Semiotics and Television
Semiotics and Television
Semiotics and Television
- Words become defined through their differences with other words (other signs in a
system). Example, rain is not sleet or snow or hail, etc.
which then
becomes another
Mention shortcomings of Semiotics: Not considering viewer, etc.
1) showing imagery/sound whose meanings are defined through our belief systems,
experience, culture, history rather than “nature”, and
What if I’ve never seen the tropics? One criticism of semiotics is that it doesn’t
consider the viewer as enough of the equation.
Beliefs are as “real” as facts because on some levels the two cannot be
separated—even “scientific facts”.
- Alzheimers disease: In 1986 on the radio, we heard that scientists discovered that
senility was a disease rather than a natural condition in the elderly. We said, “Are
you kidding?? That’s just a natural part of growing old!” Commedians even joked
about it on TV.
- In 1950’s, 50% of all medical students surveyed at Johns Hopkins believed that
masturbation cause blindness, even though there was no medical evidence of this.
- Ulcers: In recent years we thought ulcers were caused by the food people ate; now
we know they are caused by bacteria. Etc.
- Obesity—2% cure
The cross: How does an instrument of murder and torture become worshipped and
represent salvation? The ideology overrides the denotative meaning.
Barthes says connotation “is the primary way that the mass media communicate
ideological meanings.”
Example: Diamond engagement rings. Anyone know the origins of this tradition?
De Beers Diamonds advertising campaign, 1938. But that campaign created a
mythology about diamonds that people bought into.
Destablizing a sign
When the ideologies attached to a prominent sign DO change, then the sign becomes
“destabilized”. Example: Space Shuttle Challenger
Space Shuttle
Old Connotation: power, innovation, frontiers
Challenger Explodes
We Deconstruct: What’s it made of? Who makes decisions about it? Etc.
New Connotation: Fallibility, government waste, bureaucratic incompetence
Iconography: Van Eyck 1434 (we don’t understand the symbolism today)
Metaphor: One thing IS Another: I thought I was dreaming: Carment Electra was
hitting on me, and she had the body of my old gym teacher. Yeah, you were
dreaming, but the good news is you get 500 channels with DSL—and that’s real.
Metonymy: Loose associations (e.g., mansion=wealth)
Paradigmatic signifiers Set of signs that are similar and may be substituted for
one another based on a set of rules or criteria.
diachronic - temporal
Can you think of some video techniques that have become conventional
Keep in Mind:
2) TV uses simultaneous signifiers (redundancy: Laugh track, music, silly stunt; not
in movies) and (read p. 4) is therefore not considered a high aesthetic standard, not
“artistic”, which means thought-provoking, etc.- Signs can be used to lie and to
create propaganda, etc. (p.2)
Metaphor Ad Review(OPTIONAL)
Of all the car accidents and infants in accidents, this one is chosen for national news
—why? These are heavily charged signs:
Much easier than an ethnic angle with a culture we don’t understand well, for
Critical Theory
Theory that provides critical frameworks for interpreting texts.
If CONTEXT is part of how meaning is generated (e.g., intertexuality, cultural
relativity, history, myth, legend), then we need to look at some of the texts,
histories and ideologies that heavily influence our perceptions:
Feminist Criticism and Gender Studies: Roles women play in films, etc., the idea
that gender is constructed (in contrast to sex, which is biological), but even the body
is culturally constructed (e.g., breasts, foot binding)
Marxist Criticism: Considers budgets, etc., and how funding affects what gets
Semiotics is often listed with modes of criticism such as feminist, psychoanalytic,
etc., but it’s really a tool for all (read pp. 38-39).
Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980, Canadian Communications Theorist)
McLuhan's philosophy that the medium is the message "was influenced by the work
of the Catholic philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, who believed that the use of
electricity extends the central nervous system" (Wolf, 1996, p. 125).