
when Mawlana reading they become healthy and they live long years
after his reading. In many case we saw this. Another thing if you are ill,
you go to doctor and he give you medicine. Don't say "This medicine, I
will not take this medicine, no need for this medicine." Maybe you need
sometimes. But when you take this medicine, don't say "This medicine
will cure me". If you say this, this means your belief also weak. No, say,
"Allah make this wasita, means, and shifa, cureness from Him, but if
Allah not give effect to this medicine, nothing happens". So it effects. If
another, you say cure only for you from this medicine, it will be
nothing. Doctor, he will change this medicine for you, he give you more
stronger, he say maybe this better. Also if Allah, He don't want, it also
not effecting. After changing 1, 2, 3, they said "No, we must make check
up, we must make looking, taking apart and cutting, looking under.
And now we must make operation." All coming for bad and bad. But if
you are from beginning you believe in Allah and say this even very
small medicine, this effects by Allah, and you say when you
swallowing Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, ya Shafi, ya Kafi, it will be
effect and you'll be cured. But don't put all, everything in this medicine,
"It will cure me". No, the cure from Allah. If He wants, He can do. But
for people who not believing, He make them take thousand of pills and
nothings happens to them. They take one handful morning, one
handful evening, before sleeping, after sleeping, so nothing happens.
All life they're living with pills. It is not good. If they are believe in
Allah and say "one is enough", it's ok. Maybe sometimes needed for
some people. But the most important, Allah give this favour for us and
it is from Him. He teaches people to do this and effect from Him. We
are believe in Him, we say Bismillahi r-Rahmani rRahim and swallow
it, it will be effect insha Allah. Allah make us to be away from illness
insha Allah, internal and outside. Because the inside illness, it is more
difficult from outside. Allah cure these people also.
Friday, January 30, 2015.
May Allah make these favours last. These are big favours, favours
given to us by Allah. Even if we worship all our life without eating and
drinking, we still won't be able to recompense it. Allah has created all
beauties. He is inviting people for beautiful things. He is inviting for
the best things, He doesn't call anyone for bad things. w'allahu yada'u
ila dar as-salami (10:25) Allah is inviting to beautiful Paradise.
But for the things of akhira, Allah is calling everyone to the right way.
No matter what badness you have done, come again anyway. If you
leave it and come, Allah will forgive you. The ayat we read in khutba
says "Tell the unbelievers, if they leave their bad deeds, bad way, and
come to the right way, whatever they've done, I will forgive them all, I
will leave it in the past". This is since the time of our Prophet until now.
Of course, then. Muslims nowadays are to certain degree. Back then,
RasulAllah, the Beloved servant of Allah was so oppressed by
unbelievers and mushriks. Allah said He will forgive them if they leave
repent, turn to the right way. Allah loves beauty, He doesn't like
ugliness. Allah is beautiful, He loves beauty. What we mean by beauty
is not... Some people say it's sawab to look at beauty, and look at
women. They call it beauty then. It's not beauty. That's ugliness what
you do. Looking at someone's honour with a bad eye is not a beautiful
thing. It's bad.
Today we speak about Allah what He likes people to be. Allah likes
people to be in nice, beautiful way. The beautiful, nice, sweet way,
what Allah ordering for people. To be soft, to do the good thing. Bad
thing it is ugly. When you do bad action, a bad thing, bad way. Allah
calling people "come to place of peace." What is this? It is Paradise.
Allah calling all people, come to Paradise. He never calling to hell,
"come to hell", no. Who calling for hell? Shaitan calling for hell. Allah
all the time ordering people to follow nice and sweet way, the way of
You're beginning from that time to write for you good things. No any
wrong thing, no mistake be written before this. Even you are 60 years,
90 years, even if all your life you was doing every bad action what it is
ever, what you're thinking, what you imagine, what you hear this man
he's done until 90 years, when he said "Ash-hadu an la Ilaha illa Allah
wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulallah", all finish, this. And
Allah, beginning from that time to write for him a new writing, to be in
happy life, hayatun sa'yida. And this is for everybody. Since Prophet,
Islam, it is cleaning. All what you do before it is cleaning, when you say
"Ash-hadu anna la Ilaha illAllah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan
Rasulallah". It is cleaned. It is the religion of peace and the religion of
good manner and it is the last religion and it is the only acceptable
religion in Divine Presence of Allah Jalla Jalaluhu. So, it is big mercy
from Allah for people. Only you come, what you do it will be forgiven
when you accept. And Allah will reward you because you've become
like this more than what you've done before. This is for non-believers.
How for believers? The Muslim people? For Muslim people also it is
like this. If you've done many wrong things and you repent Allah will
forgive you. He is the most forgiving, Allah, and the most merciful. It is
big bushra, good tiding. Good tiding for all human being, not only for
Muslims, for all human beings. It is open, nobody can prevent you to
come to Allah and His Way, it is open. Come to peace, come to dar as-
poorest man to the highest ranks both material and spiritual. Even the
great masha'ikh, when they came to this Name, they left its explanation
because it is something which cannot be explained. It's such a great,
such an amazing thing, they couldn't write anything about it. The
Power Oceans. Each atom is a big lesson for people. Power is in the
hands of Allah, not in someone else's hands. Allah is the Creator. Now
in this new language... They left the old, beautiful Turkish and
whatever useless words there are, they have put it in the new Turkish.
They say ‘a creative person’. Hasha! Creative is Allah. If someone
writes a book or does something, they refer to him with this word.
Hasha! No one except Allah has the attribute of power. The attribute of
power can only be with Allah. Everything exists based on good
manners. Allah is certainly giving something to people who say
this, so that they know their weakness. We are all weak servants. Allah
is the Possessor of Power. We believe in Him, we ask from Him, we
expect from Him so that He doesn't separate us from the right way
because He is powerful over everything. May He not let us obey this
shaitan. He assumes he can do something. He cannot. As long as we
seek refuge in Allah, Allah will protect. The miracles of every prophet
are the proof of Allah's power. Prophets had always shown
miracles and that was in order to prove they were the messengers of
Allah. There's nothing wrong in that. It should be something that an
ordinary person cannot do so that they see. And all these miracles are
not even a spot in the Power Ocean of Allah. They were such miracles,
a human mind cannot comprehend. For example, Isa alaihi salam
started talking when he was a baby. Leave that aside, how Isa alaihi
salam was born without his mother Maryam being married.
With Allah's power. When he was born people were astonished how
this had happened, Allah showed them a miracle. A few days old baby
started talking. He was speaking clearly the language which people
understood. He was saying "I'm a messenger of Allah. I'm obedient to
my mother. I'm a servant of Allah." How did this happen? Allah is
powerful over everything. Allah is powerful and that happens. There
were 2-3 other babies who talked. He spoke as a prophet. There was a
servant called Jurayj. He was a saint as well, a saint from Bani Israel. He
used to pray in a small booth built on top of a mountain. One day his
mother came and called him. He heard her, but he was praying and
couldn't reply. His mother called him a second time. The third time she
got angry at him for not obeying her. She said "He doesn't want to see
me, so, may prostitutes see his face". So she cursed him. He couldn't
leave his worship to Allah, he couldn't say while praying "Mother, I
was praying and I couldn't answer you". And by the wisdom of Allah,
the mother's prayers were accepted.
That's why, mothers should be careful. Don't curse your children. But a
father's curse is even worse. Still, mothers' are merciful, the father's
curse is more (easily) accepted. That's why, don't curse your children. If
anything happens, say "May Allah correct, may Allah give a sober
mind". It is better. There indeed was a bad woman, she saw the saint
and decided to turn his head. But he was awliya, she couldn't succeed,
she couldn't approach him. So she went to a shepherd and bore him a
child. She then accused the saint of wrondoing and said the child was
his. The Bani Israel were angry, they attacked and beat him and ruined
his booth. The saint begged Allah to be rescued from a bad situation
after being shamed. Allah is powerful over everything. He said, "Touch
that child with your stick". When he touched the child, he started to
talk. Awliya Jurayj asked him, "Who is your father?" He said "My father
is a shepherd". Then all of them repented. They felt embarrassed and
built him a new booth. Then they came to him to receive a blessing.
"What do you want?" He said "I don't need anything, shukr Allah.
Allah has shown my pureness with His power, that is enough for me".
There are millions of examples like this because there were 124,000
prophets and each prophet showed at least a couple of miracles. These
miracles are a sign of Allah's power. Because normal people now say
the world is created such and such, this happened, that happened. But
then, it rains in winter and it's hot in summer. This appears normal. But
this is to show the power of Allah. All these are signs of Allah's power.
But people were shown miracles to make clear for,them to believe.
Millions of miracles. Because 124,000 prophets; if one has 10, it becomes
million. Our Prophet had thousands of miracles, masha Allah. Then
there are miracles of the saints. They show the power of Allah and
invite people to faith to make their faith stronger. They are outside of
ordinary people's experiences. If it was ordinary, it wouldn't be called a
Monday, February 2, 2015
Audhu Billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim.
Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim.
As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina
wa l-akhirin.
Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah,
madad ya Meshayikhana, Ya Mawlana Sheikh Abdullah Faizi d-
Daghistani, Ya Mawlana Sheikh Muhammed Nazim al-Haqqani,
Tariqatuna as-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.
The servants that Allah loves, Allah's beloved servants, are awliya
(saints). They are the ones on the right way. You can find every
goodness, every beauty with them. They teach us. They are the
best examples for goodness and beauty. They are amin (honest). That
means you can trust them. They won't put you in danger, they won't
take you to bad places, and most importantly, they
help you win in akhira (hereafter). The most important danger is
akhira, this temporary dunya (world) is not important. But whoever
follows them, they will be safe in dunya also. They protect the trust.
They are very good protectors of the trust. In the past, there were many
such people. As the number of people increased, it appears no more
awliya are left but actually, it has never changed. Sheikh Efendi says:
they are unseen, hiding, or they seem to be very few among the
millions of people. In the past the population was 10 percent of today's
population so it seemed that there were many more. Even if not awliya,
there were many salih (good and righteous) people. We will tell the
story of one of them so people can see what the awliya are.
In the old days, before going to Hajj or traveling, people who had
money didn't know where to keep it. There were honest/trustworthy
people to whom they gave the money to keep until their return. And
they did it for the sake of Allah, not like the people of today, "I want
payment for keeping this." People in the past were not like this. We
heard many stories like this. One man was going to Hajj, and there was
a very trustworthy person in his country. Everyone knew him. I think
he was Hajji Sa'id. The man had 200 gold liras. (Hajji Sa'id) had a store,
so the man quickly went there to give his money as trust, but got
confused and gave his money to a neighbour's store. He said 'I will take
my money when I return from Hajj'. He gave the money to Haji Sa'id's
neighbour, not to Hajji Sa'id. That person finished his Hajj and returned
safely to his country. He went to Hajji Sa'id and said, "Give me the
money that I gave you to keep for me". Sa'id Efendi was surprised.
"How much did you give me?" "I gave you 200 gold liras", he said. Hajji
Sa'id said "Ok," and took 200 gold liras and gave it to the man.
The man left, but on leaving the keeper of the other store said, "Hajji,
aren't you going to take your money?" "What money?" "You gave me
200 gold liras before going to Hajj and said 'I will collect on returning
from Hajj' ". "Did I leave my money with you?" "Yes" he said. He went
back to Hajji Sa'id saying, "I accidentally gave my money to your
neighbour. Why did you give me this money without asking me
anything? He said, "Allah gave me this beautiful blessing, to be amin,
to be honest. If you tell everyone that you gave me 200 gold liras as a
trust, and that I took it for myself, then that 200 gold lira has no value
for me". That is how valuable a trust is. In that day, 200 gold liras was
like 200 million liras today. Its value was 200 millions liras. It was
very valuable. It had value. Now, nothing has any value. Even gold
doesn't have any value now. Like we said, nothing has any value now,
not just gold but honesty as well. In that time it was so valuable. That
man took out 200 gold liras so that people may not say he stole the
money. Without asking anything, he said, 'how much money', and gave
it when he said '200'. The other Hajji also didn't take the money and run
off with it. But people in this time, in the blink of an eye, 99 percent of
them would take the money and run, unfortunately. There is no
honesty left among people now. It is by Allah's wisdom that we are in
the last days and every badness, every evil will happen in this time. We
are seeing it now. May Allah protect us. May the blessings of awliya be
upon us. May He keep us on the right way so we don't follow our ego.
It is ego actually, what we spoke about. Since we are in the last days,
there is limitless freedom for egos. If you want to do something, you
are free. Everyone can do what they want but that is for dunya. Those
who want akhira must train their egos. They must know good and bad.
You must listen to what your murshid/sheikh says. And your sheikh
will carry you. They don't teach wrong things. And our Sheikh has
billions of examples, stories. We mentioned a holy person from the past
but our Sheikh was in front of our eyes. Everyone knows what he did,
they know his good character. We shouldn't forget that. We must
follow him. Those who claim to be sheikh or murid, they must be very
careful, Insha'Allah. We are speaking about good manners. How we
learn good manners? We are learning by awliya'Allah, beloved servants
of Allah. They are teaching the best. Best way, best thing. Not the good,
the best. Every step, they are doing perfect. They are showing the clear,
the purest thing to do. They are not showing any bad thing for us. They
are teaching us to make our ego better, to try to make it down. When
your ego under you, it is good, but when ego on top of you, it is bad.
The awliya'Allah, the masha'ikh, they are teaching this all the time. If
you ask where they are, they're still same quantity as all times. But now
the population is too crowded so they're not seen between people. They
are rare, but normally they're still same. Some of them are hiding also
still you can find many of them. And Alhamdulillah, we are living with
Mawlana long time, and he was the best example for us, to teach us
about the nice, polite, sweet life. Specially they're sadiq/amin,
trustworthy. You can trust on them because they take you to
Paradise also. The most important thing, to trust in them and they're
carrying this responsibility. From old time people, there was also the
people they were more good mannered, from our times
people. Because they were living in places where they're born, most of
them they're living there. They are not traveling from place to place for
living. Now people they're not happy where they're born, all of them
they want to go from place to place. They said "this is better and that
better". Why you are going? If you go, if you not go, the last trip for you
is grave, so better for you to stay your country and to be in your muhit,
(place of) residence. Every-people, they know each other. But these big
city, Mawlana also, he was not liking that. When they are coming to big
city nobody know any one, they're free, completely free. No ashamed,
no afraid from anybody. But in their residence everybody knows each
other, they cannot do these bad things. Old time people it was like this.
There is one nice story, only for example, how old people they were
living. There was one trustworthy man, everybody know him. Old
times, no bank. Not in their house, maybe they're afraid to keep it in
their house, money, when they went to travel. And most of them
traveling for trading, or for Hajj. Not going, leaving to go for another
country like now, because there was real strong relationship between
people and between brothers, uncles, old people. They cannot leave
and go to another place. So one of these people he was very
trustworthy man. He has shop and the one want to go to Hajj, he has
200 coins of gold. So they can keep, there was people like this. When
they're going, they keep with these trustworthy people and then they
come and take back. So when he go to this
man, he missed his shop and he give this 200 gold to his neighbour and
he went to Hajj. After he come back from Hajj, he come back to this
trustworthy man, his name: Hajji Sa'id. He said to
him, "I'm come from Hajj so you can give me my money back."
Look this man, he didn't take his money. He didn't say 'I didn't take'.
He ask him, "How much you give me?" He said "I give you 200 gold
coins." "Ok, wait," he said and he give him 200 gold coin. After he take
and go from his shop, he was passing by neighbour shop. This man he
notice him, he said "O, you come back from Hajj?" "Yes, I come back
from Hajj." "You didn't take your money, come and take." He said,
"Why money? I take my money." "No," he said, "I didn't give you
money. "Now I will give you." So he give him 200 coin again, the
neighbour. This man he understand he was making wrong. He take
from this man without knowing and he comes back to the first one. He
said to him, "You give me 200 that I didn't give you." He said "Yes."
"Why you didn't tell me I didn't take from you?" He said, "Because this
is a trust, for the name, it is worth this. If you go and tell people 'I give
this man 200 gold and he didn't give me,' it is the worse thing. This
can't happen for me, for this I give you this money. It is not important,
the important, my pureness, my reputation". So this man he was
happy, he gave him back his money. So it was like this.
If now, I said, these days somebody doing this, he will take and he will
never give back. Because these days people they are not looking
anymore for honest, for good manners. Only they thought
if they can take something and they get it, they will be happy. No it is
not happy. The most important, the halal and haram. With halal,
baraka. With haram if you take 1000 times more than from halal,
haram, it has no baraka. It will be finish. It is nothing. Not good for
you, not good for your children, not good for your health, not good for
anything. This is what, awliya'Allah, murshid, they are teaching this.
Especially for this time, the time of the end of time. Near Qiyama, all
people, only they are thinking about their ego, about their enjoyment.
And they are crazy, they are foolish, they have no mind. Because it is
like a trap. Only you come take this, it is poison, you die from this. This
is what people must think very carefully and know the good thing. It is
with awliya'Allah, with murshid. Don't be stubborn. Be soft and be
wanting to learn.
Normal Muslim they must not be objecting, refusing this. But of course,
now shaytan teaching, they're saying different, democracy and other
things. Mawlana Shaykh all time he was saying this is not good, it is
from shaytan. So we are lucky also, to be your guest here. Even we take
blessing from your Sultanate also, insha'Allah. Masha'Allah, this is
what Allah describing: wa mimman khalaqna ummatun yahduna bil
haqqi wa bihi ya'dilun (7:181). Some mufassir they said these people,
one part of Bani Israil, after Sayyidina Musa and Harun (as) and Yusha
they pass away, the Bani Israil they become very bad. And there was
one part of them they were good people, and they were praying for
Allah, "O Allah make us to run away from these people." So Allah (awj)
accept their dua and He make their way sometimes underground,
sometimes up. They going very far. Maybe 2 years going like this,
using money. Just they put when they harvest, they put on front.
Everybody who wants something he goes and takes and he only doing
this. And there is no court, no judge, nothing. Because they don't have
anything to do with this. Even one Hadith Prophet salallahu alaihi wa
sallam when he come to Miraj, he wants to see them. And when he see
them, they were saying, "we were waiting for you, Musa (as) was
telling us you are coming and we make shahada for you." And Prophet
salallahu alaihi wa sallam he accept shahada and they all become
Muslim. Even lions and other wild animal they are going around them,
nothing doing between them. Because only worshiping and they are
happy with what Allah give them. Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam
asking "why you don't have judge?" They said "we're not doing
anything wrong". Everybody they are happy with the other. "You have
riba?" They said "no, we don't use even money". He said "if anybody
make zina". They thought there cannot be this. So they were like angels.
And Allah give them all baraka and they're happy. Alhamdulillah I see
here like this in your country, masha'Allah. So, every time you must
make shukr praying, and shukr for Allah to give you more and more
baraka insha'Allah. This is what shortly, I want to say. And we are
making ghubta. Not envy, but we are happy for you. We are
Alhamdulillah. Insha'Allah when Mahdi (as) all world it will be like
this. Now you must be happy and you must be thankful Allah keep
you in safety insha'Allah and Sultan insha'Allah, and give other
Muslim country example from this justice Sultanate.
I want to say very important thing here, we are very happy also to meet
our uncle Behin Aziz. We love him like our uncle. And we are happy
also to see his son Amin effendi. He is obeying Mawlana's order and
making this zikr and sohba for you and spreading Naqshbandi Tariqa
here. After Mawlana, he give us everything, so we are also authorizing
him to make all Naqshbandi Tariqa order here and to be guidance for
people to best thing, for Allah what He wants. So, you must be happy,
Alhamdulillah he is faqih and he is in ahl at-tariqa. So he is your
Sheikh, insha'Allah, Borneo Sheikh, Sheikh Amin, insha'Allah. Allah
help him, long life. All Brunei coming to be insha'Allah in this way. No
other Sheikh here. Nasiha for you, for us, don't complain from
anything, this is Tariqa: tahammul ad-dad. Meaning, Tariqa you must
You must be patient and you know it's coming from Allah. You doing
this, you'll have blessed and you'll be blessed and Allah pleased with
you. Prophet also will be pleased with you. Some people make it
custom, they're complaining for everything. So you must learn to not,
slowly slowly, not complain and then you be happier. And Allah
happy with you, Prophet happy with you. People also will be happy
with you, because you're spreading good thing around people. Where
you are going, you are giving people to be more happy, to be more
accepting of what Allah He give them. Because it is from Allah, Allah
He is giving everything. If He wants He give you what nobody can
take. But if not, you cannot do anything. This is advice to be at rest and
it is wisdom of our life. To accept what Allah gives us. Allah (awj) He
said for Musa (as) don't want to be rich/ghani. All people they are
poor, only Ghani, Allah. "I am Ghani only", He said. Don't ask for
ghaib, what people cannot see. Only Me, I know ghaib.
Don't be sorry or to be angry with people what they are saying about
you because I am feeding them, I am creating them, I am doing
everything and still they are not happy with Me, they are complaining
for Me. This, for Allah they are doing this. So for everybody it is
nothing. Don't complain. Only be satisfied with what Allah gives you.
Here, many years we are coming, maybe now 20 years we didn't come
but insha'Allah we come more insha'Allah, but even this only 1-2 days
crowd and all pure heart for Allah they are coming only, we are not
giving money. You are coming, you are rich country, no need for you,
but you are also only for Allah you are coming Alhamdulillah. This is a
very happy majlis, Alhamdulillah, thank you.
As-salam aleikum
Wa min Allahi at-tawfiq,
Al Fatiha.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
This world is a temporary place for people. Allah Azza wa Jalla didn't
send people in order to waste time and be confused about what to do,
like people nowadays. He sent them in order to know the value of
every minute and use it for good things. Most people, especially those
who don't know the religion and faith, spend their time in coffee shops
and bad places. They don't go to good places like mosques. They are
spending time because they assume this time is free, "How shall we
spend it?" With bad things. Our fathers used very nice words in
Turkish: we're killing time. You are killing time indeed. Allah has given
time for you not to kill it but make it live. Your time is limited anyway.
You are not going to live forever in this world. 20 years, 30 years, 40
years, let it be 80 years, the most 90 years that you can live. And there
are few people who live long. And time is precious. The most precious
for human being is time. People say "There is no work, what shall we
do?" They sit about and say. "Time is not passing by". It is passing
quickly, they just don't see it. Time is passing like a lightning. They say,
in the blink of an eye; because we open our eyes, then close it and go to
the other side. You say "Allah Allah. How quickly time has passed".
Sometimes someone sleeps, and the alarm rings in the morning. "Did
time pass so quickly?" So life in this world is the same. One day you
will go to the other side. So how shall we spend our time? By
remembering Allah, by remembering the Prophet, by sitting in the
beautiful assemblies. Your life will pass nicely and be full. Now there
are jobless people who say, "What shall we do? Let's look for work". If
they ever remember Allah, if they don't think about anything but Allah,
their provisions will come. It's hadith sharif. When people believe in
Allah with true faith, just like the birds that leave hungry in the
morning and return full in the evening, the same for them. Allah Azza
wa Jalla says "I am Razzaq. I will give their provisions in the same
way." Those animals remember Allah. Everything except people, all the
The Sahaba of our Prophet are the best examples. All of the Sahaba,
masha Allah, lived during the best time, in the century of happiness of
our Prophet. Shaitan bothered them too, all the time, but they were in a
time of happiness. All of them worked and there was a part who were
poor without jobs. They were the as'hab us-suffah and they used to live
right behind the mosque. Most of them had only one garment. They
had no food. Our Prophet used to send his food to them. As they were
poor they couldn't go to war. During old times, it was not like now
when you buy everything for the soldier. If you had a weapon, you
could choose to go to war, for jihad. Because they didn't, most of the
time they could not go and were distressed. Sometimes people did
charity to help send them. Those people only relied on Allah. They
remained there and were raised in that station. They didn't say "we are
bored" or "we are killing time". They would sit in the mosque all the
time waiting for our Prophet to come. Most knowledge came from
them. They learnt all the hadith and ayats by heart. As we said, this life
is not for sitting about jobless and killing time. Allah Azza wa Jalla has
given the most precious thing, time. As much as we remember Allah,
our time is precious. As much as you don't think about Allah, your time
is a waste, it is not worth a penny, you can kill it as much as you want.
Today we are speaking about the human being. Allah sent them to this
world, why? To remember Him, to be working for Allah. There is many
people now, especially in these days, before it was a little bit more
better, because no machine. Everybody must work, all the time
working, it is little bit better. But now, everything by machine. There is
plenty of time for people. And people they are not knowing what to do
with time. They boring, "I'm bored," they said, many people. "What I
can do in this time?" And there is a saying in Turkish: we must kill
time. What meaning? To make something, anything to just pass this
time. Time it is not “ma lu qima”, it is not waste. It is very valuable,
very precious. Very precious thing Allah give us. When somebody
gives you some precious thing and you throw it, he will not be happy
with you. Time it is the most precious for our life. It is limited.
Everybody has limited time. Maybe 10 years, maybe 20 years, maybe 50
years, maybe 90 years, very few people they can live until 90 years. So
it is not thing to waste it. You must be careful, you must be happy with
your time, you must do things, good things in this
time. Not to go to coffee shop or to bad place to finish your time, you're
bored. There is many things you can do to not get bored, specially for
believer. Non-believer they all doing. What they're doing? All time you
see from their young time, in same coffee shop, until after 50 years you
see same, coming night, 9 o'clock morning going, 5 o'clock from this
coffee shop. This is what they are doing, they're whole, not only one
day wasting, whole life wasting in coffee shop.
Near mosque, and 5 times calling azan, they are not going there. Only
they're making dirty jokes together and they're laughing, they're doing,
but nothing good for them.
The good thing to be, remember Allah and Prophet, and to do good
things. When you try to do good thing, you know your time is very
precious. It is very valuable, to not waste it, to make good things. There
is people unemployed people they say "we don't have work, what we
do?" And they're thinking. Don't think this. You be with Allah, go to
mosque you make zikr, you read Quran, Allah sends for you your rizq.
So, this is Prophet (saws) saying in his hadith: if you are real believer
Allah can feed you like bird. They are going morning hungry, coming
full, night time." Allah doing this for animal, He cannot do for you? Of
course He can do. And this all animal, all creatures except human
being, they're praising Allah they're making tasbih for Allah. For this
Allah gives them their rizq but human being they're not doing. Just
thinking and then complaining, "We are bored, we have nothing to do,
and whnnn", many things to do. Prophet (saws) time there was as'hab
as-suffah they were called, poor people from Companion of Prophet
(saws). They were living in mosque, Prophet (saws) mosque in Madina.
Still now there is a place for them, as'hab as-suffah place they call it.
These people, because they are poor people - that day, that time,
poorness, it was real poorness. If you find one date, you are enough for
you to live one day. Even this many people they cannot, 1 in 3 days can
they take it only. But they're living in the most happy century, Century
of Prophet (saws). And they were happy they were not complaining,
and they're not doing any work, because no work at that time and they
were living 24 hours in the mosque, accompanying Prophet (saws),
praying all the time with him, looking to take knowledge from him,
from hadith, Quran and what he do. They're happy there. These people
when they was going jihad for fighting, they don't have any money,
they don't haveany weapon, so many times they cannot go to join this.
They were sad. Sometimes, some people they arrange for them. They
are not complaining at all. They are happy and they're example for
people who said "we are unemployed and we are bored, what we do."
You can do what Allah ordered. Allah not create you to work, Allah
create you for worshipping but you must work, if you find work, you
ok. You don't find, you don't waste your time. You make zikr, worship
for Allah, Allah send you your rizq, your provision insha'Allah.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Assalamu Alaykum
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah, Madad Ya
Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-
Haqqani. Dastur.
Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
and stayed at sea for a week. They left for Turkey from Larnaca. They
roamed around because there was no wind. They arrived somewhere
Then Shaykh Mawlana went through a lot of pain of course. Let us cut
short what happened after that. When he migrated to Damascus he also
stayed in Homs. He stayed next to Khalid bin Walid Hazretleri. “I
stayed for a year there,” he said. The holy one learned in one year what
we, meaning a normal person would learn in ten years. He had such a
gift from Allah. Shaykh Mawlana both had himma (support) and
anyway with the power of a wali (saint) he learned it all in one year.
Then he came to Damascus and found Grandshaykh. All the time,
nobody was around Grandshaykh. Sometimes they would not even be
five people when doing the Khatma Khajagan.“ ً ِ ا مﱠﺔ ُ اَﺎنَ ﻛَﯿﻢْ۪بٰﺮ ِھ نﱠ اInna
Ibrahima kana ummatan” (The Bee-Nahl:120) “Surely Ibrahim was a
lone nation,” says Allah Azza wa Jalla in the Koran. Grandshaykh,
Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, would make sohba for Shaykh Mawlana.
He would make sohba as if he had a thousand people in front of him.
Shaykh Mawlana says he wrote 7700 sohbas. There was no casette or
the sort. He would listen there, come home and write it clattering,
down to its period. They are such holy ones, and had himma. They do
not look at who is sitting in front of them. Yet sohbas come better when
the person across has the capability. 7700 sohbas are not few. Shaykh
Mawlana wrote that many sohbas in ten years. Afterwards, of course,
there were many khalwas (seclusions) and riyadas (exercises).
Grandshaykh continuously sent Shaykh Mawlana everywhere for
sermons and guidance. At that time, there was only Cyprus and Syria.
Sometimes he would go to Jordan and take his Hajis. There was no war
in Qudus at the time. They would go to Qudus too before 1967. Shaykh
Mawlana would wander around. All the time, he would wander and
give his enlightenment so he could guide people non-stop. A person
would gain those holy ones’ enlightenment whether he spoke to people
or not, even if he jokes. Just like a bad person gives heaviness, so do
the holy ones give beauty. As our Holy Prophet shows, he says, “The
good person is like a shop that sells musk,” meaning good fragrance. If
you enter in the shop, even if you do not buy a fragrance, you smell
Really, each one tells: We came and visited, and asked for such and
such from Shaykh Mawlana. Most of them got what they asked for
thank Allah. The holy ones do not leave one empty and do not turn one
back empty. He also loved Damascus, and Shaykh Mawlana would
continuously long, “O Damascus. O Damascus.” Inshallah the situation
there gets better. None of the bad people, whichever they are, will be
left with the permission of Allah. Not the Wahhabi, nor whatever
others... So only the good will be left. Our Holy Prophet’s Hadith,
“Never can the evil ones be over the good ones.” They cannot be in
Syria any longer, and only good ones will be the majority. That is why
they can strive as much as they want. Allah’s wish occurs. Allah helps
the good.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Allah’s greates favor for Muslims is His giving us the blessing of Islam.
We are proud of it. We thank Allah. We have nothing to be ashamed of.
Some people are embarassed when they go to prayer. There are people
who are embarrased of people seeing them go to prayer. Whereas, that
is the greatest honor and the greatest favor. As the level of faith
increases, a person is not ashamed of anybody. There is nothing to be
ashamed of anyway. To be ashamed of praying is the way shown by
Shaytan. The one who does evil should be embarrassed. There is no
need for the one doing good to be embarrassed. Taking care of Allah’s
order is the greatest good as well.
Let us say they are the general public, so it could be alright for normal
people. But sometimes you find that an alim (scholar), hoja (teacher),
and shaykh like people do certain things to look good in the sight of
others. He wants to act like the enemies of Islam so that it looks better
for him. Let us do this, let us do that, and let us act as such... Of course
you can do, but if you do it according to their fashion it does not befit a
Muslim. Fighting and disturbance is not befitting of Islam. A Muslim
does not hold demonstrations but holds sohba gatherings. Meetings
with scholars are appropraite. Words such as federation and what not
are not pretty. When we speak, we need to use words befitting of Islam.
The intention might be good, but when some things are said, they
injure a person’s soul and do not feel good for the soul. They do not feel
good for the ego nor the soul.
We need to be careful when selecting words. Sometimes beautiful
people, old people appear on television and they speak. Really, you
cannot get enough of their talk. But others appear: this is a problem and
that is a problem, and this and that... You just want to turn it off. It is
very important for a Muslim to speak in a peculiar and beautiful style.
To speak well and to choose good words becomes even more important
when attempting great works. Because it is something that will always
stay in the open. When someone is talking and an unpleasent word is
used, it feels offensive to the listener and they hate it. It gives hatred
from the beginning. What we mean by hatred is it pushes the person
away and one does not want to get closer to it. However, when there is
a pretty word from the beginning, it addresses a person’s soul and is I
remember years back, there was Communism in the squares.
The men had a peculiar style of speach. They also have it in Turkey,
because they get instructions from a place. I was in Lebanon at the time,
the Communist Party there said a word. They would change words
spoken by the public and use that. They spread it everywhere now.
Muslims took it from them too, and are doing what they are telling. Do
not do what they tell you to do, but do what belongs to you. Let it be
clear what you are. Like we said, it is not effective when we use their
words, but it is counter effective.
A Muslim needs to think about this in every move. They look at what a
regular hoja is saying and what a shaykh is saying, since they do not
know much themselves. Wahhabis do not wear kufis (prayer caps),
nor do they wear a jubba or the such. We had gone to America years
ago from today. We went once and did not go again. We went to Juma
Prayer. Surprised, “Allah Allah,” we found that the man got on the
pulpit (minbar) and he did not have a prayer cap on his head. Let us
say we understand why, but he was dressed in suit and tie, and he had
a such a beard. A numskull like guy, gave a numskull of a sermon
(khutba), nobody understood it, and he just walked by. You see, it does
not work like that. Our hojas are representing Islam. They need to show
the way to people and be an Imam with their dress, with their actions,
and with words. They are shepherds and carry people as they want.
May Allah make us meet beautiful people and guides. May He increase
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Inshallah we will say a couple of words. We are here for the first time
to address you. We will speak for about five to ten minutes. Thank you
for gathering here. Alhamdulillah we are coming from a long distance,
but we are happy to be here for the sake of Allah. Many people do not
know why they are in this life. Alhamdulillah the shaykhs (mashayikh)
explained to us why Allah created us and the wisdom behind it. It is a
great kindness of Allah to be human. Yet most people do not know this
favor. In fact, they ask why we are here in this world. Allah has sent
you and created you as the highest in the world among creation. You
do not know this though. Why do you not know? Because you are not
looking for a guide. We are following in the footsteps of our Holy
Prophet (s.a.w) and he is our guide.
He is the most honored and the most generous. Yet people are ignorant.
They say they graduated from university and earned a Ph.D. I do not
know what they call it here, I do not know the terminology much. We
were with Mawlana Shayh Nazim Hazretleri once. Someone came and
said, “My son is doing his Ph.” Mawlana asked, “What?” So he did not
care. The ignorant person is the one who does not know Allah, does
not know the Creator, and does not know our Holy Prophet (SAW). It
is a pity for them. They try to find what is in front of them for their
whole lives. They look here and there, but in fact it is in front of them. If
you look, you will be saved both here and hereafter. But they push it
aside with their hand and say, “No, not this. We could not find it. We
cannot find it.” This is bad for them. Alhamdulillah Mawlana showed
us the right way. Good and clever people, people who have been
bestowed with the favor of Allah find it. Mawlana was in London first.
He used to give sohba in a very small room. He is like an ocean, not like
us. 15-20 people would attend his sohbas. He was giving sohba and
knowledge like an ocean. He was working for the future of the Umma
(Nation) and Islam. Raja Ashman, Rahmatullah Aleyh, came in one
meeting. He was a very good and clever person.
He grabbed Mawlana’s hand and never left him. He has left to the
hereafter. Even if we do not see him, he sees us. He is also happy with
these people. Those who also continue after them are becoming greater
with the blessing of our Holy Prophet (SAW) and guides who come
after him. One by one, with the blessing of all guides until our
Mawlana Shaykh. He is also the most knowledgable. What he did is not
easy. Mawlana worked hard and did not look at how many people
there were. One time he was praying, there was one line and he said,
“Do not look at it being like this. There are thousands of lines of Jinn
behind me.” He saw them. So he did not think, “There are only a
couple of people. Why should I speak?” He said he would speak even if
for that one person. Alhamdulillah he is giving and his knowledge
continues. It is enough until Judgement Day. We are only sitting here
with his blessing (baraka). We could speak anything and it would be
fine. Sohba is the most important thing in tariqa. We are trying to be
like him and for there to be blessing in our gathering. Alhamdulillah
we are happy. We are coming from far away, but everywhere we go,
everywhere there is the same feeling. You feel it. There are many
people we do not know, but even so you feel the same happiness. We
are happy to be together. People are happy when we arrive and sad
when we leave. But what can we do? This is the world.
Yet Inshallah everybody who loves our Holy Prophet and our shaykhs
will be together. “Al-mar’u ma’a man ahab,” is a Hadith. Our Holy
Prophet said, “A person will be with the one he loves in Paradise.”
Meaning we will all be together Inshallah. Raja Ashman too, do not
worry. Allah gave him a maqam here. The awliya are always at his
maqam. When something happens, you can come here, pray two rakats
and ask from Allah. Allah will grant your wish. Alhamdulillah we are
happy. We come from far, but we are like neighbors. They said it
would be hot here, that there is a 30 degree difference. Alhamdulillah it
is not hot for me though. I am comfortable, happy, and do not feel hot
Alhamdulillah. Do not complain. If you do not complain, Allah makes
everything easy for you. We are following Sharia. Mawlana loves these
Malaysian people for 60 years, ever since he first went to Pilgrimage
(Hajj). He saw them in Hajj. He said, “They are polite people.” In short,
we are happy to be here. Some have been misguided though. They are
People should know this. This is a very important point. What did our
Holy Prophet (SAW) say? You should think, “It is better to be sinful
than to be arrogant.” You might be able do the best in everything. You
might be a scholar, but you might be proud, very proud. This way you
will have done like Shaytan. Astaizu Billah. May Allah make us among
people who follow our Holy Prophet (SAW), seek his shafaa, and love
him. Inshallah, may Allah protect and safeguard this country from
every kind of evil, especially the evil of Shaytan. May Allah bless (give
baraka) to the Sultans. Allah loves sultans. Because Allah is the Creator
and He created everybody different. Meaning you cannot say, “Let us
make elections so I can become Sultan.” No, Allah made His own
selection. He made these people sultan. This way, you do not need to
make an election. Some people’s specialty is to become a physician,
not be good for you. Alhamdulillah there is a sultan and baraka here.
“As-Sultan Dillullah fil ard.” May Allah make them even stronger. May
He grant them to follow the Sunna and the Tariqa, the heart of Sharia,
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Friday, February 13, 2015.
These people were listening for advice also. They bring a very clever
one, more than 100 years old, carrying him, he cannot walk. They want
advice from him. He asked who are these people, how they are, and
they told him. And they was good fighter and good at making war.
They are not afraid from war. And this man he said, "if you will attack
another people, I say yes, you can attack anybody. But these people
don’t come near them. You cannot do anything. And I am old, I have
experience, you know also this. But it must be, happen this war." They
said, "No, you are becoming very old, you are not understanding."
They are not listening to him.
When Muslims see these people, they said, "O we are very strong and
all these Makka people also they are coming with us. We are more than
them, more strong than them. So when beginning they was proud, so
Allah Azza wa Jalla want to give lesson. Beginning of the war these
people was attacking and succeeding. Really they were coming very
near to finish the war with them. But Allah sent angels and gave these
people fear in their heart. Before He was taking the fear from the heart
of these people. They were attacking and give fear to these Muslim
people. After when they know they must not be proud and be with
Allah, not forget, Allah change and they are coming down. Muslim
won on them.
There was much ghanima (booty), what you take from war and they
are sharing between them. Subhanallah, Rasulallah salallahu alaihi wa
sallam, he was giving away everything, it was huge, number of
ghanima. Even Abu Sufyan coming asking for camel, Prophet salallahu
alaihi wa sallam, he giving thousand. After, he said "for my son also,
give me another thousand." And for another son also, thousand. Like
this it was so big ghanima. After, when finished this ghanima, it was
Madina muhajirin wa-l ansar. Nothing left for them. Some of them was
saying, "why we didn at take from this, and why we are like this, we
are poor people, we must take also?" Prophet salallahu alaihi wa
sallam, he call them and he said, "you want the best thing or you want
only dunya, this world’s things? It is not even anything." They said,
"No ya Rasulallah we want the best." He said "I am going with you to
Madina, Do you want more than this?" They was crying, they was
happy, they said "no, Ya Rasulallah! No Ya Rasulallah! By our soul and
our love for you, we don’t want anything." They was happy.
Just like your country here, or like Central Asia also. All coming by foot
and they are coming, teaching people without fighting them. There is
no possibility to fight these people. It is so far and they are little
quantity to fight all these people. No, by spiritual power they make
these people Muslim. And Alhamdulillah they are until now, the most
and best people, for practicing Islam. We are coming here, we are
happy to see all masha’Allah people, they are good in practicing Islam.
Really, like in this area, it is so far to come and to fight and to make
them Muslim.
Muslims they are good people, how he can cheat them? He cheat them
to say, "You don’t understand Islam, you are making wrong thing." If
these people they are making wrong thing, how about another Muslim
country? So, this meaning nobody, no Muslim in this world.
These people from their pureness said, "Maybe we are in wrong thing."
But no, you are I think, since 1000, or more than 1000 years Muslim.
Coming from ancestors, father, grandfathers, all, they are practicing
Islam and they are doing the same thing what you are doing. Until
when? Until maybe 30 or 40 years ago when this fitna coming to make
people disturb each other, to say "you are mushrik, you are kafir, you
are like this". No, because if your ancestors was in wrong way it would
not only now come like this.
All mosques, all people praying, going to Hajj, doing zakat, they are
doing everything according to order of Islam. If it was wrong thing,
they would be finished until now, become all Buddhist or another kind
of non-Muslim or making new religion. Alhamdulillah, you are all Ahl
al-Sunnah wa l-Jama’a, even no other madh’hab. But now coming this
Salafi, they are making wrong thing. Don’t listen to these people. They
say to people, foreigner people who are not speaking Arabic like us.
When somebody speaks Arabic they think he is saint. But these people
they are not believing, not even in saint, Prophet not believing. Himself,
he is dead. Yesterday Her Highness she said something, it was really
good example for these people, our people. The pure people, good
people, who are respecting Arabs for Prophet salallahu alaihi wa
sallam, not for petrol, not for anything else. She said when going
sometimes in Arab flight they said you must tie your belt in Arabic.
These people they are opening their hand and they thought it is dua.
Our people who are not Arab, thinking very good about Arabs, but
these people making the worst for Islam, for people who are not Arab.
They must repent and make astaghfirullah for what they do, for Allah
to forgive them. They will be punished by Allah Azza wa Jalla. This is
fitna and Allah cursing who making fitna. Alhamdulillah we are now
gathering here, all these people to make Mawlid, make tahleel, praising
Prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam and making salawat, zikr, and
reading Qur’an. What is wrong with this? Alhamdulillah, we are not in
wrong. Who they say it is wrong, they are wrong. And Allah make all
this country to become again one hand. One jama’a insha’Allah. Jama’a
Ahl al-Sunna wa l-Jama’at.
Of course, you see me, I don't like to speak about myself. But I know
myself, I'm not good speaker or anything but Mawlana, what is his
wisdom, I don't know why he said, "You will be after me to look for
our people". So, no confusion. Everywhere we're going, some people,
they're saying this, some people say that. I'm not listening to anybody.
I am not looking internet, not looking for what people saying. Just I am
doing order of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, qaddasAllahu sirruh al-Aliy
al-Azeem. Alhamdulillah, Mawlana, he said 'I am nothing' for himself,
'I am at all nothing'. But when we travelling around our brothers, East,
North, South, I'm feeling Mawlana's help, his blessing, his happiness
for whom they are listening and obeying his order. I don't like to be in
people, but it is order. If some, very few people coming or thousand
coming, it is same. Even less people, I'm most, more comfortable. And
more people, I am not comfortable. I don't like saying, "I am", but I am
test for people. "How this man is speaking? And he has no Arabic, no
Turkish, nothing. English not good". It is your test. That's what I can
say. If you are happy, Mawlana, he is happy to see all these people,
they are not wasting themselves to follow another - Chinese people,
All sincere people, we see many people, they are telling us about
dreams they saw, like real. He give them advice, he give them what to
do, what they must do. And this is Awliyaullah, Sultan al-Awliya. So
we are saying for people, this is will of Mawlana. If it is not will of
Mawlana, we cannot step one step and people coming like this. His
order, and his will, and his happiness for people to come to his way
and to renew their bayah, (to) their relative for tariqa, for Prophet,
salallahu alaihi wa sallam. Because line coming from Prophet salallahu
alaihi wa sallam. This is difficult for people who have big ego. If
Mawlana's order not make this ego small, come down, they will never
be able to do it. We cannot force people. Allah Azza wa Jalla tell in
Qur'an for Prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam: innaka la tahdi man
ahbabta walakinna Allaha yahdi man yashau (28:56)
We like people, all our people to come to Mawlana's order. But even
Prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam, Allah say in this ayah: you cannot
make people who, you love them, to come to hidayah, to right way.
Only Allah, if He wants, He can bring them. So don't be sad, don't
I come here after 13 years. Many people, I don't know who is there, but
masha'Allah, Alhamdulillah many, they are more and more, they are
here. So I don't have anything with people. No interest, no trade, no
relation. Not so much people I know. So it is nothing between me and
other people. Only what I say for Malaysian people, for other brothers
in the world, all the world, only you must obey Mawlana Sheikh's
order, Mawlana Sheikh's will, and don't bargain. Who accepts this,
Allah happy with him, Prophet happy with him, Mawlana happy with
him. Who not happy, not obey, what we will do? We cannot do
anything. I was intending to make another sohba but today this
coming, because people, they're asking since I'm coming, "what we
will do, what is order?" So I think now it is clear. I don't like to speak
too much for this subject but it was necessary. And insha'Allah I don't
want to speak any more for this subject. Insha'Allah Allah give our
people guidance to obey and to make their ego under their feet. They
will be higher. And really it is sohba, I don't like to repeat it anymore.
In Qur'an given his tale, what he's done. Qur'an telling us in Surat alQasas.
Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam said 'qasas', meaning tales. The tale,
Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam, he said "it is soldier from Allah".
Everything, Allah can make them soldier, even small insect can be soldier.
So Allah tells us he was very rich. Even the key of his treasures many
camels cannot carry it. This is key not even treasure. So the most rich one,
he was this Qarun. Musa, alaihi salam advised him, "O Qarun, don't make
trouble. Don't be trouble-maker. Allah, He make favour for you, you give
and you make favour for people. And don't make trouble, Allah not like
who they are making trouble." He was going around in his richness.
Many people, they were saying "Oh, we wish this, if we can have like him,
to be like him." And even for this Musa alaihi salam telling him, "You make
favour for people but also don't forget yourself. You can give for yourself
as you like. But don't forget Allah, don't forget akhira." People, they were
saying "Oh, we are wishing to be like him." But believer people who knew,
they said, "Don't wish like this because he is not good man. If he is good
man, you can wish to be like him but he is not good man." And he said
"No, it is not coming from Allah, by my knowledge I make all this fortune,
treasure". He was proud. He not giving anything for Allah. If he lived
million years, it was enough for him. But this is the type of people, they are
not getting satisfied.
The worst people - greedy people. And he was very greedy. So Allah make
him to sink in earth. Mawlana, he was saying he is still sinking in earth.
From 5,000 years he's still going down, he and his treasure. It is big
example for people. Alhamdulillah, our guests, they are most generous, all
family, Allah shukr. Shukranlillah. This is favour bigger than richness. To
know and to be happy with Allah's order. And Allah, He's happy with
them, Prophet happy with them, all Awliya, they are happy with such
people. They are clever. Who is clever? Who believes in Allah. Who's the
most clever people? The believers.
As we said, how much the richest man, he can eat? In this country you
have lobster. I don't eat lobster but just I know it is very expensive. Maybe
rich man, he can eat one. Or normal man, if you give him one, he will be
happy. If you give him two, he will be happy also. Three, he will say, 'it is
enough,' maybe but also he can eat. Four, he cannot eat but if he forces
himself, maybe. Five, six, seven, he'll go to hospital maybe. If he eats ten,
he's finished. How? You must think about this.
Alhamdulillah, our people, they are most generous for giving all this, for
Allah, for sake of Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam, for the sake of their
ancestors, they are giving all this. Allah reward them and reward all family
coming 1,000 years or more. They are noble. We have few people like them.
We must be proud, we must be happy. Mawlana, he was happy with
Sultan. Where there is Sultan, there is baraka he said. Baraka meaning good
thing. Nobody feeling miserable but who they are living in sultanate, many
people, they are not knowing, not appreciate this because fish living in
water not knowing what's outside water. They think it is same. No, the
sultanate, it is a favour from Allah for people who are living in that
country. Many places Allah saying in Qur'an for Sultan. Many places there
is: waj'al li mil-ladunka sultanan naseera (17:80) Many places Sultan’s name
in Qur'an. For president, no president in Qur'an. The best system,
sultanate. And Allah He give you this, Allah make it until qiyama on our
head. And Allah reward them, Allah give them more and more. And they
can make for themselves also. It is good for them. Alhamdulillah, thank
you for your hospitality. And insha'Allah, Allah reward you and for all
your family. Allah keep you safe insha'Allah.
Second part, they said "He is our commander. We must obey. We take
little bit to obey his order. We will not be blamed." Third one, they
obey order, they fill everything. What they have empty, they fill and
continue walking. When daylight coming out, they were going, of
course, not stopping continue walking. They see they were in gold
mine. First people part, they were very regretting, "Why we didn't
listen to order? Our chief, he was knowing what he is ordering. He
want our goodness." They were very unhappy. Second part, they said
"Alhamdulillah, we take little bit. But if we really were sincere and
listened to our commander, we will be more rich than this."
Third part, they saw, they were happy. Even these, because human
beings want more, they were saying, "Oh, we must throw every
useless thing and we must put gold. What they ordered, we didn't
know, but something like clothes, something like we think it is not
valuable, we can throw it and we can take instead, gold." It is for
everything like this. This is example for akhira and for dunya also. For
akhira, Allah order us to not look for non-valuable things. He show us
the good, the best things. So somebody, they are unbelievers, they are
not listening at all. So they'll be very regret.
Other part, second part, they are obeying, but only so it will be safe.
Also this is okay to save yourself from eternal unhappiness. Third
one, who they are obeying and believing and making good things. The
second part, this like normal Muslim. Some of them, only they saying
shahada. Not doing anything, or doing only the minimum. Minimum
of Islamic order. The third one, who are obeying and taking more
seriously this matter, this order, and looking for guidance or murshid
also, because without this, it is as we said, it is normal.
It is giving you not only for akhira, for dunya also, giving you spiritual
power. But what we said? You need murshid, you need guidance
because some people, they are worshipping without guidance, they
become proud, become happy by his ego. This is making ego bigger.
But with murshid, he is all time telling you what to do, to not make
your action to be empty. He take you to what Allah want. This is
tariqa. Tariqat an-Naqshbandiya coming from Prophet salallahu alaihi
wa sallam, and nearly 1,500 years. Still coming same, no changing.
There are many groups but they are all gone because they are in
wrong way. Only tariqa Naqshbandiya and 40 tariqa, all in right way.
They are acceptable by ahl al-sunnah wa ljama'a because they are in
sharia also. Like Jafar al-Sadiq, he is teacher, murshid, guide for
Sayyidina Abu Hanifa, Imam Azam, the greatest imam of Hanafi
madhhab. All madhhabs' imams, they have one guidance, one
murshid. So we are happy and we want people to be happy, to not be
misguided. Many people, they are misguided but they are in wrong.
To say bad thing for tariqa, it is from shaitan cheating them. He don't
want really Islam to be, because it is the main power for Muslims. In
all communist Russia after 80 years, quickly when finished this,
coming Islam. I was there, all ulama there, Naqshbandi. They are
keeping Islam in that area. All, maybe 100 million all around this old
Soviet Union. After when finished, after 80 years, and they were
destroying, not leaving anything from any side anything from Islam.
And they were killing all ulama, hafiz, imam, not leaving anything.
Still Allah keep them around these people without knowing. When
Why do you say to these people, they are not good and they are doing
all best for you, to take you to Allah and to make you love Prophet
salallahu alaihi wa sallam. The heart of sharia, what it is? To love
Prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam. This is the summary for tariqa. To
respect and to love because Allah love Prophet salallahu alaihi wa
sallam and order us to love him, to make salatu salam for him. We are
trying to teach people this. It is not shirk, not any wrong thing with
this because it is order from Allah. In Qur'an several, many, many
places in Qur'an you find order to obey Allah and RasulAllah, to love
RasulAllah, salallahu alaihi wa sallam, to make salatu salam for him.
Who's saying against this, they are in wrong and they must look for
themselves to not be regretting like these people who are going
empty-handed. So we are happy and Allah, insha'Allah make all this
country's people to be better and better. When they are following
sharia and tariqa, they will have two wings. They'll be more high and
more happy and more baraka and be safe insha'Allah. Alhamdulillah,
we are seeing this seed Mawlana, he was planting, it is growing
insha'Allah. And it will be more green everywhere, insha'Allah,
because Islam is green. Green light insha'Allah.
people not understanding. Only for benefit or to make miracle they are
looking for this.
They are saying some of them making dawrah, course. Sometime give
them course for khalwat, some of them for riyaza. Even I hear in
Pakistan, I think, in 1 year you can be awliyaullah. They're making
intensive course. People, they're believing and after this become mess
for them and other people also. No, when Allah want, He can give.
For miracle - once also, you know Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Sultan
Ahmad, he built it. And there is Sheikh, big Sheikh, Aziz Mahmud
Hudai in Uskudar. He is a big Sheikh and he has many karama. Eight
Sultans from Ottoman, they were his mureeds. And one by one after
one, he may have been 90 years old when he passed away, but these
Sultans, eight Sultans passing through him.
They were making sohba with good people and one of them he said,
"All around not one rose, not one flower. If Allah give us some
branches of rose, we'll be warm with this nice thing." And he quickly
went out, Sheikh Shams Tabrizi, after 2 minutes bring one branch with
rose, very nice rose and smelling. There were people saying "this is
karama," he said, "No, this is not karama, this is only Allah's gift." If
your intention also good, quickly this coming. So, Alhamdulillah, for
here also, all our people's intention very good, very nice.
Insha'Allah Allah give us, for your baraka what He want insha'Allah.
We want Allah, we don't want anything else. Allah, He's giving us all
best. His favour, it is more than enough for us. The biggest favour is to
be in this way. Many people, they lose their way even by dunya or
even by wrong people who are looking like angels but they are devil.
They are showing wrong way. Many people, they are following them.
They are the losers. Alhamdulillah, we try with baraka of awliya to
spread here also their baraka, of tariqa and awliyaullah.
Insha'Allah, all people, they believe they are better than us but
Mawlana first time he met his Sheikh, he said, "You must think
everybody to be like Khidr." Khidr alaihi salam, he can be in any type
of people. Once like this man, once like other one. Many people, they
are not knowing. Once also Sultan Kanuni Sulaiman, his Sheikh
Yahya Trabzoni. These two Sheikhs, Mawlana he was making sohba in
their mosque. He said many faces, many manifestations they are
giving. All the time when he came to Istanbul, every time he liked to
give sohba there. He take his Sheikh and going Bosphorus by royal
There was one man, he make "Salamu alaikum". Sheikh said, "Alaikum
salam. Come here". And he was not so well dressed but it's okay. And
Sultan, he was asking for Khidr alaihi salam. And this man, he was
there and of course Kanuni Sultan Sulaiman, he was very strong,
everybody afraid from him. Nobody can say anything or come near
him but when his Sheikh - he's like cat, he was asking about Khidr
alaihi salam, "How we can see him?" And he smell there and he has
ring in his finger, and this ring, it is maybe buying half of Istanbul.
This man said "What is this ring? Very nice. Can I see it?" He said
"Yes," because from his Sheikh, he give him this ring. And he looking,
looking and suddenly, falling in sea, Bosphorus. He became very red
but of course in front of Sheikh, "Ok. What we will do?" And when
they went, finish, they were speaking, speaking, but all time
thinking… Speaking all for Khidr alaihi salam and when coming near
shore, this man coming out and he take his hand in sea and take out
purse and "take this". He disappeared. That was Khidr.
Many stories for Khidr alaihi salam. Also making good, you know, in
Qur'an even there is story. All for teaching people. Alhamdulillah, we
are with Mawlana also, we see thousands of karama. Mawlana's
knows better than us. It is coming maybe after one month. He said
"Oh, he was right, this is what happened, what he said, Mawlana."
Sometimes after 5 years, "Ok, masha'Allah". Come again, “this is what
Mawlana was saying”.
Many people, they are not understanding this, they were objecting.
Many people I know, they left also. But even they are leaving him, he's
not leaving them because we make bayah, but they will be not in same
level as who are following all the time. The followers must be better,
Alhamdulillah. "Because why?" you can say. No, we cannot say
"Why?" Mawlana, he not like democracy. You can't ask this.
Especially, when he was making sohba, sometimes people, they are
saying we want to ask something. No, no questions.
Insha'Allah, he come this area, these countries, his feet touching here.
It is good tiding for all this area. Insha'Allah shaitan, he cannot be over
this. Insha'Allah, it will be help for Islam, this area helping Islam. All
the best it will be for them also, insha'Allah. So don't be following
people who are not acceptable people because there must be
connection. And connection maybe it can be gold, maybe, can be iron
but if it is connection, connection. You must be connected. And it is
connecting to Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam.
So everybody who accepts they will succeed. But if not accept and
If they are not doing this, they are only for themselves, they are doing
this. Even not for reward from Allah, for dunya they are doing this.
Even for Allah, when awliyaullah doing, it is not acceptable, praying
for themself to be awliya. Only for Allah it must be. This is our advice,
insha'Allah, tomorrow we'll be leaving. Insha'Allah many times we
come to see you insha'Allah and wish we see you insha'Allah in Cyprus
and Istanbul also, insha'Allah. Thank you for your hospitality. We're
happy with you, Alhamdulillah.
Saturday, February 21, 2015.
Allah made sohba for nasiha li-llah. Ad-deen an-nasiha. And Islam, it
is haqq religion. And there is: inna ad-dina inda allahi al-islam (3:19).
This is, Allah, He's saying no another religion, only Islam, the
acceptable religion, there is many deen but acceptable is His Divine
Presence, Islam. This is what we say in Salat un-Najat and after that,
Fajr praying. After, we make: shahid-Allāhu annahū lā ilāha illa hū
wa l-malā’ikatu wa ūlu l-ilmi qā’iman bi l-qist lā ilāha illa hū alazīzu l-
hakīm inna d-dīna ind Allāhi l-islām (3:18-19) And we read everyday,
Allah He is Witness, only one God and the religion, only Islam. This
Allah He witness for this. Other people what they are saying we are
not caring about anything. But Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam
saying: who repeats this every day, his kafil, his guarantor, Allah.
Because He accept this, and Allah saying this, his guarantor Allah, he
will be in safe and he will be in jannah. And deen an-nasiha.
are born, they are all Muslim. After this, their father and mother, if
they are from another religion, they make him to follow another
religion. But normally he is Muslim. For this, to follow order of Allah,
it is easier than to follow order of shaitan. It must be like this but
shaitan cheating people and show them the worst thing as if it is good
thing. They show najas, filthy things, as if it is clean. Like alcohol, it is
filthy, not clean. If coming on you, you must clean your trousers or
your clothes. Of course, Alhamdulillah, here, nobody take alcohol,
this is example, but there is more filthy than this, other things also.
Especially, your work, what you're doing, you do for Allah and be
careful to not mix it with haram. To make business, to make anything,
it is halal, not haram. But some people, they're cheating people and
thought they are clever. So this is haram. To cheat people and take
their money, not giving anything. It is not good thing. This is haram.
This is how shaitan cheating people. He is making people to be not
looking halal, haram. They are just give money. This is not good idea
because with haram money, there is no baraka. Allah create you and
He create whole Universe. He is not able to feed you? Hasha. Only
you are short time here in the world. Everybody, maybe 50, 60, 70 or
90 they can live. He created Universe. Our Earth, it is not like even
one atom in front of Universe. All of this, our world. So Allah is able,
of course, no doubt, to give your rizq. All if you live 1000 years, also
He can give. We are saying this to not be worried about your rizq for
living. Don't be thinking "How we can live? How we can do?" Only
you think for Allah, for your religion. Don't sell your belief for money.
Allah give you the most valuable present for you, all Muslims here in
this country. But as we said from beginning, shaitan cheating people,
and he is not happy with this country, all Muslims ahl al-sunnah wa l-
jama'a. He tries now to send his agents here. He sends his agents and
makes people to go out of right way.
Your people, they are peaceful people. For this, they are seeing you as
sheep. They can cut you, they can do what they like for you because, I
hear many people, by money they make some of them Christian, some
of them Wahabi, some of them Shia. These are all brothers. We are
following ahl al-sunnah wa l-jama'a. What is ahl al-sunnah wa l-
Tuesday, February 24, 2015.
Tariqa not bring anything from outside of Qur'an and sunnah. All
teaching comes from Prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sallam. Qur'an, and
hadith also saying, if somebody, he is shy and you come to him and
you force him to give you something or you take from him something,
or make him do something that he don't want, but from his shyness
you force him and he's shy doing this, what you do for this man, or
what you take from him, or what you force him to do, it's all haram for
you: ma ukhidhu bi l-haya fa huwa l-haram. This is hadith.
Many crooked people they know this man, he is shy, so they make a
trick to make him to give you without his wanting. But you make him
shy and he gives you, so it is haram what you are doing or what you
taking from him. This is what tariqa looking for, every small or big
thing in shariah and to give everybody their right and respect people.
Not making like toy-play with them. They respect them as human
beings, as valuable creatures who are coming for Allah. They are
precious creatures of Allah. Allah Azza wa Jalla, He said: ma wasa'ani
ardi wa la sama'i, wasa'ani qalbu 'abdi al-mu'min. Allah said "I cannot
be fit, or cannot be anywhere in My whole Universe" because nowhere
Allah give you more and more because there is people, they are just
looking for who coming for them as chicken or goose, to eat them. So
now many small children, they are waiting to make mawlid. Thank you
for you.
Tonight, Thursday night; sohba and khatm. This is two pillars Tariqa
Naqshbandiya. Alhamdulillah, since 15 days, we come with brothers in
our jama'a to visit you in South East Asia. We didn't come for tourist
visit. Only to make people to renew their bayah and for them to know
about will of Mawlana Sheikh, whom to follow. Because it was will, so
many confusion in this area. Normally, I don't like to travel much, but
it is duty and order from Mawlana, "You must do and tell people"
because this is for who like to follow tariqa. Tariqa, it is not a play and
not on your opinion or my opinion. You cannot say this. You follow or
you not follow. You are in tariqa or you can follow any imam. Any one
you like, you can follow. But you cannot say "I am following tariqa, and
especially, I am following Mawlana Sheikh Nazim". If you follow
Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, you must obey his order. Not obeying, you
are in another way. You go out of main way. There is many tariqa,
many mashsha'ikh, many who claiming they are sheikh. Be careful of
all of them. If you want democracy, then follow, do this.
In tariqa, nobody can say his opinion because if everybody will say his
opinion and sheikh listen to them, this is not tariqa, this is circus. At
tariqatu mar'u sheikh.
Tariqa, Mawlana all time saying, Sheikh, what he say, and what he is
looking and what he is seeing. And it is clear but some people, they're, I
don't know, they make it confusion and they make it another thinking.
It is clear. Everybody knows this. But what is main thing happened
here? I realized the wisdom of this confusion, what happened: because
Allah want to test these people.
Always I was praying, "I'm weak, I'm not able to carry all these people,
only leave good ones. Allah send us good ones, only good ones we
want". We are not looking for their color, we are not looking for their
education, we are not looking especially for their business. No, because,
as I said, I'm nearly 15 years I didn't come to this area. I don't know
anybody from your people. Masha’Allah, you are all humble. Maybe
some of you millionaire, but you are looking like porter. No, everybody
is dressing same. I don't look and I am not thinking about it.
Alhamdulillah, baraka of Mawlana, we are not in need for any material
help. Allah, He give from His baraka and I was also making dua, "Don't
make me to be in need to anybody" This is Sheikh Hasan, masha’Allah,
last minute he came. He's my friend from our school, madrasa in
Damascus. Mawlana Sheikh was saying, especially old alims of
Damascus, they have fear of Allah. And the other scholars around
world, they don't have this. Especially in Damascus. The old times they
were saying, they were teaching us, "We are teaching you for Allah.
Don't teach, if anybody come and he wants to learn something, don't
ask any benefit from him." And this madrasa, Mawlana, he was taking
by hand and putting me in this madrasa. He specially chose it also. This
is what we are saying.
Qarnain ask him, "Why you don't have any money? You don't have
gold or silver?" He said, "This is making trouble". So he's not using this.
They were putting their grave in front of their door. Every day they are
looking at this and they were thinking of akhira and for dunya they are
happy to see this. For when they see this, they are not wanting dunya.
He take one head of skeleton, skull from grave. "This Sultan, he was
oppressor Sultan. He was very bad but he is here". Then put it down.
Take another one, he said "this was very good Sultan, he's also same".
So each of them, they went. And the other one, there was one majzoob,
he said "I was looking for Sultan. But once I come and there was one
poor man and sultan. They died. After 2 days I come to visit the
graveyard, I didn't know which one sultan, which one poor man. All in
The last one who advised him, he was also listening to. Maybe people,
they thought he will become good thinking. Unsi Baba, he would still
continue, give him advice because he knew what will happen. After
this, some time he didn't appear, after he come in front of, especially
Unsi Baba, he was, of course, following sharia. He said when you
follow sheikh murshid, you must look and to not follow people
speaking out of sharia, acting out of sharia. Don't follow them. Maybe
some of them majzoob, sahib ahwal, also you cannot follow these
He bring some men with him, front of this awliyaullah. And when he
was sitting, this man, he want to make wudu. This man taking water
and pour it for him. He said, Unsi Baba was upset and said he also
following one, he is not from us anymore. So after this what happened?
After 4 years Unsi Baba, he passed away. After him, this man, he was
going in very wrong way. Going slowly, slowly, out of Islam even. He
was saying something against Qur'an even. This what happened. It is
not easy.
You must know, and Allah showing you good and right way. After you
are free. We cannot catch you and tie you here. No. If Allah want you
and you are from His beloved people, insha’Allah, Allah show you
good way. We are weak and we don't want anybody he is not
acceptable in front of Divine Presence of Allah. This is the summary of
our trip, and we are happy with all of you from Malaysia, Indonesia,
Brunei, Singapore. Sheikh Hasan masha’Allah.
Even they are preventing people from praying, from their mosque.
Mosque, it's not for them, not for anybody. Who want to come to
So if you do wrong thing, this meaning you are in trap of shaitan. You
are in wrong way. Because who has no murshid, no guidance for him.
Shaitan coming quickly and he shows him as if he is good guidance,
guiding him to bad place. This what happened for these people.
Normally, Sailan people, they are very humble, very gentlemen, gentle
and they are soft people. Because they have all tariqa. Tariqa ordering
adab. Teaching adab, good behaviour. Shaitan first thing, he not happy
with whom? With tariqa people. Because he doesn't teach good
behaviour, he teaching every ugly practicing, ugly behaviour, not
respecting anybody. If they are not respecting Prophet salallahu alaihi
wa sallam, after him, who they will be respecting? This is summary of
what they are doing, and cheating people. Because who has no
murshid, his murshid shaitan, his guidance shaitan.
you've done in dunya?" You will be asked for this. Especially, they are
not accepting shafa'a. They said "We are praying, we're practicing, no
need for shafa'a and it is not true". No, we are accepting shafa'a and we
No, they are like mushrooms. Only very short period they are coming.
And they are poison mushrooms, really very, very poison mushroom.
There is kind of mushroom, if somebody eating, he cannot survive.
Even in hospital, it will take him to death. These people real poison
mushrooms. They are like cancer. Everywhere we're going, we find
them. Maybe they are not so many, but they are making trouble,
making voice. People, they think they are many. No, they are little bit
but they don't have shame. So they can do anything and they make big
noise. People, they think they are many people. Because normal
Muslim, he has shyness, hayah. He cannot do what they are doing.
So insha'Allah after mushroom, because they don't have long life... but
it is, I said, they are like cancer for Islam. Cancer of Islam these people.
They are poison mushroom also. There will be inshaAllah not long life
for them. Especially non-Arab people, they are thinking these people
they are Arab and they are knowing Qur'an better than us, they are
following them. But these people, even they not believe, no murshid,
We say how these people, they are catching one by one and they can
say "no murshid"? But they're having their real murshid, their real
murshid, shaitan. You must find real murshid for tariqa. Follow him.
After this, don't worry. All baraka coming on you, on your society also,
on your community. This is benefit of tariqa. Alhamdulillah.
Insha'Allah, this holy, nice country, all to be in tariqa. Allah give hidaya
for these people who are out of right way.
They are going to cliff They're in wrong way. Way going to cliff cuts,
after they will be finished. Allah give them hidayah because your
people, good people. We love you. All, Alhamdulillah, humble and
nice people. We don't want them to suffer. They're suffering here even,
before akhira, these people. And they make people around them also
suffer. So Allah give them hidayah and whom not give hidayah, take
them away from here insha'Allah.
ablution and you pray 2 rak'ah. Even for 2 rak'ah many people saying
it is difficult and we cannot. Sometimes Mawlana was trying half an
hour to explain to them it is very easy. By good behavior and telling
them gently, so they are beginning to follow. And when they put one
step, other coming after this. Second, 4 steps, 9 steps, 100 steps. So
they become used to doing what shari'ah ordering.
So we must be kind for people. Not to make them run away from
Islam, from tariqah. No, slowly, slowly they can follow. As we said,
every country they have special customs, special traditions for
everything. But now people they try to be all same. In every city you
come, you feel you are in same. Slowly, slowly, old houses, old style
of country, you cannot feel. Only small part they now keeping to
show people and to not forget. They are now keeping like heritage
everywhere. But normally, whole world has become the same. Big
buildings, concrete buildings, highways and malls. When you go to
any country, at the end you feel it is nearly copy from another one.
They want to make people also like this. No, everyone has their
customs. They can continue their worshiping, and what they are
doing. It is normal. Nobody can say for these people to change. No,
their customs are good. And they are following mazhab and mazhab
allow this, and tariqah also allow this. So we can continue, especially
for making qasidah, for making mawlid for Prophet (saws). All
Muslim world, they have qasidah. We were in Brunei, they have
qasidah. In Indonesia they have qasida. In their language also. In
Africa they have. In Pakistan, Russia, Albania, Bosnia, All, they have
in their language Mawlid for Prophet (saws) describing how he
honored this world and his light, lighting this whole universe.
What is bad about this? Everybody in their language also they have
these poems. And they have qasidah. So it is not against shari'ah, not
against tariqah. Even once Mawlana Sheikh said, in Cyprus they have
very weak religion. The people are forgetting. Only what they have is
circumcision and Mawlid. This they are respecting. The other, they
don't know anything about. This is also good, meaning, if not
respecting, then they are out of religion. This is holding them. After,
from barakah of this, they also can come. If not them, then their
generation, Allah make them to come to Islam again.
So every good thing, it is not forbidden. You cannot forbid it. The
They were doing this for centuries. Even from Prophet's time they
were beginning with qasida burda and other qasidas and Prophet
(saws) was happy with this. He is not objecting. If he was objecting,
from that time he would say. But no, he was happy and allowed this.
So Alhamdulillah, tonight insha Allah we will hear from our brothers
mawlid and qasidah insha Allah. May Allah give them long life and to
help this Muslim community here. And may Allah give them good
voice also, to make people to come to iman, to Islam.
Saturday, February 28, 2015.
Tariqatuna al sohba wal khairu fi-l jamiya.
Alhamdulillah we pray and eat and make tasbih, salawat for Prophet
salallahu alaihi wa sallam. Insha'Allah we make a short sohba for
baraka, insha'Allah. Our host masha'Allah he show us something
showing as much as you are knowlegeable - Alhamdulillah, we are not
knowlegeable at all but still, you are not knowing anything. There is
more than what you know, billion times. For this, no end for
knowledge. Everytime you can learn a new thing.
Allah is giving this knowledge for him, and he does it for his Sheikh,
and this means, for Allah. He will be rewarded for this. Allah create us
to do the best what we can do. Not to be lazy, to be hard working and
not forget we are doing this for Allah only, not for ourselves. We do as
much as we can do, what Allah give us speciality. If we have another
people they cannot do, we must do and remember it is for Allah. No
any object for this. You are doing this, you are not looking for
worshipping Allah. You leave everything and go making this.
No, this also to show Allah Mightiness, how it is. How one flower, 7
years need. So Allah create all this universe and it is nothing for Him.
Allah’s Will, He put in one man to show people how it is, His
Mightiness, His Greatness. It is also like worship. Everything you do
from morning to evening, you must remember "I am doing this for
Allah". Allah He will reward you as (if) you are worshipping. This is
for Allah, so also, all the evening you are sleeping, you say, “I am
sleeping to become stronger and to come up for praying, for doing my
business for Allah”. That time, 24hrs it is for Allah. So, Allah gave us
opportunity, chance to take from His endless treasures. He said take
as much as you like. And it is not, don't feel it is difficult for you no,
your intention good, end it is good. Allah, what is the end? It is in
Allah. We are coming from Allah, going to Allah. So, our beginning is
from end, and end is for Allah.
Thank you.
Wa min Allahi at-tawfiq,
Al Fatiha.
He know many people, they were not millionaire, they were billionaire,
but they were good people because they left billions, but not one penny
for akhira. So in dunya to be rich, it is not for akhira. You must be for
akhira also. And Allah, He is not asking what you cannot do. No, He
said you can, you must enjoy even. You must do what Allah give you
to show His favor, and it is not not bad thing, it's good thing. So we are
here for worshiping Allah. Everything we do and we saying today we
are going for Allah, we can do everything for Allah, Allah accept as
worshiping and rewards for it.
these days. They were not respecting Ahl al-Bayt. Especially there was
like a khutba, every khutba for hundred years they are swearing at
Sayyidina Ali (ra). So it was not good. Only two years, Sayyidina Omar
Ibn Abdul Aziz, he was a just khalifah. And only two and half years
after this they make him shaheed, so only this. But even in these two
and half years, he did maybe hundred years better that what these
people did because Islam not making difference between people, who
is Arab, who is not Arab. All same.
Maybe who is not Arab and they are more sincere and for Allah they
are better, Qur'an saying. Who has more taqwa, who are afraid from
Allah, they are the most acceptable people and the best people in front
of Allah. These what called Umawi, they were leaving only Arab to
make like first class. Other people, they were not behaving good to
them and they not leaving them in front, in first line for praying. They
were doing discrimination. Who are not Arab, they were not leaving. It
was like this. This is the reality. And they were not respecting Ahl al-
Bayt. Even they make shaheed most of them.
