New Teens 6 Checking Sentences
New Teens 6 Checking Sentences
New Teens 6 Checking Sentences
Editora de Desenvolvimento
Thais Monteiro Gomes
Editor de Arte
Anderson Ferreira
Carolina Barbosa de Andrade
Thais Monteiro Gomes
Rhiannon Ball
Assistência Editorial
Isabel Silva
Projeto Gráfico
Emily Andrade
Mirella Armentano
Ricardo Leme Francé
Emily Andrade
Mirella Armentano
Ricardo Leme Francé
Casa de Ideias
Useful Language
Note | Before they start the lesson, they will listen to a message in Portuguese, letting them know that,
from now on, all the instructions they hear will be in English only. They may have doubts in the beginning,
so, when possible, take some time to listen to one or two classes in their audio material, so you become
familiar with the instructions used and therefore be able to assist students better.
Self-assessment | Students will review the Useful language content from Teens 2 and Teens 4, by
answering to some questions. They will work along with the audio material.
Useful language | The content from Teens 6’s UL will be taught to students through reading and drilling
practice within the audio material.
Checking sentences
1. Hey guys, what’s going on? / What are you up to? / How are things?
2. Do you want to grab a bite to eat? / now / later
3. Just so you know, I’m hungry. / you’re late. / I’m ready.
4. Do you want to catch a movie? - Sounds great! / Good idea! / Maybe, later.
5. Anyway… let’s get started. / that’s all for today. / I think we should go.
6. There are cookies in the kitchen, help yourself. / pancakes / crackers.
7. We are going to the beach afterwards. / mall / stadium
8. Please text me when you get there. / arrive / home
*After practice, students will be asked to write the following sentences in their books or notebooks.
Check if they are correct, next have them answer the questions.
1. May I go to the bathroom?
2. May I come in?
3. Is this seat taken?
4. What’s the meaning of…?
Role-play | Put students in pairs to role-play the dialogues in the Useful language pages. In the first time,
ask them to only read the lines. For a second turn, they should read and continue the scene, adding two or
more comments to each line.
Lesson 121 preparation | Once students finished, give them the remaining time (it should be about 20
minutes) to prepare Lesson 121. Remind them of some preparation techniques and that they should do this
before all odd lessons.
11. The community isn’t isolated, is it? / village /
12. He lives in the suburbs, doesn’t he? /
downtown / in this region
Checking sentences
Learning objectives
Substitution practice
• Can understand and speak in general terms
1. Jessica married Taylor and moved away. / to
about environmental problems.
another city / abroad
• Can ask questions about measure, size, speed,
2. Jewelry usually lasts for a long time. /
or distance.
diamond rings / forever
3. To be honest, I don’t like jewelry very much. /
accessories / preppy clothes
4. She was raised by her grandparents. / older
• questions with how;
brother / aunt
• fixed expression to be aware of;
Change into interrogative • phrasal verb to come up with.
5. I was going to get married at the beach.
6. He was going to encourage his half-brother
Checking sentences
to travel.
Tag questions Verbs
7. We were going to meet her twin. 1. He avoided talking to her. / calling / fighting
8. It was going to rain on their wedding day.
2. The number of people living in the suburbs is
Change into negative interrogative increasing.
9. Is he going to take the job opportunity? 3. They weren’t going to reduce the prices. / the
10. Are you going to ask her to marry you? number of opportunities / the number of jobs
Short answers New words
11. Would your parents let you go on date? 4. We are used to seeing fires in the summer. /
12. Will your sneakers last for a long time? in June / when the weather is dry
5. Smoke has a harmful effect on our health. /
Listen&Check | Students will be asked to read the Pollution / Too much heat
statements in their books, and then they should 6. We have no idea how the fire started. /
listen to the audio and mark the answers. Check smoke / problem
some of the answers. 7. You save energy in your house, don’t you? /
water / food
Useful phrases
8. He came up with an idea. / to avoid energy
waste / water / a drought
Checking sentences
Substitution practice
• reported speech in the simple present and
1. My father forbade us to go. / mother /
simple past tenses;
• indirect questions;
• adverb finally; 2. He studied a lot, but he didn’t get in to
• phrasal verbs to get in and to think over; college. / couldn’t / wasn’t accepted
• fixed expression as a matter of fact. 3. He’s saying that her behavior wasn’t
acceptable. / attitude / manners
Change according to the model (indirect
Checking sentences
Verbs 4. I have no idea where the store is.
1. My classmates weren’t allowed to see their 5. I don’t know when the competition starts.
grades. / tests / the new gadget 6. I don’t know why she is wearing a suit.
2. The twins behaved during the event. /
Change into affirmative
appointment / wedding
3. This was forbidden by the mayor, wasn’t it? / 7. We weren’t forbidden to use cell phones in
police / firefighter class.
8. That gadget wasn’t developed by our friends.
New words
Short comment
4. The businesswoman wore high heels to
work. / a suit / a fancy outfit 9. My best friend told me that Johnny was a
5. He behaved badly during the competition, troublemaker.
didn’t he? / tournament / game 10. His mother forbade him to wear ripped jeans.
Useful phrases Conversation practice
6. As a matter of fact, I prefer casual to formal 11. Do you have any idea what the weather is
clothes. / sporty to preppy / sporty to formal like outside?
