Chapter 3 WOMEN AND ALCHOL For Sending
Chapter 3 WOMEN AND ALCHOL For Sending
Chapter 3 WOMEN AND ALCHOL For Sending
Research design
A research design means a structure to plan and execute a particular research 1. In this study, the
researcher used qualitative research method. Qualitative research method was developed in the
social sciences to enable researchers to study social and cultural phenomena: observe feelings,
thoughts, behaviours and the belief of the mass society. 2Examples of qualitative methods are
action research, case study research and grounded theory.3. Qualitative data sources include
For this research, method of interview was employed. Selecting and using interview in
qualitative research is very important as it helps the researcher to figure out what they think, how
they feel and what is on their mind. This study aims to gather information received from
interviewing women who are drinking alcohol and on the exploration of their decision to engage
in alcohol services. Most researchers in the past conducted quantitative approach. This research
is dealing with interaction with the respondents and their perspective so it is highly advisable to
PunchK.F, Introduction to Social Research(London:Sage,1998), 66
G. Ramesh Babu, Research Methodology in Social Sciences (India:Concept Publishing Company,2008),11.
use qualitative approach. Hence, it will give a more accurate finding since the respondent’s will
give an honest answer and their opinions through personal interaction with the researcher.
In this study, the researcher was the human instrument to produce the most accurate result.
It is important for the researcher to understand that his/her biases might influence the to the
interviewee. According to Berger (2015) and Cooper (2014), Reflexivity is the awareness that a
researcher has that his or her background, values, and previous experiences with a phenomenon
can impact the research process. Therefore, one common way is to approach subjects/
participants neutrally and keep a journal where you relate your feelings that come up for you.5
The researcher asked the participants with open-ended questions during the one-on-one, face-to-
Research participants
The participants in this study are selected women who engaged in alcohol services as well as the
researchers who conducted the face-to-face interview. The researcher is also a participant in
Data collection
It has been difficult for the researcher to interview women who engaged in alcohol services
because they want to preserve their privacy as well as their social status but there are some
women who answered to our invitation to conduct a face-to-face interview based on the
questionnaire prepared. After the respondents answered the questionnaire, the data were gathered
and analyzed to serve as basis for reporting the findings, conclusions and recommendations of
the study.
The trustworthiness and validity of qualitative research depends on what the researcher sees
and hears. According to Lincoln and Guba (1985) they noted that credibility, transferability,
Credibility. The researcher used triangulation. Triangulation involves using multiple methods,
data sources, observers, or theories in order to gain a more complete understanding of the
phenomenon being studied.6 The researcher utilizes Methods triangulation: This involves
utilizing different data collection methods in order to check the consistency of the findings.
researcher provides a robust and detailed account of their experiences during data collection.7
Dependability. Researchers aim to verify that their findings are consistent with the raw
data they collected. The researcher invited another analyst to examine the process of data
collection, data analysis and the results of the study.8 This is done to confirm the accuracy
of the findings and to ensure that the data are supported by the data collected.
Confirmability. The researcher had a set of clear rules and several controls to help ensure
following of the rules took place. The researcher used digital and audio recorder to capture the
interviews to prevent the researcher in adding or excluding data from the interview.
Ethical consideration
Ethics is an important aspect in any research. There has to be some basic ethics to be adopted
in any research. In the study ethics is handled by the researcher by keeping the answers acquired
strictly confidential. Qualitative researchers are reflective.9 As a researcher the data that we
collected are filtered within ourselves, it is important that we deviate ourselves from biases by
adding and excluding data collected. The researchers keep a journal to compare our data, so that
we can ascertain if our mindset on a particular day impacted the data we collected. Besides, a
prior permission was taken by the researcher from the target respondents before conducting the