This Khalifa, Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz, when he came he stopped this.
And once one Sahabah, he was with Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz, he said,
writing in book this, what happened. He said: my father he was very
old man and once we saw his soul going. Nothing, and we put him in
bed and calling this man to wash him and prepare for burying, we
make janaza and tell people, This man came and he look at my father
and he said, he find one vein still making little bit pulse. So we let him
like this for 3 days. After 3 days, he woke up. We ask him, what
happened, what did you see? He said, bring me like a sweet drink.
After he drank, he said, the angel came and took my soul and he went
to first sky and they opened for him until seventh sky. They asking,
who is coming? They said, this man. They said, no, this man he still has
life, he must try and live. So they sent me back here. But when I am
coming down, I see Prophet (saws). And Prophet (saws), on his right
side there was Sayyidina Abu Bakr, Sayyidina Omar (ra). On left side,
there was this khalifa Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz (ra). I ask him, how it can
be, this? They said, he was ruling in time of corruption and oppression.
And he was ruling in right time, in Haqq time. We are ruling Haqq by
Haqq. He was ruling in time of corruption by Haqq. So he is with us,
property, he sold and gave everything for poor people. After him came
khalifah, his name Hisham ibn Marwan. He ruled 20 years and he left, I
think, 20 sons, like an incredible number, 4 wives. For each wife, when
he collecting our money, one million coin of gold for each one. At the
end, they said, when Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz went, nothing for his
children. But Allah, when He is happy with people, He make what they
get good for themselves and good for akhirah. After this, all their
money finished, these people.
The other sons of Sayyidina Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz, they were getting
rich and everyone (of them) they can offer thousand soldiers for Islam.
You can make thousand soldier, it is big money also. So Allah
rewarding. He is giving from His endless treasures. All this story and
what happened, it is good example for us. Alhamdulillah, our guests
and other people, here they are humble, and they are helping from
since when we know them, they are continuing their best action.
Prophet (saws): khayrul a'malu adwamuhum. Why he said. Everyone,
what they doing, don't make it less, if you cannot do too much, don't do
too much, but do all the time. Don't cut what you are doing. Don't say, I
am tired, don't be burden yourself (with) what you cannot do.
Some people they want to do big things, they cannot do. Mawlana was
all the time saying, do, but don't take burden on you. Only do small
things, but every time remember Allah. Remember every time: idhkur
Allah. Mention Allah, remember Allah. Allahu Rabbi, Allahu hadhiri,
Allah Shahidi, Allahu Nazhiri. Allah with me, Allah every time seeing
me, I am with Allah every time. This is also tariqah teaching. Don't
forget Allah because the most important thing is this. Sheikh keeps you
away from badness. When once you be with Sheikh, and they accept
you, they are never leaving you. When you take bay'a, it is their
promise to catch you, to not let you, even you are leaving, they leave
you, but in the end, also they come and take you to safe place.
May Allah make you and your friends, your family, all in this right
way because this is what try to saying to these people who are
following Arabs. Most of them are not Wahabi. But a small part of them
they are Wahabi and they are cheating people. The most people cheated
by them. So this what trying to say, when we say Arab, hundred years
they were in power. After this, Allah take them out and put who
respect Ahl al-Bayt and Sahabah. 1,200 year or more, all respect
Sahabah, all 4 Khalifa. This is ahl as-sunnah wal jama'ah. 1250 years, I
think after 100 from Umawi. After Wahabi, so it is only 100 now, maybe
50 years this fitna coming and it will not be long because Allah not with
This is like good saying, it's similar. Darihim meaning 'be good with
them,' fi darihim, 'when you are in their place'. It is the same word.
After this: hayyihim ma kunta fi hayyihim. Hayyihim meaning, 'greet
them, give them respect' and say 'hello, good morning, good evening'
or something. You can say. No, not bad to say this. Hayyihim ma kunta
fi hayyihim. Hayyihim meaning when you are in their street. So this is
order of Prophet (saws). Don't make bad thing for people. They are
around you and they are not saying anything. This is wisdom, Prophet
teaching wisdom but these people don't have any mind. No wisdom.
Until coming to wisdom they don't have mind even.
Allah ordered before, you can fight if you are 1, you fight 10, but after
only if one and you cannot fight by yourself, you must be under
khalifah. So now it is no need to make trouble with people, who are not
doing anything. You must be friendly with them and to keep you and
your community in safe and after this, people, when they are seeing
good people, everybody love good people. Nobody love bad people.
And these people, they are really bad people. May Allah make this fitna
away from this country and other Muslims, all, from all of this dunya.
They are big fitna, but we are not worry about them, because Allah He
curse who make fitna, and their people. They cannot run away from
Allah to anywhere. Everything in Allah's hand. Insh'Allah this country,
since 100 years there are Muslims here. And there is many awliyaullah,
especially Adam (as). For his barakah, may Allah keep you all in safe
and to give hidayah for these people who are going out of the right
way, they are going to bad way. May Allah give them hidayah and give
them good mind to come back to right way. May Allah give you
barakah also to not be in need to anybody.
continue also with them. Don't cut what your father was loving,
continue. This is also, I think, hadith. Alhamdulillah today, and since
nearly one week, 5 days, we are here, we see many of our older
brothers, younger than us, but everyone, Alhamdulillah, we feeling
love and respect and happiness to be with you. Alhamdulillah you are
continuing his way, and this is very important.
May Allah give you all long life, with service to this way and
insha'Allah in akhira, in jannah we will be with Mawlana, with Prophet
(saws), we'll be neighbor with them forever, insha'Allah. It is little
cutting between us and Mawlana, but Alhamdulillah, we are all
believers and we are sure because promise of Prophet, salallahu alaihi
wa sallam: al mar'u ma'a man ahab, man who he love will be with him
in jannah, Insha'Allah. Insha'Allah we are loving good people, we
musn't look for other people. You don't put any love for another kind
of people who maybe they are out of way and they are looking - satan
seeing them as good. Don't be, young people they are looking for single
for this, that, and they love but this is not real love. Real love for Allah
and for His beloved people.
We are loving Allah (awj) and His beloved people. This is what
Mawlana was teaching us also. Every time even since years, maybe 20,
30 years, one he give him, or respect him, so he was not forgetting him.
He is looking to not forget good thing, he forget bad thing, what was
done. Always hide the bad things. Only praise the good things with
people. It is really good teaching because everybody has some mistake
they done so no need to make it out. Only make good thing to show
around our community, our jama'a. Thank you, we are happy to be
here. Insha'Allah long life to you, again and again.
Thank Allah we went and came back (Shaykh Mehmet returns from an
approximately one month trip). We travelled for the sake of Allah and
Allah helped us. It went well Mashallah. Just like those here are ikhwan
(brothers), those there are ikhwan, are brothers, are our children, and
are our elders... They have all been brought up by the manners of
Shaykh Mawlana. People so far away have also received the same
discipline. You never feel like a foreigner. We always travelled with
muhabba (love) thank Allah. It had been quite a while since we were
there last. Afterall, we went there with Shaykh Mawlana last. Most did
not know him. Now, eventhouhgh some time has passed, the seeds that
Shaykh Mawlana planted continue in the same manner. In some places,
where you would never expect, you find that it has increased more.
There were some places we had never heard of before. People had done
good and beautiful services. Inshallah, now it will go even further
ahead. When a person does works, meaning everything one does, it
needs to be done with sincerity so it is completed favorably. There is no
good in a work done without sincerity. It needs to be done for Allah. If
done for worldly gain, it is of no use even if you are a seven headed
professor. You might have thousands of men, but it would be of no
benefit to them too. Some people can never understand this. They
approach people in front of them only for benefit. And that, Allah
forbid, is a bad thing. Of course, the harm of the person who does that
comes to himself. May Allah not leave us to our nafs (ego). When
starting travel, if you say, “We are doing these works for the sake of
Allah and Allah will help us,” madad (support) will come from Allah
and His Prophet. Everything becomes good and it benefits the people
there too. Our services Inshallah, all over the world, are for Allah. Such
is our intention. Nobody can stand in front of us with the permission of
Allah. We have no claim, but what do they say, “Allah changes evil into
good.” Thank Allah, nobody questioned us as, “Who are you? What are
you? What are you doing?” But others are saying, “They said this and
that to us...” We do not care. Look at your own ego, first fix yourself,
then Allah will help. May Allah make it easy for us to proceed in this
way. The most important thing is for us to have sincerity. May we not
fall for our ego Inshallah. May Allah be consent with you all. May
whatever good goals you have be realized. May Allah not make you in
need of anyone Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
This is two parts. So you cannot go sin and say you did good. You need
to know what you have done. If you do something that harms you or
you commit another sin, it is written on your actions. But if something
bad happens to you when going and coming outside, or if some people
bother you and harm you, that is good as Allah knows best. Most
people say, “I wish I had done this, I wish this had happened...” There
is no need to say so. Be comfortable saying, “The good is in what has
happened.” This is submission. Accepting what Allah gives is
submission, and it is the manner (adab) of tariqa. Tariqa shows what
Islam teaches in a more understandable way. Tariqa is an important
thing. The one who submits to tariqa rests. One does not get hung up to
whatever happens, saying the good and the bad are from Allah. The
Ahl-e Dunya (worldly people) would die from sadness. Even if
something very little happens, they keep grumbling, “Why did it
happen? I would not have passed by here if it had occurred five
minutes ago, two seconds ago, or three seconds ago; I would not have
seen this, or would not have done such...” Their insides eat them
excluding the disaster they did or the incident that occurred.
Mankind’s real illness are inner illnesses, meaning spiritual ones. Their
treatment is harder. That is why when something happens outside you
should say, “Certainly there is good in this too.” Do not be hung up on
it, and do not make it sadden you in the inside. Let it pass and go. This
is a little sohba, but if you think about it they are important things.
Little or big things happen to everybody at any moment everyday. It is
a good thing, a beautiful thing to say to it all, “There is good in this
too,” and trust in Allah and submit to Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Whereas that time was the Period of Bliss (Asr-e Saadat). The period
after our Master (SAW), the time of the Four Caliphs, was also the
Period of Bliss. Discord (fitna) arose at the time of Hadrat Abu Bakr
(RA), but Hadrat Abu Bakr suppressed it. Nobody was able to raise
their heads during the period of Hadrat Omar (RA) but they still
tried. When he was at the mentioned gathering, a man came and
aggravated Hadrat Ali (RA) saying, “You did me injustice!”
Immediately, Hadrat Omar (RA) said, “Get up O Abul Hasan. Sit in
front of him and refute one another’s arguments. Let us see what will
happen.” Of course our Master Hadrat Ali (RA) was right. His being
right was immediately made clear there. Hadrat Ali (RA) had an
offended look. Hadrat Omar (RA) understood our Master Hadrat Ali
(RA) was resentful and asked, “Why have you gotten offended like
this? What happened?” May Hadrat Ali’s, may Allah sanctify his secret
(Qaddasallah Sirrah), blessings (baraka) be upon us Inshallah. He
answered, “O Omar! Why did you call me O Abul Hasan and not O Ali
there? You raised me by saying Abul Hasan. You showed favoritism
towards me there. That is why I am irritated.”
Whereas, it if it were us, we would complain, “Why are you making a
man like me sit next to this guy?” We would get irritated and offended
from that. Hadrat Ali does not care at all. He is sad that he showed him
preference. This is how the Sahabis were. They feared Haqq (the
Truth). If it was true, “True,” if not true, they would say it was not.
They would not infringe upon anybody’s rights either. Humility and
good manners were apart of them.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Shaykh Efendi Hazretleri used to make a short sohba like this after
morning prayer (Fajr namaz), since this is the habit of the righteous.
There was no television, there was nothing at night in the past. People
would go to bed after Isha. Then they would wake up with Fajr and
everybody would go to work and where they needed to go. Here, they
would get some advice before leaving. Now, it is completley changed.
People go to bed after midnight, and can never wake up for morning
prayer. Then they do not want advice nor the sort either. They are just
making a living but say they have trouble. Waking up early is very
important. Blessings (baraka) is at that time anyway. The earlier a
person gets up in the morning, that much more productive it will be.
That is why no productivity is left now. People have become shameless
and brazenfaced. The most important thing also as an advice is to be
with good friends. It is very good to be with good friends. It is good for
both this world and the hereafter. They would not disgrace you in the
world and would not put you in a hard position. And in the hereafter,
the piuous would become intercessors. Intercession (shafaat) is a thing
our Holy Prophet gives glad tidings of. Our Holy Prophet will
intercede on behalf of his Nation (Umma). Afterwards, saints, martyrs,
good servants, believers intercede for each other. That is why you
should have good friends, so that they would be beneficial both here
and in the hereafter. New bands that do not accept intercession have
sprung now. They are not good friends in the world either. They are
dragging people to wrong ways in the world too. They are also making
them loose in the hereafter. No matter how much works a person does,
can do as much as he wants. If one is humble and makes dua as, “What
I have done is nothing. May Allah send us a piuous servant of His so he
may intercede for us. May we go to Paradise like this,” that time Allah
would accept all his duas. One will have done worships for nothing if
one says, “No, I do not want it. What I do by myself is enough. I have
done so much worship. What need is there for anything else? I do not
need anybody.” One would be worshipping one self’s own idol. That
time, one is worshipping one’s self and not Allah. Allah forbid.
Inshallah, may each one of us always be of pious and good friends.
May Allah consent with you all. You came from far away. You came for
Allah. May Allah accept your visit. May anything you might wish for
come true. Inshallah may all your proginy until the Day of Judgement
be of the pious. May they live in blessings and not be needy. May Allah
make it perpetual.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Shaykh Mehmet Efendi: "Those who met and knew Mawlana Shaykh
in this life can continue making the rabita with Mawlana Shaykh. Those
who did not can make rabita with us now, out of necessity.
Haji Metin Efendi repeats: “So those who knew Maylana Shaykh from
before will still continue with Mawlana Shaykh. The new ikhwan
(brothers) will make rabita with you."
merciful to Allah’s houses. Same way with the dead. Neither the living
nor the dead escape these scoundrels. But everything has an end. The
more the oppression, the quicker their end will be. That is why, do not
be deceived by them. We do not approve of them. We are referring
them to Allah. Nothing can come about from us. We are referring them
to Allah. Allah will question them. They are responsible for their
actions. As we said, people should not be fooled. Our Ahl-e Sunnat wal
Jamaat immediately believes and feels glad in whoever comes out as
Muslim. No, it does not work like that. In fact, you need to condemn
what is being done with your heart so it does not touch you too.
Because the Ayat Karima says, “If you lean towards it, the fire will
touch you too.” The Koran syas this. May Allah protect us all. May
Mahdi Aleyhis Salam come out soon so he may clean Islam from these
dirt. Truelly, the world has filled with filth. It has become dirty in every
aspect, internal and external. Not the sea has escaped from filth, not the
land has escaped, nor people. The one to clean is Mahdi Aleyhis Salam.
May Allah make us all reach him.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Our tariqa stands with discourse (sohba) and the good is in association
(jamiya). May Allah make these associations continuous Inshallah. Let
us say a couple of words of discourse upon the order of Shaykh Efendi.
It would be a sweet conversation in the morning. May Allah make us
succeed in talking good (khayr).
Allah is the Creator. His orders are [held in esteem] on top of our
heads. We need to be obedient to Him. We need to not go out of His
orders Inshallah. And the first order is the order to “Read.” Our Holy
Prophet (SAW) was told, “Iqra,” meaning, “Read.” He said, “I do not
know how to read.” Recite; Allah will teach. Our Holy Prophet’s
biggest miracle was that he was illeterate (ummi) anyway. If he was
literate, they would say, “He learned all this knowledge through
reading.” No, it does not happen through reading. When reading, if
you read for your ego, it will be of no use. You need to read for the sake
of Allah, learn for the sake of Allah, and teach for the sake of Allah. It
will be useful this way. Allah (JJ) gave the knowledge of the Universe
to the chest, to the heart, of our Holy Prophet (SAW) in an instant.
Judgment Day is near. The knowledge given to our Holy Prophet is
enough till the Day of Judgment. It is enough if it is a thousand years or
ten thousand years later. Of course, the Day of Judgment is as Allah
Azza wa Jalla informed us: ُ Iqtarabat as-Sa’a. (Sura Qamar:1) He
says Judgment Day is near. That is why the knowledge our Holy
Prophet (SAW) showed does not grow old or expire. Now, some foolish
people say, “Its time has passed. Let us reform.” What they mean by
reform is renewing. There is no need to renew. Thank Allah, it is
sufficient for everybody as it is. There is no problem for people who are
obedient to Allah. But there is a problem for those whose egos do not
Our religion is the religion of ease. Thank Allah there are four schools
A dervish goes to a mosque. The hodja was giving a sermon (vaaz). The
hodja said, “Allah gives ten to the one who gives one.” Meaning He
gives ten fold in good deeds. The dervish was effected listening to the
hodja. He saw a poor person after leaving the mosque. He had five
pieces of gold in his pocket, and he gave them all to the poor person.
He thought, “I will get fifty in return anyway.” He walked around
whole day. Nothing. He got hungry, but did not have money either in
his pocket. He found an apple tree while strolling. He thought, “At
least I will climb the tree and collect apples to feed my hunger a little.”
When on top of the tree he saw a man coming with a hot bread in his
hand. The man sat there and tore off the first piece. “This is you O Abu
Bakr. How dare you take the Caliphate?,” he said as he put the first
piece in his mouth. In the second piece he said, “This is you O Omar.
How dare you not show favoritism then became caliph?” and put the
piece in his mouth. In the third he said this and that about Hadrat
Othman, and the turn came to Hadrat Ali. “And why did you allow for
so much discord to arise? You should have took care from the
beginning,” he said and ate that piece too. Lastly, he took a bigger piece
and put it in his mouth, “And this is you O Muhammad! Why did you
not show the caliph?” In the end he took the largest piece left and said,
“O Allah!” The dervish yelled from above, “Wait! I still have 50 goldens
to take!” Upon hearing this, the man got scared out of his wits and died
right there. The dervish climbed down the tree. He searched the man’s
pockets. He found 50 goldens, took them, and left.
This is a small matter and a funny story. Yet this is how you start
critisizing from small. You can lose your faith (iman) as you critisize
Islam from its tip or corner. Now, there are many educated ignorants.
There are especially many philosophers and deniers who have read a
little from Islamic sciences, and who have no shaykh or guide. There
are many people who confuse minds. There are many who follow them
enter too much into things that are not your responsibility. Allah
forbid, you may lose your religion, you may lose your faith. May Allah
protect us from Shaitan’s evil and protect us from the evils of such
people. They can destroy themselves and they can destroy others. May
Allah not misguide us from the right way.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Our Haji Anne used to say when we were small, she must have read it
somewhere, everything a person has done throughout his life can be
read in his hand. There were none of these inventions back then, 50
years ago. We are 58 years old now. Then we were 8, 10 and we had no
television. Our Haji Anne used to read books and give us advice. She
used to say everything you have done is as much as your palm. Now
with wisdom of Allah such things are invented. You can't be surprised
at it. They are putting something of 100 years in a tiny thing. Rather
than becoming wiser, people are becoming mindless. This much can fit
in a hand. Allah Azza wa Jalla is showing people with something that
can be touched and felt that there is akhira and you will have to
Inna Allaha ya'muru bil adli wal ihsani wa ita'i dhi alqurba (16:90)
Allah is saying to do good actions, do good for relatives and kinsfolk.
This is the order of Allah Azza wa Jalla, nothing else. Every Friday,
same thing is told to people. Of course, it enters from one ear and
leaves from another. Allah is Good, He loves good ones. Some people
ask if Allah loves unbelievers. He doesn't. If someone looks nice and
humane and loves everyone... You can't interfere in Allah's work. It's
written in Qur'an, Allah doesn't love those who have no faith, who
don't believe. Allah loves believers. Allah loves those who fear Him.
Can Allah be feared? He can. If people don't fear, they will be lost.
Nevertheless they want freedom, unlimited freedom. You cannot not
have a limit. Everything is limited. Freedom is limited too. If people
here are afraid of one thing, in another country they fear something
else. A person's ego cannot be restrained unless frightened. What
they've been teaching since the last century is far from Islam. They're
teaching us the teachings of the enemies of Islam. That is not right.
Right is what Allah said. You should fear Allah. How shall you fear
Him? You shouldn't fear when you do good, fear when you do evil,
that is the main point here. Allah Azza wa Jalla, He created us and He
is showing us every good thing.
When you do good thing, you're rewarded. But if you are doing bad
thing, you get also bad thing. This is the nature of acting. When you
act, do anything, you get opposite of it. If you hit horse or donkey, he
will hit you. And when you do bad thing, you get bad thing. When
you do good thing you get good thing. But in these days of the world
few people they're understanding that when you do good thing it
makes good thing for you. Maybe very few people they do this, but
still better than to do bad thing. When you do bad thing, nobody will
forgive you. Quickly you will be punished here and you will be
punished in akhira also.
The thing is, nothing disappears from your acting. If you do not get
the reflex of what you do here - maybe some people they are happy
"we do bad thing, we didn't take punishment and nothing happened to
us." No, it is written. My mother Hj Anne, when we were small kids,
she was saying something and now we remember what she said.
Because that day, before 50 years ago, in our house, television never,
even radio we don't have. Hj Anne she was reading book at nighttime
and she was even advice for us. Because many times Mawlana he was
travelling or he's in khalwah, so she was looking after us and she was
teaching. And she was saying something it was very strange for us, our
mind not take it. What she said? She said it will be in Judgement Day,
this, what you've done, it is like inside your hand. Something like this,
all writing here.
Now everybody - even it is real now, small things, taking 100 years in
small chip. So, what Hj Anne was saying before 50 years, now we
know it is true even by hand you can touch it. So it is written,
everything in your life in chip and in qiyama, Judgement Day, it will
be shown for you and you will be happy or you will be very ashamed
because you are in all of this, millions of people - there's prophet,
there's angels, there's saints, they will see you, and what this man has
done here. You will be melting from shame what you done.
must be afraid from Allah. How must we be afraid? Yes, Allah said
"you must be afraid from Me." Who must be afraid? Bad people must
be afraid from Allah. Good people are afraid to do bad things. This is
the difference of being afraid from Allah between good people and bad
Allah He is the most forgiving He can forgive people, but they must
repent and ask forgiveness. It is open door for them. Allah He said "I
don't love non-believers." How you said this? You are sufi, you must
be gentle. We said this because Allah He is saying this and He is the
Creator and He is open door for everybody. Be believer, you will be
beloved for Allah. If you are not believer He not love you. This is
summary of this sohba.
It is not logical when a man forgets the main purpose and falls for the
tool. He should differentiate between them. If he follows his ego,
forgets about the main target and falls for unnecessary things, then
suffers from it, he will have lost and in the end go empty handed. There
have been many people, billions of people since Adam, alaihi salam.
Most of them forgot about the main purpose and fell for unnecessary
things. So too with people nowadays. This is important to put into their
can I write in gold?" Allah Azza wa Jalla had given the science of
alchemy to Musa, alaihi salam. He turned some element into gold and
wrote the Torah. Qarun was a poor man with children and he was a
good person. He was praying day and night, fasting, worshipping,
doing everything he could. Praying until morning and the children
were nearly dying of hunger. Musa, alaihi salam felt upset at this as
nothing seemed bad. He was truly a good person.
Musa, alaihi salam then thought as he was such a good man, his
children should be in comfort. So he taught him alchemy. When Qarun
learned it, he started making money. As the money increased, he forgot
the main target, he fell for the tool. He forgot the target and ran after
money. He collected so much money that it took 70 camels just to carry
the keys of his treasures. He had one thousand guards with golden
swords, a thousand men and a thousand women. His richness could
not be imagined. He was the richest person of all times in this world.
Since Allah created Adam, alaihi salam there has been no man richer
than him.
Musa, alaihi salam told him to give zakat for his wealth. First he
thought about it, then he decided it's not possible and told Musa, alaihi
salam, he would give it, because if he said no, he would fall in the eyes
of his nation. Allah Azza wa Jalla is showing something in Qur'an.
Some people with a weak ego would wish they had been as rich as
Qarun. Though Musa, alaihi salam spoke to Qarun, he objected, saying
he had made everything from his science, collecting so much money.
He said "Why should I give zakat?" Musa, alaihi salam was a majestic
prophet, he became angry at Qarun.
as well. He said, "If I do it, I will be punished too". Qarun said, "There is
a woman here who claims you committed adultery with her. Stand up,
woman, confess". Allah Azza wa Jalla certainly protects His Prophet.
The woman got up and said, "This man paid me so much money so I
may accuse you. He's lying. Musa, alaihi salam is clean. He didn't do
anything. This is the liar". Musa, alaihi salam struck his stick from
anger, and the earth split open taking half of the people down. He
begged repentance but Musa alaihi salam didn't listen, in his majesty,
he struck again. The earth swallowed him up with all his people.
All his money and wealth went under the ground as well. Sheikh
Efendi said that it is still sinking. All his treasure is going deeper and
deeper. Therefore, some people say they're looking for Qarun's
treasure. There's nothing like this. They won't find it. This is a big
example for people that this man could live million years with that
treasure. But as we said, despite seeing so many miracles in his short
life, he was defeated and destroyed by his ego. His money brought him
no benefit.
There are thousands of stories like this. People listen but most of them
don't take a lesson from it. Insha'Allah, may we be the ones who take a
lesson in order to not forget our true target. The target is to reach Allah.
You still live, rich or poor. Allah gives provisions to everyone. Nobody
dies while his provision is appointed. If a man dies of hunger, then his
rizq has finished, that much was written for him. He dies of hunger.
And no one lives longer by eating more. One can die from overeating
as well.
Allah Azza wa Jalla said to Musa, alaihi salam, "O Musa, this man
asked for mercy from you and you didn't accept it. He asked 4 times. If
he asked Me sincerely once, I would forgive him". There is big wisdom
there. That person has forgotten Allah even in that position. Whether
he was tricking for himself to be rescued, or something else, he forgot
Allah. Even with a trick, Allah is merciful. He would accept and
forgive. No one has the mercy Allah has. The Mercy of Allah is huge
and endless. No matter how much you sin and make mistakes, Allah
will forgive. It is good news. If Allah was merciful to the nation of
Musa, alaihi salam, He could be a thousand times more to the nation of
However they're still forgetting the main thing that Musa, alaihi salam
had said about our Prophet. They didn't accept him because he wasn't
from them. They came up to Madina so that he would be one of them.
Even then he didn't and they didn't accept. Of course, some accepted.
But the main majority didn't accept. They had the greatest scholar
Ka'ab al-Ahbar. When he became Muslim, he said "When they come to
our Prophet, ask them about me, what kind of person I am. Then after
they speak about me, tell them I became Muslim."
So they came to speak and the talk reached this Sahaba. When asked
about him, they said he was one of their greatest scholars. His fathers
and grandfathers were from very good people. They described him so
well, then our Prophet said "You described him as a good man. If he
believes in me, will you believe too?" They said it was impossible and
started swearing at this man. They accept truth as they like. They don't
accept the real truth. They have made a picture and they follow it. They
follow their ego. It is a virtue to accept the truth. May Allah make us
among those accepting the truth and truthfulness, insha’Allah. May
Allah be pleased with you.
Allah Azza wa Jalla wishes goodness for people but shaitan doesn't
wish goodness, he wishes badness and evil for people.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-
Rahim: Qul bifadli Allahi wa birahmatihi fabidhalika falyafrahu
huwa khayrun mimma yajmauna (10:58).
With the Grace and Mercy of Allah, Allah Azza wa Jalla says to rejoice,
be reassured, this is better than everything you collected from
possessions of dunya. Allah is ordering us to be reassured, to not be
sad. Why are you being sad? Allah's Grace and Mercy are upon you.
He brought you to this way therefore, no need to be sad. Be always
happy, be joyful. Allah Azza wa Jalla has given the biggest favour. His
Grace and Mercy are not meant to be given to everyone because who is
brought to the right way has entered the right way by Allah's Grace.
Then it is said in the same surah, in Surah Yunus: Ala inna awliya
Allahi la khawfun alayhim wala hum yahzanuna (10:62). Alladhina
amanu wakanu yattaquna (10:63).
Allah Azza wa Jalla says to not fall into worry and sadness. Be relieved
that you are on this way, be always in ease. He is giving the good
news. Allah Azza wa Jalla, what is His order? What He wants? He
wants people to be happy. He said He is Generous and His order, gift
: Be happy.
These awliyaullah, the beloved servants of Allah they don't have any
fear and no sadness for them. Why? Because they're believers and they
are afraid to do wrong things. Not afraid from Allah, afraid to do
wrong thing. They are ashamed to do anything against Allah and
they're afraid to be in wrong way. They don't have any sadness, any
fear. This is Allah's order, it is a shortcut. Don't be sad He said. Don't
be anxious for your life, for "how I can do this, how I can do that?" No
need to be worried. Don't worry, be happy. This is order of Allah.
point of black, as you do another one, another point, until it will be all
completely black and you'll be in dark mood, You see everything bad,
you see everybody bad, and you'll feel yourself in prison. No, Allah
is that we have a good ending. If you live 1,000 or 50 years your ending
should be good, it's useless even if you live 1,000 years and your end is
bad. Live 50 years, be a beloved servant of Allah. They will meet you
there. Your Sultan will meet you. This is the best thing. Sultan didn't
leave him, he took him by his side. May Allah increase his maqam and
show him mercy. He was our brother for eternity. Insha'Allah, this
separation is not forever. We will meet again with Allah's permission
in Paradise, insha'Allah all together.
May Allah give long life to all of you, insha'Allah. This is a good
example, think about it. Same thing is said in ayat, every ego will die.
There is no person who won't die. Everybody will die and taste death,
dhaiqatu l-mawt. Everyone will taste death but the most important
thing is that the life of this world is entertainment. Who gains his
afterlife gains a lot. Allah Azza wa Jalla says it is the biggest benefit.
As long as he took it. May Allah give patience to his family. His
mother must be a good woman to have raised such a person. May
Allah give patience to that lady. May her reward be high insha'Allah.
Talking good about the deceased brings sawab. Our Prophet forbade
speaking bad about the deceased. Who doesn't carry out the order of
our Prophet commits a sin. Therefore, shukr to Allah, today we make
both good witnessing and Juma. And our Prophet in the hadith says:
who passes away on Juma goes without being questioned. Same with
the one buried on Juma. He died on Friday and we are his witnesses,
as we were together in our last trip. We were always together. He
prayed 5 times and night prayers and was a perfect mumin, Muslim.
May he rest in peace.
Today we are sad but what we will do? It is order of Allah. Allah
says, we are belonging to Him, we are not belonging to us. And He is
Creator and He do what He likes to do. You cannot say "no, I don't
like what You do." No, Allah says when He wants you to come back
from where He sent you, He take you. He is not looking for old, for
young, for beautiful, for ugly, no. Only say, ayatu l-karima:
inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji`una (2:156).
This is a very good summary for our life. But we forget this. Only
when somebody dies, we remember, "Oh, he went." No, we are
Nabil, he was the end of his life, 15 years or before also, he was good,
but the last 15 years he was with Mawlana. Day and night, he is in his
service, he is helping and he left everything from this dunya, this
There are big maqams there. The biggest maqam, Husain Efendi Hz's
holy grave is over there. Maqam of our mother Zainab is also there.
Many Sahaba are there; there are probably thousands of Sahaba. Then,
many awliya and saints are there. They are guardians of that place
now, just as they were during their lives. They say people became
Wahabi or Salafi there, but as we always say, they are not many in
number. They just make a lot of noise with their voices and because of
the noise they appear more. After going there and seeing it with our
own eyes, it's not possible to say these people are Wahabi and Salafi,
they don't like tariqa and our Prophet. It's impossible.
They are the guardians of that place. They are the guardians of all the
Islamic world. Therefore, the first place shaitan and his followers
bother with are the maqams and graves. Wherever there are graves,
they destroy them. It's shaitan's soldiers who do this. Soldiers of Allah
won't do that. Even here in Cyprus. They say it's not a place for
Muslims, not a place for the Turkish, but Greeks and unbelievers didn't
park and casino right in front of us. They destroyed them in Magusa
and built a school and toilets on them. Beside the embassy in Lefkosa
there was a cemetery as well. You can't find a stone there now. Not a
stone was left, which was there for 400, 500 years and belonged to your
ancestors, which is your title deed.
These Salafi people have the same mentality as the other ones. And
the other ones are the same mentality, without religion and faith, who
did this. You can't touch the grave of a Muslim. His body is same after
death, as when alive. You cannot disrespect them. You should respect
his bones, the earth and everything. What we see here suggests shaitan
is modifying his soldiers, he is upgrading them. He is advancing with
time so that more people are deceived. Same thing. Shukr to Allah,
these awliya. They can destroy as many of their graves as they like, in
the end Allah will avenge them against this shaitan and his soldiers.
Therefore, these things we see are a good tiding for us. Don't fear.
People are getting worried but no need to explain to everyone. Who
does so is the non-Muslim soldier of shaitan. And the awliya are
striking against them with the permission of Allah. Haqq will appear at
last. All of them will be cleaned out by Mahdi alaihi salam, with Allah's
permission. It is close. The darker the night gets, the closer the dawn.
And now, the world's condition is such that the whole world is against
Muslims. Especially, they are attacking ahl al-sunnah wa l-jama’a who
are on the right way. Let them. The more they do, the closer it is, this
help of Allah.
Two days we were in Egypt, because marhum Nabil, he like to take us,
when he was in life, too much to Egypt. Also by his will, I think, we
went there. This is Allah, He is doing everything, you don't know what
will happen tomorrow. We are never thinking to go very near, maybe
later, but it was some breaths we must breathe there, to meet people
there, to eat to drink. All it was written by Allah. So, Alhamdulillah, we
went and we saw this holy country, Egypt, Cairo.
It is holy because of what? The land becomes holy with holy people.
Without holy people it is nothing, but with holy people, because
Zainab, Nafisa al Tahira, and Imam Shafi' and Azhar Sharif. Thousands
of maqam in this city and it is baraka for people. Baraka and the guard
for Islam, for real Islam.
Ahl as-sunnah wa-l jama'a, they were hearing from here, "there is
trouble, these people are not doing good". Alhamdulillah nothing. And
we were hearing for Salafi and Wahabi, I cannot believe they can be
many people from these. They are a very few people but they are
making big noise and disturbing people. And people thought they are
too many people. No, it is not like this because baraka of these awliya,
and Sahaba and Sayyidina al Hussain cannot allow for these people to
be more because from more than thousand years, since 1,400 years and
more, from first of Islam, they come to Egypt. They're continuing
respecting for Prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam, his family and his
Sahaba, his companions. And for awliya, for tariqa, they are like this
since beginning of Islam
So now when these people are coming. They try to do something, but
Alhamdulillah, they are not succeeding. And first thing for these
people is why they are enemy for grave of awliya and Sahaba? Because
they are soldiers of shaytan. First thing soldiers of shaytan are doing,
they destroy these. You must respect body of Muslim after his death
also. You cannot take and throw away. Even bone, you must put with
respect in some place. This is order of Allah and Prophet, salallahu
alaihi wa sallam saying this in hadith. But these people are soldiers of
And it was now soldiers of shaytan, his thinking to do, every time
changing his soldiers. Before they were like communists, his soldiers
they were destroying maqams and graves. Even here in Cyprus,
shaytan’s soldiers were destroying all the graves of Ottomans, their
ancestors. And in Limassol, when we were sitting in the house, there
was one cemetery in front of us, they destroyed it and made it casino,
park. And you see in Qutub Uthman, it was all a cemetery. And all big,
big stone of Ottoman with turban, and writing in Ottoman. This is from
300 years, 200 years. It is like paper (title deeds) for you are here.
And in Nicosia this big area for Embassy of Turkey and all this around
it was huge cemetery. They are destroying this before 50 years, in time
of, before Turkish coming, and who they are doing this? Not Greeks,
this is Turks of, like secular. They were soldiers of shaytan. Secular
after communists. After, now Salafi they are doing this. And they're all
not good people and in the end they'll be the losers. But Allah He is the
winner and Muslim, mu'min they will win in the end.
Now really, all world is against real Islam, and they are accusing them
for things they are not doing and they are trying to finish them. But no,
Alhamdulillah it must be like this for Sayyidina al Mahdi to come.
Because when it's night's darkest time, it is the nearest time for
daylight. When it was very dark, after quickly coming light. It will be
like this insha'Allah. We are not worried, and we are believer, and we
are respecting awliya, and we loving them and we love Prophet
salallahu alaihi wa sallam his family, Ahl al Bayt and all Sahaba,
insha'Allah. Allah, keep us in safe until Mahdi (as).
“The Dajjal will reach a community like you or better than you. Allah
will never disgrace a Nation (Ummat) whose beginning is with me and
whose end is with Isa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary).” The Dajjal will
tour the whole world. The greatest discord (fitna) to hit Muslims is the
discrod of the Dajjal. However, our Master (SAW) gives us glad tidings:
a Nation whose beginning is with our Holy Prophet (SAW) and whose
end is with Isa Alayhis Salam will never be disgraced, and no harm will
come to it Allah willing. Isa Alayhis Salam will descend from heaven
and he will reign.
The days we are living now are very bad days. These are days opposed
to Islam. But those who are following our Holy Prophet (SAW) are
always in safety and are not in loss. Those who are in loss are the Dajjal
or those following Shaitan.
travelling where those in need would go [an Inn]. Now, the rich live in
separate places and the poor cannot enter.
“The blind is not the one whose eye is blind, but the true blind is the
one whose foresight (eye of the heart) is blind.” Blindness is a calamity
of Allah. But there are such blind people who are pious. They are
memorizers of Koran (Hafiz) and are committed to their religion. Yet
those whose eyes are open but cannot see the truth, they are the blind.
They are those whose eye of the heart is blind.
“Speaking well is not through talking a lot.” Some people talk for
hours. People are tired of their talk. They finally say, ‘That is enough!’
as they are fed up. “It is through distinguishing matters of what Allah
and His Prophet loves.” So even if the person talks for a short time, it is
better to explain things Allah loves and the Prophet loves, and keep it
in people’s minds. “Incapacity of the tongue is not an incapacity. Real
incapacity is not knowing the Truth.” It is not considered a big deal for
“Those who say, ‘La Ilaha Illallah,’ will never face loneliness in their
graves, during resurrection, and during dispersion.” We place the
person in the grave. We feel sad thinking we left them alone. No, it is
not so. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) gives glad tidings: Those who say, ‘La
Ilaha Illallah,’ are not alone. “It is as if I am seeing those who say, ‘La
Ilaha Illallah.’” Of course our Holy Prophet (SAW) sees. “They have
come out of their graves, shaking the dirt from their heads saying,
‘Praise belongs to Allah who has gotten rid of surrow from us.’” They
are praising Allah for standing without surrow as if nothing has
“Those who say, ‘La Ilaha Illallah,’ will not suffer loneliness in their
graves.” Many people are scared thinking, “I will be left in the dark in
the grave. I can do this and that. I will be left alone.” Our Holy Prophet
(SAW) gives glad tidings that they will not experience difficulty and
will not be lonely. “It is as if I am watching them. The earth is split, they
are saying, ‘La Ilaha Illallah,’ and people are in darkness.” Other people
are in darkness, surrow, and suffering, but they are rising saying , ‘La
Ilaha Illallah.’
“Richness is not with richness of posessions, it is with richness of the
heart (generosity).” You see many rich who run after posessions more
than poor people, and who commit shamelessness more than shameless
people. Their hearts are not rich. Their hearts are poor. The rich at heart
do not condescend to anybody even if they have no money. They are
the truely rich.
“Zakat does not apply to a Muslim’s slaves and horses.” They give
zakat when they have other posessions. There was slavery in the past
and it is no more now. But if they have horses, zakat does not apply to
“The poor person is not the one who tours people and turns away with
a bite or two, or one or two dates. The true poor is the person who
cannot find, and is incapable of finding a solution so they may be given
charity.” Meaning they do not want to expose themselves as poor. It
does not even cross their mind. “They cannot start begging people.”
They cannot reconcile it with their honor. The others are not the poor.
Giving to these is actually a great virture. They need to be found and
given charity.
“It is not amazing for those who see me to believe.” It is not strange for
those who see our Holy Prophet’s (SAW) holy light (nur) and believe.
Those who saw him and did not believe in him have not seen his
reality. Abu Jahls and Abu Lahabs have not seen his reality. That is
why they did not believe. “It is to be amazed at people who see papers
and...” What is meant by papers is the Holy Koran. “... believe in it
from start to end without doubt and hesitation.” Meaning people who
“There is no organ that will be punished as harshly as the tongue.” So
the organ that will suffer the most torment among the organs of
mankind is the tongue. “The tongue will say, ‘O my Lord! You have
inflicted a punishment on me that you have not inflicted on the body.’
Allah Taala will reply, ‘A word came out of you that reached East and
West and caused blood to spill.’” Thousands and millions can be killed
with one word of the tongure. Turmoil, discord and all of the kind is
caused. That is why the tongue suffers the most punishment. “By My
glory!” Allah Azza wa Jalla swears. “I will punish you with
punishment I have not given to any other organ.” Everybody should
watch their tongue, and should watch what they say. Do not lie, and do
not cause discord. The tongue is the most dangerous organ.
today. “‘If I pass by, you will never see me again.’” It will have passed.
How can you come by it?
“‘The night also says likewise.’” The day says so and the night says so.
There is no way to find a second one to change your day.
“The people of paradise will not be sorry for anything except for times
spent without the remembrance (zikr) of Allah.” There is no regret after
entering paradise. They will not wish they had done more work, or
done this or that. They will not do any of that. If they spent an hour
without remembering Allah, they will wish they had not done so.
“A Believer (Mumin) is not complete in Iman (faith) unless they count
calamity as a favor and comfort as a calamity.” Meaning they are not
yusra. (Sura Inshirah (Solace): 5-6) It syas in the Koran that kindness
and relief certainly comes after distress. “They asked, ‘How is this so O
Prophet of Allah?!’ “Calamity definately follows prosperity and
comfort.” People also forget Allah when they are too comfortable.
Calamity comes for this reason too. This is the wisdom behind what
our Holy Prophet (SAW) says. “Except for their state in prayer (namaz),
a Mumin who is not in grief is not considered to have attained
complete faith.” “‘Why O Prophet of Allah?’ they asked. “Because the
person who is in prayer is in fervent prayer to their Lord. While the
person who is outside of prayer only chats with the son of Adam.”
Meaning people are in constant grief outside of prayer. But because
they are with Allah in prayer, they are in comfort and not in surrow
and grief.
Sadaqa Rasulullah fi ma qal, aw kama qal. For the souls of Haji Mustafa
Turabi and our late Nabil Efendi, and for the souls of all of our
wal Akhirin,
Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya
Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-
Haqqani. Dastur.
Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
does our Holy Prophet (SAW) say? “The one asked is trustworthy.”
Meaning the person has to tell the truth. To say what one knows would
be good for both that one and you. Do not depart from the truth. Do
not depart from the right path. Nobody has more rights than Allah and
the Prophet (SAW). Do not be ashamed, and say the truth. Do not be
afraid, and say the truth.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
and scholars (alims). The slap that hit them might hit people who
present them as scholars. May it hit those who accept them. We are far
from them and do not accept those people. There is a group called the
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Thank Allah it has been a fine travel and it went well. The ikhwan
(brothers and sisters) are asking, “How were the ikhwan there? What is
their state like?” Those there are asking too. We said thank Allah. Allah
showed every beauty. We were with beautiful people. We did not see
anything bad throughout our travels. Those are lands of unbelief.
Especially these days, they want to arouse people wholly against Islam.
They are doing everything within their means and every
mischievousness. But if Allah wants, He shows the beautiful and
nothing else. This is Allah’s favor. Two friends had gone somewhere.
One was on one path, and the other on another path. One went on the
way of Allah, and the other headed to other sides. One was asked,
“How did you find the places you visited?” He replied, “There were
righteuous people everywhere. We were together with good people.”
The other said, “This place fits my ego. It is exactly as I wanted. I did
everything I wanted to do.” May Allah not make us of that kind. Allah
is able to do this for everybody, just like He turned the fire into a rose
bed for Ibrahim Alayhis Salam. Even if you are inside the fire, when
Allah protects you, you meet with good people through Allah’s
kindness. We toured three great unbelief lands. In particular, the place
called Paris is completely the heart of unbelief. Shaitan’s seat and center
is there. The French Revolution occurred there in 1789. Then Shaitan
fully announced his sultanate over the world. Whatever sacred things
there were, whatever holy things there were, whatever tradition and
training there were, they were all thrown in the trash. After that, he
announced his kingdom all over and in every part of the world. At the
time, bewildered people even among the Ottomans would go to Paris.
They would try to destroy Islam from there. They would be taught by
Shaitan and come back to confuse people here. They would make
people go crazy and turn the surroundings into a lake of blood. When it
was not so, they would try and ruin people’s morals. They would
continuously talk about freedom. What they meant by freedom was the
freedom to be immoral. Nothing else. The more immoral you are, the
Paris is the heart of unbelief. It is the widsom of Allah that this time we
went there. We went with the support and blessing of our Shaykh, may
Allah increase his stations. He would say, “I made intention to destroy
unbelief.” Inshallah, we have that intention too. With their blessings,
we are hitting them at their heart Inshallah. From the heart of Paris we
said, “This revolution is a satanic revolution!” Inshallah, we will raise
the word of Allah. There is no such thing as revolution in Islam. Our
neighbors have ruined the surroundings claiming a revolution. Others
have come out claiming a Wahhabi revolution, and they have ruined it
even more. We have made the intention to announce Islam’s word. As
Mawlana Shaykh said, we made intention to destroy unbelief. Allah
willing, we do not need cannons and rifles. Allah is next to us, Allah is
with us. Everything is in the hands of Allah. That is to say, we will not
give them what they want and wish for. What they want and the men
they brought out are like themselves. All people outside of Ahl-e
Sunnat wal Jamat are being nourished from there, from Shaitan’s
revolution. However many people there are who do not respect our
Prophet (SAW), who do not respect the Sahabis (Companions), and
who do not respect the Ahl-e Bayt, all have come out of there.
Obedience exists in the manners and training of Ahl-e Sunnat wal
Jamaat. Those who have that manner are with Allah. There is never a
need to raise a gun. Those who raised a gun have ended pointing that
gun at Muslims. We are seeing with our own eyes, the gun is pointing
at true Muslims on both sides. They can point as much as they want. If
Allah does not want to harm, Allah willing nothing will happen. Even
if in the middle of fire, they can try as much as they want and no harm
will come. We went wholly to their midst, with the power of Allah and
the help of Allah. It is the wisdom of Allah that there was a person
there. They had executed the king there when the French Revolution
occurred. Now this man is the prince there. He is a candidate for king
of a person. He also attended. When this was mentioned, he also
concurred and was very happy. After speaking of the evils of the
French Revolution, he called a couple of times, congratulated, and
thanked us. Just like the Ottomans are the sovereign of this place, that
person is also the sovereign of that place. He is very close to Islam too.
As a gesture of affection, he presented us with the flag of the Royal
family. Inshallah they also come to Islam and the world is left
surprised. Thank Allah, wherever wen went, we did not come across a
bad person. Nobody uttered a bad word. As they are our ikhwan, you
know, they walk around with beards, jubbas, and the like. They make
Takbirs and the such. We had to tell them to be a little quiet, not to
scream much, as there is no need to annoy people. Thank Allah, they
did not say anything back even in that state of mind. The people of the
land came over and greeted us. They asked us how we were doing.
Shaitan’s rule has passed. From now on, benefit is for Ahl-e Islam, for
true Muslims. Benefit is for gentle, good-tempered, and merciful
Muslims whom Allah loves. Not for people who are quarrelsome,
blood shedding, supposed Muslims, who raise guns at Muslims. They
found tranquillity when they saw us. They even asked for prayers
(duas). So many people came, were read on, and got prayers. Those
who became Muslim were many too. They said 66 people have become
Muslim. I did not count. Those there counted. May Allah increase their
numbers Inshallah. It is Mawlana Shaykh’s blessing (baraka). He had
made a trip there 18 years ago. They are saying, “When we bought it,
the dargah was big for us. Our numbers were little. Now it is small for
us.” Their numbers are increasing. Now, there are many Muslims:
young, old, women, and men. What is important is being with Allah.
After that, you can go wherever you want. Go wherever you want, but
Allah is with you as long as there is no bad intention inside of you. If
there is bad intention in you, you will see everyplace as bad. Then
Allah sends you bad people as a punishment for your ego. Be with
Allah. Be pure to Allah. Wherever you go, go with a pure intention. It
would be a benefit both for you and the people there. Mashallah,
inhabitants there (Spain, Andalus) are raising their children as imams
now. Of course, there is a need there, as the inhabitants are increasing.
When they are from amongst themselves, it is more beneficial and
fruitful. Allah gave them beautiful places. Muslims there ruled for 500-
600 years and then got spoiled from being rich. Their riches were not in
the way of Allah, and they could not put it to good use. Shaitan fooled
them and they lived saying, “How can I live better? How can I satisfy
my ego more?” And when like that, once they were one state, they
divided into many small states. They became little states. They kicked
them all out one by one. Then they saw much suffering. They would
either not allow those saying they are Muslim to live or they would
expel them. It was not possible for them to live any longer. Even the
head bishops there acted in cruelty that nobody saying Allah was left.
They all escaped and withdrew from there. Andulusia was the world’s
wealthiest country. In other words, it was a jewel of a place. But when
there is tyranny, Allah sends down a calamity. Now it is again the
largest place in Europe but they have become the poorest place. This
has a wisdom in it too. This is also a lesson for humanity. If you
oppress, no matter who you are, you are to suffer the consequences.
Unbelief is the greatest oppression. Allah might leave the unbeliever
who does not oppress, but these (Christians in Andalus) completely
oppressed. In the same way, they killed many people in places they
went. That is why Allah Azza wa Jalla took away abundance from
them. Once they were the wealthiest place in the world, they became
the poorest place in the world. So much has not been seen in other
Christian countries. In other places Christians entered, such as the
Balkans and here and there, Christians entered but Muslims still stayed
there and did not leave. But they [in Spain] did not leave a single one.
They are also unaware of this till now. Inshallah from now on, the
grandsons of the martyred and oppressed there live on. They told them
to either become a Christian or die. Most of them became Christian, and
some continued worshipping in secret. Finally, they were wiped out.
Inshallah, their grandsons come back to the way of Truth. That would
become the blessing for that place. Blessing can only come there this
way. Yet there is much preperation and will. Inshallah, it will change
Allah willing. Those mosques will be Mawlana Shaykh’s glad tidings.
All mosques have become churches now, and bells have been placed. If
Allah wants, they can all change into a mosque again within a minute,
Allah willing. May Allah protect us from the evils of Shaitan. We also
thank Allah a thousand times that we are under the gaze of the Caliphs
(Khalifas) here. As Islam’s Caliph, the Ottomans protected these areas
and these Muslims. Truely, as the Prophet said and gave glad tidings
of, they both protected the religion and the Muslims in the way of
Allah. All the way till the North Pole, those peoples also stood in front
of this unbelief. Millions of man shed their blood and preserved Islam.
They put down their ego and did not become enemies of each other,
but became direct enemies of the people of unbelief. Then on the other
side, they [Muslims of Spain] became enemies of each other and got
together with the unbelievers. Just then, they got punished and the
people became wretched. There is a second matter. They did not accept
the Caliph either. They came forth as the caliphs. So there is a wisdom
here. Allah Azza wa Jalla says punishment does not come until the
servant goes wild. That place was out of control so they were wiped
out. From now on, more beautiful and cleaner people will come
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
wal Akhirin,
Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya
Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-
Haqqani. Dastur.
Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla states in His book, the Holy Koran Karim: “This
nation of disbelief (kufr) is trying to extinguish the light of Allah by
blowing.” The Koran Karim is Allah’s miracle. It annihilates all
people’s and kufr’s tricks with very short sentences. He shows people
how foolish and how unreasonable they are. Fools are trying to
extinguish the light of Allah by blowing. Allah allowed us and we
went on a visit for about fifteen days. Before leaving, we were told that,
“They are oppressing Muslims there. They hate Muslims there.” It is
the wisdom of Allah that Allah turned their trickery, swindle, and
dishonesty back on them. He dispelled their trickery and dishonesty.
First these events occurred: they tried to show Islam as an evil thing to
make everybody hate Islam. Those who did these is obvious anyway.
Thank Allah those who became Muslim increased after these events
and multiplied a hundred fold. They are becoming Muslim
everywhere. Truely, after hearing this, many people recited the
Testimony (Kalima Shahadat) everywhere. There is a hundred year old
mosque in Paris. It is the first built and a beautiful mosque. You feel the
spirituality when you enter a mosque that is Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamaat.
People build a mosque like a warehouse. There is no word of Allah, nor
a Basmala, nor respect for our Holy Prophet (SAW). There is nothing.
They build mosques like warehouses. This mentioned mosque
Mashallah was built very beautifully. Worship is held according to the
Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamaat. While there, the French came and greeted us,
and showed respect. In fact, this is the first time we see them.
Normally, when you mention Islam, they run ten kilometers away and
immediately run away from Islam. On the contrary, we did not hear a
bad word wherever we went. On the contrary, they came and greeted
Moreover, there were many from amongst them who attended the
Sohba meetings. They left very pleased. They are inviting us to come,
gather every year, and gather every couple of months. Of course we
cannot go that frequently, but I was truely surprised by these people at
first. Everything is in the hands of Allah though. Allah can turn hearts
as He wishes. That is why we were relieved by the state of these
people. If you saw the man from a distance, you would think, “He will
either grunt or swear at us now.” They are such people. As a type, they
are exactly the kind that we call our secular portion. Yet it is the
wisdom of Allah that there are very good attitudes even in people we
call seculars. Even if they do not show on the outside, good attitudes
exist in people. They are also saying they are searching for a type of
truth, but real truth is Allah’s way. Even if Muslims are a little hard or a
little different according to their own thinking, being an original
Muslim is not like that. Being a Muslim loads everybody a load they
can handle. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) said, “He who says, ‘La Ilaha
Illalah,’ enters paradise.” This is true. Our Holy Prophet is veracious
(sadik). It is all right after saying, “La Ilaha Illalah, Muhammadun
Rasulullah.” So that is what is sought. Let him say that, and the rest is
between the person and Allah. Thank Allah they came. Beautiful
people are coming in great numbers to Islam. As our Shaykh Mawlana
used to say, “May its good be on us and its evil be on them.” Truely,
these events turned out like this. Everytime something happened,
people would get uneasy saying, “It was Muslims, and this and that.”
This time, what they did did not benefit them. We visited someone
from the Ottoman dynasty there. There are many from the Ottoman
dynasty in France. They said, “There was a police here who was shot.”
That poor fellow’s grave was also there so we visited it. At Asr time, we
went to another mosque too. It was a sacred mosque. It was also an
Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamaat mosque. The only non-mixed graveyard was
there too. There you go. Thank Allah, with Shaykh Mawlana’s blessing
(baraka) it was a good and blessed trip. May it also be a means for
us off with Salawat. Thank Allah we went and came back like that.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Allah Azza wa Jalla treats people with His favor and kindness. He says,
“Make dua to me and I will answer your prayer. I am close to you, I
hear you, and I am with you.” That is why, in a way, supplicating is an
order. Making dua has its manners too. You should not only pray for
yourself. Instead of saying, “O Allah, protect me,” you should say,
“protect us.” This is more acceptable. There are those whose prayers
are accepted amongst people. Your prayers are also accepted for the
sake of that person. Do not continuously make dua on your own, but
make dua as a group. It is more acceptable and better to pray as, “May
Allah forgive us, may Allah save us, and may Allah lead us to good
deeds.” It is good to make dua for others when reciting dua. To pray
for your Muslim brother or sister eventhough you do not see them is
more acceptable for you and for them. Praying inside of you, even if
not aloud, is also acceptable. Allah has granted gifts, spiritual gifts.
They are the real beauty. They are the things that are everlasting and
remaining. Allah’s favors are so much that they are uncountable. Allah
Azza wa Jalla says, “You cannot count My favors if you wanted to
count them.” One of these favors is making dua. Allah (JJ) says, “Make
dua so I may accept your dua.” If there is someone saying, “I made dua
but it was not answered,”
Allah will answer that one’s dua in the hereafter. And that one says, “I
wish none of my prayers were answered so they would be given in the
hereafter.” A person will be the object of so many gifts, and so many
beautiful things will be given in the hereafter, that what was given in
this world will have no value. May Allah not separate us from the
right path. May He not make us in need of anybody (generally meaning
for food) Inshallah. May Allah protect and safeguard all our ikhwan
(brothers and sisters) with health and well being Inshallah. May He not
misguide our children and our egos from the right path Inshallah. May
we be amongst the pious men (Salihin) and pious women (Salihat)
Bi hurmatil Fatiha.
Our tariqa is as you see it. We do not order anything else. Nothing is
hidden or secretive. What we say is both what the law (sharia) orders
and what the way (tariqa) orders. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says:
“Those who say „La Ilaha Illallah, Muhammadun Rasulullah‟ will enter
paradise.” We say this. Nothing else. There is no such thing as, “You
will do this and that.” There is no need to delve in unnecessary things.
You go to Allah pure and clean, and from the short, shortcut path.
Never fall for other curvey ways and to this and that. The dishonest
and fake are many.
May Allah protect us all from these people. May Allah turn their evil to
themselves. It states in the Ayat Karima: “Their deceit only harms
themselves.” May Allah cause them to think straight too. May they not
harm people Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015.
Allah Azza wa Jalla created every kind of beauty. Allah invites people
so we may live well and so our hereafter may also be good. But people
follow their ego. Their ego does not order the beautiful but the ugly.
Allah created the world we live in in the most beautiful manner and
established balance. There is a balance in everything. Of course, what
we do not understand is that everything Allah has created was made
according to a calculation and with balance. They need to be preserved,
and they need to be known. Not everybody can know this balance and
calculation, but there are also many fools who make statements like
everything was formed by chance. Essentially, they are the ones who
ruin the world and the beauty. Vice first starts from an opinion and
spreads throughout the world. When corrupt ideas spread, ugliness,
filth, and all kinds of evil appear. Thank Allah we are living spring
season now. First there has to be winter so there can be a fine spring
afterwards. If there is no good winter, there can be no good spring. If
there is no good spring, there can be no good summer or fall. In this
way, Allah has created everything with a balance. We must do what
Allah tells us. We must do what Allah tells us not just for the hereafter
but for humanity as well. Clever people who follow Allah’s orders also
live comfortably in the world. When following Allah’s orders, the
world also becomes beautiful like this. Coming to the topic of the world
being ugly, Allah does not order you to go and destroy the most
beautiful places. Look at how they are polluting waters. It is a big sin to
even break ablution (wudu) into a river. We see people who pretend to
be civilized now. They have turned everywhere into sewers. This is the
smallest example, and it is enough as an illustration. Follow the orders
of Allah and may everything be more beautiful Inshallah. May Allah
not leave us to our ego nor to shaitan. They are ugliness, they are evil
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Thursday, April 16, 2015.
The times we are living are the End Times. Meaning we have come
very close to the Day of Judgment. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says they
are the best of the Nation (Ummah) about the people living in these
times. Good tidings to those people who did not see our Holy Peophet
(SAW), showed respect, and believed in our Holy Prophet (SAW) in the
middle of so much discord (fitna). They are the best nation. New
discords come out everyday. They are almost denying you from
praying, “You cannot pray. You cannot do that!” Why? Because they
say it is not obligatory (fard), it is supererogatory (nafila) and should
not be prayed. We are not saying this in exaggeration. They are doing
it. These are people who do not show respect to our Holy Prophet
(SAW). They are deprived from being the best nation our Holy Prophet
(SAW) spoke about. They deny so many, so many things. If they say
you cannot pray the namaz (salah), then you think about the rest.
These are times for trade, for the trade of the hereafter. Awful times.
Very bad. All discord and corruption and everything is in the open.
People are also fed up, but they should be happy with our Holy
Prophet’s (SAW) good tidings. Those who follow the way of our Holy
Prophet (SAW) find the right path in these times of discord. The more
difficult the task, the more Allah (JJ) rewards. Allah gives according to
Himself. Ten times, 100 times, or 700 times the reward is given. After
that too, Allah knows how much reward is written, and nobody else
knows. The more difficult it is, the more the rewards. Allah is not like
people. He gives rewards even for the smallest effort. Allah (Azza wa
Jalla) says, “As long as my servant makes an effort, I will give them the
most beautiful rewards.”
Times are trade times. Rewards can even be 700 to one, or 10,000 to one.
May Allah grant us all these rewards Inshallah. The more we make an
effort, that much Allah (JJ) gives. There is no such things as Allah will
not give that one when He gives you and I. Allah is not like you.
Allah’s treasures are endless and are enough for everybody. If it were a
million times the whole world, He would still give everybody and
nothing would diminish from Allah’s Own. Because if an amount as
the smallest particle is decreased it would finish. It does not end next to
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
These months are a favor to everyone from Allah. The one who accepts
benefits from Allah’s blessings. Those who do not accept: it is up to
them. Yet again, it descends upon all, to the world as a whole. People
benefit, whether little or a lot. But it is different for those who truely
accept, take this as an opportunity, and gladly accept. There are those
who also say, “Something good happened. We are relieved.” They feel
it a little but do not know why it happened.
Time is also a creation of Allah. Allah (JJ) lifted time in the miracle of
the Ascension (Miraj). Our Holy Prophet watched paradise, hell, the
seven heavens, and all that there is. Normally, watching them requires
millions of years. In the very end, he came to the Presence of Allah.
Nobody but Allah knows Allah’s “Kun”, meaning how He is. Because
Allah is beyond space and time.
Nobody was able to reach that station, Allah’s Presence. Only our Holy
Prophet (saw) reached it. Even Gabriel (Jibril) (as) could not take
another step forward, and said he would burn if he did. Allah could
would have been such a burning there that he would not have been
able to return a second time. That is why he could not take another
step. Our Holy Prophet reached the highest station. The Five Daily
Prayers were given there as a gift too. Originally it was fifty times.
Moses (Musa) (as) knew from his own people and said, “They cannot
pray fifty times a day.” It was decreased five by five until it reached the
five times. 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, untill it was finally reduced to the five
times. Musa (as) said, “This is also too much for your Nation. They
cannot do this either.” So our Holy Prophet said, “I would be
embarassed from this point on. It was reduced from 50 times to five
times. I woul be embarassed to ask my Lord again. Five times is fine for
my Umma.”
Most people even find it difficult to pray one time, two rakats (set of
repetitions). Prayer (Namaz) is Allah’s gift for our Holy Prophet when
he went to Ascension. Namaz was made obligatory (fard) then. It was
not fard before. And the last two verses (ayats) of Sura al-Baqara (The
Cow), Amanar Rasulu, were gifted. Allah Azza wa Jalla directly gave
that as a gift to or Holy Prophet. The rest of the Koran came through
the revelation of Jibril Alayhis Salam. Those two ayats came directly to
our Holy Prophet in the Miraj.
That is why this month of Rajab is a holy month. Fasting during this
month has big rewards. Those who have dues (qada) should fast their
dues. It would be counted as both supererogatory (nafila) and as debit.
Zikirs can be increased. Make “La Ilaha Illallah” a thousand times a day
during the month of Rajab. There is a thirty rakat prayer. One may pray
two rakats every two days or ten rakats in ten days. So there are thirty
rakats for the whole month. One can fast on Mondays and Thursdays.
Those who want to fast more can do so.
Worship in this month is good, but we need to repent from our bad
habits if we have any. Let us repent and ask forgiveness so as not to go
back a second time. People’s rights are especially important. If you
think you have fooled people, you are really only harming yourself.
You are making yourself into one Allah does not like. You are harming
yourself by yourself. Let us become clean of bad habits.
In old times, old people would sometimes be addicted and they would
have bad habits. There were some who had alcoholism or gambling.
Humans are sinful ever since time immemorial. But when the Three
Months came, they would not do anything during the Three Months
and would repent. People now, let alone sinners, even those who claim
to be Muslim do so much more. You feel shame, you feel shame when
you hear about it. “What is that?” you say. You claim to be in the way
They may fool us. We are fooled by a couple of words. But they cannot
fool Allah. Let them fear Allah and fix their egos. Everybody can fool
Haji Mehmet. We may be fooled by two words. It is not an issue.
Everywhere, they are fooling us and those who follow us. Do not
recognize a representative or what not, and do not believe him if he is
lying. We are saying what sharia (the law) is saying. We are not
crooked and are going on the right path. We see all as good because we
do not know crookedness. Everybody is believing too, Alhamdulillah,
but we are embarrassed and saddened when these appear sometimes.
People trust and blame us saying, “He is your man!” That kind of a
man is not a man afterall. They are people who have nothing to do with
manliness. Those who depart by as much as a hair from sharia are not
with us. Especially people who arerepresentatives, absolutely not. We
are discharging those kinds of people from representation. They cannot
become a representative for the rest of their lives either. Let them
repent and ask Allah for forgiveness. Let them be happy if Allah
forgives them, because they have the rights of servants in them (they
have done others injustice).
We do not wish to talk much about these things but it is good that we
did. This machine (the camera) in reality also serves Shaitan. Let it
serve Allah a little from here. What immoral things occur due to these
cameras! A person’s blood pressure rises. What is that thing called
Face, base, or filth? Women and men should by no means chat together!
What is that friends and what not? It is bad manners. What immorality?
This is the biggest Shaitan. Neither hafiz (memorizer), nor hodja
(religious teacher), nor what not is left. People are doing ill-mannered
things to each other with this. We are also saying this here so
everybody hears and everybody acts according to Islamic manners.
The month of Rajab is coming. Let everybody put their ego in training
and keep their manners. Shaykh Mawlana did not like it, for women
and men to be mixed like this. Lenience... Some people misunderstand
lenience. Be careful! Let us walk on beautiful and lit roads shown by
Wa Minallahu Tawfiq.
Friday, April 17, 2015.
We read in the Hadith Sharif last time too. The enemy is not the man
you fight in the battlefield, the one killing you. He is not in fact an
enemy to you. Because he has made you reach the highest station. If
you kill him in battle, it will have been a light (nur) for you. It is serving
you too. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says: “The greatest enemy is your
ego.” Then it is children. Because if you follow them, do what they
want, and leave what our Holy Prophet (SAW) says, it would damage
you greatly. Your ego and loved ones harm you the most. However, if
you follow the orders of Allah and obey Allah, that time both they will
have won and you will have won. May Allah not leave us to our egos.
May Allah protect us from the evils of Shaitan and the evils of the ego.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015.
Today is the day Shaykh Baba (QS) was born. May Allah raise his
station. People now use the Gregorian calendar more to calculate. The
birth of our Holy Prophet (SAW) was yesterday in the Gregorian
calendar. Shaykh Mawlana did not like it much. The real birth of our
Holy Prophet (SAW) is 12 Rabiul-Awwal in the Arabic calendar.
Mawlids are made according to it. Sacred nights and mawlids are
calculated according to Arabic months. However, everything done to
raise awareness or respect of our Holy Prophet (SAW) is accepted
according to the intention in the sight of Allah. It would be good to
even do a mawlid every day for our Master (SAW). But how can we do
it nowadays? It is appropriate to do it whenever the opportunity arises.
May Allah’s abundance (fayd) and blessings (baraka) be upon the
Nation (Umma). People are making calculations according to the
Gregorian calendar. According to the Gregorian calendar, our Shaykh
Mawlana came to this world in 1922. Shaykh Mawlana would tell
stories well. No one knows how but Shaykh Mawlana came out by the
time the midwife arrived Mashallah. He showed a miracle (karama)
even in his birth and did not cause his mother any pain. He used to say,
“I did not cause my mother pain.” He loved his mother and would
constantly mention her. His mother was also a holy lady. Shaykh
Mawlana was the fifth child. They were four male siblings, and a
female sibling came after him. He lived in Cyprus for a while. At that
time, Shaykh Mawlana would feel sorry for his father’s condition. At
the time, those Young Turks and what not had fooled the people.
Shaykh Mawlana would feel sorry that he left Cyprus and came to
Turkey. Whereas our grandfather had a good job there. But this was the
will of Allah. He also used to feel sorry for having studied for nothing
in worldly schools, in high school and university. About these, Shaykh
Mawlana says he studied for nothing. They were all useless things, and
it would have been better to go in the path of Allah. In this regards let
us clarify: not worldly knowledges but rather hereafter knowledge is a
duty (wajib) and obligation (fard) for people’s education. It is
obligatory to learn. It is fard from birth, from the cradle to the grave.
There is Fard-e Ayn and Fard-e Kifaya. Fard-e Ayn means you need to
do it. Fard-e Kifaya means if one person does it, the obligation falls
from other people. The real fard is to seek knowledge. And knowledge
is learned in these gatherings. We will make the intention for the sake
of Allah and learn. Do not say, “I have become a scholar and do not
need to learn anything else.” Or do not say, “Are we to enroll in a
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Everything is from Allah. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says, “The most I
fear for you is committing polytheism (shirk), Shirk Khafi.” This is also
like assigning a partner with Allah. You can unknowingly commit shirk
with some things too. Shirk Khafi means hidden shirk. That is why our
Holy Prophet (SAW) tells us to continuously ask for forgiveness. You
should know everything from Allah. If you consider it from yourself
when doing some things, that time you are being like a partner. Both,
the good and the evil, come from Allah. Do whatever you want to do,
and ask for help from Allah. One needs to trust in Allah and ask Allah
for help in everything. We endeavor but Allah also gives that endeavor.
This needs to be known as such so it does not become shirk. Of course,
they are things that happen unknowingly. That is why we always need
to repent and ask for forgiveness. Even our Holy Prophet (SAW) says,
“I ask for forgiveness 70 times a day.” We need to do at least 100 times
a day. This is for sins committed knowingly or unknowingly. When
doing our duty (wazifa) everyday, we proclaim the Kalima Shahada
(La ilaha illallah, Muhammadun rasulullah) then repent and ask for
forgiveness. We need to say it continuously for doing something [bad]
or having done something. There is no other deity except Allah. Our
ego is evil. We repent and ask forgiveness for wrongs done knowingly
or unknowingly. Everything is from Allah. People think some things to
be bad, but they turn out to be good. Things thought to be good can
also turn out bad. May Allah give us the good. May Allah not grant us
to confrom to our ego to say, “It is from me,” Inshallah. May Allah help
us all Inshallah. Inshallah everybody puts this instruction in their head
and finds comfort. If you take too much burden upon yourself, if you
say, “I did everything. It was I who did it all,” then at the end the
damage will effect you and it will be a burden on you. When saying,
“Everything is from Allah. Allah predestined this,” then you will be
comfortable and at ease.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015.
people run out of them. No, it is the real happiness. And as we said,
Allah, create people, everyone he has speciality for him. So not
everyone can be in tariqat. Only chosen one. "dhalika l-faḍlu min Allah"
(4:70) (That is the favour from Allah) Favour from Allah. To be Muslim,
of course, favour from Allah but to be also in tariqa it is more favour.
Because iman when you taste it, you forget anything else. And tariqat
taking you to this stage to taste the sweetness of iman.
Everything after this not important for who is tasting. Because he
knows everything from Allah he is happy with what Allah giving. He's
happy, not asking Allah "Why me?" There's "Why me?" It is from, I
think, Western culture. Western culture, it is built on ego. First, you
must save yourself, after you save other one. But Islamic and spiritual
culture, first you must help people also. You not be real believer until
you love your brother, Muslim brother as you love yourself. And we
say who tasting sweetness of iman, belief, he cannot be afraid from
anything. This is teaching of whole prophets. Teaching of Prophet, it is
culture of heavenly teaching. It is culture of heavenly teaching.
Other what we said, Western culture - human being culture, taking
from miserable and other people. And it is making only trouble and
miserable for human being. We are seeing now the situation of world.
It is the summary of this culture. Because everywhere no anymore
spiritual culture, heavenly culture. No. All they, whole world by this
last 100 years or 150 years, they were spreading all this culture, their
culture. Even in Muslim countries it's more than here this culture. But
heavenly culture, all Prophets were teaching to taste sweetness of
belief. Once Sayyidina Isa, alaihi s-salam, he was all time travelling and
going around. And old time there was people who left everything,
some of them living in cave, some of them living in huts, some of them
in small place or just praying and worshipping Allah. Once he went to
some place. He saw fountain water coming, clean water. And near this
the land, and there was one man worshipping there. He was drinking
and cleaning himself by water and planting something to eat. He asked
him, Sayyidina Isa, "How many years you are here?" He said "I am
since 70 years. I am worshipping Allah. And I am eating and drinking
here from this." It was very nice place. He said "But I am asking
something I couldn't take it from Allah". Isa alaihi salam, he said "What
it is?" He said "You are Prophet. You can by special to ask Allah to give
me one atom from iman. 70 years I couldn't take this. You are Prophet
and I am happy you are here. I believe to you and I am asking for you
to make this for me." Sayyidina Isa, he asked Allah.
After many times, maybe 1 year or 2 years he was coming again same
place. He saw everything dry, nothing there. He didn't see this man. He
said to Allah, "I ask." And looking there, the field it was dry nothing.
And this man, he saw this man sitting in road. And he was opening his
mouth and just looking like this, not doing anything. He said "O
Abdullah!" Not answering. He shouting, not answering also. He is
moving him, no answer. Isa alaihi s-salam, he said "O Allah, I asked
good thing for this man. What happened for him?" He said "I gave him,
not one atom, maybe one part from thousand from this iman, and he is
like this. If I give him what he want, he will fly, he will blow like ..."
This is example for people who are claiming they are following Isa
alaihi s-salam. No. And it is showing how it is. When iman coming, you
cannot see anything else. Only what you see, everything perfect.
Nothing wrong. This is what this man seeing. And he was only like this
sitting. He cannot do anything else.
Alhamdulillah you are happy. You cannot be happy in any place else.
You cannot be happy in pub, you cannot be happy in this bad place.
Only you are happy when you are in this place, in mosque with these
our brothers. You make qasida, you make praising Allah and Prophet
(saw). Remember us for Allah. Because when somebody seeing
qawwali group, he cannot be remember any wrong thing. Only
remember Allah. These people, they are for Allah. This is what Prophet
(saw) saying, the best people. When you see them, you remember
Allah. This is very important. And thank you for all of you. InshaAllah
we continue with our brother.
Welcome. It's one year today since our Sheikh Effendi departed by his
body from our sight but his soul and spirituality is thousands times
stronger now and is with every brother. He is reaching everyone and
helping when necessary. We've been saying during this year that a
year should pass and manifestations would be apparent. We said in
the beginning, with inspiration of Sheikh Effendi, that this way won't
finish and it is a flowing river. Sheikh Effendi used to always say that
it is a main way - It's the main way of tariqa, the flowing way and it
has an uncut river. Therefore, these are the seeds planted by Sheikh
Effendi. Sheikh Effendi planted seeds. Sheikh Effendi planted the
main seeds, and all of them are blessed seeds. They will grow and
make everywhere green.