7. He thought things over and made his 12. What kind of things you are not allowed to do?
decision. / She / They
Read&Talk | Students should read the text and the
words in the Take a Look section.Then, they should
8. She told me that Nancy was wearing a pause the audio e answer the questions in their
flowered dress. / striped / checked books and present the answers to the teacher or to
9. The teacher said they had to take the tests a class assistant.
today. / we / the students
10. My mother said that we weren’t allowed to Questions | Students will listen to the questions
go. / leave / arrive after the curfew and answer them in their books. Check some of the
Short comment
5. Unfortunately, some species will become Grammar
extinct in the future. • adverbs already and never;
6. We should be more concerned about water • phrasal verb to drop out of;
waste. • fixed expression to be supposed to;
7. We cannot always rely on technology. • present perfect with already and never.
Conversation practice
8. What should people be aware of when they Checking sentences
travel abroad?
9. What would you do if your class was Verbs
canceled tomorrow? 1. Don’t the rules apply to all passengers? /
10. Can you tell us about some inventions that foreigners / airports
help us improve our lives? 2. They chose to move away. / out of the
apartment / in with their friends
3. He wishes he could enroll at that university. /
11. Give examples of sentences with actions that private school / college
were going to happen in the future.
12. Say expressions we use to show our point of New words
view. 4. Do we have any assignments for tomorrow? /
homework / tasks
Self-Assessment in the Student’s book | Students 5. I made my choice, I’ll move to the USA. /
will listen and respond according to the audio Canada / Australia
material. Useful phrases
6. That is my friend who applied for the
Wiz Mock | Before playing the audio material, go to
program. / project / scholarship
the Wiz Mock 14 page 49, part 1. Students should
7. They are supposed to bring their application
describe the picture to you. Ask them to say as
today. / documents / forms
many details as they can about the picture. Do not
interfere while they speak. Give them 2 minutes to Grammar
talk. Then, direct students to the audio material (on 8. We have taken a Spanish test. / history /
the Wiz Mock 14 image on the Way Card, or on the physics
tablet for Plus users). Students should follow the 9. They haven’t enrolled at that university. /
instructions in the audio material to do the activities. school / course
Checking sentences
Substitution practice Grammar
1. We were supposed to prepare a • adverb yet;
presentation. / our lesson / a competition • phrasal verbs to work on something and to
fall behind;
2. Have you achieved any goals this semester? /
• present perfect with just and yet;
so far / this year
• contracted form of the present perfect.
3. They have chosen to talk about dinosaurs at
the science fair. / the environment / family
traditions Checking sentences
Change into negative Verbs
4. We have lived in the USA for two years. 1. She has already corrected our essay. /
5. We have studied English for four years. project / composition
6. She has moved to a bigger city. 2. Was it deleted from your computer? / cell
Change into interrogative phone / tablet
7. The teachers have spoken in the seminar. 3. Did they tell you to underline the answers? /
questions / topics
8. They have encouraged each other.
New words
Short comments
4. Have you already finished your homework? /
9. She has waited for you for hours.
assignment / task
10. He’s a little disappointed with his grades.
5. I haven’t finished my homework yet. /
Speak and complete assignment / task
11. She has enrolled… Useful phrases
12. Have you chosen…
6. You should work on your pronunciation. /
writing skills / listening
Linking sounds | Students will listen, speak, and
7. She has just arrived here. / at school / English
practice along with the audio material. Check if they
have any questions.
Role-play | Students have to read both situations 8. My classmates have just corrected their
and the Useful Phrases section. Then, they should mistakes. / texts / essays
do the activity with a classmate, a class assistant, or 9. The game has just started. / class / concert
with the teacher. 10. She hasn’t written the introduction yet. /
summary / first chapter
11. I haven’t prepared my lesson yet. / done my
homework / chosen a course
Learning objectives
• Can enter a discussion about helping people Lesson 158
and give opinion using fixed expressions.
• Can write and understand simple or detailed
Fluency practice | Students will listen, speak, and
e-mails / letters and online postings giving
practice along with the audio material. They should
news or opinions.
change the sentences according to the models.
• Can tell or write a simple narrative or
Check if they have any questions.
description as a linear sequence of points
reasonably fluently.
Lesson 164
Lesson 165
Fluency practice | Students will listen, speak, and
practice along with the audio material. They should
Learning objectives
change the sentences according to the models.
Check if they have any questions. • Can talk about traditional American food.
• Can use adjectives and modifiers to make
• Can confirm a statement using a fixed
• Can use fixed expressions to talk about quantity.
Learning objectives
Lesson 166 • Can explain or ask about the main points in an
idea or problem with relative precision.
Talk to your classmate | Students will listen • Can write about personal interests in some
to ten sentences and they should change them detail.
according to the model presented and the words in • Can use adjectives and modifiers to make
parentheses. comparisons.
• Can enter a discussion about health and diet.
*Check if they have any doubts. Unlock | Ask students to give examples of: dishes
they have in a restaurant, things they consider good
or bad for their health, things they can’t go without
Lesson 168 at breakfast time, and sentences comparing people
in their families.
Fluency practice | Students will listen to ten
sentences and they should change them according
to the model presented. Check some of the
*Check if they have any doubts. *Check if they have any doubts.
Checking sentences
Substitution practice
1. They’ve been throwing away a lot of rotten
food. / vegetables / fruit
2. Living on a ranch has changed my best
friend’s life. / classmate’s / cousin’s
3. Have you been thinking about planting a mini
garden? / making / growing
4. They’ve been criticizing this sitcom since it
started. / last month / the first season
Short comment
5. It’s been really worth taking sign language
6. Using pesticides wasn’t a big deal for him.
7. That channel isn’t broadcasting the last game
of the season.
Conversation practice
8. What has your family been producing on the
9. What has she been accused of doing?
10. How long have you been watching this
11. Say what’s been happening to you recently.
12. Give examples expressing possibility.