Order 7190060222

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GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY SECTOR-16 C, DWARKA, NEW DELHI-110078 GGSIPU/Pers.-IU/Misc./2021/7190 Dated the 6” February, 2022 ORDER Please find enclosed herewith Order No.F.No.75(36)/2015-16/ADPL/Plg./Misc.- File/ dated 05.02.2022 regarding Resumption of all Universities’ Colleges under DTTE/DHE, GNCTD for physical classes with effect from 07.02.2022, for information and necessary compliance by all concerned, in letter and spirit. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority. Sai (SS. Porihar) Registrar GGSIPU/Pers.-IV/Misc./2021/7190 Dated the 6" February, 2022 Copy to forwarded to the following for information and necessary action 1 All Deans /Directors/ Heads, GGS Indraprastha University, 2. Controller of Finance, GGS Indraprastha University. 3. Controller of Examinations, GGS Indraprastha University. 4, OSD to Vice Chancellor, GGS Indraprastha University. 5. In-charge, Library, GGS Indraprastha University. 6. Consultant, UWD, GGS Indraprastha University. 7. All Branch Incharge (s)/ Joint Registrar(s)/Dy. Registrar(s)/ Asstt. Registrar(s)/Medical Officer/ Section Head(s), GGS Indraprastha University. 8. Asstt, Registrar, Vice Chancellor’s Secretariat, GGS Indraprastha University. 9. Asstt, Registrar, O/o the Registrar, GGS Indraprastha University. 10, Directors/ Principals, Affiliated Institutes of GGS Indraprastha University. 11. In-charge, UITS Cell, GGSIP University with the request to upload the order on the University’s website. 12. Guard file. sw (Sushil Kumar) Joint Registrar (Pers.) GOVERNMENT OF NCI OF DELI 'ARTMENT OF TRAINING & TECHNICAL EDUCATION MUNI MAYA RAM MARG, PITAMPURA, DELMI-110034 Website. itp awe te.de sin e-Mail: ddrg2dte“eyumail.com C7RG. BRANCH 1. No.75(36)/2015-16/ADPIJPig Date: sf2)-o22_ Subject: - Rewum: Delhi Disaster Management Authority, GNCUD vide arder no. F. 60/DDMA/COVID- 192021Vol-IVSI8 dated 0402/2022 (copy enclosed) has allowed resumption of physical elasses in | Jniversities‘calleges in Delhi Therefore, in pursuance of above mentioned order, alll the Universities/Colleges under Govt of NCT of Dethi will reopen w.e.f. 07.02.2022 (Munday) for physieal classes All the Vice Chancetlors/Repistrars‘Directors Principals of the UniversitiesColleges under DTTEADHE, GNCTID are directed te disseminate this information among. the dents/Faculty staff members. I is further advised to strictly follow the SOP/guidclincs issued by DMA, Govt, of NC'T of Dethi. dy (Dr. O.P. Shukla) Jt Director, (ITE) ‘This issues with the prior approval of Coinpetent Authority F.No.75(36)2015-16/ADPL-Pig/Mis Date: PPS ta Seeretary. TE PS to Director TTE. The Vive ChancellorsRepistrars’Ditectors/Principals of DIL NSU iGDTW DPSRU/ DSEUrINTIHAUD/GGSIPUNLL: DSL College of Ans. 4. Principals, all 100% funded collepes under DILL of GNCTD, t — (Dr. O.P, Shukla) Jt. Director, (T

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