We don't have a right to be proud that there are more now than
during the time of Sheikh Effendi. Everything happens with support
of Sheikh Effendi. If he wasn't a true Sheikh, a real murshid, no one
would remain within a year. Especially, he put the weakest one on
top. Of course, we have to obey the order. So we obey it. But shukr to
Allah, he has said in the beginning, he gave an inspiration that no one
would be lost; everyone will continue on this way and this way will
grow much larger. This beautiful way will continue all over the world
by being a light, guidance and blessing for people. Who follows this
way is from the people of happiness. May Allah be pleased with this
much people who came here and everyone in the world.
This one year of reaching the presence of Allah of Sheikh Effendi is
the happiness of reaching the highest station because Sheikh Effendi
returned to his Creator. The biggest happiness of a believer is to
return to his Creator. Last year everyone was in grief and miserable.
But now we know that Sheikh Effendi has reached the highest point of
happiness. He reached his Allah, Prophet, his Master, his Sheikh. He
earned the biggest happiness. As Mawlana said, it is like a wedding,
Sheb-i Arus (the wedding night). Therefore, Allah has given it to you,
to those who are here today. However, to those who couldn't come,
the same virtue is given to them who wished from their hearts. It is a
blessing for them to celebrate this day of Sheikh Effendi with Yasin
and Qur'an, mawlid and charity from wherever they are. It will be a
benefit for them. InshaAllah their families will be guided and blessed
Now one year he is by body, he went to akhirah but he's... we're not
seeing him by body but now we are seeing him more powerful, more
beautiful, more life. Everybody is seeing his reality and his power
coming thousands times more from when he was in this life. This is
his saying and really people speaking about what they saw in dream,
how nice, how he is giving them what to do, what advice. And they
are really more happy than before because every time when he in life,
only who can come here, he can see him. But now even people never
see him in life, they see him in dream and he give them advice what to
do. One year it is big karama, miracle from him too... And it is proof
for all what he said. Our tariqa, it is live tariqa, not dead. And it is
river, main river. Because if like other tariqas, it will be broken
alhamdulillah in one year everybody still with Mawlana. What they
promise him all they are accept and continuing his way, the way of
happiness, real happiness. And baraka and every good thing in this
way. Every beauty, every satisfied, everything you imagine from good
thing, it is in this tariqa because coming from Mashaikh until Prophet
Nothing can affect real believer people because they are knowing
coming here for his love, for love of Allah and love of Prophet. This is
his teaching and it is alive. And we are thanking for people also all
around world. They wish to come here. We know millions of them.
They like and they are wishing to be here. But this is his, Mawlana's
also arranging, only these people. Because here they cannot carry like
more people. But he will give same reward for them also all around
world. Because real they are sincere to be here. But we are saying also
for them to make Yasin Sharif, Qur'an Sharif, to make charity for poor
people, to make mawlid, make dua and it will be benefit for them
first, after Mawlana and their relative or family also.
Last year like this day, we were really very miserable time it was for
us and we were big sadness. But now we are knowing it was the
happiness for Mawlana because he is with his beloved Sheikh and
with Prophet (saw), with Allah. This is what whole life waiting for.
And he is in the highest place. He was last year and now, of course,
after this also. Now we are happy and we are celebrating this because
in Islam no matam (mourning) who people they are when
somebody... mourning. In Islam no mourning because this is life -
Everybody he will be, must die and to go to akhirah, real life. So we
are... It is not only for Mawlana. But he is happy to be there. And it is
like wedding for these Awliyaullah. They are saying for death -
wedding, to coming to real life. And it is happiness for him. And real
Muslim, Ahl al-sunnah wa l-jamaa they don't have this mourning.
Only in Islam when somebody dies, three days you must, you make
condolence. But everyday.
Also you must remember death. At least seven times. Don't forget this
also, to not be afraid from death and to be prepared like Mawlana. Of
course, nobody can prepare like Mawlana but we are catching his
hand and it is enough for us.
Thank you for all of you. Allah. And we forget to say. He was putting
seed, blessed seed and now growing more and more. Everywhere it
will be grow because by his baraka and his support, this seed will not
be dry. Because river will flooding them. Alhamdulillah he has put us
as order and we are the weakest one. But it is order. What we will do?
InshaAllah we continue this good way with baraka of Mawlana and
Prophet (saw) and be happy here and hereafter. Because real
Because committing sin is good from one side. There is hadith sharif,
our Prophet has said it. Sahabas were surprised "How come? How
doing bad, doing sin can be good?" He said "If one knows he has sinned
and repents, Allah writes more rewards for him for returning from sin,
for repenting and knowing his fault". Therefore, it is good for us to be
in tariqa. Our Prophet says not to harm anyone. Tariqa also orders to be
servant of Allah. They are the most precious people. After that, by the
wisdom of Allah all his poems were forgotten. Of course, that was a
miracle of our Prophet. Because it is hard to forget. Poems written
thousands of years before weren't forgotten, but his poems are
forgotten. He wrote new beautiful poems. He had reached such a high
station. Therefore, if he had been Muslim from the beginning, he could
have been with our Prophet for years with his holy sohbas. He became
at last after conquest of Mecca. And as our Prophet departed from this
life, he could spend little time with him. That is the point. Important
point is to be together from the beginning and continue on this way for
whole life. After all, as we said, Allah forgives what unbelievers did.
Can he not forgive when Muslims commit sin? Of course, He forgives.
Allah is Forgiving. "How much you sin, that much I will forgive" says
Allah Azza wa Jalla.
There are some tough people who say "You will go to hell". Allah Azza
wa Jalla is saying "Let My servant be bayna l-khawf wa r-raja - let him
fear Allah but not lose hope". Allah is forgiving. Allah forgives all of us
inshaAllah. Our egos, everyone's ego is bad. May Allah not leave
anyone to their ego. But we should fear Allah and not lose hope from
Allah. Allah forgives. Don't forget Allah.
This way, our way tariqah. There are people complaining - what the
need for tariqa? Tariqa, it was not in time of Prophet salla Allahu alayhi
wa sallam, and we not needing for tariqa. No. Tariqa, especially
Naqshbandi tariqa, it is connecting to Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa
sallam) directly. And it is, you can say it is not fard, not wajib, but
Allah saying - you must follow Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam).
So it is important for Muslim people to be with tariqa, to be under
control of murshid. Because Islam teaching the best, but by yourself,
your self controlling you. And your self, it is meaning - your ego.
Sometimes like to do good thing, but most of time ego not like to do
any good thing. Every bad thing, happy with ego. So tariqa teaching
people to be under control of murshid, sheikh to guide them to Allah,
to Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam), to right way.
Because when you are in tariqa, you must be really good. Especially
around people, who not knowing about Islam, or not knowing about
tariqa, because many people, they are wearing like sunnah type,
everything outside it is very nice. But when they are doing things with
people, people are not happy with them because they are cheated
(deceived) by outside appearance. So, when something happened,
quickly they are saying - O look for this people, they claiming they are
following Prophet, following tariqa, and they are doing worse than
people who are not doing anything from practicing from Islam. So, this
is one side, it is very bad to hear this. But other side, everything Allah
make it good for us to make people to see you, to warn you. Because if
nobody warning you, so you will be more bad. But when you doing
this, and people blaming you, maybe you become better. Because in
white paper, it is black thing or dirty thing, it is coming more clear
(visible). So you must be like white, clean paper, if anything happen,
quickly to clean it. But for other people, ordinary people, they are like
not white paper, maybe brown paper, maybe grey or black paper -
what you put on it, it is not important for this.
But when you are claiming you are following tariqa, you are following
Allah order, and you are doing this for people, it is, I think, double
blame for you. Because you are cheating people by your custom and
your appearance. So it is not good. And tariqa, when you are following
tariqa, it is open for everybody - from your childhood until end of your
life. Some people from childhood they are coming to tariqa, some of
them maybe young, maybe when middle age, or some end of their life.
All it is good. But to be in happy life, whole life to be with murshid, to
be with tariqa, it is really blessed thing for everybody. To be with good
people, it is like to be in good garden with smelling flowers and nice
scenery and cool and nice thing. But to be with bad people, maybe
whole life you are in jail, end of the life, only maybe one or two year
you become free, you enjoy. But this man, whole life Allah give you.
You can be whole life in paradise. Many example for this.
And one example for this - One sahabah, he was poem (poet), before
Islam, in Mecca. He is from Quraysh also, Abdullah I think Zubary.
Only I remember his name, not other name. He was strong poet. And
Arab people in that time, poem for them it is very important thing.
Their language, Arabic language, Allah ('aza wa jalla) make it the first
language, the highest level for language, Arabic language. Until now
it's like this, but people not make it important for Arabic language. And
he was saying poem against Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam),
against Islam and people there. Even once he was arguing with Prophet
(salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) for their idol. And it was like this, he
was against Islam very strongly. After Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa
sallam) went to Madinah, also he was very strong and he was collecting
people against Islam with his poems.
He really was against Prophet and against Islam. In Uhud, war of
Uhud, he was killing one sahabah, maybe Abdullah ibn Salama, he was
making him shahid/martyr. And he was also saying poem for death of
mushrik. But after Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) opened/fath
Mecca he was afraid and he ran away from Mecca. He run away to
Najran, this is area for Christian Arabs. And he was trying to make
them also against Prophet (saws). But they are afraid and put wall and
prepare to not make war with Prophet. He was there and he hear
Prophet was forgiving people who are accepting truth And he come to
Mecca for Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam). Before he come,
Prophet (sws), when he was away a little bit, he said - "I am seeing light
of Islam on Abdullah face." And he come and he make shahadah in
front of Prophet (saws). And he was making poem for Islam, for
Prophet (saws). And miracle of Prophet (saws), all what he said from
these poems bad against Islam, it was forgotten by this people. And it is
real miracle, because Arabs they were keeping poems since thousand
years, not forgetting. But this, all forgetting.
And he was good sahabah. Because Prophet (saws) he say he was
afraid - "I do very wrong things" he said, "forgive me." "Can you
forgive me?" Prophet (saws) said, "Of course. What you did before
Islam, now it is forgiven. Nothing." And he reached end of time of
Prophet (saws). And he has chance to be with Prophet (saws) 20 years,
but only maybe 1 or 2 years he was with Prophet (saws). This is what
we explain. To be in tariqa is favor from Allah. If Allah, He want, He
take you to tariqa and to right way. And Mawlana way, the life
continuing way. And he is call all of you here to be with him again.
Here and who was also they are want to be here, they are wishing to be
here. But because many people, they cannot come here and when they
make bay'ah, it is same Insha Allah, because their intention. We know
they like to be here, missing to be here. But their intention important.
And they are remember Mawlana. And the most important thing, not
only remember Mawlana, Mawlana remember them and keep them.
Because he will be watering from blessing and mercy of Allah to grow
Because as we see in the end of times, there are many people who don't
accept Awliya and miracles. There are abdal, qutubs, awtad, ahyar.
There are all of these. How you become one? You can if Allah wants.
Allah has appointed people. People with such attributes will certainly
reach that level. "Kullun muyassarun lima khuliq Allah". there is ease
for man for what he has been created, will be easiness. Not everyone
can be a shepherd. Everyone assumes a shepherd is an easy job. They
say shepherds are ignorant up on the mountains, hasha. All of the
Prophets were shepherds. Carpenters, electricians; not everyone can do
these jobs. It is a gift from Allah. There was one famous holy man in
one country, the head of the abdal. There were visible ones in the old
days. Now they are mostly hidden.
One of murids asked to be made an abdal too. He said "Ok. But you
have to leave everything. Come, leave your wealth, children and
yourself, so that we can make you one of them". The man gave away
his possessions, left his wife, and came to his Sheikh. The Sheikh said
"Ok, we are going tonight". After midnight they went up to the minaret.
Holy ones, abdal started coming there because they go everywhere in
the world. The one who came from minaret said: "Bismillah" and
disappeared upwards until only the Sheikh and this murid remained.
He said "Ok, now say Bismillah and go". He struggled, deciding then
changing his mind, deciding then changing his mind. The Sheikh
looked at him, left him, and followed his duty. The Murid struggled
until the morning adhan to go with them but he couldn't. He remained
on the minaret.
When the Sheikh returned, he said "It is not fard, it is not sunnah for
you. Because Prophet didn't do it and sahabas didn't do it. You left
your possessions and family, but couldn't leave your life. It's not
important. There is easiness for you, as our Prophet didn't do so,
sahabas didn't fly like this. This is not fard. You go.
Return to your wife. Your money will come back too. Go." This is the
matter. Not everyone can do it by his wish. Allah appoints those who
reach such a level and they reach it with Allah's help. It can't be by
one's wish.
your soul from where you are. He gives you the best manifestation.
You don't realize it, but who is patient and not rejecting will see its
benefit with Allah's permission.
We are saying, there is ayah, audhubillahi mina sh-shaytan-ir rajeem.
La yukallifu Allahu nafsan illa wus'aha (2:286) Allah, He not putting
any difficult thing, which people, human being cannot do. He not
ordering anything difficult for human being, for mankind. He is
ordering things (that) it is easy for people to do it. Because Allah not
oppressor. Who is oppressor? Ourself, we are oppressor. We are
oppressing ourself and doing wrong thing, and it is, you do bad for
yourself. Allah never, hasha, to be oppressor. And Allah create a
human being on nature of Islam. Every new born baby, he is Muslim,
he is in Islam. Because Islam, it is the most perfect religion Allah give
for most beloved Prophet Muhammad salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam.
And from Adam (as) until Sayyidina Muhammad (sws) slowly, slowly
coming and complete in time of Prophet (sws). And Islam continuous
with line of Prophet (saws) by tariqah.
And keeping in good way with 4 imams - Abu Hanifa, Shafi'i, and
Hanbali, and Maliki. And these 4 imam, how they were keeping right
way? They are keeping right way because they are connecting with
Prophet (saws) by mashayikh of tariqah. They are following
mashayikh. By their barakah, they are keeping until now, 1,400 year
and more, nothing change. If they are not, were not connecting, it must
be chaos, like these days. Everybody, because they are speaking Arabic
language, and they are not accepting any other opinion, so it must be
millions of people, everybody doing what they understanding, if there
is no mashayikh of tariqah. Because these ulamah, scholar, real ulamah,
they are accepting truth. Not looking for sheikh to questioning sheikh -
if he is good 'alim, not good 'alim. No. Just they are seeing the light of
Prophet on him. Because Sayyidina Shafi'i, his sheikh, he was not
reading, not writing. Sayyidina Abu Hanifa, Ja'far as-Sadiq was his
imam. And these people, they are not following S. Ja'far as-Sadiq. Real
one S. Abu Hanifa.
flying, going up, they are looking everything nice, better. And in
tariqah and in shari'ah also, accepting awliya and miracles of Prophet
salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam and karamat of awliya, they are accepting
and they are accepting because Prophet (saws) saying - there is abdal,
akhyar, awtad, aqtab, all this they are accepting. But there is of course,
Allah not making difficult for people, and there was one example for
this. In old time, many of people they are knowing awliyullah or they
knowing who is abdal.
He went midnight and coming for fajr, still trying this man. Before he
was saying to him - you must leave everthing, you must leave
everything from dunya, money, family, everything you must leave and
come for me. And he was leaving his family, giving his money for
sadaqah. And just he is coming and trying to do this. And sheikh, when
he come back, he told him - "You leave everything, your wife, your
children, you give your money, everything, but you cannot give your
soul, you cannot give your life. But it is ok," he said. "This is only for
teaching people because Prophet (saws) and sahabah, they were not
doing this, this is not order for people. Only special people they can do
this. And it is for teaching people. Just we do this, tomorrow you can
take your wife back, and money it will come back for you."
This is what we say from first of sohbah. It is: nothing difficult. Just be
waiting until they are doing what they want. Many people, they are
saying - we are in tariqah maybe 10 years, some of them 20 years, 40
years, we are not feeling we are going high. Our station not going high,
we are not like saint. If you feeling like this, it is alhamdulillah, it is
good. If you feel you are saint, you are sheikh, it is difficult. Just order,
Tariqatuna as-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.
These are very important things. We should remind about this from
here. In every country there are differences. Now we are in Lefke.
Pomegranates are blossoming in Cyprus. In other place they blossom
later, somewhere else even later. But it starts from now. By hijri
months, it's better to make after the 15th. If not, it is made in Spring or
beginning of Summer. It has big benefits. But as we said, have it made
by good people. And ask the person before having it if he knows, how
he does it, what he does. Don't lie down immediately, as if under a
butcher's knife because people can be lazy sometimes. They can be
forgetful and do something wrong. Therefore, this is the time for being
responsible. There can't be forgetfulness and laziness.
May Allah give health to all of us inshaAllah. This is one of the
beautiful ways shown by our Prophet. These are the beautiful ways. If
it is made with its principles, with right method as it had been
described, it has great benefits. And don't give it to everyone. It is better
not to have it than have it done by someone you don't know or are not
sure about.
they [are] asking. And, it is sunnah, [a] very good sunnah, a healthy
sunnah. But when you do it - first thing blood it is dirty. An-Nadhafatu
min al-iman (Cleanliness is from Faith) [In] our religion, Islam to be
Dirty people, if you hear [about them] don't go to them. And it must be
time also, [is] very important, especially for days. There are two days
the Prophet he said it is not good to do it - Saturday and Wednesday.
Never do this! Because when you do this not coming health, coming
illness. And making cupping morning before eating anything. And
time it is, for Cyprus now, its pomegranate flower open but maybe for
other countries it is little bit later. And once a year you must do it. Once
a year, if you have.. especially for blood pressure it is very good. If you
have too much blood pressure, you can do once in Spring, one
Autumn. Because blood it is very precious thing. It is not like water.
Maulana was saying 'every forty morsel [bites makes] one drop of
blood.' You must eat forty. So maybe if you [in] one eating, forty or you
eat fifty only. In one meal you can get one drop of blood. So it is not
easy to [do]. There is crazy people they are saying must do every
month. No! It is not [like] shaving your head every month. It is not like
There is many thing[s] we must be careful for this. And when they
must put a new glass and throw it [old one] one because it is very
cheap, it is not [expensive] and they are taking good money these
people. And not making with pump. [With a] pump, even now they are
putting [it] in a well they finish water in the earth. How [are] they
pumping in your body? Only make it hot and take it how it is coming
from it's hot; it's enough. This is the dirty blood. Alhamdulillah,
Prophet (saws) he show us everything we need in our life and it [is] not
need[ed] for children or for babies. Under 30, it's no need because
Alhamdulillah everybody good. But maybe sometimes they have blood
pressure or 'sar'a' epilepsy. [It is] also good for epilepsy. For small, you
can do it.
But, as we said it is only once a year or twice. Not more. And not do it
in these wrong days. This is very important. There is one thing more If
you do it, in Arabic calendar you do it after [the]15th, of full moon, it
will be better. But it is also OK, you can do it any time but not these
Saturday [or] Wednesday. Other [days], all you can do [it]. And it is
sunna of Prophet (saws) Allah rewards us because we are in the end of
times; a hundred shahid/martyr reward [because] we are following
sunna of Prophet (saws). It is very important for people to be careful for
other people also. This is [an] important point also. Because
Prophet (saws) [said] 'any place there is disease, you cannot you
mustn't go out because make you take this disease to other people also.'
'If you are out, don't come inside' he said.
Alhamdulillah, so you must be careful for our health for others' health
also. And it is from [the] love of Muslim to Muslim, this teaching of
Prophet (saws). Thank you for you, Insha'Allah may be health for you.
others. That is not good. Your identity should be seen. Resemble the
beloved servants of Allah. The religion of Islam is the most perfect
Imitating is not only by clothing. They are making up laws not existing
in Islam. And our people like them. We don't like that. They are
bringing up an idea and we want to imitate that idea. This also is not
nice. Allah has made the religion of Islam the highest and greatest. This
religion is the highest from all aspects. There is no better than this.
Because Allah Azza wa Jalla made it perfect. You can't see any
incompleteness in it. How is it that Islam doesn't resemble others?
There is tolerance in Islam; everyone can live as they wish.
You can't make a non-Muslim to be Muslim. If he wants, he can become
Muslim. If he doesn't, he can keep his religion. He can live among
Muslims. They say they swear at Muslims. Of course, if they did other
than that they would have become Muslim themselves. Their lack of
love towards Muslims is quite a normal thing. Muslims should accept
them as they are because if they loved Muslims, if they loved our
Prophet, if they loved us, they would have become Muslim. Therefore,
these people are against Muslims all over the world. But when honored
with Islam, whatever the man has done, it will be as if he didn't do it.
Because Islam starts from that moment keeping his account and
recording his book. Before that, he has already committed the biggest of
sins by making shirk, not recognizing and not wanting Allah.
Therefore, there is no issue of him loving or not loving us. There are
much bigger issues. But if you say a non-Muslim is doing this and that
to us, that's normal for him. We are not like him. No Muslim could live
for hundreds of years in their countries. Catholics, Orthodox and
Protestants couldn't get along with each other. They didn't tolerate it.
They didn't leave any Muslims there and exiled and sent them away. In
our Islamic state during the time of Khalifat, in the Ottoman Empire,
thousands of nations were living. They had hundreds of religions
according to their minds. No one could interfere them. They didn't
interfere unless they were Muslims. And Muslims had certain
principles for not making fitna. This is it. "Don't imitate anyone." it
Muslims don't go out into the streets to march and scream. Sheikh
Effendi used to be very angry at this. Muslims can't go out into the
streets and shout and scream, if something happens. You should go to
the mosques and pray. As we say, there are many things. Whatever
people, who have lost their way do, sometimes our Muslims are
imitating them. Then, as we said, like in hadith of our Prophet, you
become one of them. If you say you are Muslim and shout, you're not
counted as Muslim, you're counted as one of them. A Muslim follows
with adab the way ordered by Allah and shown by our Prophet. He
doesn't imitate. A Muslim is a dignified person with adab, not a loose
one. You shouldn't resemble them - not only by clothing, but actually
by sense of logic and behavior.
"Don't resemble non-Muslims and those who have lost their ways" it
says. Beware don't imitate them and don't like what is theirs. And
there's no need to act against them. We don't accept, don't like and
don't want it. Most people feel disgusted when they come across and
see screaming and yelling somewhere. Whoever it may be, people don't
like it. Therefore, it's wrong to scream and shout. It is said in Qur'an as
well "Don't raise your voices". "Don't raise your voice above our
Prophet's." When you scream... Our people sometimes shout out takbir
too much. This is not nice either. Act with adab. It's not good to do it
everywhere because you will put yourself under the bad tongue of
people and cause others to hate or curse you. What we preach is the
way of adab, this is the way of tariqa.
Allah Azza wa Jall He said in Qur'an ... no. Prophet (saws) in hadith he
said, Man tashabbaha bi qawmin fa huwa minhum. Who look like
some nations, or some people, who try to be like them, imitate them, he
is from them. Of course this before it was for outside looking. Many
people in the old time, every nation, every people from their custom
you know from where they are, which religion, which country. So, it
was not good to imitate [those] who are not from Muslim people. There
must be a difference between you and others. But these days it is more
important for not imitate them or not like them - to [not] look like them,
inside, innerly.
How they have bad ideas for whole human beings They thought they
are doing good but their ideas [are] not good. So, we mustn't listen to
them or to imitate them, to make some idea like them. Especially,
people [that] they are angry. These people they are making many trick
about Islam. They are making, they are swearing for Islam, for our
precious, holy, holy thing for Islam. They are saying bad word about
this and we, our people they are attacking them. They are doing [the]
same thing. They are imitating them and they are coming in trick for
what they done these people. In Islam it is [a] religion for, the best
religion of Allah. "[The] last religion [is] Islam" He said 'the complete
So these people, when they are saying bad thing about Islam, bad thing
about Muslim, bad thing about every holy thing for us, it is normal. It is
normal, we mustn't be angry. Why? Because if they are accepting and
they are loving our holy things they must be Muslim. So, when they are
not accepting, they can do what they do. So we are not [to] imitate
them, and be make the same thing for them. Even [if] there is many
crazy people, they are swearing for some Prophet also. We accept all
Prophet[s]. So when these people they are doing every[thing] they can
do, every bad thing, they can do what they like because we are not
responsible for them. Only we are responsible [for those] who are in
Islam. But other people they are, they are making the biggest sin to be,
[to] put partner with Allah or not accept Allah or they are doing,
worshipping idols. They are doing anything outside of Islam they are,
this is the most important and the biggest sin.
There is hadith: It is no sin behind 'kufr' (...) unbelief. Unbeliever, it is
the biggest sin. It is the biggest sin because when these people, if they
doing the worst thing before Islam and [then] they accept Islam, only
Allah asking for them after Islam. Before Islam all this [is] forgiven for
them. So for this these, our people, they are imitate them and they are
try to do same what they do. We know they are not, they don't have
any 'musamiha' (tolerance). No tolerance. We know this, and we see
everywhere in the world they are doing the worst not taking nations
from earth. They not leaving any Muslims in Europe after 100 years.
Not leaving any, only this last century the Muslim come to Europe also.
But before, No! But also, it is not, not bad for us, because it is normal.
We cannot say "how they can do this, how can they do that?" It is
normal because they are outside of belief. So we are only must imitate -
Even, once when Fatih Sultan Mehmet who conquered Istanbul, he was
going through Europe and opening. There was a Serbian king and he
was between Ottoman and between Hungary. Hungary it was Catholic
and the Orthodox - Serbian. And he sent some messenger to ask how
maybe, because Orthodox and Catholic, it was like enemy, more than
Muslim! And he try to ask maybe if he [can] help this Hungarian
against Turk. They will be, there is peace between them. He sent for
this king. He said to him 'If we help you, how you will be treating us?'
He said, "We will try to finish all this Orthodox and then crush all your
yes, everything for [the] church and.." And he asked for Sultan
Mehmet. He said, "We are, the religion, Islam. We invite people to
Islam. If they accept, accept. If not accept, they are free. We will leave
their Church and what they worshipping. We can be in the mosque."
It was like this, but we are, what we say from beginning. It is normal
for non-believers. We cannot imitate them. They must imitate us. We
have the adab of Prophet (saws) and teaching of Allah Azza wa Jalla
and tariqat they are teaching this. These days there are many people
they forget this. They try to imitate what they done, the worst thing.
Allah make us safe from these people.
Allah Azza wa Jalla is saying for Bani Israel "Walaqad ikhtarnāhum 'alā
'ilmin 'alā l-ālamīna" (44:32) We have given knowledge to this nation
above other people. Allah Azza wa Jalla gives, He gives knowledge to
whomever He wants. However much knowledge He gives, it is little.
What they say qaleel it means very little. There is no need to boast and
be proud of your knowledge. Everything is from Allah. You should
know it so that you are thankful. You must be thankful for everything -
that Allah has given you this knowledge, that you are being useful to
people, so that you say you do it for Allah's sake. Benefit will come
from this. Otherwise, if you acquired knowledge not for your akhirah
but to satisfy your ego you have become alim but your knowledge has
no benefit.
Allah said, and it is real when you see from beginning up to end, and
now even, for Bani Israel - “Walaqadi khtarnāhum 'alā 'ilmin 'alā al-
ālamīna” (44:32) We chose this people by giving them knowledge. They
are chosen by knowledge. This is what Allah give them, but they are
not doing for Allah, only for their ego. But Allah also saying - what We
give, only very little. What you see in this world, before they said, from
every thousand year, maybe new thing coming, the people making new
thing. After in hundred year, they making few thing. And since one
hundred year, they are doing every year thousands of discoveries or
inventions. And since twenty years, even they are more making
hundred thousands. And people, they are thinking - we are getting the
highest stage from knowledge. And they are coming against Allah.
They are not accepting ruling of what Allah put for people, human
beings. They are not even accepting Allah.
This is not knowledgeable knowledge, it is bad knowledge. Because the
highest thing, what you have here, all by secret of Allah. He said," Be",
it is be, it must be. If He said, "don't be", nothing can work. And this is
secret they don't know. They thought this electricity coming by
themself. There is secret in this electricity, there is secret in petrol,
other, all this, what Allah give this secret for this to work, it is working.
There is more high technology, also there is for people, they are not
knowing yet about it. If there is time, Allah give them. But if no time, it
will be not.
But it is, what we seeing here, it is very very little. Because before
hundred year ago, if you say for this, what we have now, people cannot
believe. But also, maybe coming to mind, people, they are accepting.
But knowledge of Allah, it is like ocean, and you cannot come to limit
of this knowledge. This is what Allah showing people to be hopeless in
front of Allah and accepting His Mightiness. Who are real knowledge
people, they accept this. Because this is what we see from electricity,
from this all, this high technology. It is nothing. Allah, He sometimes
giving volcano, giving earthquake, giving flood. The highest
technology cannot do anything. And it is just warning. But the real
knowledge from Allah, people they are become like astonishing, cannot
do anything. The Mightiness of Allah, it is nobody can reach to limit of
for human being, but it is for them bad and for the human being also
bad. Only what intention for accept the Creator, Allah Azza wa Jalla.
And to show people good way, it is acceptable knowledge. Other,
nothing. We are all weak creatures. Allah (awj), He created us also
human being. He can create us another kind of creature. We must be
thankful for Him. Thank you for Allah.
Allah Azza wa Jalla says in Holy Qur'an: "Subhan alladhi asra bi abdihi
lailan minal masjidil-harami ila l-masjidi l-aqsa" (17:1) (Exalted is He,
who took His servant by night from Masjid al Haram to Masjid al Aqsa)
This verse shows the importance of this night. Surat Al-Isra is in the
middle of the Holy Qur'an. Allah Azza wa Jalla. Subhan (exalted) can
only be said to Allah Azza wa Jalla. How Great, how Majestic is Allah
Azza wa Jalla! Subhan is a tasbeeh. Tasbeeh is for Allah, not for any
other creature. Everything is praising Allah. Each and every atom of the
world and the universe is praising Allah. Tasbih is the highest thing.
Subhan is more Majestic, higher than that. Because it is such a miracle
that no human being can do it. Allah Azza wa Jalla made it special for
Our Prophet (sas) so that people know the Majesty of Allah. For them
to know how to praise our Prophet (sas).
The Prophet (sas) was not an ordinary human being. Today's ignorant
people say that he (sas) was an ordinary person like us. He had a
mission which he completed and then left. Many people say this. The
ones, who say this, thanks to Allah, are not so many in our country but
the people, who claim they know Qur'an say it more. Not all but there
are some people, who say this. Yesterday a scholar came mashaAllah
he had noor (light). He said: "There are 1%, 2% or 3% people they think
all these scholars or other people are the same. But shaitan is making
their voices heard by everyone so that people think they are all the
same. Allah forbid they have belief (iman) thousand times more, they
love, respect the Prophet (sas). A few bad ones come out. People think
they are all the same. Do not think that way. Arabs also have more
affection to our Prophet (sas). I mean if a couple of people speak
nonsense do not think everyone is like them. There were thousand,
Allah Azza wa Jalla praises Isra and Mi'raj so much. Some people say it
was a dream, some say it isn't possible that he (sas) ascended with his
body and came back. These are the ones, who claim to be scholars. If it
was a dream, everybody is seeing so many things in his dreams every
night. Then, it would neither be a wonder, nor a miracle. It is the
miracle of Allah, it is an incident that shows Allah's love for the
Prophet (sas) and shows that he is a chosen one above other people.
Our Prophet (sas) reached to a point where no man ever reached and
will not be able to reach. No one ever reached to that point before. Even
Gabriel said; "If I take 1 step further I will get burned and turn into
After our Prophet (sas) reached to that point and came back, although
his body seemed like a human, with the inspiration and manifestation
there our Prophet (sas) went far beyond a normal human being.
Nobody can say; "He was also a human being, he was ordinary". He is
different, He is the Beloved servant of Allah, the Beloved being, our
prophet (sas). This is a holy night. It is both a gift of Allah to the
Prophet (sas) and also to the people who believe, respect, honour this
night as a holy night and pray, do charity. They take from Allah's
favours. Their prayers will be accepted. They will have a good life.
They reach the real life. Real life! This is an illusory life. Real life is the
akhirah life.
as you desire the favours of Allah, as much as you want, Allah Azza wa
Jalla will be more pleased with you.
So, this is one of those nights. InshaAllah we pray the tasbeeh prayer.
We visit the Holy Hair of the beard of our Prophet (sas). It is a piece of
him (sas) who reached to such stations that the inspiration, gift and
beauty will definitely reach to us also with Allah's permission. Even an
atom of the Prophet (sas) is enough for people, the world. Allah Azza
wa Jalla gave favours. The Holy Beard of the Prophet (sas) is
everywhere, thanks to Allah, in our mosques and masjids. Allah's
wisdom reached so many places. It is a piece of our Prophet (sas). It is a
heritage from him (sas). Inshallah the blessing of this night may be
upon us. May Allah bless it. May Allah make us reach many more
Inshallah Allah sends a Sahib, who will save us from the bad situation
that Muslim world is in now. Mahdi alaihi s-salam comes during such
times. Not when everything is going well. He comes when people are
miserable, when there is bloodshed everywhere. Otherwise if he comes
at a normal time what will he save? Now the Muslim world is
devastated. InshaAllah he is coming soon. Allah makes us reach him
quickly InshaAllah.
And there is people they claim themself they are understanding [the]
language of Qur'an. But they make fitna and they saying the Prophet,
Because when Prophet (saws) he got the highest ikram, gift from Allah,
nobody before him got it. And the human being, they cannot be [able
to] reach for what Prophet (saws) reached in one night. Even it is; when
he went and came back from Divine Presence it was his bed still warm.
And he was going around all universe and the seven Heavens and he
went to the Paradise and he looked for hell also, for Judgement Day, for
everything He Allah showed him. And he was after to [a] place where
nobody from human being can be there. Even angel Jibril he couldn't
pass one more step because he said 'If I pass one more I will be burn'.
So he, Prophet (saws) he was in a place [where] his body, everything,
he [was] full of blessed and special things to be in Divine presence of
Allah. And how you say 'he is like us?' 'He is a human being like us'?
'He is from..' No! You cannot be. You must be, respect for Prophet
(saws) and it is surah in the middle of Qur'an - to show these people
how Allah praising Prophet (saws). We are all ordered to praise
Prophet (saws) and to get blessed from him.
Never! This cannot be for Allah. He [is] happy [when you] take. You
take, He [is] more happy with you. Take this from His generosity, His
endless pleasures. He is more happy with you. What He give you,
You can pray for yourself, for your family, for your children to be safe
in iman (faith). And Allah save the nation of Islam, human beings. Send
somebody to save us! And it is really very bad days and, [our] saviour
he is Mehdi alayhi s-salam. Mehdi alayhi s-salam not coming when it is
nice days. No need, no need to save anybody. But when it is bad, war,
blood, fire, fitna, people they are in miserable way we are [in] this time
- he coming. Insha'Allah his time very soon Insha'Allah. Ya Allah make
them to be with him and to reach the blessed days, the - it is like
Prophet's days 'asru sa'ada' - Century of happiness. Insha'Allah.
Insha'Allah soon Insha'Allah Allah make us in [the] right way with our
brothers, with our 'ikhwan' and Muslim, mu'min insha'Allah. To be,
Allah give guidance for human being also to be in right way
If you want to be relaxed in this world, you can be with truthful people
only, those whose personality and actions match each other. "Ya
ayyuha llathina amanu ittaqu Allaha wakunu m'a s-sadiqin." (9:119)
The order of Allah is to fear Allah and to be with truthful people. Both
are the good commands of Allah. They are for your benefit. Allah is not
in need of anyone. He won't receive any benefit. Even if all your actions
are good, they have neither benefit nor harm for Allah. Both their harm
and benefit is for you.
Therefore, everybody knows in this life that going with a liar is not
liked by anyone. Just like disliking a liar, you should also be a truthful
one so that people can be friends with you. Be a desired person. There
is no need to lie for the sake of someone. Our Prophet says when a
person starts telling lies, slowly slowly he is written as a liar in the
presence of Allah. And a true person is written as a truthful one in the
presence of Allah by telling the truth. Because when a man starts lying,
he tells another lie to support his previous lie. Going like this until his
whole his life is built upon lies. He will have wasted it. He won't be a
beneficent man. And its harm will be more for himself.
akhirah, the real life, haqq-ul hayat, the life of akhirah. Holy Quran is
the book of all mankind, all universe. "Wa la ratbin wa la yabisin illa fi
Today we are saying, [it is an] order of Allah, holy verse: "Ya ayyuha
lladhina amanu ittaqu Allaha wa kunu m'a s-sadiqin" (9:119) Allah
ordering us to be afraid from Allah. How to [be] afraid? To not do
wrong things, to see He is seeing us, what we are doing. He is,
everything He knowing, nothing can hide. Second thing - Be with
trustful people who are saying truth, people. Don't be with liars. And
this is for our, human being's benefit. Allah [is] showing us these good
ways because for Allah [there is] no benefit from what we doing. We
done, we do, we will do - No benefit at all for Allah. No harm also for
Him. He is Creator. Everything for you, for people, for human beings.
Allah showing good way and to be with good people, not liar people. It
is even for normal people, it is good.
So, don't be liar! Because, hadith as-Sharif, Prophet (saws) saying: There
are people, they are speaking, lying ones. After [that] lying again and
they it is like habit for them and they will be written in Divine Presence
as liars. And other who say truth, he saying truth every time saying
truth. Allah write in Divine Presence they are true man, good man.
Because when you saying truth, [it is] true - no need to put another
truth near it; it is OK. But when somebody lying and saying lie he must
put another one near it. Because it is weak and it is not enough, he will
put another, another, another until whole life he will be in, built on
This is you must be away from these people who are promising and not
doing, and they are lying [their] whole life. You must be away from
these people. Allah ordered to be with true-saying people. And it is
easy for people to live with good people, not easy to live with not
trustful (trustworthy) people. It's for our benefit.
And the Qur'an Azimu sh-sha'an, everything in this life [is] written on
it, inside it. Inside [the] Qur'an, Holy Qur'an. And Allah give us way,
showing us [the] way how to be happy here and hereafter. Even small
orders but it is only for our benefit. Allah, as we said, all human beings
if they are right nothing good for Him, no benefit for Him or even all
they are wrong way, also no harm for Allah. Only for us and He is
hereafter also. And we must learn to say [the] true - to not learn at all to
say a lie. To not be habit for you to be [a] liar. It is not good to writing
in Divine Presence 'This man liar!' It is shame for these people!
Allah keep us in the right way, and write us in good people, trustful
people in Divine Presence.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Monday, May 18, 2015.
ikhwan (brothers and sisters) relates: a father and his son were at an
invitation. The man said he was full. While insisting, “Take this and
that,” he said he was full up to here (showing his throat). Then dessert
arrived, and they said, “Here you are.” When his son said, “Dessert has
already been served,” his father said he counted fourty morsels above
here (pointing to his throat).
People also show greed, and it is not good either. Chew well and taste.
Eat two pieces instead of a kilogram, but eat like a human while tasting
that delicious food. Every food has a different taste. It would be good to
eat your fill without going extreme. That is also a blessing of Allah.
Allah gave you a blessing, but do not eat as much as ten people.
Everything has a limit and boundary. Neither go extreme, nor decrease
completely. The middle way is the best. Benefit from the favors Allah
has given. Be thankful to Allah. Allah increases then.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Wednesday, May, 20, 2015.
Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says, “Do not leave things to be done for
later. Do not leave for tomorrow.” Becasue everyday has a different
duty. If you do not do one thing and leave for tomorrow, how are you
to do the thing of tomorrow anyway? How are you to do two things
when one is not done? That is why, if there is a work or a duty you
should immediately do it that day. Do not make yourselves indebted. It
is not good to owe. The nature of people now is to take a loan or to like
more things that are harmful to themselves. It is not good to take a
loan. It is a burden. It is a harmful thing, both internally and externally.
If you have something due, do not leave for tomorrow. Do not make
yourselves indebted, especially in the sight of Allah. Because in worldy
matters, a person can strive and the situation might change. But for the
hereafter, if Shaitan captures one time, he does not leave. He whispers
as, “You can do it tomorrow. You are young afterall. There are so many
days left. The days of Allah do not end.” While thinking you can do
and manage tomorrow, one obligation becomes two tomorrow. If you
think of doing it later, it becomes three and five. Just then, it might
happen that life is over without doing a thing. Whatever there is, you
need to do it instantyl. Never postpone those things if you are able to
and if Allah gives the power. To procrastinate is from Shaitan. It is of
recognized worth to hurry in good works. They say to be in haste is
from Shaitan, but shaitan does not want good works. Shaitan delays
good works and does not make it hurried. But if there is another bad
thing, he makes it done immediately. He tells you to do it in a hurry,
then you regret afterwards. Regret does not apply to good works. Do
the good and do not leave it for later. Do not say, “We can fast later. We
can give later.” Do it immediately if possible. Laziness is an easier thing
for a person to get used to. Do not leave your ego at ease. Always
oppose it. Let it be trained directly. You would get used to it if you
pay each time within its time. You should think of performing prayer
(namaz) and paying your due when the time for prayer arrives.
Whatever other good deeds and works there might be, they should also
be done in their own time. Over time, a person starts thinking of the
coming period even before its time arrives. As we said, the ego
undergoes training. It goes according to how it is used to. That is why,
do not get used to laziness and procrastination. That is the greatest
illness. Days pass as you think of doing it tomorrow. As you think of
getting up a little later for Morning Prayer (Sabah Namaz), you find
that the sun has risen over your head and you missed your prayer. You
regret it afterwards, but it is too late. May Allah give us all this
strength. Many people ask for dua to be able to get up for prayer.
Inshallah. May Allah (JJ) give us that strength not to delay prayers and
supplications Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Friday, May 22, 2015.
Our tariqa is the Naqshbandi Tariqa. The procedure, manner, and zikr
of our tariqa is silent. We also do it silently when we do the khatm
(congregational zikr). The Khatm Khwajagan is one part in the night of
zikr. This is done according to the procedures coming from our
Naqshibandi Masters, all the way from our Holy Prophet (saw), coming
from Hadrat Abu Bakr. What we do afterwards is imitating the 40
tariqas, meaning we are doing loud zikr, hadra, to receive their
blessings (baraka) too. We are not presenting it as the procedures of the
Naqshbandi Tariqa. Shaykh Mawlana, may Allah raise his station, used
to say at the end of every khatm, “Now we will do loud zikr in
imitation of the 40 tariqas to receive their blessings too.” So what is
done is whatever the procedures of the tariqa are. People keep asking,
“Why is this done?” This is not the procedure of the Naqshibandi
Tariqa, as we said, but is done for blessings. There is no harm. May
Allah be content, the holy Shaykh Mawlana also came tonight. May
Allah raise his station. Allah raises his station when he humbly comes.
We thank him. Our Shaykh Mawlana’s door, the door of Rumi
(Mawlana), is open to everybody. We are happy when such people
come, of course we are glad. May Allah be content. But whoever else
comes, we do not shut our door to anybody. Allah Azza wa Jalla would
ask, “I am merciful towards all people, I send them all their sustenance,
and I accept them all. These people came to your door. Why did you
not accept them?” They would ask. This will be asked. That is why our
door is open to whoever comes. It is Allah’s door and it is open to
everybody. There is no such condition that their state will be good
when they come to us. Our state is not very good either. Even if the
person who comes is in a bad state in the eyes of people, it does not
mean we are also going in their way. They came, meaning Allah sent
them. Allah sent them so they can also benefit. If it benefits them, it
benefits us more and more. Our Holy Prophet (saw) said in many
hadiths that bringing one person to the right way is better than the
whole world. There are many hadiths on this topic. We also read in the
hadith the other day. Our Holy Prophet (saw) says, “If a person
commits the same sin 70 times a day and repents 70 times, Allah
forgives.” He is not insisting on that sin. How is he not insisting on it?
He is repenting. He is repenting and a little later his ego overcomes
him. His ego beats him and he sins again. Then he repents again. If he
commits the same sin 70 times a day and repents 70 times, Allah
forgives him. These are the words of our Holy Prophet (saw). He
speaks the truth and nobody can deny it.
Wa Minallahu Tawfiq.
Friday, May 22, 2015.
May Allah not misguide us from the right path Inshallah. This is the
world of trials. They are trying to take you off the road at any time. The
duty of Shaitan and the ego is to take the person off the path. Allah
created everything for people. Those are the duties of Shaitan and the
ego. The more a person does not submit to them and contradicts them,
he is that much more of an accepted person in the sight of Allah. That
much his station rises, people’s stations rise. Allah Azza wa Jalla says
He created humans in the best form. But if they do not do what Allah
orders, they become the worst creation. They are with Shaytan and go
to hell with him. But if they do what Allah orders and continue on the
right path, they rise to the highest stations, rising even above the
angels. Because they continue to strive with learning. What they are
doing is not easy. They struggle (makes jihad) against Shaitan and ego.
They are always in the level of jihad. They are counted in jihad for the
sake of Allah. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says what is done against the
ego is the Big Strugle (Jihad ulAkbar). It is not easy. He does a hundred
tricks every minute to fool and to take away from the path. He tries to
deceive people. That is why our Holy Prophet (SAW) says this is Jihad
ul-Akbar. If a person wins, they reach the highest stations. It becomes
even easier to put his ego under training if he connects to a shaykh, a
guide, from childhood. These affairs are easier once there is a guide for
the way. It becomes both a support and a help. He is not left alone with
their help and makes easier progress. Even if a person is in tariqa, they
should not conform to their ego for a minute.
They have to check, “Am I on the right way?” People who are not
following their ego can understand this. You should make your ego
your maid, not your guide. You should not follow it. It has to follow
you for you to make progress. May Allah grant us all to progress in
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Thursday, May 28, 2015.
We are in need for nasiha, for advice to guide to right way. And tariqat,
it is guidance to Allah. Tariqa... who is in tariqa he must be different
from other people who are not in tariqa. Because this is main aim for
people. If he will be like other people, what is benefit to be in tariqat?
Meaning, this, he is not training or doing what his murshid is saying.
So he will be same like other people. When people in tariqa, not only
changing outside, you do inside also, you must. It'll be better. Because
there is sharia. Many door for Allah.
But first, there is four doors, it is very important. First one shariat. After
sharia, tariqa. After marifa and haqiqa. This means sharia - You know
sharia, everyone. Tariqa, it's way of, we say sufi way. Marifa - to know
to know what is wisdom. Haqiqa, he know better the last stage for
tariqa people. Who entering tariqa, the highest place to know haqiqa.
Haqiqa meaning he knows truth. All sufi, they are speaking about this.
Many people they are not understanding. Even Mawlana Jalaluddin
Rumi, he explained. He is master also in tasawwuf. And he has big
books, very big. And he is mashaAllah, he's explaining for people who
are interested for tasawwuf everything. And whole world, they are
loving and respecting him - Muslim, non-Muslim also.
He was teaching once one of his murids. He asked him "I couldn't
understand what these 4 doors - sharia, tariqa, marifa, haqiqa. Can you
explain for me what is, how this?" Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi, he is
knowing And said, there was one madrasa (school) in front of his
darga. He said there is four students, they were each sitting like this,
putting book and they are reading. He said "Go and slap on neck each
come up and he slapped one [slap] more stronger than him. He fall
down from this. But he was afraid this one, first one.
Like this, second one will be more difficult for me. But it is order. He
also slapped him, the other one, on his neck. This one, he wanted to
come up and he take his hand. He was afraid of again it will be. And
only one like this, he stopped his hand. He didn't beat him. Third one,
he's "Alhamdulillah, this ok" he said. Third one, he is also slapped him
in his neck. And he was, this one was looking for him not saying
anything and continue to study. Fourth one also, he slapped him. He
even not looking for him, just continue reading what he is studying.
He come back to Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi. He said "What you see
there?" He told him: "This what I saw." He said "First one, he's in door
of sharia." That door of sharia you can be. If anybody doing wrong
thing for you, you can do same thing for him. It is qisas. I don't know
what it means in English. Retaliation. So this is he's in sharia. And he
do by sharia. Second one, he's he is entering tariqa and he wanted to
beat you, but he remembered "I am in tariqa, it is not tariqa teaching
this. Tariqa teaching to be, to do who make bad thing for you, you must
reply by good thing for him." Even Abayazid alBistami many times he
was beaten by his people and he was nearly dying. He said "If they
know what I'll do for them, they must kill me. Because when they are
beating me more, I give them more baraka.
Because I am not replying like them - only I give them more mercy and
pray for Allah for them." This is tariqa.
This is tariqa teaching how taking human being from lowest place to
highest place. Because people they are quarrelling, they are fighting,
they are doing everything because they are even not in sharia. Many
people they are saying "We are in sharia". Sharia maybe like we said
first one, retaliating. In sharia, there is this you can do. And these
people who not even following sharia, they are making bad thing for
people who are not doing anything for them. And they are claiming
they are Muslim, they are praying, they are doing this, they are doing
that. It is not... Muslim cannot be like this. Even he can follow sharia
and make sharia order. Sharia order you must be merciful for people,
merciful for your family, your relatives, to be family and relatives
visiting each other, loving each other and to be good word for whom
family members. But many people who are claiming they are Muslim
not following sharia also.
Sharia not only to take four wives. No. Sharia also it will be justice
between your family, between your brothers and other people also. So
this is Islam. They are not knowing Islam. And they are objecting for
what? Tariqa. Tariqa, as we said, to make you like jeweler, you are like
rock. You are like timber without tariqa. In the sharia it's ok. You
maybe like little bit cutting good but tariqa make you very precious.
Allah create everybody. Many people now because teaching of Western
teaching, they loose themselves. They don't know why we are living,
what we are born, we are depressed. No need to say this. Muslim
cannot say this. Because when he says this, he's objecting for Allah.
Allah create you Muslim and give you this good life. Many people they
are in their worst condition. And you are thousand times better than
And after this, you're saying "We are depressed, we are not knowing
what to do." No, you must be patient. You must be patient. Especially,
like this example we give, everything from Allah. Good or not good, all
from Allah. You must accept. You must accept this even you are happy
or not happy. You don't object for your situation because this life, it is
not forever.
Only short period and after, you will be in akhirah. And in akhirah,
there is hadith sharif, Prophet (saw) saying these people who not like
us or who have been here, they had some disease or some illness or
something very bad, and when they be in akhirah, they will say "We
wish if there was iron comb, it is taking our body like this injuring our
body." Whole life we wish it was like this for what Allah give them in
akhirah. But human being they don't have any patience. They must be
patient and accept from Allah, all this coming from Allah.
If you are not like too much, you must say alhamdulillah.
Alhamdulillah for everything, alhamdulillah. But if there is good thing,
you must say shukrulillah. Because shukr making this more. So you
cannot say for bad thing shukrulillah, only alhamdulillah, we are
accepting. We are make alhamdulillah for Allah. We are happy with
what Allah give us.
You must accept. And you must be knowing this is from Allah. So
you'll be even in sharia or in tariqa, you'll be higher or in marifa or in
haqiqa. Each when you are more patient, more accept for Allah, Allah
make you to be higher and higher. So don't be not happy with Allah.
Allah, He like to be, accept Allah, everything from Allah and we are
happy with Allah. This is really very important thing. Most people for
this depression and other things, they must accept that this comes from
Allah. And we are waiting when Allah saying "Come", we go to Him.
And it will be real life there inshaAllah.
Saturday, May 30, 2015.
But after this when they are safe and coming to shore and they step
their foot on earth, they are forget what they promised Allah. And even
maybe before hours [ago] they were really, and purely and honestly
they were saying what they're saying. But ego quickly taking this from
their heart and make them to forget what they promised. They're
promising, they're forgetting and after this they're saying, "ok we are
safe now, we don't want anything else." Not making what they're
promising. Most of people like this. Of course there's few but when
majority doing this, we're saying for majority. All of us we are
There is Sultan Selim, Yavuz Sultan Selim calling. He was very great
Sultan, he who bring khilafat for dawlat Uthmaniya. And he was many
miracle, karamat ya'ni, when he was... and he was not so old when he
passed away. But before passing away he had some, he had one friend
all the time with him, his name Hasan Jan. All the time he was with
him, and there was a powerful Sultan nobody can come near him. Only
this Hasan Jan he was coming and he was friendly. If they want
anything they saying for him to say for Sultan. When he, someones in
the last days of his life, he said "I have some durbana - spot on his back
- hurting me," he said. Look for one, he look, it was spot and it was not
so bad. He said, Sultan, "Make it to squeeze it." But they squeeze it and
it was getting worse and worse and so it was in old time no treatment
for these things, people they were dying from it. So Sultan the last
hours, his hours they were putting Qur'an and he was listening and
this Hasan his friend he was near him. He saying to him "O my son,
look how I am." Ya'ni, Hasan understand, he is asking "What is
happened for me?" He said "You are going to your Allah, your Lord,
Allah (awj)." And he said to him, "Do you think I wasn't with Him one
And Allah in his 20 year old he conquered the most difficult place in
the world. And this is, they are not looking for sultanate, only for a'la
kalimatu d-din- they are to raise the word of Allah. And they are
merciful people also. When they are conquering some place, they are
not taking by force from anybody, only what from other army they're
taking. Other people they are free: if you like to live here and worship
what you like, you can do. But when they are doing this, many people
becoming Muslim because they are seeing beauty of Islam and they are
by their acting they're taking people to be in Islam. All of them they
were in Tariqa, this is people what they're promising and doing. Not
like what we said, when they're in difficulty they are saying "O Allah
please help us!" But when finish "Oh we saved ourselves by ourself"
they say.
intelligence. They are idiots. Because if you are in sea, you can when
you come from sea, you think you survive? Allah is everywhere! You
cannot run from Him, from Allah (awj). He taking this from you and
People, really many people you thought they are clever, but many
times they're doing very wrong things. Wrong for themselves because
Allah He is not in need to anybody. And Allah.. believer also not in
need for anybody. "Allahu waliyyu lladhina amanu yukhrijuhum mina
dh-dhulumati ila nur."(2:257) (Allah is the Protecting Guardian of those
who believe. He brings them out of darkness into light.) Allah He is the
responsible for believers. Responsible for believers, meaning for
everything. And He said, they take them from darkness to light. If you
have billion and you are in dark, no, no benefit. If you pay all your
money for these doctors or other not for in right way, you are also
loser. You lose everything and not getting anything. But if you make it
for Allah and believe for Allah, Allah helps you and opens for you
everything. You must...
Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says, “Protect yourself from the evil of the
person you have done good.” They say humankind has suckled raw
milk. If you do good, you find harm. May Allah (JJ) protect us from the
harms of people.
Ego and Shaitan push people towards the bad way. People do not
value the good done and are not thankful. Then they ask, “Where did
this trouble come from?” Allah (JJ) sent Islam and tariqa to save people
from this bad habit. They reach heights if they are saved from this
habit. If they return good with harm, they become lower than an
animal. If you give something to an animal, it comes after you, it comes
next to you, and becomes obedient. When you give that to a human, he
gets wilder and is ungrateful.
What will we do? Should we not do good? No, good will be done
again. If good is returned with good, great. If not, Allah gives according
to the person’s intention and your station rises in return. And people
who return good with harm, both their world is ruined and their
hereafter is ruined more. The situation of people who sell their
hereafter for a couples worth of worldly gain is very bad.
There are things Allah forgives and things He does not forgive. Allah
forgives His own rights. If a person’s sins are as much as a mountain,
whatever it may be, He forgives, but he does not forgive people’s
rights. When you do harm in return for good, wrong people, and
oppress them, you can only be saved if they forgive you. You cannot be
Return good with good and stay away from harm. Goodness brings
goodness and harm brings nothing but harm. May Allah protect us all
from the evils of these people with evil. May Allah not make us
conform to our egos. May Allah also save these people who have been
subjected to harm and oppression.
Bi hurmatil Faitha.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
There is greed in egos and desires of people we see today and they are
not satisfied. 21st century world is managed from one place: it runs on
a system that only teaches people to spend more and waste more. There
is no place for contentment there. It is found on wildness and greed.
That is why neither governments can satisfy people nor states. Nothing.
It is such that people are uneasy, more impudent, more disrespectful,
and do not think of anything but themselves. And that, as we said, is
because they are kept away from the things Islam teaches. Islam tries
to train all people’s egos. On the other hand, on the opposite side,
Shaitan and his friends drag people to the wrong saying, “It is you. You
are everything. You have to get it. Is this enough? It is not enough!”
People of old used to make a living for a year with three to five acres.
Now, a person with 500 acres says it is not enough. There is such a
greed. They have ruined and left order and balance.
Be a person of contentment and be thankful for the things you find. Be
content, be thankful, and you will find its blessing. There is no treasure
greather than that. May Allah grant us all to be people of contentment.
May He protect us from the evil of ego and the evil of Shaitan.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Thursday, June 18, 2015.
The month of Ramadan is the sultan of all months. Allah Azza wa Jalla,
our Prophet says in his hadith: "The beginning is a blessing, the middle
is forgiveness, the end is to be free from hell." For this reason it is the
sultan of the months. It is a beautiful month, a month of worshiping.
We also practice in other months - Rajab, Sha'ban but we do not pray
fully. But in Ramadan we worship all day long. During whole day you
are worshiping, you are fasting. Every minute, every second of itis
written as a good deed for you by Allah Almighty. Allah gives its
reward it is said. When you do a good deed, you are given 10 up to 700
good deeds by Allah Azza wa Jalla.
But fasting, He says "It belongs to Me, I give it." Nobody can
understand His gifts, grants blessings, benefits. People, when you
speak about fasting with mindless people, they think it is a very
Allah created human beings, He knows what we can do, what we are
able to do. Allah knows. He doesn't tell you to put wings and fly. You
cannot do that. You can fast. You can do any kind of worship. For this
reason you must fast. The reward you get in return is so big that you
will wish the whole year was Ramadan. That much reward, that much
benefit is given. Not only your physical body but also your soul wants
food. Fasting is its food. The relief you feel when you break your fast,
nobody can feel that relief and comfort. This is the hadith of our
Prophet (sas), there are two joyful moments for the fasting person -
when he breaks the fast it is a beautiful moment. More beautiful than
that is when he reaches Allah Azza wa Jalla.
Because the gifts, the grants, that He will be giving will make him
much happier. But when he breaks the fast or while he is fasting Allah
Azza wa Jalla gives that beauty.
Ramadan it is, Shahru Ramadan Allah Azza wa Jalla saying, calling this
month. It is the month of worshipping There is three months also holy,
Even you see it is small thing but it is big thing. When Allah give
baraka for something, very few thing it become enough for everybody,
this is baraka. Like this it is 24 hours, one month, we are worshipping
Alhamdulillah. For this, he said, it is the best month among 12 months,
Ramadan. And it is Allah's gift for the Ummat of Muhammad. Because
everything Allah reward. If you do something for ten times until seven
hundred times. But, for Ramadan He said, "I am giving from My
Generosity. Nobody, I don't want to tell anybody what I give." Allah,
He is Generous and He will give from His endless Treasure inshallah.
And Ramadan, first [1/3] of Ramadan, hadith, Rahma, Mercy it is
Mercy. In middle, forgive, He is forgiving His people. Forgiveness for
Muslims who fasting. And the end of Ramadan, Allah make you free
from hell. You are not be in hell anymore. You're in safety here and
Hereafter and we are praising and loving the month of Ramadan
because Allah make it in our heart and we are happy with this. And He
give worshipping to be fasting.
Many people, shaytan make this fasting look like for them horrible,
terrible. Very difficult to do it. It is not like this. Allah not ordering
anything because He is the Creator, He create us, He know what we
can do what we cannot do. And He said who are in health and not
traveling they can fast but who are not fast, ill people. He give
permission for them not to fasting but who was in health and he is
staying not traveling, ordering for them to be fasting. And reward
them, He said, for fasting people, there is two things nobody else have
it. First of this, when you are break fast in Maghrib it is happiness,
nobody know it except fasting people. Other one, for Akhira, when he
will meet divine Presence and He will give him from endless Gift, he
will be most happy one. And it is from happiness for Maghrib time
maybe very small part from this Gift. Nobody in this world can have it
except who are fasting and when breaking fast Maghrib time Allah
show them. And it is benefit for body, body, physical body also. Very
good for body and for spiritual, more and more good.
We must happy because it is for all of Muslim can do it. Poor or rich or
middle -everybody can do it this worship because there is like Hajj or
Zakat, maybe poor people cannot do it but this, it is for everybody. And
it is very nice, you cannot tell people how it is nice. And people, they
are ignorant. Many of them, they are afraid from fasting and we cannot
do it. No, you can do, because Allah, He is ordering you and when you
are not doing, coming on you sadness, darkness, illness. So, "sumu
tasuhu", Prophet (sas) he say, "Fast you be healthy" healthy meaning
physical and spiritual inshallah.
Friday, June 19, 2015.
This is the first Juma of Ramadan. Nurun ala nur (Light upon light)
(24:35) He says. Nur on top of nur. Juma is the day Allah granted to His
Beloved, granted to his nation. Ramadan is also a gift for them. Fasting
is a fard in Ramadan for us, it was a fard for the nations before us. Of
course they changed it, they did something but Allah Azza and Jalla
says in a verse, "Fasting is sent to you as a fard (obligation) and to the
nations before you." (2:183) So, it is not only our Prophet's way of
Since old times, since Adam alaihi s-salam fasting has been there. When
Adam alaihi s-salam descended from Paradise - there was no sun in
Paradise of course. It was not hot, not cold. It is a beautiful place
enlightened with nur (light). Its weather is mild and beautiful.
Everything is beautiful in paradise. That's why, when Allah Azza wa
Jalla sent Adam alaihi s-salam to the earth, the sun burnt our father
Adam alaihi s-salam. When it burnt, he turned black. His skin was
burnt. Allah Azza wa Jalla revealed to him to fast on 13th of the month.
He fasted 1 day, his color got lighter. Allah Azza wa Jalla told him to
fast one more day . He fasted also on the 14th, his color lightened again.
He said "Fast on 15th also", it was inspired. When he fasted he went
back to his normal color, Adam alaihi s-salam.
For this reason it is an order to fast also for them as well. 13th, 14th,
15th are called white days, "ayyami bayd." They say in the hadith, there
is a big reward to fast on these days. Why did Adam alaihi s-salam's
color get lighter? Because fasting gives nur (light). Each day he fasted,
he got whiter. When he fasted the second day, he got more nur (light).
The third day he really got a lot of nur (light), that darkness left on him
no trace. Our Prophet (sas) said to Hadhrat Ali; "If you fast on 13th day,
there is reward of 10.000 years. On 14th day, there is 20.000 years of
reward, and if you fast on 15th 30.000 years of reward you will
Our Prophet said to Hz. Ali. When he said this hadith fasting in
Ramadan was not fard (obligation) yet. Fasting in Ramadan was
ordered after the hijra. Before that it was still an obligation, but at
different times - on the day of Ashura, 10th of Muharram, there were
other days for fasting. But it later became a fard to fast the whole month
of holy Ramadan after the hijra. Allah gave it as a gift to the nation. It is
an important month. In each moment there is the glance and support of
Allah Azza wa Jalla. He sends lights, gifts with angels, favors for the
Nation of Muhammad, for the ones, who are fasting. The ones, who
cannot fast due to illnesses also for them because Allah did not order
what people cannot carry. They also "we would fast if we were
healthy." Most of them get sad because they cannot fast. But they
should not be sad. Allah gives them the same, they receive the same
Allah Azza wa Jalla is happy that his servant obeyed, and protected
himself from the fire, protected himself from a forbidden thing. For the
others He's "Arhamu r-rahimin" (the most merciful of the
merciful12:64) Allah Azza wa Jalla is Merciful. He waits for them to
repent. If they repent, Allah turns their sins into goodness. "We were
disrespectful all these years. We did not obey Allah, we committed
these sins. We ate and drank openly, we got drunk. We did bad things
in the days of Ramadan Sharif. We repent, we are ashamed. May Allah
forgive us." If they say this Allah changes all their sins into goodness.
We have such a Lord. Our Lord is Merciful. It is a shame to go against
Him. You harm yourself. Because Allah Azza wa Jalla gave all the
opportunities to go on the right path, so that He can put you into
Paradise. You insist on being stubborn - "We want the hells" you say.
Allah does not oppress anyone, you oppress yourself.
This is a month to be cleaned from badnesses. Inshallah we can leave
any kind of faults, wrong doings. Both with intention and with this
month's blessings. It seems like a small fault but there are things we
couldn't free ourselves from, and we got captured by them. Especially
this smoking issue. The days are long in this month, longest days of
summer. You are able to spend 17-18 hours without eating, drinking,
smoking. In the evening your ego is already crushed in 17 hours. The
rest of the day if you resist smoking, in a few days you'll be free of it
with Allah's permission. This is a big opportunity.
Like we said the days are long in Ramadan Sharif since couple of years
but this year, shukur Allah, are the longest days. From beginning till
end there is 5-10 minutes difference. This is a grant from Allah to us
because the more difficult it is, the more Allah writes rewards for us.
But shukur Allah we don't have any difficulty. Allah Azza wa Jalla
does not make it hard. Even the hottest years, when it is Ramadan, it
gets cooler. People get scared - it is going to be long, it is going to be
hot, I will be thirsty. That does not happen, thanks to Allah. So, it is a
blessed month. Do not fear, with Allah's mercy, with His grants you
don't feel the difficulties. Ramadan Sharif shows the human life. Even
though it seems difficult, if you are obedient to Allah, all is well. We see
everything good, because it comes from Allah. We don't see it bad.
Life is also like that, because everything comes from Allah. The one,
who accepts it and surrenders to Allah lives this life easily. Troubles,
difficulties nothing can affect him. Ramadan Sharif is like that. Like we
said even the longest days are so beautiful and easy. May Allah guide
those people, who do not experience this beauty, so that they taste
these beauties. What people search for is Allah's way, the way the
Prophet showed. Nothing else. It is not reading or writing, neither
university nor school or anything else. This life will pass anyway. So
you live it in a beautiful way. InshaAllah your akhirah will be
Alhamdulillah, today first Juma from Ramadan. Holy day. Allah give,
He gave, gift from Allah for Prophet (sas) and his Umma - Juma. And
gift for his Umma also - Ramadan Sharif. Ramadan Sharif, fasting
month. Fasting, it is light. Today, Juma also light. "Nurun ala Nur"
(24:35). Light top of light. And light, what is, what benefit? Only to see
around? No, because light to be light in your heart not only lighting
around. From inside you must be lightening. When you have this light
inside it gives you pleasure, it gives you happiness. And fasting giving
for you light more and more and more. Fasting, worship - it is worship
to fasting.
white days:13, 14, 15 it is big reward for who are fasting these days.
Before obligatory in Ramadan, Prophet (sas) was ordering. Once he
ordered Sayyidina Ali - he said if you fasting 13th, Allah give you
10.000 rewards. In 14th, if fast, you get 20.000 rewards. In 15th, you get
30.000 reward. Reward, Hassana. And it was like this - obligatory in
Muharram, in other months but after coming to Medina, after one year
become obligatory only Ramadan. And Ramadan, it was also for
another nations also, but they are changing. They make it in winter and
they add to 10 days, and after they add 10 days, making 50 days but
also, they are by their ego, they are fasting. Fasting, normally you must
not eat anything but they are mixing. And fast giving people big
much Allah gives more reward for us, and this is important for us. We
are not coming to eat and to be become fat. We are looking for scale.
Must be 100 kilo, must be... We are now becomig 80 kilo, what is this?
This is ignorant people. But, who are not ignorant, it is not important
physical body, only spiritual. As much you are fasting, as much it is
long, as much it is difficult, this is make your ego, make you to be
trained and you make your soul to be more powerful. When you feed
yourself, you feed your animal, your ego, and Allah not happy with
this. But also Allah, He is most Merciful and He is waiting these people
to be regret, and to be, to ask forgiveness from Allah, repent and to ask
forgiveness from Allah. And Allah He will reward them and change all
their sins to be reward, hasanat. This is our Lord, Allah Azza wa Jalla,
the most Merciful One and Most Generous, He is waiting, and He is not
happy to put you in hell, waiting for you to repent and to ask
forgiveness and to be, to come to right way. And He is happy with this.
But, if you are want to go to hell, it is not from Allah, it is from yourself
because you are following your ego, you following like catching you
from nose and taking to hell, this ego and shaytan.
Allah not happy to send you there, only you take yourself by yourself
because Allah, He not in need for your fasting, your worshipping or
anything. Only for yourself you do this. And it is big honour for us to
be reward by Allah Himself. He said "I am rewarding for fasting by
Myself not writing with angel, or anyone. Only, I give from My
Generosity for these people." These people, they are beloved for Allah
and for His prophet (sas). Allah make us to be with these people and
for Allah give hidaya (guidance), give good understanding for ignorant
people to be find their benefit. Their benefit, and not only for them,
because their family, their children, their brother, sister, all same thing.
Maybe if this people coming to right way it will be benefit for all of
them, for all of country. Inshallah, barakat of Ramadan, Shahru r-
Ramadan mubarak, to give us more spiritual power, more light, more
happiness. And to keep us away from every badness, to from every bad
people, who are following shaytan and his followers.
Saturday, June 20, 2015.
There are a lot of verses, "O Arabs do not say 'we are believers', say 'we
became Muslims'." (49:14) Being Muslim is different, belief is different.
Whoever takes shahadah is Muslim. But believer he who truly believes,
he has strong belief. Muslims, Allah Azza wa Jalla gave everyone a
different station. The highest station is station of belief. But the Muslim
belief for everyone. But more than that you have to testify to it in
words. Real belief comes from the heart. Someone who has reached that
belief, nothing affects him. His belief is strong. But the others
sometimes they have belief (iman), sometimes not. Sometimes they
pray, sometimes they fast, sometimes they don't fast. They are the
weakest ones, they are called ad'afu l-iman.
Real belief as we said is the belief that comes from our Prophet (sas). It
came from the Sahabas, then it came from mashaykhs. Mashaykhs they
plant that belief in the hearts. With the power of that belief Mawlana
brought hundreds of thousands and millions of people to the way of
Allah. That is the power of belief. That power of belief nothing else has
that power - not bombs, nor arms, nothing. When having that belief,
nothing can stand in front of it. It is very important.
Allah Azza wa Jalla saying in ayat-ul karima. Audhu billahi min ash-
shaitani rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. "Ya ayyuha lladhina
amanu aminu"(4:136) What meaning? "O believer, believe." Because
belief, it is the most high thing for human being - to believe what Allah
send and what Prophet (saw) said. There is ayat also saying "O Arabs,
don't say "We are believers". Only say "We are Muslim"." (49:14)
Because when you are saying kalima shahada, you become Muslim.
Everybody becomes Muslim. But to be, to go up high for iman, belief, it
is need many things. You must fight your ego, you must fight shaitan.
Every day you... One second you cannot be rest without make your ego
to be not rest. If you are rest, ego coming on you, make your iman
weak. But Allah Azza wa Jalla, He give rank for Islam, the high rank
Prophet (saw), he is most trustful. Because how people they can trust
for man? Because he was never lying, never doing wrong thing, never
doing any bad thing. So people trusting and accepting what he said.
And he put this iman in heart of his sahaba, and sahaba for other
ummah until now coming. But it is weak and strong. And some of them
by their idea they are going. This is not iman, just they are Muslim. But
who are giving iman, strong iman? Mashaykh like Mawlana Sheikh.
With his iman, he.. thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands,
millions, they believe with him. And they become to this nice way, way
Why did Allah Azza wa Jalla send people to this world? This world
is a testing place. People don't understand this. They think when
they come to this world, all their wishes will be fulfilled, everything
will go as they like. With crying, complaining, and by force they
want to turn this world into paradise. No, it does not go according
to your wishes. What Allah wills, happens. Allah sent human
beings into this world, so that they work for their akhirah, make
their akhirah prosperous. If heaven was on earth people would not
be tested.
Human beings do not want to obey Allah's orders. In the first place
ego, shaitan, desires, shaitans around us hinder us. They don't let
man free. People either complain about their father, their brothers,
their husbands, their neighbours, so there is always a reason for
complaining. It is the cause of unhappiness. But Allah Azza wa
Jalla created this world like this. In this world if you are happy with
your husband, you complain about your neighbour. If you are
happy with your neighbour you complain about your father or
brother. So, do not search for comfort in this world.
these need to be. In this world, Allah gave Adam, alaihi s-salam, 40
years of sadness rain. Adam, alaihi s-salam, cried for 40 years,
laughed for just 1 year. So, since this world was created, it is like
But there are some people, addicted people, may Allah not make us
from them, troubles are attracted to them like magnets. There are
such people. You see this year he broke his leg, next year he had an
accident, the other year his house was burnt, this and that
happened. Throughout their lives they are like this. Thank Allah
you are not one of them. May Allah protect us. We carry on with
small things - enough! So, as we said do not search for heaven on
earth. You can change your world into heaven, if you accept the
small things. If not these, we will have bigger problems. If you
submit, you can find heavenly peace in this world. Otherwise
complaining, leave that aside.
Now people they forget these small things. They have left their
own issues and they try to rule the world, the country. They want
everything according to their ambitions, according to their
expectations. They can never find peace in this life. Accept
everything, you will find peace.
Allah created human being and put them in earth, and not earth
not paradise. It must be something not good with everybody,
nobody have perfection, all what he want he got in this life or in
earth. Because Allah Azza wa Jalla make this earth life for test. It
must be that everybody have something he's not happy with this
and this is, it is a test. But you must be, if you have small problems
you must be happy with this. Because, this problem, you can deal
with this. But if you don't have this, Allah give you another kind, a
new thing you cannot carry. If you are not happy with that, also,
they giving you another thing.
also they have, they are carrying very more than other people. But
they are happy with this because it is coming from Allah and we
are happy with what Allah send us. So they'll be happy. But other
people, even very small thing they're crying, they are shouting,
they are making trouble. You cannot change. If you change, Allah
send more different problem. Each time you want to finish from
problem, Allah send other, so don't complain from this small thing.
Don't complain from wife, from husband, from mother, father - it is
your very near people, very close, and you cannot change them.
Only, you must accept people how they are. Many people, they are
complaining: "My father is angry. My mother she is angry. He is
doing this, doing that." You cannot change. You must be patient
and you accept him as he is. If one he changing, maybe become
Everything like this. Don't think in this life you will find somebody
he get everything what you want. President, no. Kings, no. Queens,
no. Nobody! Everybody, Allah create them in this life, they must
be, have something, some problem for them. But, there is one kind
of people, Allah not make us like them - we cannot carry. These
people they are, "muptela", we call them - addicted. They are from
beginning of their life until their death, this trouble, then that
accident. Everything, you can find in these people. Like lightening,
thunder, coming on this iron."Bala" (trouble) coming on them like
this. This is also difficult for people. But there is people like this
and we can see some of them. They are happy also but many of
them of course, they cannot carry. But there is people also like this.
Allah not make us from them, we cannot carry. Only daily, small
problems - enough. Without this, not life. You must be angel but
when you are human being - everybody from human being have
some problem and Mashayikh and tariqa, Prophet (sas), teaching
us to deal with this problem. Patient and accept this coming from
Allah. Allah, we are accept this, don't make it more than this. We
Al-Fatiha .
rank. Rank means high position. Each rank must be high. It means you
are falling, going down.
In Allah's presence it is like that - people who know Allah, who believe
in Allah are acceptable. Allah also showed it. When people save their
iman (belief) they are not considered ignorant. But still there are
different ranks. If you go to a madrasa or walk in Allah's way, you go
higher up to a certain rank. After that you need support, you need a
sheikh, a teacher, a murshid (guide). So, he goes higher according to
that. You have to follow real sheikhs because some people they claim to
be sheikhs in order to attract people. And the things they teach, what
Allah and the Prophet made obligatory to teach people, you can learn
those things, but if you learn from an ignorant one, you will also be
Islam is clear, its way is clear, its place is clear. Tariqa shows the same
way. When you follow it don't worry. But a few people getting together
in secret here and there, according to their own ideas they make
comments about religion - you can not get any benefit from them.
Everything is clear, nothing is secret or hidden. The way it shows, the
address is clear. Everything is clear. Some people mislead others for
their own benefit. No. If you follow a tariqa, you must do what your
Sheikh tells you. Other than that it is not good to walk on ways here
and there, that the sheikh or the Prophet did not show. May Allah
protect us from the wickedness of ignorant people.
Tariqatuna s-sohba wa l-khairu fi jam'iyyah. We said sohbat to give
knowledge. Allah likes knowledgeable people. There is knowledgeable
and there is ignorant. Every knowledge you learn, it must be show you
the right way and to be believer. It must take you to right to your
Creator, your Lord Allah Azza wa Jalla. If you are like this, your
knowledge... You get knowledge. Even you cannot write or read, you
are not ignorant. Who is ignorant? These people who are what they are
reading, what they are studying, take them to opposite side, not
towards Allah, towards material and towards shaitan. These people,
they are real ignorant.
doctor, professor but they are going against Allah and His will. These
people, they are ignorant. They are in dark. Their level not in Divine
Presence, not high. They are no value for them. They are no high
station for them. They are going down and down and down. Even they
are in dunya, they have the highest between these ignorant people,
they respect them, they accept them, but this is only shaitan people not
acceptable people. And shaitan and his followers, no value for them in
divinely presence.
May Allah's mercy be upon us. When Allah's mercy is upon us, every
goodness is with us. "wa man taqi s-sayyi'ati yawma'idhin faqad
rahimtahu"(40:9) Allah Azza wa Jalla is saying in Qur'an Karim -
whoever You show mercy to You will protect from sins and badness,
from that badness. The more a person is protected from sin, the more
he has reached Allah's mercy. The more a person commits sins,
rebellion, and kufr, the further away is Allah's mercy from him.
Sometimes one cannot control it, and therefore, prayers are what man
needs always.
Mercy. Who they are getting mercy from Allah they are away from to
do bad thing. This is Ayat Quran: wa man taqi s-sayyi'ati yawma'idhin
faqad rahimtahu (40:9) "Who You make sins, bad things, bad action, to
be away from us, we get Your Mercy." And We ask for this. We must
ask for this because Mercy of Allah, when you are in good way of Allah
you are blessed, you have mercy, you have the best thing human being
can, or creature they can take it.
But why to be, get very much difficulty to be hard time for you? In
dunya you can do very easily and you get the most precious thing,
Mercy of Allah. So we are in this dunya you must real thinking and you
must understanding and not listening to your ego, to people who are
giving you wrong advice. Because in Akhirah they will say, "These
people they was, we are poor people and we are following these people
and they are cheating us and we are now in Hell with these people".
And these people they said, "Ok, why you followed us? You mustn't
follow us". So two of them loser.
Prophet (sas) and tariqa; who are showing you what good for you,
what not good for you. They are not looking for you as a benefit for
them, no, no, only for Allah. They are showing you good way and they
are happy to make as much people coming to right way - they are more
happy and more blessed from Allah. That is what they are in need, for
this, not you or your, anything from you. Only this what they want.
Allah give us His Mercy to be, keep us away from every bad thing,
insha Allah. And to be safe until Mahdi (as) and Isa (as) come
One of the sunnahs, our Prophet (sas) says: "In Ramadan or when you
are fasting, take a siesta, sleep a little." Rest a little, it makes your
fasting easy and helps you stay awake at night. One of these nice
sunnahs is to rest a little at noon time or in the afternoon. It is a sunnah,
beautiful sunnah. The body relaxes and gets strength. Because now
Ramadan came with the hot weather. Shukur Allah it is beautiful
anyway. You do not feel hungry when it is hot. That's why when you
sleep thirst goes, it gives power.
Our Prophet (sas) wants good for us. Whatever he said, it is for the
benefit of human beings. It is not only for Muslims, our Prophet (sas)
was sent for the whole of humanity. So, when we rest we do it to follow
the Prophet's (sas) sunnah. May Allah accept it. Some people cannot
sleep but even if they lay down for 5 minutes and keep that sunnah,
they they get benefit for fasting and it gets easier to wake up at night
also. Just because it is an order of our Prophet (sas), if you lay down for
1 minute even, if you have things to do and you cannot rest, you lay
down on your right hand side that is also receives reward, because you
did sunnah. So, with this sunnah of our Prophet (sas) we have a
beautiful life in this world, and in akhirah (hereafter), the most
and we learn more, and for what we don't know we intend to do all
Sunnahs of our Prophet (sas) inshaAllah. May the reward for all of
them be upon us.
Fasting, these days it is hot. You cannot feel hungry but you feel thirsty.
But when you sleep you get better, help you for fasting. Maybe for 5
minute, 10 minute, half-an-hour, one hour, this enough. Not like our
brother in hotel, they are sleeping whole day and making Ramadan
sleeping, after coming nighttime make break fast. Ok also, acceptable
for Allah, Allah not saying... but better to be sleep only one hour. One-
and-a-half hour, ok, 2 hours ok also, no need... For Prophet's order, it is
good. Help you for fasting and to wake up nighttime for praying, for
making worshipping. But you mustn't, there is also time not good for
sleeping, like after asr. Before asr, it is normally for asr ath-thani 2
hours before maghrib, 'don't sleep,' he said, Prophet (sas). 'This making
you to be, your mind to not be good'. Making problem, for mental
problem, for people who are sleeping before maghrib, 2 hours before.
Other time you can sleep.
If some people they cannot sleep daytime, only for order of Prophet
they can lie one minute saying 'we doing this for order of Prophet and
for sake of Prophet accept this from us'. And there is like this thousands
of sunnah, very nice sunnah, all nice, not difficult to do. Only for ego it
is not so good. And we are learning slowly, slowly for this. Our
intention, as much we know we like to do it. Allah accept this from us
and reward us from this sunnah.
wa l-akhirin.
Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya
paid according to the hijri year. It is 10 days shorter than the other
calendar year. If you give zakat according to normal year, you will
have skipped a year every 30 years, 35 years and 33 years. And this is
the wisdom of giving in Ramadan when you give your zakat regardless
if it is summer or winter, whenever it comes. You have given it you
won't go to akhira with debts. And zakat is not only for akhira. It brings
baraka and light to people in this world as well. Because how much
you worship, this is worship too.
This fard and worship is not a burden for us but a great favour. These
are the favours given by Allah. You should do as much as you can, not
only fard, but also wajib and sunnah. Try to carry out all the beautiful
orders there are. Don't look at them as oppression. See them as favours.
Because Allah is not in need. He doesn't need anyone's property. Allah
is giving. If Allah has given you this wealth you should be thankful for
it and give zakat immediately. You will be happy, not like people who
need your zakat, but as the one giving. So give much. If a man gives
every time with intention of zakat to people who are in need, it is
counted as zakat for other days he didn't give and as sadaqa for days
he gave. It won't be for nothing.
Therefore, intention is important too. Give with the intention of zakat
when you give. Say that you're giving it as zakat and carrying out the
order of Allah. Zakat and Hajj are worship and fard for people to
whom Allah gave property and wealth. Can a poor person not go to
Hajj? He can. But it is not fard. If he doesn't go, he won't be asked for it.
"Why didn't you go?" "I was poor, I couldn't". But there are some poor
people who can go to Hajj. And for zakat, a poor is poor anyway. He
can't give it unless Allah wants it and makes him rich so that he can
give 250 liras. It's not much, so they won't care. Someone who has 10
million liras must give 250,000 liras. Then it appears to be a big amount
for the man. If there's 100 million, a man says "I must give 2.5 million.
That's too much". In fact, it's nothing. Allah is showing people how
much tax should be paid and how much is enough for people. 2.5% is
the right of Allah. We see in this new Europe and America, they take
70%, 80% tax from people. And it's not enough for them. And people
are compelled to pay it.
But Allah is giving a burden people can carry. Therefore, pay zakat
without making it late. It's not good to pay it late. But as we said, if you
give continuously with the intention of zakat, that's different.
Normally, it is more sawab (reward) to give zakat in Ramadan because
it is a virtuous and abundant month. Allah Azza wa Jalla will give its
sawab beyond the normal sawab. May Allah make it easy to pay zakat
for all of us. May He let us reach that abundance inshaAllah. Who takes
zakat should give to the needy too. It is not permissible to take zakat if
one's not in need.
It's not zakat when you want to build a school, mosque or madrasa. It
must be given to the poor. If there are students of Qur'an, you can pay
to feed them. But you can't give zakat for making a Qur'an course. You
can't give zakat for building a mosque. Zakat can't given for a school.
These are the conditions of zakat you can learn in detail. We have short
time here. Many people... May Allah protect, there were some jama'ats
(congregations) who used to take people's zakat to build schools. And
people were giving. We must say from here, that's not permissible. You
can only give to students. Otherwise, it's not accepted.
This month, Ramadan mubarak, month of worshipping. And there is
many things we do in this month especially fasting after they are
praying tarawih and other as much as we can - read Quran, tasbih. We
must charity, to give, helping people. In this month Allah reward you
by His Generosity. Nobody knows, He said. I only know how I will
reward mu'min (believers) who are obeying Me and doing what I
And there is, zakat we call (it) this is order, one of obligations from 5
Islamic obligations - one of them zakat. Zakat meaning to pay every
year what you have from money or gold or silver, 2.5% only. Not like
Europe or America 60%, 90%, 80%. Only Allah ordering 2.5%. This is
obligatory for Muslim people, for believers. Who are not believer no
obligatory for them. And it is meaning zakat, cleaning. And to be more,
this is what the meaning and it is cleaning your money.
Every year when you pay this for poor people your money become
clean and halal. Halal meaning pure. Halal meaning not dirty money.
Clean, because money also important. When you take clean money it is
baraka for you, for your family, for your children, for your wife, for
yourself also. Make you satisfied and give you good 'huzur' (peace),
satisfied and give you good feeling. Good feeling because other when
you eat some dirty money... what is dirty money? Dirty money like to
bring money from bad way, not halal from, you know better, many
people they know everything. But halal money give you also strong
spiritual and bodily also. Bad money, they give you bad spiritual and
make your body also, Allah give you illness, sickness, mentally,
physically, everything it is, you can get. If even you are take your
money from good way, you earn, you trade, you do something good
and after in one year you didn't pay this zakat, become this money
dirty money because there is a part making, spoiling all this money. But
still you can calculate and pay for what you didn't pay before and it
will become also all good, clean money.
This is obligatory for rich people. And rich people there must be like
100 or 90 gm of gold after this you can pay. You must pay 2.5%. But if
you don't have this money, no need for you. Only obligatory for these
people. And it is worship. Allah give you for this worship, reward.
Who you cannot take it in from another, who are not obligatory like
sunnah or mustahab. You cannot take it. So we are thanking for Allah
when He give us obligatory we are happy because we like to do it and
He reward us from this. It is most strong thing. Obligatory - it is order
of Allah to do it. If you do it you get reward, even you do
thousand time more than this without obligatory you cannot reach the
reward of this obligatory. But when you are doing this you get baraka
Especially when you are doing in Ramadan Allah give you more and
more. And why we saying for Ramadan? You can do it every time of
year. Zakat not only for Ramadan. But when somebody he get some
amount of money one year it must be passing on this money, after they
must give zakat, but year of moon calendar not sun calendar. If you do
it by sun calendar every 33 years you miss one year. So it will be
trouble for you. But if you are calculating from Ramadan to Ramadan it
is, you cannot miss it.
And the wisdom also to make more reward from Allah, to get more
reward from Allah. And people when they are getting more rich they
are afraid to pay more. Because if somebody paying from 10,000 he
must pay 250. But if he has 10 million, he must pay 250,000. So it
become big for him. Even this he has big amount but shaitan and his
ego when something coming to pay for Allah, for good, for charity,
they are making this man to feel it is too much for him. But when for
his pleasure he can pay for one car, one million. Nothing. But for Allah,
for charity, they are not happy to pay it.
And zakat you must pay it for poor people. You cannot pay it for who
are the rich people. They cannot take zakat. Only you must pay for
poor people. And it must be for relative you can pay, for brother, uncle,
aunty, sister, but you cannot pay for your son, or grandson, or father,
or mother because this is what is your obligatory to look for them. Only
for relative or other. And you cannot pay for to make mosque or to
make school. You cannot pay zakat for this. Zakat only for poor people.
You can pay for students who are studying in the school, in mosque,
but you cannot pay for building. This is order of Allah.
It is nice, very nice worshipping because if Muslim, the richest area,
and the richest people in the world, Islamic world. But they are not
giving zakat and they are not looking for poor people. If they pay,
nobody be in need to anything. Enough for all these Muslims and no
miserable life. But they are not paying and they will be asked for this.
Many people they are dying from hunger, from cold, from hot. The
people who are not paying, they are responsible for this. As what we
saying - when money getting bigger and bigger amount it is less
amount of paying also. Look like too much for them in their eyes. But it
is not bigger, only 2.5%. It is nothing.
Even when people they are looking carefully Allah He just put very
few this to not make these people saying "Oh, Allah You are oppressing
us. You give us too much, we cannot pay for this". No, it is very few.
Very few. And when you are making zakat you must say niyyah also:
"This is zakat from me". Everything, all around year if you're paying
also for poor people, you can pay zakat also, all time, not only
Ramadan. All time, maybe something you missed it, you cannot, you
couldn't pay it, so better to say it "this is zakat from me". And Allah
reward you even sadaqa and zakat. Mawlana once he said, we pay,
Allah order us to pay one part of forty but if you are knowing [its
benefit] we like to pay 39 like zakat and keep one for us. For this it is
everything you pay say "zakat". Allah reward you like zakat. This is
also good tidings from Mawlana because we said from first of sohbah
reward of zakat it is more and more from sadaqa or what you do,
others. Allah make us able to pay this zakat and to not leave it in our
money or our... to not leave anything haram with our body or our
'maal, mulk ya'ani' - possessions.
Our Prophet said "The best of you is the one who learns Qur'an and
who teaches Qur'an". By the wisdom of Allah, it is not difficult to learn
how to read Qur'an. Despite lack of knowledge and not being Arab,
people learn. Some can learn to read in 3 days. They start reading
Qur'an in 3 days. Some can read in a week. Many people can read it
easily in a month. Therefore, it is summertime now, and may Allah be
pleased, we have customs here in this country, in Turkey. As soon as
summer comes, they start Qur'an courses in the mosques, and hojas
give Qur'an lessons to children. Children learn within a month. That's
why, they make it one month and not more. If it's more, they may get
tired. Otherwise, they start again next year. But as they are children,
they play and lose attention. Even if they can't learn immediately,
adults as we said, they are more comfortable and can learn Qur'an
Karim in 3 days, 1 week, 1 month.
It's also good to learn Qur'an Karim by heart. However, if you learn
and read to yourself, it is more virtuous and more acceptable. Shaitan is
bringing up various things now and says "You read it and don't
understand. Leave it and read it in Turkish". No, it's not about Turkish.
You must read it even though you don't understand. Its worth cannot
be compared to that. Of course, it is sawab to read to get knowledge
and from curiosity as well. You get knowledge when you're curious
about what Qur'an says and read in Turkish to understand. This is
different from reading Quran. Reading explanation of Qur'an in
Turkish is different.
They read Qur'an in public during Ramadan. You gain same sawab
when you follow it, as much it is read. Because when Qur'an is read,
you should listen. You will gain same reward and sawab. And that is
from our beautiful customs. As we said, Arabs don't understand its
Arabic too much. And they don't understand when they read in Arabic.
Qur'an is an ocean. Our Prophet is saying that all created sciences and
knowledge are contained in it. And everything until Judgment Day, all
of it is inside it. Therefore, to say that you understand it is contrary to
non-Arab to read Quran to be help for them. And it is, even if you are
not understanding what inside when you recite Quran it is, Allah
reward you for each letter, for each word, you understand or not
But you must read Quran like what writing. But you can read, some
people they're also, shaitan not quiet, making for some people "you
read this, you don't understand, it is Arabic so you can read by English,
by Turkish, by Urdu, by other language, what meaning Quran and it is
better from reading Quran." No, not better. It is ok, you can read to
know what is inside but for reward, for each letter, for each word, you
must read Quran as it is mentioned and it is coming to Prophet (sas).
Alhamdulillah in our country there is also for small children they, one
month after school holiday they give them Quran course, one hour a
day. Many of them they are learning in one month, they're learning. If
not learning, because they're children, next year. Not learning, for next
year they have base. So... And they be happy. It is nice because when
children reading Quran Allah reward them and reward their family,
their ancestors. Because they are innocent children, they don't have any
sin. So we must also encourage our children to learn Quran and to be
benefit for them and for you, insha Allah.
Quran it is, all good thing in Quran. We must accept Quran as it is.
Don't object to anything in Quran, you don't understanding. Because
when you objecting you give your idea. Your idea it is changing from
hour to hour, from day to day. But this idea, Allah Who creating and
this He put rule, it is not changing. So don't be very hurry to say
something. No, don't say anything and accept it. And Allah will reward
you for baraka of Quran. Alhamdulillah in Ramadan also, we are
making reading Quran. Somebody reading Quran in this majlis
(gathering) and other listening, also Allah reward for them.
Everything belong to Quran, to listening, to read, to read by heart, to
read by letter, it is good. But even if somebody, he know by heart and
when reading in Quran Allah give him more reward, because he
reading also and he know it. Allah give barakah of Quran for all of us.
Allah... it be under shadow of Quran, insha Allah, all of us,
Muslims are brothers. May there not be any dispute between brothers.
Therefore, it is a sin for Muslims not to talk to each other for more than
3 days. It is a sin if it's not for Allah but for one's ego. But if the other
party is not keeping Allah's orders and rebelling against them, being
angry at him is a different issue. But not talking within the same group,
same country, or relatives is not good. Therefore, they say Ramadan is
the month of making peace between the angry ones. May we do this
beautiful custom in this Ramadan inshaAllah.
You should fear Allah. Allah will show mercy to you. Making peace
between brothers, improving their relations and removing fitna is a big
work. It's a big goodness. Allah will look with the eyes of mercy at
someone who does it and will reward him. He will have done a very
big, acceptable and good work. People have bad thoughts like "Did he
mean this or did he mean that?" based on nothing. There's no need for
it. No need to go into and think that much. He is your brother. No need
to understand what he said in a bad way and be angry. Crush your ego.
Moreover, you should pretend not to hear even if he says something
bad. That has its reward too because it won't become a reason for fitna -
as if they didn't hear each other.
excuse and not be angry. And we have many things we learned from
our Sheikh. This is a good thing. May there be peace and love between
Muslims inshaAllah.
Allah Azza wa Jalla saying in Ayat (49:10) for all believers, Muslims,
they are brothers and make your brothers to be love each other, not to
be, make between them any misunderstanding and to be angry with
each other. Not so. Many people, they become angry, not speaking to
other Muslim or to other brothers. It is not good. Not allowed to, for
Muslim to be angry with another Muslim and not speaking to him
more than 3 days. But many people they are not listening so sometimes
it must be somebody make them to come together and to take this
misunderstandings between them and to be speaking again, friendly,
and with love to each other.
Once upon a time there was sultan and he want something and he said
"If this happened I will give 100 coin to send for these poor people."
And with Allah will it happened and he was promise, put this money
in one bag and give his servant to distribute this money for dervish, for
masakin (poor people). And this man, servant, he went in the evening
coming back, back to sultan and said "Sorry Sultan I couldn't find, I
couldn't give any this money for dervish or for these people". "How?"
He said "There's no? There is in this city more than 400 dervish". He
said "I give for dervish, they are not accepting. They don't want money.
And other who want money they are not dervish. So I bring them (the
money) back. I couldn't [give]". And sultan he said to his companion "I
love, I like too much these dervishes but this man he is against them
but he is right".
So dervish they are not looking for dunya treasures. No, because they
have real treasure - love of Allah and love of Prophet (sas) and they are
knowing reality of life - it is not eternal life, it is only for temporary. So
for this they left dunya and only they are going around with dirty
clothes or not well shape of looking for themselves. They are not
interesting to looking for fashion or for other thing, only for Allah.
But also there is people they are pretending to be dervish and they are...
Allah make them people to know them. Allah keep us away from not
good people. Allah send us all also to be ourselves like these dervish, to
not be interesting for dunya. Dunya only for make our Akhirah, to
build our Akhirah and to win love of Allah and His Mercy. You can be
rich and dervish also, you can be like this. No objecting for this. But
don't... Be real dervish only for Allah, not looking like dervish and
wanting everything.
"How are you?" He answered "Ooh sir, It could not get better than this.
Very good, it could not be better, it could not be more beautiful than
this. We are very good" he said. There was one majzub in Damascus, I
did not see him, Shaykh Effendi used to say that this majzub was also
saying "Oh how nice, how nice" all the time. He kept saying this.
People are trying to change it but you cannot change anything by force.
If Allah does not want, you are not able to do it. Once upon a time,
Musa alaihi s-salam was walking and he saw a man laying in the sand.
Because he did not have any clothes he covered himself with sand.
Instead of walking around without clothes on, naked. He said, "Why
are you like this?" "I'm like this. Pray to Allah, so He gives me enough
provision to get out of this situation." Musa alaihi s-salam prayed.
Allah gave him provisions, enough to survive. After a while, when he
was passing through the same place, Musa alaihi s-salam looked and
saw there is a commotion, there is a riot. They caught a man. It was that
man. He said; "Allah! Why did you catch this man, what happened?"
They said "This man drank wine and by accident he killed someone.
We have caught him now, and are taking him away to kill him."
This means, Allah gave what was good for him. It would have been
better if he had stayed in the sand, harming nobody and nobody
harming him. This is a lesson for everyone. The one who is content
with Allah's Will will be always at peace. He won't be stressed. Because
his belief is strong, he believes and surrenders to Allah. Now we see
this everywhere, all over the world, nobody sees their own faults,
errors anymore. Even something small happens, now there is this thing
- shaitan's father [the internet] - people were writing letters in the past,
There was one, he was very old man, he was manager for a very big
company in Turkey and after, when he saw Mawlana, he was nearly
retired. He take everything, when he retired. He has... tie, and he has,
wearing suit, but when he retired, Subhan Allah. Nearly met Mawlana
when he retired, one month after retired. And he was really, very
strong belief man, called Mehmet Amja (Uncle) Every time Mawlana
asking, "How are you?" "Alhamdulillah, very nice, very beautiful. It
cannot be more better than this. Cannot be more beautiful than this."
He was answering all the time Mawlana. Mawlana was happy with
And there was one majzub, I didn't meet him but Mawlana everytime
saying about him - in Damascus that one. Every time he was repeating
this - "Oh how it is wonderful, oh how it is beautiful, oh how it is good
this life, what Allah gives us, 'O, ne guzel, ne guzel'. Like this, he calls
with Turkish and Mawlana was many time repeating this. He was
happy with him.
These people they get wisdom of life, because what Allah give us It is
best for us, for us and He is knowing what we are in need of. He give
everybody for his, in need, what he need. So these people they are
happy because Allah give us this, Allah. We know, we not in need to
think what is good for us. Allah, He choose this for us and He give us
this. It is most perfect, most beautiful, most wonderful they are saying
then. People of these days, they are not understanding this. Only, if any
small thing happened, they going out in street, shouting, destroying,
killing, burning. And they want to change by their opinion. You cannot
do anything. If you are not successful, you are.. what you done, what
Don't blame another people. Only you blame yourself because if you
are accept this and be quiet, you be happy. But, if you shouting, you are
make more trouble and you will be in trouble in this world and you be
punished in next world also. It is like this from old time. These people
who get wisdom of life and who are not understanding.
Once, Musa (as) he was going to, in desert and he saw one man lying
down in sand and he asked: "What are you doing ?" He said: "I, very
poor man, I don't have clothes so I put this on me, that sand." He said
:"Ask your Lord to give me enough." He don't want too much, only to
be enough for me to live. Musa (as), he make Du'a and after many days
he was coming again this area. He was looking, there is people
shouting and there something happened that side. He looked what
happened. He saw this man they catch him and tying him. He asked:
"What happend?" They said: "This man, he got drunk and he was
making trouble. Accidently he killed one man and we are taking him to
kill him because he make trouble." So, Allah, he was good for him to be
in sand, better than to be with clothes and around people. So quickly
he's making trouble and he get punished.
It is like this who are, people, these days, they are not happy with what
Allah give them. All of them looking for another thing. Poor or rich
people, they are all not happy, not thanking Allah. Only looking for,
they thinking it is better, but it is not better for them. It is it will be
worse for them. For Ramadan, giving people more understanding
inshaAllah, to know wisdom of life, to be happy. You must be happy
for what Allah grant us. Everything, we cannot thank Him for what He
give us and Alhamdulillah, we are thanking Him we are happy.
There lived a man in the old days. His way was a bad way, not good.
Allah favoured him and he found the right way. He connected to a
Sheikh on the way of Allah and left all bad deeds. He was going on the
way of Allah. But shaitan doesn't leave. That's Allah's favour, it is not
This is a good advice. It's not important what people say. You should
know yourself. Don't be glad and proud when people flatter you and
say "You're such and such". Allah should know you as good. Don't rely
on your ego. A man's biggest sickness is being proud. It's not a good
attribute to be proud and think - "People said this about me, I am so
and so". Especially, it's not good for people of tariqa. People... ego loves
this flattering the most. You can see in the time of Sheikh Effendi as
well. Sheikh Effendi used to favour people who are known as bad by
others because their ego wanted so. Therefore, most of the time, people
would stay away from them. How many disliked people there were,
Sheikh Effendi used to raise their ego up so that they leave without
harm. But that's not important.
There was one, old time, one man, he was outside of good way, doing
every bad things and Allah Azza wa Jalla He want good for this man.
He make him to be repent and Allah He is able to do everything. Allah,
keep us in right way, insha Allah. And this man, he was really very bad
man but Allah when He want something - he become very good, he left
old style lifestyle and become good Muslim, following sheikh also. He
has murshid, sheikh, and following him. He was practising very good.
People who are knowing him, this his city or village, they know his old
life so they was not accepting. They said "He is liar, he is just pretend to
be like this to be away from hate of people and maybe to become friend
with people. He just doing this for this reason. He's hypocrite, he is not
sincere Muslim. He's not good man, just doing this for his benefit."
They was saying this and many time he hear.
He was patient, patient. At the end he was fed up with this and he went
to his sheikh and tell him "O my Sheikh, I left everything, really I
repent, and these people they say this and that for me. What I can do?
How I must acting?" Sheikh was crying. He said "This is very good for
you, because people they are thinking you are bad but Alhamdulillah,
you are good and you are really sincere. But I'm not crying for you, I
crying for myself because people they are thinking I am very good and
I am, every goodness with me, but my ego, my inside, it is very dirty,
very bad. I am very bad but people they are thought I am very good
and this is what I am crying. You are, Alhamdulillah, people thinking
you are bad but Alhamdulillah you are good. So it is not bad for you. It
is, you must be happy with this. People's thinking it is wrong but for
me it is wrong also because I am not that man who they thinking I am
very holy. No, my ego it is like, evil like shaitan. Every badness in my
ego and people they are praising me, and they are respecting me. Every
time they're doing this I am very ashamed. I am very feeling guilty. So
you must be happy".
This is what teaching of good murshid. When ego, because ego they are
like, they love people to praise them - "Oh, this is big alim, This is big
sheikh, this is very good, he has many follower". But for us, for who
are, they knowing what is themself, they are ashaming and they are
feeling not happy. When somebody praising them really they're feeling
not good. Mawlana whole time was crying "I am weak servant, I am
only want blessing of Allah". This is teaching of Tariqa, to not be happy
with people who praising you. You must be happy with people they
are making you to feel to be more sincere for Allah. These people they
can look bad thing for you. It is better to show you your good thing.
Don't be angry with these people. You must be thankful for them and
you must make what they are seeing it is wrong, to correct this wrong
from you. So everything from Allah. Allah sending these people also.
Good and bad from Allah. When everything come from Allah, you
must accept, you must be happy. Don't be angry with people who are
saying something for you. Our ego deserves worse than this, what they
are saying. Allah make us to be able to control our ego and to ride on
our ego insha Allah.
Each day of holy Ramadan is holy. In these holy days the first battle of
our Prophet (sas), the Battle of Badr took place. It was necessary for
Islam because Allah tested the patience of the Muslims. He tried them.
Later on He gave them permission. Because non-believers, furious with
all their power were attacking Islam and Muslims, so they also started
the Battle of Badr to defend themselves and raise Islam higher. This
was jihad (battle). Jihad is one of the biggest forms of ibadah
(worshipping), one of the biggest orders of Islam.
The companions of our Prophet (sas), 313 holy ones, they were all
together, they are the Ashabi Badr. Our Prophet (sas) said to those
companions of his - you are like the 313 Nabi Mursal (messenger
prophets). You are like the 313 soldiers of Talut (Saul). The Bani Israil,
with their King Talut, when they went to fight against their enemies, he
said "Whoever drinks from this river, they are not from me." They all
drank except for 313 people who did not drink. They crossed the river
and defeated the enemy. Against thousands of soldiers, 313 people won
the victory. They were the holy ones.
Allah Azza wa Jalla said: "Their sins are are forgiven" and He also gave
them blessings in this world - past and future sins. That means Allah
protected them from sins in the future. For this reason these are holy
days. Allah always leaves for people, awliya whose numbers are equal
to these holy ones. The nation of Muhammad is protected by them, get
provisions for their sake, it rains because of them. Without them this
world would not function, nothing would work. Allah Azza wa Jalla
gave them to this world for a blessing and a mercy - 313 holy ones
following the ways of the Prophets. Allah gave everything as a blessing
for the Nation of Muhammad.
That incident took place in order for the companions to pass the test
and prove that they are loyal to him (sas). Because their intention was
not to make war. Non-believers took Muslims' possessions in Mecca
and did not give them back, so their intention was to take from the
passing caravan. But Allah Azza wa Jalla had another plan. What Allah
does and His plans are different. People make an effort saying "we'll do
like this, we'll do like that." Allah makes them do as He wishes. It was a
big test for Muslims, for the emigrants (Muhajirs) also for ansar (the
helpers). They passed that test well they were successful. Allah
favoured them both with worldly blessings and the highest degrees in
akhirah (hereafter).
This world is a temporary place. Clever ones do not desire it. It was not
necessary for those holy ones to be tested but still, to make people
understand. Those battles took place during Ramadan. They all left
Madina in Ramadan. They were fasting. Because it is a journey, later on
our Prophet (sas) asked them to break their fast. They could make it up
when they came back. Ramadan was fard at that time. They made an
effort. They sacrificed themselves, they gave their possessions. They are
both an example and a blessing for us. We can pray with their blessings
- The names of the Companions of Badr are a blessing if you hang them
in your home. People in the old times used to write their names and
hang it. Their names were written and it was a blessing.
Now we are reaching towards the end of Ramadan. Next week is the
last week, last friday. In the last ten days there is "i'tikaf". Whoever
wants to they can do "i'tikaf". You can do i'tikaf in places with a masjid.
It is done in masjids where people pray 5 times a day. This is for men.
For ladies at home, they will choose a place where they live. They will
not leave that place. Except for necessities like eating, ablution, etc. they
should not go out of that place. They should stay there all the time
doing Dhikr, reading Quran, praying. Whatever they do must be
It is not good to talk about worldly things. You speak if necessary. You
do not speak unnecessary things. Our Prophet (sas) used to do that all
the time and each year. He used to do i'tikaf the last 10 days. He used to
take his mattress and retreat to the masjid. There he did itikaf the last
10 days. They call this i'tikaf, fard kifaya (necessary). If one person does
it, other people no longer need to do it. But if one person does not do,
then it becomes a burden on the other Muslims. If one person does it in
a city, it is enough for that city, country. If he does not do - fardh-i ayn
is something everybody does but this fard kifaya, when 1 person does
it, the rest of the people are not responsible.
May Allah bless those, who do it inshaAllah. There is big blessing in it.
It is the sunnah of our Prophet (sas). He used to do it all the time.
Whoever is able to do it, may do it inshaAllah. There is permission.
People are asking for permission. There is permission for i'tikaf. I'tikaf
is not seclusion, it is different. During i'tikaf you meet people, you eat
normal foods - there is nothing special. But except for your needs, you
do not go out of the masjid and talk about worldly things. Because
people do not know, they think it is i'tikaf they sit in the mosque and
talk to each other. No. You may talk. You can ask about religious issues
or you can learn something. You can read books but you cannot talk
about how is the construction going? How was the market? What is
going on with the war? What about the elections? How is this
government? You cannot talk about such things during i'tikaf. You can
only talk about Allah or religious issues.
May Allah bless it. May Allah give Islam, the nation of Muhammad
(sas), in coming years inshaAllah Mahdi alaihi s-salam comes as a
leader so that there is victory like the Battle of Badr. InshaAllah the
whole world becomes Muslim, real Muslims.
And they were really sincere. And when Prophet (saw) asked them,
"These people they are coming to fight us. What we will do? What you
are suggesting? We go and meet them or we run away?" "No", they said
"We are following you. We are not saying like Bani Israel who, sons of
Israel, they said for Sayyidina Musa alaihi s-salam, when he said to
them "Come to fight with me", they said "No. We are afraid from these
people. Go, you and your God, your Lord, fight. And when you finish,
we can come and sit in this city." They said "We are not like this. We are
following you. Even you say "Go through this sea", we are not looking.
Just we are going behind you. So you can trust on us. And inshaAllah
we are with you. We are not afraid." So Allah Azza wa Jalla, He
test them. And they were really as they promised. Prophet (saw), he
said to them "You are like 313 messengers, Prophet messengers. And
you are like the soldiers of Talut (Saul)", who also he was king with
Sayyidina Daud alaihi s-salam fighting against the enemy. And their
enemy was thousand of and huge and very strong army. And Allah He
wanted to test them and tell them there was river and they are coming
from desert. And he told them "Who will come and fight with me, he
must... he mustn't drink anything from this water, only one handful."
(2:249) And all they were very thirsty. Quickly coming, like animal
putting their mouths in the river and they were drinking. Only 313
people, they were not drinking. And they won on this Taghut (tyrant)
and his big army. And these sahaba, 313, they were like them, Prophet
(saw) saying. And they were... Allah forgive them for what they've
done before. And He said only for this 313, He forgive what they will
do after this until end of their lives. And it is only for Prophet this. But
for these, Allah praised them and give them this gift. And they were in
the highest station in ummah, these 313 sahaba. And there are still 313
[awliya] every time, in every century, every year until Qiyama, baraka
coming from them. And they are keeping ummah. Allah give them this
job to do, this mission to do. And it is...
There is something, luck. You are lucky when you understand quickly
and do what Allah ordered. And they were understanding and they
were doing and they become in highest station, Ashabu Badr. And they
were beginning first war with Prophet (saw). And they were happy, the
most happy. And after this, Islam become more stronger, more stronger
until when they left jihad, they left protecting themselves. the Muslims
become down. Without... To be you must be Muslim strong to not let
these, who are claiming they are Muslim, to make fitna in earth. The
Muslim, they must be strong and accepting and their niyah (intention)
to be keeping order of Prophet (saw), to help Islam, and muslimin
everywhere where they are in people [who] they are oppressing
them. Allah love, like who help Muslim. For this, Dawlat Osmaniya,
they were high and 100 years they were in power. Because they were
helping everywhere Muslims. Now also who help Muslim and looking
after Muslims, Allah help them and nobody can harm them
inshaAllah. And it is now end of Ramadan. Now 16th. Next Friday -
the last Friday of Ramadan. Last 10 days there is like seclusion, i'tikaf
10 days. Everybody can do it. There is permission. Because many
people they ask for permission. There is permission inshaAllah. For
men they must do i'tikaf in mosque, or where they are praying 5 times
a day there is praying. And it is sunnah of Prophet (saw), every year,
every Ramadan last 10 days he was taking his belongings to mosque,
his masjid. And he was until end of Ramadan in masjid doing praying
and other things. You can do everything. But when you are in need to
go to eat, you can go eat and come. And for wudu, of course. But after,
you mustn't be out of mosque. You must be inside mosque. You
must pray, you can read Qur'an, you can read Dalailu l-Khairat, tasbih.
Even you can read something for knowledge from Islam. You can do
these. But no need to speak for something belong to general things like
- election, like work, like business. No need. No need to speak this. It is
not good. Only 10 days for Allah and to clean yourself. And it is
obligatory for Muslim. But when one of them they do this, it is enough.
But everybody also can do it. For ladies, they must put some room for
them. They must be in this room, not going out also out of house. Only
for eating and for bath or something, for wudu they can go. But other,
they must stay. This is i'tikaf. I'tikaf meaning to stay in one place. Don't
go around. Allah accept this. Because it is really very big worshipping.
Prophet (saw) was doing. Who can do it, he can do inshaAllah. Allah
make us also to be many years like this, and inshaAllah for next year to
be Islam higher and higher, to come Sayyidina Mahdi alaihi s-salam to
help those miserable Muslims.
Allah gives us, what He grants us, we are not aware of it. When will
they be aware? When they lose what they have. Then they may search
for it. Otherwise people are not aware of it. Like the fish swimming in
the sea, the fish is unaware (of the water) people are also unaware.
They want better, they want more. They don't give up being greedy.
They are not aware of the blessings given to them.
Ramadan has a wisdom in it. Allah wants to show people how difficult
it is to be hungry and thirsty, there is a wisdom. Among thousands of
wisdoms there is also this wisdom. When we are hungry, thirsty, we
realize how precious are food, water, and even dry bread. We realize
what a big favour it is. In order to realize other things also, this world is
full of favours.
In the old times there were slaves. One slave was going on a journey on
a boat with the Sultan. He got on the boat. It was his first time on a
boat, first time he saw the sea. He was scared, trembling with fear. They
calmed him down. "Do not be scared, the Sultan is here. There are so
many men, why are you scared? Nobody else is scared." He could not
calm down. He made everyone uncomfortable. Even the Sultan was
uncomfortable. He was crying, complaining, nagging. So he was
making people uncomfortable. A man said to the Sultan: "If you allow
me, I shall calm him down." "Do whatever you can, take him, shut him
up" said the Sultan. That man threw him into the sea right away. The
slave started to go up and down and he was shouting. Water was
coming out of his mouth and nose. He was shouting "Help me, I'm
After a few minutes, just as he was drowning they saved him. They put
him back on the boat. He sat in a corner very silent. After that he never
spoke, complained or nagged. He sat there very calm. The Sultan asked
that man "How did you do it?" "This slave was not aware of this favour.
He was not aware of this security, this comfort. He was making
everyone uncomfortable, complaining, etc. When he fell into the sea
and lost that favour and was saved only when death was approaching
him, he became aware of that favour. Now he is sitting there, he is
comfortable." This is the same for everyone. Allah gave favours to
everyone, there are grants to be thankful for. He did not see that and he
Even if Allah does not give anything, even if you are paralyzed. There
are some paralyzed people who thank Allah for giving them the gift of
Islam. Is there a greater blessing? There are so many people like this.
But on the other hand a healthy man complains, he is restless, making
everyone else uncomfortable. He makes himself uncomfortable in the
first place. He is heedless. Only when it is taken away from him, does
he realize what he had. Mostly when a favour is taken away from you,
it is difficult to come back for the second time.
So, let's be thankful for what we have. May Allah increase His favors on
us InshaAllah. Allah give us every good thing. His gift... You cannot be
thankful [enough] for what He gives us. But people, they are only
complaining. Nothing is enough for them. For small thing, for big
thing, for everything they are complaining, they are not happy. But
Allah He gives us the best thing. He created us human beings. He
created and He make us Muslim, to be under His bless[ing] and
bless[ing] of Prophet (saw). Still people, they are not happy. They are
wanting more. And it is making [those] around also not happy. Because
when somebody beginning to complain, some children crying, all
people, they become like nervous. So when somebody doing
complaining all time, all people, all community becoming bad feeling,
not happy. It is like virus coming from one to one. But if everybody,
they are thankful and they are saying "Alhamdulillah we are happy",
all also will be happy inshaAllah.
Allah what He give us, the most of people, they are not recognizing
what Allah gives us from His gifts and favours. Like fish in water, not
understanding what is water, what is outside it. If going out of water,
they will die. But people, they thought it is not enough. All this good
thing, it is not enough for them. For this, they are looking around to get
more and more. And trying to get more. And most of time they cannot
get anything, only getting more miserable. There was also one tale.
One slave old time, he never see sea and never going in boat. He was
travelling in boat with Sultan and many people. And first time he was
inside this boat. And he was afraid and he was trembling and he is
And quickly he take him and throw him in sea. Alhamdulillah they
finished from him. But he was in sea, not knowing to swim also,
coming down, going up. "O help me, I am sinking, I am dying". So after
3 minutes they catch him and bring him to boat. And he was sitting in
corner very silent, nothing happened. No more voice. Everybody
happy. Sultan, he asked this man "How you do this?" He said "I do
because this man, he wasn't recognizing comfort and how it is good to
be in safety, in boat. Only after when he become lose this boat, or he
nearly die, he know this ni'mat, favour or value, value of this boat. And
now he's quiet and everybody happy." Everybody quiet also, no
nervous anymore.
People like this man in this world. They make shouting making people
also nervous but if he knows from beginning the value of what he got,
he will be silent and be happy. And it'll be quiet and to be around him
also quiet. In Ramadan also Allah show us how it is. There is millions
of wisdom for Ramadan. Some of them also to feel the thirst, to be how
it is difficult to be thirsty and to be hungry. After when you break your
fast, you feel how we are happy. You get again this favour from Allah'
favours. And you thank, you'll be thankful for Allah. Allah He give us
everything. So every time don't complain.
This is the biggest advice for people: Don't complain! What we got, it is
good for us. But we must be thankful, Allah He give us more.
Most people run after something throughout their lives. Most people
run whole their lives after something they make up in their minds so
that they reach and have it. And many pass away before even having
what they want. That goal remains unreached, what they wanted
doesn't happen. Even if it does, it has no benefit.
One of the leaders of the Arab tribes had become very old and was
lying in bed. They used to fight a lot. One day a man on a horse came.
He said with joy and his eyes shining, "We defeated this tribe and
captured their castles. What you wanted happened. Be happy for good
news". The man could hardly speak. He opened his eyes and looked at
him. Then he slowly said "Tell this good news to those who will come
after me. I don't have any benefit from victory and conquest. I wanted
this all my life but now when I achieved it, I realize that I ran after
useless things. It's useless. Let those who come after me rejoice about
Mankind runs after these empty dreams all the time. If we run after the
promises and good tidings of Allah, we will pass away happy and in
peace at the end of our lives. When Hz. Bilal al-Habashi was on his
deathbed, people came to say goodbye to him and tried to give him
consolation by saying not to grieve. But Bilal al-Habashi was reciting
poems out of happiness. He was saying "Ghadan alqa l-ahibba
Muhammadin wa Sahbah" - "I will meet my friends tomorrow." He was
happy that he will meet Hz. Muhammad and his sahaba. He said that
he had reached his target.
This is the difference between people. As we said, most people run
after useless things which have no benefit for them. They run after their
ego's desires. There's no benefit even if they have it. We saw many rich
people, who had millions and billions of dollars. They died and
couldn't take anything with them. They reached the highest level that
normal people desire and try to reach in general. It didn't give any
benefit for them. If you ask them, they had no peace. They collected all
this money and couldn't buy peace. Nothing happened to them. Their
ego gave them bigger desires actually this way and that brought more
which worse than this world. Because they ran after it and planted it
here and will reach it in akhira.
There was one also, old time, tribes they are fighting each other. And
was one old commander and he was very ill and he is sleeping and one
of horseman coming he was very happy, his eyes shining, and he was
shouting with happy voice for Chief: "We got this castle and all this
tribe they accept you. This is good tiding for you." This man looking,
looking and after he said, he told him: "Tell this for who are after me he
will be your chief. It is nothing for me anymore." And he was not
Most of people who are running after dunya, only for dunya, it is like
this. We hear from old time, from new time, about very rich people.
They have million, they billion even but they wasn't happy. They have
everything for human being can reach the top life, top richness but they
wasn't happy because ego, it is more stronger than ordinary people's
ego. When getting more power, getting attacking to make you... It is
also more power from normal ego and making this man to be miserable
in this life also.
Only people who are happy, the people their aim not this life, the next
life, real life. Like Sayyidina Bilal al-Habashi, he was muezzin of
Prophet (sas) and when he was old and ill. There people they was
coming to him to make him not feel sorry, to not be, to not be afraid
and they was surprising and they saw him very happy, smiling and
saying poem also. Saying: "Ghadan alqa l-ahibba Muhammadin wa
Allah Azza wa Jalla, only want from these people if they are doing
anything - not worshipping, not doing any good thing from these
people. Don't object about religion and say: La ilaha illa Allah,
Muhammadan Rasul Allah At the end, you can be in Paradise. But if
you are not believe in this and you are making bad word about religion
Islam, you will be loser forever and this is only for Ramadan we say
this, because many people they cannot, maybe, fasting. They cannot
pray, they cannot do anything. Still Allah, He has Mercy and only what
He wants is - don't make any god with Me and accept this: la ilaha ill
Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah. Don't gamble, only two words and you
be saved. And this life, it is like dream. Only, when you are in grave or
in Judgment Day, you will be awake and you will be sorry. So, it is
advice for whole human being.
The Sultans in the past, also now some of them are compassionate and
smart people, some are oppressors. According to his station, he
becomes a benefit to his nation. There are so many sultans who oppress
their people. May Allah not take away the ones, who rule us. May
Allah make such people lasting InshaAllah. They came and told one of
the Sultans in the old times they gave him good tidings. This man, who
you did not like he died. He said this with great joy. Sultan was a smart
man, so he said "If he died we will also die. Death is for everyone. So
you cannot be happy if he is dead. Allah gives everyone a life span He
he is bad one, when bad one dying it is good but this man he was clever
to not make this only for his ego. He said to be happy with somebody
death it is not acceptable too much. Because we are also... we will die,
not only this man. So maybe good he die but to be happy and he die to
say, it is not good idea. Because death for everybody. if we are not be
died, die, so we will be happy. But he die, also we will die. And he, of
course because he was bad one it is good for people but not to be happy
for like this, he will die and we're live.
Too many people they are of course, they're oppressors. As we said,
whole history, many of kings, they was good, bad, but they was
oppressors also. People was suffering from this. But this also from
Allah, Allah sent them. Like Hajjaju z-Zalim. There was one governor,
time of Umawi, they sent him to Iraq. Iraq people they was all time
making trouble. And Allah sent them this man and he was oppressor.
He was killing innocent and bad one. Only he was not looking too
much. And he was oppressing people, people they was not happy with
him. Once he hear there was one awliya, friend of Allah, saint, and he
ask him, "O good man, make dua for me, pray for me". And he make
dua and he said, "O Allah take the soul of this man Hajjaju z-Zalim, let
him to die". He was "What are you doing? I'm saying to you make dua
for me, you make against me?" He said "No, not against you this is for
you good, because every minute you are in life you getting more
burden on you. Make more oppressing for people you are killing more
people, you are making bad thing for people, it is not good for you.
Better for you to be, save yourself, as much quickly you die so you will
be better for you, be for people".
The people they deserve but their burden coming on you. And Allah
giving people what they deserve. And people oppressing themselves.
Allah not oppressing anybody. Allah is Merciful and He showing
human being good thing. They're trying, and they're doing, not trying,
doing against, exactly against what Allah saying. Opposite, direct
opposite. And it is time of Mahdi and the... this Judgement Day coming
and we are seeing maybe from sometimes they used to it we said
people they're not... getting more angry, they're not caring what
happened, what are going in this world. But it is really going, growing
this, every badness coming to top. And it is... it must be like this for
Qiyamah, Judgement Day to come, to Mahdi (as) come. It must be like
this and people they're oppressing/oppressors and they will get what
they deserve.
Allah keep us away from these people and to be in Mercy of Allah. Not
following our ego, oppressor ego, because first thing doing, it is
oppressing ourself.
InshaAllah, now disbelief is like one nation, they are all attacking Islam.
Like Mawlana used to say, the leaders of Islam are the Ottomans. That's
why without saying 'Ottoman' they directly attack the Muslims here,
saying "they are useless", but that's their idea. For shaitan they are
useless. But in the presence of Allah they are acceptable people. Allah
says that He is going to help those, who help Him. So, there is no fear
with Allah's permission.
The Muslims, Mawlana used to say, during the time of corruption,
Muslims should not go out and interfere with anything. They should
keep themselves at home. As long as they stay in their own place, they
are in safety. "But if they go out, I'm not responsible" Mawlana said. If
there is turmoil during the age of corruption, there is no need to go out.
In times of safety people may come and go for sure. It is the end of
times. People have gotten used to something. They think it will never
change. They think their lives will never change. But since Adam alaihi
s-salam so many things have happened. People migrated. There were
wars, so many died. Allah's wrath came on some of them, they
perished. So man cannot live forever. It is wrong to think that it goes on
in the same routine.
No, what Allah wills, happens. But if you have Allah's pleasure
everything will be easy for you, Allah protects you. You will live in
safety and peace. InshaAllah if Allah wills you reach Mahdi alaihi s-
salam. With Allah's permission the time is near. "Iqtarabati s-saat" (The
hour has come near) (54:1) Even during the time of the Prophet (sas) he
said it was near. Now it is exactly the end. InshaAllah we reach those
beautiful days. There will be difficult days before those but, like we
said, if you do not interfere, you are under protection with Allah's
permission. May Allah make it soon, so the Nation of Muhammad
reaches salvation.
Allah keep us with good people, we are saying. The order of Tariqa is
to be together, to be speak together, to make Zikr, to make Sohba, to be
with good people. Don't be with not good people and don't speak for
people who are, they're not understanding about what you are saying,
so, they become more worse and they will speak bad and you be, you
cannot get any benefit from this speach and it will be worse for these
people. But if you know they can understand, you can speak to them.
This time it is now time of end of time, fitna time. What Prophet (sas)
saying about this - until Mahdi (as) coming, no rest for this world. They
are trying, Europe, America, Western people, these who are not
believer, they are trying to fix but it is impossible to fix it. It is like
taking water balloon from everywhere coming water, you cannot close
one side, coming from other side close that coming from other side, so
it is time for Mahdi (as). Mahdi (as), he will come and he will fill this
world with peace and justice because now, no justice no peace.
They are claiming they are justice, only they are doing rule of shaytan
and rule of shaytan it is not justice. It is only rubbish and only mess,
making more mess for world. Make more poisoning this world. Only,
they are cheating people. They are cheating people. They are saying:
"this is good, this democracy, this what I don't know what it is." They,
only cheating - you must make election, you must make democracy. It
is playing, they are playing only for their benefit. But now, even they
cannot take benefit from this play.
also getting some some bad thing for you also. Only people can be safe,
who are keep away from this. We are not accepting this, only we are
waiting for Mahdi (as) and inshallah, we reach for him. Human being,
they thought everything it is, it will be same system forever. No, even
fifty year, even hundred year ago, it was so different this world. Now
also will be different so don't be think everything still like this. It is
temporary life. But, Allah keep who are beloved for Him and who help
Him, He will help them.
Alhamdulillah, we are looking and we are happy with this good tiding.
"wa la yansurann Allah man yansuruhu" (22:40) "Allah help who help
Him." Inshallah, we are with Him inshaAllah- We are not worry about
Allah Azza wa Jalla is saying, "I am the Forgiver, the Merciful, I forgive
sins." Because of this if you ask forgiveness for your sins Allah will
forgive you. Allah is Just, He does not treat anyone unjustly. He
forgives His rights but between servants those who hurt people and do
bad things to people can be forgiven only by the people they hurt. If
they do not forgive, then on Judgment Day their good deeds will be
taken from him and given to the ones whose rights he took. Even if a
horned sheep hits a sheep with no horn, on Judgment Day even that
one will have the right to hit the other one. Rights cannot be lost, says
Allah is Just, the most perfect justice is from Allah. Because of this do
not oppress to people in this world. Do not do injustice even where
there is no justice. Other than men, animals, insects - all have rights.
Take care and look after their rights.
Once upon a time there was a dervish. Some bad mannered people
were oppressing others because they believed they were powerful. One
of them bullied the dervish. He hit him on his head with a stone. By the
wisdom of Allah, the dervish put that stone in his pocket. Time passed,
and that oppressor was imprisoned by the Sultan's anger. He was
imprisoned in a pit. The dervish saw him sitting down there with no
one protecting him, no one behind him, and held in a hole where he
cannot hurt anyone any more. So he took the stone from his pocket and
hit him on the head. The man asked, "Who are you? Why you are
stoning me?" The dervish replied, "Once upon a time you hit me with
this stone. So i am doing the same to you now." He replied and said
"Allah Allah, even after this much time?"
right for him. This is justice. And when we are describe justice, Allah
He knows better than us. So He said "If you do something wrong with
people, you must ask forgiveness from these people." If you do for
animal, also you... You can make if you're still making oppressing for
this animal, you cannot doing, ok. But if it is not, He can forgive. Allah
forgive. If really you want forgive, He give. Even for animal, when for
Qiyama only human being they will be forever living in paradise. But
for animal just to take their rights from each other Allah He will make
them to come back bodily in Qiyama. And if they was beating each
other or harming each other, who'd been harmed, he will be make
something for other one. And after they will be also earth. But to make
justice to come in right, Allah He will create them again and to take
revenge from other who was oppressing for them. And it is like this.
Nothing can disappear. Everything Allah knowing, He is writing to
give the right for these people. How they can give? If in dunya you
didn't make them happy, in akhira Allah He will take from your good
reward, give them. If you don't have reward, He will put their sin on
you also to be more heavy sin, you [will] have. Nothing it is forgotten.
Everything clear.
Once upon a time there was... There is people, if they have power and
from government or they have power also by themselves, they make
oppressing for people. One of these people he was... One dervish
passing through, and he was hitting him by stone on his head. And this
dervish he was weak. He cannot say, do anything. Only he was taking
this stone and keep it in his pocket. After many years, this man... Sultan
he was angry with him. And they take him, they want to punish him.
This dervish see this and this taking everything, putting in well to not
go out. This dervish coming and throwing this stone on his head, for
this man's head. He was "Why you are throwing me stone?" He said
"What I do for you? Why you're doing this? You see I'm here." He tell
him what he was doing before. And this man, he said "It was long time
in Qiyama I will take this revenge. But Allah... It is good for you also to
take it in dunya. Even it is better for you." This is what everybody must
know - to not harm people, to think before doing any wrong for people.
Because they will take their rights from him. And Allah He will give.
And we are asking Allah to not make us oppressors or to make any bad
thing for people.
One week remaining until the end of the holy month of Ramadan. It is
a blessed, beautiful month. Daytime is spent with fasting and reading
Qur'an. And nighttime is spent with prayers, sohbats and dhikr. It is a
month full of baraka. May Allah make it holy for all of us inshaAllah.
place. He has a specified timeline for everyone. You live this long and
will pass away after this long. As we've seen, how many Ramadans we
had so far, Allah knows how many we'll have more. But shukr to Allah,
He has given us its beauty. And Muslims and mumins (believers) are
feeling that beauty. Because as soon as Ramadan comes, everywhere
people either go to umrah, or Muslims gather to visit tombs and
Mashaikhs. Beautiful states come to Muslims who understand.
Of course, there are those who don't understand. Some people say
Ramadan doesn't come to such a country. Come or not, the blessing for
those not understanding over there, Allah will grant to those who are
understanding [Ramadan]. Allah is sending that mercy and blessing
according to the number of people. Who doesn't make it [fasting] can't
take it. Who are practicing are given it. What happens to the rest? Allah
Azza wa Jalla says: I don't take back what I give. Give to those who
make it in those place, so that they get the blessing. No need to worry
about who fasts and who doesn't. It doesn't matter. They know for
themselves. Everyone is responsible for himself. Take from what is
If Allah gives you a material or spiritual gift, don't turn it away. Some
people have very good work in dunya but they say they're tired of it.
Don't be tired of work. Take from the halal and nice provision given by
Allah. Don't show the opposite of adab. Allah gave you spiritual
provision too. Take from it too, don't turn it away. The more you take,
the more it will be, the more benefit it gives you. Don't say it's too much
or it's enough. If Allah gives, thank Him and make shukr. Therefore,
this month of Ramadan is a holy month, it's blessed. InshaAllah it will
be both apparent and spiritual baraka and cure for the sick, for people
who respect this month, who welcomed it well and bid it farewell
nicely. Of course, some people joke by saying "We're tired, we're
thirsty". But when Ramadan finishes, some sadness comes to a man as
if a good guest is gone. May Allah not take that beauty away from us.
May He make it more and give that beauty to people who haven't
tasted it so that they know.
One of our brothers came yesterday, may Allah be pleased with him.
He gave iftar here. He said "I used to come to Sheikh Effendi and
brought many people with me." People who came asked "What are we
doing here?" They came, kissed Sheikh Effendi's hand and took baraka.
Later they were saying - let's go again. And he'd say "for what should
we go?" They said: "We don't know." But as soon as you taste it, you
can't leave it. A man who takes from the beauty of Ramadan always
misses it. People rejoice when it comes every year and become sad
when it's gone.
And Ramadan, it is, there is night, the holiest night - Laylatu l-Qadr,
and it is most of time after 20th of Ramadan. So, until end this month
inshallah it will be, one of these nights inshaAllah. But when you are,
every night, you respect this night Allah, He can give the honour of this
night for you, also. And it is night better than thousand month.
Thousand month meaning, maybe, around 80, 85 years, something like
this. Because, there was in Bani Israil, some Prophets, 80 years they was
fighting not taking off their armor from themselves. So, when Sahaba
was hearing this, they surprising and they say :"What, it is too much".
And Allah sent Jibril and said: "There was one night, it is better than
this 80 years". Like Yusha ibn Nun, Sham'on and other one three of
them, they was fighting 80 years.
But this night, Laylat-ul Qadr - who can meet in this night, it is better
than 80 years in one night. So, Alhamdulillah, it is generosity of Allah
for Prophet Muhammad (sas) Nation, to be looking for this night. And
Allah giving from His Generosity. When He give from something, don't
say it is enough, it is enough for me. I don't want any more. This is rule
for everything. Sometimes, Allah open for people - in business even,
they have very good business, very good work and money coming for
them like river. But people, shaytan make them to say: "No, it is enough
for us, we don't want any more." When Allah close, it is difficult to
open second time. So, when it is open, take! Don't say: " It is enough,
thank you." And thank Allah. For spiritual [things] also, when it is
open, don't say: "it is enough". Take as much you can take.
from your house. You feeling little bit sad, little bit not happy. And
when coming, you are happy. It is taste for who, these people who
respecting Ramadan, not for other. But, if other they are taking this
taste and this sweetness, they will be also running after Ramadan. Like
yesterday was one, our brothers, he bring food for iftar, and he was
coming to Mawlana sometimes. He said: "I was bringing many people
with me. You know our people they are not interesting for sheikh, for
religion, for anything but because he is friend, they was coming just to
make him happy. And they ask him: " Why you are going? No need to
go." And he said when they are coming and kissing Mawlana hand and
taking bless, after one week, three days, they saying, "Come on to go, to
meet again sheikh." This time he was making joke: "Why? no need".
"No," they said, "we wasn't know about sheikh and his bless and his
sweetness. When we once met him, we like to meet him every time."
Ramadan also like this. If they take, taste of Ramadan, they will never
leave it. Allah make this taste all time with us and to give for other
people also. Allah to be in many Ramadan also together and to be
better with Sayyidina l-Mahdi inshaAllah. We hope inshaAllah, next
Ramadan to be give peace for this world inshaAllah.
Friday, July 10, 2015.
It's not much. Everyone can afford it. Rich or poor, everyone can give it
despite the amount. Because, as we said, poor people say "I'm not
dying from hunger, I can't give." When it comes to such good things
and worship. In fact, what they'll give is maybe 5 liras. Because this fitr
is calculated over flour, or grapes, or raisins or dates. What we call 1 sa'
of flour is maybe 2 kilograms, or 3 kilograms. 3 kg won't make 5 liras.
Poor ones can give it. They will have it anyway. The same will come to
them. But as we said, the poor say they can't give when it's about
worship. Same person cannot give up smoking no matter how poor he
is, he will buy his cigarettes for sure. And with money paid for
cigarettes a month he could sustain all his family.
As we said, smoking is bad from all sides. It's bad for health, money is
wasted. And money is wasted for haram because you take away from
the provision of your children. You burn money and get poisoned.
Even if smoking itself is not haram, it's haram to pay for it. May Allah
protect all of us. And inshaAllah blessings of the end of Ramadan will
be upon those who smoke so that they quit.
InshaAllah Laylat al-Qadr is also in these days. May it be holy for all of
us. It is a gift of Allah to the nation of Muhammad. It's a special gift for
the nation of our Prophet. Because, our Prophet used to say that there
were 3 men from Bani Israel. They made jihad for 80 years without
stopping. When sahabas bewailed they can't do that and can't reach
that Allah Azza wa Jalla said that one night is better than 80 years. 1000
months make 80 years. It's better than that, and that night is Laylat ul-
Qadr. And Allah Azza wa Jalla gave it to the nation of Muhammad. It
is a grant and gift of Allah. Other nations didn't have it. Gifts given to
the nation of Muhammad for the honor of our Prophet, all Prophets
wished for them saying, "If only we were not Prophets and were just
people from his nation". All Prophets would wish so.
Today the last day of Ramadan, Juma. It is holy day and holiest day for
nation of Prophet (sas). Allah give this day for him. And it is last day
for last Juma. Next Juma, inshaAllah Friday, it will be Eid. So
Alhamdulillah, we are coming to end of this holy month. Allah grant us
endless blessing. Because He said "I am rewarding for this month". And
we are happy we reached nearly to end this month, with His - what He
is happy with us to do, His order. We trying to make it and we
gathering together all people coming through long distance around, but
most of them they are coming from very far to see, visit Mawlana also
in Ramadan. And it is really good gift from Allah.
Because Allah He create us in last nation and this nation, Allah give
them many gift, specially holy night is Laylatu l-Qadr. It is like 1000
months, better than 1000 months. It is 1000 months, it's more than 80
years, 80. And many of old time prophets they was wishing to be one of
this nation of Prophet (sas). Better than to be prophet. Many of them
they wished to be like this. Alhamdulillah, Allah He is Creator, and He
give us this chance, this good gift, and we are happy with this. We are
thankful for Allah. Many people they not know about this. But
Alhamdulillah who are - Allah give them this understanding and put
them in good position - because it is also like dunya, some people they
are rich, some people they are poor and some people they are dying
from hunger. Also, this also lucky from Allah. To be rich for Akhirah,
for next day, not only for dunya. The more important thing to be rich
for Akhirah, for next life. And Allah give us this gift,
Alhamdulillah. And there is also in Ramadan, the end of Ramadan,
sadaqa, charity for everybody, he must give it. For fasting. Poor or rich,
because it is not so much, it is very small. But it is, if you give it before
salatul Eid, Eid praying, it is zakat. But after, if you forget and give
after salat, it is sadaqa. And the difference between zakat and sadaqa,
too much. Zakat it is obligatory. Sadaqa if you give 10,000 more than
zakat, it is not, you cannot reach it. The more important to do it before
salat al-Eid. And it is barakah for everybody and Allah grant poor
people also to do it. Because if they give, also they will take it again.
The people they will give them again, so it is no problem for them. But
shaytan make it, it's too big for them.
Especially people who are poor people they say "we cannot pay, we
cannot do anything, we are in very bad condition", but to give for
cigarette they are find from where they find. They give for cigarette.
And it is for one month it is enough even for whole family to live with
this money of cigarette. And it is very bad habit for everybody, for rich
or for poor people. And Ramadan it was very good opportunity to not
smoke anymore. And still there is 6 days until end of this month. And
who are, he have good intention, Allah help him in these 6 days to
finish from smoking illness. It is very bad illness, it is 100% bad. Not
even 1% it is good. It is making, poisoning for these men who are
smoking. And it is giving bad smell. And it is israf also. And it is haram
- 2 kinds haram - once because making yourself to be ill and second
one, you are burning money. It is not acceptable to burn money. Why
you take, you pay money and to bring and burn it there? Any clever
one he put one dollar or 2 dollars and burn it there? They will be, they
said to him "you are crazy". But they are giving $10, $20, I don't know
how much, for every day for burning. And it is haram also, for this
But who have intention inshaAllah this month until this Ramadan,
Allah help him to finish from this illness. Ask madad to help you, to get
help to finish from this illness. And to give this sadaqa it is for
everybody, small, big, for everybody. You must, for your family you
must give. Before salatu l-Eid, after salatu l-Eid, as we said it is sadaqa.
And Ramadan it is the most holiest month and it is nearly finished. But
Alhamdulillah we are so happy because Allah help us and inshaAllah
we are feeling His gift for spiritual body, even for physical body also
because it is connected. It is so much powerful.
And we are inshaAllah hoping next year to be better with Mahdi (as),
inshaAllah. This is important and we are believe because it is end of
time. And it is not belief of some part of Muslim, No it is belief of Ahl
as-Sunnah wa l-Jama'a because there is, it must be Qiyamah,
Judgement Day and it is near. Prophet (sas) he was saying, in hadith, in
Quran even "iqtarabati as sa'atu" (54:1) meaning the time is approach
very near. And it is everything in signs to, it is finish. All people they
are... In Quran also - there is people they are like drunk, they are not
knowing what happened. But it will come and it will be happened.
InshaAllah who following right way he will be safe here and hereafter,
Bi hurmati l-Fatiha.
But people don't accept it now. Everyone wants to study and graduate
from universities to become engineers, doctors, lawyers. They want to
be these the most. The world is going to be filled with them. It can't be.
Allah Azza wa Jalla created everyone suitable for a certain occupation.
When a man does what he is suitable for, he continues his job with
happiness and pleasure and continues his life with it. But people
deceive them too by saying they can get a better job. They say "Leave
this job, you can do better jobs" and despise the work for which Allah
created the man suitable and in which He put ease. They try to
dissuade others from their work and make them do other things. And
afterwards they can't succeed in it. Thus people become destroyed and
lose confidence in themselves. Whereas, if they are satisfied and say "I
love this job, I should do it as my provisions come from it", it will be
enough. They will live well and comfortably.
But there are human shaitans, shaitan and ego. They oppress people in
this world and send them all to hell in akhira. It is like this in
everything. Say what you know and don't interfere in what you don't
know, or don't give an opinion. If Allah showed you the right thing, if
you're sure about, then say it. If not, no need. Don't embarass yourself.
These things we say about are not only for common people, but also for
hojas and those who think they are Sheikhs. When a man sees his
Sheikh... Sheikh receives inspirations from Allah, spiritual
manifestations come to him. He can see things that other people can't
see and tell good things and give orders. Sometimes he can tell strange
things, but that has its wisdom. It becomes useful for people
afterwards. And because he's a Sheikh, he doesn't speak according to
his mind. They are rare people. Sheikhs are not 1 in 1,000, one in a
million. There may not even be one in 10 million or 100 million. There
is no rule for those who follow a Sheikh to do as the Sheikh does. Your
rule is to follow your Sheikh's prayers, fasting and worshippings. Don't
interfere in other things. You should speak if you know. If you don't
know and think "Sheikh would give nice orders I should do something
too", then it will be a sin on you and you will have harmed people. You
will be punished by Allah in akhira and your Sheikh won't look at you.
Your Sheikh didn't order you so. His order: Say what you know, the
right thing.
As I said, one day one of the holy men asked one of the Awliya, the
head of the Abdal to make him one of them and take him with them.
He said "Ok. Let's go, come with us." They went up to minaret. The
Abdal gathered on top of minaret, Sheikh said "Let's go" and each of
them went off the balcony and flew and went. All of them came and
disappeared. At last, the Sheikh said "Now it's your turn". The man had
sold all his property, divorced his wife and left everything to become
one of the abdal and to follow them. He struggled until the morning
and couldn't jump. The Sheikh was by his side. It was his order. And if
a man continues giving orders assuming he's a Sheikh, he would ruin
all people there.
When he couldn't do it until morning, the Sheikh came back from his
mission and saw he was still there and said "May Allah be pleased with
you. You did what you could because it is not an order of shariat. If it
was a shariat order, the Prophet would fly too, sahabas would fly too.
But this is special. It's for tariqa. You can't do it, so you should leave it.
Take your property back, get your wife back and sit in your place. No
sin for you." This Sheikh is the real Sheikh. But there are crazy Sheikhs
who ruin people and are of no use. We're giving this example as it is a
remarkable example. They take people's property, break people's fast a
day early, make Eid according to their minds. It can't be like this. You
are not Sheikh, you don't take orders, so you can't make people do this.
There was wisdom in everything Mawlana did. And nothing was done
opposite fard or wajib things in his life. Those are not your duty. You're
not capable to do so. You should do all sunnah, fard, mustahab and
wajib you saw your Sheikh doing. Other things are not necessary. No
need to exaggerate further. And I'm telling this for Ramadan because
sometimes people say "This said this, that said that". No need to follow
someone else. Our Sheikh showed us the right way. We will go on that
way. Don't blur your minds otherwise. Don't believe anyone. No need
for things out of what told by Sheikh Effendi. Even if it's true, it's
enough what you do. May Allah be pleased. It will be enough for you
for seven generations with Allah's permission. The way shown by
Sheikh Effendi is a beautiful way, a pure way.
Allah Azza wa Jalla said He create everybody and create character and
job for everybody - what he can do. There's billions of people, they are
look alike together but no one exactly the same like each other. And it is
But if he don't like job it is like a prison. Prison. Staying, looking, now
in our country also, they putting in one job who can one man do it one
job, they put ten people and ten they're not doing even [the work of]
one man. And all looking for clock, for watch - what time, it is time to
go home? It is like prison, prison. This is not good. Allah create
everybody for something. If he do he will be happy and he will be more
useful for human being, for himself, for his country. But since 200 or
100 years, all people they like to not do anything, just sitting like in
prison, in office and waiting hour going home, home-hour. But it is not
good. This for everything.
If you know something you can do, you can be happy because you feel
you are useful. But if you're not happy, only you feel yourself like
useless. But Allah Azza wa Jall He didn't create anything useless.
Everything good, and Allah make him, give him speciality. But if he
not like to do it, he's become useless by himself. It is like this, now,
these days. All people they want to study all people they want to go to
college, to university. Only this what they think. Finished now
university, what we will do? Nothing. Thousand, hundred thousand
people same thing they are reading, they are studying. After, very few
they can find what they study, they working another thing.
This is for dunya, it is ok, maybe they are free what they can do, they
can do. But for Akhirah also there is special people who Allah choosing
them. They are very rare people. Not maybe in thousand, one - in
thousand maybe none, not even hundred thousand he cannot get one
from this because maybe from 100 million you can find only, who
something. It is very rare, these people and they are chosen like
Mawlana Sheikh. And he has wisdom, he has everything and he left for
us everything we in need: what we will do, praying, fasting, how to
deal with people, how to be good character and everything he teach us.
But there's some people they like to do not only Mawlana, other also,
there is many people they are trying to be seen like sheikh or like
scholar so they are saying something. Everywhere we see, in television,
in other place.
Many people they are not saying this thing - Only to be famous and to
be, try to imitate Sheikh. No, Sheikh when he is saying something, he
get order from, and he know the real thing and he give this order for
people. If we don't have this sure it is right, we no need to say for
people 'do this, do that'. Only what we are ordering this, them to be
following what Mawlana show us - The good way. No need to make,
try to make new thing. Only he teach us it is enough for Qiyamah for
us, for our generation also. No need to make a new thing. Because they
was, the awliya sometimes they are doing things ordinary people they
cannot do. But they have power and they have order to do. But if you
don't have this and you try to do something it will be bad for you and
bad for these people who are following you. There was one man, old
time, following sheikh and sheikh he was big awliya, from Abdal. He
asking, trying to say "O make me like this awliya". He said, "you sell
your everything and come to us". And this man he give everything,
even he divorce his wife and he come to this man and he said "Ok,
come with me", this sheikh. They went to minaret and there was awliya
coming, there was everyone coming, making "Allah, Bismillah", flying
from minaret. 41 they are flying and coming this man and sheikh say
"Ok, say Bismillah and fly". He put his one leg, and say "Bismillah", he
cannot. He afraid. Again "Bismillah" not, sheikh he was fedup from him
he went. After fajr time they was coming, all of them and he was, this
man, still in minaret, he cannot do anything. He said, "Ok, you give
everything but it is, you are not blamed because this is not Sharia, this
is only for special people who can do this. It is no blame for you. So I
will give you back your property, money, everything, and you take
back your wife. And go, stay in your... Only for ta'lim this. Because it is
not Sharia, if it was Sharia, Prophet and Sahaba they must fly like this.
But it's not order for them, only special people they have this kind of
know. Don't interfere with what you don't know. Don't interfere. Only
no need to be look like doing new thing, new fashion. "O people who
look for this man what he is saying, what he is telling people, it is nice."
It is not good to make yourself blamed in Akhirah to make people
happy in this world. Even if you do this, they will be not happy
because it will be against them also. Only follow mashshayikh and
what they are teaching us. They are not making anything outside of
Sharia or Tariqa.
"Irhamu man fil ardi yarhamukum man fi s-sama" It's a hadith of our
Prophet. Be merciful to the ones on earth so that Allah shows mercy to
you. How should you be merciful? Don't oppress people, don't trouble
them. A Muslim is a brother to another Muslim. He should cover the
other's needs. He can do so when someone's in need. And our Prophet
is saying a man cannot reach real faith if he doesn't love his Muslim
brother as much as he loves himself. He cannot reach real faith. How is
mercy? If you bring someone to a right path, you will have shown
mercy to him. If you show someone something good, you are merciful
to him and will reach to mercy of Allah.
It is for everything, not only for people. Doing good for all creatures is
an order. It is an order of Allah to us to treat everyone with mercy and
goodness. Not only living, but also non-living things. Don't cut and
burn trees without need. Don't do whatever bad thing you have in your
mind. Allah created us to do only good things, not to do bad things, but
only for goodness. He created us for doing goodness for a few days and
then going to akhira as good. And all orders tell to do good, be merciful
and be straight. If your Muslim brother or someone else asks for advice
from you - how to do something - you must give him the advice and
show the way as you would like to do it for yourself. His property,
family and children; you must treat them in the same way you treat
yours. You should be merciful to them and give them advice or show
them good things like showing the way when needed.
If they ask about work, if you know, you should tell them: "This work
is suitable for you and you can do it well." But it won't be nice to
introduce them to bad people and waste their property. It isn't proper
for people, and less proper for Muslims. If you're not sure 100%, you
can say this work has these positives and these negatives - so that you
either suggest it or not. But if you go to someone and tell him there is
this good job you don't know about and then cause all his property to
be lost, you will have committed sin. And you will have taken his sin as
well for wasting the provision of his children. If he starts that work and
you are his guarantor, you must pay him back. If not, you must say it's
not good.
This is big mercy for people too. Because property is a slice of life. If a
man earns from halal work, he can do something little by little. But
there are many wolves now who take people's properties. The person's
property is gone - that's not a big deal - their families are harmed. Their
families and children also will have damage. Therefore, they are
oppressing people and will be responsible for it in akhira. You can
spend from your property as much as you like. But if you say "It's
someone else's money, I don't care. I don't have to spend from my own"
then you don't comply with Islam. You can't act according to your
mind and say you're Muslim in such a way.
You should pay attention to this. These are very important things. Treat
people, Muslims, everyone with mercy. Be merciful and treat them
with care.
(sas) saying: Be merciful, mercy for who are in Earth, Allah He will be
mercy with you. All people, everything in Earth, you must be merciful
for them. And they was saying nobody can be real believer if he not
love his Muslim brother like himself. For Muslim we must, we love, but
for to be merciful for everybody in this Earth. We cannot oppress
anybody. For animal also, especially for them also because they don't
have tongue to say anything. If you are oppressing for them Allah
make more punishment for you in Qiyamah. Not only for who they
have [life]: nonliving, not only who has soul like human being or like
animal or other, for everything in Earth you must be merciful. Even
when you are drinking from water it is forbidden to make it dirty. For
you cannot cut, burn anything by yourself - not destroying nature. It is
like this Allah's order: To be mercy for everything. No need to destroy.
Without reason don't make any wrong for this Earth. Allah will reward
you. And it is to help your brothers, it is also from this mercy. You can
help them. What they in need you must look for them from nasiha, to
advise from... to show them right way.
If they asking anything you know you can tell them what you know
and what you don't know don't tell them 'I knowing' and tell them to
wrong way. It is also not good. Specially for to be mercy for people.
Sometime they are asking for advice for their living - 'If we do this it is
good or not good'. If it is good you know, you tell them 'this is like this.
Maybe it will be good, maybe this side good, this side not good, but
maybe if you try it can be good'. But if not good, best don't say to them
'it is good'. But you can say this is what I not happy with this work. But
sometime people they are insist so you must say to them - be careful. It
is not look like so good but they said we can do you must tell them be
But there is advice for some people coming tell them they don't know
anything from business or from what they do for living. The people
they say 'oh, bring your money we can do this business together and it
will be good'. If you are sure, you must be, put guarantee - if this not
working, 'I can't afford your what you lose from money'. If it not like
this it is haram for this man because this money they bring from small,
small, by halal and many people they are not... because they are not
their money they happy to spend it. If it is win or if it is lose, 'never
You must be more careful for your brothers or for your community
who asking you because there is a hadith say: "mu'tamana" who asking
something for you, you must give them the 100% right answer. Don't
cheat them. This is order of Islam and you must be careful for this.
Because many people they imagine they are doing good thing, but you
must be calculate and look very carefully and after, you make this.
Allah not let us to do any wrong thing. For people or for Muslim, for
non-Muslim even.
Monday, July 13, 2015.
That is no problem, but Laylatu l-Qadr was a secret from the beginning.
The Prophet (sas) was asked, what night it was? He replied, "If I told
you you would not worship other than that night." Because that nigh
all sins are erased, you can get what you want, so other times you won't
do anything. So Allah Almighty has hidden Laylatu l-Qadr. In one of
the nights out of 365 it could be, but usually in Ramadan and usually in
the last 10 days. Because of this and some people say we read in this
book or that, and do not value other nights - this is not correct. All
nights of Ramadan, but specially the last 10 nights are so holy nights
and days. Also the Prophet (sas) in last 10 days was putting his holy
bed and all the things he needed and putting them in a corner of
mosque and hanging a curtain and worshipping inside the curtain. In
last 10 days He was sleeping very little.
This is a lesson for us, it is a nice thing that he showed us. It is not
correct to search and look for only one day, We have to respect all the
nights. Think of all nights as Laylatu l-Qadr, said Mawlana Sheikh. His
first Sheikh told him like that. The first lesson for our Sheikh, think of
all nights as Laylatu l-Qadr and everyone as Hz. Khidr. It is also not
obvious which person Khidr is. There may be a man you do not like, he
may be Khidr. He becomes a reason for you to be good to all people.
Wisdom, this Tariqa is a wisdom. Islam is knowledge but the ones who
understand its wisdom are only the tariqa members. Why can't I see?
Because this is the wisdom if you see you will obey your ego then. You
won't make any good thing. If I catch that night all my sins will be
forgiven, I will get what I want. You will get lazy, will become a slave
for your ego. May Allah make it holy for us inshaAllah all these
Laylatu l-Qadr nights. Even if not this night we are doing with that
intention, its baraka will be upon us InshaAllah and be a blessing and
baraka for all nights inshaAllah.
Today, tonight, we are hope it is Laylatu l-Qadr, holy night. But it is not
sure. Not sure because, not sure because this night, Allah keeps it
hidden. In 365 days, or 364 Arabic calendar one night of them, it is holy
Qadr night. And it is blessed night. if somebody can reach it and see
that moment everything it will be forgiven for him and Allah will give
him what he want. For this, sometimes, Sahabas they was asking
Prophet (sas) - Which night? Sometime he said maybe 23 of Ramadan.
Next year he said 24. Maybe after, 27. It is rainy night. Next year, it is
not rainy night. It is hot, it is cold. But every time he saying different
thing. And he was true because, it is not same night can be in same
year. Every year it is different.
Hiding all around year. But it is more in Ramadan. and it is more in the
end of Ramadan, ten days of end of Ramadan. Because, Prophet (sas),
he was worshipping in these days and when coming 19th of Ramadan,
he bring his bed and things for him, what he want to use, to his
mosque, Masjid Nabawi Sharif. and making tent and he staying there.
Ten days, even not sleeping, very few sleeping - all time worshiping
and praying and showing us how it is holy nights these ten days of end
of Ramadan.
So, it is not important to reach, to search for Laylatu l-Qadr. Who only
searching for Laylatu l-Qadr, he didn't take anything from wisdom. The
wisdom of Laylatu l-Qadr, to be respect every moment you [are] in this
life. Don't make it go to wasting. And it is the first lesson Mawlana
Sheikh, he was taking from his sheikh in Istambul when he met him.
He said when he was entering, he was saying for people - and it is of
course sign for Mawlana also - you must respect every night as it is
Laylatu l-Qadr. You must, don't say it is not. No. S you can miss it. And
you must respect every man like Khidr (as). Khidr he is changing, he is
after, notdying prophet. He is prophet, but he is still alive since
thousand of years. And he going around Nation of Prophet (sas), in
different shape. And who can meet him and take blessing from him, he
will be get everything. Laylatu l-Qadr also same thing but Allah, He
hide them to make people to respect people, to each other.
Even some people, they are don't like one man maybe, maybe Allah
make him in his shape, Khidr in his shape this man. So, you must be
respect for everybody and you must be respect for this holy night also.
And this is what his Sheikh, first sheikh, Mawlana was telling about.
For Mawlana, it was signing for these people to show he is addressing
Mawlana like very holy sheikh he will be. You must be respect this
people. Maybe, there was many good people that time but I don't think
they will imagine some young man coming to them, to be like this big
station. Just they're listening like this I think. But it was also Sheikh, he
was knowing who is coming and he was addressing him. Allah make
Tuesday, July 14, 2015.
You don't have to obey and listen to them no matter who they are. But
it says to treat your parents with goodness. As we said before - don't
try to explain to them something and argue because of it and don't
quarrel with them. If you know they don't like the way you are in, the
way of Allah, don't put them into more sin. Speak to them of this and
that. Speak in a way they will like. But as we said, if you know there are
things they don't like, don't talk about those issues. There is an ayat
which says this about parents and tells not to curse at what normal
people and people without belief worship. Then they will swear at
Allah, they will swear at the Prophet. You enter into sin when you hear
Therefore, try to get along well with people. You can't oppose
everything. If you know that a person won't change, just avoid these
issues. No need to confront each other on these matters. It will happen
slowly if Allah gives guidance. You don't have the possibility or the
strength to bring everyone to the right way all at once. But if Allah
wants, they will come slowly slowly. He doesn't lead people to things,
which will make them regret more. Don't put people into more sin.
These are important instructions and the beautiful adab of Islam.
Allah give us the best manner, teach us the best manner in Islam.
Teaching every good thing. In Islam, nothing it is bad. Nothing
anybody can say 'this is bad' in Islam. But the, it is giving view for
everything, to respect people, to respect family, father, mother, even
you are believer, they are not believer. They said in Quran (29:8, 31:15)
you must be respect for them and you must help them. Don't say to
them any bad word. But if they are asking you to do what Allah not
ordering don't obey them. Don't obey them, don't do this. Because no
order is over Allah's order.
You must do what Allah orders. But when you do this, don't come
fighting with your family or who are not believer. If you know this
subject is not good for, they're not happy with them and they will be
angry, don't speak this. Speak another kind of thing. And for normal
people also, don't make them angry with you or for your religion.
Because Allah also say in Quran don't swear on what [is] their idol,
they will be swear on Allah and Prophet. No need, because it is not
good thing. Nothing in normally, but when you say something and
they are not happy and you swore on their idol, they will swear on you
also, on Allah and Prophet, and every holy thing you have. And it will
be bad thing for them and it is bad for you also because you make this
subject to come in nothing. If you know these people you can speak
about sports. You can speak about tales, you can speak about nature,
anything else but don't speak what they are not happy with this.
If Allah give them hidayah (guidance) they can come but if they don't
Wednesday, July 15, 2015.
big scholar. No one wanted to marry her. Allah had created her ugly.
She had no proposals. He found one blind man at last. They took the
blind man as a groom and they got married. They made their
livelihood, shukr to Allah, and had no problems. Because he was blind
and couldn't see. There was no doctor at that time. And one doctor
came from some place. They said to the scholar "Look, your son-in-law
is blind. This man is a doctor, he can open his eyes. He's a good doctor.
Why don't you go and see him?" The scholar replied "This blind man
married my daughter because he doesn't see. If his eyes open and he
starts seeing, he will leave her and run away. It's better he remains like
this, they're having a good life. No need to open his eyes on something
else. And it's not clear if his eyes will open or not. He is satisfied with
his condition. He's in difficult condition and he's satisfied with it. But if
he sees, he won't accept the situation he's in."
Everybody's ego is like this. As much as you can, it's better not to get
used to luxury. Make it difficult on your ego a little bit. Don't give your
ego what it wants. It's even in the qasida burda "inna n-nafsa", ego
doesn't want to leave you like a baby sucking her mother's breast. But
they wean the baby at last. Same with ego. You can wean your ego
from bad habits and wrong doings just like this.
Not everything you can find. Mawlana also, whole life he had
everything but he was liking to live simple. He don't like luxury. He
was angry with people who try to bring some new thing for him. Only
he want simple thing. And it is good for ego because ego, it is happy
with nonsense, with not useful. If you have, if you have ten cars, you
cannot ride on all of them, only one you can ride. But ego want maybe,
want hundred also. Don't make it for this, like this. Because, people
trying to get more and more and more, not satisfy.
And there is one story about this also. Once upon a time there was a big
scholar, 'alim. and he was respected one but he has daughter. And
daughter, she was ugly. But Allah He create her like this. What he will
do? Nothing. Nobody ask for her, to marry her. So at the end, he found
one blind one and they married. Alhamdulillah, he was happy, she was
happy also, no problem. Alhamdulillah, she was like this many years.
After, they said, there is one doctor coming from far away and he is
very good doctor, maybe he can open eyes for this man. They ask this
'alim, scholar: "You are rich, and you can afford for this doctor to cure
your son-in-law eyes". He said: "No! If he open his eyes, he will run
away, but now he is very good."
It is like this, it is. Everybody when used to luxury, he will want more,
but when he is like this, it is ok. And ego, even in Qasida burda also
say, it is like baby when giving milk with mother milk, never stop.
Even 4 years, 5 years. I saw some of them 6 years they was still getting
milk. But if you cutting, it will be finish. It is for ego like this. Don't
make your ego you be servant for your ego. No, he must be servant for
you. We have see also, may people they are servant for dog, looking
after dog, serving them. But, normally dog must be looking for
guarding, looking after sheep. But people, they are taking in house and
serving them, cleaning, giving food, afternoon they going around them,
only service. So, ego also the same like dog. You can use it for both
sides But be clever, and use it to serve you, not you serve it.
It is said in Qur'an Azimu Shan, hasha, if there were two gods, this
universe wouldn't remain in its place, it would be destroyed and
disappear (21:22). He addresses people according to their minds. There
is nothing like this anyway. Allah Azza wa Jalla addresses people
according to their thoughts. He gives two people, two sultans who can't
be in the same place as an example. They won't be able to control each
other and will argue. If one likes something, the other won't. If one
does something, the other will ruin it. It is like this.
One God and He is the best Creator. He create for us this world. He put
summer, He put winter, cold, hot, everything in this life. And you must
be happy because they have reason. But for other, next life, there is life,
different, very different from this life. No hot, no cold, it is no eye see it
before, no ear hear what in this life before. All good thing. Only for this
world Allah create all this condition, all these creatures, and He is
knowing and He is happy with this, we must be happy also. You must
accept and we are we must do our best for Allah to be happy with us.
So Alhamdulillah, good tidings for us, for Eid tomorrow. Allah sent His
gift from one day before. Alhamdulillah, Allah make us in this way,
with in safe from this fitna and bad people, and to meet Sayyidina al
Mahdi (as) inshaAllah, very soon, because the world, everywhere,
boiling from fitna and only Mahdi (as) can stop. And we are waiting for
him inshaAllah, Allah reward us for this.
Friday, July 17, 2015.
May Allah make the Eid of Ramadan holy to all of us. This Eid is a
holiday appointed by Allah. This one and Eid al-Adha, these two
holidays are the gifts Allah gave to Muslims. There are rewards for
rejoicing on these holidays and visiting each other. As long as it is done
for the pleasure of Allah, it has big rewards.
Because Muslims nowadays, most Muslims, know nothing about
religion except Eid. We are living in the days of very weak faith.
Nevertheless, if people respect these holidays and congratulate each
other, even this has a reward from Allah. Allah doesn't forget. He says
"These people are showing respect to the days I show respect to, and
are happy about it", and it will benefit them with Allah's permission.
Even if they don't do anything, inshaAllah it can be a means for
departing with faith in last breath.
Because most people, as we said, there are many Muslims who know
nothing about being Muslim. Muslims, when Eid comes, visit each
other and visit the graves. All of these are sunnah. It has its reward.
Muslim people who passed away await to be visited during Eid. This
is on Friday, Monday and Eid holidays they wait who visits them. They
see who comes and goes and hear their Fatiha. They don't need money
then. If you throw money on them, nothing will happen. You can use it
for charity on their behalf. Otherwise, when you visit and read Fatiha,
you will have given them the biggest gift.
People who are angry at each other should make peace. Many indeed
visit and congratulate each other. It's not like any other holiday,
because Allah has appointed it. They've made holidays for every day
now in the world. And they are not for Allah. All of them are for
shaitan, just in order for people to do shopping and cheat people. This
holiday and that holiday... There's only one Holiday, a holiday
appointed by Allah. There have been many events and many days in
the world. They can be good days, but not holidays. You can say shukr
to Allah for having such days, for these things happened. But they are
not holidays. Real holiday is the one appointed by Allah - Eid of
Ramadan, first day of Shawwal, after finishing the fasting and three
holy months. It is a grant for people, both outwardly and spiritually.
The night and day of Eid are very holy. For every tiny goodness Allah
gives to people from His treasures. We don't want to say it here, but we
have to say it. Because people hear from here and there. Some new
ideas say visiting graves is not permitted, it is a sin. It's not a sin. It is
the sunnah of our Prophet. There are hadith also, many hadiths say
"Visit your deceased parents. There is big sawab for visiting graves on
Friday". Visiting relatives, Muslims going and visiting other Muslims
bring for each step: one sawab, one sin is forgiven, and one rank is
increased. Our Prophet says so.
All of these things that need to be done are sunnah. These new people,
as I said, people without knowledge of religion, teach people about
religion. What they say is not in Islam. It isn't forbidden to visit graves
in Islam. There isn't any not visiting of people by each other. Only
people who are outside religion can say such things according to their
minds and they are new bid'a doers (sahibul bid'at). These things have
been done for 1400 years. Nobody objected.
they don't respect great ones and their ancestors. And when they do
like this, punishment comes to them. They have no blessings either in
dunya, nor any benefit in akhira. Don't be deceived by them.
We hear a lot here, we didn't want to say in the beginning, but we see
everyone says "This said that..." They assume this internet is Qur'an,
whereas, it is just a tool of shaitan, nothing else. So many people have
lost their property and possessions and lives. Every kind of dirtiness is
there. What you hear from there is not trustworthy. People should go
on as they see, what is seen and done is right. Other things are new,
whispers of shaitan. Soldiers of shaitan do them and make people
enemies to each other. Who makes Muslims enemies to each other?
Only shaitan. Nothing else.
Therefore, these Eids are beautiful occasions. May Allah not separate us
from the right way. May Allah protect these people and their children
from the evil of shaitan, from the evil of Iblis and the evil of his
soldiers. May you have blessed Eid InshaAllah. Eid Mubarak,
It is holy days. The most holiest feast. Allah give us two feasts, for
Ramadan, and for Hajj this Eid ulAdha. He put it and He want people
to respect it, Muslims to respect it. Alhamdulillah the Muslims
everywhere they are respecting this month and this Eid also. And they
are visiting each other and meeting and respecting and they are doing
every good thing. Even who are not praying whole years - whole year,
only 2 days they pray: once in this Eid, second in next Eid.
Many people like this because they don't know anything about Islam
but they are, Allah give them this, to respect these Eid days - 1st of
Shawwal and 10th Dhi l-Hijjah until the 14th. And it is good because
Allah He like [us] to praise what He praises. wa man yu'adhdhim
sha'a-ira Allahi fa innaha min taqwa lqulub (22:32) (who honors the
symbols of Allah it is from piety of hearts). This is a gift from Allah and
even people they are not doing anything from Islam, only respecting
Eid, Allah will help them to save them from every badness, inshaAllah.
Because they are respecting and they are going visiting parents, visiting
friend, visiting Muslims and they are visiting also grave of their father,
mother or family or friend.
grave father and mother, Friday, it is big blessing for you and for this
the people who are not practising Islam even they are going and
visiting their family and the grave of family. And there's mindless
people they are saying this is not from Islam, this is shirk. How it will
be shirk? How who going visiting graves, how? What is connection
between shirk and between to visit graveyard? Allah Hayy, Allah is
Alive and these people, they are passed away. How you can... Who he
is saying this, he is mushrik. To make that people partner for Allah, this
is craziness. They don't have any good thinking. No thinking at all.
Islam not like this. Islam the top of... who following Islam he's better
than angel. But who is doing this, he's worse than animal. Because
animal only when need something he can make bad thing. But these
people all time they are doing bad thing. And now it is Eid. Even for
Eid also, they are not respecting. How they will respect, if not
respecting Prophet (sas) they will repect Eid? No they are really cursed
people. This is what only you can say for them. Allah save our Ummati
Muhammad (sas) from these people, from their bad acting and keep us
away from this fitna, inshaAllah.
However, even though some people accept it, those who follow them
don't think it's right. They speak about that person not with love, but
with hate, or they look at him with disgust. He is trying to do good and
doesn't see his badness - that person can't see his own badness because
he follows his ego and does everything according to his desires. He
doesn't value other people because he is looking for his own benefit
and satisfying his ego. And for him everything about him is good, and
other things are not good.
Most people are like this. He thinks he's doing good and people follow
him. Whereas, people only tolerate him by swearing in order to get rid
of him. Most people are like this. Only a few people like bad things.
Whoever does bad it is only because they are defeated by their ego.
Following one's ego dishonours a person. It makes him fall into a
ridiculous situation. Therefore, may Allah protect all of us from the evil
of our egos. We are speaking about people who trying to teach people
something, they're not... no different than these people. How they
learning, teaching people, good or not good? But most people they are
teaching people bad thing, bad action, bad doing. Only very few you
can find who are teaching people good thing. Even they are teaching
bad thing but they are showing people it is the best thing, they are top
of knowledge. But it is cursed and it is doing very bad thing for human
being, for people. For everything they are doing bad thing. It is not
good what they are doing, what they are teaching because they are
teaching by themself and their ego. And they are knowing when we are
saying something it will be take long time to people to know it, if it is
good or not good.
Some of them they write book about Communism. After they died,
after 50 year Communism coming and it was curse for all human being
they are just for to make their ego satisfied they are doing this. And the
crazy people trying to make it true. It is one example for what ego can
do for the human being; how it is bad for the human being.
It is just one from thousand, from million idea these people they are
trying to do. Only to make their ego high and to make their name to be
famous, they are doing this. But Alhamdulillah, most of them, nobody
care about them now. But still they are doing and they are finding
follower for every bad thing. Some people and they are thought they
are valuable for human being, for country people, but people they are
fed up from these people.
Now they coming by another type. They are now, they are trying, they
are saying "we are the best, we are know about knowledge of Islam. We
are know about everything. You are all people, wrong. You are all in
wrong way". But it is like one man, old time he built one nice mosque,
very nice mosque. And one man he come and he said "can I be muezzin
for this mosque?" This man he was gentle and he is polite he said, "ok,
you can do azan", and he was doing azan. His voice, it was the worst
voice. It is like crow or more worse. And these people they was
complaining "what is this?" And he couldn't say to him 'go away'. Just
he thinking and he find, said, "there's another village they want
muezzin. I give you 20 lira, you go there, they will be happy". And he
went. After a while he come and said "You cheat me. These people they
are giving 30 lira for me to leave this". This man he was laughing for
him. He said, "No, you stay. They will give you more to go away".
It is like this, these people now, they are doing, they thought they are
doing good but they are doing worse and all people they are fed up
from them. Praying for Allah - O Allah, take this bala from Ummatu
Muhammad." InshaAllah, Allah put them to oppressor people to fight
with oppressor people, and to finish all of them, inshaAllah.
people who make religion as fashion say we shouldn't fear Allah. No. If
you don't fear Allah, then you fear your ego. You follow your ego.
Nothing else. Why are we saying this? A man or a woman, no one is
superior to the other. Only by obeying Allah and by carrying out
Allah's orders can one be superior.
One of them was our late Hajja Anne. She served Sheikh Effendi. Hajja
Anne served Sheikh Effendi for 50 years. And she left to heaven 10-11
years ago. Truly she had been paralyzed before her death. Her face had
changed. When she died, she became like before and full of light. You
couldn't say she was dead. It was so apparent. Her station was
revealed. Sheikh Effendi is a witness too that among 40 saints, 7 are
women. He said one of them was Hajja Anne, may Allah sanctify her
secret. May Allah grant us her intercession.
Some people now say "alaihi rahma" for Sheikh Effendi. Common
people can say so but our brothers, people of tariqa, should say "may
Allah increase his station", "may his maqam be higher", or "may we
attain his intercession". Because they are Awliya servants of Allah,
Allah's beloved servants. We should say it differently than common
people. Mercy is mercy for everyone. Praising Awliyas and saying so is
better for you.
Our Hajja Anne, shukr to Allah, didn't harm anyone. She gave benefit
to all of our brothers, those who saw and those who didn't see her.
Because she was a person who supported and served Sheikh Effendi
since the beginning, didn't demand anything and wasn't a burden on
him. Therefore, Sheikh Effendi turned to Allah with all his being. He
This is first thing, everybody equal. But there is another thing after this
- the best for Allah, the most loved for Allah, is who obeying Allah. He
doing what Allah ordered to do. And he afraid from Allah, to do any
wrong thing. They said you must afraid from people who are not afraid
from Allah, from God because they don't have anything to prevent
them from to do any wrong thing. But there is philosophy people, they
said you mustn't be afraid from Allah. We are afraid, we said we are
weak, we are afraid from Allah. It is not shame, not wrong thing. Who
are not afraid from Allah, he is afraid from people. He is afraid from
low, afraid from ego, afraid from everything but not afraid from Allah.
But who afraid from Allah, he not afraid from anything else. This is
one, also second thing.
Who are near for Allah, he is in high position. He is more higher than
other. Every people equal but now it is coming to be higher and higher.
Who is higher? Not you are white you must be high. No. If you are
worshipping and obeying Allah, the highest one you are. If you are
black, if you are green, you are yellow, whatever you but when you are
following order of Allah and obeying you are the highest one. And this
is was for ladies also. Like wife of the Pharaoh who was fighting with
Sayyidina Musa, her name was Asiya. She is mentioning in Quran,
many place, and Maryam, daughter of Imran, and mother of Prophet
(sas). Rabiya al-Adawiyyah, thousand of women they get the highest
position in Divine Presence. And they was women. No problem for
them because they have wisdom of what they... Allah create them like
this. The cannot be seen themselves are lower than other people. No,
they are very high.
And there was many like this and the last one Hajji Anne, she also. She
was helping all of us. Even until now everybody can benefit from her
service, from her helping because she was helping Mawlana, not asking
anything, just doing everything for him and he was only looking for
helping for Allah to help ummat, nation of Prophet (sas). She wasn't
complain, she wasn't to do anything wrong with people, all, every time
she helped people and she get the highest maqam, Alhamdulillah. And
we say Allah make her to take shafa'a (intercession) for us for Jannah,
to be with them inshaAllah.
A man never feels regret for things done for Allah, done purely for the
pleasure of Allah. When a man does this, he doesn't regret either in
dunya and will find its reward in akhira.
Since those times, this island has been under Muslim rule from time to
time. And finally, it was completely ruled during the Ottomans as a
part of the Islamic Caliphate government. They never felt regret. So
many things were done. Then this and that happened. By the wisdom
of Allah, at the end Turks conquered it in 1974 as it is today. But this
time it was done not for raising the word of religion, but for other
purposes. They are in such condition now that everything is mixed up.
If it was done for Allah there would be no problem. It wasn't done for
Then, I have to say it now here, before help came from Turkey and
people started immigrating here, all the mosques were full on Fridays
and Ramadans with local people. Now they're not full even with those
who came. Who came here got spoilt too because there was no
sincerity. That's why, there're always problems. And what shall we do?
Isn't there a solution for this? There is, with Allah's permission. Turn to
Allah. Allah will help you. Like He helped our ancestors, He will help
you. It is as easy as that.
Now I see that people are going astray more and more. Therefore, there
can't be help, only regret like - "If only we did, if only we didn't..."
Shukr to Allah, Allah gave us such a beautiful place. We should thank
Allah and come back to Him. We should do what Allah tells us so that
He helps us inshaAllah. May this beautiful land be cheered with
adhans, Qur'an and Islam. Light will come with this. Otherwise, it
won't. Only darkness will come.
Allah gives everyone his right today too, He doesn't oppress any
Muslims, no one. Even if non-Muslims live in the same place, their
rights will be given too. This is Allah's order. Therefore, everything will
be solved. As long as the order of Allah is followed, everything works
out. But when you follow shaitan, thousands of problems occur and
there is no peace, only badness and all types of discomfort. Allah is
calling you to peace. Shaitan is calling you to poverty and evil. You
decide whichever you want and see.
Allah Azza wa Jalla He make our will to follow what? It must be follow
His Will. But many times people they are doing something by their will
and the day after they become regretful.
This island it was since after Prophet (sas), Sayyidina Abu Bakr time,
they were coming for conquer, to make it, to put light of Islam in this
island also. Since that time Muslims they was coming to this island, to
Cyprus. And it was many of Sahaba coming here, they was many of
them become shaheed here, they when they fighting, or they are from
something because many of them coming here. We know Hala Sultan
in Larnaca, in Cyrenia also there is Hazrat Umar, there is maybe 7, 8
Sahaba but they don't know their names but they have place for them.
But normally, some people they said maybe more than 1000 Sahaba,
they was in Cyprus, they was become shaheed (martyred) here. For it
was near and coming, going and fighting. So it was many of them but
because small group no place, you cannot know where they are.
And it was like this many times after Muslims take over, or taking out,
and the in end Ottoman Caliphate of Islam he was opening and putting
justice in this island and everybody was happy. But after also they was
only for Allah, they doing this. They are not for benefit. So when they
do something like this for Allah you do this, you will not be sorry for
what you done. You do this for Allah and Allah He reward you, here
and hereafter also.
But after these people, when they are coming... And there was no
problem. In, before 40 years again coming here to help Turkish people.
So they was coming for intention to help, not for Allah. Only for
helping or something. And the problem coming very bad for these
people. And they are regretful - "why we do this? How we will finish
this problem?" Every time they are have headache from here. Because
they are not doing this for Allah. And before this happened there was
maybe half or less than half population, the real Cypriot people, not
come from Turkey and mosque Juma time was full. Ramadan was full
from local people. After when they finish, they coming and everything
is good for them. They are, even with people who coming from Turkey,
it is not full. And who coming from Turkey he become worse than our
people also. All becoming out of order of Allah. And Allah He not
helping them.
Big favour He give them, He give them this big land, big everything
they got here. But when they're against Allah, Allah not give them
baraka, not give them help. They are becoming like in a prison. And
what we will do now? There is solution for this. Come back to Allah,
Allah He will help you. This is very easy solution but of course for ego
it is very difficult for ego to come back to Allah. Allah saying: Allah
calling people to peace (10:25). To be in peace. And ego and shaitan
This is writing in Quran, and this is what happened now. And we are
asking Allah to give hidayat (guidance) for these people to not go, put
all what they done, for nothing. Everywhere like this. When you do
something for Allah you never be regretful. But when you do for
yourself every time you are saying 'why I do this, why I done that?' All
time asking yourself and you, you are not happy. Allah give hidayat for
all of us inshaAllah.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015.
There were 3 things, that our Prophet (sas) loved in this world. What he
loved most was praying. "Prayer is the light of my eyes" said Our
Prophet (sas). Obligatory prayers of course, after obligatory prayers the
best, most valuable voluntary prayer is Night praying says our Prophet
(sas). After Isha even if you pray 2 rakaats that is considered as night
praying prayer. Its reward, after obligatory prayers, is the highest
reward of prayers.
But more valuable is at the end of the night, closer to Fajr prayer, the
tahajjud (night) prayers. You can pray as much as you want. Either 2
rakaats or 8 rakaats or 12 rakaats. Our Prophet (sas) says it is barakah.
Our Prophet (sas) not only prayed 2 rakaat, 8 rakaat, he used to pray
non-stop. Even his feet got swollen, when he prayed at night. He
prayed so much that Allah sent verses about him that Allah forgives so
much. The verses say: "Pray as much as you can. Pray half the night,
pray one third of it, even less you can pray".
But Our Prophet (sas) says, especially for those Hafidh Quran who
teach Quran, "these night prayers are obligatory." Of course there are
other obligatory prayers but Our Prophet (sas) shows its importance
and says that there is great benefit for those, claiming to be scholars,
teachers. They are inspired so that they give benefit to people and their
knowledge increases. Our Prophet (sas) used to pray tahajjud standing
up and when he was tired or when he was sick, he was sitting down,
because it is a voluntary prayer it is not like obligatory prayers, you can
pray when you are seated.
A couple of days ago there was a doctor here, he said: "To be awake at
that time of the night is essential for the whole body's health. If you are
awake at that time, all your organs work." Allah made our brother
speak well. It is also mentioned in the Hadith that it is a cure. Getting
up at night and praying is healing. For sure, what is given to his heart
comes out from the light, knowledge of our Prophet (sas). He is a
sincere person. People would not need medicine then. He says "Now
when people come to the hospital, they are already finished, nothing
left in their bodies. As if they are saying "Come on revive us". But to
protect their bodies, before they get sick, they should worship, they
should train their bodies, so that the body gets stronger both the body
and the soul. When soul gets stronger, body also gets stronger. Gets
healthy. This is the most important thing.
Our Prophet (sas) said "Ask for good health and forgiveness" (Afuw wa
‘afiya) so that Allah may forgive us. These are crucial. Sleep makes you
lazy. It is not good to sleep more than 8 hours. It is ok to wake up at
night, pray night prayer and fajr then you can rest. But if you sleep
continuously body cannot get power and doesn't become healthy. Like
we said health is a great blessing. There are times when Allah gives
that. There are times when He gives more, and when He gives less. So
we should be careful about that.
praying 5 times. The most important after this, the most valuable, night
Night praying he said, after Isha until Fajr, it is night. And you must
maybe, if you cannot wake up for night, before sleeping you must
make wudu, ablution, and make 2 rakat for night praying. But the best
time it is the end of night, last one-third of night - Tahajjud. That time
you can wake up and pray 2 rakat, 4 rakat, 8 rakat. Can pray another
like tasbih, like najat, shukr - all of them you can pray that time. Allah
reward you the highest reward for these.
Prophet (sas) he was saying, "Who praying that time, he is getting the
blessing and getting health also". Health - before there was one doctor
from our brothers. He's valuable professor, was speaking with him, he
said, "the most important time for body, human body, it is time
between 4 o'clock after midnight. All your body working, Kidney, liver,
lungs, all of them wanting to work but when you are sleeping they
cannot do anything, just all sleeping. But if you wake up and doing
something it will get benefit for your health." And SubhanAllah, hadith
of Prophet (sas) exactly he said, he said this. To pray nighttime, it is
baraka and health. And many people, this doctor he said, when they
coming to hospital they are finished, they was finishing their all body
what can repair by itself. And they coming to just little bit to help them
to continue living.
But they can be much better, no need for medicine, no need to be like
going like ill people, they everywhere, pain, everywhere miserable. You
can be very healthy if you follow order of Allah and way what Prophet
(sas) he show us. Because they are showing the best thing in this life
and for other life, of course. When you follow them you get benefit and
you get blessed. And of course not easy because you have ego, you
have shaitan - they make you to sleep, 'Oh, don't. Close this alarm after
2 minutes you can wake up'. You wake up when 9 o'clock. It is like this,
cheating people. You can feel this by your hand. You touch it by hand,
how they cheating you. So don't be cheated, be careful. And when you
wake for praying you can pray before fajr also, pray fajr, after you can
sleep, it's ok. But to be in that time - it is very important.
For awliya also. All, they was saying to be careful for this to be awake
in that time, not to be sleep. And night praying, if you are tired you can
pray when you are sitting. Prophet (sas) was doing this also. He is
sitting and praying, when you are ill you sit, pray there, because it's
Nafila not obligatory, you can by sitting. Allah give us strong, to be
more stronger than our egos, to wake up for night, to get blessed by
spiritual and to be strong, body also. Because Prophet (sas), he was...
Some asking Prophet, "What we ask for from when we are making
dua?" He said, "Ask health and ask forgiveness" (afuw wa ‘afiya). This
is 2 very important and we must, we try to help ourself without going
to doctor or going to take medicine.
Once they sent one of king's doctor for Prophet (sas), for look for these
people. Doctor he was coming and sitting 2 months, 3 months, nobody
coming to him. He said 'what is it, nobody ill?' They said 'we are
following Prophet(sas) no need for doctor' so he went back. It is like
this one - if you are following order of Allah, doctor will be jobless.
Thursday, July 23, 2015.
Now children start praying at 7 years old, 10 years old - they pray once,
twice, "when is this finishing?" they say. It does not finish. With Allah's
permission, inshaAllah it does not finish until we die. It continues. You
should accept it like this. Do not bargain - I do it now, I will do it later, I
will do all of them later - do not make such a habit. Just like Allah
taught us to breathe, to eat, to sleep, to travel - it has to be like this for a
are a piece of meat. You are useless. If you are an animal at least your
meat has a value. Human meat has no value. It can only have value
No, it is just for you, just you must accept. No bargaining. Just say 'ok,
today we finish praying, today we fasting'. No complaining, nothing. It
is one of our nature - it must be for believer. Not to be lazy, not to be
complaining at all. For every order of Allah, praying, fasting, going to
Hajj, you make zaka, everything He order it must be like cutting? No,
you cannot bargaining. Only accept and be happy with this. Because
He give us this to make us high.
Without doing this, what His order, you are like carcass. Carcass. Your
meat, carcass. A human being, even their meat you cannot eat. You
can't do anything, just... some people they are burning, some burying. It
is like this, no benefit from this body. After when, but if you doing
Allah order Allah make you high to be ikram, blessed. Honoured and
blessed. But who not doing this - animal meat you can use but human
meat you cannot. Only with order of Allah and to be this habit in you it
is making you in high station, valuable.
Because Allah create us for worshipping Him and to make best, and to
accept what His order. So if you accept His order and you be satisfied
with this no matter for you how it is hot or cold or tired. Everything it
is just like you are breathing, just you are eating. It is one of your habits
- it must be. Allah make this easy for us and acceptable. And when you
accept this you be like nothing affect you. You are be pure.
Cannot any dirty come on you to affect you. Allah make us like this
Friday, July 24, 2015.
Prophet is. Those who did good and good ones will be in that shade.
No chance for others. As we said, this heat is nothing compare to the
people they are not good for you here and hereafter. Because here, in
this hot you cannot stand under sun here, you find some shadow. But
in Judgment Day no shadow, only shadow of Prophet (sas) and the
shadow of Throne of Allah. Only believer they can be there. And these
days if you are in dunya with good people, Akhirah you will be safe,
you be in shade and you quickly going to Paradise. But these people
here they cannot stay 5 minute under sun, they will stand there maybe
100 years, maybe 1000 years, maybe 5000 years. Even 100,000 years
there is people they will stay there, under the sun, nothing. And this
sun boiling your brain also. Very hot and no... only like this. These
people who are not believer they are not thinking. Only they are
thinking for 1 minute, for 1 hour, but not thinking for thousands of
years they will be suffering from what they was doing. So we must be
careful for who we will marry, who will be your friend, and you don't
be with bad people. Only with order of Allah, to be with good people.
To find good people, inshaAllah.
When our Prophet (sas) was in Medina he used to visit her all the time,
because she was his aunt. He used to rest and sleep there. One day he
(sas) went to visit her. His aunt was combing his holy hair, our
Prophet's (sas) holy hair. He was overcome by drowsiness, our Prophet
(sas) lay down and fell asleep. He woke up smiling. The holy lady
asked him (sas) "What did you dream my Master, you woke up
smiling?" He said; "I saw companions from my nation they were sitting
upon thrones and travelling the seas to the Green Island - it means in
order to conquer Cyprus they are going like that. They go in thrones,
they go by ships. How blessed, I was happy for that. That's why I'm
laughing, smiling." said our Prophet (sas). He was so pleased. Our
Prophet (sas) says that fighters on the sea have more reward than the
fighters on the land. They are rewarded two times more. The holy lady
said "Pray so that I will be one of them". Our Prophet (sas) prayed;
"You shall be one of them".
He slept a second time. Our Prophet (sas) woke up the same way. She
asked again "Why is it so? What did you dream our Master?" Our
Prophet (sas) said; "I saw the same dream, some of my nation were
travelling in the sea on thrones. I was happy, I smiled" he said. "Pray
for me so that I shall be one of them" said she. Our Prophet (sas) said
that it is not possible because when she came to Cyprus, after the war,
Hala Sultan landed, went on shore. She was old she was riding on an
animal. When that animal got scared she fell down and was martyred
there. There was no need for a second time. That is a miracle of our
Prophet (sas). He did not pray for her, because she would not be
around for the second time She would be martyred in the first trip. She
was buried in this holy place. She is a blessing for this island, Cyprus.
This miracle happened so that this land stays as a Islamic region until
the end of time. This is the miracle of our Prophet (sas). It is a blessing
for this island. No matter how many unbelievers come and go, with
Allah's permission, Islam continues here. It stays until the end of the
world because it is full of both Sahabas and full of Awliya (saints) here.
Thanks to Allah, our Shaykh and Hajja Anne are also here. They are all
Islam's title deed/flag. It is a Muslim island until the end of the world
InshaAllah. They give blessings. Ask their blessings, their blessings are
enough for everyone. Muslim or non Muslim, whoever is on this island,
because when blessing comes there is no distinction, it is sent on
everyone. Some people know, whoever does not know it does not
We are, today we are going inshaAllah to visit Hala Sultan. She is the
holiest place, before, even more holier than Abu Ayub al-Ansari, from
Istanbul, this Mawlana he was saying this. It's very important and it is
baraka for this island, for everybody. Who are respecting her,
everybody, Allah reward him. It was miracle from Prophet (sas) how
she came here, because she is Auntie of Prophet (sas), from long
distance and she is auntie also to be with milking mother sister.
And she was saying, asking Prophet (sas) "Oh, pray for me to be with
them". He pray for her, "InshaAllah, you'll be with them, this is big
honour for you for, to be with them". And he again, he slept and he was
again wake up. She ask again, he said, "I am seeing another people
from my nation they are also going in sea by throne to open this island,
to conquer". She ask again, "Oh", she maybe thought same one, make
dua for me to be with them". He said "No", because in first one when
they conquered here they was fighting around and they coming to land
and she was in mule and she was old, making shaking. Taking her
down, she was shaheed there. Martyred. And this was miracle, she was
in this first one and she was martyred.
And she, wisdom to be baraka for this island until Qiyamah. And it is
blessed place. Who respect her and go visit her, everybody can get
benefit. Alhamdulillah, this island, many people coming, going, but it
will be until Qiyamah flag of Islam. Because many Sahaba, many
Awliya specially Mawlana Shaykh, Hajja Anna, all here. They are all
like "tapu" flag for this island, for Islam. So, no matter who respecting,
not respecting, it is not important for Allah. Allah He is putting them
and He is make it like this until Qiyamah. No matter.
Normally for Eid, Mawlana Shaykh was saying Eid ul-Adha third day,
they going to ziyarah there. This Eid is ok, when we going, we go but
next in Dhi l-Hajjah, Eid ul-Adha, we will inshaAllah, third day, we be
in ziyarah for that maqam also. It is custom of this island. So if anybody
come here, so he must be not coming third day. Second, fourth day, but
for third day we must be inshaAllah, ziyarah Hala Sultan. Allah give
blessed of these Sahaba and Awliyaullah for us, inshaAllah.
Sunday, July 26, 2015.
never. From now on say Bismillah and start. If you do not know any
verse, sura, do it with Bismillah until you learn. It is not difficult to
learn. You can learn in a couple of days. But until you learn, do not
waste your time, start praying immediately. Pray as much as you can.
Learn, you will get used to it, and then you will start praying all.
Learning to pray is a big blessing, it is benefit for people. I mean
nobody else will benefit from your praying, Allah will not benefit from
your praying. You will benefit from it. Allah is merciful. He likes
people to be on the right path. He does not oppress anyone. People
oppress themselves. So, if you want everything to go well, both here
and hereafter, go on the way Allah.
Allah Azza wa Jalla shows us the good way but people are trying to
escape from their responsibility. They are making excuses. This is, what
they are doing, it is only to show they are ignorant. There was time of
Prophet (sas). Prophet said this is time of first ignorance. These people,
they were some of them reading, some of them... But they who are
outside of belief, all they were calling ignorant people. Ignorance time.
Why? Because they are not knowing Creator Allah Azza wa Jalla. And
Only Allah, the Creator - if He said "Be" for this theory, it can work. But
when these people speaking in university, in everywhere, in paper, in
school, you thought it is real. It is... Maybe only from 1,000 one you can
find one of this theory work. And even this, if Allah wants it to work,
not these ignorant people. They are all ignorant, when they are not
believing in God. And Allah show them many things. But many of
them believer, but they are putting only non-believer to show, make
people to follow ignorance in this time. And Allah Azza wa Jalla, He is
calling people "Don't follow these. Only follow the reality, the
knowledge, real knowledge. Follow Prophet. Follow way of Allah".
Even when you follow, you must pray. Even not praying, maybe you
can say Allah, you can say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. But every
day you don't forget the Creator. You do as much you can do. To do
something, it is better from to not do anything. Even very small thing
you do, it is ok also. But if you don't do anything, this is bad for you
because you cannot find any excuse for you, when Allah ask you "Why
you didn't obey Me? Why you didn't respect Me? And I give you all
this favour, all of this n'imah. Everything I give you, even you didn't
say one thank you for Me." But it is... Who cannot pray or many people
they are not knowing to pray. They are not learning, they are not
teaching them, not learning. They cannot pray. We are saying if you
don't know anything from praying, only just make like people who are
praying. Say Allah, say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, say Allahu
Akbar until you're learning. Slowly, slowly you can teach yourself. You
will learn and you'll be baraka and to know why you are in this, you
exist here. Many people, they are wondering why we are here, why we
exist. They are wondering until they are dying they are not knowing.
We are telling them, you are here for to obey Allah, and Allah too, He is
most merciful and He give you all this big favour for you.
You must know it and you must prepare yourself to not be lazy.
Laziness it is the worst attribute. Allah not like it. Prophet not like it.
Awliya not like it. People also not like lazy people. You must do
something to be save yourself and to be under mercy of Allah.
Our Prophet (sas) says, the biggest sin is to tell people something is a
sin when actually it is not, in order to benefit yourself. Allah showed us
everything. He showed us what is Halal and what is Haram. For this
reason only for your own benefit "telling people it is a sin, when it is
not is the biggest sin" says our Prophet (sas). Allah Azza wa Jalla
showed us the easy way. He also showed us what is forbidden, what is
What is forbidden is shown in Quran. "Other than that do not ask too
much" says our Prophet (sas). Because the Bani Israel asked too much
and in the end they became responsible for more than they can carry.
Allah showed us. What is permissible to eat, what is forbidden to eat is
clear. Forbidden is clear. When the People of The Book slaughter
animals, their meat is permissible to eat because they believe in Allah.
Jews, Christians, it is permissible to eat the meat of sacrificed animals.
But except for them, it is not permissible to eat the animals slaughtered
by those who do not believe in Allah. But if they serve other food, you
can eat it. If they made yoghurt, cheese, or bread you can eat them.
But sacrificing is another issue because there you have to slaughter for
Allah, in the name of Allah. There is a wisdom, there is a living being -
when you slaughter you have to mention Allah's name. If you mention
His name it will be clean. When you do not mention, it is dirty, you
cannot eat it. You have to be careful about it. Of course the Muslims
today most of them are careful about it, even the ones who stay away
from religion most of them are careful about it. There are some people
who do not care. May Allah correct them. Because when you slaughter
an animal in the name of Allah it gives light to the body, cure, and
benefit. But the one slaughtered in another way, brings sickness and
You may eat other food. They brought cheese from Tabuk for our
Prophet (sas). Our Prophet (sas) cut it and ate it. Cheese is permissible
or not permissible, there are some strict people, who push the limits.
We heard this argument a couple of times "Vinegar is not permissible"
they said. There is a Hadith of the Prophet (sas) about vinegar. It is
such a nice dressing. It is a cure and a blessing. There are such people
they make permissible things forbidden. What do they say? Vinegar is
made first from alcohol then they make this, that. None of your
business. Look at the result. Look what the Prophet (sas) says. So, there
are so many examples like this. They fall into sin by saying they know
all about unnecessary things and also they give people trouble. They
confuse people. You have to be careful. You can eat what Allah made
permissible. By saying the Basmala, it may be healing inshaAllah. It
may be light. You have to eat it with that intention so that it may help
you to worship Allah - May it give power, light, and heal us.
Prophet (sas), said the most wrong thing, and it is punished, the most
biggest sin, to say to people this, what is not a sin, is a sin - for their
benefit. Many people do this. They can say for some halal or ok thing -
it is wrong and you'll be punished for this (when) it is Allah who made
it halal, nothing wrong with this. Many people, they are doing this, and
it is the biggest (sin). Prophet (sas) was angry with this people, he said,
it is the biggest sin because when Allah, Allah putting what is good,
what is not good; what is sin, what is good. You cannot put by yourself.
Everything Allah, explain for us what is we can eat, what we can drink.
It is openly seen, we can, Muslim people, they can eat from all human
being's food like cheese, milk, bread - but not meat.
Meat only from Christian and Jewish we can eat. Why? Because, they
are believe in God and they are slaughtering by Name of God, of Allah.
And why wisdom? Because, there is in this animal - soul. When they
cut, it must be believer cutting, not unbeliever, who not believe in
Allah. When, because it is, this soul is coming from Allah, it must give
go also same to Allah, to make this animal to be eaten. Of course, we
can eat, everybody can eat. But when you eat without mentioning
Name of Allah, it is become dirty. When you eat dirty meat, you be ill,
are not understanding this. So, we can eat unbeliever food. We can eat
only, as we mentioned, without meat, this people's only milk, cheese or
other. Because Prophet (sas), they was bringing him cheese from Tabuk
near Jordan. He was eating and no problem for this. Many people (sa)
this cheese like this, like that. No, cheese you can eat. Milk also, but not
meat. And you must be careful because giving you heaviness, giving
you worries So, many Muslim people, most of them they are careful for
this, but some of them, it is not important for them. So, they can, they
have their own responsibility. Allah show them the road, right way.
Prophet (sas) also, showing them and after this, now, you cannot force
anybody. Only, we giving advice and the right thing openly showing.
Prophet (sas) said : "Don't ask too much". Don't be very, searching too
much, because sons of Israil, they were asking many questions from
their prophets and they take burden. Allah not ordering them but, by
themselves, they bring this heaviness for themselves. Many thing
(were) not order for them but when they ask you must do this. Even
this story of cow.
One of the son of Israil, they was killing someone, they find one
murdered one. And after, they don't know who do this and asking their
Prophet and he said: "Bring one, cut one cow and only hit by this cow.
This is dead man and he will wake up and he will speak to you who
kill me. They said :"Oh, it is what colour it must be this?" They said, "it
must be yellow." After -"Of course, there is many yellow cows, how it
must be?" "It must be like this" he said, "nice, very gentle." After, again
asking. He said : "It must be never going out from their owner, and she
was very spoiled" and they find after this. But first cow, they can buy
maybe for one gold. When they find this one, Allah by His Wisdom tell
this boy, he was orphan and he was good man, he said you must ask
full of (to fill) this skin of cow, (with) gold. And they was giving this.
After, they find they was like this. They putting on themselves. For this,
Prophet (sas) saying: "Don't ask too much to be, to bring your
responsibility for yourself. Only take easy thing. It is, Alhamdulillah,
good for us. Prophet (sas) make everything easy for Ummat
Muhammad Allah make His Blessing on us inshaAllah
Our Sheikh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani left Cyprus for education. Then
after his education, he went to Damascus and met his Sheikh. When he
returned to Cyprus, he was probably 22-23 years old. This means
Sheikh Effendi served people in Cyprus for 70 years. He served by
showing the way of Allah. A lady came here the other day. She asked
"Why don't these people know anything about faith and religion? All of
you in the dergah know how to pray. Tell the people outside about it."
We said that Sheikh Effendi tried for 70 years. He served these people
day and night. It's the wisdom of Allah. Allah writes about His wisdom
in Qur'an. "Innaka la tahdi man ahbabta walakinna Allaha yahdi man
yashau" (28:56) You can't guide those whom you love. Allah guides
whomever He wills. Therefore, nothing can be done. As long as Allah
doesn't wish it, nothing happens. So Allah didn't want these people to
be guided and they strayed. Are we happy about this situation? No, we
are not. If they recognize Allah, come to the way of Allah, and carry out
Allah's orders, we will be much happier. But a great Sultan like Sheikh
Effendi tried and he brought the world to become Muslim, Sheikh
Effendi made Muslims from those whose, not 7, but 70 ancestors were
unbelievers. But he couldn't make people here believe.
What he said: they are like Bani Isra'il who said to Sayyidina Musa, "Go
you and your Lord and fight and when you are winned call us and we
go to this area". And these people Mawlana was saying they... Nobody
left from there, 40 years they was in desert, they cannot go out of the
desert. This, morning coming, they said, "O, today we will go".
Nighttime they are coming same place. Forty years until everybody
was dying, even Sayyidina Musa (as) he was passed away also. New
generation, they become good generation, they went to this city.
Mawlana Sheikh he was saying this, in this, old generation they was
really not good people. So inshaAllah, new generation will be good
people, inshaAllah.
Mawlana's baraka, inshaAllah will be, because his dua, he not making
dua, to not be anybody. But what is the wisdom from this? This is Allah
Azza wa Jalla saying: you cannot bring people who you love them to
Right Way, what you love them. Only Allah what He want, He bring
them.(28:56) Mawlana he was here 70 year. He's there, people they are
going worse and worse. But he's bring non-Muslim - no any ancestor
they are Muslim, he bring them to Islam. 1,000, 100,000 people coming
to Islam by his hand. Even more than whole Cyprus population he
bring to Islam. But in Cyprus he couldn't do anything.
And there was one lady, last, before 3 days she come here, she was
complaining. She said, "You are in dergah only. I saw Muslim in
dergah. Outside dergah, nobody Muslim. You must try to make these
people. Why you not calling to Islam?" I said, he is Sultan, Sheikh
Nazim, 70 year couldn't do anything. What we can do? Allah He don't
want it. When He want, they will come inshaAllah. InshaAllah, give
hidayah [guidance] for every people, inshaAllah. And to be our
generation on Right Way, inshaAllah. To be all, who their ancestor they
was in good way, to follow their ancestor by baraka of them, dua of
them inshaAllah.
Allah created mankind. People think they will live forever. MashAllah
with our brothers they cut the grass in the garden everyday. We
cleaned all the gardens of Lefke mashaAllah. We cleaned it 1 month
ago, 1 month later it is the same length. You cut it, it grows again. It
goes on like this until the Day of Judgment. Allah creates some people,
they die. First they are young, they mature, then they get old and they
die. Other people replace them. Generation after generation are
coming. There should be good generations.
Do not think that we will live forever, we will do good deeds when we
get old. That is in Allah's hand. You try to be a beneficial and a good
one from the beginning, so that you won't regret in the future. And do
not to say in the next life "I wish I had done good." It is meaningless
I sometimes read the books of the holy ones - there are signs for good
things in everything. Even if you only read the beginning of the book,
there is a lesson to learn. The other day I was reading a book of Awliya
Chelebi. It was a small book, I did not find the chance to read it all. I
could only look at the introduction. He was born in Unkapan in 1611 or
1612. He died around 1680. He travelled a lot, all the Islamic countries,
also Europe. He went everywhere, even he died hundreds of years ago.
How many generations came after him. So this world is in need of good
people. Try to do good all the time.
Like we said, you are not the only one, who has been created. Allah is
Khallaq, this means the Creator. It is an eternal attribute. Not only us,
there were people before us and there will be people coming after us.
Even after the Day of Judgment, after we go to heaven or hell - this is
not going to stop. Allah is the Creator. He creates continuously.
Nobody can grasp the majesty of Allah, nobody's mind can go beyond
a limit. It is beyond the limits of the mind. It does not fit into
limits. Your mind is not even like an atom compared to His majesty and
power. So let's thank Allah. Let's continue in the right path. May Allah
guide the ones, who go astray. InshaAllah they come to the right
Lefke garden they finished, they clean from grass. Before 40 days, now
coming again. When cutting, it will come again inshaAllah. When
cutting, coming again. It is continuous. This is life like this. Not only we
are created and finished, and we will live forever now in this world?
No. Like this grass, you will be baby boy, after you will be young, after
you'll be man, after you'll be old man. And you finish, and coming
again another people. Another people like this until Qiyama. So we
must be appreciate the time and what we are in not to leave any minute
without remembering Allah.
And there were people, they were living before us. And after us maybe.
We don't know. Maybe. Because Qiyama, it is... But until that time
Allah knows. Everything sometimes you find, you look some new
wisdom. No time for me to read book but sometimes I look from page.
And even in page you can find some wisdom. Last day I saw one... he
is Awliyaullah, they call Awliya Chelebi who is traveller. He was
seeing Prophet (saw) in his life, in dream and he asked him to make
shafa'a. But he make it to make shafa'a sayahat (travelling) he said. So
he was travelling all around countries, Europe and Ottoman Empire,
other place. He went around all. And just I was looking, not reading
inside. He was born in Istanbul year of 1612 or 12 I think. And he
passed away 1680. Something like this. And he was travelling all these.
And he had huge book about his travelling. And he was this
long life and seeing everything. Also he was leaving this world. Not
before nearly more than 300 years. After him coming many millions of
people. Coming, going out; coming, passing away. Coming, passing
away. The important here to be your future not this
world. Future the next life. This is what important. And this, people not
understanding this. They saw, looking very short, looking
"My future here, and I must be study and get good job to get this and
that." And trying to do this. Many people they cannot even do what
they planned. But most important,future next life. This is showing us
coming generation, going other. Coming and going. And the winner
who they are accepting Allah's order. And Allah He is Creator. His
name Khallaq meaning Creator. He create everything, everybody. And
it is continuous. Before us also there were many Adams, Mawlana
Sheikh saying. And after us, it will be also. When we going to after
Judgment day we go to eternal life, Allah He continue to create another
people also to make for them also Judgment day. It is like this. And
the greatness of Allah nobody can reach by mind. Our mind, it is less
than one atom in front of greatness of Allah. And He is doing. And His
name Khallaq, He is continuous, not stopping. Until when? It is
not your business. You cannot put any idea from with Allah. Only we
are weak people, weak creatures. Only we are thankful for Allah He
put us in this life and He give us good guidance to be under guidance
of our Prophet (saw) and accepting His order. This is very important.
But as we said, those not good people can have as many possessions as
they want, they will still not be acceptable in the eyes of other people.
Everyone can approach them for money matters. This is different.
Being raised in rank by Allah is different. A person who dishonours
himself for this world has no mind because he deceives himself. People
deceive him too. People who seem to love him can leave him in a
moment. Allah created ego and shaitan in order for people to fight
them and be raised. As long as they don't follow them, they'll be raised.
If they follow them, they'll fall and be dishonoured.
Most people follow their egos. Why do they do this? Because it is easier
for them. It appears as if it is easy. Following the ego and its desires
seems easy to people. Whereas, in fact, it is not easy. When a person
wants to do goodness, his ego opposes and makes difficulties.
Therefore, it's easier to do bad things for people.
There is an ayat al-karima - most people are not guided and not on the
right way. Those on the way of Allah are in the minority. And that is a
benefit from Allah, His gift to people who are on the right way. It's not
bad to be on the right way, real best thing is that. They are chosen
servants of Allah. Allah gave respect and honor to those people and
raised them. As we read in the ayat al-karima, Allah gives to whom He
wills, and doesn't to whom He doesn't wish. Who are on the right way
have gained that honor. Shukr to Allah. May Allah not separate from
the right way and give guidance to people. The more people are
guided, the more blessings and mercy will come to this world.
Because for coming against Allah, even in old times Allah used to take
revenge for it. He vanished some people. But after the time of our
Prophet He made them disturb each other. Therefore, if a disaster
happens, it means something is wrong. Disasters happen when people
are not in peace. The more we are on the right way now, the more
mercy and blessings will come to us inshaAllah. Allah Azza wa Jalla
saying in this surah - He has everything in His Hand. The power to be
in... like president, or to be king or to be what the highest place - it is by
order of Allah. He, His Will make these people to come to this position.
No, without His will they cannot be. We are seeing millions of people
when some election coming nearly 10 million people they try to be in
power. And they take down, down, down, until they maybe 5 thousand
people. After they make election they very few people coming. But this
also from Allah.
If He want, take you to make you high. And to make you this, not
important. The most important after this - To make you honourable.
Allah make people honourable, and make people not good, not
honourable. This also in Allah's will. Who make you honourable?
Nobody can make you honorable except Allah. He make you good
man, honourable man, Allah make that. But if He make - He not happy
with you and make you dishonourable people, nobody can make you
high. Allah only,if He like. But people, they are not understanding this.
They thought it is by themself, especially who was coming to power.
Power of course, also with Allah but there is people in power,
honourable people and there is dishonourable people in power also. So
must be to be loved to Allah, to be honourable one, to be obeying Him.
But if you are not honourable nobody can make you honourable and
acceptable. People maybe they are obliged to be with him but even this,
they are not respecting him. Who he is dishonourable, no respect for
him. Nobody can be respect him and he will be never respected. This is
ayah, what we read, and it is very important. Because many people
they trying everything to get something. The most important thing
here, to be honourable and acceptable in Divine Presence. And if you
are acceptable there, everybody respect you, even they are enemy, or
they don't like you, they also, you be respected.
Half of knowledge comes by asking, they say. You should ask what
you don't know, in order to get benefit, not in order to object or to
prove that you are more clever than the other people. Sometimes they
teach for getting benefit. Most of them are from these countries - they
go to Mecca & Medina to study. The teaching is different there of
course. But still if Allah wills they get knowledge from there also. If
your intention is to please Allah Allah opens for you. They also respect
the Saints, respect the Prophets. They learn good manners. Sometimes
they get knowledge, they learn Quran, Hadith. But besides these, good
manners are very important.
Some people ask: "Is the Prophet created from light or clay?" Clay, take
a handful of clay if Allah puts light in it, with Allah's power it also
becomes holy. Our Prophet (sas) is also created from clay. "Just like you
I'm also created from clay" He (sas) says. But of course Allah gave
everyone a secret. Our Prophet is also light (nur). He (sas) is the light
for humanity, for the universe. It is good to ask and learn about this.
Some of the things they teach are limiting Allah's greatness. That is not
nice. If you limit Allah's greatness like this it is dangerous for you. "wa
la ya'udduhu hifdhuhuma" (2:255) Nothing can limit Allah, He does
not fit in any limits. Allah does as He likes, creates what He wills,
removes what He wills.
are all Allah's servants. They give their own accounting to Allah.
There are people asking and they are not understanding what they are
And this is difference between these people and Tariqa people. Tariqa
people they are respecting and giving good manner, teaching good
manner. These people they can teach Quran, they can teach hadith.
They all, they know by heart Quran, they know 100,000 hadith by heart
but they don't have respect. They don't have good manner so it is not
complete. They must complete this with that manner, good manner and
respect. And when we are doing respect and we are in good manner,
they say "You are mushrik (idol worshipper), you are kafir." That's
what they are mixing because they don't know anything for good
manner or good respecting. So when you make respect Prophet (sas) or
you respect Awliyaullah, they said "You are mushrik".
This is what thinking, wrong thinking. We are saying for them - we are
happy with whole people and we love human being and all Muslim to
become in right way. But these people who are outside of Tariqa and
Ahl us-Sunnah wa l-Jama'a, they are full of hate. They hate Sahaba,
some of them hate Ahl ul-Bayt. But Ahl us-Sunnah wa l-Jama'a they
respect and they have good manner and they are not judge with any of
this matter. And we are love whole Muslims and we accept because
Saturday, August 1, 2015.
Because this path is not an easy path. There are many obstacles, many
abandon all their practices. May Allah not make us to be like that. As a
man who is running in a race, and just as he is about to reach his goal
he is comes to a standstill and is beaten, losing the race.
Do not say: All my life I have been good, I am all right. Man is
constantly at war with his nafs. Nafs and shaytan are non-stop trying to
bring man down. Therefore, continuity is important. Perseverance
furthers. The services you perform, let them be constant. That will bring
a whole different kind of blessing.
In some other places you feel fear or some kind of distress. In these
dergahs there is no such thing. There is familiarity and affection. May
Allah increase the number of such places, insha'Allah. This is the sign
that these places are not empty. Even from the times of our Holy
Prophet, these are places that have come with this training, with this
blessing. The home of our Holy Prophet, sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam,
These are heroes of Islam. Zayd, the adopted son of our Holy Prophet,
he also grew up in the house and under the care of Khadija. They were
trained and educated in this wonderful way. They learned from our
mother Khadija good manners, morality, generosity and all manner of
goodness. From our Holy Prophet they received enlightenment and
spiritual bounty, heroism, bravery, to speak the truth, to accept nothing
but the truth - this they learnt and employed in the service of Islam. We
try to make our dergah resemble their homes. Therefore these are
important places, dergahs, mosques, tariqats - they all reach back
to the Holy Prophet. His blessing is upon them. Therefore, there is love
and affection in these places. Their secret goes all the way back to those
times. There is blessing on them, for those coming to visit as well as
for the country in which they are located, there are blessings,
by the leave of Allah.
May Allah be pleased with all of you. This is enough for tonight; let us
do the dhikr now, there are many families here with children. May
Allah protect you all. May thechildren who are here now, insha'Allah
have the blessing of our Holy Prophet, and may they be as the children
who grew up under his care, and become heroes of Islam, insha'Allah.
May they grow to be defenders of Islam, who fear Allah and will give
everything for Allah. Their souls, may they be elevated, insha'Allah.
May we all have therespect and love of our Holy Prohet, insha'Allah.
Allah Azza wa Jalla is saying "Whoever turns away from Me, I will give
him a troubled life in this life, and on the Day of Judgment I will
resurrect him blind." People should ask help from Allah when they
want to do something. A man should ask help from Allah when he
wants to do goodness. He should start it with Bismillah and dua and
ask for good prayers from other people. People nowadays have lost
humanity. People in old times were respectful, even though they didn't
know much about religion. They would do certain things with good
prayers. And they knew what a bad deed is. When they did wrong
things, they didn't ask for Allah's help. They were ignorant people but
still more thoughtful.
And you don't know there's shaitan, because there is no faith, because
there is no belief at all. People ask why it happens. Allah Azza wa Jalla
has said "Who turns away from Me, I will make their lives a poison and
they will become blind on the Day of Judgment." Why will they be
blind? Because Allah gave eyes in this world, and they didn't see. And
in Akhira, He says "You didn't see, so you don't need eyes. Be blind."
These people, as we said, left faith and have no comprehension. When
there is faith, there is light and understanding. These people have none
of it. Allah made it to remind people. Wearing Muslim clothes around
could serve as a reminder to people and bring some understanding.
Otherwise, people leave not only Islam, but also humanity. Because
people raised with faith - as long as there's no Islam and iman, a man is
like a four-legged animal or even worse, because animals know Allah.
And as people don't know Allah, an animal is higher than them.
We were created for Allah. Allah created us not to serve our egos, but
to serve Him. We shouldn't forget it. As long as we don't forget, our life
here and hereafter will be good. This is what our Creator says and
made us know. He knows what is good and what is not good for us.
Allah knows it. And He's telling its secret - He says "Don't turn away
from Me". Even with weakest faith, make shukr (thanks) to Allah, start
everything with Bismillah so that Allah remembers you.
But if you forget Allah, you won't advance in life, even if you have as
much money and power as you want. May Allah give guidance to
these people.
Allah Azza wa Jalla saying in ayat this: "wa man a'rada 'an dhikrī fa-
inna lahu ma'īshatan dankan wa nahshuruhu yawma l-qiyamati a'man"
(20:124) "qala rabbi lima hashartani a'ma waqad kuntu basīra" (20:125)
qala kadhalika atatka ayatuna fanasītaha wa kadhalika l-yawma tunsa"
Saying Allah in Quran, who - giving very good example, very good
description for these people - He said, "who are not looking for Me, and
he looking to another place, not seeing, not listening to what I am
giving, I will make his life miserable. This whole his life, he cannot be
happy. It will be bad life and when they come to Judgment Day I will
make him blind, not seeing." And he asking, "O my Lord, I wasn't blind
when I am in dunya". Allah answering, saying: "I show you everything
in world, you didn't see, so now you will be blind. You will not be, see
anything. Before I was giving you, you didn't see My favour, now I will
give, you will be blind, and you will not see anything."
People now they are not accepting Allah, not accepting anything from
religion. Only they are following their ego and they try to be happy, to
try to be successful, and they thought when they be successful, or they
be rich, or they will be power, they will be happy. No, Allah said, "You
cannot be like this because you are not following what I put for to be
happy. You are not following, so you will be miserable". And these
people, nowadays people, they are coming very... not... they are not...
before old people they have very good sense... kindness, sensitive. They
are happy to be, see... you can, even you see old building their every
corner, every part, they have one like art, they are doing, they was
doing. But this maybe since 60, 50 year, only concrete. They are very
tough, very, not polite, and only following their desire, only desire.
They are like concrete now, these people. They don't have any
Even for, when they are doing something wrong, they don't feeling
they are doing this. Old people they was knowing and they was saying
some kind of saying to be this not for, we are not doing this good - We
only, we're following shaitan. So they're knowing and they saying for
themself. Like these people they're not knowing even when they are
doing good thing, they are not knowing what they are doing. Not
beginning from mentioning Name of Allah or wanting help from Allah.
Only they are following desire and they are for show, making show for
people and they thought it is good. Many people they are married and
after few months they are finished. Why? Because they are only
following desire and not beginning with the Name of Allah Only they
are drinking alcohol, doing every bad thing and after they are looking
for to be happy.
Allah He said, "You cannot be happy". You must be come back to Allah
to help you. If no help from Allah, nothing will be good for you in this
life." And this is His promise. Only who are following Allah, He help
them. Other they are trying until they are dying and in Judgment Day
they will be worse. Allah give these people good understanding
because they are not understanding. They're thought they are more
clever than old people, but old people, old, they are more, they have
more adab, more respect for everything. As we said, even when they
doing bad thing they not mentioning Allah, they're mentioning shaitan.
Because they're knowing and it is, even this, weak belief. But also they
come back to following even very weak belief, it's enough also for
them. Just if mentioning Name of Allah, Allah will be happy with them
also. But if not mentioning and they are trying, saying "we are happy",
they cannot be at all. Allah make us from the people who are with
Allah, Who happy with them, inshaAllah.
Monday, August 3, 2015.
It is not good to hurry, but when it comes to good deeds don't delay.
Don't say "I will do it tomorrow". Tomorrow is in the hands of Allah.
Our lives are attached to a cotton thread, what happens, who stays, is
not clear. So, hurry up. Hurry to repent. Hurry to
pray. Hurry to do charity. Do not say "I'll do it later". Nobody does it
later. You do your charity, do good. If they do it it is good, if not you
find it ready there. But people do exactly the opposite. They hurry for
all unnecessary things. For doing good, charity they are slow. They say
they will go to Hajj when they get old. For praying, "we are still young,
we have to grow up, we pray later on" they say.
This is what everybody is doing. Not only one person doing this,
everybody is doing the same. They are lazy. But for bad things, they are
running, racing to do them. They should do the opposite, because the
benefit is for themselves. Allah does not need anyone. It is for your own
benefit, whenever there is an opportunity, here, there, for good
things do not delay, do it immediately.
will do this after, I will do that later". Don't, you don't know
if tomorrow, you can survive for tomorrow. Human being, it is their
life or their future like cotton thread, quickly broken. So don't be very
sure you'll be tomorrow in this life. For this, when you find
something good to do, quickly do it, don't wait. The order of Allah is to
pray, to go Hajj. Some people are saying for going to Hajj - "We are
very young, so we can go when we are old". You have document you
will survive until 60, 70 year old? If you don't have this, you will be
responsible if you die before this. Because you have opportunity
to do it and you didn't do.
If somebody thirsty, he can quickly drink water. And our spiritual life
also, all time thirsty. So when you do good thing, to become better and
better. This is advice. Everybody, we must remember to try to do it. It is
short but it is important.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015.
Death. Everyone will taste death. To every person who comes to this
world surely death will come. All Prophets, pious people, messengers
and whoever were sent, have certainly tasted death. Like this life,
Allah created death as well. Allah created both life and death. They are
creatures too. Everything is a creature of Allah. These werecreated for
people here. Akhira is eternal. Neither people of paradise, nor people of
hell have death.
and rebel against Allah ... There are many types of rebellion. One can
recognize Allah and rebel against Him. This kind will get his
punishment in hell and leave. But those who deny Allah or make shirk,
they will stay in hell eternally. Everyone should act accordingly. Allah
has shown so much and has given minds to people, they should decide
for themselves.
And they will bring death. Allah, He will make him like a ram, like big
ram. They will bring him, the death as a big ram, and they will put him
in the bridge sirat, this through going up of hell. And they will call
everybody from paradise and from hell "Look to here, O all people.
There is something." And everybody, they will look and they
knowingdeath. So paradise people, they will be very
afraid death coming again. But Allah, He told us we are forever in
paradise. They will afraid "Maybe this death still there. Some time he
will come and take us again." Hell people, they will be very happy. "If
hell, if death coming for us, we will finish from this. And we will be
free. No any more". So they are happy to see this death. This how it is
terrible, this hell - They are wishing to die, but they cannot die. Allah
make them to fall forever in hell.
But Allah calling this, He cutting this ram. They will cut ram death.
And everybody, the paradise people, they will be so happy. And
sometimes they saying, some people, they are dying from happiness.
They can die from happiness if there is dying. And the hell people, they
were if still that death still there, not cutting, they will be sad, die from
sadness. Because no more death after this. Life forever for paradise
people. He said, Allah "Live forever with no death any more." For hell
people also, He will say "Live forever. No death for you also". So
people, they must thinking about this. For this life, is it worth to be in
this condition forever? Even if some little bit cutting or little bit burning
And Allah give you good thinking, not following your ego. If you
follow ego, you will be in this situation, very bad situation. But if you
are following Allah, you will be happy forever. It is advice. And
people, they must think about this. How? There is believer and
unbeliever. It is no matter for Allah, if they are believer or not believer.
No excuse for them. "We are not believing, we didn't know it was, there
is hell, there was paradise." No, you know very well. But you are
denying this in this life saying for these people "Crazy, idiot. We are the
clever people." So it will be you are not clever, when you see this thing.
Allah give everybody good thinking to survive from this bad end
Wednesday, August 5, 2015.
Allah orders you to take care of the favours He gave you in trust. Treat
well, with kindness, whatever you are responsible for. Try to offer good
things as much as you can. There is a hadith of our Prophet - there is
reward even in husking the grains a man gives to his horse. He is
written a sawab for this. Sawab is written also for grooming it. Also
how many animals there are unable to talk, looking after them well
brings sawab to people. There is sin in hurting them because they are
speechless. Our Prophet sometimes said that the speechless
animal can be better than its owner because it knows Allah and makes
tasbih. For the sake of Allah, because this animal makes dhikr to Allah
and because it's given to you as a favour, you must treat it well and
give it its food and drink. When you give its rights, Allah writes sawab
for you and it brings blessings. The animal grows too.
This is not only for the animals we eat. Whatever you have in the
household, cats or hens, it is good to look after them well. There is a
hadith sharif - one lady was sent to hell. Why? She had a cat and she
locked it somewhere. It died of hunger and thirst. If she had released it,
it would have found something to eat or water to drink and would not
have died. Because she locked it up, she was sent to hell. This is a
hadith sharif. It's not acceptable to torture animals because they are
speechless. It is a bigger sin. You must be merciful to every creature, for
the sake of Allah.
pulling it. Otherwise the curse of theanimal can touch the man. It's not
good. At least the animal can... Some people say now, people who
claim to know much, it is a torture for an animal, that's why they give it
an electric shock or hit it on the head so that it doesn't feel pain. In fact,
they are idiots and they are torturing them. An animal goes through a
big torture then. It is tortured when its marrow is cut. They shouldn't
think they are saved. Those who do it by knowing, what they do
will be asked on the Day of Judgment. Everything is written. Their bad
treatment, their torture of the animal will certainly be asked about.
Allah Azza wa Jalla ordering for to be good for everything in this earth.
Everything it is, you are responsible for it, you must be merciful and
you must look after them. Especially, if you have animal who are, they
cannot speak - not understanding, not listening, not speaking this. So
don't think it is they don't have anybody to look after them. Allah, He is
looking, what are you doing. Human being for this non-speaking and
they are just under your mercy. You must be merciful for this also and
Allah reward you.
Even when you feed your horse or you feed another, Allah rewards
you for what are you doing. Especially if you have horse, because horse
it was, old time, very important for army. Who looking after horse,
everything he do for horse, Allah reward him. And for
another animal also.
And many time, Prophet (sas) saying: "Maybe this who are rider, who
riding him, he is better than rider". It is hadith also. Because
this animal, whole animals, they are knowing their Creator, their Lord
and they are praising Him. They are mentioning His Name by their
way. Everything, "wa in min shay-in illa yusabbihu bihamdihi" (17:44)
Everything making tasbih, mentioning Name of Allah, everything in
this world. So, maybe, many of them better than human being. This is
what Prophet (sas). Because, even they don't have mind but they
knowing Who create them. And to look after them, it is reward.
Everything you do for them it is giving you benefit. Don't think it is
nothing. Everything recording. Everything, they will be seen in
Judgment Day.
There is hadith one woman, she become from hell people. Why,
because she left her cat in room and she didn't feed them and not
giving water for them, they die in room. If they was let them outside,
they can find something to eat, they have many thing to eat. But she left
them there and they died. She will go to hell. This is hadith also. So you
must be merciful for all the creatures.
And when, even when slaughtering, don't push them, don't make
them, beat them. By gentle you slaughter them. Now, the people who
are thinking they are clever, they said it is not good to slaughter them
like this. First we must give them electricity. Next time, we must shoot
them in head to make them not feel any pain. And these crazy people,
they're not knowing what's death, what's that minute Allah, He know
and He Ordered to cut like this because He is Merciful, and the best
thing for this. For other thing is giving them more pain, more suffering.
and who are doing this, they are responsible. They will be charged for
this in Judgment Day. Because on that Day, everything they will speak,
even animal, even stone. Everything, they will say to be witness for
what human being done. So, who are doing this with knowing, he
will be punished and he will be regret because what he done.
They are... They are helping each other. And they are respecting and
they are obeying Allah. And when they are together, not arguing, not
fighting between each other. Even there sometimes
difference between some of them, they're saying their opinion, and
after they are "Ok, we are following you, what you said" they said.
Non-believer all time making fitna. And there was success to make
many Muslim, many believers to lose their what they have from land,
from country, from... Everything they lose. But it is... Until now they
are not learning anything. Still continue like this. If you have problem,
ok. You must not arguing, just listening and say your opinion. After - if
they accept, ok. Not accept, don't argue, you leave them, be, not to
make bigger fitna.
This is advice for these days people also. Now fitna time. Be quiet and
don't be in front. Mawlana saying [you] keep in your house or you keep
in where place nobody can reach you. Don't go outside also and
shouting and making noise. After coming to you what from this fitna,
after don't complain.
In this holy verse it is said that our Holy Prophet and those who are
with the Holy Prophet are merciful amongst themselves while they are
severe against their enemies. Even if they should disagree
with each other, as would often happen. For instance, Umar would say
one thing, and Abu Bakr would say another thing; sometimes they
would accept what one said, sometimes what the other said. But they
did not start a fight about it. They would say what they knew and what
they had to say, expressing their thoughts. For it is not good to look
only at one aspect of a matter, one needs to regard it from all sides. Not
for the sake of arguing, but for the benefit of Islam, for the benefit of the
believers, to consider a point of view, but not to fight or argue. Because
the thing then grows and gets out of hand, and our nafs, from its own
interests or from pride, our nafs does not want to submit.
Many states have come and gone, destroyed, many Islamic states. In
this way they lost the lands conquered by Islam, most of them, or more
than half, by following their nafs, by favouring their nafs. But one
ought not to show favour to one's nafs. The nafs follows shaytan. By
favouring it, you are favouring the devil. When a Muslim meets
another Muslim, and they embrace, says our Holy Prophet, their sins
fall off them just as the autumn leaves fall off the trees. The more
Muslims are kind towards each other, the more our Holy Prophet will
be pleased with them, and Allah loves that servant. He says, be kind
and merciful towards each other, love one another.
May Allah make us not to submit to our nafs. May mankind and
Muslims among themselves try not to see each other's faults and
shortcomings. Try to make excuses foreach other. Say: this one is ill,
this one may be a bit elderly. Try not to take offence at the slightest
prompting. May Allah grant us to live in the way we have described,
with love for one another, and favouring each other, insha'Allah.
Allah, may His Glory be exalted, has sent down to each of His
prophets, well, of course not to all of them, there were 124,000
prophets, and to 313 of these prophets Allah revealed heavenly
scriptures. One of these was of course the Prophet Musa, alayhi s-
salam. The Torah was revealed to the Prophet Musa, alayhi s-salam.
The Torah is a big book. It has many more pages than the Holy Qur'an.
But the Qur'an is the perfect scripture. All the unbelievers kept saying
to our Holy Prophet: Why does it come down little by little, Allah,
exalted be He, should send it all at once! In this way they would
Musa, alayhi s-salam, his people were the Bani Isra'il. To them Allah
sent down the Torah as it is - it was not sent bit by bit. This great book
was sent down by Allah, exalted be He, to Musa, alayhi s-salam. In it
are contained all rules, instructions for worship, commands and
prohibitions. The entire foundation of the religion is found in that book.
The religion which Musa, alayhi s-salam, brought was the divinely
revealed religion for the time of Musa, alayhi s-salam. It was revealed
all at once. Because of that, people had difficulty with it. Most of them
could not follow it. After the time of Musa, alayhi s-salam, they began
to change things, they changed a lot. By now, in our day it contains not
half, not even a quarter, perhaps 5% at most of the original true book of
the Torah.
But Allah Almighty, as a mercy for the nation of the Prophet, and to
show the way for future generations, sent down slowly slowly. In the
beginning, what did Islam consist of? When our Holy Prophet first
conveyed his message as a prophet, he was instructed to teach people
In this way all commands came gradually. When they were completed,
our Holy Prophet gave a khutba on the day of Arafat during the
pilgrimage, which was Hajj ul- Akbar, and the last Hajj he was to make,
Hajj ul-Wada', the Hajj of farewell, everybody knows it. At that time he
gave a great khutba, instructing the Muslims on everything they had to
do and were forbidden to do. Then he recited the verse: al-yawma
akmaltu lakum dinakum wa atmamtu alaykum ni’mati wa raditu
lakum al-Islama dinan (5:3) This verse translates as: This day I have
perfected your religion for you, and completed My favour upon you,
and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. I am pleased with that
religion be you also pleased with it. Some people, and most of the
companions understood that the task of our Holy Prophet had come to
an end, that from now on he would no longer be among the people.
Some were happy that the religion was now complete, but most people
understood, were sorrowful, very sad.
this, I am that. We are nothing, all of us are weak servants. Even the
greatest of men in the end will surrender his soul and be gone.
The Noble Companions of the Prophet did not forsake the religion
because the Holy Prophet had gone. Some who were not among the
companions, tribesmen of other tribes, at once began to rebel, saying -
"We are not paying zakat." Some abandoned the religion so as not to
pay zakat. But our Holy Prophet left behind him his khalifas, who
preserved his way and kept to it. They spread light across the whole
world. Some of those who had left the way returned to it, they repented
and again attained high rank and stations. One of these was the first of
the companions to come to Cyprus. He had left the path because of this
problem, but afterwards he repented and returned to Islam and came
as commander to Cyprus together with Hala Sultan and they
conquered here. But there were some who went to war, saying - "We
are what we are," and they did not accept. They perished, as well as
those who were with them.
pages, some 100, like Qur'an 600 pages. Torah, who was coming to
Musa (as) it was big, very big. And it is, it was coming for Musa (as)
once. All this what they write what they must do, what they must
worship, what they must eat, not eat, what is prohibited, what is
inherited. Everything because it is religion, completely religion in this
book - Torah - holy book because [it's] from Allah. Allah Azza wa Jalla
He sent it [at] once.
But for Qur'an, Allah He said inna nahnu nazzalna l-dhik'ra wa-inna
lahu lahafidhun (15:9) He said. We sent this holy book, Qur'an and we
are keeping from any different, changing. Until Qiyama it will be.
Before Qiyama it will be, in short time before Qiyama until short time
of Qiyama, it will be preserved. It will be until that time; nothing. But in
the, for Qiyama signs in Qur'an it will be completely erased. You
cannot find in Qur'an when if you see, at that time all it will be erased.
And if anybody know by heart he will be not there. Finished. Until that
time, no changing at all.
And it was coming part by part for Prophet (saws). First of all Islam it
was when Prophet (saws) Allah sending as a prophet and when he was
in 40 year age to be Islam. Only saying La ilaha ill Allah Muhammad
Rasulullah. Nothing else. No praying, no fasting, no zakat, no anything.
Only this it was ordered. After this, slowly coming, praying. But not
five time a day, just praying as they want. After many years, become
five time day praying. After this coming fasting. But they fasting not in
Ramadan, (but) in Muharram, 'Ashura. That times. After this, coming
to, after coming to Medina, in Ramadan fasting. After coming zakat.
you My favour and I have approved for you Islam a religion. (5:3) This
ayat he was saying in Arafat, the day before Hajj in Arafat and it was
Friday. And he was saying long khutba. So, many of companions,
sahaba of Prophet (saws) was crying because they know he will leave
them. Some of them, they not know. One of Bani Israil there was saying
when he hear this - "You must make this day Eid, Feast." And Hazrat
Omar ibn Khattab said, 'Of course it was Eid. It was Prophet was there
and it was Arafat, it was in Arafat. So, it is Eid for us also this day."
So, it is coming like this. And after many, few months, Prophet (saws)
he was going to akhira and companions they are following him,
following what he has ordered because he make everything right and
he left for them this. And they are continuing with what he ordered,
what his command and they was real companions, not leaving Prophet
(saws). They was with him and other who are, they have weak 'irada' -
willpower, weak willpower. There was some of them, for money,
because they don't want to give zakat, they come out of Islam. Some of
them, they was really not happy with Islam, they also ... So they was
fighting with them and many of them, they came back. Even, some of
them who was out of Islam come again. He regretted, repented and
even one of them who was like this, he become commander, and he
come to with Hala Sultan to conquer Cyprus also. But he was real
repentant. Other[s] they was only for them and for their ego. They was
fighting and they try to be another prophet. They was not succeed and
people who follow them they was destroy their people and there,
nobody know about them. Very few of them, like Firawn, like Nimrod,
their name by people known. But many of them, they are not knowing
anybody for [from] them.
Allah He is not in need for them and He is with Prophet (saws) and his
companions. They conquered all these countries of Islam and they
spread the light of Islam there. Very, who these few people who are
doing these wrong things, it was bad for them and not good for their
people. You must be with right. You must be with Allah. Prophet
(saws) he is even he went to akhira but he is alive. He is hearing and
hears when you say salawat he is coming and taking salawat and he is
happy with you. Don't think awliyaAllah, or loved, beloved Allah's
beloved servants, they are happy with who they are leaving and
running away. No, they are just following their ego. But even this, we
will say. Slowly slowly Allah gives the real Muslim good
understanding and to not run away from Islam. Islam it is the biggest
favour. Prophet (saws) wa-atmamtu 'alaykum ni'mati (5:3) - I complete
this favour for this Prophet (saws) saying. So it is big favour. Don't run
away from favour. Run away from bad, from evil, from your ego run
away. Don't run away from favour. Allah make this favour all time on
us InshaAllah
Saturday, August 8, 2015.
To make peace between Muslims, says our Holy Prophet, is the best
thing we can do, to make things better between Muslims, to show the
right way. When there were two groups who were angry at each other,
our Holy Prophet would try to reconcile them. He would go and say to
them, "Let's make up." Once a fight broke out in Medina, in Quba,
where the masjid of Quba is. He said, "Let's go there and make peace
between them." Also, when making peace between Muslims it is
permissible to lie. It is permitted in this case, and when reconciling a
man with his wife. And of course also in case of war. Warfare is
deception, for if you openly say to your enemy: I am going to do this,
he will take advantage of the occasion and defeat you. That is why in
some cases, in some situations, it is allowed to do certain things.
For everything there is a method, a basic rule. Islam, our Holy Prophet
showed the very best way, because there is no trust, safety. As a Qur'an
verse says: Wa la tu'minu illa li-man tabi’a dinakum"(3:73) Do not trust
anyone who is not of your own religion. That is, in the case he is a true
Muslim. Otherwise, at other times, if that person has dealings with bad
people, of course you must not place much trust in him. Our Holy
Prophet means to say that you should be moderate; if you love
someone, do not love him overly much, he says. A day might come
when he will be your enemy. He will know all your secrets, and he will
defeat you, and do you harm. Maybe you have an enemy, but don't
hate him too much, do not act too badly towards him, for it could be
that he will become your friend. Such is the way of the world.
Things change in this world. Nothing remains the same. Therefore, in
order to feel safe and secure, do not go to the extreme with anything.
Keep something for yourself that will help you out. In former times,
before guns, firearms were invented, people had wrestlers, it was the
main time of wrestling. They would challenge each other to wrestle.
They were experts in these matters. Once there was a man, who was a
great wrestler master, no one could defeat him. By his side he had a
trainee, a new wrestler in training is called a trainee. There was no one
who could defeat this wrestler. He was much loved by the Sultan.
Wrestling is not all as it seems to be. It is not all about grabbing and
pushing and pulling, there are secrets to it, and there is a method of
how to bring your opponent down, how to bring him to the ground
and defeat him. There are principles, there are certain tricks. This
trainee had already been taught 999 of these tricks by his master. But
one he had not yet taught him. The trainee insisted that he teach him
everything, but the master just passed over it. In the end the trainee
became a very strong wrestler indeed. Nobody could resist him. The
Sultan was delighted with him, he was his favourite, being such a
powerful wrestler in those days people valued such qualities, such
wrestlers as he were highly prized.
This wrestler in the Sultan's presence followed his nafs to say: "Nobody
can overcome me!" Even though his master was there with him. The
Sultan resented that remark, but said nothing to him. So there he
challenged his master. All right, said the Sultan, if you should win, you
will still give all your titles to the master, for all he taught you. Ok, he
said. Really, nobody could resist him, he was such a strong, powerful
wrestler. His master entered the ring. The master knew that his student
was stronger than he, but he was also very clever. He had experience,
and experience is important. Because of his experience, without giving
him a chance, he applied the one trick he had not taught him and
brought him down to the ground. He knocked him out. The trainee
sprawled on the ground. "O master," he said, "that one you did not
teach me." "I did not teach it to you because of this time now."
Prophet (saws) he was the most best thing he said to do to make people
to not be fighting, to make them peace between people, between
neighbours, between these friends. When they are fighting you must
make them to come together again. Prophet he said this is the biggest
good thing to do and he was doing this. He was even encouraging
sahaba. Once they were fighting in between people in Medina near
Quba. He said 'Let's go there to make peace between them'.
And even in this many, very few place you can say a lie for [to] make
peace between people. You can say 'This man he love you' but he not
love you, OK. But you can say this. And between wife and husband
also you can say lie to make them to come together again. And in war
you must not tell truth, because your enemy is waiting something to
know what you are doing to attack on you. When he say this is in his
front, everything clear he can do and he will win on you. So don't make
this enemy to come on you and to be, you must be awake. Don't trust
or don't go for extreme. Don't go extreme. Prophet (saws) say - If you
love somebody, don't love extreme love. Maybe sometimes he can
[be]come enemy for you and he will know all your secrets and he will
harm you. And if you hate somebody, don't hate him extreme.
Allah changing sometimes - this man, he become your best friend and
you will be shy for what you said to him or what you done for him. So
don't be very extreme. Be careful.
Every time there was old time, before gun and powder, gunpowder it
exist. There was people, strong people, they was fighting with hands
and especially they have wrestlers. They are acceptable people these
people. They have good manners and they are good people. Their a
Sultan and if they was like them they was very close for them. One of
these very strong wrestlers he know a thousand tricks. Because
wrestling, not only strong, strength, it need also, some trick to make
your fighter who [is] against you, to make him [go] down. Not only
with this strength you must be thinking also. And there was these
people teaching people around them also. Between these what he was
teaching them, there was one young man, He was very strong and he
have ability, and he was happy with him. And he was teaching him all
these tricks and he was learning quickly and he was very strong. He
teach him 999 tricks. Only one, he didn't teach him.
He, all time asking - O! Master! Teach me this! Teach me this! He was
say 'yes yes, oh, oh'. He was just making - not teaching him. Once,
when he become, the other one, famous and nobody can stop in front of
him and he become proud. Once in Sultan's table he said 'nobody can
stop on front of me'. Sultan was not happy with this. And this, his
master also he was there. He said 'How you say this for your Master?'
Master he said 'We must wrestling, and he must know we must teach
him adab.' And coming to fighting together. And really, he was more
stronger from his master. But master he is clever and he know this. He
quickly he make this last trick he didn't teach him. He put him in down,
in earth. He finish him. He say 'O! Master! You didn't teach me this.' He
said 'I didn't teach, for this moment. I leave it to make you, this is last
lesson for you to not to be proud." And it was like this.
We must keep secrets for if anybody tell you and don't tell what you
know for everybody. There is special thing before, [in] old time, people
they was keeping for them. Now, everybody they know, they spread
everywhere. This is also not good. Allah make us from good people
Insha'Allah and to be saved from our self.
A person’s own life is a journey. They reach Allah at the end of these
journeys. When the intention while making these journeys is Allah’s
consent, Allah (JJ) gives its rewards and good deeds. Let us not forget
and do every work for the sake of Allah.
Not only the imam, hodja, or shaykh is making the journey. Whoever
does it needs to do it for the sake of Allah. Allah gives them its
rewards. Even when going for work, they need to travel for the sake of
Allah. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says travelling is not easy. Let it not be
in vain. Surely, we need to take the trip for the sake of Allah, for our
livelihood, for the livelihood of our children, and to earn from the
lawful (halal). Ask for Allah’s consent in everything. Allah’s consent
is a blessing, goodness, and tranquility. It completes whatever is
missing from a person. Whatever a person does without the consent of
Allah, their work is not okay, is incomplete, and is in fact nothing. We
need to pay attention to this. We need to give importance to Allah’s
consent. May all our works Inshallah be in accordance with the consent
of Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Wednesday, August 12, 2015.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015.
Allah (JJ) showed the way. Some people obey their ego (nafs), separate
from the path, and fall contrary to Muslims. They become not with
Muslims but with unbelievers (kafirs). The consequences of their evil
actions are big.
One of the big sins is running from battle. This is the same way.
Muslims have to be one heart for unbelief to go away. Yet if you are
with the kafir, Allah’s anger and Allah’s punishment would come to
you. Afterwards, do not think, “Why did it happen? Why did it stay?”
This is an important matter.
People who know themselves to be scholars need not obey their egos.
The nafs does not enjoin the good. It continuously orders the bad.
Therefore, be with those who say “Allah”, not with those who oppose
Allah. It is enough even if by heart. But if you go ahead, be with the
kafir, and act according to your ego’s desire, there is no good in your
knowledge nor in your actions. Let us pay attention to the reason
behind everything. There are some things, if you enter into unnecessary
things, it is to your disadvantage and its end is in loss. Allah is with the
good. May Allah help us all Inshallah.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015.
Thank you.
Assalamu Alaykum.
Thursday, September 10, 2015.
It says in the Holy Verse, “If a person wants evil, that evil turns to
themselves at first.” People think what they do [of evil] will benfit
them. Everything has a record. The angels are recording everything.
Those angels will show all of what they did on Judgment Day. They
will also surely get its response in return in the world. There is no
person who does evil and finds good.
Shaitan fools people saying, “Do this and do that.” Then he says, “I
have nothing to do with it. I fear Allah.” Allah Azza wa Jalla orders
people to do good. Shaitan orders them to do evil. There is no need to
worry about and fear the affairs of this world and what is happening in
this world. Surely, those who do evil find evil. Those who do good find
good. By Allah’s permission.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Al Fatiha.
Monday, September 14, 2015.
If you show mathematics to a child who does not know how to read
and write at all, they would not understand and would run away.
There is nothing else for them to do. Show ease in works you are about
to do. You need to do it according to imams of sharia (the law), imams
of schools of thought (mazhabs), and what scholars have said, not
according to your own head. You cannot make judgements solely from
the Koran. The situation that we see is because of this. There was only
one dictator formerly. Now there are a hundred thousand dictators.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Tuesday, September 15, 2015.
We ask madad from our Prophet, from Allah Azza wa Jalla and from
Mashayikh. If they don't support us, we are nothing. Allah created us
as weak, powerless servants. Despite being boastful and proud,
mankind is nothing. A man should know that he has no power. As long
as Allah doesn't want and doesn't help, a man shouldn't think that he
becomes great by his knowledge, that he reaches some rank, becomes a
scholar, a commander, a minister all by himself. All the ranks of this
world are meaningless. As long as Allah doesn't help, nothing has any
value. One hand can't do anything.
Don't forget Allah. Ask help from Allah. Don't listen to anyone. Shaitan
doesn't want it, he wants you to forget Allah. Allah says "Remember
Me". "Fadhkuruni adhkurkum"(2:152) "Remember Me so that I
remember you". Shaitan enters from any door. He enters from the door
of disbelief. Of course, a Muslim man doesn't listen to him. He will say
there's a kafir in front of him. Whatever he says, it is better to do the
opposite of it. And he does so. Shaitan can appear as Muslim and say
you are doing wrong when you ask madad - you make shirk and give a
partner to Allah. They say when you remember Allah, you give a
partner to Allah. And most Muslims... not most of them, but the
deceived ones are a lot. The majority is not deceived by them, with
Allah's permission. But people deceived by them are the people who
think they are smarter.
They say that we are mushrik when we ask madad. When we ask
madad, we know that we have nothing. We say that everything is from
Allah. If Allah Azza wa Jalla helps, we will be saved. Support will come
and we'll be raised. We can reach to the highest stations. But when you
do something and say "I did it by myself", you make shirk like they say,
but a hidden one. Our Prophet says there's shirk khafi, a hidden shirk.
You put your ego as a partner. It is you who make shirk then, those
who say like that. All creatures live by means of the power of Allah.
Without the power of Allah, nothing can move, nothing can make any
an example to people. Allah Azza wa Jalla says "I make you live and I
make you die." There can't be a partner to Him. No one can reach His
power and greatness. Mashayikh are the ones who say this.
We are asking Madad from Allah, from Prophet (sas) from mashayikh
because we are nothing, we are weak. We are not claiming we have
power. No, only what we want [is] help from Allah, from Prophet (sas)
[and] from mashayikh. Without this help we are nothing. Nobody can
be, nobody is strong enough even [if] he is in high position, he has
power, he has like a president like a scholar, like a professor, like what
you imagine in your mind from high position. It is not real power
because Allah Azza wa Jalla He has power and He is giving what
people in this position, from Allah. But when some become very proud,
and they are saying 'I am like this, I am like that' - it is wrong because
Allah Azza wa Jalla He is the Creator and if your forget the Creator
Allah make you funny, make you miserable. He can do anything.
We are saying this because when we are asking help from Allah some
people they are not happy. And, especially shaytan, it is not happy. It is
attacking believers from everywhere. Sometimes attacking like he is
unbeliever. OK, believers they know they are saying wrong. But it has
many tricks and now it is attacking like it is giving advice for people. If
you are asking anything from Allah from Prophet, from awliya, they
are saying you are on wrong way, you are make shirk, you make
partner for Allah. No, they are wrong in this because we are remember
Allah in everything. We are weak, we are nothing without His help.
When he is helping us, everything good. If He not helping, we cannot
do anything. This is our advice.
But this shaytan and its followers and they real, they have every kind of
trick and they are allowing themselves every bad thing, especially
lying. The lying is the most what they are using to trick people, to make
them thinking to confuse people, and they are thinking and really this
is what they are doing in these days, [and] I think from [the] beginning
also. For this, Prophet (sas) saying, A believer he is not using lies, he is
not a liar. But these people they are using lies, 100 percent. Everything
they are saying, they are lying. And we are making people to not be in
their tricks (trap). They are not go after them. Of course most of [the]
people they are not following but there is many [that] they make them
to think they are in [the] right and following them. Especially young
people, they are quickly believing.
Because they are real, they have shape when they are speaking. You
think they are the most truthful ones, but they are real 100% liars. Don't
go after them, because they are friends of shaytan and shaytan using
them. Allah keep us away from these people. And tariqat, the real
belief of Islam, teaching Islam, to not be in this danger. Because maybe
if you are in dunya, something happened to you it's OK. But your next
life, it is safe. But if you follow these people in dunya also not safe, in
akhira, next life also not safe. Allah keep us safe from these people and
shaytan and its followers.
Bi hurmat il-fatiha
Wednesday, September 16, 2015.
Because we all live in the end of times, shaitan gives all his power, all
his knowledge and ignorance to people living now - not knowledge but
its opposite jahil (ignorance). Knowledge is light. Ignorance is badness.
Now people are proud, saying: "We reached to the top point, the peak
of civilization." Whoever is following shaitan, even if not following, its
harms touching everyone. What are its harms? People are not peaceful,
not content, unhappy. They have all sorts of negativity.
How? Because they invaded the world, they taught the same things to
everyone. Even the people living on the mountains, they were
influenced, badly influenced by them [shaytan's teaching]. They are not
content with anything. They don't enjoy anything anymore. They want
more and more. Even if they get more, still they are unhappy. They
cannot be happy. The more they get, the more they are unhappy,
uneasy. Of course shaitan does not want goodness for people, he wants
badness. What shaitan teaches, takes people towards every darkness,
badness, dirtiness, anarchy. These are shaitan's teachings.
People are not content. So, they do not have belief. Because a believer
knows everything comes from Allah and he is content and satisfied. He
(awj) is the Giver, He (awj) is the Taker. He (awj) is the one raising up,
He (awj) is the one degrading. He is giving the cure. When we say
"Everything is from Him" then we have belief. But rebelling against
everything, is from shaitan. Not being content with anything, is from
shaitan and shaitan has taught this to mankind for thousands of years.
Human beings these days how they are, they are claiming they are now
in the highest point of civilization and they have everything and
nothing can be more perfect than this. They are claiming. They have
democracy. They have university. They have everything. And even this
[is] not in one country of the world it is affecting every, everywhere.
[There is] no place [that] is not affected from this idea. What idea is
this? This [is] idea of shaytan. It is completely [an] idea of shaytan. And
nowhere in this world [is] safe from this. Even Muslim countries all,
under this control now in dunya, shaytan control. Because a teaching of
shaytan has spread everywhere. And it is, people without knowing all
[are] affected with this.
This is the end of the world. It must be like this. [There is] no place, not
Mecca, not Medina, not Quds, not Sham. Everywhere [it is the] same.
What [do] they want? They want more. If they have something, they
are not happy with this. They want more and more. Nothing can make
them to be satisfied. Nothing can make people happy. If you give them,
all the world - also not happy, they want another one also. This is the
teaching of shaytan and it is thousands of years coming, coming,
coming and the end this may be more than 200 years becoming more
and more, more and more.
shaytan. It said you must fight for your, to take more. You must not be
happy. Any people obeying, they are not happy. They are all time not
satisfied, not happy. Nothing can make them to say 'Enough.' This is
This is time of shaytan and it is the end of time. Insha'Allah Mahdi (as)
come to make people to listen to reality. And after this, it will be
happiness Insha'Allah.
Thursday, September 17, 2015.
anyone who fought Allah and won. If you're pleased and submissive, it
will pass you by. Allah won't make you feel the burden. It will be
As we said, Allah has put a deadline for everything, which is call death.
Since Adam, alaihi salam, up until now, billions of people have lived
and none of them remained in this world. The happiest is gone, the
richest is gone, the poorest is gone; all of them are gone. It's a
temporary life. Akhira is eternal. Be prepared for it, don't forget it. Of
course, Prophets passed through this temporary life. Saints passed,
sahabas passed. Hadith of our Prophet says that the place of every
scholar, every Prophet and every sahaba remains so open that until
qiyama that emptiness cannot be filled. There's this too. But still what
Allah says happens. This world remains to no one.
Don't forget, you're not going to stay here by objecting and opposing
Allah. Obey and submit to Allah's orders. May Allah be our supporter
inshaAllah. May Allah not give us more burden than we can carry, He
is Merciful. May He treat us with kindness and favours.
So, we are eating we are, some people they are dying early. Some
people, they are living more - some of them 50 years, some of them 70
years, some of them 100 years. But all what Allah he put this time for
these people. And, even they are rich or they are poor or they are
happy they are ill, they are not happy, It is not matter. For this life it
must be what Allah He said. And people they are not understanding
this. They are only complaining but it is not useful to complain because
nothing can change when you are complaining. You mustn't complain.
You must know this - Allah He put this time and He give this life for all
creatures. We must be satisfied and not complaining, just be quiet until
this time passing by peace and when you arrive for next life to be won
But if you are, in this life, you are not happy, you are all time
complaining, you feel yourself miserable, your life miserable, your
everything around you not good, and you are not happy - when you
arrive to next life, it will be worse. But if you are happy with even,
some people with a small thing they can be happy. But another people,
if you give them whole Europe, they are not happy also.
But it is [a] secret from Allah, a secret, but it is open. People they don't
like to understand this. Only, you must be happy because you are
servant of Allah Almighty. This is the biggest favour. You mustn't look
for another thing. If you're happy, you will be happy whole life and
you will be happy in [the] next life also. This is teaching of Prophet, to
not be against Allah. How [can] you be against Allah? You're not happy
with what He giving you? All time complaining; this is not good.
Sometimes, some people they give a present for some people and
opening 'What is this rubbish?!' Can be happy these people with him?
This is what they are [the] whole time, they are doing to Allah Azza wa
Jalla. They are complaining, they are saying 'We are not happy with
life'. 'Look these people they have everything. We don't have anything.'
Even if they have everything, and they are in life and they are eating
drinking and they are healthy - also, they are not happy. So, they will
be not happy at all, for whole life not happy. And next life not happy.
The secret to be happy [is] to accept everything from Allah and thank,
to be thankful for Him. And from a very small thing, you will be
And of course this coming from Adam (as) - billions of people they was
coming, borning, after growing up, after dying. Until now, billions
Saturday, September 19, 2015.
Some people say "Do not go to graves, do not visit graves." Allah Azza
wa Jalla said that they are like unbelievers. Because unbelievers say
"They are dead, finished, you cannot get benefit". The others think they
know Islam and they have belief, they think what they do is right. But
in fact they are doing what the unbelievers do. Visiting graves is
beneficial, especially the graves of the Prophets. Our Prophet (sas) says;
"Who visits my grave, it is as if he visited me in life." There are graves
of other Prophets as well. In some places, of course the graves of the old
time Prophets are not exactly known. They can be in different places,
either the grave or the maqam.
When you visit a grave you do not visit it for this world. You visit for
Allah, for remembering Allah. It is a means to know Allah. Then there
are the graves of Sahabas. They are also in any country a blessing and
light for that country. For this reason wherever there is a grave of a
Sahaba people rush and run there. Also the graves of awliyas, they also
remind us of Allah, belief, akhirah (hereafter). Scholars' graves are also
like that.
Visiting your parents is also one of the most valuable acts of worship. It
is considered as worshipping. When you do a good deed, it is counted
as worship because you are keeping Allah's order. If you do what Allah
says, you get the blessings. What other people say - that when you go
to the grave you exit religion, exit belief - there is no such thing. On the
contrary, if not visiting the graves Allah says that it will be like, just like
the unbelievers. Because they say "He is dead, gone, not here anymore".
The unbeliever says the same thing.
May Allah protect when they say 'mushrik' to someone else, they fall
into disbelief. May Allah protect us from the evil of these people. Do
not listen to them. These people, who are in this group, it is very
difficult for them to be saved. But we warn you not to fall into their
traps. The right way, Allah's way, the way Prophet (sas) showed, is this
tariqa's way, with Allah's permission.
You can visit graves, and you take baraka from graves also, especially,
Prophets' grave. The Prophet (saws) he said 'Who visit me in my grave,
they will be rewarded as they [have] visited me in my life.' And he is
still alive in this, his place. After, there is many prophets also they have
graves but we don't know which one exactly [is] their grave. But also
for baraka, we can visit. After this, there is graves of sahaba,
companions of Prophet (saws). They are thousands of them everywhere
and each country where they have this, their grave, they are respected
and they have big mosques around them. This area and all people
where they are buried in any country, they are visiting them since 1400
years. Because from that time they were arriving and reached to this
area and they were buried in that area. Everywhere it is 1400 years all
people visiting and taking baraka from them.
And after them, there is awliyaAllah graves. Also, the people visit them
and they take baraka and they take reward from Allah. Because they,
why they are visiting these graves? They are visiting for Allah. To get
blessed from Allah And to Allah happy with them because they are
respecting His beloved servant and He is happy with them and He is
giving baraka for them. They are not going to worship them. No! Just to
give respect and ask baraka from Allah. And they are going there to
remember Allah. They are not going there to remember dunya or
anything else, or to get money or..No! Just when they are seeing
mosque or seeing a tomb, they remember Last Day, they remember
Allah and they remember Prophet (saws).
But other people who are preventing people to visit them, Allah Azza
wa Jalla, He said about them they are like kafir, like unbelievers. These
people, they are calling people who are visiting tombs and graveyards
to be mushrik and they are not knowing they are coming to be like
kafir. Because Allah said these people [are] like them because they are
not believing in life, [they are alive]or to be benefit. These people they
said they died and they are finished. Two of them they are saying the
same thing. Allah give them hidayat [guidance]. I don't think they can
get hidayat these people because they have like rock-mind. But we are
saying, to warning people from them - Don't believe them. They are
liars. They don't have any respect for good people, for beloved people,
for prophets, for awliya, for sahaba. They don't have anything [of
respect] only they are following their ego and doing what they
like. And it is, Islam not like this. Islam it is like what Prophet show us
It is tariqat, showing the real Islam. And it is like this since Prophet
(saws), not changing. Other shaytan, every time he get a new trick.
Every time since Prophet (saws) until now there is like this, people,
thousands small group coming and going, coming, going coming
going. But still, real one Alhamdulillah continue until Qiyama. Allah
make people to following this, not to be cheated by these people.
a mosque, they would immediately do the wudu and work like that.
The workers do the five daily prayers, have manners, and are
respectful. Of course, it is natural that they might also need a ghusl.
They would do that there immediately too and could get back to work.
Mosques were built with salawat, zikr, and tasbih because they are
houses of Allah. However, now this is the most sacred place, the
cleanest place. How many of them are working there with wudu? I
would think that they have nothing to do with wudu.
When it is time for prayer, they compulsorily make them pray there. Of
course, it cannot be without prayers (namaz). However, other than that
they smoke their cigarettes too. So they have no idea where they are
working. Then these kinds of incidents occur. Nothing except for the
word of Allah and the zikr of Allah should be said there. They need to
say “Allah” and recite the Basmala with every stone and every placing
of mortar. They need to continuously be thankful that they have the
opportunity to be working there. They do not remind them of that
either. There is only one thing they remember: “Let us see who we are
going to make a polytheist (mushrik), and who we are going to make
an unbeliever (kafir)? Let us be careful that people should never recite
salawat.” If they see you praying, they come: “Why did you pray so
much? Are you a sufi? Are you a mushrik? What are you?” So they are
stuck with these kinds of things. There is no respecting the Kaaba
either. In the time of the Ottomans, the largest building there was the
Kaaba’s building. Now, the smallest building is the Kaaba’s building.
We went to a mosque in Rize (on top of a mountain). It looked this
small when looking from the bottom. Wherever you look at the Kaaba
now, it looks like that too. It has been closed from all sides. It would be
more correct to say it cannot be seen. If Wahhabis could do it, they
would even call the circumambulation (tawaf) shirk. They would say,
“You are walking around the Kaaba. You are committing shirk. You are
not worshipping Allah but worshipping the Kaaba.” They cannot say
this, but in short they are almost saying this. They are in the midst of
very big mistakes. And this is Allah’s warning. Nothing is difficult for
Allah. Allah (JJ), as we said, will blow away mountains. From now on if
you act outside of manners, Allah warns you and sometimes makes
you ridiculed. They are working with the world’s most modern and
most advanced machinery. Something like this would not happen
anywhere else. They do not trust in Allah. They trust the machinery.
For this reason, this is a coming warning. The advice of Shaykh
pushed off. Do not say, “This is a good machine. Nothing would hapen
to this machine.” Anything could happen once Allah wants, and
nothing could happen as long as Allah protects. If Allah protects, you
could walk in fire if you like and nothing would happen. May Allah
have mercy on the Hajjis (pilgrims) there. They are considered Hajji
now because they have started the Hajj path. Their Hajj is alright. If
Allah accepts, they are also martyrs (shahid). May Allah give patience
to their families and their close ones Inshallah. Eid al-Adha (Sacrifice
Feast) is approaching. Of course, the Hajj obligation is not for
everybody, but it is obligatory (fard) for people who have the money
and good health. Yet there are obstacles. The intention matters if an
obstacle appears when they were about to do it. It is complete if they
can live up to that time, but if they cannot, Allah Azza wa Jalla also
accepts them as Hajji because they had the intention. Becasue the Hajji
that takes that road is considered a Hajji.
A person has made the intention for Hajj. Sometimes they get to go
not in one year, not in three years, not in five years, but in the end of
the eighth year. In the past, they could go in five or six months. They
could go from further distant places in eight or nine months. But now,
even though transportation is so fast, that trip sometimes takes eight
years and sometimes takes ten years. This is also Allah’s wisdom and it
has its rewards. Waiting has its rewards. Allah gives according to our
intentions. It is not clear how this world might turn. The state [of the
world] gets worse everyday. We say one thing and our ikhwan
(brothers and sisters) sometimes write with exaggeration in this kook
thing, the internet. Our intention is for people to be cautious. We do not
want people saying “Don’t do anything else!” and to leave everything
and stop. Then it is, “Shaykh said so and I stopped, I lost my job, and I
cannot face anybody anymore...” It is not the saying of the shaykh.
Allah says so. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
time, and people will not need to work anyway.” True, but nobody but
Allah knows the unseen future (ghayb). Our Holy Prophet has given
good tidings of Mahdi Alayhis Salam. Our Holy Prophet has a good
tiding saying, “He will come out of my descendants. His name will be
like mine, his mother’s name will be like my mother’s name, and his
father’s name will be like my father’s name.” He did not tell its time
though. There is something and it is out and apparent, but its time is
not clear. However, there are signs. The signs also point to the time
being near. But we are not saying to leave work and wait. Wait, wait
internally. Be ready when he is here. Be ready at any moment. Of
course it is hard to supply these big cities when something happens
elsewhere. Keep some light provisions ready. Anyway, it does not
require much for people to store and place provisions for 20-25 days or
a month. We are not saying tons. 5-10 kilograms is enough Allah
willing. Let this not be misunderstood either. Now there are these latest
events. The ikhwan are asking, “What should we do?” We will make
dua. We will pray for Muslims. We will damn the kafirs. There is never
a need to go out and scream in the streets. We can make dua where we
are sitting. May Allah deal with the others. Because they are
tyrannizing people. There are also confused Muslims. A Muslim does
not keep a grudge. There is loving for Allah and hating for Allah. That
is what it is. Is the opposing man cursing at Islam, at the Prophet, and
at Allah? Does he hate? He does. You need to hate him too.
You need not be with him. Because if you are with him, you will be
disgraced in the world and disgraced in the hereafter. How will you
know whether a person is good? If all the bad ones are an enemy to
him, that man is good. Now, the whole world and all the people of
unbelief have become enemies to Turkey. Why? Becasue, Shaykh
Mawlana used to say it too, the Ottomans are here. If the Ottomans
rasie their heads, nobody can withstand them. This is why they would
not leave us alone from of old. They have raged more and attacked
more because there is a man like this as a leader now. They are
attacking from all over the world. Becasue the situation of the Islamic
world is known. The Islamic world is miserable, and none of them utter
a sound. They have embroiled everything. Only this place is left. They
are saying, “Let us finish this one too so nothing called Islam will be left
anymore.” Allah is with the truth. Allah is with us. We have no fear. Do
not fear at all. May Allah (JJ) give strength, and may He protect Islam
Inshallah. May the Ottomans come back with their glory and honor and
reach Mahdi Alayhis Salam. As soon as possible Inshallah. There, that
is what we are waiting for. Inshallah it is near. May there be no fear and
no anxiety Inshallah. Allah (JJ) says, “Allah will grant victory to those
Allah. Anatolia is the abode of awliya (saints). They came from all over,
before the Ottomans too, and knead this place upon Islam. They are the
beloved of Allah, Inshallah. It is the wisdom of Allah that the people of
unbelief could not change our flag. The sign of Islam is the moon and
star, the crescent and star. That is the sign of Islam and nothing else.
That is why it is the flag. It needs to be respected as well. Becasue it is
something crusaders do not like. But they could not remove it. There is
a wisdom of Allah. They left it at [the Treaty of] Luassane. They could
not even get rid of it in our weakest time. May Allah make it last until
Judgment Day Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Sunday, September 20, 2015.
These days are holy days. Pilgrims have a couple of days remaining to
complete their hajj obligation. There are thousands, 100 thousands,
millions of people who can afford and are going. Some people have
money but not everyone who wants can go. That is different. Our
Prophet said when someone makes the intention for hajj and starts his
journey towards hajj; it is as if he has completed his obligation,
because he is on that way. There is no way back. Moreover, our Prophet
says when a pilgrim is on his way to hajj and if something happens like
a snake bites him, or he falls off a horse, or a car hits him, or he passes
away on the way, he is rewarded as a martyr. He has a reward of
martyrdom and hajj. He becomes hajji too.
Pilgrimage is fard. It's not fard only for elderly people. It is fard
for those who have money and can afford to go, as it is fard to pray,
fast and pay zakat. Hajj is also fard. Most people nowadays say
"You're still young. Why are you going to hajj?" Hajj is an order of
Allah. When you can afford to go, it is fard. When you don't have
money or your health is not good, you're not required. If you borrow
money for going, it is not fard for you too. It is fard when you have
enough money to sustain yourself, to leave to your family and to have
enough while on your journey. But you can see now, even if someone
wants, he can't go. There is quota etc. That's a different matter. You
still should make an intention.
These days are holy, very holy days, especially for now [there is]
pilgrimage in Mecca and Medina. They are now, it is three days, or
after two days. After two days they must go to Arafat and it is a very
holy duty. [It is] obligatory for who is able to be there with money.
Because this is not only for old people, for every Muslim, who has
enough money to go, it is obligatory - like praying, like fasting,
like zakat. It is obligatory. Many people they are, especially in
Muslim countries when they see young people going to hajj 'Why you
going if you are..you are so young, you can go when you are old' Many
of them [say], we hear this. But they don't have guarantee to be old
people. Allah knows when his, if he can reach to be old or not be old.
It is, you don't have guarantee for this.
Or, this if you have enough money and you have this visa, nowadays
they are not giving for everybody, only, [to] very few people, so you
will be, if you have this chance you must go quickly. And Prophet
(saws) saying 'Who intended [to go to hajj] and going out from their
house and they are travelling to the Ka'aba, to Hijaz to make Hajj, If
anything happen to them, even a bite from a snake, and died or has any
accident and died; he will be shaheed [martyr]. And, he will be
rewarded for this, and his Hajj is also accepted said Prophet (saws).
Because Allah He is giving for intention and he has the real intention
and he is travelling to that area, so he will be shaheed.
There is of course now, more than three or four million people going
there. Everyday, normally they have to be, they are dying and by
accident they are dying also. So, all of these people, Allah give them
shaheed degree, high degree for them. So it is [a] big thing to be [a]
hajji, to be [on] pilgrimage. It is not like there are many religions
they say pilgrimage, but it is not because only this pilgrimage to
House of Allah. it is, there is time, once around year, one year. [It
is once a year]. Others they are going every time. They say when they
are going any time they said they go by themselves; 'their
pilgrimage.' It is not like this.
If they have this good chance, if they are lucky, they will come.
Allah make all of us who are not going, also to go there Insha'Allah,
to be hajji, to have this big precious gift from Allah. Because one of
Bedouwi, he came when it was time, not hajj time. He was making
umrah and asking Prophet (saws) If 'I am take reward of hajji?' Prophet
(saws) 'There is Jabal Abu Qubais' Now, I don't think, maybe they take
it out. Because they are digging, taking these mountains from around
the Ka'aba. [It was a] big mountain. He said 'If you give this, all [in]
gold you cannot reach the reward of a Hajji'. It is like this; very precious
And Prophet (saws) his saying, the most truthful one. So it is real.
Not easy. It is not so cheap, it is very precious. You must appreciate
this and try to go there. Maulana was saying for people who have no
money - 'Everyday you can put in one box only for to be in hajj. Maybe
in one year you can go to Hajj. Maybe, if it is not enough, two years.
May be afer five years it will be enough money. Even maybe in ten
years also, you can try. And Insha'Allah when there is intention and
trying, Allah makes it easy for you.
Allah Azza wa Jalla has made some places holy. He made some places
sacred. Allah does what He wants. No one can interfere with Allah.
Some people... Of course, it happens sometimes. Now there are some
people who talk here and there according to their minds saying this is
haram, this is halal, you shouldn't do this and that. They appear on TV
too and speak as they like. No. The way we follow is the way of our
Hadhrat Ali was there too. He said "Ya Amir ul-Mu'mineen, it gives
both harm and benefit, with permission of Allah. Allah didn't put this
stone here without a purpose". Hadhrat Omar said "Does it have
anything?" Hadhrat Ali said "Of course. It's written in Qur'an "Alastu
Hadhrat Omar is the one who accepted the truth. He said "May Allah
make your life longer. MashaAllah your knowledge is much above
ours". Hadhrat Omar accepted the truth immediately. When he
entered, first... Of course, during the time of our Prophet they couldn't
ask our Prophet "Why did you kiss it?" and so on. But after him,
because those people were worshipping rocks and wood before, he
thought it was like this. Hadhrat Ali, radhiAllahu anhu, enlightened
him. And he accepted it. And it was a lesson for people there, for all
people. Allah makes what He wants sacred. Even camels sacrificed
there are seen as sacred. They are "min sha'airi Llahi" (22:36) It is one of
the things to be done over there, and it is sacred. An ayah in Qur'an
says to people "Pay attention to this". Therefore... There are these
people now - they can't be called scholars. They are just people who
come to conclusions as they like. These people appear to confuse
people's minds. They are not scholars, they are ignorant ones. While
people are on the right path, they are trying to mislead them from the
right path and put on a wrong path. They are people of shaitan. They
don't accept the truth and reality. Sahabas are the ones who accept the
truth. Our Prophet said whomever you follow of them, you will reach
the truth. They are never arrogant on the way of Allah. They don't take
a share for their egos. They fear from the truth and rights. Hadhrat
Omar lived his life as the poorest Muslim. He was doing so in order not
to take anyone's right. He was such a man.
May Allah be pleased with all of them. May Allah let us follow their
ways inshaAllah.
Allah Azza wa Jalla He is making some places holy, some things holy.
Sometimes, He makes it holy and His Will, we cannot say - 'why You
do this?' And, it is written in Qur'an and written in hadith also, so it is
no problem. You cannot say this is shirk. You don't say this - Why is He
doing this. He is the Creator and He is not afraid from anyone and
nobody can give Him ideas. But of course, many people these days,
they are approaching and they are giving people ideas. Not advice,
advice making good, but when you give ideas, you make people
confused, more confused, and after this confusion they can, if their
belief is not strong, they can go anywhere out of [the] right way. And
especially in Hajj.
Sayyidina Omar, after Prophet (saws), after Sayyidina Abu Bakr, when
he became khalifa, he was going to Hajj. And there was of course
thousands of sahaba with him and there was one who was saying this -
Abu Sayid Khudri sahaba (ra). He said we went with him, entering to
majid al haraam; to kaba and Sayyidina Omar, Amir-ul Mu'minin he
came to the front of hajar ul-aswad, the black stone, the holiest. And
this stone coming from jannat, from paradise. It was bright, and very
white. But when coming to dunya, from the darkness of people, [it was]
becoming black. And he came to the front of this black stone, Sayyidina
Omar. And Sayyidina Omar he was the second khalifah after Sayyidina
Abu Bakr, and he was very just. He was just, justice, just and he put all
'Devlet' State, everything in the state he calculate and established.
Everything of this Islamic state, he was establishing. Everything. And
he was very strict. He came to Hajar ul Aswad and He said 'O Black
stone, you don't have any benefit or any harm. I am kissing you
because I saw Prophet (saws) kissing you and you are only stone." And
there was near him, Sayyidina Ali (ra). He said 'O Amir ul Mu'minin,
don't say this! He got [has] harm, and we can get benefit from him by
order of Allah. And it is written in Qur'an, if you read Qur'an and you
understand you can know about this." Sayyidina Omar said 'What is
this ayat?' And he read 'alastu birabbikum qaloo bala' (7:172). He said,
when Allah Azza wa Jalla took a promise from whole human beings in
time of spirit.. 'ruhler alemi' spirit time, before the creation. Allah Azza
wa Jalla took a promise from all our spirits to be, 'we are Your servants
and we accept You.' And all of this is written in paper and He put in
this black stone. And he is, when somebody coming to him he is
promising, and he get benefit from him.
Hazrat Omar said 'Thank you very much. You have knowledge. We
are not reaching to your knowledge at all. You are right.' he said and he
accepted. And because they are accepting truth and accepting right,
sahaba. And he was happy. And it is, many things like this Allah gives
holiness. Even in, for Hajj time - "sha'airi Llahi" (22:36). Many things,
one of them even qurban, to cut sheep or to cut a camel - also this is
from "sha'airi Llahi" (22:36). You must be [have] respect for this Allah
Azza wa Jalla saying. People, they are, some people [are] not looking
for Qur'an, only reading Qur'an without understanding. If they
understand, they will know all Muslims they are in right, they never
say to them - 'you are in wrong' or 'you are not any more believer, you
are mushrik.' They cannot say this. Because everything that we are
knowing, what our mashayikh teaching us, [it is] coming from Qur'an
[and] from hadith. Nothing out of it. And Allah put some people, holy,
more than others. And we are following them, insha'Allah.
These people also must know the reality [and] accept reality - to be like
Sayyidina Omar ibnul Khattab, who as he was very strong but he was
accepting. And he was afraid from any small thing, even he was living
like very poor; the poorest Muslim maybe he was better [off] than him.
When he was in khalifat - Amir ul Mu'minin but he is accepting the
truth. You must be accept[ing] truth insha'Allah.
Shukur to Allah today is the 8th day of Dhul Hijjah, it is a holy day. It is
called Yawm utTarwiyah. That is its name in Allah's presence, Hz.
Muhammad's (sas) presence. Tarwiyah means getting prepared for
going to Arafah. People make hajj ut-tamattu. They wear their ihram
again and go to Arafah on foot normally. They move today. In the
evening they stay at Muzdalifah and in the morning they are in Arafat.
This is the Sunnah.
For Tarwiyah they drink a lot of water from Zam Zam until they are
content and then they hit the road. Because it is before the Day of
Arafah it is a very blessed day among these 10 days. Tomorrow is the
Day of Arafat, of course it is the most blessed one, after that it is Eid ul
Adha. These are the days that Allah likes. These are the days that Allah
gave as a gift to His servants, so that people would be happy. He made
these days for people to repent. Allah Azza wa Jalla is generous.
Some people are generous. Most of the time generous people are
people, who believe in Allah, who love Allah. They are generous. Our
Prophet (sas) is the most generous of all people. He (sas) loved giving.
He never turned down anybody. If he received something in the
evening, he would not leave it for morning. He used to distribute it
among the poor. He did not like keeping even a penny for himself,
because worldly possessions are valuable only if you give them. If you
keep them they are not valuable. People think the opposite - if they
keep it is valuable, if they give it is a loss. On the contrary if you give
Allah pays you back a thousand times more both in this world and in
the hereafter.
Eternal life is important. This life is not important. This life finishes in
the blink of an eye. One of the awliya was digging the earth. He heard a
voice coming. "Do not dig, you hit my head. Do not dig you hit my ear,
you hit my head." He was surprised but of course he was an awliya, so
he understood. That voice said "I was a human being, I died and turned
into dust." This worldly life is like this. There is no one, who will not
die or turn into dust. No matter how much you collect, it does not give
you benefit. Only if you give, you get benefit - it becomes provision for
akhirah, your wealth won't be lost. There is a long life, if you give, you
keep it with you eternally. If you do not give, you will lose it eternally.
It is sunnah, of course [in] that time before forty, fifty years or more
until Prophet (saws), it was not so crowded and it was easy to do all
sunnah of Hajj. But these days it is so difficult to do it, but also some,
they can do it. Some of them, they were doing [it]. Even we went four
times to hajj, all times they take us in Yawm ut-Tarwiyah to Arafat. But
the sunnah is to be in Muzdalifa. Before going to Arafat, sleeping in
Muzdalifa and second to be in Arafat. But also, [it is] good to be from
eight of Dhul Hijjah to be in Arafat. To take this blessing.
And it is very loved day for Allah Azza wa Jalla and Allah Azza wa
Jalla He is generous. Generous; He likes to give. And He is asking 'who
wants to take, I will give'. And He is happy to give. Not happy to keep.
And He is teaching us for this. And the most generous people they are
believers, especially prophets, and especially our Prophet (saws),
morning, not even one penny. Because, this money he see it like, if it
will be staying, like dirty. But if he gives it is very precious thing. When
you give it, it is precious. When you keep it, it is dirty, not good. This is
what the Prophet (saws) teaching us.
If you leave anything for yourself it is not good. You must give for
akhira. When, if you leave something after you it is not good for you.
But if you send before you, it will be good for you. And it is good
because our life here, very short life. No need to keep too much for
yourself. You must, every time make charity. You must obey and
follow what Prophet (saws) doing. Because after your short life, you
will be dead, one of, you will be dust.
This is what the Prophet (saws) showing, giving us example also for
this. You will be nothing. Be benefit for you for this life, for akhira, you
can give as much as you can. And Allah will reward you, a thousand,
million times more [than] what you give. Allah, make us to not forget
this Insha'Allah.
For today's worship, Mawlana used to say - read 1000 Ikhlas for
yourself and for your ancestors. That will be a barakah (blessing) for
you. Your sins are forgiven. You spend the whole year in peace
InshaAllah. Of course there is lots of worship on the Day of Arafah, you
can do if you want. InshaAllah we are going to pray 2 rakaats after the
sohbah. It is the prayer that the Prophet (sas) did. In the first rakaat
after Fatiha, you say 3 times Qul ya ayyuha l-kafirun (109), 1 time
Ikhlas, then in the second rakaat it is the same. After that inshaAllah we
pray and it is accepted. May Allah make us reach many years to come.
Now it is the time of fitnah. It is the end of times but the more difficult
it is, the more blessings are coming. But still it is worship to wait for
survival (improvement) - I mean it is not right to pray that we keep on
like this, in order to get more blessings. Keep on asking that Allah take
away these troubles. InshaAllah He sends us Mahdi alaihi s-salam. The
Prophet gave good tidings about him. When he comes, he is going to
fill the world with light and beauty, justice - as now it is filled with
darkness and oppression. Waiting for Mahdi (as) is worship Praying
for him is a good act of worship. Praying is already a worship. "Call
upon Me. "(40:60) It is Allah's order. He says 'call upon Me'. May Allah
give us goodness inshaAllah.
May He protect us, all Muslims, from badness. Because all the devils in
the world attack to finish this religion. And Allah says that He is going
to make it victorious. "Allah is predominant over His affair" (12:21).
Allah Azza wa Jalla promised this. It will be InshaAllah. No matter
how strong the devils and their soldiers are, no matter how many tricks
and traps they have. They can collect weapons and men as much as
they want, still Allah is victorious. No one can challenge Allah.
Whatever they do is useless with Allah's permission.
And these days are days of trading. When sometimes in war or when
it's [there is] nothing, many people they can take, make, [and] become
rich. These days [are] also like this for believers. When it is too difficult,
it is more reward from Allah. And to wait to be, to be safe from this
The days Allah appointed as eid for people especially, the whole nation
gets benefit if they are accepting. If not accepting, of course they can't
get benefit. Muslims get benefit because they remember Allah even if
they are rebellious and do not keep any of Allah's orders. If they keep
respect for these eids, even by saying "Eid Mubarak" Allah will
definitely give them a gift - He (JJ) won't forget them. InshaAllah we
hope that their situation changes; that they may leave with iman in
their last breaths.
This is also to make people benefit, Allah Azza wa Jalla gave these eids,
just to protect people from destruction InshaAllah. They are a sufficient
means to remember Allah. Most people pray once in their lives or twice
a year. They only pray on eids, from one eid to the next. Some people
only pray 2 rakaat. Most people did not miss that in the old times. Now
there are few people, who do that. But even by remembering eid
inshaAllah it will be a benefit. Allah gives its blessing. He leads people
to the right way.
Mawlana always used to say, after returning from each eid prayer, we
used to sit. He used to read people odes (qasidahs). Laysa l-aidu liman
labasa l-jadeed, innama l-aid liman khafa min al-waid. Eid is not about
those, who wear new clothes and go around. Eid is about those, who
fear Allah and keep Allah's orders. Eid is for not forgetting Allah, it is
for remembering Allah. InshaAllah people pay more attention. Allah
does not need anyone. He is not in need of eid. He gave these days for
people to get benefit - to save people. May Allah grant all the Muslims
to be on the right path for the sake of this holy day. InshaAllah they
don't fall into shaitan's tricks and traps.
This tariqa way is the way of our Prophet (sas). It is the real path. May
Allah grant it to them all. Everyone can come with Allah's permission.
But Allah, Allah only He made two days - two feasts. And it is a real
feast and He gives from His endless Mercy and pleasure for people
when they are remembering Him. And even, many people they are not
practicing Islam, not doing anything, and they doing all wrong, but
Allah, because they are when in Eid [of] Ramadan or Eid al Adha, they
visit each other and they remember, we hope Allah He will be happy
with them. Because, even very very small things it is important [for
there] to be some point in the heart. One very small point of belief in
[their] heart. It is, even this [it is] enough for people to survive. But
Allah, He is happy with people who remember Him and celebrate and
give importance for these days - to visit each other, to be happy, to
make people happy also. All will be rewarded from Allah.
Mawlana, every time he said some like poem - laysa al Eid liman
labasal jadeed innama alEid liman khaf al-wa'id the celebration it is not
to be [about] wearing new clothes and to go around. No, it is to
remember Allah and to be away from what He wants you to be away
Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq,
Al Fatiha
Friday, September 25, 2015.
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim.
Bismillahi Rahmani r-Rahim.
As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina
wa l-akhirin.
Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah, madad ya
Mashayihina, dastur, madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Faizi d-Daghistani,
Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, madad.
Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.
This is the second day of eid. Eid Mubarak! Because this eid lasts four
days. May Allah give barakah inshaAllah. We'll be protected from all
evil things. Allah Azza wa Jalla tells the Prophet (sas) that He gave Him
(sas) Kawthar. "Indeed we have granted you al-Kawthar "(108:1) Before
entering paradise when drinking from it, all sins, all the illnesses
related to the nafs in the world go away. Nothing tastes like it.
Allah tells our Prophet (sas) "So pray to your Lord."(108:2) So pray to
your Lord, praying is a big blessing. He (awj) ordered, offered that to
the Prophet (sas). Slaughter an animal if you can He also says. With
every drop of the sacrifice your sins are forgiven. For each of its hairs, a
palace is given in paradise. It is important to slaughter an animal, if you
can afford it. Do not neglect it. Allah granted it to people, a gift of
Allah. You get benefit also in this world. Its meat, its hair, its skin, it is
all halal, can be used, can be distributed. You can eat it all or you can
distribute it all. It is both a grant and has high value. It has big reward.
Do not start thinking "Why has He ordered it?" for Allah's orders
concerning worship this is a bad way to think. Every worship He
ordered has thousands, hundreds of thousands of benefits. The benefit
you get is unlimited. If you calculate until the Day of Judgment you
cannot count the benefit of that worship and order. It is solely to benefit
the people.
"Indeed your enemy is the one cut off. "(108:3). People, who defame the
Prophet (sas) do not have a good ending. There had been an incident
before this verse came. Allah Azza wa Jalla immediately relieved our
Prophet (sas) with this verse. He made him happy. When unbelievers
were sitting at the Ka'ba, our Prophet (sas) entered from a door. These
men did not see him entering. When he (sas) going out, a wild
unbeliever whose name was 'As saw him. 'As means rebellious,
rebellious to Allah. His father is Wail, his son is 'As. They used to give
such names. They used to give very bad names. Our Prophet (sas) did
not like these names. He used to change some people's names and some
not. But some people they did not change, some did not accept the
names given by the Prophet (sas).
Unbelievers were sitting around the Ka'ba. They don't have a religion
of course. They worship the stones, drink alcohol, they don't pray. They
sit there as if it is a cafe. They looked to see to whom that man is
talking. He did not come and talk. "Who was that one?" he said. At that
time it was not as crowded as now. The whole population was ten
thousand, twenty
thousand. People, who came to sit near the Kaba were a small number.
"Who is that one going out from there?" He answered "Abtar". Our
Prophet's son Abdullah had died. They did not see girls as human
beings. 'Abtar' means someone, whose lineage has stopped. Allah Azza
wa Jalla said at that moment "The one, who tells you such a bad thing,
who insults you, he is 'abtar'." He went to hell, he is creeping in hell
because he said a vicious word to our Prophet (sas).
People, who respect our Prophet (sas) they will be high. When they do
something, Allah gives them blessings and makes it good. People, who
do not respect him, their work does not go smoothly. Even if it goes
well sometimes, Allah Azza wa Jalla makes it like that so that, he gets
These hajjis, they were all martyred, May Allah have mercy on them.
The previous king used to respect the Prophet (sas). Everything went
well, smoothly. The new king does not have much respect. He listens to
people, who are disrespectful. Because of this there are bad
consequences, all these people are being harmed. It is destiny, but Allah
Azza wa Jalla is showing people. This destiny is written by Allah, that
they would be martyred. But there is a lesson to learn, in that it took
place during this king's time. Allah praises the one, who praises His
Beloved (sas). He makes his efforts easy for him. Because without going
into Kawthar people cannot enter paradise, cannot be cleaned from
their sins. They have to go inside and be cleaned. Then they enter
paradise. There are hadith about this. They do not want the hadith
Same thing happened once. Mawlana told us that these people will
reach stations like Habibu n-Najjar because they died by being crushed.
When the apostle of Isa (as) came to Antioch the wild people there
expelled the apostle. When he told them to stop, they crushed him
under their feet and martyred him. InshaAllah their station is like his
station. It is a station, Mawlana gave good news about. Also when
Today [is the] second day of Eid. Mubarak for all of you again
Insha'Allah. This day, it is Eid. [It is] very important and Allah give this
for the Prophet (saws). And especially [He] gave him Kawthar on this
Eid. Kawthar meaning, the river or lake [in] front of Paradise.
Everybody who will enter paradise, he will come, and he will wash and
he will drink from this. When he drinks this, every bad thing in his
heart, in his mind, and in his body, it will be out. And it will be pure
[There will be] nothing wrong with him. Everything, perfect it will be.
And this is gift, only for Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) and it is a big
honour for him. A big honour for him and second [ayat] in this surah
saying - I give you also to pray. Praying, it is very important. Prophet
(saws) he was saying, it is my best and more [most] thing I love in my
life [is] to pray.
And the last one 'Inna shani'aka huwa l-abtar' [108:3] Meaning who are,
make you, they are they are insulting you; he is the [one] who has
nothing after him. Why this happened? Because Prophet (saws) he was
coming to Ka'aba and he passed, and when he was out there was a few
people, two or more. Many people of unbeliever mushrik from Quraish
they are, they are speaking like in cafe or like there was before, in that
time no Islam. So they were coming near [the] Ka'aba and coming to
speaking nonsense things, only looking and they are doing backbiting
and everything. They are sitting like this, like they are sitting in a pub
or sitting in cafe, and they were doing, speaking too much. And when
they were speaking, they did not realize Prophet (saws) coming and
after when he finished, he was going from another door. They saw his
And there was one, coming from that side, he said 'Who was that
person he was coming out from there?' And this person, he was [a] bad
person, his name [was] also bad - 'As' meaning who [is] not obeying, he
is coming against Allah. And this name, these people they were very
proud and they put very bad name for themselves also. And they were
proud with these
This is what Allah, generate [is generous with] people who are
accepting Prophet (saws) and loving him, Allah makes these people
everything good for them. What they are doing it is with baraka, with
baraka - meaning help from Allah. Without knowing, it is a secret for
Islam - baraka Because other religions they don't have this, what we
call baraka. Everything they are doing, even if they do some wrong;
Allah change it to right, to [a] good thing. And why we say this? For
[because] what happened now, yesterday also, since ten days [it is the]
second time hajjis becoming shaheed [martyr]. And it is [an] open area.
It is not like before, in tunnels or in a narrow place. It is open! Maybe if
you put 20 times of these hajjis [on this] pilgrimage, or 50 times, it is
enough [space] for all of them. How these people they are coming on
top of them, each people? More than thousand people they become
shaheed. This is, you must think for this.
[The] last king, King Abdullah (ra) he was the best. He was respecting
Prophet (saws). Coming [and] visiting him, and making respect for him
and make people to be [have] more respect for Prophet (saws). But this
one, he is, I don't think. From [the] beginning we heard he is with salafi,
with wahabi. And Allah if He don't, they are only depending on money
and material, this is the result. But if they are, even if they have a strong
belief without building anything, it will be [able to] take all of [the]
hajjis. But they don't have belief. Of course if they don't have belief of -
ok, but they must be respect for Prophet (saws) and ask permission. But
these people, they are not accepting. Even, they said he is dead. How
these people they can be succeed? Everything they are doing, they are
doing wrong. And Allah showing them one King before how it was,
everything good.
Now, how everything become like this. We must be [have] respect for
Prophet (saws) because Allah Azza wa Jalla saying, 'I put his name
with My Name forever!' Every time I am mentioned, he is also. In
adhan, in salaat, everywhere the Prophet (saws) he [is] mentioned with
Allah Azza wa Jalla. But people, they are cheated by shaytan and it is
the most terrible enemy for human beings. He will never be a friend
and don't be cheated with him. Only, obey Allah. Allah Azza wa Jalla, "
'atiu l-llaha wa atiu l-rasula" (obey Allah and obey the Messenger)
(4:59). This order of Allah Azza wa Jalla We must follow this.
Monday, September 28, 2015.
They are trying to send them where more rebellion against Allah is
taught. They have put people in such a mold. The knowledge that
teaches Allah is knowledge. The other is ignorance, not knowledge.
Call it whatever you will: it is education, reading books. It is reading
philosopher’s books and reading what Shaitan teaches. That is not
called knowledge. Knowledge is what recognizes Allah. Knowledge is
what shows the way of Allah.
They start from grade one, slowly until reaching the highest education
places, universities. May Allah protect us. They are hotbeds of mischief.
Wherever they go, they ruin that country. What can you say? May
Allah protect us. May Allah help us. May Allah grant these children
that are studying true knowledge Inshallah. May Allah help us all
Inshallah. Because if they knew Allah’s way, no problems would be
left, not in the country nor in the world. But there, you are planting
wind and at the end sawing hurricane. May Allah be of our assistance.
May Allah give faith to the hearts of children who are getting educated
and about to get educated.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
He says do not leave today’s work for tomorrow. This is the secret of
success. Now people leave everything for later saying they will do it
tomorrow. Tomorrow has as much duties as today. They are leaving
duties of tomorrow for other days. They always procrastinate saying
they will do it later. While a little work becomes like a mountain. Then
they can never do it and it is left. Then they complain, “We could not
do this and we could not do that.” This happens because of people’s
laziness. Work gets late then they complain. When in fact Allah has not
given anybody a burden they cannot handle. Every day has a duty so
everybody can do it. Allah Azza wa Jalla did not create you to lay
down. Take care of that duty of yours and do not leave it for the next
day, otherwise it accumulates as debt. It is not good to stay indebted.
Some people like staying in debt and do not care. But that weight, even
if they do not feel it, ride on them and crush them. That is whenever
there is something to be done, getting it done immediately makes a
person relieved.
At the end, if they believe in Allah, Allah would forgive them but they
will have sufferred themselves throughout their lives. The other way,
they would spend their life comfortably. People feel a relief, a comfort,
after accomplishing every task. Children have all started school now.
Their families need to pay attention to this matter. Because it is said
that “a tree is bent when it is moist”. If children are trained well, they
continue well throughout life. If they do as they do themselves, they
would also continue the same way.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Thursday, October 1, 2015.
done so. They know Allah, they say Allah, then they say as such. It is
not too smart. We cannot interfere with Allah‟s work. We cannot ever
reach Allah‟s knowledge. Your knowledge is not even zero, so it is not
Friday, October 2, 2015
there is something they need to ask let them ask. These are days of
discord (fitna). Let them go and make dua (supplicate), make zikr, and
beg Allah. Allah would help. It is the house of Allah. Allah does not
leave you unanswered. Allah Azza wa Jalla does not leave His guests
unanswered. May Allah increase these mosques everywhere and not
leave a place without a mosque Inshallah. In other countires we go to,
especially in the area of Russia, when Communism came they
destroyed and burnt tens of thousands of mosques. Thanks to Allah
approximately more than half of them have been completed. May
mosques always be seen over there too Inshallah. May they increase
everywhere and in every place that has a need Inshallah. May good
Muslims, good imams, and good scholars come there so they show the
right way. May Allah not misguide them.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
This world is temporary. People think they will never die. Most people
spend their days in vain and are sometimes regretful. They are sorry
they wasted so many years of their lives: “We went after that man for
years. He wasted so many years of our life.”
Lives wasted are those not in the way of Allah. If you follow a man for
worldly gain, you look and find that your life has passed and you are
finished. Then you are in loss. But if you are initiated to a shaykh, a
murshid, and even if 20-25 years pass without you noticing, that life
has not passed in vain. You have remembered Allah, you have made
zikr of Allah, and you have lived as Allah wanted. You have to be
thankful to Allah for having such a life.
There were no pictures in the past. Now you look at a picture and say,
“Subhanallah, this picture was taken 20 years ago.” However, you are
not on a wrong way, you are on a good way, and you have to be
thankful. You have made your hair and your beard grey on this path.
You should say, “Thanks be to Allah, we were not on a path to be
regretful.” You need to say, “We have been on this path for so long.
This is a beautiful path. May Allah not misguide us from this path.”
May Allah make our end well. Shaitan can deceive people at any
moment, especially people who are not connected. A person who is not
connected to a shaykh or a murshid, while they were praying and
supplicating you observe them leaving everything and becoming
something else. When connected to a shaykh, thank Allah we are in
safety. We are in more safety. Yet again, Shaitan can fool people. Even
if Shaitan fools, with the permission of Allah their shaykh does not
leave them. He reaches them even if in their last breath. But of course,
Do not bewail thinking we have grown old, this happened and that
happened. Thank Allah if you are on the right way. You know by your
own self. If you see your life and the path you have taken as empty, the
fault is with you. Look at yourself and do not look for fault in others.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Saturday, October 3, 2015.
What was the name of the holy one (Shaykh Effendi laughs here)?
Niyazi Effendi (An old deranged (majzub) called Niyazi visits Shaykh
Effendi and makes some requests from him). May Allah be content
with him. He said nice things. Hadrat Shaykh Mawlana says majzubs
might be good but there is no need to argue much with mazjubs.
Because you never know what they will do. They say, “Even mountains
cannot lift people of states (hal).” Shaykh Mawlana says to treat with
kindness. I wish this place was like that so people could take out 5,000
liras and give it here. Even a bank cannot give out immediately. He left
with words from his own mouth and on good terms. What can we do?
May Allah give the good. To do good is Allah Azza wa Jalla’s order.
Our living in the world is to do good. Inshallah, may Allah (JJ)
predestine it for people who deserve. May He not allow it to be given
to people who do not deserve Inshallah. Most of the time people ask
money for the sake of Allah, and people give for the sake of Allah.
However, it is not appropriate to take that money and spend it in other
places. Now, it is out of the [responsibility of the] person who gave.
That is a sincere sadaqa (charity) and zakat (obligatory alms) given for
the sake of Allah. Because people give trusting in the person in front of
them. But when that person does not deliver the given alms, charity, or
zakat to its proper place, the responsibility is upon him. Our Holy
Prophet says, “On the Day of Judgment they will melt it into a thin
layer of gold and pour it over those people’s heads.” People do not
heed to halal (lawful) or haram (unlawful) for a twopenny world. They
asked our Holy Prophet if the halal goes away. He said sometimes it
does. The haram also goes away. The haram of those spenders goes
away through their children. Of course these are End Times (Akhir
Zaman). We witness many things. The guys say it is for the sake of
Allah and fool people so much. They only do this for their ego. Not for
Allah nor for the Prophet. They use it for other means. They are doing
an immense wrong. What they are doing will also be questioned in the
world before the hereafter. These mistakes will also be questined in the
world before going to the hereafter. They will suffer its consequences.
First of all, there is no blessing (baraka) in haram money. You see that
the man robs the bank he works for. When he gets caught after a couple
of months, you see that
he spent half the money. You could not spend that much money in ten
years. He finishes it in a couple of weeks. So how does this man spend?
Because there is no blessing. It is haram money. There is nothing. It
goes. Let us say he robbed a bank and this is still to a certain extent.
There is worse. They collect zakat money. They tell you to give your
zakat to them, that they will educate students, and that you should give
them your sacrificial animal (qurban). Then they slaughter these
sacrificials and instead of giving them to poor people, they deliver it all
to the hands of Jews. Then they claim to be Muslim. And people are
naive. They believe. These are people Allah does not like. No friends of
Allah, awliya of Allah, can become of these people. You will stay away
from these kinds of people. Those who follow them deserve it too. They
are deceiving people. For one, people who do not accept tariqa have
gone astray. You might not join a tariqa. We can understand that. But if
you say tariqa is unnecessary, then there is certainly a mistake, a
wrong. Because tariqa is the way shown by our Holy Prophet (SAW).
The heirs of our Holy Prophet are shaykhs of tariqas. Whoever there is,
they are the Prophet’s heir. However, they can be as powerful a
congregation, a trust, or an association as they like, whoever it may be,
there is something wrong with the man who does not accept tariqa. The
Tariqatin Naqshibandiyyatil Aliyya has never been against the sultan.
How has it not been against the sultan? Because the sultan is not
against tariqas. Sultans would respect the mashayikh, shaykhs, of
tariqa. They would take heed of their advice. Yet, the largest
congregation and its head in Turkey were opposed to the sultan, were
against the sultan. In this case they are corrupt from the beginning.
That is why they should be careful, and examine carefully. Let them not
go on empty paths and get tired in vain. There is no opposing the
sultan, opposing the khalifa, in Islam. What does that mean? To oppose
the khalifa is to oppose the Hadrat Prophet. It does not matter who you
are. You can be a scholar, a mufti, or a Shaykhul Islam if you like. None
of them can oppose him. Only people outside of tariqa, people who do
not know manners (adab), do this. They are getting tired in vain. Their
whole aim is to collect money. There is nothing else. If they would only,
as we said, deliver the money to its place, you would not grieve. If you
want money, your dervishes should not smoke cigarettes and give
money instead of smoking. You can get 5,000 or 10,000 liras a month.
The man says I am poor and in financial difficulty, and he smokes 300
liras worth of cigarettes. This is how people have become. Tariqa
teaches adab and shows people the right way. It teaches the way of the
Hadrat Prophet. Other things come from philosophy. They are sort of
being philosophical. However many men there are outside of tariqa,
their one end leads to philosophy. What is philosophy? Philosophy is
somewhat being suspicious of everyhting. Suspicion brings out that
disease in people, and they become suspicious of everything. It
becomes anxiety, and they place Shaitan’s apprehension. Nothing else.
Allah Azza wa Jalla showed us the right way. Apprehension and
suspicion are from Shaitan. We seek refuge in
Allah. May Allah protect us. May Allah (JJ) give guidance to the Nation
of Muhammad (Ummat Muhammad) and to all people Inshallah.
Mostly to this homeland of ours, Anatolia. Because it is the leader of
Islam. They never want it to raise its head. However many people of
unblief there are, however many there are without religion and faith,
however many people there are that have gone astray, however many
there are that have perverted, they are all against it. They are ready to
kill on the slightest pretext. You could even observe that the devils in
this country have no power left, and again they rise from the dead from
somewhere. Now, in the same manner, such wild, such people with
perverted ideas, however many there are with animosity towards
Allah, towards the Prophet, and towards Islam, they are attacking with
the people of unbelief (kufr), with the enemy. Congregations outside of
tariqa move with what Shaitan teaches, with philosophy. Philosophy
orders people to be against religion, against Islam, and to be with
Shaitan. Do not be with infidels (kafirs) in these times. Don’t fall for it.
Because Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “Wala tarkanu ilallathina thalamu
fatamassakum annar.” (Sura Hud:113) He says not be with the
oppressors and not to lean towards them. For what? If you lean, the fire
will reach you too. So fire will come to them by the will of Allah. It will
burn them all. It will also burn those who are with them! When the
whole world was in disbelief, the darkest unbelief was in Mecca. Our
Holy Prophet (SAW) came out alone inside that unbelief. Allah (JJ)
brought out His religion with him. The whole world was lit with his
light. He was alone, he did not fear, he did not lose heart, and never
had doubt. He said, “Allah is with us." In fact, even in the darkest
as-Siddiq. “Do not fear, do not grieve, Allah is with us.” Allah is with
Muslims. They can cringe as much as they want to the unbelievers,
whether it is a congregation or what not: it does not matter. Allah is not
with the kafirs. Allah is with us. These are the words of our Holy
Prophet. Inshallah they will all burn. Time is approaching Allah
willing. Allah’s promise and words are true. It will happen Inshallah.
May we see those days as soon as possible Inshallah. May we see
Mahdi Alayhis Salam. The world will turn Muslim. However many
wild ones there are who do not become Muslim will burn and go away.
Shaykh Mawlana said one in seven would be left. They have gone so
wild now that it is near. The other day they put it again: they did a
caricature and what not. What will happen with your caricature? Allah
(JJ) is opening your way so you may go wilder and
suffer more punishment. You are making war with Allah: you are
going to suffer. Allah (JJ) will burn you all, both in the world and in the
hereafter. A kafir is the worst thing. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says
there is no sin after unbelief. It is such a great sin that after disbelief,
whether this person drank alcohol, killed someone, did whatever, or
robbed everything, none of these matter anymore. Nothing is as great
of a sin as unbelief. Kufr, Allah forbid. People in Turkey are sometimes
with unbelievers. They think highly of themselves. Who do you think
you are? You cannot even be a dust inside this universe. The man goes
ahead saying there is freedom and what not, that there is freedom of
press and freedom of what not. For God’s sake (Yahu), what would be
of you if you were the whole press?! What would happen if seven of
your generation were in the press?! You are going to suffer. Wild ones.
Talking about press, may they press you. In Cyprus to press means to
crush. They say “The car pressed him” meaning the car crushed him.
Do not care a whit. Nobody should fear or anything. Do not be sad.
Allah is with us. May Allah make him appear as soon as possible. Once
Allah says it to happen, the great powers of the world cannot stand in
front of us Allah willing. May Allah help Muslims. May He not leave
this homeland in the hands of these vile ones a second time Inshallah.
Islam is beautiful and is the greatest favor Allah gave. Those who do
not accept it and do not follow it are unacceptable people both in the
world and in the hereafter. They can be as good and as nice as they
want next to people. They are unacceptable people in the sight of
Allah. If people learned this truth, they would all become Muslim
anyway. However, Shaitan is showing them the dirty and the evil as
good. They drink the dirt. If alcohol
touches on somebody, they need to wash it. You go ahead and take that
dirt in, you drink it. This is a big proof that the people of unbelief are in
dirt. Those who resemble them, those who accept that dirt, are also
harming themselves. Both externally and spiritually.
May Allah give people plain good sense. May Allah give common
sense to these people who are pretending to be clever so they may see
the truth and come to Allah.
Sins place burden on people. The affairs of people who commit sins are
bound to go wrong. People who try to be happier by sinning are
mistaken and are on the wrong path. However much sin you commit,
that much the sin takes you captive. Sin ties you down. You fall under
its orders. It directs you as it likes. This way you are solely under your
shaitan's orders. Shaitan has rode on you and is directing you as he
Sins are heaviness. Sins are poison. Meaning they are a poison in every
sense. We need to avoid sin. We even need to avoid the reprehensible
(makruh). Now some call smoking makruh. Smoking is a very fitting
example for this topic. Smoking enslaves people in such a way that
people want to escape from it but they cannot.
However, if people still want and they put their willpower into it they
can get rid of this addiction. Let them reduce not one a day but one a
month with a sincere intention. Let them reduce one every month. If
not one a month, we are also OK with them reducing one every two
months. They will surely quit in one or two years. This addiction effects
people’s blood and people cannot quit instantly. But if they reduce
slowly, if they reduce little by little, Allah willing they can quit. Some
people leave it at one go. Some become enslaved and cannot quit.
We caution once in a while like this. Because if you do not whip people
like this, they do not quit and they do not come to their senses. It would
become a torment for them and those around them till the end of their
lives. It is a pure loss in every way for his family, his body, his health,
and his appetite. How do they say it? It is a distilled harm.
May Allah save them. Most people want to get rid of it. Inshallah, for
the sake of this morning and this hour may Allah save people from bad
Saturday, October 10, 2015.
You will have committed a great sin if you go ahead and call the halal
haram. Allah called it halal and you are calling it haram. It cannot be.
Calling the haram halal does not work either. There are things that take
to suspicion. Yet, the haram and the halal are clear in most things. Most
people know it too.
Nobody can call theft halal. Theft is haram and nobody can call it halal.
If some people think of themselves as very faithful and call something
halal haram according to their own head, they are falling in sin then.
We need to be careful of this. They would be committing sin.
There are many examples of these matters. We come across them every
day. They try to make us a witness too asking, “Is it not so my hodja
(teacher)?” and trying to make us a witness saying, “No, it is not so my
hodja.” No, it is like this in the Koran. What do you understand from
the Koran and the Hadith? The Koran clearly says it is haram anyway.
You go ahead and call it halal according to your own head. It does not
work that way.
meaning matters that are beyond you. This applies to everyone. Its
responsibility is great. You are falling in harm trying to do good. You
are losing much trying to gain something. May Allah grant us learning
those who learn the religion. Who are they? Those who learn the halal
and the haram. They are the best amongst you.
That is why, do not speak with authority on subjects you do not know
about. Everybody should know their own boundaries. Be a seeker, be a
student, and be a student of knowledge. Do not be a person giving
religious opinions (fatwas). Giving fatwas is not easy. It is a difficult
thing. Stay away from such things.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Sunday, October 11, 2015.
Just as Allah has created all works and created a person in charge,
works need to be learned from the beginning. People should lean
towards whatever capabilities they may have. Allah Azza wa Jalla
created everyone differently. Allah gave everyone a separate skill and a
separate knowledge.
They study now, but do not know anything other than what they
studied. They do not stoop down to anything else either. They do not
stoop down to do other jobs after studying and graduating from
university. They say more than half of people are depressed or in stress.
This is the reason. This is what happens if you interfere with the work
of Allah.
for them? They stood the country up and revived it. But those who
came afterwards say, “Oh no, do not let children work. Let them lie at
home and not get tired.” It does not work so.
There is a wisdom of Allah here. Do not leave children idle. Teach them
in their early years. Teach them knowledge and if they have the skills,
teach them things they know and like. Teach them manners, teach them
respect, and teach them to get along nicely with people. These are the
things ordered to us by Allah. Allah foreordained where
the mind given to that person by Allah is to be used. Direct them
accordingly. They will not be in need of anyone Allah willing.
The person who is to study should study. Do not force a person who is
not fit to study. People have learned one thing and nothing else. They
say, “My son cannot study. Pray that he studies.” This does not happen
with prayer (dua). If Allah had given that child the ability to study, he
would have studied. You explore something else. They spend a lot of
moeny as they think about prep school, private university, and school.
Whereas, you can make a fortune for the kid with that money you are
to spend on schooling. This way they can be good people in the future
with what they know. He could become a good craftsman and do a
good job. On the contrary, you will have tried in vain. Both you and
them would be sorry. And in the end, they sit at home and do nothing.
Those who graduate from university say they cannot find a job. Let
them show humility and start from zero. Like what? Let them do
whatever work is given to them. Let them not say, “No, I went to
university. I am this and that. I have a university degree. I cannot do
this job.” Allah gives blessings (baraka) to those who do work. They
can start anew from the beginning Allah willing, and it becomes
blessed Inshallah. They studied so much, but not to sit at home. If they
show humility and do their job, Allah would open a door of sustenance
and they would rise. It does not work by descending from the top. You
rise from the bottom up. May Allah give everyone a mind at first. Let
them think well, then may Allah give them a good livelihood Inshallah.
May Allah not make anyone be in need of someone else.
Monday, October 12, 2015.
That is why say this when you wake in the morning, “Asbahna wa
asbahal mulku Lillah. Aflaha man qala „La Ilaha Illallah‟.” These are a
couple of words but are very effective. If they say it with belief, all of
people‟s troubles and worries would go away. Nothing woul effect
them, no fear would remain, no panic would remain, and no
excitement would remain. No anxiety as, “What are we going to do?
What will happen to us?” would remain.
Your situation is like this: you will live for a while, and when Allah
ordains you will leave this world. If you have said, “La Ilaha Illallah,”
when leaving the world, you are saved. If you have not said it, that is
the time for fear, sadness, panic, and frustration. But since you wake
every morning with faith, do not fear, be happy, and thank Allah.
It is appropriate if we remind people of this subject every day. People
say they have no morale left. Raise your morale and never fear.
Whatever happens, in the end you are the winners. Because there is no
dominion except this dominion. It says, “La Ilaha Illallah.” There is no
deity other than Allah, there is no other god. No matter how many
idols you place and do whatever you do, Allah is one.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Today is the end of the year in our calendar, in Allah’s calendar. This
year ends tonight. Our new year starts after tomorrow night Inshallah.
Tonight is the Hijri new year. May Allah bless it (mubarak).
All of Allah’s holy days are in this year. That is why we need to pray
(make dua) so this year passes in goodness Inshallah. May it be the
rising of Islam and may Mahdi Alayhis Salam be next to us Inshallah.
There is no other salvation for people. Because people made everything
comply with their own ego; they are doing according to their own
pleasures and jows. They are doing the opposite of what Allah says.
The new day starts after midnight in the Gregorian calendar. Whereas
in the sight of Allah, the new day has started after the evening. The
start of the new day is with the Maghrib call to prayer (azan). We see in
the breaking of fast (iftar) also that fasting is from morning to evening.
The new day has started with Maghrib prayer. Shaitan and his
supporters did the opposite of what Allah said in everything, in things
we do not see with our eyes. They do not try to do anymore. They did
it. Evil has reached its peak. The world has not seen such evil ever since
it was built. It is also getting worse as days pass. It does not get any
better but worse.
Inshallah, Allah (JJ) sends an owner and he saves. It says in the Hadith
Sharif that when evil reaches its peak like this, when everything turns
bad, Allah sends a savior. Allah (JJ) will send Mahdi Aleyhis Salam and
he will save Inshallah. We are again hoping this year is the year of
salvation Inshallah. May Allah protect us and may we be with him
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
The diseased Mr Nefel, May Allah have mercy on him, our older
brother, he helped us much. We were together. Mashallah, what do
they say, meaning, “Words that nobody else has though of would come
out of his mouth.” Shaykh Mawlana would say, “This man is a
majzoob.” He would curse. Now, why are we saying this? Inshallah,
the beginning of the Hijra Year is coming. Wednesday is the 1st, by the
permission of Allah. Most people are not aware. One day, there was a
mosque close by to our work place there. He was upset and did not go
there. Why are you not going there? He said, “I fought with the imam.”
He listened to the Juma sermon (khutba) on the Hijri New Year. The
man did not mention anything about the New Year, the Hijra nor
anything else. He got up during the Juma time. In fact he should not
have but he was a majzoob. He said, “When New Year’s comes, you
speak about not slaughtering turkeys, not to do this and not to do that.
You give us a headache for 15 days. Now, our New Year has arrived.
You are not mentioning this!” he cursed at the imam and left.
Now, with the permission of Allah, our New Year is coming. This is the
true year. All of our worships, all obligatory (fard) are in it. You do the
Hajj according to it. You cannot go ahead and do it according to the
other year. The same with Ramadan. But there are some super
intelligent, perverted groups, people who give fatwas. There was a
group in America. Days were hot and long in the summer. They said,
“It is best that we do it in December.” They used to always do
Ramadan in December. “This fits us,” they said. It does not work this
way. We have nothing to do with that year. The true year is the lunar
year that Allah appointed to us, the Nation of Muhammad (Umma
Muhammadiyya). It is the Hijra year. Zakat is the same way. If you give
your zakat according to the other year, you will have swallowed a year
every 33 years. That time, you will have committed sin. However, if
you do it according to this normal Hijra year it is alright. Just like this,
there are many things: mawlids, holy nights, and our festivals (eids).
They are all done according to the Hijra year. So this year is not
the time came, our Holy Prophet was ordered: leave. Outside there
were forty haramis (bandits). We call them harami because they are
committers of haram. What else would men who lift a sword against
our Holy Prophet be? They become the world’s most dishonorable
From amongst them there were those who with a mujiza (miracle)…
Karamat is for awliya (saints) and mujiza is for prophets. People
confuse mujiza with karamat. They tell of nonsense things as if they
were mujizas and attribute them to people who are not even awliya.
Mujiza means it only happens to prophets. From amongst those wild
unbelievers (kafirs), he got out with Hadrat Abu Bakr and arrived at
Medina. Of course, a lot of mujizas occurred on the way again. Mujizas
happened at that hour and mujizas that will stay until the Day of
Judgment were there. Our Holy Prophet arrived in Medina and in the
house of Khalid Abu Zayd al-Ansari. That was also a mujiza: wherever
the camel would stop, our Holy Prophet would stay as a guest, for one
year. Abu Ayyub al-Ansari later became a baraka (blessing) to this city,
this sacred city. He became a sultan of the city of Istanbul. His baraka,
the baraka of the Prophet, is here until the Day of Judgement. Meaning
this place is a holy place. No harm comes to this place from a kafir,
Allah willing. People who want to do harm to this place, will be in loss
at the end.
No harm will happen Allah willing. People see some things as harmful,
but there is goodness for Islam in everything. It has no harm. Islam
sometimes falls to a state of laxness and due to that needs to be inflicted
a whipping so that it gets itself together. To avoid otherwise falling to
laxity then suddenly the enemy attacking. So it is not good to fall to
laxness. It is not good to drop precautionary measures, to depend on
everything and stop. That is why, once in a while, Allah Azza wa Jalla
cautions Muslims: Do not be heedless. Who should you not be heedless
from? From the enemy. Who is the greatest enemy? Our own selves.
Then Shaitan. Now the ego does not want any goodness. It only likes its
own pleasures and its own bad habits. It does not like anything else. It
does not like goodness. It does not like generosity, nor helping, nor
worship. It does not like anything as such. What are we going to do
with it? We are going to force it so that however much contrary the ego
is, our forcing it becomes so much more beneficial for us. That much
more Allah’s mercy descends upon us and that much more good deeds
we earn. Many people say, “I cannot do it.” Of course, nobody can do
it… nobody does it gladly, it does not happen wantingly. Of course
pushing occurs. No matter how much you are, again beating the ego
and attending prayer (namaz), the person becomes relieved. When you
beat your ego and fast, again the person is relieved. When you beat
your ego and give your zakat and charity (sadaqa), again you are
relieved. The hardest, harder than prayer and fasting, is doing good
works. A person might have millions but they cannot give. That there is
Allah’s misfortune on that person. That person cannot give. Even if
they wanted to, they cannot give, those types of people. And this is
present in most
These days, not only in our country, there is one type of education in
the world and nothing else. Shaitan has took over the world. All laws
and the system are in his hands. So there is no possibility to change it.
Only, as our Holy Prophet says, the Sahib (Owner) of the End of Times
comes out and he can change it. For now, we manage like this, but we
have to train our egos. So even if we cannot change the outer system,
we need to show these beautiful ways to our own surroundings, our
family, and our children. Our whole life is not to run after the world
but for the hereafter. A little ago the Hafiz Effendi recited qasidas
(spiritual songs). It says, “It will come one day.” Everybody will that
day… Nobody will be able to run from that day. Everybody has a day.
They cannot live till the end. That day will come to everybody. Do not
think you will escape. Take precaution accordingly. In the end, do not
regret in the hereafter. Our Holy Prophet has a hadith, “Humans will
be sorry. Those who have faith will be sorry and those who have no
faith will be sorry. Those who have faith, when they go to the hereafter
will wish they had done more good. Those who do evil, or those who
have no faith, will regret that they did not believe and ended in that
situation. Therefore, this world is not left for anybody. The hereafter is
what is important. Let us work for our hereafter and do things for it.
Let our works be for it. Of course, the world is temporary. It is not
worth getting upset for the world. Yet, of course, most people are only
upset for the world. The world is within Allah’s orders. He makes it as
He likes. May Allah make this year a good year Inshallah. For Islam.
May true Islam come Inshallah. Every year we wait for Mahdi Alayhis
Salam so that he saves people. Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Al-Fatiha. 579
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Friday, October 16, 2015.
Everything has a value. The value of Allah’s words are the highest
because they are Allah’s orders. Respect these months and respect these
people. But some never pay regard to these. They say they are Muslim
but make judgments as, “You did shirk (polytheism), and you did
such.” Whereas Allah Azza wa Jalla gave everything a value.
Are you a mushrik for respecting these months? Are you a mushrik for
loving the awliya (friends of Allah). Are you a mushrik for loving the
prophets? There, these people are people who are following Shaitan.
All those who are on a different path than the right path, the path of
our Prophet, are in danger in the end. Their faith is in danger.
Allah (JJ) says, “Obey Allah and obey the prophets.” When you do not
show respect to these, when you do not love what Allah loves, you
have not obeyed Allah. Allah (JJ) says to even show respect to the
sacrificials in Hajj.
On that day, Allah’s help reached the prophets who were in distress.
The awliya rose to their stations (maqams) on that day. It is a blessed
day. It is also the day our Master Hadrat Husayn was martyred. That is
to say because it is a blessed day, Hadrat Allah Azza wa Jalla took our
Master Husayn on that day. This way he will be remembered until
Judgment Day Inshallah.
Saturday, October 17, 2015.
The holy verse (ayat karima) says, “Repent to Allah.” Allah accepts
repentance and Allah forgives.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Sunday, October 18, 2015.
Allah says in Quran Azimu Shan "Wa drib lahum mathala l-hayati d-
dunya kama'in anzalnahu min as-sama'i fa khtalata bihi nabatu l-ardi fa
But mankind still follows what his ego and shaitan say, not what Allah
says. May Allah protect us from our ego and the evil of shaitan. May
He make it easy to go on the way of Allah. Sheikh Effendi was telling
and ordering us this all his life. Don't be cheated by dunya, don't work
for dunya. Dunya will disappear in a moment one or the other way.
Therefore, since our Prophet until now, Murshid Kamil ordered to
remind about this - "Wadhakkir fa'inna dh-dhikra tanfa'u l-
mu'minin"(51:55) May the blessings of this holy month be upon us
inshaAllah. We will have its blessings and sawab in dunya and akhira
is Owner. So, what you can do? What you can give for Him? You
cannot give anything. Nothing you can give for Him. Only, what you
[can] give [is] to be thankful for Him This is what you can do. And He
appreciates this. And He is giving everything for you only take, He is
the Most Generous And He is for His - [there is] no limit for his
generosity. No limit, and He is happy with people who are accepting
His generosity. But people, they are not looking for this. Only looking
for dunya, for this life, for this, what they have small rubbish thing.
And it is giving example for this in Qur'an also "Wa drib lahum
mathala l-hayati d-dunya kama'in anzalnahu min as-sama'i fa khtalata
bihi nabatu l-'ardi fa 'asbaha hashiman tathruhu r-riyahu wa kan
Allahu 'ala kulli shayin muqtadiran"(18:45) He giving example it is like
rain coming from heaven and growing wheat and other things and
after, when people take this, they make it like straw everything. If wind
coming taking everything, nothing [left] any more. It is just like this our
life. Not more valuable than this. Only what you can keep for yourself -
the good deeds what you do for Allah for accepting His order. And
listening for the advice of holy people especially from Prophet (saws)
until now.
Mawlana, whole life he is doing this. He, every time saying this life,
this dunya it is rubbish, it is nothing, it is nothing. But people they are
knowing this, after they forget. Every time they are forgetting and still.
So, we are Insha'Allah Wa dhakkir fa-inna dh-dhikra tanfa'u lmu'minin
[51:55] ayah also He saying, you must remind people every time every
time every time to not forget. No, no harm to say it 1000 times, million
times. Because our ego, every second we must remember, it is don't be
sorry for dunya, don't be afraid from dunya what will happen [or] what
will we do. Everything, exactly what Allah wants it is going on.
Nothing [is] out of Allah's order.
are taking from His generosity, especially in this month. Insha'Allah [of
what] we make in this [month], [He is] giving double reward in this
month. Especially until 10th of this month, Muharram. So insha'Allah
we fast on 9th and 10th also. Allah keep us with our family, with our
brothers, from all human beings to be in right way Insha'Allah.
Monday, October 19, 2015.
But for kafir if they are arrogant, you have to be twice as arrogant
against them. Your station is high in Allah's presence because you are a
Muslim. Kafir cannot be superior to you. You've got Allah's blessing,
they have nothing. Allah created them as human beings but they did
not accept. At that point they go out of humanity. They have no reason
to be arrogant, proud or superior to you. You are superior. "So don't
become weak, nor be sad" (3:139). So, don't be sad, do not think you are
lower than kafir. This is also important. We are humble but you cannot
be humble with kafir. Muslims are humble with each other.
May Allah bless you all. Mawlana taught us humbleness all his life. All
the mureeds follow that. May Allah bless Sheikh Hisham. He is also
kuffar" (48:29) But what it is - if these who are not believers you mustn't
be humble for them. Only for believers you must be humble but for
non-believers, don't be humble because Allah give you the biggest
favour. They don't have this, they don't have belief. They don't have
any favour from Allah so why they are becoming proud? They are
proud - "we are civilization, we have art, we have, we have knowledge,
we have something." Your knowledge is nothing comparing what
Allah [has]. The most important knowledge [is] to know Allah, to be
believer. And you are not believer, and you are come and be proud for
Don't be humble for these people. You must be proud because Allah
give you the best thing. You can be proud on [in front of] them. You are
believer, you are following Allah. But who, you mustn't be proud for
[in front of] believer people because they are like you and you don't
know who is better than you - you are not better.. You must even every
time you must say - these people they are all better than me. This is
humbleness. Don't be [or] think you are better because all Allah give
this favour for you. So between believers we must be humble to each
other, to not be proud for each other - "I am like this, I am scholar, I.... I
know better than this.." It is, Allah He hides between people who are
more high station, more low. For this, we must respect and to be
humble for our brothers and our believer people.
Allah Azza wa Jalla is beyond space and time. Both time and space are
under His command. Saints and Prophets can go where He wants them
to go. They say teleportation - It means to go through space. Prophets
can be here, then on the other side of the world if they want. Same with
saints, they also have such power. Allah has given them this possibility.
For saints who want to show miracles it is given. Apart from this, time
is also under their command. If they want, they can do the work of a
year within a minute. Allah can do both so and stop the time as well.
Allah is the Possessor of power over everything.
Yusha, alaihi salam, fought for 80 years. He was such a Prophet. During
one of his battles, in the afternoon before the evening when the battle
was at its worst, it would be dangerous for people there if evening
came. He would pray and the sun stopped until Yusha, alaihi salam,
returned victorious. Then it happened in the same manner during the
battle of the Ottomans. It was due to the baraka of saints there.
Blessings of saints and Prophets spread over everything, both in time
and space.
person ran around, he would not be able to do in ten days what Sheikh
Effendi did in one day. And this is one of the miracles of Sheikh Effendi
as an Awliya. Because there are many miracles of Sheikh Effendi.
May Allah give us the baraka of time. May He give us baraka in our
life. Where is baraka? Baraka is when you are on the way of Allah.
Allah doesn't give you baraka to be fierce and wild. Neither in time, nor
in space will you have baraka then. If it happens, Allah allows it for
your sins to increase and for you to deserve hell. But the real baraka is
in good things. We can't call bad deeds blessed.
May Allah give baraka to all of us inshaAllah. May we use our time in
good things and value it, not waste it. Some people want to kill time
now. Ahlu l-dunya, people who have no idea about akhira think about
passing their days. They are bored. Whereas we don't have time to be
bored in our life. We have many things to do. A person who says he is
bored pushes Allah's favours away. We should pay attention to that as
Allah Azza wa Jalla He has no place [There is] no time for Allah
Nothing can limit him. He is above our mind [There] cannot be any
mind reaching to any place, not near what our brain or our thinking
can reach. For Allah, Allah He is - you cannot say He is here, He is
there. He is everywhere, of course but no place can surround Him. And
His Prophet and His time also. Time and place it is created by His
'qudrat' - by His will. And He created this and for Prophet, for holy
people like awliya'ullah.
Other thing, this is for place. Time, also [is] created by Allah. And Allah
give this time also for Prophet, for holy people, for awliya'ullah. They
can, time, hundred thousand years in one hour, half an hour, even one
minute it can be for them. Like Prophet (saws) He went to Mi'raj 'Isra al
Mi'raj, he go to all Heavens, all Paradise, he saw everything for last day
in two hours - even less than two hours. Because when he came back,
his bed it was still hot [warm]. And for other Prophets also, like Yusha
(as) - he was 80 years, he was fighting making jihad and once he was
fighting it was between Asr, afternoon, near night - maybe one hour
before night - still continuing very hard fighting. And if it will be
sunset, maybe it will be a problem, so he made du'a and the sun was
waiting maybe two hours and when he finished, he won, finished
[then] coming sunset. This is also what happened, and it happened also
in Ottoman time also. When they were fighting also, happened with
one awliya was making du'a and the time made wide [longer]. Because,
all in [by] order of Allah.
And, this was with Mawlana also. Mawlana he was not fast. He did not
hurry for anything. We know this. But he was, when he is going, doing
one day Allah give barakat for his day. And he was very relaxed, and
he is not [in a] hurry and seeing for everybody. And he is.. And
everything was enough for him to do this. This is, many people, maybe
they don't recognize this But it was like this, because, you saw there
was 100 people coming or he going to some place, or going from place
to place. If we would do this, what he did in one day, ten days would
not be enough for us. But Allah give him barakat for time, and making
time wider [longer] for him. This is very big karamat for him.
And Allah giving barakat for the people in everything, [for] who
believes, especially for His beloved ones. And he was beloved one, and
Allah gave him barakat for everything. And this barakat, alhamdulillah
it will continue insha'Allah. And we are asking for barakat for
everything. Because, really, time it is a very valuable gift from Allah.
We ask for barakat for time, our time. Time, for mu'min, it is very
precious thing. We don't want to lose any minute, any second from this
without thinking for Allah, or thinking for Prophet, for awliya.
But for other people, time it is just sometimes they are bored. People
say "Oh I am bored." No time for boring! Allah gave you this very
precious thing, how you can bore? You mustn't be bored from
anything. If you are a believer, you must be happy - "Alhamdulillah I
have time to think, time to do good things." Not bored, boring for
people who are, they don't have, they are empty people. Empty people,
they are boring [bored] because they don't have anything good to do.
And there is no barakat for not believer people. Only for believer
people there is barakat.
And barakat for time, for everything in our life Insha'Allah. Allah make
us to be happy with what Allah give us from barakat Insha'Allah
Your duty is to worship Allah and to carry out Allah's orders. The rest,
wherever your share is you will be there. It won't be as you wish, no
matter how much you try. As long as Allah doesn't want, nothing will
happen. That's why, try to do what Allah wants and to worship Him.
Of course, you should struggle for other things too. But don't worry
about dunya. You must worry about your worship, if you haven't done
it. Be worried if you go against Allah's orders. No need to be worried
about other things.
Mawlana Sheikh, every time he was repeating this - Don't worry, What
Allah, He wants, it will be. So, what you will eat, where you will be
where you will breathe, what will happen for you, Allah He knowing
better, and His will it will appear. You must only worry about if you
are following Allah's order or following right way. This is only what
you must worry. Don't worry for what will happen if, and if something
not [doesn't] happen don't be sad. It is like this, this is Allah's will. We
cannot go in front of this will. So, only worry for your obedience for
Allah. If you are obedient you will be happy. If you are against Allah,
Mawlana he was repeat this poem, it is Poem. Every time he repeat it.
And sometimes we were very anxious - what will be, we said. Don't be,
don't worry. What Allah wants it will be. It will happen insha'Allah.
Only insha'Allah, Allah keep us in His way. Amin Insha'Allah
Then if you give sadaqa today to the poor and the needy, it is
protection from poverty for your household and children. Allah will
give you baraka several times over and your rizq [provision] will open
today with permission of Allah, if you read surah al-Waqi'ah. You can
apply kohl or just rub your eyes with the intention of kohl, Allah will
cure you and you won't have eye sickness through the year. It will be
strength for your eyes with Allah's permission. This day of Ashura
inshaAllah people... What a beautiful day it was for the Prophets, all of
them were saved during their hardest times on the day of Ashura. It
was meant for nearly all Prophets.
The repentance of Adam (as) was accepted, the end of flood and
reaching the land of Nuh (as), the crossing of the sea of Musa (as) -
Allah granted these to all Prophets on the day of Ashura. Allah relieved
them. And it continues the same way with the ummah of Muhammad.
The day of Ashura is a blessed, good day. Who shows respect for it - we
have a four-rakat prayer to be made after a while - of these favours,
Allah will give you more and more. Visiting your relatives and all good
deeds done today will be accepted. They are accepted on other days too
but today even more. How Isa (as) was related to Zakariya (as), just like
they were together, who visits his relative will be close to the Prophets
in paradise.
Of course, when you say Ashura, some people have the bad memory of
the martyrdom of Hadhrat Hussain Effendi. Hadhrat Hussain Effendi
earned the highest rank then. Allah wanted it so. There is no higher
rank than becoming a martyr. He let him reach that rank. And if you
think, actually, he was rescued from all those people because there was
no need to remain among people who don't know his value. Therefore,
Allah Azza wa Jalla took him to Himself with the highest rank. That is a
big matter.
Shaitan made this beautiful matter as fitna among people because there
is nothing like mourning in Islam. But there's high respect for Ahlu l-
Bayt. Our respect is great. When that fitna appeared, people divided
into two. Not two, even three parts, in fact. One part is people who see
Ahlu l-Bayt as enemies. The others are people who see sahabas as
enemies. But the real Muslims in between are people who love both
Ahlu l-Bayt and sahabas. They respect them, they respect our Prophet,
and do whatever worship they can. They follow the way of our
Prophet. How shall we know and follow the way of our Prophet? Some
of these people ask so, the others say different things. There is a way
which comes from our Prophet, we follow it and that is the way of
Tariqats come from our Prophet. They respect sahabas and they respect
Ahlu l-Bayt. Our Prophet said "If you hold tight to two things after me,
you won't lose your way. Those are Quran and Ahlu l-Bayt". He said
who holds tight to these won't be lost. Also he said who curses sahabas
will not deserve his intercession. Our Prophet has miracles. Karamat is
given to Awliya. Mu'jiza belongs to our Prophet. Our Prophet knew
everything, and he told everything. He told his Khalifas, Hadhrat
Umar, Hadhrat Uthman, and Hadhrat Ali that they would become
martyrs. And then he knew about Hadhrat Hussain Effendi too.
There are many hadiths and narrations on how he knew. But because
he was a Prophet, he had to obey. Allah increased his glory. Mushriks
saw him as worthless because he was poor. They didn't want to see him
as a Prophet. And as there was Islam, there was enmity too. There was
enmity against Ahlu l-Bayt. Of course, this is not our business - no need
to go deep into it. We want to mention about it so that we don't fall into
the same mistake. We follow the way of our Prophet. We have nothing
to do with the rest.
Are you going to take revenge for Hadhrat Hussain? From whom? Are
you going to attack Ahlu l-Bayt? What you are going to attack? There is
Allah Azza wa Jalla. Will Allah leave it to you? Are you the one who
will question it? You can't. You must deal with your own ego. Mind
your own business. That's it, no need for anything else. This fitna is
brought up by the people of kufr in order to destroy Islam, not for your
sake. They're killing millions of people and don't care. But in order to
make fitna, they are making a blood feud for a 1,400-year old matter, a
meaningless thing. There is no blood feud. When our Prophet came to
Mecca, he said there won't be any more blood feuds. There is Islam and
there is justice. If that person wasn't punished in this world, he'll be
punished in akhira.
What we should do is only to respect our Prophet, to respect Ahlu l-
Bayt, to pray for them so that baraka comes from them to us. We
should pray so that their support comes to us. They will reach us with
the permission of Allah. They were lions. They didn't need you. If Allah
wanted, He would leave no unbeliever there, He would leave no
oppressor there. Wasn't He able? He was. That's why we should come
back to our senses. Don't be a servant of unbelievers by listening to this
and that. Let us not do what unbelievers want. What unbelievers want
from you is to walk on those two ways.
When walking on two ways, it happens how we see it. Blood, tears,
oppression, destruction, fire; all kinds of troubles are their actions that
we see in the Islamic world. It is the actions of people who follow those
two ways. But when there is true Islam, there is the mercy of Allah,
there is the baraka of Allah. Everybody will live in happiness. Neither
Jews, nor Christians, nor other people will be oppressed. A true Muslim
doesn't oppress anyone. But as we said a person who's like a toy in the
hands of an unbeliever can do all kinds of oppression. The world can
fall into the worst condition. Of course shaitan is happy with them. He
doesn't say anything to them and doesn't attack them. Shaitan and his
followers want to remove true Muslims and think that when they're
finished, they can finish Islam. You can't finish it. Even if true Muslims
are being quiet, Allah is together with them. Allah will protect them.
May this day of Ashura be a rescue for the Islamic world inshaAllah.
May Allah send us the Sahib - May Mahdi alaihi salam come
inshaAllah. It's not going to improve otherwise. InshaAllah it won't last
So it is holy blessed day. And it's still continuing same until Qiyama.
Because in this day there is many things you can do. You can get
blessed. First of this, if you wash yourself for niyah of this Ashura day,
Allah make you in health one year until next year unless Allah make
some... If you pass away, it is different. But for health, when you wash
yourself, you'll be healthy in this year. Because this day Allah mix
zamzam with all water. And you may put some kohl in your eyes. You
will be... your eyes safe and healthy also. And if you you give sadaqa,
Allah bless you and make you more rich inshaAllah. And for gift for
your children, for your house you take something, also Allah give
barakah. And there is praying also. This day we will pray inshaAllah
after sohbah four rakat.
And to be fasting. But it must be fast two days. Today, yesterday also,
or today and tomorrow. It is very holy and very blessed. Because before
Islam, there was fasting only in Muharram, not in Ramadan. So it is
very blessed day today. It is gift from Allah for everybody. It is not...
Some people because... Sayyidina Hussain, grandson of Prophet (saw),
today he became shahid [martyr]. But it is really... We are not happy,
but it is Allah's will. Allah's will and He is most Merciful. And people
after this they become big fitna. But what happened, Sayyidina
Hussain, he was getting to higher position - to be shahid, it is the
highest thing in Islam. And he was get his... Normally, he's in highest
but Prophet (saw), he said they are, he and his brother, they are Sayyid
Ahlu l-Jannah, shabab ul-Jannah. They are in top of, masters of, jannah
people. So Allah give him this also and make him to be shahid, he and
his companions.
So after this, people, because they are... We are not judging how it
happened. What happened, it has happened. And we love him because
he is from Prophet (saw). And Prophet (saw), he's saying: "I am leaving
after me two things. If you respect them and obey them, you will never
be lost. One of them Quran, second my Ahlu l-Bayt and my
descendants." And we are accepting this. And other hadiths also, there
is saying "Don't swear on, don't curse on my sahaba. My sahaba, who
curse them, I will never look for him in Qiyama."
So there is after this, they make it three parts in Islam. Two parts, they
are extreme. One of them not like sahaba. Other, they are not liking
Ahlu l-Bayt. And even there was one hundred years, they were doing
very bad things for Ahlu l-Bayt. They are not respecting. Others, they
swearing for sahaba. But there is not two part in Islam - three parts.
They are extreme from one side, they are extreme from other side but
there is third one who is part of followers of Prophet (saw). And they
are respecting and loving Ahlu l-Bayt and they are respecting and
loving sahaba and they are following way of Prophet (saw). They are
not being cheated by non-believers with... not cheated by shaitan and
his followers. Shaitan army, they are not cheated by them. How they've
been saved like this? Because they are following Prophet. And Prophet,
from Sayyidina Abu Bakr and Sayyidina Ali the tariqa coming, the real
way of Islam, [those] who are saving Islam from this shaitan and his
army. Others only following and helping non-believers and shaitan and
his followers.
And there was this fitna coming since the time after Prophet (saw). And
they are trying to finish Islam with this. And they are happy with
people who's claiming they are Islam and they are not in right way, not
in right way. Right Prophet (saw), he make one line and many lines
they are coming out. He said "This is my line, line of truth - straight
line." But others, if even sometimes, many times...
I'm now nearly 60 years old and I'm seeing people since childhood.
And the most people who are - you must be careful from them - who
are saying "I am true one. I am real one. I am doing that. I am doing
that" and he speak by himself. But when you see him and you look for
him, "MashaAllah" you say. But it is every time this kind of people, you
feel, you know, after their all what they do against what they are
saying, nothing what they are saying. They speak about manhood, they
are not men even. They speak about generous, they are the most stingy
ones. They're speaking about courage and they are the most coward.
They're speaking about trustful, they are not trustful at all. This is
people who are making too much voice. And it is this what... This out
of right way they are doing.
The real Muslim, they are humble. They are following Prophet and
following murshid, following tariqa and accepting. Not fighting with
people. And Allah show us now in these days since maybe 5 years, 10
years, these people what we are saying, people who are not liking Ahlu
l-Bayt and people who are swearing for sahaba, they are on stage now.
They are acting. And you are seeing what happened. There are
everywhere fire, war, blood, tears. People, they are poorness, badness.
Everything now in this what they are claiming, they are Islam, these
people, but when real Islam, it was ruling even non-believers, Jewish,
Christian, other religions, all they were together and peaceful. And it is
order from Allah to be merciful for people. You cannot be oppressor for
people in real Islam.
But others, this is people who are following fitna from time of first
Islam after Prophet (saw). And they succeed to do this. So Sayyidina
Hussain, he's not happy with this. He's real, our Beloved one. We are
asking from his blessing also. We are asking from Prophet (saw) to help
us. Because we are loving him and to be this Ashura day of real Islam,
to come back for whole human being it will be good. InshaAllah Allah
send Mahdi alaihi salam who will make this world again peaceful and
merciful and justice. Not like these days with these crazy people who
are not knowing what they are doing. They are only like doll in hand of
shaitan. This is summary of what happened. And we are not happy
with this. We are real following Prophet (saw). Allah keep us in this
way inshaAllah.
There are certain characteristics that Allah does not like, Allah does not
like these characteristics. One of these disliked characteristics is
stubbornness, Allah dislikes stubbornness. A person who knows the
truth but does not swerve from his own opinion, he is what we call a
stubborn person. A stubborn person is not respected or accepted. One
the one hand there is stubbornness, on the other hand there is
adherence to the truth. Adhering firmly to the truth is not
stubbornness. To persist in injustice and evil, that is stubbornness. Not
to turn away from that is stubbornness.
All those who opposed our Holy Prophet, all of them were stubborn
ones. In the Qur'an, Allah, exalted be His Majesty, disparages stubborn
people, He speaks ill of them. They know the truth, but because of their
pride, on account of their stubbornness, they do not accept it. They set
themselves against the truth. They have the characteristics of shaytan.
The chief of all stubborn ones is shaytan because he knows about
everything, Shaytan was the greatest scholar. Nobody can achieve the
level of shaytan's knowledge. But though he could see the truth, he
opposed it, he set himself in stubborn opposition. He even set himself
against Allah. Therefore he is called stubborn. People resembling him
are stubborn people.
Don't be stubborn one. Stubborn one, it is who stay in wrong way. But
if you have good thing what Allah ordered, what Prophet ordered and
you are doing this, not going back from this, this is not stubborn. This is
to be stable, not moving. This is not stubborn. To be in right - stable
[steadfast]. But if you are in wrong and you are staying like this, you
are stubborn. So there is difference between these two. Don't mix
between these. Because people, maybe they have thought "We are
stubborn. We can stay with Allah". But you cannot say this. Because
this word, it is word Allah and Prophet not like it, stubborn. To be
stable and to be not moving from what Allah ordering - this is good.
But if you are stubborn...
But who are following Islam, following tariqat, Mashaikh, they are
curing this slowly. Slowly slowly they are curing. Don't say "I cannot
be..." No. InshaAllah if you are pure intention, Allah make it easy to
cure yourself. But don't be stubborn in what wrong you are. You look
for yourself. If you have this bad, bad manner, bad attribute, try to
finish it. Don't be when people advise you, quickly coming angry "No, I
know. You don't know this". When even Sheikh saying - they are not
happy coming against. You must be accept. Don't be... You must be soft
and accept. If it is truth, you must change yourself.
InshaAllah Allah help us, all of us. Because all we are... Everybody they
have small small... But some people, if they give chance for ego, they
make this bad attribute to be bigger, bigger and after it become giant
and it will be eat them. Allah keep us from every badness.
And for how long does it go on? “We prayed one day, a second day, for
five days, when will it stop?” It will go on until the end of your life.
Some people say: "This is too difficult, the Hojas are accustomed to
this." But you eat every day and drink water every day, it is the same
way with prayer. It may be the same, but still it is somewhat different.
Eating and drinking is something all creatures do, the four-legged ones
and the two-legged ones. But the act of worship is given to mankind
alone. When man has reached the age of reason, he must perform this
duty his whole life long. This elevates man, and by it man attains his
When there were people who did not pray, Shaykh Effendi used to say,
and obligation on us. Therefore we say that prayer never ends. Every
time you pray, so many blessings come down upon you, so much light
comes on you. By eating food your soul is not elevated. Only through
prayer and worship does your soul find enjoyment - you encounter
Allah's mercy and your rank is raised - not by eating. We feed animals
in the same way as we feed ourselves. As much as you might, 100 kg in
3 months, 500 kg in 5 months, but an animal is always an animal, it
never changes. It does not rise. The important thing is worship. Man
must be raised, that is the favour Allah has granted us.
"I have made you the most honoured of creatures," Allah says, exalted
be His Majesty. For the honour that He has granted us we must give
thanks. We must not be lazy in this, but rather we must be glad to have
been granted this honour. 5 times a day this favour comes to us. We
come to His Presence, we prostrate before Him, we give Him our
thanks, we must be grateful to Him. Most people when you tell them to
pray 2 raka'ats they will say: "I can't do that." That is Allah's special
grace and we must strive for it. If man makes this effort, Allah will
support His servant. Allah Azza wa Jalla says "Wa laqad karamna bani
Adam" (17:70) He said "We make the human being the highest rank."
He give us the highest rank. Allah, He created millions of creatures,
million kinds of creatures. And the high rank He make for us, for
human being. Human being - it is to be human being big honor for us.
This is for our duty to pray five times a day. From when? From when
we are... our mind, it becomes good, to be capable and since 7 years we
beginning to teach these children to pray. 10 years, they are also more.
Because they are more clever becoming. After when they become
teenagers, it is obligatory for them. In Islam not like this to be 18. It is
not... Only when becoming man time, he will be ordering to pray, he's
obligatory. If he is not praying, so there is in second life, there is
paradise, there is hell. And this also, only for human being and jinn, not
for other creatures. For animal, they will be not... No another life for
them to go. Only after Judgment Day, they will be earth again.
So it is for human being. When they are worshipping, they are taking
difference between them and between animals. And who are not
worshipping, he is, they said, Allah Azza wa Jalla said they are -
animals better than them. Because animals they know their Creator but
these people, they are not knowing. So we pray alhamdulillah 5 times a
day. And these 5 times until when? Many people, when they are
beginning, "Today we pray, tomorrow we pray, after tomorrow we
pray. Not finish this. What is this? Until when it will be? It take so
long." No, it is... Many imams or other people, when they ask this for
them, they have special answer - quickly they say "You are eating every
day, you are drinking every day. Until when this? Until death." This is
also good answer.
But the main answer - everybody, animals also, they are drinking,
eating until their death. We are also like this. But they don't have any
responsibility, animals. So we have responsibility and we have mind.
So this giving us, to our soul, food for our soul, not for our body. Our
soul needs this. If not taking this, they become irresponsible. Mawlana
many times he was saying this. When some people, they are not doing
[praying], by politeness he said - "They are not responsible." What
meaning not responsible? Animals not responsible. So when we are
responsible, we will do this. And every time you do this, you take
whole mercy and blessing and every good thing from Allah. Because 5
times you are in front of Him. You feel you are worshipping Him and
He is looking for you and taking your soul. You become higher and
higher. So if you pray one day, second day not praying - it is not good.
All time we must take this for our soul to be more and more blessed
and more to be light coming on us. This is gift from Allah. We must
appreciate this, not to look as it is heavy duty to do. It is not heavy.
Only shaitan and your ego make it to be like it is very heavy. Because
people, they are doing more heavy things only for their body. They are
doing 8 hours gym to look like gorilla. So this is really it's like gorilla
they are doing this. But when you are saying for your soul to look like
angel, you will look like light - you are not doing. Only 5-10 minutes
every time it is too heavy for them. And this is from ego and from
shaitan to make look like it is heavy. And it is real benefit and real
what we are in need for our life here and hereafter also. The most
important to be for afterlife. Allah make acceptable for this worship
because we are doing, we are just quickly doing. And Allah, He is
merciful and He will accept inshaAllah.
Our Prophet says so in hadith sharif, for Muslim brothers. You both
remember and think of your Muslim brother. You are rewarded
because you prayed for him. That prayer is more effective, for the one
who is prayed for. You can also pray in front of someone in Islam but
our Prophet didn't like to praise someone in his face. He said "If
someone comes to praise you, take a handful of soil and throw it on his
face. Our Prophet said this in humbleness and taught people adab so.
Of course, it is good for people to love each other. However, it's more
acceptable to remember and pray for someone. A mother's prayer for
her children is acceptable. A father's prayers too. Therefore, when
praying, even if children are bad, don't curse them. Ask Allah to
improve them. Both are prayers, Allah Azza wa Jalla will accept both.
Therefore, pray for your children to be good ones. Not to send them to
hell, but for them to be useful both here and hereafter. They'll be useful
after you too. If you curse them, they'll go astray. Also, if you curse and
they lose their way, you will have no benefit.
No matter how bad a person is, pray to Allah and ask for them to come
to the right way and to improve. Whoever it is. May Allah bring our
nation to the right way too. May Allah bring the Islamic world to the
right way because they have all gone astray. Running after shaitan,
their egos and useless things. May Allah improve them for the better,
because if they are good, it is better for us. It's not good to be with bad
Allah make our leaders good and put good ones over us. InshaAllah
We are praying for people to be good because to live with good people,
it is more easy, more happiness, more baraka. Every part respect. But if
you, to live with bad people, it is curse and it is bad luck. Not [as] nice
[as] to live with good people. With this we are praying for all ummah
to be in right way. Because ummah now, they are most of them, they
are out of right way. They are following shaitan, they are following
A holy one said, “Let us see what He does, whatever my Lord does,
good He does, and turns evil good.” These people do not understand
the good or the bad much. May Allah Inshallah forgive them for what
they do unknowingly. May Allah give guidance for those who do
knowingly too.
Thank Allah our nation is patient. Their ancestors have followed the
orders of Allah. They sacrificed their lives for Allah, served in the name
of Islam, and established a state, Thank Allah. In the very end they
said, “It is over,” and finished the Ottomans. Just as it is now, they said,
“It is over,” a hundred years ago too. They found a state saying,
“Everything is over. No Islam!” Thank Allah this state now is the head
of Islam again. As long as Allah wants, things that look evil turn good.
Him, and carry out His commands. That is why humanity is solely in
being Muslim. Do not search for it in other things. Do not ever search.
Do not engage in humanism and the like nonsense. Allah Azza wa Jalla
openly informs in the Koran in so many places that He does not like
unbelievers (infidels).
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
This world is the world of trials. Allah did not send us here to be
comfortable but to be thankful. Humans do not know what they are
looking for in the world. Humans are searching for happiness.
Happiness can only be if Allah wants. Forty years of rain of surrow
rained upon Adam Alayhis Salam in the world, and one year of rain of
relief. That is to say, there is forty times more sadness, sorrow, being
uncomfortable, and uneasiness in the world. There is no such worry
for those who are with Allah. Be with Allah. Nothing would affect you
as long as your faith is strong. People who are affected are people with
no faith. They are people who do not think of the hereafter or people
who do not value the hereafter much. All people have delved into the
world saying it is more important. When this is the case, sorrow does
not end. Sorrow is plenty. They run here and there trying to find relief
and trying to find happiness. Their life is spent in research institutes.
While those who are faithful in the end reach happiness in the
hereafter. We see it in the world. People who are faithless do all kinds
of improper acts and all kinds of dirt so they can be happy. O immoral,
ignorant person! Can good be with dirt, can cleanliness be with dirt?
Happiness is cleanliness. Relief is cleanliness. It is light. You are
entering in the sewers and doing all kinds of dirt. Then if you say you
want a clean life and a happy life you will not get anything. You will
also become filth there and go away. They are looking for happiness in
drinking. Does drinking make you happy? We do not know whether it
makes them happy or not either, but drinking makes people crazy.
Actually madness is not happiness. Foolishness is not happiness. If
foolishness were happiness, people would not become psychiatry
doctors and psychologists. Let everyone be crazy and happy: it does
not work like that. There is no happiness in madness. They are people
who need treatment. You will only be happy if you are on the path of
Allah and the path of the Prophet. At that time you would have peace
In the mean time, they sink lower and lower in the most disgraced
states. No happines comes with these. O people! Turn to Allah before
falling in those situations. Unbelievers (kafirs) want to make Muslims
like themselves because they are envious. They neither have tranquility
nor happiness. They have nothing. They see that even though Muslims
are not in their level of prosperity, they are tranquil, they are happy
according to their own faith, and are not complaining of their situation.
They are sending the diseases they have to the world, especially upon
Muslims. Muslims are naive, clean, and people who do not want harm
for anyone. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says, “There is no harm nor loss
in a Muslim. They do not think of harming anyone.” There is no such
thing in them. They are thinking, “How can these people live
differently than us?! We need to make them also like us.” They have
jealousy and spite. Where do these come from? They come from
Shaitan. These are Shaitan’s attributes. They are not a Muslim’s
attributes. They show Muslims as bad. True Muslims are harmless and
beneficial. They have a duty to bring tranquility to everyone. They are
responsible to invite everybody to tranquility. But there are different
groups that are deceived by unbelief (kufrs) and Shaitan. They have
invented a being Muslim according to their own heads. Are they
thinking they are being of service? I do not think so anymore. Certainly
they know they are Shaitan’s soldiers. Because this is not the way
shown by Allah. The way shown by Allah is the way of mercy. The
way of being a Muslim is the way of happiness. Tranquility and
happiness is only in Islam. Do not emulate anyone. The greatest disease
of our nation is to want to be like others. Our Holy Prophet praised
these nations. He said to the Arabs, “If you do not follow the the
Prophet and his way, Allah will bring the nation that He loves. That
nation He loves is ferocious against unbelievers. They fear nobody.
They are merciful people amongst themselves.” And these are our
ancestors. That is why this matter of emulating is not a good thing.
Imitating is not good. Either the parrot imitate, or, saving your
presence, the monkey imitates. People laugh when they imitate. We,
thank Allah, have a character. Our ancestors have served Islam for a
thousand years. Their services have reached everywhere. Their services
have even reached thousands of kilometers away, to ever unthinkable
places. All the way to to the ends of Africa, and all the way to the
easternmost of Asia. There is no place they did not go or they did not
serve. That is why this emulating is nothing. We are not to emulate
them. They should emulate us to see how Islam brings tranquility,
brings felicity, and brings happiness. This is why our nation needs to
refuse what they do. Especially this drinking, smoking, and drugs. Let
it be theirs. Happiness cannot be achieved with them. Only evil and
uneasiness occurs with them and people get ruined. In the end, they
also incur the wrath of Allah in the hereafter. If they do not repent, they
go to hell. Allah forbid. We need to thank Allah that we were born
Muslim, and that we were born in this country. Most people are born
and grow up but they are unaware of being a Muslim. Those who are
aware see being Muslim like a monstrosity and cannot get close. Thank
Allah we are in it. We have everything and thanks are due. Those
affairs do not have blessings (baraka). Their trade is also forbidden
(haram), and dealing with them is forbidden too. That is why nobody
should be fooled by money and sell their hereafter for money. Because
that money you get is cursed money and it does not benefit you. Let
alone yourself, it does not benefit your progeny either. You would
suffer its consequences in the world before the hereafter. The
consequences suffered by people who do these things are a lot. They
would be more comfortable if they were hungry for their whole lives.
Do not throw yourselves in fire for twopenny. As we said, you would
suffer its consequences before the hereafter, in this world too. Do not
harm anyone. Becasue a day would come, and just as you burnt other
people’s children, your children would be burnt. May Allah protect
from Shaitan’s evils Inshallah. May Allah save children, youth, adults,
and all, whoever they may be, from these troubles Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Sunday, November 1, 2015.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh,
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin
wal Akhirin,
Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya
Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-
Haqqani. Dastur.
Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
animosity between people. And Allah Azza wa Jalla wants people and
Believers (Mu’mins) to be siblings. Allah (JJ) wants you to be siblings
without suspecting, without talking behind each other’s backs, and
without spying on each other. Allah’s orders are good while Shaitan’s
orders are bad. Let us follow what Allah says Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Monday, November 2, 2015.
Those who torment, oppress, and harm people are not human. They are
monsters or wild creatures. What makes humans human, what
differentiates us from wild animals, is compassion and goodness. And
Allah Azza wa Jalla orders this. Those who are outside of this, as we
said, order evil, and commit every kind of harm and loss. Whatevere it
is, they do for their own interests. They do not care if the world burns.
They have nothing to do with humanity nor with Islam. This nightfall
(election results were declared) is a mercy of Allah towards us. For this
reason we are thankful and grateful. May good ones come to lead us
from now on Inshallah. The whole Islamic world is looking here. Thank
Allah we are the head of the Islamic world. We go everywhere and the
people in places we go to are a lot more happier and thankful. Becasue
the world of unbelief is a world that has nothing to do with humanity,
is merciless, is unscrupulous, and can do anything for their own
interests. They are number one in hypocrisy (nifaq) but do not leave
humanity nor humanism to anybody. They are a hundred percent
hypocrites (munafiq).
They are both munafiqs and kafirs (unbelievers). Can good come from
them? Good comes from Allah. We are thankful to Allah that there is
still good in this nation that Allah brought good people. May Allah be
of help to them. May Allah not embersass them. May they serve with
sincerity (ikhlas) for Allah and not lean towards their ego. They treat all
people with compassion, and that is for sure thank Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Friday, November 13, 2015.
Shaykh Mawlana used to say, “No dirtiness can last.” However, now
after Shaykh Mawlana, to continue this way carefully we should not
betray the trust. For this reason, May Allah be content with them,
people are coming in tides, and because of these deputies (wakils) they
are running away in tides. That is why from now on, these kinds of
people, when they become deputies for their interests, not for the sake
of Allah but for their own interests, we are removing them from
representation and they can stay as dervishes if they want to stay. If
they do not want to stay, they can do as they like. There are some
names; it would not be appropriate to mention them here. We will
write them and give them out.
May Allah not make ourselves a donkey for our ego (nafs). May our
ego be the donkey. May Allah protect us all from the evil of our ego.
The main work of this tariqa is to take the ego under control and ride
on it. When you ride you rise; when it rides you become like an animal.
Nothing else. May Allah correct us all.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Friday, November 13, 2015.
come. May our month of Safar be good Inshallah. May the evil come to
those who do not believe in Allah, who are rebellious against Allah.
May the good come to us Inshallah. May its evil go to the enemies of
Islam. The enemies of Islam have gone overly wild. May Allah send all
the evils of this month upon them.
The duties of this month, as Shaykh Mawlana said: Three Kalima
Shahadat (testimony of faith), 70 Astaghfirullah (repentance), and then
do not forget to give Sadaqa (charity). When leaving the home,
absolutely put the sadaqa in the box. Later you can distribute it to the
poor and needy. There are lots who are in need. Inshallah this month
passes well and we make it to the month of the Mawlid, Inshallah. We
also do the Mawlids Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Sunday, November 15, 2015.
They do not accept what is said to their ego and certainly refuse it. Do
not immediately refuse when they tell you something. Contemplate
whether they are right or not, then you can give an answer. They
answer back with incorrect things before even a person opens his/her
mouth. It is actually a lie, but people who do these things see
themselves as right. They vindicate their egos saying, “I am good.”
Whereas the ego is something that is to be trained. When you submit to
the shaykh, at first it is an obligation upon a person to accept advice.
Because “Ad-din an-nasiha”. “Religion is advice”. As soon as you hear
advice, you either fight with the man or show excuses. You try to prove
yourself right and never accept advice. And that falls contrary to
training your ego. Your ego does not get trained, and on the contrary it
gets wilder and wilder.
That is why we should accept advice. This is the most important thing.
Do not immediately object when something is said. This is something
that needs to be done our whole lives. It does not work listening for
two days and then turning back again as before. The ego is trained
slowly. Then a beautiful person and a beautiful Muslim emerges.
Firstly they would be of benefit to themselves, and then they would be
of benefit to the whole nation. Allah will be our helper Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Monday, November 16, 2015.
families and companions, for our shaykhs, our shaykh Hadrat Shaykh
Nazim and our Hajja Mother, and for all of our passed ones, let us read
three Ikhlas and one Fatiha.
Tuesday, November, 17 2015.
That is an important thing too, because not everybody has love of faith.
Most of the world is faithless. They do not believe in Islam, in Allah, or
in the Holy Prophet. Allah needs to make us love so we can love. Thank
Allah, Allah (JJ) gives glad tidings of it to Muslims in the mentioned
verse and says, “Allah made you love faith and He made it adorn your
hearts.” What happens when faith is in the heart? Beauty occurs. Allah
Azza wa Jalla says in the same verse, “Allah made you dislike and hate
unbelief (kufr), doing evil, and rebellion against Allah.” These are great
favors. We see how other nations are: they immediately rebel, curse,
disobey Allah, and do all sorts of vileness. And they present it to
people as humanity. This is the difference between Muslims and non-
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Wednesday, November 18, 2015.
There are some idioms in this world. They say, “We rub along.” We rub
along. How? We get up in the morning. People are of two kinds. They
either get up mentioning (making zikr of) Allah or they get up in a state
of heedlesness (ghaflat). People making zikr get up in the morning,
pray, and have breakfast. They perform the Noon (Dhuhr), Afternoon
(Asr), Evening (Maghrib), and Night (Isha) prayers. They go to bed
reciting verses (ayats). This way one day is over. The second person,
however, has no idea of these. They do not know how the day passed,
and continue in the same way. As we head to the second day and the
third day, we cycle like this our whole lives. We make it to morning
again everyday, and again cycle the same way. This is a good cycle.
The others, people who do not remember Allah, are in a vicious cycle.
The vicious cycle is an unbeneficial cycle. There is nothing. They go
about living like grass, like animals, and nothing else. Animals also
have a cycle but animals know Allah. Those who do not recognize
Allah are harmful for people and harmful for humanity. The whole
universe is like this. Allah Azza wa Jalla also says in the Koran:
“Wash-shamsu tajri limustaqarrin laha, thalika taqdiru al-Aziz al-
Alim.” (Sura Yasin:38) [And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term.
That is the Decree of the AllMighty, the All-Knowing]. We are getting
by. Where are we going? We are going to Allah. Some say, “It is not
clear where he is going,” but it is clear. The whole universe is going to
Allah Azza wa Jalla, and there is nowhere else to go. For this reason,
turn to Allah and remember Allah. Let our life not consist of a vicious
cycle, and may it be useful Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Thursday, November 19, 2015.
The Asmaul Husna are the names of Allah Azza wa Jalla. 99 names,
each has a manifestation. They have manifested themselves differently
at all times. Now, the manifestation of the name as-Sabur is occurring.
Because people have gone so wild and gone so astray that we are living
the manifestation of the holy name of patience. He waits in patience.
Afterwards, when this period is over, these people will be questioned.
Mahdi Alayhis Salam will come and show everyone their place, will
give everyone their due, and truth will appear.
“Wa qul ja’al haqqu wa zahaqal baatil.” (Sura Isra:81) Truth will appear
and falsehood will end. Only falsehood is around these days, and
everybody is going after falsehood. Even though there might be a
couple of people in the whole world who are against falsehod, they do
not have much benefit. The manifestation of this time is the
manifestation of patience. This has been going on for 100-150 years. The
time is probably near. Inshallah everyone will see this era. At that time,
the protection Allah provides will be for some people and not for most.
Because most have gone wild. Even though Allah is capable of
everyhting, He is being patient. And He knows the wisdom behind
this. Now, because this age is the last age, becasue it is before Judgment
Day, the exalted name of patience is manifested. Inshallah Mahdi
Alayhis Salam appears soon and shows these people their boundaires.
Becasue they have gone against Allah and have rebelled against Allah.
Allah has names and attributes. Now, the attribute of these times is
patience. What is meant by patience is very patient, as there is
exaggeration like this. May Allah protect us all from the evils of our ego
and the evils of these people Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Friday, November 20, 2015.
Islam orders the good for people. It says all Muslims are brothers and
sisters. Brothers and sisters mean there is no selfishness in Islam.
Selfishness is a bad habit and a habit that Islam does not want. That is
why, whatever you want for yourself, you need to want for your
Muslim brother or sister. You will love them as you love yourself.
Selfishness is the complete opposite. People want everything for
themselves and not for others. Sometimes people have envy. They get
upset at others having something. Whereas what would happen if the
whole world were yours? How much could you eat? Say you could eat
as much as five men. What is after that is selfishness and greed.
Whoever is greedy is insatiable. Everybody has selfishness. Islam
trains that selfishness, removes that selfishness, and provides a good
habit instead. Selfishness is a bad habit. Neither Muslims nor
nonMuslims like selfishness. But it is normal in non-Muslims. In fact,
they encourage to do it more and they do it more. They say they would
never give up on their rights and what they own. Whereas it is possible.
Sharing is what is right. Allah Azza wa Jalla says, “Share everything.”
Allah (JJ) continuously orders charity (sadaqa), obligatory alms (zakat),
and doing good. These are the reverse of selfishness. Selfish people
neither give charity nor do good. Selfish people want to keep it all for
themselves. That is also another form of stupidity. Give so Allah might
give you its reward in the hereafter. If you do not give you will say, “I
wish I had given everything and had not left anything for myself.”
Good manners are the manners of Islam. Islam shows bad things as bad
so you do not go after them and so you do not go after Shaitan. May
Allah protects uf rom the evils of our ego, and may He save us all from
this bad habit Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Saturday, November 21, 2015.
Saturday, November 21, 2015.
Holy ones are everywhere. They are all over the world. Our Holy
Prophet (SAW) says, “With them your sustenance arrives, with them it
rains, and with them you gain victory.” Awliyaullah (friends of Allah),
sahabas (companions), and prophets. Of course, first there were
prophets, then came righteous (salih) people. There are sahabas after
our Holy Prophet. They are the people in the highest station of the
nation (ummah). Then come those who have followed them and those
who have followed those who have followed them. Our Holy Prophet
(SAW) says, “The best time is my time.” “Then it is those after me,” he
says. Subsequently, he counts another 100-150 years and says
corruption will emerge in the world following that. As people multiply,
less good people remain. People were few during the time of our Holy
Prophet (SAW) and there were 124,000 sahabas. That was a large body.
124,000 is not a small thing for that time. Later, as people multiplied the
number stayed the same, it stayed 124,000. It is the same now, but
124,000 holy ones in 6-7 billion is a small number (there are 124,000
awliya on the face of earth in every period after the sahabas). People
who do evil are increasing, but if it were not for the 124,000, this world
would not stay for a minute. They always exist and are present in every
period. When one goes, Allah (JJ) immediately appoints someone else
instead. They also have to be alive. Past holy ones have power too, but
those our Holy Prophet (SAW) mentioned are those who are alive,
meaning people serving in the world. Their services are needed. This
world is not a planet that turns for no reason. Allah (JJ) is capable of
everything. Nothing is difficult for Allah. Allah does what He wants
and does not ask anybody. This teaching, this training, Islamic training,
is the training of tariqa. Adab (manners) is a very important thing. It is
appropriate if we say adab is the foundation of religion. No religion,
iman, nor anything else remains without adab. And this is the
difference between us, people who are Muslim, and people who are not
What does adab mean? Obeying orders. It is respecting the shaykh in
front of us, respecting our Holy Prophet (SAW), and respecting Allah.
People who do not do this firstly do not respect the person across, then
they do not respect the guide (murshid), they do not respect Hadrat
Prophet, and they do not respect Allah. What does this mean? This
clearly means the name we always hear, this is democracy. Ill-manner
is democracy. Not to talk politics during the sermon. This needs to be
said because they include it in everything. Its name says it all anyway.
Demo means crazy. Furthermore, with what is next to it, it means
something like crazy talk. It is something like this if you look at its real
meaning. You have to interfere in everything, you have to stick your
nose in everything, and you should also have an opinion. This is
something that does not benefit anything. Some wise guy comes out
and says there is democracy in Islam. There is no democracy in Islam.
Clever people are those who extract decrees from the hadiths of our
Holy Prophet (SAW), from verses (ayats) and suras (chapters) sent by
Allah in His book, the Azimushan (Glorious) Koran. They do all their
works according to it, not like democracy. If something is to happen,
the most intelligent people are gathered and they make a decision
accordingly. After our Holy Prophet (SAW), there was a mashwara, a
board of councils. Those holy ones are 5-10. They decide who is to
become the khalifa. If something is to be done, they get advice from
them and consult them so the right decision is taken. Everybody has a
job, but these are bad times. We have reached such times that they talk
about democracy, elections, and what not, but this is a game of Shaitan.
Only Allah Azza wa Jalla shoots Shaitan with his own weapon too
when He wants. When you want democracy, “There you go:
democracy!” is said and Allah’s orders come out in the open. How did
we come to this subject? We came to democracy and bloody what not
from adab. The West is who taught us democracy. Shaykh Mawlana,
may Allah raise his station, would continuously say, “The West, the
bloody/setting West!” Let us not fall behind either: “The West, the
bloody/setting West!” It has set anyway. It has set. What was it, how
come Allah Azza wa Jalla allows so many wars to occur so that so
much blood is spilled, and why is this happening? If it were Shaykh
Mawlana, he would spit here. Now look here, will He ask you O
mentally unbalanced, ill-mannered, and immoral one?! Will He make
elections? Will He appoint a prime minister speaker or speaker of what
not? Allah (JJ) does what He wants.
of us are servants. We are all servants in the sight of Allah. Allah does
what He wants. You read two books, something of an Indian kafir
guru, empty man, maybe you memorized three or five sayings of
philosophers, and you go ahead and think you are smart? Will you
question Allah Azza wa Jalla? There, this is what I am saying, this is the
difference between Muslims and nonMuslims. There is no respect for
anything with them. For one, there is no adab. That is why they are
naked. No matter how they dress, those guys have no adab. When
there is no adab, there is no iman. These sayings are a hundred percent
contrary to Allah Azza wa Jalla and to adab. They have no adab
towards anybody and think of none but themselves. Only those who
are Muslim are worthy of humanity. Otherwise, unmanerred people
are not considered human. Becasue those without manners are only
four-legged. The guys walk around naked and do whatever they want.
However, four-legged ones are better yet. They fear Allah, they say
their tasbih of Allah, and know their creator. They don’t have this
either. They are directly Shaitan’s soldiers and Shaitan’s slaves. Not
servants, they are directly slaves of Shaitan. There is nothing to emulate
about them. O people, O Muslims! This desire to imitate is in all of us.
See their reality and be thankful for your condition. They are purely
paint. They are truely paint. We went to America twenty years ago.
Everybody watches their movies on television, here and there, and in
the Shaitan cabinet. If you could only see, nothing is true there, and it is
all lies. Whatever there is, it is nothing but vileness. Nothing they show
is true. They have fooled the world like this. Let humankind not be
fooled. If humankind is to be human, let them come to the way of
Allah, let them come to being Muslim. They would live with honor in
the world and win their hereafter. There is nothing else to emulate. This
worls is a temporary world anyway, and it comes and goes suddenly.
Turn back to Allah and follow the way of Allah. Be on the right path, be
on the path of adab. Most important of all, as we said, respect the holy
ones, the prophets, the sahaba, and the awliya. Their stations are light
(nur), their places are light. We were with the holy ones ten days ago.
Even though each one is in the lands of unbelief (kufr), their places are
like gardens of paradise. Even kafirs (unbelievers) come and visit them
there. So there is so much abundance (fayd) that they cannot hold
themselves. Whereas they are enemies of Muslims. But they have
respected those persons and protected them. Even though there is not a
single Muslim around, their places are very clean, and they did not
touch a stone and showed respected. Inshallah they are also granted
iman. They want it, but Shaitan has a million tricks for those men not to
become Muslim. There was no such thing as a Muslim in the past there.
How many could the conquering/opening (fatih) soldiers be? Millions
of people became Muslim for the sake of those holy ones. Even today,
India is the state with the second largest Muslim population in the
world. There are more than 200 million Muslims. India is the state with
the largest Muslim population after Indonesia. The guys have more
than 30 million idols made of wood, what not, and all that they
worship. We even saw their factory. Their idol factory is assidiously
making idols. They entered Islam for the sake and by the blessings of
these holy ones when there were millions of things to worship. They
flooded into Islam. Islamic works, thousands of mosques, dargahs,
tombs (türbes) decorate those places. There, this is Islam. Because they
have the aptitude and are seeking the truth. They see the erroneous
things. All of them became Muslim when they saw the beautiful light.
This is why our confused Muslims should not fear. They should not be
afraid of a tomb, a murshid, or a shaykh. No harm comes from them.
No harm comes from a person who fears Allah. Harm comes from
those who do not fear Allah. People who do not respect Allah nor
Hadrat Prophet are harmful people. May Allah protect us from their
evil. May Allah send an owner to this nation. The world is in a
tightness and distress. Now, be it Muslim or not, everybody is waiting
for a saviour. Therefore, it has gradually started boiling. Inshallah the
appearance of Mahdi Alayhis Salam is near. May Allah make us reach
him as soon as possible Inshallah.
Bihurmatil Fatiha.
Sunday, November 22, 2015.
Hadrat Anas (ra) relates: One day we were sitting together with our
Holy Prophet in the mosque, and our Holy Prophet said: the person
about to enter is destined for Paradise. They looked and one of the
companions entered and sat down. The next day our Holy Prophet
spoke again and said: now a person destined for Paradise is about to
enter. Again the same person came in. May Allah be pleased with him.
On the third day he again said: just now a person destined for Paradise
is coming in. Again that same companion joined them.
He took him to his home. When it was night he saw that this man, the
man destined for Paradise, went to bed. From time to time he rose and
recited tasbih and takbir but he did not do all that much. When it was
time for fajr prayer, he got up and went to the mosque of the Holy
Prophet. This went on for 3 days. Then he said to him, 'I wish to ask
you something. Our Holy Prophet said that you are destined for
From what I saw, you don't do all that much, I mean you do not spend
the whole night in prayer, and you are not overly engaged in worship.
When you get up, of course, you remember Allah, and recite takbir and
subhanallah following the sunnah - whenever you happen to get up.
But what is the secret of all this? What is it that you did that our Holy
Prophet gave you these
Tassawwuf means purity, to not bear grudges towards anyone, and not
to harm anyone and not to try and deceive anybody. You must give
your heart to Allah. You must not fill your heart with evil things. If you
are like that you will be deserving of Paradise. That is tassawwuf, that
is tariqa. These beautiful and subtle points are the things that our Holy
Prophet taught us. If a man stands in prayer 24 hours, and eats
forbidden food, if he wrongfully takes another's possessions, there is no
benefit. If he commits injustice, there is also no benefit, absolutely none,
because those are the servants' rights and Allah does not forgive that.
people who ask for no intercession. They are then not forgiven.
Therefore, it is not 'I have prayed so much, I have done so much more,
therefore I must be more esteemed'. More than the outer, man must
clean his inner heart. Our hearts must be pure. Let us work at that.
Because we see people who have been here for 20, 30 years. They cut a
good figure from outside, but there are people who on the inside have
become worse rather than better. We must be more careful of this from
now on.
Hazrat Anas (ra) he was saying, ''We was in masjid an-nabawi with
Prophet (saws) the Prophet (saws) he said, 'now he will enter, one who
is from Paradise people'. And entered one sahabi, and we see him and
we looking [at] him. Next day, Prophet (saws) again said, 'now will
enter one from Paradise people'. Again same man, sahabi, he was
entering. Third day, also Prophet (saws) he said, 'now he will enter
some[one] from Paradise people' and the same man, he was entering,
sahabi (ra)''.
''People was looking, they're not understanding too much, one of them,
sahabi, he was curious and he liked to learn how this man become in
this good situation, station. And Prophet (saws) [gave] good [tiding for]
him, he will be from Paradise people. And he went to this man and he
said, 'I am a little bit arguing with my father and I swore to not go to
[my] house, three days. Can you host me in your house?' He said, 'Of
course'. And first night he was sleeping, together, and this man, whole
night sleeping. Only when he went sometimes if he woke up he'd say
'Subhanallah' or 'Allahu Akbar' and sleeping again. One night like this.
[On the] second night he waiting to make another thing. [It was the]
same. Three night, he only sleeping. Not worshipping, not doing
anything, only sleeping''.
''The third day because he will go out from house, he said to him, 'Oh
Brother, I have come here, I am not arguing with my father, only I'm
just coming to learn how you became from Paradise people, because
Prophet (saws) he said for you like this. But I am not seeing any
extraordinary thing you are doing, only you are sleeping'. He said, 'You
do anything else, because I am here you didn't do?' He said 'No, all
time I am like this. I don't know how Prophet (saws) saying this but,
what I have, my heart it is clear. No any cheating for people. No any
So, it is important more than outside shape to clean your inside also.
Prophet (saws), clearness, sufi, saf (pure). They are very clear, very
pure, it must be your inside. Not to be darkness, badness in your
[in]side. It must be clear and to teach your ego to be better. Not you
following ego, ego must following you. It is not important, outside
shape, because many people's outside shape it is easy to change. But
inside, important inside, and it is very difficult. Even who their shape
changing outside, from maybe 20 years, 30 years, some of them they are
become worse. Not become better, they are become worse, because
these become more proud. We are looking wearing big turban, big
No, it is really not good. There is people they have turban bigger than
you and they are not in Islam. Why? Because they are slowly, slowly,
going out. So Allah make them out of Islam. But if you are sincere you
will be without doing many worshipping or ibadah. But if you are
sincere, it is acceptable and you will be beloved one for Allah. The
people they are trying, some of them quickly to be holy people and
they are doing many, but they are not, only doing outside, not inside.
The most important [thing in] our Tariqa [is] inside. Allah make us to
clear our heart to be full of iman and full of good things for everybody.
Not thinking any badness for people.
Allah Azza wa Jalla is saying in Quran Azimu Shan to follow the right
way. Don't go out of that way. If you go out of the right way, you will
lose your path. Your end won't be good. Our Prophet is saying "My
way is to love Allah Azza wa Jalla, Quran and me". It is to love our
Prophet. After our Prophet we should love his great companions and
the rest of the sahaba because the best century was the century of our
Prophet. The person Allah created highest of all is our Prophet, then
come the great companions of our Prophet, the wives and children of
our Prophet, people who come from his generation, and the other
Allah sent our Prophet alone in the beginning. When he was alone
Allah helped him. People asked how was our Prophet an example for
them? Our mother Aisha, his holy wife said he was like the Quran.
What was he like? Our Prophet was like the Quran. Therefore Allah
Azza wa Jalla could have sent our Prophet with protection, without any
troubles, had He wished. However, people would have then criticized
him for having too much rest, being without sadness and sorrow. For
them to not make this sin, Allah Azza wa Jalla made our Prophet suffer
troubles. He suffered many more times than others. Among all the
prophets, our Prophet suffered the most. Because he was the most
beloved to Allah. Allah sends His beloved ones the most trouble. So too
with our Prophet. He suffered many troubles. Also the sahaba.
Our Prophet says not to speak anything bad about the sahaba. He says
"The sahaba are my friends. Who speaks badly of them goes to hell".
There are many hadith about it. He is warning and trying to awaken
people, but most people don't hear. Leave aside the sahaba, there are
immoral people who swear at his wives. This means they left the right
way. Where will a man who lost the right way go? There is only one
right way. Who doesn't follow it will end up sad and regretful because
on the Day of Judgment our Prophet won't meet him. He won't be
allowed to meet him. Allah Azza wa Jalla won't let those people
approach His Beloved. Allah doesn't value those who don't respect the
sahaba or the family of our Prophet. Their end won't be good. We
should pay attention to this.
There are many ways, but the right way is the way of our Prophet. And
that is the way of Tariqa, shukr to Allah. Our Naqshbandi Tariqa - all
tariqas respect and follow the steps of our Prophet, but it is the
Naqshbandi Tariqa which values the words of our Prophet the most
and follows the way shown by him. Therefore, shukr to Allah, we
follow this way and recommend it to people. The Naqshbandi Way is a
beautiful way, a way of the Prophet which leads to Allah. There is no
other way. Sirat al-mustaqim is the only way. If you go out of it, there
are many other ways but not all of them are right. The right way is only
one. May we follow it inshaAllah.
Even there is many hadith, says who are saying bad thing for
companions they will be in hell. Nowadays people, they are even
saying bad things for his family, for his wife, this is, they will be
regretted people in Qiyama because Prophet (sas) he will not even
make shafa'a (intercession) for them because he is making people aware
in dunya and he is saying for this, "You follow right way, don't go out
of this way". Any small thing will take you to a way you are not in
peace. You'll be in danger in this way. Very small thing can take you.
But right way, it is big and it is clear.
Who shows this way? Specially, Tariqa. All tariqas but Naqshbandi
Tariqa is special for this. It is showing direct to Prophet (sas). How he
was acting, how he is saying. And Prophet (sas) when he was sent by
himself, was suffering everything from these bad people and they was
harming him, doing bad thing for him. He was the most suffering one
between all prophets, he said. Why is this? Because Allah if He want,
he is the most beloved one for Allah, He can make him just to sit and
not do anything. All good things coming to him. But He want to show
good example for people to not be saying he was resting and we are
suffering. No, nobody suffer like Prophet (sas). And his suffering it was
blessed for him also from Allah Azza wa Jalla.
everyday, more and more wrong way around Islamic world, around
world. They are showing people very bad ways. It is not siratu l-
mustaqim. Allah save us from these people and make us to be in right
way all the time.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015.
Don't lose hope in Allah. Only the kafir and faithless people lose hope
in Allah. Who have faith submit to Allah. Whatever turns out at last,
Allah is with them. They will find Allah in akhira, if not here. They
believe in Allah and their end will be good. But those who are faithless
should think about it. They suffer because they are mindless. They
claim they are the ones who know everything the best. "No one knows
better than us". They study and learn, and finally realize that their
knowledge is meaningless. But they have already studied.
The world appears lower to them than their selves and they think they
are more civilized and on a higher level. As though there is nothing like
being civilized. A civilized person is the one who believes in Allah.
People who don't believe in Allah are lower than animals. An animal
knows its Creator, but they don't know. They think they evolved from
worms, cats and different animals. Allah Azza wa Jalla created
In these days people they are very afraid, very anxious, but who are
with Allah, Allah said don't be sad, don't be hopeless. Who are with
Allah He is all time winner. But if he is not believe, this is his problem.
Allah give us this big favour to be with Him and to be supported by
Him. If you have everything and you don't have support it is nothing in
this world. Because whole people now, before it was only this area,
they suffering from everyday new bad thing. But now whole world
they are afraid and they are anxious what will happen tomorrow, "How
we can...? Everyday coming more worse".
Azza wa Jalla. So you think for this. And who is studying university,
studying, they'll become professor, they become doctors, they must
think for this word, for to, from Allah Azza wa Jalla, how he is Great.
Thursday, November 26, 2015.
May they stay far from our assemblies because Allah did not intend
goodness for them. He has not willed it. He says to our Holy Prophet:
You cannot bring guidance to the ones you love. Our great Holy
Prophet. Allah guides whom He wills. Therefore, we must not think
that a person should be with us because he has high rank and station,
or is well educated, or has done suchand-such, or possesses beauty or
ugliness. We say: May we be together with good people.
May our kith and kin be good, may our country be good, insha'Allah.
Goodness is Allah's greatest favour. Insha'Allah we will always
encounter good people. Those coming to this dergah, and those coming
to this way, insha'Allah may they always be good people. The bad ones
who come here, may Allah grant them guidance, insha'Allah.
May Allah protect us from bad people. There is from our belief:
Khayruhu wa sharruhu min Allah. This meaning, the good and bad
from Allah. Allah He is deciding what He do. He is not asking you, O
European... Saying this for European specially because they are very
clever and they have good thinking and they are discussing with Allah
"How You do this?" Be "akilli ol", the Turkish words, "Be clever, don't
be stupid". Allah creates. Creator. He will not ask you and He is not in
need for you. You cannot ask anything, you cannot say like you are
speaking to your politic leader, "Why you do this?" Politic leader is
rubbish like you.
So be clever, think more. You are thinking you are clever? You are not
clever at all. Who not knowing the Creator is stupid. So, we are saying
everything from Allah. If He like somebody he show him good way.
Alhamdulillah, we are thanking thousand times, million times, because
He put us in this good way; to know Him. Who are not knowing Allah,
he is miserable, here and hereafter and he will be very regret when he
find real life after this life.
So we are asking every good thing for us, 'khayr' meaning good. We are
asking good people, we are not looking for their ranks, for their colour,
for their language. All, Allah created them. Only we are asking for
good people to be together, to meet us with them and to bring them
here. Or they are by their heart following us, insha’Allah. And we are
not looking who is rich, who is more educated with shaitan education,
or how he has more comfort, more money or what they have.
We are not interest for this at all. Because these people, if some weak
ego people, when they saw these people they try to come near them
maybe they can take something from them. You cannot take anything
from these people. These people, they are coming more worse and
worse when their ego growing bigger and bigger. So you cannot find
any good thing from them. Don't come near them. Be aware from them,
because if you come only you take bad thing from them. Nothing good
for you.
We are asking Allah every good thing for us from His good gift, good
favour, to make our friend, our neighbour, our country to be more and
more good and following Allah's order and our generation,
insha’Allah, whole going by Allah's order to not let them for this who
are in wrong way. This what we can ask for us, we cannot ask 'why
You do this, why You do that?' So be adab, good behave. Even between
people who are good behaved, there are people, they like him. How
you can say this for your Creator? So be clever.
Friday, November 27, 2015.
Allah, glorified and exalted be He, we read this verse every jum‘a. Here
we do not recite the Turkish translation, but in all mosques they give
the Turkish meaning of it. Allah commands goodness. He commands
all forms of goodness. Closeness to one's relatives, to be together with
relations, for relatives to love one another, and to be just. Whatever
goodness there is, Allah Almighty commands it. This is what Allah,
glorified and exalted be He, has ordered.
What He has forbidden is evil. When we say evil, we mean all manner
of evil. What is evil? Things that are sinful are all evil. Alcohol,
gambling, fornication. Every evil and ugly thing, Allah forbids these
things. He prohibits such actions. Who finds acceptable what Allah has
forbidden? Shaytan. Shaytan and those who follow him, the followers
of Shaytan, incline towards those things, find them lovely and engage
in such activities. People who follow the path of our Holy Prophet do
not do such things, they do not like it.
will taste a hundred times more punishment for the disgrace you
committed. The Friends of Allah do what Allah has commanded them
to do. Allah's beloved servants do not permit any evil. People want to
walk the path of Allah, Shaytan drags people onto the path of lust and
desire. To support himself, he claims, “This holy man gave
permission”. And to top it off they tell lies.
At no time do those on the path of Allah ever command evil. But the
nafs of people who are ill, who comply with their nafs, commit every
evil deed. The greatest of all evils is lying. A lie is never in any way a
good thing. Once a man becomes used to telling lies, everything
becomes a lie. It is an attribute Allah despises and our Holy Prophet
hated. One on this path, who has turned to Allah’s path, should
discipline his nafs. He should not pursue the desires of his nafs.
“What, we should observe this throughout our lives?” Allah has given
you what is halal, permitted things. If you do what is halal, you will not
commit sin, you will receive rewards. But if you do the opposite, you
will have to pay for it. As for the evil you cause other people to do, you
will have to carry it also for that number of people. If you corrupt one
person, then the load of one person, if you lead two people astray, they
will carry their own sin, and you will be burdened with it as well.
Why are we saying this? Because nowadays the whole world worries
only about its desires. The armies of the Jews, or maybe all Shaytan's
armies, the friends of Shaytan, Shaytan's disciples, have made all the
Sheikh gave us permission to act like this. They even mix the Sheikh up
in these matters. The Sheikh will never say "follow your nafs", he will
say, "crush your nafs, let your nafs perish".
This is a big test for everybody, and everyone must pass this test. It is
not only in you, it is in everybody. These are now the last days, the End
of Time, and Shaytan unleashes what devilry he has. The world is now
in his hands. Until al-Mahdi, on whom be peace, appears. Now the
world is in his hands, Shaytan now has world dominion. That is all
there is to it. We say this, everybody knows it, nobody can deny it.
Shaytan is everywhere. People become fearful saying, what shall we
do? What will become of us? What happened to the world? Do not be
afraid of this. If you are going to fear anything, fear your nafs. Stay in
your place.
Sheikh Efendi always said, when things have reached this point,
everyone should keep two months' worth of supplies in his house, food
for 40 days, and stay put in his home. When you are with Allah you
need not fear anything else. As we said, what you need to fear is falling
into the hands of your nafs, being ruined by your nafs. That is the
greater evil. Otherwise, this is the state of the world. Allah's word
comes true. No need to fear anything happening in the world.
Rahmani r-Rahim:
"InnAllaha ya'muru bil`adli wa l-ihsani wa ita'i dhi l-qurba
wayanha`ani'lfahsha-i wa l-munkari walbaghi ya`izhukum la`allakum
tadhakkarun" (16:90).
Every good thing, it is order of Islam but now whole world captured by
Shaytan and his army. Everywhere. No place in this world not
captured with his, this Shaytan and his army. And they are ordering
every bad thing, every bad acting, every thing against Allah's order,
they are ordering. But people all, they are following, especially they're
making whole world, they are running after their desire, their animal
desire. Whole world captured by this. They are nothing else as thinking
under downstairs.
Islam forbidding specially, lying, and they are lying for Allah, for
Prophet, for Sheikh they are lying on his tongue, and he didn't order.
He's just following shariah, he's following order of Allah. Who are
saying Sheikh allowed, they are liar and Allah curse them. The most
important thing to be honest and Allah loves honest people and the
most beloved one for Allah, young people who kept their desire, and
following order of Allah. This is the most beloved people for Allah.
And the most cursed one, old people who are running after their desire.
They're not finished. They cannot finish from this, because they're from
young-hood following their desire and so ego not
leave them until they will die. And people, they, as we said, end of
time, whole world captured by this, by Shaytan and his followers. Until
Mahdi (as) coming still like this, so we must be not afraid from what
will happen now in the world.
There are many people they are asking, 'we sell house, we run away'.
Why you will run away? Mawlana he was saying for whole people
'don't go out of your house, you put your two months', not for two
years, 'two month’s food, you put in your house'. You can use it
anyway. Not to make this - there is even in this, there is crook people,
they trying to make people, to take benefit from people from this
situation also. Don't believe for these people. And don't afraid from
anything just like this, because Mawlana he is saying if anything
happen you stay in your house and you will be safe.
Don't afraid from this, be afraid from your ego. Ego it is more worse
than whole war. Because in war, maybe if anything happen in Akhirah
you are shaheed, or what Allah writes, Allah He will know better than
you. But if you follow your ego you will lose in Akhirah also. So don't
follow and who, they are lying in tongue of awliyaullah or
mashsha'ikh, there will be very bad situatuon for them. Don't think
Mawlana he is passed away and he will finish. No, he is acting,
mashaAllah. And who doing this, they will be regret what they do. So
don't follow your ego.
Sunday, November 29, 2015.
Allah Azza wa Jalla created people so they may worship Him. He has
no need of them and has no requests from them. Allah (JJ) is not in
need of humankind. Allah (JJ) Himself created humankind. So do not
fall behind in worship. “Allah neither wants food nor anything else
from you,” says Allah Azza wa Jalla. The Sustainer (Razzaq) is Allah
Himself. The provider of everybody’s livelihood (rizq) is Allah. Those
who have doubt about their livelihood have weak faith. People with
faith trust in Allah even in the worst times and Allah provides their
sustenance. Allah Azza wa Jalla is Almighty (capable of everything)
and does not need anybody. Be with Allah and Allah helps. These are
End Times. Of course there are troubles in these times. These are times
of trial. This is also in the hands of Allah. Allah is capable (muqtadir) of
everything and opens doors from where you never expect. Just like the
story of our Hadrat Ali Effendi (QW). Hadrat Ali (QW) is in a tight
squeeze. He would suffer a lot from poverty. “If poverty were a man I
would kill him,” said Hadrat Ali. One day, it is just the wisdom of
Allah, our Hadrat Ali Effendi goes to the bazaar to buy something.
Somebody is selling a camel there and was bargaining to give it to him.
He said, “I have no money.” The seller said, “You take this and when
you sell it you can pay me.” Hadrat Ali took the camel. He went a little
further and came across another man. The man asked him, “Would you
sell [the camel] for this much?” and he said, “Yes.” This trade was
pretty profitable. Then he comes back to pay the other man and the
seller says, “I am Jibril (Alayhis Salam).
This is a treat for you from Allah.” This is a little example. Allah Azza
wa Jalla opens great doors. Once trusting in Allah, “Wa yarzuquhu
min haythu la yahtasib.” (Sura Talaq:3) “Sustenance is provided from
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Monday, November 30, 2015.
People, people of today are used to comfort. They run after whatever
their ego wants. That is why when there is a problem, they want to take
the easiest way. But harder things follow what is easy. For example,
this matter of marriage. You see that they get married and before even a
year is up, they decide to get divorced these days. Divorce is the halal
(allowed) that is most hated by Allah. It is easy for people, meaning it is
easy for their ego. They regret it later, but it is too late. Of course,
marriage is not easy: two people with different natures and different
attitudes. Marriage requires patience so that they may slowly get used
to each other. People of today nominally have no patience. They do not
want difficulty but it gets harder afterwards. You need to be patient
when Allah finds a suitabe person for you. When he gets a little upset
you need to be quiet, and when you are upset he needs to bare it. This
way, with patience, you will get along. Allah Azza wa Jalla praised
patience: Innallaha ma’assabirin.” (Sura Baqara:153) “Allah is with
those who are patient.” Impatient people regret it later and suffer
remorse. And this is our advice to people today. Do not exaggerate
everything, and be patient if it is big. Things get better with patience.
They say “Good things come to those who wait”. Let families also give
advice to their children. Families are also unreasonable sometimes.
They do not try for their children to get along, but say they want to
abandon immediately. What will happen if you quit? It will be a
problem for you. May Allah cause people to think straight. Good things
come to those who take advice. Regret is the end of those who do
Tuesday, December 1, 2015.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
May Allah provide good associations. Our tariqa stands with discourse
and with good associations. If Allah Azza wa Jalla has meant good for a
person, they gather with good people. Allah (JJ) Himself knows the
good person. People who come respecting Allah, Hadrat Prophet, and
the Mashayikh (Shaykhs) are Inshallah good and their end will be
good. That is why Allah Azza wa Jalla knows whom the good is with. It
says in the Hadith Sharif, “Allah (JJ) turns hearts as He wishes.”
Therefore, do not look at anybody as bad. When Allah wants He makes
the bad good and the good bad. Everything is in the hands of Allah.
This is a virtue and favor of Allah and a blessing of Allah. May Allah
(JJ) make it easy for good people to serve Islam. Because these are End
Times. People think of somethings as correct and in the end it turns out
no-good. They interpret Islam according to their own heads and they
misguide many peole from the right path. The path of Hadrat Prophet
(SAW) is clear. The true way is one. In fact, learned people who say
they know the Koran and Hadith misguide people from the path. May
Allah not misguide from the right path. May Allah (JJ), Inshallah, not
misguide this nation of ours from the right path. Our nation is the
imam of Islam and the guiding light of Islam. Our Holy Prophet said
after him, “If you become corrupt, Allah will send a good people.” And
they gave their heads, lives, and blood in this way. They became a
hami, meaning a protector, for Islam. Now, the whole Islamic world is
watching them. Everybody has hope. We are with Allah and Allah
does not leave alone. May Allah (JJ) protect good people Inshallah. May
He give them support (madad), may His help reach from His sight, and
may they be continuously serving Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Thursday, December 3, 2015.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Tuesday, December 8, 2015.
Allah Azza wa Jalla made the most perfect religion, the religion of
Islam. Islam is the peak of religion and civilization. Wherever we go,
we see Islam’s honor and glory. When they considered Islam, they were
in the highest stations. When they leave Islam, people fall to the lowest
stations. We go to all Muslim countries. It is obviuous that the Islam of
old times was very powerful and very organized. Everything is made
beautifully and thought of beautifully. They thought of the human first,
because it is an obligation to serve people and to make those people
comfortable. Just like our Holy Prophet says in his Hadith: “The one
who is responsible for two people will answer for them on Judgment
Day.” In this way, persons who were judges, emirs, and sultans would
think about everything to the finest point. Now, they do not think at all.
However, thank Allah people with intelligence can see how they went
about with dignity and honor while being on the way of Allah, on the
way of the Prophet, and on the way of Islam. People should know the
value of the situation in the past when they see how the situation is at
present. Allah wants the best. He says when you do work, it should be
the best. When you do something, do the most perfect and give it its
due. Give the rightful due for the payment you receive. When Islamic
states ruled in the past, it was different, much more different. May
Allah raise the honor of Islam again Inshallah. May Allah (JJ) give
people and Muslims plain good sense. We are not saying anything else.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Thursday, December 10, 2015.
Thank Allah the month of Safar, Safarul Khayr, also passed with
goodness. Inshallah it has been good for Muslims. When Allah Azza
wa Jalla sends troubles He gives it to those who deserve.
The month of Safar has passed. The month of our Holy Prophet (SAW)
is coming. Rabi’ul Awwal is the month of the Mawlid. It is the month of
the birth of our Holy Prophet (SAW) and we need to respect it.
Whatever belongs to our Holy Prophet (SAW), we respect everything
that has anything to do with him.
We need to respect his hair, his clothes, his Ahl-e Bayt3, and everything
of his. Wherever he went and wherever he came from we will respect.
We will love his sunna, and we will follow him. And now Inshallah the
Mawlid, the day he was born, approaches. Thank Allah the whole
month is respected, not just the day he was born. What is meant by
Rabi’ is the name of the month. It means the beautiful spring, the
month of spring, and springtime. Allah (JJ) made everything beautiful
If you want beauty, follow him and respect him. Whatever belongs to
him, when he was born, when he passed by a place, and what he did
are all holy things, holy places, and holy days. To respect them is an
acceptable worship in the sight of Allah. Inshallah we will be granted
the intercession of our Holy Prophet (SAW).
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
1. Iman
2. Unbelievers
3. Family of the Prophet
Friday, 11 December 2015.
People who interpret Allah’s verses according to their own ego, or say
for things that do not exist that they are Allah’s orders are tyrants. Why
tyrants? Becasue they are leading people to bad ways and making them
do incorrect things. They say this is Islam, whereas it is not the order of
Allah. They impose things that are not in Islam on people as Allah’s
orders according to their own head. And this causes division in Islam
and discords come out.
That is why Allah Azza wa Jalla calls them tyrants. You do not
necessarily need to hold a person and oppress them. This is a greater
oppression. It is done without display and they are dividing the
enormous nation. How many parts has the nation been divided into?! It
is divivded piecemeal and they are trying to divide it further. Because if
Islam becomes one, nobody can stand against it. These tyrants,
followers of Shaitan, are doing that job. Knowingly or unknowingly,
ultimately punishment will reach them. May Allah protect us Inshallah
and not separate us from the right way.
Those who can be of greatest help to people are shaykhs and murshids
of tariqa. When not connected somewhere, when there is no connection
all the way to Hadrat Prophet (SAW), people go astray. You see what
they are doing looks good at first. Then you watch and wonder why
this man is doing as such. You think something will surely come out
from behind it. Then it comes out from behind. May Allah not leave
anybody alone. May Allah (JJ) not leave without a shaykh, a murshid.
217. EGYPT
Friday, 11 December 2015.
Allah (JJ) gave all kinds of beauty to those who are Islam, but
unfortunately people do not appreciate it. You see that most people
leave the eastern parts of Turkey because it is cold and come to
educated great ulama for the Islamic world and protected the religion.
As we said, it is a nice place. May Allah give them, and everybody, the
light of the heart. Let us be thankful to Allah (JJ) that he gave us
beautiful places. What is more important than that is He gave us iman
and honored us with Islam. Because other people are afraid of Islam,
they are scared of Islam. They have been deceived. Of course, Allah
gave everybody a mind and they can research, but Shaitan is not letting
them. Shaykh Mawlana (QS) used to pray a prayer of thanks every day.
We need to offer a prayer of thanks that Allah created us from our
parents as Muslim. Because on the contrary, those who have some
fortune and those whom Allah grants again become Muslim. But of
course it is one in a thousand that time. Thanks be to Allah. May Allah
(JJ) send the Islamic world a leader Inshallah. Because Allah is capable
1. Mubarak
2. Support
3. Blessings
4. Intercession
5. Mercy
6. Grace
7. Gaze
8. Ummat Muhammad
9. Disorder
Saturday, December 12, 2015.
angels, and everybody make salat and salam on him (SAW), so you
make salat and salam on him too. This is an order. It is an order to
honor him, to honor our Holy Prophet (SAW). May this month be
blessed. May we gain the shafaat2 of our Master (SAW) Inshallah. May
we be amongst those most beloved to him. If you love him, he loves
you back. That is how merciful he is. Our Master (SAW) came out from
amongst tyrant people, ignorant people, but he became their opposite
and became a guide to them. The places where he lived shed light on
the whole world. He trained people. Those who were trained became
like the stars. And those who were not trained found their punishment.
Thanks be to Allah we have also reached this month. May everyday in
this month pass with happiness Inshallah. May our Holy Prophet’s
(SAW) shafaat reach Islam in these bad days; may his help and his
mercy reach these oppressed people Inshallah. May Muslims win and
become victorious Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
1. Ummat
2. Intercession
Saturday, December 12, 2015.
For the sake of the beautiful face of the Prophet (sas) you can ask for
rain. "yustasqa l-ghamamu bi wajhihi l-kareem". For the sake of his
(sas) beautiful face ask for rain. This is the month of the Prophet (sas),
month of Mawlid. For his barakah, inshaAllah it rains. Because people
now don't know if it is summer or winter. If it is not raining, they say
"Oh, such lovely weather, it is sunny". When there is no water, they
start criticizing the government, this and that. But Allah gave us the
biggest favour. He gave us the Prophet (sas) as a blessing and mercy for
people. For his (sas) sake, everything, all goodness comes to us.
Of course non-believers, people who are out of Islam do not respect the
Prophet (sas). They do not respect Islam. They see it and show it in a
negative way. They hold a conference about global warming, this and
that. Whose fault is this? Of course it is the non-believers' fault. It is the
disbelievers’ fault because Allah doesn't show mercy to non-believers.
They rebel against Allah, they don't accept Allah's favours. They say
everything is by coincidence. They say the world is warming up, this
much damage is done. What damages and pollutes the world most is
disbelief. "laysa ba'da l-kufru dhanbi" he says. If you are a non-believer,
there is no other sin. You have already committed the biggest sin.
They polluted the world, polluted the air, polluted the soil, polluted the
sea. "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim: "Corruption has appeared on land
and sea because of [the evil] which men's hands have done"(30:41) They
did it with their hands. Our Prophet (sas) is a mercy for the worlds. He
says that whoever pollutes the water sometimes is cursed, sometimes it
is considered a big sin. If you throw garbage, pollute or contaminate
clean water or a river, it is a sin. This is the way that the Prophet (sas)
has shown. They don't know this, they don't know this pureness,
They criticize Islam. Islam is not bad. Islam is the best religion. Islam is
the last religion. According to Allah it is Islam that is the religion. The
Last Prophet, our Master, the most honorable Prophet, Sayyidi l-
Mursaleen, highest among all Prophets. Whoever follows him (sas) will
never lose here and hereafter. Whatever happens it is for his good.
Even if it appears as a loss, it is for his good actually. There is no such
thing as "loss or losing" for someone, who follows, respects, honors our
Prophet (sas).
So until the end of this world, with Allah's permission the flag of Islam
won't fall down on this island. No matter how many people oppose it
for the sake of these holy ones, Islam will remain. Mawlana said that
they are like the people of Moses (as) saying "Go with your Lord and
fight with them. When you win we come". The ones who said this were
stuck at one place, they couldn't get out of the desert until they died.
Their children went and conquered. InshaAllah, here also the fathers
they had negative thoughts, now it is changing with Allah's permission.
The new generation inshAllah, will come cleaner. Allah's favor.
If Allah put the companions here, surely they are protecting this place.
Thanks to Allah. InshaAllah, for the sake of these holy relics and for the
respect of the Prophet (sas) they came all the way here. It should be a
blessing. This year there is no rain, inshaAllah for his (sas) sake, rain
falls and blessing comes, inshaAllah. InshaAllah, both physically
First thing what Prophet (sas) saying to clean yourself, the water, it
must be clean. This is first lesson in fiqh, the book of Islamic practicing.
First thing, you must look for water, clean water. You cannot put any
dirty in water. But water raining, running river, if you put any bad
thing in this, Allah curse you, Prophet (sas) curse you and it is big sin.
Even this enough to understand Islam, how it is great. And it is from
Allah. Because one man put one cup of dirt in this water, other put in
other, then finish this river. You cannot drink, you cannot use it. And it
is really bad. You cannot do in old time this.
ordered or Sayyidina Musa (as) ordering. They are ordering also clean
but they are changing, changing and coming until now. And become
like this whole world, like desert.
Yeah, but people, they are not realizing this. "It's only ok, this winter, it
is good. No rain, it's sunny days, good days. We are happy". But after
when they're not finding water, they are crying, shouting for
government, for municipality "Where is water? Where is electricity?"
But they are not looking for main. So these people who are making
conference and they are against Allah and His rule, they are only losers.
They cannot do anything, they cannot fix. Allah give us this world very
clean, very green, everything in very good shape, but people, they're
doing this in this world. There is ayat also:
"zaharal fasadu fil barri wal baḥr bima kasabat āydin nas" (30:41)
Corruption has appeared on land and sea because of [the evil] which
men's hands have done.
It is baraka for this country because they are fighting against all kufr, all
world. Some people, they are looking friend, some people looking
enemy, but all fighting because they want to finish. But Allah not
finish. It is sign, good sign also this belonging of Prophet coming to
Istanbul and now coming to this island also. This island is very holy
island also, because it is what Prophet (sas) saying "jazeerat-ul
khudrah". And he said "I'm seeing Sahaba going and be shaheed in
green island". So in this island there is more than thousand Sahaba
Many of them we don't know. Only maybe ten of them they know, but
other, all around the island. So inshaAllah this island, it is holy island.
And Mawlana also here, Haji Anne here. So this sign coming also to
bring to Cyprus, these belongings of Prophet (sas). InshaAllah more
baraka coming. InshaAllah, we hope rain also will come, inshaAllah
with baraka of Prophet (sas). And we are hoping more to rain of iman,
of belief to green in our heart and heart of these, our people in this
Mawlana, his last sohbats, he was saying, "I wish all this island to be
believers." He was saying this. InshaAllah, inshaAllah, it will be. No
doubt. The old people, non-believers, they are nearly all of them, gone.
InshaAllah new generation, they will be with baraka of Sahaba and
Prophet (sas) to make it until Qiyama, Islam island here. Nothing else
May Allah be content with you all. Mashallah we prayed the morning
(Fajr) and night (Isha) prayers together. Alhamdulillah we have not
become amongst the group our Holy Prophet (SAW) mentioned. Why?
The sign of the hypocrite1 is not praying the morning and night prayers
with the congregation2. Already today’s people, most, do not pray at
home either let alone with the jamaat. They do not realize how empty
their lives are. When there is no prayer and no azan3, humans go out
of humanity. The goal of humankind is Allah. There is no difference
from an animal when that is missing. Days pass by, and in the end they
come to the presenc of Allah empty handed. Allah Azza wa Jalla gave
us great blessings. Thank Allah we are the nation of our Holy Prophet
(SAW). It is the month of Mawlid again, may Allah make it good. May
Allah make us reach many Mawlids to come. May it be a guidance for
Islam, Muslims, and the whole Islamic world. Because the Islamic
world is in a state of confusion. When you celebrate the Mawlid of our
Holy Prophet (SAW) and honor our Master, some people come out
saying you are a mushrik4 and are committing bidat5. Thank Allah it is
not so much in Turkey, but that confusion6 exists more outside of
Turkey. Allah Azza wa Jalla gave us this blessing and we have to know
its vlaue. This is not a measurable worth. All prophets since Adam
(Alayhis Salam) would wish to be an individual from the nation of our
Holy Prophet (SAW) even if not a prophet. Meaning we are in such a
great blessing and people are unaware. Most people are unaware. Let
us honor our Holy Prophet (SAW). Honoring our Holy Prophet (SAW)
is worship, a great worship. The poet says in the Qasida Burda: “Say all
that Christians are saying. Do not call him a ‘god’ but call him
everything else.” So he says we should honor him that much. Our Holy
Prophet (SAW) is deserving of it.
Thank Allah these people, those who come here, all know the value.
However, those outside do not know. They need to be taught and they
need to be informed. Madrasas, tekkes, dargahs, zawiyas, and tariqas
teach it best. They guide people and inject the love of our Holy Prophet
(SAW) in people. His love is the highest thing. It is worthless if it is
missing. You can do as much worship as you like, it is worthless
without his shafaat7. It is a dry, unnecessary, and selfish thing. You
would be going on the way of Shaitan. There is a Hadith Sharif. Our
Holy Propher (SAW) asked Shaitan, “Who is your greatest enemy?”
And he did not lie and said, “You!” Who is our Holy Prophet’s enemy?
It is Shaitan. The slightest unreasonable word or thaught cannot be for
the Holy Prophet (SAW). So those who know the language of the
Koran, and know all the hadiths and the Koran yet say, “The Prophet
died. He is also like us. It is shirk to honor him!” are fooled by Shaitan.
Allah forbid. If we do not know anything, we can be saved by only the
love of Hadrat Prophet and the shafaat of Hadrat Prophet. If we know
everything and do not honor him, do not show respect towards him,
our end would be difficult. Allah forbid. May Allah (JJ) bless this
month of ours. It is the blessed month of Mawlid. May Allah’s blessings
and abundance be upon us Inshallah. May Allah be content with all of
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
1. Munafiq
2. Jamaat
3. Call to prayer
4. Polytheist
5. Innovation in religion
6. Fitna
7. Intercession
Monday, December 14, 2015.
There is a Hadith Sharif. When giving charity1, you should say you are
also giving it for your parents. It says the same good deeds would be
written for you and for them. When you are about to offer prayer2 or
do an extra prayer3, saying you are doing it for your parents makes
you and them gain good deeds.
The treasures of Allah Azza wa Jalla do not finish, do not deplete. Allah
(JJ) is generous. So if you say you are giving for Hadrat Prophet (SAW)
during this month, Allah (JJ) would also give you from the good deeds
He gives our Holy Prophet (SAW). Allah Azza wa Jalla is that
generous. Allah (JJ) loves giving to people and He encourages people to
do good, to good deeds, and to goodness. People are not aware. Even if
they are aware, Shaitan outweighs them. People are ungrateful in the
face of so much good.
Allah Azza wa Jalla did not make anything difficult. Difficulty is made
by people’s own ego and Shaitan. Allah Azza wa Jalla showed us all
kinds of ease and made everything simple. Everything people call hard
have come from people’s own ego. The more people make mistakes
and commit sins, the more their ego takes control of them. When you
It is the hadith of our Holy Prophet (SAW): “When you commit a sin,
immediately follow it with a good deed.” You will do good. How?
Even saying “Astaghfirullah” is a good deed. As we said, Allah showed
humankind all ease. Allah says he does not wrong anybody on
Judgment Day. People are wronging themselves.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
1. Sadaqa
2. Namaz/Salat
3. Nafila
Tuesday, December 15, 2015.
May Allah (JJ) make this month of ours (Rabiul Awwal) blessed. This
month is the month of our Holy Prophet (SAW) and the month of
mawlid1. Honor our Holy Prophet (SAW) during this month. Do not
forget. Becasue Shaitan reminds of bad things and makes us forget
good things.
What are bad things? Many people have waswasa2. Anxiety is from
Shaitan. Speaking of anxiety, obession is also an anxiety. The man gets
up to make ablution3 and thinking, “No, it is not done,” stays in
making it for half an hour. In fact, many people leave prayer because
they could not make ablution due to this anxiety.
Shaitan does not remind good things, but the person who gets anxious
needs to do it one time: when waswasa comes while making ablution
you should say to Shaitan, “If you don’t like it, you do the ablution.”
You will say, “If there is anything else you don’t like, you do it!” They
need to remember and say this. Otherwise it will get worse and worse.
Allah forbid, it can lead to an illness in the head later.
Allah never gives anybody a burden they cannot bear. A person with
an excuse can even make ablution between Zuhr (Noon) and Asr
(Afternoon) or after Asr when the azan4 is called. That ablution is good
for one time period. They might pass gas or urine might drop. It is not
important at all. Meaning Allah showed such ease for people so they do
not torture themselves.
The one who tortures is Shaitan. The one who makes it difficult is
Shaitan. Otherwise, Allah’s religion is the religion of ease and
disposition. It is a religion that fits human disposition and nature. Our
religion does not make us doo hard things. Allah has only ordered
what humans can do. He has not ordered anything else. There is no
such order to lift 100 kilograms or 150 kilograms. It is however much
you can do. Therefore do not torment yourself. Do what Allah orders
and that is it. Do not get anxious.
People of these time have become prone to all kinds of anxieties and
obessions. Of course, it is comfortable now compared to old times. In
the past, when people attempted to do laundry, they would wash by
hand for one day. There was a laundry day. But now they throw it in
the machine then sit and get anxious: “I wonder why this happened
and why that happened? Is this right or not?”
Do not be anxious. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) is Rahmatan Lil’alameen,
he is merciful. He came with mercy, not to torment anybody. Increase
the salawat during this month Inshallah. May our Holy Prophet’s
(SAW) himma5 be upon us Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Wednesday, December 16, 2015.
It is the wisdom of Allah that this year the Mawlid Sharif falls close to
what they call Christmas, near the birth of Hadrat Isa1. A difference is
made when it is close to each other like this so people may remember.
Most people follow Shaitan. Properly speaking, Christmas is not the
birth of Hadrat Isa. The birth is another date. They chose this season
because it was an empty season, in the middle of winter. In the past,
nothing could be done when days were short. Therefore, they made
this to be an entertainment. They said, “We have nothing to do and we
would be making some trade. This fits us!” and came out with the thing
called Christmas. Of course, nobody in the past, the Muslim world
had not heard of this deal. Now you see they follow it the most as if it
was something better and try doing something. There are those who do
it unknowingly, but what is being done is a sin again. May Allah
forgive them then. What can we say? Those doing it knowingly are
endangering their iman2. What is being done draws the anger and
wrath of Allah. Now what does that mean? Everything is in the hands
of Allah. You cannot oppose Allah. If you oppose Him, you will suffer
punishment both in the world and in the hereafter. This Mawlid Sharif
is two days before what they are calling. And this is so people are given
a wake up call not to enter this sin, and not to celebrate New Year or
Chritmas. I see that some of the people we visit that are called high
society, may Allah cause them to think straight, hang decorations on
their doors. Where are they learning this? They are learning it from
movies. What is poisoning all people anyway are the movies these
strangers are making. They show these movies as if they were
something good. We went to America during Christmas time in the
year ‘95. This much celebration is not even done there. Wherever you
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
1. Jesus Christ
2. Faith
3. Baraka
224. UMRA
Thursday, December 17, 2015.
Following Hajj, Umra has also started today. May Allah bless it.
Performing Umra is one of the most virtuous acts of worship. A person
visits both the Baytullah1 and our Holy Prophet (SAW).
Some do the Umra before the Hajj. For those who have the money and
do the Umra, if possible, meaning if there are no visa or other
restrictions, doing the Hajj the same year becomes necessary3 for them.
If they do not have that much means, may Allah accept it. It is good to
do Umra. What is better than that is of course for those who have not
gone to Hajj to go to Hajj.
Some people, may Allah give them a late death, say they would like to
visit the Kaaba and Hadrat Prophet’s (SAW) maqam4 before death
arrives. They want to go becasue they do not want to die before seeing
and visiting those places. That is why Umra is one of the most
acceptable worships. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says inbetween two
Umras is like Hajj. It is a very blessed and virtuous worship.
May Allah bless it for those who go. Many ikhwan5 went today. May
they go and and come back joyfully Inshallah. May their accepted duas
reach us too Inshallah. May the Nation of Muhammad6 be victorious,
and may Mahdi Alayhis Salam Inshallah come soon. May our Shaykh’s
himmat7 be present and his stations be high.
1. House of Allah
2. Ikram
3. Wajib
4. Tomb
5. Brothers and sisters
6. Ummat Muhammad
7. Support
Friday, December 18, 2015.
repent and Allah may forgive. However, when a sin is committed with
insistence, the person suffers its punishment. Not honoring our Holy
Prophet (SAW) is a sin, not makruh4 but a sin. Allah Azza wa Jalla says
to honor the Hadrat Prophet (SAW), to make salat and salam upon
him, to make dhikr of him, and to visit him. Our Master (SAW) states,
“He who visits me at my grave is as if he has visited me while I am
alive.” What does this mean? It shows what an important thing and
what a high station it is. It is not as what these people say. It is not a
bidah or shirk to honor our Holy Prophet (SAW). On the contrary, it is
the most virtuous and most rewarded work. Allah Azza wa Jalla says
to make salat and salam. ُ “InnAllaha wa malaikatahu yusalluna
‘alannabi, ya ayyuhallathina amanu sallu ‘alayhi wa sallimu tasleema.”
(Sura Ahzab:56) He says to make salat and salam. Meaning to
continuously make salat and salam. When and how much is not told.
Honor and make salat and salam as much as you want on our Holy
Prophet (SAW), Allah would treat you that much and it would never
go to waste. As we said, these people are educated ignorants. They
have beomce the toys of Shaitan. Why are we saying this? Supposedly
Muslimism has grown. That is why Shaitan is diminishing some things
from the inside to misguide Muslims from the way. If you said this in
the past, they would laugh at you saying, “How can such a thing be?”
They are calling the Mawlid and honoring our Master (SAW) bidah and
shirk. However, people these days have gotten used to hearing such
things and do not show much of a response. We need to show a
response to such people. If there is one punishment for the person who
is not a scholar or an uneducated person, there is double the
punishment for these people who claim to be scholars. Why? Because
they are misguiding themselves and others. He denies it even though
he reads. May Allah guide our nation, Inshallah may they not follow
these people. Because darkness descends upon those who follow them.
What use is it after Allah’s rage descends? No blessings and goodness
would be in what they do. Those people do not make Allah (JJ) or the
Prophet (SAW) happy, but they make Shaitan happy.
Let people not follow their ego, but let them follow a friend of Allah.
The ego and Shaitan fool people. The person who does not have a
murshid, a guide for the way, leaves the way and enters danger.
However, people who have a mentor, a conselor next to them, go on
the right way whether it is day or night, reach where they intend to go,
and do not deviate to another place. These people get on the way to
find the true Islam and iman, but they immediately deviate from the
way. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says it is a good deed to show the way.
It is a sunna to show the way. If someone asks you for directions, you
show them the way if you know it and it is the right thing to do. In
some countries, if you ask some people the way they tell you the
opposite. There are many like that. If people go and ask Shaitan for the
way, of course he will show them the opposite way. However, if they
take the road with someone who knows the way, they do not need to
ask anybody, they complete the trip in safety, and reach a good place
and are comfortable. Otherwise, their whole life passes in fitna5,
corruption, and darkness. In the end, even if they save their iman, our
Holy Prophet (SAW) will not intercede on their behalf on the Day of
Judgement because they do not accept shafaat either. There is such a
thing with these guys. They neither accept shafaat nor do they accept
other people’s help. They do not accept anything. They think they will
save themselves with what they do, and in the end they are regretful
but it is too late. Because our Holy Prophet (SAW) does not look at
them for what they have done in the world. Our Holy Prophet (SAW)
looks at the sinful person, but he does not look at these people. Becasue
they have both arrogance and bad manners. Arrogance, being proud of
themselves, and all kinds of traits that are not good is with these
people. These are rude and rough people. However, sinful people, if
they say, “I have committed a sin. Shafaat Ya Rasulallah,” they would
gain the intercession of our Holy Prophet (SAW).
“My intercession is for those of great sins from my Nation,” says our
Holy Prophet (SAW). But let them be respectful towards our Holy
Prophet (SAW). May this month of ours be blessed. Let us honor this
month. Let us remind each other of this month. Let us remember our
Holy Prophet (SAW) with salat and salam, and make more salat and
salam. Let us do the good deeds for the honor of our Holy Prophet
(SAW). Let us help the poor and needy for the sake of his Mawlid. If
you tell them you are giving for the sake of our Holy Prophet (SAW),
they will be happy so they may remember the month of Mawlid next
year. Let them be happy that they were treated in the month of the
Mawlid. This is also a good thing. Inshallah, may we reach many more
Mawlids. May Allah give guidance to these groups, these bad groups.
Guidance is from Allah. May Allah give them common sense. Thank
Allah, this is the country, Anatolia, with the strongest love towards the
Prophet (SAW). Thank Allah we have travelled all over the world.
There is much love everywhere, but the other group is like cancer. They
are spreading everywhere. Shaitan is spreading it. We do not have
many here, thank Allah, but they are a lot in other places. That is why
we are saying, “May Allah correct them.” May Allah protect from their
evils. You are doing the Mawlid in ease here, you are doing everything,
but it is not so easy in other places. When you gather a little too much,
year so Allah (JJ) saves the Ummat Muhammad. May Allah be satisfied
with you all.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
1. Innovation
2. Polytheist
3. Associating partners with Allah
4. Abominable
5. Confusion/discord
Friday, December 18, 2015.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
1. Saints
2. Lutuf
3. Karam
4. Marhamat
5. Salat
Saturday, December 19, 2015.
MashaAllah welcome. You gathered here for the honor of the Prophet
(sas). You still continue, you follow the tradition of our Sheikh. Shukur
Allah. You came for the holy Mawlid Sharif, for his birthday. Allah for
each step, normally when a Muslim is going to a Muslim, Allah
forgives one sin for each step. He writes one reward, raises one degree.
For a normal Muslim.
You are coming for the Prophet (sas), both for visiting the Sheikh and
for celebrating the mawlid of our Prophet (sas). You are coming here.
Allah knows which rewards He will give, He knows how many
degrees He will raise. He is the most Generous One, so you are gaining
a lot. You did the best thing, by coming here. InshaAllah, it is barakah
both materially and spiritually, no doubt.
giving one good deed and making him one degree higher, his degree,
station. This is for ordinary people. But you are coming here for sake of
Prophet (saw) and for Mawlana Sheikh, to visit him also. This is what
Allah, only He know what He will give for you because station of
Prophet (saw) not normal. For [this] he must be given more, thousands,
thousands, inshaAllah.
It is know, we are only living for Allah and we are coming from Him,
going to Him also. This is important, other, it is small detail. It is not
important. So alhamdulillah, we are here and inshaAllah, Allah give us
from His endless treasure and blessing from Prophet and Mawlana
Sheikh inshaAllah.
Our Prophet (sas) says: "You will not have real faith (iman) unless you
love and desire what I like". This is the meaning of the hadith. A hadith
in Arabic should be quoted word by word. When you say it in Turkish,
you can give the meaning. But if it is in Arabic, you have to quote it
word by word. Completely. What does that mean? It means that Allah
created human beings. There is the unrefined ego, all sorts of desires,
longings, human beings have everything. Our duty is to slowly train
the ego according to Islam and finally, there is a perfect human being.
It was the duty of our Prophet (sas): "I was sent to make you the most
perfect human being". "Innama buistu li utammima makarima l-
akhlaq". Our Prophet (sas) said that he was sent to teach us the best of
manners, the best of character and to make us reach the highest of
stations. People really, have all sorts of desires. By training and
controlling the ego, by not listening to the ego, we can be as our
Prophet (sas) wanted us to be. Slowly the wildness goes away and a
perfect human being appears.
So try to adjust your desires towards Allah's orders. Lead your ego in
that way. Try to get used to good manners, good deeds. Will you get
used to it? Yes, sure, but you can't do it by yourself. Certainly, you
should follow a murshid in order to be able to keep good manners and
to keep the right way. Once you find a murshid, follow his way. Follow
the way of the Prophet (sas). Make your desires, aspirations
accordingly. Don't do the opposite.
You stick with a Sheikh but that are a lot of people who try to adjust
Allah's orders according to their desires. Don't do that. If you do, you
will be wasting your time. No benefit. However, if you follow the good
way that Mawlana shows, and follow true faith you may reach the
highest stations. But if you use this way for your desires, needs, for
your own benefit, material benefit and worldly pleasures you can't get
any result. Your Sheikh won't be happy with you, the Prophet and
Allah won't be happy with you. Be careful about that, because
Mawlana won't be happy with that. You will be betraying the trust of
Mawlana. It is very important.
May Allah protect us. If people go astray because of you, you will have
a big responsibility. The sins of those people will be written for you
also. So, may Allah protect us. We have to be careful about it. If you
shape your desires, aspirations according to Islam and keep the right
way, it is possible. So it isn't difficult. You can achieve it. But never try
to change Islam according to your own wishes. Crush this ego of yours.
Many people are unaware of what they are doing. Some people ask
"What have I done?" To such a person we can't say anything. If he
doesn't know, no need to tell him. But inshaAllah, we don't allow
others to carry his sins.
Prophet (sas) saying "You cannot be real believer until to follow me and
to your desire, your what you like, it must be like what I like." This is
real iman. Because Allah Azza wa Jalla, He is create people, human
being, they are like raw fruit. So slowly, slowly, become better. Become
better, or some of them without coming better, they are falling down, or
some of them, some illness from inside before growing, just growing
seed, it is not so well, and after it fall down.
So it will be like this for every people, except who want to make their
desire following the good way, way of Allah, what Prophet (sas)
showing us and mashsha'ikh showing us. You can do this. To make
your desire, your what you like, many thing, there is two ways. One
way for Allah, one way for shaitan. It is two of them open. If you are
training yourself and not following what your ego want, what shaitan
want, so will be easy to grow yourself and to be perfect human being.
This is what Prophet (sas) and mashsha'ikh showing us. And you
cannot do this by yourself. Maybe one from million, if they can do this
by self but it is not common. Very rare. And they are, it is like nothing.
But who are following mashsha'ikh and murshid, who [have] guidance,
they are become good people. Like if you are in love with something,
this love you can change it for real love, love of Allah, love of Prophet
and mashsha'ikh. You can do this. It is not so difficult when you
Mawlana Sheikh, he was teaching the 'Lightness' way and it is [to be]
inheritor for him to follow this way. Don't go out of way, not following.
He never give any importance for dunya, only for akhira. We are in
tariqa, we must control every thing from ourselves and to try to be in
way of Prophet and way of mashsha'ikh, inshaAllah. Allah help us for
bi hurmat Nabina Muhammad (saw) and baraka of Mawlana Sheikh
CREATION (21:107)
Some people ask why there is jihad. Jihad is because if you don't stop
those people, you won't have shown mercy to normal people. Mankind
is weak. A bandit with a gun in his hands will oppress everyone. To
remove that oppression is a big mercy towards people. People are
oppressors. They are oppressors both to themselves and to others and
to remove that oppression is also a big compassion, a big mercy. Our
Prophet is a most merciful person.
Since his birth, he would think about his nation saying "My ummah."
All he wanted and thought about was for his ummah to be saved from
the fire of hell and reach Allah's favours and Paradise. He asked
intercession from Allah Azza wa Jalla for this. But of course, things we
see people doing today in the name of Islam have nothing to do with
Islam. They are causing oppression. Not compassion, but direct
oppression. Our Prophet doesn't accept and is not pleased with such
things. Allah Azza wa Jalla said "We sent you as mercy to the
them. Because other people only following their ego and fighting to
make pleasure for their ego. But Prophet (sas) cleaning this dirtiness
from Earth and it is mercy for other people.
To get rid of oppressor people, bad people, it is big mercy for people.
Who are not knowing this they are just thinking and then shaitan told
them "this is not good". No, not good to leave bad people to oppress for
other people, to make them follow his bad idea, idea of non-believer.
Prophet (sas) was fighting, he said, "I am fighting to say to people to get
them to Right Way because people they are oppressor. Oppressor for
other people and for themself also". When they be not-believer so the
end of them it will be horrible. So it is mercy from Prophet (sas) to take
them to Right Way. This is the wisdom of fighting against these bad
people. Not only for pleasure, no.
Prophet (sas) saying every time, "as-sulhu khair". Peace it is the best,
but when it is necessary there is fight also. But fight, not like these
people you are seeing. These people they are especially make to show
Islam horrible. Many since the beginning fo Islam there's like these
people, many of them come. But it is not long, not staying long, but
every time making, this is fitna. Prophet (sas) he not accept to kill any
children, any women, any old people or not-fighting people. Only
fighting with bad people.
This is His Mercy, Allah, we are thanking Allah we're from his nation.
Alhamdulillah. And it is a big favour, not following ego and following
Prophet (sas). Allah keep us in his way, insha Allah.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
There are some people, who confuse others saying, "If you praise too
much, it is a sin. Isn't it too much praising?" You are thinking with your
small brain. Allah Azza wa Jalla does not give according to your
thinking. Allah praised Him (sas), saying; "My Prophet, Habibi". Habibi
means ‘Beloved’. It means we have to love him (sas). Love our Prophet
(sas), who was named as ‘the Beloved’ by Allah. The more you love
him (sas), the more you benefit, the more you reach higher stations, the
more you are rewarded and the closer you get to Allah.
May Allah bless you all. You came all the way to praise the Prophet
(sas) for Mawlid-an Nabi, you showed all this respect. Allah won't send
you back empty handed. Gifts, barakah, mercy, graces, peace, Allah
will give you the best of everything. By praising the Prophet (sas) if you
give one, He (awj) gives you ten, hundreds, thousands. Allah Azza wa
Jalla is not like us. If we are giving something we say; "If this finishes,
nothing will be left for the next person, so lets give him a little, give the
other one a little". Bur Allah Azza wa Jalla is not like this. Allah's
treasures are endless. Allah's dominion is unimaginable. Allah gives.
Do not have any doubt. Praise our Prophet (sas). I think it was Imam
al Busiri who said; "Praise him (sas), except don't say what the
Christians say for their prophet (as)." You can say anything except that.
They said he (as) was God. It is not true. Our Prophet (sas) is much
higher than him (as) but he (sas) is not like as they say. Allah is One,
the Prophet (sas) is His Beloved, Messenger, and our intercessor and
our noor (light). Prophet (sas) is the light of this world. The ones who
confuse people they receive nothing. If they cause people to go astray
their sins are doubled, their sins are multiplied. They get less grace and
fewer blessings, they lose their light and they get dark. May Allah
protect us. Not only this Mawlid day, InshaAllah the whole month may
be blessed.
When you fear from Allah, you'll be good human being because you
must be ashamed from Allah if you believe, you will be in front of Him
and you will be asked and you will be ashamed. This is what is fear
from Allah, to be ashamed from Allah. You cannot do bad thing and be
happy in front of Allah. But if you don't have fear from Allah, so it will
be easy for you to do every bad thing. This is to respect sha-a'ir.
What Allah make for us, it is duty. We are saying this because Allah
Azza wa Jalla even for this thing, He said, ordering to respect and to
praise this. How for Prophet (sas)? We cannot measure between this
but it just to show you how it is. Allah He happy with people who are
praising His Prophet, Habibullah, His lover. He's coming from love.
You must love him. Allah love somebody, we must love him. It is
obligatory to love him. People, there is small-mind people who are
saying "Don't be too much praise Prophet or to love Prophet, you will
be wrong and you will be make shirk." This is people, they have only
very small mind. But Allah Azza wa Jalla, He is generous. He said
when you are loving Prophet (sas), He's happy, not angry. And He
gives for us.
Thank you for all of you. You are coming here for praising Prophet
(sas). And He will reward you and He will give inshaAllah every
happiness, every good thing you like and you ask for it because Allah,
He's generous, He's not like us. If we have something, somebody ask
something, we give little for this and we're looking maybe another one,
he will come and he will not find anything, So we'll make it sharing
between but Allah Azza wa Jalla He don't have any problem with this.
Whole universe for Him and our mind not cannot put it in limit. He
give from each, from one to ten, hundred, thousand more. And we
cannot ask Him "Why You are doing this?" Because He is generous and
He's giving. So thank you for you. You are coming this day and you'll
be inshaAllah doing order of Allah, to praise His Prophet Muhammad
(sas) and to be making this good custom every year. Mawlana He is
also between us, but when he's bodily, he was going and making
celebrating. We celebrate this. Everywhere in the world he was liking to
celebrate. But the end of 10 years or 12 years he was celebrating here
and people accustomed to be here. And you are coming again and
coming only for sake of Allah, Allah will reward you from His endless
There is poem saying you praise your Prophet (sas) as much you can
praise. Only don't say what Christians, they say about their Prophet.
They said wrong. Because Allah only one. Prophet, His lover
Muhammad (sas) last Prophet (sas), no sharik (partner). This is for
these idiot people who saying, mixing everything and they will be
regret in akhira when seeing people getting all this good gift from
Allah and they have nothing because they are stubborn and not
respecting Prophet (sas). The most important thing for Muslims to
praise their Prophet (sas). The most important thing.
We live for the sake of our Prophet's (sas) barakah. With his help
Muslims can do good things. All good deeds are done with the support
of our Prophet (sas). Bad deeds belong to shaitan. All good deeds are
from our Prophet (sas). If there is no support from the Prophet (sas), or
if you don't ask for his help there is no blessing. Our Prophet 's (sas)
help is spiritual. There is also the physical support. Physical support
comes when we visit the holy hair of the Prophet (sas), last night. It is
as if we visited our Prophet (sas), we took from his light, thanks to
There are so many proofs. Before our Prophet (sas), during the time of
children of Israel, when they were going for a battle there was an.
Angels used to carry it. When they would bring that Ark, they would
win the battle. Why?
There were some relics left behind from Aaron (as) and Moses (as).
Angels carried that Ark. Once they would bring it, nobody could stand
against it. The same with our Prophet (sas). From him, there are some
relics left - his footprints, his flag. So many holy relics. They would
support Muslims. Khalid ibn Walid (ra) used to wear in his turban
three pieces of the Prophet's (sas) hair. Nobody could defeat him.
would help, win and then set off for another battle. In two years' time,
if you calculate, I guess he had 100.000 or 200.000 adversaries, he was
victorious against all of them. After that, he went to Iran. From the
It is a great blessing, honor to visit the holy relics of the Prophet (sas).
We did not see the Prophet (sas) but alhamdulillah, we saw his holy
beard. It is a great gift, blessing. Thanks to Allah. May his blessings be
upon us. We are saying for Prophet (sas); whole good thing, what
happened after his becoming Prophet. All good thing coming from his
baraka. What is good thing? What it is showing us, teaching us to know
the Creator and to know right way and to believe in his message and to
believe he's the last messenger of Allah. This is good thing.
Other thing, it is not good thing. What they do, what they say, it is not
important. Because [to] not believe in Creator, it is rubbish. What
they've done, everything without believing, it is only rubbish. No
value. No value for this thing. Only value for what Prophet (sas)
showing us and good thing happened for human being from Prophet
(sas). Other thing, all from ego or from shaitan. It is no value for this.
Alhamdulillah, last night we visit Prophet's beard, one [hair of] beard
from Prophet (sas). And it is big favour for everybody because from
this all baraka coming from Prophet (sas). And it was like this before
Prophet (sas). With Musa (as), there was Ark. Ark, it was coming when
it will be for Prophet or for who have permission to be leader. When
this Ark coming, when they are fighting, they was winning. So it is like
this from before Prophet (sas). So Allah not giving this Ark for bad
people. Only for good people Allah sent this. And Prophet (sas) also,
what he has? There was after him, there's many like his flag, like his
sword, like his many amanat (relics).
[If] there was fight when going to some place, they was winning. Even
there was Khalid ibn Walid (ra). He was leader and he has in his turban
three hairs of Prophet (sas). Nobody beat him. When after Prophet (sas)
After this finished, he went to Iran also. They was fire worshipper, non-
believer. And he was [with] only 30,000 horsemen, he beat more 2
million people. Each time 200, 300 thousand, he was finishing them.
After coming, not [be]coming tired, through 2 years, he was finishing
all this. After coming to Damascus, Syria only, Byzantine. It was so
difficult for Muslims also they fighting, fighting, cannot win and they
asked for him. He come from Iran through desert, coming to this
Byzantine time.
At that time Sayyidina Abu Bakr, he was pass away. Sayyidina Omar
coming and Sayyidina Omar he take him from leader[ship]. But they
didn't show this letter until he finished Byzantine. So he was saying
"Only I have (pointing to turban). It is not from me". He was very
humble and he was real believer. This is baraka of Prophet (sas), hair of
Prophet (sas), all this victory. He said "I am nothing." So alhamdulillah,
it is very important.
Allah Azza wa Jalla will judge them and order them to return to earth
again. There are some animals, creatures, which will enter paradise.
The rest will return to earth. Nothing. But human beings will go to
paradise or hell. The ones, who are going to hell will say: "We wish we
could turn into earth like these animals". This is because they didn't
follow Allah's orders. If they followed Allah's orders they would have
reached the highest station. "Mustafa is the mercy for the worlds", He
says. He shows us the way as a mercy. He taught us what to do. All
libraries are full of millions of books to show the way of Islam's Prophet
(sas). Follow him (sas). If you follow him (sas), you'll have a beautiful
life. You’ll have a good life in this world. Whoever follows him, they
are in peace. If you eat one bite from halal, it is better for you than
eating a thousand bites from haram. It is tastier, nicer. If you follow His
orders, you keep good relations with your wife at home, keep your eye
and if you don't look outside, your wife is better than a thousand
women. Everything has consequences.
Allah, He knows everything. Not only like us, when somebody speak
to you, praising you, you are happy. But he is inside maybe saying
different thing. Allah knows the inside and outside. So you cannot
cheat Allah. You must, if you love Allah really, you must follow
Prophet (sas). You must love him and follow what he is saying because
main aim, main target in our life to get love of Allah.
Everybody looking for something, but most of the people, they are not
knowing what they are looking for. Just looking for something. They
are missing something but not realizing what. And whole life they are
running after this. And it is love of Allah, [for] Allah to love you. This is
what our higher aim, higher target for us to reach this. To be Allah
happy with you, loving you. When Allah loving you, Prophet (sas) of
course he loves you also. And if he loves you, everything, it is perfect.
In time of Prophet (sas), people they were sometimes in two days not
eating anything. Maybe eating small, two or three dates. Sometimes
maybe one week, no fire in kitchen. And they were not complaining.
When they are in house, if he is looking only for halal, his wife and
Allah make this wife for him enough for him, and not to look outside
for thousand, ten thousand. It is not enough for these people who are
looking after haram. And this is punishment for them. The punishment,
to be not happy. What they are doing, doing that, not happy. And
happiness, to get love of Allah. This is Prophet (sas) saying, and Allah
Jalla Jalaluhu, He saying in Quran. "Qul in kuntum tuhibbun Allah
faittabiauni yuhbibkum Allah" (3:31) The most important thing. Allah
makes all of us to be loved by Allah, by RasulAllah (sas).
Saturday, December 26, 2015.
Religion must be pure for Allah. Allah created us. The human not only
has a soul but also an ego. He (awj) created us to fight, struggle with
the ego and shaitan. Get rid of the dirt and clean ourselves and to be a
sincere, clean servant to Allah. When we achieve that, our station is
higher than the angels. So, there is a wisdom in everyhting. Allah did
not create anything without a purpose. Everything in this world has a
Even the shaitan has a duty although he is not aware of it. His duty is
to raise people's stations, because, when you don't obey him and do the
opposite your station is raised. When you go against ego, you ride it.
And by stepping on it, you rise. If it steps on you, you go down.
Sincerity is important in Islam, in religion. Of course we do things
willingly or unwillingly but slowly, day by day, we have to clean our
ego. Day by day, we have to rise.
"He whose two days are equal, is a loser" says the Prophet (sas). Of
course human beings, Allah knows, nobody knows how long we'll live.
But once you reach an age, when you can use your brain, if you don't
listen to your ego, and move forward towards Allah, not twice the
distance of yesterday, but if you move forward even 1% it's still a gain
and it means help is coming. It means you are trying. Allah helps you.
Even that 1% is accepted by Allah. It is counted as 100%.
Slowly, not taking a step backward but moving forward you reach
higher. But if you follow your ego and say, "I worshipped, prayed a lot
today" and not worship the next day and do the opposite you will lose.
The duty of Tariqa is to purify people’s ego. To train their ego, to raise
their stations. If you make a mistake, you have to repent. Repent
everyday. We repent for our sins, that we commit intentionally or
unintentionally. Most importantly, give everyone their rights. Allah's
rights. Allah is Arhamu r-Rahimeen, He forgives, Azza wa Jalla. "Inna
allaha yaghfiru adh-dhunuba jami’an" (39:53) Indeed Allah forgives all
Allah forgives all sins. No problem with that. But He says: "I don't
interfere with anyone's rights". Do not oppress anyone, give everyone's
right, do not make anyone go astray. These are all a servant's rights.
You will receive an accounting for all you do. A servant's right is
different from Allah's Right. If he forgives you, it is ok. If not, then you
have a problem. So that's why most important ego training is to treat
people well.
Do not cheat people, both materially and spiritually. Show the right
way to people. It is not good to show people what you don't know to be
real, intentionally or unintentionally. If you do it without knowing,
Allah forgives, if you do it intentionally, for you own benefit then you
are not pure, you are not sincere. You mixed other things into that
worship. Allah does not forgive you then. Allah wants the religion to
be pure and sincere. Slowly inshaAllah on this way, as we said, if we
move forward not 1 centimetre, even 1 millimetre, we will still be
winning. InshaAllah, we don't stop or turn back. Audhu billahi min
ash-shaitani rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim: "Ala lillahi 'd-dinu 'l-
khalis" (39:3)
This is verse from Quran. It says: "the religion, it must be pure for
Allah", and nothing else. Don't mix anything with this pureness. How
we can do this? It is life, we don't know how it will be, long or short.
We don't know. It is Allah, He knows. So since we are obligatory until
maybe 14, 13, 15 years, when become obligatory to do Allah order, we
must be going better and better. Prophet (sas) saying "whose two days
are same, equal, he is loser". He must be every day getting better. This
is order of Prophet (sas). And he is saying the most right thing. It is not
important to make every day to be double from last day. No. Even very
small better, maybe 1%, it will be also acceptable by Allah because you
are following order of Prophet (sas).
We are trying, because not easy. Allah create many things. It is not easy
to make to be better and better. Many difficult things Allah create, and
Ego also. Allah create ego, every time coming against you. If you are
following and your ego ride on you, you'll be the lowest one. If you
ride on ego, you'll be higher. This, for everything. Allah, He didn't
create anything without wisdom, without reason. There is many things,
even now in these days, Allah create new things. People, they not
knowing what is this, a new insect, new thing, eating tree. Making
sickness, making illness. He still create and it is wisdom from Allah. We
are not objecting. So every day we must be better and better. Even very
small improve Allah accept like 100%. But don't go
[reverse/backward]. Every day you must be better than other day until
you become real pure one. Most help for people from Tariqa, they are
helping and they are making murids to become better and better. And
especially for everything, Allah forgive. Even small thing, when you
are repenting and making tawba, astaghfirullah, every day, Allah, He
forgives. And He is the most merciful.
So don't be hopeless. What you are doing, end of day make repenting
and say astaghfirullah. Allah, He forgives everything. But what He not
forgive? If you make wrong for people. Allah, He said "This not My
Right, these, people's right." So we must be careful to not cheat
anybody, to not oppress anybody, to not lie or to make wrong thing for
people. If they are accepting, forgive you, it's ok. If not forgive you,
Allah not forgive. He said it is "I'm not oppressor. These people, they
must forgive you".
This is for everything material and spiritual. When you are going for
people having you as holy man and you are saying something you are
not real knowing or you are lying for them to benefit for yourself, this
is not pureness. This is not pure religion. It is only religion for, to get
benefit. This is what we are saying from beginning: "Ala lillahi 'd-dinu
'l-khalis" (39:3)
Must be only for Allah. Don't mix your desire, don't mix your what you
want with this, especially for in religion. It is very important. And we
must clear, clean ourselves from this. Every day slowly, slowly, we can
finish. Because we are following Tariqa, and tariqa make people to, if
they are good intention, to finish from this illness and to be pure and to
be good for other people also and for themselves.
Saturday, December 26, 2015.
However much we thank Allah, still, it is nothing The holy relics of the
Prophet (sas) have been brought to our island. They flew over the
whole of Anatolia, thousands of people came to Istanbul [to view the
relics]. Here also, people heard and came to show their respect for the
Prophet (sas). Whoever comes here, surely takes from that blessing.
Since Allah made them come all the way here, it is a great blessing for
The Prophet (sas) gave good tidings about this country, this island.
Before Anatolia came to Islam, the armies of Islam came to this island.
There are more than one thousand companions martyred here. These
martyrs, undoubtedly, protect this island. They are helping. If
somebody asks their help, undoubtedly, they help. So, no matter how
hard it was, this place was conquered several times. Several times it
was captured by non-Muslims, the Crusaders, this and that. But thanks
to Allah, for the sake of these martyrs Islam still survives here.
Some people say, "we are Islam, we are not Islam", that's not important.
Important thing is that the title deeds are resting here. Here, it is all
Islam. With this blessing our Prophet (sas) favored us this night, for the
sake of the month of Mawlid. Thanks to Allah. InshaAllah it will be a
blessing. Do not fear anyone, do not shy away from anyone. Even if the
whole world comes against you, if Allah does not want it, nothing
happens. Allah is with us. His blessing is with us.
We don't need non-believers' money or anything. When Allah gives, He
(awj) gives. When Allah takes, He (awj) takes. Do not hesitate, be in the
way of Allah. Love the Prophet (sas) of Allah. To love and respect the
Prophet (sas) is our first duty. It is the biggest order of Allah Azza wa
If you love Allah, follow me " says our Prophet (sas). Allah loves you.
Allah loves, who loves the Prophet (sas). If you don't love the Prophet
(sas), doesn't matter if you memorise the whole Qur'an, if you
memorise all the hadith. If you aren't respecting him, it is useless, both
here and hereafter you will lose. So, inshaAllah now, we will visit our
Prophet's (sas) holy relics. We say salams and salatu salam when we
pass in front of them. With Allah's permission that blessing comes upon
Rainfall is delayed this year on the island. InshaAllah with these relics,
for his (sas) blessing, rain falls. Both of blessings and belief. Most
important, belief in the hearts may blossom. Belief rains upon people.
This country turns to Islam. Be Muslim and do not fear anyone,
Monday, December 28, 2015.
expressions that if you go after such and such, he would take you to the
worst place, the dirtiest place. Those people are exactly the same. Let us
not dirty our mouths early in the morning, but people who do not
respect our Holy Prophet (SAW) and who talk with disrespect about
our Holy Prophet (SAW) are like that creature. The same, nothing else.
May Allah protect from their evils. Because some ignorant people, not
educated but people who grow ignorant as they study, give credit to
them. Do not give them credit. That is why people who are to study
Islamic knowledges should connect to a murshid first. Not a jamaat but
a tariqa is what takes to the right path. A jamaat works for the world
and has no connection to our Holy Prophet (SAW). May Allah grant us
all to stay on the right way. May we not deviate from the right way
Inshallah. May we stay steadfast.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Wednesday, December 30, 2015.
Inshallah. Let us manage people. Let us look at our egos, ourselves first.
If our ego was left free, it could be much worse than theirs. So let us
abide by this hadith, by the beautiful words of our Holy Prophet
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
Thursday, December 31, 2015
years belong to Allah (JJ) anyway. Time belongs to Allah (JJ). Allah
Azza wa Jalla created time for you to do good in it, not so you may
commit sin, not so you may commit a sin in every
opportunity. Tonight infidels, faithless people, and mindless people go
wild. Tonight is a holy night, the night of Friday. So be careful
accordingly. Inshallah, may it be a means for repentance and a
guidance1 for these people.
They say New Year, New Year. Every year comes anyway. A new one
comes whether you like it or not. Some people are happy that a New
Year has arrived. Who but Allah (JJ) knows what will befall you this
year? Is this what you are happy for? You are happy for something you
do not know. There is only one thing you know, and that is Allah (JJ)
tells you to fear. “If you are not afraid of Me, be afraid of the fire.”
Think about it and act accordingly. May Allah (JJ) give guidance to us
all. May He keep us safe from Shaitan’s evils and from Shaitan’s traps.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq,
1. Hidayat
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